Propagation by seeds of European alpine violet. How to care for and grow alpine violet at home. Description of the flower and its features

In autumn and winter, when many indoor plants have already bloomed and are dormant, cyclamen begins to bloom. This perennial with proper and careful care at home, it will delight you with its luxurious flowering from September to March. Both beginners and experienced gardeners appreciate the hero of the article for his bright varied colors, pleasant aroma and various ways reproduction. Diverse varieties bred by breeders hybrid forms will allow you to choose this flower color scheme indoor plant for any interior.

General description and types of cyclamens

Cyclamen or alpine violet- This small size tuberous perennial with wide leaves and unusual bright flowers. The leaves of the flower are distinguished by ideal proportions and various patterns. The flowers of the plant rise above the foliage and can be small or large, with a wide variety of colors.

Natural flowers are ephemeroids. This means that the leaves and flowers only grow for a few months of the year, and the rest of the time the plant tuber sleeps underground. Currently there are many hybrid varieties alpine violets, which can grow and bloom almost throughout the year.

All cyclamens are divided into two types and many varieties, which differ in color, doubleness and size of flowers and the height of the plant itself.

By height are divided into three groups:

  • short ones grow up to 15 cm;
  • medium high – up to 20 cm;
  • standard – up to 30 cm.

Persian is distinguished by a thickened spherical tuber, from the lower surface of which roots extend. The leaves of the plant are round in shape and green tint with a silver or gray pattern. On long succulent peduncles, graceful large flowers are located singly, which are very look like butterfly wings. The lifespan of one flower is about ten days. However, during flowering, about 100 flowers can bloom on a plant, so Persian cyclamen blooms for a long time from October to March.

European cyclamen is native to Southern and Central Europe and is rarely found in indoor collections. The tubers of the plant are most often irregular in shape. Small flowers up to 2 centimeters long have pink and a pleasant smell. The plant blooms from May to September.

How to care?

At home, caring for a flower is not very difficult, but requires compliance with some rules.

  1. First of all, for the alpine violet you need to find suitable place. The plant, although unpretentious, loves diffused light and well-ventilated rooms. Drafts are contraindicated for the flower.
  2. Temperature is very important. It is a cold-loving plant, so it does not tolerate high temperatures. Alpine violet feels comfortable at temperatures ranging from +14C to +16C.
  3. If in summer period If it is not possible to maintain an optimal temperature for growth, the plant can be moved to the basement. However, there must be enough lighting in the room. If this is not possible, then the flower can be left in a room where the air temperature should not exceed +25C.
  4. IN winter period time when heaters and radiators are turned on in the room central heating, it is recommended to place cyclamens away from heat sources. In this case, you need to monitor the level of humidity in the room and water the plant in a timely manner.
  5. Too much low temperatures indoors and excessive watering can lead first to rot and then to the death of the flower.

How to water correctly?

Alpine violet is moisture-loving plant, which at home must be watered promptly, abundantly and regularly.

At any time in the life of a flower, watering requires care. It is recommended to water cyclamen through a tray, since water getting on the stems, peduncles or tubers provokes rotting. The cuttings or flowers first begin to become covered with brown spots, and then the plant dies.

Water for watering the plant must have room temperature and be defended. Water the plants tap water not recommended. If the flower requires watering, and there is no standing water in the house, then you can water it with boiled water, previously cooled to room temperature.

When caring for alpine violets, you must ensure that the water in the tray and pot does not stagnate for a long time. After the flower is watered and all layers of soil are saturated with moisture, from the pan excess water must be poured out.

The Persian tuber rises above the soil, so the plant can be watered in the usual way.

Top dressing

Twice a month during the period of active leaf growth and during flowering alpine violet should be fed.

It is recommended to fertilize at home during watering with special fertilizers for flowering plants. However, it should not be abused nitrogen fertilizers, an excess of which will negatively affect the quantity and quality of flowers, and will lead to a strong increase in foliage.

Care during the rest period

After the plant has flowered, its leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off. This is the first sign that the flower is entering a dormant period. At this time, at home, alpine violet requires special care.

After flowering, the life of the alpine violet is maintained by its tuber.


Caring for a plant at home includes replanting a flower, which is usually done in the summer. In this case it is necessary follow some rules:

  • after transplantation, the upper third of the plant tuber should remain above the ground;
  • transplantation is carried out into a pot, which should be 2-2.5 cm larger than the previous one;
  • You can prepare the soil yourself by taking leaf soil, river sand, humus and peat in proportions 3:1:1:1;
  • before planting, you first need to pour a layer of expanded clay onto the bottom of the pot, then add the prepared soil, place the plant on it and sprinkle it on the sides with the earthen mixture;
  • watering the plant can begin only 10-12 days after transplantation;
  • in early September, when young leaves begin to form, the flower must be moved to a cool but sunny place.

Causes of diseases

It can be a shame if you cared for a plant at home following all the recommendations, but the flower still began to wither. In this case, most likely Some rules were broken:

Often the cause of wilting can be pests. Deformation of flowers and leaves may indicate that the plant is being attacked by aphids, thrips or mites. In this case, treatment with special means is required.

With abundant watering or keeping the alpine violet in a cold room the tuber may begin to rot. In this case, it must be pulled out of the ground and the diseased area cut off. Next, the tuber is washed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dried a little and again placed in a pot with steamed earthen mixture.

After reading the article and watching the video instructions, you can make sure that care at home is not very difficult. The main rule is to strictly follow all recommendations experienced flower growers when planting and caring for a flower. Give it a little time and care, and it will delight you with its abundant and beautiful flowering.

I love flowers in the house - indoors in pots and in a bouquet on the table. One of my favorites is alpine violet. This is a little tender happiness on the windowsill. When the purchased flower began to grow bald and fade after blooming, I fell into despair.

But it turned out that it was completely in vain, the plant rests in this way. After a period of dormancy, this beautiful specimen begins to bloom again. And the best thing is that this beauty can bloom all winter long.

Alpine violet belongs to a genus of perennial herbs that have no relationship with violets. This is a tuberous flower from the genus Primroses, and the flower received its name for its addiction to the mountain climate. And this plant is correctly called - Cyclamen. Of the 22 existing species of this plant, many are endangered.

Cyclamen is native to the mountainous and coastal regions of the Mediterranean; it can also be found in nature in the Caspian regions and in the mountains of the northeast of the African continent.

Notable is life cycle alpine violet, divided into a vegetative stage and a dormant stage. But the plant's dormant stage occurs in the summer. During the exhausting summer heat in the places where it grows, the flower sleeps, dropping its leaves, and stores water for life in the tubers.

Because of these tubers, the Alpine violet was called pig bread in one 18th century book. This is because wild pigs fed on cyclamen tubers, digging the succulent tubers out of the ground during the dormant period.

For some reason, people gave this beautiful indoor plant the name Dryavka. All cyclamens come from Cyclamen persica, which is native to Turkey and the Middle East. All hybrids require similar growing conditions.

The growing season of the alpine violet begins in the fall, and this violet will bloom from October to March - it depends on the species. There are varieties of cyclamen that bloom for several months. This quality allows you to get blooming flower bed all year round.

Due to its habit of dropping leaves, the mountain violet often scares away gardeners. Having purchased beautiful flower as a bouquet, it is thrown away at the beginning of the leaf fall period. But if you know the intricacies of caring for this beautiful plant, then you can admire its wonderful fragrant flowers more than once - after all, it is a perennial.

Many cyclamens have a delightful aroma, even used in perfume compositions. The petals of cyclamen flowers are similar to the wings of amazingly beautiful butterflies that flutter over the foliage.

And the leaves of cyclamen are very decorative: smooth, decorated silver color stripes, they are a very beautiful addition to a bright bouquet of blooming cyclamens.

In addition, mountain violet has a whole series healing properties, which were known many centuries ago. Today the plant is used by herbalists and healers. An extract from the tubers of this plant is used in various medicines.

Cyclamen - poisonous plant, it must be used as a medicine with great caution; it is safer to purchase ready-made pharmaceutical drugs based on it.


Alpine violet began to be grown in Europe in the form ornamental plant in the 19th century, with the advent of spectacular fashion flowering species. Later, a passion for other, more modest varieties began.

Of the entire genus of cyclamens, purple and Persian are known in home culture.

Cyclamen persica

The roots of this herbaceous plant have the shape of tubers, up to 15 centimeters in diameter, from which the roots themselves grow from below. The leaves are heart-shaped, their diameter reaches 14 centimeters.

The leaf plate is green underneath and covered with a silver pattern on top. The petals on the flowers have an oblong-lanceolate shape, up to 5 centimeters long.

The species is pink, white or lavender in color with spots of a darker shade at the base.

This cyclamen begins its dormant period at the beginning of summer. The leaves turn yellow and fall off, leaving only the tuber.

European cyclamen

Refers to evergreen tuberous herbaceous plants. The roots are located on the tuber on all sides. The ball-shaped tuber itself has a diameter of about 10 centimeters.

The leaf blades are heart-shaped, dark green in color, with a silver ornament on top. The underside of the leaf is dark red.

The flowers are small, up to two centimeters in length, pale pink, with a pleasant aroma.

This species begins to bloom in the spring and blooms all summer. This type of alpine violet does not have a pronounced dormant period. In addition to these popular ones, there are more rare species cyclamens.

Cyclamen intarium

This flower is of Turkish origin, it is the smallest of all varieties, its flowers are small and white in color.

Cyclamen ivy

The habitat of this species is European territory. In hot summer, the flower becomes bald. With the arrival of autumn, lovely flowers appear on it first, and only then the leaves appear.

Cyclamen ivy is a long-livers, it can live up to 130 years, and the tuber grows up to 25 centimeters in diameter.

Cyclamen Lebanese

As the name implies, its homeland is Lebanon. This species has the longest flowering period. It blooms with soft pink flowers with thin red veins. The flowers have quite large size for the species, up to 3 centimeters in length.


Alpine violet is as beautiful as it is capricious. And in order to admire the blooming of the Alpine princess, it is very important to take into account all the nuances of care

Temperature and light conditions

Alpine violet prefers fairly cool weather. The flower will feel most comfortable at a temperature of 10-19 degrees. If the temperature rises to +25 degrees, then cyclamen will regard this as a message that the hot summer season has arrived, and therefore it is time to rest.

How important it is not to make a mistake when choosing a place of residence for the capricious Alpine violet!

As long as the temperature does not drop below +8 degrees, the flower will feel great in the shade on the loggia or on the terrace in the garden. It is the cool night temperatures that will promote the formation of flower buds.

And for blooming cyclamen You should definitely find the most illuminated and coolest place in the house. Like other plants that bloom in winter, cyclamen requires stable lighting.

It is imperative to organize for the plant additional lighting on short winter days.

The ideal would be to find a balance between illumination and temperature. After all, at a fairly cool temperature, but in a gloomy room, the flowers of the alpine violet will thin out. And if the brightness is too high lighting fixtures The flowers will quickly wither.

Moisturizing and watering

Watering for a blooming delicate beauty must be regular, otherwise both the leaves and flowers begin to quickly fade. When flowering is over, the plant should be watered less and less frequently, and during the rest period the soil should only be slightly moistened to protect the plant from drying out.

This flower can be watered by pouring water into a tray. Tender leaves do not like water to get on them. And if water gets on the growing point, it can destroy the delicate flower.

Alpine violet does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil, which leads to the occurrence of fungal diseases. Therefore, watering should be abundant enough to saturate the entire earthen lump, but you must definitely give it time to dry.

When caring for alpine violet, it is necessary to monitor the air humidity. Since the leaves do not like moisture, you can use a fine spray bottle to spray the air around the plant.

Very good hydration will be the proximity to large deciduous specimens that are capable of evaporating large amounts of moisture. You can put an aquarium nearby or just a jar of water.

Top dressing

  • Alpine violet needs feeding only during the growing season - from October to March.
  • The frequency of feeding is once every two weeks.
  • During dormancy, no fertilizing is done.
  • Fertilizers - universal mixtures, which contain a lot of potassium and phosphorus. Nitrogen, which promotes foliage growth, can be detrimental to flowering. Types of fertilizing can be alternated.

Transplantation and propagation

In autumn, with the beginning of the growing season, the tuber begins to acquire leaves. This is the best time for transplantation.

  • Choose a pot 3-4 centimeters larger than the volume of the roots. Big pot will prevent abundant flowering.
  • Soil composition: peat, garden soil, sand and humus, in equal parts. The soil needs to be loose and moisture-permeable.

When planting Persian cyclamen, the bulb is left one third above the ground surface. All other species should be planted with the bulb completely immersed in the ground, but not too deep.

At the beginning of spring, the flower can be propagated by seeds, and at the end of summer by daughter tubers.

Seeds must be soaked in Epin before planting. Sowing is done in a moistened peat-sand mixture, 2-3 cm apart, covered with glass and germinated at 20 degrees in a shaded place.

After a month, the seedlings are allowed to grow in bright but diffused light. When a couple of leaves appear, they dive into pots


Cyclamen European(alpine violet) requires difficult conditions. It survives, let alone reproduces, not in all flower growers, so it’s worth dwelling on this separately. It's pretty rare house plant, which flower growers are really hunting for, is not easy to buy. Outwardly, it resembles cyclamens, which are sold en masse in stores - Persian cyclamens. Only the flowers of the European cyclamen are smaller, very fragrant and they bloom not in winter, but in summer. Value European cyclamen, or, as it is sometimes called, alpine violet, precisely in the smell of flowers.

Conditions for watering alpine violet

Water European cyclamen only and only in a saucer under the pot. In exceptional cases, you can pour it into the pot, but make sure that the moisture does not touch the outlets. I sometimes use the second method only when the plant has not yet grown - only after transplantation. The lump of earth should not dry out inside, but it should not be constantly wet either. When there is a critical shortage of water, cyclamen shows you that the leaves are drooping, which means you need to water urgently. There is no need to bring it to that extent. As for overwatering, this is also not very good. I can sometimes leave a pot in a pan of water for two weeks while I’m away, but once this gave me the bugs that spoiled the flowers. They were easily removed with the first insecticide that came along, but it was not pleasant.

Lighting conditions for European cyclamen

Our cyclamens are very light-loving, but at the same time they do not like direct light. How to solve this problem? The obvious solution is a north-facing or shaded window. That's what my grandmother did. However, flowering under such conditions will begin only in June, and will also end early. I solve the problem differently. Alpine cyclamen grew best on my south window, with only one, but very important condition. WITH early spring Until the end of summer, the lower part of the window was covered with thick sheets of white landscape paper so that direct rays did not fall on the leaves. One sheet of thickness is enough, but 2-3 of them may be needed to cover all directions of the rays of incident light. Under such conditions, flowering will occur from April to December inclusive, with almost no hibernation.

Transplantation and soil

European cyclamen needs an annual transplant, which is carried out in February. You can use the same pot or a little larger than the previous one - low, wide, medium-sized pots are suitable. In replanting, the main thing is not to increase the size of the plant itself (the violet will remain small in any case), but to remove excess rosettes and replace the soil itself, which is depleted over the course of a year.

When choosing the size of the pot, it is important to think about the purpose for which you are replanting the plant. If you want to get babies, then take a pot a little wider so that new sockets can come in, and for good flowering take a pot in which there will be no place for new rosettes to branch.

The material of the pot does not matter much - first-year ones live well even in plastic glasses for half a liter. However, in ceramic pots there will be less chance of drying out the soil, and it will be more beautiful.

This pot was chosen with an eye toward producing babies, so it is a little wider than I would choose for an actively flowering plant. It is now February, so some (winter) leaves have elongated petioles - by the time flowering begins they will die off and the bush will take on a more compact appearance.

You carefully remove excess rosettes (you can get new plants from them) and replace some of the soil. Do this extremely carefully, leaving a lump of earth around the rhizome or tuber that forms in older plants. If the tuber is already large, it can be cut into several parts according to the presence of rosettes - this operation is for advanced gardeners. The sections are sprinkled charcoal to avoid fungal infection or rotting. The tuber of European cyclamen, unlike its Persian counterparts, in which the tuber is only partially buried, must be buried completely, leaving only the growth point of the rosette open!

You can use any universal soil; be sure to place drainage at the bottom. The limestone stones that I specially brought from the south performed very well as drainage - apparently, this is closest to natural conditions in the Alps.

You need to manage the transplant before the first buds appear; the end or even mid-February is the best time.

After replanting, it is important not to flood the plant - the soil should be moist, but not wet.

Cyclamen fertilizer

When replanted annually, alpine cyclamen does not need fertilizer. However, if for some reason you were unable to replant the flower in February, then feed it with regular fertilizers for flowering plants in a dose half the recommended one. Feed only when watering; foliar feeding is not necessary.


Alpine violet does not need spraying, but it can be done occasionally, especially on hot days after the sun has gone. You can spray with growth stimulants and succinic acid. I'm on at the moment I don’t use anything like that - I don’t see any particular need.


According to my observations, hibernation in the European cyclamen occurs only due to the very modest light regime of our latitudes - in winter it is too dark for normal growth and vegetation. However, growth slows down in autumn and winter, but does not stop - with a clear lack of light, winter leaves with long petioles appear. In winter, I keep the pots with cyclamen close to the light, I don’t shade the rare Moscow sun, but I water them almost the same way as in the summer, especially since the air in the apartment is still dry. By February, the plant is already beginning to wake up, so do not delay replanting.

Alpine violet is one of the perennial tuberous plants of the Primrose family. Its other name is cyclamen. More than twenty species of plants are known. Almost all of them are endangered. Its popular name is dryakva.

Description of the flower and its features

The very first flower was the Persian cyclamen. Its homeland was Türkiye, as well as the Middle East. Almost all types of it require the same personal care.

The height of the flower ranges from fifteen to thirty centimeters. It is quite compact and grows well at home. His delicate flowers usually bloom in winter time years and come in different shades, from white to purple. The leaves are shaped like a heart, covered in a marble-like pattern, as shown in the photo.

How to care for alpine violet

As for the rules of care at home, the plant does not tolerate heat and therefore remains dormant in the summer. Therefore, it is necessary to place it on the western or eastern side of the house. Starting in autumn, the flower develops vigorously and therefore requires moving to the south side. It is worth protecting it from direct sunlight.

Although it is believed that this plant is a perennial, for some reason the flower, which blooms beautifully in winter, does not live to see next season flowering. The reason for this is the lack of the required temperature environment. Of course, the violet loves warmth, but this does not mean that it should be placed in hot places and next to the radiator. The love for warmth is expressed only in the fact that the normal temperature for its maintenance is no more than plus ten degrees. That is why you should take care to keep the flower in a cool room, the temperature in which does not exceed seventeen degrees.

If the plant is overheated, the first sign will be yellow leaves, although the flowering will remain just as lush. In some cases high temperature air can affect flowering time. In addition, this can contribute to the appearance of mites, which thrive in a humid and warm environment and are dangerous to the plant.

When the flower is at rest, and this is autumn and winter, it should be provided with a cool room without direct sunlight.

As for the soil, the most suitable option the environment will be slightly acidic or neutral. Can be purchased ready mixture in the store, or you can prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to mix peat, humus and sand. Sometimes coconut fiber or bark is also added. It is necessary to place drainage at the bottom of the pot so that moisture does not accumulate in the roots.

The watering regime should be such that top layer the soil had time to dry out and the roots did not rot. Watering too frequently is detrimental to the plant.

Features of watering alpine violet

And one more thing very important rule watering: add water only to the pan, since getting it on the stems of the plant can lead to their damage. Another method can be used. Take a vessel larger than the pot with the plant, pour water into it and place the pot there for fifteen minutes. It is better to take warm water. After this, you should remove the flower and allow time for the root system to dry.

You should also spray as soon as the buds appear. However, it is better not to do such procedures during flowering.

The condition of the flowers will help you find out that the plant is not watered correctly. If the buds open differently and even under the leaves, then this is a signal of distress and you should pay close attention to caring for the violet. If the leaves of the plant begin to fall off, it means that the watering was too abundant.

The plant should be fed at a certain time. First of all, during the formation of buds. It is not recommended to apply fertilizers after transplanting a flower. You should choose fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen, since an excess of this substance will not in the best possible way will be reflected in the buds. They will either fall off or not open at all.

How and when to replant a flower

Violets should be replanted no more often than once every couple of years. In this case, you should pay attention to the plant tubers and soil. The most best time it will be autumn for this.

Transplantation rules depend on the plant variety. For example, Persian cyclamen is planted in such a way that the tubers are half covered with soil, while the European variety requires complete immersion of the roots.

Violet reproduces exclusively by seeds. They are collected one and a half months after flowering. As soon as the flower has wilted, you should wait for it to dry completely. Some gardeners also propagate the plant by dividing the bush.

Of all the pests, the most dangerous for it is the tick. The presence of a pest can be identified by the leaves. If they begin to curl and stop growing, then it’s time to sound the alarm. The violet may also be attacked by a beetle that eats the leaves. Its larvae usually lie in the roots, and in order to rid the flower of it, it is necessary to completely change the soil. Sometimes a scale insect may appear, which is also a cyclamen pest.

Video on the topic of the article

Alpine violet or cyclamen, also called dryakva, is a perennial herbaceous plant, which is incredibly popular. The cultivated bush has a rather beautiful decorative form. The leaves of the bush are dark green, decorated with gray patterns.

Many people ask: how and when does indoor cyclamen bloom? The answer is simple. Flowers are located on long shoots in the form of multi-colored butterflies, and, depending on the chosen variety, they begin to delight the eye from the middle autumn months or winter ( individual species can begin to bloom only in the spring), and the “fluttering of delicate moths” continues until the end of spring.

All about cyclamen

Solomon's Flower

Where exactly the cyclamen flower came from is unknown, but some of the countries, including Iran, Central Europe, Greece, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean believe that it was first discovered on their territory. But it is impossible to know for sure who was able to enjoy the flowering of the tree for the first time, since it dates back to ancient times.

In ancient times, this plant was considered King Solomon's flower. The influential monarch became famous for his wisdom and philosophical approach to life, so for a long time he tried to find a flower with which he could decorate the royal crown. Do right choice it was not easy, since it depends on how elegant and, at the same time, how majestic the symbol of power would look on the monarch. Once the king saw the cyclamen color, he was fascinated by its unforgettable appearance. From that moment on, Solomon was sure that this particular flower would adorn his crown. Soon a golden crown was made in the shape of this flower.

Caring for cyclamen after purchase

If you don’t know what to give to someone dear to you, then houseplant there will be cyclamenia the best solution this question. It is endowed not only decorative qualities that attract others, but also has beautiful flowers emitting an unforgettable aroma.

When purchasing a flower, pay attention to the following details:

If you are offered a limp flower with drooping leaves, then you should refuse it. Also note general view, because there should be no mold, plaque or mucous formations on it, since such a plant will probably die soon.

Also, if you bring an infected bush into your home, it can infect other indoor plants.

What popular types are there?

You can find approximately 15 varieties of cyclamen (Cyclamen L.), including:

  • Cyclamen Persian care


This is a plant variety that originated in the Eastern Mediterranean. The leaves are heart-shaped and colored in a rich emerald green color, which is diluted with a marble pattern.

The flowers are located on long shoots and in their shape are somewhat reminiscent of butterfly wings. There are flowers in both white and red shades.

You can enjoy the bright flowers for many days. From October to March, cyclamen produces about 100 flowers that will delight you with their aroma. From May to June the bush is dormant.

  • European cyclamen

Or, as it is also called, alpine violet, can be found in its natural environment in Central and Southern Europe. The plant has smaller leaves compared to the previous species. Depending on what color the cyclamen flowers are will determine what aroma it will emit. Unlike all other varieties, this one does not shed its foliage during hibernation.

  • Kossky

First discovered on the island of Kos, it differs from other varieties in its petals, which taper towards the base and are endowed with darkening spots.

  • Ivy or Neapolitan

The plant variety has leaves that differ from other brethren with notched-toothed edges, which have a lot of similarities with the famous ivy. Flowering begins in September or early November. Flowers form much faster than the leaves of the bush.

  • Caucasian


The Caucasian variety, which grows in this area in open ground, foliage appears in the fall and exists under a layer of snow all winter.

The leaves can be either round and heart-shaped, narrow or elongated. The color varies from dark green to brown shades. Miniature flowers, the circumference of which does not exceed 2 cm, are painted in pink shades with dark lilac spots at the base. Tuber brown forms roots from below.

For growing cyclamen in rooms, mainly the Persian species is used, which includes many varieties and varieties.

You can find standard ones, whose peduncles reach 20-30 cm, medium-sized ones with shoots from 15 to 22 cm and low plants, in which shoots with flowers are no more than 15 cm.

The most popular varieties:

Any of these names can often be found in ordinary apartment or office space on the windowsill. After all, cyclamen mix was often presented as a pleasant present or token of attention.

How to care for cyclamen at home

It does not require any special care, but if you want it to please you with its beautiful inflorescences and grow healthy, then you need to follow certain rules.

  • The first thing you need to do is find the most suitable place for the flower. Prefers to grow in a well-ventilated area where there is no direct sunlight. But do not neglect the fact that the plant also does not like drafts, even the slightest.
  • Compliance temperature regime very important. Prefers to grow in rooms where there is no extreme heat. The temperature at which cyclamen will feel excellent should not exceed 14-16 degrees.
  • If you cannot maintain this temperature on hot summer days, then it is best to move the bush to a basement or other room with an appropriate temperature. Don't forget about lighting, as wood will not grow in the dark. Of course, you can leave the plant in a room where the temperature is no higher than 25 degrees, but the growth of the bush will stop.
  • With the onset of cold weather, remove the pot with the plant from radiators, fireplaces and other sources extra heat. Don't forget to water the bush and monitor the humidity in the room.
  • If the alpine violet is kept in too cold room, and also water it too often, it will begin to rot and will soon die.

Is it necessary to replant the plant after purchase or not video

Before moving the tuber to new soil, be sure to wash it in warm water. Wash off peat that is too stuck to the bulb. As soon as it is completely cleared of the old substrate, it is processed using root. Then place it in a pot with drainage and pour suitable soil for cyclamen.

The following transplants are carried out only if the need arises. As a rule, the reasons are overgrown root system, which is cramped in a small pot, as well as changing the soil.

Transfer rules

  • Wait until summer, because at this moment the plant comes out of dormancy and is ready for transplanting.
  • If young leaves appear on the tuber crops, this is an indicator that the cyclamen needs to be replanted.
  • If the plant blooms, then under no circumstances should it be replanted.
  • Select the pot well, as the distance from the bulb for the sides of the pot should be about 3 cm.
  • The root system must be moved into the container without removing the lump of earth in which it grew before transplantation.

Before replanting, do not forget to take into account the plant variety, since each species has certain characteristics in this procedure. U Persian cyclamen the root system develops at the bottom of the bulb, so it is necessary to plant the tuber so that it upper part was above the ground.

If the roots form along the entire diameter of the tuber, then the latter should be placed deep into the ground.

After the plant has been transplanted, you should:

  • Place it in a cool room with diffused light.
  • In the first two days, provide cyclamen with moderate watering.
  • Next, watering should be done a little more often.

Proper watering of alpine violet

Since the plant is a moisture lover, when growing it in your home, do not forget to provide timely, abundant watering.

How to water cyclamen correctly? Regardless of what time of year you water the bush, carry out this procedure by pouring water into the tray of the pot. As a last resort, remove the leaves with your hand and carefully pour water around the edge of the pot.

The fact is that if water gets on the bush itself or its flower stalks, this will lead to rotting of these areas.

The first signs of improper watering are brown spots, which lead to the subsequent death of the entire bush.

  1. Use settled water for watering the tree in the room where it grows. Watering with tap water is not recommended.
  2. If you forgot to stand the water, and you need to water the flower as quickly as possible, then use boiled water, cool it to the desired temperature.
  3. Do not let the water stagnate in the pan; after watering and soaking all the soil, pour it out of the container.

If you become the owner of a Persian variety of flower, then water it like an ordinary houseplant, because its bulb is located above the ground.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

In order for the buds to develop well, the soil needs to be fed. As soon as the foliage begins to appear and until the flower stalks appear, feed the plant with mineral fertilizers once every 2 weeks.

Organic matter will also be beneficial for your flower. Nitrogen fertilizers should be used with caution. If you add too many of them, the root system may begin to rot. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, you should use fertilizers that contain iron. The plant itself must be sprayed with iron chelate, and at the moment when it begins to bloom, apply the same fertilizer at the root.

Indoor cyclamen propagation

Dilute this plant It’s not easy at home. The main methods are dividing the bush and growing it from seeds.

Seed propagation

When purchasing seeds, pay attention to the expiration date, since only those seeds that have been stored for no more than 2 years will sprout.

If you already have a flower and want to get seeds from it, then you have to pollinate it with your own hands. Using a brush or cotton swab, you need to transfer pollen from one flower to another. To be sure that the plant is definitely pollinated, perform this procedure more than once. As a rule, the procedure is carried out on a sunny morning.

Before you start sowing, the seeds must be stored for 2 months, and then soaked in Zircon.

To create soil for seeds you will need peat, which must be mixed in equal parts with vermiculite or deciduous soil. Having spread the seeds over the surface of the soil, cover them with a thin layer of substrate. In order for the seeds to germinate indoors, a temperature of 20 degrees is required. If you create conditions with higher or lower temperatures, the seeds will go dormant or begin to rot. Be sure to keep an eye on the seeds and do not forget to ventilate them.

After about 4-6 weeks, the first shoots will appear, which must be transferred to a well-lit room, the temperature of which is no more than 15-17 degrees. After the bulbs and third petal appear, transplant the seedlings into separate pots. After a week using mineral fertilizers, feed them. But do not forget that the dosage indicated on the package must be reduced several times. After about 12-18 months, the plant will have its first flowers.

Dividing a bush or bulb

You can propagate cyclamen by dividing the bush if the plant is dormant.

The first thing to do is remove the onion from the ground and dry it thoroughly. Next, cut it so that each part has roots and buds with leaves. The best individual will be the one with multiple buds.

To avoid infection of the plant, treat the cuts with charcoal and let them dry. After a few days, start planting the bulbs in the container.

Is it necessary to care for cyclamen in winter?

As soon as flowering is completed, all the leaves on the bush begin to turn yellow and fall off. This is an indicator that the plant is entering a period of rest. At this point, you need to provide the cyclamen with special care.

  • Remove all dry leaves and flowers from the bush.
  • Those leaves that have not yet turned yellow are cut off closer to the base. The procedure is carried out using sharp cutting objects.
  • Watering is carried out infrequently and in small doses. Keep the soil slightly moist to prevent the tubers from suffering from drought.
  • Place the pot in a cool room, in an area where shade predominates. Remember that the life of the dry duck is maintained thanks to the bulb.

What diseases and pests attack

If you cannot provide the plant good care, then most likely it will be subject to attacks various insects and infections.

Cyclamen flower, how to care for it at home so as not to get sick:

  • The cyclamen mite lives in colonies and can be detected by a coating resembling a layer of dust. Insects live on back side leaf, and their presence leads to its curling, as well as withering of buds and flowers. Insecticides that are applied after all infected leaves have been removed will help you in the fight against pests.
  • Thrips are insects that live off the sap in leaves. They lay their offspring in the form of larvae on the reverse side of the leaves. Pests can also settle in the soil and attack the bulb, damaging it. If white spots appear on your pet and the edges of the leaves begin to dry out, then this is the first sign of a thrips attack. An infected plant should be treated with insecticides and quarantined, since these insects can fly and can move to neighboring plants.

What to do if the leaves start to turn yellow

The first reason why the color of the leaves has changed may be a sharp change in temperature. Yellowness can also indicate that there is not enough nutrients, it is waterlogged or too dry. If the plant enters a dormant period, then yellowing is a normal process.

Why doesn't cyclamen bloom at home?

  • If the room temperature is too high, the alpine violet will not produce flowers. Lowering the temperature will help cope with this problem.
  • By spraying the bush 2-3 times a day and wiping its leaves with a damp sponge, you will also help it bloom.
  • If there is not enough fertilizer for full development, add phosphorus and potassium supplements to your pet's care and flowering is guaranteed.

What medicinal properties does drakva have?

The ancient physician Hippocrates was able to discover medicinal properties of this plant. Its tubers can relieve any inflammation, and are also endowed with soothing and antimicrobial properties.

People use onion juice, which can cure many ailments. With its help you can cure sinusitis, get rid of various kinds pain, radiculitis, osteochondrosis and many other diseases.

But it is worth considering that this plant should be used very carefully, as it contains toxic substances that lead to vomiting and dizziness.

Sometimes cyclamen poisoning can lead to convulsions and difficulty breathing.

What signs is the plant associated with?

The Romans believed that cyclamen was able to protect the family from the evil eye and damage. Therefore, they put it in a prominent place so that angry man failed to cause any harm.

Nowadays, many people also believe that the plant takes away all negative energy.

Growing an indoor alpine violet at home is considered a good indicator, since thanks to it, benevolence and tranquility will always prevail in the family.

The flower should be placed in the bedroom, because according to ancient beliefs, it also helps to enhance male potency.

How to care for cyclamen at home video:

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