Alpine violet flower. Cyclamen - Alpine violet... Alpine violet care

Cyclamen or alpine violet is a small perennial plant. The leaves are wide, have impeccable proportions and different patterns. The flowers are bright, unusual, located above the leaves, and come in both large and small, with different colors. Most of the species have an amazing aroma.

Varieties of cyclamens

All cyclamens are divided into two types: Persian and European. And those, in turn, into a large number of varieties. Persian cyclamen is more suitable for growing at home.

The height of an adult plant is approximately 15−30 cm. Flowers can be of absolutely any color, large, small, fragrant, odorless, double or with corrugated petals. The petals are curved back, slightly pointed. Distinctive feature- the lower part of the leaves is green. It blooms from October to April, after which it loses its leaves and enters a dormant period. This species has flat, round tubers with one growing point. Photo of Persian cyclamen European cyclamen (purple). Height is about 10−15 cm, the leaves are small, dark green, the flowers are small, they can be white, purple, pink. The difference from other varieties is the presence of roots throughout the tuber and the purple-red lower part of the leaves. Also, purple cyclamen does not have a resting phase. Flowering occurs in summer, and in autumn winter period the plant is resting. Over time, daughter branches form on the tubers.
Photo of European cyclamen Cyclamen ivy (Neapolitan). It has pointed leaves with a silvery pattern. The flowers are pink, with a purple V-shaped marking, and have a pleasant aroma. Less common are white flowers without a spot. It blooms from August to October, the rest of the time it is dormant, without leaves. They grow back immediately after flowering. This variety of cyclamen is excellent for cultivation in open ground, is frost-resistant (-28 ˚С), tolerates both shade and bright sun equally well.
Photo of ivy-leaved cyclamen. A shrub with large, up to 15 cm in length, leathery, bright green leaves growing from tubers, which is its main difference. Blooms from almost tubers, pale to deep pink shade, usually before the leaves appear between September and November. Afraid of frost and hot sun.
Photo of African cyclamen

Medicinal properties of cyclamen, signs and superstitions

It is known that the alpine violet has healing properties and renders:

  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • sedative;
  • antimicrobial effect on the body.

Preparations containing cyclamen root are used to treat sinusitis, inflammation of the nasopharynx, diseases of the oral cavity, and colds.

It is also recommended to take medications from cyclamen for headaches, for the treatment of increased emotional and psychological excitability, insomnia, and the central nervous system. In addition, drugs from of this plant effective for gynecological diseases, enhance immunity, stabilize the hormonal system.

It is believed that cyclamen in the house is capable of:

  • absorb negative energy;
  • maintain a positive atmosphere;
  • attracts money;
  • gives self-confidence;
  • attracts love;
  • protects the house from evil spirits, envy, bad thoughts;
  • affects a woman's fertility.

How to propagate cyclamen at home

Alpine violet can be propagated in several ways, depending on the type of plant.

Reproduction European species . This cyclamen reproduces by daughter tubers, rosettes, division of the main tuber, and also from leaves.

When propagating by additional tubers, they must be separated and planted in other bowls with porous soil, covering the roots. When dividing a tuber, you need to cut it with a sharpened knife so that the shoot and roots remain in each of the resulting parts. It is advisable to divide one plant into two parts. After separation, it is recommended to grate parts of the tuber activated carbon and dry overnight. Then plant it in moist soil.
Dividing a cyclamen tuber When propagating by rosettes, they need to be torn off from the tuber and planted. Roots appear in about 20 days.

The method of propagation by leaves has a low result, grow new flower rarely succeeds. The leaf must be broken off with a piece of tuber.

Reproduction of the Persian species. This type It reproduces only by rosettes and by dividing the tuber, since it does not produce daughter plants.

How to transplant cyclamen

Replanting cyclamen at home should be done immediately after its purchase or dormant period. Before transplanting, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

Next, you need to prepare the soil and drainage using expanded clay and pebbles. The soil for cyclamen must contain: peat, humus, sand, leaf soil, peat. For better rooting of the plant, vermion or vermiculite should be added. Also ready soil can be purchased in the store. Before planting cyclamen, the soil must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate.

How to plant cyclamen correctly:

  1. Place drainage at the bottom of the container, then fill it halfway with soil, without compacting it.
  2. Remove the plant from the old container, carefully transfer it to the prepared one, placing it in the center, straighten the roots and cover it with soil, leaving the upper part of the tuber open.
  3. Water and place in a cool, dark place, away from direct sunlight.

If not done properly, this flower can be damaged various diseases caused by fungi and bacteria. Fusarium Fusarium (dry rot). Fungal disease, which affects the tissues and blood vessels of the plant.

Symptoms: yellowing top part flower.

Treatment: treat the soil with topsin and isolate the plant.

Gray mold. Appears when the plant stands in a damp and cold place; the disease is also provoked by improper watering and penetration of moisture into the middle.

Symptoms: the appearance of gray mold on leaves and flowers, which subsequently turn yellow and die.

Treatment: remove infected areas, reduce watering, treat with fungicide. Tuber rot Brown rot. Appear due to fungi found in contaminated soil.

Symptoms: damage to roots, loss of color in leaves.

Treatment: the flower must be removed from the pot, the roots must be washed with a fungicide, and the diseased parts must be eliminated.

Wet rot. A bacterial disease acquired through untreated water or soil.

Symptoms: The plant withers sharply, flower stalks and leaves droop, and a rotten smell is felt.

Wet rot cannot be cured; the flower will have to be disposed of. Anthracnose Anthracnose. It is caused by a soil fungus that damages the alpine violet during flowering.

Symptoms: damage to flower stalks that lose their shape, stop growing and dry out. Then the leaves become infected, curl, dry out at the edges and fall off.

Treatment: remove affected areas, spray with fungicide, move to a place with low humidity.

Sooty fungus. Occurs when infected by insects that leave behind sticky secretions.

Treatment: wash the flower with soapy water and eliminate pests.

Growing an indoor cyclomen flower at home requires the following rules:

  • be sure to choose an appropriate place with diffused light and without drafts;
  • it is necessary to maintain the temperature in the range from +14 ˚С to + 16 ˚С;
  • In winter, it is recommended to place plants away from radiators, monitor the level of humidity, and water on time.

This video is about how to grow cyclamen from seeds:

In autumn and winter, when many indoor plants have already bloomed and are dormant, cyclamen begins to bloom. This perennial with proper and careful care at home, it will delight you with its luxurious flowering from September to March. Both beginners and experienced gardeners appreciate the hero of the article for his bright varied colors, pleasant aroma and various ways reproduction. Diverse varieties bred by breeders hybrid forms will allow you to choose this flower color scheme indoor plant for any interior.

General description and types of cyclamens

Cyclamen or alpine violet- This small size tuberous perennial with wide leaves and unusual bright flowers. The leaves of the flower are distinguished by ideal proportions and various patterns. The flowers of the plant rise above the foliage and can be small or large, with a wide variety of colors.

Natural flowers are ephemeroids. This means that the leaves and flowers only grow for a few months of the year, and the rest of the time the plant tuber sleeps underground. Currently there are many hybrid varieties alpine violets, which can grow and bloom almost throughout the year.

All cyclamens are divided into two types and many varieties, which differ in color, doubleness and size of flowers and the height of the plant itself.

By height are divided into three groups:

  • short ones grow up to 15 cm;
  • medium high – up to 20 cm;
  • standard – up to 30 cm.

Persian is distinguished by a thickened spherical tuber, from the lower surface of which roots extend. The leaves of the plant are round in shape and green tint with a silver or gray pattern. On long succulent peduncles, graceful large flowers are located singly, which are very look like butterfly wings. The lifespan of one flower is about ten days. However, during flowering, about 100 flowers can bloom on a plant, so it blooms Persian cyclamen for a long time from October to March.

European cyclamen is native to Southern and Central Europe and is rarely found in indoor collections. The tubers of the plant are most often irregular in shape. Small flowers up to 2 centimeters long have pink color and a pleasant smell. The plant blooms from May to September.

How to care?

At home, caring for a flower is not very difficult, but requires compliance with some rules.

  1. First of all, for the alpine violet you need to find appropriate place. The plant, although unpretentious, loves diffuse light and well-ventilated areas. Drafts are contraindicated for the flower.
  2. Temperature is very important. It is a cold-loving plant, so it does not tolerate high temperatures. Alpine violet feels comfortable at temperatures ranging from +14C to +16C.
  3. If in summer period If it is not possible to maintain an optimal temperature for growth, the plant can be moved to the basement. However, there must be enough lighting in the room. If this is not possible, then the flower can be left in a room where the air temperature should not exceed +25C.
  4. In winter, when heaters and radiators are turned on in the room central heating, it is recommended to place cyclamens away from heat sources. In this case, you need to monitor the level of humidity in the room and water the plant in a timely manner.
  5. Too much low temperatures indoors and excessive watering can lead first to rot and then to the death of the flower.

How to water correctly?

Alpine violet- This moisture-loving plant, which at home must be watered promptly, abundantly and regularly.

At any time in the life of a flower, watering requires care. It is recommended to water cyclamen through a tray, since water getting on the stems, peduncles or tubers provokes rotting. The cuttings or flowers first begin to become covered with brown spots, and then the plant dies.

Water for watering the plant should be at room temperature and settled. Water plants tap water Not recommended. If the flower requires watering, and there is no standing water in the house, then you can water it with boiled water, previously cooled to room temperature.

When caring for alpine violets, you must ensure that the water in the tray and pot does not stagnate for a long time. After the flower is watered and all layers of soil are saturated with moisture, from the pan excess water must be poured out.

The Persian tuber rises above the soil, so the plant can be watered as usual.

Top dressing

Alpine violet should be fed twice a month during the period of active leaf growth and during flowering.

It is recommended to fertilize at home during watering with special fertilizers for flowering plants. However, it should not be abused nitrogen fertilizers, an excess of which will negatively affect the quantity and quality of flowers, and will lead to a strong increase in foliage.

Care during the rest period

After the plant has flowered, its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. This is the first sign that the flower is entering a dormant period. At this time, at home, alpine violet requires special care.

After flowering, the life of the alpine violet is maintained by its tuber.


Caring for a plant at home includes replanting a flower, which is usually done in the summer. In this case it is necessary follow some rules:

  • after transplantation, the upper third of the plant tuber should remain above the ground;
  • transplantation is carried out into a pot, which should be 2-2.5 cm larger than the previous one;
  • you can prepare the soil yourself by taking leaf soil, river sand, humus and peat in proportions 3:1:1:1;
  • before planting, you first need to pour a layer of expanded clay onto the bottom of the pot, then add the prepared soil, place the plant on it and sprinkle it on the sides with the earthen mixture;
  • watering the plant can begin only 10-12 days after transplantation;
  • in early September, when young leaves begin to form, the flower must be moved to a cool but sunny place.

Causes of diseases

It can be a shame if you cared for a plant at home following all the recommendations, but the flower still began to wither. In this case, most likely Some rules were broken:

Often the cause of wilting can be pests. Deformation of flowers and leaves may indicate that the plant is being attacked by aphids, thrips or mites. In this case, treatment with special means is required.

With abundant watering or keeping the alpine violet in a cold room the tuber may begin to rot. In this case, it must be pulled out of the ground and the diseased area cut off. Next, the tuber is washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dried a little and again placed in a pot with steamed earthen mixture.

After reading the article and watching the video instructions, you can make sure that care at home is not very difficult. The main rule is to strictly follow all recommendations experienced flower growers when planting and caring for a flower. Give it a little time and care, and it will delight you with its abundant and beautiful flowering.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


This perennial root plant belongs to the Myrsinaceae family and is common in Iran and African countries. The flower has other names - alpine violet or dryer. When purchasing, many do not know how to care for cyclamen at home, and caring for it has some peculiarities. Alpine violet loves good lighting And wet air. This beautiful red-flowered indoor plant is increasingly appearing on greenhouse shelves as it blooms in winter, creating a pleasant and cheerful atmosphere with its colorful petals.

Cyclamen care

Many beginning gardeners have a question: how to care for cyclamen flowers at home? There is an opinion that this plant is picky and demanding, and it is very difficult to take care of it - in an apartment the mountain plant does not bloom well and suffers from incurable diseases. In fact, the opposite is true - cyclamen is unpretentious at home, and problems associated with it often occur due to gardeners’ ignorance of how to water, grow, propagate and protect the flower from pests.

Alpine violet has more than 20 species, but in indoor culture the most popular are two of them: Persian and European cyclamen. The life of the plant is contained in the tubers, since everything is there nutrients, which help the dry duck survive during the dormant period. Cyclamen grows and blooms from October to March, and the rest of the time it rests. Therefore, it is very important to know the nuances of proper care for alpine violet: how often to water, where it is better to place it, what temperature is needed.

During flowering

During this period, the plant requires a room with bright lighting and moderate watering. The flower prefers cool weather (12 - 15 degrees Celsius), so florists do not recommend placing cyclamen in a pot close to radiators or lamps. Alpine violet loves bright things, diffuse lighting, but not sunny - burns may appear on the leaves and they will begin to turn yellow. Clean air and optimal humidity(50%) will help the plant maintain flowering and a healthy appearance, as well as avoid diseases.

Watering cyclamen should be moderate and regular, with water at room temperature. When carrying out this procedure, it is advisable not to spray the leaves and tubers, since excess moisture leads to rotting of the plant. The best option– carefully pour water into the edge of the pot. European or Persian cyclamen must be fertilized once every two to three weeks during flowering. Fertilizing should not contain a lot of nitrogen, as this leads to the growth of leaves, rather than buds and flowers.

After flowering

The cycle of active growth and blossoming (3-4 months) is followed by a period of rest. At this stage, the cyclamen “sheds” flowers and leaves, which begin to turn yellow, and die off after the next two months. Throughout this period, it is necessary to gradually reduce watering the plant to a minimum - excess moisture leads to rotting of the tuber. During the dormant period, the alpine violet is moved to a cool place with low lighting.

How to replant cyclamen

Towards the end of summer, it is advisable to transplant the alpine violet into fresh soil. This procedure has its own characteristics. Before transplanting cyclamen, it is necessary to prepare the soil, which contains: two parts of peat, leaf and turf land, one part sand. It is necessary to replant into a flowerpot carefully so as not to damage the roots. It is advisable to treat the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate and steam it, since this indoor plant easily affected by various pests. Do not bury the tuber completely - the roots are at the bottom of the cyclamen - they need room to grow.

Reproduction of cyclamen

It is possible to carry out this procedure yourself at home, but in order for it to proceed correctly, you should know how cyclamen reproduces. There are two ways - by seeds or vegetatively (dividing the tuber). Alpine violet is very sensitive to all kinds of interference, so both propagation processes should be carried out carefully. Florists advise beginning flower growers to buy cyclamen mini mix and experiment. This set includes plants with two or three tubers that will allow for multiple propagation operations.


The vegetative method of division is traumatic for the plant, therefore room conditions rarely used. The cyclamen root crop does not produce shoots - you have to cut the mother tuber, which threatens to rot the entire flower. For this procedure, old plants that are several years old are taken. In order for the division process to be successful, it is necessary to carry out a number of operations:

  1. Wait until the leaves of the plant die completely.
  2. Carefully remove the tuber from the pot and free it from the soil.
  3. Propagate the tuber with a clean knife in the center from top to bottom so that each part has roots.
  4. Treat with fungicides (anti-fungal chemicals) and let dry.
  5. Plant in different pots.

Growing cyclamen from seeds

How to grow this plant from seeds? Very simple. This method of propagating alpine violets is more common and not as complicated as vegetative. To obtain cyclamen seeds at home, you need to artificially pollinate the plant. To do this, you will need a soft brush, which gently applies pollen from one flower to another. After some time, seeds are born. Cyclamen hides them in a small box under the leaves closer to the ground. It is advisable to get the fruits before they fall into the ground - ripening occurs before the alpine violet begins to bloom.

It is best to sow cyclamen seeds at the onset of spring, after soaking them with a preparation that accelerates the growth of flowers (for example, Epin). Place the fruits in sterile fresh soil to prevent rot. The first shoots will appear 30-40 days after sowing, under conditions suitable for germination and flowering: temperature 18-20 degrees above zero, dark space and moist soil.

Cyclamen diseases

Alpine violet – delicate home flower, so she is susceptible to various diseases. Caring for a plant requires a person to have the skills and knowledge of how to revive cyclamen if it has begun to wilt, or what to do if its leaves have begun to turn yellow. Rot, aphids and mites are some of the main enemies of the alpine violet. There are a number of symptoms that distinguish one or another cyclamen disease.

The leaves are turning yellow

If this happens, the plant does not have enough light, clean air or he's hot. If the leaves turn yellow, you should move the flower to a brighter room, but not in direct sunlight. It’s better to let the cyclamen “breathe” fresh air by placing it on the windowsill open window. Another reason for yellowing leaves may be insufficient watering of the plant - you should moisten the soil, but do not overdo it. Due to an excess of water, the alpine violet will begin to rot.

The leaves are curling

In the process of damage to a flower by pests or external environment Cyclamen leaves may curl. This negative effect can be caused by several reasons:

  1. Presence of pests (mites, aphids, thrips).
  2. House flowers are affected by bacteria or fungus.
  3. Soil contamination or waterlogging.
  4. Heat indoor air.

Why doesn't it bloom

The slowdown in the growth and flowering of cyclamen may be due to various reasons. One of the main ones is fusarium. This disease causes tissue damage in alpine violets. With fusarium, the plant's vessels are filled with toxic substances. This causes the cyclamen to stop blooming and the leaves to turn yellow. The initial lesion is difficult to determine by eye, since the cause of the disease is in the soil or seeds. It is advisable to combat fusarium with the help of fungicides (for example, Agat-25K), which have a detrimental effect on the source of the disease.

Alpine violets are perennial flowering herbs that actually have nothing in common with the violet genus. This is a tuberous plant that belongs to the genus Primroses.

The correct name for this plant is Cyclamen. There are few species - only 22 and some of them are on the verge of extinction. Also popularly this beautiful small indoor flower is called Dryavka.

The ancestor of cyclamen is, whose homeland is Türkiye and the Middle East. All of its hybrids require similar growing conditions.

What is an alpine violet? This is a cute compact flower whose height varies from 15 to 30 centimeters. Main advantage indoor cyclamen- delicate flowers that bloom in winter. They come in a variety of colors - from white and soft pink to deep red and purple. The leaves are heart-shaped. not purely green, but decorated with a marble pattern.

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The alpine violet perceives the summer heat as a period of rest. At this time, it is better to place the pot with the plant near the eastern or western windows. With the arrival of autumn, when the flower begins to actively grow and prepares to bloom, it can be moved to windows facing south. However, the plant must be protected from direct sunlight.

Air temperature

Although cyclamen is a perennial herb, the alpine violet that often blooms in winter does not live to see its next bloom. The most common reason is not maintaining the required temperature. environment. Although this plant is considered heat-loving, you should not take it so literally and leave the pots in hot and stuffy conditions next to the radiators. Thermophilia is expressed in the fact that, unlike its garden counterparts, home cyclamen cannot be kept at temperatures lower than plus 10. To make the flower comfortable, you need to provide a moderate and even slightly cool temperature - about 17 degrees Celsius.

Overheating can cause the leaves to turn yellow, but flowering will be normal. Also non-compliance temperature regime can greatly shorten the flowering period of cyclamen. Elevated temperatures are also favorable for the main enemies of cyclamen - mites. The cyclamen mite is particularly attracted to hot, humid conditions. For spider mite best friends– warm and dry.

During the dormant period - in the summer months, you should also try to protect cyclamen from the heat, not exposing it to the scorching sun, but keeping it in a cool place. fresh air in the shadow.

Soil requirements

The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral. You can make the mixture yourself using the following recipe: 3 parts leaf soil and 1 part each of peat, humus and sand. You can add coconut fiber or rotted bark. There must be a drainage layer at the bottom.

Watering mode

Watering the alpine violet should occur at such a frequency that the top ball of soil has time to dry out. Like any other tuberous plant, cyclamen does not tolerate waterlogging.

In the matter of watering it is very important point is how exactly this procedure occurs.

You can water the cyclamen, allowing it to submerge. The pot with the houseplant should be immersed in a reservoir of water and allowed to stand there for up to a quarter of an hour. The water should be lukewarm, and before returning the flowerpot to its place, it is also necessary to give time for excess liquid to drain.

Alpine violet should also be sprayed according to the rules. The main thing is not to do this when the plant is blooming. Spraying should be stopped as soon as the buds appear.

The flower will signal that watering is uneven and the earthen ball periodically dries out by premature or uneven flowering. In this case, the buds will open different levels, sometimes even from under the leaves.

Overwatering will be indicated by falling leaves.


It is necessary to apply fertilizing during the bud setting phase. It is also not recommended to apply fertilizer immediately after transplantation; you must wait at least a month.

A suitable fertilizer should be nitrogen-free. Excess nitrogen will negatively affect the condition of the buds; they may not even bloom or fall off. Fertilizer should be applied through watering.


Alpine violets may need to be replanted every two years. You need to focus on the growth of tubers and the saturation of the soil. The favorable period for transplantation is in autumn.

It is necessary to choose the moment after the dormant period, when new shoots appear on the plant.

When replanting alpine violets, it is important to know which variety you own.

The differences are such that the Persian cyclamen is planted so that its tubers are half covered with soil, but the European one must be completely in the ground.


Reproduction of alpine violet is possible. Their germination time is a month and a half. Seeds can be obtained through artificial pollination. Moreover, the procedure should be carried out several times in a row. After the flower has withered, you should not tear it off, as is usually done with. You need to wait until it dries on its own.

An amateur gardener can also try the method of dividing a bush.

Diseases and pests

This herbaceous plant afraid of the cyclamen mite. The condition of the leaves will indicate that cyclamen is infected with it. They become curled up, the stems can twist, and the plant stops growing.

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Cyclamen flowers are members of the primrose family and are a perennial plant with a tuberous root. Their homeland is South and Central Europe. It can be found in the wild in the Caucasus and Crimea. The population consists of approximately 60 species. In stores you mainly find hybrids of European varieties.

Both species are very popular among gardeners who know everything about cyclamens. Some uninformed people consider these flowers to be rather capricious, but this is a deep misconception. It is enough to water and maintain correctly optimal temperature, then they will delight you with their flowering for many years.

Cyclamens are shaped like a flock of butterflies that flutters over a bush. Color palette very diverse. The plant blooms with small, velvety flowers reaching up to 5 cm in length. The height of peduncles can reach 30 cm, there are also dwarf species, growing up to 15 cm. The flowers also have (bisexual).

Variety variety

Cyclamen flowers have long been grown as ornamental plant, therefore, over a fairly long period of time, many different varieties: small, medium and large. With or without a pleasant aroma, in different colors and sizes. For example, the Persian variety begins to bloom in winter time year, and in the summer it is dormant.

The flowers are usually unscented, but there are compact forms (Kaori and Puppet) with a strong scent. The rhizome has shoots only from below, without daughter tubers.

The European hybrid, on the contrary, “comes to life” in the summer. Its flowers are smaller and have a pleasant aroma. The root is also in the form of a large round tuber from which roots grow. Unlike the Persian variety, the European variety produces daughter tubers, which are used for propagation.

Care and reproduction

Cyclamen flowers grow long and abundantly when proper care. The plant loves cool rooms with temperatures not exceeding +17C. If the temperature is higher, flowering is reduced, the leaves begin to fade and turn yellow. During the flowering period, the room should be light; the plant requires abundant watering (avoiding the buds and leaves); when the cyclamen stops blooming, it is put in the shade, laying the pot on its side and without watering for a while. It is only necessary to protect the earthen lump from drought.

Sometimes the flower needs to be fed with a special fertilizer and watered with settled water. If you strictly follow all the rules, the flowering period lasts about 2 months. During dormancy, watering is significantly reduced, while at the same time preventing it from drying out. The plant should be kept in the shade until July; from the end of the month it gradually begins to be watered and sprayed.

In September, when young leaves appear, it is better to transplant the flower into a mixture of peat, sand, turf and leaf soil. The tuber is buried deep in the soil, covered with moss (1/3 of the top should be bare). After this, the pot is moved to shady place until autumn when flowering begins. We must remember that cyclamen flowers need sunlight in winter.

It is carried out in several ways: in the summer - with seeds, in the spring - with tubers. The flower is overly sensitive to dry, warm climates, this can even lead to death. If it is impossible to provide the optimal temperature, it is better to place the pot in slightly damp peat.

Overwatering also negatively affects the leaves; they begin to wither, turn yellow and rot. When watering the plant, the main thing is not to get on the tuber; to do this, you need to water it from the edge of the pot or by immersing it in water. Flowers can be affected by various pests; in such cases, the leaves must be sprayed with a special solution and the soil must be treated with pesticides.

In addition to creating beauty, cyclamen is widely used in folk medicine for eye diseases, migraines, women's diseases and purulent lesions. Usually they use plant juice, which is extracted from tubers. They even treat sinusitis, colds, and runny nose. The juice is diluted with plain water in a ratio of 1:6.

Do not forget that this plant is very poisonous, so it must be treated with extreme caution and under the supervision of a specialist.

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