How to paint walls with emulsion correctly. Technology of painting walls with water-based paint. Painting with water-based paint - how not to spoil the walls and achieve an even coating

To understand how to paint walls water-based paint without divorce, it is worth considering several nuances. To do this, you need to know the rules for applying it, follow preparatory work. If you do everything in accordance with technology, the result will be high-quality painting. But how to paint walls so that the result for a long time pleasing to the eye? Let's figure it out.

There are many alternative methods wall decoration, but painting remains relevant at any time. The first thing to do at the beginning of any repair is to prepare the work area. Only after this can further work be carried out (whitewashing, painting the walls).

The tools and materials that will be needed for the work are presented in the table.

Name Scope of application
Drill (with mixer attachment) or construction mixer

Mixing paint

Paint tray Dipping the roller into the solution
Brushes with different lengths Working in inconvenient places
Roller with long handle and medium nap Applying the solution to the surface
Hard sponge, spatulas and brush Cleaning the work surface
Grater Sanding and removing old coating
Wide spatula Leveling the putty
Adding color to the surface
Dye If the water emulsion is white, then with its help it is given the required color
Primer Preventing mold and good adhesion of the water emulsion to the base
Sandpaper Sanding and cleaning
Putty Leveling the surface
Polyethylene film Protection of areas not intended for painting
Masking tape Securing polyethylene film

May be needed additional tools, if you plan to create a decorative design. You can make them yourself or purchase them in a store. It is also worth preparing work clothes, fabric and rubber gloves, and a respirator.

Paint preparation

Water emulsion comes in different forms. Some types are intended for interior work, others are used for painting windows and walls outside.

How to choose a coating

The main material for the manufacture of water-based paint is water with mineral and polymer additives. After painting, the liquid evaporates, leaving only the particles that were in it. After this, a film is formed on the surface, the quality of which plays a major role when choosing water emulsion. To paint your walls correctly, you need to choose the right type of paint.

Water emulsions are divided into the following types:

  • silicate;
  • mineral;
  • acrylic;
  • silicone.

Silicate paint has excellent resistance to impact environment(snow, rain, etc.) and waterproof. The main element in its creation is liquid glass.

Mineral paint adheres well to any surface, but fades and is not resistant to mechanical damage. It is made on the basis of white cement or lime.

Acrylic water emulsions lay down very smoothly and are capable of filling cracks. They are suitable for interior work. The composition may include latex, which makes it water-repellent, but prevents air circulation.

The quality of acrylic water emulsion is determined by the absence of unnecessary additives in it.

Silicone paints are the new kind, capable of filling small cracks and creating a durable film. They promote air circulation, but are quite expensive.

Do I need to thin the paint?

In most cases, water-based emulsion is sold ready for use. Despite this, there are several times when it needs to be diluted.

Here are the features that force you to dilute the paint:

  • When applying two layers, it is advisable to apply the first one with diluted paint;
  • The coating is thick or old;
  • If there is a small amount of material left from previous painting jobs.

To dilute, you need to gradually pour water into it (about 10% of the total volume), stirring constantly. In this case, a construction mixer is used so that the consistency is uniform.

You can also use the tint to change the color of the coating. The proportions are indicated on the labels. There is one caveat: after drying, the color will become less bright.

Preparing the walls

How to paint walls correctly? Painting walls with water-based paint begins with achieving the effect of smooth walls. To do this, you need to clean the surface and use wallpaper designed for this purpose or apply putty and primer.

First of all, clean the surface of the painted walls with a spatula. If you need to remove the old emulsion, you must first wet it. This is done with a roller dipped in hot water.

The same applies to whitewashing. Applies in this case cold water. Then the surface is moistened with a solution of soda to get rid of whitewash in small cracks.

Painting paint can be removed with a special composition intended for this purpose or with a construction hairdryer. This process is quite labor intensive, for more quick effect use a drill with a wire wound around it. It turns on at low speed. The disadvantage of this method is the appearance of dust.


Some people rely on the water-based emulsion to repair defects in the wall covering, but it is better to putty the surface. First, cracks should be repaired by filling them with primer. When everything is dry, you can start puttingty.

It comes in two types:

  • Primary (for a base with multiple irregularities).
  • Finish (for a flat surface).

The putty is prepared in a bucket: first add water, then the material itself, mix everything with a construction mixer. The proportions may be different; each manufacturer indicates them on the label.

When putting putty, it is important to apply it evenly and evenly over the surface of the wall with a spatula. You can continue working after receiving light gray, but forced drying cannot be used, otherwise the work will become of poor quality and will quickly become unusable. It dries in about a day.

To make sure the walls are even, you can illuminate them from the side. If defects are noticed, they should be eliminated using a grater, which is pre-wrapped with a fine mesh.


Priming is used to make the water-based emulsion more stable. The primer mixture can be different: acrylic (for acrylic paint), silicate (for silicate paint), etc. To pick up the right option, it is worth consulting with the seller or reading the label. It should be applied with a roller.


By painting you can update the design and create your own style. Water emulsions expand the range of possibilities with a variety of colors, while they are not harmful to health and are hypoallergenic. If you figure out how to paint with water-based paint correctly, the task will turn out to be quite simple.

Checking paint quality

Before you start painting, you need to check the quality of the water emulsion. This is quite easy to do.

First, apply a small amount of paint to any sample and wait for it to dry. With the help of such manipulations, you can check the quality of the color; it should remain bright and saturated. It is worth taking into account the fact that any paint may fade a little, which is normal.

After this, you can check its quality. To do this, you need to wet the dried water emulsion with plain water. Poor-quality water emulsion will begin to bubble or wash off altogether. In this case, it cannot be used in rooms with high humidity.

It is worth considering that not all paints are protected from water, this feature depends on its type and is often indicated in the instructions.

On video: the advantages of water-based emulsion and painting technology.

How to paint walls correctly?

The paint may be ready for use, but sometimes it needs to be given color using a tint. In such cases, you should decide on the brightness of the color; the more it is, the more saturated the color. You need to remember how much color was added to the first jar so that you can add a similar amount in the future.

It is better to purchase paint with a reserve so that you can restore damage or abrasions.

Sometimes a wall with a window is painted less bright color to get a more spacious room visually. Covering the walls with updated paint will always make the room cleaner and more comfortable. Painted surfaces are conducive to further active actions in the field of finishing and design.

How to paint walls with water-based paint? The right technology painting walls consists of the following stages:

  1. The water-based emulsion should be applied in several layers (optimally 2-3). Any surface has the ability to absorb it; a high-quality primer helps reduce this process.
  2. The finished water emulsion is poured into a tray; its ribbed surface is made specifically to save the composition.
  3. The roller needs to be dipped in paint so that it is evenly saturated over the entire surface. To check the color, you can first apply coloring composition on cardboard. If you need to work on high surfaces, then a long handle is additionally installed on the roller. You should start from the top to immediately smooth out the smudges.
  4. Corners and other hard-to-reach areas are painted with brushes, the rest of the area is treated with a roller.
  5. After the first coat, you need to give the paint time to dry. At this time, it is necessary to ensure that no mechanical damage appears on it.

For painting walls with water-based paint different colors Masking tape should be used. It will protect areas where you need to use another paint from paint drops. The tape is removed after the painted surface has dried.

Decorative painting

During coloring, you can create patterns or entire paintings. To do this you need to use special tools. Textured painting of the walls with water-based paint is applied after the base layer has dried.

The following tools are used for this:

  • figured roller;
  • stencil;
  • masking tape.

Working with a figured roller is similar to that used for a regular one. Eat big choice various patterns and textures that appear after a certain type of it. Everyone can choose a drawing for themselves.

You can make a stencil yourself or buy it in a store.. You need to apply paint on it with a swab. Purchased stencils have instructions that indicate the colors needed for each section.

The stencil should not be pressed too hard against the wall, otherwise paint smudges will appear underneath it.

Masking tape used to create geometric shapes. It needs to be glued to the wall, then carefully painted over. The tape will prevent paint from getting outside of it. It should be removed after the painted area has dried to prevent smudges from forming.

Everything about water-based paint from the masters (2 videos)

Necessary materials and painting work (28 photos)

It is difficult to find a person who has not heard anything about water-based paint. water-based paint allows you to make your apartment beautiful and cozy.

Water-based paint is used to paint bathroom walls.

For wall decoration there is a huge number of various types building materials. With their help you can create any design. Painting walls with water-based paint does not lose its relevance due to its availability, simplicity and environmental friendliness.

Features of choice

Water-based paint is an aqueous mixture of tiny polymer particles and various additives. All these components are in suspension. The basis is made up of polymer substances that form a film when dried. To give a white color, the composition includes zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. In addition, various fillers, plasticizers, antiseptics, etc. are added. It is used as a thickener adhesive composition(usually CMC glue).

The paint solvent is water. The most common composition is the following: polymer substance – 50%; pigment and filler – 37%; plasticizer – 7%, other elements – 6%.

Depending on the type of polymer used, modern water-based paints are divided into following types: acrylic, silicone, silicate and mineral. The most widely used are acrylic water-based paints, the basis of which is acrylic resins. Latex is added to high quality dyes. Coatings with such paint are sufficiently water resistant, thick, and have good adhesion to many materials.

Silicone paint refers to coatings that form a vapor-permeable layer. This allows the material to be applied to the walls of rooms where there is often high humidity. It is resistant to the formation of fungi and mold. Due to its thickness, the paint can mask cracks up to 2 mm. The disadvantages include increased cost.

Silicate water-based paints are based on liquid glass with colored pigments. They have increased resistance to atmospheric factors and very high permeability to steam and air. Its service life is quite long. In terms of moisture resistance, this type is somewhat inferior to silicone paint. Mineral water-based paints may contain slaked lime or cement. Therefore, this paint easily applies to concrete walls. Polyvinyl acetate paint of this type has high strength after film formation and withstands the effects of water, fats and oils quite well. Important positive attribute– high light fastness.

Water-based paint has a number of parameters that should be taken into account when purchasing it for painting walls. The main characteristics include:

  • paint base;
  • consumption when painting;
  • viscosity during implementation;
  • specific gravity;
  • shelf life;
  • best before date.

High-quality paint has a consumption (when painting in one layer) of 150-200 ml/m². Specific gravity should be approximately 1.35 kg/l. Drying time should not be more than 24 hours. At the same time, high-quality paints dry in 2 hours.

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Paint preparation

Water-based paint is sold in polymer or metal containers of various volumes. The factory container contains instructions or recommendations for use. The consumption is usually indicated, which allows you to estimate the amount of paint required for purchase.

In addition, water-based paint is sold in different consistencies. It may be ready for use (indicated in the instructions) or requires stirring in water to a suitable consistency. If the paint is too thick, it must be diluted with water and mixed evenly. Usually, before painting walls with water-based paint, construction material Mix by hand until it reaches the consistency of milk. However, the most the best option– mixing using a mixer or an electric drill with a mixer rack. If a voluminous texture is provided on the wall, then the material is not diluted, but rather applied in a very thick form. Immediately before applying to the walls, the emulsion must be thoroughly mixed again.

Painting your bathroom walls helps protect them from moisture.

If the painted walls must have a certain color, you should take care of the color scheme in advance. Currently, water-based paints of different colors are available for sale, but if you choose desired color If it didn’t work, then you should take white paint and add the desired color or a combination of several colors to it. When selecting the desired color, you should first check it in a container of no more than 100 ml. Color is gradually added to the paint with thorough mixing. Control smears are made periodically. When the desired color is achieved, the desired color concentration is fixed. Only after such a check is a larger volume of paint colored. It should be taken into account that the color of the paint changes as it dries, so control strokes should be given time to dry.

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Preparing for painting

Modern water-based paints can be applied to almost any surface, including concrete. However, all the unevenness of the wall will appear through the coating. It requires preliminary preparation wall surface before painting. The surface of the wall should be smooth and even.

To do this, apply a thin layer finishing putty over the entire surface. After the putty has dried, the wall is grouted and sanded using a sanding mesh or fine emery cloth. Immediately before painting walls with water-based paint, they must be cleaned of dust.

The wall itself must be freed of any objects (including nails, screws, etc.). The space in front of the wall should be free of furniture. It is recommended to cover the area of ​​the floor and baseboard with anti-splash film.

Today we have to find out how to paint walls with water-based paint, and what criteria should be used to choose it for this work. In addition, we will touch on the preparation of walls for finishing, and the tools used for painting. So, let's go.

Water emulsions differ from each other:

  1. Composition, first of all - a film-forming base;
  2. The color of the tint (See How to tint the paint: selecting an option).

Let us clarify: as a rule, paint is sold white and is tinted with water-soluble pigments at the request of the buyer. Of course, the choice of color is a matter of taste; however general principles This choice is still worth mentioning.


Which water-based paint is best for walls in terms of performance?

Here are the main types of modern water-based emulsions with their key properties.

Image Description

Mineral: base - slaked lime or Portland cement. They are characterized by low cost and minimal wear resistance. Dignity - high stability to consistently high humidity. Due to their short service life, the coatings have now practically left the Russian market.

Silicate: base - liquid glass. Long term operation is combined with good resistance to dry abrasion and extremely low resistance to humidity.

Polyvinyl acetate - based on PVA glue. Wear resistance and moisture resistance are at an average level; can be used in moderately damp areas.

Acrylic paints are produced on acrylic resins and are characterized by medium resistance to dry wear and high resistance to wet wear. In both parameters they are noticeably superior to all the dyes listed above.

Dyes based on synthetic latex can be used in bathrooms and bathrooms. They withstand wet wear relatively poorly, and therefore are not used for kitchens, where splashes of grease and other contaminants often have to be wiped off the walls.

Silicone water-based emulsions are the ultimate solution: the maximum price (up to 250-300 rubles per kilogram) is combined with maximum resistance to any type of wear (manufacturers guarantee up to 5000 wet cleaning cycles).

An interesting fact: the so-called rubber rubber is produced on the basis of synthetic (acrylic) latex. water paint, which is at least not inferior in consumer properties to silicone. Suffice it to say that the author used it to paint the plywood steps of a street staircase. For three years in the scorching Crimean sun, the coating retained its appearance and waterproof.

Small text

Manufacturers rarely advertise the composition of the white that is included in the white dye. Meanwhile, it determines how long water-based wall paint will retain its appearance: how to choose it based on this parameter?

Very simple:

  • If the composition includes zinc white, turn away and move on. This coating will inevitably change its color in the next 2-3 years. In addition, zinc oxide ZnO is toxic;
  • Titanium dioxide TiO2, on the contrary, is harmless and retains its snow-white color indefinitely.

It is worth clarifying: the mass use of zinc oxide in the production of paints and enamels ended about a decade ago. Nowadays zinc white can only be found in extremely cheap paints from little-known manufacturers.


Here are a few useful tips, one way or another relating to the choice of color, texture and tinting of paint:

  1. Glossy texture emphasizes the smallest surface defects, so it should be chosen only if fine finishing The walls are absolutely flawless. But gloss visually expands the space of the room due to partial reflection of its interior;

  1. Matte paint, on the contrary, conceals minor irregularities and makes small surface obstructions invisible;
  2. Any tinting paint will complicate subsequent repairs. It is almost impossible to obtain the same shade again when manually mixing paint with pigment, and quite difficult when using computer tinting;

Consequence: if this does not contradict your chosen design concept, paint the walls white. In this case, any potholes and scratches can be masked with ordinary acrylic putty.

  1. If you still decide to tint- mix paint and pigment with reserve for repairs. We repeat: you will not receive the same color again;

  1. For small room It is better to prefer light colors. They will visually expand the room. Dark walls with a light ceiling will make the room, on the contrary, narrower, but will make it seem taller than its actual size;
  2. When choosing a color Don't forget the basic design rule: there shouldn't be more than three primary colors in one room, otherwise it will look annoyingly colorful. Shades of the same color, as well as black and white colors doesn't count.

Preparing the base

Before painting the walls with water-based paint, they need to be prepared for painting.

The wall should be:

  • Perfectly smooth;
  • Durable (no crumbling or peeling coatings);
  • Clean (no dust or grease stains);
  • Has moderate absorbency. The glossy non-absorbent surface of the enamel simply will not hold the water-based emulsion, but the excessively absorbent cement plaster will require an excessive amount of paint.

Preparation of the base includes several stages.

Removing old coatings

How to remove old coatings from walls?

  • Paper wallpaper: soaking big amount water and remove from the wall with your own hands or using a wide spatula;

  • Lime whitewash: The same instructions apply here - the lime is generously moistened with water and cleaned off with a spatula.
  • Chalk whitewash: washed off with plenty of water;
  • Nitro, oil and alkyd paints: are removed with a steel spatula after treating the wall section with a universal remover.

Is it possible to paint over old water-based emulsion?

Only if it is made on the same basis as the paint you purchased: acrylic dye can be painted over acrylic dye, silicate dye over silicate dye, and so on. Wherein old paint It should not differ much in color from the new one, otherwise, even with a large number of layers, untidy stains may appear on the surface.

How to remove water-based paint from walls before repainting?

The answer again depends on its composition:

  • How to wash off water-based paint from walls if it is made of silicate or mineral based? Wet the wall generously with hot (temperature 70-75 degrees) water two or three times at intervals of 15 minutes, then remove the paint with a spatula;

  • How to remove water-based paint from walls if it is based on latex or acrylic resins? Apply primer to the painted surface deep penetration(for example, Ceresit CT17) and after the coating is completely saturated, remove it with a spatula or wire brush.

A moment of pessimism: if these methods do not work, alas, you will face a long and painful grinding of the surface using a sander or hand grater.

Removal of old coatings is completed by removing dust: the wall is swept with a sweeping brush or vacuumed.


Cleared of old coatings mineral surface need to be treated with penetrating primer (for example, the same ST 17).

The primer will solve several problems at once:

  • Will stick the remaining dust;
  • Improves grip surface layers plasters or putties with a base;
  • Will have a positive effect on paint adhesion to the surface;
  • Will reduce its consumption.


If the surface has noticeable unevenness, before painting we have to undergo pre-finishing treatment - puttying. What to putty on the wall with?

Image Type of putty

Gypsum putty is used in dry rooms with a significant number of unevenness and defects in the base.

Cement putties are used in damp areas- bathtubs, lavatories and showers - if the finishing is permeable to moisture.

Acrylic ready-to-use putties on mineral bases can be used to fill minor defects at any operating humidity. (See Acrylic putty - types, features, application)

After filling, the surface is once again treated with a penetrating primer.


How to properly paint walls with water-based paint on a prepared surface?


  • Roller with a medium-pile fur coat;

  • Medium brush with durable bristles;

Tip: Pull the bristles of the brush with your hand. There should not be a single lint left in it: falling lint can ruin the final coating.

  • Painting tray.

Preparation of paint: it is diluted with water to the consistency of very rich milk (but not more than 10% of water from the volume of paint). Then the dye is thoroughly mixed throughout the entire volume.


  • Paint over internal corners with a brush, then paint the planes of the walls with a roller (see Let’s look at how to properly paint walls with a roller);
  • Manufacturers recommend painting in two layers. For the author, uniform painting of walls with water-based emulsion required the application of at least four layers;
  • Each layer is applied perpendicular to the previous one: this way the inevitable stripes from the roller will be less noticeable;
  • Roll out the roller in a tray, not on the wall. Otherwise, the stripes on it will become more noticeable;

  • The wall is painted in one go over the entire area. A pause is possible only before staining next wall or the same wall with the next layer. If you let a section of the surface dry and then repaint it, the overlapping layers of paint will appear thick;

  • Before applying the next layer, the previous one must dry completely;
  • If you notice an unpainted area when the coating begins to dry out, do not touch it up. Wait until the next layer is applied;
  • Wash the instrument without allowing the paint to dry on it. Lumps of dried dye can ruin the finish, leaving grooves in it;
  • How to whitewash walls with water-based paint so that tool marks are not visible on them? Extremely simple: apply last layer parallel to the direction of the prevailing lighting (natural or artificial).


We hope that this material will help the reader in renovating their own home. You can learn more about how to properly paint walls with water-based paint by watching the video in this article. Good luck!

If you have to paint walls with water-based paint, the design, photos, ideas and videos from our article will help you understand the intricacies of this process and do everything yourself. On the one hand, everything is simpler than it seems, but only if you are well prepared.

Choosing a water-based emulsion for walls

The composition of water-based paints varies. Some are intended only for indoor use, and even then they are unstable, and walls painted with them quickly lose their attractive appearance. Others are intended for outdoor use and the walls, after painting, are able to retain required quality for years. In this regard, the choice of colors is determined by what is expected of it.

Water is used as the basis for any water-based emulsion. The substance consists of polymer or mineral particles. When dyeing, water evaporates, and these particles are able to form a film. Similar coloring compositions can be as follows:

  • Mineral water emulsion . Their manufacturing technology requires the presence of lime or white cement. Good property is excellent adhesion to almost any surface. But the fact that they burn out quickly can be considered a disadvantage. They are easily damaged, and when touched they can be wiped off. Their price is low, but they are still not very popular.
  • Silicate paint . The composition of such paints is characterized by the presence liquid glass. It is this that gives such compositions special resistance to the effects of external factors. At the same time, the wall acquires excellent vapor permeability and lasts for almost 10 years after painting.
  • Paint on acrylic base . The paint lies smoothly on the surface and is even capable of healing small cracks. It will hide such flaws if the wall preparation is not done well enough. If the paint does not contain additives, it is highly hygroscopic. By the way, because of this, you can only work with it in dry rooms. If latex is added to such paint, it acquires water-repellent properties. This makes it possible to use it in rooms with excess moisture. Its disadvantage is the low ability to transmit steam. In this case, the surface may become covered with condensation. The price for such paints is average and today they are considered to be the best of the entire range of similar products.
  • Silicone water emulsion . Such paints are new and similar products have appeared on the market quite recently. When painting, a fairly dense film is created. It has the ability to heal deep cracks. On a positive note is that such paints are capable of transmitting steam. The disadvantages include their high cost.

Choosing the right composition is only half the battle. We still need to decide on the manufacturer. There are several options here. It is better to give preference famous brands. It's better to pay more than to repaint it later.

When making your choice, you should pay attention to indicators related to the volume and consumption of paint. The dimensional value of the flow rate is g/m2. U different colors it may differ significantly. For example, expensive paints have low consumption. By comparing the volume of the room with the volume and consumption of paint, it is not difficult to calculate how much of it will be needed.

Preparing the walls

Before starting work, the walls must be prepared. It is advisable to achieve a perfectly flat wall surface. The surface must be puttied or covered with wallpaper intended for painting. If the wall was previously painted oil paint or has whitewash, they cannot be coated with water-based emulsion. The surface is first cleaned.

Removing paint

To remove old water-based emulsion, the wall should be wet hot water. This can be done using a roller. After 5 minutes, similar actions must be repeated. After the second pass, the coating usually begins to swell, after which it can be easily removed with a spatula. Some difficult-to-give areas are wetted again.

We fill in defects and putty

When working with water-based emulsions, you must immediately get rid of the idea that such paint will hide defects; on the contrary, it will only emphasize them. The only exception is silicone emulsion. It will still be able to hide small flaws on the surface of the walls. But it is better to prepare the wall as it should be.

First, the recesses and cracks are puttied. After this they are primed. Before puttying, the crack is artificially expanded and everything that can fall off in the future is removed. Then everything must be thoroughly cleaned and all irregularities smoothed out.


The choice of primer depends on what kind of paint will be used in the future. If applicable acrylic paint, which means you need to take an acrylic primer. The primer is applied with a roller.

Priming will ensure that the paint adheres better. In addition, the consumption of paint itself is reduced. The primer closes the pores, resulting in a reduced absorbent surface area.

Technology and rules of painting

IN basic version The color of the emulsion is white. It can be easily changed by adding a certain color. Currently, more than 200 shades can be obtained this way.

Tinting can be done directly in the store, where it will be done in a special machine, or you can buy the necessary pigment and do it yourself. The difference is that self-cooking is approximate and the color is determined “by eye,” while in a machine this is done using a special program.

The process of mixing paint with pigment is carried out in one go. In the future, preparing the same shade will be problematic, even for a car. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare the composition with some reserve.

If you choose the color yourself, then first the paint is diluted a little with water. Usually it initially has a thick consistency. Then color is gradually added to it in a thin stream. This can be done manually using a wooden spatula, but it is better to do it using a drill with a special attachment.

The tool should operate at very low speeds. Mix everything thoroughly until the desired shade is obtained. You can’t start painting right away. You have to wait a little - the foam should settle.

What is the best roller to use?

Rollers differ in the material used to make them.

  • Foam rubber . The price for such products is insignificant. Their disadvantage is that they can absorb too much paint. As a result, bubbles may form on the walls. The wall will be rough after painting. It’s better if there is a roller itself high density. True, finding such a product on sale is not at all easy.
  • Velours . Rare item. Velor has a slight ability to absorb, so when painting a wall it will have to be dipped into paint a little more often than rollers made from other materials. But the paint goes on very smoothly.
  • Pile . Such a roller will the best option. The length of the pile affects the thickness of the paint layer. Often rollers are made from natural fur. Such products have a significant service life. A fluffy roller is best suited when working with wallpaper to be painted. But it is better not to use furry products, there is too much splashing.

Painting process

Before painting, the baseboards must be removed. If this is not the case, then masking tape should be placed on them. This fully applies to window sills and platbands. Masking tape will also be needed to mark the boundaries of painting on the wall. If the ceiling is already painted, then it would be a good idea to stick tape on it as well. Otherwise, it can simply get dirty.

There is one caveat here. The tape must be removed immediately after painting. Otherwise, the paint on it may dry out. If this happens, it will be very difficult to tear it off.

Paint is poured into a paint tray. The roller is equipped with a handle of sufficient length. This is necessary so that it is possible to paint right up to the ceiling. What to attach to the roller, everyone will decide for themselves. A wooden stick or plastic tube can serve as this.

To begin the painting process, select one of the corners. You will have to go through the corner itself not with a roller, but with a brush. One of the corners under the ceiling base is selected. Then the roller is dipped into the paint composition, wrung out on the pallet platform and smoothly moved up and down the wall. The upper limit of painting will be the ceiling. At the same time, several step into the already painted areas. This technique eliminates the possibility of the formation of boundaries between the painted areas.

The time it takes for water-based paint to “set” is 10 - 15 minutes. Therefore, all work is carried out very quickly.

They begin to paint the second corner when there remains a distance the width of a roller to it. If painting the adjacent wall will be carried out immediately, then you can paint this corner as well.

If the walls were previously puttied, then the paint is applied in three layers. Each subsequent layer is started only when the previous layer is completely dry.

The drying time of the paint is usually indicated on the can and is usually from 2 to 4 hours. But if water-based emulsion is intended to be applied to wallpaper for painting, then one layer is sufficient.

Now you know how to paint walls with water-based paint. Design, photos, ideas and videos should help you decide on all the questions in order to do everything yourself, but if you have any doubts, feel free to ask in the comments.

Painting requires care, attention and the right choice suitable suspension. Today, water-based paint is the most widely used, which compares favorably with its analogues with many advantages.

But how versatile is it and what surfaces is it suitable for? This is what we will try to figure out in this article.

General provisions

First, let's define what water-dispersion paint is.


The water emulsion consists of ordinary water into which binders and colored pigments are dispersed. After application to the surface, H2O molecules evaporate, leaving a durable polymer layer the desired shade. It is also possible that there are various modifying additives that provide the solution with additional properties.


After familiarizing yourself with strengths water-based emulsion, it will become much easier to decide on the types of materials that go well with it.

  • Completely environmentally friendly. As can be seen from its structure, at the moment of hardening only absolutely safe water. This allows the use of this solution even in a child’s room.

  • Low price. The absence of expensive solvents in the composition makes water-based paint cheaper than most similar suspensions.
  • Abundance of possible colors. It is also possible to mix available colors to obtain rare original shades.

  • Easy to use with your own hands. Does not form streaks, creates a homogeneous, even layer.
  • High resistance to high humidity, abrasion, temperature changes, alkali exposure, physical damage and ultraviolet radiation.

Advice: in case of increased environmental aggression, it is recommended to use finishing works a type of water-dispersion acrylic paint.
Although it is more expensive, the acrylates that act as binders in its structure significantly increase all specifications, making the coating even more reliable and durable.

  • Easy to care for. The operating instructions allow for use during cleaning household chemicals, making it easy to get rid of any dirt stains.
  • High vapor permeability. Which is important for many types of materials that need to “breathe”.
  • Elasticity. Does not crack even if cracks appear in the base material. Successfully used for processing small and moving parts of furniture or interior design.
  • Easily washed off hands and tools using ordinary soap.
  • Long service life. With proper care it can reach ten years.

Types of matching surfaces

Based structural features water-based emulsion and its characteristic advantages, we can conclude that it is suitable for almost all types of surfaces.

But let's take a look individual cases in details:

  1. Wood. Is it possible to paint wood with water-based paint? Quite, the water emulsion will perfectly protect the wood from the harmful effects excessive humidity, which will have a positive effect on increasing its service life.

  1. Oil suspension. Is it possible to paint with water-based paint over oil-based paint? The fact is that such a surface is covered with a thin layer of acids and oils, which prevent the water-based emulsion from properly moistening the base. As a result, very weak adhesion is formed, and the result is very far from quality.
    So before painting with water-based paint, it is necessary to completely clean the area to be treated of traces of old paint and varnish material.

Tip: When removing old oil slurry, it is recommended to use an industrial hair dryer.
Under the influence of hot air, the paint layer will swell and peel off, which will greatly simplify its removal.

  1. Lime. Is it possible to paint with water-based paint over lime? Yes, since it has a sufficient level of steam transmission, which is a necessary condition for the successful use of lime and plastered surfaces. But it is advisable to start painting no earlier than a month after finishing the finishing work. This will give the cladding material time to mature as much as possible.

  1. Iron. Is it possible to paint metal with water-based paint? As we already know, the basis of the solution in question is water. And iron is susceptible to corrosion. That is, such painting can cause the occurrence and spread of rust under the finishing layer.
    To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to carry out preliminary deep penetration, which will create a polymer layer that reliably protects the steel from contact with water particles of the water-based emulsion.

  1. Brick and concrete. How to paint brick or brick with water-based paint concrete surface? This can be done. It goes well with these materials, both on the inside and outside of the building.


Water-based paint outperforms its competitors due to the peculiarity of its structure.

The presence of a water base guarantees it:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • fire safety;
  • affordable price;
  • many other undeniable and very important advantages.

It is compatible with almost any material, although some require pre-treatment with other special compounds to improve the quality of the coating.

The video in this article may provide you with additional information that relates to the material covered. Water emulsion is best choice for carrying out on this moment from available paints and varnishes.

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