Do-it-yourself sliding doors on rollers: installing doors and rollers for sliding doors correctly. Do-it-yourself door on rollers - easy to make, convenient to use Do-it-yourself sliding door, homemade mechanism

Setting out to create unusual interior, using time-tested and well-known elements, you should pay attention to sliding interior doors. By using them in the interior, you can use the space more ergonomically by dividing it into different zones and at the same time maintaining the illusion of the integrity of the room. In addition, making sliding doors with your own hands is quite simple; you will need an understanding of the process and ability to use tools, as well as knowledge about sliding doors.

Advantages and disadvantages of sliding doors

Before using sliding interior doors in the interior, you need to know their strengths and weaknesses. It will depend on what tasks you face when planning the interior whether you choose sliding doors or not.


  • save room space;
  • do not close when exposed to drafts, unlike swing doors on hinges;
  • simple and easy opening of the doors. The only thing that should be taken into account is maintaining cleanliness and timely maintenance of the roller mechanism;
  • can be easily automated if necessary. This is one of the main advantages of sliding doors, which can be realized very easily with the help of modern technologies;
  • no thresholds. This advantage is somewhat controversial, since there are sliding door systems that have lower guides in their design, which can act as a threshold or be embedded in the floor.


  • low rates of heat and sound insulation. Systems in which a special seal is glued to the end of the door, and the doors themselves slide into a special niche, have somewhat improved sound and heat insulation characteristics;
  • inability to install as front door. It is worth noting that if it is a balcony, loggia or country house with a wall of sufficient length, then you can install sliding glass doors leading from the room to the street;
  • the price of fittings and locks for sliding doors is an order of magnitude higher than the prices for conventional doors. In addition, prices for sliding doors are also slightly higher, which imposes some restrictions on the choice according to the budget;
  • when using certain type sliding doors will not allow you to place any furniture or large household appliances nearby.

Design and types of sliding doors

There are various sliding door systems that differ in appearance, but the design itself in its core and operating principle remains unchanged. The design of sliding doors is a system consisting of roller mechanism,guides And door leaf. The roller mechanism is attached to the door, and the rollers move along guides fixed above the doorway. Various types of sliding interior doors can include from two to four or more roller mechanisms, as well as several guides and door leaves. In addition, the design of the sliding door includes decorative panels, covering the mechanism itself, various special door hardware, platbands and additions.

The picture below shows the different types of sliding doors:

But among all the diversity, the following main types of sliding doors are distinguished:

  • sliding compartment doors;
  • cascading sliding doors;
  • accordion sliding doors;
  • one, two, three and four-leaf sliding doors;
  • radius sliding doors.

Sliding door fittings

Due to their unusual design, sliding doors require a specific type of hardware. Locks and handles for sliding doors are not the same as we are used to seeing on regular doors. Characteristic feature handles is that they are recessed into door leaf. This is done so that the doors can move freely to the side and, if necessary, enter the niche reserved for it. The locks are also not quite ordinary. If you compare it with a conventional lock, you can see that the locking mechanism is designed for vertical latching.

When purchasing a sliding door, the fittings usually come with the door leaf. But if there is a need to install handles and locks yourself, then you need to be extremely careful and choose them correctly. It is best to seek help from a specialist or search by catalog number.

Sliding door mechanism

Sliding doors get their name due to the method of opening, which is ensured by the movement of rollers along guides. The roller mechanism and guides for sliding doors must be selected based on the type of sliding door, the number of leaves and the material of the door leaf. The whole point is that different systems have different weights and create different loads on the structure as a whole. So, if you compare a single-leaf sliding door made of MDF and a double-leaf glass sliding door, the weight of the first one will be much less, and you can choose a simpler and lighter roller mechanism for it.

Also, when installing some types of sliding doors (cascade, accordion, compartment), it is necessary to take into account the number of roller mechanisms and select the correct guides. For example, for a cascade door it is necessary to install 2 roller mechanisms for each door leaf and guides with two gutters. It is especially important to pay attention to the fact that to create sliding doors and cascade doors, it is necessary to provide one groove in the guides for each door leaf.

As noted earlier, the reliability of sliding doors directly depends on the roller mechanism and guide. But sometimes, as in the case of a glass sliding door, you have to install two guides - one at the top of the doorway, the other at the bottom. This is the only way to get a stable and reliable door with a large mass of door leaf.

Sliding door installation options

The functionality and convenience of interior sliding doors allow you to implement various design solutions as in rooms with limited space, and in rooms with a large area. Such doors allow you to transform interior space, organically fitting into the interior.

The most popular option is to install sliding doors between two residential areas. Using double-leaf doors, you can zone a room while maintaining its integrity. At behind closed doors it will be two different rooms, and when open - one, but with a large area. For example, by installing sliding doors, you can separate a small office, and when open doors- it will be common area for business negotiations.

Another option for using sliding doors is to install them between living quarters and loggia, balcony or terrace in country house. In this case, it is advisable to use sliding glass doors. A large luminous flux will flow through them, and warm time years, by opening them, you can expand the room indefinitely.

Quite often sliding doors are used For technical premises . So, by installing sliding sliding doors, you can separate a utility room or pantry, while saving precious space.

One of the most difficult and expensive to install are radius doors. This largely depends on the complexity of manufacturing the door leaf and curved guides. But such doors can be seen in shower stalls or rooms with rounded shapes. It looks quite impressive.

Unfortunately, due to their shortcomings, sliding doors do not make sense to install between rooms such as the kitchen, living room, bathroom or toilet. Of course, with the development of technology, new materials and methods of their application appear. And perhaps the disadvantages of sliding doors with the use of new technologies will be leveled out or completely disappear, which will open up new horizons for their use.

How to make sliding doors

Having decided on the type of sliding door and purchased everything you need, you can begin installation. Let's look at the installation process using the example of a single-leaf sliding door. This is the simplest and most common door and the easiest to install. But it should be noted that the description will also indicate key points, which are also typical for other types of sliding doors.

So, to install sliding doors with your own hands, you need to do the following:

  • The first thing is to make markings for the guides. To do this, you can go two ways. The first is to simply measure the height of the door from the floor with a tape measure, adding 15 - 20 mm to it for the gap between the floor and the door. And to this height add the height of the assembled roller mechanism and guide. Then put 2 - 3 marks on the wall and draw a line between them. The second option is similar to the first with the difference that the door leaf is placed against the opening, and marks are placed along the upper edge, to which the height of the roller mechanism and guide is then added.

Important! Before installing the guide, you need to make sure that the marks are strictly horizontal. This can be done using a level. Otherwise, after installation, the doors will spontaneously open in one direction or another.

  • Now we install the guide along the previously marked line so that the guide is installed under it. Depending on the guide itself, it can be secured in different ways. Some are attached directly to the wall using dowels, some can be mounted on special brackets or wooden beam. The guide itself should be at some distance from the wall so that when opening the doors they do not cling to the doorway or trim. It is necessary to carefully select guides and know how to install them. For sliding doors and other sliding door structures that have a height from floor to ceiling, the guides are attached to the ceiling and floor.

Important! To prevent the sliding door from flying off the first time it is opened, the length of the guide should be 2 times larger than the doorway, and another 4 - 5 cm of spare space should be added to this length. It is because of this feature that sliding doors require a lot of free space near the doorway, although they save space when opening.

  • Having secured the guide, insert the fastening bolt inside the roller carriage and insert the entire roller mechanism into the guide. For regular single door Only two rollers are required, but if we are installing accordion doors or cascade doors, we will have to purchase rollers for each leaf in advance.
  • We install brackets for roller carriages on top of the door leaf. They are attached with a distance of 3 - 5 mm from the edge of the door.

Important! For glass doors, a different fastening method is used. The fastener itself consists of two metal legs that clamp the glass together and are tightened with screws. In addition, due to the large mass of glass, it is recommended to install doors with two guides: one in the floor, the other above the doorway.

  • Now that the rollers and fasteners for them are installed, we put the door leaf in place, lift it and screw the bolts into the brackets at the top of the door. This step of the job is best done with a partner who can lift and hold the door while the bolts are tightened. After this, we check the horizontalness of the door and, if necessary, level it by tightening the bolts.

  • The doorway and slopes can be hidden behind platbands and extensions. But we hide the roller mechanism itself behind a decorative strip that is hung on top.
  • Finally, we install the door hardware.

Installing a sliding door with a special niche in the wall will be somewhat more labor-intensive. To do this you will have to create from plasterboard sheets a partition into which the door will slide. But for doors with a track, you will have to cut out a groove in the floor, which will require the use of a hammer drill. In all other respects, installing sliding doors is a very simple and easy task.

With the help of sliding doors you can create an extraordinary interior of an apartment or private house. Using this device, you will be able to rationally use the space, divide it into separate sectors, without losing the integrity of the room. Speaking about how to make sliding doors with your own hands, you should know that everything is simple. You just need to understand the manufacturing process and have some skills in working with tools.

Sliding door system diagram.

Items needed to install sliding doors:

  1. Rollers.
  2. Door covering.
  3. Guide.
  4. Handles. Platbands.
  5. Reiki for decoration.

Existing sliding door designs

Today there are various door systems similar type, which differ from each other in appearance. You should know that the design itself most often remains the same. Such doors are a system that consists of several rollers, guides and a leaf. The roller mechanism is attached to the door, and the rollers themselves move along guides that are fixed above the opening. Various models can be equipped with 2-4 sets of rollers, several guides and blades.

Types of sliding doors.

The design includes platbands, extensions, special fittings, as well as decorative panels that cover the mechanism itself.

There is quite a large number various types doors, but the most commonly used are the following:

  • sliding compartments;
  • harmonic;
  • cascade;
  • single or multi-leaf;
  • radius.

Accessories for sliding structures

Sliding doors have unusual design, therefore you should purchase special fittings for them. The handles are not the same as those found on ordinary doors. The difference between such devices is that they are recessed into the canvas. They must be recessed so that the device can freely move from one side to the other and enter the opening that is intended for it. The lock mechanism is designed for vertical latching.

All necessary fittings are included with the finished structure. However, if you want to install handles and locks yourself, you will need to choose them correctly. In this case, it is recommended to seek advice from specialists or search by model in the catalog.

Mechanisms for doors of this type

Sliding door roller mounting diagram.

This method of opening occurs due to the movement of rollers along guides. The mechanism and rollers should be selected based on the type of structure, the number of sashes and the material from which the leaf is made. Different systems may have different weights and will therefore place different loads on the entire product. For example, if you compare an MDF door with 1 leaf and a glass product with 2 leaves, then the first one will weigh much less, and therefore a simplified roller mechanism should be selected for it.

When installing some types of doors, you will need to take into account the number of roller mechanisms; in this case, it will be important to select the correct guides.

For example, for a cascade design, you should install 2 mechanisms for several canvases and guides with several gutters. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that in the process of manufacturing cascade and compartment structures it will be necessary to install one gutter for the door leaves.

As mentioned earlier, the possible period of use of such a device will depend on the set of rollers and guide. However, in some cases you will need to install 2 guides - one at the top of the opening and the other at the bottom. Only in this way will it be possible to obtain a stable and high-quality product with heavy fabric.

Existing methods for installing sliding doors with your own hands

Sliding door assembly diagram.

The functionality and comfort of doors can allow you to implement any interior design solutions as premises Not large sizes, and large rooms. Such a product will fit perfectly into the interior, which will make it possible to transform the space of an apartment or private house.

In most cases, sliding doors are installed between several residential sectors. To zone the room and visually preserve its integrity, you should use doors with 2 leaves. When the structure is in the closed position, it will be possible to get 2 different rooms. When the doors are open, you will have 1 large room. Using installation similar design one can, for example, separate workplace from common room negotiations

Another option for installing such a product is installing doors between living rooms and a balcony or terrace in country house. In this case, it is best to use a structure that is made of glass. A large amount of light can pass through it.

How to make sliding doors and install them?

First of all, you need to determine the type of structure. After that you will need to purchase everything necessary elements. The installation process itself will be considered using the example of a sliding structure with 1 leaf. This door is the simplest and most often used. Its installation is quite simple. However, the main points that apply to other types of sliding doors will also be mentioned.

The manufacture and installation of a structure of this type is carried out as follows:

Sliding door installation diagram.

  1. First of all, you will need to make markings for the guides. In this case, you can use 2 options. A tape measure is used to measure the height of the door from the floor base. After which 17-20 mm is added to the result obtained for the gap between the floor base and the structure being installed. The resulting height is summed with the height of the roller structure and guide. Next, you need to put a few marks on the wall and draw a line. The 2nd option is practically no different from the first. The only difference is that the canvas will need to be placed against the opening, marks should be set along the top, and then the height of the roller structure will be added to the result.
  2. Before installing the guide, make sure that the marks are horizontal. This can be done using a building level. If this check is not carried out, the doors may not open correctly after installation.
  3. Next, you will need to install the guide along the intended line so that the structure is located under the line. The guide can be fixed in various ways. Some structures are secured to the wall with dowels, while others are mounted on brackets or wooden blocks. The guide should be at a short distance from the wall so that the product does not cling to the opening. It is important to carefully select the guides and choose the correct fastening method.
  4. After the guide is fixed, you will need to insert a mounting screw inside the roller carriage and insert the entire device into the guide. For an ordinary door, 2 rollers are used. But if you plan to install cascade doors, then there should be rollers on all doors.
  5. At the top of the canvas you will need to install brackets for the roller carriages. They should be fixed with a distance of 4-5 mm from the outer part of the door. If you plan to install a structure made of glass, then several metal claws should be used as fasteners, which fix the glass together and are tightened with mounting screws. Glass is heavy, so it is recommended to install several guides.
  6. When the rollers and all the fasteners are mounted, you will need to put the leaf in place, lift it and screw the fasteners into the brackets at the top of the door. It is recommended to carry out this step with a partner who will help lift and hold the structure while the screws are installed. Then you will need to check the horizontality of the structure. If necessary, it will need to be leveled by tightening the bolts.
  7. The opening and slopes can be hidden behind platbands and extensions. The roller mechanism itself will need to be hidden behind a decorative rail that is hung from above.
  8. At the very end you will need to install the door hardware.

Making a door of this type is not difficult if you have all the necessary elements and follow the sequence of actions.

Cozy and beautiful house- who doesn’t dream of such happiness? Every person wants to have his own personal space, where he can retire, take a break from all worries, and think alone. Naturally, for this purpose there is a separate room in the house in which you can hide. Of course, such a room must have a door. What it will be is up to you to decide. It all depends on the features of the interior, the size and design of the room. However, now they are becoming very popular on rails and rollers.

Product benefits

Among the advantages of the presented design are the following:

1. Opportunity self-made and installation.

2. Saving free space.

3. Possibility to install the structure without a threshold. This makes your home safer for small children and more convenient for people with any mobility restrictions.

4. Huge selection of canvas designs, sizes and colors.

5. Excellent appearance(it is more modern and neat).

6. Convenience and ease of use. Even small children can open and close such doors. The designs are also very convenient for the disabled.

You can mount it yourself on casters. You can do this with your own hands in one day. However, there are some subtleties that may change your decision about making such a design.

Disadvantages of the product

Such designs also have certain disadvantages:

Limiting the possibility of installing furniture near the doorway.

Reduced noise absorption. Although this drawback can be easily eliminated with the help of special strips.

The need for additional free space on the wall where the door leaf will be hidden.

However, all these disadvantages can be easily corrected. They are not that significant. Therefore, many manufacturers recommend installing sliding doors on rollers. You can completely carry out the installation with your own hands and screw in all the fittings.

Types of design mechanisms

The presented doors can be installed in different ways. The point here is what design you chose. You can secure the doors in this way:

1. The door will fit tightly along the wall.

2. It will hide in a special niche that was made specifically for this purpose.

3. The canvas will go right inside the wall.

Every design has the right to life. However, when choosing, you should take into account design preferences, the amount of free space and the complexity of the mechanism.

What tools and materials are needed for the job?

If you want to install sliding doors on rollers, you should only do them yourself if you have everything necessary tools and materials. To work you may need:

MDF or plastic from which you will make canvases future design. It should be 5 cm larger than the doorway.

Accessories parts). Please note that all the strips on which the door will slide must be metal.

Screwdriver and screws.


Pencil for marking.

Construction or laser level.


Cash strips, as well as nails for fastening them.

Glue or epoxy resin.

Sliding plastic doors They weigh a little, so you can choose less serious fasteners for them. Wooden doors much heavier, but better sound insulation. In this case, fittings for sliding doors should be more durable and reliable.

Fabric preparation

For work you can use not new material, A old door. But it will need to be carefully processed. Keep in mind that you may have to reuse some old sheets to make sliding doors on rollers. You can construct them yourself only after careful planning. They should be light in weight, so there is no need to additionally insulate or upholster the interior doors.

The old canvas should be pre-treated: cleaned of old paint and sand well. If you are using new material, you need to mark it accurately. Before doing this, it is better to draw a diagram on paper. After the canvas is prepared, you should mark on it where all the fittings will be placed. Dimensions should be taken in advance.

Before installation, the canvas must be decorated. To do this, you can use a special adhesive decorative film or veneer. If the door is glass, then the material needs to be marked and the part cut out required size, better in the workshop.

How to choose accessories?

Sliding plastic doors or other structures cannot function without fittings. However, it should be chosen correctly. Rollers and guides are the main parts of the structure. They must be of high quality and strong. Here, when choosing, you should take into account the weight of the door leaf. About six rollers are most often installed on one door.

It is necessary to take into account not only the weight, but also the size of the door, as well as the mechanism for opening it. For example, you may need one roller mechanism or two. If the door is cascading, then it is important to choose the right guides. They must have two gutters. If it is very heavy, there should be guides on the top and bottom sides.

How to choose the right pen?

You already know that fittings for sliding doors must be of high quality. This also applies to the handle. This element is different for swing and sliding doors. The handle can also be a door lock. It can be classic or special (crossbar). In the first case, there must be a mechanism that will snap vertically.

It is also necessary to take into account the features of installing the handle. It must be embedded deep into the canvas. Otherwise, it will prevent the doors from closing tightly. However, keep in mind that this element can also interfere if the canvas is hidden in the wall.

What type of rollers should I choose?

Sliding doors on rollers (their price ranges from 1,400-14,500 rubles) fit perfectly into any interior and are very functional. However, you need to decide on their design. That is, you need to choose which videos you will edit:

Upper. They include wheels (two elements) with bearings. Thanks to their special design, they ensure silent movement of the blade along the guide elements.

Lower ones. They are mainly responsible for how long they can last installed doors. And thanks to this component you can adjust the design.

As you can see, the bottom roller for sliding doors should be as durable, high-quality and reliable as possible. Therefore, give preference to popular manufacturers with a good reputation and positive reviews users.

Features of installation of the structure

You can do the installation of the product yourself. All work consists of several stages:

1. Marking the doorway. Here you need to correctly and accurately draw where the guides will be screwed. To do this, you can measure the door or position it against the opening. When doing this, take into account the height of the wheels.

2. Fixing the guides. To secure, you can use self-tapping screws. They are screwed in with a screwdriver. In this case, you can use brackets. It should be noted that the guide can be screwed either to wooden block, or directly to the wall.

3. Installation of the roller mechanism. This should be done only after the guide is fixed. Please note that you must first insert a bolt inside the carriage with which it will be secured. Please take into account that rollers for glass sliding doors, as the heaviest ones, must be more massive and stronger. The carriages must be secured with brackets.

4. Installation of the canvas. After all the moving accessories have been installed, little remains to be done. The canvas needs to be lifted, unscrewed the brackets in its upper part and installed on the rollers.

5. and checking the mechanism. At this stage you will need to adjust the travel of the blade. This is done in the lower part. If the door moves easily and without interference, then the installation can be considered complete and correct.

Thanks to these instructions you can make sure that self-installation is not particularly difficult. However, it must be done with an assistant.

Features of sliding doors without threshold

Such designs have certain advantages. There are no partitions (thresholds) under your canvas. This provides additional security movement. In addition, during repairs you do not have to damage flooring. It will remain safe and sound. A special feature of this design is the top fastening of the canvas. Only one set of rollers for a sliding door is needed.

Installing such a product is not difficult, but it has certain features. For example, metal strips are screwed to the canvas in a strictly vertical position. The same rail is attached to the top using anchors. If you install the door yourself, you will have difficulty keeping it suspended. Therefore, it is better to put something under the product. Before installing the canvas, the rollers must already be screwed to it.

To prevent the installation work from becoming a difficult ordeal for you, you need to take into account some of the nuances of this jewelry work. The tips below will help you do everything quickly and correctly:

During the installation process, try to use a building level at all times. You can't do everything accurately by eye.

If your floor is crooked, then during installation you need to focus on the ceiling.

Don't buy too much heavy structures, as they will wear out and break faster.

Do not use plastic rollers for sliding doors. They are less durable than metal ones and will last a relatively short time.

While working, try to follow safety rules. Otherwise you may be injured.

When operating sliding roller doors, you must treat the structure with care and precision. Do not overload the system, for example, do not allow children to ride on them. Also, keep the guides clean. The rollers will need to be lubricated periodically. Do not move or close the sash suddenly.

That's all the features of roller doors. Good luck!

There are different door opening systems, one of the most convenient is sliding. Such a system can save space in the room, since it does not require large area for opening, can fit well into any interior. Making sliding doors with your own hands - interesting activity, which can save money on the purchase of a finished product.

Advantages of a sliding design

  • Sliding doors have many advantages, the main one being the ability to save space.
  • Installing such a door is not difficult even for a beginner; it does not require you to carry complex instrument or have special knowledge.
  • Installing such a door will take much less time than installing a regular one; Assembling a box for it is much easier.
  • You can create sliding doors with your own hands by purchasing suitable fittings and any door leaves that suit your taste.

Where to start?

Before you buy building materials, accessories, tools, you will need to arm yourself with a regular tape measure. Use it to measure the width and height of the doorway. If you already have a door, you can measure it. It is worth noting that an ordinary door on hinges can be turned into sliding structure, using an old canvas from her.

The dimensions of a standard door leaf are usually the following: height – 2 meters, width – 80 cm, less common are 60 or 70 cm leaves, sometimes you can find a non-standard door 90 cm.

The main element required to create such a door is a sliding mechanism. It is absolutely not necessary to invent it: purchase finished design You can go to any store that sells door leaves and accessories for them.

Should know: when selecting a sliding mechanism, you need to know exactly the length of the door (for example, 80 cm). The length of the mechanism should exceed it twice. It's okay if you buy a longer mechanism - it can be easily shortened, but problems may arise with a short product. It will be impossible to lengthen it, and if it is not long enough, the doors will not open all the way.

You can install any mechanisms for sliding doors with your own hands. If you want the door not to open simply from a push, you can install handles with a special lock on it. This type of device can be useful if you want the door to be locked or to prevent pets and children from opening it.

Using these mechanisms, any door leaf can turn into a sliding door. For a more aesthetically pleasing design, you can make a new one door frame, specially equipped specifically for a sliding structure.

What is required to create a door frame?

There is no need to buy a frame for the door leaf. It is enough to purchase following materials in order to assemble it yourself. You will need:

  • 5 meters of slats; the thickness is selected in accordance with the thickness of the partition in the doorway.
  • Platbands
  • A bar used to hide the opening mechanism from view.
  • The door leaf itself. You can use both new and previously standing ones.

N The new canvas will not have traces from the installation of standard fasteners, so it will look more attractive.

Do-it-yourself fittings for sliding doors will cost much less than buying them already finished door assembled. This applies to even the most expensive fittings: installation does not require hiring specialists, since an amateur can handle it.

Preparations for assembling doors

In order to prepare the door leaf, you will need the following tools:

  • Hand milling machine; If you don’t have it, you can get by with the tools below.
  • Chisel.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Drill.

Any tool is suitable for the work, but if available hand router the work goes faster and more accurately. Preparation of the canvas includes the following points:

  • You need to start work from the bottom end of the door leaf. You will need to cut an even groove clearly in the middle, the depth of which should be 3 mm. This recess is necessary so that the lower guide can work. It will serve as a stop for the door, which will prevent the door from swaying during operation. You can cut a groove using a hand router or grinder, on which a special wheel for working with wood will be installed: it must have a fine tooth.
  • The sliding mechanism kit includes rollers and brackets. They need to be connected to each other. This is easy to do using nuts. Items have special holes for connection.
  • After fixing, the elements need to be attached to the top of the door leaf from the end side. There is no need to screw them on right away: you will need to trace the contours, then measure the thickness of the metal from which the elements are made, and make grooves equal to this thickness.
  • After this, you can screw the rollers to the canvas.
  • Making sliding doors can be made a little easier by not cutting brackets into the door itself. The rollers can simply be screwed to it. This will affect external characteristics future door, however, if you have little experience and only have a chisel and a hammer in your hands, it is better not to make grooves for the rollers at all.
  • After the mechanism is almost ready, you can proceed to installing the door lock. This design element is optional and is installed solely at personal discretion.
  • It will be convenient to use the design if you install handles. If you install regular ones, the door will not open all the way and the handles will hit the doorway. In order to avoid this, you will need to embed a special set of handles. For them, grooves are made on both sides, then a through hole is drilled. The outline for the handles will need to be marked in advance. It is most convenient to cut out places for them using a jigsaw.

Installation of the sliding mechanism

The design of sliding doors, as you can see, is not very complicated. Once the canvas is ready for installation, you can proceed to further steps.

Before you can install the leaf in the doorway, you will need to mount the door opening mechanism. To do this, you need to properly secure the guide profile: it must be positioned strictly horizontally. When installing it, you must use a level; the guide is placed on the floor. If it is uneven, you will have to carry out work to level the surface. If the profile is crooked, the door will not be able to open easily; if the slope is large, the door may not be able to move along the guide at all.

Guide installation features

DIY sliding door guides must be installed in accordance with certain rules, otherwise the structure cannot be expected to work correctly.

  • Make sure that the edge of the guide extends 50mm on one side of the opening. On the side where the door will roll back, the profile should not protrude. Its length must clearly coincide with the dimensions of the door leaf. If the mechanism is too long, you can always shorten it with a grinder.
  • It is necessary to correctly calculate the height to which the door mechanism will be raised. It can be calculated taking into account the following factors: the gap under the door, the resulting height of the leaf, taking into account the rollers already installed on it (the gap can be from 10 to 20 mm, it depends on how flat the floor is).

Before you make sliding doors with your own hands, you should check how smooth your walls are. If they are too crooked, this problem will have to be solved. On flat wall The guide is easy to attach; all you need to do is drill holes in the wall for it. If the walls are very crooked, you can use wooden slats; you will have to move the guide slightly away from the wall.

In order to place the finished canvas with rollers on the guide, you will need to insert the rollers on the side. After installing the door leaf, a special stop is placed on the door to prevent it from moving to the side. For this stop, a special groove was cut into the canvas from below.

To prevent the internal guides from flying out, they need to be secured with self-tapping screws. To do this you will need to open the door completely. First, secure the rubber cushion: it is used as a limiter, then you will need to insert a stop into the lower groove of the blade. It is secured with dowels. After this, you can close the door and secure the lower stop completely. If you watch the video, it will be clearer how to make sliding doors yourself .

In order for the installation to be complete, it is necessary to install door frames and a strip that will cover the opening mechanism. It is attached to a rail mounted on the wall. The gaps can be closed polyurethane foam or sealant.

If you don't want to stick classic style in interior design, you can try to make changes without applying modern means. For example, install doors on rollers instead of regular ones. With their help, you can divide the room into territorial zones. Let's look at how to make doors on rollers with your own hands.

Scheme correct installation doors on rollers.

The installation work for this type of door is not difficult. If you want to install this type of door in your home, you should be aware of all the nuances. Final choice you will do it only after you become familiar with them. Design features:

  1. With their help, space saving in the room is achieved.
  2. Easy to use.
  3. If you love fresh air, do not worry that the door will open or close in a draft.
  4. With proper care, the mechanism is capable of for a long time work properly.
  5. Possibility of automating the mechanism.
  6. Some models do not have thresholds.
  7. Low level of sound insulation.
  8. Low level of thermal insulation.
  9. Limited usability.
  10. High cost of components.
  11. Limited space next to the door. Large interior items or household appliances cannot be placed within a certain radius near the door.

Scheme of fastening the upper rollers of a sliding door: 1 – roller, 2 – profile, 3 – door leaf, 4 – metal lining.

Doors equipped with rollers are divided into several types. They can differ from each other both externally and in their working mechanism. But they all have a similar design. It consists of:

  • guides;
  • roller mechanism;
  • door leaf.

The principle of operation is as follows: the mechanism is attached to the door leaf, while guides are fixed above the doorway. Then the rollers must be inserted into them and move the web along the guides. Each door can have from 1 to 4 sliding mechanisms. The same goes for doors and guides.

In addition to the main structure, the door contains secondary elements. They concern the decorative part. These are platbands, handles and other fittings.

If we talk about specific types of doors on rollers, we can highlight:

  • accordion;
  • coupe;
  • cascade;
  • radius type doors;
  • multi-leaf and single-leaf doors.

How to choose the right hardware for doors on rollers

Necessary fittings for doors on rollers.

Conventional fittings are not suitable for doors on rollers. This is due to their design. The handles for them are made in such a way that they are completely contained in the canvas. This principle is needed to ensure the smooth entry of the product into a special niche. Roller door lock has vertical system latching.

Usually the canvas is sold complete with accessories. But it does not always fit into the interior. And many people prefer to select it themselves. But here too you may encounter a problem. Not every piece of furniture you like will be ideal. It is better to pick it up in the catalog by serial number. A sales specialist can help you with this.

How does a door equipped with a roller mechanism work?

Before you settle on a specific mechanism, as well as choose guides, you need to determine what parameters they should have.

For example:

  • the material from which the canvas will be made;
  • what type do you want to have in your home;
  • how many sashes should there be?

Scheme of fastening the lower rollers of a sliding door: 1 – roller, 2 – profile, 3 – door leaf.

Each system has its own weight, and this must be taken into account. Each design has its own limit.

Advice! If you are faced with the problem of choosing, know that a structure made of MDF and having one door will weigh several times less than its counterpart with a glass door. For easy variation, you can choose an inexpensive and simple mechanism. And for the second option you should choose more complex mechanism, designed for heavy loads.

No less important role the choice of guides plays a role. For example, if the system is a cascade type, then guides equipped with two gutters are used. This is due to the fact that this option must have a pair of roller mechanisms. Thus, an individual gutter is required for each blade.

To ensure better stability, a door equipped with rollers requires installation of guides at the bottom and top. This option is applicable to systems on casters made of glass material.

Step-by-step installation of a door with your own hands

Once you have decided on the type of door and purchased all the components, you can begin the installation process.

For beginners, it is better to start learning how to install with a door equipped with one leaf.

But for other options this process is approximately the same, so it can be used as a basis.

To install the doors yourself, you will need:

Scheme of doors on rollers.

  1. Apply markings under the guides. There are two possible options here. The first is to measure the height that the door leaf occupies, starting from the floor and ending with the opening. Add 2 cm to this value and add the height of the finished roller mechanism along with the guide to the resulting number. Then make a mark on the wall, connecting the markings together into a single line.
  2. The second way is to use the door leaf as a level. It needs to be placed against the opening and markings drawn on top. But be sure to add an allowance to it, which includes the height of the roller mechanism and the guide itself. Important! Using building level, check the evenness of the horizontal markings. This must be done before installing the guide. In this way you will prevent the doors from opening spontaneously.
  3. After the marking is completed, you can install the guide. Its fixation is carried out based on personal preferences. Some prefer to use dowels, while others use timber. Do not forget to make an indentation from the wall, otherwise the door will touch the platbands. For compartment doors, the guides must be attached to both the floor and the ceiling. Important! Remember that the guide should be twice the length of the doorway and it is better to add a few centimeters to this value.
  4. When the guide is installed, you can insert a bolt inside the roller mechanism carriage. In this way, the motor mechanism is lowered into the guide. For a door with one leaf, two rollers are installed, for more complex doors it is used more quantities based on one roller for each sash. You need to install special brackets on top of the door leaf. They are used for roller carriages. They are fastened with a slight indentation - approximately 0.5 cm from the edge of the door.
  5. If you use a door leaf made of glass material, then installation of other fasteners is necessary. The glass is clamped between two metal holders. They are called paws. The tie is done using screws. glass door also installed with top and bottom guides. After installing the rollers and fastenings, the canvas is put in place. Bolts are used to secure it. To hide the opening, platbands are used. And the roller mechanism is hidden using special strips. They play a decorative function. Once the installation is complete, the remaining fittings are attached.

Thus, the process of installing a door on rollers can be done independently. Upon completion of the work you will receive a beautiful and modern door, which will serve for a long time.

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