Is “Silwuple” one word or several? In public places

On store shelves among exotic fruits you can also find such as pitahaya. Its other names are dragon fruit or pitaya. An interesting fact is that these plants belong to the cactus family. The fruit has not only an exotic name, but also an appearance. Its color is bright pink, and the pitahaya is similar in size to a large apple, only more elongated. The fruit is covered with large scales, the tips of which are painted bright green or green color. Pitahaya pulp is white or purple, it contains a lot of small seeds, which are distributed throughout the entire volume of the fruit.

What an exotic fruit

Eastern legends say that pitahaya fruits appeared as a result of battles with dragons. When the monster could no longer produce flames, a dragon fruit flew out of its mouth. It was believed that it was placed deep in the dragon's body, where the most delicious meat was. The love for this fruit led to the extermination of all dragons. So it turns out that dragons have become extinct, and fruits of bizarre shapes and colors, reminiscent of the scales of monsters from legends, grow to this day.

However, the real homeland of pitahaya is America. Since the fruit is very easy to pick and does not require cooking, it was very popular among the Indians. This is how the Aztecs ate pitahaya pulp. And the roasted and ground seeds served as a kind of seasoning for the stew. Now this plant is cultivated in countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Malaysia, Japan, Taiwan, China, Israel, USA, Mexico and Australia.

Of course, the conditions for the growth of dragon fruit must be special, because in essence it is a cactus. It is suited to a dry tropical climate with moderate rainfall. The plant on which these exotic fruits grow climbs like a vine, and at night, during the flowering period, beautiful white flowers bloom on it. After 30-50 days the fruits set. 5-6 harvests of pitahaya are harvested per year.

Types of pitahaya

In fact, there are different types of pitahaya. They differ in the color of the skin and pulp, in shape and size, in taste and the presence of plates or growths on the skin. Usually there are three types - red (in Vietnam they called it “dragon fruit” for its bizarre shape and color), Costa Rican and yellow pitahaya.

Accordingly, red pitahaya has a red-pink skin and white flesh, Costa Rican has both skin and red flesh, and yellow pitahaya has a yellow skin and is white inside. The yellow fruits are considered the sweetest; they also have a rather strong smell. Red pitahaya has a fresher taste and a light herbaceous aroma. The most popular type of this exotic fruit is red, which is what can most often be found on store shelves. Although it is called that, in fact the scales that make up the peel have a rich pink color, and their tips are colored light green or green. In appearance, “dragon fruit” looks like a small pineapple; its weight can be from 150 to 700 g.

The shell of the fruit is quite soft, easily cut with a knife, and inside it is white pulp, similar in consistency to sour cream and having a delicate aroma. By Pitahaya tastes good reminiscent of banana and kiwi.

Composition and calorie content

Pitahaya has a rich vitamin and mineral composition. Dragon fruit contains very few calories; 100g of its pulp contains only about 50 kcal. It is quite watery, 100 g of fruit contains 85.4 g. Pitahaya contains such useful substances as vitamins B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), and is especially rich in vitamin C. This fruit is especially rich in minerals potassium, phosphorus and calcium, also contains iron and other useful substances.

Beneficial properties of pitahaya

One of the beneficial properties of pitahaya is its low calorie content. Instead of another cake or candy, it is better to treat yourself to something new and exotic, while ridding your body of extra pounds. Pitahaya is also famous for its dietary properties. Due to the lipid content in pitahaya, it is often used in the preparation of various diets and on fasting days.

Pitahaya is well absorbed by the body and is useful for indigestion. This property is especially valuable when traveling in an exotic country. Dragon fruit normalizes the functioning of the stomach and intestines and helps cope with bloating. Scientists also discovered that this exotic fruit very useful and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Dragon fruit is also beneficial for people with diabetes. But it contains not only pulp, but also seeds rich in tannin. Due to the content of this substance, pitahaya is useful for those with impaired vision. The large amount of calcium in this fruit allows you to replenish its reserves, because it plays a very important role important role in the operation of all systems and processes in the body.

Thanks to the amazing delicate aroma of pitahaya, combined with the many vitamins and minerals it contains, it is often used in various cosmetics - shampoos, masks, creams, etc.

How do you eat pitahaya?

Thanks to its exotic appearance, pitahaya can be used as a table decoration, surprising guests a lot. To do this, you need to cut the fruit lengthwise into two parts, and then into slices, like a melon or watermelon. And if the dragon's eye is served as a dessert, you can simply cut it in half and offer your guests to eat the pulp using small spoons. The pitahaya peel is inedible, and you shouldn’t overuse the pulp. Like any exotic fruit, pitahaya can cause an allergic reaction if eaten in large quantities. Dragon fruit is served chilled; it is not recommended to eat it in combination with dishes with a strong taste. It is recommended to chew its seeds thoroughly, as they are quite difficult to digest.

Of course, you can experiment with this fruit and make an exotic dessert - sherbet, jelly, ice cream or yogurt. But in Central America, pitahaya is traditionally prepared with almonds. To do this, take 2 dragon fruits, cut them and carefully remove the pulp. Then it is cut into cubes, and the halves of the peel are set aside for now. Then take 100 g of softened cream cheese and beat it with a whisk, gradually adding 2 tablespoons of condensed milk, 50 g of chopped almonds and fruit cubes. This whole mass is divided into parts and the reserved halves of the pitahaya peel are filled with it. You can decorate the dessert with candied fruits on top. If you prepare such a dish, your guests will simply be delighted.

Pitahaya fruits are often used for cooking alcoholic drinks. It also makes very tasty juices. For example, in Spain, the juice from this fruit is mixed with lemon or lime juice. The results are very tasty refreshing drinks. Jam is also made from pitahaya, sauces are prepared, and added to various confectionery, dairy products, etc. Not only the fruits, but also the flowers of this plant are edible. They are most often added to teas to add a delicate aroma.

When it's a slushy autumn or snowy winter outside, what could be better than plunging into the atmosphere of hot countries? Pitahaya will bring not only pleasure in taste, but also variety in life.

Do you like fruits and would like to try some exotic fruit? In that case, we bring to your attention dragon fruit. And let me assure you that it is not an invention from an oriental fairy tale, but a real-life fruit. We'll tell you more about its origins later, but before we do, we want to highlight that dragon fruit has numerous health benefits that you didn't even know about. At least we know at least 27 incredible benefits of this fruit. If you are interested, then you will like this article!

What kind of fruit is pitaya?

The scientific name of the fruit is hylocereus undatus. It belongs to the family of climbing epiphytic liana-like cacti. Country of origin: South America. Other names for overseas fruit: pitaya, night blooming echinocereus, strawberry pear and queen of the night.

Pitaya or dragon fruit as it is also known comes from South America. Over time, its cultivation spread to Southeast Asia. This fruit is common in the countries of China, Thailand and Vietnam. Dragon fruit gets its name from its skin, which looks like the skin of a yellow or red dragon, with green scales.

Despite its availability all over the world, pitaya is not easy to find in Russian supermarkets. Meanwhile, her popularity is gaining momentum. The fruit is usually found in tropical and subtropical regions. Dragon fruit is one of those exotic fruits that has many benefits for skin, hair and health.

Dragon fruit

If you look closely at this fruit, it will become clear why it received the name dragon fruit. The peel is similar in color and scales to the Chinese dragon - red, yellow and green.

The uniqueness of this fruit from the cactus family lies in the fact that pitaya flowers bloom for a very short time and, as a rule, fade by morning. They can safely rely on nocturnal pollinators - bats and moths. Even though the flower dies, the plant bears fruit approximately six times a year. The peak season is in summer and early autumn.

What varieties of pitaya are there and what does this fruit taste like?

There are basically two varieties of this incredible fruit: white-fleshed and red-fleshed (red dragon fruit). Both of these varieties can have red or yellow peel color (this makes them slightly similar to pineapples). Inside is a cluster of small, black, edible seeds, and the fruit itself tastes like a cross between kiwi and pear, but with a crunchy texture.

Useful substances in the composition

This fruit has a huge amount of phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. He's rich

  • antioxidants,
  • vitamin C,
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids,
  • carotene
  • and protein.

Dragon fruit contains very little complex carbohydrates and thiamine, which help in breaking down food in the body. Pitaya also has phytochemical captin, which plays an important role in maintaining heart health.

What's good about dragon fruit?

The benefits of dragon fruit for skin, hair and health are widespread. Now you will find out what is good about this non-standard fruit, unlike other fruits.

Beneficial properties of pitaya for skin

This strange-looking fruit is the solution to all skin problems. It helps treat severe sunburn and acne and leaves your skin looking beautiful and healthy like never before.

The healing effects you will experience from including dragon fruit in your daily skin care diet:

  1. Fights signs of aging

    Wrinkles, sagging and loss of skin firmness are all signs that appear as skin begins to age. This life stage may lead you to start looking for solutions to skin problems among cosmetics that are not always available and have their own disadvantages.

    So why expose your skin chemicals, if there is a natural and inexpensive remedy?

    Aging is caused by cellular damage caused by free radicals found in the body. However, this process does not happen in one day, so you should not worry too much in advance. Nobody wants to look older than they really are. In a great way Pitaya and its natural ingredients will help prevent premature aging.

    This exotic fruit is a rich source of antioxidants that help fight free radicals and slow down the aging process. This helps the skin look younger and smoother.

    To make your skin firm and get rid of wrinkles, you can use this mask weekly.

    Ingredients: 1/2 dragon fruit, 1 tablespoon yogurt.


    Using a spoon, scrape out the dragon fruit pulp and make a smooth paste.

    Add yogurt to the mixture

    Apply to face and neck, leave for 20 minutes.

    Rinse with warm water, pat dry with a soft towel.

    It is advisable to repeat this process once a week for two months to get rid of the signs of aging.

  2. Treats acne

    Acne is a consequence of oily skin, which usually occurs in the first years of puberty, but sometimes accompanies a person even until the age of thirty. This problem brings irritation and discomfort, but you should not give up, but think about the possibility of resolving this issue.

    The solution is an exotic fruit that, when applied topically, can reduce acne. This is facilitated by the abundance of vitamin C in pitaya.

    So here's how you can use this amazing fruit in the fight against acne.

    What you will need: 1/4 pitaya fruit, 3-4 cotton pads

    What to do:

    Scoop out the dragon fruit pulp with a spoon and mash until smooth using a fork.

    Using a cotton pad, blot the affected area. When using the mass elsewhere, it is better to use a fresh cotton pad to avoid spreading bacteria.

    Leave for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water.

    Do not wipe your face, but let it dry on its own.

    To get rid of acne, you need to repeat this procedure twice a week.

  3. Soothes tanned skin

    When swimming in the open scorching sun without using sunscreen, you may experience serious burns and blisters. In such cases, a pitaya-based remedy can help soothe redness and inflammation.

    As mentioned, dragon fruit is an excellent source of vitamin C. Vitamins E and C have been scientifically proven to protect skin from UV rays and soothe sunburn.

    Ingredients: 1/4 strawberry pear, 1 capsule of vitamin E.

    What need to do:

    Using a spoon, scrape out the dragon fruit pulp and mash with a fork until smooth.

    Puncture vitamin E capsules and add it to fruit puree.

    Apply the mixture to the tanned area. For better effect leave for 30 minutes.

    Wash off cold water. Do not wipe your face, but let it dry.

    Use every two days until symptoms subside.

  4. Promotes healthy skin

    Achieving healthy and glowing skin is no longer a difficult task. It is important to watch what you eat and exercise more exercise, and then you will notice changes in yourself.

    Adding pitaya to your diet can also do a lot of good for your skin.

    A great start to the day would be a glass of pitaya juice. It will not only make you healthy, but will also help rid your body of toxins, thereby making your skin glowing.

    This fruit contains a lot of antioxidants, which perfectly cleanse the body of free radicals and get rid of sagging and dull skin. Additionally, dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C, which helps brighten the skin.

  5. Provides essential hydration to dry skin

    Dragon fruit also has an incredibly high water content (as much as 90%). Liquid is important as it provides hydration to the skin, especially if it is too dry.

    It is for this reason that it is worth including pitaya in your diet, especially in winter period when the skin is most susceptible to dryness.

Beneficial properties of pitaya for hair

It's not easy to achieve and maintain strong, healthy hair. New hair care brands appear on the market quite often. In pursuit of the best product, repeated frequent experiments can harm the health of your hair. Strawberry pear will be a wonderful, natural hair care product. Moreover, this product is available to everyone, since it is many times cheaper than cosmetic products from well-known brands.

Health Benefits of Pitaya

After the topic of beauty, we can’t help but talk about health. In theory, this topic should be covered first, since health is the most important. But the health benefits of this fruit are much greater than those for hair, so we decided to start with less.

So, let's not beat around the bush, but let's start looking at the health benefits of pitaya. We can say with great confidence that after familiarizing yourself with the positive qualities of the fruit, you will love it even more.

  1. Reduces cholesterol levels

    What do you think is the most common disease today?

    Any guesses? Here's a hint: it has to do with lifestyle and poor food choices.

    This is high cholesterol. Most likely, you will not be at all surprised if we tell you that more than 39% of the world's population suffers from this disease. Among the male population, about 40% of people are susceptible to this disease; among women there are more of them. High cholesterol is responsible for about 2.6 million deaths annually.

    Sounds scary, doesn't it?

    But don't worry, certain lifestyle changes, including including some fruits and vegetables in your diet, can help you get rid of this condition. Dragon fruit is one such healthy food.

    Night-blooming Echinocereus can lower cholesterol levels, but this does not mean that it completely eliminates all fats. In fact, some fats are simply necessary for the normal functioning of the body, just like unsaturated fats. Dragon fruit seeds are rich in polyunsaturated fats, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol levels.

    All this, plus the mass of antioxidants in pitaya, make the fruit a good remedy for combating high cholesterol.

  2. Helps with stomach diseases

    This unique fruit can help treat certain stomach ailments such as indigestion and constipation. And it will do it without harm to you.

    Dragon fruit is rich in fiber and contains a lot of water, making it beneficial for people suffering from constipation. The fruits help improve intestinal motility, facilitating the proper passage of digested food through the intestinal tract. Its fibers also help normalize stool and help in treatment of irritable bowel syndrome Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a disorder of intestinal motility and pain in the lower abdomen. What are the symptoms of this disease, how to diagnose and treat it yourself? .

  3. Reduces blood sugar levels

    Another terrible disease after high cholesterol is diabetes. Fluctuations in blood sugar levels force a person to make serious sacrifices - giving up sugar and living on a carbohydrate-free diet. If you have a sweet tooth, this will be an even more difficult challenge for you.

    Luckily, there are several fruits that help keep your blood sugar levels normal so you can enjoy life without any restrictions.

    Some studies have found that dragon fruit helps regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics.

    What benefits does pitaya have for diabetes?

    Everything is very simple. Dragon fruit is a source of polyphenols, carotenoids, thiols, tocopherols and glucosinolates, which help lower blood sugar levels. In addition, fruits contain a lot of fiber, which helps suppress the spikes in sugar levels that occur after every high glycemic index meal.

  4. Improves cardiovascular health

    Eating dragon fruit can help keep your heart healthy.

    Firstly, pitaya on the menu normalizes cholesterol levels. It also controls oxidative damage caused by free radicals and reduces arterial stiffness, which reduces the risk of heart attack (discussed in the previous point).

    In addition, this fruit is rich in monosaturated fats, which is very important for maintaining a healthy heart.

  5. Reduces the risk of low hemoglobin

    Anemia is a common condition among women that should never be ignored. Fluctuations in hemoglobin levels and their decrease to a critical level can lead to kidney failure. Dragon fruit is a great way to prevent anemia.

    Strawberry pear is rich in iron, containing 8% of the daily value. In addition, pitaya contains a lot of vitamin C, which increases the body's ability to absorb iron. So, don’t wait, but rather go and check out the incredible benefits of this fruit for yourself.

  6. Helps manage weight

    This point will be especially interesting for those losing weight.

    Everyone knows that when you change your diet and diet, taste preferences change. Obviously, it is very important to stick to one or two diets throughout the entire weight loss period. But the majority cannot adhere to an unusual regime for a long time. The reason for this can be explained in two words – boring and monotonous.

    You can diversify your boring diet with dragon fruit or dragon fruit tea.

    In addition to the fact that this fruit is delicious, it has a significantly low calorie content - 60 kcal per 100 grams. This makes it an ideal replacement for a regular fruit diet. In addition, this fruit is approximately 90% water and contains a large amount of fiber. This property gives a feeling of fullness for a long period, thereby preventing overeating.

  7. Prevents cancer

    It may seem quite fantastic, but studies have shown that pitaya has the ability to inhibit the proliferation of dangerous cancer cells.

    Dragon fruit is rich in an enzyme called lycopene, in addition to vitamin C and carotene, which have anti-carcinogenic properties. Together, these substances help prevent the formation of tumors.

    In addition, the peel of the fruit contains polyphenols and chemicals that can protect against certain types of cancer.

  8. Prevents congenital glaucoma

    A study found that consuming dragon fruit may help prevent congenital glaucoma.

    Strawberry pear has the ability to suppress human cytochrome P450. The protein is usually found in the liver, and may help the normal functioning of the lungs and kidneys. This protein is also associated with the ability to prevent congenital glaucoma.

  9. Boosts immunity

    Pitaya is characterized by a high content of vitamin C, hence its ability to improve immunity.

    Dragon fruit also helps stimulate the activity of other antioxidants. The presence of several essential and strong vitamins and minerals such as niacin, vitamin B1, albumin, calcium, phosphorus, iron makes it effective means against any bacterial and viral attacks.

  10. Helps relieve arthritis pain

    Arthritis is often accompanied by severe pain, irritation and limited mobility. All these unpleasant symptoms arise due to direct influence arthritis on the joints. Fortunately, some fruits and vegetables can help combat these ailments, including the fruit that is the focus of this article.

    Strawberry pear has great potential in relieving arthritic pain. This is due to the anti-inflammatory properties of the overseas fruit.

    If you want to say goodbye to arthritic pain as soon as possible, include this amazing fruit in your daily diet.

  11. Useful during pregnancy

    Expectant mothers should definitely include dragon fruit in their menu.

    We have prepared a long list of benefits of pitaya during pregnancy:

    This fruit contains iron necessary for the production of red blood cells (erythrocytes). Currently, an alarming trend is the following fact: six out of ten women experience anemia during pregnancy. Dragon fruit, with its high iron content, will in a good way get rid of decreased hemoglobin levels. This is important not only for the woman, but also for the growing fetus, since red blood cells play a big role in delivering the oxygen and nutrients the baby needs.

    Now about carbohydrates. The expectant mother needs a lot of carbohydrates to provide the necessary energy boost.

    Another important requirement for pregnant women is folic acid. This vitamin, in addition to helping in the formation of red blood cells, helps prevent the baby from neural tube defects.

    Having high fiber content helps prevent common digestive problems during pregnancy.

    Judging by the above benefits, dragon fruit for expectant mothers is great idea. Don't you think so?

  12. Prevents kidney disease and bone disease

    This particular disease is associated with kidney failure, which causes the bones to become weak and brittle. This occurs because weak kidneys and the renal system cannot activate vitamin D to absorb calcium, which is most important for maintaining bone strength.

    Eating pitaya is a good way to prevent this rather scary disease as this fruit is high in calcium. Every 100 grams of this fruit contains 8.8 grams of calcium, this amount is enough to fight this bone disease.

  13. Strength of teeth and bones

    Dragon fruit is rich in calcium and phosphorus. These are the most important nutrients that make bones and teeth strong.

    These nutrients complement each other. This means that a calcium-rich diet alone cannot combat serious bone and dental problems. This is why dragon fruit is good decision for healthy teeth and bones. Pitaya will help increase bone density and strengthen the roots of teeth.

  14. Beneficial for patients with dengue fever (tropical fever)

    Those suffering from vector-borne diseases such as dengue experience severe platelet damage, which can even lead to death if the disease is not treated promptly.

    While a normal person has a platelet count of 150-450 thousand for every microliter of blood, patients with dengue fever may have only 10 thousand.

    The main function of these platelets is to stop bleeding by clotting the blood vessels in the injury; their depletion can cause bleeding.

    But don't worry, you can increase your platelet count by adding some fruits and vegetables to your diet. Pitaya helps increase platelet count in dengue patients due to its strong antioxidant properties.

  15. Restores body cells

    Strawberry pear contains special proteins and enzymes that can help the body regenerate and restore cells.

    This property of the fruit is useful in the treatment of burns and injuries. Isn't it true that pitaya has impressive healing properties?

  16. Improves appetite

    Do you have a bad appetite?

    This may be caused by certain diseases and disorders such as fever and anemia. We have good news for you; an unusual overseas fruit can restore your appetite. Dragon fruit helps treat stomach diseases by increasing appetite. In addition, the wonderful smell of the fruit will make you want to eat the fruit.

  17. Improves vision

    People complaining of double vision and pain in the back of the eye should include pitaya in their diet.

    This fruit is a real find for eyes. The presence of beta-carotene and other important plant pigments make it a treasure for the organ of vision. These elements can protect the eyes from the harmful effects of free radicals, and they prevent eye diseases, including cataracts and macular degeneration.

  18. Improves brain function

    Undoubtedly, the brain occupies the top position in the list of vital organs in the human body. Therefore, its proper functioning is paramount for the normal functioning of other organs.

    Dragon fruit, with its ability to increase red blood cell production in the body, contains essential vitamins and minerals that can protect the brain from damage. These nutrients also promote healthy nerve function, thereby boosting brain function.

  19. Treats respiratory diseases

    Respiratory illnesses such as asthma or a cough caused by the common flu can be annoying if it affects you every day. Nobody likes to experience nasal congestion or breathing problems, which usually occur during the cold season.

    Vitamin C is very effective in the fight against colds. Pitaya contains a very large amount of this important nutrient. This fact automatically makes dragon fruit the most effective remedy for respiratory disorders. Additionally, vitamin C can fight infections.

  20. Useful product for children

    Next time you're running out of ideas for what to treat your child to, think about strawberry pear. This fruit is very healthy and tasty at the same time.

Selection and storage

Dragon fruit is not an easily available product. It is grown only in tropical and subtropical areas and then imported to other countries.

When choosing pitaya, you should choose fruits that are uniform in color, and avoid those that have spots or have begun to brown. How to Preserve Dragon Fruit for for a long time? Pitaya should be stored in the refrigerator, where it will remain fresh for two to three weeks. The fruit must be stored in a cool place, otherwise it may rot.

How to properly eat dragon fruit?

The most popular way to eat a strawberry pear is to cut it in half and eat it straight from the skin.

Nutritional value of dragon fruit

Dragon fruit is a source of nutrients including vitamins C and B, iron, calcium and potassium. All these components are very beneficial for health.

The nutritional value per 100 grams of fruit:

  • Fats - 0.61 g
  • Proteins – 0.229 g
  • Water - 83.0 g
  • Potassium - 436 mg
  • Calcium – 8.8 g
  • Cholesterol - 0 mg
  • Dietary fiber - 0.9 g
  • Calories – 99 kcal

Side effects and contraindications

Any plant product has its contraindications and potential harm to health, and pitaya is no exception.

Here are some side effects strawberry pear, which can cause serious harm to the body if ignored:

  • Firstly, it is important to follow the dosage. You should avoid eating dragon fruit in excess as it contains fructose, which can increase the amount of fat in your body, which will be bad for your weight if you are losing weight.
  • Secondly, it is not recommended to eat the peel of this fruit as it may contain pesticides that may be harmful to health.

And it's all. Do not forget about these instructions and then pitaya will only benefit you.

Expert answers to readers' questions

  1. How many calories are in pitaya?

100 grams of pitaya fruit contain 90 calories, which makes it a good way to lose weight.

  1. How to clean?

The easiest way is to cut the fruit into two halves and scrape out the pulp with a spoon.

Nowadays, it is not so easy to choose a good product among the endless variety of products offered by shops and supermarkets. We hope this article has shown you the many health and beauty benefits of pitaya and convinced you of the uniqueness of this fruit.

Now you know what benefits dragon fruit has. Will you include it in your diet? Share this in the comments.

“Heart of the Dragon” sounds beautiful and unusual. Behind this name lies an exotic fruit, pitahaya, growing in tropical forests. Residents of our country are not very familiar with the fruits of the plant, because they are rarely found in stores. Nevertheless, pitaya remains the owner of excellent taste, beneficial and nutritional properties. And the areas planted with trees and blooming flowers resemble fairy-tale gardens.

Names and varieties

Dragon fruit, pitahaya, pitaya, dragon - all these are the names of one exotic fruit growing in the lands of Mexico, South and Central America. The plant belongs to the cactus family.

Today, the cultivation of dragonfruit is carried out by residents of the south-eastern part of Asia. Most of Pitaya is exported worldwide from Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, China and Malaysia. The optimal climatic conditions for obtaining a good harvest of exotic cactus fruits are the subtropics and tropics.

The name of the fruit has English roots, and is translated as “dragon heart” or “dragon fruit”. However, back in the era of the ancient Aztecs, this plant was called dragonfruit. Indian tribes were the first to eat the white pulp because Mexico was the cactus’ homeland. The ground seeds were used as a seasoning for dishes.

The Mexican people often tell legends according to which the appearance fruit fruit associated with the dragons living at that time. They claim that the birth of pitaya occurred in the midst of war. It was then that the tired dragons could no longer spew fire from their mouths, but instead spat out bright fruits. The ancient Indians believed that somewhere inside, near the dragon's heart, this amazing dragonfruit was located. To get as much delicacy as possible, they had to destroy all the dragon warriors.

Today, pitahaya is one of the most beautiful and mysterious fruits, distinguished by unusual shape, coloring. It grows well in the southern lands and has an amazing taste. True, its appearance resembles the scales of extinct reptiles or a dragon's eye, which only brings back memories of ancient legends. By the way, pitahaya pulp varies in color depending on the type of fruit.

Common shades include white, reddish, hot pink, and even purple. The tropical fruit also differs in shape, size, and number of scales on the peel.

Let's look at the most popular types of unusual plants.

  • Pitaya "White" (Hylocereus Undatus) is a very common variety of fruit. It has a rich taste, but a little bland compared to others. The white pulp characteristic of the name is filled with many black seeds. The aroma is reminiscent of something herbal. The external color of the fruit is red or bright pink, while the scales are light green.
  • Pitaya "Yellow" (Hylocereus Megalanthus). This variety is rarely grown and is called “prickly pear”. Surface layer yellow color, the scales resemble pimples. Inside the fruit is snow-white, diluted with black seeds. The taste of yellow dragonfruit is the sweetest and most aromatic.
  • Red Pitaya (Hylocereus Costaricensis) common in the lands of Costa Rica, which is why it is often called Costa Rican. It has a rich pink skin with a purple tint. The pulp of the dragon fruit is similar in color, but is more red. There are many small seeds present. Produces a strong fruity aroma.

What does it look like and what does it taste like?

Dragon fruit is native to South America and Mexico. Gained wide popularity in the southeastern regions of Asia and some parts of Central America. For the full growth and ripening of sweet fruits, a dry tropical climate with many deciduous forests is suitable.

The pitaya tree reaches a height of 10 meters. Specifically for growing this representative, gardeners use various support and garter means. Only with their help can you save the right type a branched cactus that grows greatly. For this purpose, the entire crown is specially collected into one dome, rising above the ground.

From a botanical point of view, the plant is considered epiphytic, so the fruits, due to aerial roots, manage to cling to tree trunks and hold on to them during long ripening. Despite the fact that they grow on the surface of the entire stem, the epiphyte cactus does not take nutrients from the tree.

Dragon fruit strives for heights where there is a lot of light and warmth. It is at the top that he mines required quantity moisture from the air. In addition, the culture manages to find organic elements in the cracks of the trunks. The plant takes root deep underground, where they undergo a period of development, after which they spread along the soil in the form of individual stems.

The triangular stems of pitahaya are modified branches. Externally, these are juicy, fleshy stems 5 cm wide. They contain large amounts of water and nutritional components that the tree needs during drought and heat. The stems are covered with small thorns, which are actually buds that will later give rise to new branches and dragonfruit flowers.

Flowering occurs quite quickly, in an incredibly short period of time. One night is enough for the first flowers to appear, colored pink or white, emitting a light herbal aroma.

Pollination of the tree occurs with the help of insects. When the withering of the variegated buds has ended, the period of fruit set begins. The full development of the cactus strongly depends on climatic conditions - the ideal is the dry climate of the tropics. Already 35-50 days after flowering, the tree becomes overgrown with beautiful, bright fruits. During the year (one season), pitahaya can bear fruit up to 6 times with egg-like fruits. This confirms its incredibly high yield.

Those who are going to grow crops on their plot should know that an excessive amount of moisture is detrimental to the plant - the buds may fall off and the fruits will begin to rot.

If you cut the fruit in half, you will find a soft consistency, similar to thick sour cream. The taste is reminiscent of something banana with a kiwi flavor. Real gourmets compare taste qualities pitahaya with these fruits.

Dragonfruit pulp can be added to various dishes or eaten with other fruits, the main thing is to avoid spicy and very sweet ingredients, since against the background of such a combination the taste of pitahaya will simply be lost.

Salads, desserts, yoghurts, smoothies, cocktails, jams and jellies are prepared based on the Thai exotic fruit. The fruits are also found in recipes for cold drinks and fruit wines.

Don’t forget about the beautiful white flowers, which not only act as decoration, but are also added to tea for aroma.

Calorie content

The nutritional value of 100 grams of exotic fruit is 50 kcal. Proteins occupy 0.49 g, fats - 0.29 g, and carbohydrates - 12 g. A significant place is given to water - 91 g. In addition, pitahaya contains a large amount of valuable fiber and coarse fibers, which have a positive effect on the digestive system and bowel function.

Chemical composition

  • vitamin B1;
  • vitamin B2;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin PP;
  • vitamin E;
  • ash;
  • a nicotinic acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • beta-carotene;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • potassium;
  • tocopherol

Benefits and harms

The tropical fruit is known for its beneficial properties. Its composition is filled with various vitamins and minerals. Micro- and macroelements that strengthen human immunity play a particularly important role.

It is impossible not to note the special quality of eating dragon fruit - it cleanses and stimulates the intestines thanks to high level coarse fibers.

The main benefits of the fruit:

  • starts all metabolic processes in the body;
  • normalizes fat metabolism;
  • accelerates the absorption of nutrients into the blood;
  • removes harmful and toxic substances, excess liquid and salts;
  • strengthens dental and bone tissue;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Launches protective functions immunity, preventing colds, viral and other diseases;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • synthesizes natural collagen;
  • protects cells from external influences, including free radicals;
  • regulates the process of blood clotting;
  • normalizes carbohydrate breakdown due to high iron content;
  • strengthens the entire skeletal system as a whole;
  • has an oxidizing effect;
  • stimulates growth and development healthy body, which is especially important for children;
  • successfully forms antibodies and red blood cells in the blood;
  • strengthens the walls of cell tissues;
  • Thanks to the presence of special acids, it regulates the level of “good” cholesterol, while simultaneously removing “bad” cholesterol from the body.
  • supports normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • provides muscle tone and strength;
  • cell membranes are formed due to lipids contained in the seeds of the fruit;
  • inhibits the absorption of sugar into the intestines, thereby reducing the GI (glycemic index) of the food eaten;
  • indicated for type 2 diabetes due to its ability to lower blood sugar and insulin;
  • improves mood and relieves stress.

Dragon fruit is of particular importance for the health of pregnant and lactating women. However, before including exotics in your daily diet, you should consult a specialist for allergies and other contraindications. The high content of calcium and phosphorus ensures the full growth of the bones, teeth and nails of the unborn baby. In addition, by consuming this delicacy, the expectant mother will be calm about the child’s skeletal and cardiac system.

Additional properties for pregnant women:

  • reduction of swelling;
  • maintaining the heart muscle;
  • liberation of the body from radicals and toxins;
  • eliminating unnecessary irritability;
  • antifungal and antibacterial action;
  • replenishment of mineral deficiency.

Surprisingly, such a strange and mysterious product has practically no contraindications. Of course, the main prohibitive point can only be individual intolerance to the fruit. Allergic reaction mainly manifests itself in ascorbic acid.

An important point: overeating red pitahaya will cause your urine to turn the same color. But don't worry, this is not a sign of illness or allergies, there will be no harm.

How to choose the right fruit?

Not all shops and markets are full of such unusual fruit, brought mainly from Thailand and Vietnam. Before purchasing, carefully inspect the fruit: there should be no damage, dents, dark spots. The color of the peel of a quality product does not differ from its name. That is, if it says “Red Pitahaya,” then the color of the shell should match the inscription.

Freshness can be determined by touch. Soft means ready and suitable for consumption. Purchased pitaya with a hard surface needs to ripen - to do this, put it in a cool place for a couple of days. This is the only way she can demonstrate all the taste qualities.

Remember, after 5 days it will begin to lose its nutritional value and usefulness, so you need to have time to eat the juicy fruit.

Before you try this fragrant tropical delicacy, you need to clean it properly. Pitaya is eaten in different ways.

Variations of cleaning and use:

  • Peel the top and eat the pulp;
  • cut into slices;
  • cut the skin, tear it off, and the contents can be eaten;
  • Divide the fruit into two parts and eat the snow-white pulp with a spoon.

In American cuisine, a particularly popular dessert recipe is a delicate and airy combination. To do this, you need to beat condensed milk, Mascarpone cheese, pitahaya and almonds in a blender.

An excellent cooling drink would be water with lime or lemon and dragonfruit. If you dry the flowers of the fruit, you can make an excellent aromatic spice, for example, for tea.


Here's a couple interesting recipes, with which you can please your household.

Pitaya fruit ice


  • red fruits - 4;
  • banana - 1;
  • ripe mango - 100 g;
  • pineapple - 100 g;
  • almond milk - 200 ml.


  • mix all ingredients in a blender;
  • after that, pour the resulting mass into ice cream molds with a special wooden stick;
  • Leave the workpiece in the freezer until completely frozen (preferably overnight).
  • This healthy and energy drink is very easy to prepare. Just add all the ingredients to a blender glass and mix. Pour the prepared liquid into glass jars and place in the refrigerator to cool. It's better to drink from a straw.

    “Dragon's Eye” is a truly amazing fruit that was discovered many centuries ago by the inhabitants of Mexico. Its beneficial and nutritional qualities have given it wide popularity not only in its native places - Mexico, South America and Asia, but also in Russia. Today, large chains of stores and markets are trying to bring such exotica. In big cities, the Thai red variety is found mainly. It is important to purchase ripe, fresh fruit that retains the same taste and herbal smell. You can understand why the ancient Aztecs admired it so much only by trying dragon fruit or pitahaya.

    For an overview of the exotic fruit, watch the following video.

Dragon fruit - pitahaya is first found in the records of the Aztecs. His homeland is Mexico. The Indians roasted the seeds of the unusual fruit, then ground them and added them to stews. Today it can be found in South America, Vietnam and Israel. We went to Thailand to try the dragon's heart (also known as pitahaya).

“And at that time a three-headed dragon was flying over the castle,” I just wanted to listen to my favorite fantasy to the end, but I had to get distracted and take out my headphones...

- Wow! What an extraordinary fruit! What cool scales! Ha, yes, it's also red. Exactly: you have to take it! – I couldn’t let up when I first saw the dragon’s heart in real life. – I definitely won’t try this in our area...

“It’s still good that we came here,” I thought once again...

It’s one thing when you watch a video or read a virtual article. And it’s completely different when you hold a dragon fruit in your hands. The scales scratch my palm a little...

Cunning Thais count out their change and think: “These tourists! You have to play the fool with terrible force.” And so it happened... For one small fruit we gave... oh, why even remember about money...

“So we bought a cactus,” said the husband.

– What do I hear?! What kind of cactus is this?!

And it really is so. Or almost like that... Although we never got to see how this fruit grows... It’s good that there is the Internet: everything is accessible, everything is clear.

Dragon fruit is also called prickly pear. But it has nothing to do with the pear.

It's a cactus!

It looks like a bush, but it's a vine. With long, as befits a vine, stems. At the end of each stem there is a dragon heart. One bush of this amazing plant produces a harvest six times a year.

I read an interesting fact about this fruit in my spare time (usually my leisure time in one of the hotels in the Kingdom of Thailand appeared after dinner, when the black sky was lit up with thousands of lightning bolts). So what am I talking about... mmm... I was talking about an interesting fact...

More precisely, the facts:

  • white dragon cactus flowers appear strictly on the first and fifteenth day of the month,
  • they have a strong pleasant aroma, but only open at night,
  • pollinate them... the bats and moths!

That's how it is, huh? Yes, it’s a pity that we didn’t have the opportunity to look at this amazing phenomenon.

So we cut it anyway. Wow! So this is the same kiwi, only the flesh is white.

But how to eat it? Or maybe you can lick these little black bones? No... that won’t work... We take a quick look around the room: knife, spoons, glasses, toothbrush...

- No, no... still, let’s eat it with a spoon... like kiwi.

How to eat dragon fruit - pitahaya

(options not ours)

  1. Cut into two halves and scoop out with a spoon, like a watermelon;
  2. Remove the peel, like a tangerine, and cut into pieces;
  3. Peel it like a tangerine, and don’t cut it at all, but gnaw it with your teeth like an apple.

And away we go. The first spoon... mmm... somehow there is a lot of wateriness. And the bones crunch unpleasantly on the teeth. Is it possible to eat them? If possible, then how exactly: chew or swallow? A little wrinkled...

“Tasteless watermelon,” says the husband, “with seeds or an unsweetened pear...

But I can’t compare this fruit with anything... I don’t even have any thoughts... What does it taste like? Just bones... So the taste, to put it mildly, let us down...


The same Internet says that pitahaya (as our pink hero is also called) is very useful, especially for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (a necessary quality of food on voyages to overseas countries). The only thing you need to do is chew the seeds thoroughly, as they take a long time and are difficult to digest.

What else is useful? Oh, here's another one:

  • it contains tannin, which is good for vision;
  • eating dragon fruit reduces blood glucose;
  • High vitamin C content strengthens the immune system.

So there are a lot of useful things, but somehow not enough taste. This is such an interesting, beautiful, exotic fruit, healthy...

There is also some strange, in my opinion, legend


A long time ago, when there were so many dragons that they often flew over castles, people were looking for meetings with terrible monsters. But not in order to rid your land of monsters.

People loved to eat pitahaya. She hid inside the dragons and appeared only when, weakened by a long struggle, the exhausted monsters no longer had the strength to spew fire. At this moment, they exhaled the thorny fruit and died quietly.

And the satisfied winners took the delicious delicacy taken from the dragon’s mouth and treated their loved ones to it. And this continued until the last dragon died.

The strange nature of distant countries never ceases to amaze us with its exotic gifts. One of these gifts is pitaya. This fruit, Dragon Heart, has beneficial properties. It appeared in our country quite recently, so Russians are not yet accustomed to it. Let's figure out how to eat it, what beneficial properties it has and what you need to know about it.

Pitahaya, or pitaya, is the fruit of a tree-like cactus. This fruit comes from tropical countries in South America. However, today it has spread widely in the tropical zone of the Earth, so it is grown in Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines. The fruit is known by many names: “dragon fruit”, “dragon heart”, “dragon eye” and many others. The fruit got its names associated with dragons because of its characteristic shape. There are many beautiful legends associated with it.

The shape of the fruit is somewhat similar to a fir cone; it is also covered with large scales - growths.

But this is where the similarity ends, because the scales are soft and greenish, and the fruit itself has a color from bright pink to red. The fruit has a round shape, so it resembles a red heart engulfed in a greenish flame. The name Dragon Heart comes from this shape. In favorable conditions, the weight of pitaya can reach 1 kg, but more often the fruits grow from 200 to 700 g.

The dense peel is not edible, but it is easily removed, revealing the white pulp of a creamy consistency. Depending on the variety, the flesh may also be creamy, pink or bright red. But it always contains a lot of small black seeds. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, reminiscent of a cross between a banana and kiwi.

There are several varieties of pitaya:

  1. Red. This variety has a bright pink skin and white or creamy flesh. The taste is fresh-sweet, and the smell is reminiscent of herbs.
  2. Yellow. The shell of this variety is bright yellow, reminiscent of a quince or banana in color. The taste is closer to sweet than sour, and the aroma is quite strong and pleasant.
  3. Costa Rican. This variety has both skin and flesh that are red in color. The taste is very bright, even somewhat cloying.

Pitaya is widely used in national cuisines South-East Asia. The pulp of the fruit is eaten fresh and added to salads and baked goods. Thanks to its bright and unusual appearance, the fruit becomes an excellent table decoration. A folk traditions A number of countries require the use of Dragon Heart for wedding photo sessions.

Pitahaya is not only tasty, but also healthy. Its pulp is a real storehouse of vitamins and beneficial microelements. The fruits contain:

  • Vitamins C, B1, B3.
  • Microelements: iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium.
  • Plant fiber plays an important role in normalizing digestive processes.
  • Ash.
  • The seeds are rich in tannins.

An important feature of pitaya is the high concentration in the pulp of substances that can bind free radicals. Therefore, eating pitaya allows you to slow down the aging process, reduce the risk of developing cancer, and strengthen the body’s defense systems.

Also, this exotic fruit is able to correct carbohydrate metabolism disorders, reducing or increasing the amount of sugar in the blood.

In addition, pitaya has a beneficial effect on joints, relieving arthritis and arthrosis. Dragon Heart will also be appreciated by those who are on a diet. The fruit is low in calories, 100 g of pulp contains only 50 kcal. At the same time, the taste qualities will not leave even the most demanding gourmets indifferent.

Exotic fruits amaze the imagination, but when it comes to eating them, they can be a dead end. The question of how to eat the outlandish Dragon Heart also comes up quite often. It is worth remembering that only the pulp is used for food, and the shell, although very decorative, is not suitable for food.

There are two main ways to consume this fruit:

  1. The fruit is cut in half, and then the pulp is eaten with a teaspoon, removing it from the shell, like ice cream from a bowl.
  2. The peel is removed from the fruit, and the pulp is cut into slices before serving.

National traditions of serving this fruit recommend serving slices of the “dragon’s heart” pulp in its peeled-off shell. You can also add various nuts and pieces of other fruits to them. Served in this way, pitaya will delight not only the taste, but also the gourmet’s eye and will become a real decoration of the table.

The small seeds that are dotted with pitaya pulp can also be used as food. They are rich in nutrients and have a beneficial effect on the body when consumed. However, in order for the body to use the beneficial substances hidden in the seeds, they must be thoroughly chewed before swallowing.

Abundance useful substances made Dragon Heart widely used in folk medicine plant. This fruit is used to treat a number of diseases:

  • Problems with the pancreas. For diabetes mellitus, Dragon's Heart can alleviate the patient's condition by normalizing the amount of sugar in the blood.
  • Increased acidity of gastric juice and associated diseases.
  • Problems with the immune system, reducing the body's ability to fight disease. Strengthening the immune system is ensured by the high concentration of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in this product.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Decreased visual acuity.
  • A rich set of vitamins and microelements normalizes metabolism, which contributes to the overall health of the body.

It’s not just the fruits that have beneficial properties. Preparations for the treatment of helminthiasis are made from the stems of pitaya. Dragon's heart seeds, rich in tannins and phenolic compounds, are used to make drugs to treat diarrhea, relieve heavy metal poisoning, and treat throat diseases.

The pulp of the fruit is also used for cosmetic purposes.

A pitaya mask relieves sunburn. This knowledge will be especially useful for tourists traveling to Southeast Asia to sunbathe on the beaches. In addition, fruit pulp puree tones the skin and produces a rejuvenating effect.

And of course, Dragon Heart is just a very tasty and beautiful fruit. It is used to make fruit salads, alcoholic drinks, and sweets.

Any exotic fruit usually causes some concern: is it possible to eat it, are there any contraindications? Pitaya also requires some care.

If the family has Small child(age - up to 3 years) who previously had diathesis, it is not recommended to give him pitaya pulp.

Since this fruit is not familiar to most Russians, there is a risk of developing an allergy when using it for the first time. Therefore, it is better to start trying this fruit with a small piece, and then wait a while. And if any allergy symptoms begin to appear (itching, redness of the skin, difficulty breathing, runny nose), then take antihistamines. If everything went well, you can safely enjoy the wonderful taste of “dragon fruit”.

There are practically no other contraindications to consuming this fruit. But moderation should be observed, since overeating can cause digestive upset (diarrhea, heartburn, bloating). This rule should be followed for all exotic fruits.

Dragon Heart fruits spoil very quickly and transporting them is quite difficult. Therefore, in our country this fruit is still exotic. It is easier to try pitaya in its homeland, in Thailand, Vietnam, and the Philippines. When choosing a fruit, you should be guided by several rules:

  • The average size of a ripe fruit is about a quarter of a kilogram. Don't choose too small or too large fruits to avoid encountering overripe or unripe fruit.
  • The color of the peel, regardless of the variety, should be even and rich. If the color is uneven, most likely the fruit is not yet ripe.
  • Feel the fruit before purchasing. Unripe fruits are hard, while ripe ones are noticeably softer.
  • Pay attention to the leafy scales on the peel. If they are dried out and not green, it means that the fruit was picked a long time ago and could have spoiled.
  • Carefully inspect the peel of the fruit before purchasing. If there are cracks, spots, or rotten places on it, the fruit is not fresh and you should refuse to buy it.

A ripe Dragon Heart spoils very quickly. You need to store purchased fruits in the refrigerator, and no longer than 4 days. If you buy fruit in Russia for some kind of celebration, it is better to choose a slightly unripe specimen. It will last longer and will gradually reach a ripe state even when stored in the refrigerator.

Pitaya is an excellent decoration for any festive table. Correctly selected and served fruit will give an unforgettable experience. And his unusual look will surprise guests and make the holiday brighter and more memorable.

More information can be found in the video:

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