DIY brick smokehouse. We build a brick smokehouse with our own hands. Self-made design

What could be tastier than homemade smoked meats? Many craftsmen are interested in a description of the principle of creating homemade products that are useful in the household.

The finished products are shown in the photo; cold smoked smokehouses can be made with your own hands. Products homemade is a welcome treat.

Self-made design

Cold smoking is the process of processing food using smoke at a temperature of 32 degrees. The process must be organized correctly, so the master will need to figure out how to make a cold smoked smokehouse correctly. It is important not to make a mistake with the construction scheme.

It is necessary for the hot smoke to become cold. To do this, use a tunnel that connects the firebox to the compartment where the products are placed. The length of the tunnel can vary between 2-7 m. This distance is taken into account to calculate the length of the chimney.

If the firebox is located at a distance of more than 7 m from the smokehouse, draft problems, as a rule, cannot be avoided.

How does the device work?

Operating principle homemade smokehouse can be represented as follows. Food processing can last from 3 days. The process may continue for several weeks.

The main thing is to ensure that the smoking process occurs evenly. Do not mix in the smoking chamber various types food.

You need to prepare food in one go. It is important to sort products by size.

More about the design of the smokehouse

To make a firebox, you need to dig a trench with dimensions of 50x50. These values ​​may be higher. Often the width and depth of the pit are made to be meter wide.

The bottom of the firebox can be made of brick, and then covered with a tin sheet. There is no need to prepare cement mortar. It is enough to compact the bricks close to each other. The sides are also finished with brick. Here you will need a clay mortar for masonry.

When creating a drawing of a cold smoked smokehouse, you need to take into account both the distance of individual parts of the structure and the dimensions of the materials.

A trench is specially dug under a chimney with a diameter of 25 cm. The top needs to be covered with a sheet of iron. To prevent smoke from escaping, sheet material covered with earth.

A filter is installed at the junction of the smokehouse and the chimney. The main element is a metal mesh with small cells. Dense material is placed on the mesh. The filter protects finished products from soot.

It is important to make the smokehouse durable and reliable. In this case, the structure will stand stable and will not fall if someone accidentally touches it. At the top, the smokehouse is equipped with stainless steel rods.

Their thickness varies from 8 to 10 mm. They are durable and are used to hang food prepared for smoking. Usually food is hung on special hooks. An alternative replacement is a regular grill.

The simplest scheme

A smokehouse is considered a budget option, allowing the master to save building materials and time spent on construction.

The chamber with the products is 2 m away from the firebox. The basis for the smokehouse can be a metal barrel.

Pay attention!

Stages of work

Having determined the dimensions of the smokehouse for yourself, you can begin construction. First you will need to dig a hole under the fire chamber. Its bottom is covered with a tin sheet. Thanks to this, it is possible to ensure more uniform smoldering of chips and sawdust.

The next stage of work is the installation of a chimney. The dug trench needs to be covered from above. Only non-combustible materials are suitable for this purpose.

The pit can be covered with a sheet of slate. The top of the chimney is covered with soil to ensure tightness.

The smoking chamber is installed in a barrel with the bottom cut off. A metal mesh is mounted below, on which burlap is placed. By combining these materials, the task of filtering out soot particles is effectively solved.

A metal grate is bolted to the top of the barrel, 20 cm away from the edge. It is not necessary to use this option; you can limit yourself to rods with hooks.

Pay attention!

To fully understand all the nuances, you need to watch the corresponding video clip.

When cold smoking, food loses moisture gradually. During the drying process, smoke penetrates deeper into the food. The result is meat and fish delicacies with a delicious taste.

When the carcass of an old animal is smoked, its meat will remain somewhat tough. In order not to be disappointed, you need to be guided at first by recipes that have already been tested by many. It is better to leave experiments with shades of taste for later.

The finished factory-made smokehouse has several grates and a tray. It is better to choose a product with a large capacity so that smoking is carried out more evenly.

For lovers of long hikes, you need a smokehouse made of metal with a thickness of 0.8 mm. At the dacha, you can install heavier options, where the thickness steel body is 2 mm.

Photo of a cold smoked smokehouse with your own hands

Pay attention!

Owners of personal plots who want to have home-smoked delicacies on their table rather than store-bought delicacies, the quality of which often leaves much to be desired, are thinking about installing a smokehouse. Some prefer to purchase ready-made devices, while others, on the contrary, decide to build a smokehouse with their own hands. The advantages of the latter option are obvious.
The advantages of a homemade smokehouse are not only in saving money, since scrap materials are often used, but also in the ability to customize the installation required sizes, choose the package yourself. If the speed of cooking is important, you should use a hot smoked smokehouse. Products are cooked in it for an average of 2.5-3 hours.

Homemade smokehouses are made from the following materials:

  • metal and wooden barrels;
  • old refrigerators and used gas cylinders;
  • metal sheets welded together;
  • bricks

A solid and truly high-quality smokehouse is considered to be an installation made of brick. It not only fulfills its intended purpose, but also becomes a decoration for the garden plot.

Hot smoked brick smokehouse

It is a stationary installation option. Brick smokehouses come in a wide variety and vary in size, functional features, device. Large brick structures are often designed in the form of houses, which adds attractiveness to the entire site.

The structure of a brick smokehouse includes the following elements:

  • firebox;
  • chimney;
  • blower;
  • smoking chamber;
  • roof - upper floor;
  • doors.

The internal structure requires the presence of a tray, where all the fat flows during smoking, requiring regular cleaning, and metal gratings for placing the workpieces. A system of hooks may be provided inside the smoking chamber. It allows you to hang hams and fish. The ideal solution is the combination of gratings and hooks in one installation, which allows you to accommodate more products for smoking.
A distinctive feature of a hot smoked smokehouse from a cold one is the location of the firebox. It is located directly under the smoking chamber. This allows you to receive high temperature for quick smoking of meat preparations.

Construction of a hot smoked brick smokehouse

Once the smoking type and material have been determined, a clear plan needs to be drawn up. further work. A brick smokehouse is more different from others long term service, but requires a thorough approach. The technology is essentially comparable to the construction brick house, but only in a miniature variation.

The procedure for arranging a brick smokehouse:

  • preparatory stage;
  • selection of materials and tools;
  • laying the foundation;
  • bricklaying;
  • putting the device into operation.

The design of hot smoking involves the absence of a smoke supply. First, if you listen to advice experienced craftsmen, it is recommended to make a drawing of the future smokehouse and determine the exact dimensions. This will allow you to avoid serious mistakes and correctly calculate the amount of brick.

It is not necessary to make the drawings yourself. You can take as an example already finished project. The main thing is to have a clear idea of ​​what the smokehouse will look like after construction. Provide in advance and functionality, that is, combining a smoking installation with a barbecue, stove, or oven.

Preparatory work

This stage involves choosing the type of smoking, since this determines the design of the device. In this particular case, it is assumed that a “hot” smokehouse will be built with a firebox under the smoking chamber and without a smoke inlet. No less important is the choice of location, since the structure, regardless of size and shape, requires compliance with fire safety standards.
The process of operation of a stationary brick smokehouse involves the release of a large amount of soot and smoke, as well as the presence of fire. To avoid any possibility of fire or inhalation of combustion products, it should be located away from residential buildings and utility structures. This rule also applies to green spaces. The area where the smokehouse is being built must be free of bushes and trees.
The ideal option would be to arrange a small area, which is similar to what is done when installing a barbecue. This solution will look as aesthetically pleasing and organic as possible.

Required materials and tools

The brick must be taken exclusively fire-resistant. It is also possible to use ceramic. The main thing is not to use silicate. This material is not suitable for the construction of a brick smokehouse. And the higher the quality of the brick, the longer the service life of the hot smoking installation. The most durable smokehouse stoves are obtained using materials such as stone wool, cladding, fireclay refractory and construction types bricks and concrete blocks.

You need to prepare in advance:

  • container for laying solution;
  • hammer, building level, trowel, spatula;
  • components for laying the foundation;
  • grate or rods;
  • doors.

If you plan to build a small smokehouse, you will need metal roof. The structure can be equipped with wooden doors. They can also be made of metal, but this option is more difficult to make yourself, and if you order it, it will significantly increase costs. The main thing is that the openings are laid out correctly and the doors close tightly.

Foundation arrangement

The brick smokehouse is distinguished by its impressive weight. This requires a mandatory foundation device. It is usually done by pouring, using crushed stone, sand, metal mesh, or laying concrete slab.

The operating procedure is expected to be as follows:

  • first, a hole is dug with dimensions corresponding to the dimensions of the future smokehouse;
  • crushed stone and sand are poured onto the bottom and compacted in a dense and even layer;
  • laid on top metal mesh and concrete is poured.

Construction can begin only after the base has completely dried. Laying cannot be carried out if the concrete has not yet set. This will lead to a violation of the integrity of the foundation and instability of the structure.
When is it possible to install reinforced concrete slab, you should definitely take advantage of this. This solution is much simpler than pouring. This will greatly simplify the arrangement of the foundation.

Laying the bottom of a brick smokehouse

After completing work on the base, they begin to lay out the lower part of the future smokehouse:

  1. The first layer is construction brick, and the second layer is fireclay (fire-resistant) brick.
  2. The side and rear walls of the lower part are made of concrete blocks. On the sides for access air masses leave “gaps” equal to one block. Blowers are installed on the side walls.
  3. The interior of the firebox is lined fireclay bricks. It is laid similarly to a block - with “gaps” on the sides.
  4. The front wall is laid facing bricks, leaving space for installing the firebox door.
  5. Back and side walls lined with bricks.

At this point, the work on arranging the lower part is completed. You can move on to the next stage.

Installing the door and laying the top part

The door is installed on permanent place, securely fixed. Next, lay the outer walls concrete blocks. Interior space filled with refractory bricks.
A space is created between the fireclay bricks and the concrete blocks. It is filled stone wool. The use of thermal insulation prevents heat loss, which allows you to maintain the temperature at the desired level.
The laid out chamber is narrowed upward. This is done to move to the chimney. Be sure to leave openings under the door for the smoking chamber.

Final stage

The DIY hot smoked brick smokehouse is almost complete. All that remains is to lay out the base under the damper. This element is required to create optimal conditions for the smoking process.

The next step is to install the chimney. It is lined with bricks. To prevent debris from getting into it, be sure to provide a mesh and a canopy. A door is installed in the smoking chamber. To ensure control over the cooking process of smoked products, it is recommended to install a thermometer.

A reinforced concrete slab or poured foundation without finishing looks unaesthetic. Therefore, you need to think in advance about what material to decorate the site with. The main thing is to choose fireproof and non-flammable finishes.


To check how airtight the masonry is, it is recommended to conduct a test laying of sawdust. You can immediately lay down meat or fish. The color and quality of the smoked meat also allow you to evaluate the result of the work done. Outlet pipe close, set fire to sawdust, wait for the smokehouse to warm up, and then open the outlet. Leave the device to work for another half hour.
If smoke comes directly from the smokehouse during operation, it means that not all the cracks are securely closed. And in order to continue to operate the device, it is necessary to immediately eliminate these shortcomings. Regarding the quality of smoking, the extracted pieces should have a golden “crust”, be hot and aromatic.

Smoked fish and meat are considered delicacies for a reason - smoking not only gives the product a unique taste and aroma, but also significantly extends its shelf life. Products from the store, unfortunately, cannot be called smoked - “liquid smoke” concentrate has long been used for their mass production. As a result, the taste is mediocre, and their benefits are completely questionable.

You can smoke completely different products: the usual fish, meat and lard, as well as nuts, cheeses, vegetables and even fruits and berries. Of course, they require different modes: smoke temperature and smoking duration, as well as the wood chips used for this.

    Smoking happens:
  • cold, with slightly warm smoke 30-50ºС;
  • hot, with a smoke temperature of 70-120ºС;
  • semi-hot, at 60-70ºС.

The higher temperature regime, the faster the meat and fish cook. Giving the smoke the desired temperature is a problem that can be solved correct design smokehouses

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Cold smoked

Its main difference is the extended chimney, in which the flue gases have time to completely burn out, harmful carcinogens from them are deposited on the walls of the chimney, and the products being smoked are enveloped in a light aromatic smoke. Meat after this treatment can be stored for several months, fish - from three to 12 weeks.

In the figure -, it can be installed on an area in country house. The dimensions are arbitrary, therefore only the main structural elements are indicated in the drawing.

A cold smoked smokehouse consists of three main blocks: the firebox, the smoking chamber and the one connecting them. The firebox can be made of blocks, bricks or welded from metal. It must be equipped with an easily cleaned ash pan - the smoking time of some products is several days, and the ash must be removed during the combustion process.

The smoke output is adjustable; when igniting and at the beginning of the fire, the wood emits dark acrid smoke, which can spoil the taste of smoked meats. Therefore, the firebox is equipped with a smoke damper, directing its flow either into the chimney or out. Most often it is made in the form of a combustion chamber lid.

For smoking, you cannot use resinous ones - spruce, pine, or those that emit tar - maple, birch, firewood. The best wood- cherry, alder, oak and apple tree.

The photo shows a cold smoked smokehouse made from a wooden barrel, equipped with removable rods.

Due to the low temperature, the smoking chamber can be made from anything, for example, metal or wood. Use not recommended porous materials, brick type- absorbing smoke, and after smoking, moisture, they form a sediment, which over time acquires an unpleasant rotten smell.

The simplest option is metal or wooden barrel with a hole in the bottom into which smoke will flow. It is equipped with hooks or grates for placing products. The role of the lid is usually played by damp burlap - it traps smoke inside the chamber while absorbing excess moisture. The photo shows an example of a willow smoking chamber covered with burlap on top.

The crucial point is the installation of the chimney. It, like the smoking chamber, should not be made of brick, as it absorbs moisture and harmful substances from the smoke. Metal fits better , but condensation and soot must be removed from it in a timely manner, otherwise an odor will form over time. The best option- chimney dug in the ground. The soil not only effectively cools the smoke, but also absorbs condensate, and the microorganisms contained in the soil successfully process carcinogens from it.

Making such a smokehouse with your own hands is quite simple. To do this, you need to choose an area with a slight slope that provides natural cravings smoke. A firebox is placed at the bottom of the slope. A groove is being dug on the slope, which will serve as a chimney. It is covered with sheets of iron on top, and a layer of soil is poured on them for better thermal insulation. The chimney leads into a smoking chamber; it can be made in different ways.

Hot smoked

Hot smoking is a fairly quick process, from 15 minutes to several hours, depending on the size of individual pieces of meat or fish. The smoke is hotter, about 100ºС, and it is obtained not from firewood, but from special wood chips, so the design of a hot smoked smokehouse has its own characteristics.

  • First of all, the firebox is located directly under the smoking chamber. It is not necessary to make a firebox with wood; you can make it yourself from gas burner or electric stoves. The main thing is to heat the bottom of the smokehouse to the temperature at which the wood chips begin to smolder.
  • The smoking chamber in hot smoked smokehouses is sealed. This ensures more uniform heating of all levels of the product - there can be several of them in the smokehouse, and also allows you to use the smoke completely, without allowing it to leak.
  • Some smokehouse models have a lid with a water seal. This water seal is a U-shaped depression around the perimeter of the chamber into which water is poured. The edges of the lid fit into this recess, resulting in a barrier for air from the outside and smoke from the inside. The water seal not only allows you to isolate the chamber, but also reduces the amount of carcinogens in the smoke.
  • Removable gratings or rods are placed at one or several levels for hanging hooks. Products are placed on them during smoking. BBQ grills can be used suitable size, if you make supports for them from a corner with your own hands and cut off the handles with a grinder.
  • One more thing prerequisite- tray for collecting juice and fat. If they drip directly to the bottom of the smoker, the fat will begin to burn and the food will acquire a bitter, unpleasant taste. For fish, due to the low combustion temperature of its fats, it is better to do it with an outflow from the chamber. The tray must also be removable and must be regularly cleaned of residual grease.

A drawing with options for making a smokehouse for hot smoking is shown below.

The best material for such a smokehouse is stainless steel, but they are often made from scrap materials, for example, from a metal barrel, as shown in the video.

Portable mini-smokehouses for semi-hot smoking

The above smokehouse designs are great for giving or village house, but you won’t be able to take them with you on a picnic or fishing - they are too bulky. IN hiking conditions will successfully replace them mini smokehouse in the form of a box with a lid, as in the drawing. You can make it yourself and use it both at the dacha and transport it in the trunk of a car to a vacation spot.

The temperature in such a smokehouse is optimally maintained at 60-70ºС, which corresponds to the semi-hot smoking mode. The preparation of products for such smoking does not take long, and their shelf life is about three days.

The design of the mini-smokehouse is simple: a box with a lid, equipped with a grease tray and grates. The shavings are poured onto the bottom; when the smokehouse is placed on the fire, it begins to smolder. Smoke fills the chamber space and the food cooks quickly. If desired, the lid can be equipped with a water seal and a small diameter smoke outlet hole, as in the photo.

Material for production - sheet steel, preferably stainless. The thickness should be such that when heated, the walls of the smokehouse do not move away, otherwise, due to uneven heating, it will become deformed. Typically, black steel 2-3 mm thick is used, stainless steel - from 1.5 mm. In any case, the gratings must have a stainless steel coating.

Video: how to make a mini smokehouse with your own hands.

Firewood and wood chips: how to choose the right one

The key to the taste of smoked meats is properly selected firewood. It is known that smoke from different breeds wood has a completely different taste. The easiest way is to use purchased wood chips in this case, choosing the one suitable for each type of product:

  • alder- universal, suitable for meat, lard, fish and vegetables;
  • oak- mainly for smoking game and red meat;
  • willow, birch- game with a specific taste, for example, elk or bear, as well as swamp fish;
  • cherry, apple tree- cheeses, vegetables, nuts and berries.
The humidity of firewood and wood chips should be within 15%, otherwise too much steam will be generated and the smoked meats will become soggy, after which they will not be stored well.

The costs of making a smokehouse are insignificant; you can use scrap materials and leftovers. A self-made smokehouse and a properly selected smoking mode will allow you to prepare delicacies that are unique in taste and will surprise your family and guests.

For lovers of smoked delicacies from fish and meat, the smokehouse has occupied first place since the Middle Ages. Today, the benefits of a DIY smokehouse are on summer cottage or next to a private home are obvious - fish and meat acquire an original taste, and in comparison with store-bought counterparts, you can always vouch for the quality and freshness of the products.

It is not difficult to find information on how to build a smokehouse from scrap materials, but brick version will serve for a longer time; the construction of such a structure will not require special skills and funds, the main thing is diligence and patience. If you follow the instructions, you will soon be able to delight your loved ones and friends with aromatic smoked meats.

Preparing for construction

It is worth paying attention to the place where you plan to make your own brick smokehouse, because this is a stationary structure that cannot be moved. You should choose a site away from your home and garden, so that smoke does not disturb people with plants; after clearing it of debris and plants, you can begin laying the foundation.

Next, you need to determine what type of brick smokehouse will be: for hot smoking, cold smoking or combined option, consisting of two departments. Regardless of which option is chosen, the future structure will consist of the following parts:

  • Fireplace.
  • Firebox.
  • Grate.
  • Grill for food.
  • Lid.

We create a drawing and work plan

If you have already decided to build a smokehouse with your own hands, regardless of its size, thoughtful drawings and plans are a necessary step. It’s easier to plan the work step by step; a rough plan would look like this:

  1. Preparing the site for pouring the foundation.
  2. Purchase of tools and building materials.
  3. Installation of the foundation.
  4. Brickwork.
  5. If you choose a cold smoked brick smokehouse, it is necessary to construct a smoke inlet.
  6. Testing of the finished design.

Materials needed to build a brick smokehouse.

When choosing bricks, it is better to give preference to fireproof or ceramic products. Sand-lime brick is not suitable for buildings of this type. You will also need:

  • Doors and lid made of stainless metal.
  • Cement.
  • Shovel, level, spatula and container for mixing the solution.
  • Grid for metal products (rods can be used).

Laying the foundation and masonry for the smokehouse

A concrete pad is created using a solid concrete slab or with your own hands from steel mesh, crushed stone, sand and concrete as follows:

Brick laying process

The laying is done by coating the butt (small side of the brick) with mortar, which makes it possible to fill the vertical seams, since during laying the stone moves towards the joint. Before this, the solution is applied to the foundation. If excess mortar appears (when the brick is pressed), the remains are removed with a trowel.

Figure 2. Laying the base

In order for the masonry to be even, the brick is lightly struck rubber mallet. Usage building level mandatory for compliance even corners buildings. The masonry is laid in rows, after each the height of the building is measured to avoid unevenness. To make your own brick smokehouse look aesthetically pleasing, you should use a few tips:

Chimney installation

The difference between cold and hot smoked smokehouses is visible in the length of the chimney. Since the cold smoking process requires cooled smoke, the chimney must have required length. When installing a hot smoker, the chimney should be short. On one side, such a chimney is limited by a hearth (firebox), on the other, by a smoking chamber.

Smoking chamber

The chamber for smoking products can be round, oval or rectangular shape(height up to 1.5, size 1 sq. m). To build such a chamber, clay mortar (or cement) is used, gradually laying bricks on it edgewise. Why use clay? Because when heated it does not release harmful substances, which means the smokehouse will not spoil the product. Rods or a grate for food are installed in the upper part; burlap can be installed in the lower part, which will serve as a kind of filter for smoke. It is advisable to place a tray at the bottom of the chamber to collect fat.

Fig. 5. Pre-final readiness: installation of doors, grilles and test run

Furnace equipment

The firebox is installed at the other end of the chimney; it can be made of thick sheet iron; it must be ensured that there is a blower under it to generate draft and collect ash. The outside of the firebox is lined with brick.

How does a do-it-yourself cold-smoked smokehouse differ in design from a “hot” smokehouse?

There are differences in the design of different types of smokehouses. In the process of hot smoking, it is necessary to install the hearth directly under the smoking chamber; during cold smoking, the hearth is located to the side, and a chimney is installed next to the chamber.

Advantages and disadvantages of a brick smokehouse

The quality of construction depends on the quality of the material. The service life of a brick smokehouse also depends on how good brick has been used. The advantages of using brick include:

  • Long service life compared to other materials.
  • Relatively cheap.
  • A wide selection of colors will allow you to harmoniously combine the future construction with the existing ones.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Properties to retain heat.

One of the main disadvantages in construction is the complexity of the masonry, which requires certain skills and abilities in the construction industry.

When choosing a brick for building a smokehouse, choose quality material not difficult. The broken shape and “bloating” in places indicate that the brick was made in violation of technology. But even a high-quality product has a number of disadvantages - high water absorption, susceptibility to chemical influence (relevant for areas where chemical industry enterprises are located), but in general this material is quite capable of working for ten years without additional restoration.

Fig 6. The result of fruitful work

The advantages of the brick smokehouse itself are obvious: not only the opportunity to try tasty and healthy food, but also excellent design solution for any area. Equipped with additional shelves and a sink, the smokehouse will become a real help in the household.

In a country house, at the dacha or just at plot of land The owner tries to make everything cozy and comfortable. Smoked meat lovers will definitely want to have their own home smokehouse to enjoy freshly smoked products. To do this, you can build a smokehouse yourself using available materials. There are a lot of proposals on this topic. Smokehouses are made from old refrigerators, iron barrels etc. In fact, a do-it-yourself brick smokehouse will be much more reliable and practical. In addition to practicality and reliability, there is one more advantage: you will not only not spoil the design of your site, but even embellish it.

A DIY brick smokehouse can be a very attractive and durable structure.

Its reliability will depend solely on you and the materials you choose for construction.

What you need to build a smokehouse

  • brick (it’s better to take a special one, it will last longer);
  • clay;
  • shovel;
  • grate(s) for smoking products;
  • wooden door;
  • metal rods – 8 pieces;
  • metal cover;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • plumb line;
  • trowel;
  • spatula;
  • hammer;
  • solution container.

First, you should decide which smoking method you prefer. If you like both, then you can build a smokehouse for hot and cold smoking with your own hands, that is, a universal one.

Smokehouse and its place

When deciding on a location, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail. Since your structure is made of brick, it will be permanent, that is, the possibility of moving it to another place will be accompanied by certain difficulties and wasted time.

Therefore, the place should not only be convenient, but also be located at some distance from living quarters and other buildings and places that could be damaged by smoke and sparks. Please note that smoke can harm not only buildings, but also trees and shrubs planted on a summer cottage. Therefore, it is preferable to make such a decision with the whole family in order to take into account all the nuances.

Preparing a place for a smokehouse

Clear the area of ​​grass, dirt and debris, and remove all unnecessary items. If your smokehouse will Not large size, then it is recommended to fill the foundation with a depth of 30-40 cm; no greater depth is required.

If the structure is quite impressive, then it is worth digging a pit to the depth of freezing of the ground and pouring the foundation using reinforced concrete. If the soil density is sufficient, you can get by by simply trampling the area, but this must be done very well.

Creating a small smokehouse

In order to make a small smokehouse with your own hands, it will take much less time and effort than if you were building a large structure. But you need to follow the sequence in any case. The construction principle is practically the same in all variants.

  1. Lay out a place for laying the future chimney in the ground. The cross-sectional length of the inner part of the channel should be 250-300 cm, width – 35 cm, height – 25 cm. For construction, use red clay brick, because sand-lime brick When heated, it releases harmful gases.
  2. The smoking chamber is located at the end of the channel. Its height should not exceed 150 cm. To create it, use brickwork on the edge, more on this below.
  3. For future channel laying, dig a trench, the depth of which should be 35 cm and the width 55 cm. Keep in mind that the firebox cannot be located above the chamber. If the smokehouse is located on the rise, then there will be no need to take additional actions. If there is no rise, then the chimney channel is made along a slope that is approximately 8 degrees. The bottom is well compacted and bricks are laid, placing two bricks end to end along the length. It is preferable to carry out laying on clay solution, which does not change its properties when heated.
  4. The next step is laying the walls in the chimney channel. The walls are built on laid brick foundation. The laying is done on edge. In this case, the dressing of the seams in all rows should be the same. The wall should ultimately be 25 cm high and consist of two rows of masonry.
  5. Now block the top of the channel, you can do this with a brick. Those who have already encountered construction may well have a reasonable question about how to do this if the width of the channel is 35 cm, and the known length of a standard brick is 25 cm. To do this, we do not block the channel flat roof, but a house. With this installation, the bricks are laid end-to-end along their length. This overlap is also best done with clay mortar for maximum strength. Be sure to seal all the gaps and cracks that you may have when creating the coating.
  6. At the end of the chimney channel the smoking chamber itself is installed. Do this so that the channel goes no more than 30 cm deep into the chamber.
  7. After drying smoke channel Cover everything with a layer of soil up to the level of the smoking chamber; the layer should be approximately 15 cm high.

What to do if there is no clay

If you don’t have clay and you have nowhere to get it, and you are in a hurry with the construction, then use ordinary soil, simply sprinkling bricks in rows. Cement mortar It should not be used, as it may simply burst when heated to high temperatures.

  1. When laying the walls of the smokehouse, do not forget to reinforce the metal smoking rods. The optimal number for a small smokehouse is 8. Secure the first four at a height of 70 cm for hot smoking. Fasten the next 4 so that they do not reach the top edge of 25 cm - this is for cold smoking. The grille will be laid on these metal rods.
  2. If desired, the smokehouse can be equipped with a filter. To do this, ordinary burlap is stretched over a wire circle, which is placed under the lower rods. The installation of the filter is taken into account in advance, since it requires the installation of additional metal rods in the amount of 4 pieces. Do not forget that the filter must be moistened with water.
  3. The top of the case should definitely be equipped with a lid made of metal.

If you decide to build a large smokehouse, then it is better to make it like a house; it will be a full-fledged room with a stove. Smoke will flow from the stove into the room, and for cold smoking - from a separate smoke generator.

This will allow you to subsequently use different firewood in accordance with smoking recipes. Also, during the construction process, it is necessary to lay down fastenings for hanging pieces of products intended for smoking on them. In the upper part it is necessary to install a chimney that will have a valve. With this valve you will regulate the temperature and flow rate of the smoke.

Without such adjustment, you will not achieve an even color when smoking. When planning your construction, be sure to provide windows for ventilation. A large smokehouse provides large portions of the product being produced. With this solution, it is worth providing a place for firewood.

Such a smokehouse should also be equipped with a tray on which fat will accumulate. When erecting a large building, you can combine it with a barbecue. This is a very convenient and practical solution.

The grill can use the same combustion chamber as the smokehouse, or be equipped with its own. The second option is undoubtedly better, in this case the seal will not be broken and the smoke will go only where it is supposed to.


This room must have a door, and certainly a wooden one. In order to avoid its accidental fire, coat it with clay, like all other wooden parts of the building, if any.

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