How to plant watermelons in open ground with seeds. How to grow watermelons in open ground? What should be the soil and container for watermelon seedlings?

First you need to clearly understand in order to grow a quality watermelon in open ground, we need the same quality planting material, so buy seeds from places you have trusted. If your personal plot is closer to the south of Russia, then watermelons can be grown in open ground, otherwise, most likely, you cannot do without a greenhouse.

Place and soil

This should be a very sunny place with deep water, since watermelon does not tolerate excess moisture. The soil is preferably sandy loam or sandy, light, since the berries gain juiciness from the root system, which penetrates deep into the ground. In heavy soil, the root system of a watermelon is not able to develop fully, but deep loosening of it will improve the situation slightly. pH 6.5-7.0. Pay attention to the presence, watermelon really doesn’t like them.

It’s good if the predecessor of watermelons was alfalfa or winter wheat. It is impossible to grow watermelons after any melons or nightshades.

In autumn, the ground is fertilized with rotted manure (4-5 kg ​​per 1 sq.m.). Fresh manure makes the plant vulnerable to fungal diseases.

Preparation of watermelon seeds and sowing in open ground (seedless method of growing watermelons in open ground)

Before sowing in open ground, watermelon seeds need to be heated in the sun (directly in a bag) for 10 days, so that their temperature reaches 55°C, if the seeds are wet, then up to 30°C. Then fill them with water and leave for 30 minutes. Those watermelon seeds that float will have to be thrown away; they are not suitable for sowing. Next, fill in hot water(50-60°C), when the water has cooled, drain it and soak until biting. If it is not possible to ignite the seeds in the sun, then from February the seed is stored near the radiator. 3 days before the intended sowing in the morning, prepare an ash solution (1 part ash to 2 parts water), stir for 12 hours. On the same day in the evening, dip the seeds for 15-20 minutes in a dark solution of potassium permanganate, rinse and dip them in the prepared ash solution overnight. The next morning, take it out and dry it.

Watermelon seeds can be sown from the end of April until mid-June, it all depends on weather conditions and by what time you want to get the harvest. Focus on soil temperature (16°C).

Sow watermelon seeds to a depth of 6-8 cm at the rate of 10 seeds per linear meter, let them be planted more densely, because it is not a fact that all the seeds will sprout. To receive large watermelons Usually, fresh seeds are taken for sowing, since old seeds will produce small watermelons with a large number ovaries of flowers on one plant. After sowing, water the soil with warm water. The first shoots should appear a week after sowing. When the 5th leaf appears, hill up the plants, carefully loosening the soil. Remember that warmth and lack of rain are important for watermelons, so shelter should always be at hand. Sometimes, when the fruit reaches 10 cm in diameter, the main vine is pinched and all side shoots are removed, then the plant spends all its energy on developing the main ovary.

Growing watermelon seedlings for open ground

It is not difficult to grow watermelons in open ground and seedling method. To grow watermelon seedlings, use peat-humus pots; this is very convenient because when transplanting, the seedlings are not removed from them, they are planted directly into the holes, which means they do not damage the vulnerable root system. If you use plastic cups, then the seedlings are removed with a clod of earth, doing this with extreme caution, without damaging the roots. At the end of April, pour 2/3 of the soil mixture of peat, humus and turf land in a ratio of 2:1:1. Soak the seeds in warm water (up to 50°C) for 10 minutes. Now deepen one watermelon seed by 1 cm. As the seedling grows, add soil mixture and monitor the room temperature (25-30°). When the first true leaf appears, complex mineral fertilizer is applied, and after 2 weeks the feeding is repeated. When you notice that the leaves of the watermelon seedlings have begun to touch each other, move the pots apart. Watermelon seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground at the age of 30 days, at which point the plant should have about 5 true leaves. A week before transplanting watermelon seedlings into open ground, harden the plants (lower the temperature to 17°C during the day and 12-15°C at night.

Immediately before planting the seedlings, the soil is fertilized; about 2 kg of compost is added to each hole with abundant watering. Watermelon seedlings are planted in open ground in holes on the ridges according to the 140x70 or 140x140 pattern, deepening 8-10 cm in the resulting slurry, but so that the root collar is 1-2 cm above the surface of the ridge. If you plant 2 plants in one hole, so that they do not touch each other, straighten the lashes in different directions. Fill the holes with dry soil, then a crust will not form.

IN middle lane In Russia, choose varieties of watermelons for growing in open ground with the earliest ripening period and medium-sized sizes.

Caring for watermelons in the open ground

Watering is very moderate, especially during the ripening period, reduce it to a minimum. 14 days after planting watermelons in a permanent place, add a solution of ammonium nitrate (20 g of the drug per bucket of water at the rate of 2 liters of solution per 1 bush). During the budding period, fertilizing is repeated.

Only 2-6 ovaries are left on the bush. Each time after moistening the soil, loosening is carried out until the foliage closes. In windy weather, watermelon lashes are sprinkled with damp soil, and during periods of possible frost, the plants are covered with non-woven material.

Place foil or any other non-rotting material under the plants so that moisture, which can cause the fruits to spoil, cannot spoil the harvest.

Turn watermelons regularly to ensure even ripening.

Pay attention to the fruits; if one berry begins to grow rapidly, while others lag behind in development and turn yellow, it means that additional feeding is required.

Picking watermelons

In August, watermelons ripen intensively, so their readiness for harvest can be determined by a set of signs:

  • glossy surface;
  • drying of the bract;
  • there are no hairs on the stalk;
  • When you tap the berries, you hear a dull sound.

We invite you to watch a video about how watermelons of the Charleston Gray and Orange King varieties are grown, from soaking the seeds to harvesting.

Watermelon is a favorite melon crop of many gardeners, which gives the taste of summer. Even a novice gardener can easily grow it. However, for this it is not enough to prepare the site and provide appropriate care for the plants after planting: it is also necessary to correctly select and prepare the seeds for sowing.

Selection and preparation of site and soil for planting watermelon

For growing watermelon in open ground and obtaining good harvest care must be taken to select a location that must meet the following requirements:

  • be well lit;
  • protect from winds;
  • provide plants with the necessary nutrition.

Based on the listed factors, you need to take into account that the area for the watermelon should receive a sufficient amount of light during the day, be well warmed up and ventilated. It is best if you start preparing the soil in advance: sow the future bed with green manure and add the necessary fertilizers.

The area for the future watermelon bed should be well lit, ventilated, and well fertilized.

Green manures are plants that are grown for the purpose of their subsequent incorporation into the soil, which improves its structure, enriches it with nitrogen and prevents the growth of weeds.

An important point is the previous crops, i.e. those that were grown on the site before the watermelon. The most preferred are onions, garlic, carrots and early cabbage, as well as potatoes and tomatoes. Melon crops (watermelon, zucchini, pumpkin, melon) should not be constantly planted in the same place, since pathogens accumulate in the soil.

It should be noted that watermelons and other melons require light, loose and fertile soil. Most suitable option, if the plot of land consists of sandy or sandy loam soil, and the necessary organic fertilizers (humus, compost) will be added for digging in the fall. Organic matter is added at the rate of 2.5 buckets per 1 m² of land. In addition, attention should be paid to the acidity of the soil: for watermelons it should be within the pH range of 6–7.

Humus is excellent organic fertilizer to prepare a site for planting watermelon

IN spring period The watermelon bed should also be fertilized with mineral fertilizers before digging. For 1 m² you will need:

  • 24–35 g ammonium sulfate;
  • 40–45 g superphosphate;
  • 15–25 g of potash fertilizers.

Combining mineral and organic substances can increase the productivity of watermelon.

Preparing watermelon seeds for sowing

It is no secret for experienced gardeners that quality training seeds for sowing. This process is quite important and consists of several stages that must be performed in a certain sequence.

Variety selection

Watermelon variety for growing on your own garden plot you need to choose very carefully. If you do not have sufficient experience in cultivating this type of melon, then it is best to give preference hybrid varieties. This is due to the fact that they are characterized by more quality characteristics compared to varietal watermelons. Hybrids are characterized by faster maturation, resistance to a number of diseases and unfavorable environmental conditions.

When planning to grow watermelon on your plot, you need to carefully choose the variety.

Seed calibration

At first glance, seed calibration may not seem like such a significant procedure. If we look at it in more detail, the germination of seeds and the subsequent development of young plants will directly depend on it. Everything is actually simple: stronger and healthier seedlings develop better, thereby suppressing weaker seedlings. When separating (calibrating) seeds by size, seedlings will be more friendly and abundant.

Seed calibration involves separating them by size, which allows for more uniform and abundant seedlings

Warming up the seeds

A procedure such as warming the seeds before planting allows you to activate biochemical processes in planting material. To do this, the seeds are placed in a container of suitable size and filled with water at a temperature of about +50˚C. After half an hour, the water can be drained.

Pre-sowing treatment

Preparing watermelon seeds involves their disinfection, i.e. disinfection. In most cases, gardeners and gardeners use manganese for these purposes, from which they prepare potassium permanganate (a solution of low concentration). In order to prepare the substance, a very small amount of manganese is added to a small container filled with water. After stirring the solution, the seeds are soaked for 15–20 minutes and then washed with water.

Disinfection allows you to minimize the likelihood of young plants becoming infected with diseases or damaged by pests.

Treating watermelon seeds in potassium permanganate allows for disinfection, thereby protecting planting material from the adverse effects of microorganisms

After all the previous procedures have been completed, you can begin to germinate the seed material. To begin with, it is recommended to soak watermelon seeds for 12 hours in nutrient solution: this is done to saturate the seeds with microelements, which will ensure active growth and accelerate germination. Today, many drugs of this kind are offered, for example, Kornevin, Zircon, Heteroauxin.

After the seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator, you should not wash them with water under any circumstances: just dry them in the sun.

Germinating watermelon seeds accelerates the process of germination, and treatment with growth stimulants saturates the seed with microelements

Before soaking watermelon seeds to soften the thick rind, pour hot water over them for 10 minutes. Then you need to make a gauze bag, folding the material in several layers, and place the seeds in it at some distance from each other. The bag with planting material is placed in a saucer or shallow plate, having previously moistened the gauze; however, there is no need to fill the seeds with water - they must “breathe”. After this, the container is placed in a warm place (about +25˚C) and the humidity of the gauze is periodically checked: it is moistened as necessary.

To create more comfortable conditions for the seeds, the container can be covered with trimmed plastic bottle, film or glass, thus retaining moisture more long time. Please note that watermelon seeds do not germinate very quickly. Therefore, the first sprouts can be seen in at least a week (depending on the seeds of a particular variety, their quality and the conditions created). By ensuring an optimal microclimate, it will be possible to accelerate the germination of seed material and bring the moment of planting it into the soil closer. If the seeds are not soaked before planting, then you can’t count on rapid emergence of seedlings. For the Middle Zone and northern regions, the soaking and germination procedure is necessary.

Video: germinating watermelon seeds

Timing for sowing watermelon seeds in open ground

Planting watermelon is quite common by seed method. The timing of sowing crops depends on the weather and the time when the harvest is planned to be obtained. If spring has come early and the weather is warm, you can start sowing seeds from the end of April to mid-June. If the approach of warmth is delayed, then the sowing dates are shifted to the end of May.

When landing in southern regions You can start working from mid-April, taking into account weather conditions. For middle latitudes, watermelon seeds are sown in open ground only after stable warm weather has established. To determine the time of planting seeds, attention should be paid to the air temperature. Minimum temperature indicator+15˚С is considered for germination. In regions with an unpredictable climate, gardeners prefer growing watermelons seedling method. In this case, the seeds are sown in the second half of April, and the mature seedlings are planted in open ground in May-early June.

Seed germination - timing and testing

High-quality planting material is the key to a good harvest. An indicator of the quality of watermelon seeds is their germination rate. In most cases, when preparing for the next season, gardeners carry out an audit seed material various cultures, while discovering that some of them are already more than one year old. What to do in this case, throw it away and buy new ones, or can it still be used for planting? It is enough to know that the germination of watermelon seeds lasts for 6–8 years.

In addition, there is a way to test watermelon seeds for germination, which is also suitable for other melons. For this you will need sawdust, which are first doused with boiling water several times (every half an hour). You will need to prepare a container, for example, a tray or small box, which is filled with raw sawdust. The seeds are laid out in rows with a distance of 2–3 cm. A gap of 1–1.5 cm is made between the seeds. Then the seed is sprinkled with sawdust and compacted, and the container is placed in a warm place with a temperature of +23–27˚С and wait for the sprouts to appear. To determine the percentage of germination, a simple calculation is performed: if 6 out of 10 seeds germinate, it means the germination rate is 60%.

Proper planting of watermelon seeds

When the weather is favorable and the watermelon seeds have undergone preparatory procedures, you can begin sowing them in open ground.

At what distance to plant

Since watermelon is a very spreading plant, it requires sufficient space to grow it. Thus, the bush will feel comfortable and develop normally. Watermelons are planted in open ground in a certain way, namely according to the scheme. IN standard scheme, which is called row row, the row spacing is 2 m, and 5–10 seeds per hole are sown in a 1 m row. After emergence, only the strongest shoots are left, 1 seedling per meter.

The row scheme for planting watermelon involves planting seeds at a distance of 1 m in a row and 2 m between rows

In addition to the ordinary scheme, there is also a square-nested scheme. In this case, the distance between the holes with planted seeds should be 70–280 cm. The difference in distance depends on the variety of watermelon being grown. When planting compact varieties, the gap between the holes is made smaller.

When planting a watermelon in a square nest, a distance of 70–280 cm is made between the holes, depending on the variety.

Large distances between watermelon plantings are necessary to obtain sufficient quantities. sunlight. If placed closely, the crop will not receive required quantity nutritional elements.

Seed placement depth

When planting watermelon seeds in open ground, it is important to observe the planting depth. The optimal planting depth for small-seeded varieties is considered to be 4–6 cm, for large-seeded varieties - 6–8 cm. If the planting material is buried deeper, it will be more difficult for it to hatch, which will affect the germination time. In addition to the variety, the soil also influences the planting depth. On sandy soils, seeds are buried 7–8 cm, on sandy soils - 5–7 cm, on loams - 4–5 cm. IN northern regions with heavy soils, seed should not be planted deeper than 4 cm.

The depth of planting watermelon seeds depends on the type of soil and the specific variety.

Fitting under film

It is also possible to grow watermelons under film. This method allows you to sow in March and thereby get the harvest earlier. Film cover makes it possible to maintain high humidity, which eliminates the lack of moisture and promotes the rapid development of plants. When using film, a greenhouse effect is created, which ensures rapid seed germination.

In the area prepared in the fall, ridges are cut at a distance of 70 cm from each other, for which a hiller is used. The covering film should cover 2 ridges at once, i.e. standard width 1.5 m should be enough. There is a 2.5 m space between the rows, which is necessary for the normal development of plants. In the formed ridges, holes are prepared at a distance of 1 m from each other and seeds are sown.

When growing watermelons under a film, it is recommended to make holes in a checkerboard pattern.

Growing watermelons with film allows you to plant seeds in March and get an earlier harvest.

The number of seeds sown in one hole may vary and depend on the varieties used. Seeds of inexpensive varieties can be placed 2-3 grains per hole. When shoots appear, weaker plants are pinched, leaving one most developed seedling. If expensive varieties are used, then one seed is placed in each hole.

After sowing, the soil is moistened and covered with film. To do this, the material is unrolled along the length of the beds, pressing it with earth so that it does not blow away by the wind. If the weather is cloudy, then seedlings should appear a week after planting. Since the seedlings will soon begin to rest against the film, it will be necessary to make cross-shaped slits for the plants to grow freely.

A week after germination, the watermelon will adapt to environment. During this period, the holes in the film are covered with earth to prevent the appearance of weeds. To avoid damage to young seedlings, the sprout is carefully pulled out of the film and a piece of plastic pipe(you can use a jar), sprinkle it with earth, compacting it slightly, after which the protection is removed. After this procedure, watermelons are considered ready for further development.

Video: growing watermelons under film

What to do if watermelon seeds have not sprouted

Sometimes gardeners are faced with such an unpleasant situation when the watermelon seeds do not germinate. What could be the reason and how to correct the situation? One of the main problems can be low quality seeds. If seed material is purchased in a store, be sure to check the expiration date on the packaging. In addition, you can focus on price, but it is not always an indicator of quality: good germination can be both cheap and expensive seeds.

When purchasing watermelon seeds, attention should be paid to the date of manufacture, and when long-term storage your planting material, check it for germination

If you still have watermelon seeds from previous years without packaging or you collected planting material yourself, you need to identify the seeds that are unsuitable for sowing. To do this, pour grains into a container with water and those that end up on the surface do not make sense to plant.

Many factors influence seed germination:

  • degree of maturation;
  • collection and drying conditions;
  • storage conditions;
  • date of packaging.

The listed factors usually depend on the seed manufacturer. However, the success of the entire event directly depends on the conditions that will be created for their germination. This suggests that if the seeds are knowingly good quality, and the humidity or temperature does not meet the required parameters, then the material may simply not germinate. In addition, when planting sprouted seeds in open ground with cold soil, they may slow down in growth or even die.

Further care for watermelon shoots

When growing watermelon in open ground important conditions are periodic loosening of the soil and watering. It is recommended to mark the holes when planting seeds, for example, with pegs, so that the rows are visible when loosening. During the period of growth of leaf mass and vines, fertilizing is carried out. To do this, you can use urea (150 g) and the same amount of superphosphate, as well as potassium salt (50 g) per 10 m². Fertilizer application should be accompanied by watering or precipitation.

For the normal development of young watermelon seedlings, timely watering and loosening of the soil is necessary.

Particular attention should be paid to irrigation during the growth of leaves and stems, flowering and the appearance of ovaries. During fruit ripening, on the contrary, watering is extremely undesirable, since excessive moisture leads to cracks in the fruit and deterioration taste qualities. Watermelon beds are irrigated with warm water once a week, but generously. Caring for watermelons also involves the formation of a bush, as a result of which it is possible to obtain larger and sweeter berries. In this case, no more than four fruits are left on one plant. In addition, the shoots are pinched and the mustache is removed.

Video: forming a watermelon in open ground

Prevention and control of watermelon diseases and pests is also important. Common pests include sprout fly, melon aphid, and wireworm. If an insect is detected before it damages the plant, treatment is carried out biological drugs, for example, Fitoverm. When infested by pests, they resort to using chemicals, such as Decis, Aktara, Fufanon. The most common melon and melon diseases include anthracnose, powdery mildew, peronosporosis. Colloidal sulfur, Ordan, Khom are used as prophylaxis.

One of the common pests of watermelons is the sprout fly, the larvae of which damage the roots, seeds and stem of the plant.

High-quality planting material combined with proper preparation to sowing is the key to a good harvest. It is in this case that it will be possible to avoid wasting time, increase seed germination and ensure active growth and development of plants.

Juicy sweet watermelons are always associated with summer and sun. The crackling of the striped peel under the edge of a knife, the characteristic aroma and melting, refreshing pulp. What could be better than, forgetting about business for a while, enjoying a slice of ripe berries. Today you can treat yourself to watermelon at almost any time of the year. Supermarkets always have these giant berries, although they are grown on the other side of the world or in a greenhouse.

Most delicious watermelon the one that was saturated with the power of the sun and grew not under the film, but in the garden bed.

Many gardeners are wondering how to grow watermelons in the country? Today, all the conditions for this exist. Thanks to the emergence early varieties and hybrids, even residents of the Non-Black Earth Region can plant their own melons and get a harvest of watermelons. How to grow watermelons in open ground? What kind of care does the crop require, and when can the first fruits be harvested?

Preparing watermelon seeds for sowing

Of all the melon crops, watermelons have the most difficult seeds to germinate. To ensure that the seedlings are friendly and strong, the seeds are first immersed in salt water. This will make it possible to identify and remove non-viable, light specimens, and use those that are heavier and sank to the bottom for sowing.

However, this is not enough. Shortly before planting, the seeds are heated for 3–4 hours at temperatures up to 55 °C or left in the sun for a week in order to disinfect the seed in this way. Then the seeds are soaked in warm water for a day, which will speed up germination and give the sprouts additional strength.

Planting watermelons with seeds

In the Black Earth Region and southern regions, where watermelons are grown in summer cottages and industrial melon fields, the crop can be planted in open ground with seeds.

The best time for this is when the soil at a depth of 10 cm warms up to 12–15 °C. For sandy and other types of light, loose soils, the depth of planting watermelon seeds is 4–8 centimeters, but if the soil is heavy and dense, it is more correct to bury the seeds no more than 4–6 cm. And than smaller seeds, the smaller the grooves for planting them are made.

Melon crops, especially during the ripening period, require good nutrition, which is provided by the main root system and small roots formed on individual vines. Therefore, when growing watermelons in open ground, quite a lot of time is allocated for planting. large area, the size of which depends on both the type of soil and the variety, as well as on the expected load on the plant.

  • If watermelons are sown in rows, gaps of 0.7 to 1.5 meters are left between the bushes. In this case, the row spacing should be at least one and a half meters.
  • When using a square planting pattern, a distance of 0.7 to 2.1 meters is established between plants.

The main thing is that as the plantings grow, they do not become overly thickened, and all the berries that set have enough light, moisture and nutrition.

Seedling method of growing watermelon

In the conditions of the middle zone, for example, in non-chernozem regions, as well as during a cold, long spring in the southern regions, watermelons can be grown in open ground through seedlings. From the moment of sowing to transplanting young plants into the ground, it usually takes from 25 to 35 days. It is most convenient for sowing to use peat pots with a diameter of about 10 cm, which are filled with a mixture of an equal amount:

  • humus;
  • turf land;

The seeds are buried 3–4 centimeters into moist soil, after which the pots are left under a film until germination at a temperature not lower than 20–25 °C; only at night the temperature can drop to 18 °C.

When sprouts appear above the ground level, the seedlings are transferred to a cooler room. At a temperature of about 17–18 °C, watermelon seedlings will have to stay for 3 to 4 days, which will allow you to get strong sprouts and prevent them from stretching. Subsequently, the temperature of about 22–25 °C during the daytime hours is returned again.

Regular watering is carried out with warm water, trying not to get on the leaf plates. A week after the sprouts peck, the seedlings are fed under the roots with fertilizer containing nitrogen and phosphorus.

Since melons are heat- and light-loving crops, well-lit, warm rooms or greenhouses are chosen for young watermelon plants, but a week before the seedlings are planted in open ground, they must be hardened off. To do this, seedling boxes are placed on open air first for 2–4 hours, then the time is gradually increased. In early June or at the end of May, watermelon seedlings are planted in the beds.

Choosing a site and soil for growing watermelon in the country

To get a good harvest from watermelon grown at your dacha, it is important that the area intended for planting:

  • was well lit;
  • closed from cold winds;
  • provided the plants with proper nutrition.

The best soil for melons is light, fertile and loose. It is optimal if country beds sandy and sandy loam soil, enriched with humus or other well-rotted organic matter since the fall.

The best predecessors for watermelons are legumes, cruciferous crops, including cabbage and radishes, as well as potatoes and tomatoes.

Before growing watermelons in open ground, care should be taken to prepare the beds and fertilize the soil. Per meter of beds in the spring add:

  • 24–35 grams of ammonium sulfate;
  • 40–45 grams;
  • 15–25 grams of potash fertilizers.

In pre-moistened holes located at intervals of 1–1.5 meters, 1–2 plants are planted or one peat cup is immersed in such a way that the cotyledon leaves remain above the soil level. After planting, the bed is mulched with sand and the plants are protected from the sun. The same is done when seedlings appear if watermelons in open ground are grown from seeds.

In the first week, while the acclimatization process is underway, watermelons are watered with warm water.

Features of watering and feeding watermelons

It is impossible to grow a watermelon in the country without providing the plant with proper watering and fertilizing. Without water, it’s difficult to talk about the juiciness of sweet berries, but you don’t need to overdo it, otherwise you won’t achieve that much-loved sugary pulp. Before the flowers appear, watermelons are watered moderately, and when the ovary appears on the vines - more generously.

On summer cottage For watermelons, it is convenient to use a system that can be used to regularly fertilize the plants.

When growing watermelons at the dacha, you need to remember that the crop loves rare but abundant watering, which is extremely necessary in the hot season, in conditions of deficiency of natural moisture. A comfortable soil moisture level for watermelons is 85%. On sandy soil, which does not retain moisture well, the beds are watered more often, and on black soil and clay soils- less often. When the berries are full and their ripening begins, watering is carried out less frequently, and then stopped altogether.

The feeding schedule for watermelons grown at the dacha includes three procedures, during each of which approximately 2 liters should be applied to the plant. liquid fertilizers. A week after planting in the ground, watermelons are watered with a solution of 10 liters of water:

  • 40–50 grams of superphosphate;
  • 30–35 grams of ammonium sulfate;
  • 15–20 grams of potassium salts.

When active growth of vines begins on the plants, watermelons should receive a second feeding with half the concentration of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers. With the beginning of the formation of the ovaries, another feeding is carried out, adding a solution based on:

  • 20–25 grams of ammonium sulfate;
  • 10 grams of superphosphate;
  • 35 grams of potassium salts.

The nutrient mixture is applied into furrows prepared in advance at a distance of 15–20 cm from the bushes.

Decrease in share nitrogen fertilizers associated with the possibility of accumulation of nitrates in the pulp of berries. Also, this measure will push the plants not to gain green mass, but to ripen.

Caring for watermelons grown in the country

Caring for watermelons growing in open ground consists of:

  • regularly loosening the soil under plants;
  • in watering and fertilizing melons and melons;
  • in removing weeds;
  • in the fight against pests and plant diseases;
  • in protecting the lashes and ovary from freezing.

The soil under the plants is loosened to a depth of 7 cm, not only after planting, but also after watering and rain, until the vines and foliage cover the spaces between the individual bushes.

To protect the ovaries and shoots from the wind, it is useful to secure the lashes to the ground using wire pins or by sprinkling sections of the stem with moist soil.

If there is a risk of moisture stagnation or insufficient light in the area where watermelons grow, trellises are built for the plants and, when the vines begin to grow, the shoots are transferred from the ground to strong vertical supports. The same technique is useful if at the dacha for growing watermelons traditional melon method not enough space. As they grow, the shoots are distributed along a trellis or laid out on the ground so that one lash does not shade the other.

If a watermelon in the country is grown on a trellis, it is recommended to leave only one main vine, on which, after flowering, depending on the variety and climate, 3 to 6 fruits should be formed. The remaining shoots are pinched in the early stages of growth, and then, when the ovaries reach the size of a five-ruble coin, the top of the fruiting stem is removed.

When growing watermelons in open ground using the melon method, pinch out all shoots after 3–6 ovaries, remove stems emerging from the leaf axils and female flowers.

It is interesting that the cut side vines can be rooted and you can also get a high-quality harvest from them, albeit late and small.

If there is a threat of frost in the area where watermelons grow, the plants are protected with cardboard or special covering material.

When to pick watermelons?

The ripening ones are easy to recognize by their changed color. With cucumbers and zucchini, the main thing is not to delay picking so that the vegetables do not lose their juiciness and beneficial properties. When to pick watermelons, how to tell them apart ripe berry from the one that still needs to warm its sides in the sun?

The earliest ripening varieties of watermelons in the central part of Russia can produce a harvest only by mid-August. At the same time, mass harvesting is not carried out at the dacha plot, except in cases when the berries in the melon patch are in danger of frost. While the warm season lasts, the ripest watermelons are cut from the vines:

  • with glossy dense bark;
  • with a dull sound audible when tapped;
  • with a smooth stalk, without the hairs inherent in the green ovary;
  • with a dry bract and tendrils at the base of the leaf.

All these signs of ripeness must be considered together and only then should the watermelons be picked, otherwise it is possible that the cut berry will turn out to be unripe.

However, when watermelons are used for storage or transportation, it is better to pick the berries a few days before they are fully ripe. Such watermelons, being in a dry, warm room, can ripen without losing any useful properties, no taste or aroma. But only watermelons collected in a fully ripe state are suitable for obtaining seeds.

Growing watermelons in the middle zone - video

It’s probably rare to meet a person who doesn’t like watermelons. However, not all of us have a plot to grow our favorite fruits and vegetables. This is the main reason why people are interested in how to grow watermelon at home.

Not everyone knows, but you can grow watermelons without using seedlings, but immediately permanent place. As a rule, seedlings are used to later transplant plants into a greenhouse. Garden How to grow watermelon in open ground

This is done so that the berries have time to ripen. And if we are talking about growing a fruit at home, then this stage can be safely skipped.

Basic steps to grow the most delicious watermelon on the planet

You should start by purchasing a large enough container, because watermelon has an extensive root system. A box measuring 50x50x30 cm is perfect for this. You can make it yourself, for example, from wooden planks. If this is not possible, then you can always take a basin or bucket. If the selected container is transparent, then it makes sense to wrap it in a dark-colored cloth. This measure is necessary to ensure that the roots do not dry out and turn green. The container must be filled with fertile soil with microelements.

You can purchase it at any garden or hardware store. Fortunately, nowadays even in some supermarkets you can find similar products, if, of course, they have a garden department. Thirty days before you plan to plant a watermelon, you will need to lime the soil. This is necessary so that the acidity is about 6 pH.

Before planting the seeds, they must first be soaked for about ten minutes in water at a temperature of more than 100C. You need to keep it until the seeds begin to hatch, after which they can be planted. Please note that under no circumstances should you separate the seeds.

How many seeds should I plant?

You don’t need much, because they can all rise. But three seeds will be the most the best option. It should be planted to a depth of about three centimeters. After the sprouts appear, you need to choose the strongest one and leave it.

Plant placement

The best place is by the window

No better place than the window sill. You can, of course, just place it near a window, but the plant must receive enough light. However, do not forget that the frame cannot be left open, otherwise there is a risk of freezing heat-loving plant. Most best temperature For ripening the temperature is between +25 and +30 degrees. Until the fruit is formed, the plant will be considered a seedling. At night optimal temperature will be about +18 degrees. When you notice that the fruits begin to set, you should not sharply reduce room temperature. Leave it also at least +25 degrees. In addition, it should be remembered that humidity is destructive for watermelons. You need to remember that watering should be moderate; you should not overwater.

After three months you can harvest

Typically, if watermelons are grown in a greenhouse, it takes about three months. If we are talking about growing watermelon at home, then most likely it will take a little longer. If we are talking about growing at a time of year when there is less than twelve hours of daylight, then fluorescent lamps should be used. This is necessary to highlight the watermelon. Try to ensure that your lighting is clearly directed. Let it illuminate the plant as much as possible. In addition, you should use special reflective surfaces. Moreover, you should place them around the watermelon.

Vitamins and minerals for the plant

Like any other living creature, watermelon needs feeding. Try to do this according to a certain pattern. The most common method is primary fertilizing with phosphorus and nitrogen. Moreover, this is done in equal quantities. After you see fruit set, you should think about using a fertilizer that contains a large amount of potassium. And at this moment it is necessary to ensure that the fertilizing does not contain as much nitrogen as at the initial stage.

It makes sense to install a support in the container with which you can secure the shoots of your watermelon. The main stem, as a rule, is attached at a height of about one hundred centimeters. The side shoots are attached somewhat differently: they are pinched so that several leaves remain above the flower with the ovary.

Once you notice that the fruits have formed, there is no need to leave everything. Two are enough, all the rest need to be pinched off, because there will be no point in them. They will only take away all the juices and nutrients. If you leave more than two fruits, they will all remain small. When you see that the fruit has reached a size of about ten centimeters in diameter, it must be placed in gauze or mesh, after which it should be tied to a support. This is done to make it more durable.

By the way, when you grow watermelon at home, you should remember that it will not reach such a huge size as when planted in a greenhouse. However, the big advantage would be thinner skin. Typically, when growing a watermelon at home, you can get a fruit weighing about a kilogram.

If you don’t know which variety you should give preference to, then stop at seeds of varieties such as “Kakho”, “Ogonyok” or “Sibiryak”. These varieties are the most unpretentious for growing at home.

If the first time you fail to grow the kind of watermelon you wanted, or if you don’t succeed at all, then don’t be too upset. Try again, just the next time you land you will need to take into account the mistakes you made and not repeat them again. Juicy and sweet watermelons to you!

Watermelon is delicious and healthy berry, which pleases children and adults with its juicy pulp. You can grow watermelon in central Russia. This melon crop is very heat-loving, but in order to grow large and sweet fruits, you need to observe many nuances. So, let's talk about everything in order.

Where to grow watermelons

The place for growing watermelons must be selected very carefully. This should be a sunny area without trees or shade. Watermelons grow best in sandy and sandy loam soils, because watermelon roots penetrate deep into the soil to become saturated with moisture and filled with sweetness. That is why the soil for growing watermelons should not be clayey or dense. To make the soil more porous, it is first dug (in the fall). The acidity of the soil in the selected area should not exceed 6.5-7 units.

It is best to choose soil for planting in which crops such as onions, potatoes, carrots, cabbage, beans, and wheat grew. You should not grow melons and melons for two years in a row in the same area. The soil is first cleared of weeds; watermelon does not like foreign vegetation.

When to grow watermelons

If the summer turns out to be cold, no amount of tricks will help you grow juicy and sweet fruit. But if there are many sunny and hot days a year, be prepared for a good harvest. It is best to start planting watermelons at the end of May, when the soil is already sufficiently warmed by the sun. If you decide to plant seedlings, then the seeds can be planted in cups as early as the beginning of May. However last word, all the same, depending on the weather. If there is still no warmth in the first ten days of May, there is no need to rush into planting.

How to prepare seeds for planting watermelons

Let's consider two main methods of planting watermelons - seedlings and non-seedlings.

Watermelon has very dense and hard seeds that must be pre-soaked. To do this, pour warm water over the seeds and leave for half an hour. Those seeds that float after the specified time are not suitable for planting - we remove them immediately. After this, you need to cover the container with a plastic bag and leave it in a warm place (in direct sunlight). It turns out to be an imitation of a greenhouse. It is best if the temperature in the mini-greenhouse does not drop below 25-30 degrees during the day, and below 20 degrees at night.

When the seeds hatch, they can be planted in a glass. This is usually done at the end of April or beginning of May. The cups need to be large enough to provide room for the root system. Watermelon does not tolerate root damage. The soil for planting must be mixed with humus and mineral fertilizers. During the process of seedling growth, you need to feed the sprouts several more times with fertilizers. Two seeds are usually planted in one glass with the expectation that one of them will not germinate. If both sprouts grow, they are then separated.

Seedlings are ready for planting when the sprout has at least three healthy leaves. Planting of seedlings occurs in loosened soil fertilized with compost. Watermelon seedlings should be planted at a distance of at least 20 cm from each other. If two sprouts are planted in one hole, you need to turn them so that they grow in different directions. Seedlings should not be planted too deep into the ground - the depressions should not exceed 10 cm. The leaves of the sprouts must remain on the surface. After planting, the sprouts need to be watered generously with warm water to help them develop better.

A non-seedling method of planting watermelons
If the days are already warm enough, you can plant watermelons without seedlings. To do this, just like in the previous planting method, you need to soak them in warm water and leave the seeds to hatch. When small sprouts appear, you can skip the stage of planting the sprouts in cups and sow the seeds directly into the soil. I would like to note once again that the seedless method of planting watermelons is feasible only when the long-term weather forecast does not predict cold weather.

Seeds should be planted in holes at a distance of 20-25 cm, 2 seeds per hole. To get a good harvest, you can prepare the following mixture. Mix soil, ash and humus in a one to one ratio. Add a few spoons to the mixture mineral fertilizer nitroamophoska. Before planting the sprouts, place one tablespoon of the prepared mixture in each hole. Place watermelon seeds on top of the mixture and then sprinkle with humus. This is done so that the top layer of soil does not become crusty. As was said, watermelon loves loose soil, and the sprout simply cannot break through the thick crust.

Although watermelon is considered a fairly unpretentious crop, to get a good harvest you need to follow certain aspects in caring for watermelon.

  1. Imitation of a greenhouse. While the sprouts are not yet strong, you need to cover them with a covering material. This will allow them to gain strength and bear fruit for several weeks. ahead of schedule. To create such small greenhouse Stick small sticks on the sides of the bed and cover with thick plastic film. Keep the greenhouse until the end of June. It is better to shoot film on a gloomy day when there is no sun. This will allow the plants to adapt better. If you remove the film on a sunny day, the sprouts may simply burn.
  2. Watering. Watermelon does not like over-watering as it feeds inland waters. It has a powerful root system that takes water from the lower layers of the soil when necessary. But you should not overdry the plant, otherwise the fruits will not be juicy. The optimal frequency of watering is once or twice a week.
  3. Fertilizers. A week after planting the seeds, they need to be fed ammonium nitrate. To prepare the solution, you need to dilute 20 grams of the substance in ten liters of water. After the first feeding, watermelons should be fertilized once every three weeks, using a regular mineral complex. Along with fertilizers, you need to constantly hill up the soil. Watermelon vitally needs loose soil. In general, gardeners advise walking less around the holes and not compacting the soil. Especially in the intervals between planted sprouts. Root system Watermelon is quite spreading, but also quite fragile. If you step on loose soil near the hole, you can damage the root of the plant.
  4. Molding. This is an important part of caring for watermelon planting. If the lashes are very long, they can be tied to posts or nailed with earth so that they are not damaged by the wind. In a month, ovaries will begin to form. When they become the size of a large plum, you need to leave only the largest ones - a few pieces. This is called pinching. This procedure is carried out for the following purpose. When a plant has many fruits, it spends its energy on each fruit. Thus, we will get a lot of unripe and small fruits. To get good and tasty fruits, you need to remove several ovaries at the very beginning of their growth. Usually, no more than 5-6 watermelon fruits are left from one bush. Moreover, there should not be more than two ovaries on one lash.

In the second half of summer, when watermelons begin to ripen, they can be carefully turned from one side to the other every 10 days. This will allow them to quickly gain flavor and juice. If the soil under the watermelons is rotting, you need to place small planks under the fruits to reduce the area of ​​contact between the watermelon and the ground.

When to Harvest

The harvest is harvested in August. To understand that a watermelon is ripe, you need to carefully examine it. Ripe fruits are distinguished by shiny skin and a dry tail. Pedicel ripe watermelon not hairy. If you knock on a watermelon, the ripe fruit produces a characteristic dull sound, by which experienced gardeners understand that it’s time to harvest!

In years rich in watermelons, approximately 10 plants can be grown from six holes. About 40 fruits grow and ripen from them. various sizes and weight. At proper care and sufficient light and moisture, 90% of them ripen completely.

What could be tastier and more enjoyable than enjoying watermelon grown yourself? Follow all the rules of planting, care and feeding to grow a rich harvest of watermelons in your summer cottage!

Video: how to grow watermelon in open ground

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