How to make a smoking cabinet with your own hands. How to make a homemade smokehouse with your own hands Wooden smokehouse

One has only to look at the image of smoked delicacies, and the desire to eat it all immediately appears, which is quite natural for a person. Has your appetite also increased? What to do now? The first reaction is to go to the supermarket and buy everything your heart desires (and your wallet allows). But, alas, store-bought products are only called smoked because they are processed with liquid smoke. Opinions differ about the benefits of such nutrition, but if there is a small land plot, you can set up your production. In this article we will tell you how a cold smoked smokehouse can be made with your own hands from various materials.

Working principle of a cold smokehouse

Since we are talking about cold smoking, it is important to realize that this is not done heat treatment product, but it is saturated with smoke, so smoking should take place at a temperature of 30 – 50˚C. It is necessary to ensure that the fumigation and heating are uniform - only in this case the smoked meats will turn out appetizing (meaning appearance) and delicious.

Many have heard the expression “light smoke”, but did not understand what they were talking about, or thought that it meant light smoke, but in our case we are talking about smoke in which there is no carbon monoxide. It is quite possible to achieve this by making the chimney in such a way that this gas (along with other substances harmful to human health) precipitates before reaching the smoking chamber. After mixing with air and passing a long way through the pipeline, the output is smoke that is suitable in composition for proper smoking. Once in the smoking chamber, the smoke must linger in it for some time and nourish the food, otherwise it will be of little use.

Another important factor is proper preparation products. If anyone thinks that it is enough to place meat or fish in the chamber, and then light the oven and wait a little, then we will hasten to disappoint you. The procedure will be as follows:

  1. We will need a saturated salt solution, popularly called brine. It’s not difficult to prepare: salt is poured into a container and stirred until it stops dissolving. Salt is about 38–40 g per 1 liter of water. We don't need the salt that remains at the bottom - you can use it at your discretion.
  2. Now let's start salting the food. Small fish will need to be kept in the solution for 3 days. More big fish or young pork - up to 4 days. Tougher beef meat (as well as wild boar or bear meat) must be salted for 5 days.
  3. After the salting process, we begin to soak the meat. The duration of soaking can be up to 24 hours, but here again it is necessary to take into account the type and volume of the product being prepared for smoking. For example, it will take about 6 hours to soak a medium-sized fish, while a pork ham will take 2 times longer to soak. But this time is approximate, and in order not to soak the meat more than necessary, it needs to be checked. The method is very simple: press the soaked product with your finger, and as soon as it begins to be easily pressed into the pulp, the soaking process must be stopped immediately.
  4. Now the product needs to be dried. To do this, you need to let the water drain from the meat, and if you don’t have time to wait, you can wipe all the preparations with a waffle towel. It is better not to use paper towels for this purpose.
  5. Products should be placed in a ventilated cage (or box) and protected from flies by wrapping them in fine mesh gauze. It is important to remember that there will be no heat treatment of the product, and a smokehouse for maggots is like a steam room for a person - in general, this nasty thing is not destroyed during the processing process.
  6. It will take several days for the meat to dry out. Many people know very well what it is dried fish(especially for beer), so it will not be difficult to determine when the product becomes suitable for further processing.
  7. Now all the workpieces are hung on hangers inside the smoking chamber. Products are ready for smoking.

What kind of firewood can you use?

Not all firewood can be used. Firewood from the following trees is best suited:

  • plum;
  • cherry (without bark);
  • pear;
  • apple;
  • dogwood;
  • apricot.

If you need to give smoked meats a tart taste, then the following are suitable:

  • nut;

For smoking fish caught in heavily polluted waters, it is recommended to use the following wood:

  • willow;
  • broom;

If there is no firewood from fruit trees or if the smokehouse is made in hiking conditions, the following trees can be used:

  • linden;
  • poplar;
  • alder;
  • aspen.

Trees coniferous species and those that are affected by fungus are unsuitable for smoking. In addition, since the pores of the fungus are easily carried by the wind, all trees located within a radius of 50 m around the infected tree automatically become unusable.

Stationary smokehouse

Very good news is the fact that special costs is not expected, but if on the farm a thrifty owner there will be necessary materials, then you just need to make an effort.

The diagram shows the structure of a classic smokehouse, where:

  1. Smoke generator (furnace).
  2. Chimney channel.
  3. Smokehouse.

Now let's start manufacturing, using ready-made drawings or developing your own diagram according to our recommendations.

To build such a brick smokehouse, we will use a small plot of land with a length of 4 m. It is very good if it is possible to install the smokehouse on a small slope, since in this case it will be easier to install the chimney at the desired angle.

So, the site has been selected (in our case on a slope), and now we can begin earthworks. Let's start with the fact that to create a chimney you will need a pipe with a total length of about 3 m and Ø150-200 mm. If there is one, what is its length? If it’s 2.9 m, then it’s okay. You just need to make the distance between the holes so that the edge of the pipe does not reach brickwork, but ended up inside her. Simply put, make the distance between the holes 25–30 centimeters less than the length of the existing pipe.

The stove should be at the bottom, so a foundation pit is made under it in such a way that its width will be 50 cm, length 70 cm, and depth - a couple of spade bayonets.

On a higher part of the slope (it’s good if the difference in the location of the pipe is at least 50 cm), dig a 60x60 cm hole to make a foundation for the smokehouse. Depth – a couple of bayonets below the pipe location. (It may be less - it all depends on the type and density of the soil that was dug up, but there is no need to make a foundation on black soil).

By the way, we will still need clay, so it needs to be placed separately from the ground.

After digging the hole, we’ll check how the pipe fits and whether we made a mistake with its length. If everything is in order, then you can continue working.

Now let's fill the dug holes with concrete. Under the smokehouse - level with the pipe (or slightly lower). And for the firebox - 10 cm below the pipe level.

After the concrete has set, we will begin making the firebox. Having mixed a low-fat clay solution, we lay it on the foundation. On top, along the entire length of the firebox, we will lay refractory bricks, laying them flat on the clay mortar so that the base is under the pipe. This pillow will be the base of the firebox, so we will build the firebox on it, as shown in the photo.

Some people prefer to use for masonry cement-sand mortar but it's not best option, since with high heating the connection between the bricks will be broken.

By laying out the walls, we will ensure good heat transfer from the pipe to the ground, adding clay to it. By the way, if not suitable pipe, then the chimney can be made of red brick.

It’s good if you have a cast-iron door in advance, then the size of the firebox is adjusted to fit it. After installing the door, we will cover the oven. We had a stove suitable size, but if there is none, then you can lay reinforcement and make a cover from refractory bricks.

Now let's start making a pipe-shaped base for the smokehouse. Its size is 50x50 cm, and we will do the masonry with simple red bricks on cement-sand mortar.

Such a structure should work out. The height of the base is made slightly above ground level.

Let's do a test fire - everything works great!

Now let's start making a smokehouse, the dimensions of which will be 60x60 cm.

To make the frame we will use 4x4 cm bars. finished frame Let's nail the first layer of boards in a vertical position. We will install it on the roof metal chimney. In this case, the tree does not need protection from fire, since the smoke temperature is very low.

Since we planned that the products will be hung, we will need to attach boards with cut grooves for metal rods on the sides.

The second layer will be a lining made of coniferous wood; we nail it in a horizontal position. The same applies to the door. Such a device will help minimize smoke loss.

Also, in the previous photo you saw a pin sticking out of the door - this is part of the thermometer. Its dial is located outside, so you can control the smoking process.

The time has come to put everything together, for which you need to secure the smokehouse cabinet to the brick well. We remember that the base was made 50x50 cm, and the cabinet 60x60 cm. This was done specifically so that water would not get inside the base. To fasten it, we will use metal dowels, fastening it through the lower block to the brick base. There are also alternative option- attach to the base metal corners, and a closet for them. All existing cracks are covered with solution.

To complete the work, all that remains is to open up the wood protective agent and cover the roof with corrugated sheets or metal tiles. All that remains is to carry out the tests.

Cases are different, so it is better to play it safe by placing a metal grate on the base - even if some product falls off the hook, it will not fall to the bottom, and its smoking will continue on this protective device.

We have already talked about what kind of wood can be used for smoking. Do not ignore the advice of people who have been preparing food this way for many years. We light the stove.

The smoke flows well, so you can close the door, remembering to control the temperature inside the smokehouse.

Don't forget to check the firebox and add firewood.

And now, the smoking process is completed - the products are ready for consumption.

The space around the smokehouse can be improved by making a path.

Video: simple smokehouse in the ground

Video: design for cold smoking

Smokehouse from a barrel

Of course, you can use any barrel for our design, instead of a wooden smoking chamber, but this would not simplify the design much. You can make a smokehouse from a barrel more compact, even portable, only in this case you will have to make a smoke generator.

Making a simple smoke generator working with a compressor

The described structure will be assembled from what is on the farm, but if the necessary details are not in stock, you can buy them inexpensively.

To assemble the smoke generator we used 4 pineapple cans and a piece copper tube. We also purchased 2 quarter-inch clamps with nuts and 4 metal clamps to fit the cans.

In the bottom jar we will make one hole for the drive.

The second hole of a smaller diameter will serve as an igniter.

The third hole is made to fit the small diameter copper tube opposite the first hole.

A little later we will look at how this design can be improved. If you choose the second option, then this hole (and the copper tube itself) will not be needed.

One of the bends will be inside the jar, reaching its edge.

Using a grinder, we cut out a groove 4 cm long and about 8 mm wide, as shown in the photo.

The copper tube should not fit tightly into the fitting.

And it shouldn't be short.

Having secured the first bracket, screw the second one to it and insert the tube.

To prevent the groove from becoming clogged with sawdust, we will install a metal shield made of thick metal on top (possibly from a pipe). This protection should be above the squeegee, so its fixation can be ensured by screwing support bolts to the can in the right places.

The generator itself will consist of three cans, and we will cut the fourth into strips, wrap them around the joints of the cans and secure them with clamps.

If such a need arises, the tube can always be extended, but we recommend using a coupling rather than a nut for the connection.

For our design we will use an aquarium compressor with adjustable air supply.

Now let's pour wood chips inside.

Turn on the compressor and set fire to the wood chips.

By adjusting the seating depth of the copper tube, we make adjustments to ensure that there is as much smoke as possible.

Now let's look at how this model can be improved, since this modification will help reduce the temperature of the smoke.

You can also make sure that the ash spills out of the generator and does not accumulate in it. In this design there will be no inner tube - the squeegee is screwed to the edge of the can, and to prevent sawdust from getting into it, we will make a petal from tin from the inside, making many small holes in it.

At the bottom of the jar we will screw a screw cap from a glass jar with two bolts, and then we will drill a lot of holes.

It will be enough to insert the jar, turning it slightly, and the sealed ash container is ready.

As we have already warned, in this design there will be no copper tube; air will be supplied through an external exhaust.

To do this, we use a purchased (or used) fitting to bleed air from the brake system (preferably from a domestic car, since it is cheap). To do this, you need to drill a hole in the drive, and, having selected a suitable tap, cut the thread. There is a side hole at the top of the valve; if it is small, it needs to be drilled out to Ø2 mm. After screwing it in, the hole should be directed towards the smokehouse.

This fitting is specially made so that a rubber tube can be pulled over it while bleeding the brakes, so there will be no problems connecting the hose from the compressor.

Now you can add wood chips and set it on fire.

Tests have shown that the system operates smoothly, delivering required quantity smoke.

Smoking process

And now, the generator is assembled, all that remains is to connect it to a barrel (or other container), and you can smoke food.

The fish is soaked and ready for smoking. In order for the salting and soaking process to occur evenly, the products must be completely immersed in liquid. In our case, we achieved this by crushing the fish with a plate.

The gas generator is connected to our small barrel (or large pan) and is ready to start.

Although cold smoking produces little fat, it is still better to place a suitable container at the bottom to collect it.

In order to be able to hang food, we drilled 4 holes in our container and inserted thin fittings into them.

If it is cool outside, then the container can be slightly heated with an electric stove so that the temperature inside the smokehouse becomes acceptable.

A thermometer installed in the container will help control the smoking process by adjusting the temperature inside it.

The fish was put on old skewers from which the plastic handles had been removed.

Now let's pour wood chips into our gas generator.

Cover with a lid, turn on the compressor and set fire to the wood chips.

Thick smoke appeared from under the leaky lid.

Through the window intended for ignition, you can clearly see that there is good heat in the gas generator.

Now all you have to do is wait, periodically adding wood chips and monitoring the temperature inside the container.

Smoking is completed and the fish is now ready to eat.

Depending on the volume of products that you plan to smoke regularly, select a suitable container - a saucepan or a 100-200 liter barrel.

Smoke generator operating without a compressor

The design of this smoke generator will only work in conjunction with a smoking chamber equipped with an exhaust pipe.

As a smoking chamber we will use an ordinary chainsaw packaging box, carefully wrapped with tape.

We will fix a frame of bars inside, and string rows of wire onto it so that we can hang the fish.

This is what a gas generator looks like.

Wood chips are loaded into it and set on fire.

Instead of a lid, we use a trimmed disc from a grinder, and close the hole in it with a metal ball, which will also act as a weight. To prevent smoke from entering the room through such a cover, the edge of the pipe must be cut very evenly.

To check whether there are wood chips and smoke in the gas generator, just remove the ball and look inside.

Well, if you move the lid, you can see that there is plenty of smoke.

The idea turned out to be empty, since due to the thick smoke inside the box it is impossible to see anything, even with a flashlight.

A pipe from a vacuum cleaner was used as a chimney.

The chimney turned out to be long and curved, but this did not affect the operation of the gas generator.

The second end of the pipe is inserted into the furnace.

It is necessary to check that all oven doors are tightly closed and there is no air leakage, otherwise the gas generator will not work.

The draft is ensured by the fact that the stove chimney rises significantly above the room.

Upon completion of the smoking process, the tape is cut and the box doors are opened.

Minimum costs, and we have delicious food.

Video: cold smoked smokehouse from a barrel

Smokehouse from the refrigerator

If available old refrigerator with a whole body, then it can also be used by connecting a smoke generator to it or providing smoke from a homemade stove.

An old household liquefied gas cylinder was used to make the firebox.

An old refrigerator was also found. We turned it upside down, removed the compressor and got to work.

In the day refrigeration chamber it is necessary to make a hole to connect the chimney pipe. To do this, draw a circle required diameter and drilled many holes along the line with a Ø4 mm drill.

Then we will make a hole in the inner lining.

If the draft is weak (and this can also happen because the chamber is leaky), you can insert a fan into the bottom, which will draw smoke from the firebox, feeding it into the smokehouse.

In order to be able to regulate the traction force and the temperature inside the chamber, you can connect the fan through a voltage regulator.

In the upper part (in the photo it is below) we will drill many holes so that smoke can escape through them.

We will also make a hole outside for mounting the exhaust pipe.

Let's fix the pipe.

This is how the smokehouse turned out. Now you need to install the structure higher and connect it to the firebox.

The length of the pipe was considerable.

Now let's add firewood and light the firebox.

The smoke flows well, so you can start smoking.

After hanging the food, set up a tray or bowl into which the fat will drain. We close the door and wait for the allotted time.

Video: cold smoking in the refrigerator using a smoke generator

Video: cold smoking in a smokehouse from the refrigerator

Smokehouse from a gas cylinder

First of all, let's talk about safety precautions, since cutting a gas cylinder without first preparing it is very dangerous. Watch a training video on this topic.

Video: how to safely cut a gas cylinder

As already mentioned, the cylinder must be prepared properly.

Now you can start applying markings.

It is convenient to mark round parts using a metal meter.

Now you can start cutting out the hatch in the cylinder using a grinder.

It is advisable not to go beyond the markings, but in this case you will have to pry the cut out part with a crowbar to remove it.

This is what should happen. As you can see in the photo, the cut was made close to the welding seams - where the metal is thinner.

A “sole” is welded at the bottom of the cylinder, thanks to which it becomes stable. Since we don't need it, we'll cut off this part.

As a smoke generator we will use a receiver from truck. There are no explosive vapors in it, so you can cut out the door without preparation.

On the same side where the door is cut, we cut holes on both cylinders, the radius of which should be as close as possible to the diameter of the other cylinder.

We check how tightly they fit together and adjust if necessary.

Now all seams need to be thoroughly welded.

The hinges are welded.

The doors should open without jamming, and when closing, fit tightly into the opening. By the way, you can weld a stopper from the inside if the door falls inward.

At the end of the receiver we will make a hole for the damper.

It will be small, as it will be needed to regulate the air flow inside the smoke generator.

Then we take a larger piece of metal and make a damper from it, securing it in the upper part with a bolt and nut. There is no need to tighten the fasteners, since the damper will need to be moved from time to time, changing its position, so screw the locknut over the first nut.

The damper should move to the side with some effort. As you can see, a plastic handle is screwed to it, but practice shows that it also gets very hot, so you can weld a piece of rod.

Let's start making a chimney by welding it at an angle from two pipes. As for the angle, it does not need to be 90˚ - it must be turned out.

Let's mark the cylinder by outlining the pipe with a scriber or marker.

Drilling such a hole is very tedious and expensive, so it is better to do it with a cutter. If there is none, then many people cut a hole with an electrode, installing welding machine for maximum current.

Once the pipe is inserted, its position must be adjusted and then welded.

It is very convenient if the lids have handles attached to them. wooden base, since you won’t get burned when you touch them.

Legs and a table were welded to the smokehouse, on which it would be possible to place dishes with products prepared for smoking. Inside we will install a grill from an old refrigerator, bending it to the size of the cylinder.

All that remains is to charge the smoke generator, place the food on the grid, and you can smoke. At the same time, it is important to monitor the smoke generator - firewood or chips should smolder and not burn.

The considered methods of smoking products allow you to prepare high-quality food that is not harmful to the body. We do not claim that smoked meats are beneficial for the human body. However, products prepared in some ways are such that experts in this matter will not even touch them. Watch a video on this topic.

Video: how to make a smokehouse incorrectly

“From the material given by the master, you will become familiar with the process of creating a cold smoked smokehouse, namely a smokehouse. This direction in the manufacture of smokehouses is quite new today, but we will break everything down and understand how everything works, the principle of operation, what material is best to use for its manufacture.

With the advent of small smoke generators on sale, there also became a need to manufacture smoking chambers for them, basically a simple box with a door, a tray, a thermometer and hooks inside for hanging the product. But our author went a little further and made a beautiful and neat smoke house.

Smokehouse review:

Important! It is best to use wood to create a camera hardwood so that there is no foreign smell and resin.

So, let's look at what exactly the author will need to assemble the house?

1. board 25-30 mm (hardwood)
2. galvanized roofing nails
3. beam
4. screws
5. soft tiles
6. smoke generator
7. aluminum sheet
8. steel wire
9. thermometer
10. loops
11. water stain
12. nails

1. jigsaw
2. hacksaw
3. drill
4. screwdriver
5. hammer
6. ruler
7. pencil
8. corner
9. brush
10. stationery knife
11. metal scissors

The process of creating a smoking house with your own hands.

And so, it was mentioned above that it is best to use hardwood wood to make a smoking chamber, because coniferous wood will exude a resinous spirit and, accordingly, the resin itself when the temperature inside the chamber rises, the temperature itself is of course low from 18 to 25 degrees but still..

First of all, the master assembles the frame of the house from timber and screws everything together with self-tapping screws.

The resulting frame should be sheathed with a board, preferably with a groove or clapboard.

The roof of the house is also finished with boards close to each other, because inner part The chamber must be sealed and have no cracks or holes in the casing. A doorway was made in the front part of the house and the door itself was hung.

The master covered the outer part of the smokehouse with stain water based, you can also burn it with a torch or blowtorch, which is more appropriate. In no case is it advisable to cover the surface with chemical-based varnishes, because when heated they will evaporate harmful substances which can negatively affect your health, so it is better not to take risks with the use of chemicals.

I secured all the components to the back wall of the smoking house.

This is exactly what it looks like.

By the way, this smoke generator can be made independently, but we will talk about this in the next article, come visit and do not miss updates on the site.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated in the construction of this house, all materials and components are in the public domain, you already have an example, be sure to bookmark it so as not to lose it.

Using this smokehouse, you can smoke a variety of products, and most importantly, they will be 10 times cheaper than store-bought ones.

This concludes the article. Thank you very much for your attention!
Come visit more often, don't miss out on new items in the world of homemade products!

The article is presented for informational purposes only!

The cold smoking process is different in that the products are exposed to cold smoke, the temperature of which does not exceed twenty-five degrees. Therefore, all drawings of a cold smoked smokehouse take into account the location of the firebox at some distance. While the smoke goes through the pipe and rises in the smoking chamber, it cools and is freed from soot and harmful impurities.

Do-it-yourself cold smoked brick smokehouse. Step by step instructions

Before proceeding directly to construction, it is necessary to do drawing cold smoked smokehouse and mark the location of all its components on the site. The combustion chamber must be no less than two and a half meters. It is better to choose a place with a slope, so that the smoking chamber itself is located on a hill, and the firebox is located on a slope.

Cold smoked smokehouse. Operating principle

The most thorough and reliable design is a cold smoked brick smokehouse. To build it correctly, you need to take several points into account. The step-by-step instructions for building a cold smoked smokehouse cover all the details of the process.

. Stage one - laying the foundation

At the place where it will be located smoking chamber, soil is selected. The depth of the pit should be sixty centimeters. Formwork is installed in it, rising twenty-five centimeters above the edges. The space is reinforced, placed in the center ten liter bucket to create a recess after pouring concrete mortar. At this point, smoke will come out of the chimney. Before pouring, it is necessary to lay a pipe that will supply smoke. When everything necessary elements will be placed, the foundation space is filled with concrete mortar.

. Stage two - erection of walls

For the walls of such a smokehouse it is used building brick or concrete blocks . The specific design of a cold smoked smokehouse depends on the personal wishes of the owner. It can be very small for a minimum amount of products or spacious. You can install a window in it, but it should be small. Because sun rays harmful to smoked products, it should face the north side or be located so that light does not fall on the area where smoked products are placed.

. Stage three - arrangement of the roof

The most economical, easy to install and convenient option is soft roof . To create it, a rafter system is constructed from a small cross-section of timber. Sheet material is laid on the rafters, for example, moisture resistant plywood or OSB boards. The elements of flexible tiles are already mounted on a flat base.

. Stage four - arrangement of the firebox

The firebox can be made of brick or used as such metal stove. If brick is used, then you need to take fireproof fireclay. You also need a fireproof pipe that will remove smoke from the firebox to the smoking chamber. The diameter of the pipe must be large enough so that the smoke flows slowly, cools and is freed from soot particles.

. Stage five - interior arrangement

The interior of the smokehouse is very simple. Installed above the smoke exit hole gratings and are hung hooks.

After this, the cold smoked brick smokehouse can be used.

DIY cold smoked smokehouse. Photo

The terrain of the site with slopes and terraces simplifies the installation of a cold smoked smokehouse. The presence of a terrace allows you not to deepen the firebox into the ground. It can simply be placed on lower tier, and install a smoking chamber on the top. As a result, the amount of work is reduced, the smokehouse is built faster, with less labor and time.

Step-by-step instructions for building a cold smoked smokehouse. Video

Do-it-yourself cold smoked wood smokehouse. Step by step photos

To make a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands, it is not at all necessary to use brick. Wood is also excellent for this purpose. Will help in construction step by step instructions for the construction of a cold smoked smokehouse made of natural wood.

1. They dig up the site trench for pipes, smoking and combustion chambers. The depth of the trench should be from one and a half to two spade bayonets. The part intended for the pipe is located slightly higher than the smokehouse pit.

DIY cold smoked smokehouse. Photo

2. Pit for smoking chamber dig two or three shovels deep. When it gets into it, the smoke is slightly delayed. At this time, large particles of soot fall out of it, i.e. the smoke clears. After that, it rises into the smoking chamber.

3. The fire pit is filled cement to create a reliable floor. Such a level base is necessary so that the combustion chamber made of brick does not subsequently collapse due to natural soil movements.

4. Place in the chimney trench pipe. Its diameter must be sufficient for the smoke to pass freely to the smoking chamber, cooling along the way.

5. Posted combustion chamber. To do this, take refractory bricks, from which the walls of the firebox and its top part.

6. Attach a cast iron door to the firebox, which closes securely. This will force the smoke to take a longer path through the chimney and prevent it from being lost.

Step-by-step instructions for building a cold smoked smokehouse. Photo

7. For a cold-smoked smokehouse made of wood, set up base. For this building bricks lay out the walls of the recess under it and bring them to a certain height above the ground. For this brick base then it will be installed directly wooden part designs.

8. The trench with the chimney pipe is covered with earth and thoroughly compacted. Earth is needed for better cooling of the chimney and smoke. Wet soil conducts heat better than air.

9. Create a wooden smoking chamber:

To make a cold smoked smokehouse from wood, use wooden blocks. It is advisable to take material from hardwood. The base of the future chamber is assembled from the bars.

DIY cold smoked smokehouse. Photo

Smooth planks are placed on the base. They should fit as tightly as possible to each other so that smoke does not escape through the cracks.

The roof is made single or gable. The door is attached to the front so that it fits tightly and opens easily. A latch will help prevent spontaneous opening.

A hole is left in the roof for the pipe and it is installed there. The pipe should be of small diameter so that the smoke does not escape too quickly.

The first kindling will help check the correct operation of all parts.

Smokehouse from a barrel

If all the previous options seem complicated and expensive, then you should pay attention to a cold smoked smokehouse from a barrel. The basis of the design will be a barrel made of wood or other material. The only exception is plastic. The bottom of the container is removed so that the smoke can pass through.

To make a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands, you need to dig two holes in the ground for the firebox and smoking chamber, as well as a trench connecting them. The firebox should be about fifty centimeters in diameter and about forty centimeters deep. The bottom is covered with a sheet gland. The walls can be reinforced with brick, but the firebox will function even without it.

Pit under smoking chamber They dig out of the barrel at a distance of about three meters. The diameter should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the base of the barrel, and the depth should be about forty centimeters.

The pits connect trench, which will be used to hold the smoke. The depth of the trench should be about thirty centimeters. The finished trench is covered with metal sheets, covered with earth and compacted. It is not necessary to use a pipe, but it is better to compact the walls of the trench so that they do not crumble over time.

Attached to the bottom of the barrel metal grate. It will be covered with smoke filtering material, such as straw or burlap. Filter materials are moistened so that they better clean the smoke from large particles of combustion products. This layer makes the smoke lighter, thinner, and free of soot. In addition, the grate will not allow food to fall into the depths of the pit.

Install at the top of the barrel rods, on which the meat hooks will be attached. You can install and grille for product placement.

The resulting cold smoked smokehouse from the barrel is covered with burlap, wooden shield or similar material. The smokehouse is ready and can be used for its intended purpose.

To prevent smoke from getting lost and coming out from underneath the barrel, its base is covered with earth. This soil around the base is carefully compacted.

Cold smoked smokehouse from an old refrigerator

In almost every household you can find an old refrigerator that has long since broken down. In order not to increase the amount of garbage, it, or rather the body, can be used to make a smokehouse.

Building a cold smoked smokehouse from an old refrigerator is not at all difficult. To do this you will need to take refrigerator body(the insides are dismantled), a pipe about four meters long, heat-resistant bricks for arranging the firebox and an iron lid for it.

The firebox is installed below the level of the smoking chamber. It is better to use a site that has a slope for convenient placement. For the firebox, a hole is dug, which is laid out heat-resistant brick. If the farm has metal container sufficient volume, then you can dig it in. It is closed on top with a metal lid so that the smoke goes into the chimney.

The next element of a cold smoked smokehouse from an old refrigerator is pipe for smoke removal. It should be quite long so that the smoke passing through it has time to cool. In addition, it is recommended to bury the pipe underground. Surrounded by damp earth, it will cool down better and cool the smoke to the desired temperature.

The pipe entry into the refrigerator body can be done in two ways. In the first case, the connection is made to existing holes, which served to accommodate the main working parts of the refrigerator. In this case, the entrance can be either at the top or at the bottom. The specific option depends on the refrigerator model.

Second way - pipe insertion to the bottom of the body. This requires extra work, but it provides the most optimal smoke supply. It will flow from the bottom to the top and will provide the best results as more smoke will pass through the product.

Inside the refrigerator body is equipped with all necessary equipment for product placement. Lattice shelves or hooks are used to allow meat or fish to be hung.

In conclusion homemade smokehouse should be equipped chimney for smoke outflow. But it will only be needed if the seal on the door is still quite effective and does not create cracks. In most cases, the seal on an old refrigerator leaves small gaps through which smoke escapes.

This option for disposing of an old refrigerator can be considered the most optimal, because... it will still serve usefully.

Home cold smoked smokehouse "Dym Dymych"

If you look at the drawings of a cold smoked smokehouse, you realize that they are not suitable for a small personal plot, then you should pay attention to home smokehouse Smoke Dymych.

This household smokehouse is made from cold-rolled steel sheet , the thickness of which is eight tenths of a millimeter. The smoking container has a volume of thirty-two liters. The kit includes a smoke generator and compressor. Smoke enters the smoking chamber through a flexible hose.

IN smoke generator The smokehouse is filled with wood chips. There smoke is released, which is sent to the smoking container. The smoke supply can be adjusted using electric compressor. Through a hose, the length of which is seventy-four centimeters, the smoke passes to the stored products. Smoking times depend on several factors. Firstly, they depend on the weight and volume of the products, and secondly, on the activity of the smoke treatment. The result is time frames ranging from five hours to fifteen.

This smokehouse has several advantages. It is compact and inoperative can be stored anywhere. The device can be used not only in conditions suburban area, but also in the city, for example, on a balcony or near the house. Smokehouse Dym Dymych is sold in a form that is completely ready for use. It does not require pre-assembly or manufacturing in-house.

With the help of a smokehouse, delicious smoked products can be easily and relatively quickly produced. Prolonged treatment with cold smoke creates an environment unfavorable for bacteria. As a result, the product not only gets a unique taste, but is also stored much longer.

From the presented variety of devices for cold smoking, everyone can choose the best option for themselves. If you don’t want to build a smokehouse yourself, and the cooking volumes are small, then the last option is suitable. If you want to make a special, your own smokehouse or save money, then you can choose any of the options, made by yourself.

It is also worth mentioning that products must be prepared before smoking. They are pre-salted according to a certain scheme. If this is not done, then real smoked meats will not turn out from them.

Smoking is a popular cooking method various products, giving them a specific taste and aroma. To cook in this way, you can use various smokehouses, including those made by yourself. One of the not most popular options is a wooden structure. Note that the smokehouse can be made for both hot and cold smoking.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Smokehouses made from wood have both positive and negative sides.

The advantages of such designs are much greater:

  • availability of material;
  • ease of processing of the material - a wooden structure can have any shape, size and even decorative finish;
  • ease of repair - damaged fragments of a wooden smokehouse are easy to replace;
  • opportunity internal insulation smokehouses - you can use materials that do not emit harmful substances when heated;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • ergonomics.

Due to the ease of working with wood, smokehouses can be made in various designs. If desired, you can make a design that fits perfectly into the landscape design.

A wooden smokehouse also has some disadvantages. They are associated with the characteristics of the material used. The disadvantages of wood smokehouses are as follows:

  • Risk of fire - the tree can ignite, and the fire can spread to other structures, trees, dry grass. It is fair to say that fire occurs when the smokehouse is not used correctly.
  • Sensitivity to changes in temperature and humidity. This disadvantage can be overcome using external processing smokehouse, but even without this technique the structure will last quite a long time.

Design Features

A special feature of a wooden smokehouse is its design. This device is made in the form of a house with a pointed roof.

The firebox for a hot smoked smokehouse is located directly in its lower part or at a short distance from it. The firebox and cold smokehouse are mounted separately at a distance of several meters from each other and connected by a pipe.

The firebox and the pipe leading from it to the smokehouse must be sealed. This condition is necessary for fire safety– even one spark can cause a fire, especially when smoking hot, which involves maintaining a fairly high temperature.

Required tools and materials

To make a smokehouse from wood, you should choose non-resinous species. It could be:

  1. linden;
  2. alder;
  3. cedar;
  4. aspen;
  5. birch.

Plywood can be used as a material for a wooden smokehouse ( minimum thickness 8 mm), planed boards, bars, lining, block house. The selected material should be treated with a special antiseptic.

For the manufacture of a wooden smokehouse, materials that consist of several layers and are impregnated with adhesive composition. The selected wood should also have a minimum of knots.

In addition to the selected wood, other materials and tools will be needed to make a smokehouse:

  • wood hacksaw;
  • hammer and nails or screwdriver and screws;
  • screwdriver;
  • door hinges;
  • chimney pipe;
  • thermometer;
  • metal tray for collecting fat;
  • gratings for products or fittings for their production;
  • hooks for hanging products;
  • metal corners or wooden blocks as guides for the pallet and gratings;
  • roofing material – the roof can be covered with slate or profile;
  • bricks or blocks for the firebox and smokehouse base;
  • cement, sand, crushed stone for the foundation;
  • for sealing joints - tow, moisture-resistant sealant.

Manufacturing a device for hot smoking

A smokehouse for hot smoking involves maintaining a fairly high temperature in the chamber. This is achieved by close proximity to the heat source. The firebox can be mounted under the smokehouse body, but this option is fire hazardous, so it should be moved outside the structure.

  • Dig a hole. The width of one side is 1 m, the depth is 0.3-0.4 m.
  • Do sand cushion and add a layer of crushed stone.
  • Install bricks or blocks around the perimeter and pour mortar.
  • Lay out a small base of bricks or blocks, installing a pipe into it at the bottom. Inside the base, it should bend upward - smoke will flow from it into the smokehouse chamber. In the chamber, the pipe should extend upward in the center, its total length is 1.5 m, diameter 0.2 m.
  • Make a small recess, the edge of which should be approached by a pipe coming out of the smokehouse body. Line the bottom and walls of the recess with bricks - the walls should rise slightly above the top edge of the pipe.
  • Install a door in the front of the firebox. Cover the top with a ceramic slab or bricks, first lining it with a sheet of iron. Coat all joints with fireproof clay.
  • Mount the smokehouse frame. It is more convenient to do this directly on the spot. It is necessary to provide transverse crossbars on the sides of the body. In the future, grates for food products will be installed on them. At the bottom of the chamber, such crossbars are needed to place a tray for collecting fat. In the upper part of the body, several recesses should be made on the crossbars - wooden crossbars or rods of reinforcement will be attached to them, on which hooks with products can be hung.
  • Cover all sides of the frame with boards. The joints should be tight, all cracks should be sealed with tow.
  • The front wall of the chamber is partially covered with boards; a door should be built into it. It should be attached to strong hinges. Be sure to make a latch or latch and a comfortable handle. The door must strictly correspond to the dimensions of the opening. It is also made from tightly fitted boards or bars.
  • Do gable roof. The slope towards the firebox needs to be extended and installed on supports. Mount above the pipe wood flooring– the depth corresponds to the dimensions of the smokehouse. In the resulting space it is convenient to store a supply of firewood that will remain dry.
  • Make a hole in the roof and bring out the pipe. Be sure to mount a “mushroom” above it. To seal joints, use moisture-resistant sealant.
  • To protect against precipitation, cover the roof with suitable roofing material.
  • Install grates for smoking food. You need to leave enough space between them so that the smoke circulates well.
  • Mount a thermometer in the door or side of the smokehouse.

The optimal temperature for hot smoking is 90-120°C degrees. This indicator means an increased risk of fire, so it is important to carefully seal all joints and follow fire safety rules. You should always keep a container of sand near the smokehouse - in case of a fire, you can quickly put out the fire.

The advantage of using smokehouses for hot smoking is that cooking in this way takes little time: you can smoke fish, meat or poultry within an hour. This allows the wooden structure not to be left unattended for a long time, which is good from a fire safety point of view.

Homemade design for cold smoking

The design for cold smoking is also made in the form of a house. If desired, the smokehouse can be decorated in an interesting way. The device involves the arrangement of the main body of the smokehouse and a separate firebox - the connection is made using a pipe placed in a trench.

You need to act according to the following algorithm:

  • Make two holes in the ground and connect them with a trench. The firebox should be located below the smokehouse chamber - this factor should be taken into account if the terrain on the site is uneven. The optimal trench length is 2-2.5 m. Deepen the chamber to approximately 40 cm.
  • Compact the bottom of the pit for the smokehouse chamber, make a sand cushion (5-7 cm), add a layer of crushed stone and pour concrete mortar.
  • Compact the bottom of the trench and lay a pipe with a smaller diameter - the trench should be 20 cm higher. The pipe should extend approximately 15 cm into the recess for the firebox.
  • Apply the solution along the length of the pipe and apply a piece of pipe with a larger diameter. Fill the remaining space with solution.
  • In the recess for the firebox, line the walls with bricks and install a door. The walls should also cover part of the pipe.
  • Cover the top of the firebox with a ceramic plate or metal sheet, it should cover both the walls of the firebox and fit on top of the door.
  • Make for a smokehouse concrete base and lay the base out of brick - the pipe coming out of the trench must be built into it. The base is laid out in 10 rows of bricks, half of them should be located above the ground. External dimensions the base must strictly correspond to the dimensions of the smokehouse chamber.
  • At this stage, you should check the operation of the structure - light a fire in the firebox and check whether smoke flows through the pipe into the base of the future smokehouse.
  • Make a smokehouse frame. They use bars 80 cm long in height, connecting them at the bottom and top with bars 35 mm long. The result should be the skeleton of a parallelepiped.

  • Make a U-shaped stand and attach it on top of the main frame. This rack is necessary for the roof. Attach bars protruding beyond the frame to the upper sides of the frame. The lower parts of the roofing boards will be attached to them.
  • Cover the smokehouse body and roof with the wood of your choice. The front wall is partially sheathed, since the door will be made in it. Cover the roof with the selected roofing material.
  • Mount the door and secure it on the hinges. Make a latch or lock.
  • Make a hole in the roof with a diameter of 5-7 cm and remove the ventilation pipe. A “mushroom” should be made over it to protect it from precipitation.
  • Mount the crossbars inside the body, making small recesses on top - fasten the rods from the fittings into them. They will be used for hanging products. If desired, you can make additional crossbars where you can install gratings for horizontal display of products.
  • Place the smokehouse chamber on the prepared base and fasten them with metal staples or metal strips.
  • The thermometer can be mounted in the smokehouse door or one of the side walls.

One side of the roof can be extended towards the trench and supported under the lower edge. Install on the trench wooden pallet– it can be used to store a supply of firewood – the roof on top will protect them from rain.

The design can be simplified and a firebox can be built from metal barrel. It is located next to a wooden smokehouse, and connecting pipe located above the ground.

Instead of making a wooden frame, you can use wooden barrel. The disadvantage of this option is the smaller size of the structure.

Cold smoking technology requires maintaining a low temperature in the smokehouse - no more than 35-40°C degrees. It is to comply with this condition that the firebox is installed at this distance from the main body of the smokehouse.

The attractiveness of the unit for cold smoking is that the firebox is located separately, so there is a risk of fire wooden structure because of it, it is minimal: fire sparks at such a distance simply do not reach the main structure, so only smoke gets there.

Wooden smokehouses have a number of advantages, and if the manufacturing technology and fire safety rules are followed, they are practically free of disadvantages. It is possible to make a design for both hot and cold smoking. The main difference is the distance at which the firebox is placed.

  • metal gun or tool safes;
  • old refrigerator cases;
  • gas stoves;
  • containers of various types;
  • cans and tanks;
  • pipes and barrels.

You can make a universal smoking cabinet for cold smoking with your own hands from bars and boards. The design of this structure is very simple, but is distinguished by its widest functionality and allows you to cook fish, meat, cheese, prunes and other products in it that require smoke at a certain temperature, mostly cold.

Photo of the smoking cabinet

Design features of a wooden smoking cabinet

The base of the cold smoking cabinet for fish and meat is wooden frame made of pine timber with a section of 40x40 mm. Case drawings can be seen below. The dimensions of the frame are 1x0.5x0.5 m. It is not difficult to make it yourself, the device is very simple. This is quite enough for the production of homemade products in required quantity. Moreover, the resulting internal volume is optimal for the power of a small cold smoke generator (combustion chamber volume up to 3 liters) of the ejector type, operating on wood chips.

Schematic drawing of a cabinet for a smokehouse

Smoking cabinet body

The frame is covered with your own hands on three sides with boards 25 mm thick and up to 100 mm wide. You can use regular lining as cladding. Due to their properties, they are most suitable for better taste fish and meat board or lining made of linden, aspen, alder or other hardwood. If this is not available, then you can sheathe the frame softwood lumber. It is somewhat worse due to its resin content, but after several smoking sessions it is saturated with smoke, and the characteristic odor disappears and the device becomes completely ready for use.

The smoking cabinet must be airtight. This is ensured by installing a hemp rope seal at each joint of the board. If you use lining or batten with a tongue/groove joint, then the seal is optional, but desirable. And when covering with your own hands regular board with a flat edge, all cracks must be caulked.

Caulk the joints with hemp rope

Hemp rope - optimal solution. As an alternative, you can use tow. Anyone can do this with their own hands.


A door is made to the full height of the front wall. It is assembled with your own hands on a frame made of 0.25x100 mm boards in such a way that the frame boards fit tightly into the opening, and the protruding part of the sheathing covers the joint from above. A food-grade rubber seal (from a refrigerator, for example) is installed around the perimeter of the entire opening. If this is not available, you can do this with a felt strip.

The whole advantage of DIY designs is that there is an unlimited number of technical solutions the same node. Typically the most used available materials and it is impossible to assert that they are the only acceptable ones. Therefore, variations in the installation of this or that structure are welcome.

The door is hung on two hinges, external or mortise - depending on your skill level, and is equipped with a latch. The door, like the walls, must be completely sealed with hemp or tow. This necessary condition cold and hot smoking with your own hands.


The upper part of the smokehouse is made in single-slope version with a backward slope or a more beautiful gable. When choosing a gable option, it is assembled rafter systems with a slope length of 55-60 cm. If you have some experience, anyone can do everything with their own hands. The roof is completely sealed.

If you plan to install a smokehouse for fish and meat outdoors, then the upper part of the casing needs to be primed and painted with any oil paint. The roof in the smokehouse, even if it is used for hot smoking, does not heat up too much, so there is no need to worry about the paint peeling off, and the paint will protect perfectly from rain or snow.

Don't forget about the chimney

A chimney equipped with dampers and scrapers is mounted in the roof. It can be made from wood or metal pipe. It's not difficult to make.

Cabinet assembly procedure

A universal-purpose smoking box for cold smoking fish and meat is mounted in the following order:

  1. frame assembly;
  2. installation of the bottom;
  3. wall cladding;
  4. hanging the door;
  5. roof installation;
  6. installation of functional equipment.

Functional equipment includes a smoke generator, heating system, thermostat, and chimney. Let's look at them in more detail. The capabilities of the smokehouse depend on their normal operation.

Smoke generator for smokehouse cabinet

This design of the smoking box provides a vertical type ejector smoke generator, which is attached to the rear wall of the smokehouse and connected to the internal volume with a chimney with a diameter of 25-40 mm. You can learn how to make it yourself from this article. Any other type of generator can be used as a source of cold smoke, depending on technical capabilities.

This is how the smoke generator is connected to the cabinet

The transformation of a cold smokehouse into a hot smoking installation occurs by installing a special heater. It is used as a spiral or straight heating element closed type power up to 1 kW, which is installed on the bottom of the smokehouse.

As heating element heating element is used

To prevent the bottom from catching fire, the heating element is installed on a metal radiator made of a profile or any other bracket that raises it above the boards by 5-10 cm. The air layer and the metal frame dissipate some of the heat and the temperature generated by the heater cannot damage the wood.

The heating element is protected on top by a tray (baking tray) in which the fat that accumulates from fish or meat is collected. The tray is removable. After each smoking session, regardless of cold or hot, it is pulled out and washed.

The tray protects the heating element from getting fat and juice on it

During cold smoking, the heating element is turned off, and the temperature inside the chamber does not exceed 30-40C. If cooking hot smoked products is required, in addition to the smoke generator, heating is turned on in normal mode. The temperature inside can be raised to 150C. It is regulated automatically by a thermostat with a pin sensor installed in the upper part of the smokehouse. For ease of operation, the smokehouse is equipped with a thermometer.

The smoking box is equipped with carrying handles on both sides. His total weight it turns out to be small, all the equipment is placed directly in the smokehouse or hung on it, so the design is mobile and always ready for work.

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