Primer concrete contact maximum particle size. Concrete contact is a primer with magical properties. Areas of use of concrete contact primer

Quite often during the renovation process it is necessary to combine some materials. But due to their properties and components, they adhere very poorly to the surface of the walls. For example, it is quite difficult to attach tiles to metal or wood. In this case, we recommend the use of concrete contact. In this article we will talk about it technical characteristics ah and will provide instructions for correct use.


This solution has the property of turning a smooth wall surface into a rough one and is classified as a primer. Due to the presence of quartz sand in the composition, concrete contact is capable of connecting almost any coating to the walls. Technical characteristics include:

  • relatively high drying speed on walls. You can continue repairs within two hours after applying the solution;
  • excellent moisture resistance. Concrete contact can be considered a waterproofing finish, because after drying, a waterproof film is formed on the surface of the walls;
  • Due to protection from external damage, it can last for many years, which is a plus. The average lifespan is approximately sixty years;
  • the consumption is not too high and on average you will need 200-300 grams of the mixture to treat one square meter of wall.

Thanks to these technical characteristics, concrete contact has gained wide popularity among both professionals and beginners in the construction business.

Where can it be applied?

Let's try to answer the question, what is concrete contact for? So, the main property is to increase the adhesion rate of wall surfaces with poor moisture absorption. Thus, concrete tends to repel moisture, and therefore almost any material does not adhere well to it. In this case, you can use concrete contact and, due to its properties and technical characteristics, increase the adhesion rate.

Previously, professionals used for this purpose special mount, which was called a bandage. This allowed for safe plastering concrete walls. But now, with the advent of concrete contact, the need to install such heavy fastening disappeared. After all, the effect of using the solution is much stronger, and the method of application is much simpler.

This material can be used for both internal and external walls. So, it is used for finishing buildings before applying facade plaster, which allows the coating to adhere perfectly. This primer can handle almost any surface, which is also a definite advantage. It can be used to process walls made of wood, metal and other materials. Using concrete contact, you can be sure that any mixture will last on the wall for a long time. The method of application is quite simple, but we will talk about this below.


In order for the work to be done efficiently, we recommend that you do not skimp on tools and materials, because it depends on them how many years the wall repair will last you. To use concrete contact you will need:

  • roller or brush for application;
  • a container to pour out and, if necessary, dilute the solution;
  • a table or stepladder to reach the ceiling;
  • protective equipment;
  • concrete contact.

As you can see, the set of tools is not very large, so you won’t have to spend much. The main thing is to try to choose a high-quality mixture, be sure to check the expiration date. If you have any problems or questions, be sure to consult with the seller, he will be able to tell you which type of solution is best for use.

Application instructions

The method of using concrete contact does not require special skills. The first step is to remove dirt, dust and old coating from the surface of the walls or ceiling. Before application, we recommend treating the surface with an ordinary primer to ensure that dust is removed and that the surface layer adheres to the base solution. You will need to let the wall dry; applying concrete contact to a damp wall is highly not recommended.

Next you need to apply it to the wall. To do this, you can use a roller, brush or spatula. We cover the wall with a thin layer and try to distribute it evenly. In the corners of the wall or other hard to reach place The priority tool is the brush.

After application, you need to give it time to dry. After an hour, it may seem that the solution is completely ready and you can continue, but this is a misleading idea. If you run a spatula along the wall, the concrete contact will come off quite easily. This should not happen if it dries completely; on average, you will need to wait about two to three hours to continue working. Drying time depends on external factors: temperature, humidity indicator and other things.

We recommend not to delay the subsequent treatment of the wall surface, since over time the level of adhesion decreases due to the dust that forms on the wall. If a couple of days have passed after application, it is better to apply a regular primer to the wall to remove dust and dirt.

As you can see, the method of application is quite simple and does not require any special skills. Also, be sure to read the instructions on the package, there may be useful tips for wall treatment.


As you can see, the concrete contact is quite useful remedy for processing almost any type of wall. It will not only increase the level of adhesion, but also strengthen the base and provide protection against the formation of mold, mildew and other harmful bacteria. Its use on walls is quite simple and does not require large financial investments or experience in the construction craft. Even a beginner can handle the job, the main thing is to use high-quality tools and materials. Also try to adhere to the rules and instructions provided in the article, and a good result will not be long in coming.

To understand in more detail how to use concrete contact for walls, we recommend watching the following video:

It is not always possible to have financial resources to attract professional builders to carry out repairs and finishing works. Many issues have to be resolved independently. Newcomers to the renovation industry inevitably encounter problematic situations. Quite often, due to insufficient adhesion, plaster comes off, paint falls off, expensive ceramic tiles glued with reliable glue peel off, and wallpaper does not stick. Concrete contact, a special primer that provides improved adhesion to the base, helps to cope with these problems.

Knauf Betokontakt

Concrete contact - what is it?

Despite the intensive development construction technologies and application modern materials, many, unfortunately, are hearing the word “concrete contact” for the first time. They also don’t always have an idea of ​​why this composite composition is needed.

So, concrete contact is a special composition that is applied to the surface of walls, floors or ceilings to improve the adhesion of finishing coatings and decorative building materials. The basis of the primer mixture consists of the following components:

  • Portland cement;
  • modifying ingredients;
  • fine quartz filler;
  • polymer additives.

These ingredients are mixed in certain proportions using developed technology. The result is a special mortar, which is called concrete contact. Its use allows you to solve many problems related to ensuring reliable fastening finishing materials and decorative coatings.

Why are walls treated with concrete contact?

Concrete contact for interior work Prospectors 20kg

An adhesive mixture based on plasticizing additives improves the bond of finishing building materials with the base. The absence of roughness and pores on the surface layer reduces the effectiveness of fixing decorative coatings. Many home craftsmen have repeatedly convinced themselves, using concrete contact, that this reliable means for processing rough bases.

Purpose of the innovative composition:

  • gluing building materials to glossy and smooth substrates;
  • increased grip plaster mixture with external and internal walls;
  • preservation of plastered surfaces for a long time.

No preparation required for use. The composition saturates the concrete mass through the pores, increasing the roughness of the base. Thanks to the relief texture, contact between plaster, paint and varnish coatings, ceramics and wallpaper is improved.

Characteristics and properties of concrete contact

A special primer mixture can, after application, turn any mirror surface into a relief one. It is necessary to know the operational properties of the innovative composition when using concrete contact. We have already figured out what it is. Let's look at the main characteristics. The main parameters influencing the quality of finishing activities:

  • drying time. 1–2 hours after application to the surface to be treated, the primer will be completely dry. After this, you can begin finishing and facing work;

Universal concrete contact AKRIMAX-LUX, 6 kg
  • moisture resistance. An adhesive primer used as a primer coating has increased waterproofing properties and, after drying, forms a moisture-proof layer;
  • durability. The primer applied to the base retains its properties for eight decades. This is quite a sufficient period for all types of finishing materials;
  • primer consumption. Depending on the quality, type and condition of the base being treated, 150–500 g of primer composition will be required to impregnate one square meter.

Standard consumption per one square meter For various surfaces is:

When processing monolithic concrete, which practically does not absorb moisture, or rough sand-cement plaster Often there is a need to apply the primer mixture in two layers.

When planning to use a primer, familiarize yourself with its features:

  • penetrates deep into the massif, increasing the strength of the base;
  • creates protective layer upon contact with mirror bases;
  • environmentally friendly, as it does not contain harmful substances;
  • prevents the development of fungal colonies and mold;
  • does not have a characteristic odor that creates unpleasant sensations;

Concrete contact soil for interior and exterior work (COVER universal)
  • used for interior and exterior finishing works;
  • waterproofs the base thanks to the created waterproof film;
  • sold in ready-to-use condition;
  • applied using a special sprayer or manually;
  • contains a dye that allows you to detect untreated areas;
  • penetrates into surface layer in a limited time and dries quickly;
  • maintains performance characteristics for a long time.

Professionals and novice builders who use the mixture to improve the quality of finishing work speak positively about the performance properties of the innovative primer.

Contact concrete - application of the mixture

A special primer is used for repair and finishing activities:

  • processing of concrete bases intended for plastering;
  • covering the facades of buildings subject to decorative finishing;
  • impregnation of the bases to which the finishing tiles will be attached;
  • priming walls on which wallpaper will be glued or paint will be applied.

You can begin work immediately after opening the lid of the sealed container, the label of which indicates what concrete contact is and how to use it.

How best to apply concrete contact mixture

PUFAS concrete contact for interior work (15kg)

A special feature of using primer is the ability to apply it to the surface without the help of expensive equipment. To get the job done you can use:

  • paint roller;
  • extended spatula;
  • wide brush;
  • standard sprayer.

The quality of the work performed depends on the preparation of the base being processed. Before applying the composition, take the following steps:

  1. Clean the work area from dust, remove loose particles and dirt.
  2. Scrape off oil stains, bitumen traces, and grease stains.
  3. Turn off the power supply to avoid shorting any exposed wires in the wall.
  4. Treat the base regular soil and fill cavities and cracks.
  5. Dry the prepared area to better fix the building soil.
  6. Apply a thin layer of adhesive compound, avoiding missing areas.
  7. After a couple of hours, check the degree of drying of the applied primer layer.

The drying time depends on the moisture concentration in the air and the room temperature. Get started finishing activities, making sure that the applied primer has adhered to the treated surface and is completely dry.

Ceresit CT 19 primer Betonokontakt

The manufacturer of the special primer guarantees the effectiveness of its use subject to certain conditions:

  • while maintaining the room temperature in the range of 5–35 degrees Celsius;
  • when performing work on impregnation of the base at a humidity of no more than 60%.

There are certain restrictions when using primer. Prohibited:

  • use the primer mixture after defrosting;
  • cover the base with a negative temperature.

When performing work there is no need to use tools personal protection respiratory organs and skin. After all, the soil does not have a negative effect on health, since it does not contain toxic ingredients.

To get started, do the following:

  1. Read the directions for use on the packaging.
  2. Open the container by carefully removing the sealed lid.
  3. Mix the mixture thoroughly until smooth.

When processing surfaces, adhere to the following requirements:

  • apply the primer to the base in one step;
  • Stir the mixture regularly during application;

VGT Primer VD-AK-0301 Betonokontakt
  • add 50 g of water per 1 kg of mixture when using a spray;
  • Do not dilute the primer with water when applying it to the surface by hand.

When performing work, pay attention to humidity and temperature. They affect the drying time. Carry out finishing work immediately after the soil has dried. Adhesive properties worsen when dust settles on the treated base.

How to work with concrete contact - specific application

Highly adhesive soil performs its assigned functions on foundations made of various materials:

  • wood;
  • metal;
  • bricks;
  • concrete;
  • cement;
  • gypsum

If you need to treat a tiled surface, paint, glass or any glossy material, such as plastic, then the primer will do the job perfectly.

Not always standard flow rate composition regulated by the manufacturer corresponds to actual consumption. The amount of primer applied depends on certain factors:

  • method of applying the material. Hand processing of surfaces slightly increases the need for a binder;
  • base water absorption coefficient. Porous concrete with a cellular structure strongly absorbs moisture;
  • size of quartz filler. The use of an adhesive mixture containing coarse sand increases consumption.

Based on the intensity of moisture absorption, the treated surfaces are divided into cellular, medium-porous and smooth.


The information presented will help novice builders and home craftsmen understand what concrete contact is and where it is used. This is a primer that increases the adhesion of finishing building materials to various types grounds. It is a reliable link between the rough surface of the base and finishing . It is not advisable to take risks trying to ensure strong contact of expensive finishing materials with an unprepared surface. Having assessed the performance properties of the innovative soil, it is difficult to refuse to use it in the future.

This type building material is a polymer dispersion containing pure quartz sand, alkali resistant. What is concrete contact for? - m material is used to provide high level adhesion of the surface and the substance applied to it.

Betonokontakt technical characteristics

  • The maximum size of particles included in the fine-grained mixture is 0.3 mm.
  • The maximum size of particles included in the medium-grained mixture is 0.6 mm.
  • Acceptable temperature values ​​when applying primer are from +5 °C to +30 °C.
  • Acceptable temperature values ​​during operation are from -40 °C to +60 °C.
  • Color ready mixture– light pink.
  • The average pH of the mixture is from 8.0 to 9.0.
  • Approximate drying time for one layer is 3 hours.
  • Average consumption concrete contact per m² – 300 g of mixture (depending on the type of primer and surface used).
  • Frost resistance - the applied and completely dried mixture can withstand 5 cycles of freezing below the permissible value.
  • The consistency of the finished mixture is homogeneous (without inclusions of large particles).
  • Material safety - environmentally friendly product.

It is advisable to use concrete contact:

When conducting repair work concrete contact primer is used in the following cases:

Excessive surface smoothness

If the surface on which you need to apply some mixture is too smooth, then there is a high risk that it will simply fall off.

To ensure good bonding on smooth wall(ceiling) apply concrete contact primer, which after drying turns into a thin and rough film on the surface.

In the process of finishing work and application to surfaces various coatings There is always the possibility of subsequent exfoliation of the material. The concrete contact primer is an excellent remedy in the fight against such adverse consequences.

Concrete contact increases the adhesive properties of the material used, which is facilitated by its composition:

  • polymers;
  • cement;
  • specialized additives;
  • sand.

In this article, we tried to present material that can help you decide on the difficult choice of concrete contact mixture, as well as answer two main questions: which one should you choose and how much of it may be required. We invite you to familiarize yourself with basic information about concrete contact, as well as consider samples from the most advanced manufacturers.

The easiest way to have a beautiful front lawn

Of course you saw perfect lawn in the cinema, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor’s lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area on their site will no doubt say that this is a huge amount of work. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, and watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think this way; professionals have long known about the innovative product - liquid lawn AquaGrazz.

This material boasts excellent functional qualities:

  • very fast drying: to carry out further finishing work you should wait literally a few hours from the moment the mixture is applied;
  • moisture resistance - concrete contact primer demonstrates waterproofing properties, creating a waterproof film when used. It is important to consider that using the mixture for floor screed does not require moisture resistance;
  • economical material consumption per m2;
  • durability and reliability - according to the manufacturers, the composition of the material allows it to serve faithfully for about eight decades.

What explains the widespread use of concrete contact mixtures - the above characteristics of the primer speak for themselves.

Why do you need concrete contact?

Its primary function is to increase the level of adhesion of a surface that poorly absorbs moisture. A good example for explanation would be monolithic concrete - water very reluctantly permeates its structure, which is why any mixture stubbornly refuses to attach to it. Therefore, the use of concrete contact for plaster concrete surfaces– the most logical solution for any builder. It is simply impossible to find a product that is better suited for preparing walls and ceilings.

It is noteworthy that previously, in the case of peeling plaster, repair workers often used a special bandage made of regular glue PVA and textile mesh. They were glued directly to the concrete, after which a layer of plaster was applied to them.

Today, this procedure is considered too labor-intensive and outdated, especially compared to the use of concrete contact. The primer mixture works on the same principle as the bandage, but its use is simpler, increased efficiency and quality guarantee. The calculation of consumption is carried out in a standard way - per m 2.

What is the best way to apply concrete contact mixture?

The good thing about using a primer is that its composition does not require the use of special devices. Everything is extremely simple:

  • Before further finishing, the working area should be thoroughly cleaned of loose particles, dust lumps and contaminants. It also doesn’t hurt to walk over the walls with regular primer before covering the surface with a primer: it helps complete elimination dust clots and adhesion of the surface layer on walls and ceilings;
  • the treated surface must be completely dry, since the use of concrete contact does not allow the presence of moisture - it simply will not stick;
  • now everything becomes even simpler: you need to take a brush, a roller (if desired, you can also use a spatula), scoop up the primer with it and cover the surface to be treated with an even thin layer. To make the process as productive as possible, it is better to give preference to a brush or a brush with wide bristles;

  • After applying the concrete contact mixture, you need to wait until it hardens completely. Do not be deceived: you may mistakenly assume that the layer has dried after an hour, and continue finishing work. This will turn out to be a serious mistake - run a regular spatula over the layer and you will make sure that the applied primer does not adhere to the surface and immediately lags behind it. Complete hardening of the mixture occurs after at least two hours, but sometimes more. How quickly it dries and what its consumption per m2 will be depends on a number of factors: air humidity in the room, set temperature. But even under the most unfavorable conditions, a surface coated with primer in the evening will certainly be completely dry in the morning;
  • material consumption depends on the composition of a particular mixture.

Composition: the concrete contact mixture is based on a specific water dispersion base containing a quartz type of sand from fine fractions. The peculiarity of the composition makes it possible to increase the reliability of fixation of the concrete contact mixture on the surface.


  • The main purpose of the primer is improved quality of fixation of smooth surfaces for further finishing work. It is most often used before covering substrates with gypsum, lime, lime-cement mixture, plaster, tile adhesive, etc. It can also be used to cover monolithic concrete, concrete blocks and other smooth surfaces;
  • The primer should be applied undiluted or mixed with plain water (the proportion of concrete contact and water is 2/1).

Operating principle: Knauf concrete contact promotes the formation of a rough surface texture and increases the reliability of adhesion quality.

Preferred surfaces: The dispersion in question is especially suitable for treating surfaces that have a dense texture and poor moisture absorption ability. These include monolithic concrete, floors, ceilings massive type, concrete blocks.

Technical characteristics: material consumption per 1 m 2 of base is approximately 0.35 kg (calculated when applied in one layer). Dries in 3 to 4 hours.

Betonokontakt Prospectors is a primer that includes latex and other special additives from the high quality. It is used to increase the strength of the treated base, rid it of dust and full preparation for further finishing work.

Used to treat surfaces that do not have moisture absorption properties:

  • monolithic concrete;
  • massive walls
  • dilapidated tiles;
  • surfaces made of dense minerals;
  • It is also widely used before leveling bases with plaster, facing work, and puttying.

Betonokontakt Prospector is effective for increasing the adhesive qualities of the base. The material dries very quickly, which allows further work to be done within 2 hours.

Technical characteristics: Prospector concrete contact has a very economical consumption (spent in the amount of 0.2 kg per m 2). It is convenient to use, as it does not require any preparation and must be used in its original form.

Workflow algorithm

  • To start treating the base with the mixture, you need to have a paint roller (size about 250 mm) or a brush (size about 100 mm). But you can also use a spray gun for these purposes. The paint roller should be completely dipped into the primer, and then applied evenly to the base, avoiding tears. The material allows the application of additional layers. Keep in mind that applying the next layer requires the previous one to dry completely;
  • Be sure to stir the primer to a uniform consistency before using it. At the end of work, the devices should be rinsed with plain water.


The Ceresit primer contains minerals and a water-dispersion base, which also contains special pigments and copolymers. Used to cover smooth vertical substrates with poor moisture absorption ability. It works well when processing monolithic concrete for subsequent application of plaster and tile adhesive. The material is suitable only for interior work.

Ceresit is effective in increasing the adhesive properties of treated substrates. It is vapor-tight and does not require preparation before use. It does not contain toxic substances or solvents, which makes it absolutely safe.

To start treating the bases with the mixture, you need to have a fly brush (size about 100 mm). The paint brush should be completely dipped into this primer, then applied evenly to the base, avoiding tearing. The material allows the application of additional layers. Applying the next layer requires the previous one to dry completely.

Technical parameters of the mixture:

  • the consumption will be approximately 0.4–0.8 ml per m2;
  • how long does it take to dry: up to 4 hours;
  • dries completely within 24 hours.

After finishing work, wash the devices in plain water. The primer should not be diluted with water and should not be applied using a roller.

It is a high-quality material presented in the form of a dry mixture. Craftsmen often resort to using it when working with concrete contact. It is excellent for finishing and construction work.

Axton mixtures include:

  • acrylic;
  • quartz sand;
  • marble chips;
  • polymers and copolymers.

The specificity of the composition allows the use of these mixtures even on unpolished and uncleaned substrates. The consumption of the primer mixture is extremely economical, amounting to approximately 0.3 kg per m 2. Complete drying of the material requires several hours.

1.3.1, 4.6, 4.6.1

4.2,, 6.1

5. The validity period was lifted by Gosstandart Decree dated June 10, 1992 N 541

6. EDITION (January 2007) with Amendment No. 1, approved in June 1992 (IUS 9-92)

This standard applies to water-dispersion paints, which are suspensions of pigments and fillers in aqueous dispersions of synthetic polymers with the addition of various auxiliary substances (emulsifier, stabilizer, etc.).

The paints are intended for interior and exterior painting of buildings and structures on brick, concrete, plastered, wooden and other porous surfaces (except floors), on primed metal surfaces, on old coatings, for painting fruit, ornamental trees, shrubs in order to increase their winter hardiness, protect against sunburn, protect against rodents and cover wounds.

Based coatings water-dispersion paints VD-AK-111, VD-AK-111r, VD-KCH-183 retain protective properties not higher than score 2 according to GOST 9.407 * in conditions temperate climate at least 5 years.
GOST R 9.414-2012

The coating based on water-dispersion paint VD-KCH-577 lasts on a young tree for 1 year, on a fruit-bearing tree for 2 years.


1.1. Depending on the composition and purpose of the paint, the following brands are available:

VD-VA-224 - based on homopolymer polyvinyl acetate dispersion for indoor work, as well as in rooms with high humidity(kitchens, bathrooms, toilets);

VD-KCh-26A, VD-KCh-26 - based on styrene-butadiene latex for indoor work (VD-KCh-26A paint - using titanium dioxide, VD-KCh-26 paint - lithopone);

VD-AK-111, VD-AK-111r - based on copolymer acrylate dispersion for external and internal painting of buildings and structures (VD-AK-111r is used to produce relief paint);

VD-KCh-183 - based on aqueous dispersions of synthetic polymers, for exterior painting of buildings and structures and interior finishing work (except for surfaces subject to intensive washing);

VD-KCh-577 - based on aqueous dispersions of synthetic polymers for painting fruit, ornamental trees, and shrubs in order to increase their winter hardiness, protect against sunburn, protect against rodents and cover wounds.

1.2. Water-dispersion paints must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to recipes and technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3. Characteristics

1.3.1. Paints must comply with the requirements and standards specified in Table 1.

Table 1


Standard for brands

Test method








OKP 23 1611 1001

OKP 23 1621 0201

OKP 23 1621 0101

OKP 23 1631 0101

OKP 23 1632 0243

OKP 23 1621 0401

OKP 23 1621 0500

1. Paint film color:

Must be within the permissible deviations established by the “Card Index” color samples (standards) or control color samples

Must be within the permissible deviations established by control samples

Must be within the permissible deviations established for control samples


2. Appearance of the film

After drying, the paint should form a film with a smooth, uniform matte surface.

3. Mass fraction of non-volatile substances, %

10. Drying time to degree 3 at temperature (20±2) °C, h, no more

* On site Russian Federation the document is not valid. GOST R 52753-2007 is valid. - Database manufacturer's note.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.3.2. Additional Features colors are given in Appendix 1.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

1.4. Packaging - according to GOST 9980.3.

1.5. Marking - in accordance with GOST 9980.4 with the application of the manipulation sign "Temperature Limitation" in accordance with GOST 14192.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


2.1. Water-dispersion paints are fire and explosion proof.

2.2. When producing, testing and using paints, the requirements must be met fire safety and industrial sanitation according to GOST 12.3.005.

2.3. All paint work must be carried out in rooms equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, ensuring the air condition working area in accordance with GOST 12.1.005.

2.4. The maximum permissible concentrations and hazard class of vapors of monomers and paint components are given in Table 2.

Table 2

Component name

Extremely permissible concentration, mg/m*

Hazard class

in the air of the working area of ​​the production premises

in the water of reservoirs

in the atmosphere

Polyvinyl acetate dispersion:

on vinyl acetate

by acetaldehyde

on dibutyl phthalate

Latex butadiene nitrile:

for acrylonitrile

Styrene-butadiene latex:

for styrene

Emulsion MBM-5s:

by methyl methacrylate

for butyl acrylate

for methacrylic acid

Ethylene glycol

(tetramethylthiuram disulfide)



White spirit

Titanium dioxide

*Probably an error from the original. Should read: mg/m. - Database manufacturer's note.

2.5. Harmful substances, which are part of the paint, have a toxic effect on the hematopoietic organs, nervous system, skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract. The dried coating has no harmful effects on the human body.

2.4, 2.5 (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.6. Persons associated with the manufacture, testing and use of paints must be provided with special clothing and personal protective equipment in accordance with GOST 12.4.011 and GOST 12.4.103.

2.7. Monitoring compliance with maximum permissible emissions (MPE) into the atmosphere, approved in accordance with the established procedure, must be carried out in accordance with GOST


3.1. Acceptance rules - according to GOST 9980.1.

3.2. The manufacturer determines the standards for indicators 5, 6, 8 of Table 1 periodically once a month for at least three batches.

The manufacturer determines the standards for indicators 7, 9, 10 of Table 1 periodically at the request of the consumer.

If the periodic test results are unsatisfactory, the manufacturer shall check each batch until satisfactory test results are obtained in a row of at least six batches.

3.1, 3.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


4.1. Sampling - according to GOST 9980.2.

4.2. Preparing samples for testing

Before testing, the paint is stirred and the mass fraction of non-volatile substances, pH, degree of grinding, and frost resistance are determined.

To determine other indicators, the paint is diluted if necessary. drinking water according to GOST 2874 * with a hardness (1/2) no more than 7.0 mol/m, condensate or distilled water according to GOST 6709 up to a viscosity of 20-30 s using a viscometer type VZ-246 with a nozzle diameter of 4 mm (or VZ-4) at a temperature of (20.0±0.5) °C when applied by pneumatic spraying or up to a viscosity of 40-80 s when applied with a brush. Then filter through mesh No. 1 according to GOST 6613 or two layers of gauze and apply to plates prepared according to GOST 8832, section 3.
* GOST R 51232-98 is in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The color and appearance of the film, the resistance of the paint film to the static effects of water are determined on wooden plates measuring 50x100 mm, thickness 5-6 mm, conditional light fastness - on drawing paper according to GOST 597 measuring 100x200 mm, hiding power and drying time - on glass plates special purpose size 90x120 mm, thickness 1.2 mm according to TU 21-0284461-058.

When determining the drying time, paint is applied in one layer, when determining the color and appearance paint film, conditional light fastness, paint is applied in two layers. When determining resistance to static water, paint is applied in two layers on both sides of the plate, as well as on the sides. Drying time between layers is 1 hour at a temperature of (20±2) °C.

When determining hiding power, the second and subsequent layers are dried for 1 hour at a temperature of (20±2) °C, then for 1.5 hours at a temperature of (60±2) °C and cooled for 0.5 hours at a temperature of (20±2) °C.

The thickness of a single-layer film is 30-40 microns, a two-layer film is 60-80 microns. The thickness is measured with a micrometer type MK 25-1 according to GOST 6507 or another type of device with an error of no more than ±3 µm.

Before testing according to indicators 6, 8 of Table 1, the film is kept for 48 hours at a temperature of (20±2) °C and relative humidity 60-70%, according to indicator 1 - for 2 hours at a temperature of (20±2) °C.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.3. Determining the color and appearance of the paint film

The color of the dried paint film is determined by visual comparison with the color of the corresponding samples (standards) of the "Card Index" color or control color samples in natural or artificial daylight diffused light. The samples being compared should be in the same plane at a distance of 300-500 mm from the observer’s eyes at a viewing angle that excludes surface gloss.

The appearance of the dried paint film is determined visually in natural or artificial daylight.

In case of disagreement in the assessment of color and appearance, the determination in natural daylight is taken as the final result.

4.4. The mass fraction of non-volatile substances is determined according to GOST 17537, a sample of paint is dried at a temperature of (105±2) °C for 40 minutes.

4.5. Determination of paint pH

4.5.1. Instruments, reagents and materials

pH meter with glass electrode, measurement error no more than 0.1 pH.

Glass glass V-2-50 according to GOST 25336.

Hydrochloric acid according to GOST 3118, solution with mass fraction hydrochloric acid 3%.

Distilled water according to GOST 6709.

4.5.2. Carrying out the test

The paint is poured into a 50 cm glass, thoroughly washed with distilled water, and the pH is determined. A new glass must be pre-treated with hot hydrochloric acid solutions and then thoroughly rinsed with distilled water.

4.5.3. Processing the results

The result of measuring paint pH is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations, the absolute discrepancy between which should not exceed the permissible discrepancy of 0.1 pH.

The measurement result is rounded to the first decimal place.

The permissible total error of the pH determination results is ±0.1 at a confidence level.

4.6. Determination of the hiding power of the dried film - according to GOST 8784, section 1 or section 2. In case of disagreement in the assessment, the determination of hiding power by the instrumental method is taken as the final result.

4.6.1. Instrumental method for contrast ratio - according to GOST 8784, section 2 with the following additions. Carrying out the test

One or two layers of paint are applied to a glass plate prepared in accordance with GOST 8832, section 3, measured (length, width) and weighed.

The plate with the applied paint is alternately placed on a black or white plate and the brightness coefficients are measured at a wavelength of 560 nm (or a green filter at a wavelength of 560 nm) at four points on the film. The brightness coefficient is determined in accordance with the instructions for the optical device used for this determination.

The plate with the paint film is weighed and the contrast ratio is calculated:

where , are the brightness coefficients when applying a plate with a film of paint to the black and white plates, respectively.

The result of measuring the contrast ratio is taken to be the arithmetic mean of the results of four parallel determinations, the discrepancy between which should not exceed the permissible discrepancy of 0.02.

The final result is rounded to the second decimal place.

If the contrast ratio is less than 0.98, apply another layer of paint and repeat the determination of the contrast ratio.

If the contrast ratio is more than 0.99, the determination is repeated, applying a smaller amount of paint to the plate.

With a contrast ratio of 0.98 to 0.99, the hiding power value is calculated. Processing the results

Coverage rate, g/m, is calculated using the formula

where is the mass of the plate with the dried paint film, g;

- mass of unpainted plate, g;

10 - conversion factor of area dimension from mm to m;

- plate area, mm.

For glass plates measuring 90x120 mm, the ratio is 92.6.

The result of measuring hiding power is taken as the arithmetic mean of the results of two parallel determinations, the discrepancy between which should not exceed the permissible discrepancy of 6 g/m. The final result is rounded to the nearest whole number.

The permissible total error of the measurement result is ±4 g/m with confidence probability.

4.6- (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.7. The resistance of the film to static water is determined according to GOST 9.403, method A.

After testing, the samples are kept before inspection at a temperature of (20±2) °C for 3 hours.

Lightening of the paint film is allowed.

4.8. Determination of frost resistance of paint

4.8.1, (Excluded, Amendment No. 1).

4.8.2. Method 2 Measuring instruments, auxiliary devices, reagents and materials

Refrigerating chamber providing a temperature of minus (40±2) °C.

Thermometer in accordance with GOST 28498 with measurement limits from minus 90 to 30 °C and a division value of 1 °C.

Metal can according to GOST 6128 or polyethylene.

Glass plate.

Glass rod. Carrying out the test

A metal can is filled halfway with paint, closed with a lid and placed in refrigerator, where it is kept for 6 hours at a temperature of minus (40±2) °C, after which the jar is left for 18 hours at room temperature. The cycle is repeated five times.

Then the paint is mixed and its resistance to coagulation is visually determined by evenly distributing the paint with a glass rod over a glass plate (test glass). Paint that has not been tested for frost resistance is also applied to a glass plate (control glass). The control and test glass are compared with each other.

Paint is considered frost-resistant if, after five freeze-thaw cycles, no hard lumps appear in a thin layer of paint.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

4.9. Conditional light fastness is determined according to GOST 21903, method 2.

From the middle part of three paints, prepared as specified in paragraph 4.2 of this standard, one sample of 50x50 mm in size is cut out. The paint sample is placed for 24 hours under the lamp at a distance of (250±5) mm from it. After exposure under the lamp, the paint is kept for 2 hours in a dark place at a temperature of (20±2) °C before taking measurements.

4.10. When carrying out measurements and tests, it is allowed to use other measuring instruments and laboratory glassware with similar metrological characteristics.


5.1. Transportation and storage - according to GOST 9980.5.
* The document is not valid on the territory of the Russian Federation. GOST 9980.5-2009 is in force. - Database manufacturer's note.

5.2. Paints are transported at temperatures above 0 °C. Transportation is allowed at temperatures down to minus 40 °C, but for no more than 1 month.

Paints are stored in tightly closed containers warehouses at temperatures above 5 °C.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


6.1. Before use, if necessary, the paint is defrosted at a temperature of (20±5) °C, thoroughly mixed and diluted with water in accordance with clause 4.2 of this standard. The paint is applied to surfaces prepared in accordance with GOST 8832, section 3 with a brush, roller or pneumatic spray.

6.2. Paints of the brands VD-VA-224, VD-KCh-26A, VD-KCh-26, VD-AK-111, VD-KCh-183 are applied to the surface in two layers, paints of the brands VD-AK-111r and VD-KCh- 577 - in one layer.

Paint consumption per layer, g/m:

VD-VA-224, VD-KCH-26A, VD-AK-111, VD-KCH-183 - 110-150;

VD-AK-111p - 250-300;

VD-KCH-26 - 150-200.

Average consumption of VD-KCH-577 paint per young tree 30-40 g, for fruit bearing - 150 g.

6.1, 6.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

6.3. The old indoor coating should be pre-washed with soap and water or washing powder, an ammonia solution or a 3% soda solution (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), and then with clean water.

Surfaces previously coated with chalk or lime paints must be thoroughly cleaned until completely removed.

Any loose outer covering must be completely removed.

Color tinting is allowed white aqueous pigment pastes.

6.4. VD-KCH-577 paint is applied in the autumn (before the leaves fall) and early spring periods at ambient temperatures above 0 °C. Wounds on trees are covered with spring-summer period undiluted paint.

6.5. To obtain relief paint, a coarse filler is introduced into the VD-AK-111r paint before use - sand in accordance with GOST 8736 in a ratio of 2:1 by weight. Mix the paint thoroughly.

6.6. Water-dispersion paints for exterior use should be used at an ambient temperature of at least 8 °C.

If the temperature is below 15 °C, it is allowed to increase the drying time of each layer of paint to 24 hours.

6.7. Method of application of water-dispersion paints intended for retail, is given in appendices 2, 3.


7.1. The manufacturer guarantees that the paints comply with the requirements of this standard subject to the conditions of transportation and storage.

7.2. Warranty period Storage of paints - 12 months from the date of manufacture.

APPENDIX 1 (for reference). Additional Features


Reflection coefficient at an angle geometry of 0-45° of film for paints VD-VA-224, VD-AK-111, VD-KCh-183, VD-KCh-26A, VD-KCh-26 - no less than 82%, VD-KCh -577 - at least 75%.

The elasticity of the film when bending is 1 mm.

The mass fraction of residual styrene for VD-KCh-26A and VD-KCh-26 paints is no more than 0.03%.

Paint film washability, no more than:

VD-VA-224, VD-KCH-577 - 3.0 g/m;

VD-KCh-26A, VD-KCh-26, VD-KCh-183 - 3.5 g/m;

VD-AK-111, VD-AK-111r - 2.0 g/m.

Conditional viscosity of paint according to a VZ-246 viscometer with a nozzle diameter of 4 mm at a temperature of (20.0±0.5) °C is not less than 30 s.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

APPENDIX 2 (mandatory). Label text "WATER-DISPERSIVE PAINT"


Label text




The paint ___________________ (brand) is intended for ________________________ (from the introductory part and clause 1.1 of this standard).

Directions for use

The surface preparation method is in accordance with Section 6 of this standard, depending on the purpose of the paint.

Before use, the paint is thoroughly mixed and, if necessary, diluted with water and filtered through two layers of gauze.

The paint is applied to the prepared surface with a brush, roller, or spray gun in two layers with intermediate drying for 1 hour at a temperature of 18-22 ° C.

Paint consumption for a single-layer coating is _________________ (Section 6 of this standard).

Paint tinting with aqueous pigment pastes is allowed.

Store the paint in a tightly closed container at temperatures above 0 °C. It is allowed to store paint at temperatures down to minus 40 °C for no more than 1 month. If frozen, the paint should be thawed at room temperature and mixed until smooth.


The paint is fire and explosion proof.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

APPENDIX 3 (mandatory). Label text "WATER-DISPERSIVE PAINT VD-KCH-577 (white)"


Label text


VD-KCH-577 (white)


Paint VD-KCh-577 is intended to increase the winter hardiness of fruit, ornamental trees, shrubs and to protect them from sunburn, to protect against rodents and to cover wounds.

On a young tree, the coating lasts 1 year, on a fruit-bearing tree - 2 years.

Directions for use

The paint is applied in the autumn (before the leaves fall) and early spring periods at ambient temperatures above 0 °C.

Before use, the paint is thoroughly mixed and, if necessary, diluted with water. The paint is applied with a brush or sprayer in one layer. The average paint consumption for a young tree is 30-40 g, for a fruit-bearing tree - 150 g.

Wounds are covered with undiluted paint in the spring and summer.

Wash tools, containers, stains with warm water and soap until the paint dries.

Store the paint in a tightly closed container at temperatures above 0 °C. The paint can be stored at temperatures down to minus 40 °C for no more than 1 month. If frozen, the paint should be thawed at room temperature and mixed until smooth.

Guaranteed shelf life - 12 months.


The paint is fire and explosion proof.

Do not mix with other paints or thinners.

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2007

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