Painting brass black. Brass and bronze painting. How to show patina

When painting metal products, two goals are pursued: protection against the formation of corrosive areas and giving the metal an aesthetic appearance. When implementing the last task, sometimes it is necessary to cover the surface in 2-3 layers. But the end result may not always be just painting. Sometimes metal products need to be given original decorative effects, for example, the appearance of an aged object. For this purpose they use special technologies. Let's try to figure out how to paint antique metal and what is required for this.

You can achieve the effect of aged metal by using the main method - aging through the creation of a patina and the formation of abrasions. Patina is applied with special paints, but for metal, metallized compositions are more often used. acrylic base. In stores today there is a wide range of such paints; in addition to their decorative function, they also perform a protective function.

Available to choose from acrylic paints for aged metal, namely:

  • brass;
  • bronze;
  • copper;
  • gold.

Thanks to modern technologies, an aged effect can be given not only to metal surfaces. Often this painting is performed on plastic, wood and plaster products.

The aging process is completed by applying a final protective layer. For this they often use:

  • acrylic-based varnish, which has a high degree of gloss;
  • very durable polyurethane-based varnish with a gloss level of up to 50%;
  • polyurethane based varnish with a matte effect.

How to age metal yourself?

The choice of method for creating an interior style, which assumes the presence of traces of antiquity in the design, is quite wide. For connoisseurs of this style, it is not always affordable to purchase real old items. The way out of this situation is imitation antique metals. How to properly paint antique metal with your own hands? Coloring is carried out in stages:

  1. Preparing the surface for painting. We get rid of dirt, rust and traces of grease by grinding and solvent treatment.
  2. Metal priming. In this way we achieve the formation of roughness on the surface for better adhesion of the paint. We choose a primer special for metal.
  3. Application of selected metallic paint. Experts advise performing the process using a regular brush, this way aging is achieved in the best possible way.
  4. Aging stage. When the paint has dried, cover the surface with a special craquelure varnish. It is after this step that the metal object becomes covered with cracks, which create the effect of an old product.

Important! If non-metallic surfaces are being processed, then it is necessary to take a responsible approach to the choice of primer composition to achieve reliable adhesion with metallized paints.

On video: master class on applying patina to forged metal.

Bronze painting

In the old days, many objects were made of bronze. Therefore, painting products in bronze will help decorate the interior of the house in old style. There are several technologies for coating metal with bronze. Let's consider the simplest options.

Giving a monochromatic effect

Execute plain coating metal bronze can be done as follows:

  1. First of all, we clean the old surface from dirt and rust. To do this, you need to clean it with sandpaper and then degrease it.
  2. To increase the adhesion of the dye to the surface, we perform a metal priming process. In addition to adhesion, the primer will help further protect the product from corrosion.
  3. At the final stage, we begin painting with bronze paint. It is necessary to apply 2-3 layers evenly. But each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried.

Achieving an antique bronze effect

Decorative antique painting with a bronze effect is suitable for lovers of rare things. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. In progress preliminary preparation old surface according to the same rules as in the previous case. Also, do not forget to coat the product with a primer.
  2. After priming, one layer of bronze paint is applied to the surface. It is desirable that the composition be applied evenly, but for an antique effect it is better to use a brush.
  3. After drying, the bronze painted surface becomes covered with a patina (paint more dark color). It is applied to the recesses. Experts advise using a translucent patina. This allows you to adjust the shade of the bronze coating.
  4. The next stage is glazing, that is, processing with a brush that is barely moistened with light paint. The process is carried out on all protruding edges and corners. This aging method allows you to give the product the effect of wear and tear, which usually appears on metal over the years.
  5. Next, we wait a while, allowing the applied materials to dry completely, and finally we coat the product with transparent varnish.

Antique Brass Painting

Textured metallized compositions can transform a product, giving it an imitation of brass. The processing technology is almost no different from those provided above. The surface is pre-cleaned, sanded and degreased. The technique used for aging is decorative painting brass look

The application process is performed as follows:

  1. Before applying decorative paint, the old coating is removed from the product. To do this, you can use a wire brush or sandpaper.
  2. The key to durability and reliability of painting is the primer. Use a compound specifically designed for metal.
  3. Brass paint is applied to the surface in one layer. You can age the resulting coating by painting it with craquelure. Burnt umber, which is applied very carefully using a dry cloth, will help enhance the effect. If excess is formed during the work, it must be removed before the substance dries.
  4. Finally, the surface of the painted and aged part is coated with a glossy acrylic-based varnish.

As you can see, designer antiquity is achieved in simple ways. When doing work with your own hands, paints that create the necessary effect of a bronze, brass, or copper surface help you get the desired result.

Painting metal bronze can not only protect the material from exposure excessive humidity, contributing to the appearance and spread of corrosion, but also to give its appearance a fair amount of wealth and solidity.

This type of work is available to anyone who has the necessary desire and sufficient time. The subtleties this process we will look at in this article.

Choosing the right solution

Any bronze paint for a long time had an organic solvent in its structure. Its presence contributed to the spread of an unpleasant specific odor, which significantly limited the scope of such solutions.

Nowadays, thanks to technological progress, water-soluble mixtures containing natural metal pigments have appeared. Acrylates act as binders in such solutions.

Bronze paint on water based(do not be confused - this is not Zinga electrically conductive paint)

Acrylic bronze paint for metal has many advantages:

  • Ecological cleanliness and absence of any unpleasant odors. During the drying process, only water vapor is released.
  • Relatively low price. Using H 2 O as a base makes it possible to make production much cheaper, for example, oil analogues.
  • Stunning non-ferrous metal appearance. It is also possible to apply it using the “antique” method, which will create an even greater natural effect.

  • Easy to use with your own hands. The application technology is slightly different from the use regular paint and is quite feasible for an amateur.

  • Moisture insulation. Qualitatively protects metal from rust.

Tip: pre-applied Z inga electrically conductive paint will maximize the protection of iron from corrosion, as it will create a reliable thin-film galvanizing layer.

Advice: if there are many fire hazards in the room, it is recommended to additionally use fire-retardant metal paints Polistil. They have the ability to foam when a fire occurs, preventing its further spread.

Applying paint

First of all, careful surface preparation is required, the main step of which is removing traces of rust. If you apply paints and varnishes over areas damaged by corrosion, this will not protect the metal from premature destruction.

Preparatory work

The instructions are:

  1. Filming old paint and rust.

To do this, you can use one of the following methods:

  • Mechanical removal. Use a wire brush or abrasive discs. Suitable for rough surface treatment only.

Advice: be sure to have funds personal protection before starting work. Metal dust, which will rise into the air during operation, is incredibly harmful to the respiratory system and human mucous membranes.

  • Sandblasting equipment. Available under high pressure grains of sand will perfectly cope with rust, scale and old paint even in the most hard to reach places. The only negative is the relatively high cost of the device.

  • Chemical reagents. Spray the surface with a special compound that will react chemically with the old cladding and rust. After which the remainder former covering easy to clean with rags.
  1. We clean the iron from all generated debris, regardless of what removal method was used before.
  2. Apply a couple of layers of primer. This way we will increase the adhesion of the metal surface and create additional polymer layer protection from moisture.

After the last layer of primer has completely hardened, you can proceed to the next stage.


  1. In the first case, you will end up with a monochromatic coating.

To do this:

  • We dilute the purchased mixture with water or white spirit according to the instructions included with the jar.
  • For small, extreme and hard-to-reach details we use brushes. Flat areas are possible.

  • If necessary, after the first layer, apply another one to create a more saturated color.
  • We bring a bright light source to the applied finish. If no stains are observed, it means the work was done efficiently and you can enjoy the result.
  1. If you want to create an aged, then you should paint in several layers:
  • First we apply a solid dark layer of metal or spray paint.

You will find a list of them at the bottom of the page.

Painting is a great way to enhance and revitalize something. However, everything is not so simple when it comes to brass items, such as lamps, fasteners and other products. However, it is possible to paint brass: the secret is to properly clean the surface and apply a primer before painting. As a result, the paint will lay down in an even, uniform layer, adhere well to the metal and retain its original appearance longer.


Part 1

Prepare the surface

    If necessary, separate the part. Some brass items such as door handles, faucets and fasteners are easier to paint if they are separated from the mounting area. There are also isolated objects, such as furniture, cutlery or lamps.

    • If you remove any screws, nails, or other fasteners, save them so you can reattach the removed piece after painting.
    • It is also advisable to check whether the part you are interested in is actually made of brass. To do this, bring a magnet to it. Brass is a non-ferrous alloy and does not contain iron, so it will not be attracted to a magnet.
  1. Move the item to a well-ventilated area. Painting should be done in a place with good ventilation, such as a garage or room with wide open windows. This way you will be protected from harmful fumes. Also, wear a gauze bandage.

    • To protect the floor from paint, place an unnecessary rag on it. Place the brass item on a rag or on a work table or bench.
    • Before you start painting, open the windows and turn on the ventilation to prevent harmful fumes from accumulating in the room.
    • When painting, protect yourself with gauze, gloves, goggles and other similar means.
    • Make sure that dust does not fly around the room.
  2. Scrub the item with steel wool. One of the most important steps when painting brass is to thoroughly clean the surface. This way you will remove dirt and traces of corrosion, and the paint will stick to the surface better. Wipe the entire surface with steel wool and pay special attention to corroded and heavily soiled areas.

    • After you have scraped off any dirt or corrosion from the surface of the part, wipe it with a damp, lint-free cloth.
    • Paint adheres better to rough surfaces, so you can use steel wool. Do not wipe steel wool over brass unless you intend to paint it.
  3. Clean the surface with a degreaser. Before painting a metal surface, remove any grease, dirt, or grime from it. If grease, dirt and grime remain on the brass, the paint will not adhere well to the metal. Dampen a lint-free cloth with degreaser and wipe down the entire surface you are going to paint. After this, wipe the metal with a clean cloth dampened with water and wait about 10 minutes for it to dry.

    Part 2

    Apply primer and paint
    1. Choose spray paint in a suitable color. The paint must be suitable for metal: enamel, acrylic or oil paint, or other paints that, after drying, form hard surface. As a rule, metal paints are produced in aerosol form, although liquid paints are also available for sale.

      • Do not use latex paints as they do not adhere well to metal and are not durable. Latex paint Only suitable if you have a high-quality primer.
    2. Apply a coat of primer. For brass, a reactive or bonding primer is best. This primer is a mixture of acid and zinc and will adhere to brass better than any other type of paint or primer. Shake the can of primer thoroughly and bring it 15–20 centimeters to the metal surface. Spray the primer in a wide, side-to-side motion. Apply the primer in a thin, even layer.

      Apply several thin coats of paint. After the primer has dried, spray paint in the same way. Shake the can and apply the paint using broad strokes from side to side. To spray paint in a thin, even layer, hold the can at a distance of 15–20 centimeters from the surface.

    3. Apply a clear protective layer. Once the paint has completely dried (usually about 24 hours), you can apply clear top layer. This will protect the paint and metal surface and give it extra shine. Choose a clear or enamel finish designed specifically for metal.

      • Shake the can and bring it 15–20 centimeters to the surface. Spray the coating using even strokes to obtain an even coat.
      • Set the part aside and wait until it is completely dry (follow the manufacturer's instructions). Usually protective coatings dry quite quickly, sometimes in just 30 minutes.

Metal products are susceptible to external environment and especially humidity. Metal can be protected using special anti-corrosion coatings (for example, covering the surface with zinc), as well as painting. Paint not only acts as a protector against corrosion, but also gives the surface a more aesthetic appearance.

Decorative painting of metal allows you to imitate a wide variety of effects. For example, you can decorate the surface with bronze, silver, or give the metal an aged, noble look. How to choose a paint and varnish material, prepare the base and apply paint to it, we'll talk below.

Surface preparation

First of all, you need to evaluate the strength of the old coating. This will help masking tape: make cuts in the old paint and glue tape to these places. Then, with a sharp movement, we tear off the tape. If a significant amount of paint comes off after the tape, the surface is not strong enough. If the layer is durable, then it is not necessary to remove it; you just need to clean the metal from dirt, traces of rust and dust.

Pay attention! If we are talking about heating batteries, the old paint must be removed, because... in this case, each additional layer reduces the thermal output.

Surface cleaning (metal, walls, etc.) can be carried out in one of three ways:

  • mechanical (using abrasives or tools);
  • chemical (using alkaline compounds or active solvents);
  • thermal (using a hot air gun or an oxy-acetylene torch).


Surface treatment with a primer is necessary to create reliable adhesion between the metal and the paint. Primers are made on the basis of synthetic or natural film-forming substances (organic resins, drying oils, etc.).

An important property of primers is to reduce the likelihood of corrosion. Depending on the type of primer composition, the mechanisms for providing anti-corrosion protection differ.

There are several types of primers based on the nature of their anti-corrosion properties:

  1. Insulating. Such primers do not allow moisture to reach the metal being protected.
  2. Passivating. The effect of passivating compounds is based on reducing the electrochemical activity of the material.
  3. Protective. Such primers contain highly dispersed metal powders, whose electrode potential is lower than that of the metal being protected. This provides protection against corrosion.
  4. Phosphating. A coating containing phosphates protects the metal from corrosion.
  5. Inhibitory. An inhibitor is a substance that reduces the rate of development of chemical reactions. Since rust formation is the result of a chemical reaction, inhibitory primers reduce the rate of development of corrosion processes.
  6. Rust converters. Rust converters transform iron oxide into an insoluble compound.

The primer composition is applied using a brush, roller, swab or spray. The primer layer should not be too thick - thinner than subsequent layers of paint. Optimal thickness primer layer - up to 0.1 millimeter.

If the primed surface is matte, it must be carefully sanded with fine-grained sandpaper. This will improve the quality of adhesion with paint and varnish material.

Puttying is necessary to eliminate defects such as cracks, as well as to level the surface. The putty composition is a mixture that includes a filler (chalk), a plasticizer, a binder, and special additives.

Application of various putties

Putty mixtures are sold in one of two states - dry (diluted in water) and ready-to-use (diluted in solvent). The putty is applied and spread over the surface using a spatula.

Choosing paint for metal

For coloring metal surfaces Organosoluble paints and varnishes are most often used. Such solutions are a mixture of synthetic resins of alkyd origin and organic solvents. White spirit or styrene are most often used as the latter.

After alkyd compositions dry, thick, durable, transparent, almost colorless films appear. Such films are resistant to all kinds of chemicals, as well as moisture. Thanks to this latter quality, alkyds are found wide application not only indoors, but also outside buildings.

However, when choosing a composition, you should pay attention to the recommended purpose of the paint. For example, for painting batteries, special compositions are produced that have high thermal conductivity and do not reduce the heat transfer of the equipment.

For a long time, coloring was not used for forged metal. There was a generally accepted opinion that paint eliminated the advantage self made, hides the natural texture of the material.

However, not so long ago, paint and varnish materials appeared for forged products, which allow you to artificially age the material, create the appearance of patina, or achieve other visual effects. Forging paints also protect metal from corrosive processes.

The main disadvantage is their cost. Like the creation of forged products, specialized paints cannot be called cheap.

Metal painting

You can apply paint using a brush, roller or spray. The number of required layers when painting is set by the manufacturer and depends on the hiding power of the paint. Hiding ability is the ability of a paint and varnish material to hide the color of the surface being treated. The hiding power is inversely proportional to the transparency of the paint and varnish material, that is, the more transparent the paint, the more of it will be needed.

Pay attention! The hiding power is indicated on the paint packaging and is determined by the material consumption per square meter.

Difficulties may arise when calculating the required amount of paint and varnish material. Manufacturing companies provide information on consumption per square meter. When it comes to coloring flat surfaces, calculating consumption is not difficult. However, we often have to deal with uneven surfaces- gratings, fences, figured parts, etc. In such cases, calculations will have to be based on own experience or advice from the seller.

Bronze surface decoration has been used for a long time. However, until recently, such paints were made on an organic basis. Thus, the scope of use of such paints and varnishes was significantly narrowed due to the characteristic properties of organic solvents. unpleasant odor. In addition, such surfaces are not resistant to temperature changes.

Today, the most popular paints are water- and acrylic-based. Such compositions are characterized by safety, ease of use, resistance to high and low temperatures, as well as anti-corrosion resistance.

There are two ways to decorate a bronze surface. Below are two step-by-step instructions.

The first option is plain coloring:

  1. We remove dirt and traces of rust from the surface. We carry out degreasing.
  2. We prime the surface. This will improve the adhesive properties of the materials and, in addition, create a layer of polymer that will protect the surface from corrosion.
  3. When the primer dries, apply 2-3 layers. Moreover, each layer can be applied only after the previous one has dried.

The second option is aged bronze:

  1. We carry out preparatory activities the same as described in the first case. Then we prime the metal and paint it bronze.
  2. We treat the grooves on the surface with patina. It can be translucent - this will allow you to control the level of darkness.
  3. When the paint has dried, take a dry brush and glaze. To do this, apply light paint to the corners and protrusions in such a way as to create a scuffed effect.
  4. After the layer has dried, apply a clear varnish to the metal.

You can give the metal an aged look in another way, using a craquelure primer and paint.


  1. We clean the metal from dirt, traces of rust and grease.
  2. Cover the cleaned and dry surface with paint and varnish material. For coloring we use a brush, since uneven coverage in this case is only beneficial.
  3. When the paint is completely dry, apply a craquelure primer. This composition can be purchased at hardware store. After drying, a transparent polymer film will appear on the surface.
  4. We create the main craquelure coating. The result of the work is aged metal with traces of rust. Moreover, small cracks - craquelures - will appear on the surface.

Coloring and low temperatures

Recommends painting surfaces at positive temperatures. It is believed that the minimum permissible temperature- 5 degrees above zero. However, there are situations when you need to paint a surface urgently, despite the thermometer readings. And in this case, high-quality coloring is possible if you adhere to a number of recommendations, which will be discussed below:

  1. We clean the surface from ice, dust, dirt, rust and condensation. Moreover, standard cleaning procedures - mechanically- in this case it will not be enough. Even if just a little condensation remains, all further efforts will not allow you to create a high-quality coating. To dry the surface thoroughly, use a burner (gas or gasoline) or a heat gun.
  2. At low temperatures, the paint will take 2-3 times longer to dry. Based on this, it is necessary to protect the painted surface from environmental influences. Suitable for this polyethylene film and a heat gun.

Equally important for painting at low temperatures is choosing the right paint. The best option Jelly-like alkyd enamels are considered. Such compositions are distinguished by high adhesive qualities.

Acrylic Brass Paint - protective, decorative paint with a metallic brass effect. Resistant to ultraviolet radiation and weathering, oils and gasoline. Has good adhesion and increased color stability. Withstands temperatures up to 80°C. Suitable for metal, plastics, wood and glass. Ideal for decorative purposes metal structures, for painting gates, forged products, for protection and renewal appearance steel pipes etc.

METHOD OF APPLICATION. The surface to be prepared for painting must be dry and clean, free of rust and grease. For highly absorbent surfaces, it is recommended to apply a sealing layer (eg dispersion paint). Shake thoroughly for 2 minutes. Spray from a distance of 25-30cm using side-to-side movements. Operating temperature 18-25°C. The coating will be dry from dust in 10 minutes. Complete cure after 4-6 hours. Sufficient to cover approximately 3 m2.

ATTENTION. Pressurized cylinder. Protect from exposure sun rays and do not heat above 50°C. Empty cans and dispose of waste properly. Do not pierce or burn, even after use. Do not spray onto hot objects or flames. Keep away from sources of ignition. No smoking. Work in a well-ventilated area. Do not inhale fumes. In case of contact with eyes, rinse clean water. Do not allow it to enter the sewer or groundwater. Keep away from children.

Manufactured by Eckart GMBH, Germany. Volume 400ml

Additional option

Meaning additional option



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