How to properly plant strawberries in the garden beds in the fall? When is it better to replant strawberries in spring or autumn, and when is it better to plant? Plant strawberries in autumn or spring

Autumn is the time when we reap the fruits of our own labors and plan the future of our garden. Strawberry is called the queen of berries, so it is always given the best and large plots. You can plant your own antennae and horns all summer, but purchased ones appear only in spring or autumn. Many gardeners have a priority autumn planting, it has its own benefits and technology.

Advantages and disadvantages of autumn planting

There is only one drawback to planting in the fall - the strawberries may not have time to take root in a new place, the leaves will die from the first frosts, followed by the roots. Therefore, always check the weather forecast. Planting should be done a month before the arrival of frost. Even within the same region, these dates change every year.

Otherwise, autumn planting has many advantages:

  • The weather is favorable for established seedlings - cool and damp.
  • Less time passes before the first harvest is harvested - winter and spring, which means that labor costs for care are reduced. When planting in spring, the first berries will appear only after a year, because young seedlings should not be allowed to bear fruit during the planting season.
  • The strawberry seedlings on sale are fresh, grown this summer; they were not stored in basements or refrigerators over the winter. At the same time, prices are lower than in spring.
  • A wider assortment of varieties is on sale; only the leftovers left unsold in the fall remain for the spring.
  • If you are ordering seedlings from another city, then in the fall the weather conditions are more favorable than in the spring for transporting live plants.

Video: planting strawberries in autumn on a farmer's field

How to plant strawberries in the fall

The planting scheme for each variety is different. Strawberry seedlings with compact bushes placed at a distance of 25–30 cm from each other, vigorous-growing ones - 50–60 cm. Row spacing is 50–100 cm. Strawberry plantings can be compacted with onions, garlic, parsley, dill, calendula, marigolds. Based on the chosen scheme, decide on the boundaries of the site and prepare it and the seedlings.

  1. The day before planting, sprinkle humus, compost or leaf soil- bucket for 1 m². If there is little organic matter, you can add a handful under each root when planting. Water the future rows well so that the soil is moist to a depth of at least 20 cm. This technique will simplify and speed up planting; you will not need to fill each hole with water and wait for it to be absorbed.

    Start planting by preparing a bed or area

  2. 2 hours before planting, place seedlings with an open root system with their roots in a honey solution (1 tsp per 1 liter of water). Place seedlings in pots with drainage holes in this solution. Plants will receive all the necessary microelements. Instead of honey, you can use Kornevin and other stimulants.

    Honey is a natural root formation stimulator

  3. During planting, make holes according to the diagram. Trim off the curled ends of the roots of each seedling. If you plant as is, then such roots will straighten out in the ground and squeeze the seedling out. The main criteria for proper planting: roots - straightened, hearts - at soil level.

    Examples of correct and incorrect planting of strawberries

  4. After planting, if the soil is not moist enough, water again and mulch with straw, pine litter, buckwheat or sunflower husks. If you use it as mulch black film or non-woven covering material, then cover it over the prepared bed and plant the plants in the slot.

    The mulching material can be agrofibre or black film.

The first 10 days after planting, watch the young strawberries. Water every other day. If, with good watering, some leaves droop and remain limp for more than two days, then trim them, leaving only those that look healthy and strong. Each bush should have at least 2-3 leaves. By removing excess, drying ones, you will reduce the area of ​​evaporation and help the strawberries to take root faster.

Pay special attention to planting depth. If the heart is raised, then upper part roots will be outside or at the very surface of the earth, such bushes will freeze in winter. A buried heart will either rot or lead to infertility of the bush, that is, there will be no flowers and berries.

Video: instructions for planting strawberries in the fall

There is nothing difficult about planting strawberries in the fall. You have at your disposal the entire plot freed up after the harvest. You can plan it, fertilize it. Planting time is a month before the arrival of frost. Take this into account, especially if you live in the northern region, where cold weather sets in early, already in September.

Strawberries are one of the most delicious berry crops, which is taking root in most Russian regions. Still, this plant belongs to the group of whimsical and capricious species, but if you follow simple rules planting and care, you can get a rich harvest every year.

Apply in August–September at the rate of 150 grams per square meter.

Depending on the type of soil, the following fertilizers are added:

  • on loamy – add humus, manure or compost, in their absence – 2 tbsp. l per 1 m2 of nitroammophoska or nitrophoska;
  • on sandy– 2–3 buckets per 1 m2 of manure or humus;
  • to the turf– 3–4 kg sawdust per 1m2;
  • on heavy clay soils – 3–4 buckets river sand and 2–3 buckets of manure per 1 m2;
  • on soils with low acidity – limestone or ash;
  • on alkaline soils – peat, rotted pine litter 10 kg per 1 m2;
  • if you need to increase the acidity level, then use ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate.

Open ground planting schemes

On heavy soil, strawberries are planted in one row, and on soft soil, a two-row method is used, leaving sufficient space for passage between the beds.

Strawberries are planted according to the following schemes:

  • compacted - 20x60 cm (about 20–25 bushes per 1 m2);
  • medium – 30x60 cm;
  • large - 40x60 cm and 40x70 cm.

The most optimal are the last two types, which are suitable for all varieties of berries.

This is how we plant strawberries. We use the following scheme. We put simple fortifications and boards on them so that the sun does not burn the seedlings.

Planting strawberries

If a strawberry bush has separated from the ground, under no circumstances leave it in the sun, place it in a bucket of water!

It is better to plant or replant the crop in cloudy weather during the day, or choose the evening, the main thing is that it is light enough.

We distribute strawberry seedlings among the holes according to the chosen planting pattern.


Strawberries should be watered 2-3 times a week.

The first week after planting, water the strawberries more often, and in dry and warm weather - daily.

Planting berries in autumn - optimal time . As a rule, during this season, precipitation falls several times a week in the form of rain, so the plant's roots receive plenty of moisture for normal growth.

Young seedlings can be mulched immediately.

Top dressing

In autumn, strawberries almost do not need fertilizers or fertilizing!

In the fall, after planting, fertilizing is rarely carried out, as it protects it from the harmful effects of precipitation and other factors.

Planting strawberries in autumn: pros and cons

Many gardeners argue about when to plant and replant strawberries. Some people like spring, when frost and cold are already behind them, so you don’t have to worry about the plant. Others are confident that cold weather, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the formation of culture. In fact, both are right.

Still, when correct landing There will be no problems with berries in the fall, and you can confidently expect a rich harvest in subsequent years.

Autumn planting of strawberries begins in mid-August.

Main advantages planting in autumn:

  • roots take root well;
  • the soil is ready for planting;
  • after harvesting, strawberries can be planted anywhere, since there is plenty of space on the site;
  • the plant receives enough moisture.

It is also worth noting that strawberries are one of the frost-resistant berries, which easily survives the winter. The plant is saved by an ordinary snow cap. Under it, it can withstand temperatures down to -20 degrees and short-term frosts down to -30 degrees. To protect it from abnormally low temperatures, it is enough. Great option– use ash or pine needles. They are evenly sprinkled on top of the ground under the stems of the plant. They additionally protect the crop from freezing.

The covering material will protect the strawberry roots from frost.

Therefore, it is wrong to believe that it is better to plant berries only in spring. Due to the fairly high frost-resistant properties of strawberries, they are not harvested throughout the winter, and, therefore, they can be planted in the fall and there is no need to worry about the next harvest.

Optimal landing time

In Russian regions, climatic autumn begins at the end of August, unless, of course, we are talking about the southern region. . If we are talking about the southern regions, then the procedure can be postponed a month in advance and the plant can be planted until the end of October.

The second half of a warm, cloudy day is best for planting strawberries.

The optimal temperature for planting is from 10 degrees Celsius. It is better not to deal with berries in the heat. Moderately warm weather, a cloudy but not rainy day, is suitable for planting. It is better to plant berries in the afternoon and evening, but in sufficient light.

When choosing a place for planting, do not forget that strawberries love enough light, so avoid shady areas; there should be no thickets of bushes or fences nearby.

Planting in open ground in a greenhouse: features and advantages

Planting strawberries in a greenhouse is practically no different from planting in open ground.

If possible, many people plant strawberries in open ground in the greenhouse. We are talking primarily about polycarbonate greenhouses. This material helps create favorable microclimate for berry growth. By following certain planting and care rules and choosing certain varieties, you can enjoy delicious fruits more than once a year.

  • When planting in open ground in a greenhouse, follow the same sequence and rules as with classic seedlings in open ground . The only thing is that each plant is planted closer to each other. Optimal distance is from 15 to 25 cm.
  • When the soil should be prepared in the same way . It should be fairly smooth, have good air permeability and optimal acidity. Mulching is one of the main procedures.
  • The soil must be fertilized using manure, humus, ash, pine needles and other types of fertilizers . They additionally nourish the soil, which then improves the quality of the crop.
  • If you choose to plant in a greenhouse, remember that the berries should be watered 2-3 times a week , providing an optimal supply of moisture.
  • Some to provide extra heat and protection against weeds and use agrofibre. This procedure is, as a rule, only suitable for northern regions where prolonged frosts are observed.

Top dressing

Strawberries need to be fed periodically.

Strawberry loves organic fertilizers, which can also be used as a covering and mulching agent.

The last feeding of the year can be done in early autumn, for example, 1–2 weeks after planting . This crop loves phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, which ensure good photosynthesis and favorable development of the root system. You can feed plants at certain intervals during the cold season if they grow in a greenhouse. But you cannot overdo it, since the abundant phosphorus content in the soil leads to the death of the roots.

When planting strawberries in open ground, the plant is fed in the spring after the snow has completely melted, during flowering and after fruiting. It is not necessary to feed it after planting in the fall, since the soil is already saturated useful substances from manure, humus and other fertilizers.


If you want to enjoy the taste of incomparable berries as often as possible, then follow these simple rules and you will provide your family with a rich harvest of strawberries.

Video about autumn planting strawberries

Planting strawberries is a difficult and painstaking process that requires a lot of knowledge and skills from the summer resident. If you follow all the rules and recommendations, you will be able to plant this plant correctly and subsequently get good harvest. If you don't know how to plant strawberries correctly, be sure to check out this article.

Strawberries can be planted in spring or early autumn. It is better to carry it out as early as possible, because if you miss the moment, the seedlings can easily die. In spring, strawberries are planted in April-May, when it is not yet very hot outside.

Spring planting has a number of features: firstly, the soil must be prepared at the end of summer, and secondly, the plant must be perennial. Planting strawberries in the fall is best done from August 15 to September 20, so that the seedlings have time to take root and grow stronger before the onset of the first cold weather. This will allow you to enjoy its fruits next summer.

Site preparation

Before planting strawberry bushes in the ground, it must be carefully prepared. It is best to place seedlings in a well-ventilated and sunny place. You will get an excellent harvest if garlic, onions, legumes or beets previously grew in the beds.

Thoroughly clear the soil of weeds, then add some organic matter in the proportion of 3 buckets per square meter. Before planting, you need to soak the strawberry rosettes in a solution copper sulfate in a proportion of 30 grams per 10 liters of water. This therapy will disinfect the plant and also protect it from fungal diseases.

The rosettes that you dug out of the ground should lie in the cellar or basement for at least 12-24 hours. It is very important to wrap the plant with wet paper so that it does not lose precious moisture. After that they root system treated with mash made of orange clay. It is prepared by eye, the dry component is mixed with water until a creamy mass is obtained.

If you decide to germinate strawberries from seeds, you need to prepare them in advance. To do this, you need to adhere to the following algorithm:

  1. Soak the seeds for 2-30 days in a mixture of epin and succinic acid. All this must be stored in the refrigerator.
  2. Fill a plastic container halfway with flower soil, then place the seeds in it and moisten thoroughly. Close the container with a lid and place in a warm place. In just a few weeks the first shoots will appear.
  3. When the seedlings have 2-3 leaves, they are separated and planted in separate cups.
  4. About a month later, the seedlings along with the soil from the cups are planted in open ground.

General rules for boarding

Strawberries should only be planted in shallow holes, which must be filled with water in advance. If the soil for a long time did not receive any fertilizers, you can add wood ash or rotted humus directly to the holes.

The bushes should be positioned vertically, making sure that their roots are neatly and evenly distributed. After this, begin to fill the soil so that the core of the plant is strictly at ground level.

If you plant your strawberries too low, they may rot and die. A high landing leads to freezing when even slight frosts occur. When you fill the holes, compact the soil around the seedlings, water the plant and place rotted leaves or pine needles around it.

If frost may occur after you plant the strawberries, cover the plant with non-woven material.


Classic strawberry planting schemes

If you don't know how to plant strawberries, try the following most effective methods.

Freestanding bushes

Planting with free-standing bushes allows you to get large and juicy berries. To do this, plants are planted from each other at a distance of 40-60 centimeters. This eliminates the intertwining of knots.

When whiskers appear, they must be removed immediately so that the strawberries can develop intensively and fully. This method requires constant care, since due to the large distance between the bushes, weeds appear very quickly. To reduce the rate at which they appear, you can cover the ground with soaked straw.

Planting in nests

With this method of planting strawberries, you will need 6 seedling bushes: 1 is planted in the center, the remaining 5 are at the same distance from each other. Make a small hole, 8-10 centimeters deep, and plant a bush there. This will be the base of your nest. At a distance of 25-30 centimeters, make a row of seedlings - there should be a distance of at least 8 centimeters between them.

Carpet landing

Before you start planting strawberries using this method, you need to prepare the area in advance. Usually small squares of 2*2 or 3*3 meters are selected, which are fenced around the perimeter with boards. The land must be thoroughly cultivated, weeds must be removed, and then humus must be added.

After this, you can proceed directly to planting: you need to plant two even rows of strawberries tightly, make a boundary of 50-70 centimeters and plant 2 rows of strawberries again. If the variety you choose produces a lot of runners, then the distance between the beds can be increased; if it is small, it can be reduced.

In straight rows

Planting in even rows is the simplest method that does not require special preparation. In this case, you need to plant strawberries as follows: make one row in which the distance between the bushes is 20-30 centimeters.

The next row can be done at a distance of 50 centimeters from the other. That's enough labor-intensive process, which requires constant care of the plant. However, the bush will bear fruit well for 5-6 years without losing its varietal properties.

Additional methods:

Strawberries on agrofibre
  1. Using agrofibre - lay it on the ground, then sprinkle it with a small amount of earth. In the places where strawberries are planted, small cuts are made in which the seedlings are placed. It is best to plant bushes at a distance of 20-40 centimeters from each other.
  2. In open ground - a common method of planting strawberries when the beds are located in the open air.
  3. Under black film - this planting method allows you to get a ripened harvest several days earlier. The use of this method has a serious drawback: there is a huge risk of the plant burning out. Despite this, the black film attracts the sun, and the heat that heats it improves the plant’s metabolism.
  4. It is best to plant strawberries with mustaches in the fall. During the course of its life, the plant develops intensively and sprouts numerous tendrils - babies, which, with proper care, can also become full-fledged seedlings. Keep in mind that only large and already developed shoots are suitable for subsequent propagation.

Care after landing

Full and proper care for strawberries will allow you to get large and juicy berries for several seasons. To protect your seedlings from pests, surround them with beds of parsley, garlic, onions, sage, spinach or marigolds.

In the first year after planting, it is very important to remove the tendrils and inflorescences that have formed, which interfere with normal rooting. In addition, this measure will help the plant to fully grow stronger. 15 days after planting, it is necessary to fertilize with organic or mineral fertilizers.

From time to time, do not forget to mulch the ground around the bushes. To repel various pests, you can sprinkle pine broom into the soil. You can also use soaked straw, which is laid around the plant. Strawberries should be watered 2-3 times a week using a sprayer - a strong stream can easily damage the core and leaves. Water for irrigation should be settled and warm.

Strawberries have long been a leader among the most popular berries. It is practically the first to appear in gardens and attracts with its wonderful taste and aroma, which directly depends on the place of growth and the care conditions that were created for it. Strawberries are a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements and have a wide range of applications.

To plant strawberries in autumn period gardeners suggest trying both remontant berries (which can yield 2-3 harvests per season) and regular berries, which bear fruit once per season. It is worth planting several varieties of each and choosing the right one for yourself.

You need to think carefully about the planting time: autumn or spring. Having planted berry bushes in the fall, already early spring You can enjoy the first harvest of juicy fruits.

Autumn is considered the most favorable period for planting strawberries in open ground. It is better to choose the middle or end of September for this. Perfect time, since the soil is no longer hot from the scorching summer sun, but has not yet cooled down from the autumn cold. Moreover, before the start of winter there is enough time for the plants to take root and become stronger for the frost.

The taste and aroma of the fruit depends on where the strawberries grow. In sunny areas that have received a moderate amount of moisture, strawberries grow sweeter and more juicy. But in shaded areas it can be small and sour.

Choosing a location on the site

Well-lit places where beans, beets, carrots, lettuce, garlic, radishes, celery, and dill previously grew are ideal for strawberry bushes. But in areas after peppers and potatoes, cabbage and eggplants, it is not recommended to plant strawberries.

Any type of soil except wetlands can be suitable for this crop. Slightly larger yield and large berries grow on loams, black soil, sandy loam soils. An ideal harvest can be obtained even on heavy soils by adding peat, humus, manure or ash. It is desirable that the soil has an acidity in the range of – 5.5 – 6.5 pH.

Soil preparation

The soil on which strawberries will grow requires preparation for autumn planting. It undergoes a disinfection process against pest larvae. It is better to do this using ammonium nitrate or a special insecticide 20-30 days before planting strawberry bushes. In 10-12 days, it is better to dig up the area for the crop and apply fertilizer.

Quantity and types of fertilizing

Their type depends on what soil is chosen for planting:

  1. Loamy. You can add a mixture of humus and compost or replace such fertilizers with nitroammophos.
  2. Sandy. For 1 square meter, 2.5 buckets of humus or manure are enough.
  3. Turf. It is better to fertilize with sawdust.
  4. Heavy clayey. Fertilize with a mixture of manure and river sand.
  5. Soils with low acidity. They contribute dolomite flour, ash or limestone flour.
  6. Alkaline. Peat and rotted fallen leaves work well.

For all types of soil, in order to grow healthy and strong plants, you should definitely add ash to the soil 2-3 weeks before planting. This is not only an additional fertilizer, but also a disinfectant. The fruits are of higher quality and purer.

At the same time, it must be added before digging the soil so that it mixes well with the soil. But it all depends on the level of soil fertility. A mandatory procedure is the complete removal of weeds and remnants of the previous harvest from the selected area. On the day of planting, carry out loosening. General training It is better to start soil 4-6 weeks before the intended planting.

Preparation of seedlings

As a landing suitable material both material purchased in a special nursery and material collected at home. A good healthy seedling has at least 3 healthy leaves, and the average root length is about 10 cm.

If some roots are very long, they can be trimmed. In order for the bush to quickly take root and be less susceptible to damage by pests and diseases, the roots of each plant, before planting, must be kept in a mixture of humus and soil, to which water and growth stimulants have been added: Epin or Micras.

Breeders have developed dozens of strawberry varieties that are ideal for planting in open ground. Some of the most famous: “Rusapovka”, “Zarya”, “Talisman”, “Pocahontas”, “Zengan-Zengan”.

Landing rules

To speed up the rooting process of the crop, it is recommended to plant strawberries in the evening, or at another time, after waiting for a cloudy day. To plant, dig a furrow that is dug under taut rope. The gap between the grooves should be at least 65 and no more than 85 cm (it all depends on the variety). There is about 20 cm between the plants themselves. It is this planting scheme that will help the plants survive the winter without loss, and it is better to bear fruit in the spring. It is necessary to bury it in the soil so that the bushes are not pulled out. It is necessary to plant so that the “core” of the plant is above the ground. Be sure to mulch using peat or humus.

The conditions for planting strawberries in open ground in the autumn depend on how the planting is carried out.

Planting with mustache in the ground

If during disembarkation you use your own planting material, then it must be healthy, use bushes no older than 2-3 years, from which they distinguished themselves in the previous year high yield. To obtain high-quality planting material, it is recommended to remove flower stalks, because gardeners insist that in the same season you can get either a rich harvest or high-quality fruit from a strawberry bush. healthy seedlings.

In order to obtain planting material, you need to dig the first rosettes on the strawberry mustache into cups. It is from the first rosettes that you will get strong and healthy plants. By correctly calculating the time of planting, you can get ready-made seedlings in cups, when planting which you will only need to remove excess leaves (there should not be more than 3-4 of them). Planting bushes is carried out using the method already described.

When purchasing seedlings, it is worth considering that they must be local - acclimatized to your climatic conditions. So, seedlings grown in a warmer climate will probably not be able to fully take root and survive harsh winters.

Every 3-4 years it is worth renewing strawberry plantations, since this is the most optimal period, after which productivity indicators sharply decrease. And it’s very easy to grow young seedlings yourself.

Planting in agrofibre

Gardeners prefer this method because low costs, which will help increase the berry harvest by almost half. Agrofibre is often used when planting in northern regions, where winter is long and frosts are frequent.

The method has its advantages:

  • protects the crop from weeds, plays the role of a protective barrier from snow, frost, constant drought or heavy rains;
  • covering material is considered environmentally friendly and safe for both the fruit and the person who will care for it;
  • Proven UV resistance, waterproof and airtight;
  • It is also used as a means for mulching trees and shrubs in the garden.

Agrofibre is mainly sold in widths of 3.2 or 1.6 m. Therefore, when using this method of planting strawberries, you need to adjust the size of the bed to the parameters of the covering material. If the strip of the bed is larger than the specified dimensions, then it is better to overlap the material. The approach must be at least 15 cm. P

The preparation of seedlings and soil under cover is carried out in the usual manner indicated above. Planting under agrofibre allows you to avoid digging and loosening the soil for at least 3 years.

Application mineral fertilizers It is not recommended during planting itself. This should be done later than 2-3 weeks before the intended planting.

Stages of planting strawberries under agrofibre:

  • Make special pins with a length of at least 60 cm from wire. Covering material is spread over a previously prepared area (its location must be determined and marked in advance) and straightened.
  • Use prepared pins, bricks, tiles or stones to secure the well-tensioned fiber. If the covered area is very large, it is better to lay several boards across the width to make it easier to get to the bushes when caring.
  • Determine the proposed planting sites for bushes and place marks on them. After all the marks have been made, a cross-shaped cut in the fiber is made in the same places. At the same time, bend its corners for ease of planting bushes. When planting strawberries this way, you should not bury the roots deeply, and pour a small amount of water under each bush after planting.

Gardeners offer a natural alternative to agrofibre - a layer of straw, which is sprinkled over the area with strawberries. He will protect her from frost. It should not be removed until early spring (until the threat of frost has passed).

In addition to agrofibre, gardeners can use covering material such as white or black polyethylene film, which is capable of reflecting and attracting light and retaining required quantity moisture. Polypropylene materials (spunbond, agrospan, spanbel) and polyethylene are also used high quality in the form of lutrasil.

Caring for planted strawberries

The main task of gardeners when planting is to ensure everyone necessary conditions for quick rooting. To get a healthy plant you need proper care.

Autumn watering of strawberries

The first half month after planting in open ground, strawberry seedlings require regular, abundant watering at least 2 times a week. This event is held subject to no rain. After making sure that the young rosettes have taken root, watering is gradually reduced. But the soil should not dry out. It is better to water in the morning and use settled water.

Top dressing

Strawberries really like additional fertilizing, but in the fall, after planting, fertilizers will not be appropriate (except for fertilizing the soil before planting). Already in the spring, young plants are watered several times with mullein infusion.


It will not be needed if the strawberries are planted under agrofibre. Otherwise, mulching is carried out after planting, using humus or peat. Sawdust, pine needles and pine cones can be considered an ideal organic mulching product that will not only protect strawberries from various damage, but also become a mineral complex.

For the purpose of mulching and disease prevention, you can plant berry bushes between marigolds, garlic, calendula or mustard. Additionally, it is worth mulching the bushes before preparing for wintering.


It is not advisable to trim young leaves in the fall immediately after planting. The exception is when, after transplantation, a large number of mustaches or peduncles are formed. If this is not done in a timely manner, they will simply drain all their strength from young plant.

Prevention of pests and diseases

In order to top layer The soil near newly planted bushes has not become a “home” for pests; it must be treated in a timely manner. During this period, even the use of chemicals, since harvesting is not planned for the next six months.

Gardeners consider Karbofos one of the most popular preparations. The solution is very easy to use: heat it to at least 32°C and water the selected area, before thoroughly loosening the soil. For better effect create a greenhouse effect - cover the treated area with film for 2-3 hours.

Prevention against pathogens of strawberry diseases that may appear in the spring can be done with fungicides and preparations that contain copper.

Those who do not wish to resort to the use of chemicals can prepare good drug on one's own. For this, a mixture is prepared, which includes vegetable oil, vinegar, liquid soap, wood ash. All this is thoroughly mixed in a bucket of water and used to spray the foliage of the plant and the soil.

Common problems with fall planting

  1. an incorrectly selected area can cause the bushes to be damaged by pests and diseases, as well as poor yields;
  2. Excess moisture can cause fungus damage to the bushes or rotting of the root system.
    If you do not take care of covering or mulching your strawberries in a timely manner, the plants may be destroyed by unexpected first frosts.

Water the rosettes only at the root. Water should not fall on the leaves and, moreover, linger on them. If droplets of water remain on the leaf plates during sunrise, then burn spots appear in their place.

Preparing for winter

Young, newly transplanted plants, which have not yet strengthened the root system, especially need to be prepared for winter period. To protect plants from freezing, the top of the soil should be mulched with a layer of straw or fallen leaves. You can also replace them with corn stalks, sawdust, spruce branches, or peat. For reliable protection The thickness of the coating layer must be at least 6 cm.

A good harvest can be obtained with the help of modern way growing - hydroponics. The main components of the method on which the yield and quality of strawberries depend are: special soil and fertilizers.

Watering is carried out with a special nutrient solution by drip. In this case, seedlings are planted not only in open ground, but also in special small pots.

Plants should not be planted closer than 20 cm from each other. When grown this way prerequisite considered permanent moderate watering and good drainage.

Providing your family with a rich harvest of strawberries from your garden is very simple - you just need to stick to simple rules planting and caring for berry bushes.

Every self-respecting summer resident grows strawberries on his plot. In order for it to grow ripe and tasty, it needs proper care. Guided by these instructions and taking into account all the features when landing, you can count on high level harvest.

Choosing planting material

In order for strawberries to grow well in a new place, it is important to choose the right planting material. First you need to buy a seedling, which you can find in a nursery or try to grow it yourself. As a rule, purchased seedlings come in two types:

Important! When buying planting material, the main thing is the heart: if it is large, then the harvest will be good. And those who are planning to grow seedlings on their own will have to cut off flower stalks from the mother bushes every year, as well as excess rosettes, leaving only 2-3 strong ones. After strong roots have formed, the plant should be separated from the bush and transplanted into a container. The main thing is that the seedlings are young.

Preparing the ground

Strawberries can be grown in areas where there is medium loam. If on garden plot available groundwater, then the plants are planted on raised beds. The worst soil for strawberry growth is sandy soil.

  1. Strawberry cultivation should be carried out as follows: autumn digging soil that should not be neglected. With the onset of spring, the beds need to be loosened with a shovel or fork to 30-40 cm(this is exactly the depth the root system needs). If there is loam on the site, you need to add sand, peat or sawdust to the bed. This increases soil fertility.

Reference! It is best to plant strawberries higher up so that groundwater does not reach them. The bushes do not need stagnant moisture, otherwise the root system will simply rot. If the composition of the soil is different, then it is necessary to do drainage system from crushed stone or other material.

  1. Spring weeding of the soil is necessary to prevent the plant from becoming clogged with weeds. After weeding, it is better to cover the bed with dark material or film. After a week, you can remove the film and remove the emerging shoots with a cultivator.

Reference! In the spring experienced gardeners Place mulch in the strawberry bed to prevent weeds from growing.

Important! It is better to apply fertilizers in autumn or early spring.

  1. Strawberries can be disinfected with fungicides, although gardeners respect the potassium permanganate solution more. For example, a solution of phytosporin will bring to the soil beneficial microorganisms, which in turn will improve the growth of the plant.

All of the above procedures are best carried out no later than two weeks before planting strawberries.

Landing distance

Since strawberries are a winter-hardy plant, they bloom unevenly. It needs to be planted in an area with constant access to light.

If there is a tree nearby whose crown shades the plant, the fruits will be small. The soil should be cultivated, without weeds.

The beds should be prepared a month and a half before planting to allow the soil to settle. If the soil is weak, then strawberries are planted to a depth of 20 cm, and in good soil the depth should be up to 30 cm.

When planting a plant in a hole, you need to straighten all the roots and sprinkle them with damp soil, and then water them. The distance between the beds should be 30 cm, and between the rows up to 50 cm. If strawberries late variety, then the distance between the rows should be up to 80 cm so that the mustache does not get tangled.

Choosing a time

Typically, strawberry bushes begin to be planted in spring or autumn.

Spring planting will vary by region. When the temperature reaches 10-15 degrees Celsius, summer residents start planting seedlings.

For example, for residents of Siberia, strawberries need to be planted in the second half of May, and for residents southern regions- at the end of April. Autumn planting begins in late summer and ends at the end of October. And as experienced gardeners advise, spring planting is considered optimal than autumn planting.

For those summer residents who live in areas with little snow, it is best to plant strawberries in the spring. The main thing is that there is more light for her and there are no drafts.

According to gardeners, the optimal planting time is evening or another cloudy day.

Planting methods

There are several ways to plant strawberries:

Trapezoidal beds

This method is necessary for those who do not have a drainage system.

To do this, you will have to manually raise the earthen platforms. The beds should be made in 3 rows at a distance of 5 meters from each other.

The edges of the beds are reinforced with branches. This will make harvesting easier in the future.

After that, the beds need to be covered with a film with holes to ensure ventilation.

Film tunnels

They are good to use when the weather changes frequently.

Therefore, gardeners install protective film tunnels over the beds.

The film will protect plants from: UV, retain moisture and keep strawberries from drafts.

The downside is that you will constantly have to monitor the humidity level and temperature inside such a tunnel.

Plastic bags

They add a substrate rich in fertilizers and moderately moistened.

Cross-shaped holes are made in the beds where healthy young seedlings are planted.

Then you need to fail drip irrigation and create the necessary lighting for the plant.

This bed is easy to move.

Vertical bed

To create such a bed you need to have with you: burlap, construction mesh, plastic pipe large diameter, old tires and boxes or pots with which you can make a pyramid.

Such a bed will save space on small area and will give beautiful view. The inconvenience of such beds arises with watering, and the vertical position will require additional devices.

Planting in open ground

Strawberry seedlings are planted in the spring after frost or in the fall - before frost. Anyone who is planning to plant them in a greenhouse can do this earlier. This usually happens 2 months after planting the seeds. Before planting the seedlings in the ground, they need to be kept in the sun.

When replanting seedlings, you need to ensure that their roots do not get tangled. Also, we must not forget about their core, which should be above the soil. Then apply fertilizer. After some time, you need to weed the beds and do not forget about watering.

How to plant seedlings?

First you need to determine the condition of the bushes. Their appearance must be formed and have 3 healthy leaves, as well as a strong root system.

The best option there will be a squat rosette with a large central bud.

Strawberries grow best in black soil. As gardeners advise, seedlings should be located in the southwest and in an enclosed area.

Seedlings are planted in such a way that the root system is straightened. Not a single root should be bent. Before planting it in the soil, for two days the strawberry bushes are not moved to a cool or shady place, but the seedling tendrils are transferred to any container with water.

Attention! When planting seedlings, the root system must be in a vertical position. If the soil is dry, it should be watered immediately and humus added.

How to plant under black covering material?

Such material is black film 100 microns thick. If you use thinner material, weeds will break through it.

Place this material directly on the beds. It is pressed against the edges with bricks and covered with a small layer of earth.

Then you need to make slits in the black material and dig holes in them. Then plant the seedlings.

If the bushes are not compressed, the plant's tendrils will take root under the film. And you shouldn’t worry about the strawberries being too tight, since the material can stretch.

In winter, the covering material is removed.

Gardeners claim that thanks to black material, strawberry yields increase. It all has to do with the fact that it heats up due to sun rays, which promotes rapid growth of berries.

The disadvantage of such a shelter is poor quality watering. Since the slots in the material are small, water does not seep into the ground well. Therefore, you will have to take care of the irrigation system under the material.

Carefully! It is not recommended to use black material for more than 4 years, otherwise the yield will decrease.

How to plant seeds?

It is not so rare for summer residents to buy strawberry varieties without mustaches. And to grow delicious berries, you will have to grow it using seeds. To plant strawberries with seeds, you need to do a little preparation:

  • Place the seeds on a napkin and soak them in the amber mixture for a month. They should be stored in the refrigerator.
  • Then purchase flower soil at any gardening store.
  • Find a plastic container and fill it halfway with soil.
  • Place 50 seeds on the surface of the ground and water.
  • Cover the container with a lid and put it in a warm place for 8 days, remembering to water every three days until shoots appear.
  • At the end, plant the soil with seedlings in the same way as seedlings.

We plant in a greenhouse

For some gardeners, growing strawberries in greenhouses is considered a tradition.

There you can provide the plant necessary conditions thanks to the greenhouse effect.

For example, Dutch technology cultivation has gained popularity among most gardeners who grow strawberries in greenhouse conditions.

To do this, you need to plant seedlings in polyethylene bags. In addition, the greenhouse, especially if it is large, is suitable for industrial conditions, if strawberries go to trade.

But purchasing a greenhouse will require certain expenses from a person, and for this you will need to spend money on:

  • Seedlings;
  • Peat;
  • Equipment;
  • Electricity;
  • Watering system.

Planting strawberries in spring

Since the bushes have formed a strong root system in the fall, spring planting is considered optimal. The plant managed to adapt in place after the winter and became stronger.

Because the earth has collected in itself melt water, the plant should not be watered frequently in the spring.

Minus spring planting is that annual plants bear fruit poorly. According to gardeners, if you plant a berry in the spring, then next year you can expect a good harvest.

Spring planting time

For strawberries to grow in spring, they need a certain temperature, which occurs at the end of April, when the earth has warmed up to 12 degrees, as well as sunlight. In the southern regions of the country, spring planting begins already at the end of March, but in the north it is closer to the end of spring.


Before planting the plant in the ground, the seedlings are placed in the shade for a week, but so that it is warm there. This will allow the strawberries to adapt to street conditions. Then you need to weed the bed and remove all the weeds. Some gardeners even disinfect their garden beds to get rid of the pests that hide there.

Before planting seedlings in open ground, you need to add a little peat to the ground so that the plant's rosettes can take root.

It is equally important to say that the variety of strawberries depends on the time of planting. There are winter-hardy varieties and thermophilic. Therefore, the spring planting procedure may vary from month to month.

As gardeners advise, you should not delay planting and should start earlier in order to prepare the beds and plant the plant in them. Having adapted to a new place, you can expect a good harvest in the future.

Planting in autumn

For the southern regions of the country, September is considered the optimal month for planting strawberries. Having excellent planting material, the plants will take root well.

Gardeners argue that autumn planting has a bad effect on future yields.

Despite the fact that the bushes will take root, they will be poorly prepared for winter and will lay few buds. In general, autumn planting has an adverse effect on the growth of strawberries, and it is only necessary in order to get more runners next year. And with the arrival of spring, all flower stalks are removed and healthy mustaches are left.

Autumn landing time

Two weeks before the onset of autumn, when the temperature has dropped to 15 degrees, gardeners are preparing to plant strawberries. This is usually done on a cloudy day or in the evening.


When planting strawberries in the fall, you need to choose a day. After inspecting the root system and cutting off the dried ones, you can begin planting. You can add a little peat and dry sawdust to the prepared bed. In some cases, summer residents cover their plantings with agrofibre, thanks to which the plant can survive the winter.

Timely feeding of seedlings is a positive step in plant care.

Care after landing

After all the activities for planting strawberries have been completed, do not forget about care.

One of the important activities is watering the plant. Some gardeners do the right thing and buy a sprinkler system for their garden. However, not everyone can afford this.

Removing weeds and killing insect pests will help keep the berries healthy.

The presence of humus and mulch in the beds will help prevent the appearance of weeds.

Attention! It is not recommended to grow strawberries in one place for 5 years, and they need to be replanted.

Possible errors during landing

Despite the fact that many gardeners grow strawberries, everyone makes a number of mistakes when planting, and then complains that the weather affected the yield.

Basically, inexperienced gardeners make more mistakes, and in order to avoid them in the future, you can read a lot of literature or find some answers in this article.

  • Strawberries should not be planted near crops that require frequent watering and nutrients(mostly fruit and berry trees).
  • Watering must be carried out depending on weather conditions: for example, in hot weather it will have to be watered more often.
  • Tall trees will not let in enough light for the berries to grow.
  • Strawberries should be planted away from diseased plants.
  • The soil where cabbage, raspberries or garlic grows will have a bad effect on the growth of strawberries. The best option would be to plant beans, carrots, parsley or peas next to the red berries.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Summer residents often come across questions to which they are looking for answers. Among these questions are the following:

Useful video

Find out more in the video below:


Planting and caring for strawberries is not such an easy task. But if you follow the instructions and dig, water and fertilize, you can end up with a good harvest that will please all family members.

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