Glue gun - areas of application, rules of selection and use. Glue gun - rules for choosing a useful device and its scope of application Glue gun that glues

A glue gun (hot glue gun) is an electro-mechanical device that supplies molten glue in a certain dosage. Glue gun allows you to apply an even, neat seam. They can be used to glue almost everything except concrete, plaster, several types of polyethylene and heating parts that will simply melt the glue.

What can a glue gun do?

Before starting work, you need to clean and degrease the surface to which the material will be glued. It can be leather, paper, cardboard, fabric, plastic, earthenware, metal or rubber. The device is used not only renovation work, also, it is used in needlework, it is used to glue rhinestones and jewelry.

To know how to use a glue gun, you should study its structure and characteristics.

The mechanism consists of several elements:

  • housings;
  • stands;
  • trigger;
  • nozzles;
  • thermoelement;
  • glue stick;
  • cord 220 Volt;
  • glue.

The glue stick is placed in special hole, and connect the device to the network. Within 5-10 minutes, the heating element built into the gun melts it, and a little later the glue begins to come out in hot drops.

When preparing materials for gluing, markings are made, surfaces are lined, and objects are installed in the required order. After heating the rod, always check whether drops of glue come out or not. Glue sticks come in 7 mm and 11 mm. They are selected depending on the planned types of work.

When the mechanism is ready, the glue is applied quickly, pointwise, immediately to the right places. It dries within 3 minutes. If necessary, the device is allowed to cool.

The mechanism is used to seal cracks in window frames, when sealing the seams between tiles. It is suitable for restoring book bindings and minor shoe repairs. It is used to glue products made of wood, chipboard, ceramics, glass, and plastic. Its use will allow you to make sound insulation quickly.

Photos of glue guns are widely presented in our gallery - you can clearly see all their varieties.

The best glue guns

  • HAMER GN-06 – Glues large and wide surfaces, large objects. It is powered by both mains and battery.
  • DEFORT DGG-50N-K – Glues almost all types of materials. The removable metal spout is very convenient for construction work.
  • BOSCH GKP 200 CE Professional - cannot be replaced when working with hard to reach places, thanks to the narrow nozzle in the components.

Their characteristics include:

  • power – 35-500 Watt;
  • heating temperature – 200 C;
  • heating time – 2-4 minutes.

One of best qualities: versatility.

Choosing a heat gun

Before you purchase a mechanism, you need to know how to choose a glue gun. Usually pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • operating temperature(from 100 to 200 C);
  • type of power supply: mains or battery, or mixed;
  • rod diameter (7 mm is used for periodic work, and 11 mm for large areas);
  • presence of a trigger;
  • the temperature regime must be switchable;
  • power, which determines the speed of work. Can be from 30 to 150 watts. Builders use models with a power of 300 watts.

When choosing, it is determined which tool is needed: household or professional. IN professional devices The rods are fed automatically. Manual thermoguns are household ones. Their main difference is in the speed of operation and, accordingly, in productivity.

The choice is made depending on the diameter of the rods. For example, 7 mm for household work quite enough. There are mechanisms on sale without a trigger. For convenience, it is better to purchase a mechanism with a trigger.

How the device works

To understand how a glue gun works, you should study it in cross-section and understand what functions the components perform. The work is based on the “hot” principle. A rod is placed in a metal chamber (there are transparent, translucent and painted).

Located at the bottom of the chamber heating element, thanks to which it melts the launched “cartridge”, after which the finished glue comes out in drops.

The uses of glue guns are varied. They are used to seal samples of handicraft work, while making do with low-power mechanisms that operate for a short period of time, after which they require cooling. Glue guns are used in everyday life and for repair work.

Thermal guns are economical, the glue sets a lot quickly different materials, has high strength. Items can be used within 10 minutes after gluing.

It happens that a piece of stucco on the ceiling breaks off, or the edges of the wallpaper come apart. In such cases, the device is not replaceable, precisely because of the small amount of glue. Don’t use a full bucket for work of such small volumes.

If you do right choice, an easy-to-use glue gun will last for many years, will help you easily carry out complex repair work, or will help you out when you need to glue together broken favorite items.

Photo of a glue gun

The service life of a hot glue gun directly depends on its correct operation. Let's talk about the last factor in more detail.

Advantages of a glue gun

Due to the fact that it takes 1 to 2 minutes for the heated polymer to harden, hot glue gun allows you to quickly glue a wide variety of materials: wood, metal, all types of plastics, rubber, ceramics, fabrics and paper.

It is not suitable for working with plaster and concrete; there may be problems when gluing polyethylene.

The strength of the adhesive joint obtained using this tool is almost as good as mechanical fastening, and it can be dismantled only after heating the glued parts.

The hot glue gun is also attractive due to its cost-effectiveness: waste of the adhesive composition is minimized through the use of a dosing device, and the cost of glue sticks is several times lower than the cost of the same volume of traditional liquid glue.

Preparing the tool for work

Select a glue stick required diameter(7 or 11 mm) and insert it into the special hole in the rear of the gun body until it stops.

Don’t be confused by the fact that some part of the rod will remain protruding from the gun; this is completely normal and does not affect the workflow in any way.

Place the tool on the stand (folding or stationary), check the stability of its position and, by inserting the power cable plug into , turn on the power button.

In order for the thermal chamber to warm up to operating temperature, it will take from 4 to 8 minutes, depending on the power of the heating element.

A special indicator on the tool body will indicate that the glue gun is ready for use. If there is no such indicator on your gun, you can check the readiness of the thermal chamber by lightly pressing the trigger of the feed mechanism.

A drop of glue emerging from the nozzle will unmistakably indicate that the tool can be used.

Working with a hot glue gun

The volume of glue coming out of the tool is regulated by the depth and number of times the trigger of the feed mechanism is pressed.

Pull the trigger, squeezing it out of the gun nozzle required quantity glue, apply glue to the surfaces to be glued.

The penetrating ability of heated glue is maintained for approximately ten seconds after leaving the nozzle. It is during this time that you need to have time to press the parts to be glued together and fix them within a minute.

If a large volume of glue is applied, its hardening time increases several times, and the required fixation time for the parts to be glued increases accordingly. Sometimes it can reach 5-10 minutes.

During even short pauses in work, place the tool on the stand with the nozzle down. This is necessary so that the molten adhesive mass does not flow into the feed mechanism and damage it.

During operation, the glue stick runs out sooner or later. The signal that it is necessary to insert a new rod into the gun will be the cessation of the supply of adhesive from the nozzle simultaneously with the weakening of the resistance of the trigger when it is pressed.

Sometimes it becomes necessary to replace an unused glue stick with another one. In this case, grasping the old rod with two fingers, carefully rotate it back and forth around its axis, and then remove it from the thermal chamber.

Having inserted a new rod into the gun, press the trigger to remove the remnants of the old adhesive composition and only then continue working.

Attention! To avoid damage to the thermal chamber and feed mechanism, all work on removing and replacing rods must be done with the gun turned on and warmed up to operating temperature.

Keep track of the time you use the tool. It is not recommended to keep amateur hot glue guns on for more than 20 minutes. U professional tool this time range is 1 to 2 hours.

When working with a glue gun, thin glue threads often stretch behind the nozzle, reminiscent of a cobweb. Don't worry, let them cool and then remove them by peeling them off or wrapping them around your hand.

Never leave a hot glue gun turned on and unattended!

Good luck to you! May everything work out for you!

What can you glue with a glue gun? At home it can be useful for gluing broken vase, a broken children's toy or shoe repair. You can glue wallpaper or torn furniture trim. Often used in handicrafts, a glue gun can be used to glue parts made of wood, ceramics, plastic, and fabric.

Using a glue gun

A glue gun will be a good helper for a florist when arranging bouquets. In construction, a gun can be useful for various installation work and repairs. Advantages and disadvantages of a glue gun Various options tools have their own characteristics, here are the general properties:

The disadvantages include poor adhesion of the glue to concrete or cement coatings, including plasters, and the adhesive gun is not used for parts or surfaces that will heat up during operation. That is, before use, it is necessary to clarify what can be glued with a glue gun, and only then use it.

The principle of operation of the glue gun in any glue gun, regardless of the mains or battery, heating of the glue sticks is provided. Externally, the gun looks like a drill or screwdriver; it has a cylindrical body with a handle (photo). At the rear there is a receptacle for installing a polyurethane glue stick. The rod enters a receiving chamber made of plastic or tubular rubber. To put it into operation, the rod must be sent to the heating chamber, where it is heated to a plastic state under the influence of electricity, and squeezed onto the parts to be glued. The duration of heating the rod is 3 - 5 minutes, after which you can press the feed piston. The pressure on the rod is adjustable, the thickness of the applied layer can also be adjusted using special nozzles (video).

Glue gun device

In order to properly use a hot glue gun and maintain its functionality for a long time, let’s look at how this tool works. The gun consists of several components:

Pistol selection

The possibility of using a pistol and the correct choice depends on its characteristics. Key Features:

For home use you can purchase household appliance, it is believed that it is simpler, lighter and has simple equipment. But this is not so, there are household models with almost professional equipment and having an appropriate cost. The most important function is automatic feeding, which greatly facilitates work with large volumes. What materials can be glued? A glue gun can be used for gluing various materials; you just need to choose the right glue.

For different types materials, glue for the gluing gun is offered, in the form of special rods, including two-component mixtures. If you plan to work with various materials, you can choose a universal rod (photo). It is also necessary to take into account the operating temperature of the device, because... warming up various rods occurs when different temperatures The higher the operating mode, the greater the choice of rods possible.

When a woman appears in the tool department and asks for a heat gun, it’s immediately clear: this is a purchase for needlework. A beautiful lady wants to create. It doesn’t matter what exactly - luxurious bouquets of flowers, elegant decorations using the kanzashi technique or simple craft from cones to kindergarten. This will definitely be done with love and putting a piece of your soul into it. And in order not to make a mistake and make the right choice of a glue gun, as well as understand how to use it skillfully, it is worth knowing some details.

What is glued with a hot-melt gun?

The main function of the hot-melt gun is quick connection with hot glue. Final hardening occurs within 5 minutes, and not after 24 hours, as with most analogues in tubes. Compared to instantaneous, the probability of “making friends” with your fingers is reduced to zero. You can glue almost any natural and synthetic materials:

  • tree;
  • metal;
  • stone;
  • cardboard;
  • glass;
  • ceramics;
  • cork;
  • skin;
  • plastic.

How does this miracle work? The gun contains a thermal heater. A round glue stick - a rod - touches it through the feeding device. Another name is cartridge: after all, it is with them that pistols are loaded. When the device is plugged into a 220 W network, a temperature of 105 o –210 o C is created in the thermal heater. The glue melts and flows through the nozzle when the trigger is pressed.

Components of a hot glue gun

What are the differences between glue sticks?

The rods are released different colors. It’s not always just pretty - they have a difference in chemical composition and melting temperature. The color determines which material the adhesive is best suited for:

  • transparent - glass, fabrics, PVC plastic, metal, cable, electrical equipment, any types of paper. Ideal option for needlework;
  • white - tiles, ceramics, plastic, cable;
  • black - leather and carpeting;
  • yellow - wood, cardboard, paper, finishing materials.

Glue sticks for hot glue guns come in different colors depending on their melting point

Table: color relationship between glue stick and material

Pink, blue, green, red are produced in the form of assorted sets of 10–12 pieces and are intended for needlework. Craftswomen use them when they want to hide marks on the working material as much as possible or for crafts using the papier-mâché technique. Less commonly, they are used for gluing stamps and making seals.

But the rods, which are intended specifically for decoration, may contain interesting fillings, for example, shiny elements.

Hot-melt adhesive rods for decoration are filled with shiny elements

Round rods vary in size. The most commonly used diameters are 7 and 11 mm with a length of 40–200 mm. These data are indicated in technical specifications specific model.

Power when choosing an electric heat gun

An important quantity is the power of the device, which ranges from 15–500 W. It determines how quickly the gun heats up and how many grams of glue it dispenses per minute. If you use it occasionally, a weak model up to 40 W is enough. The same power is chosen for very minor works like kanzashi or gluing rhinestones. Small models are compact, heat up quickly and have a thin nozzle for tiny drops. For those who work with a pistol a lot, it is better to spend money once on a device with a power of 300–500 W, so as not to be nervous about low performance and rapid breakdown in the future. In addition, such models accept any rods. If universal transparent ones begin to melt at a temperature of 80 0 C and are suitable for any gun, then black and yellow ones require a minimum of 150 0 C. Miniature devices simply cannot handle such loads. The heating temperature must be indicated on the packaging of the heat gun.

To work with small parts you need a thin nozzle. Otherwise, the drop of glue will be too large, and the work will turn out sloppy.

For precise gluing of small elements you need a heat gun with a thin nozzle

A good heat gun reaches operating temperature in 15–20 seconds and maintains it stably. It is desirable to have several operating modes. Then, by simply switching the regulator, you can switch to low or high temperature rods.

It is worth looking for a device with replaceable nozzles to adjust the diameter of the droplet. As a rule, there are three of them:

  1. Universal.
  2. Extra long.
  3. Wide slot.

Thanks to the removable nozzles, it is easy to regulate the flow of glue in the hot-melt gun

There are mains-powered models with a cord 1.0–3.5 m long. Battery-powered heat guns are convenient, but so far their price is much higher than network ones.

The big plus of a glue gun is its low cost and availability. consumables. Rods are sold in almost any tool, craft and office supply store. They are much cheaper than good glues, and in terms of connection strength they are in no way inferior to them.

How to use: charge, warm up, replace the rod

The small device is made according to modern technologies and very easy to use. To avoid interruptions in work, the points for applying glue are planned in advance and everything is prepared necessary materials. The viscous mass cools quickly, especially in low-power models. The sooner you apply little things like beads, rhinestones or sequins, the stronger they hold on. The operating procedure is as follows:

  1. Connect the device to the network. If there is a power button, put it in operating mode.

    To start working with the heat gun, plug the device into the network

  2. Insert the rod into the special rear hole until it stops. Leave to heat for the time specified in the instructions, ranging from 2-10 minutes. The plastic body of the heat gun also gets hot. By touching it, you can check the operating status of the device if there is no power indicator.

    The hole for inserting the glue stick is located at the back of the hot-melt gun

  3. Press the feed control button. A drop of hot substance will appear - the device is ready for use.

    If a drop of glue is released when the trigger is gently pressed, the heat gun is ready for use.

  4. Apply glue to one of the parts and immediately press the surfaces to be glued together. Can be applied spotwise or in a stream. The glue releases as long as the trigger is pulled.

    The glue is applied pointwise or in a stream while the trigger of the heat gun is pressed

  5. If any remaining glue appears, remove it after cooling. sharp knife. The hardening area can withstand mechanical loads after 5 minutes.

During a break in work, the gun is placed on a stand. The nozzle should point downwards; it is advisable to place some kind of substrate under it. Silicone is better because the glue does not stick to it. Then on work surface no hot substance residues will get in.

A special stand for the heat gun protects the working surface from hot drops and fixes the device

In the window of the gun you can see when the rod ends. To continue work, insert the next one, which will push through the remains of the old one.

Materials that cause the glue to cool quickly (for example, metals) are preheated with a hairdryer before joining. On flexible materials(for example, fabrics) the adhesive solution is applied in a “caterpillar manner”.

Bonding points can be separated by heating.

How to use a glue gun - video

Safety instructions for use

In order for handicrafts to bring only joy, it is important to adhere to safety rules:

  • carefully read the instructions, which indicate the permissible time continuous operation. In household models this is usually 30 minutes. After this, turn off the device and let it cool down;
  • do not heat the device without the glue stick;
  • Always keep the work cable behind the heat gun;
  • The glue and nozzle tip become hot and cause burns upon contact with skin. You can't touch them;
  • Do not use the gun when it is wet or in a humid environment, such as a bathroom. Wet hands during work are also unacceptable;
  • during breaks between working phases, place the device with emphasis on the folding stand. You can’t lay it horizontally - the glue will flood the insides, and the gun will soon have to be thrown away.

During work breaks, the heat gun is placed with emphasis on the stand

Problems and their solutions

The most common problem when working with a hot-melt gun is that the glue flows uncontrollably, without pressing the trigger. There may be several reasons:

  • too much high temperature for a specific rod. It is optimal when the heat gun has a heating regulator to set the required melting degrees. Otherwise you will have to replace the rods. IN good gun the nozzle has a ball valve - the so-called drop protection;
  • The rod is inserted too tightly. Sometimes it helps to push it back a little;
  • rod diameter mismatch. Some models require decimal sizes. For example, Sigma - 11.2 mm. If you put an 11 mm rod into such a device, a pressure difference occurs inside the heater, and the glue flows back. Using rods of the correct diameter solves the issue;
  • low quality pistol. You can insert a toothpick into the nozzle during a pause in work. Or accept it and try to finish the work as quickly as possible: the contents flow out very quickly.

If the glue stops coming out, the gun may be clogged. It is disassembled and cleaned. To avoid this, do not allow glue to stick around the nozzle.

You can get excellent results and joy from work only with a working hot glue gun

For battery-powered models, the glue sometimes becomes viscous and has difficulty passing through the nozzle. You need to reheat the device in the charging station.

In cheap models, when there is a break in use for several minutes, the pusher gets stuck in the soft rod and cannot move it. You need to turn off the gun and let it cool.

If the glue stretches like a thread and you can’t apply a dot, craftswomen advise keeping the rods in the refrigerator. Most likely they are of low quality.

How to change the color of the rod correctly

To prime the gun, the rod is simply inserted into a special hole at the back. After finishing work, you don’t have to remove it. Then the next time you turn on the device will be immediately ready for use.

A little trick. Short glue sticks have to be added frequently during the process. Using a heat gun, glue 2-4 sticks together - you will get one large one, which will last for a long time.

Sometimes it is necessary to change the color of the coming out glue, for example, blue to transparent. If the gun has cooled down, turn it on for about 1 minute, then carefully unscrew the rod. Charge a new one, press the trigger to squeeze out the remnants of the old one until the desired color appears.

The new rod, after insertion, by smoothly pressing the trigger, completely pushes out the remnants of the old one

How to use glue sticks without a gun

What to do if you don’t have a hot-melt gun or it’s broken, but you really want to use hot-melt adhesive because of its remarkable properties? Creative lovers find a way out of any situation. True, it is better not to count on cleanliness and accuracy of application:

  • you can insert a piece of glue stick into the body ballpoint pen suitable diameter and melt the candles from the fire. This is quite inconvenient, because the quickly cooling glue needs to be constantly reheated;
  • Travel enthusiasts will benefit from a method that requires a minimum of preliminary effort. Using a gun, apply a hot drop of glue to the match next to the sulfur head. Or they put circles a few millimeters thick on it, which are cut off from the rod and trimmed to the middle. To melt the glue, simply light a match. This option works great in emergency situations.

The rod without the gun can be used as an eraser. For convenience, cut off a 0.5 cm piece and glue it to the end of the pencil.

Video: how to use hot melt glue without a gun

Examples of handicrafts with hot glue in the photo

Coffee beans, hot glue and imagination create a masterpiece Shells and stones can be easily glued using a heat gun Glue gun is used in scrapbooking techniques Hot glue gun works great with natural materials

It's time for needlework present era Renaissance. Materials and techniques have appeared that were never even dreamed of before. So many activities provide an outlet for creative energy, relieve stress and bring income to craftsmen. To keep up with the latest trends in the world of craftswomen and stay in trend, you have to keep up. So good tool there is never too much here.

The objects and structures around us consist of parts that are connected into one whole in one way or another. They can be fixed with fasteners, but in many cases it is much more convenient to do this if you have a glue gun. What can you glue with it?

What criteria should be used to choose a device to solve a given problem? It is easy to answer these questions if you know what types of devices are available on the market, what consumables are used and how to use them correctly.

Glue gun device

The schematic diagram of all models is the same. In the process of evolution it was determined optimal design device. One glue gun can differ from another only in the quality of the material from which it is made, power and set additional functions. The device consists of:

  • housings;
  • guide coupling;
  • mechanism for advancing the glue stick;
  • thermal camera;
  • nozzles

Power can be supplied from the mains or autonomously from a battery. Having the device at hand, repairing broken items at home can be done within a few minutes.

The operation takes much less time than using traditional adhesive compositions. The device is reliable and does not consume much energy. If you have an electric glue gun, you need to know what you can glue and how to choose the right model.

Professional and household hot glue guns

The first thing potential buyers pay attention to is the price. Why is there such a significant difference with the same design? The answer is simple - professional equipment is designed for uninterrupted operation, so during production a power reserve is built in.

The trigger and rod feed mechanism are made of stronger, wear-resistant material. For more precise adjustment to the special rods used, a temperature regulator can be built into a professional glue gun. What can be glued and what is the difference compared to a household analogue? Basically none. The list of materials is the same.

Household models usually have power from 40 W to 150 W. This is quite enough for home use, making crafts, practicing your favorite hobby. Industrial designs may have power up to 500 W.

This is needed to quickly melt the glue, when it is important to constantly maintain high consumption, for example, when assembling boxes or fixing tags on packaging. For a home user, such performance is not needed.

Scope of application

To solve some problems, rods are produced as in wide range shades and transparent. This is very convenient for those who love handicrafts. Having picked up desired color, the product will look solid, no traces of glue will be visible. Models of filled rods have appeared.

For example, glitter and mother-of-pearl are added to the mass. The glue itself becomes decorative element products, part of the composition. Thermal gun can be used in construction and repair. However, it is worth remembering that setting time is limited. After application, it is advisable to fix the part in place in the first few seconds.

There are also some restrictions. For example, where heavy loads are expected, it is not recommended to use a hot-melt adhesive connection; it is not designed for this.

You can glue decorative elements to shoes, but the soles will not last long. Do not use a gun to secure power structures during construction and repairs. It is not recommended to apply glue to plasters and putties without first treating them with primers and paints.

Sealing and insulation of seams

During operation in various designs cracks and gaps appear. They appear in window and door systems, openings, and shafts. Often such a defect is formed in finishing materials. In addition to the untidy appearance, there are also undesirable consequences in the form of drafts and further destruction of the structure.

If there is no home building mixtures, sealants, but if you have a glue gun, you can quickly solve this problem. With its help, you can easily make the desired connection and seal the seams. It is recommended to purchase special black or gray rods for this work. But first you need to clarify whether the gun is capable of maintaining the required temperature.

Video: Glue gun - why and how

The edges of the crack are cleaned of debris, foreign substances, and degreased. Then, after heating the gun for the required time according to the instructions, fill the seam. The result is reliable, durable insulation.

After cooling, you can cut off excess glue with a knife. The connection is not afraid of moisture, is not subject to corrosion, and will not emit substances harmful to health, so it can be used both in utility rooms, and in kitchens and children's rooms.


What to do when a tile falls off at home? You can get to the nearest hardware store and buy the right mixture. But it is usually sold in large packages and most of it will probably simply disappear. Repairs can be made with a glue gun.

Before starting work, you need to remove all remaining mixture from the tiles and seat. It is advisable to do this even with a small margin so that the tiles fall through with a small gap, no more than 1 mm.


The interior will lose greatly if any element is broken or missing altogether. Front parts of furniture often fail during use. Decorative decorations, linings, can be restored with hot glue. There is no need to fix the glass with a gun.

The operating temperature of the glue is from 105 °C to 200 °C. These are critical values ​​for glass; it may crack or break. A wooden surface easily tolerates this temperature.

Excess glue can be easily removed from it later. It is not recommended to glue load-bearing structures and functional mechanisms of furniture. The loads are too great and the glue cannot withstand them.

What can you glue with a hot glue gun?

The steadily growing popularity of the device is due to its ease of use and availability of consumables. You can find out what can be glued with a glue gun with rods by reading with a list of materials that can be worked with with this tool:

  • paper, cardboard;
  • metal;
  • leather;
  • plastics;
  • textile;
  • ceramics;
  • stone;
  • tree.

The manufacturer usually indicates that it can be glued with a glue gun. In addition to the list of materials, the instructions for use offer optimal operating modes for the device when performing certain operations.

Features of choosing a tool

Having decided to purchase the tool you need for your household, you should follow some rules when choosing. What should you pay attention to first? For size. Will it be convenient for the intended job? On the design. The weak point of the device is the trigger and the mechanism for advancing the rod.

It breaks down most often and repairing it becomes impossible in most cases. If the device is purchased for needlework, then best choice- model with a set of nozzles. You need to check with the seller about the characteristics of the glue gun, what can be glued with it, and what rods to use.

Competition in this segment is high, so prices are reasonable. The difference in cost between models from little-known companies and products from leading manufacturers is not great. Therefore, there is no point in saving.

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