How to make a smart home system with your own hands. How to make a smart home with your own hands arduino, knx. Equipment for a smart home: pros and cons

Owning your own country house is the dream of many, but it is very important that it be carefully thought out and comfortable for living. For example, many people want to make a “smart home” with their own hands. What is it and how can you think about it so that your home is not only beautiful and well-planned, but also functional?

"Smart home": what is it?

Experts say that such a system is based on the complete automation of all components of housing. For example, if you don’t want to get up at night and turn off the lights in the hallway, you can do it much easier: one remote control can solve several problems at once. To make a “smart home” with your own hands, you will have to work hard, and therefore many people prefer ready-made systems offered by various companies. For example, using a variety of controllers, sensors, wires, and actuators that are hidden in the walls of a building, you can simultaneously control all components of your home: electricity and water supply, lighting and ventilation. At the same time, the owner’s participation in this process is minimal - controlled exclusively by the remote control.

How it's done?

Modern system " Smart House"thought out to the smallest detail. That is, the owner of such housing can keep under control all the vital components of his cottage or apartment. At the same time, most companies that specialize in such structures install the Smart Home system taking into account the wishes of customers. It is noteworthy that each such development is individual; it is created for a specific object, respectively, and design solution completely different for each specific case.

"Smart Home" system for an apartment or country cottage suggests that the object will be filled with a kind of “electronic servants”. Moreover, this is not only and not so much televisions, refrigerators and home theaters, but heated floors, air conditioning and ventilation systems, boilers and pumps. Plus sources Of course, installing all these systems yourself is not so easy, but it’s still worth trying to make your home “smart”.

Where to begin?

Our house is a kind of puzzle that needs to be assembled correctly. That is, we must saturate it with the help of various technical devices, communications that will work for our convenience. To make a “Smart Home” with our own hands, we need to combine a number of components into a single, stable working system. Moreover, it is quite possible to create an elementary structure yourself. To do this you only need to have certain skills:

  1. Knowledge of electrical engineering and ability to operate various electrical appliances, work with current.
  2. Understand the principles of constructing automatic systems, that is, understand what controllers are and what signals they give.
  3. Be able to program to create a desktop or mobile operating system and interface through which control will be carried out.
  4. Clearly understand the algorithms by which the Smart Home system will work.
  5. It is good to know the equipment used.

That is, our task is to combine all solutions into one in order to control the entire building via a computer or mobile device. Let's try to figure out what equipment is needed for the Smart Home system.

First: warning system

Timely prevention of accidents is a guarantee that the owner will not worry about the breakdown of any structure or leaking pipes. If you install an automatic one in your home, you can control the permissible load on the power supply network. In this case, even in the event of a short circuit, the electricity supply will be turned off, and the equipment itself will be safe and sound. If you suddenly forget to turn off the iron or tap, the sensor will definitely warn you about this, and if necessary, shut off all systems.

Second: power supply

The Smart Home system (it is quite possible to install certain of its components with your own hands) assumes that the power supply must be reliable, especially if the lights in your area are turned off quite often. To protect your equipment and home in general, you should install stabilized power supplies in your smart home, which have a built-in battery. This will keep all systems operational in the event of a problem. emergency situations. In order not to think about possible power outages, you can install a diesel generator and backup power units in your home. Thanks to automatic control, the fuel level in the generator will be under constant control, and the load on the network will be distributed evenly.

Third: burglar alarm

Protecting your home plays an important role, including in the “Smart Home” system. Installing an alarm with your own hands will not be difficult. For example, sensors can be placed along a fence that encloses an area, on walls, windows, doors, and also in rooms. If at least one of them suddenly works, all warning systems that are programmed in a specific algorithm are activated. Such a system will consist of a presence sensor, a control panel, an uninterruptible power supply with a battery (in the event of a power outage, it will work for approximately 6-7 hours), a siren, and a tablet key reader.

Fourth: lighting control

It is necessary to competently manage the Smart Home system. With your own hands (the diagram must be drawn up together with competent designers), you can develop a lighting control system, thanks to which you can significantly save on the maintenance of the house and create comfort in it. You need to select the number and types of lighting fixtures depending on the room in which they will be installed, how the interior will be decorated, and so on. At the same time, everyone can arrange the lighting system the way they like and need it. The main thing is automatic control, when the owner of the house does not have to think about whether he turned off the lights or not. You can configure the system so that the lighting will turn on when a person approaches and go out when he leaves.

Fifth: energy consumption

To limit the amount of power your home consumes, you should definitely install an energy management system. Thanks to this solution, you can avoid serious problems that may arise if the power reaches its peak. For example, if your cottage has heated floors powered by electricity, the power supply may be overloaded. If you create an intelligent system, you can achieve smooth switching on of floors in different rooms until the house is completely warmed up. This will avoid sudden surges and network overload. In addition, the presence of such a system will lead to the fact that as the power approaches the peak, the generator will turn on itself, and as soon as it decreases, it will turn off.

Sixth: sockets must be normal

The simplest thing you can do for the Smart Home system is to equip sockets with your own hands. This solution is economical, since it is enough to have an antenna and the ability to control it from a distance using a key fob. The essence of such a system is that all sockets in the house are connected via a single electrical circuit. Accordingly, when receiving a command to turn on, for example, a kettle or toaster, the devices begin to work at a certain time set by you. In addition, the presence of such a centralized system allows you to turn off all turned on electrical appliances with one press of a button on the key fob.

Seventh: heated floor

Today, such floor coverings are very popular, and this despite the fact that installation is not cheap. This floor is comfortable and pleasant to walk on; it is always warm and safe. Modern warm coatings can be water or electric. If you install a Smart Home system in your home, you can constantly control the temperature in the room. Moreover, it is controlled via remote control. An intelligent system is the key to maintaining the optimal temperature for living in a house or apartment. At the same time, energy consumption will be rational, and therefore beneficial for the owners.

Eighth: heating system

Agree, the ability to independently regulate the condition and degree of heating of the batteries in the house is worth a lot. IN ordinary apartments oh, we can't just turn them off, for example, if it gets too hot. In a “smart home” this is easy to do, since radiator heating has built-in intelligent modules. Thanks to them, a certain temperature is maintained in the room, which is automatically changed using the remote control. This system can be easily implemented into any interior without causing any harm to it.

This is done simply: control valves are installed on ordinary radiators. They can be controlled automatically using a control panel that has a built-in temperature sensor. If you make a more complex configuration, then in it the valves and remote controls are connected via a radio channel, and adjustment and control can be carried out via a computer or the Internet.

There are a huge number of solutions and technologies to make your home “smart”, that is, functional and well-equipped. Many of them are quite simple. You can do something yourself, for example, install an anti-icing system for roofs and stairs or an automatic water supply design. And some systems should only be installed by professionals, for example, when it comes to power supply devices. In any case, it is worth spending money and making sure that your home meets all modern requirements for reliability, safety, and quality.

The topic “Smart Home” is already on everyone’s lips. They talk about it, they invest in it, they develop it... On this topic, to such giants as Siemens, General Electric etc. seemingly not entirely specialized companies joined, such as Microsoft, Google, Apple.

There is no single standard on the topic, just as there are no instructions, they say, “do this and that,” so theoretically, anyone can build their own smart home and exactly the way they want, and therefore I could not miss this topic and actively joined it. I won’t say that I ate the dog with smart houses... no, rather, I took the bite, but nevertheless, based on my experience and my observations, I will try to post a detailed... mmm... How-To? No, it won't work. Review? That’s not it either... More likely, it will be parting words or some set of advice.

Theater begins with a hanger, and I will start by dotting all the “Is” right away, so that readers do not have any unfounded negativity or simply some kind of misunderstanding during the reading process.

The most important thing is that the article is intended for people who have not yet really understood whether they even need this “Smart Home” and whether they need to get involved in this topic?

Now the term.
Let's be honest, a “Smart Home” is not only a system with artificial intelligence that talks to you in the morning in the bathroom (while you shave) and prepares dinner for you while you are driving home. There is no need to confuse the system with the wife.

Smart home is any an automation/automation system (or a complex of automation/automation systems), which somehow, even the smallest fraction, makes your life easier. It doesn’t matter what it is: automatically turning off the light in the toilet after a person leaves and closes the door, or a system that itself waters house flowers, feeds your beloved cat and shuts off a leaking water supply pipe if you stay late at work. If something in your home is triggered based on some kind of algorithm, then it can already be called a “Smart Home” system, only with limited functionality.

Also, a “Smart Home” is not only a mansion stuffed with electronics, but also an apartment in which your automation and/or control system operates, i.e. " Smart apartment" - this is also a “Smart Home” and further in the text we will use this very term.

In general, there is no need for a person to be excessively boring, and to get into a debate on the question of how smart the “Smart House” turned out to be, which was made by student Kolya, is, in my opinion, a disrespect for the work of that same Kolya. Did he do it? Does it work and control something? Great, well done! Let it continue to grow above itself.

Let's return to the topic.

We want to build our “Smart Home”, where to start? From purchase, construction? No, in this matter, as in all engineering tasks, you need to start with paper, or rather, with a project. Will it be a piece of chewed paper with diagrams and drawings that only you can understand, or will it be something drawn in *CAD... the main thing is that at least you understand what is depicted there.

Don’t be afraid to describe “long-term plans”; write down and think through everything, even what you can do in the very distant future. It’s better to think about everything now because then it will be too late. This is an experience paid for with the blood of many engineers who stepped on numerous mistakes.

What should you pay attention to?

1. Users

Consider how the system you introduce will be handled by users, i.e. residents of your home or members of your family. Will people who are not technically savvy (old people, children or a wife - it doesn’t matter who exactly) be able to use this? Scenario like: “Honey, the light in the toilet is about to turn on, now I’m just updating the firmware to the Arduino.” doesn't fit. Imagine that you are renting out your system to a rich “redneck” bandit, who, seeing your LED-backlit switches, will tell you: “ This... hear, what kind of crap is this? Where is there to go?"What is obvious to you may not be completely clear to others.

2. Technology

Wired or wireless. If it’s wired, then you need to make plans for laying all necessary cables(and better with a large margin). Where to lay out the walls, where to place sockets and automation elements - everything should be on the diagram. If the system is wireless, then think about where the transmitters/receivers will be located, where the signal repeaters will be located.
Now you remember this, in a month, when there is a lot of information, your head will be a mess and something will be forgotten.

3. Executor

Who will do all this? Are you yourself or a hired company specializing in the topic? It will be cheaper to do it yourself, but it will require you to delve deeply into the issue. We will still rely on self-deployment, because the category of the article is “Do it yourself”, right?

4. Autonomy

When thinking through the functionality and capabilities of a smart home, always count on the fact that there will be no Internet in the house. Of course, many smart guys will object to me, they say, you need to think about the possibility of pairing with something in outside world... think it over, plan it, no one argues, but your smart home should work properly in full autonomy/isolation mode. It may be difficult for a person living in a metropolis to understand how it is possible to have no Internet at all... GPRS, ADSL, at least there should be something back up? No no and one more time no! Nothing may happen, but it should work All.

Here's an example:
You have built a funny system: say “Nafanya, turn on the multicooker/light in the toilet” and the system turns off the multicooker or the light in the toilet, simultaneously saying “Turning it on.” But suddenly, due to the evil hackers of Al-Qaeda, the network of your provider fell off, followed by the network of your mobile operator Rupor, which provides you with a backup LTE channel. Naturally, Google TTS, which was the basis of your voice control system, fell off and the smart home instantly turned into a dumb dumbass who couldn’t turn on anything. Make it possible manual control, or better yet, make the system so that it can, for example, read the weather out loud without Google's voice service. It's difficult, but it's possible. Nobody said that deploying a Smart Home is like installing MS Office.

Second example:
You managed your smart home through an Android application, but after the malicious hacker attack described above, your smartphone was unable to contact the cloud service and command the smart home to turn off the forgotten iron. Write your own application that can work remotely via a mobile operator’s 2G network or via Wi-Fi if you are within the coverage area of ​​your home access point.

5. Next moment, which must be remembered when designing, follows from the previous one: The “core” of your automation system.

Your home may have a router (ADSL, LTE or some other), a switch or some other network switching device, but a smart home must be controlled by a “core” - a separate and independent device. Under no circumstances combine network traffic management and home management in one piece of hardware. Nowadays there are many routers on which you can install firmware with a miniature copy of Linux, and many people who are familiar with this topic try to attach everything that comes to mind to such routers. Personally, I love routers that allow me to fine-tune everything I need more precisely, but I don’t think it’s right to install controls on a device that wasn’t originally designed for it.
Your home may be left completely without a network, but home automation should work, or vice versa, home automation may “fail,” but this should not drag down the work of the LAN (local area network).

6. Kernel placement

Underneath all this fuss with the router, switch, control system core, backup power systems, etc. you need to allocate a separate place: a closet, a closet, a closed niche/mezzanine. Anything where there is ventilation (the equipment will get hot and you need to think about cooling) and where it won't be in the way/in your eyes. Your system should not spoil the overall appearance of your home or make negative changes to your home comfort.

If you have a basement, then it is better to deploy your “mission control center” there.

7. Expenses

Perhaps this should have been inserted somewhere closer to the beginning, but if the previous points were not fully worked out, then the matter may not come to expenses.
The most important thing to know is that a Smart Home is a damn expensive endeavor. You can do something yourself (etch boards, program microcontrollers), but this will only reduce your costs, and not eliminate them completely.
The next most important thing to consider at this point is duplication. The purchase of any equipment and performers should be doubled and always rounded up. In your home, for each performer (switches, sensors, etc.) there should be a backup in the stash (unless, of course, a third-party organization is involved in servicing your home). Don't count on the fact that if something breaks, you will go to the store and buy it.

The tension jumped. Although the protection worked, some of the built-in light switches burned out. I You got sick yesterday and are lying at home with a temperature of 39.2 degrees. Let's say that you are a courageous man (that's a pun), and, not caring about your health, you decided to get out of bed and replace all the switches yourself, but... with what? Understudy.

Have you decided to place a camera in front of the entrance? Buy two. Have you figured out that you need 12 smart switches around the house? Buy 24. Do you think it’s possible that all 12 will fly out at once? It happens, unfortunately, that the very first thing you have to duplicate is the system kernel.

Bottom line

I described a negligible part of the beginning of such a large and interesting project for most “techies” as the “Smart Home”. This topic affects almost all areas of IT: networks, programming, administration, automation, electrical and electronics... and this makes it a complex topic that requires a special approach. This is clear from what I wrote above, but if it’s not visible, it means the writer in me has never matured.

It’s impossible to cram the entire text into one article; I’ve already shortened it enough, so there will be at least one more part of the material, which, in principle, will contain advice/recommendations on choosing software and hardware. It sounds a little strange, they say, there is such a variety of technologies, what advice can there be? However, there are tips and recommendations even in such a situation.

Thanks to everyone for your attention, and to those who read all this to the end.

A comprehensive smart home system is a complete automation of device control in all areas of a house, apartment or office. It allows you to manage both individual blocks and the whole thing. This can be by pressing a button on the touch panel locally, or it can also be remote transmission of commands using a smartphone or tablet.

Various audio, light and video scenarios are pre-prescribed in the program, thanks to which the controller, that is, the brain of the Smart Home, operates. This significantly saves home owners time. The possibility of emergency situations is also excluded.

The smart home system allows you to set up various modes when the owners are at home, on vacation, or receiving guests. The plot of the script is to create comfortable conditions for people. This could be playing your favorite music, changing the temperature in the room, turning on a movie at a given time.

A smart home automatically turns off electrical appliances and puts them into sleep mode when there are no people present. If necessary, the system allows you to switch automatic equipment control to manual mode at any time.


The very first system announced itself in 1961. It was very primitive compared to modern technologies. People in all eras of their existence tried to make their lives easier by improving various devices. This is how the idea of ​​remote control of equipment appeared.

Man constantly strived for comfort. Some of the first “smart” houses were the homes of the rich in America. They were equipped with various household appliances and electronics. Over time, ideas began to be implemented for the combined management of all devices from one place. “Intelligent” buildings began to appear, displaying complex solutions to assigned problems. The Smart Home system was built using structured cabling.

The official year of the appearance of the Smart Home is 1978. At the same time, the term Smart Home was born. American systems operated at a frequency of 60 Hz and a voltage of 110 V, so they did not take root in Russia.

Photo: Smart home system regulates lighting

One of the first features of smart automation was smooth lighting control. Initially, the idea was implemented using dimmers (or dimmers). They made it possible to dim the light in the room, reducing the illumination in it. This mode is convenient for watching movies and saving energy consumption.

With the development of new technologies, dimmers were replaced by programmable controllers, which took on the role of automatic control not only of lighting, but also of other systems necessary for a person’s comfortable stay in the building.

Installing a Smart Home system is very popular. It controls the operation of all devices in the premises of a cottage or office. The control complex is built on the basis of sensors that monitor current parameters. Information from the sensors is sent to control elements, which, according to a given program, give commands to actuators and devices. Using the Internet, it is possible to remotely monitor all equipment located in the building, as well as remote control them.

A smart home can control the following:

  • interior and exterior lighting, architectural lighting, advertising;
  • ventilation, air conditioning;
  • space heating (underfloor heating system, radiators);
  • all types of alarms (burglar, fire, emergency);
  • permission to enter the building;
  • video surveillance (local and remote);
  • distribution of video and audio signals (multiroom);
  • heating of steps, stairs, paths and storm drains;
  • alternative sources of electricity (diesel generators, batteries);
  • energy consumption (distribution of loads across phases, limitation of exceeding maximum loads);
  • various pumps (drainage, sewerage, watering of the territory);
  • entrance gates;
  • roller shutters, curtains, blinds.

What types of smart home systems are there?

To implement the system, all equipment used must be compatible with each other. To this end, the Electronics Industry Alliance was created to develop uniform standard electronics. This solution allowed various companies to produce universal equipment, used in Smart Home.

Classification of systems according to main criteria:

  • centralized/decentralized;
  • wired/wireless;
  • with open/closed protocol.

Ready-made Smart Home systems help save time when managing various entertainment and engineering systems indoors.

Centralized and decentralized home management - number of modules and their operation

Centralized management represents one logical module. Its role is played by a programmable controller with a large number of outputs. For a specific object for such a computer it is written individual program. Based on this software, all engineering networks and actuators are managed.

The advantage of a centralized system is the ability to manage the entire building from one place and in a single interface. Using a central controller, you can create scenarios of varying complexity, linking them to specific actions, time of year or day. This option allows you to connect a large number various equipment. Companies such as AMX, Crestron, Z-Wave, Ectostroy, Bechoff specialize in this.

When constructing a centralized system, the performance of all equipment will depend on the controller and the program embedded in it. If the computer fails, then all modules connected to it will cease to function. It is optimal to connect this complex through an uninterruptible power supply.

If you need to reprogram the Smart Home, and the programmer is not around, then the algorithm will have to be written again. Therefore, an important selection criterion is the selection of a reliable and high-quality controller.

Decentralized system can also be called distributed. In this case, each element of the system (executive device) is an independent microcontroller that has a type of memory in which information is retained even in the event of a loss of mains power. This factor increases the reliability of the complex as a whole. If any element fails, the entire system of the apartment or house continues to function, with the exception of the “dropped out” link.

The decentralized system is reliable, with the ability to connect additional “smart” blocks to create special scenarios. Available for sale a large assortment panels for controlling devices, differing in functionality and design. Leading manufacturers in this area are: ABB, Scheider Electric, HDL, Berker, Gira, Vimar.

The disadvantages of the complex include a large amount of equipment that is included in the shield. It may break down from time to time, which will entail material costs for replacement.

Use of conductors and wireless technologies

Wired system Smart home is built on the principle of transmitting all signals from control devices to executive units via an information bus. Such a bus can be special conductors or twisted pair.

The advantage of a wired system is its reliability, thanks to the use of shielded conductors. This eliminates interference and interference in the network. Also, this data transmission system has a high response speed. When issuing a particular command, there are no delays due to interference or other factors.

So, when organizing a wireless system, the response of the command may be delayed. The person repeatedly presses the button and tries to get the device to operate. The information bus becomes clogged with duplicate signals, which can lead to the entire complex freezing.

To organize a wired Smart Home system, a varied selection of control elements, which are smart switches, is offered. Such mechanisms are multifunctional and have a stylish design. In such systems it is easier to introduce any new element of multimedia or climate control.

The wired system is fireproof and has a long service life without revision. The disadvantages include the lack of mobility of the location of the switches. Also, cable exit points to control panels must be provided in advance.

High-quality installation of information networks is important for reliable operation of the system. Organizing a Smart Home is possible only in new housing or at the beginning of renovation. With classic electrical wiring installed, it will be technically impossible to organize the system.

Wireless system is built on the principle of transmitting a radio signal from the main device (control panel) to the executive body. This solution allows you to reduce the number of wires laid in the room and the time for installing devices. Wireless equipment is very suitable for installation in a wooden house, where it is necessary to disrupt the integrity to a minimum natural materials. The main manufacturers of this type are: Z-Wave, Berker, HDL, Zamel, Vitrum, Gira.

The advantage of such a complex is the possibility of installation in buildings with ready-made repairs and normal wiring. Each wireless control panel communicates with other panels and can send commands to them. This interconnection of equipment allows you to create different lighting scenarios in different rooms.

Mobile control panels can be located in places convenient for owners. They are manufactured in two types: built-in and overhead. The radio system does not require any special preliminary design. Therefore, such a Smart Home system can be easily implemented with your own hands.

The operation of all smart devices depends on the quality of the radio signal. The disadvantage of the wireless complex is that many household electrical consumers cause interference with passing signals. Also, when operating devices on batteries, they will require regular replacement.

Wireless Smart Home is limited in functionality due to the instability of transmitted signals. Therefore, the security of such a complex is lower, since it is possible for hackers to jam the signals.

Open/closed automation system protocol

A protocol is a code system for interconnecting all devices with each other, on the basis of which the Smart Home operates. In Europe, the KNX protocol is considered the most popular. The advantage of this type is the interaction with the non-volatile memory of devices, as well as the independent operation of each device.

The KNX protocol is open. This data transfer standard is very popular. Therefore, there are no problems with servicing such a system if necessary. The products of many manufacturers work in this “language”. It is tested for compatibility with each other.

The advantage of the open protocol is a large selection of devices with different designs or a suitable set of functions. Leading manufacturers are: KNX, Wago, Bechoff. Competition between manufacturers is increasingly causing the release of updated and improved models. The cost of such devices, with a protocol open type, above closed.

Due to the inflexibility of open communication devices and their dependence on certain standards, new products running on a closed proprietary protocol began to appear on the market. This resulted in a reduction in equipment manufacturing costs and a simplification of the programming process. Many manufacturers began to have their own line of products that other companies did not produce. Equipment operating on a closed protocol is manufactured by: ABB, HDL, Vimar, Bticino.

Among the advantages of closed protocol technologies are non-standard interesting solutions at reasonable prices, mobility in the market. The disadvantages include the factor of buyer dependence on one manufacturer.

What are the benefits of a smart home system? Is it worth buying?

Intelligent complexes are becoming increasingly popular and affordable. The market offers a large selection of multifunctional devices for organizing home automation. Saving resources is manifested in their consumption only at the necessary moments, when people are at home. In other cases, the system switches the house to energy-saving mode. This is especially true for private housing and cottages with a large area.

A smart home can also take care of pets. According to a given program, it turns on the supply of food and water, adjusts the light in the aquarium, or opens the doors for animals to leave the house. You can watch your four-legged friends on your tablet. If there are animals in the house, it is advisable to organize a wired network by hiding all the wiring behind the walls. Control panels must be built-in. This will protect the system from damage.

In the case of children, the Smart Home system will allow you to control their behavior in an apartment or house. You can limit the turn on of the TV and computer. Or provide Internet access if they meet certain conditions.

The most important advantage of an “intelligent” home is remote monitoring and control of housing. The system protects against intrusion by thieves. Also this good way preventing emergency situations. In a critical situation, you can turn off the water, turn off the power supply, or transmit a fire signal. All notifications and warnings are sent as messages to the building owner.

The Smart Home system determines its prices due to its versatility. For the budget option, basic logical modules are purchased, and over time additional ones are purchased, which will expand the capabilities of the complex.

Video about the smart home system

Miracle technology, how to make a budget smart home?

It seems that just recently we read the works of science fiction writers, dreamed along with them and could not imagine that the coffee maker would prepare us espresso during our morning exercise, and the refrigerator would warn us about the end of milk. Nevertheless, it happened: news about the emergence of smart gadgets fills the Internet, and all that is required of us - apart from our ability to pay, of course - is to understand a little about what is happening.

Let's be honest: everyone has heard about a smart home, some even follow the successes of Xiaomi and Zuckerberg, but not everyone understands what we are actually talking about. For many people, the concept of Smart Home still remains fantastic and transcendental, while others completely ignore its existence. Our readers are not like that, so we have written an introductory article for you about the essence of the “smart home” phenomenon.

What does “smart home” mean?

First of all, let's understand the terms. This is important because expressions that are similar in meaning are often confused even in online media, and the Russian-language “smart home” and the American “smart house” are not entirely equivalent concepts.

A “smart home” is commonly understood as a home automation system. This is a set of devices that, for our convenience, make decisions themselves and perform routine tasks around the house. A smart home is formed in a personal household in a single apartment: the above-mentioned coffee makers, apartment microclimate systems, smart light bulbs and automatic doors - all this is a smart home. In Russia, this concept usually includes the so-called multiroom - a control system for multimedia devices: televisions, projectors, speaker systems. In the West, the division of the terms “smart home” and “multiroom” is dictated by market conditions.

But the term “smart building” refers to the organization of management of an entire multi-apartment building and implies central heating, water supply and security systems. As a rule, organizing a “smart” building is the task of developers or building council members. The concepts are closely related to each other, but we will only talk about smart home, and in the Russian sense.

Milestones of history

No matter how modern the concept of a smart home may seem, the history of this phenomenon begins in the middle of the 20th century - right from the time when science fiction writers first started talking about it. This was the beginning of the computer era - and the principle of operation of a smart home is based precisely on programming. Of course, at that time there was no Internet and cloud services, but bulky, clumsy modules plugged into sockets and the ubiquitous punch cards could well have accomplished the plan.

Videophone in the film "2001: A Space Odyssey" 1968

At first, the matter was limited to the efforts of enthusiastic inventors, who either laid cables throughout the house and mounted control consoles into the walls, or were already beginning to use the first computers. Alas, these ideas did not receive a response from the mass population. However, in 1966, James Sutherland programmed the Echo IV computer to turn on devices on a schedule, as well as communicate with tracking and alarm sensors. We owe the appearance of the sensors themselves to the brothers Joel and Ruth Spear, who in 1961 patented their dimmer - a device that automatically regulates light. But these are the times when The Beatles had not even signed their first contract yet!

Echo IV computer

Mass implementation was still far away, but already in 1978 a breakthrough of sorts occurred, often called the birth of the modern smart home: the Scottish company Pico Electronics developed the first data transmission standard, universal for all home automation devices. The essence of the standard was to create a tire that any manufacturer could equip a household appliance, be it a juicer or a vacuum cleaner. It was akin to a programming language familiar to all specialists, or an operating system on which all applications could run. The connection was made through ordinary sockets, in addition there were communication modules, remote controls and even control programs for computers. We owe the era of the X10 standard to the emergence of technologies familiar to us, such as lights that turn on when there is a clap, or automatically opening doors.

The emergence of a single standard gave impetus to new experiments and the birth of a specialized market. Soon it came to a new term: in 1984, a representative of the American Association of Home Builders first used the expression “smart home,” which later became commonly used. For the association, the creation of the term was a marketing move, which confirms the intensity of development of the idea at that time.

The Electronic Industry Association also joined in the development of the concept, which initiated the creation of another universal standard. Their protocol, called CEBus (Consumer Electronic Bus), was an upgrade of X10 and soon replaced its prototype in the American market.

The first mass acquaintance of people with the concept of a smart home occurred in 1999. And the main intermediary was... the Disney company, which released a film about a computerized house that began an independent life.

Still from the movie “Smart Home”

In the 2000s, the home automation segment was replenished with more and more new manufacturing companies. However, the real revolution was the appearance of the first iPhone and other smartphones. The applications and hardware capabilities of handheld computers have inspired new inventions among engineers: by 2012, according to ABI Research, 1.5 million home automation systems were installed in the United States alone.

How does it all work?

The operation of a smart home is based on the principle of executing commands, and the central controller can receive them both from a person and from sensors. In the first case, you ask the system to make coffee, turn on the air conditioner or turn down the heating, and the central processor, having processed the command, sends it the right device. Depending on your preferences, communication with the central controller is carried out through voice commands, a remote control or a smartphone.

In the second case, human presence is not required. The computer either sends commands to the devices at a certain time in accordance with previously specified algorithms, or it itself makes decisions based on sensor readings depending on changing conditions. For example, in thermoregulation systems, temperature and humidity sensors report data to the system, and it, in turn, sets the necessary parameters for heating, air conditioning and humidification. Another example: motion sensors detect activity in the house when there should not be any - the computer perceives this as a signal to turn on the alarm or send a message to the security service.

Central controller for Xiaomi smart home devices

The entire smart home system thus consists of three main elements:

  • sensors that perceive information from the outside world;
  • hub, or central controller, which processes information and makes decisions;
  • devices that perform practical tasks and make our lives easier.

All components of a smart home system can connect to each other via wired or wireless communication. The first option seems more archaic, but this way the system is less prone to failures. Some manufacturers offer cable-based solutions for this reason; including AMX, Ctestron, Evika. Radio communication, in turn, provides more conveniences and features, such as ease of installation and remote control. Wireless communication involves the use of Bluetooth, Wi-Fi or special standards, which we will discuss later in the article. Wireless automation systems are produced by Gira, Vitrum, Z-Wave, Jung, Zamel and others. To ensure system reliability and convenience, some manufacturers (for example, Insteon) offer comprehensive solutions based on wired and wireless devices simultaneously.

Smart home systems can be centralized or non-centralized. In the first, all devices are controlled from a single module, which makes it possible to build complex circuits automation. Non-centralized systems consist of autonomous chains of devices or even “single” devices. Such solutions provide greater system security.

Smart home technologies

What should actually be considered a smart home? Bill Gates' robot house for $200 million or a modest apartment with smart system thermoregulation and lighting? Smart home is a figurative name for all home automation systems, and the huge number of technologies on the market can be combined and combined as desired, depending on your needs and preferences. But let's still try to put this multitude in order.

Lighting control systems

Light control is probably the most popular and accessible format of home automation systems; the segment even has its own name - “smart light”. Your entrance probably already has a lamp that turns on when there is a clap or a person moves. The basis of such systems are dimmers and smart lamps, working together with sensors for measuring illumination and the presence of a living object.

Here are examples of the main capabilities of “smart light”:

  • control of natural light by automating the operation of blinds, curtains, shutters and awnings (Lutron curtains and cornices);
  • turning on/off the light when a person appears in the house or room (Philips smart lamps);
  • automatic brightness adjustment depending on lighting, time of day and number of people in the room;
  • darkening the room when the TV or projector is turned on;
  • imitation of the presence of owners in the house to ensure security (BeON lamp);
  • light notification about various events (Xiaomi Philips EyeCare 2 lamp);
  • “light scenarios” - design possibilities for light accentuation and shading of interior items (Nanoleaf Aurora Smarter Kit lamps);
  • the ability to set custom operating algorithms - turning on the light at full brightness when waking up, setting soft light while reading, etc.;
  • remote control of lighting operation via voice commands, a program on a smartphone or a control panel.

Application of Aurora lamps in interior design

The components of the lighting system can interact via radio communication, but this solution is not always the most convenient. A balanced system can be called a complex that includes the usual switches and dimmers with an additional option for remote control via wireless communication (Linear Z-Wave Dimmer switch). Or, as is implemented in the Xiaomi Yeelight Bedside Lamp, the ability to control the light via a smartphone and a hardware button on the device itself.

Xiaomi Yeelight Bedside Lamp

Examples of smart light include the following technologies:

  • Elgato Avea Bulb smart lamp that changes not only brightness, but also color shades lighting;
  • Kickstarter LIFX lamp that works without a controller or transmitter;
  • Xiaomi CooWoo lamp, which can operate from a built-in battery;
  • a smart socket for the Vocca lamp, controlled by voice and not requiring any additional devices.

An example of the color capabilities of the LIFX lamp

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems

The benefits of life, hidden under the acronym HVAC, are designed to maintain comfortable temperature, humidity and air purity, and, importantly, save energy. Combining these systems into one automated complex was one of the first tasks of implementing smart home concepts. Human health directly depends on HVAC, so not only functionality and ease of use, but also stability of operation are most important for these systems.

Typically, HVAC is combined into a single complex system that operates autonomously and independently of other smart home components. This is necessary so that in the event of failures or malfunctions of any element of the HVAC system, they continue to operate.

Smart HVAC systems perform the following functions:

  • maintaining constant comfortable temperature at home using automatic control of radiators, electric heaters and heated floors (Loxone systems);
  • saving money on heating by automatically turning off or reducing heating intensity (Nest Learning thermostat);
  • reducing the room temperature to a comfortable level at night;
  • automatic regulation operation of humidifiers, dehumidifiers and air ionizers depending on the humidity indicator (Xiaomi Smartmi Air Humidifier);
  • automatic operation air conditioners, fan coil units, fans and fresh air supply systems (Keen Smart Vens);
  • automation of the operation of water supply systems - for example, closing water supply valves when there is no person in the house (Insteon valves).

Control your Nest thermostat from your smartphone

Structurally, the autonomy of HVAC systems is ensured by connecting devices to a separate main module. For a heating system, this role is usually played by a smart thermostat with wall panel controls - such as the Elgato Eve Thermo smart thermostat. The device regulates the temperature of room radiators automatically according to a preset preset. Additionally, the controller can be controlled through the Apple Home Kit application or using a button on the device panel.

Smart thermostat Elgato Eve Thermo

Security systems

Many ordinary apartments, far from being considered a smart home, are equipped with automatic security systems. However, smart security systems can complement a complex home automation system and become an integrated part of it. Security systems are equipped with cameras, alarms and a large number of different sensors: motion detectors, presence detectors, door opening detectors.

It is necessary to distinguish between engineering and personal security. For the first, the smart home provides:

  • monitoring water supply system leaks (NetBotz system);
  • automatic fire extinguishing system (EPOTOS products);
  • monitoring of wiring interruptions and protection against short circuits(Seek Thermal thermal imagers).

Seek Thermal Imager

Personal security systems perform the following functions:

  • external surveillance through video intercoms, cameras and infrared devices (Elgato Eve Motion motion sensor);
  • remote sending or saving of data (Oco 2 cloud camera);
  • automatic alarm or call security service (Schneider Electric light and sound systems);
  • monitoring the integrity of the site fence, windows and doors (Home Monitoring Kit);
  • control of access rights to the house (smart lock Kwikset Kevo).
Personal security systems operate autonomously and are controlled from a central hub. Additionally installed central system alarm system, which independently interacts with the owner only to confirm the need to call security services.

Monitoring systems for children, the elderly, disabled people and animals

This category is designed to protect family members who need control and supervision. The section could be divided into 3 parts, but here we will limit ourselves a brief overview and classification. Sometimes, even if you do not intend to turn your home into a smart home, such technologies can help loved ones and relieve unnecessary stress during separation.

  • video surveillance and audio communication through recording cameras and real-time monitoring, baby monitors and infrared cameras (Samsung baby monitors);
  • remote notifications;
  • automated movement and closing of access to premises (S-max Sella lift chair);
  • monitoring of location and health indicators using GPS trackers, physical activity sensors and devices for automatically measuring medical indicators (Redmond SkyTracker).

Mishiko smart collar

In Russia, systems and devices in this category are only gaining popularity, but the global market does not stand still. A good example new technologies in this category can include Ramili Baby video nannies, which monitor the child’s breathing, or the Tecnalia system being developed, which can recognize nervous breakdown at households.

Baby monitor Ramili Baby RV1200

Smart appliance management

The category of smart devices and gadgets is the most numerous and interesting. This includes amazing smart pressure cookers, refrigerators, multimedia centers and robotic vacuum cleaners. The list of modern smart devices can be endless, but we will try to briefly classify them:

  • Household kitchen appliances: refrigerators, multicookers, electric stoves, exhaust systems, coffee makers, juicers, etc. (SOEKS ecotester);
  • Other Appliances: washing machines, vacuum cleaners, scales, dryers, irons, etc. (Panda robotic vacuum cleaners);
  • Furniture and interior items: cornices, curtains, automatic doors, wardrobes, lampshades, armchairs, sleeping beds, etc. (Balluga bed);
  • Multimedia equipment: TVs, projectors, video players, music equipment, Acustic systems, karaoke (Trivium multiroom system);
  • Games and entertainment: educational games for children, robots, etc. (Ozobot robot).

Zenbo robot companion

It’s amazing how many smart things there are and their capabilities! Meanwhile, the home automation market is also not without problems, so let’s talk about them too.

Market fragmentation and protocols

the main problem modern systems Smart Home - the lack of a universal standard that would fit all devices on the market. When setting up a smart home, you may want to equip the system with products various manufacturers: for example, Xiaomi security system and Apple CCTV camera. However, many companies do not care about the compatibility of their devices with other products. In the best case, your smartphone will have a whole set of applications - each for its own smart home component. Agree, it’s not very convenient. Some equipment is even equipped with proprietary software with closed source code. The interests of companies are obvious, but the interests of users are definitely ignored by devices that do not work in the system.

The problem has existed for a long time, and we have already talked in the history section about the creation of the first protocols designed to make the operation of all systems universal. Today there is a tendency towards the consolidation of companies involved in the development of home automation systems. As a result, more and more smart devices support universal standards. The most promising and advanced universal protocols today are Z-Wave and ZigBee; We propose to dwell on them in a little more detail.

Z-Wave and ZigBee

Both protocols were specifically developed for home automation systems. Their goal is not only to provide the system with universality, but also to secure it. Both Z-Wave and ZigBee belong to the mesh network category; this means that the message inside them has multiple paths to reach its destination. This distribution reduces the likelihood of failures and guarantees security: if any node is damaged, the message is redirected to the nearest available device. In a mesh network, each device is connected to several others.

Z-Wave operates in the low radio frequency range of up to 1 GHz, which is convenient because there is significantly less potential interference than the 2.4 GHz frequency on which Wi-Fi and Bluetooth operate. An additional advantage is the low delays when transmitting short commands.

More and more companies are starting to support open protocols, even giants like Xiaomi.

In addition to the advantages of a mesh structure, ZigBee provides the ability to select a routing algorithm depending on the network condition and program requirements. The protocol provides increased security and low power consumption - which means long-lasting autonomous operation network devices.

Unique alliances have already formed around both protocols, which include manufacturers of systems for smart homes. The list of companies is extremely wide; it can be found on the official websites of Z-Wave and ZigBee.

Smart home - future or present?

Imagine that Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, invited you to his home. You enter a spacious hallway, smart assistant Jarvis turns on a moderately bright light so you can take off your shoes and hang up your outerwear. In the living room, the assistant sets up soft light, comfortable for relaxation. Mark asks Jarvis to turn on some nice background music - and the sounds of Miles Davis' saxophone are heard from the speakers. After dinner, you decide to watch a movie and Jarvis turns on the TV for you as the lights around you dim to a minimum. While you are enjoying the viewing, the smart assistant does not sit still: he monitors the safety of Mark’s daughters, and if the children cry, Jarvis, in the voice of Morgan Freeman, will immediately inform their father about this. The bell rings - guests have arrived. Jarvis immediately scans the newcomers and tells the owner of the house who is at the door. After a pleasant evening, you go to bed. In the morning, Jarvis prepares breakfast for all the guests, and he has a clean T-shirt for Mark - he shoots it from the pump right into the hands of Zuckerberg!

This example of organizing a smart home is just one of many. Bill Gates's home may be even more surprising: it is equipped with a glass elevator with voice control; swimming pool with automatic adjustment of comfortable water temperature; a control system for every plant in the garden and in the house and much more.

Of course, to acquire such a smart home, you need to head a successful company. But in general, smart technologies and automation systems are no longer the prerogative of a select few: the market is growing, and more and more solutions are appearing on it for consumers. To set up your smart home, you only need the desire to immerse yourself in the topic and directly engage in organization. Of course, there are many offers of completely ready-made solutions - for example, from BTicino, Crestron, Legrand and others - but you can start small. Let's say, from a smart light bulb - why not?

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Intelligent control system for various engineering communications and devices that increase the degree of comfort under common name"smart home" has many advantages. Its installation is all the more necessary if among the household there are people with disabilities or elderly people who find it difficult to use ordinary elements of technical circuits (for example, switches).

Firstly, the terminology “smart home” applies to everything that is subject to “automation”. Even a simple lighting controller installed in just one room is already a sign of the presence of an element of such a system in the home. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to decide on the specific goal that we are pursuing.

What we need is to control household appliances using one electronic “brain center”, open gate leaves at suburban area, provide automatic on/off street lighting(and so on)? There are many options, but this approach will help optimize costs. And they can be significant.

Secondly, you should evaluate your abilities. It’s not enough to know something, you also need to be able to perform various technological operations with your own hands, without outside help.

Thirdly, what should you use to assemble a smart home circuit? Available for sale ready-made kits, but their cost (especially imported) is quite high. In addition, are the components subject to repair (if so, how much will it cost) and will it be possible to ensure that elements from different manufacturers work together?

In some cases, it is more expedient to buy everything you need at retail and install it in a common circuit controlled from a PC. There is now a computer in almost every home, although it will take a little longer, but at the same time it will be cheaper.

In principle, you can meet 35,000 - 40,000 rubles. If you pay for the services of masters, you need to multiply the indicated amount by approximately 1.5.

Another control option is from a separate remote control with the ability to program various options.

And most importantly. Much depends on the deterioration of the electrical supply system. Before planning large-scale improvements, it is necessary to calculate how much the load on the “line” will increase. Will its capabilities be enough to satisfy all our requests and wishes to improve comfort? And if you have to deal with relaying cables (wires), then what will be the cost? total cost such an event? It is this factor that, as a rule, most often limits the “appetite” of the homeowner in terms of the degree of home automation.

Therefore, we will consider only some variants of circuits that can be used to control something.


With the help of such a device, the degree of illumination of the room is regulated, therefore, there is no need for various night lights, sconces, and the like. By the way, it can also control curtains (blinds).

If you include motion sensors in the circuit, the light will turn on when you enter the room. Their installation and configuration has a number of features, so read about them in detail.

Engineering systems

First of all, heating and forced ventilation. By installing the appropriate sensors (humidity, temperature), and positioning them correctly, the owner can, for example, remotely turn on heated floors and adjust the position of window sashes. The possibilities depend only on the degree of automation and the number of people involved in the scheme household appliances, right up to the boiler (if it is not programmable).

Protection system

None of the schemes is capable of ensuring 100% home security, no matter what advertisers claim. Their goal is to sell, and our task is to think everything through first. How to minimize the risks of unauthorized entry? The most “dangerous” areas from this point of view should be identified. Perhaps it is enough to “protect” only 2 of them, or maybe to put such “barriers” on all windows and doors, combining them into a common scheme. The choice of appropriate sensors is large - motion, presence and a number of others.

Listing all the capabilities of systems is a waste of time. The range of relevant products is significant; the operation of each model has its own characteristics. One of the simple options is shown in the general diagram:

Here is an expanded package with increased functionality.

Well, what exactly to choose for your home is at your discretion, dear reader.

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