Injection materials. Injection waterproofing of walls Injection waterproofing

The price of injection materials depends on the properties of the composition. Hidrozo employees will help you select injection materials for specific tasks and calculate their cost.

We offer injection materials of our own production

The Gidrozo company produces resins, gels, injection foams on polyurethane, acrylate, siloxane and epoxy bases, injection mixtures on mineral based. The line also includes catalysts, removers, plasticizers and other auxiliary products for effective injection work and modification of the properties of compositions.

The use of injection technologies has a number of advantages:

  • high adhesion and optimal pumpability of the compositions allow you to thoroughly seal seams, voids, defects, and cavities;
  • high physical and mechanical properties final products ensure the reliability of the solution;
  • the use of the injection method for waterproofing and repair is possible not only at the construction stage, but also for the repair of buildings and structures that were previously put into operation;
  • you can solve any waterproofing problem - including in the presence of pressure leaks, voids, various types cracks, including during restoration work;
  • injection of buried structural elements, for example, a foundation, does not require digging from the outside;
  • the materials used are environmentally friendly, their contact with drinking water;
  • high dry residue in the composition ensures no shrinkage and high efficiency;
  • the durability of the solution allows you to significantly increase the time between repairs.

Application of injection materials for waterproofing and repair

Injection is used for interior and exterior work, such as:

  • force closure and sealing of wet and dry cracks;
  • eliminating leaks;
  • sealing cold and expansion joints, input nodes engineering communications;
  • device of capillary cut-off and anti-filtration curtain;
  • strengthening and consolidation of soils and rocks.

The materials have positive experience in using transport infrastructure facilities (interchanges, bridges, tunnels, subways and other structures), civil and industrial facilities(underground parking lots, basements, technical structures, tanks, swimming pools), etc.

Injection compounds increase the service life of the structure, effectively protecting it from negative influences. The compositions are resistant to aggressive environments and temperature changes.

You can buy injection materials for a variety of tasks on this website

Buying injection materials for waterproofing from Gidrozo is quite simple. You can place an order in several ways:

  1. Fill out the form on the website.
  2. Call or write to the main office of Gidrozo, located in Moscow, or to other branches.

Various containers are used for packaging: buckets from 1 to 25 kg; bags 15 kg, 16 kg, 20 kg; canisters from 5 to 20 kg; 1 kg cans.

All presented products comply with the requirements of ISO, SNiP, GOST.

Injection waterproofing is rightfully considered one of the most progressive methods of protecting structures from negative impact moisture. It allows you to protect existing buildings and structures from leaks, avoiding major repair work. At NPP StroyGeoTechnology LLC you can order a full range of services related to injection waterproofing of objects of any type.

What is injection waterproofing?

Wall injection is a method that is based on the penetration of a waterproofing composition into the voids present in concrete or brick construction. Moreover, such a composition can be introduced not only directly into the object, but also placed between the surface and the external decorative coating, while creating a moisture-proof membrane. An important feature of injection is that a reinforcing frame can be created using a hydrophobic material.

It is worth saying that injection allows you to compact the soil mass, brickwork or concrete structure by supplying them with special waterproofing compounds. After administration, the injection solution acquires a number of specific properties:

  • Prevents the formation of salts;
  • Penetrates into minimal pores;
  • In large gaps, a monolithic filling is created;

The physical parameters are similar to masonry.

Where is injection used?

Injection of brick walls or concrete structures allows you to make many surfaces waterproof. This technology is used for:

  • waterproofing cold joints in concrete;
  • waterproofing expansion joints;
  • increasing the strength of walls;
  • cut-off waterproofing;
  • sealing of inputs.

The use of this method is possible on any objects - built and under construction, as well as for the repair of complex structures from a technical point of view - swimming pools, central engineering systems, basements.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the advantages of this technology, these are:

  • possibility of carrying out in any climate;
  • saving time and money;
  • the ability to create a monolith without joints;
  • eliminating emergency leaks;
  • increasing the strength indicators of the foundation.

Do not forget about the disadvantages - the need to use specialized equipment and all work must be performed by specialists only.

Materials used for injection waterproofing

Wall injection is a rather labor-intensive process, and special attention is paid not only to the choice of equipment, but also to the selection of materials. The compositions for injection depend on how correctly the compositions for injection are selected. strength characteristics insulating membrane, level of adhesion and durability of the structure. That is why you can use several types of waterproofing compounds, which differ in the scope of application and the presence of certain components.

Epoxy polymers

Features of using epoxy polymer materials The point is that during waterproofing work there should be no moisture in the wall and, especially, no water until the epoxy polymer has completely hardened. The polymerization process of materials based on epoxy polymers should occur only in an air environment with minimal humidity. But at the same time, after complete hardening, epoxy polymers form a high-strength hydraulic barrier, and also significantly increase the strength characteristics of the structure relative to mechanical impacts.

Acrylate gels

Such mixtures are made based on acrylic acid ester. Acrylate gels are considered one of the most popular materials for wall injection today. This popularity is explained by the fact that gels have a density that is equal to the density of water, and the polymerization process can occur in a humid environment. After introducing acrylate gel into concrete or brick, a minimum of time is required to create a single unit with the wall material. The main advantage of using acrylate gels for injection is the fact that it is possible to regulate the time of complete hardening, due to which you can literally close large leaks in a couple of seconds, the water pressure of which exceeds the standard values. Additional useful property of such compositions is the possibility of creating a protective membrane both inside load-bearing structure, and at the border with the soil base, thanks to it it is possible to strengthen the soil adjacent to the structure, preventing the process of washing out.

Hydroactive foaming materials

Injection with hydroactive gels (two-component polyurethane resins) is the most economical option waterproofing. The peculiarity of such polymers is that they increase several times in volume upon contact with a humid environment. During the expansion of the gel, all water present in the micropores is displaced. Due to the fact that two-component polyurethane resins have quite specific hydroactive characteristics, they can penetrate into the smallest pores of the structure, due to which the level of waterproofing will be maximum. In order to regulate the time during which hydroactive gels polymerize, it is possible to regulate the introduction of special catalysts into their composition.

Cement-sand compositions

Compositions made from cement, polymeric materials and components with high frost resistance are classified as microelements for injection waterproofing. The peculiarity of such compositions is the ability to penetrate into the structure of the structure, where they fill absolutely all micropores and capillaries. Quite often, such materials are compared in properties to masonry, and with their help they create not only a reliable waterproof membrane, but also improve the structure of the structure.

Materials based on silicates and siloxanes

Compositions consisting of silicate components or siloxanes have interesting feature– when interacting with basic building materials at the molecular level, as they turn into an emulsion that repels water. Such properties of these materials allow them to be used as a highly effective horizontal barrier that prevents even capillary moisture from entering concrete or brick surfaces. Materials based on silicates and siloxanes have the property of rapid and unhindered penetration into wet surfaces, thanks to which it is possible to waterproof surfaces of large thickness that are heavily moistened.

Injection technology

Injection of brick walls or concrete walls can be done by two main methods:

  • The waterproofing composition is supplied by gravity, without the use of additional pressure created by pumping equipment. With this method, holes in concrete or brick surface drilled at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • The waterproofing composition is fed into the boreholes under a given pressure. This method is widely used to eliminate leaks in case of emergency situations, since the process takes a minimum of time and is highly effective. In this case, the lower holes are filled first, and then the upper ones - this approach can significantly reduce the consumption of waterproofing composition when filling the upper part of the structure.

The process of injecting walls with waterproofing solutions looks simple only at first glance. But don’t delude yourself into thinking that you can rent equipment and carry out waterproofing work yourself, as there are many subtleties and nuances of this process. The main stages of injection are:

  • Thorough cleaning of the concrete or brick wall from dirt, dust and previously used waterproofing materials;
  • Produce accurate calculations the surface area that needs to be waterproofed, and using this data to calculate the number of holes;
  • Use a metal detector to examine the surface for reinforcement cage laying, then mark on the wall where the reinforcement goes;
  • Light up the holes in pre-marked areas at a given angle (depending on the method of introducing the waterproofing solution);
  • Install the packers and pump the waterproofing solution using pumping equipment or by gravity;
  • After all the holes have been filled, wait until the composition is completely dry, and then carry out finishing surfaces using plaster or decorative materials.

Before starting waterproofing work using the injection method, our company’s specialists conduct a full inspection of the structure, on the basis of which they select best option composition and necessary equipment.

Injection of buildings

Injection is one of the universal options that can be used to eliminate problems and strengthen a wide variety of structures. In most cases it is used in buildings that have already been built.

Concrete structures

The use of injection for concrete structures allows you to restore its properties and make it completely waterproof. For small defects and waterproofing, injection cannot be avoided, but it is important to choose the right filling composition, the selection of which must be entrusted to professionals.


Instead of the usual dismantling of the old masonry and installation of a new one, you can use injection, which is applicable when the brick delaminates and cracks appear. In most cases, microcement or polymer compounds are used.

Injection from NPP StroyGeoTechnology LLC - profitable and simple

At NPP StroyGeoTechnology LLC you can get a comprehensive solution to issues related to waterproofing of various buildings and structures using the injection method. All work is carried out only by experienced specialists using advanced technologies, modern equipment and high-quality materials affordable prices and in a short time.

Prices for waterproofing work

No. Name of works Unit change Price per one. (rub.)
1. Pasted waterproofing of walls in 2 layers. m2 from 500
2. Coating waterproofing m2 from 300
3. Coating waterproofing with penetrating compounds m2 from 500
4. Membrane waterproofing m2 from 500
5. Waterproofing walls using injection method m.p. from 3000
6. Injection of cracks in concrete m.p. from 3500
7. Waterproofing and sealing expansion joints m.p. from 3900
8. Injection of brickwork m.p. from 4000
9. Balcony waterproofing m2 from 500
10. Roof waterproofing m2 from 250

The price includes the cost of the work performed. The cost of materials is calculated additionally depending on the project, terms of reference, statements of work.

Injection is one of the main areas of work of the Techno NOVO company. We will promptly draw up an estimate, conclude an agreement, and also provide professional advice on the choice necessary technology and materials!

The most important enemies for buildings have been and remain dampness, moisture, groundwater and precipitation. The invention and implementation in the 80s of the last century by the German concern "MC - Bauchemie" of the method of injection waterproofing of load-bearing structures from various materials became a real breakthrough in the history of construction.

Advantages of injection waterproofing

Injection can be called a panacea for all possible negative influences capricious nature. This is the most effective method make the structure waterproof, durable and especially strong with extraordinary simplicity of technology.

Previously used methods to protect a building from water and moisture were significant drawback. Yes, they reliably sealed cracks and cracks, as well as joints individual parts, but could not block access through the pores of the material itself.

The injection insulation method is based on creating a waterproof membrane between the aggressive environment and the structure itself. In other words, when performing protective measures hydrophobic material inserted either inside the supporting structure or into the space between outer surface walls and finishing coating. The water repellent fills all existing holes and capillaries, and when hardened, creates a waterproof but elastic barrier.

The degree of rigidity of the protective membrane is determined by what composition will be used during injection. Thus, the insulating composition will play the role of not only a waterproofing agent, but also reinforced frame, and injection waterproofing technology replaces the external waterproofing device.

This makes it possible to perform high-quality insulation structures, both during the main construction process and during scheduled or emergency repairs of not only residential buildings, but also such complex structures like subway tunnels, sewer systems, small swimming pools and huge artificial reservoirs, and many industrial facilities.

The undoubted advantages of injection waterproofing are:

  • Carrying out work at any time of the year, regardless of temperature environment;
  • Significant savings Supplies and labor force, because:
    • Injection can be performed selectively, only in areas requiring isolation;
    • Minimizing the cost of time and effort;
    • Performed without stopping the main construction work;
    • Eliminates the need for excavations when isolating areas located underground;
  • The technique allows you to create a monolithic layer without joints or seams;
  • Elimination of emergency leaks under high pressure incoming water flow;
  • Increasing the strength of the building foundation;
  • The ability to carry out repair work regardless of ambient temperature and other weather disasters;
  • Environmentally friendly materials, allowing the method to be used in direct contact with drinking water and in closed residential areas;
  • Various hardening speeds depending on the desired result.

The disadvantages of injection waterproofing are considered to be:

  • High cost of materials and equipment;
  • Features of execution technology.

This requires special clarification. The cost of materials and equipment for injection is indeed an order of magnitude higher than other waterproofing methods. But savings on other measures compare, if not reduce, overall costs.

The technique for performing the work consists of drilling passages to supply the hydrophobic composition using a special technique. Since both knowledge and experience are required here to obtain the desired effect, it is better to entrust this process to professionals. Despite the apparent simplicity of implementation, you can make many irreparable mistakes yourself.


when performing injection waterproofing of a hollow structure, polymer composition may fall into drainage system, if the execution method is violated. This, in turn, may make sealing impossible, or require significant additional financial costs to correct the error.

Therefore, to avoid unnecessary mistakes and additional costs, entrust this process to professionals. Believe me, experienced specialists will be able to do everything necessary work high quality and on time.

Injection technology

Filling cavities and cracks using the injection method is performed in two ways:

  • The waterproofing compound is supplied by gravity, without pressure. This requires drilled openings at an angle of 40° relative to the surface.
  • Supply of the composition into the holes under set pressure. This technology is used to eliminate leaks in emergency situations, when performing it, the processing time of the structure is significantly saved.

The video shows the injection waterproofing technology:

Little tricks.

With vertical slots, filling begins with the lower holes, then gradually fills the upper holes. This is necessary in order to top part it was necessary to pump in less train.

At first glance, the injection technology is not particularly difficult, and it may seem that it is enough to purchase or rent the necessary equipment and then follow the instructions:

  • Thoroughly clean surfaces of old materials, dirt and dust;
  • Determine the dimensions of the injection area and the number of holes;
  • Drill holes in the marked places and at the desired angle;
  • Insert the nozzles and pump the insulating compound over them using pumps that create the necessary pressure during delivery to quickly fill concrete, brick or other materials;
  • After filling all cavities and drying the solution, apply upper layer finishing material.

In fact, practice shows that the filling process is carried out almost blindly, so without the appropriate qualifications and experience in such work, it is quite difficult to do everything correctly.

Before starting injection, specialists carefully examine the structure and correct standard schemes and pick up the right option equipment. This is the only way to avoid unnecessary expenses and unwanted mistakes.

Materials for injection waterproofing and scope of application

The choice of injection materials is of great importance. The strength of the insulating membrane, the degree of adhesion and the durability of the entire structure depend on this. Therefore, for injection, several types of compositions with different characteristics are produced, used in different conditions.

Epoxy polymers

This type of filler does not tolerate the presence of moisture, much less water, before it hardens. Their polymerization should take place only in the presence of dry air. But after hardening, epoxy resins create a reliable waterproofing barrier, and also significantly increase the structure’s resistance to mechanical damage.

Acrylate gels

Fillers created on the basis of acrylic acid ester are the most popular materials for injection waterproofing today. Due to their density, equal to the density of water, acrylates are able to polymerize in the presence of water, and in a short time create a single whole with the material of the supporting structure, be it concrete , brick or rubble stone.

The advantage of injecting with acrylate gels is the ability to adjust the curing time. This ability allows you to close large leaks with strong water pressure in a matter of seconds.

A protective membrane with these compounds can be created both inside the supporting material and at the border with the ground. This technique simultaneously strengthens the soil layer adjacent to the building, which prevents it from being washed away.

Hydroactive foaming materials

Carrying out injections with hydroactive gels is rightfully considered the most in an economical way sealing. This type of polymer has the ability to increase in volume several tens of times upon direct contact with a moist environment, simultaneously displacing all available water.

Due to their hydroactive properties, two-component polyurethane resins are able to penetrate into the smallest spaces of the supporting structure material, providing high level isolation.

The addition of catalysts to this group of materials makes it possible to regulate the polymerization time, bringing it to several seconds.

Cement-sand compositions

Mixtures based on cement, alkalis, polymers and frost-resistant components are called microelements for injection. Such compositions easily penetrate into the structure of the building material, filling all available spaces, including microcracks and capillaries. Injected microelements are similar in their characteristics to masonry, so they are not only capable of creating a waterproof membrane, but also significantly improve the structure of the structure itself, be it brick, concrete or other materials.

Materials based on silicates and siloxanes

Special compositions based on silicate substances or siloxanes have the ability to interact with the base building material on a chemical level, turning into an emulsion that repels water. They are used as a highly effective horizontal barrier that can even prevent capillary absorption of moisture.

Materials based on silicates and siloxanes quickly and easily penetrate wet surfaces, which makes it possible to use them to waterproof thick surfaces with high humidity.

Scope of application of waterproofing by injection

Injection waterproofing is effective in such cases as:

  • in structures made of concrete and reinforced concrete;
  • Filling power openings, gluing and restoring the load-bearing strength of concrete buildings;
  • Insulation of shrinkage joints and voids in reinforced concrete structures;
  • Injection of power elements during major repairs;
  • Restoring the bearing capacity of dilapidated foundations and underground premises.
  • Filling cracks, holes and capillaries to eliminate intrusion accidents strong pressure water into brick, concrete or stone structures;
  • Insulation of cold joints in reinforced concrete structures;
  • Repair and waterproofing of expansion joints;
  • made of brick or rubble, as well as execution internal insulation to eliminate capillary suction;
  • Insulation of walls, floors and ceilings in grounded structures;
  • Strengthening load-bearing concrete partitions;
  • Strengthening old dilapidated foundations.

Using injection, you can make any structure impenetrable and moisture resistant.

Wall injection

Waterproofing the walls of a building is of particular importance for the quality of the building. Injection of walls can be carried out at the time of construction or during overhaul. Polyurethane and acrylate compounds are excellent for walls.

Foundation injection

For the foundation, the best option is cement-sand fillers or materials based on siloxanes and silicates. The use of these materials makes it easy to perform ground shutoff, a horizontal barrier against the penetration of capillary moisture, etc.

Basement injection

Waterproofing basements the injection method allows you to perform both external and external insulation without wasting effort on dismantling external coverings and digging out soil.

Injection of cracks and seams in concrete

For concrete buildings, injection is an indispensable method of waterproofing. This method allows you to strengthen the base, effectively, and prevent further growth of cracks and the penetration of water through them.

Injection of brickwork

The introduction of hydrophobic compounds by injection into brick buildings greatly improves the quality of construction and guarantees complete waterproofness while there are no obstacles to the penetration of air into the premises. In addition, injection waterproofing of bricks significantly increases the strength of this material and its insensitivity to mechanical damage.

Cost of injection waterproofing

The cost of injection waterproofing and the duration of injection work are determined individually in each case - they depend on the volume and complexity. Our specialists will be happy to come to your site at a time convenient for you to assess the current situation. They will choose the most optimal waterproofing option, recommend certain materials for injection waterproofing, and draw up an estimate. We are always happy to help you!

The purpose of waterproofing a building and structure is to maintain the strength of the foundation, and, consequently, the entire structure as a whole, extending its service life and minimizing possible expenses for repairs.

Usually protective waterproofing layer created during the construction process. But it often happens when the owner of a property acquires it in a state where he has to think about updating the waterproofing. What to do in this case?

The most promising option is to expose the foundation and re-create a protective layer.

The method of such work is always chosen individually, based on the characteristics of the building and the reasons for the insulation failure. Apply a new one to the foundation waterproofing material not as difficult and expensive as it seems. But manipulations with soil require large time and financial investments. And the subsequent need to improve the territory makes the project even more expensive.

The way out of this situation is the injection waterproofing method. It gained great popularity in countries Western Europe, where they learned how to protect buildings from water and moisture at any time of the year. Moreover, this method allows you to work indoors.

Work technology

Before starting waterproofing work using the injection method, they inspect the object and draw up detailed plan necessary operations. This work must be trusted experienced specialists, who will correctly identify the problem, determine what substance needs to be treated with the underground part of the structure, and calculate the volume of polymers.

Depending on the density of the concrete and the intended purpose, the type of composition of the injection solution is determined. In this case, injection polymers can be introduced directly into the body of the building structure, as well as into seams and cracks in the foundation. If necessary, the solution is also supplied behind the structure of the structure, thereby creating protective screen. If you completely waterproof an object, you will need a large amount of solution. It will be more economical to fill only cracks and seams with it. However, the possibility of this must be determined by specialists.

In terms of waterproofing work, there must be a diagram that indicates the number and location of boreholes, each of which has its own number. Boreholes, or small holes, are drilled in a checkerboard pattern in increments of 25-30 cm. Their depth should be approximately 70% of the wall thickness. Through holes are drilled only to create waterproofing of filter surfaces.

To restore the waterproofing of the horizontal layer, holes are made in two rows at the level of the beginning of the wall. Parquets are attached to the resulting holes, through which the injection solution is injected using special equipment capable of creating a pressure of 250 atmospheres. Then all auxiliary devices are removed, and the surface of the wall and foundation is cleaned of excess mortar. Next stage finishing works It is recommended to start by covering the restored area with a special sealant. This will make it possible to level out traces of repairs and improve the water protection of the material surface.

Types of Injectables

Today, a variety of innovative compositions are used to create injection waterproofing, and their list is constantly expanding. But the most popular are polymer solutions.

Depending on your chemical composition they can have different elasticity, porosity, ability to increase in volume and polymerize. Ability polymer solutions filling microcracks and other voids is based on the property of polyurethane to expand several tens of times under the influence of moisture. In addition, such compositions adhere well to the surface of almost all types of materials.

Polyurethane injection solutions are used for:

  • eliminating stubborn leaks;
  • insulation of working seams and damaged butt joints of the structure;
  • horizontal waterproofing;
  • filling voids in the foundation;
  • strengthening the foundation;
  • strengthening the load-bearing capacity of the structure.

To repair materials with a finely porous structure, as well as to eliminate cracks and protect the separating layers of the foundation from water, epoxy and polyurethane resins are used. They are very durable, have good adhesion qualities to concrete, steel and other materials that may be included in the foundation structure. This resin is not used when working with PVC, polyesterol and polyethylene. The main purpose of epoxy resins is to strengthen small damaged areas of the waterproofing of an object.

IN in some cases Instead of polymers, acrylate gels can be used, which can contain up to five different components. Acrylates do not have a high degree of viscosity. However, they perfectly penetrate the structure of the material, filling the smallest pores and voids. Moreover, such gels are elastic and fit perfectly on building construction. The introduced acrylate is in a gel state. It increases in volume and hardens only upon contact with water. This injectable composition is suitable for eliminating active leaks, as well as for restoring waterproofing and creating new barriers.

Organosilicon compounds are used to create waterproofing and strengthen old foundations. They consist of silicone and silicon. Such compounds have high adhesion and fill micropores, cracks and other voids well. You can also strengthen the foundation and soil using microcements.

Difficulty of choice

Before starting waterproofing work, the question always arises of what composition and solution is best suited for injection. Only a specialist can answer it correctly. But, general principles the choices are:

  1. To create waterproofing of masonry on large areas solutions with low viscosity and a long curing period are suitable. At the same time, the composition penetrates better into the brickwork and fills the pores of the building material.
  2. It is recommended to treat cold working seams of the foundation and walls with acrylic gels.
  3. Communication entries are protected with polymer resins.

Besides creating insulating film, cracks can be eliminated using injection waterproofing. This increases the strength of the object and bearing capacity building structures.

Depending on the task, injection technology may vary. If a vertical seam or crack is being processed, the solution is applied from bottom to top. Large horizontal cracks are filled from the center to the edges. If the work is done epoxy resin, then before starting work, the defective area is treated with polyurethane.

Non-shrinking compounds are used to seal cold joints. They allow more targeted use of the pressure of injection solutions inside the structure, displacing moisture from it and filling cracks in the edge zones.

And although the cost of injection waterproofing is quite high, the effectiveness of such work is great. But, in order to accurately indicate the consumption of materials and financial costs for protecting the object from water and moisture, this work must be carried out by experienced specialists who will identify the problem and find ways to solve it.

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