Complete systems Knauf. Technology of element-by-element assembly of plasterboard ceilings. Self-supporting suspended ceiling made of Knauf sheets (Knauf super sheets) on a single frame Types of ceiling structures

Task - production room, rental area, ceiling height 6.4 m, it is necessary to lower the ceilings to a level of 3.3 m. The ceiling option is only considered for gypsum plasterboard, no add-ons and 2 floors, it is necessary to fence and isolate a specific area of ​​​​the premises.
So, from the options proposed by Knauf, one could consider lowering the ceiling using rods, but the problem is the following - there are air duct communications and other crap on the ceiling that cannot be dismantled, even if it has not been in use for 1000 years, it should remain there as is, and so these communications do not allow the rods to be positioned at a more or less appropriate pitch, not counting the availability of rods with h>3m.
Another option is the construction of a self-supporting ceiling made of 50/75/100 profiles. This system According to Knauf, it can be used in rooms up to 4.25 m wide, and we have a room with a width of 6.0 m. In my opinion, if we solved the problem of how to get around these 6.0 m, such a system would be optimal in view of the above.
Maybe someone has ever encountered similar decisions, I would like to hear some advice, well, I’ll explain how I see it in theory at a glance.
In my vision, it would be possible to bypass the span limit of 4.25 m by using additional. fastening the frame to the ceiling, the ceiling is not all covered with communications and it is partially possible to organize suspensions. I foresee using the same rack profiles as hangers. The ceiling area should be proportionally divided in order to distribute the load evenly, after all, but by 72 square meters. will hang more than 1.2t, not counting industrial lamps and it’s not so much the sagging that is scary, but the collapse of the structure - everything should be “feng shui”, but also without frills, so as not to complicate the structure too much and not increase its cost too much.
There is a lot of bukoff, well, I am such that talent is not my element, so I can’t summarize it here.
In short, it is planned to divide the area in the following way, initially it was planned to divide it exactly in half, arranging suspensions from profiles in the middle, but something confuses me with a span of 3m and the fact that 3m on one side and 3m on the other side will put a load on these " suspensions", especially since there is an opinion not only by Knauf that it is optimal to arrange self-supporting ceiling structures on spans of 2.5-3 m... let's go... I decided to distribute the load by arranging 2 rows of suspensions, so that the spans from the walls were within 2 ,0...2.2m, and between the suspensions 1.6...2.0m and the transverse pitch is 1.2m, the pitch of the supporting profiles is 0.4m, well, let’s say the profiles attached to the suspensions are made paired, the rest are single. Those. a kind of rigid base is made with a cage of 1.2x1.6...2.2 and the main sheathing is already assembled on it.
Does such a decision have a right to life?

Many craftsmen who install suspended ceilings have mastered the technique in practice, adopting the necessary experience and knowledge from more experienced installers. But when the work requires drawing up a work project, and at the end it is necessary to provide reasonable guarantees of the technical compliance of the design with SNiP standards, many experience difficulties. Craftsmen from any reputable organization carry out the design and installation of plasterboard on the ceiling in accordance with the recommendations contained in the standard Knauf technological map.

Purpose and content of the technical map

If for an amateur GOST and SNiP are a “dark forest”, then for a professional the technological map is a universal guide on how to technically and quickly assemble a frame and screw drywall.

  • This instruction will save the master from studying these very norms and requirements and will speed up the delivery of the work to the customer. If you follow all the recommendations, the work will comply with fire safety standards, environmental safety, requirements of GOST, SNiP.
  • The Knauf technological map contains tables with ready-made initial data of the main components of the frame structure for the ceiling.
Ceiling Knauf

Important! If the work is performed under a contract, then when placing and submitting an order you cannot do without the recommendations of the Knauf technical map for drawing up project documentation.

  • The manual states required material and an algorithm for assembling a frame of one type or another, methods for performing individual design tasks are described.

The latest current Knauf technological map (series 1.045.9-2.08.1) is comprehensive on how to design and install a suspended ceiling structure under plasterboard and gypsum fiber boards. All work is divided into separate sequential stages, so understanding the technology will not be difficult.

Types of ceiling structures

The frame for the ceiling is made from both Knauf metal profiles and wooden blocks.

There are 5 types of suspended ceiling designs:

  1. Ceiling P 111 (the technology is known among craftsmen as “system 111”). The biaxial frame is assembled from wooden blocks.
  2. Ceiling P 112. Biaxial frame made of metal profiles.
  3. Ceiling P 113. Uniaxial frame made of Knauf metal profile.
  4. Ceiling P 131. A frame in which a wall profile is used with fastening not to the base of the ceiling, but to the walls.
  5. Architectural and decorative ceiling P 19. Complex multi-level frame.

Frame guides

For wooden structure P 111 uses coniferous bars with a moisture content of no more than 12%. Before installation on the ceiling, they are treated with an antiseptic and fire retardant. The recommended cross-section of the bars is 50×30 mm.

The metal frame for the ceiling is made of long rolled elements made of thin sheet steel.

Frame with fastening to the base (P 112, 113). To assemble it, take a regular ceiling profile. It consists of the following elements:

  • Guide profile PN. The cross-section has a size of 27×28 mm. There are factory holes in the wall through which installation to the base of the wall is carried out.
  • Complete with the PN, a load-bearing PP profile is installed. In cross section it has a size of 60×27 mm.

The ceiling of the P131 system with fastening to the wall is made of a more powerful profile for the installation of partition structures (PS).

To strengthen the structure at the junctions of rooms, use a reinforced UA profile on the ceiling.


Profile connection work is performed using the following elements:

  1. Multi-level transverse connector for PP profile (60×27). It is sold flat, so it must be bent before installation.
  2. Single-level cross connector "Crab".
  3. One-way cross connector. The upper side clings to the supporting profile.
  4. A rotating multi-level connector that allows you to connect the supporting profile at any angle.
  5. Longitudinal single-level connector. It is used when it is necessary to increase the supporting profile.
  6. Universal connector. Necessary in order to connect the supporting profile in one plane at any angle.

The work of installing the frame on the Knauf ceiling is carried out using the following elements:

  • Straight U-shaped suspension.

Important! Not everyone knows that U-shaped hangers are produced under the profile and under the beam. Although they are similar in appearance, they have different nominal sizes after folding the side strips. For wood it is 50 mm, and for a profile – 60 mm.

  • Anchor suspension with adjustable clamp, quick suspension. They are similar due to the presence of a fastening rod. Its length can reach 1500 mm, which allows you to adjust the required ceiling gap in a wide range. The disadvantage is that the load is limited to 25 kg. This is considered a low figure, since all average calculations in the Knauf technical map are based on a load of 40 kg.

  • Adjustable vernier suspension. It is a telescopic structure made of two parts. Designed for a load of 40 kg.
  • Combined suspension, which has both traction and retractable element vernier suspension.
  • For connection metal elements required LN screw (sharp tip) and LM screw (self-tapping tip).
  • Installation of a heavy profile in the P131 system is carried out using FN self-tapping screws.
  • Installation of guides to the wall is carried out with metal or nylon dowels.
  • Installation to hollow structures in a sheet of Knauf plasterboard is performed with multifunctional dowels or butterfly dowels.
  • Installation attachments The sheets are connected using a dowel with a screw thread.
  • Drywall is screwed with TN screws (in a standard profile) or TB (in a thick sheet profile). The MN screw is used for screwing into a gypsum fiber sheet.

Types of drywall

Depending on operating conditions, required drywall Knauf is chosen from the following varieties:

Type A. Regular construction plasterboard. This sheet is used for heated rooms with normal humidity levels (up to 60%).

Type H2. Drywall with increased moisture resistance. The leaf has a low level of water absorption (up to 10%). Room humidity can be up to 75%.

Type DF. Flame resistant drywall.

Type DFH2. Drywall with the properties of the two previous types.

Important! Initially, it is customary to calculate the frame specifically for ceiling plasterboard size 1.2x2.5 m and thickness 9.5 mm. But drywall comes in other sizes.

The drywall has a factory-made longitudinal edge. The most technologically advanced and therefore widespread is the semicircular thinned one, but there is plasterboard with other types of edges:

  1. Sheet with straight edge.
  2. Sheet with a cut corner.
  3. Sheet with a thinned edge.
  4. Sheet with a rounded one-sided chamfer.
  5. Sheet with a semicircular edge.

Each type of edge is needed to solve specific structural problems. In particular, installation of figured corner protrusions.

The work is carried out in a dry and heated room at an air temperature of at least +10 degrees.

Work on the implementation of any frame begins with marking the design position of the ceiling surface. Using a level and a tapping thread, mark the corresponding line on the walls around the perimeter.

Further, depending on which Knauf drywall is selected for suspended ceiling, work is being done to mark the location of the guides and mounting points for the suspensions. The lines of the supporting guides are marked in accordance with the length of the sheet so that the end joint falls on the profile.

At the marked points, hangers are attached to the ceiling with dowels or anchors.

Wooden frame mounted in two ways:

  • Installation of the guide beam to the base using a direct or quick-mount suspension. When using a quick suspension, alternately change the side of attachment to the beam.
  • Installation of the guide bar with anchor dowels directly on the ceiling. In this case, in places where there are differences in the base, pads are used.

Installation of a profile frame:

  • The P112 ceiling is mounted in the same way, only in order to connect the guide and supporting profile, two-level suspensions are used. When cutting the guides, an expansion gap of 10 mm is made. It will prevent surface deformation due to temperature changes.
  • The installation of the Knauf P 113 single-axis system is different in that the technology involves placing a sealing tape under the guide profile.
  • The work of assembling the P 131 system differs from that described above in that a wall profile is used, and the installation of guides is carried out according to long wall premises. These structures are usually mounted under heavy ceiling, therefore, the required step for fastening the dowels is no more than 30 cm. Only solid guides are used. The supporting profile must fit into the guide by at least 3 cm.

Fastening drywall sheets

Important! The edge of the sheet, not covered with cardboard, is processed with a plane to remove the chamfer.

The manufacturer has prepared a video in which craftsmen demonstrate the principle of assembling a suspended structure

The work of screwing Knauf sheets is performed in pairs or using a lifting mechanism. Plasterboard is mounted on the ceiling without T-shaped joints, staggered. In this case, the sheet is shifted by the step of the supporting profile. Installation is carried out in such a way that longitudinal direction the sheet lay without a gap, and there was a small gap in the transverse one. This way the putty will completely fill the joint, and the seam will be strong.

When temperature changes, the plasterboard sheet expands, so large rooms it is necessary to provide expansion joints in 15 m increments.

To make it easier to putty the self-tapping screws, screw them in with the head slightly recessed into the sheet – 1 mm. The work of sealing joints is carried out using reinforcing tape.

Drywall – universal material, and the Knauf technological map will help you complete high-quality installation any design, even for a novice master.

P 131 (P 231)

Album Series

Used indoors for various purposes both during reconstruction and in new construction, for the purpose of finishing, hiding communications, increasing sound insulation and fire resistance of floors. Designed for cladding corridor-type rooms (up to 4.25 m wide) and minimizing ceiling space. The ceiling has a smooth, seamless surface. Designed for subsequent decorative finishing.

Weight 1 sq. m - about 16.0 kg.

Pos. Name Unit Quantity per m2

Guide profile PN 50 (75.1001/40

Sealing tape with a cross section of 50 (75.95) x 3.2 mm

Screw 4.3 x 35 with a press washer for attaching the PN profile to enclosing structures (from gypsum plasterboard, gypsum fiber board)

or in return

Metal anchor dowel for attaching PN profiles to them (in the case of enclosing structures made of brick, concrete)

Rack profile PS 50 (75.1001/50 (outermost profile adjacent to the enclosing structure)

Screw 4.3 x 35 with a press washer mm for attaching the outer PS profile to enclosing structures (from gypsum plasterboard, gypsum plasterboard)

depends on the width of the room

or in return

Metal anchor dowel for attaching the outer PS profile to them (in the case of enclosing structures made of brick, concrete)

depends on the width of the room

Rack profile 2 x PS 50 (75.1001/50

LB screw for fastening the PS and PN profiles together

LB screw for fastening PS profiles together

Gypsum plasterboard sheet GKL (GKLV, GKLO) 12.5 mm or Gypsum fiber sheet GVL (GVLV) 10.0 mm

ScrewTN 25 (ScrewMN 25-for gypsum fiber board)

Insulation material

according to customer needs

Putty KNAUF-Fugen (KNAUFFugen GV - for GVL)

Reinforcing paper tape

Separating tape 50 mm


The complete P 111 system consists of a wooden frame with plasterboard sheets attached to it. This is the most economical way installation of drywall. Depending on its purpose, the frame can be attached directly to the load-bearing surface without spending money on hangers ( rough coating, thermal insulation), with the help of direct suspensions it is possible to level out height differences of up to 10 cm and cut off wave and impact noise (sound insulation, leveling). There is a difference between one and two-level frames (the main and load-bearing bars lie in a perpendicular direction in two parallel planes) used to strengthen it at large distances from the load-bearing surface. The number of layers of plasterboard and its thickness depends on the requirements for the ceiling.

Suspended ceiling made of KNAUF sheets on a wooden frame

average price 100 m2 of ceiling 60 t.r.

Wooden frame made of bars rectangular section. The main bars attached to the base ceiling and the supporting bars to which the plasterboard sheet is attached are located at different levels.

- the maximum distance between the points of attachment of the frame to the base ceiling (a) is 850 mm.
- maximum distance between the axes of the supporting bars (b) - 500 mm.
- the maximum distance between the axes of the main bars © is 850 mm.

  • (1) KNAUF sheet
  • (4) Main block 30x50
  • (5) Bearing beam 30x50
  • (10) Straight hanger for bars
  • (12) Screw for connecting bars
  • (14) Reinforcing tape
  • (15) KNAUF-Fugen putty

The complete system P 112 is similar to the P 111 system but is mounted on metal frame and can use adjustable hangers, which increases the distance from the load-bearing surface to the suspended ceiling. The metal frame is more reliable and durable compared to wood, initially more smooth profiles less susceptible to deformation as a result of temperature and humidity changes in the room and do not require acclimatization. For mounting in metallic profile shorter screws are required. This complete system is suitable for both rough coatings, noise and thermal insulation, and final finishing.

Suspended ceiling made of KNAUF sheets on a two-level metal frame

The average price of 100 m2 of ceiling is 90 tr.

Metal frame made of ceiling profile. The main profiles, suspended using hangers, to the base ceiling, and the supporting profiles, to which the plasterboard sheet is attached, are located at different levels.
- weight of one square meter ceiling - about 13.5 kg.
- the maximum distance between the points of attachment of the frame to the base ceiling (a) is 900 mm.

- the maximum distance between the axes of the main profiles © is 1000 mm.
- the distance between the wall and the axis of the outer main beam (d) is ~ 100 mm.

  • (1) KNAUF sheet
  • (2) KNAUF profile PP 60/27
  • (3) Profile extension 60/27
  • (4) Two-level connector 60/27
  • (5a) Suspension with clamp 60/27
  • (56) Suspension rod
  • (6) Screw TN 25
  • (7) Anchor element
  • (8) Reinforcing tape
  • (9) KNAUF-Fugen putty
  • (10) KNAUF-Tiefengrund primer

The complete P 113 system is only single-level. Due to the fact that the main and load-bearing profiles are in the same plane with the same weight as the 112 system, the number of profiles to which the sheets are attached is significantly increased, which reduces the deformation of the sheets during operation. This system is the most rigid and reliable, it is suitable even for the most complex multi-level structures and can withstand additional loads from elements attached to it.

Suspended ceiling made of KNAUF sheets on a single-level metal frame

The average price of 100 m2 of ceiling is 120 rubles.

Metal frame made of ceiling profile. The main profiles, suspended using hangers directly to the base ceiling, and the supporting profiles to which the plasterboard sheet is attached, are located on the same level.
- the weight of one square meter of ceiling is about 13 kg.
- the maximum distance between the points of attachment of the frame to the base ceiling (a) is 1000 mm.
- maximum distance between the axes of the supporting profiles (b) - 500 mm.
- the maximum distance between the axes of the main profiles © is 1200 mm.
- distance between the wall and the axis of the outer main beam (d) -

  • (1) KNAUF sheet
  • (2) KNAUF profile PP 60/27
  • (3) KNAUF profile PN 28/27
  • (4) Profile extension 60/27
  • (5) Single level connector 60/27
  • (6a) Suspension with clamp 60/27
  • (66) Suspension rod
  • (6c) Straight suspension 60/27
  • (6g) Screw LN 9
  • (7) Screw TN 25
  • (8) Anchor element
  • (9) Dowel K 6/35
  • (10) Reinforcing tape
  • (11) KNAUF-Fugen putty
  • (12) KNAUF-Tiefengrund primer

The complete KNAUF P 131 system is a self-supporting ceiling on a single-level metal frame without attachment to the ceiling load-bearing base due to which it can be installed in rooms with high heights load-bearing floors having restrictions on the distances between building envelopes

If it is necessary to increase heat and sound insulation, non-flammable mineral wool slabs can be placed in the frame cavity.

Self-supporting suspended ceiling made of KNAUF sheets on a single frame.

The average price of 100 m2 of ceiling is 105 tr.

The weight of one square meter of ceiling is about 16 kg.

The maximum distance between the axes of the supporting profiles is 500 mm.

The maximum width of the room (span) is up to 4.25 m.

Composition of the complete system - quantity per m2.

Quantity per m2

(1) Guide profile PN 50 (75, 100)/40
(2) Sealing tape with a cross section of 50 (75, 95) x 3.2
(3a) Screw 4.3x35 with press washer
(3b) Metal anchor dowel
(4) Rack profile PS 50 (75, 100)/50
(5a) Screw 4.3x35 with press washer
(5b) Metal anchor dowel
(6) Rack profile PS 50 (75, 100)/50
(7) LB screw
(8) LB screw
(9) Knauf sheet
(11) Insulation material
(12) KNAUF-Fugen putty
(13) Reinforcing paper tape
(14) Separating tape 50 mm
(15) Primer

In this sheet, all characteristics, permissible dimensions and material consumption are given for ceilings that use metal ceiling profiles with a section of 60x27x0.6 mm (P112, P113), wooden bars with a section of 30x50 mm (P111), and a plasterboard sheet 12.5 mm thick in one layer.

These options for ceilings and their fastenings are basic and can be changed on the recommendation of TIGI Knauf.
More information can be obtained from technical sheets or from TIGI Knauf consultants.

General information about complete systems TIGI Knauf
The purpose of this information is to familiarize yourself with the "dry" method in production construction work.
"Dry" construction is the implementation of construction work using complete TIGI Knauf systems, during which the use of any kind of "wet" processes associated with the use of plaster, masonry mortars, as well as cement and concrete mixtures necessary for the manufacture of monolithic structures.
The complete TIGI Knauf system is a set that includes not only the materials produced, but also those necessary to solve a specific construction problem technical solutions, recommendations for work, as well as tools and devices.
One of the main building elements of TIGI Knauf ceilings is a plasterboard sheet, consisting of a gypsum core and enclosing layers of cardboard. Several types of plasterboard sheets are produced: conventional (GKL), moisture-resistant (GKLV), increased fire resistance (GKLO) and moisture-resistant increased fire resistance (GKLVO).
Elements of the metal frame - ceiling profile (PP profile 60/27), ceiling guide profile (PNP profile 28/27) and hangers. The profiles are made with a length of 2.75-4.5 m from rolled galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.55-0.7 mm per roll forming machines and are long elements with a channel-shaped cross-section.

Installation procedure for KNAUF ceilings
Specified in this information KNAUF ceilings consist of a wooden or metal frame attached to the supporting structure of the building, and plasterboard sheets attached to the frame. They are not structural (load-bearing) elements of the building and are intended to solve problems decorative finishing and soundproofing of premises, as well as increasing the fire resistance limit load-bearing structures floors and coverings. The use of an additional layer of plasterboard sheets, heat-insulating and sound-absorbing materials in these ceiling systems increases the efficiency of TIGI Knauf ceilings. Installation of ceilings should begin within the period finishing works, when “wet” processes are completed that can significantly increase the humidity in the room. IN general case installation is carried out in the following sequence:
- marking the locations of the main profiles (P112, P113) or bars (P111) and the places where the hangers are attached;
- fastening of suspensions to the base ceiling using anchor elements (reinforced concrete base);
- securing the main profiles (P112, P113) or bars (P111) to the hangers and aligning the main profiles in one plane (for hangers with a clamp - adjustment);
- alignment, using adjustable hangers, of the main profiles in one plane;
- fastening of supporting profiles (bars) to the main profiles (bars);
- installation using special supports or a telescopic lift of plasterboard sheets in the design position and fastening them to the frame with screws with a pitch of no more than 170 mm;
- sealing seams between plasterboard sheets and priming the surface of the suspended ceiling.

Some requirements for work
- work on the installation of TIGI Knauf suspended ceilings must be carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the project and technical sheets of TIGI Knauf, under conditions of dry and normal humidity conditions (SNiP 2-3-79*) and a temperature not lower than +15 ° C;
- the screws securing the plasterboard sheet to the frame must enter the sheet at a right angle and penetrate the metal profile to a depth of at least 10 mm, and wooden block- 20 mm;
- the heads of the screws must be recessed into the sheet to a depth of about 1 mm and puttied;
- remove bent or incorrectly wrapped screws and replace them with new ones in places located at a distance of 5 cm from the previous ones;
- plasterboard sheets, as a rule, are located perpendicular to the load-bearing profiles (P112, P113) or bars (P111) with mandatory sealing of the seams of both the first and second layers (in the case of two-layer cladding);
- the joints of the ends of the plasterboard sheets must be located on the supporting profile (P112, P113) or bar (P111) and offset relative to the joints of adjacent sheets by a distance of at least 400 mm;
- in conditions high humidity(bathrooms, kitchens,) it is recommended to use moisture-resistant plasterboard sheets (GKLV);
- location electrical wiring in the space of the ceiling frame should exclude the possibility of damage by sharp edges of frame elements or screws during fastening of plasterboard sheets.

Kits of materials necessary for the construction of suspended ceilings TIGI Knauf
material consumption is given per 1 sq. m of ceiling based on an area of ​​10 m x 10 m = 100 sq.m without taking into account possible losses.


Name of materials
included in the kit

Unit change

Consumption per 1 sq. m

Plasterboard sheet

Ceiling profile 60/27

Ceiling guide profile 28/27

did not deliver

Main bar 30x50

did not deliver

Bearing beam 30x50

Profile extension 60x27

Two-level connector 60/27

Single-level connector 60/27

914 72 000
914 81 ...

914 34 100
933 31 090

Suspension with 60/27 clamp and
Suspension rod
or instead:
Suspension 60/27 and
Screw LN9 (for connecting the suspension and profile)



914 32 100
933 04 250

Straight hanger for bars and
Screw 25 mm long (for attaching the suspension to the block)


933 04 250
933 04 350

Screw TN25 (L=25 mm for fastening sheets)
Screw TN35 (L=35 mm for fastening sheets)


did not deliver

Screw for connecting bars

Anchor element (for reinforced concrete ceiling)

Dowel (for fastening profile PN 28/27 to the wall)

Reinforcing tape

Putty "Fugenfüller" (for seams)

Primer "Tiefengrund"

depending on the type of sheet, packaging, etc.;
** quantity corresponds to the perimeter of the room;
*** quantity is determined at the rate of: two dowels per 1 linear meter of PNP 28/27 profile.

Self-supporting suspended ceiling made of KNAUF sheets (KNAUF super sheets) on a single frame. Complete KNAUF system.

The weight of one square meter of ceiling is about 16 kg.

The maximum distance between the axes of the supporting profiles is 500 mm.

The maximum width of the room (span) is up to 4.25 m.

Composition of the complete system - quantity per m 2:

Quantity per m2:

  • (1) KNAUF sheet (GSP-A, GSP-H2, GSP-DF) 12.5 mm or KNAUF supersheet (GVL, GVLV) 10.0 mm - 1.0 m 2;
  • (2) KNAUF profile PN 50×40 (75×40, 100×40) - 0.7 linear. m;
  • (3) KNAUF profile PS 50×50 (75×50, 100×50) - 2.3 linear. m;
  • (4) Dowel for attaching PN and PS to enclosing structures - 4.5 pcs.;
  • (5) LB screw for fastening PS and PN profiles - 1.7 pcs.;
  • (6) LB screw for fastening PS profiles to each other - pcs.;
  • (7) Screw TN 25 (screw MN 30 - for gypsum plasterboard) - 19 pcs.;
  • (8) Putty KNAUF-Fugen (KNAUF-Fugen GV - for GVL) - 0.3 kg;
  • (9) Reinforcing tape - 1.0 linear. m;
  • (10) Sealing tape - * running meters;
  • (11) Separating tape - * running meters;
  • (12) KNAUF-Tiefengrund primer - 0.1 kg;
  • (13) Mineral wool sound insulation KNAUF Insulation - ** m2;

*The quantity corresponds to the perimeter of the room.

**According to customer needs.

() Options for components are given in brackets.

The values ​​in square brackets are given for a frame made of paired profiles.

Note: the consumption of materials for suspended ceilings P131 (P231) is based on a surface area of ​​2.5x10=25 m2; with a GSP thickness of 12.5 mm (GVL = 10.0 mm) without taking into account cutting losses, without taking into account the formation of T-, L-shaped intersections of rooms.

Data on the quantity of materials are approximate, do not take into account cutting losses and require clarification according to the project.

More details



The complete KNAUF P 131 (P 231) system is full set specially selected materials necessary to create a suspended self-supporting ceiling on a single-level metal frame without attachment to the ceiling support base.

Main construction elements of the ceiling:

  • plasterboard KNAUF sheet (gypsum fiber KNAUF super sheet);
  • metal KNAUF profiles guide PN 50 (75,100)x40 and rack profile PS 50 (75,100)x50.

The full composition of the complete system and the required amount of materials per 1 sq. meter of ceiling, see the "Technical Specifications" section.

Distinctive features of this system: the main suspended ceiling profiles are attached to the long sides of the room's enclosing structures. The main profiles of the suspended ceiling P131 (P 231) are PN profiles of KNAUF partition systems.

The supporting profiles of the suspended ceiling are inserted into the main profiles and connected using LB screws,

to which the KNAUF plasterboard sheet (KNAUF super sheet) is attached.

The load-bearing profiles of the suspended ceiling P131 (P231) are PS profiles of KNAUF partition systems.

One supporting profile can be either one PS profile or two PS profiles paired with each other by walls using LB screws with a pitch of no more than 750 mm.

If it is necessary to increase heat and sound insulation, non-flammable mineral wool slabs can be placed in the frame cavity.

In addition to the main elements, the complete system includes the technical solutions necessary to solve a specific construction problem, recommendations for the work, as well as tools and devices.

All elements of the complete system P 131 (P 231) are manufactured according to modern technologies, undergo strict quality control, are functionally oriented and, as part of a complete system, ensure the reliability of the entire structure during long-term operation.


Application area

It is used in premises for various purposes, both during reconstruction and in new construction for:

  • finishing of corridor-type premises (up to 4.25 m wide);
  • solving design and planning problems;
  • eliminating uneven floors;
  • hidden placement engineering communications;
  • increasing the sound insulation of floors;
  • acoustics;
  • increasing the fire resistance of floors and coatings;
  • minimizing ceiling space

Installation process

The installation process includes the following stages of work:

  • marking the design position of the suspended ceiling frame;
  • assembly and fastening of the frame;
  • installation of KNAUF sheets (KNAUF super sheets) in the design position and fastening to the frame;
  • sealing seams between KNAUF sheets (KNAUF super sheets) and, if necessary, continuous puttying of the surface of the suspended ceiling;
  • priming the surface of a suspended ceiling before applying paint or decorative coating.

Installation of suspended ceilings should be carried out during the finishing work (in winter time when the heating is connected), until the installation of clean floors, when all “wet” processes are completed and the wiring of electrical and plumbing systems, under dry and normal humidity conditions in accordance with SP 50.13330.2012 Thermal protection buildings. Updated version of SNiP 02/23/2003. At the same time, the room temperature should not be lower than 10°C.

In conditions of high humidity (bathrooms, kitchens), it is recommended to use moisture-resistant KNAUF plasterboard sheets (GKLV).

The location of electrical wiring in the space of the ceiling frame should exclude the possibility of damage to them by sharp edges of frame elements or screws during fastening of KNAUF sheets (KNAUF super sheets).

It is recommended to paint suspended ceilings P 131 (P 231) with water-dispersion paints. Application of lime paints and paints on liquid glass is not allowed.

For more information, see the "Download" section.


  • The complete system P 131 (P 231) allows you to most correctly, efficiently and economically solve a specific construction problem - creating a suspended ceiling.
  • In the process of creating a suspended ceiling, inconvenient “wet” processes are eliminated.
  • Labor productivity increases significantly.
  • Overall savings in construction costs are achieved by lightening the building structure.
  • It is possible to implement unlimited multi-variant plans architectural solutions ceilings.
  • Finished ceiling It has high level quality of finished surfaces.
  • The surface of suspended ceilings P 131 (P 231) is suitable for any finishing: painting, wallpapering, decorative plastering.
  • The heat and sound insulation qualities of the room are improved.
  • Not only environmental cleanliness is ensured, but also a microclimate in the room that is favorable for humans. Since the main material of the complete system - KNAUF plasterboard sheet (gypsum fiber KNAUF super sheet) has the ability to breathe, that is, absorb excess moisture and release it into environment in case of shortage.

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