Alpine violet European cyclamen group. Alpine violet or dryer: how to grow cyclamen at home. This video is about how to grow cyclamen from seeds

Cyclamen Cyclamen, dryweed, alpine violet. A plant with a tuberous-thickened rhizome and flowers of various colors with a characteristic bend of the corolla. The genus is well known for its popular winter-blooming houseplants.


The genus name comes from the Greek word kyklos- “circle”, based on the shape of the tubers of these plants.

Types and varieties of cyclamen

The genus includes 15 species of tuberous, herbaceous perennials, common in the Mediterranean, Western Asia, and the Caucasus. By character life cycle cyclamens are ephemeroids. This means that they appear on the surface of the earth for a short time, for 3-4 months. The period of activity of cyclamens occurs in the cold part of the year - from autumn to spring.

In indoor culture, two types are mainly common: cyclamen persian (Cyclamen persicum) And European cyclamen (Cyclamen europaeum). Moreover, Persian cyclamen blooms in winter, while European cyclamen usually blooms with smaller but fragrant flowers from spring to autumn. The duration of flowering of one flower is up to 10 days (in a cool room). Cut flowers last a long time in water.

European cyclamen (Cyclamen europaeus)

Homeland - Central and Southern Europe.

A rare plant in cultivation. It gained popularity due to its delicate pleasant aroma.

Evergreen tuberous herbaceous plant. Tubers are up to 10 cm in diameter, spherical or irregular in shape, with roots located over the entire surface of the tuber and underground stolons ending in daughter tubers. On top of the tubers there is a rosette of leaves. The leaves are leathery, dark green with a silvery pattern.

The flowers are up to 2 cm long, pink, with a pleasant scent. When planting, European cyclamen tubers are completely covered with soil.

Persian cyclamen (Cyclamen persicum)

Motherland Greece, Southwest Asia, Tunisia.

A herbaceous plant with a flattened, spherical tuber, lumpy on top, up to 15 cm in diameter, with roots extending from the lower surface. The leaves are heart-shaped, up to 14 cm in diameter, with a silver pattern on top, green underneath. Flowers are about 5 cm long. The petals are oblong-lanceolate, slightly curled, bent back, pink and white with purple spots at the base, very fragrant. Blooms all winter until spring. During the dormant period it sheds its leaves.

In cultivation since 1731, a great variety of varieties and species of cyclamen have been bred since their “domestication”. The size of the flowers ranges from 3 to 12 cm. They come in various colors: white, red, pink, lilac, purple. Often there are flowers with a two-color color, simple, double, with fringed petals. In the greenhouse it blooms from September to March.

In standard varieties, the flower height usually does not exceed 30 cm, in medium-tall varieties - 22, but low-growing varieties are called forms whose height does not exceed 15 cm.

Cyclamen has decorative not only flowers, but also leaves. Each cyclamen hybrid has its own unique pattern on the leaves, making even non-flowering plants look impressive.

Popular varieties of cyclamen:

Small-flowered (miniature forms, miniature cyclamen) — " Elbperle" (white), " Anneli"(white with dark eye), " Elbereshen" (pink), " Elbfire" (bright red);

Large-flowered — "Goga" (white), " Lahssharlah"(bright red)" Rainrose"(lilac)" Dunkellans" (red).

Popular varieties of Persian cyclamen:

‘Scarlet Moth’- medium-sized flowers are bright scarlet with a dark eye, green leaves, the variety is well adapted to room temperatures;

‘Spring Moth’- medium-sized flowers of a delicate pink-lilac color with a dark lilac eye;

Charlie’ - medium-sized variety with pure white flowers;

Sylphide’ - large garnet-colored flowers with a thin white stripe along the edge of the petals;

Topaz’ - large, monochromatic flowers of carmine color;

Flamingo’ - large pink-lilac flowers with a dark eye, large leaves with a marble pattern;

Elf’ - micro variety, small pink-purple flowers with a dark eye, but in very large quantities;

Apple’ - large pink-white flowers with a dark eye, patterned leaves with a marble pattern;

Striata’ - large flowers of lilac-white color (the colors are distributed in thin stripes);

‘Violet Cattleya’- large bright lilac flowers, light green leaves;

Victoria’ - white flowers with crimson fringe;

'Kiss'- large fiery flowers with a darker eye;

Series " Rococo"- varieties of Persian cyclamen with large double flowers with a fringed edge of various colors:

‘Lila’ - lilac flowers;

'Pink'- soft pink;

'Rose’ - hot pink;

‘White with eye’- flowers are white with a bright pink spot at the base;

‘Dark red’- flowers of rich red color.

Breeders have developed many hybrids and varieties of cyclamen that can be used to create seasonal potted arrangements. Groups of differently colored flowering plants of the same species look very stylish.

Cyclamen care

Very often, cyclamens are used only as seasonal interior decoration (the plants are thrown away after flowering). Most often, the cause of plant death is keeping it too warm (placing cyclamen on the windowsill above the radiator). Therefore, the key to success This right choice places for plants. Cyclamen should be placed in a cool (no higher than +18 °C) bright place; eastern and western windows or glazed loggias are well suited. If you decide to put cyclamen on the windowsill, then it is advisable to raise the plant higher above the hot window sill, using special stands or cover the radiators with blankets that retain heat; for modern radiators, simply “tighten” the valve or place the plant in a cool window greenhouse, fenced off from the radiator and room air glass or film.

IN warm time the period of rest lasts for a year.

Blooming cyclamen need even watering; drying out of the earthen ball during the growth period causes premature and uneven flowering. Spraying is carried out carefully, avoiding the formation of drips of moisture on the leaves. At the end of flowering, the soil is moistened moderately after the top layer has dried. In a dormant state, watering is greatly reduced, but the soil is not allowed to dry out completely.

During the period of bud formation, fertilizing with fertilizers that do not contain nitrogen is necessary once every two weeks. Old leaves and faded flowers are removed by carefully unscrewing.

Once every 2 years in July-August, at the moment the first shoots appear on the tubers, it is necessary to transplant the cyclamen into new potting soil, and the tuber should look out of the soil by a third. Only a seedling's bulb can be completely covered with soil.

Cyclamen purchased already in bloom can bloom a second time. After the plant has flowered, it is kept at a moderate temperature, without stopping watering and fertilizing. Can be replanted in fresh soil. Used for planting soil mixture, consisting of turf and leaf soil, compost, peat and sand (1: 2: 1: 1: 0.5).

Possible problems when growing cyclamen:

premature and uneven flowering , while the flowers are not located at the same level, but partially below the surface of the leaves, which reduces the decorativeness of the plant as a whole - the reason is uneven watering, periodic drying out of the earthen coma;

yellowing of leaves - if the leaves turn yellow, but the flowers remain strong and healthy, then the reason is warm, dry air. Cyclamen does not tolerate temperatures above +17 ° C. Other possible causes are insufficient watering and direct sunlight;

buds do not open or fall off - sharp fluctuations in temperature due to hypothermia or ventilation, possibly too dry air, dry coma, lack of light or direct sunlight, unbalanced diet (excess nitrogen);

short flowering period possible reasons many, the most likely are too high a temperature, improper watering, dry air or nutritional deficiency;

rotting of peduncles - peduncles and leaf petioles are soft and rot from waterlogging of the soil and water entering the growing points. Never pour water on top part tuber;

wilting of flowers - excess nitrogen; general fasting, dryness;

deformed small leaves - the most likely cause is the cyclamen mite. The affected plant's growth stops, the edges of the leaves curl, the stems twist, and the buds wither. Unlike the red spider mite, this pest prefers moist conditions. Since temperatures above +24 °C and high humidity are most favorable for these pests, mites most often appear in greenhouses, and not on plants grown on the windowsill;

- the plant is affected by excess dryness and heat spider mite ;

leaf fall from waterlogging of the soil.

Reproduction of cyclamens

Propagated by dividing tubers when transplanting in June - July or by seeds. The seeds are first soaked for 12-14 hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then placed in boxes with earth mixture from leaf, turf soil and sand (4:2:1) at a distance of 2-3 cm, sprinkle with finely sifted soil or peat and intensively moisten. The temperature is maintained within +18…+20 °C. Shoots appear in 25-30 days. The seedlings are placed in a brighter place, and the temperature is reduced to +15...+16 °C.

Young plants (2-3 leaves) can be planted in plastic pots for seedlings; they have thick walls and a large hole in the bottom where the plate is located. When transplanting, the plate is easily squeezed out and the tuber comes out along with the soil. After the leaves close, well-developed plants are planted in pots. The tubers are not buried - they should rise above the ground by about a quarter or a third.

Ecology of home

Decorative and phytoncidal plants in the interior has a beneficial effect on the body. All this helps relieve physical and psychological fatigue, stressful conditions, and has a healing effect. The phytoncides released by cyclamen can serve for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, rheumatic and allergic diseases. Place 4-5 medium-sized cyclamen in the interior on an area of ​​10-12 square meters. m and you will feel a significant improvement in your well-being.

Medicinal properties of cyclamens

Pharmacy name: dryer's tuber - Cyclaminis rhizome(previously: Rhizoma Cyclaminis).

First mentions of healing properties cyclamen are found in Georgian sources of the 4th-3rd centuries. BC e. Many doctors have experience using cyclamen juice, for example, to treat sinusitis. In addition, dryakva was previously used as an effective laxative.

In homeopathy, Cyclamen is used in the treatment of nervous diseases and against gout, rheumatism and various painful conditions. Cyclamens have long been used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases. Extractive substances from their tubers contain biologically active components (of which the poisonous saponin cyclamine is the most studied) and have a pronounced analgesic effect. They have a calming effect and have hemostatic properties.

An infusion of tubers is used for neuralgia, gynecological diseases, rheumatism, gout, renal and hepatic colic. It is very effective for cold-related headaches associated with sinusitis and sinusitis. This effect is explained by the fact that cyclamine, upon contact with the mucous membrane, has an irritating effect and causes increased reflex secretion, which promotes natural drainage (cleaning) of the paranasal sinuses.

Energy of cyclamens

It is believed that cyclamen flowers contain sunlight, joy, inspiration. This plant is useful to have in those houses where people live or often visit emotional people with soft, pliable, changeable, weak character. Cyclamen is very useful for managers and for everyone who works with people and is involved in organizational activities.

Cyclamen (alpine violet) is a flower of pride and self-esteem. White and light pink cyclamen strengthens the human spirit during business troubles. Cyclamen takes away and absorbs negative energy, gives out positive energy, and teaches undisciplined people to be neat and organized. Cyclamen is characterized by cloud-like energy fluctuations. Strong, concentrated energy emanates from the trunk of the plant in the form of a fountain, then descends and rises again. Healthy plants create a cycle of energy.

Oddly enough, cyclamens are close relatives of the well-known spring flowers, primroses. IN natural conditions Cyclamen bloom in the cold part of the year - from autumn to spring. This is due to the fact that, by the nature of the life cycle, cyclamens are ephemeroids, that is, during the summer, dry period, their above-ground shoots die off, and they are at rest in the form of a tuber sleeping underground. Cyclamens appear on the surface of the earth only for a short time, when the most favorable conditions for their life.

In the Mediterranean and Middle East only during rainy season winter period there is enough moisture in the soil for their growth and flowering, and under the canopy of broad-leaved forests, where most types of cyclamen grow, there is enough light, since the trees stand without leaves. In warm areas where there is no snow cover in winter, cyclamens bloom in mid-winter, and where snow falls, some species bloom in the spring and others in the fall. In natural conditions, spring-flowering cyclamens begin to bloom even before the snow melts. Their delicately colored flowers have an unusual, pleasant aroma.

Pages of history

The ancient Romans, loving and growing cyclamens, sincerely believed that they were able to protect against the evil eye and all kinds of slander, and therefore considered flowers to be family talismans and amulets. However, their love for cyclamen came, most likely, because in folk medicine, since the time of Hippocrates, cyclamen have been and continue to treat many diseases. Cyclamen, along with violets and daffodils, were cultivated by the inhabitants of Ancient Hellas, and the scientific name of the flower comes from those times.

Persian cyclamen has been in cultivation since 1731. Since the second half of the 19th century. Many garden forms were developed, differing in the size and shape of the flowers, their color - from bright red to almost black, but with a weaker aroma than the natural species.

Cyclamen were especially loved in England, where by the end of the 19th century. About 200 lines of large-flowered garden cyclamen were bred. Charles Darwin described his experiments on cyclamen in the famous work “The Effect of Cross-Pollination and Self-Pollination in flora", published in 1872. In his greenhouse in Down, the scientist proved the positive effect of cross-pollination compared to self-pollination in the presence of two or more specimens of cyclamens. Nowadays, they are grown most intensively in Holland, Germany and Italy.

A perennial herbaceous plant with an underground tuber of the primrose family. Homeland - Asia Minor, Greece, Southern Europe, Crimea. It grows wild in Greece, Palestine, and Syria.

About 10 species are found in the Crimea and the Caucasus. Delicate cyclamens with flaming flowers are sometimes called “dryakva”, “pork bread”, and alpine violet. The leaves are entire, rounded, kidney-shaped, with a heart-shaped base, on long reddish-brown petioles.

The leaf blade is dark green on top, with a beautiful light pattern, and reddish-purple underneath. The flowers are small, delicate lilac-pink in color, with a strong pleasant scent. Bright exotic flowers resemble tropical butterflies. Persian cyclamen and its polyhybrid forms are cultivated in the rooms.

Cyclamen blooms profusely, with early spring until late autumn.

It is relatively undemanding about living conditions. In summer, a semi-shaded place, fresh air, and abundant watering are needed. In winter - a bright, cool room and rare watering.

After rest (rest period - summer), leaves on long petioles grow from the tuber, late autumn peduncles appear, on top of which large flowers with pointed curved petals are formed.

The main condition for proper maintenance of cyclamen in a room is a cold atmosphere, which can be created by placing the plant between double window frames or in a cool window greenhouse, fenced off from the radiator and room air with glass or film. Blooming cyclamens should be watered moderately around the edge of the pot and fertilized.

At the end of flowering, watering should be gradually reduced, and after the leaves have fallen, the tuber should be removed for a period of rest in a dark place. The tuber needs to be moistened occasionally; at the beginning of July, watering should be increased again; in addition, cyclamen should be sprayed 2-3 times during the day.

At the beginning of September, transfer the plant to fresh soil or limit yourself to extracting soil from the surface, exposing the top of the tuber.

It is better to take loose, nutritious soil, composed of equal parts humus mixed with leafy, light turf soil and sand. After transplanting, move the pots to a bright place, protecting them from direct sunlight.

With proper care, cyclamen blooms well for many years. It is propagated by seeds (less often by dividing the tuber), but this is difficult to do indoors, so it is recommended to purchase plants that are already flowering.

Replant before the start of growth at the end of March, at the same time separating the young bushes formed on the rhizome for propagation. Cut flowers and leaves can stand in vases with water for a long time.

European cyclamen combines a whole series decorative properties: abundant flowering, grace and delicate aroma of flowers, the beauty of numerous painted leaves. This allows it to be used in the decoration of premises both in a blooming state and after flowering. Cut flowers and leaves are an excellent material for miniature bouquets and flower arrangements.

They look like butterflies fluttering above the silver-green foliage. In European gardens, cyclamens are planted under big trees- they bring light and play into the shady twilight. And here they are often grown as indoor plants.

Some people think that after flowering they are thrown away, but this is a mistaken opinion. Cyclamen is a perennial plant, and if you care for it properly, it will delight you with its flowers for a long time.

The Eastern Mediterranean is considered to be the birthplace of cyclamen, a plant of the primrose family, the closest relative of the primrose. In nature, there are many species growing in the mountains along the shores of the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian seas. Hence the second name - alpine violet. And the third, not at all poetic name - dryakva - the plant received for its poisonous properties: some animals, having tried it, begin to tremble and stumble.

Other types of cyclamen - Pontic (C. ponticum), Kos (C. coum), Caucasian (C. caucasicum) - are grown as garden crops, which does not exclude the possibility of using them as potted plants.

Nowadays, many varieties have been developed that differ in color (from white and pink to dark red, burgundy and purple) and the shape of flowers and leaf colors. Some varieties have petals with beautiful corrugated edges; there are double and profusely blooming cyclamens, in which up to 35 flowers bloom simultaneously, these are varieties of the “Turbo” line.

There are miniature forms, the height of which does not exceed 15 cm. And there are those that bloom without leaves at all - the flower stalks come straight out of the ground. In indoor culture, the most common is Persian cyclamen (C. persicum), sometimes European cyclamen (C. europaeum) or purple cyclamen (C. purpurascens) are grown.

Ersidian flowers bloom mainly in autumn and winter, and are propagated by seeds. European, or purple, flowers bloom in spring-summer, and they are propagated by both seeds and tubers. They also differ from Persian ones in that their bushes and flowers are much smaller and more delicate Persian and they are evergreen plants, that is, these flowers do not have a dormant period, the rosette of leaves does not die off.

Alpine violet care

Cyclamen or alpine violet is an indoor plant, ideal for rooms with a cool microclimate. The popularity of this plant is growing every year.

This is explained by the fact that cyclamen blooms in winter, when few plants can please us bright colors, in which the sunlight shimmers and just by looking at them, a person is overcome with joy and inspiration comes. This plant is simply irreplaceable in homes where bright, emotional people with a light, slightly changeable character live.

The genus includes fifteen species of tuberous herbaceous perennials, distributed in the Mediterranean, the Caucasus and some areas of Asia. The name of the genus comes from the Greek word “cyklos” - a circle, based on the shape of the tubers of these plants.

Two types are common in indoor culture: Persian cyclamen and European cyclamen.

Persian cyclamen is perennial, forming tubers round shape, up to fifteen centimeters in diameter. The tuber has only one growing point, and damage to it leads to the death of the entire plant. The leaves are dark green, leathery, heart-shaped.

They are located on long (up to thirty centimeters) petioles and have a decorative grayish silver pattern. The flowers are pointed, curved back. Their color can be snow-white, pink, dark red, burgundy, purple. There are flowers with two-color colors.

Flowering continues for quite a long time, more than three months. Depending on the variety and room conditions, it can begin in October and last until April.

European cyclamen is somewhat smaller in size. Its tubers are spherical in shape and can reach ten centimeters in diameter. The leaf petioles are no more than fifteen centimeters in length. The flowers are pink, with a pleasant scent.

Cyclamen is unpretentious: during the flowering period it needs a bright, but not sunny, cool room. Optimal temperature in winter +15 degrees Celsius. Watering evenly, always with soft, settled water. Do not allow water to get into the middle of the rosette of leaves. The plant reproduces by dividing tubers or seeds.

Bought already in bloom, cyclamen can bloom again. After the plant has flowered, it is kept at a moderate temperature, without stopping watering and fertilizing. You can transplant the plant into “fresh” soil. As old leaves die, new ones appear, and then buds form and flowers open.

Alpine violet reproduction

Alpine violet is called cyclamen in its homeland. It is a primrose that grows in the mountains of the Mediterranean, where in the spring it forms a continuous carpet, and is also found in the Crimea and the Caucasus. In European gardens, cyclamen of various colors grow under trees with a spreading crown. In the shady twilight, the flowers look like fluttering butterflies, easily hovering above the silver-green foliage.

Cyclamen are also successfully grown as indoor plants. If you like flowering plants to surround you all year round, cyclamen fits perfectly, because one plant produces up to fifty flowers with delicate curved petals during the flowering period.

Cyclamen reproduces only by seeds, its tubers are not divided, and do not give in to your friend’s persuasion to divide the bush, no matter how large it is. This manipulation will destroy the plant, because damaged tubers quickly rot.

In late winter, when most flowers are already resting, cyclamen blooms with beautiful, very delicate flowers. At good care flowering continues for a very long time - from September to March. The plant is capricious and reacts sharply to the slightest changes in conditions. If you decide to purchase an alpine violet, carefully study how to care for cyclamen at home.

Tuberous perennial plant. The leaves are wide, ideal proportions, with patterns. The flowers are bright and unusual - they rise above the foliage on long stalks, reminiscent of fluttering butterflies. The size and color of the flowers depend on the variety.

In nature, an ephemeroid plant - the above-ground part lives for several months, dies, leaving only a dormant tuber in the ground. The dormant period of cyclamen grown in an apartment is not so pronounced. Withdrawn hybrid varieties, which grow and bloom almost all year round. Types and varieties of cyclamen differ in appearance, shade, size of flowers, and height of the bush. In size they are short (up to 15 cm), medium high (up to 20 cm) and standard (up to 30 cm).

Advice! When buying a tuber, check with the seller about the type of flower and age. Carefully examine the tuber from all sides. A healthy tuber is elastic, hard, heavy, with buds at the top. When purchasing a plant, pay attention to the elasticity of the leaves and the smoothness of the surface of the tuber. It is better to purchase a plant at the very beginning of flowering - in the fall. Choose a specimen with unopened buds.

Home and garden varieties of cyclamen

There are more than 50 varieties in nature. Mostly hybrid varieties are used in cultivation.

Garden cyclamen is a group of varieties suitable for growing in open ground. It is recommended to use Kuznetsov's cyclamen, Kossky, small-flowered, and ivy-leaved cyclamen as a garden crop.

Important! Why doesn't cyclamen bloom? The absence of flowering indicates high temperature in the room, lack of nutrition and light. To stimulate flowering, the plant is moved to a cooler place, sprayed daily, and the room is ventilated. It is recommended to apply phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Products containing nitrogen are temporarily excluded.

Features of care and conditions of detention

The flower is capricious. Requires increased attention and compliance with all rules of care. The slightest violations in the maintenance regime lead to disease and death of the plant.

LightingLoves bright light, but reacts painfully to the sun. During the midday hours, be sure to provide shade. In winter, the need for lighting does not decrease.
Selecting a locationIt is recommended to grow on eastern and western windows. Shading is provided on the south side. The north side is not suitable for placing cyclamen.
TemperatureIn summer there are no special temperature requirements. Contained at normal room temperature. The room is regularly ventilated, drafts are avoided. In winter, the upper temperature limit is 12°C.
WateringModerate watering is recommended. During flowering, water carefully - do not allow overflow and complete drying of the soil. The need for watering is determined by the degree of soil moisture.
HumidityPrefers moderately high humidity. Spray regularly during the active growth phase, and stop spraying when flowering begins. To increase humidity, place bowls of water around the pot and spray the air, avoiding moisture getting on the plant. In winter, do not keep near heating radiators and other heat sources.
FeedingAlternate feeding mineral fertilizers and organics. The optimal frequency of fertilizing is once every two weeks. The feeding period is from the moment the leaves appear until the beginning of flowering.
SoilThe soil for cyclamen is light, breathable, and nutritious. Lack of aeration quickly leads to rotting of the tuber. Breathable substrates made from coarse-fiber peat are used. It is allowed to use ready-made soil mixtures for violets. The optimal composition is leaf soil, humus, peat and sand.
TransferAround the end of June with the appearance of new leaves. European cyclamen is transplanted in March. They try not to disturb the ivy-leaved cyclamen - they leave it in the same pot. Transplanting cyclamen has its own subtleties. In the Persian one, the tuber is deepened halfway, in the purple one, it is completely covered with earth. For some time, watering is limited - moisturize moderately until signs of growth appear.

Reproduction technique

Cyclamen is propagated in several ways. The technique varies depending on the plant variety.

  • Sockets. Experts call them “horns.” They are a shoot coming from a tuber. It is separated along with part of the tuber and planted in light, moist soil. Until rooting, cover with a jar or plastic cup. Keep at room temperature, water and ventilate. The roots appear in two to three weeks. All the “horns” don’t break off!
  • Daughter tubers. Used for European cyclamen. Additional nodules form around the tuber. They are separated and planted in loose soil. Keep under cover made of glass or polyethylene. Care consists of watering, maintaining heat, and ventilation.
  • By division. Adult bushy specimens divide. The tuber is cut into two parts. Shoots and roots are left on each of them. The sections are thickly sprinkled with charcoal powder and left to dry for a day. Place in light soil. The soil is moistened moderately - even slight waterlogging leads to rotting. A complex and risky method of reproduction. Even experienced flower growers use it in extreme cases.
  • Seeds. It is easier to grow cyclamen from seeds at home. Seeds are sown in December. No pre-treatment is required. The temperature is maintained at 20-22°C. The first shoots appear in one and a half to two months. Picking at the stage of two true leaves. When picking, the resulting tuber is completely covered with earth. The first flowering occurs 13-15 months after sowing.

Important! Leaf propagation is not the most effective way. Inexperienced gardeners make attempts to root a leaf by analogy with the propagation of gloxinia or Saintpaulia. Leaf cuttings usually do not take root - they turn yellow, rot and die.

Cyclamen diseases

Violation of maintenance conditions weakens the flower and provokes the development of diseases. Many of them end in the death of the flower.

Fusarium wiltFungus. Cyclamen leaves turn yellow on the crown, sometimes only on one side. Characterized by gradual withering and death.Watering the soil with Fundazol solution. Spraying with Topsin-M.
Wet rotBacterial disease. Characterized by rapid withering and the appearance of a putrid odor. The roots are rotting. Infected from other plants or through water.The plant is destroyed. It is impossible to revive him.
Gray rotThe causative agent is a fungus. Weakened specimens are affected. Provoking factors - improper watering, high humidity, cold. It is manifested by the appearance of gray mold, yellowing of leaves, their darkening and death.The affected parts are removed. The flower is being processed systemic fungicides. Watering is limited and the room is regularly ventilated.
AnthracnoseFungus. Progresses during the flowering period. Peduncles become deformed and stop growing. The flowers don't bloom. The fungus spreads to the leaves, causing them to curl and gradually dry out.The affected parts are removed. Keep in a dry place. Treat with fungicides three times at weekly intervals.
Sooty fungusIt is discovered after a flower is damaged by aphids or scale insects. The plant weakens, stops growing, and the leaves dry out.Clean the leaves from plaque with a 2% solution of green soap. Additionally, spraying with fungicide is carried out.

If you are not afraid of the small difficulties associated with growing cyclamen, then it will decorate your home flower collection. Various colors, long flowering, unusual appearance- for this cyclamen is highly valued by flower growers.

homemade Cyclamen - Alpine violet. How to care for a plant

Name of the plant in Russian: Cyclamen
Other flower names: Alpine violet, dryer
Latin name: Cyclamen
Family: primroses (Primulaceae)
In indoor conditions, the following types are very common: Cyclamen persica (C.perseum) And C. European (C. europaeum)

External signs of the plant, description of indoor species of Cyclamen:

Name Cyclamen comes from the Greek word Kyklos, which means circle, is the shape of the tubers of this long-lived, beautifully flowering plant.

The homeland of wild 15 species of this plant are: Caucasus, Crimea, Central and Southern Europe, certain areas of Asia Minor, Greece, the Middle East and the Alps .

Alpine violet is a perennial plant that can live up to 25 years in nature.

In a few sentences, you can describe Cyclamen as follows: a delicate decorative perennial flower with a thick, fleshy bulbous tuber, green and dark green leaves with a pattern of silvery veins. But the most important advantage of the Alpine violet is its beautiful, light as a butterfly, delicate, bordered or fringed flowers, very rich in multi-colored colors: white, red, pink-lilac. The flowers gracefully sit on reddish petioles of different heights (their length differs in different varieties: there are large ones up to 30 cm high, as well as medium and miniature cyclamens). I would also like to note the pleasant aroma of dryberry flowers.

Common indoor species are European and Persian cyclamens, between which there are some significant differences. For comparison, below is a brief description of each of the domestic species.

European cyclamen(C.europaeum) is a long-lasting herbaceous plant with a round, elongated, or flattened tuber with a diameter of up to 10 cm; daughter tubers are located on underground shoots. From the top of the tuber grow short shoots with small leaves 2-4 cm in diameter on long, rounded petioles; the top of the leaf is dark green with a silver pattern, and the bottom leaves are dark red in color. The flowers are also small - 2-5 cm in diameter. pink shades and with a pleasant smell, they delight the eye from spring to autumn.

Cyclamen persica(C.persicum) - has a larger tuber, reaching 15 cm in diameter. Unlike the European one, in which the roots are located on all parts of the tuber, the Persian Cyclamen has roots coming from the bottom of the turnip. Characteristic features of this type of Alpine flower are large leaves in diameter. up to 14 cm, colored green below and may have a jagged edge. The flowers are larger - 5 cm with pink or purple petals bent back or slightly curled. The flowering period is autumn-winter until spring.

The photo shows home views

European cyclamen with soft pink flowers

Persian Cyclamen - huge leaves and
pink flowers with jagged edge

Different varieties of C. differ not only
the color of the flowers, but also the pattern on the leaves

How to care for different types of cyclamens:

When growing Cyclamen indoors, you must adhere to certain conditions. For different types of Alpine violet, advice on maintenance and care is similar, but may differ. Therefore, differences in the cultivation of Persian and European flowers will be discussed separately.

Cyclamena prefers diffused sunlight, do not allow direct exposure to the sun. Therefore, in the summer it is placed on a north window in the shade.

Temperature conditions should be +18-+20 degrees Celsius in summer, and in winter - around 10-12°C.

Watering is carried out moderately, and during the dormant period it is significantly reduced., without allowing the soil in the pot with Cyclamen to become too dry. Here I would like to note that C. europaea does not have a pronounced dormant period and is watered evenly all year round. And for the Persian Cyclamen, the rest period begins immediately after flowering from May to June, a sign of this is the shedding of leaves; during dormancy, the Persian Persian (C.perseum) is watered approximately 1 day after the soil in the flower pot dries out. You can periodically spray the surface of the leaves.

Flowering period for each type is also different: European. Ts. pleases with its flowers from spring to autumn. Persian Ts. sprouts roots with many flowers in the autumn-spring period. In order for the Alpine violet to bloom longer and produce more flowers, it must be kept in a bright, cool room, and yellow leaves and wilted flowers must be removed in a timely manner. With proper care, Cyclamen can bloom for more than a month and a half and during this time produce more than 50 beautiful, delicate, fragrant flowers.

This tuberous flower is replanted in the fall, but many gardeners recommend a different scheme. Persian C. transplanted into a wider bowl early July when new leaves begin to grow. For European Cyclamen, change the pot annually in March or April. Transplanted cyclamen is rarely watered. Increase watering only as rooting progresses. The European tuber is covered completely with soil, while the Persian tuber is covered halfway up. The soil mixture for this winter indoor plant has the following composition: one part sand, humus and peat and three parts leaf soil.

The main method of reproduction in the two indoor species of Cyclamen also differs.
European look has side shoots with small nodules, with the help of which young plants of this species are propagated.
With reproduction in Persian look things are much more complicated, because it needs to be artificially pollinated. To do this, it is advisable to have a second plant and take its flowers for pollination. If pollination is successful, boxes with seeds are formed in place of the flowers, which are immediately sown fresh in moist peat to a depth of one centimeter and kept at +17°C (very important: if the temperature of the seeds is higher than +18°C, the seeds will enter the state secondary dormancy and will germinate within a year). If the temperature is kept low, the seeds will sprout within 1 month. When the small nodules formed from the seed produce a second leaf, they can be picked, completely buried in the soil. They are watered and the top layer of soil is loosened. The second transplant of Persian Cyclamena seedlings will take place in 1.5-2 months: the young tuber is buried by two-thirds, observing moderate watering and shading from the sun.
Such young plants will bloom in about a year.

Features of caring for Alpine violet at home:

! Excess moisture has a detrimental effect on the Cyclamen plant: A fungus can settle on the leaves, after which the leaves wither and turn yellow. The affected leaves along with the petiole must be removed immediately.

! The most common cause of yellowing leaves Cyclamen has warm and dry air, because the dryer loves a cool room - in winter it is twelve degrees Celsius, in summer it is not higher than plus twenty, but preferably seventeen degrees Celsius.

! When watering Cyclamen water should not get on the tuber, because this can lead to rotting of the tuber and death of the plant. You cannot spray the flowers of C.

! When replanting the plant, it is advisable to leave the upper part of the tuber open without covering it with soil.

! Apart from the usual common pests Cyclamen can affect ground weevil - striated mower. The larvae of which eat the roots, and the adult beetle gnaws the leaves at night. The fight against this weevil consists of completely replacing the soil clod, checking and removing adult individuals from the roots and chemically. processing the Cyclamen tuber before planting in new soil.

! Abnormally small, misshapen leaves- the cause may be the cyclamen mite. This pest settles on the leaves of cyclamen, saintpaulia, balsam and pelargonium. As a result, the leaves curl, the growth of the plant stops, and with a large concentration of these tiny mites on the underside of the leaf, they look like light dust. The cyclamen mite loves damp places; spraying with conventional preparations will most likely not produce results, so the affected leaves should be removed immediately.

The popular flower cyclamen (Cyclamen) is also known under other names - drywort, alpine or Persian violet. The plant is native to the Middle East and the Greek islands. Symbolizes happiness and good luck. Bright inflorescences are called the wings of a butterfly, the rays of the sun, the mystery of the East. At the same time, cyclamens are poisonous crops for domestic animals. One of the few representatives of the flora that blooms brightly in winter.

Cyclamen "Ivy-leaved" in a container.

There are more than twenty types of cyclamens. The flower is a tuberous flower. It must be taken into account that the plant has strong and long roots. Unlike most crops, leaves and buds appear in the fall, when the rest of the plants are preparing for a dormant period.

Cyclamen flowers have 5 petals, usually pointing upward. The color of the inflorescences can be white, pink, purple or black colors and shades. After wilting, a fruit forms in the form of a seed capsule from which the seeds are dispersed.

Cyclamens are very delicate plants. The flower does not like severe frosts. When grown outdoors in a temperate climate, it can overwinter in the area. The most common types of culture are “Persian” and “European”. Special dwarf varieties have also been bred, the size of which is only 15 cm in height.

The leaves are very compact with a heart-shaped pattern. The plant is very attractive even without flowers. The primary leaves are green with silver markings, the secondary leaves have a gray marbled sheen around most of the leaves. Green is the predominant color in the center. Beautiful inflorescences appear on the strongest and longest stems. After wilting, cyclamen are often discarded as annuals. With proper care, you can save the plant for flowering next season.

How to care for cyclamen in a container


Cool air between + 10 - +18 °C is ideal for the crop. It is advisable to choose a room without heating. This way you can extend the flowering period. If the room is hot, you should place the flowerpot on a cool windowsill.


For abundant flowering, it is advisable to provide cyclamens with a sufficient amount of sunlight. It is necessary to avoid places under direct scorching rays.

Cyclamen planted in partial shade.

Watering: features and rules

The soil should be moistened as the top layer of soil in the pot dries. Good method for watering - place the pot in warm water so that the soil absorbs as much liquid as possible. Then you need to give the plant time to drain the tray. When immersing in water, avoid getting water on the roots. Otherwise, you can damage the root system.

Peculiarities proper watering you can find out from the video:


Cyclamens prefer loose soil that retains moisture well. Particular attention should be paid to the acidity of the soil and the content of mineral components. The perfect combination for a plant:

  • leaf humus;
  • turf soil;
  • crushed peat briquettes;
  • fine straw;
  • shavings.

When choosing a substrate, you should pay attention to the size of the components - large woody plates can spoil the tubers. Therefore, before planting, you should sift the soil mixture.
Preference should be given to a fresh and moderately moist composition, without pronounced viscosity.

The connection can be thermally treated, for example, in an oven. To do this you will need a wide metal sheet with curved edges. The procedure should be carried out at a temperature of about + 85 degrees for no more than ten minutes.


A sufficient level of humidity can be ensured by placing the flowerpot in a tray with pebbles or artificial method increasing the vapor content in the air - with a humidifier.

Replanting cyclamen

The cyclamen plant should be replanted after the flowering season ends and the leaves wither no more than once every 2-3 years. The procedure must be done as the soil becomes depleted. During the transplant process you must:

  • take a larger container;
  • prepare a new soil mixture;
  • moisten the soil;
  • remove all dead parts of the plant, including roots;
  • carefully place the cyclamen in a new pot;
  • slightly level the ground;
  • Sprinkle mulch or peat on top.


Dry, yellowed and dead leaves must be removed at the first signs of wilting. You need to cut close - at the very base of the plant. Fallen parts of the crop should be removed regularly so as not to expose cyclamen to various diseases.

Once the crop has finished blooming, you can remove the stems with the base of the inflorescence for further bud production. It is enough to carefully hold the plant at the base and gently twist it to separate the stems from the rhizome. Cyclamen needs rest during its dormant period. Therefore, in order to accumulate energy for next year, the plant must be spared the expenditure of effort on the withering of the stems.

Alpine violet in open ground

Alpine violet can be grown in partial or full shade. Cyclamen does not compete with the root systems of other plants. Trees and shrubs provide cyclamen protection in cold weather. winter weather. Their roots absorb excess moisture and improve drainage. Therefore, the plant goes well with various green spaces.

Hardy varieties of cyclamen are "Ivy", "Kossky" and "Purple". They can withstand prolonged temperature drops (-6° C). Beginning gardeners should pay attention to resistant varieties. They rank first in terms of ease of cultivation.

Cyclamen can be successfully grown at very low temperatures if there are auxiliary factors:

  • protection of trees and bushes;
  • amount of precipitation;
  • location of buildings near the landing site;
  • access to sunlight.

There are varieties that can survive severe frosts, but in the future they will not be able to open buds. Such dry trees must be dug up for the winter.

Cyclamen "Purple" is ideal for growing in shaded rock gardens or in partial shade of green spaces. It pairs well with ferns and hardy perennials. A mixture of different cyclamens planted in one area forms a colony of amazing colors.

The plant harmonizes well with paving slabs, open areas and alpine slides. Alpine violets can be planted in garden vases and flowerpots.

Basics of growing on a windowsill

How to choose a flower container

You should pay attention to various parameters:

  1. A plastic pot is ideal for cyclamen. You need to check the quality of the material. A flowerpot that is too thin may be fragile.
  2. Ceramic containers often cause stagnation of liquid, which leads to rotting of the roots. In this case, when planting, it is necessary to ensure drainage using expanded clay and sand.
  3. Overgrown cyclamen should be planted in a container with a large diameter and height.
  4. The container must contain a drain for water. If the factory specifications do not provide for such a function, you can make several holes yourself.

Before use, wash the pot thoroughly with soapy water. Clay containers must be heat treated. In this way, the occurrence of typical diseases for the plant can be avoided.

Feeding - main nuances

It is necessary to fertilize the plant during the development and flowering period twice a month. Mineral components are ideal for stimulating growth.

Features of feeding:

  1. Caring for cyclamen at home requires additional activation. Excessive application of nitrogen stops the development of buds.
  2. Mineral compounds can destroy young cyclamen shoots.
  3. Microfertilizers will be needed for the development of leaves and seeds.
  4. Do not feed dry soil.
  5. Fertilizer is applied only for healthy crops.
  6. When using a special mixture during planting, further chemical exposure will not be necessary.

Classic problems

Yellowing of leaves

After flowering foliage and root system will get worse. If the rhizome looks good externally, the plant may be too hot. Yellow spots appear under the influence of direct sunlight, dry air or excessive watering.

Short flowering period

It is usually caused by a combination of dry and warm air or lack of water. Provided that the plant bloomed profusely at the time of purchase.

Leaves are limp and drooping

The plant dies due to excessive watering. The soil must be changed immediately.

Cyclamen pests

The plant is attacked by thrips, mites and aphids. You can fight insects with the help of insecticides "Verticillin", "Bikol" and "Boverin". From folk remedies use a soap solution. Affected leaves and flowers must be removed.

Characteristic diseases

Bacterial soft rot and fusarium

A yellowed plant withers and quickly dies. The corms become moist and soft. To prevent cyclamen diseases, corms should be purchased from reputable sources and planted in a clean environment. When reusing the potty, you must clean it thoroughly with a household cleaner. disinfectant or a weak solution of bleach before planting.


Dark spots appear on the leaves. The flower petals appear watery at first, and then a gray fungus appears. You can save cyclamen at an early stage. It is necessary to improve air circulation - regularly ventilate the room. The disease is contagious, so you should carefully monitor plants that are located nearby and, if possible, isolate other flowerpots.


Causes the plant to wilt. The roots become black and wrinkled. You can try to save the plant with chemicals. During treatment, cyclamen should be placed in a separate room.

Viruses cause a range of symptoms, including deformation of leaves and flowers, abnormal formations on buds, and the appearance of various stripes and ring spots.

Cyclamen disease with characteristic spots.

An infected alpine violet should be thrown away, otherwise all the plants in the room may die.

Features of flowering

Despite its high decorative value and elegant appearance, the plant can cause severe allergic reactions. When contacting blooming cyclamen, severe swelling of the upper respiratory tract and burns of the mucous membrane sometimes occur.

Reproduction methods

Propagation by tubers

The most popular and effective way. Corms can be replanted during flowering. It is easier to do this while the plant is in the dormant stage.

Successful propagation involves placing the upper part of the tuber above the soil surface. The procedure is quite easy:

Cyclamen from seeds

To grow drywood from seeds you will need to have a lot of patience. Most species will take four to ten weeks to germinate. The growing procedure includes:

Planting seeds in open ground

Outdoors with moderate winter conditions the plant can be sown in late summer or early autumn. In more severe conditions, the flower should be sown in spring. It is necessary to choose a place in partial shade with good drainage. You need to prepare a hole for planting with compost or peat. Sow the seeds at a distance of 8 cm from each other, lightly covering them with a layer of sand. The soil should be kept moist before and after germination.

The seeds germinate slowly and usually produce one leaf before the onset of winter. Sowing seeds in a cold frame is a good alternative for open ground And in a great way growing outdoors. After a few years, you can transplant the culture to a permanent place.

What to do if cyclamen does not bloom

The crop does not bloom, as a rule, due to a long period of dormancy. But the lack of new inflorescences can be caused by an excess of fertilizers, excessive watering or lack of lighting for some subspecies. It is necessary to carefully review the care of the plant.

How to choose planting material

You can purchase the plant in the form of:

  • adult representative;
  • seeds;
  • tubers in the dormant stage.

"European" cyclamen with fragrant flowers.

The price of a plant varies depending on the condition of the crop, variety, container and type of root system. For example, grown cyclamen “Purple” can be purchased for 369 rubles in a plastic pot. Seeds in “Mix” packaging (3 pieces) are sold at a price of 34 rubles.

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