Heating a homemade smokehouse from a regular pressure cooker. Homemade mini-smoker from a pressure cooker, manufacturing method. Meat & company

Factory-made smokehouses are convenient and practical, but those who prepare smoked meats occasionally can get by homemade devices from improvised means.

Making your own smokehouse doesn't take much time and will help save money for purchase.

How to make a hot smoked smokehouse using improvised materials on the go

You can make smoking devices from the following items:

  • from a bucket;
  • from a saucepan or pressure cooker;
  • from a flask;
  • from iron pipe;
  • from foil.

IN hiking conditions parts of the smokehouse main body can be assembled without the use of metal- made of stones, branches and leaves, and part of the chimney will be a dug ditch in the soil.

When choosing material For homemade smokehouse it is important to pay attention to following points:

  • on thickness gland;
  • on tightness;
  • for availability non-metallic parts.

Too thin iron is easily deformed by temperature, and the large thickness of the walls of the smokehouse will make it bulky and heavy. Optimal thickness material - 1.5-2.5 mm.

Attention! When using a saucepan, pressure cooker or steel pipe, it is important to ensure that in the bottom or on the sides there were no plastic or wooden parts , which, when heated, can release substances harmful to products.

From foil

Homemade device for smoking meat or fish in foil, you can build it both at home and on the go. To the smoker will be required:

  • foil metal food;
  • wire for a frame with a cross section of 1.5-2.5 mm;
  • knife;
  • smoking room shavings from willow or alder.

In camping conditions, leaves and thin branches can be used instead of shavings fruit trees, but under no circumstances not coniferous, as their resinous smoke will spoil the product.

The procedure for making a foil smokehouse:

  1. Unwind from the roll 60-70 cm foil.
  2. Bend a piece of foil to the size 20 centimeters to the middle of the cut piece of roll.
  3. Place chopped smoking wood between the bent parts.
  4. Fold the edges of the resulting envelope on 4 sides and cut off the ends of the corners so that there are holes for the smoke to escape diameter 0.5-1 cm.
  5. In the center of the envelope with shavings, make small depression to drain fat, bending the cut corners up.
  6. Place pieces of fish or meat in the recess, pre-treating them with spices.
  7. Cover the envelope with the packed products with the remaining piece of foil, sealing the edges tightly so that the smoke does not go to waste.
  8. The resulting structure is placed on coals, food smoke for 25-40 minutes.

In a foil smoker, there is no chimney to cool the smoke, so food cooks quickly.

To avoid holes at the bottom of the envelope, you can use 2-3 layers thin foil. Sometimes the smokehouse is placed on a wire frame, on a slight elevation above the coals. To do this, the wire is bent in the form of two rectangles, connecting them to each other with perpendicular vertical sections of wire equal length(4-5 cm).

Carefully! When manipulating an envelope with shavings, it is important to ensure that its lower part, in contact with the heat source, is not damaged, otherwise the chips may spontaneously ignite.

Placing the foil envelope on the frame will help regulate the heat of the chips and prevent damage to the bottom of the envelope.


Photo instructions for making a smokehouse from foil.

Photo 1. You can make a smokehouse from foil and branches right in nature, in camping conditions.

Photo 2. The structure of branches folded in the form of a lattice is carefully wrapped in the first layer of foil.

Photo 3. The almost finished smokehouse with pieces of fish is wrapped in a second layer of foil. There are wood shavings at the bottom.

Photo 4. After this, the resulting bundle can be placed on the fire or coals.

From a flask

A smokehouse made from a flask is used by single fishermen or summer residents on outdoors. Flask protrudes as a smoke generator, and if it is large with a wide neck, it can replace the entire body of the device.

The smoker will need:

  • flask made of aluminum or stainless steel;
  • wooden spears for the frame;
  • steel wire;
  • pliers.

The product will be smoked using open method , therefore, a flask smokehouse is not suitable for use in enclosed spaces.

Manufacturing is carried out in the following order:

  1. Set above the fire frame of 4 slings.
  2. Placed on the frame horizontal bars above.
  3. To the crossbars suspended There is a flask on the wire with the neck up.
  4. A frame made of wire or planed sticks is installed on the crossbar.
  5. On the frame products are stacked.

Smoking with a flask can take up to 60 minutes. The advantage of this method is that there is no need to collect draining fat, as well as ease of installation. Smoking shavings are first poured onto the bottom of the flask layer 1.5-2 cm.

Important! Cooking smoked meats using a flask structure requires no strong wind, otherwise the smoke will dissipate and will not heat the food.

If the flask has a wide neck ( from 5 cm in diameter), 1-2 small fish can be hung on a wire, lowered directly into the flask.

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From the bucket

A bucket smoker allows you to quickly prepare smoked meats for several people. For such a device you will need:

  • bucket with solid bottom;
  • lattice made of wire;
  • bowl for collecting fat;
  • stand for the grease collector.

Any type of stand can be used as a stand. non-flammable materials - wire, thick steel strip, tall nuts, identical stones, etc. The bowl for the grease collector should be made of porcelain, enameled iron or aluminum, but not plastic.

The manufacturing process includes the following steps:

  1. To the bottom of the bucket fall asleep smoking room shavings.
  2. Place the stand for the grease collector so that it rises above the layer of shavings by height 1.5-3 cm.
  3. Above secure wire mesh for products to the edges of the bucket at a distance 5-10 cm from the top, depending on the height of the bucket and the amount of products to be smoked.
  4. Expand On the top grid, meat or fish is closer to the center so that the fat does not drip over the edges of the bowl to collect fat.
  5. Cover with a lid And put on the coals. Smoking time is 30-50 minutes.

Photo 5. Turning a bucket into an impromptu smokehouse. All that remains is to install the grease collector and you can start smoking.

Such a device can only be installed in an apartment if there is a hermetically sealed lid with a chimney vent. This type of smokehouse is designed for open space.

Reference. The edges of the grease collector should not fit tightly to the bucket so that smoke can circulate freely in the body of the device.

From an iron pipe

A pipe can be used to make a durable device designed for both cold, and for hot smoked. To make a smokehouse you will need:

  • pipe iron diameter 15-30 cm;
  • stub for the bottom;
  • welding machine and electrodes;
  • pliers;
  • mesh of wire for products;
  • stand for grease collector;
  • bowl for the grease collector.

The plug must match the diameter of the pipe and have thickness 1.5-2.5 mm. With a high working chamber height ( from 30 cm) the grease collector is made of metal utensils, to the center of the bottom of which a vertical handle is welded for easy cleaning.

Manufacturing procedure:

  1. Weld bottom to pipe.
  2. Install the stand for the grease collector.
  3. Fall asleep smoking room shavings.
  4. Weld handle to the grease bowl.
  5. Install the grease trap on a stand at a small height above the chips.
  6. Pin at the top of the pipe mesh for products.

If the pipe diameter is small, it is better to hang the products on hooks to the upper mesh, rather than place them on it. When the meat or fish is located at a height from the fat collector up to 0.5 meters hot smoking will occur, more than 0.8 meters- cold.

Using tall pipe, can be combined different ways smoking, changing the height of hanging food.

As additional element smokehouse, at the bottom of the working chamber, you can install a tray for collecting fat with handles extending to the top of the pipe. The handle can be welded in the center or located in the form of 3-4 wire bundles in a circle. Such a tray will allow you to clean the tall smokehouse from processed shavings without turning it over.

From the pan

Smokehouse made of enamel or aluminum pan will allow you to prepare hot smoked products. To create a device you will need:

  • pot;
  • wire frame;
  • pliers;
  • plate for collecting fat;
  • stand for the plate.

The pan should not have plastic handles, as they can melt due to prolonged heating of the body.

The manufacturing procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. To the bottom of the pan falls asleep smoking room wood.
  2. Top installed supply for a fat container 2-3 cm high.
  3. Placed on a stand plate for fat so that its edges are not pressed close to the walls of the pan.
  4. On height 5-10 cm A wire mesh for food is suspended from the upper edges.
  5. Products and pans are placed on the mesh close the lid and place it on the coals.

Important. Using the pan indoors is possible if you install a water seal around the perimeter of its upper edge diameter 1-1.5 cm in the form of a semicircular groove.

You can make a gutter for a hydraulic lock from sawn lengthwise and bent in a circle. steel tube, which is welded to the edges of the pan with the open part up. Then water is poured into the gutter and the lid is lowered. Smoke passed through a water seal will not poison the room.

Photo 6. To make the pan look like a smokehouse, you need to put a grate for the grease collector and prepare a place for food.

From a pressure cooker

To make a smokehouse from a pressure cooker you will need following materials:

  • pressure cooker with lid;
  • wire for mesh;
  • plate for collecting fat;
  • thick metal tape width 2-3 cm;
  • pliers;
  • short iron oil seal;
  • rubber tube for chimney.

The smokehouse will be ready in a matter of minutes if you acquire all the necessary “components” in advance:

  1. take a large saucepan or pressure cooker;
  2. stock up on barbecue, maybe an old one;
  3. find two bricks;
  4. find an old barbecue grill;
  5. take a metal dumpling maker;
  6. take a plate whose diameter is slightly smaller than the diameter of the pan;
  7. as well as wood chips for smoking (a handful of wood chips is enough for one serving);
  8. coal or firewood.

First, you need to put the grill on the ground with your own hands and load bricks into it. Place a pan on them. Place some wood chips on the bottom. You can put a plate on it - fat will drip here.

Place the pan on the grill

Then place the grate so that it rests against the walls at a level of about a third from the bottom. A dumpling maker is placed on top.

What is planned to be smoked is placed on it. Closes with a lid. Your DIY smokehouse is ready.

A similar design can be used at home. Then instead of a barbecue there will be kitchen stove. And it’s worth providing for an exhaust hood: to do this, remove the valve from the pressure cooker, insert a hose into the hole, which is led out into the window.

Advice from experts

In order for the smokehouse to work well and the smoked dish to turn out tasty, it is worth considering some nuances. Thus, alder chips impart a sour taste to the finished product. Coniferous varieties give bitterness.

Aspen has a different effect - it gives a delicate taste. Products smoked on birch chips acquire a slight tar taste. Many lovers say that the most suitable wood chips are those made from apple, plum and pear trees.

You can add some currant, cherry or mint leaves to the wood chips. And also juniper branches.

It is believed that if wood chips are soaked before smoking, the smoke passing through the wet wood will leave behind harmful substances.

Fish day

You can smoke anything with your own hands! First of all - fish. Before starting the process, cuts are made on the carcass and stuffed with lemon slices. You can rub the fish with spices. Various spices, dill and dried parsley will do. For spiciness you can add chili and garlic.

Experienced smokers advise pre-marinating fish steaks. A mixture is used as a brine: water is combined with salt, bay leaf and black pepper. All this can be sprinkled with lemon juice or something else can be added. Actually, the marinade can be anything. There are recipes with honey. After marinating, the fish should be wiped or slightly dried in a suspended state. The process of smoking fish takes forty minutes to an hour and a half.

Seafood - shrimp, lobsters, crabs - are also good for smoking. They do not need to be prepared in advance; you can just sprinkle them with soy sauce and lemon juice. After the seafood has been smoked for 20-30 minutes, they can be sprayed with butter or olive oil. Or white wine, as they do in France.

Meat & company

For preparing smoked meats, a homemade smokehouse - great option. You can cook sausages; the ones with cheese inside are especially good. It is enough to smoke for fifteen to twenty minutes.

Chicken will take longer: the legs and fillets are smoked for about half an hour. It is important not to overdo it here, otherwise the meat will be too dry. You can soak the chicken in advance in the same marinade that is offered for fish.

Smoking a whole bird is more difficult. It is better to boil it beforehand until half cooked, or bake it.

An exquisite delicacy - smoked pork tenderloin, prepared with your own hands. It is soaked for three to five hours with fresh dill (there can be a lot of it).

Then they cut the meat and stuff it with garlic to their heart's content. Cook for about forty minutes. Pork ribs also turn out well in a homemade smokehouse. Various vegetables and hot sauce are offered to accompany the pork. Cranberry or lingonberry sauces go very well with beef and lamb.

You can smoke lard. It, like meat, is lightly wiped and dried before smoking.

Vegetarian table

Vegetarians also have something to enjoy: home smokehouse they will need it. Vegetables and mushrooms can be not only a complement to meat, but also an independent dish. Can be cooked “smoky” sweet pepper, eggplants, medium-sized zucchini, onions, tomatoes and corn. The process takes twenty to thirty minutes.

Of the mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, boletus mushrooms and aspen mushrooms are especially good for smoking. Butternuts also turn out very tasty. For mushrooms, it is good to use a marinade of pepper, soy sauce, herbs, and olive oil.

Smoked mushrooms

The cheese is also smoked separately. To do this, it is cut into pieces, and foil is laid on the dumpling maker. Cheese is served with olives; you can accompany it with grapes, nuts, or serve wine.

The most delicious meat, vegetables, cheese or fish are smoked. An excellent smokehouse can be made from an old Soviet pressure cooker. The hot smoking procedure can be applied to any product.

Components of a new vessel

Assembling the smokehouse at home takes just a few minutes. To do this, we will prepare the following components:

  1. 2 large concrete bricks;
  2. Clean barbecue grill;
  3. A regular pressure cooker or iron pan for making soup;
  4. BBQ grill;
  5. A metal baking sheet with holes for making dumplings;
  6. Special wood chips intended for smoking;
  7. A small plate is slightly smaller in diameter than a pressure cooker or iron pan;
  8. Charcoal.

Place the kebab grill firmly on the ground or floor. We insert bricks inside it. We load a saucepan or pressure cooker on top of this entire device. We put special wood chips into the grill.

A plate is placed on top of the wood chips. Into which fat will flow during smoking.

Important: Before placing the pan on the grill, a metal grate must be installed in it. Which occupies one third of the entire bottom. Then we place a dumpling plate with holes on top of it. Next we will place the product to be smoked.

Now close everything with a lid. The smoking vessel is ready for use.

This kind of design, made by hand, is usually small size. At home this is ideal option for the place of a gas or electric cooker.

The grill does not require a hood, as it is located outside. Indoors, you need to attach a hose or small pipe. All this is intended to release smoked smoke through a previously prepared window to the street.

Professional taste characteristics of smoking

Smoked dishes don't always turn out well. Everywhere has its own nuances and technical features preparations. Everything comes with experience. Only professionals cook delicious food.

Coniferous wood chips add bitterness to the entire smoked product.

Alder The wood has a sour base, so the cooked product will be slightly sour.

Slivers aspen give off a delicate aromatic taste.

Smoking on birch Reminds me of the specific smell of tar.

It is very important to know: Professionals prefer to simmer their products in wood chips:

  • Apple trees;
  • Pear tree;
  • Plum bush.

You can also add mint, juniper or currant leaves to the combustion process to add aromas.

Keep in mind: Wet sawdust from any tree retains harmful substances. The smoke of such smoking, as well as the products prepared in it, are harmful to humans.

Everything that will be subject to smoking must first be cleaned, scalded and stuffed with spices. Or marinate in your own juice.
A homemade smokehouse does not require huge sizes of products and large volumes of smoking. Therefore, the smoking time frame here is regulated by personal preferences.

To help to the modern housewife many devices have been developed. Among them there are enough unusual models. This is the Brand 6060 smokehouse-pressure cooker, which replaces several types of equipment at once.

The device can be used as a steamer, multicooker, smoker and pressure cooker.

The smokehouse-pressure cooker is a multifunctional device in a white body, designed for preparing almost any dish. The device can be used as a steamer, multicooker, smoker and pressure cooker.

A smokehouse-pressure cooker is a multifunctional device designed for preparing almost any dish.

Previously, there was a Brand 6051 multicooker pressure cooker, and the 6060 model is its improved version.

Features of the device as a smokehouse

The multi-cooker pressure cooker Brand 6060 can smoke several types: hot, cold and combined. When choosing the first method, cooking is carried out using 2 heating elements. The cold mode only turns on the auxiliary heating device, which chars the sawdust. This releases a little smoke through the pressure indicator. These programs can be combined.

Features of the device as a multicooker

Pressure cooker smokehouse home use Brand6060 has several cooking modes: soup, stewing, steaming, frying. There are options for heating ready food and delayed start up to 99 minutes. In accordance with the selected mode, you can make any dishes.

The Brand6060 smokehouse pressure cooker for home use has several cooking modes: soup, stewing, steaming, frying.

Pros and cons of a multicooker with smoking capabilities

A pressure cooker smoker has both pros and cons.

The advantages include:

  • Wide range of possibilities for smoking and cooking at home;
  • Delayed start function;
  • Capacious bowl;
  • Lock on the lid;
  • Long service life.

The pressure cooker has non-stick coating heating element and bowls.

The following disadvantages are identified:

  • For full use, you need to purchase an additional bowl;
  • High power consumption;
  • After smoking, a persistent odor appears;
  • Quiet sound notification.

For full use, you need to purchase an additional bowl.


To learn everything about the pressure cooker, you need to familiarize yourself with its technical characteristics. They determine the possibility of using utensils for a particular purpose. Specifications Brand 6060 pressure cookers look like this:

  • Power consumption – 1000 W;
  • Material – stainless steel;
  • Bowl volume – 6 l;
  • Warranty – 1 year;
  • Non-stick coating of the heating element and bowl;
  • Size – 32x28x34 cm;
  • Weight – 5.5 kg;
  • Automatic programs – 6;
  • Manual programs - no.

Power consumption – 1000 W.


The following components are provided with the multicooker itself:

  • 4-tier grille;
  • Container for sawdust;
  • Condensate collector;
  • Spoon and spatula made of plastic;
  • Measuring container;
  • The protective mechanism of the lid allows it to close tightly;
  • Overpressure release device;
  • O-ring;
  • Instructions;
  • Recipe book.

The corresponding documentation is supplied in Russian.


An electronic board with buttons is used as a control element. It is located on the front side of the multicooker. There is also a special screen designed to display the remaining cooking time.

To the right of the display is the “Timer” button and the “+” and “-” buttons. Using this panel, you can set the cooking duration by pressing the corresponding buttons. Also in this section you can set the delayed time up to 99 minutes.

Below are 3 buttons and indicators for them. They are responsible for choosing the operating mode. Each of them allows you to choose 2 types of cooking. To change the program assigned to 1 button, just press it again. After selection, the indicator will indicate the selected mode in red. The bottommost button is responsible for starting work.

An electronic board with buttons is used as a control element.

It is possible to set modes sequentially. They will begin to operate immediately after the end of the previous one. When one program is completed, the device will notify you with 3 beeps.

How to use the smoker

Smoking in Brand 6060 is quite simple. First of all, you should decide on the type of smoking. Then you need to install the sawdust container in the appropriate place and pour it in. In the case of hot smoking, you need to pour 100 ml of water into the bowl.

Products to be smoked should be placed on the special grill included in the kit and secured in the bowl. Then close the lid well using the safety mechanism, select the appropriate mode and start it.

Products to be smoked should be placed on the special grill included in the kit and secured in the bowl.

In case of combination, you should first start the cold smoking program, and then the hot one.

Smoking methods

The multicooker allows you to smoke in two modes: hot and cold. They can also be combined.

Cold smoking uses only smoke. The heating device causes the wood in the container to char, resulting in smoke. It passes through the products, bringing them to the desired state.

Cold smoking uses only smoke.

During hot smoking, steam is added to the smoke treatment - it is released from the heating of water at the bottom of the bowl.

During hot smoking, steam is added to the smoke treatment - it is released from the heating of water at the bottom of the bowl.

You cannot smoke more than 2 kg at a time.

Features of smoking in a multicooker

Despite the ease of use of Brand 6060, you should be aware of some features when using it.

Preparation for use

After the multicooker has been unpacked, it must be properly assembled before direct use. All parts, except electrical ones, must be washed or wiped and dried.

All parts, except electrical ones, must be washed or wiped and dried.

The bowl must be placed in the main compartment of the device so that the red arrows coincide. After this, a condensate container should be installed at the top. Close the lid during any program except frying, and put on the O-ring.

Operating modes

The multicooker has 6 different programs that allow you to prepare different recipes. That's why the device can replace several others. Among the modes:

  1. Hot smoking – occurs with the help of steam and smoke;
  2. Cold smoking – cooking food only with smoke;
  3. Soup - cooking under high pressure, allows you to cook broths, soups;
  4. Steaming – suitable for cooking vegetables, fish and meat dishes, a grid should be used;
  5. Stewing is similar to cooking in pots, you can use any recipes, the lid should not be tightly closed;
  6. Frying - do not close the lid; you can use the program both for full cooking and as preparation of food for further cooking.

Do not use the frying mode for more than 20 minutes due to the risk of damage.

The multicooker has 6 different programs that allow you to prepare different recipes.

Combined smoking is not an automatic program; programs must be set manually.


Brand 6060 has several additional functions, namely, heating and delay. The first program allows you to leave the finished dish hot for up to 99 minutes. The temperature is maintained at 70 degrees.

Brand 6060 has several additional functions, namely heating and delay.

The delay function allows you to set a period of time after which the main program begins to operate. After this period, the configured settings will take effect. The maximum delay time is 99 minutes. Cannot be used with frying or heating modes.

Caring for your pressure cooker smoker

After use, disconnect the device from the power supply and allow it to cool. After this, wash all parts well, avoiding water getting on the electrical components. It is especially important to monitor the contacts on the bowl.

Do not use strong chemicals for cleaning detergents. If necessary, use a toothpick to clean the pressure indicator and the steam outlet.

Non-electrical components, such as the grill, can be soaked or washed in the dishwasher.

Non-electrical components, such as the grill, can be soaked or washed in the dishwasher.

Multicooker Brand 6060 is not only interesting solution combine several devices at once, but also a truly worthwhile device. It is not inferior in quality due to its versatility, which allows you to use it with pleasure.

Video: Review of the Brand 6060 smoker-pressure cooker

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