Application of mineral wool insulation, its characteristics and properties. What is stone wool: we analyze the characteristics and insulation technologies Cotton wool. Benefits of cotton wool

Any living space should be warm. To maintain the required temperature, the room must be heated. To heat the room efficiently, you will need thermal insulation from mineral wool.

What is mineral wool?

The definition of mineral wool is enshrined in GOST 31913-2011. According to him, mineral wool is a class of fibrous materials that are obtained from metal slags and molten rocks.

In fact, the concept of mineral wool refers to not one material, but four:

All four types have a similar mineral wool composition, however, they differ in fiber length and thickness. Differences in structure determine the properties of the material. You need to understand what kind of mineral wool you need, because the scope of application depends on its basic parameters, various types mineral wool has different thermal conductivity, moisture resistance, resistance to mechanical loads, and so on.

Mineral wool insulation has been used since Soviet era as a reliable, high-quality and safe insulation material.

Composition of mineral wool (What is mineral wool made of):

  • The basis of mineral wool is made up of various rocks. Gabbro-basalt and carbonate rocks are a by-product of metal production. They are used as raw materials for the production of glass wool fibers. Rocks make up 90% of mineral wool. The remaining 10% are various additives.
  • Various binders are used to tightly bind the fibers. For these purposes, phenol-based resins and bentonite clay are used.
  • The material is covered with a thin layer of paper on top. Usually it is kraft paper with polyethylene or aluminum.

We have listed the main components of mineral wool (about 99% of all mineral wool products consist of them). To find out in more detail what type of mineral wool is in front of you: its composition is indicated on the packaging.

Mineral wool: varieties

Next, we will tell you what kind of mineral wool there is: there are all four types of wool - glass wool, slag wool, stone and basalt wool. The last two types have excellent characteristics. The use of the first two types can only be justified by a modest project budget.

Glass wool

This is the most common mineral wool insulation. The fiber thickness of this type of wool is 5-15 micrometers, and the length is up to 5 centimeters. Such characteristics make cotton wool strong and elastic. Care must be taken when working with this material. If the fiber is damaged, glass threads can hurt a person. You should also be careful not to inhale damaged fibers, as fiber particles may enter the lungs. For this reason, when working with this type of mineral wool, builders use special clothing - a respirator, goggles, gloves and a special protective suit.

Technical parameters of glass wool:


The fiber thickness of this type of wool is 4-12 micrometers, and the length is 1.6 centimeters. This material (like glass wool) has a lot of fatal shortcomings that prevent its use as insulation. It has residual acidity. Because of this, such material will easily interact with various metal surfaces oxidizing them. This material easily absorbs moisture. Therefore, it cannot be used for covering premises, plastic and metal pipes. It is very prickly, which causes a lot of inconvenience during installation.

Technical parameters of slag:

Stone wool

What is this type of mineral wool made of: gabbro and diabase, the fiber thickness of this type of wool is 5-12 micrometers, and the length is 1.6 centimeters. This material in its properties resembles slag wool. However, this material does not prick, which will be a big plus during installation. Stone wool does not absorb water well. Therefore, it can be used for heating cladding of premises.

Technical parameters of Stone wool:

Basalt wool

This type of material is also made from gabbro and diabase. Does not contain blast furnace slag and various additional substances - dolomite, limestone and others. Basalt wool is usually wound into rolls. Mineral wool insulation does not deteriorate during winding. Due to its properties, the material can be used as insulation. This material is very difficult to set on fire. If you bring it to the fire, the fibers will only melt, but the material itself will not burn.

Technical parameters of Basalt wool:

Mineral wool: types

Mineral wool is usually sold in the form of solid slabs and mats. The use of mineral wool is lining walls, ceilings and roofs. Minvata allows you to work with non-standard surfaces. Types of wool for insulation differ in density; in accordance with this difference, several brands are distinguished. There is light grade mineral wool, the density of which is up to 75 kilograms, but its scope is small.

Mineral wool grade P-75

Key Features:

  • Material density - 75 kg per cubic meter. m.
  • This soft mineral wool is used for insulation of horizontal surfaces with a small load. An example of this type of surface is attics.
  • This material is often wrapped around district heating, gas and oil pipes to retain heat.

Mineral wool grade P-125

Key Features:

  • Material density - 125 kg per cubic meter. m.
  • Used for insulation of ceilings, floors, interior walls and partitions.
  • The material has good sound insulation.

Mineral wool brand PZh-175

Key Features:

  • Material density - 175 kg per cubic meter. m.
  • Used for thermal insulation of reinforced concrete and metal walls and floors.

Mineral wool brand PPZh-200

Key Features:

  • Material density - 200 kg per cubic meter. m.
  • The material is very dense and has increased rigidity.
  • Thanks to special additives it has high fire resistance.
  • This construction mineral wool is usually used for thermal insulation of reinforced concrete and metal walls and ceilings.

What are the main advantages of mineral wool?

This material is respected ordinary people and experienced builders. And this is no coincidence:

  • High fire resistance. In the production of some types of wool, only non-flammable silicate rock melts are used. This provides the material with a high degree of fire resistance. This type of wool does not burn under the influence of high temperatures, and also does not deform. For this reason, mineral wool is used to line rooms where various flammable substances are stored.
  • Chemical resistance. Cotton wool does not react well with various chemicals, which allows it to be used for covering laboratories, various workshops, as well as school chemistry classes.
  • Resistance to biological irritants. Neither fungi nor various harmful insects and rodents.
  • Minor shrinkage. Many materials shrink over time, losing their original volume. This is especially critical for various joint structures, when reducing the size of one of the blocks can lead to a violation of the tightness of the room. Mineral wool does not have this drawback.
  • Extremely low hygroscopicity of some varieties of mineral wool. Hard mineral wool absorbs up to 0.5% liquid. For this reason, the material does not accumulate water.
  • High vapor permeability. Cotton wool allows various water vapors to pass through well. This allows you to quickly remove unpleasant odors from the room. Condensation will not settle on such cotton wool.
  • High sound insulation properties. This type of wool can be used to sheathe rooms not only for the purpose of insulation, but also to protect the room from extraneous noise.
  • Environmental friendliness. The material is safe for humans and does not cause any allergic reactions.
  • Easy to install. Mineral wool was made specifically to facilitate the insulation of rooms. Even an amateur builder can install this material.
  • Durability. Operational life is about 70 years, so you won't have to replace the coating several years after installation.

What are the main disadvantages of mineral wool?

However, not everything is so smooth. Mineral wool has the following disadvantages:

  • If the fibers are damaged, glass wool fragments can hurt a person. Often the damaged fibers are very small. Inhalation of damaged fibers may cause damage to the lungs and airways. This drawback can be solved very simply - buy a protective suit, gloves, goggles and a respirator.
  • Mineral wool often contains formaldehyde resin.. Under prolonged exposure to high temperatures, it can oxidize to phenol, which is poisonous. Therefore, when installed in not very safe conditions experienced builders It is recommended to wear protective clothing and a gas mask.

Also remember that types of mineral wool, such as stone and basalt, free from these shortcomings.

Mineral wool: scope

Use mineral wool as building material. It is also used for insulation of walls, pipes and various designs. Sometimes mineral wool is used to create sound insulation, but only basal wool has good noise-reducing properties.

Construction materials: mineral wool

In construction, mineral wool is used mainly as insulation. With its help, they create a special wall covering that does not let cold air into the room, but preserves warm air. Usually the walls are sheathed with inside, but sometimes some types of cotton wool are also used for lining walls outside. Cotton wool is also used to insulate gas-carrying pipes on the streets and in the entrances of houses.

Mineral wool insulation: slabs

There are various types mineral wool for insulation, but you need to give preference to mineral wool slabs. And here's why:

  • The slabs are easy and convenient to cut.
  • The slabs are easy to transport and do not require special care.
  • The slabs can be placed on uneven surface to hide the shortcomings of load-bearing walls.

How to safely install mineral wool?

When installing mineral wool, you must follow these rules:

  • Wear a protective suit, respirator, special glasses and gloves.
  • When working with material, cover it polyvinyl chloride film, which allows steam to pass through.
  • Give preference to materials from a reliable manufacturer.
  • To create mineral wool insulation, slabs can help you.
  • Remember that when room temperature formaldehyde resin does not oxidize.
  • If you work at high temperatures environment, give preference to basalt wool, which does not release phenol during oxidation.

How to choose good mineral wool?

When choosing mineral wool, use the following advice from experienced builders:

  • Give preference to European cotton wool. The reason for this choice is simple - in the European Union there is a fairly strict certification system, under which mineral wool manufacturers cannot release their product to the market without preliminary tests. Yes, German quality- this is not a myth, but only a simple consequence of pragmatic European laws. Examples of European wool manufacturers are URSA, Rockwool, PAROC, ISOVER and others.
  • If you need mineral wool, the slabs will help you. You can buy cotton wool in rolls, but it is more difficult to transport.
  • It doesn't really matter when the mineral wool was made, as it usually has a shelf life of at least 50 years.
  • The price of wool directly depends on its density. The explanation is simple - it is much more difficult to make a denser material than a less dense one, which greatly affects the final cost of the product.
  • Give your preference to stone and basalt wool. Glass wool and slag wool, although they are very cheap, have many disadvantages. This is both low thermal insulation and low noise insulation. During installation, many problems may arise due to damage to the fibers of the material. If a fiber fragment gets on the skin, it will hurt and itch.
  • If mineral wool is too expensive, using used one will solve your problem.
  • The direction of the fibers is of great importance. Use material with horizontal arrangement fibers are not recommended (and such material is quite rare). The vertical arrangement of fibers improves the heat and sound insulation characteristics of the product. If the fibers in the wool are randomly located, then it will withstand high loads.
  • Be sure to check the box with the material for printing confirming GOST. Also, ask the seller what the mineral wool you want to buy is made from.
  • Don't trust sellers. Suppose you need a slab 5 centimeters thick. Go to the seller and tell him that you need a 5-centimeter thick slab. When the seller brings the stove, ask to open the box to personally verify that the stove matches your order. If the seller tries to dissuade you, don't listen to him, you know better.
  • To find out what mineral wool is made from, pay attention to the composition indicated on the packaging.

When installing mineral wool, use the following tips from experienced builders:

  1. For insulation simple flat roof lay mineral slabs in two layers. The point is that in winter period The roof freezes the hardest and will need additional protection.
  2. For soundproofing coating wooden structures use cotton wool with granules.
  3. To create “wet” type heat-insulating insulation, use laminated mineral wool.
  4. If you are making a roof with water drainage, buy a slab with a variable cross-section.
  5. When marking slabs, use a pencil. This will make cutting and measuring much easier.

How to transport mineral wool correctly?

Rolls are formed from the mats, and the slabs are collected in packs of several pieces (their number in one package depends on the thickness of the material). The average pack of slabs has an area of ​​0.35 square meters, and the weight of such packaging ranges from 10 to 70 kilograms. More accurate data is usually stored in the seller's catalogue.

Use a hacksaw to cut mineral wool into fragments. Before cutting, mark the material with a pencil. It is advisable to cut cotton wool in rolls before wrapping. It is advisable to cut the slabs separately.

Use machines to transport glass wool and slag wool. closed type so that various precipitation does not wet the material. Store this material in a dry place. Stone and basalt wools do not need such careful care because they do not absorb moisture well. During transportation, cotton wool decreases slightly in volume because it is in a compressed state. Mineral wool is quite easy to damage, so walking on it is not recommended. Place cotton wool in slabs one on top of the other, but so that overall height did not exceed two meters.

Conclusions about Mineral Wool as insulation.

Mineral wool is suitable for insulating rooms. Minvata is special material, which corresponds to GOST 31913-2011. Mineral wool is made from rock melts with the addition of slag. There are four main types of materials - glass wool, slag wool, stone wool and basalt wool. The first two types are cheap, but get wet easily and have poor soundproofing properties. The last two types retain heat well and do not allow noise to pass through.

Mineral wool: application.

When installing mineral wool, it is advisable to wear a protective suit, goggles, gloves and a gas mask. The explanation is that damaged fibers can easily injure. Also, do not inhale dust particles containing fragments of mineral fibers into your lungs. One of the main parameters of slabs is its density. A very dense slab will withstand heavy loads, but it will cost you a pretty penny. And vice versa - if the density of the slab is low, it will not cost you much. Light mineral wool is practically not used because it cannot withstand heavy loads. The use of mineral wool depends on the task you face.

Using mineral wool has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of all types of slabs include ease of installation, resistance to chemical and biological influences, environmental friendliness and good vapor permeability. For stone and basalt wool fire resistance, good heat and sound insulation properties are also true. The disadvantages of the boards include the presence of prickly fibers and formaldehyde resins in their composition. The former can hurt a person painfully, and formaldehyde resins can oxidize to the toxic substance phenol. However, stone and basalt varieties are practically free of these disadvantages.

When choosing cotton wool, give preference to European manufacturers, since the European Union has a serious certification system. Don't skimp on cotton wool - buy reliable and expensive cotton wool. When choosing, also pay attention to the direction of the mineral fibers. If you need a dense material, choose a slab with a random arrangement of fibers; if you need a material with high heat and sound insulating properties, give preference to a vertical arrangement of fibers. Before purchasing, be sure to check the product for the presence of a seal confirming GOST. Please check when purchasing technical parameters materials manually and do not trust sellers.

Cotton wool is sold in two forms - in the form of slabs and in the form of mats. The mats are wound into rolls; The slabs are placed in special boxes. If you bought glass wool or slag wool, transport it in closed cars to avoid accidental precipitation getting on it. Before cutting, mark with a pencil directly on the surface of the material. You need to cut the material using a hacksaw.

cotton wool is a fluffy mass consisting of fibers loosely intertwined in different directions.

Where did the word "cotton wool" come from?

There are several versions of the origin of the well-known word “cotton wool”. According to the first version, this word came into the Russian language from Japanese language in the seventeenth century - this was greatly facilitated by well-developed trade relations between Japan and Russia. Around the same period, words such as pollock, iashi and sakura were also borrowed from the Japanese language. And the second version, put forward by M. Vasmer, says that the word “cotton wool” came from German language(from the word Watte), into which it in turn came from Arabic(from batin (“lining”) or wadda).

How is cotton wool made?

In order to obtain cotton wool, plant fibers are split, loosened and cleaned of various impurities, after which the resulting fibrous mass is formed using machines of a loosening-raking unit into a kind of canvas. Then, using carding machines, the shapeless mass of fibers that makes up the canvas is converted into cotton wool of a certain thickness. And in the production of medical cotton wool, all of the above raw materials are boiled in alkali under pressure, after which they are treated with sodium hyposulfite. During such procedures, the fiber acquires not only whiteness, but also its characteristic properties - the ability to absorb liquids well and quickly wet itself.

Types of cotton wool

There are many varieties of cotton wool. According to the method of obtaining, it is customary to distinguish:

  • Natural cotton wool. These are down, silk, wool, hemp, linen, cotton, asbestos or pine wool.
  • Artificial wool. This includes metal, glass, cellulose, basalt and slag wool.

Types of medical cotton wool

Medical cotton wool is a fiber made from the outgrowths of the epidermal cells of the seeds of certain types of cotton. This fiber consists of more than ninety-five percent fiber.

The main types of medical cotton wool are considered to be:

  • Absorbent cotton wool. This easily exfoliating white cotton wool is used as a material that absorbs liquid secretions (ichor, pus, etc.) when dressing wounds. Typically, it is placed over layers of dressing gauze.
  • Compress cotton wool. This type of cotton wool is widely used for compresses - it is used to insulate bandaged or tied parts of the body (if a warming compress is being made) or is used as a soft lining when applying immobilizing bandages (plaster, for example) or splints.

And absorbent cotton wool, in turn, is divided into:

A cosmetic alternative to cotton wool is cotton pads. High-quality and comfortable Paclan cotton pads are universal in use for a range of cosmetic procedures - makeup remover, washing off masks, compresses for eyelids and face

  • Hygienic cotton wool. It is used for the manufacture of feminine hygiene dressings and is made from first-grade cotton linters, of which the cotton wool should contain no more than twenty-five percent, and from fifth-grade cotton fiber.
  • Surgical cotton. This is one of the most important dressing materials, made from third-grade cotton fiber with the inclusion of no more than thirty percent first-grade viscose fiber.
  • Eye cotton. The name itself speaks about its main purpose; such cotton wool is produced from first-grade cotton fiber.

Where is cotton wool used?

Cotton wool is widely used not only in medicine, but also in the chemical industry (where it is necessary for filtering gases and liquids), as well as in construction (as a sound and heat insulation material). True, only artificial wool is used in both the chemical industry and construction. And vatilin, which is a special type of cotton wool, glued with a special adhesive emulsion on one or both sides, is an excellent lining material and an excellent substitute for cotton wool when sewing clothes.

Non-standard ways to use cotton wool

. Cotton wool moistened with essential oil is placed in a bottle, and you can enjoy your favorite aroma! By the way, its intensity can be adjusted by decreasing or increasing the holes in the lid.

  • For liquidation unpleasant odor in the refrigerator. This method is in many ways similar to the method described above, only essential oil To eliminate an unpleasant odor in the refrigerator, you should choose one with a light and unobtrusive aroma - after all, food is stored in the refrigerator! The most the best option There will be different citrus aromas: grapefruit, orange or lemon.
  • To extend the life of rubber gloves. It's no secret that rubber gloves most often tear at the fingertips. To avoid such troubles, it doesn’t hurt to put small pieces of cotton wool in each finger, and the gloves will be reliably protected from premature damage!
  • Links

    • Cotton pads. Where would we be without them? , beauty portal
    • “Masterpieces” made of cotton wool. , social network for parents

    The world consists of a huge number of things and objects, the significance of which we often do not attach until the time when they either run out, or deteriorate, or are lost. And the thought flashes through your mind how helpless you are without her, you feel an urgent need for this literal “treasure”, which has no substitute product.

    Today's post is dedicated to... cotton wool.

    In Omsk, several years ago, on the ruins of an old shoe factory, the world's first plant for the production of flax wool, LenOm, was built. Unfortunately, this object rarely became the center of attention of the media and authorities, and we, bloggers, were pleased and even honored to make a report about the production, which Omsk should be proud of. The fruits of the labors of 50 specialists are recognized in other cities, abroad, but not by Omsk - the local population does not even suspect the existence of the plant. Paradox! It’s nice that the mission of debunking obscurity was partially entrusted to us!

    During the excursion, I learned about the structure of closed facilities (checkpoints, mandatory safety instructions, prohibitory stickers on the walls, gigantic equipment, a ban on touching cars), about the scale of work, about the vicissitudes in the domestic agriculture(and not only) and, of course, about cotton wool.

    The first association with cotton wool took me back to the distant past - when my knees broke immediately after they healed. Fleece, brilliant greens and a delicious comforting vitamin are a complete set for kindergarten children.
    If you want to see how a fluffy snow-white piece of cotton wool turns out, then you are welcome below - the “from and to” cycle.

    1. The excursion to the production began and the flax processing workshop. I admit, when I saw it, I felt like Columbus... the feeling intensified when it turned out that inside the thin dried shell was hidden that same fiber - the raw material for cotton wool.

    2. Sand-colored raw materials are placed in digesters, where a harmless chemical composition is supplied (hydrogen peroxide, not chlorine, which is used for bleaching cotton wool– as the technologist explained to us).

    3. The wet, already white mixture is transported into a centrifuge, pressing it with a metal tablet so that the moisture is squeezed out more intensively.

    4.After spinning, the cotton balls cannot escape two guards! And here the promise of being “torn into small pieces” and “one size fits all” comes true.

    5.Aerial flight through pipes into a room where whole mountains of cotton wool grow - you just want to take off and fly for a few seconds in the air and plop down on a white feather bed.

    6.The second room of the plant began here. The air is completely different – ​​very humid, clean, pleasant.

    Let's clean and dry the feathers one more time in the scattering machines. So many cosmetic procedures - it’s like dressing up a bride! There is a clear resemblance between the production of cotton wool and my morning self-harening procedures). Anton personally touches the product and is satisfied)

    7.Now we roll the homogeneous, freshly prepared fabric into rolls similar to multi-layer Napoleon cakes! You can look at the reel for hours - no worse than admiring the fires! (all names have been changed, all rhymes are random)))

    8.Making snowmen from non-melting snow)) We divide the rolls into fractions - report from the factory - smart words appropriate here!

    9. It is convenient to make rolls of different grams from small cotton bundles.
    For example, 2-kilogram ones are convenient for pillow fights - they are supplied to kindergartens. And 100-kilogram ones are used in the sarcophagus of the fourth power unit Chernobyl nuclear power plant(my final fantasies are not groundless: flax reduces radiation levels).

    10. Wrapping - or in common parlance - packaging!
    — Do you see marketers in the photo?
    - And they are! Their work and developments, research and focus groups are embodied in the packaging! The spirit of marketers is hovering around this conveyor belt!

    11. We pack in boxes! Igor is doing the math!

    The resulting product - flax wool - is know-how. Its main advantages were demonstrated to us experimentally: balls of flax (left) and cotton (right) cotton wool were placed in 2 flasks. The local specimen sank immediately, but the competitor floated for a long time on top of the water surface of the flask. The conclusion is simple: flax absorbs moisture better - this is the most important medical function!

    It was no less interesting in the laboratory than in production.

    “Not included”... In many industries, the mass of raw materials at the input is many times greater than the mass of the finished product at the output: Cleaning, Drying, Shrinking. In the Winter Palace room, the collection and compaction of recyclable materials takes place. Cost-effectiveness and the desire to use 100% raw materials allows the plant to have modest additional income.

    In this compressed form, they send it to the buyer, which can then be used for sewing toys.

    You begin to relate to things completely differently when you become a witness to the manufacturing process, the efforts, experiments, and attempts to improve your brainchild.

    The production of cotton wool is a rather labor-intensive and costly business, so you should carefully weigh the pros and cons before organizing such a business. Initial minimum costs will amount to at least 2.5-3 million rubles, but they will also pay off with proper organization of activities in a fairly short period of time - somewhere within a year.

    Cotton wadding

    Most of this fibrous mass is imported to Russia from leading cotton producing countries: India, China, Pakistan, USA, Uzbekistan, Brazil. Cotton wool is made from raw materials obtained after processing the fruits of the shaggy cotton plant. When the fruit of the plant ripens, the capsule opens. Inside it is a soft white fiber with seeds.

    It is collected, packaged and delivered to the cotton gin, where the fibers are separated from the seeds and sorted according to size. Those that have a length of 2-2.5 centimeters are used for making fabrics, and shorter ones are used for the production of cotton wool.

    Raw Material Options

    Fiber mass can be made not only from cotton, but also from flax and wool. In terms of consumer qualities, flax wool is closer to cotton wool, but it is less common. There is also a fibrous mass made from a mixture of viscose and cotton. Viscose is one of the first produced artificially fibers, it is obtained by processing natural cellulose. It is highly hygroscopic (the ability to absorb moisture from the air), however, both manufacturers and consumers give preference natural materials because they are less allergenic.

    The production of cotton wool from wool and cotton is carried out according to the same technological scheme. To produce cotton fiber, cotton of a grade no higher than fourth is selected, and waste from the primary processing of raw materials and unspun waste are also used.

    The most suitable is considered to be elastic, low-number cotton, similar in texture to wool. But wool wool is made from pure natural fiber (sheep, camel, goat wool) or artificial fiber with the addition of cotton.

    Required Equipment

    Create own production cotton wool is not so easy. You will need separate rooms for warehouses and workshop, special equipment. The line for processing cotton fluff, low-grade fiber, cotton waste includes such devices as a feeder, a condenser, an inclined cleaner, a control station, bunker cotton machines, a solid particle cleaner, air ducts, and filters.

    On the secondary market, the price of such a line will average 700-750 thousand rubles. If you want to buy new devices, then prepare at least 1.2-1.5 million rubles. Yes, not cheap! But such a raw material processing line can be serviced by only three people per shift.

    To make products from cotton wool you will need separate equipment. To produce cotton pads and buds, you will need machines with automatic transportation, functions for cutting sheets, stamping and transporting waste, drawing, embossing and an automatic dispenser.

    Production of ordinary cotton wool

    The fibrous mass used for sewing clothes differs from that used in medicine, both in terms of raw materials and production technology. Ordinary cotton wool is made from clogged waste - waste generated during the processing of textile fibrous materials. First, they are cleared of debris on a dusty top. High-stiffness fibers are pre-split using multi-drum pluckers. Then the raw materials are loosened, mixed and formed into canvases using special equipment.

    The basis of the canvases is made up of shapeless fibers, which the roller carding machine turns into cotton wool with a certain structure and thickness. The finished mass is inspected for defects, pressed and packed into bales of forty to fifty kilograms. In this form, the products are supplied to furniture and clothing factories.

    Manufacturing of medical cotton wool

    Such production has significant differences. The raw materials are first loosened and cleaned using a special loosening and cleaning apparatus. After this, it is boiled under pressure in alkali (at a temperature of no more than 130 degrees) and treated with sodium hyposulfite. As a result of this treatment, the physical structure of the fibers and their color change.

    As a result of the removal of pectin and nitrogenous substances, the raw material loses its natural yellowish tint and becomes white, and also acquires characteristic properties, the main one being hygroscopicity. Manufacturers of medical cotton wool must pay special attention to the quality of their products, because they are used in medical practice and must be hygienic and sterile.

    After carrying out the described actions, the fibers are processed in the same way as in the manufacture of ordinary wool. But the work doesn't end there. At the last stage, the products are sterilized under pressure up to three atmospheres and at a temperature of 125 degrees. It is then packaged and sent to warehouses.

    Making cotton swabs

    You can immediately sell part of the received medical cotton wool, and send part to production medical products, for example, cotton swabs. In medical practice, in cosmetology, and in everyday life (when you need to clean hard to reach places) they are used quite widely.

    For cosmetic purposes, by the way, you can make special sticks with one end slightly pointed. Using it, it is very convenient, for example, to outline the contours of the eyes, lips, or remove excess polish from nails. The second end of the product should have a flat, round shape. It can be used as an applicator when applying eye shadow.


    The production of cotton swabs begins with the production of their base from polyethylene (propylene can also be used) on special machines that blow out 500-2000 units of product per minute. These same machines wind cotton wool onto a plastic base.

    For this purpose, the cotton wool is divided into four strips. They are very thin, a meter weighs only about one or one and a half grams. The tape is passed through a funnel, which gives it volume, and is wound onto a reel in this fluffy form. To speed up production process The tapes enter the machine from two reels at once. The machine cuts the cotton fibers and winds them around the preheated ends of a plastic base.

    The plastic melts when heated, and when cooled, it adheres well to the winding. If you use a different base, for example, when making wooden sticks, you will have to glue cotton wool to the ends with glue, and this, of course, will increase the cost of production.

    On already finished goods an antibacterial solution is applied - this is the last stage of production. But we still need to sort out the defective products. Of course, doing this manually is problematic. Therefore, automatic sensors are used.

    If you use faulty or cheap equipment, then the packages that end up in the hands of consumers may contain large number defective products, and this, as you yourself understand, will negatively affect your reputation. This is why product quality should be taken very seriously. Samples of cotton swabs should be sent to a laboratory to verify the sterility and effectiveness of the applied antibacterial solution.

    Production of cotton pads

    Such products are also used in medicine and cosmetology. Usually their surface is made in relief for ease of applying ointment or some other product to the skin. Unlike ordinary cotton wool, when wetted the disc does not change its shape.

    The products are made from bleached cotton. First, the raw material is placed into a feeding mechanism, then into a baking powder, where the cotton is separated into individual fibers. After this, it is sent to a carding machine with large drums, where the fibers are combed out and formed into a batt. Several of these canvases are layered and pressed together.

    The higher the quality of a product, the more cotton wool was used in production. The compressed layers are then passed through a special apparatus for longitudinal cutting into narrower strips. These, in turn, are passed through a machine that applies a textured pattern to the surface. This step can be skipped; the discs do not necessarily have to have a textured surface, however, it is believed that the consumer properties in this case will be reduced.

    The resulting tapes are sent to a cutting machine, which cuts out the pads of the required shape (by the way, not necessarily round). On final stage cotton pads are packaged in plastic bags using special equipment.

    Mineral wool production

    Such products have a completely different purpose and are manufactured using completely different equipment. It is used for the production of sound and thermal insulation products or how thermal insulation material in industry and construction. The raw materials are glass, blast furnace slag melts or igneous rocks.

    Manufacturing technology

    • Coke and raw materials are loaded into top part cupola and lowered down, as a result they turn into an alloy.
    • Using a centrifugal, blowing or combined method, a stream of liquid melt is split into fibers.
    • In the deposition chamber, a mineral carpet is formed from individual fibers, then the connecting elements are dried and hardened.

    Perhaps the most widely used type of mineral wool is stone (basalt). The technology of its manufacture is similar to the work of a volcano. The production of basalt wool is carried out in a furnace at a temperature of 1500 degrees. First, a fiery liquid alloy is made from rocks, then it is drawn into fiber and coated with a binder. Next, the carpet is heat treated and cut into products of the required sizes.

    The meaning of the word "cotton wool" is fibers consisting of various materials, which have undergone special processing. Cotton wool can be either a finished product or a material for further processing. There are several types of cotton wool, which are used depending on the purpose of application.

    Types of cotton wool

    Cotton wool varies depending on the raw materials that were used in its creation. Distinguish natural materials, undergoing processing, and artificial.

    Natural raw materials include:

    Artificial raw materials include:

    • glass;
    • cellulose;
    • metal;
    • basalt;
    • slag.

    What is cotton wool used for?

    Cotton wool is also divided by type of use:

    • medical;
    • clothing;
    • technical;
    • furniture;
    • gasket;
    • glued sheet.

    What is cotton wool?

    How is cotton wool, familiar to us all from childhood, made? First, the raw materials are crushed and cleared of impurities. Then the material is pressed into canvases of the required thickness.

    Cotton wool is treated with special chemical solutions, thanks to which it acquires the well-known property of absorption, and also obtains its characteristic whiteness.

    Medical view

    There are two types of medical cotton wool:

    • hygroscopic;
    • compress.

    What is cotton wool, a substance of purified cotton raw material intended for effective cleansing soft tissues with heavy purulent discharge and hemorrhages, most often used when applying bandages to open wounds over the top. The main property is good absorption.

    What is compress cotton wool? It is a material that is used to warm the bandaged part of the body during warming compresses, and also to soften the surface when applying splints to damaged areas.

    Sterile variety

    This is medical cotton wool that has undergone steam or chemical sterilization, which allows it to be used on open wounds and burns with minimal risk of infection.

    Thus, you learned what cotton wool is and what types it is divided into. Use only the material that suits your intended purpose.

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