Economical shower: how to save water, energy and money. Nebia is an economical shower project in which Tim Cook himself invested. Flexible or rotary aerator for the mixer

Water is used for human needs, so everyone should understand how to save water so that there is enough for everyone. Inconsiderate use groundwater, can lead to disaster, so the issue of saving natural resources is considered not only by each person individually, but also in specialized organizations.
Everyone chooses their own way to save water, but to do this you need to know the characteristics and advantages of each option.

However, in any case, if a person saves water supplies correctly, the contribution will be significant for ecological situation generally. There are many saving options. Everyone will be able to choose the one that best suits their capabilities and wishes.

Everyone knows their secrets on how to save water. Therefore, it is worth listening to people’s recommendations in order to learn for yourself necessary information By general rules saving water. So, it is worth adhering to the following instructions in order to preserve financial and natural resources:

  1. The most effective and accurate is to install a device for saving water on taps and showers. There are many such devices, you just have to choose suitable option on pricing policy and quality indicators.

    One of the ways to save water is to install an aerator on the faucet, this will significantly save water consumption

  2. If the faucets in the house are broken and they are leaking, then the useless consumption of water accumulations exceeds 200 liters per month. Therefore, broken taps that leak should be repaired immediately. Repairs will cost less than paying for wasted water.
  3. If the flush tank in the toilet is broken, you should immediately repair it or replace the toilet. Therefore, by purchasing high-quality and durable plumbing fixtures, a person can save a lot in the future.

  4. It is also recommended to install faucets with levers; this will help you quickly select the required water temperature without dropping a drop into the utility bills.

  5. A tip to help reduce the amount of water you use is to turn off the water while brushing your teeth. There is no point in running water when there is no need for it. Even a few minutes can add up to significant savings.
  6. The same applies to products. After all, it’s easy to wash vegetables in a bowl or pan with water. And washing them under running water- this is a big expense.
  7. If clothes are washed by hand, it is better to rinse them in water collected in a container rather than under running water from a tap.
  8. You should also turn off the water while applying to dishes. detergent. And turn it on when it is already necessary to rinse plates or other utensils.
  9. If possible, it is best to install dishwashing equipment for washing dishes. The machine will help ensure real water savings. The main thing is to load the car to the maximum.
  10. You should avoid defrosting food under running tap water. Such actions consume a huge amount of liquid. In addition to saving water, natural defrosting will help preserve the beneficial properties of food.
  11. To save money, some people buy a device that dissipates water. This provides water pressure in different directions, which will help to quickly accomplish what is needed.

Saving devices

To start putting water-saving tips into practice, you need to understand what equipment you can pay attention to. You can bet on the following options:

  • Buy a water meter. It will help to identify how rationally the water resource is used. Over time, this device will teach you to use water in an orderly and economical manner.

Installed meters to measure hot and cold water consumption

  • You can save money by purchasing a special faucet for this purpose. Manufacturers are no less concerned about conservation than environmentalists. natural gifts. Therefore on modern market everyone will pick up suitable models equipment for the deliberate use of water in an apartment or house.
  • Those who have recently installed a faucet can pay attention to the attachments for them, which are necessary to save both cold and hot water.
  • And also sold special nozzles, which are put on the shower structure. This water-saving device directs water flows in different directions, which ensures rational use of the liquid flowing through the drainpipes.

Everyone will choose the right device to save family budget which best suits his preferences.

Watch the video: how to save water using a faucet attachment.

Taps that save water

Based on the information above, everyone understands how important it is to choose a device to save water. There are quite a lot of options for devices on the modern market that help with this. Often the choice is a faucet to reduce water consumption. The lineup such designs are quite wide. Therefore, even the most demanding buyer will certainly find suitable options for himself.

The regulator that controls the consumption of water resources can be as follows:


Plumbing equipment "Shark" allows you to save money due to its functionality. The design has a special sensor adapter that allows you to record the temperature and pressure level of the flow and drinking water. This will help you not waste time waiting until the water drains and the pressure becomes as necessary to carry out your plans.

iSAVE faucet

This is a state-of-the-art water tap. In design plumbing equipment a special sensor is built in that monitors resource consumption. The system allows you to save up to fifty percent of funds on payment for water consumption.

These are the most popular faucet models that can be installed in an apartment in order to save money. Anyone who buys such equipment will no longer worry about how to save water in the apartment; they will do everything themselves.

Everyone chooses their own ways to save water. But if the apartment is planned major renovation, That the best solution is precisely the purchase of an economical crane.

Faucet attachment to save water

There are more a budget option than buying a crane. A popular design is the faucet attachment to save water. Its price may vary depending on the following factors:

  • Manufacturer;
  • Production technologies;
  • Material quality;
  • Which store is it purchased from?

In any case, even when purchasing the most expensive equipment, you can significantly save money on paying for water consumption.

The faucet attachments are:

  • Sensory;
  • Aerator;
  • Shower head.

Each of them has factors that are in favor and against the installation of such a device. But they are all economical, giving the desired budget savings on utility bills.


The sensor attachment on the faucet will show the result in a short period of time. It is not surprising, because its functionality is clearly aimed at preserving natural resources. A special sensor reacts to the approach of any object to the crane. At this moment the water turns on. When a person removes their hands from the faucet, the operation stops and the water stops flowing.

Installed sensor attachment on the faucet


  • The touch controller helps to significantly reduce water consumption in a house or apartment;
  • This device eliminates the need to touch the faucet structure with unclean hands. This will also make the process of cleaning the apartment easier;
  • The sensor system is lightweight in equipment and does not require the use of additional resources (for example, electricity). The sensor is completely autonomous;
  • The device will ease the lot of people who have small children. Kids often forget to turn off the water after themselves, which entails irrational expenses. Thanks to the touch device, this problem will disappear. The same goes for older people, who are also absent-minded and may leave the tap on;
  • A sensor device for saving water will reduce the risk of flooding on the lower floors. This sometimes happens if a person leaves home and drainpipes clogged;
  • The device will help you maintain hygiene rules. After all, in order to wash your hands, you will not need to touch the tap and handle;
  • Touch controllers do not require special attention. Their work is stable and durable.

This impressive range of advantages prompts many people to buy a device to save water consumption.


  • Saving water at home using sensor attachments on faucets will not be cheap. However, by spending one time on installation, you can organize long-term savings of cold and hot water. And this, accordingly, will save financial resources.

Of course, on the modern market there are many models and brands of sensor nozzles, thanks to which you can save water at home. They differ in various parameters:

  • Pricing policy;
  • Quality;
  • Color scheme;
  • Design;
  • Durability;
  • Installation difficulties.

These factors form an overall picture that provides information about whether such a device is worth buying. Most often, consumers choose the following manufacturers:

  • Touch Attachment for Eco-Water Faucet;
  • Touch attachment for the VodoEconom faucet;
  • Grand-Vent;
  • Water Save;
  • Tescoma water saving nozzle.

These are just some of the stores and companies offering to buy sensor attachments for faucets that will help you save your budget and spend money on something important. Manufacturers guarantee budget savings of more than seventy percent with such devices.

Whichever adapter you choose, any of them will help you carefully control the flow of running and drinking water.

But consumers also often choose to buy an aerator to save water. It has slightly different functions and characteristics than sensory ones. However, water conservation is significant both at home and in private homes and in factories. A water saving aerator helps to correctly distribute the flow, resulting in significant savings in consumption.

This is what an aerator looks like to save water


  • Allows for a significant reduction in water consumption;
  • Flows of cold and hot water are distributed over small cells. Visually it may seem that the pressure is much higher. However, this is only a visual illusion. In fact, significantly fewer natural resources are consumed this way;
  • Affordable price for everyone;
  • The nozzle can be placed both on a drinking water filter and on a stationary tap;
  • The kit includes the adapter itself and several connectors, so installation is reduced to the fact that you need to select a valve and screw on the aerator;
  • The budget-saving aerator attachment will help reduce cold and hot water consumption by approximately fifty percent.


Does not protect against the tap not being turned off. However, even if someone in the household forgot to turn on the water, the flow rate will be significantly lower than without an aerator nozzle.


  • EcoFlow;
  • Terla Freelime NA(NoAer);
  • Soft Jet Eco.

These are some of the manufacturers presenting faucet attachments on the market. In any case, no matter which water saving valve you choose, you will be pleasantly surprised when you receive a utility bill.

This regulator will help you use water rationally and for its intended purpose. The main thing is to decide what you expect from the device. If you want significant savings, then you should choose more expensive equipment. If the consumption is insignificant, then you can give preference inexpensive options


Shower heads

One type of shower head for saving water

This device will help you use water consistently and rationally. A regulator for reducing water flow in the shower can also have various characteristics. Shower heads to save budget and natural resources, there are touch and aerator. They have the same operating system as crane equipment. The only difference is the size and shape of the product.


The water pressure regulator in the shower is installed in the space between the shower thread and the mixer. Thanks to this, the pressure is regulated at the stage when the water leaves the mixer, and not at the shower head itself. This helps you save a lot. At the same time, when taking a shower, a person does not notice changes in the operation of the equipment. The resource flows from the shower head in the same way as it did before installing the nozzle.

Watch the video: how to save water consumption with a shower head.

There are nozzles that are placed directly on the shower cap itself. But they are less effective in preserving natural resources than those installed inside the shower hose.

Not all people value water the same. In the arid corners of the planet, it is considered liquid gold, which is used only in the most necessary cases. In other countries, there is so much water that taking a bath for pleasure and relaxation is considered the norm.

And yet, even with free access to water, the idea of ​​saving natural resources is becoming increasingly popular. This implies not only a change of habits, but also the introduction of new technologies.
In Japan, where immersion in a deep tub is a national tradition, members of the same family take the same bath, not changing the water, but heating it. The Swedes went even further and proposed using one of NASA's technologies in the bathroom. So what ways to save water exist today? Below we've outlined several options, from high-tech faucets to small household tricks. Choose any one and join the movement for economical water consumption!

1. Reheat and use again

The Japanese are known for their penchant for lengthy water procedures, but relatives (or roommates) pour water into the ablution container only once - and then use it again. Japanese Anne Shimamoto says: “First you need to wash yourself thoroughly, and only then immerse yourself in a hot bath. The water in the bath should remain clean and free of any traces of soap or shampoo to ensure that the next person feels comfortable. From childhood, our parents taught us to take a bath correctly; it was an obligatory part of our upbringing.”
Plus, many baths in Japanese houses equipped with an “oidaki” system, which makes it possible to heat the water. If the bath has cooled down, you just need to press a button that turns on the boiler installed outside or in the utility room. The water is heated, allowing family members to take the same bath several times and significantly save water.

2. Turn to the latest technology

Resource conservation specialist and Marketing Director of the French branch of Hansgrohe, Eveline Stratmann, offers an innovative approach to introducing water-saving devices to the market. This approach is especially good where people are reluctant to give up the feeling of freely flowing water to save money. “The French are thrifty and strive to save on everything, but at the same time they are not ready to sacrifice comfort and change their everyday habits. Therefore, here water-saving plumbing should be introduced gently, unobtrusively and provide the same sensations during water procedures as conventional faucets and showers.”
For Hansgrohe, the solution was the Rainmaker Select 460 3jetEcoSmart shower system, which has a secret weapon - the “Remember” button. When you press this button, the water temperature is automatically saved in the system, so the user does not have to waste time and, accordingly, pour excess water when he turns the shower back on. “We believe this innovation will help people break the habit of leaving the shower on during the entire wash process,” says Evelyn. ─ This is how we encourage people to soap up when the shower is turned off, because then they can instantly get water at the desired temperature, without wasting time on adjustments and without experiencing the unpleasant sensations of ice water or boiling water pouring under high pressure.”

But even if these innovations turn out to be effective and help save several liters of water, this will still not be enough for full savings. The fact is that the French are very fond of rain shower heads (they are also called rain shower heads), but they are the real culprits of excessive water consumption. “Therefore, despite all the new smart systems“, the first thing that needs to be changed is habits,” admits Evelyn.

Mikhail Chizhov, marketing director of the Russian branch of Hansgrohe, says that in Russia people have no special motivation to save water, since it can always be obtained in any quantity - and at a low price. “Water consumption in a regular sink faucet is about 13 l/min. All our basin mixers feature EcoSmart technology that reduces water consumption by 60%, i.e. up to 5 l/min. How does this happen? Thanks to air mixing and a special water flow limiter. The EcoSmart aerator, built into the faucet spout, enriches the water with air. The result is a rich, voluminous water jet.
As for shower heads, our line includes models both with water saving and without this function. The difference in price between the models is insignificant, but at the same time, 95% of watering cans sold in Russia do not have a water saving mode, says Mikhail. ─ This is because water in Russia is cheap, and buyers do not yet have the motivation to save water and consciously reduce its consumption - it is much more pleasant to take a “full” shower under a powerful stream.”
The installation of water meters in Russia has become mandatory since January 2015. Natalia Stogova says: “We installed water meters several years ago and did not expect that we would save so much as a result! The actual amount of water we use turned out to be 2-3 times less than what was indicated in the bill for average consumption.”

3. Buy a smaller bathtub or ditch it in favor of a shower.

Those who cannot imagine life without taking a bath can look for a small bowl with a volume of less than 270 liters. Others, like Danish user Jette Yde, are confident that they can do without it altogether: “I decided to go against the grain and say no to baths. This may be fun for children, but adults simply cannot justify such a reckless waste of natural resources. Water supplies are not endless, and I think that concern for the environment should be expressed at the household level. Therefore, remove bathtubs and install showers. There will be more space in the bathroom, and this decision will in any case be good for the environment and your wallet.”

4. Look to space for inspiration

It has long been known that space is not just an endless space somewhere out there, but also a fertile field for experiments and technological innovations, which are then returned to earth as inventions tested in the harshest conditions. One of latest developments in this area is a shower system from the Swedish company Orbital Systems, which saves 90% water and 80% energy compared to traditional showers.
The invention is based on a joint science project, developed in 2013 by NASA and Orbital Systems founder Mehrdad Majoubi. At the time, Mehrdad was still a student and in his final year at Lund University in southern Sweden.

The idea was that the technology used to purify and reuse water on space stations could be used just as well on Earth - in both regular bathrooms and in public places: gyms, schools, baths and hotels. “It was an indescribable feeling,” says Mehrdad. ─ I found something that can be developed and used equally on earth and in space.”
Savings occur due to the fact that the same water passes through the filters and enters the shower system again and again. The cost of the basic “space” shower is $5,995 for a free-standing shower stall. A shower tray that is built into the floor during construction or major renovation will cost a thousand dollars less.

5. Collect what falls from the sky

In arid California, not only homeowners but also policymakers are concerned about how to reduce the amount of water required to maintain private gardens. According to the American Defense Agency environment(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency), about 30% of the water consumed by one person per day is spent on irrigation.
Previously, according to local rules, in areas over 230 square meters no more than 33% of plants requiring frequent watering could be planted. In 2015, the California Water Commission approved new rules that limited the number of lawns and other water-loving plants to 25% on new lots over 46 square meters and renovations over 230 square meters. For old plots with an area of ​​less than 230 square meters, a list of restrictions was also introduced and necessary requirements. “It’s high time to review the law, because this is a joint initiative of residents and the administration. We're moving in the same direction with the new rules,” says Vicki Lake, program manager for the California Department of Water Resources.
Homeowners in all states are paying attention to how their gardens use water and are looking for ways to save. In May 2015, Houzz conducted a Landscape & Garden Trends study. Of the 1,600 users who had completed a landscaping project in the last 12 months, were in the process of renovating their property/garden, or planned to start in the next six months, water use reduction topped the list priority tasks. 70% of Californians who took part in the study reported drought as a main problem when implementing landscape projects.
One in five homeowners who are planning a garden renovation are planning to install a rainwater harvesting device on their property. 3% are thinking about installing a water purification system to use household watering wastewater from bathrooms and laundry rooms. "Two of our latest project were completely aimed at solving the problem of saving water,” says landscape designer Sara Warto from San Francisco.

Rainfall Shower Style Head High Efficiency Square Thin Water Saving Contemporary - $29.99
However, measures to reduce water consumption have affected not only Californian gardens, but also the homes themselves. Starting in July 2016, the only shower heads available in this state are those that flow no more than 11 liters of water per minute (2 liters less than before). This decision was approved by the California Energy Commission. In 2018, the limit will drop even lower - to 8 liters per minute. According to preliminary forecasts, this will save 11 billion liters of water in the first year and 173 billion liters in the next ten years.

6. Use simple but proven methods

A French specialist from RAAB Architecture offers several solutions that will help you start saving water in the bathroom today: “To start, just start using the water differently: turn it off when you soap yourself and brush your teeth. The most determined owners can put a bucket under the tap to collect the cold water that flows at the beginning. It can then be used not only for watering plants, but also for cooking. It is also worth buying an ordinary aerator for faucets (sold in hardware stores and construction stores). It restricts the flow and thus reduces water consumption by almost half. By the way, all modern mixers are equipped with it.”

Australian user Skyring architects suggests rescheduling long water treatments for the weekend: “If you like to stay in the shower longer, you shouldn’t deprive yourself of this pleasure. Just get into the habit of showering for four to five minutes on weekdays, and allow yourself to relax on the weekends.” In other words, before you take a shower next time, first go to the kitchen and grab a timer. Then, standing under the shower and listening to the inexorable ticking, you will begin to treat these minutes with all possible respect.

“Typically, 20% of the water in time is an absolute loss,” says Jonah Schein, technical coordinator for the WaterSense Homes and Buildings program. This program is developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency and aims to promote water efficiency.

The shower accounts for about 17% of the water in the home, and the average American family uses about 160 liters of water per day in the shower. This amounts to 4.8 trillion liters of water annually in the United States alone. According to WaterSense, “this amount is enough to completely supply New York and New Jersey with water for a similar period of time.” If you lose 20% each time, then that’s more than 700 billion liters that are wasted, and somewhere in the world entire countries are suffering from drought and water shortages.

Moreover, we are all accustomed to taking showers, and the shower head only contributes to heat loss, so showering is a very energy-intensive process.

In total, there are three types of losses: water, and, of course, money.

Surprisingly, the reasons for most of these losses are purely behavioral. Before taking a shower, people wait for hot water (which can take a while, especially if the water heater is far away) and so they flush the water. At this stage this is a constructive problem and all we can do is convince people to accept cold shower(not such a bad idea), but it won't make much of a difference. The problem is that even after serving hot water, people do not start taking showers immediately and for some time it simply flows in vain. This is a behavioral problem.

Educating people about the consequences of habitual behavior will probably change the situation in some cases, but in reality it is very difficult to change the routine, especially when there is visually no problem.

Therefore, a lot of attention is now being paid to various things. Among them we note the thermostatic shut-off valve.

Thermostatic valves are already used in fashionable versions of shower stalls to regulate water temperature, ensure that the combination of hot and cold water remains constant and prevent scalding if for some reason the cold water stops flowing. But a thermostatic shut-off valve does something else: it allows water to flow until it reaches a certain temperature, and then stops the flow until you reopen the valve.

The valve can be built into the shower head, or it can be removable.

A removable valve must be installed on the pipe in front of the shower head; it automatically records all typical losses during showering, without causing any inconvenience to the user. You will continue to enter the shower with hot water, all you need to do is reopen the valve.

The video below demonstrates the easy installation and use method.

Following the Europeans, Russians are beginning to be more careful about water consumption. However, saving luxury is not a hindrance, and new plumbing products make this process easy, enjoyable and even fun.

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Single lever mixers

Water saving nozzles. You can switch to an economical water consumption model using stop-start nozzles or an aerator mesh for an old mixer. Some SmartBoy nozzles are designed in such a way that when you turn the central rod, a maximum fixed water flow is set. Other models have the option to automatically stop water supply after 5-35 seconds. You can set the shutdown time yourself.

Using this mixer with an aerator, you can regulate the water flow (up to 2.5 l/min.).

In the photo: mixer 33177 002 from the Grohe factory.

Cold welcome. Another “smart” mechanism rational use water from Roca - Cold Start. When the faucet is opened in the front position, only cold water flows from the tap. To get a mixed flow, you need to exit the economy mode.

Flow regulators. Hansgrohe EcoSmart technology limits the water flow for Hansgrohe and Ahog mixers to 5 l/min. (for comparison: previous generation models consume 14 l/min.). The water in these mixers is aerated: the air-saturated stream becomes softer and more voluminous. At high blood pressure the built-in ring-shaped flow restrictor becomes flat and partially blocks the culvert.

Restrictive cartridges. These latest devices controls reduce water consumption by 50%. Thus, Roca Plus with Hidrocontrol technology gives you the choice between economical and maximum water flow. The mechanism is as follows: when raising the lever, the flow of water increases until the user feels the resistance of the elastic regulator. This is a sign of transition to the maximum flow rate mode.

Mixer for kitchen sink with a controlled function of turning on/off and dosing water (measures the amount needed to prepare a particular recipe).

In the photo: eUnit mixer from Dornbracht.

A godsend for housewives. Water saving kitchen solution from the Kludi company, all of whose faucets are equipped with s-pointer eco aerators with a water flow rate of 6.5 l/min - Swing & Stop. You can turn off the water by turning the tap itself to the side, which is easily done even with your elbow. If you return the mixer to its original position, the water will flow again.

Electronic mixers. The basis for the operation of contactless faucets from the brands Oras, Hansgrohe, Roca, Kludi, Hansa, Gessi and others is a photocell that responds to hand movement. Water flows only when you raise your palms. Fixed temperature: 38 °C (thermostats - irreplaceable helpers in saving water and electricity), the miracle faucet operates in pulse mode using four AA batteries.

Economical shower heads

The solution from Grohe. Grohe EcoJoy ® technology provides both automatic and user-controlled water savings. And Rainshower ® shower heads with a diameter of 130 and 160 mm use 20% less water than standard counterparts.

Examples of shower heads with automatic water flow limitation.

Vitra solution. Vitra shower systems use water flow regulators that reduce the performance from 20 to 7-8 l/min. This results in a net water saving of 60%.

The solution from Hansgrohe. The air mixing function in EcoSmart technology limits water consumption to 6 l/min, which is 60% more economical than average, while maintaining the comfort of water procedures.

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This hand shower head has three spray pressure modes - rain, massage and balanced (water is mixed with air bubbles). EcoSmart technology allows you to reduce water consumption to 9 l/min.

Economical shower cabins

Independent approach. The Templa Rubenus shower cabin from Ruben is equipped with its own pump. It does not depend on the pressure in the water supply system, and if a regular cabin spends 200-350 liters in hydromassage mode in 10 minutes, then the eco-option will only need 40 liters circulating between the watering can and the tray! The shortcoming of the system is the lack of disinfection and filtration.

Economical baths

Saving luxury is not a hindrance. Roca has developed an innovative solution for the whirlpool bath: In-Flow: 75 liters of water is enough for complete relaxation with hydromassage.

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Only 75 liters of water for a full hydromassage - this smart bath with relaxing side cascades it can greatly save resources.

Circular drain. Water in toilets with this system is supplied from several places along the rim of the toilet, so effective cleaning occurs using much less water compared to traditional systems.

In the photo: toilet 254209 from the Duravit factory.

Economical toilets and urinals

Two drain modes. Economical models have two flush buttons on the tank, large and small. For example, Geberit built-in systems are equipped with a dual-volume flush (3 l/6 l) or flush/stop technology with manual interruption. The volume of both small and large flushes can be adjusted manually. The Ido company (Finland) offers the Trevi E toilet, which consumes only 4 liters with a large flush. Annual water savings with this model are 6.5 thousand liters per family member.

Thanks to the special siphon design, the urinal can be used without water connection.

In the photo: urinal 7517 00 XX from Villeroy & Boch.

Waterless urinals. In addition to models that use only 1 liter of water to flush, there are Subway urinals from Villeroy & Boch and Arkitekt from Vitra, which do not require water at all. The mechanism consists of a replaceable cartridge with hydraulic valve. The liquid in it is lighter than water, so waste and odors are completely absorbed.

Reuse of water. The development of the Roca W+W company (washbasin + wc - “sink + toilet”) is a monoblock of a sink and toilet with an odor filtration system. The essence of the concept is the ability to reuse water from the sink to fill the toilet tank. Water savings - 25%.

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On the picture:

The sink-toilet hybrid saves 25 percent water, from the sink it goes into the toilet cistern and is reused.

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You don’t have to visit an expensive spa to feel invigorated or easily relax. You can take water procedures with special comfort at home, setting the shower function to massage, waterfall or tropical rain. At the same time, you will be able to soak in the bath for a long time, relax or take contrasting procedures, without worrying about excessive water consumption. It will be minimal, thanks to a special economical shower head.

Typically, after installing such watering cans, consumers significantly reduce water consumption, spending almost half as much on utility bills as before. For a family of three, this difference is especially noticeable, because in a year you can save over 10 thousand rubles. The low price of watering cans allows you to pay for them after just a few months of use. Considering that you can use it for at least 3-5 years, you will save on hot and cold water will turn out to be significant.

How it works

An important feature of a water-saving watering can is that the economical supply of water flow (only 6-9 liters per minute) is carried out at a level that is familiar to you. When using the shower, you do not feel any difference in the power of the jet that you turned on before. Limiting the flow while maintaining its power is due to aeration of the water with air, which is added to it through a hole on the body of the watering can. Its nozzles spray water in a concentrated manner, creating small but voluminous drops.

Every liter of water is saturated with three liters of air. As a result, the watering can produces a more delicate and voluminous “stream”. You will feel how much more convenient and pleasant it has become to take a shower. And you will certainly make this ritual an obligatory part of your secluded, comfortable holiday.

You doubt whether to buy such a watering can or not, but you want to feel real savings water in the shower? To get started, purchase a water-saving nozzle. You can buy it in our store and install it in one of the following ways: between the mixer and the hose or between the hose and the shower head. As a result, you will be able to switch from the usual water consumption (12-20 l) to a more economical one (6-8 l).

Which watering can to choose?

For those who prefer to not only wash themselves in the shower, but also relax, optimal solution would be to buy a watering can with several water supply modes: tropical shower, massage, waterfall. In our online store you can purchase functional watering cans that will provide enormous water savings, both in a private home and a public swimming pool, hotel, hotel or fitness center. Many of them have already been appreciated by our customers, and some models were even reviewed in the TV program “Miracle of Technology” on NTV.

In the assortment of shower heads in our store, we have provided aesthetically attractive, ergonomic and varied models made from high-quality and durable materials. They quickly connect to a hose having a standard thread with a diameter of 16 mm, and consume from 6 to 9 liters of water per minute.

You can buy an inexpensive water-saving watering can with one operating mode, or choose a watering can with three or five modes and a spa effect.

Among them:

Reduces water consumption by up to 50%, delivers only 9 liters per minute.

Provides water supply in three modes:

  1. “massage” (the jets have great power and “range”) to relax the body and accelerate skin regeneration,
  2. “standard shower” for comfortable daily procedures,
  3. “blizzards” for soft relaxation and a delicate effect on the skin.

Watering can with spa effect with five modes

Limits water flow to 9 l/min and supplies water in 5 modes:

  1. "rain"
  2. "waterfall"
  3. "massage"
  4. “tropical rain” (heavy), creating a feeling of airiness and lightness of flow.
  5. "tropical rain" (moderate)

By installing a water-saving shower head on the shower hose, you can take a shower with pleasure several times a day, without worrying about water consumption. It will be minimal even when the mixer valve is turned on full power. Save and relax as much as you want!

Articles By topic:
How and how much to bake beef
Baking meat in the oven is popular among housewives. If all the rules are followed, the finished dish is served hot and cold, and slices are made for sandwiches. Beef in the oven will become the dish of the day if you pay attention to preparing the meat for baking. If you don't take into account
Why do the testicles itch and what can you do to get rid of the discomfort?
Many men are interested in why their balls begin to itch and how to eliminate this cause. Some believe that this is due to uncomfortable underwear, while others think that it is due to irregular hygiene. One way or another, this problem needs to be solved.
Why do eggs itch?
Until recently, I prepared cutlets only from homemade minced meat. But just the other day I tried to cook them from a piece of beef tenderloin, and to be honest, I really liked them and my whole family liked them. In order to get cutlets
Schemes for launching spacecraft Orbits of artificial Earth satellites
1 2 3 Ptuf 53 · 10-09-2014 The union is certainly good. but the cost of removing 1 kg of cargo is still prohibitive. Previously, we discussed methods of delivering people into orbit, but I would like to discuss alternative methods of delivering cargo to rockets (agree with