Easy to make, surprisingly effective: Bubafonya is a homemade long-burning stove. Do-it-yourself Bubafonya long-burning stove Long-burning Bubafonya stove

In order to understand what the Bubafonya stove is, it is necessary to take a closer look at the features of this design. It consists of several parts:

  • The basis of the furnace is a body shaped like a cylinder. Most often, the stove is made from gas cylinders or barrels. In some cases, the base may be a pipe or steel sheet, which is given a cylindrical shape (the ends are welded together).
  • A hole is made in the body for a metal chimney pipe, the diameter of which usually does not exceed 250 mm.
  • The piston ensures smooth burning of wood. Its basis is the heel with special “ribs”. It should be welded to the pipe through which air is supplied to the combustion chamber. The ribs are necessary to create an air gap between the surface of the heel and the fuel, which promotes combustion of the fuel.
  • The combustion process is controlled by a special valve, which is installed in the pipe from above. When it is completely closed, air stops flowing into the chamber, which allows the fire to be extinguished.
  • The cover has a hole into which the piston tube is inserted. Most often, an ordinary barrel lid is used to make this element.

Principle of operation

Bubafonya refers to heating devices long burning, which distinguishes it favorably from ordinary potbelly stoves. The fuel here does not burn immediately, but gradually as air enters the chamber. This effect is achieved due to the following features:

  • Fuel burns from top to bottom according to the principle wax candle . Firewood is laid vertically. Sawdust and wood chips are poured on top of the firewood and paper for kindling is placed.

Important! In conventional furnace structures, the combustion process is natural and occurs from the bottom up. Because of this, the fire quickly spreads to all the fuel and it is impossible to control this combustion process.

  • To ignite the fuel, the air distributor is removed and the process is carried out from above. As soon as the flame flares up, the piston is installed in place, and a lid is put on top of it.

Advice! Some owners of such stoves ignite without removing the lid. To do this, a small amount of kerosene is poured into the air duct, after which a lit match is thrown into it.

  • Long burning of fuel occurs due to the design of the piston. With its weight, it gradually compacts the fuel, moving down as it burns out. Thus, the fuel burns slowly and evenly to the very bottom.
  • During operation of the stove, fuel releases flammable gas, which is present under the surface of the air distributor. Thanks to it, the design efficiency increases by 30%.

Advantages and disadvantages of the bubafonya stove

Before you make a bubafon stove with your own hands, you need to determine the advantages and disadvantages of this design. TO positive aspects relate:

  1. Extreme simplicity of design. This is perhaps the simplest version of a long-burning boiler that anyone can make House master whoever has it on hand metal barrel, a welding machine and several pipes.
  2. The design is “omnivorous” and can operate on almost any type of fuel. This includes firewood, coal, shavings, sawdust and other wood products.
  3. Long burning. The larger the structure, the longer it will burn. The combustion process is also affected by the type of fuel used and the amount of oxygen (regulated by the damper). Thus, it may take about a day for one load of fuel to burn out, which is a very good result for homemade stove.

This design also has its disadvantages, which are as follows:

  1. Low efficiency, which is determined by the specificity of the design. The fact is that during operation not the entire area of ​​the structure is heated.
  2. Inconvenient ash removal process. The absence of an ash pan forces the ash to be removed through the lid.

Advice! The design can be improved by installing a grate and a special small door, which is designed to remove ash and is located at the bottom of the body.

  1. Made from a barrel or tank, like this the stove has a not particularly attractive appearance . However, it can be improved by simply covering finished design paint.

What do you need to have for production?

Making such a design yourself is not difficult if you use the right approach. In its basic version, the stove is devoid of blowers, grates and doors, and therefore the process of its manufacture should not cause difficulties for a person who knows how to use a welding machine.

The video shows the process of making the Bubafonya stove from a gas cylinder

Required for work following materials and tools:

  • The optimal dimensions for making the body are a metal barrel, the volume of which is 200 liters. Also a good option is gas cylinder. It is also possible to use a pipe with a larger diameter.

Advice! Because the barrels have relatively thin walls, they are not suitable for high-intensity ovens. At constant operation a wall of such a design will burn out in two or three seasons. Therefore, a barrel stove is optimal for country houses, for private houses it is better to stick to pipes or a gas cylinder.

  • A pipe used to construct a chimney.
  • The pipe through which air will be supplied to the combustion chamber.
  • Sheets of metal.
  • Angle grinder.
  • Welding machine.

Manufacturing Features

Now let’s figure out how to make such a stove yourself:

  1. Using " grinder", it is necessary to cut off the lid from the barrel or cylinder. Subsequently, the lid will be used to make top part ovens
  2. Along the edge of the cut lid it is necessary to weld a side, the width of which is 20-30 mm.

Advice! Using a gas cylinder as the furnace body, you can increase its volume by welding part of another cylinder. By enlarging the combustion chamber, you can thereby increase the burning time of the boiler.

  1. The air pipe should have a diameter of about 90-100 mm. This design should be about 120 cm long.
  2. We produce " heel" It is necessary to take a sheet of metal measuring approximately 50 by 50 cm. The “heel” must be made with a diameter of 40-50 mm smaller than the body of the structure. To ensure proper air exchange, it is necessary to do it in the center of the sheet. round hole slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe. Several blade-type ribs are welded on the bottom side. It is thanks to them that the air gap necessary for uniform combustion of the fuel will be formed.
  3. Piston assembly. The air supply pipe is welded to the “heel” so that the ribs are at the bottom. It is necessary to cut a hole in the upper part of the pipe, where a door is subsequently installed to regulate the volume of incoming air. To secure the damper, weld a bolt to the pipe, the thread of which will be used as a loop.

Important! For proper operation stoves must be taken into account following points: the lid does not fit tightly to the body, the pipe is not in tight contact with the hole made in the lid (it should be 5 mm wider than its diameter). Such slots will create additional traction. If these parts are tightly fitted to each other, the stove may start to smoke.

How to install a chimney?

A chimney is necessary for any stove installed indoors, since through it combustion products will be discharged outside. The chimney also creates the necessary draft.

To ensure proper functioning of the structure, it is necessary to prepare two sections of pipe, the diameter of which is 200-250 mm:

  • The first of them is made about 400 mm long, inserted horizontally into the upper part of the body, and then welded.
  • The second section is the main chimney, connected to the previous one at an angle of 90 degrees.


To equip such a furnace, it is desirable to pour a special foundation. This is done in several stages:

  1. A hole is dug, measuring 150 by 150 cm with a depth of about 30 cm.
  2. Crushed stone is poured into the hole and concrete is poured.
  3. After the concrete “sets,” the base is lined with 2 rows of fire-resistant bricks.

Important! Be sure to use a level to level the base! Any slopes must be excluded.

Bubafonya with a water jacket

This oven can be successfully used for air heating premises, but its possibilities do not end there. There is also an option with a water circuit, which has greater capabilities compared to the conventional modification.

The simplest one is to take a barrel of larger diameter into which the stove structure is placed. It is in the larger container that the coolant will be heated.

Important! If the room has heating system, then you can connect such a stove to it. Then the coolant will be distilled from the water circuit to the heating circuit through circulation pump. In this case, in the upper part of the structure there is a supply outlet, and the return is located at the bottom.


Bubafonya is a long-burning stove that is easy to manufacture and reliable to use. It can be made practically from improvised materials, and the manufacturing process itself can be mastered by any home craftsman without any problems.

If in private homes it is customary to use serious heating equipment, then it is better to entrust heating of a garage, cottage or greenhouse to homemade unit simple design, fueled by wood and coal. A proven option is the Bubafonya stove, made with your own hands from steel pipe or gas cylinder. This potbelly stove is so popular that it is often used for heating homes. Anyone who is familiar with it only by name will find here detailed information about the operation of the stove, its manufacture and reviews from real users.

About the principle of top combustion

Today, there are 2 types of heaters that use this principle - homemade Bubafonya and boilers from the Lithuanian brand Stropuva. The bottom line is this: solid fuel is loaded inside a combustion chamber made in the form of a vertical cylinder, and then ignited from above. From there, air is constantly supplied to the combustion zone through a vertical pipe ending with a disk weight with air flow distributors.

Reference. It is not known which top-combustion unit was invented earlier - a Lithuanian boiler or a Russian stove. But many domestic producers picked up the idea and began to produce heat generators operating on this principle, equipping them with automation and even forced pressurization.

Actually, the traditional Bubafonya stove consists of only 3 parts, shown in the photo:

  • a cylindrical body with a chimney pipe, installed vertically (available with or without grates);
  • top cover with a hole cut in the center for the air duct;
  • piston - a pipe with a welded “pancake” equipped with ribs at the bottom - air diffusers.

As already mentioned, the chamber is filled with any solid fuel– firewood, sawdust, wood chips or coal. The filling is pressed down by the weight of the piston, and a lid is placed on top of the pipe. The stove is ready for use. Now let's learn more about how it functions:

  1. After ignition and installation of the weight with the lid, air is sucked into the combustion zone through a vertical pipe due to the draft of the chimney. Coming out from below, under the “pancake”, the flow spreads in all directions thanks to distributors made of steel strips.
  2. Flue and pyrolysis gases go around the edges of the disk and rush to the upper zone, to the chimney opening. Secondary air also enters here, penetrating into the gap between the cover and the pipe (it is not specially sealed). As a result, flammable gases emitted by wood or coal are burned.
  3. As the logs burn, the piston lowers until it reaches the bottom or grate, after which a new load of fuel is required.

Scheme of upper combustion of solid fuel

It has been tested in practice that one load of firewood into a firebox made from a standard gas cylinder lasts for about 5 hours, and coal for 10-12 hours. Therefore, Bubafonya is rightfully considered a long-burning stove.

How to make a stove from scrap materials

To make the case, you can take any metal product that has cylindrical shape:

  • propane tank;
  • receiver from a railway car;
  • regular barrel with a volume of 100 or 200 liters;
  • pipe with a diameter of 300-500 mm.

Bubafonya stove from a large barrel

Note. The Bubafonya stove, made with your own hands from a barrel, does not last too long due to the thin walls that quickly burn out. The problem is solved simply - the unusable barrel is replaced with a whole one. The operation will take literally 30 minutes, which is required to weld the chimney pipe.

The piston is welded from a steel pipe, the diameter of which depends on the size of the fuel chamber. For a diameter of 300 mm (like a cylinder), a pipe of 57 x 3 mm is sufficient. A two-hundred-liter barrel needs more air, so the diameter of the air duct increases to 76 x 3 mm. The cross-section of the chimney pipe is selected accordingly, in the first case it will be 10, in the second - 15 cm. A steel sheet 1 cm thick will do for the load; a strip of 40 x 4 or 50 x 4 mm will be used for the distributors.

The most common design shown in the drawing is made from a gas cylinder in the following order:

  1. Unscrew the valve of the cylinder, fill it with water and cut off the cap with a grinder, focusing on the factory weld. Cut a hole in it with a diameter of 60 mm, and weld a shell made of steel strip along the contour for a tight fit to the end of the body.
  2. Cut holes for venting gases and cleaning the ash pan, as shown in the drawing. Make an 18-22 mm grate from reinforcement and place it on two corners welded at the bottom of the firebox, as shown in the photo.
  3. Install a door or cleanout hatch and weld the smoke pipe.
  4. Cut a disk out of thick metal, make a hole in the center and attach the pipe by welding. Make the diffusers from bent strips, welding them to back side cargo To regulate the flow, install an eccentric valve at the second end of the pipe. That's it, the stove parts are ready.

Advice. It is very important to make distributors from bent strip. Their arrangement promotes fan-like dispersion of air in the firebox and uniform burning of wood.

Installation of Bubafoni and its connection to the chimney is carried out according to standard scheme, as seen above in the picture. If you did not make grates and an ash pan door, then it is better to place the body on fireclay bricks so that the concrete in the garage does not crack due to heat. The lifting height of the chimney pipe is at least 4 m, and preferably 5 m. To get more visual information about the design and operation of the stove, we suggest watching the video:

Bubafonya with a water jacket

Many home craftsmen make this stove with a water circuit, turning it into a full-fledged long-burning boiler for water heating at home. If you want to follow their example, we suggest studying the drawing of a heating unit made from a pipe with a diameter of 40 cm:

During assembly you will encounter one difficult moment. At home, it is impossible to roll a steel sheet 2 mm thick and give it a cylindrical shape; rollers are needed. There are several ways out - take a larger diameter pipe or bend the metal to different angles. How you can make a square and hexagonal water jacket for Bubafoni is shown in the diagram:

The rest of the work is done as follows:

  1. Cut openings for the doors in the body and install grates as described in the previous section. Make a piston with air distributors.
  2. Weld the door frames and water jacket hermetically. Do the same with the chimney pipe.
  3. Install fittings with a diameter of 40 mm to connect the water heating system.
  4. Test the Bubafoni water circuit for leaks, then wrap it in basalt fiber insulation and cover it with painted thin metal.

Reference. The resulting top-burning boiler is capable of operating not only on wood, coal and sawdust, but also on waste oil supplied through the air duct by drip. How to organize this, watch the video:

Why does the stove smoke - operating features

Along with the important advantages that contribute to its popularity, the Bubafonya long-burning stove has a number of significant disadvantages:

  • requirement for good draft in the chimney, without which it smokes into the room during heating;
  • impossibility of reloading firewood until the previous portion burns out;
  • in the slow smoldering mode, little heat is released, while the chimney quickly “overgrows” with soot;
  • a burning firebox cannot be completely extinguished, since air will still penetrate through the gap between the pipe and the body.

This suggests a conclusion: during operation, the stove requires constant supervision, and the chimney must be periodically cleaned or burned at maximum mode and with high-quality fuel.

Important point. Bubafonya can smoke for one more reason - reloading with fuel. That is, when the user, for the sake of burning time, stuffs firewood into the firebox at the very top, which should not be done. Loading height – 5 cm below the edge of the smoke hole.

During the cold season heating season The issue of space heating is becoming more relevant than ever. And if in city apartments, as a rule, housing and communal services are responsible for this, then residents of the private sector have to deal with all the problems that arise on their own. For regular wood stove it is necessary to purchase a significant amount of logs and often this seriously impacts the pockets of consumers. In addition, some need to heat not only residential but also auxiliary premises, such as garages or greenhouses. Therefore, there is a natural desire to find a method for the most economical and efficient heating.

Do-it-yourself bubafonya stove: diagram and drawing

First, we need to understand how wood burning actually occurs. For wood to ignite, it must first be heated to a temperature of about one and a half hundred degrees from external source heat. As a rule, this task is performed by setting paper or wood chips on fire with a match. The wood begins to slowly char and, when it reaches about 250 degrees, it decomposes into simple chemical components. Smoke white, which we can observe when lighting a fire, are the gases and water vapor released by heated wood. And so, having crossed the level of three hundred degrees, the gaseous substances released from the tree ignite, further accelerating the thermochemical reaction.

The very decomposition of organic fuel, such as wood, into simple elements is called pyrolysis. And everything would be fine, but ordinary wood combustion does not fully utilize the entire potential contained in the energy carrier. A lot of waste remains, which ultimately does not contribute to savings.

Pyrolysis furnaces, one of the options of which we will consider in this article, use fuel much more efficiently. The main secret is that the combustion of gases released when wood is heated occurs separately from the energy carrier itself. In this case, the primary fuel smolders slowly, which allows for much longer operating time on one stack of logs. In “bubafonya” type stoves and other pyrolysis heating devices, everything burns out almost 100%, leaving behind only a small amount of ash.

How combustion occurs

The history of the creation of the Bubafonya pyrolysis furnace

“Bubafonya” was first assembled by a folk craftsman named Afanasy Bubyakin, who lived in Kolyma. In fact, it was named in his honor. The master took the Stropuva pyrolysis boiler, made in Lithuania, as the basis for his product. Afanasy simplified the design as much as possible so that it could easily be repeated independently. That is why the homemade pyrolysis oven “Bubafonya” is famous for its fairly high popularity.

It should be noted right away that, since homemade heating device made from readily available materials, it rarely has an attractive and aesthetic appearance. The main advantage of “bubafoni” is its simplicity, reliability and efficiency.

Below you can see an example homemade stove designs by Afanasy Bubyakin, made from an old gas cylinder.

Internal structure of the long-burning stove "Bubafonya"

  • The main element in the design of the “bubafoni” is its body. As a rule, it has a cylindrical shape: a cylinder, a large fire extinguisher, a barrel or a thick pipe with a welded bottom.
  • Chimney for removing waste combustion products. It is made, in most cases, from a metal pipe 11-25 centimeters in diameter, welded to the top of the body.
  • Feeder piston. It is a metal circle with ribs welded on the bottom, in the center of which an air duct pipe is fixed. The ribs allow you to create an additional air gap between the piston and the logs, which has a positive effect on the smoldering process and the activity of the release of pyrolysis gases.
  • A control valve that allows you to control the supply of oxidizer inside the furnace.
  • Cover with hole for air duct. Together with the piston, it forms a secondary combustion chamber, in which ignition of pyrolysis gases occurs.

Advantages and disadvantages of a pyrolysis oven

First of all, it should be noted positive traits of this heating device:

  • "Bubafonya" has a very simple design. Owning a welding machine and basic skills in working with metal, anyone can easily and simply make a stove with their own hands.
  • The Bubafonya pyrolysis stove is not at all picky in terms of choosing a solid fuel energy carrier. It will burn properly on wood, coal, sawdust, wood chips and other waste from wood production. In addition, it can be loaded with pellets - inexpensive and environmentally friendly granular fuel.
  • Working hours. After one load of wood, a pyrolysis oven can operate continuously and heat the air in the room for up to 24 hours. This indicator, however, can vary significantly, depending on the volume of the chamber, the oxidizer supply rate and other parameters.

But you have to pay for everything, and that's why simplicity internal device Bubafonya stoves lead to some disadvantages:

  • "Bubafonya" does not have high performance by efficiency. This is due to uneven heating of the cylinder body (barrel) and lower heat transfer. Pyrolysis furnaces of more complex and advanced designs, in turn, can boast excellent efficiency indicators, almost reaching a value of 90%.
  • “Bubafonya” is quite inconvenient to clean from combustion residues: the ash and ash have to be removed through the top. However, this homemade heater can be improved by welding a door at the bottom, allowing you to easily rake out all excess from the bottom of the oven.
  • Aesthetic unattractiveness. The design is quite rough in appearance and is unlikely to become a decoration interior design the room in which it will be installed.

Making a stove yourself

The entire process of creating a homemade pyrolysis boiler “Bubafonya” can be divided into five main stages:

  1. Preparing the room, materials and tools for work
  2. Installation and assembly of the structure
  3. Chimney installation
  4. Laying the foundation for a pyrolysis furnace

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Drawing of the Bubafonya pyrolysis furnace. Calculation of basic proportions.

The fundamental proportion in the process of constructing a homemade pyrolysis furnace from a gas cylinder is the mathematical ratio of the quantity internal diameter body to its height. In the drawing, the diameter is indicated by the letter D, and the height by H. The ratio of H to D should be in the range from three to five to one. The diameter itself is optimal conditions will be about 30-80 centimeters. You should not choose a housing for a stove smaller than 30 centimeters, since the oxidizer will pass through the combustion chamber too quickly without fully reacting with the fuel. This will significantly reduce the efficiency of the device. A diameter of more than 80 centimeters is undesirable for another reason: in such a boiler, the wood at the edge burns very slowly, and in the center - faster. When the fuel burns out, a hole will form into which the piston will fall, which will lead to the extinction of the “bubafoni”.

Wall thicknessΔ is the second most important calculated value. Perfect for optimal heat transfer steel body at 4-5 mm. Smaller wall thickness will significantly reduce the service life of the heater and its operating time on one refill.

Dimensions of the piston pressing plate:

Gap With between the piston and inner surface body is optimally calculated to be 0.05*D. Accordingly, the diameter of the pancake itself will be calculated using the formula d =D-2*H

The height of the pressing ribs made of metal profiles is considered more difficult. Here the relationship between the parameter values ​​is nonlinear. Empirically, for furnace body diameters from 60 to 80 centimeters, we take this number equal to 0.1*D. For a smaller “bubafoni” we use the proportional equation, taking into account that when D 0 = 30 cm h 0 = 4 cm.

Example of calculation by proportion. The inner diameter of the cylinder is 40 cm. We calculate the required height of the channels as follows: h=D*h 0 /D 0 =4*40/30=5.3 cm

Pancake thicknessσ. This parameter is inversely proportional to the internal diameter of the “bubafoni” D. It is necessary that the piston presses on the fuel layer with optimal force. With low pressure the coefficient will decrease reverse action stove and there will be a risk of the boiler catching fire with subsequent smoke escaping through the air duct. A piston that is too heavy, in turn, will not leave enough air space for the firewood to smolder and the “bubafonya” will go out.

This value can be found using the table below. There are no special requirements for compliance with this parameter; it is enough to adhere to it at least approximately.

D σ
30 cmfrom 6 to 10 mm
40 cmfrom 6 to 8 mm
60 cmfrom 4 to 6 mm
80 cmfrom 2.5 to 4 mm

Calculation of the minimum required chimney area. The smallest permissible value of the pipe area S is calculated based on the maximum energy release of the fuel per hour. S(cm 2)=1.75*E(kW/hour). In this case, E=m*q where m is the mass of the loaded fuel, which can be found by multiplying the maximum volume of the load V=H f *(π*D 2 /4) by its density (we find out from the table below). The coefficient q, in turn, is specific energy combustion of a unit volume of fuel per hour (we also take it from the reference table).

Calculation of air intake diameter

Preparing the room, materials and tools for work

Since the assembly of "bubafoni" requires the use welding machine, not every room is suitable for us to work with. Definitely needed high-quality ventilation, uninterrupted supply of electricity and reliable wiring (welding operation can cause overload in the circuit). In addition, installation may take more than one day, so the room must be protected from precipitation and be sufficiently spacious. It is also important good sound insulation workplace, since the noise from the grinder, welding and other tools is unlikely to please your neighbors.

By selecting appropriate place For installation, we begin to prepare materials.

  • The basis for the pyrolysis furnace will be an old gas cylinder. Instead, you can also use a large (about 200 l) steel or cast iron barrel with strong walls without traces of corrosion, a large used fire extinguisher, or even metal pipe with a welded bottom made of a steel circle.
  • Next we will need blanks for the supporting “legs”. In principle, you can try to do without them, but a “bubafonya” on legs will be much more stable, it is more difficult to accidentally turn it over with an awkward movement. Supports can be made from metal profiles, reinforcement and even sections of steel tubes.
Various options homemade stove legs

  • We can also create “handles” for more convenient carrying of a homemade stove from scraps of fittings. Also, they will not be superfluous on the lid of the “bubafoni”: this will greatly simplify the process of loading firewood and cleaning the boiler from ash.

Auxiliary materials for creating “bubafoni” will be:

  • Sheet steel for making a piston;
  • Two metal pipes for the chimney and air duct. Optimal diameter The air supply pipe is about 85-100 mm, and its length should be approximately 150 mm greater than the height of the cylinder. The chimney will require a wider pipe, with a diameter of about 150 mm. As for its length, it should be at least equal to cross section balloon;
  • Metal profile (channel);
  • Crushed stone, concrete and refractory bricks for making the foundation;

List necessary tools will be small. We will use:

  • Hammer;
  • Vise;
  • Shovel;
  • Mastercom;
  • Portable electric welding machine with a set of electrodes;
  • Grinder for cutting parts;
  • Tape measure, pencil, plumb line and level;

Installation and assembly of the structure. Installation of the chimney.

  1. First of all, we make a neat cut in the upper part of the balloon. The resulting cap will serve us later as a lid for the furnace.

  1. We attach homemade legs to the bottom of the cylinder using electric welding. The correctness of their installation can be checked using a level or plumb line.
  2. The production of the bubafoni piston occurs in three stages:
  • First we cut a circle out of steel. Its transverse dimensions should be approximately 3.5-4.5 cm smaller than the internal diameter of the gas cylinder to ensure free exit of the resulting pyrolysis gases into the secondary chamber. We make another hole in the central part of the circle so that the end of the air duct can be tightly inserted.

  • We weld the circle and the metal pipe together.

  • We fix channel cuttings to the base of the piston blank by welding.

The finished product will look something like this:

  1. We construct the furnace cover. In the center of the cut off upper part of the old gas cylinder we make markings for the hole. This must be done in such a way that the air duct pipe with the attached supply piston can move freely in it. Using the markings, we make the necessary cutout. On the sides of the improvised lid we weld handles from pieces of reinforcement bent with a vice and a hammer.

We install a chimney in the upper part of the improvised pyrolysis oven. Using a grinder, we cut out a neat hole according to the dimensions of the pipe blank and fasten it together by welding.

Video: How to cut a straight hole for a chimney using a grinder.

To ensure better draft, the chimney should consist of two “elbows” connected at right angles. To do this, at the ends horizontal pipe, coming out of the cylinder and another segment of the same diameter, we use a grinder to make even cuts at an angle of 45 degrees and weld the pipes to each other.

In addition, it is highly desirable to provide protection for the chimney in the form of a special reflective cap. This will prevent moisture and precipitation from penetrating inside the furnace with subsequent extinguishing.

That's the main part installation work can be considered completed. The oven is now completely ready for use. We can only, if desired, equip a special foundation for it and begin direct operation.

Laying the foundation for a pyrolysis furnace

Work on arranging the foundation for “bubafoni” will take place in three stages:

  1. First we need to dig a square hole measuring approximately one and a half by one and a half meters. The optimal depth for the foundation will be approximately 20-30 centimeters.

  1. We pour crushed stone inside and pour it on top concrete mortar. Level the surface using a trowel. After drying, we check the quality of the resulting plane with a level and further correct it, if necessary.

  1. When the concrete is completely dry, we lay several rows of refractory bricks on top of the base. As a rule, two or three brick layers will be enough.

Ignition of the Bubafonya stove

We pull out the feed piston with the welded air duct from the inside, having first removed the cap from the cylinder.

We put wooden logs inside. They must be placed horizontally close to each other. Vertical placement of firewood can have quite unpleasant consequences if an unburnt log standing on its edge interferes with the movement of the piston. This will lead to a full-fledged fire breaking out in the primary chamber instead of smoldering. As a result, the correct operating mode of the stove will be disrupted, the wood will burn faster and, in addition to everything, it may begin to smoke through the air duct. Logs cannot be placed above the location of the chimney.

Sprinkle chips with sawdust or small branches on top of the wood pile. Soak a piece in kindling liquid (kerosene is also great) old fabric and place it on a layer of wood chips. An alternative to a rag is paper.

We press the filling with the piston and put the oven lid back on.

We set fire to the wood by throwing a piece of lit rags or paper inside through the air duct. A match for lighting a “bubafoni” is not suitable, since it manages to go out before it falls down.

After 15-25 minutes, after the filling has ignited well, it is necessary to close the valve on the air duct. This will limit the air supply to the primary combustion chamber and will cause the logs to begin to smolder, releasing pyrolysis gases. Thus, the “bubafonya” will switch to its main operating mode.

Video instruction. Ignition of the Bubafonya stove

The main problem affecting the efficiency indicators of the Bubafoni is the uneven heating of its body and, as a consequence, the deterioration of the heat exchange process with environment. It can be partially solved with the help of a fairly simple modification of the design.

To carry out the modification we need corrugated sheet metal profile. It is necessary to make a kind of “shirt” for the stove from it, tightly fixing it on the surface of the cylinder by welding or other in an accessible way. Such an improvement will contribute to the formation of upward convection air currents: cold air is drawn in from the bottom of the ribs, and hot air is released from above. In addition, you can additionally cover the entire structure with brick. This step will allow the walls around the stove to accumulate the heat it emits, heating the room more evenly and for longer.

Video instruction. Making a homemade pyrolysis stove “bubafonya” yourself

The Bubofanya stove is one of the types of pyrolysis stoves (long-burning stoves). Its design is so simple that even a novice welder can make it. Despite the fact that it is not difficult to make a Bubafonya stove with your own hands, you still need to know some of the subtleties that we wrote about in this article.

What is "Bubafanya"

It is believed that such a stove was first proposed by an Internet user from Kolyma, Bubyakin. Since he went online under the nickname Bubafanya, over time a similar name was assigned to this stove.

Bubofanya stove

“Bubofanya” made from a gas cylinder

It consists of two cylinders inserted one into the other:

first cylinder bigger size with a removable lid serves as fireboxes(wood or sawdust is used as fuel);

A hole is made in the cylinder cover for insertion second cylinder (pipe); through this pipe air will flow into the firebox;

The firebox is equipped with a removable lid

Welded to the pipe (air distributor) piston(the so-called “pancake”); in order to prevent heated gases from flying away into the chimney too quickly, their air path is increased with the help of blades welded onto a “pancake”;

As the wood burns, the piston Gradually falls down under the influence of gravity, while compacting the fuel and preventing it from cooling too quickly;

pyrolysis gases(gases formed during the smoldering process of fuel) burn above the piston, increasing the efficiency of the furnace by 25-30%;

By using draft regulator (valve) located in the upper part of the pipe, you can change the air supply and, accordingly, the combustion intensity.

An air distributor with a “pancake” welded onto it with blades is inserted into the first cylinder

Since coal, when sintered, forms a dense slag layer that blocks combustion, “Bubofanya” is heated only with wood or sawdust. The duration of combustion directly depends on the volume of the furnace. Thus, a stove constructed from a 200-liter barrel is capable of heating a room without reporting new party firewood up to 2 days. The structure, made from a 40-liter gas cylinder, will burn for 8 hours.

Operating principle of "Bubofani"

Just like in all long-burning furnaces, the fuel in “Bubofan” does not burn, but slowly smolders. This is ensured by limiting the access of air into the firebox. The space is heated by combustion of pyrolysis gases formed during the decomposition of firewood. In a conventional firebox, these gases simply escape through the chimney into the atmosphere.

Scheme of the Bubofanya stove

The operating principle of this potbelly stove is reminiscent of the Lithuanian Stropuva boiler. Just like in factory samples, the fuel in it smolders more slowly due to the fact that air flow occurs not from below, but from above. But, unlike the Stropuva boiler, in which air is supplied through a telescopic (retractable) pipe with a distributor, in the Bubofan the pipe is solid. For its free movement, a hole is provided in the cover slightly larger than the pipe itself.

The author replaced the complex design of the deflector (air distributor), used to enhance traction in Stropuv, with a pressure (“pancake”) with blades welded on it. The afterburning gas enters the second chamber through a hole in the outlet pipe and the gap between the “pancake” and the stove wall. When oxygen is limited in the first chamber, the decomposition of organic matter becomes more intense and, accordingly, the efficiency of the furnace increases. By the way, soon after the description of the Bubofanya boiler appeared on the Internet, similar improvements appeared in Stropuv.

How to make a Bubofanya stove

1. To make such a structure, you can use any iron container: a barrel, a wide metal pipe, an old gas cylinder and even a metal box. But to create a furnace of greater power, the walls of the furnace must be much thicker, so their manufacture is used sheet steel 4-6 mm. After all, the temperature in such a furnace will be higher than usual, and the thin metal will burn out very quickly.

2. It is advisable that ratio of body width to height was no more than 5:1 (minimum 3:1). If the firebox width is small, the air will escape into the pipe without having time to warm it up. In a chamber that is too large, the fuel will burn more slowly at the edges, and in the center, in place of the burnt firewood, a void will form where the “pancake” will settle. The air supply will stop completely, causing the oven to simply go out.

Furnace assembly steps

Important! To prevent the gas remaining in the cylinder from igniting, before use it should be thoroughly washed, first with the addition of acetic or any other acid, and then with a solution of soda ash.

3. When making a stove from a gas cylinder, the top part is cut off (later it will be needed to make the lid).

4. To allow air through the gaps in the lid did not leak into the firebox, it can be made double with an asbestos gasket. At the same time, it becomes less hot and there is less risk of burns. For ease of opening the oven, 2 handles are welded to the lid.

5. Since the lid should be pressed against the body as tightly as possible, welding is done along its edge metal strip. Asbestos tape is laid into the resulting gap (with the help of it the lid will be attached to the stove) to increase the tightness.

6. A hole is cut in the lid suitable diameter for inserting an air duct (internal) pipe (for a small gas cylinder its diameter will be 80-90 mm).

7. An air duct that is too long will create excessive draft, so its length should be a maximum of 150 mm greater than the height of the stove itself. For example, if the boiler height is 850 mm, then the length inner pipe should be about 900-1000 mm.

The length of the air duct should be slightly longer than the length of the stove

8. A valve is installed in the upper part of the pipe to regulate the flow of air into the firebox.

The valve (flap) on the top of the pipe can be secured with a bolt

9. To attach the knee, a 100-120 mm hole is cut in the side of the cylinder. The diameter of the chimney riser inserted into the elbow is made slightly larger - 120-150 mm.

10. The joint between the knee and chimney sealed with asbestos cord or fiberglass.

11. Serious disadvantage ovens similar designs is their low heat transfer, so to accumulate heat, it is better to line a stationary boiler with brick or stone.

Important! Since the temperature in the chimney is low, condensation quickly accumulates in it, which leads to the deposition of soot on the walls. Therefore, the smoke exhaust pipe must have a minimum number of bends and slopes. It is advisable that the chimney is connected to the stove at an angle of exactly 90°.

"Bubofani" scheme

Making a “pancake”

In order for the “pancake” to move freely inside the oven, it diameter should be 15 mm less than the diameter of the furnace body. Pancake thickness depends on the width of the oven. The wider the firebox, the smaller the weight of such a piston (and, accordingly, thickness) should be. With a firebox width of 300 mm - up to 10 mm, for 800 mm it decreases to 4 mm. Additional weight can also be obtained by welding the ring suitable size(in this case, the thickness of the “pancake” may be smaller).

It is welded to the edge of the inner pipe so that the air passage remains completely open. It is attached to the bottom of the “pancake” 4-6 blades. Their height for small boilers is 40 mm; with a furnace diameter of 600-800 mm, the ribs are made slightly higher - about 60 mm.

In large stoves it is allowed to use channel sections as blades. If the path for air to pass through the pipe is too short (this happens in narrow, tall ovens), for better air circulation, the ribs of the “pancake” are curved clockwise. IN small ovens to lengthen the air path, you can weld an asterisk or a small round plate at the mouth of the “pancake”.

Types of air distributors (pancakes) for Bubofani

Bubofanya stove from the inside

Lighting up the stove

To light such a stove, you should:

Remove the cover and piston;

Load firewood into the chamber up to the mark;

Place wood chips and kindling paper on top;

Fuel loading

Light the wood;

Ignition of the Bubofanya stove

Install the piston and cover back into the housing;

After adding firewood, a “pancake” is inserted into the oven, and then it is closed with a lid

You can also light the stove using a burning rag soaked in gasoline, throwing it into the air supply pipe; You can also add fuel little by little through it.

Watch the video to bake Bubafonya with your own hands:

The topic stated in the title of this article concerns such an interesting device as a piston oven. It has different names, especially “bubafonya”, although the author of this video prefers a different name. Below we discuss what kind of fuel should be used to heat such a stove, why it smokes and, most importantly, the dangers when operating a bubafoni. It is concluded that such a stove cannot be used for heating residential premises, since even if it does not smoke noticeably, the smell of unburnt coals will still be present.

A barrel or similar container is used as a base, and an outlet is made for the chimney. A lid is installed on top. It is turned over with its ribs down and welded to it vertical pipe. This is the piston for the stove, which will move in it during the combustion process. Let's call this pipe a piston. It has a lid on it. The piston pipe is movable in such a stove. The chimney is connected to the outlet.
Structurally, the stove is easy to manufacture. Take a barrel, gas cylinder or other container to which the chimney is attached. A piston will be lowered into it, to which the ribs should be welded.

Bubafoni mechanism

Pour wood into the barrel up to the cut of the chimney, insert the piston and cover with a lid. Now we can light the wood. The fire burns under the pancake. And the air enters through the pipe, through the connecting rod. The fire burns and along the edge between the walls of the barrel and the pancake the flames rise into the combustion chamber.

As the wood burns, it all goes down. Fire burns best at the very bottom. When a guy has sunk very low, you need to accept that he no longer has to sink to the very bottom. The ribs that are welded downwards should be approximately 10 centimeters high. That is, the pancake should stand at this height. It is important that the piston above the lid does not rise more than 2-3 centimeters when the pancake is at the bottom dead center, going down one when the wood burned out.
If you understand the meaning and principle of operation of this stove, it can bring great benefits to the owner. In general, this stove showed good results, but there are nuances that relate to its safety.
The oven was fueled with different construction waste, sawdust and some unnecessary non-major firewood, because only such firewood showed the best and safest results.
The second part of this video is called “The riser in the furnace is dangerous.” That is, it turned out to be unsafe to refuel such a stove, densely packing it with firewood. In general, it turned out that it needed to be filled as densely as possible with sawdust, chains and other small wood fuel.

Disadvantages and dangers of bubafoni

As an experiment, firewood was loaded vertically into this stove, and several raw pieces were specially placed among it. These were wet firewood that lay in water before being placed in the stove. And when the wood burned out, the piston went down, it was supported by a log that burned, being damp.

And the two logs that were on top burned normally. And those that lay below remained almost untouched by the fire. The piston above them remained hot and red-hot. When a chimney malfunction was simulated, it immediately went through the connecting rod reverse thrust. The oven immediately filled up fresh air, smoke went into the room. Thus, two factors - a wet log and an imitation of a chimney malfunction - led to dire consequences. The most important conclusion. Firewood and logs cannot be loaded into the bubafon. And if you load them in a standing, vertical position, the stove will not function at all.

Source: youtu.be/pRrCe5eqw2w

The stove is smoking. How to fix it yourself

Secrets of the master, based on a real example.

Many people encounter this problem, but not many know that it can be solved on their own without calling a stove repairman.

Why does the stove smoke? There are several reasons, and now about them in order.

If your stove smokes from its very “birth”, then most likely one of the channels is narrowed, a wide firebox and a small diameter of the outlet (high) of gases from the firebox, a small cross-section of the pipe, a low-lying high, a low pipe.

If the stove begins to smoke over time, the cause will most likely be channels clogged with soot, a fallen brick in the channel or from a pipe, improper operation of the stove, or tipping of the draft.

Now let's take my specific case and look at everything in practice.


The stove smokes when the door is opened, usually when firewood is added, the smoke and flames just “burst” out. When the channels warm up, the stove heats better, and in certain weather, especially cloudy weather, it also begins to smoke heavily.


First the circuit was completely defined smoke channels. This was done by opening the cleaning doors and using a flashlight. The design was common, especially for country stoves of the 1980s, namely 5 vertical channels. Such ovens do not heat very evenly, so we decided to modernize it.

The channels were changed without disassembling the stove; it was enough to pull out a couple of bricks in the places where the partitions between the smoke channels were changed.

Then we moved on to the firebox, the diameter of the heater was measured, it turned out to be narrowed, the cross-section was 25 x 6 cm. That is, long and narrow. It was doubled in size by removing one row of brick from below. Next, they laid another row of refractory bricks on the edge with right side firebox, thereby reducing its volume.

What is the result?

The first kindling gave a positive result, the draft increased, when the door was opened the stove did not smoke, the stove heated up in 2 hours, and before that it had to be heated for 4 hours.

This is how you can independently increase the draft in the furnace, eliminate smoke and reduce the amount of fuel.

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