Self-leveling polymer flooring technology. Everything you wanted to know about polymer floors: analysis of the nuances of self-leveling technology. Technology and sequence of actions

Solid coatings structured from polymer materials called polymer floors. They have numerous advantages and are good not only for their presentable visual appearance, but for their practicality and durability.

Consumers claim that these structures are easy to install, last a long time, and are resistant to chemical and mechanical factors. Plus, this type of flooring does not collect dust and is easy to maintain. Use self-leveling polyurethane coating in rooms with a concrete surface that has cracking or a deforming base. This coating is an effective protector of cement bases from moisture and aggressive environments.

Installation of polymer self-leveling polyurethane floors: SNiP standards

The installation of polyurethane floors presupposes the fulfillment of the conditions for the concrete base set out in regulations SNiP 2.0.13-88 “Floors”. These standards must be observed. In the context of this flooring is three-layer and consists of:

  1. Impregnant – a low-viscosity homogeneous liquid that impregnates surfaces of wood, brick and concrete.
  2. A two-component coating – a fixing layer, which is a homogeneous elastic coating with an increased level of adhesiveness.
  3. Anti-corrosion coating – a protective layer, the purpose of which is to improve resistance to mechanical stress.

If you decide to install self-leveling polymer floors yourself, during the work, take into account the following regulatory mandatory conditions:

  • The maximum limitation is 3 degrees.
  • There should be no heaters or drafts (we are talking about forced air movement).
  • Air humidity – no more and no less than 80%.
  • When working in the room, it should be warm, but not hot - +25 degrees.

Equipment for installing polymer floors

For the process you will need:

  1. Special studded soles are needed to move only the applied coating. Their number must correspond to the workers who use needle rollers.
  2. A specialized device designed specifically for leveling the fill (squeegee) with a set gap. Solvent for cleaning construction equipment.
  3. Aeration roller to remove formed air bubbles.
  4. A spatula, which will be needed to evenly distribute the material in hard-to-reach areas.

Drill with mixer. It should make no more than 600 rotations per minute. The size of the mixer is slightly longer than the depth of the container in which the consumables are mixed.

Base for polymer floors, preparation stages

The bases for polyurethane coating are different:

  • Concrete monolith from a reinforced concrete plant ( best option for installation). Concrete poured by specialists (for warehouses and parking lots).
  • Self-leveling mixture. Screed (with a small load on the floor).
  • Ceramic tiles (it is recommended to produce before concrete base, but can also be poured over ceramics).
  • Topping (only after pre-processing the topping).
  • Marble chips.

Polymer coating is very different from concrete. In order to have good adhesion to concrete, you need to get rid of factors that prevent adhesion: loose concrete particles, concrete contamination, cement laitance. The quadrature of contact between the polymer and concrete plays an important role. The larger the actual contact squaring, the better the adhesion.

Abrasive blasting I'm cleaning

Shot blasting technology is the most the best technology, which prepares the base for the application of a polymer coating, because it removes liquid sand-cement mortar, concrete particles and dirt, plus it creates a good surface roughness, increases the adhesion of the coating to concrete surface several times. Abrasive blasting reveals all the hidden disadvantages of the polymer coating. One of the main advantages of this type of processing is dustlessness.


Milling is necessary to level out significant unevenness in the concrete base (up to 5 millimeters in one pass), remove existing polyurethane coatings or thin layers of paint without disturbing the concrete surface.


It is performed using a mosaic grinding device with diamond cutting tools. Grinding removes the top weak and contaminated concrete layer. Under no circumstances should grinding be carried out “wet”, this can lead to an increase in the moisture content of the concrete and difficulties with the adhesion of the polyurethane floor. U grinding equipment there is one drawback - the concrete is sealed with dust. But grinding is the most common method of preparing a concrete base, since the machine for grinding and performing the work is inexpensive. In order for the grinding equipment to work effectively, you need to purchase discs with high quality diamond segments with different hardness and purpose.

Dust removal process

After all the above work, you need to remove dirt and dust with a mop, and then thoroughly treat the surface using a production vacuum cleaner. It is not necessary to use mops, but in this case you will need to clean the vacuum cleaner.

Laying polyurethane flooring

After pouring concrete screed, the surface should last about 28 days. Before finishing works The humidity level must be measured with a moisture meter; it should not exceed 4 wt%. In addition, you need to monitor the movement of water vapor through the structure. It should be as small as possible during application of the moisture-resistant composition. You should also measure the density of concrete for compression and tearing using a sclerometer. Compressive strength is about 20 N/mm2. There should be no foreign stains on the surface itself (oil, grease and other substances that reduce the level of adhesion of the material).

Surface priming

The substance is absorbed into the base and improves adhesion to it polymer composition. For priming, use a metal spatula or a special roller. You can also use a spray bottle. After priming work, time is required for thorough drying.

Base layer

Self-laying of polymer floors is carried out 20 hours after priming. Consumables should be distributed fairly quickly and in an even layer. During work, it is important to monitor the air temperature; the formation of changes and drafts is not allowed. Also, do not allow direct sunlight to enter the work area, not only at the time of installation, but also during the drying period. The polymer substance is laid in several layers, and you need to ensure that each layer is dried separately.

Temperature and humidity conditions

External indicators are of great importance during installation work. The temperature in the room should be at least 15 degrees, otherwise the facial reaction will slow down and the polymer on the surface will spread worse, which will lead to excess consumption of building materials and deterioration of the aesthetic appearance. At high temperatures, hardening will be much faster, but the service life will be reduced. At high humidity(more than 80%) condensation appears.

Decoration and finishing layer

When laying a polymer base with your own hands, to improve the aesthetic properties, most people use “chips”, which were described a little higher. When the decor is completed, the finishing layer is applied. Based on a polymer composition or varnish.

How to calculate the volume of materials?

To calculate the cost of materials, you need to know the thickness and density of the coating. The floor can be made with or without quartz sand. If without filler, then the calculation is as follows: per 1 meter square you will need 1 liter of solution (thickness 1 millimeter). It is necessary to multiply the resulting figure by the density indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

A little about the features of preparing the composition

The quality of the coating will depend on the correct ratio of ingredients. For all solutions various manufacturers your mixture proportions. When mixing the components, make sure that all of the hardener is poured out of the can. It is also imperative to pay due attention to achieving the definition of a mixer optimal model with a certain power, parameters and shape of the nozzle. When connecting components, you need to direct the mass from bottom to top and not capture excess air, otherwise it will subsequently complicate the process of removing it from the material.

Be sure to follow safety precautions!

Currently, more and more modern finishing materials. Among them, polymer self-leveling floors, which have good quality characteristics. The installation technology allows the work to be completed in a fairly short time; the composition is simply poured onto the base. But it must be borne in mind that this process is preceded by careful preparation of the surface and proper mixing of the solution.

There are several types of self-leveling floors that differ in their composition. It is customary to distinguish the following options:

  1. Epoxy. This variety is resistant to high humidity and mechanical stress, so it is used to create flooring in bathrooms, shower rooms, technical rooms, as well as in open areas.
  2. Methyl methacrylate. After pouring, the mixture hardens in a fairly short time. Such compositions can be used even at low temperature indicators. The resulting surface has increased strength and reliability and is able to withstand severe dynamic loads.
  3. Polyurethane. This variety has a lot positive properties, which is why the composition is most suitable for work in residential premises. Due to its elasticity, the surface is not subject to severe deformation during shrinkage of the structure.
  4. Polyester. This option differs from the previous ones in its lower price, which greatly affects its qualities. It does not have the necessary stability and durability, so it is used extremely rarely, exclusively for little-used rooms.
  5. Cement-acrylic. This material is not completely polymeric, because the base is cement, but acrylic additives significantly improve the properties of the resulting coating.

Such a wealth of choice allows you to find the best option, taking into account the characteristics of the premises and financial capabilities.

The performance characteristics of coatings directly depend on the type of binder

Types of construction

The design of self-leveling polymer floors depends on the specifics of a particular object. Therefore, it is customary to highlight different types resulting coverage:

Note! There are also more narrowly targeted types of polymer-based coatings. For example, for industrial facilities involved in processing or manufacturing various food products, there are anti-slip compounds. And for technical institutions with a large number equipment – ​​antistatic.

Coatings that are immune to magnetic and electrical interference are one of the best solutions for technical rooms with similar equipment

Coating thickness

Self-leveling polymer coating floors differ in the possible thickness of the created surface, which affects the final characteristics of the material.

  1. Thin. Used for residential premises with a minimum level of load. The created coating does not exceed 1–2 mm.
  2. Medium-strong. The layer turns out to be quite thin, no more than 3 mm, but unlike the previous version, it is resistant to mechanical stress.
  3. Very durable. Thickness ranges from 5 to 7 mm. The surface becomes able to withstand heavy loads.

Of course, there are much more varieties, but they belong to professional options.

Considering the cost of self-leveling compounds, layer thickness is of great importance

Differences in Components

Polymer products differ in the number of components included in the material:

  • Single-component. Perfect for independent use. The cooking technology is quite simple and completely eliminates the possibility of errors. But the mixture must be used in a short period of time.
  • Two-component. The most common option. Includes base and hardener. Various additives can be used to improve the final properties.
  • Three-component. They are very difficult to use, so to work with them you need to have professional skills.

Thus, the variety of materials is large, which gives the opportunity to choose.

With similar performance characteristics, two-component compositions are much cheaper than one-component ones, which explains their high popularity

Pros and cons of polymer-based flooring

The characteristics of polymer materials have pros and cons. Correct assessment of these parameters allows you to determine final choice flooring products.


  1. High wear resistance. The resulting coating is not subject to significant abrasion or cracking, even over time.
  2. Lack of response to chemicals. The material does not change even during prolonged interaction with chemicals.
  3. Solidity. The pouring technology involves obtaining a surface without seams, which ensures easy maintenance of the floor. But a more important parameter is complete tightness.
  4. Resistant to high temperatures. The material is fire-resistant and does not support combustion.
  5. Antistatic. The surface does not attract dust, which makes maintenance even easier.
  6. Environmental friendliness. There is a persistent misconception that products are harmful to human health. This is not true; the coating does not emit toxic substances.

When choosing between polyurethane and epoxy flooring, you should consider their purpose


Although the material has impressive advantages, we cannot ignore the presence of significant disadvantages:

  • Expensive. To obtain a truly high-quality result, components are used that are quite expensive. Of course, this is compensated by the durability and reliability of the coating.

    Note! When choosing a material, you should purchase products from trusted manufacturers in stores that inspire confidence. The fact is that there are many low quality compounds, in most cases they have more low price. The result of using such a material will be a surface that does not have the necessary decorative qualities and easily damaged under minimal loads.

  • Preparation. The technology assumes that the base for the polymer composition must be carefully prepared, otherwise the result will not correspond to the expected. It must be taken into account that pouring is carried out exclusively on well-dried substrates. That is, if a screed has been created, it will take at least 3–5 weeks to dry.
  • Difficult to dismantle. When replacing such a coating with a new one, considerable effort must be made, since solidity ensures reliability.

The strength of the polymer coating is very high, which creates serious problems during dismantling

Due to the fact that the material is relatively new, perhaps the development of technology will reduce the existing disadvantages.

Installation of polymer self-leveling floor coverings

Self-leveling polymer floors are poured using standard steps. It is important to observe the order and accuracy of all actions.


This procedure includes the following:

At the final stage of preparation, priming is carried out. For this, a standard primer or special options for polymer compositions are used.

Increased adhesion

To improve fixation, a polymer base is applied to the surface, which will become the basis for further measures. Many craftsmen advise additionally using sand, which is sprinkled on the surface that has not yet hardened. After the layer dries, excess bulk material deleted.

The soil must correspond to the type of composition, for example, under a polyurethane floor you need a polyurethane primer

Mixing emulsion

It must be taken into account that mixing is carried out immediately after all preliminary procedures have been completed, since the resulting solution must be used within 30 minutes. This time period also includes leveling.

Most often, a two-component composition is used; its preparation boils down to mixing the base (polymer) and hardener. Mixing is carried out only using electric tool. If you need to fill a large surface, it is advisable to involve an assistant.

During preparation, the solution is mixed using a construction mixer

Note! Each manufacturer places on the label detailed instructions by mixing. The conditions of use are also stated there, which may differ for different formulations.


Process technology:

With proper preparation, it is quite possible to install a self-leveling polymer floor with your own hands.
  1. The polymer composition is poured in strips, work begins from the far side of the room.
  2. Distribute the mixture using a squeegee; a spatula is used for inconvenient areas.
  3. A needle roller is used to remove air bubbles and final distribution.
  4. If required, a layer of varnish is applied after drying.

In order to get the best visual effect before pouring, place on the surface decorative elements or color it.

Polymer flooring technology makes it possible to create a high-quality, durable coating with a long service life.

Such a base, created on the basis of polymer materials, has many positive qualities and distinctive features, which makes their construction appropriate not only in residential but also in industrial premises.

High degree of resistance to various kinds damage and negative impacts made these floors in demand when arranging trading floors and hangars, industrial and production workshops, garages and car showrooms.

Variety of types and main advantages

The elasticity and strength of polymer floors make them a very popular coating.

Polymer self-leveling floors enjoy well-deserved trust among consumers thanks to:

  • high degree of strength;
  • ease of installation and maintenance;
  • design safety in terms of flammability;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • the presence of properties such as repelling dirt and dust;
  • anti-slip properties regardless of the presence of a smooth and absolutely flat surface.

Polyurethane coatings are very durable

Today there are a huge variety of options for making such coverage. This is ensured by a variety of colors, patterns, textures.

The most popular are:

  1. Epoxy coating, main distinctive feature which is elasticity and strength.
  2. Polyurethane fields are among the most durable and durable.
  3. Methyl methacrylate floors are constructed in production workshops, since their main advantage is a high degree of strength and resistance to mechanical damage.
  4. Floors made using urea are in demand due to their high strength and ease of installation. This coating is created by spraying, so when performing work on the territory of industrial workshops, it is not necessary to stop the production process.
  5. The most affordable coating is considered to be the construction of which requires a polyester solution.

When starting to create a polymer floor covering, you need to choose the thickness of the coating that is most suitable for a particular room.

If strength is your main concern, give preference to methyl methacrylate mixtures

The most durable and durable floors are those with a thickness of at least 6 mm.

In accordance with polymer floor technology, methyl methacrylate compounds are most often chosen to create a high-strength coating.

These are the types of structures that are built in industrial and manufacturing workshops.

When working to create a high-quality floor covering in a residential area, craftsmen often strive to use polymer materials that provide a layer whose thickness does not exceed 1.5 mm.

Such a floor will perfectly withstand the load where there is no high traffic and no heavy loads. This could be a bedroom or living room, a nursery or an office.

The thinnest is the paint coating, made in the form of spraying. The resulting film changes appearance base, helps create the desired shade.

Work order

In accordance with the technology of polymer floors, before starting to create the final floor covering from polymer materials, it is necessary to determine:

  • the quality of the foundation on which the new structure will be built;
  • level of upcoming loads;
  • the need to provide an anti-slip surface;
  • features of coloring, the presence of a pattern or design.

Carrying out the work requires the preparation of a certain tool. A craftsman creating a floor covering from polymer materials will need a container in which the composition will be diluted. This can be a plastic trough or a deep bucket with a capacity of at least 25 liters.

To mix the components efficiently, you need to prepare a drill with an attachment, the length of which is 5-10 cm greater than the depth of the container.

Several spatulas to distribute the composition over the entire surface and hard to reach places. A needle roller that can be used to remove air bubbles from the mixture applied to the subfloor.

To avoid disruptions during the work, it is necessary to calculate the amount of material in advance.

Try to distribute the mixture as quickly as possible

To perform calculations, you will need to clarify the thickness of the coating and the density of the composition. With a layer thickness of 1 mm per 1 m², at least 1 liter of composition will be consumed. Calculating upcoming costs requires multiplying the resulting figure by the density indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

The technology for installing floors made of polymer materials is quite simple. First of all, you need to clear the room of furniture and remove the old flooring. The entire surface should be thoroughly cleaned of dust and other contaminants.

Now you can embroider and seal with mortar or polyurethane foam all detected cracks and cracks. A layer of primer mixture is applied to a clean base. After it dries (after 3-5 hours), priming is repeated.

Applying a primer is a very important and responsible operation. A high-quality mixture provides excellent adhesion and significantly strengthens the base. Spread the primer over the surface with a roller or wide paint brush. For more information on how to pour a polymer floor, watch this video:

In some cases, you can add to the mixture used quartz sand. This will create a slightly rough surface and guarantee high-quality adhesion of the coating to the concrete base.

Applying the mixture

Now you can dilute the dry polymer mixture according to the instructions by adding a certain amount of water. The prepared composition is used immediately after mixing.

It is poured onto the floor surface and the mixture begins to be distributed using spatulas. Particular attention should be paid to hard-to-reach places and corners.

Having distributed the composition with an even wide spatula, begin to level the mixture. A squeegee spatula is suitable for this. With its help, an even layer of the composition is created, but such a tool will not help get rid of air bubbles.

The needle roller squeezes out air bubbles from the mixture

Now you need a needle roller, which is used to roll out the entire floor area, pressing on the handle and achieving the removal of air bubbles, which can cause destruction of the floor surface after the mixture hardens.

It depends only on the thickness of the layer of the mixture used when it will be possible to step on the created coating. This will happen no earlier than in 24 hours. In some cases it is necessary to wait 2-3 days.

The coating can withstand full load 7 days after completion of work.

Self-leveling polymer floors are also called “liquid linoleum” - they are so comfortable to use. This is a new word in interior design, and simply a godsend for industrial premises. They add additional visual volume to any interior thanks to their soft shine and seamless surface. Minimal shrinkage, high elasticity and modern aesthetics - these are the qualities thanks to which polymer floors are now gaining more and more popularity in the CIS countries, and abroad they have long been number one on the market.

Polymer flooring: fashion or practicality?

Today there are many types of polymer flooring: for every taste, style and idea. And according to their composition they are divided into:

  • Polyurethane. The floor has good performance and can be laid independently both in a technical room and in a residential building.
  • Epoxy-urethane. This coating is especially resistant to abrasion and is indispensable for significant pedestrian and transport loads: workshops, corridors and warehouses. True, the price is quite high.
  • Methyl methacrylate. When laying such a floor, it is necessary to strictly follow the process technology, but within 2 hours after drying you can walk on it. It is frost-resistant and can withstand any bad weather outdoors.
  • Cement-polyurethane coatings are used mainly to create heavy-duty floors: high temperature, exposure to aggressive chemicals and live steam. It is this kind of floor that most effectively protects the concrete base from destruction, which is why they are most often ordered for car service centers.

Of course, epoxy and polyurethane floors are more popular today due to their coating thickness: from 0.5 mm to 6 mm. Let's compare these two types of flooring. So, epoxy ones are much harder, they are cheaper, but they are laid in a layer of up to 5 mm, while polyurethane ones are enough to 3 mm. And polyurethane floors are more scratch-resistant than epoxy floors.

Self-leveling floor: revealing the secrets of technology

So, what is a polymer floor? Experts divide all the compounds that are used today into two main groups: polymer and mineral. The latter are a mixture of cement, modifiers and fillers, on which the speed of filling the mixture depends. These are self-leveling floors that easily form a level surface. finishing surface due to low connectivity. Polymer floors are used as a continuous finishing coating, which may depend on the mixture itself and fillers.

Self-leveling polymer flooring is manufactured by modern manufacturers from epoxy resins or polyurethane. Initially, this beauty was used only in industrial workshops, but apartment residents also like the dustlessness, lack of seams of the floor covering and the possibility of unlimited decoration.

For a bathroom, a polymer floor is absolutely ideal option. Due to the absence of seams, moisture will not penetrate under it, and to the touch this coating is as pleasant and warm as linoleum, but not as soft. Another significant plus for the bathroom: polymer floors are not prone to mold or mildew.

Interestingly, even the most glossy self-leveling floors at first glance still have valuable anti-slip properties. That is why today even in swimming pools they are abandoning tiles, replacing them with colorful and fashionable polymer floors. And in lately They want to see such floors in the bedroom, and in the nursery, and even in the office. After all, polymers have simply amazing qualities, and, thanks to the fact that they are the main components of self-leveling floors, any design idea now has the right to life.

Even stunning 3D effects, for which today airbrush artists are often invited, who just need to add a few additional touches to the same fish under water to make them seem bright and alive.

Technical characteristics of the coating

This floor is warmer to the touch than tiles and even softer than linoleum, and it can easily be combined with a heated floor system. Plus a lot of pleasant advantages:

  • High wear resistance;
  • No dangerous slipping;
  • Resistance to aggressive household chemicals;
  • Absolutely environmentally friendly - all components of the solution are non-toxic;
  • Ideally smooth surface for any subsequent finishing;
  • Hygienic and easy to clean;
  • Possibility to apply any image;
  • Fire safety and high level waterproofing;
  • Complete absence of seams and joints where bacteria and dirt do not collect;
  • And polymer floors are so resistant to low temperatures that they are even used as a base for large freezers.

The resistance of the self-leveling polymer floor to temperature is amazing: it will not lose its properties in the range from -60°C to +90°C. And even on the verge of these values, the floor will neither ignite, nor smoke, nor emit any toxins. And all because the polymers meet international standards.

And, unlike, these floors never emit dust or life-threatening compounds. In addition, interesting images are applied to them: 3D pictures, small details and much more. We can say that polymer floors are a real field for the imagination of modern designers.

But polymer floors also have some disadvantages that you should know:

  • Quite a large amount of work and the time it takes to complete it
  • High cost of materials used
  • High price for the estimate if you hire a construction team

And keep this in mind in advance: if you ever want to change the floor covering, it will be extremely difficult to tear off the self-leveling floor - it is much easier to fill it with a new layer or simply lay the same one. In general, that's all the disadvantages.

What does the market offer?

Self-leveling floors have a wide range of colors and patterns - much wider than even tiles. Prices for polymer coatings quite different: they depend on the design, the polymers used and the brand. Also, with a strong mechanical impact on the floor in the room, preference is given to the polyurethane version, since epoxy is less elastic. But for a constant static load - just right.

As for the brand, so far the most best reviews you can hear about the self-leveling floor Gipcreet Thermafloor. It's easy polymer solution, which never cracks. No less popular today is the Elakor PU self-leveling floor brand. This mixture contains a good hardener and color base that are mixed right before use. As a result, the floor is resistant to loads, dampness and active use chemicals.

You can also hear good reviews about Praspan and Proplan, SIKA and Hyperdesmo. And for the most complex projects they often choose RINOL - Italian company, which today is considered the world leader in systems self-leveling coating. Such floors are irreplaceable for those rooms where special or increased requirements are imposed:

  • Parking lots;
  • Operating rooms;
  • Supermarkets;
  • Public premises;
  • Transformer substations.

The environmental friendliness, durability and UV resistance of the final coating really depend on the quality of the materials used. If you hire a team to pour a polymer floor, it would be a good idea to ask them about their certificates.

It is not the polymer floor itself that is expensive, but its installation. Construction companies Indeed, they often inflate prices for such services, which they themselves often admit. That's why, if you learn how to fill such a coating yourself, then a modern self-leveling floor will become not a luxury for you, but excellent option home updates. And over time, thanks to its impressive service life, a polymer floor will pay you back at least twice.

Do-it-yourself pouring - how realistic is it?

Absolutely real. After all, the self-leveling floor adheres tightly to any base: tiles, concrete and even wood. The only main thing is that it is clean, dried, smooth and grease-free. The total moisture content of the base should not exceed 5%.

So, after you put the mixture on the floor, it will begin to spread and take up perfectly. horizontal level. Your only task is to ensure that no air bubbles appear anywhere - and for this they use a studded roller.

And you can place any objects to be created right at the finishing stage: lay it out on a thin layer of polymer varnish and fill it all over again.

How to care for self-leveling floors?

And finally, it’s not difficult to care for self-leveling floors. It needs to be updated periodically, covering protective varnish, and the rest of the time, wet or dry cleaning is sufficient.

Polymer self-leveling floors are washed with a special household chemicals with a high acid content. It needs to be applied to the floor surface for five to ten minutes, then thoroughly remove the remaining polish and rinse the coating well, using as much water as possible. This is usually done using special equipment, but you can do it yourself. If there are tire stains or other complex stains on the floor, then these areas are covered with a deep cleaning detergent for five minutes, after which they are cleaned.

In industrial premises, where there is a particularly strong mechanical load on the floor, dirt gets clogged into microcracks invisible to the eye, and the coating becomes a little dull. Then modern high-pressure washing units are used, which easily knock out all the dirt and the renewed floor is varnished.

If the self-leveling polymer floor will be frequently washed with aggressive chemicals in the future (for example, medical institutions), then it is protected from damage even at the pouring stage - by covering it with a special protective polish using a monom. And this polish needs to be renewed every six months.

Also remember that polymer coatings are not designed for prolonged exposure to alkalis or high concentration acids - and therefore should be left on the surface for a long time detergents it is forbidden. And another tip: it is advisable to install rubber pads on the legs of furniture or work equipment - this will make the floor last longer.

So why, given the relatively inexpensive material and quite understandable installation technology, do they charge so much for such work? It’s just that for our country such floors are to some extent still a novelty, and it’s always good to make money on new products. Try to do it yourself - the next step is to replace the floors in absolutely all other rooms!

In the process of pouring a polymer floor, the correct technology must be followed. The technology for installing self-leveling floors is considered very complex, but it is through certain actions that you can achieve an excellent result in the form of an excellent coating that can last for many years. The floor is regularly exposed to mechanical stress, and therefore care must be taken to ensure that it is of the highest quality, durable and wear-resistant.

Polymer floors: advantages of device technology

Before arranging a self-leveling floor with your own hands, you first need to familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of this technology, so as not to be disappointed later and not get a negative effect.

Self-leveling floors have both pros and cons:

  • Elasticity;
  • Strength;
  • Full resistance to chemicals;
  • Fire safety;
  • Ease of installation;
  • The presence of dirt-repellent properties;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • Possibility to carry out installation without the help of specialists;
  • No special care required;
  • Smooth surface;
  • Anti-slip coating;
  • There are a huge variety of varieties, so you can choose the most creative design.

Polymer flooring has many advantages, one of which is a long service life, which is not unimportant for this technology.

As for the disadvantages, self-leveling floors, against the background positive aspects, have many negative ones, but they are all covered by the fact that the floor will last for many years and will be able to pay for itself more than once. When installing a self-leveling floor, you cannot skimp on materials, as this will affect the aesthetics of the room, as well as the strength, quality and service life.

Poor quality floors turn yellow very quickly.

To equip a high-quality floor, you must first prepare a solid base. Dismantling a self-leveling floor is not very easy, and the use of powerful special equipment will be required. If it is necessary to change the floor covering, it is best to lay the sheets on a self-leveling floor, which will reduce the height of the walls.

Related article: How to decorate a living room and create decor with your own hands?

How a self-leveling floor is made using technology

To make a self-leveling floor, you will need to become familiar not only with the technology, but also with its variety. It is worth noting that this coating has far from a simple classification. To be more precise, by what materials are used to make the floor.


  1. Epoxy is particularly durable, which is why it is used more often than other coatings.
  2. Epoxy flooring with coins and polyurethane coating has a long service life and increased durability.
  3. Flooring with a methyl methacrylate base cures quickly and is very durable. It is used mainly for industrial premises.
  4. An industrial floor made of urea, which is formed by spraying, and for its installation you can not stop the work process.

Polyester solution is considered the cheapest and low-quality type of polymer floor; the service life of such a coating will be very short

Polymer floors can be of different thicknesses. High-strength floor, up to 6 mm thick, designed for indoor installation industrial production. Such coatings can withstand any type of load. Floors with an average thickness are 1.5-3 mm.

Thin flooring, the thickness of which does not exceed 1.5 mm, is used in rooms with minimal traffic.

The dust control coating may have minimum thickness 0.4 mm and is used to protect any concrete floor from dust and dirt. In some cases, such coatings are used to give the floor a certain shade.

Scope of application of Praspan and other types of polymer floors

Polyurethane-based floors can be used in a wide variety of construction areas - in industrial construction of workshops, food industry, in the arrangement of an exhibition, retail or parking hall, in the construction of freezers and refrigerators, including for sports fields.

Related article: Ceramic tile cutting

Polymer coating "Praspan" has high strength and excellent wear resistance

In domestic construction it is used in the arrangement of:

  • Bathroom;
  • Swimming pool;
  • Kitchens and toilets.

As a rule, for arranging floors in sports halls, the thickness of the bottom layer is 15 mm and the top layer is 2 mm, and an epoxy base is used. In addition, the floor in the gym must have rubber crumbs, which creates a rough coating with an anti-slip effect. It is important to remember that epoxy flooring is not as durable as polyurethane flooring and should not be installed in areas where the floor is exposed to strong mechanical stress.

Correct application of polymer floors

Before applying the polymer to the floor, you need to select a certain type of coating. As a rule, floors are selected according to certain criteria. It is necessary to take into account the quality of the old foundation. Be sure to pay attention to the strength of the expected mechanical load. Will it be necessary decorative coating. What properties should the future floor have, for example, antistatic, anti-slip, and the like.

To install a self-leveling floor, you will need to prepare all the necessary tools:

  1. A container with a volume of at least 20 liters in which the solution will be prepared.
  2. Low speed drill and electric whisk. The nozzle must be selected with a length greater than the depth of the container.
  3. A spatula is used to distribute the mixture into hard-to-reach places.
  4. Squeegee spatula to level the surface.
  5. Use a needle roller to remove bubbles.
  6. Spiked soles or paint shoes for easy movement on freshly poured surfaces.
  7. Solvent.

Mixing of polymer components is carried out at a temperature of + 20 ᵒC

The dilution of the colored solution must be carried out in the container from the factory. Next, you need to gradually add a transparent solution to them in small portions. To obtain a homogeneous composition, use special drill and a specific nozzle.

It is worth considering the point that the material must be laid out on the floor immediately after mixing so that it does not begin to dry out, which will worsen its performance properties.

In order to prevent the formation of floor deformation in the future, you will need to first do expansion joint. The seams are cut into a third of the coating, and dust must also be removed using a special industrial vacuum cleaner. Next, sealing must be carried out to prevent the penetration of moisture and dust into them. Emphymastics are perfect.

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