Sanding and polishing wood. Features of polishing varnished products with your own hands. Mechanized wood sanding

Wood polishing is a process that allows you to achieve a glossy or matte shine of wood while maintaining the pattern and texture of the material. Polishing wood with your own hands is not very difficult to do, but it requires care and time. Let's figure out how to polish wood at home, and what materials and tools will be needed for this.

Not all types of wood are suitable for polishing. Thus, coniferous species are not at all suitable for polishing (the exception is cypress), as well as other large-layer varieties. But fine-grained varieties - mahogany, etc. - are suitable for polishing. In general, the harder the wood, the better it can be polished. You can also polish soft wood, but you won’t be able to achieve a completely glossy shine.
Polishing wood involves using fine abrasives to give the coating film the desired degree of shine.. First you need to decide what kind of shine you want to give to the wood - matte or glossy. The purchase of finishing composition and the use of abrasive materials will depend on this.

Polishing wood: choosing and applying polish

Without which it is impossible to polish wood, it is without a sufficiently thick coating film. The thin film can be wiped through during processing. Therefore, the first stage of preparation for polishing wood will be to apply several layers of varnish. Polishing varnish on wood should be carried out only after the varnish has completely dried and hardened - you cannot add shine to a soft, elastic varnish.
You also need to select suitable materials for polishing wood - abrasives. When abrasives rub against a varnished surface, small scratches remain that reflect light. Ultimately, it is the size of these scratch marks that determines the degree of gloss. The smaller the grains of abrasive, the more glossy the surface will be; the larger, the duller and more matte.
But not only the abrasive determines the degree of gloss of the coating. Thus, the finishing composition itself (wood polish) may contain silica particles, in a special way reflecting light and giving the wood a matte shine. This material will no longer make the wood glossy. But when using a glossy composition, the gloss level can be reduced. Therefore, as already mentioned, decide in advance what you want the product to look like:
1) A glossy shine can be achieved by using nitro varnish or shellac to polish wood. Since these compositions are made with organic solvents, each subsequent layer will merge with the previous one. The result is one continuous layer of coating that is fairly easy to polish. Shellac for wood is easy to prepare at home: add 60 grams of crushed shellac resin to 0.5 liters of 90-95% ethyl alcohol in a ceramic or glass container. Then the vessel should be tightly closed with a lid, stirring the mixture from time to time until the shellac is completely dissolved. The mixture is then filtered.
2) For a semi-matte finish with a slight silky sheen, it is recommended to use water-based, penphthalic or polyurethane varnishes. Layers of such compositions do not merge into one, as in the previous case, but dry out as separate layers. Therefore, you need to be careful when sanding - if you overdo it, stains on the lower layers will be visible.
3) And for an absolutely matte shine, use oil-varnish compositions or oil varnishes.

Polishes intended for a matte sheen hide minor defects much better than shellac or nitro varnish used for a glossy sheen.
When polishing wood, it is advisable to sand it between coats of varnish. You can sand with stearate coated paper (for dry sanding), silicon carbide abrasive paper or waterproof silicon carbide paper (for water-based varnishes).
If you want to sand on wet, use paper without a stearate coating. To prevent the paper from becoming greasy during the grinding process, you need to use a lubricant: , kerosene, soapy water. Otherwise, coating particles may coalesce into lumps and leave marks on the coating. Lubricants act in different ways: for example, with oil the paper does not become greasy for a long time, but the work proceeds slowly; With soap, sanding progresses quickly, but it is possible to sand “down to holes.” Therefore, you need to sand very carefully.

Polishing wood: sanding polish

So, the wood polish has already been applied, it has completely dried, you can start actually polishing the wood. On a varnished surface it is recommended to use a swab made of nonwoven fabric(so that no lint remains) apply wax paste. Pastes are used at the last stage of wood polishing.

Using smooth movements, spread the paste over the surface - this will smooth out dust particles and correct small irregularities, streaks and bubbles. Particularly large defects can be removed with a blade; dried dust can be removed. In principle, instead of special wax, you can use soap or white spirit, but wax will cope with this task much better.
Wax pastes are rubbed over the surface using a tampon or a piece of felt cloth. In stores, wax pastes, thanks to which you can achieve a matte shine when polishing wood, are orange in color. In order to achieve a glossy shine, use white polishing pastes.
After applying the paste, the wood is directly polished. Polished wood will look beautiful if you use rollers from sheep wool, polishing machines or eccentric ones with a special polishing pad. At the very end of polishing the wood, apply a layer of paste and polish it thoroughly - this will protect the wood from wear.
As you have seen, polishing wood is a labor-intensive process, but in principle not difficult. In addition to accuracy, it requires careful selection of wood polish, abrasives and other materials for polishing wood.

Tatyana Kuzmenko, member of the editorial board, correspondent of the online publication "AtmWood. Wood-Industrial Bulletin"

Wood products - bedside table, shelf, radio box, etc. look much more beautiful if they are finished. Wood painted with oil paint is just as rough and ugly as wood that is not finished at all.

You can, of course, cover wooden surface alcohol varnish (clear or colored), but it is much better to polish it.
Wood is best suited for polishing hardwood, especially hard ones: oak, beech, walnut, maple, birch. Oak is difficult to polish, but it has a beautiful pattern that can be further enhanced by tinting. Birch can be easily painted and polished to resemble walnut or mahogany.
Coniferous wood is resinous and less susceptible to finishing, but, as we will see, it can also be successfully polished.
The polishing process, commonly used in carpentry, although not difficult, requires a lot of labor, time and patience. At the same time, it can be significantly simplified and the results obtained are no worse.
The surface intended for polishing should not have flakes, gaps, fiber breaks, cracks, glue drips, etc. There should be no knots on it.
First of all, the surface of the product is carefully sanded, first with coarse sandpaper (No. 46-60), and as it is smoothed, with finer sandpaper (No. 80-100). Final sanding is done with very fine sandpaper (No. 140-170). The surface must be sanded by moving the sandpaper wrapped around a smooth wooden block along the grain.
The result of this treatment should be a smooth, uniform matte color surface. It should be slightly moistened with warm water and immediately wiped with a dry cloth, and then dried for 1.5-2 hours at room temperature. This operation is needed to raise the pile - the smallest fibers of wood. The pile is then removed with sandpaper No. 120-140. Sometimes moisturizing, drying and removing lint has to be repeated even twice until the surface acquires an even matte sheen with a slight gloss.
This completes the carpentry work and you can begin painting the prepared surface with transparent dyes.
"For coloring in brown stain paint is dissolved in hot water. The concentration of the solution is taken depending on the desired shade. The paint is applied with a cotton swab, after which the product is dried at room temperature for two to three hours.
You can also use another dye: acid chrome brown - 15 g, acetic acid- 10 ml, aluminum alum - 55 g, water - 5 l.
A reddish-brown color will be obtained if you take 20 g of walnut stain, 2 g of Ruby dye and 1 liter of water.
For mahogany finish you need to dissolve 50 g copper sulfate in 1 liter of water and 100 g of yellow blood salt also in 1 liter of water. Mix the solutions.
The dried painted surface is rubbed along the fibers with a lump of horsehair or wood shavings, after which it becomes smooth and glossy.
Apply polish No. 13 or No. 14 to the painted surface using a conventional spray bottle used for spraying cologne. The polish should be applied evenly, avoiding the formation of drops and drips. At one time, you can apply five to six layers of polish, after which you should dry it for 6-8 hours at room temperature. Then the polish is applied again and dried again. This is repeated until the polish covers the surface in an even layer so that the pores of the wood are not visible.
If some areas are not sufficiently covered with polish, they can be sealed with thickened polish. It is obtained by evaporating ordinary polish in a small vessel (for example, a saucer) for 10-18 hours.
The product coated with varnish is dried for three to five days, after which its surface is cleaned with fine sandpaper.
Polishing is done with cloth rolled onto wooden block and rubbed with “GOI” paste (instead of “GOI” you can also use razor straightening paste or chromium oxide oil paint), and generously moistened with sunflower oil. To prevent the cloth from gathering in folds, it should be outside pinned with buttons.
The polished surface gradually acquires a mirror shine. Sometimes you need small area wipe the surface with clean cotton wool and check the quality of the polishing. When polishing is finished, the entire surface must be wiped with clean cotton wool, then with a swab moistened with sunflower oil, and then again with clean cotton wool.
Although it is usually not recommended to polish resinous wood, it can be done as follows: the surface, cleaned with glass paper and painted with a stain solution, is covered with very liquid wood glue and allowed to dry thoroughly. Then, using a spray gun, five to six layers of shellac varnish are applied and polished as indicated above.

Despite the fashion, lacquered furniture has been and remains widely in demand due to its beauty and presentability. But she has significant drawback– it is difficult to clean from dirt, so stains must be removed as they form. Furniture polish gives wood products a renewed look. It also restores the polish of furniture at home, and interior items again acquire a well-groomed appearance.

Furniture coated with varnish has a number of negative qualities:

  • Dust quickly settles on it;
  • Hand stains remain;
  • The surface of polished products is easily scratched and cracked.

Polished furniture needs special care If not followed, serious defects may appear. To ensure that interior items last a long time and retain their appearance, you need to pay attention to factors that harm varnished products:

  • Excessive dryness of wood;
  • High humidity;
  • Exposure of wood to direct sunlight;
  • Large accumulation of dust;
  • Proximity of heating devices.

All this spoils the appearance of polished wood. Furniture becomes unattractive, quickly ages, fades in the sun, and becomes deformed. Spots and cracks appear on the varnish layer. To avoid damage wooden facade, use furniture polishes. The right product will extend the life of polished furniture. How to restore polish for each type of wooden furniture will help you find out more detailed information about each of them.


To effectively polish furniture, you need to choose the right product for a glossy surface that will protect it from minor damage, scratches and chips. Correctly applied polish to the surface of furniture gives it shine, evens out the shade and prevents the accumulation of dust. With regular use, the product helps restore the beauty inherent in a new product, as well as protect it from negative influence environment. Car polish and conventional wood polishing products differ in their action - some have a tinting effect, others add shine. Therefore, when choosing them, you need to familiarize yourself with each type.

Furniture polish with wax

To lacquered furniture no scratches were visible, and a shine appeared on the surface; wax-based products are used that reliably protect the wood from damage and also hide minor defects. The advantage of wax-based polishes is the long-lasting effect of the product.

It is rare to coat wood with the composition, since the film stays on it for a long time, maintaining powerful protective properties. Negative quality wax composition It is believed that traces of any touch are visible on the surface polished by it.

Tinting compounds

If polished furniture shows minor damage and faded spots, a polish with tinting agents is required. This composition contains antistatic components, they repel dust from the treated surface and it retains a fresh look for a long time. When using a tinting polish, the wood does not need to be varnished, as the product itself will make it bright and well-groomed. Polishing furniture with this product is equivalent to painting. As a result, the restored wooden surface will acquire glossy look. A product that masks scratches and also prevents their appearance on the facade of the headset.

If polished furniture is covered with scratches, it is recommended to use wax-based compounds. This polish component fills in minor damage, making them invisible. And the thick film that appears after applying the product prevents scratches on furniture.

Compositions for varnished wood products

Such furniture polishes belong to a separate group. The fact is that if interior items have a varnish layer, they cannot be coated with universal compounds that dry out the surface. In this case, the polishing liquid is required to create additional protection - a durable film over the varnish layer. Then direct varnishing becomes unnecessary.


The most famous furniture polishes:

  • Pronto - the product removes stains from furniture well and also masks scratches on its surface;
  • Chirton is a wax-based product that effectively removes dust and dirt from the surface of wood and improves its structure;
  • Emsal - quickly copes with dust, as well as water and grease stains. Thanks to the availability natural oils as part of the polish, it refreshes the color of wood, giving it a natural shine;
  • Luxus – cleans the surface of wooden furniture, giving it a neat, well-groomed appearance;
  • Mebelux - designed to care for wooden surfaces, extending their service life.

These and other types of polish can be purchased at a hardware store or market.

Folk remedies

In addition to industrial compounds, it is permissible to coat wooden furniture folk remedies. They also carefully care for the surface, eliminating scratches and minor damage. They are considered the best of them.

Potato tubers

To polish wood, take 1 tuber, peel it and cut it in half. To do this, it is advisable to take a large potato. Then we pass it along the wood façade that needs polishing. After this, wipe the set dry with a rag. Furniture should not be cleaned with a damp cloth or sponge, as this will remove the shine and remove the polish. Lacquered interior items cannot be cleaned with soapy water, as it will damage the surface of the product.

Cutting the potatoes

Processing the coating

Wipe with a dry cloth

Burdock oil

To restore polished furniture, you need to apply oil to a cotton swab or soft cloth, and then gently wipe the wood. Upon completion of the work, wipe the treated surface with a flannel scrap.

Choosing burdock

Vegetable oil and flour

Polish wooden elements furniture with a mixture of flour and butter. The products must be mixed in equal proportions and then distributed over the surface of the furniture using a rag. This product polishes the surface of scratched furniture well, which after treatment acquires a well-groomed appearance and gloss.

Combining the ingredients

Wipe the surface with the composition

Table vinegar

If the set is very dirty, it can be treated with vinegar. It will add shine to glossy furniture and disguise damage. After using vinegar, as a rule, the room must be ventilated to bad smell stopped “chasing” the headset.

Wipe down furniture with vinegar

Ventilate the room

Sauerkraut brine

The furniture is wiped with a rag soaked in brine. The stronger the brine, the better it polishes the surface. That's not all traditional methods, restoring the base of wooden furniture. But such recipes are considered the most effective, they retain the results for a long time, are safe and affordable.

How to use

Any store composition, be it painting surface or restoring shine, is applied according to certain rules, failure to comply with which will damage the furniture. To restore polishing, the composition is applied to a dry surface, previously cleaned of dirt. Aerosol polish should be sprayed evenly.

At the same time, the distance from the cylinder to the furniture is 30 cm, which will avoid the formation of drops. Do not apply immediately thick layer polish, it is better to wait until the first one is completely dry, then carefully apply the second one.

Polishes in the form of a cream are squeezed onto a cloth or napkin, and then rubbed into the wood until it becomes uniform and shiny. Before application, the surface must be clean and dry so that the product is evenly distributed and completely absorbed. How often you should use a cream or spray depends on the brand of the product, the surface of the furniture and the function of the composition.

Professionals advise treating wood with polish 1-2 times a month. This applies to cabinets, cabinets, chests of drawers and other interior items. But it is recommended to coat the tabletop with the product every week, since this piece of furniture is used more often than others. If you neglect regular care, restoration may be necessary.

How to choose the right one

In order for the polish to give a noticeable result, you need to know additional selection criteria. This will help you choose a product that not only ideally suits a particular coating, but also does not cause discomfort to the person using it. If the polish does not contain silicone, it means that this product can cover not only a wooden surface, but also marble, plastic, glass and ceramics.

As a rule, conscientious manufacturers care about the convenience of potential consumers and make packaging with polish in the form of sprays, aerosols and creams that are easy to apply, dose, and then close tightly until next use. The popularity of a product can indicate quality. In order to verify the authenticity of the advertisement, you can interview friends who have already used the polish. If the polish is of poor quality, it will be immediately noticeable.

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Wood products have remained in demand for many centuries, as they have no equal in environmental friendliness and durability. Wooden furniture always unique, since it is impossible to find two trees with the same pattern. To preserve and emphasize the natural attractiveness of the wooden palette, wood polishing is used. Polishing is a particularly labor-intensive and highly artistic activity that requires certain skills, patience and time. Polishing is the smoothing of surface irregularities using various instruments and reagents.

Why polish the surface?

The polished surface becomes absolutely smooth and sparkling. With its help, you can emphasize the natural beauty of wood, highlighting the textured pattern, give the array the desired shade, protect the surface from mechanical damage, water, absorption of odors, and chemicals detergents, as well as the development of fungal processes and darkening. Breathe life into old wooden products, ridding them of chips, dirt and giving them their original shine.

Types of wood most suitable for polishing

Wood various trees has different properties. For example, from coniferous species solid pine is difficult to polish, since the wood is too brittle, has significant humps, roughness and resin ducts, but cedar and larch have beautiful texture and are well processed. Among deciduous trees, birch products after polishing look much richer, imitating walnut, mahogany, and maple. Aspen is also well processed, and in terms of wear resistance it can compete with oak. To create a light, unusual texture, use a solid linden tree. Products made from pear, apple, walnut and boxwood tolerate polishing well and become even more refined. It is very difficult to polish oak due to the fact that the wood is hard and has a large texture.

Types of surfaces to polish

The front surfaces of wooden products, which are most susceptible to various kinds influences. Floors, ceilings, furniture, walls, details of staircases and other interior items. Wood polishing is used both for the primary processing of solid wood and for the restoration of rare items that have various damages or have lost their appearance. The treatment can be applied to surfaces with different initial coatings: varnished, stained or painted.

Wood polishing tool

Before you start work, you need to stock up necessary equipment. For rough processing volumetric surfaces or removal of old coating, it is advisable to mechanize the process. Professionals use special grinding machines, planes.

To polish wood with your own hands, you can use universal tools(grinder, drill) with various attachments. Consumables are selected depending on the types of polishing.

Stages of work

They are the following:

  • Surface preparation - grinding.
  • Application of primer.
  • Processing the product with polish - polishing.
  • The final stage is polishing.

Sanding wood flooring

Grinding involves complete or partial withdrawal old cladding. If the product is varnished, the coating can be removed in several ways: chemical, thermal and mechanical.

Chemical method

Old cladding can be removed with a special remover. It is applied to the surface for 3-4 hours, dissolves the varnish and then removed with a spatula. The next step will be to neutralize the wash itself with warm water with the addition of food vinegar. With this method, before carrying out further operations to renew the coating, the product is dried for one to three days in a draft without direct access sun rays. This is a long process and is used when a delicate effect on the tree is needed.

Thermal method

With this method top layer heated by construction hair dryer. Under the influence high temperatures the coating softens and is removed with a spatula. When overheated, the lining swells, which is a warning, as a fire may occur. Due to the release of harmful substances when heated, this method is only suitable for working on outdoors.

Mechanical method

Mechanical method involves removing the old coating with coarse fiber nozzles and significantly injures the top layer of the tree. If the varnish or paint comes off in layers, then the old coating is removed with a wood polishing brush with metal bristles, a spatula or a screwdriver. If it is not possible to get rid of the top layer in this way, then special or adapted machines for grinding and polishing are used. When using these tools, eye and respiratory tract protection from dust is required. To reduce its amount, you can wet the surface with water, but then it needs to dry before the next stage of work. For this purpose, surface grinders, angle grinders, machines and drills with an attachment for polishing wood are used.

A drill is used on small areas, a surface grinder is used on even and flat surfaces. For large volumes you will need belt sanding. Polishing wood with a grinder is universal, and can also be used when processing corners and ends. Grinding is carried out in several stages using different attachments with a gradual transition from coarse to fine. To clean even small products, use cycles. It is important that the tool is well sharpened and does not have burrs that can damage the surface.

Polishing wood at home can be done using available tools. To do this, attach sandpaper to a block of soft wood.

Application of primer

Surface priming necessary stage polishing wood. When priming with the composition, all the cracks and pores of the wood are filled, the surface is leveled, the hygroscopicity of the wood is reduced, which saves the polishing composition and makes its application easier, and the result is of higher quality. Primer mixtures improve adhesion of materials, so the final coating lasts much longer. Primer compounds protect wood from rotting, mold and pests, and increase its strength and smoothness. Depending on the degree of surface treatment and the type of finishing coating that will be applied, several types of soil mixtures are used. If the surface is poorly sanded, you can buy alkyd primer, forming a dense protective layer, providing matte and smooth surface. Due to toxicity, it is better not to use alkyd mixtures indoors. The drying time of the product is from 12 to 16 hours. Acrylic primer has the same properties. It is used before staining with latex, water-based and acrylic paints. This primer composition has advantages, as it dries quickly, is diluted with water, and is non-toxic. Before applying parquet varnish, the wood is primed with a polyurethane primer consisting of synthetic resins and a solvent.

Shellac primer is used for treating knots and coniferous wood, as it neutralizes the effect of resins on the finish coat. Various antiseptic compositions are designed to combat diseases and pests and preserve wood. It is recommended to treat unpainted products at least once every 5 years. If you need a composition that penetrates well into the deep layers, then you can use drying oil or alkyd enamel. Drying oil is good reason for application oil paints. Treatment with hot drying oil will protect the wood from moisture. This composition is applied in two layers. Putty protects wood from cracking when low temperatures. When polishing wood at home, you can prepare putty yourself from PVA glue and sawdust. This composition is used before applying varnish.

The soil mixtures are applied using linen swabs to small items. For processing large areas rollers are used, and for hard to reach places aerosol spraying is used. Primer mixtures are applied in two layers, the second layer is primed after the first has dried. After the second layer has dried, the surface is sanded with fine sandpaper.


Several types of coatings are used to polish wood. To impart a mirror-like shine to the surface, compositions based on shellac and nitro-varnish are used. Shellac is a resin natural origin secreted by insects. You can buy ready-made mixtures based on shellac, or you can make a polish yourself by dissolving shellac in denatured alcohol or ethyl alcohol. To achieve desired color apply polishes different colors. The “button” polish gives the wood a golden-yellow hue. It is made from raw materials top quality. The medium brown color is given to the wood by a standard polish made from shellac flakes orange color. The dark polish gives the wood a warm brown-red hue. White, made from bleached raw materials, is processed into massifs of light rocks. Transparency is imparted to the polish by removing wax from shellac. It is used to preserve the natural shade of especially light types of wood. To radically change the color of an array, colored polishes are used that contain black, green and red dyes. Using green polish, furniture is “aged”; red polish adds brightness and richness. The color is adjusted by adding alcohol stain drop by drop.

Nitrovarnish-based polish consists of varnish colloxylin, resin and a volatile organic solvent. Such coatings form a durable elastic film on the surface, which, when polished, acquires either a mirror gloss or matte texture when adding zinc stearate. Each new layer of such coating is firmly connected to the previous one, creating a monolith.

When polishing, a swab made of fabric that does not leave lint is moistened with sunflower or machine oil and a polishing mixture. Then, using progressive circular movements without pressing hard, the solution is applied to the surface to be treated. It is important to apply a small amount of the composition so that no drops remain. After the first layer has dried, the second and third are applied. After the last layer has dried, the surface is again sanded with fine material.


For final polishing A wax-based wood polishing paste is used. This type coatings are absolutely safe and environmentally friendly. You can buy this paste in a store or make it yourself. To do this, melt ¼ cup of wax with constant stirring. Then, removing from heat, slowly add the same amount of turpentine. After cooling, pour the mixture into a closed container. You can get rid of the smell of turpentine by adding essential oils cloves, lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, juniper, oregano. Instead of turpentine, you can use olive oil or Vaseline. Polish the surface with a cotton cloth. Polishing wood with wax not only protects the surface from dust settling and adds shine to the surface, but also masks shallow scratches and chips. This coating protects wooden products for a long time, but fingerprints remain on it when touched.

To polish wood with your own hands, you can prepare a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice, water and ammonia or vinegar essence. Such solutions are applied to a wooden surface using a sprayer and rubbed with a soft, lint-free cloth.

Polishing wood with your own hands requires skill and patience, but if all the rules are followed, new wooden products will last longer, and old ones will acquire an exquisite gloss and charm.

One of the most complex species finishing works for wood products, is the process of polishing them. But this is necessary action, as a result of which the coating becomes transparent and very beautiful. After polishing, you can enjoy the pronounced texture of the wood, as well as its shades.

Polishing helps the wood maintain its natural appearance, and the surface gives a mirror-like shine. About twenty years ago this method was very actively used when polishing wooden interiors cars, various luxurious pieces of furniture made of wood. In this way, the beauty of the wood was emphasized without the use of varnish.

Wood is polished at home, only with the help of a special composition called polish. This solution has its own advantage over conventional alcohol-containing varnishes, and it lies in the fact that the polish contains approximately three times less resin. This allows you to do decorative coating very thin and mirror-transparent.

Types of wood for polishing

The fact is that not every wood can be polished. Large-grained trees such as oak or pine are completely unsuitable for polishing. While wood from mahogany, apple, pear and maple, hornbeam and boxwood, birch is considered fine-grained and ideal for polishing.

Polishing and its compositions

Nowadays, there is a huge variety of polishing compounds on the shelves in construction supermarkets. But it won’t be difficult to make such a composition yourself. The most commonly used polish is shellac polish, which can easily be prepared at home.

To prepare it you will need crushed shellac resin, approximately 60 grams. The next ingredient in the future mixture will be alcohol. However, there is no particular difference between ethyl and wine alcohol. The main thing is not to forget that the alcohol strength should be at least 90, but not more than 95 degrees, in a volume of 500 milliliters.

The solution is prepared in a glass or ceramic container with a lid, into which you first need to pour the resin, and then carefully pour in the alcohol and close it tightly. It is imperative to stir the composition periodically until the shellac resin is completely dissolved in alcohol. When this happens over time, the resulting mixture must be passed through a filter, while pouring into another clean container.

Stages of polishing work

Sanding wood

The polishing process itself is carried out in three rather complex stages.

Stage No. 1

At the first stage, before polishing, it is necessary to prepare the surface:

  1. sand the wood;
  2. remove all dust and lint from it;

Stage No. 2

The second stage will be priming the prepared wood. It must be carried out using varnish and a woolen thread swab or, in the absence of one, you can take a cotton one and wrap it in linen cloth. Why should you choose linen fabric? Because only this fabric does not leave small fibers. Cotton fabrics are absolutely unsuitable for this process, as they leave fluff, which is unacceptable during the polishing process. Remaining on the surface of the wood, they will noticeably spoil the appearance of the product.

Waxing wood

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Proper wood processing

  • You need to take a small amount of varnish onto a swab and begin to thoroughly rub the surface of the wood in different directions. This action is done in order to saturate all the pores and cracks with the solution. wooden product. After the entire surface has been treated, the varnish should be allowed to dry.
  • When the varnish has dried, the wood must be treated with sanding paper. Be sure to use fine grain paper. The dust resulting from this action must be wiped off with a clean cloth.

    You need to rub the wood with polish using a cotton swab

  • At the next stage, after all the above steps, the wood needs to be coated with two successively applied layers of varnish. It is important to know that in order for the tampon not to stick to the surface being treated, it must be moistened with a few drops of ordinary vegetable oil.
  • The wooden product must then be thoroughly dried. Next, the last layer of varnish at this stage is applied, which must first be diluted in a one-to-one ratio with polish. After this, the priming stage is considered complete. The product should be left in the closet for several days until the primer is completely dry.
  • The next and second main stage of polishing will be polishing. This is where you will need a full solution of polish. In this process, you will again need a woolen thread or cotton swab, wrapped in a piece of linen cloth, which is pre-moistened with a few drops of regular vegetable oil so that the swab does not stick to the surface. Applying the tampon from the side, the movement should be made smoothly, in a circular motion.
  • The amount of polish on the tampon should be average. If there is too much of it, then drops of this composition will form on the wood, which in turn will help dissolve the primer layer and leave stains on the treated surface. When pressing on the tampon, the polish should evaporate quickly, leaving no excess behind.
  • Polishing takes place in three stages. After each stage, the surface must be dried. After drying, do not forget to sand the surface of the wood with fine-grained sandpaper. After sanding, the surface of the wood must be cleaned of dust using a clean, dry cloth. After applying the third layer of polish solution to the product, a slight glossy tint appears on the surface of the wood.
  • Stage No. 3

    The last step in polishing wood at home is polishing.

  • This process is needed in order to complete all your work with the product and obtain the desired effect of a mirror reflection on the wood.
  • When the last layer of polish applied during polishing has completely dried, you will need to treat the surface with sandpaper. At the same time, in order not to spoil the already obtained result, you need to use only very fine-grained paper.

  • Before starting work, sandpaper should be moistened with a few drops of vegetable oil. Next, use a cotton swab, onto which a few drops of vegetable oil and a little polish solution are applied.
  • The next job is to thoroughly rub the wood surface. It must be continued until a shine appears on the product. It is also necessary to observe the proportion when wetting the tampon. Two drops of oil are applied to a swab and used on no more than ten square meters.
  • You need to remember that too much oil will dissolve all layers of polish and leave stains. To create durable layers, polishing must be carried out two to three times. After the last, the wood is treated with a soft cloth, which must be slightly moistened with water and a small amount of polish.
  • If you correctly follow the wood polishing technology described above, the final result of the work done will have an excellent appearance.

    If the polishing layers are reduced or the workpiece is not completely dry, the polishing turns out to be of poor quality and cloudy.

    If you have no experience in polishing, it is recommended that before starting work with the main product, you practice on something small and not very valuable. This needs to be done in order to practice a little, understand the subtleties and complexities of the entire polishing process and not spoil the main product. Attention, TODAY only!

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