Chemical mixture for making drywall in a factory. Drywall: production technology. What is needed to start a drywall production line?

If we consider the modern production of plasterboard, then this material is the most popular and one of the most environmentally friendly materials used in construction. It is produced in the form of fireproof gypsum plates. A special feature is that all planes of the plate, except for the end edges, are lined with cardboard, which is firmly glued to the base of the material.

A sheet of finished gypsum board consists of 93% gypsum and 6% cardboard, located along the side bases of the sheet. Another 1% consists of various organic substances used in manufacturing technology, humectants. Despite the fact that cardboard is used in drywall, it is fire resistant and not flammable. This can be explained by the complete absence of air between all layers of the cardboard sheet and the plaster layer.


Modern plasterboard production offers several main types of this building material. They vary depending on the basic properties of the sheet. It can be standard, moisture resistant, fire resistant, moisture resistant, vinyl, flexible, perforated and laminated.

Standard drywall is used in rooms where humidity is up to 70%.

Moisture-resistant has a special structure and structure; the technology involves the use of silicone granules in gypsum. This drywall is intended for use in rooms where humidity ranges from 82-85%. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the average exposure to moisture should not exceed ten hours per day on drywall.

The production technology of fire-resistant plasterboard involves the use of fiberglass. It protects all layers of gypsum from possible destruction when exposed to high temperatures. Also moisture- and fire-resistant plasterboard, it combines all the characteristics and qualities of the previously discussed types of materials for construction.

Drywall production technology + video on how to do it

The technology itself is not complicated. In industry, plasterboard is produced in the form of standard sheets. The industrial machine produces a rectangular sheet shape. Sheet sizes may vary. The length on average ranges from 2000 to 4000 mm in increments of 50 mm, and the width is 600 or 1200 mm. The thickness of the drywall can be 6.5; 8; 9.5; 12.5. Also 14; 16; 18; 20 or 24 mm, the price and cost formation also depend on this. The standard front side of the finished plasterboard sheet has smooth surface, the reverse has seams gluing the material.

If we consider global production, the world leader has long been the German company Knauf. The products of this company have over 80% of the entire Russian market and are in high demand. The share of the products of the mentioned German concern on the European market is much smaller, it is only 40%. Also, the remaining 10% of the Russian market is occupied by other Western manufacturing companies, and another 10% can only be provided by domestic enterprises. It is quite difficult for Russian manufacturers to compete with powerful and larger foreign manufacturers. This is manifested both in cost and in product quality. Majority foreign companies have production facilities in Russia, thus, the domestic manufacturer is completely supplanted both as a commodity producer and, in the retail market for construction and finishing materials.

Let's take a closer look at the process of making drywall so that you can develop your own business plan for organizing the work. You can install the machine even at home and thus provide a mini business, or develop a large enterprise. The technology used cannot be called complex. But it requires the provision of equipment; you will have to buy a machine to organize the work of a mini business and provide manufacturing technology. First, you need to select equipment for the production of drywall that allows you to start the manufacturing process. The production of drywall can be divided into several main stages. Considering the process from the beginning, the main stage is the extraction of gypsum and its primary processing. But intensive production does not involve independent extraction; raw materials are purchased, and enterprises are located as close as possible to the place of gypsum extraction and processing. This allows you to save money spent on transporting material. By origin, gypsum is this natural material. It has valuable qualities for construction, while manufacturers always improve the quality of gypsum by adding additional components to the gypsum mass. All this is performed by one line of the workshop. IN industrial conditions, the extracted material is thoroughly mixed with water, chemical soap is added and the material is enriched with minerals. Then, everything is placed in a previously prepared container, and the catalyst is added to the mixture. This helps the gypsum harden quickly. Thus, primary material is obtained, the production line produces sludge.

The sludge is then used to make a continuous layer of gypsum in a sheet. Everything looks like large flat continuous stripes. They serve as the basis for the manufacture of future drywall. Such strips are produced on high-tech conveyors that specify the cross-section of the required shape. The design of the production equipment includes a sheet former. In the former, the lower and top sheet s cardboard. Cardboard sheets are slowly laid on the previously prepared layer of gypsum mixture from a cardboard feeding machine. Then, their edges are tightly lubricated with a layer of glue. This procedure occurs automatically; everything is performed by the machine without the use of manual labor. The finished product acquires the required density, this makes it possible to produce high-quality and correct pruning.

Finished sheets are cut into standard sizes using a roller conveyor. Sheet sizes can be set depending on the need to set parameters for finished products. The slow movement of sheets along the conveyor helps them dry; at the secondary stage, the movement accelerates. The sheets are cut into even pieces; after cutting, the sheets are transferred to the dispensing area. For further drying, plasterboard sheets are distributed among the dryers of the enterprise. For high-quality drying of one canvas, it takes no more than one hour, for this reason the conveyor belt moves quite slowly, ensuring the drying of the material on the conveyor belt itself and in the drying chamber. After forced drying, the plasterboard sheet is transferred to a roller conveyor. Here the final formation and giving of size and shape already takes place. In production, this stage is called trimming. Trimming is followed by the final stage of production. This is stacking and then packaging of finished products. At this stage you will need immediate manual labor workers.

When the drywall is ready, it must undergo the necessary testing. It is carried out by experts who evaluate the quality according to certain parameters. You can consider the standards that are used in our country and those that are adopted in the countries that produce equipment. The assessment criteria themselves may vary, this must be taken into account during the assessment.

Basically, drywall is divided into appearance and according to the required dimensions into groups A and B. For drywall belonging to group A, some deviation is allowed. This is a line that allows deviation from rectangular shape no more than 3 mm. For group sheets, no more than 8 mm is allowed. All Group A products must be free of damaged edge corners. Products of group B may have some defects, these could be damage to corners or edges, but such damage should not exceed more than two of each type. The longitudinal edges of plasterboard sheets are straight, rounded, as well as thinned or semicircular on the front side and semicircular and thinned on the front side. The total weight of the sheet always depends on its type Standard, and moisture resistant sheets have general formula calculation by which the mass of the sheet is determined.

If the water absorption of moisture-resistant and moisture-fire-resistant drywall is considered, then it should not be higher than 10%. The product standard is considered to be moisture resistance above 25%. It is necessary to understand that any type of drywall belongs to group G1 in terms of flammability. This is regulated by GOST 30244. What does this mean? This is the main characteristic of fire resistance and means that during a fire the drywall will not ignite. Any line of drywall retains its fire resistance properties for twenty minutes. Then the drywall loses its properties and succumbs to fire. Guaranteeing certain qualities, moisture-resistant and fire-resistant drywall must withstand extreme exposure to fire for at least 55 minutes, this requirement must be met modern material, which can be used without restrictions.

Video how to do it:

It may also be noted that drywall is rated by the strength of the bond between the cardboard and the main gypsum core. The adhesion must be stronger than the adhesion of the layers of cardboard. Tearing the cardboard from the base should be difficult and the material should not separate easily. It should not tear or separate into layers. The specific permissible effective activity of natural radionuclides in drywall is not higher than 370 Bq/kg.

Equipment for the production of plasterboard

The production of plasterboard sheets is a high-tech and fully automated process. The line represents:

  • a machine for mixing the mixture, which is responsible for the formation of gypsum.
  • machines for feeding cardboard to a special former.
  • a former that shapes the gypsum sheet and glues the sheets together.
  • belt conveyor, has additional molding profiles and web thicknesses. This ensures that you get a product that exactly matches certain sizes.
  • The conveyor is a roller conveyor; the web is cut using a guillotine.
  • the transportation conveyor carries out the movement of sheets onto the cantilever conveyor.
  • cantilever conveyor for laying out sheets for drying.
  • The dryer advances the drywall sheets to ensure they dry completely.
  • The roller conveyor additionally provides sheet cutting and feeding for stacking and packaging.

Video overview of the entire process:

A mini-line of GKL-0.2 plasterboard is capable of producing up to 200 thousand m² of products per year (about 200 sheets per day) and costs about 160 thousand dollars.

Sales of products

Constantly growing demand stimulates efficient production. Drywall is being used more and more often, which ensures high demand in the market. Unfortunately, the products Russian production significantly inferior in both popularity and sales volumes. The buyer chooses products from Western manufacturers. A new company needs to understand that it will have to compete with foreign brands and companies that have established a foothold in the domestic market. The network of retail chain bases is overflowing with finished products high quality. A new manufacturer will have to make its way even in the markets; this factor must also be taken into account.

Costs of organizing production

Time to sum it up. To organize own production small volumes of drywall, a line costing 5-5.5 million rubles will be required. Let's add 500 thousand rubles spent on delivery, installation and setup. Additional expenses will include renting a room; the amount will depend on the area, location and general condition. If you additionally order repairs, this will require an additional 100 thousand rubles per 100 sq. m. meters. You will also have to take care of creating inventory raw materials for production. At a minimum, it is necessary to create reserves for a month. Let's add raw materials, the price of which will be about 500-550 thousand rubles and additional transport, unforeseen expenses of about half a million. In general, expenses will amount to about 8 million rubles.

On average, the wholesale cost of a sheet of drywall is close to 165-170 rubles. With the planned production volumes, the enterprise's monthly revenue can reach one million. This ensures business profitability of 65%. Based on the calculation of the above data, the costs of producing plasterboard can be recouped in approximately the first 1.5-2 years of operation of the enterprise.

Currently, drywall is the most common building material, which is used in construction and for interior decoration. They make it out of it various designs: multi-level suspended ceilings, boxes for ceilings and walls, partitions, it is used for leveling surfaces. Drywall makes it possible not to use more labor-intensive finishing methods, such as plastering and subsequent leveling. It is very easy to operate, and all work can be done with your own hands.

What is a plasterboard sheet made of?

Drywall is composite material, which comes in the form of gypsum sheets.

To increase the strength of the sheets, they are covered with cardboard. Gypsum is additionally strengthened with reinforcing additives. Cardboard also performs a reinforcing function; in addition, it becomes a good basis for finishing work: applying putty, paint, wallpaper or ceramic tiles, which can be done with your own hands. Due to the plasticity of the material, you can make any curved structure from it with your own hands, for example, an arch. To do this, you just need to prepare the appropriate frame. These properties are widely used by interior designers who use plasterboard to make systems out of it. different levels complexity.

This material has high fire resistant characteristics, it is electrically neutral. It does not contain any toxic components that could have a harmful effect on humans. The production of drywall is an environmentally friendly process that does not pose a danger to the environment.

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Production technology

It is impossible to make drywall with your own hands at home. For this you need a conveyor. Its production may become profitable business, which is easy to organize. At first, you can purchase a mini-line, which will make it possible to make drywall. To begin work, you need to prepare special units:

  • neck or pneumatic conveyor;
  • bunker;
  • mixer;
  • molding table;
  • forming rolls;
  • guillotine for cutting.

Materials you will need:

  • building gypsum;
  • special waterproof cardboard;
  • modified starch;
  • synthetic foaming agent;
  • adhesive additives (polyvinyl acetate emulsion).

The composition of drywall may include fiberglass, cellulose and other additives that regulate the speed of hardening of the mixture and give the finished product moisture-resistant and fire-resistant characteristics. It is better to use natural gypsum that has been fired. It is fed into the supply hopper. This will be done by a screw or pneumatic conveyor. Next, the mixture is sent to the mixer to add necessary supplements: dry ingredients, chemicals, fiberglass. It should be understood that if you mix the ingredients with your own hands, then lumps may remain in the mixture, and as a result the drywall will turn out to be of poor quality.

The enriched mixture must be placed in a permanent mixer, where pulp and foam should be added. Gypsum for core production must have special technical and physical properties, to ready material had the ability to “breathe”, absorb excess moisture and, if necessary, release it. To increase the density and strength of the gypsum layer, you need to add special components to the mixture that will increase its performance characteristics.

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Forming plasterboard sheets

The prepared foam-gypsum mass is fed to the molding table, on which a sheet of cardboard is already laid out. The edges of the sheet should be curved. This process cannot be done manually; everything happens automatically. The gypsum mass is evenly distributed over the sheet. The top sheet of cardboard is placed on top. The cardboard used for production has special properties, it is moisture-resistant and vapor-proof.

Before attaching the cardboard to the gypsum core, it must be coated with a special adhesive. This can be done on a special sheet former. After the sheets and core are fastened together, the side edges of the sheet must be rolled. This can be done with the facing layer of the edge of the cardboard.

The gypsum mass is pulled through forming rolls, which are set at the same distance from each other as the thickness of the finished drywall. Moving along the conveyor, the mass dries out and is cut into sheets required length. This can be done using a guillotine. The prepared sheets are sent to the drying chamber. Already dry drywall is laid face to face, leveled, and the ends are cut to make the sheets even. Then they need to be folded; this must be done by production workers with their own hands.

This article discusses the drywall production process. Drywall is a fairly popular type of environmentally friendly pure material in construction. It received this name due to the corresponding composition of the sheet structure - gypsum, and, accordingly, which is located on the sides. This material is not flammable, even despite the presence of cardboard. The reason for this is the lack of air between it and the gypsum layer. The sheet of this building material itself consists of 93% gypsum, 6% cardboard, and only 1% is various kinds organics and humectants.

Technological process for the production of plasterboard

Making a layer of gypsum in a sheet is initial stage material production process. By itself, this natural material has excellent qualities, but its properties can be expanded by making gypsum mass with the addition of some other elements. The technology for producing plasterboard sheets is not that complicated, but it requires special equipment.

The first step is to produce large, flat, continuous strips. IN modern production For this purpose, high-tech conveyors are used, which also set a special section of the required shape. The conveyor is equipped with a special sheet former, onto which sheets of cardboard, both bottom and top, fall. Cardboard sheets are placed on a previously prepared layer of gypsum mixture from a cardboard feeding machine, which are also automatically coated with a layer of glue along the edges. On the bottom layer, the edges are rolled, thus creating a plasterboard sheet. The shaper sets the perimeter of the canvas. In order for the sheets to be conveniently cut in the future, as the gypsum layer moves along the conveyor belt, it dries, becoming ideal for this process density.

Next comes the process of cutting the sheets using a roller conveyor. Since the sheets of cardboard had to dry before this, the tape moved slowly, but at this stage its movement accelerates. The device, whose operating principle is similar to a guillotine, cuts plasterboard sheets, which then slow down, reaching the next stage - the distribution process. Here, cantilever conveyors are used, which distribute the finished sheets to dryers. Usually, one canvas takes about an hour, so here the tape moves very slowly. After drying, they go to the next roller conveyor, where the sheets are subsequently trimmed. Further, the process is carried out manually - stacking and packaging at this stage of production is carried out by workers.

So, many are involved in the drywall production process. The facing cardboard gives the surface of the material evenness, and the prepared layer of special gypsum is quite durable. It is thanks to the combination of the qualities of both materials that drywall has become so widespread. Therefore, the equipment involved in the production process must fully comply with accepted standards. The strength of the gypsum must be tested; usually, three longitudinal and transverse sheets are selected for this. This is usually done by quality experts. At the same time, despite the divergence in standards adopted in the country where the equipment is manufactured, the test results should give excellent results, in which case the conveyors are suitable for mass production of drywall.

Demand and sales of drywall

In our country, the sale of this material is determined by such factors as growth construction market. In this regard, the demand for building materials is gradually growing. Drywall is used for constructing partitions, leveling walls, modeling ceilings, etc. Thus, this material is more than in demand in our market. However, the share of demand for domestically produced goods is extremely small. Many companies have completely different statistics on the growth of the plasterboard market, and indicators can also vary throughout the year depending on the season. One way or another, an increase in domestic production of more than 10% is a normal indicator for our country. Specific gravity material from Moscow companies makes up a third of all drywall on the domestic market. If we compare production statistics around the world, Russia owns only 4%, compared with the more than forty percent share of the United States, the figure looks extremely unconvincing.

The leader in plasterboard production in the world is the Knauf company, which occupies 80% of the Russian market. It is worth noting that its statistics for Europe are half as much - only 40%. 10% of our market is occupied by other importing companies, and only 10% by domestic manufacturers. The sale of domestically produced plasterboard is complicated by the fact that foreign companies are interested in it. to fill the shelves of Russia with their goods. Thus, the specifics of the plasterboard market in Russia are largely determined by the fact that domestic manufacturer There are good competitors who also have factories in our country.

For several decades, no one knew about gypsorcatone. Now the situation is completely different - this material is used everywhere in many industries economic activity. Considering such a demand for it, it is quite obvious that business in this area can flourish. So, the idea has been formed, all that remains is to buy a machine for the production of drywall, find a premises, work out the technology and start earning money.

Our business assessment:

Starting investments – from 2,000,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The difficulty of starting a business is 7/10.

Drywall production business plan plays important role when starting a business. The project pages will display: technology development, technical equipment and upcoming costs. And this stage should not be ignored, especially if it is planned to attract third-party investments.

What types of drywall can be produced within the walls of a workshop?

The drywall production business will begin to generate consistently high profits when the entrepreneur provides potential consumers with a full range of products. And despite the simplicity of the products, some options are possible here:

  • Standard drywall. It is widely used for finishing rooms with humidity levels of no more than 70%.
  • Waterproof drywall. Withstands humidity up to 90%.
  • Fire-resistant plasterboard. Can withstand high temperatures without igniting.

In addition to the technological properties of the material, its dimensions may also vary. And almost every drywall production line can produce sheets of different geometries. The most popular option among consumers is sheets measuring 2500*1300*15 mm.

What raw materials will need to be purchased to carry out the production process?

This line of business is good because the technology for producing drywall is relatively simple, and anyone can master it. Thanks to this, it is so profitable to launch today home business, where the mini-workshop is based in its own garage or on a country plot.

In general, the production stages can be described as follows:

  • Formation of a gypsum mixture by mixing raw materials.
  • Forming a sheet of a certain thickness and simultaneously gluing cardboard onto it.
  • Drying finished sheets.
  • Packaging of products and their storage.

Almost each of the identified processes is carried out using automated equipment. And making drywall with your own hands is carried out only in the case of a home business, when the entrepreneur purchases hand-held machines.

As for the necessary components, the workshop uses a wide variety of raw materials, the main ones being gypsum, cardboard, and glue. And to deliver to customers quality material It is important to ensure that the components entering production are of appropriate quality.

Standard drywall has the following composition: gypsum - 90-95%, cardboard - 4-7%, additional components - 1-3%.

Mini drywall production can also process some auxiliary components to give the finished product certain properties - fiberglass, silicone granules, foaming agent, starch, cellulose, caustic soda,

What equipment should the workshop be equipped with?

Having worked through the range and technology, you can already buy equipment for the production of plasterboard. The material is extremely popular on consumer market, and therefore the machines for its production are represented quite widely.

What machines and devices does a fully automated drywall production line consist of?

  • Mixers and intermediate containers.
  • Machine for continuous feeding of cardboard into the former.
  • Drywall sheet former.
  • Cutting machine.
  • Dryer.
  • Conveyors.

An important issue when equipping a workshop will be the financial issue. Automated equipment today, given the rise in dollar prices, is quite expensive - about 5,000,000-9,000,000 rubles. (depending on power). More affordable option for many newcomers to this field - semi-automatic machines, where many operations will be carried out manually. Average price equipment for the production of drywall of this type has been installed in the area - 900,000-2,000,000 rubles.

The equipment is quite bulky, so you will have to find a spacious room for a mini-workshop - at least 200 m2. It is also important to provide for all communications - electricity, water supply, ventilation. Special requirements are put forward for temperature and humidity indicators in production and storage areas.

It is clear that not everyone has the amount required for equipment. Therefore, there are 2 options here - either attract third-party investments, or buy a supported line.

Features of the sales market

According to experts, opening a mini plant for the production of plasterboard in Russia is profitable only in those regions where competition is not above average. Otherwise, you will most likely have to reduce the final price of the product or organize sales in other regions. The second option entails certain expenses, which may simply be unaffordable for a novice entrepreneur.

As for potential consumers of drywall, here you can choose one of many options:

  • Wholesale sales to large construction companies.
  • Retail sales to private customers.
  • Opening your own warehouse store.

Greater profits can be made by selling produced drywall in large quantities. If you find regular customers, all costs will pay off soon. But here it is important to weigh your capabilities - whether a low-power enterprise can fully satisfy the needs of a particular customer for material.

What funds are to be invested in the business?

Considering how high the price of a drywall machine is, you need to be prepared for the fact that the investment in the business will be quite impressive. This includes expenses for the following items:

  • Technical equipment of the workshop.
  • Registration of an enterprise.
  • Providing a raw material base.
  • Preparing the premises for work.

According to the most conservative estimate, launching a mini-workshop with a production capacity of 30-50 sheets/hour will require at least 2,000,000 rubles. Investments will literally quadruple if we talk about purchasing a more powerful line (up to 200 sheets/day).

Possible profits can be calculated based on sales volumes and established prices for finished materials. On average, facing cardboard for drywall (standard type) costs 130-250 rubles/sheet on the wholesale market. It turns out that with an 8-hour workshop, 30 days a month, you can get an income of ≈1,000,000 rubles. Net profit is calculated by subtracting variable costs from total monthly revenue.

As practice shows, even expensive equipment, if there is constant demand for the produced plasterboard, pays for itself no later than in 2 years.

Drywall is a building material for wall finishing. Sheets of this material are used for repairing residential and work premises. Recently, the volume of consumption of gypsum boards has fallen slightly, but the product continues to be popular. Buy it like construction organizations, and ordinary people.

There is a demand in the market for inexpensive building materials, so the production of drywall is a promising business. In this material we will tell you in more detail how to open a small factory for the production of gypsum boards, and we will give approximate calculations of the return on investment.

GCR market overview

Due to stagnation in Russian economy The size of the plasterboard market is shrinking. According to latest research, over the past 3 years there has been a decline. GCR consumption ( plasterboard sheets) has fallen back to the level of 10 years ago.

In 2016, consumption decreased by 6% compared to the previous year, amounting to 220 million square meters. m, the production volume of plasterboard - by 4%. At the same time, the dynamics are such that, against the backdrop of a decrease in consumption in the Russian Federation, exports to other countries are increasing.

This situation is associated with a decrease in construction volumes in the country. Construction companies are the main consumers of the material.

However, there is pent-up demand - especially in regions where there is no open production plasterboard sheets. It is definitely advisable to start a business here.

Areas of application of building materials

Drywall is most often used in finishing works. GKL is a building material that allows for simple repairs; it is suitable for leveling any surface. With the help of plasterboard sheets, you can flawlessly finish the walls in any room - residential or office.

You can glue wallpaper onto this building material without any pre-treatment, and hide pipes, cables and wiring under it. Laminated and non-laminated (painted) drywall is used in interior design.

Other areas of application of the material:

  • creation of multi-tiered ceiling structures(suspended ceilings);
  • production of partitions, columns and arches that do not bear load;
  • creating niches and recesses.

Types of drywall

Production technology allows you to create sheets of any size and area. As a rule, sheets with the following dimensions are used: length - no more than 2500 mm, thickness - 1200-1300 mm, thickness - 8-24 mm.

Table 1. Types of drywall.

Main characteristics


Regular (gypsum plasterboard)

Retains properties at air humidity up to 70%

Gray, blue marking

Moisture resistant (GKLV)

Withstands humidity levels up to 85%, contains silicone granules and antifungal components

Green with blue markings

Fire resistant (GKLO)

Has increased resistance to open flame, which is achieved through fiberglass reinforcement

Gray color with red markings

Moisture-resistant (GKLVO)

Combines the properties of GKLV and GKLO

Green with red markings

Start-up costs

The main expense item when organizing the production of conventional drywall is the purchase of a production line. In order for an enterprise to remain operational, it must be provided with raw materials. A drywall plant must store sufficient raw materials.

Table 2. The amount of initial costs for the production of drywall.

The calculations are relevant for a city with a population of up to 1 million people. Additional expenses include expenses for utilities, advertising, and cosmetic repairs.


An entrepreneur can conduct business in the form of a physical or legal entity. However, the individual entrepreneur will not be able to build a large distribution network, cooperate with wholesalers, construction companies. Therefore, it is best to open an LLC - the most simple form legal faces.

The documents indicate OKVED code 23.62 “Production of gypsum products for use in construction.”

Although it is not necessary to obtain a mandatory quality certificate for drywall, it is still recommended to undergo voluntary certification according to the GOST R system. 98% Russian manufacturers have a similar document guaranteeing the proper quality of the goods. The certificate will help you quickly reach agreements with intermediaries on supplies and improve sales.

Drywall production technology

The production of conventional drywall consists of the following steps:

  1. A mixture of the desired composition is created. Various impurities are added to the solution to improve the characteristics of the building material.
  2. On a conveyor belt, gypsum sheets are created, which are fed into a special former, where the sheets are glued together and the web is formed.
  3. The “semi-finished product” is fed to a conveyor belt, where the web is formed according to the laid down program and profile sizes.
  4. On a roller conveyor container, the fabric is cut using guillotines.
  5. The resulting sheets are transported through the device to a cantilever conveyor, which lays them out for drying.
  6. GKL are processed in a dryer for at least 1 hour until completely dry.
  7. The sheets are transferred to an additional roller conveyor where they are cut.
  8. The finished product is stacked and packaged.

The production technology can be seen in the following video:


To organize a plant for the production of plasterboard sheets, you will need a fairly large area - at least 500 square meters. m. Most of the territory will be occupied by a workshop and warehouses. A room for workers, a bathroom, and an administrative office should be equipped.

It is necessary to install an industrial electrical network, water supply and sewerage, as well as heating. The air temperature in the workshop should not fall below 15ºС.

It is necessary to create an entrance near the plant for trucks and space for loading and unloading operations.

It is best to localize the premises for the production of drywall in an industrial area or on the outskirts of the city - that is, in accordance with the requirements of the standards and close enough to the sales market.

Raw materials

The main raw material is gypsum. It can be either natural or artificial. But it must be taken into account that artificial gypsum - boron or phosphogypsum - is obtained from waste from the chemical industry. It will need to be additionally purified from impurities, which involves additional expenses.

Cardboard is needed for cladding; it is placed on both sides of the sheet blank.

The materials of the next group are needed to create sludge and a mixture for pouring. We are talking about a synthetic foaming agent, modified starch, casein, cellulose, table salt, caustic soda and water.

A number of impurities can be added to the mixture to improve the characteristics of the product - glass fiber, silicone granules, lignosulfonates.

Equipment for the production of plasterboard

Using production lines of the GKL-0.2 type, the production of plasterboard sheets will be fully automated. Personnel are needed only to maintain production equipment.

The line consists of:

  • devices for forming a mixture of gypsum;
  • a conveyor that ensures the movement of the product through all stages of drywall production;
  • former, necessary for forming the web and gluing sheets;
  • a belt conveyor that ensures that the sheet exactly matches the required dimensions;
  • roller conveyor and additional roller conveyor for cutting and trimming the product;
  • console and drying conveyor - for drying gypsum boards.

The cost of such a line with a capacity of up to 200 sheets per day is 8.5 million rubles. Taking into account the costs of delivery and installation - approximately 9 million rubles.

Sales of finished products, target audience

Consumers of drywall are construction and repair organizations, specialized stores and individuals who need plasterboards for domestic needs.

Sales can be organized either directly or through intermediaries. In the first case, it is assumed to work with construction companies and/or open your own retail store, in the second - supplying consignments of goods to wholesale and retail chains.

The businessman himself or the sales manager can conduct negotiations with counterparties and conclude contracts.

The drywall market is filled with products from several large companies (Knauf, Volma), so to attract buyers, you should first offer your product at low prices. Best option- enter into long-term contracts with one or more customers to whom we sell most of their sheets.

Table 3. Economic justification for the business idea.

Business success will be affected economic conditions in the region where the activity will take place. The largest regions for the production of plasterboard sheets are Moscow and Samara region, Krasnodar and Perm region. More than 55% of all drywall in Russia is produced here. You need to study your region well or choose one in which the competition will not be above average. Then you will be able to quickly find buyers, regular customers, and the business will pay off in about 1.5 years.

Our business plan will help you figure out how to open a small drywall production plant. The initial costs for this business are quite large, so approaching the production of gypsum boards without a clear plan is extremely risky.

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What are lipases and what is their connection with fats? What is hidden behind too high or too low levels of these enzymes? Let's analyze what levels are considered normal and why they may change. What is lipase - definition and types of Lipases
How and how long to bake beef
Baking meat in the oven is popular among housewives. If all the rules are followed, the finished dish is served hot and cold, and slices are made for sandwiches. Beef in the oven will become the dish of the day if you pay attention to preparing the meat for baking. If you don't take into account