Design of a small bathroom - ideas with photos. Bathroom design in a private house Beautiful bathrooms in private houses

Modern home It’s hard to imagine without such familiar amenities as a bathroom and toilet. It doesn’t matter whether the bathroom is located in a private house outside the city or in an apartment, in any case, the creation of its design must be approached responsibly. Well-chosen colors and thoughtful interior will provide a relaxing atmosphere where it is pleasant to find yourself after a hard day. Of considerable importance is also correct selection materials, as they must be resistant to moisture. In today's article we will learn how to do beautiful design bathroom in a private house, and also look at interesting design options in the photo selection below.

Bathroom in a private house - room layout

The big advantage of a private house, compared to an apartment, is that it is possible to set the dimensions of the bathroom yourself, as well as locate it in any part of the house. This significant advantage allows you to implement the most daring design solutions and equip the bathroom with additional accessories.

Depending on whether you're building a home from scratch, or simply want to renovate your existing bathroom, the amount and extent of prep work required will vary.

During new construction, even at the stage of creating a design project, it is worth deciding on the location of the bathroom. This is necessary in order to immediately carry out the necessary communications during the construction process, such as water supply and sewerage, as well as perform waterproofing. At the next stage of construction, a ventilation system is created. Provided that the exhaust system is done correctly, this approach will allow you to relatively quickly eliminate unpleasant odors, will reduce humidity and minimize the destructive effect of moisture on the finishing of the room. When the above steps have been completely completed, then proceed to decorative finishing premises. Often a bathroom in a private house has enough large area, which provides the opportunity for creativity in planning and decorating the room.

If you are planning to renovate your existing bathroom, this will require significantly less effort and investment. Basic preparatory steps include dismantling the old plumbing equipment, also finishing floors, walls and ceilings. To better navigate modern trends design, we suggest looking at the photos of bathrooms in private houses presented below.

Installing a window in a bathroom in a private house

The main advantage of installing a window in the bathroom is considered additional opportunity ventilation of the room. Even if there is exhaust system, an open window will help get rid of steam much faster after taking a bath. Another advantage is the increase in level natural light, which allows you to save money on lighting during daylight hours. In addition, a window sill is often mounted under the window, on which several decorative elements. If your house is located in a picturesque location, then another pleasant bonus will be a beautiful view from the window. See how the bathroom windows in a private house are originally integrated into its design in the photo selection below.

Beautiful design of bathrooms in private homes: photos of finishing ideas

Before proceeding with the actual finishing of the bathroom, it is necessary to insulate the walls and floor. These actions will help avoid the formation of large amounts of condensation, and therefore mold and mildew in the future.

Since a bathroom in a private house is a “wet” room, the most moisture-resistant materials should be used for its decoration, of which there are a large number today. All these materials have their advantages and disadvantages, and naturally differ in price. If you are wondering how to make a bathroom in a private home fashionable and modern, then you need to know which finishing materials are the most popular today.

Ceramic tiles for bathroom

This material is recognized as the most popular today because it has many positive characteristics. This is excellent moisture resistance, resistance to damage, as well as a huge variety of color and texture solutions. All these advantages allow you to create interiors in almost any style, it all depends only on your imagination and financial capabilities.

Plastic panels for bathroom

Plastic panels are the cheapest way to finish a bathroom, which is perfect for a summer house. The advantage of this finish can be called large selection colors and sizes. The main disadvantage is that the panels are easy to damage.

Painting walls

By painting walls it is easy to create a very original design by combining different shades or using special stencils for decoration. Before painting, the walls must be plastered and primed. Only after preparation, special moisture-resistant paint is applied to the walls.

Natural wood

Finishing the bathroom with natural wood will make it stylish and very cozy. For such finishing, you need to use only moisture-resistant wood species, and also treat them additionally by special means for protection against moisture.

Wallpaper in the bathroom

To decorate the bathroom, you can also use special moisture-resistant wallpaper. However, in places where there is direct exposure to water, it is better to combine with another, more moisture-resistant material, such as ceramic tiles.

Owners of small bathrooms feel that the lack of space limits their ability to decorate the interior stylishly and comfortably. Don't worry, there are many ways to make even a very tiny room cozy, beautiful and functional. Moreover, it often turns out to be more original, due to bold decorative solutions and rational use of space.

Let's put aside doubts and worries and see how we can equip our existing plumbing room.

We act according to plan

Before you start bathroom renovation Let’s answer a few basic questions:

  1. Is it important to maintain a separate bathroom or can both rooms be combined? In the second case, the area of ​​the room will increase significantly due to the demolished partition.
  2. What plumbing fixtures can a family not live without? It is clear that the set will be minimal for release usable space. It’s better to limit yourself to a standard bathroom, or even better, a shower stall (we’ll talk about this below), a toilet and a washbasin.
  3. Will redevelopment require relocation of utility lines?
  4. Is it possible to install the washing machine outdoors, for example in the kitchen or hallway. From this small bathroom design will only win.
  5. Is a full-fledged bath necessary in this case or can it be replaced with a compact hydrobox, which can give no less pleasure from water procedures.

Down with partitions

The optimal solution for a small bathroom It will be combined with the bathroom. Sometimes, it turns out to further expand the area due to the corridor and kitchen - such an option is only welcome.

The absence of an internal partition allows you to easily install a washing machine, an additional piece of furniture or a plumbing fixture.

Considering that now instead of two doors to the bathroom you will need one, it can easily be replaced with a sliding structure - it saves space and looks aesthetically pleasing.

Global restructuring will require a lot of work and financial investment, but the result is worth it. The possibilities for arrangement will expand significantly.

In an apartment where a large family with children lives younger age, a separate toilet is required. And if it is not possible to make it in addition to the combined bathroom, you will have to forget about merging the two rooms.

It is quite difficult to diversify without a toilet. You need to place a standard set of plumbing fixtures and furniture on a few square meters; what scope for creativity is there? However, not everything is so simple.

  1. Let's decide on the style. For intimate rooms, modern, minimalism or oriental styles are suitable, since they involve simple, laconic forms, local colors and an almost complete absence of decor.

Please note japanese style- he is able to transform small bathroom interior into a work of art. The Japanese, like no one else, know the secrets of rational use of small areas, why not take advantage of their centuries-old experience?

  • We use wall cabinets. Why place a simple mirror above the vanity when you can hide a flat storage section behind it? This way we will save space and visually expand the space due to the mirror surface. It is also better to make the cabinet under the washbasin hinged. Thanks to this technique, small bathroom will seem more spacious and “airy”.
  • If the washbasin has a countertop, its edge may well hang over the bathtub, turning into convenient stand for bath accessories.
  • Corner furniture will allow you to maximize the use of room space and diversify small bathroom design. Not only cabinets are suitable, but also open shelves; they visually expand the space. A corner washbasin is another great solution that allows you to optimize the ergonomics of the bathroom.
  • A wide buried shelf can be placed above the door. This convenient place for storing stocks of detergents and household chemicals.
  • It is recommended to convert the space under the bathtub into a cabinet if there is no desire to replace it with a shower stall.
  • Here’s another one – placing the washing machine under the sink. In this case, the device should only be horizontally loaded.

Bathroom design on an area of ​​4 m²

Such a space makes it possible to organize a combined bathroom, albeit a very compact one. The main task in this case will be visual increase rooms and organization of spacious storage spaces.

Some tricks for a small bathroom, area 4 m².

  1. It is advisable to install several light sources - general and local to create a spatial play in the room. The same task can be performed by mirrors located opposite each other, for example, on the door and above the washbasin.
  2. It is better to choose furniture in light colors with glossy facades; the room will seem more spacious.
  3. The area allows it to be used in small bathroom design two types of finishing. Ceramic tiles are required in the bathing area; the rest of the room can be decorated with waterproof paint or wallpaper. You should pay attention to “tricks” that create additional perspective. Excellent idea for a small bathroom will become photo wallpapers with natural or city landscapes. Black and white images in small spaces will look more stylish and impressive than color ones.
  4. Hanging furniture, a washbasin and even a toilet will create a feeling of lightness and allow housewives to spend less time on cleaning.

Mini bathroom 3m²

It should be extremely concise and thoughtful in function.

Some amenities may have to be sacrificed.

  • For example, in order to place a toilet in a small space, you will have to give up a full-fledged bathtub, replacing it with a corner shower stall.
  • As a rule, there is no talk about a washing machine in such interiors.
  • For wall decoration, ceramic tiles are suitable, or, in a budget option, . The use of other materials in a very small room with high humidity is critical.

Decorative small bathroom ideas based on the subtle play of details, quality of finishing materials, purity of shapes and lines. Among the most suitable styles Modern, ethno and retro directions should be highlighted. They will create an unusual atmosphere, compensating for the lack of space with an original design.

Bathroom 5m²

With such an area, it is much easier to arrange a room that is comfortable and designed in a certain style. You don't have to resort to tricks to squeeze in washing machine and plumbing, there is a place to place furniture, there is a place even for pleasant little things, like decorative partition separating the toilet from the main space, a beautiful laundry basket or banquette.

However, we still have before us small bathroom, which has certain style restrictions. Modern trends - modern and minimalism are still preferable to classics, art deco, country or Provence, where more space is required. You can’t place a bathroom in the center of the room on five square meters, and it will be too small for an elegant dressing table.

In this case, finishing, furniture and plumbing fixtures are selected based on - light colors, ergonomic models and a minimum of accessories.

» developments are faced with several problems at once:
  • record small area;
  • inconvenient location of communications;
  • low-quality building structures - uneven walls, distorted coatings, etc.

There is only one way out - to unite separate bathroom, move communications and carefully level the walls, while hiding at least part of the water pipes in them.

When developing, a shower stall is increasingly being chosen as a place for bathing.

Its advantages for small spaces, especially when it comes to corner model, are obvious. However, in order for such a device to fit harmoniously into the interior, certain conditions must be met:

  1. The bathroom should be designed in a modern style: loft, modern, minimalism or hi-tech are suitable. For classics, and even more so Provence or country, a hydrobox sparkling with glass and metal is not suitable.
  2. The best option for those who have small bathroom there will be a shower open type. It is missing two side panels and a top. The cabin is installed in the corner of the room in place of the dismantled bathtub, connecting to an existing drain. It is better to purchase models measuring 800 by 800 mm with a deep tray that reliably protects against flooding in emergency situations. Equipment doors should be transparent and sliding for reasons of aesthetics and ergonomics.
  3. Closed shower cabins or boxes are more comfortable, but take up more space. It is better to leave them for spacious rooms.
  4. Developing small bathroom design, it is not recommended to highlight the area where the shower stall is located with color or material. On the contrary, this device should merge as much as possible with the surrounding space, as if dissolving in it, without cluttering the room.

Corner bath takes up less space than traditional counterparts, in addition, it has a stylish, modern look and can become one of the main “highlights” of a small room.

Modern models are often made multifunctional, which allows you not only to take care of personal hygiene, but also to improve your health with hydromassage or other equally useful procedures.

To improve, corner baths should be matched to the color of the rest of the plumbing, or with a transparent front wall.

If the container is tiled, it is better to use mosaic panels light shades.

For the convenience of bathers, it is advisable to organize local lighting in the bath area.

Let us highlight the main points that should be taken into account when decorating interior of small bathrooms in an apartment.

  1. The room should be designed in light colors, with a minimum number of contrasting accents. It is better to avoid pure white, replacing it with creamy, light sand or milky shades that are more pleasing to the eye.
  2. It is more correct to choose rectangular, medium-sized ceramic tiles for finishing - they do not distort the space. Mosaics are good only in the form of small panels or for covering curved surfaces.
  3. To make the bathroom seem more spacious, it is better to lay the floor tiles diagonally rather than straight.
  4. Hanging furniture and sanitary ware are preferred.
  5. Cabinets with glossy facades, without pretentious decor or patterns, are good. Open glass shelves Perfectly complement the interior of any small bathroom.
  6. Furniture made from high-quality MDF or plastic in small bathrooms will last longer than wood.
  7. You should not overuse accessories so as not to create the impression of clutter.
  8. Mirrors and bright lighting will visually “pull apart the walls” and add air to the room.

Small bathrooms in the apartment- no reason to worry. They can become no less comfortable and impressive than spacious rooms in country houses or modern apartments. It is important that the bathroom, regardless of its size, has its own unique atmosphere, “friendly” to all inhabitants of the house.

The bathroom in a residential area usually occupies the smallest area.

And, if in an apartment it is given a clearly defined space, then in a private house you can arrange it in accordance with your tastes and wishes.

The bathroom in the house performs a large number of functions: taking water treatments in the shower, relaxing in a foamy bath, washing household items, drying, putting your appearance in order before starting a new day or at the end of it.

Therefore, you need to thoughtfully approach the layout and arrangement of a bathroom in a private house.

If you are building new home, then you can make a bathroom in a private house almost anywhere and from any material.

After looking through the catalog with photos of bathrooms in a private house, you will find the best option for you, both from a material and aesthetic point of view.

First of all, this room should be:

  • equipped with very reliable feeding systems cold water, heating it to a hot state, sewer system, ventilation;
  • comfortable for visits, consider good insulation;
  • illuminated by dim lamps;
  • equipped with reliable plumbing;
  • spacious for movement, leave about 1 m of free space to the washbasin or bathtub;
  • finished with materials that are resistant to humidity and temperature changes.

Since the house is private, all work on connecting to centralized system Sewerage and water supply is carried out by the owner at his own expense.

But you can drill a well on the site, install an electric pump, and there will be no problems with the supply and drainage of water in the bathroom.

Pay great attention to wastewater disposal. Of course, it's cheaper to build a regular one drain hole. But, if funds allow, it is better to purchase a good septic tank for water filtration.


You cannot do without solving problems with ventilation in the bathroom in a private house.

Any owner dreams of having clean air in his home, free from various harmful fungi and mold.

Installation supply and exhaust system ventilation is simply necessary when arranging a bathroom in a private house.

Exhaust hood in a bathroom in a private house can be natural or forced.

Forced - this is powered by an electric fan that pumps in clean air or pushes out dirty exhaust air.

Natural exhaust hood works on the principle of temperature differences between indoors and outdoors.

For especially economical owners, you can install a recuperator, that is, a device for removing exhaust air from the room, drawing in fresh air from the street, and even equipped with a heat exchanger.

With this installation you will “kill two birds with one stone”: you will ventilate the room and heat it.


Various materials are used to insulate bathroom walls.

Foam plastic

The simplest and inexpensive option. Working with it requires precise calculations and accuracy in the processing process.


It is enough to simply use this material by gluing it on the walls and ceiling. But it must be treated with wax-based impregnation.

Mineral wool

It is a long-proven hygroscopic material. It is more convenient to use mineral wool slabs rather than its rolled version. It blocks condensation from appearing on the walls and ceiling of the bathroom.

Liquid polyurethane foam

This modern material, it is resistant to moisture, fire, sound and heat insulation. But to use it you need to involve specialists with equipment.

Bathroom floor

The bathroom floor in a private home needs a thoughtful solution. Of course, it must be moisture-resistant, non-slip and warm.

The most commonly used coating tiles made of natural stone or ceramics. But the tiles must be thick and rough.

For these purposes, they also use linoleum (a very budget option, but it is short-lived), waterproof laminate, and cork.

For lovers of beauty and zest, you can use glass or mosaic.

Bathroom decoration

The design of a bathroom in a private house allows the owners’ imagination to flourish wildly. This room can become not only a multifunctional room, but simply delight the eyes of visitors.

First of all, the bathroom must be more or less spacious, and for this, all unnecessary objects must be removed.

Various photos of a bathroom in a private house will help you choose color scheme to decorate your room. The most neutral color for walls is white.

Against its background, a beautiful washbasin and various accessories stand out very favorably. Combinations of white with blue, light blue, sunny yellow, green, and gray are good for the bathroom.

To increase the space in the design of a bathroom in a private house, it is good to use a small washbasin in the corner, a sit-down bathtub or shower stall, or a compact washing machine.

It is better to use a sliding door. A large beautiful mirror on the wall will increase your space.

Lighting near the mirror or bathroom shelves will fill the entire space with additional light.

If the wall of the house allows, then the best option would be a bathroom with a window in a private house. You can also cut a window in the ceiling.

Always use this feature in any room to improve lighting.

Photo of a bathroom in a private house

Modern housing cannot be imagined without a beautiful bathroom equipped with hot water and plumbing fixtures.

Transform your bathroom into your personal comfort zone

It is quite difficult to choose the right color scheme and interior style for a bathroom, since this room has some features that distinguish it from other rooms in the house. It's comparative small sizes, high humidity, sudden temperature changes, etc. Therefore, the design of the bathroom should be approached competently and very carefully.

Interior design of a bathroom in country houses: ideas for decoration

The choice of style is the most important stage repair work in any room. For the bathroom, you also need to choose a design style that matches the uniform interior of all rooms. Let's consider the features of popular bathroom interiors in the house.


This is the most famous bathroom design in a private home. In this option, the walls, floor and ceiling are decorated with wood. If there are windows, they are draped with checkered curtains. The external design of the room is favorably emphasized with checkerboard towels, velvet robes and other “devices”. Wooden shelving and a fluffy black carpet would be suitable for this style.

Give your bathroom a deliberately rugged look


It involves decorating the bathroom in the house with tiles of discreet colors, the presence suspended ceilings, exquisite furniture, LED and pendant lamps. Robes and clean towels in pastel or snow-white tones will perfectly complement the interior.

Rococo or Empire

This design is in your own bathroom suitable for home for luxurious mansions, the owners of which may not skimp on comfort. Here, any interior details are distinguished by luxurious gloss, high cost and eye-catching appearance. Bronze or clay sculptures, gilding, and elegant devices are often used.

The Empire style is distinguished by whimsical curves of lines and rich decoration

Gold will fit perfectly into this design style. large mirror in a chic frame, a luxurious chandelier, an elegant floor lamp, a bathtub on sculpted gold legs.

With a combination of amber and snow-white tones, the room will acquire an elegant and luxurious charm.

Rococo will fill the bathroom with shades of gold, amber and ivory


This modern design direction is chosen by supporters of minimalism and the use of advanced technologies. Metallic tones, cool colors, and snow-white spot lighting dominate here. This direction is also characterized by a minimal amount of furniture and simplicity of finishing materials.

High-tech combines linear forms, panoramic windows and restrained colors

The high-tech style bathroom combines glass partitions and glossy tiles

You can create a stylish bathroom design in your home if you show creativity and excellent harmonious taste. A competent combination of all the elements of interior decoration in the design of a bathroom makes it possible to achieve comfort and beauty in the most necessary room, where the day of any family member begins and ends.

Harmoniously combine elements of different styles in your bathroom design

Finishing a bathroom in a private house: layout features

Suburban housing has plenty of space to create an exemplary bathroom. This is a great opportunity to realize design projects and your own bold ideas.

Design project of a bathroom in the house

Performing various construction work impossible without detailed project. The main advantage of individual home ownership is the fact that it is quite possible, without the help of specialists, to allocate suitable areas for the kitchen, rooms and toilet.

Good design is based on an accurate drawing showing the location of the main components

One of the main rooms in the building is the bathroom. When is a bathroom design project being developed? individual house, the main factors of construction and room layout must be taken into account.

In a private house, it is better to immediately plan, in addition to the main one, a guest bathroom in case of receiving guests.

When planning one or more bathrooms and their size in the house, the following conditions should be taken into account:

  • number of storeys of the building;
  • the number of people living in the building;
  • Possibility of accommodating visitors for several days.

In the bathroom of a house with a large family, a second washing machine is useful.

Take this into account when designing a bathroom: following features layouts

  1. For a small family of 1-2 people, a common large bathroom with the necessary furniture, a toilet, washing mechanisms, drawers and a clothes dryer is quite enough. In this case, it is better to place the bathroom room near the living room. For comfortable movement, there are 2 entrances to the room and a corridor.
  2. In a two- or three-story building, it is best to provide a bathroom and toilet for guests on the 1st floor, and for owners on the 2nd or 3rd floor.
  3. In a private home there is always the possibility of installing a sauna, which provides great opportunities for healing the whole body and relaxing in a comfortable environment. The sauna can be small, designed for 1-2 people, but it must be finished good tree, the evaporation of which brings enormous health benefits.
  4. Separately, it is necessary to say about modern hydroboxes, in which, through automatic change temperature conditions You can get a huge relaxing effect.

In a large house you can plan a spacious bathroom

Arrangement of a bathroom in the house

When equipping bathrooms, not only their size and location are taken into account, but also the technical equipment, and in addition the presence of all communications. To create a design project for a bathroom in your own home, you can invite a qualified designer or architect who understands all aspects of bathroom finishing and can advise you on what special equipment you should buy.

Designing a good bathroom requires the services of a professional designer

The guest bathroom area can be small in size, equipped with a shower, toilet and washbasin. Everything related to master toilets depends on the individual wishes and capabilities of the owners. Often family bathrooms are equipped not only with a bathtub or shower, but also with a sink, urinal, bidet, structures for storing items and more.

Decorate the guest bathroom modestly but tastefully

Bathroom lighting

Of no small importance for the interior design of a bathroom is the system of lamps or fixtures. Modern mirrors used to decorate the walls and bathroom furniture enhance the colors and give the effect of auxiliary lighting. Often the bathrooms of individual houses have natural light, but when you decide to install beautiful lighting, you get a more profitable interior option. To create a modern bathroom design in a private home, you need to make maximum use of progressive lighting fixtures and smart home technologies.

Lighting should highlight the beauty of the bathroom interior

Particular attention should be paid to installation exhaust structure for ventilation, which will not allow moisture to penetrate inside the house.

Rules for finishing a bathroom in a wooden house

The interior of a bathroom in a wooden house can be done in a unique manner and luxurious style, using bright creative colors, introducing your own design ideas and life hacks. However, create cozy room is possible only by observing the basic principles of room design.

Texture of logs and boards from natural wood fits well into the bathroom interior

In a wooden house, a chalet-style bathroom looks natural

The principles by which the interior of a bathroom in a country house made of wood is arranged.

  • The color palette should not be very rich or black.
  • Coatings must be waterproofed to protect all surfaces from fungus.
  • To repair the floor, it is allowed to use tiles, laminate or high-quality parquet boards.

A natural stone wall looks impressive in a wooden bathroom

The bathroom is characterized by significant dampness, which negatively affects log structures. For this reason, before starting construction or repair work, it is better to apply products to all wooden surfaces that protect the wood from getting wet.

You also need to take into account that wood is sensitive to sudden temperature changes, under the influence of which it can change shape. This problem can be solved with the help of insulation inside the building.

When planning to create a luxurious bathroom design in a private home, you should take into account some factors that influence the installation of washing and plumbing equipment.

A bathroom in a private building is being built or renovated taking into account the following conditions:

  • presence of running water in the premises;
  • equipping the building with a sewer drain;
  • ventilation system in the bathroom;
  • availability of lighting fixtures;
  • availability of comfortable plumbing.

Everything inside the building should also be proportional. For example, it is advisable to decorate a bathtub in a wooden house made of timber with tiles, moisture-resistant wood, or line it with clapboard. Tiled mosaics installed on a specific base including floating fasteners.

Tiling your bathroom will be a practical and beautiful solution.

The beautiful interior of a bathroom in a private house can be original and exclusive, since it is possible to create full-fledged wide-format compositions from tiles that smoothly flow from the walls to the floor and reflect marine theme or beautiful natural landscapes.

Photorealistic image on the tiles combined with a harmonious color scheme

As for practicality, tile has long proven itself to be a high-quality, highly reliable and durable material. It is absolutely not afraid of water, very strong and easy to clean.

Tile will protect the bathroom from dirt and dampness

Beautiful bathroom in a private house

The interior decoration of the bathroom should be externally attractive and internally comfortable for the owners.

The bathroom should be the decoration of the home

As a rule, the living space in a private house makes it possible to install not only the usual set of plumbing fixtures and a washstand, but also a dryer, a linen closet, an armchair and other furniture parts.

The large bathroom can accommodate all the necessary furniture

In a large bathroom, the laundry basket is usually hidden in a corner or closet. If there are children in the family, you need to provide portable steps so that the children can reach the sink on their own.

One of the key components of the interior exterior is the mirror located above the sink. Of course, you don’t need to lose sight of the heated towel rail, hooks and other small elements.

In the bathroom, small but important details create comfort

By studying the interiors of bathrooms in a country house, competently drawing up a design project, using your own life hacks and progressive innovations in the design, you can independently create a luxurious bathroom in your home that meets high level comfort and good functionality.

Place simple and functional furniture in the bathroom

If you adore vintage style, decorate your bathroom with rare furniture

Having considered all aspects, “borrowed” from professional designers a number of extraordinary ideas, a bathtub in a country house can be turned into a unique place that will breathe a new fresh wave, creating comfort and the opportunity for the owners to relax in silence own home.

Video with home bathroom design ideas

A cramped bathroom is not one where the architects allocated too few square meters for the bathroom, but one where the interior space is not properly organized. Even a room with a minimal amount of square footage can be turned into an example of advanced technology after renovation. design ideas. The main thing is to get rid of unnecessary things. Let's look at the photo different options bathroom design.

The first thing you need to do to make the interior of a small bathroom much more spacious is to REMOVE ALL THE EXCESS. We continue by tradition:

  • storing things in places other than where they really belong
  • keep on hand not only what you need, but also everything you “suddenly need”
  • use the bathtub for other purposes

It is precisely because of our disorganization and due to habits established since childhood that decorative cosmetics, clothes for washing, 5 bottles of shampoo or shower gel (when one is enough) end up in the bathroom, washing powder and cleaning products (their place is in separate closet or pantry).

IMPORTANT! With proper zoning and design, a combined bathroom can look much more attractive than an imperial-style bathtub.

Small bathroom interior

For small bathrooms (and in the post-Soviet space, in almost all planned houses, bathrooms are small) a minimalist design is ideal. Baroque, colorful ornaments and many details will make a small bathroom even more cramped. Ruffles, frills, roses and complex curls are not our option. IN small space clear lines of objects and decor would be more appropriate.

Note! Wall mirror - good way visually expand the room. However, remember that in high humidity conditions in the bathroom, the mirror will sweat. One of the main conditions stylish design bathroom - sterile cleanliness (walls, floors, glass and earthenware).

Another way to visually enlarge the space is to decorate the interior IN LIGHT COLORS with separate bright accents. Don't get carried away with pure white. It is difficult to stay in a completely white room for a long time. In addition, white tiles require daily care and washing. It is better to choose a light shade of any color, and complement the bathroom with elements of a contrasting or the same shade, but more saturated.

Pay attention! The same rule applies to interior design as when choosing clothes. Horizontal stripes on the walls make the room wider, and vertical ones “raise” the ceilings.

Instead of mounted or floor cabinets in a small bathroom it is better to use built-in furniture - or mount the shelves as a solid “canvas” without gaps, so that they completely cover the wall. It seems that this option will reduce space. In fact, the feeling of crampedness is caused not so much by the actual area, but by how many separate objects a person can distinguish. A built-in wardrobe or continuous rows of shelves are perceived as a single whole, and the bathroom appears larger due to the psychology of space perception. For the same reason, everything that can be hidden in a closet should be hidden in it.

The more little things and accessories remain in sight, the more cramped the bathroom will seem.

The mirror in the bathroom can be equipped with spot lighting, but you should not give up overhead lighting. Filling the space evenly with light is another way to expand the bathroom.

A door that opens inward eats up an additional half meter. Change the hinges and install doors that open outward - or install sliding ones. This option is more convenient, but more expensive to install and arrange.

Design of a combined bathroom

Even if the bathroom is separate, One of the options for expanding the space is to combine these rooms. So don’t be sad if your apartment has a combined bathroom.

Popular layout options for a combined bathroom:

  • simple- the bathroom is positioned wide, the rest of the furniture is lined up along the longer side.
  • no corners- a semicircular “niche” is formed around the bathtub. Some of the useful space is “eaten up”, but this is easily compensated for by placing a large mirror in the bathroom.

A combined bathroom is an inconvenient solution if a whole family lives in the apartment, with parents and children, grandparents. In this case you can use decorative screen, which looks more attractive than oilcloth curtains, and is completely hidden in the closet after swimming (unlike curtains, which create visual noise even when pushed “into a corner”).

How to design a corner bathroom

A corner bath is a compromise solution between abandoning the bathtub and the usual oval-rectangular shape. It saves space in a small bathroom. And with the shape of the room being close to a square, the corner bathroom would have to take the place of the standard “sister” in standard layouts.

Placing a corner bath is easier than placing a rectangular one. A corner bathtub - square or oval - should be IN THE CORNER, where it belongs.

Otherwise, the rules remain exactly the same as when decorating a bathroom with a standard oval bathtub. In addition, a corner bathroom does not have to be in the shape of a square. Modern plumbing manufacturers offer any configuration:

  • oval(with rounded edge)
  • square(with straight and clear lines)
  • round(Not best option for tight spaces, but it exists)
  • curved shape(the edge of the bathtub has a complex shape, while maintaining a right angle)

How to choose furniture

All furniture for this room must be moisture resistant. This rule does not depend on the style or size of the room. Who wants to change all the interior items a year after purchase? A reasonable person would definitely not want to. This means that, first of all, when choosing, we focus not on design, but on quality of execution. The main materials from which bathroom furniture is made:

  • plastic
  • glass
  • natural or artificial stone

Natural wood - practical and beautiful material. But, unfortunately, not in our realities. European manufacturers, using natural materials in their bathroom collections, are guided by the typical layout of Europe, where the usual size of a bathroom is from 4 to 9 square meters. A typical bathroom in our conditions usually does not exceed 4 square meters. Natural wood furniture will not survive high humidity and cramped conditions. Don’t torment her or yourself (with prices and the prospect of refurbishment of the premises in the coming years) - opt for more practical materials. Or choose furniture from elite manufacturers made from exotic, but moisture-resistant types of wood. Suitable for you:

  • wenge
  • zebrano
  • Iroko

Cabinets or shelves?

There is no place for closets in a cramped space! The more free-standing interior items, the more cramped the room seems. The ideal solution There will be a built-in wardrobe up to the ceiling.

You can further expand the bathroom using mirrored cabinet walls. But remember - they will have to be washed regularly to remove plaque. Not once a week, but daily.

A replacement for cabinets can be a solid rack made of open shelves without doors, or with sliding doors.

Laundry basket

Storing laundry in the washing machine until washed is not an option. But it’s better to get rid of the basket in the bathroom - move it to the pantry or other room. The main task is to make sure that the laundry basket does not stand out from the general background. If there is absolutely nowhere to put it away, hide this “interior item” out of sight, in a built-in closet. You can do the same with a washing machine if the loading mechanism is not top-loading, but front-loading. This will solve two problems at once: things that are always left on the typewriter will not attract the eye, and the typewriter itself will fit organically as the bottom element of a cabinet up to the ceiling.


It is also better to choose a wall-mounted and flat mirror(no accompanying locker) but maximum size. A mirror in full height. If you are not afraid of the prospect of washing large mirror surfaces, you can abandon the mirror as an interior item and make a mirror of an entire wall.

Modern mirror manufacturers cover them with a special film that prevents fogging. Such mirrors cost much more than “room” mirrors, but they also last longer. It might be worth saving energy on cleaning and money on household chemicals, and immediately purchase a mirror “adapted” to high humidity.


The rule of minimalism says: than smaller room, the fewer individual elements it should contain. And those that are necessary must be of a minimum size. A glass for toothbrushes, a bottle of liquid soap or a soap dish, and other small but important items should match the color of the walls and not attract the eye. The same goes for bathrobe(if you store it in the bathroom) and towels. To place accents, it is better to place several thematic decorative elements in the bathroom - an exotic sink, a painting or a moisture-loving climbing plant. This approach will allow us to add a little carefreeness to our extremely functional bathroom, without cluttering the space with unnecessary details.

How to arrange a stylish bathroom in a Khrushchev-era building?

Khrushchev is not a death sentence. It can be made not only comfortable, but also stylish. And the bathroom too.

The first thing to do with a bathroom in a typical Khrushchev building is to get rid of the standard bathtub and replace it with a modern one. A corner bath will save a little space. So what if the previous one was “cast iron”? High-quality acrylic holds the temperature no worse. But we freed up some space for a washing machine, which we couldn’t squeeze in. Instead of hiding the washing machine in a built-in closet, you can place it under the sink. The designer who came up with this ingenious solution deserves a monument from all the grateful residents of apartments with a typical Soviet layout. You can completely abandon the sink in the bathroom.

Another popular and modern way save space - install instead of floor wall hung toilet. Visually the room becomes “lighter”. The answer to the usual question is: no, it won’t fall. Mounts for hanging plumbing can withstand loads of up to 200 kg.

How to choose a tile?

This would be a good place to start. After all, the renovation and decoration of a bathroom begins with the selection of colors, shades, style and choice of tiles for the floors and walls. The smaller the bathroom, the smaller the tiles you should choose. The psychological effect works very simply - we see not the size of the tiles, but their number. There are a lot of tiles - the space seems larger. If funds and patience allow, you can lay out the walls with ceramic mosaics. But don't overdo it with contrasts. An overly colorful mosaic on the walls of a small bathroom will create a kaleidoscope effect, and the room will look even cramped.

You should not follow the popular advice and lay out the lower part of the room with dark tiles and the upper part with light tiles. This “design” divides the space that we are diligently trying to unite.

Glossy tiles are better suited for small spaces than matte ones. It is more difficult to maintain, but reflects light and performs the same role as a mirror - visually expanding the room.

How to make your design modern

There are almost more design styles than there are interior designers themselves. In the case of a small bathroom, all directions working with the “antique” theme will have to be abandoned. But this is rather a forced plus, no matter how strange this formulation may seem.

Richness of decoration, gold and shine in interior elements, elaborate ornaments, abundance of draperies and non-functional “decorations” - all this was invented in the era of stone castles with spacious halls. What there was no need for in the Middle Ages was additional square meters. Modern man, living in a house with a standard layout, cannot afford to waste precious space.

The best solution for a typical bathroom would be hi-tech or minimalism styles. The classic also works well if you adapt it a little. Fortunately, all three styles do not go out of fashion, develop and remain relevant.

Fewer details, practicality, clean straight or smooth lines - current trends in modern design, which are perfect for a small bathroom.

Bathroom design with shower

If you want to not only create the feeling of additional space in the bathroom, but also really get a little extra free space - perhaps you don’t really need a bathtub?

If you can live without a bath, install a shower stall. If minimum size The “lying” bath is about 140 cm long, while the cubicle takes up 70 cm. Half a meter, reclaimed from the architects who planned old houses - by the standards of modern bathrooms, this is an absolute victory over space.

If life without a bath is not a joy at all, you can find a compromise option. For example, install a shower stall, in the lower part of which there is a sitz bathtub. Of course, you can fully lie down and relax in hot water It won't work anyway - but you can sit and relax in the hot water.

The walls of the shower stall in a small bathroom should be made of transparent, not frosted glass. And always clean. Then it will not attract attention to itself, dissolving into the interior.

How to organize repairs

The main problem of renovating a bathroom in a Soviet-built house is not cramped space, but communications. The pipe outlets are rigidly fixed, and major redevelopment requires significant effort and expense - if it is possible at all. The second most difficult task is leveling the walls. It can only be placed on completely flat walls. If your plans do not include periodic gluing of fallen tiles, repairs should begin with putty and plastering of the walls.

Before re-equipping communications, it is worth sketching out a design for your new bathroom. There are several programs for performing such tasks - they are easy to find on the Internet. But you can complete the project the old-fashioned way, by hand, on a sheet of paper. The main thing is that you understand exactly what you want - and how much space you have to realize your design fantasies. Don't forget to check out our material about!

bathroom design!

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