Wood concrete projects. Country houses made of wood concrete blocks: features, styles and prices Houses made of wood concrete yourself

Once upon a time there lived a kind and magical man. Old and wise, everything is as it should be. As a proper wizard, he always tried to help all those who work honestly and hard.

Having seen enough of the hard work of builders that it is difficult for them to constantly carry small bricks from top to bottom, I calculated how many of them are needed to grow a house even of two or three floors. He calculated the weight, multiplied it by the height of the building, estimated the width and grabbed his head.

  • Oh, oh, oh. This is how much these stones need to be dragged and moved, how much mortar needs to be made and laid between the bricks. This is a lot of work. It is not appropriate at a time when ships are already flying into space, robots are running on the ground, to place such a burden on the shoulders of people.

Wood concrete house projects: magic brick

Difficult magical days have begun. A day has passed, two. The wizard neither leaves his house nor shows himself. No one knows how long it took until the happy wizard jumped out of his unusual hut. He scratched the back of his head, whispered some strange, probably magical words, and gathered all the builders for a real magical council.

He pulled out a large vat. poured the most best cement. Any small pieces of wood added. He poured in the water. As befits a real wizard, he pulled out a hair from his long beard. Turned it into some kind of magic powder. I poured it into a large vat. He whispered strange magic words again. It began to bubble and swirl. Everything was mixed up. It turned into foam. And real bricks started coming out of the vat. Beautiful. Light, almost like down. Big as a beach ball. Durable, solid. Real magic bricks for a good home. Just like that, new housing construction has recently begun based on wood concrete house designs. Beautiful, wonderful, light in weight, fast in speed of construction. Real houses made according to a magical recipe.

On initial stage it is important to choose the right material after considering everything possible options. Brick and concrete, wooden beams were replaced by wood concrete, which is a mixture of high-grade cement and wood chips. It is in no way inferior, and in some respects even superior to traditional options.

It is necessary to take into account all the characteristics of wood concrete. Any type of base can be adopted, since even with significant shrinkage, due to the high strength and ability of the blocks to withstand bending loads, the walls of the building do not crack. It is possible to use a foundation, the construction of which will be the most profitable and appropriate in specific conditions, the most suitable design is tape.

Arbolite has high moisture permeability, therefore waterproofing is required using the following technology:

  • the elevation of the foundation above ground level is not less than 0.5 m;
  • A brick substrate is made to the same height, absorbing moisture.

2. Laying walls.

The technology is practically no different from the scheme for working with brick or foam concrete, except that the blocks are capable of absorbing moisture from the mortar. Therefore, in order to avoid “drying out” the joints, the wood concrete is moistened in advance.

The laying of rows begins from the corners, checking with a level for possible deviations; the material is easily processed. The thickness of the seam is taken from 10 to 30 mm depending on the geometry of the elements and the number of storeys of the building.

The solution is applied along the edges of the previous row. An air thermal gap is created, compensated by thermal conductivity cement-sand mixture. Additional insulation of masonry is often used using wooden slats or polystyrene foam tape. This gasket creates a gap in the seam, eliminating the occurrence of cold bridges.

The optimal thickness of the walls of a house is 30 cm. For a two-story dwelling - at least 40, since the loads on the lower rows of wood concrete increase. Subject to brick cladding either internal or external additional insulation It is allowed to accept a thickness of load-bearing walls of 20 cm.

It is necessary to stiffen the walls by reinforcing them with a polymer mesh or steel rods treated with an anti-corrosion compound. The corners of the building, door and window openings, and junctions of external walls are subject to reinforcement. For houses built from wood concrete, it is not necessary to strengthen the masonry, but many, to be on the safe side, place a mesh every 3-4 rows. You can read reviews from developers.

The blocks are laid in a checkerboard pattern, which ensures high reliability of adhesion of the elements to each other.

The guidelines for working with wood concrete indicate the need to lay out no more than three rows at a time. Then take a daily break to allow the solution to dry. It is for this reason that internal walls are often erected together with external ones. To speed up the strength gain of cement and reduce construction time, various additives are introduced into the composition.

3. External and internal finishing.

The surface is rough, which ensures reliable adhesion of the material and the rough plaster mixture, eliminating additional processing walls The facade of a house made of monolithic wood concrete or block can also be painted with acrylic urethane paint.

For exterior finishing, it is advisable to use products that have reliable adhesion to wood concrete. If the plane is not level enough, a device is allowed wooden sheathing. The method of decorating interior walls with your own hands is chosen by anyone. The humidity level in the room during work should not exceed 75%

4. Roof.

It is important to correctly calculate the loads and distribute them on the walls, the thickness of which must be sufficient to ensure the reliability and stability of the roof. The easiest way is to install a reinforced screed made of cement mortar after laying the last row of blocks.

Nuances of construction

When building a house from wood concrete with your own hands, it is important to study the manual and follow several simple tips. To the fullest thermal properties wood concrete opens in the absence of cold bridges, leading to significant heat losses. To eliminate them on your own, we use the technology of breaking the seams by laying wooden slats.

To prevent the absorption of moisture in the solution, moisten the surface of the blocks with water or place them on material that is not completely dried. This problem can be solved using a mixture of liquid consistency.

The use of wood concrete requires mandatory finishing. If it is necessary to use the products non-standard sizes It is advisable to process them on site. This will reduce costs and significantly reduce time.

Some nuances:

  • due to its high hygroscopicity, it requires a waterproofing device;
  • construction of a plinth with a height of 500-600 mm;
  • to protect against water drainage, the roof is moved beyond the walls by 300-500 mm;
  • for rooms with high humidity it is necessary to perform high-quality vapor barrier;
  • heat-insulating blocks with low density can only be selected for one-story houses, with a higher number of storeys, the use of construction material, capable of supporting the weight of floor slabs and upper floors;
  • wood concrete does not combine well with ordinary concrete, so when joining, special ingredients are added to the solution to speed up the setting of the cement, or wooden planks are used as a spacer between the surfaces;
  • when joining with metal, additional protection against corrosion is required.

The building material cuts, drills, saws well, and holds screws and nails well.

Possible errors

  • Hiring non-professionals to build a turnkey house is main reason dissatisfaction with the quality of work performed.
  • Wrong choice of blocks. A product with low density, the price of which is significantly lower, gives significant shrinkage with curvature in the vertical plane.
  • Lack of reinforcement above the ceiling. entails uneven distribution loads on walls and their curvature.
  • Deviations in geometric parameters. Leads to increased consumption masonry mortar and finishing plaster.
  • Construction of a plinth from cellular concrete. Porous building materials of low cost are not able to provide protection from moisture.

The cost of building turnkey houses in Moscow

The price of turnkey housing depends on whether a standard project is selected or developed individually for each customer. The layout also greatly influences utility networks on the site, the connection of which to the house constitutes a significant part of the estimate, the area of ​​the building and the number of floors.

Ordering a house by standard project, which can easily be adapted to wood concrete blocks, you will be able to save on the development of an original scheme and home plan.

Cost of 1 m3 of masonry standard thickness is approximately 6700 rubles, 1 m2 finished house on average it will cost 4200. Prices for fully finished housing made of wood concrete start from 800,000-900,000 for a modest and neat house. Two-story cottage with a garage and a swimming pool can be built for about 4-5 million.

8 years have passed since the purchase of the land and my wife and I were thinking about building a house for year-round residence. It must be said that neither I nor she had any architectural knowledge at that time. It’s just that on the vast expanses of the Internet they began to consider beautiful pictures with different layouts. In the end I got caught suitable option which everyone liked. but here's the problem appearance The facades were quite cumbersome and did not suit the spouse. we even went to one of the lucky owners of this project (fortunately in a neighboring village) and asked the owner about the weak and strengths this project. He willingly shared his thoughts. After this, my wife was puzzled by drawing the facade of our house. By luck, the neighbors in the village had a team of builders with a good reputation. After talking with the foreman and expressing our wishes, we came to an agreement. The facades were drawn for a long time and painfully, the result was not slow to show. Everything turned out quite interesting.
It all started with the foundation being poured in 2009. . The foundation is made using tape technology. Deepening 70 cm into the ground with drilling 1 m every 2 m of the wall. Reinforcement in three lines with 12th reinforcement plus installation of vertical reinforcement in all wells. The tape was dug not only under the external walls, but also under the internal partitions. The entire trench was filled with sand to a depth of approximately 10 cm. Formwork was made 45 cm above ground level. (now they would probably make it higher - 60 cm) in the very high place. while at the lowest it was 120 cm. Before pouring, air channels asbestos pipe 150 to all rooms. Pouring was carried out using a concrete pump using mixers. This tape required 36 m3 of concrete. The cost at that time was approximately 180 thousand rubles. (materials). After this, it was decided that the main part of the construction would begin in next year, i.e. in 2010. It was decided to devote all the remaining time to choosing the material.
The first thing that came to mind was wood (timber). At first there was a tempting offer for 200x200 timber, but as often happens, after meticulously studying the issue, which I did, this offer fell away due to inconsistency. We read a lot about cylindering - we were not satisfied with the rather complicated care of the material. Gas and foam concrete blocks the foreman advised against it. Quite by accident, in one of the popular construction magazines we saw a story about an Austrian material - wood concrete. Which is both wood and stone. We became interested and began to study the issue in more detail, but unfortunately we did not come across the corresponding topic of this forum... it turned out that the Austrian material is not for the average pocket... As it turned out later, there are also manufacturers of this material in Russia. The choice fell on one company, which is located in close proximity. We called, went to the office with the foreman, looked at the unit, found out that production (flawed workshop in Olgovo) established very close to the construction site. The foreman took one of the blocks with him to check its unsinkability, since the brigade (never!) I haven't worked with this kind of material. They tried to drown the block in the pond, but were unsuccessful and to their surprise, not much water flowed out of it during drying. After this, a decision was made. that we will build from wood concrete. External walls 200x300x500, internal walls 200x200x500. At the same time, we watched a bunch of videos on the Internet about this material and comparative experiments with gas-foam concrete. The time has come to conclude a supply agreement. Together with the company representative Dmitry, the cubotage of blocks (105 m3) was calculated. When concluding the contract, it stipulated the exact compliance of the material with the declared parameters and geometry. Dmitry said. that I have the right to return any number of blocks. if for some reason they don’t suit me. and without hiding. said that the workshop is in Olgovo sometimes he plays pranks and they argue very seriously about this issue.
But that was then, and now this workshop is independent and judging by the forum. things are not very good there..
The whole story approaches the spring of 2010. when it was decided to start construction. The first delivery of the blocks upset me, to put it mildly, because the machine arrived with an obvious defect - crooked. chopped, loose, white, gray. in a word, a complete set. I turned this car around, and both Gennady (senior at production in Olgovo) and Dmitry were immediately informed about it. (As one of my friends puts it, they don’t yet know who they’ve contacted). After that, I went to each acceptance of blocks myself and rejected the blocks mercilessly. It should be noted that Dmitry was always on my side and resolved the situation. When something broke in Olgovo. he arranged for the blocks to be shipped from another location without increasing shipping costs. The team did not stand idle for more than a day due to the fault of the manufacturer, but on the contrary, they rushed it with the supply of blocks, which aroused genuine interest in themselves. He did not mention that an agreement had been reached on the phased supply of material. so as not to clutter the area.
The construction of the walls began in May 2010, not with ordinary cement, which was mixed on site. STREN-S6 plastic mesh was used as reinforcement every five rows. Usage plastic mesh Dmitry suggested that there would be no rust. The masonry was carried out in the usual way with block ligation. The team liked the material because it was quite easy to cut into right size. I suggested making lintels in window and door openings using size 14 channels. In the upper blocks chain saw(which each member of the team mastered quite masterfully) two grooves were made and put on the channel. By luck, the channels subsequently closed completely window frames, which gives hope for the absence of cold bridges. .
It was decided to make the ceilings in the house wooden - beams 150x200. Because reinforced concrete slabs did not fit into the estimate for that year... The logs between the basement and the first floor rest directly on the foundation strip (it is 40 cm wide, and the blocks are 30 cm). Out of ignorance, the armored belt between the first and second floors was not made and the floor beams between the first and second floors lie directly on the blocks, half embedded in the block. Now I would probably make an intermediate armored belt.
A month later we approached the second floor. We decided to make it incomplete, the height external walls 8 rows + armored belt, which the team decided to make on their own, since the roof is a hip roof and good support is needed. On top of the 8th row of blocks on the second floor, concreting with a height of 100 mm and single-strand reinforcement was performed. The studs were installed and two more 50x200 boards were pulled on top. The outer side of the armored belt is covered with cut blocks, so that the concrete on the second floor is not visible from the outside. Internal walls The second floor, just like the first floor, has a height of 290 cm, a ceiling was also made above them and as a result, either a third floor or a large attic appeared with a height from the floor to the ridge of 3 meters. This circumstance pleased me, but a possible insertion skylights postponed for now.
Roof construction. This is a separate story. I had little idea how to make it and therefore completely relied on the team. I got the impression that even when they left in the evening they did not stop thinking about this issue and when they arrived in the morning they came up with a ready-made and thoughtful solution. As a result, a roof was drawn that crowns my building in the photographs in the album. Were made from double 50x200 edged boards four corner supports. on which the roof actually rests, and then the rest rafter system. After installing the rafters, the roof was immediately insulated with 200mm Rockwool using a Tyvek membrane. then the sheathing and the Prisma MCH. The cornices are made, but not sheathed and no gutter installed. left until exterior finishing Houses. From the inside, the insulation is covered with a metallized membrane Juta "Yutafol" and covered with board, since it is afraid of UV rays.
I'll add a lot more here more photographs than in the album. And then I will move on to a description of the installation of floors, installation of windows, construction of a porch.

Building a house is one of the main responsibilities of a man (after that, planting a tree and giving birth to a child). Everyone dreams of living in their own home. But, for this you will have to make a lot of effort, spend a certain amount of money and time, especially if you do construction work on one's own. Another problem is the choice of material for construction. On at the moment There are so many raw materials for work that you can break your head. You have to choose, analyzing the pros and cons of the material, the purpose of constructing the building, climate, available funds, etc. As practice has shown, one of the best materials Wood concrete is used for the construction of a residential building. It is practical, lightweight, durable, durable and environmentally friendly pure material, which is based on sawdust and Portland cement. Houses made of wood concrete blocks are distinguished by their energy intensity, because the heat conductivity of wood concrete is 0.07-0.16, depending on the density. Living in such a house is warm and cozy.

In this article we will look at how to build a house from arbolite blocks, the stages of doing the work yourself and some recommendations for constructing a foundation and laying walls. The article contains supporting videos.

Tools for getting the job done

You won't be able to build a house without suitable tools and materials. They must be prepared in advance and be in good condition. The list is as follows:

  • shovel, stone-cutting saw.
  • level, tape measure, plumb line;
  • stakes and long rope;
  • reinforcement bars Ø14 mm;
  • solution container;
  • trowel, notched trowel or trowel for laying blocks;
  • rubber mallet;
  • fishing line for leveling blocks.

Now you can start building a house from wood concrete blocks.

Stage 1 of construction - design

Every developer knows that the construction of any building begins with drawing up a project. However, this procedure is the first in any type of work. Projects are needed for orientation so that construction proceeds quickly and according to plan. Such a plan must be drawn up in advance and approved by the district administration. It should include details of the entire construction of the house. You can say - this is a map by which you will know what to do.

The plan should include drawings of the house, its size, number of floors, material, layout, communications, etc. Projects for a house made of wood concrete sides can be obtained in several ways:

  1. Order a specialist designer (the most expensive option).
  2. Buy the project on special sites.
  3. Free download.

Regarding point 3, be careful, since free projects may not always be of high quality. And this, in turn, will affect the entire construction. A well-drafted plan can have approximate cost each material, its quantity and approximate costs for building a house.

When your project is ready, you can purchase everything necessary materials and start construction!

Stage 2 of construction - foundation installation

The basis of any building is the foundation. It is he who is the guarantor of the reliability and durability of the building. Thanks to the fact that arbolite blocks the material is quite light, the construction of a reinforced foundation is not required. This allows you to save some money. The type of foundation can be different:

  • pile;
  • tiled;
  • tape shallow;
  • columnar.

The most popular type of foundation for an arbolite house is strip foundation, repeating the design of all walls.

Let's look at the sequence of work on its construction:

  1. Preparation and marking of the site. The area must be cleared of everything unnecessary: ​​garbage, old things, bushes, etc. Based on the design, markings are made on the ground with rope and stakes and the top layer is removed fertile layer soil.
  2. Digging a pit. The recommended trench width is 30 - 40 cm, depth - 60 cm (depending on the soil). These dimensions must be taken into account when marking and done correctly.
  3. Leveling the walls and bottom of the trench.
  4. Device sand cushion. Compacted with 5-10 soy sand and a 5 cm layer of crushed stone.
  5. Construction of formwork. Its height can be 30 cm, but if you live in an area with a harsh climate, we recommend making a base of 50 cm.
  6. At this stage, communications can be laid while the concrete has not yet been poured.
  7. Manufacturing of reinforcement frame. In order for the foundation to be strong, you need to do reinforcing mesh(reinforcement Ø14 mm) and place it in the pit.
  8. Pouring concrete. There are 2 options for the development of events: prepare concrete yourself or order ready mixture. The pit is filled with concrete. After which the finished foundation is leveled with a trowel.

Now it takes time, as the concrete must dry completely. This takes about a month. The formwork can be removed on the 10th day. The foundation surface must be protected from external factors. To prevent it from collapsing, cover it with polyethylene.

Please note! To prevent the foundation from cracking, periodically spray the surface with water to moisten it.

Now your foundation is ready. You can begin building the walls of a wood concrete house. You can buy blocks or make them yourself.

Stage 3 of construction - laying walls

Before starting masonry, it is necessary to ensure the foundation is waterproofed. For this it is covered bitumen mastic or spread 1-2 layers of roofing felt on the surface. This way the foundation and walls will be protected from destructive moisture, and construction will not be in vain.

Advice ! To correctly calculate the number of wood concrete blocks for the masonry of a house, use a special calculator.

All that is required is to enter into the form the dimensions of the block, the thickness and height of the walls, the perimeter and the thickness of the mortar when laying. Then you will know the amount of material required.

Laying walls is a responsible undertaking. They must be perfectly smooth and strong. It will be easier for those who have already done masonry with brick or other material. Working with wood concrete is even easier. First you need to prepare cement mortar. Everything is simple here: achieve a 1:3 ratio (cement, sand) and add water to bring everything to the desired consistency. Make sure to prepare as much mortar as you need for masonry. If you make a lot of solution, you may not have time to use it while it is liquid.

Pay attention! For masonry, you can also use special adhesive for aerated concrete. It dries faster and is easier to work with.

The time has come to lay wood concrete blocks. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Masonry starts from the corners of the building. Place the corner blocks on the mortar. They must be perfectly even, because the blocks in the corner are fundamental. Use a level. If the wall is long, install an additional block in the middle.
  2. Stretch the fishing line between the products. It should slightly touch the top of the block and serve as a guide for even laying.
  3. Now lay the remaining blocks, forming 1 row. Apply mortar or glue to the foundation and align the blocks evenly. Please note that the seam between them should not exceed 10 mm. Rubber mallet tap the block, adjusting it to the fishing line.
  4. It is clear that the length of the wall will not always be equal exact quantity blocks, so one of them will have to be cut. The question arises: how to saw wood concrete blocks? You can use a stone cutting saw. Arbolite is easy to process, so it is easy to saw. At the same time, use metal corner so that the block comes out smooth.
  5. When the first row of masonry around the entire perimeter is completed, you can proceed to the next one. The procedure is exactly the same, only now you need to do a dressing.
  6. During the construction process, do not forget to make openings for windows and doors in the right places.

Watch the video, which clearly shows the laying of wood concrete blocks.

This is all technology. All that remains is to build walls, make lintels over the windows and doorways, perform the overlap and install the roof using the chosen technology. The construction of the building frame made of arbolite blocks has been completed. But this is far from the end, because you still have a lot of work to do.

If this is your first time laying wood concrete blocks, then these tips will help you do everything right.

Keep in mind that wood concrete blocks must be protected from external factors. Therefore, it is better to finish finishing the interior and exterior quickly.

We invite you to watch the video, which describes in detail the construction of a house from wood concrete blocks.

Building a house is a very important step, since everything needs to be done efficiently and reliably, because the future construction should last for many years. It is important to think through the details and first of all decide what material the home will be made of. The first to come to mind are popular materials such as brick or wood, but one more option should be noted that will give both of them a head start - this is wood concrete. The material has a lot of advantages, and this article will talk about this in more detail. In order to save money, many build a house from wood concrete with their own hands, and in this case it is necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists.

What is wood concrete

This may be the first time some of you are learning about the existence of such a building material. But today more and more buildings are made from it. And this should not be surprising, because it has many positive aspects.

Arbolite is a type of lightweight concrete. It has a coarse-grained structure, and 80% of the entire base is wood chips. The composition of wood concrete includes three main components:

  • organic filler (chips, sawdust, shavings);
  • Portland cement;
  • modifying additives.

Modifying additives in the composition improve technical specifications wood concrete. Thanks to them, the material can have the following properties:

  • improved bactericidal qualities;
  • acceleration of the setting process;
  • regulation of wood concrete porosity.

You can purchase the material in specialized stores. It is sold both in blocks and as monolithic panels. It is noteworthy that in order to save money, wood concrete can be made independently, for example, in garage conditions. All you need is to prepare all the components.

Advantages and disadvantages

By making wood concrete, you actually recycle waste from wood processing organizations. Due to its composition, wood concrete is a fairly light material, so the future construction will not be very heavy. Besides:

  1. The labor intensity of the entire process of laying walls will be reduced.
  2. The costs of using special equipment will be reduced.
  3. Installation work will be easy to complete.
  4. It is not necessary to make the foundation strong.

A wall made of wood concrete is less subject to deformation processes during shrinkage of the house. Thanks to this, you don’t have to worry about cracks and other damage appearing later.

It should be noted that positive qualities wood concrete has a mass:

  1. Low thermal conductivity, due to which the material holds well warm air indoors and prevents the penetration of both cold air in winter and warm air in summer.
  2. Increased frost resistance, which makes it possible to build buildings in regions with harsh climates.
  3. Fire resistance, thanks to which the material will not burn, despite the wood content in the composition.
  4. Good adhesion. This property helps to combine wood concrete with any building materials, which adhere perfectly to its surface.
  5. Strength and durability. This indicator is one of the main ones, since during the construction of any building everyone wants to achieve exactly this goal. Wood concrete blocks are quite durable, so you can easily build a house of 2-3 floors. By the way, wood concrete will not rot and fungi and various microorganisms will not appear in it.
  6. Porous structure providing excellent sound insulation.
  7. Light weight.
  8. Absolutely environmentally friendly.
  9. Small price.

The material also has its own small disadvantage - low moisture resistance. Arbolite is hygroscopic and easily absorbs moisture from environment, therefore, during work it must be isolated from moisture.

Wood concrete does all this ideal option to build your home.

If you want to build wood concrete house, you need to immediately decide how to do it - build it from blocks or fill it monolithic house from wood concrete . Next comes another choice - buy the material or make it yourself. If you have the means and decide to buy the blocks, simply prepare a storage area for them under the shed. Self-production Wood concrete is also welcome, all you need is to prepare the material in advance.

The basis for wood concrete is wood chips, but they should not be too small - at least 4x5x0.5 cm. This is due to the fact that wood absorbs moisture very quickly. If the chips are small, when mixed with cement they will simply lose their properties.

The preparation of raw materials should take place in the following sequence:

  1. Purchased waste from the sawmill must lie on outdoors for 3–4 months.
  2. After this, they need to be treated with a limestone solution (2.5 kg per 150 liters of water).
  3. The wood chips must be stirred for 3 days.
  4. Wait until the limestone mortar dries.

Additives for wood-concrete mixtures can include:

  • aluminum sulphide;
  • slaked lime;
  • calcium or aluminum chloride.

After all the steps, it’s time to start mixing the wood concrete mortar.

Preparing the mixture

To prepare 1 m 3 of wood concrete solution, you will need the following components:

  • 300 kg of wood chips;
  • 300 kg of Portland cement;
  • 15–35 kg of chemical additives;
  • 350–400 liters of water.

Kneading is best done in a container with low sides; a large trough would be ideal. Otherwise, you can use a concrete mixer. To make wood concrete blocks, you will need molds. They can be made from wooden boards, covered with plywood or sheets of metal. To make a bottom for them, use linoleum. For convenience further work make handles.

The molds must be moistened with water or lime before pouring. And the bottom, which is made of linoleum, will need to be changed periodically, as it will wear out.

Now you can mix the solution. To do this:

  1. Pour sawdust and additive into a trough or concrete mixer.
  2. Cover everything with water and mix well. If you are doing this by hand, use a garden hoe rather than a shovel to mix.
  3. Then add Portland cement and water.
  4. After which everything needs to be mixed thoroughly again.
  5. Treat the made forms with lime.
  6. Pour the mixture into the molds and compact it well.

There is no need to pour the solution flush into the mold. Leave 2-3 cm of space from the edge of the pan. Wood concrete must be covered on top plaster mixture and level with a spatula. The block should be kept in the mold for 24 hours so that it sets and becomes stronger. The next day, the blocks need to be removed and placed under a canopy. There they will wait in the wings for 2-3 weeks, only after which they can be used for construction work.

If you plan to make the walls monolithic, gradually filling them, mixing the mortar should occur immediately after the foundation is made and everything is ready for pouring the walls. The technology for mixing the solution is the same.

So, the material for building a house has been prepared, next we will look at how to build a house. If you already have a house plan and drawings, then the first thing you need to do is make a foundation - the basis for the future house.

Foundation arrangement

The main advantage when working with wood concrete is its low weight. Therefore, the foundation for your building can be anything:

  • pile foundation;
  • strip shallow foundation;
  • slab foundation;
  • columnar foundation.

The important fact is that even if the building sags (which cannot be avoided), the walls of your house will not crack. This is possible thanks to unique properties wall blocks made of wood concrete: they have high fracture strength. Thanks to this, you can choose any type of foundation in order to save money and ease the arrangement. Most often preference is given bored piles and strip shallow foundation.

Briefly about how to make a strip foundation:

  1. Prepare the foundation, mark the site according to the house plan.
  2. Dig a trench under the foundation.
  3. Compact the bottom by making a 5 cm high cushion of crushed stone or sand and compacting it.
  4. If desired, install reinforced mesh.
  5. Then make the formwork. Make sure that no gaps are formed.
  6. Now you can pour the concrete, compact it and expel the air.
  7. Everything is leveled with a trowel and left until completely dry, which will take 1 month.

Since the wood concrete from which the walls will be built has low moisture resistance, the foundation necessarily needs waterproofing. Firstly, the base must be raised 40–50 cm above ground level or a half-meter brick base must be made. Secondly, the foundation must be lubricated with bitumen and 2-3 layers of waterproofing (for example, roofing felt) laid.

Briefly about how to make a bored pile foundation:

  1. Calculate the future foundation (depth, height above the soil, frequency of piles).
  2. Mark the area based on calculations.
  3. Make holes for the piles.
  4. Make formwork and make a cushion.
  5. Reinforce the future foundation.
  6. Install piles and carry out waterproofing work.
  7. Pour concrete into the wells.

When the selected foundation is ready, you can begin building the walls. If you have already done brickwork, it will be easy for you to work with wood concrete, since the principle of operation is the same. The order of work is as follows:

  1. Masonry starts from the corners. It is necessary to align the corner blocks perfectly evenly, since the evenness and quality of the future wall depends on this. For these purposes, a building level is used.
  2. Then a cord or fishing line is stretched between the corners. It should run along the edge and be well stretched. The following blocks will be aligned using it.
  3. After this, the laying of the blocks occurs directly. They need to be adjusted to the level of the fishing line and the same seam should be made, no more than 1 cm.
  4. Having finished the first row, do the second in exactly the same way, only with the link you have chosen.
  5. If the blocks need to be adjusted to size, they can be cut with a stone saw.

To ensure reliable and high-quality masonry, you should consider some points:

  1. In order for a house made of wood concrete to exhibit its thermal properties 100%, the formation of cold bridges must not be allowed. They will contribute to large heat loss. To remove them, when laying, use the method of breaking the seam using a wooden plank. It should have a cross section of 12x12 mm.
  2. Since wood concrete strongly absorbs moisture, they must be moistened with water before installing the blocks. Otherwise, it will absorb water from the cement solution. Another option is to make a thinner solution.
  3. If you need to build a house with non-standard design, the blocks are processed immediately on site using a stone-cutting saw. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time, shaped blocks can be ordered from specialized companies, but this will cost more.

Monolithic walls

If you are planning to do monolithic walls, you need to make a solution before starting work. The technology is similar to conventional concreting. Formwork is installed on the foundation. Its height should be 60 cm maximum. It is important to ensure that it is sufficiently reliable and strong to withstand the load of heavy wood concrete, so it must be well connected and strengthened.

As reinforcement for wall rigidity, you can use plank frames, which are installed vertically in increments of 120–150 cm. Thanks to the frames, a expansion joint, promoting uniform load distribution. The boards must be treated with an antiseptic.

It is better to pour concrete in a layer of 50 cm and no more, so that the structure does not fall apart under the weight. Do not fill the solution to the brim. After that, everything is compacted tightly and waited for drying (usually 2-3 days). As soon as the solution has set, the formwork is dismantled and raised higher to pour the next layer of wood concrete. The formwork should be removed carefully. All work is carried out until the required building height is reached.

Finishing arbolite walls

Thanks to the rough surface arbolite walls have good adhesion (adhesion to any surface). This means that you can plaster the walls immediately, without additional preparation of the walls.

As an outdoor facing material you can use any material:

  • siding;
  • lining;
  • brick;
  • wood (block house);
  • facade paint.

Inside, the walls of the house can be decorated with whatever your heart desires. There is only one rule - indoor humidity should not be more than 75%.

When the frame of the future building is made, you should take care of the roof over your head. The main task is to correctly distribute the load throughout the entire structure. To solve it, you can resort to one of two options:

  1. Do concrete screed, which is reinforced over a layer of wood concrete.
  2. Install wooden beam on blocks (mauerlat).

The second option is most often used. The beams must be treated with an antiseptic and installed in increments of 60 cm. The cross-section of the beams is 10×20 cm. To make rafters, boards with a cross-section of 20×5 cm are used. The rafters are covered with waterproofing material.

The ridge is made of timber measuring 5x5 cm. It must be attached to the rafters. For the sheathing, take a 15x3.5 cm board and fasten it in increments of 25–30 cm. All that remains is to lay roofing material. It can be slate, metal tiles or corrugated sheets.

So, it’s quite possible to make your own home from wood concrete. Moreover, such a house will be warm and durable.



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