Cricket nibbler scissors on a drill. Hot deals in power tool accessories. What metal can be cut

I assembled this chip ejector a year ago. During this time I completely ran it in and I can say that the design is quite working. used for chip evacuation asynchronous motor at 1.5kW/3000 rpm. The impeller is assembled from plywood. The size of the impeller was selected so that the engine would not be overloaded. The blades have a curved shape and the impeller rotates with the curved side forward.

I assembled this chip ejector a year ago. During this time I completely ran it in and I can say that the design is quite working. Unfortunately, the format of the competition does not allow us to describe in detail the manufacturing process and the reason for choosing the shape of the parts, so I can only offer brief description and I'll focus on the most important points. An asynchronous motor of 1.5 kW/3000 rpm was used for the chip suction. The impeller is assembled from plywood. The size of the impeller was selected so that the engine would not be overloaded. The blades have a curved shape and the impeller rotates with the curved side forward. To bend the blades I used two 3mm plates and glued them together. The impeller is attached to the engine via a plywood pulley. To remove any beating of the pulley, it was machined directly on the original engine. The impeller blades are glued to the sidewalls using grooves. It was quite difficult to manually calculate the radii, but I have a homemade one milling machine CNC (based on the Enkor FME-850 milling machine). With his help, all the parts came out as they should, although it was necessary to slightly adjust each blade individually into its place. But after gluing and installing it on the motor shaft, there was a slight runout in both axes. The beauty of a wooden impeller is that it can be easily turned, but running it at 3000 rpm beats (and its diameter is 360mm and thickness 120mm) was dangerous. So I installed a tape grinder Enkor LME-900 (it has convenient grooves for fastening with clamps) and removed the runout by rotating the impeller manually. Next, balancing was carried out by drilling out the plywood from the back of the impeller. After that, I already took the risk of starting the engine and made sure that everything was working well. The impeller body was also assembled from bent plywood in the form of a “sandwich” of 2 plates 3mm thick. The casing cover is rigidly attached to the engine, and the housing is attached to it using latches for quick disassembly. All connections at the final stage are glued with window rubber seal for tightness. The next step was assembling the cyclone itself. It consists of two parts and is made of plywood and galvanized sheet. Upper part creates air turbulence, and the cone directly separates debris. The ends of the cylinder are cut through and glued to liquid nails. I cut it with an angle grinder Enkor USHM-900/125M. The ramp was cut out of galvanized steel using a screwdriver from Enkor ACCUMaster AKM1802 and the Cricket tool. All connections are treated with sealant on the non-working side. The engine is hung on two simple brackets. The engine itself, together with the top cover of the volute, is suspended from brackets on rubber shock absorbers, which also dampen beating when starting and stopping. In a cyclone, the upper plywood part of the body is load-bearing and is rigidly attached to the wall. A “bucket” on wheels is attached to the bottom, which is convenient. At this point the chip ejector was ready for testing. Gradually the wiring was assembled. I used the regular one sewer pipe at 110 and 50mm. It does not fit well with a 100mm corrugated hose and I used a round one in these places ventilation pipe by 100mm. For convenience, latches and “scoops” were made for sweeping. In addition, I added remote controls remote control. That's all. Thank you for your attention.

The need for cutting products made of metal arises in many situations related to construction and repair work. To perform this technological operation, special equipment is used various types, but if you don’t have one at hand, a drill attachment for cutting metal can help. Using such attachments and manual electric drill, you can efficiently cut thin products made from various metals.

Types of metal cutting equipment

You can cut a metal sheet or a more massive metal product using various equipment.

Angle grinder

This device is also known as an angle grinder. With its help you can cut reinforcement, thick sheet metal and other types of metal products. This is the most popular equipment used for such purposes.

Circular saw for metal

This saw allows you to make cuts under different angles and carry them out with great precision. Meanwhile, when using this equipment, the resulting cuts have a limited depth and a large amount of waste is generated.


This is high-performance equipment for metal cutting, with the help of which workpieces of simple configurations are processed.

Band saw and jigsaw

This equipment allows you to make cuts at different angles. Both jigsaw and band saw because of their design features impose significant restrictions on the size of products that need to be cut.

Hydraulic equipment

Equipment of this type is innovative. It allows you to cut metal with high precision, while the thickness of the workpiece can reach up to 20–30 cm. The most significant drawback this method cutting, in which the product is not subjected to thermal effects, is high cost.

As mentioned above, you can also use drill attachments for cutting metal products, which modern market presented in a wide variety.

Features of using drill attachments

The attachments, with the help of which a conventional electric drill is transformed into a device for cutting metal, are essentially a punch (cotter pin). Performing numerous back-and-forth movements in internal cavity matrix, such a punch pierces a metal sheet, forming a cutting line on it, the width of which is 3.1 mm. When using attachments, a targeted effect is applied to the processing area, due to which the protective layers on the surface of the metal product fully retain all of their functions.

Using the drill attachment, you can cut metal sheets of the following thickness:

  • made of aluminum - up to two millimeters;
  • made of copper, brass, sheet iron, zinc and galvanized steel - up to one and a half millimeters;
  • made from stainless steel– up to eight tenths of a millimeter.

The reciprocating motion of the punch, which is the main working body of the nozzle, is imparted by the rotation of the electric drill chuck. It should be borne in mind that such an attachment can effectively cut a metal sheet only if it is used in conjunction with an electric drill, the chuck of which rotates at a frequency of at least 2700 rpm.

Benefits of using drill attachments

Drill attachments, when compared with such a popular tool for cutting metal as an angle grinder, have a number of advantages.

  1. The cut performed is of high quality.
  2. When using a drill attachment for cutting metal, there is no need to purchase additional consumables, which significantly saves money.
  3. The use of such a nozzle provides high performance cutting process.
  4. Drill attachments are highly versatile.
  5. Due to the fact that this tool is equipped with a special handle, the cutting process with its help is very convenient.
  6. These attachments are suitable for both electric and pneumatic drills.
  7. The convenience of these nozzles both in use and in maintenance is undeniable.
  8. With the help of such tools you can make cuts of almost any configuration.

Despite the simplicity of the design of such attachments, their use requires certain skills and dexterity from the user.

Popular models and areas of their application

Modern models drill attachments allow you to cut sheet metal not only in a straight line. With such a convenient and easy-to-use device, you can also perform curly cuts, which is often required during installation roofing structures, ventilation ducts, as well as gutters and other elements drainage system.

Using such attachments on a drill, cuts can be made in almost any spatial position. An equally important advantage of these attachments is that they do not require preliminary setup.

Among the most popular models of drill attachments for cutting metal presented on the domestic market are the following:

  • "Cricket" (from the company "Enkor");
  • Sparky NP 1.8L;
  • ACCO YT-160A.

The differences between models of drill attachments do not lie in the principle of their operation, but in the maximum thickness of the metal being cut and a number of others. technical characteristics. Modern models of drill attachments allow you to obtain smooth and neat cuts with sharp, even and uncrimped edges. At the same time protective coating, applied to the surface metal sheet, is not damaged and fully retains all its functions.


One of the popular attachments for a drill, which is a compact nibbler (nibbler), is a device called a “Cricket”. This attachment, which allows you to obtain an even and neat cut, can be used for cutting both flat and profile metal sheets.

The “Cricket” scissor attachment is designed to operate from a pneumatic or electric drill (screwdriver) with a power of at least 420 W

Using the Cricket scissor attachment, you can cut not only metal sheets, but thin-sheet products made of polycarbonate and other polymer materials. At the same time, the thickness of the products for cutting which these compact devices can be used nibblers, can be up to:

  • 1.5 mm – for steel sheet material;
  • 1.2 mm – for stainless steel;
  • 2 mm – for copper and aluminum, as well as polymer materials.

Using the “Cricket” drill attachment, you can cut sheet material horizontally and vertical planes, and also make internal cuts on the surface of the sheet.

It should be borne in mind that in the place of the sheet from where the internal cut will be made, it is necessary to pre-drill a hole.

"Cricket" is good nozzle on a drill for cutting metal tiles and corrugated sheets. When using this device for cutting metal, the surface of these materials is not deformed, and the cut itself is smooth and neat. The Cricket attachment can easily cope with such complex tasks like artistic cutting and creation in sheet material holes large diameter.

"Steel Beaver"

Another popular drill attachment that can be used to cut metal is a device called a “ steel beaver" The principle by which such drill attachments work is similar to how they function nibblers. When using this device, no sparks are formed in the cutting zone and there is no thermal effect on the metal sheet; accordingly, the protective coating that is applied to it is not burned.

If there is a need to cut metal, but a grinder or hacksaw is not available, then you can use an electric drill with a special attachment for this purpose. Such devices allow you to separate a piece of sheet steel, and some models allow you to work with metal profile.

These devices have not only a large number of advantages, but also limitations, the main of which is the thickness of the material with which you can work.

Advantages of drill attachments

The use of such equipment can be not only in the absence of an alternative way to process the material, but also in the case when heating the metal sheet is undesirable.

Among the main advantages of using a drill attachment over using an angle grinder are the following:

  1. More high quality cut surface.
  2. The device allows you to make a hole in metal of any shape.
  3. Significant savings cash, due to the lack of spending on consumables.
  4. The tool is very easy to use.
  5. Many attachments allow you to work with both metals and plastic sheets of appropriate thickness.
  6. When using a drill equipped with a rechargeable battery, cutting can be done in places where it is not possible to connect to a home electrical network voltage 220 V.
  7. The ability to combine several functions in one device. If there is no need to cut thicker metal, a drill can be used to drill holes and cut sheet metal.
  8. Light weight of the device.

The main advantages of this product over other types of metal cutting are listed. Models of such attachments can differ significantly in many respects, including cost.


The scissors attachment on a drill for cutting metal is a device that converts the rotation of the drill chuck into reciprocating movements, which, thanks to a special matrix, knock out a 3.1 mm thick strip in the metal.

With this method of separation, the cut is smooth and of high quality, which allows you to almost completely eliminate additional processing material in the future.

Using some kind of scissors, you can cut metal whose thickness is no more than:

  • 2 mm - when processing aluminum.
  • 0.8 mm - if it is necessary to cut stainless steel.
  • 1.5 mm - for processing copper and brass.

This attachment for a drill for cutting metal will allow separation of material only if the electric motor of the tool develops at least 2700 rpm.


The “Cricket” attachment is a universal device, with which you can separate not only metal, but also various plastics. The advantage of this gadget is the ability to cut both sheet and profile material.

Thanks to the use of two cutting heads, the cut is perfectly smooth and does not require additional processing after completion of cutting.

Using a device of this type, it is possible to process material of the following thickness:

  • Aluminum - up to 2 mm.
  • Steel - up to 1.5 mm.
  • Plastic - up to 2 mm.
  • Stainless steel - up to 1.2 mm.

To ensure that the structure lasts as long as possible, and the cut of metal or other material is as smooth as possible, the manufacturer recommends using this device at drill engine speeds from 1500 to 3000 rpm.


The Beaver attachment works on the same principle as the above models. Using it, you can make both straight and curved cuts with a minimum radius of 1.2 cm.

The beaver has a little best characteristics for cutting sheet metal, for example:

  • Steel - up to 1.8 mm.
  • Stainless steel - up to 1.3 mm.
  • Aluminum - up to 2 mm.

Price of popular devices

High-quality tools cannot be cheap. To cut metal, devices must be made of a material that is not deformed when subjected to constant loads. Among the diversity of both domestic and foreign manufacturers The following brands should be highlighted:

1. Scissor attachment NP 1.8 SPARKY 181874 - the device is made in Bulgaria and is of high quality and reasonable price.

The device allows for both linear and radial cuts, and the quality of the edge will be the highest, regardless of the type of material that needs to be separated. SPARKY 181874 can be used as a drill attachment for cutting metal tiles, which will significantly speed up the roofing process.

The price on the Russian market is about 2,000 rubles, but this cost is fully justified, since the SPARKY drill attachment is a high-quality product that will last for a long time.

2. ENKOR 14209 - “Cricket” type stray, Russian production.

The device allows you to perform high-quality cutting of aluminum sheets up to 2 mm thick. Indispensable when working with roofing metal materials, since, unlike grinders, it does not heat the metal.

The item can be purchased for 1,900 rubles in any specialized store.

3. “Steel beaver” - made in Russia and allows you to work with various metals.

Using the "Steel Beaver" you can easily cut a piece of aluminum, while the edges will be completely intact. The limit on the maximum metal thickness in this case is 2 mm.

The device can also be used for cutting stainless steel. In this case, in order not to overload the tool, it is not recommended to use a sheet more than 1.2 mm thick. The cost of the stray is about 1600 rubles.

4. EDMA NIBBLEX - does an excellent job of separating sheet and profile material up to 1.2 mm thick. Aluminum sheet can be processed up to 1.5 mm thick.

For efficient work attachments, the manufacturer recommends an optimal drill rotation speed of 3,000 rpm.

The estimated cost of EDMA NIBBLEX on the Russian market is 5,000 rubles. The high quality of the device is confirmed by numerous tests as by professional craftsmen, so ordinary people who purchase the device for home use.

5. Malco turboShear TS1 - can be used with a drill and for installation on a screwdriver.

The device is the most expensive professional devices and will cost the Russian buyer 7,000 rubles. The nozzle costs that kind of money because it is produced in the USA, where product quality control is much higher than in China.

  1. If it is used for cutting for the first time, then it is recommended that before starting the main work, make several cuts on unnecessary metal fragments in order to understand the basic principle of operation of the device and avoid mistakes in the future.
  2. When working with a device for cutting metal, in order to get an even cut of the desired shape, it is recommended to hold the drill with both hands while working.
  3. Drill attachments made in Russia are practically not inferior in quality to foreign analogues, but the price may differ significantly downwards.
  4. It is not recommended to purchase devices by hand; you can buy defective goods for a lot of money.
  5. Tools should be stored in rooms where the possibility of metal oxidation due to high humidity.
  6. The use of special attachments is always justified when carrying out roofing works, therefore, you should purchase such a device even if the volume of work with metal tiles is not large.
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Drill attachments for cutting metal: description and types, advantages, main characteristics

When engaged in construction or repair work, almost everyone is faced with the need to cut some kind of metal workpiece. To perform this procedure, you can use a grinder, a milling cutter, hand scissors on metal.

But what to do if you need to cut a metal sheet, but there are no such tools at hand? You can solve the problem using an ordinary drill and a special attachment, which can be bought at any hardware store.

What are metal cutting attachments?

Such a device is, in fact, a cotter pin or punch, which pierces the metal through many repeated movements using a matrix. As a result of this, in the cut metal part a strip of the desired shape and width of 3.1 mm is formed.

Thanks to the targeted effect on the metal, the integrity of the protective layers of the product is preserved as much as possible.

Using the nozzle, you can process material that has the following thickness:

  • aluminum – up to 2 mm;
  • copper, brass, sheet iron, pure zinc and steel coated with zinc - up to 1.5 mm;
  • stainless steel – up to 0.8 mm.

The cutting tool is driven by the drill chuck, onto which it is attached. It is worth noting that the nozzle can cut metal only if the number of revolutions of the drill is at least 2700 rpm.

Advantages of attachments

Compared to a grinder, the drill attachment has a large number of advantages.

However, despite all the advantages of the tool, in order to ensure high quality cutting, working with it requires certain dexterity and skills.

Special attachment “Cricket” for a drill for cutting metal

Construction stores They offer several types of drill attachments for cutting metal.

Nozzle "Cricket". The “Cricket” device is a nibbler (cutting) scissors that can make an even cut. The tool is used for cutting not only smooth, but also profile metal sheets.

In addition to metal, they can cut plastic and polycarbonate. The Cricket is used for cutting thin-sheet products:

  • The maximum thickness of sheet steel should be 1.5 mm.
  • The maximum thickness of stainless steel is 1.2 mm.
  • The maximum thickness of copper and aluminum is 2 mm.
  • Plastic thickness – 2 mm.

Using the Cricket attachment, you can cut on horizontal and vertical surfaces, as well as perform internal cuts. To ensure a high-quality internal cut, the workpiece must first be drilled.

The tool is indispensable when performing roofing work that requires processing of metal tiles or corrugated sheets. After using Cricket, the materials used will not be deformed, and the cut will be smooth and beautiful.

If there is a need to make artistic cutting or drill a large hole in a sheet round hole, then the “Cricket” attachment can easily cope with this task.

Nozzle "Steel beaver"

The device is intended for cutting flat and profile sheets (corrugated sheets, metal tiles). It has a cutting mechanism, the operation of which is similar to the processing of materials with cutting shears.

In the process of metal processing using the “Steel Beaver” tool, no sparks are generated or burned protective layer metal coating.

Key Features:

  • cutting is performed at a drill rotation speed of 1500–3 thousand rpm;
  • the maximum thickness of aluminum and copper sheets should be 2 mm;
  • stainless steel sheets must have a thickness of no more than 1.2 mm;
  • maximum thickness steel sheet can be up to 1.8 mm;
  • change of cutting direction and angle – 360 degrees;
  • minimum cutting radius – 12 mm.

Models of drill attachments and their use

Special attachments The drill can make both straight and curved cuts. Make shaped cuts for installing gutters of the drainage system or ventilation parts of the roof, cutting in the vertical and horizontal directions.

After using the tool, the cut is neat. The nozzle does not require adjustment and is easy to maintain.

On construction market Drill attachments are available in several models:

  • ACCO YT-160A.
  • Sparky NP 1.8 L.
  • "Cricket" from the manufacturers Enkor.

By and large, all models of drill attachments operate according to the same parameters. An exception may be the thickness of the metal sheet that a particular tool can cut.

After using the devices, the edge is sharp, smooth and not wrinkled. You just need to make sure that the speed of the drill you use matches the characteristics of the attachment.

Those involved in construction or repair sometimes need to cut metal. And, if it is not possible to purchase an expensive tool, then the cutting process can be entrusted to a drill with an attachment.

For home craftsmen, this tool will become optimal solution and a great helper. It is worth keeping in mind that the cutting process can be entrusted to specialists who have experience and certain skills.

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Drill attachment for cutting metal

Sheet metal tiles are based on metal, which is coated with several layers of protection for long-lasting service.

Layer of metal tiles

The finished metal sheet profile is bent using cold pressure, alternately, first along, then across. In this case, there is no heating process, which can spoil the properties of the coatings. At the same time, the quality of the material remains high, as originally intended, wear resistance up to 100 years, resistant to corrosion and UV radiation and similar qualities. But in the process of laying these tiles, they sometimes need to be cut for neat and high-quality styling without damaging the outer layers.

The manufacturer provides a guarantee for its product, and indicates what tools should be used in order not to lose this guarantee.

When cutting a sheet, damage to the protective varnish layer, such as the appearance of cracks and thermal effects in the form of sparks, and deformation of the material, should be avoided.

Therefore, the following tools are considered the most applicable: An ordinary hacksaw, hand scissors for metal, circular saw, jigsaw with attachment for cutting metal, nibblers. These tools can be used to cut metal tiles without damaging the outer layers.

I would like to note that the convenient and familiar grinder is not included in this list, since it is used with a diamond blade, which can lead to destruction of the coating on the edges of the cut.

Disc attachment for drill for cutting metal

When using such an attachment, you need to remember that the disk itself must only have teeth. The main disadvantages are that you can only work on a flat surface and secure the sheet for processing.

If you need to correct the sheet already on the roof, this will not be possible. Secondly, cuts can only be straight; cutting a semicircle will be problematic. It is much more convenient for this purpose to purchase an attachment such as nibblers.

Drill attachments for cutting metal

Having in household good drill, with the help of attachments you can make it universal tool for all occasions. For example, a process such as cutting a piece of metal, even a small piece or strip, can turn into a whole problem. Of course, there are a large number of metal scissors from different companies, and they will cut. But the edges of the sheet to be cut must be bent; it is not possible to cut an oval or other shape with them. A grinder is also not suitable for this purpose; the cut will be large and you will have to remove burrs in the area of ​​the cut. To solve this problem, you can simply buy a drill attachment for cutting metal at any hardware store.

What is a drill attachment for cutting metal?

By design, this is a gearbox that works on the principle of a matrix and a punch and practically punches such a kind of punch that works with the matrix and punches holes due to the transition of rotational movements into oscillatory movements.

Drill attachment for cutting metal in disassembled form

Works on the principle of nibblers. As they say, everything ingenious is simple. Of course, these are not electric shears, but if you don't do roofing work every day, this is a great option for a home workshop.

Working of a drill attachment for cutting metal

The width of the cut will be no more than 3 mm, the edges of the cut will remain without thermal effects, that is, the metal coating will not change its properties. The cutting itself will be done using a drill chuck, onto which the device is attached. Of course, the drill must have a speed of at least 2500 per minute.

The thickness of the metal being cut must be within the following limits:

  • stainless steel – 0.8 mm;
  • copper, brass, zinc-plated steel, zinc, plain sheet iron - 1.5 mm;
  • aluminum – 2 mm.

But, like any tool, you need to get used to working with this attachment.

Types of nozzles

All drill attachments work on the same principle. The only difference is the thickness of the sheet being processed. After work, the cut itself turns out smooth, without burrs. The only thing that may prevent you from cutting is a discrepancy between the attachment and the drill in terms of the applied speed. The most used nozzles by Russian craftsmen are “Cricket”, “Steel Beaver”, SPARKY, EDMA Nibblex.

The attachments are very versatile, their use has sufficient performance, the presence of a handle helps to control the cutting of all attachments, the cut is of good quality, you can use both pneumatic and electric drills. They do not require special settings; you can make curved cuts, the main thing is the personal skill of the master.

Nozzle "Cricket"

This is a scissors attachment on a drill for cutting metal. They are special nibblers with which you can cut both smooth and profile sheets, as well as plastic and carbonate, which are also not easy to cut.

Cricket attachment for cutting metal

When using such an attachment on a drill for cutting profiled and sheet metal, you can cut plastic up to 2 mm thick, as well as stainless steel up to 1.2 mm. They can also perform internal cuts, although this requires preliminary drilling.

It is very convenient to use during roofing work to cut metal tiles. When cutting with the Cricket, no deformation occurs and the sheets do not require editing. Even if you need to cut out a circle or other for any purpose complex element, this attachment will do the job. The only thing required is the skill of a master. Speed ​​1500-2500 rpm, price 1900 rubles.

Nozzle "Steel beaver"

It is equipped with a replaceable matrix and poisson. The difference from the previous attachment is that the thickness of sheet steel that this attachment can cut is 1.8 mm, and the speed of the drill used should be in the range of 1500-3000 rpm. Just like the previous one, the product is made in Russia.

Nozzle "Steel beaver"

Price about 1700 rubles

Drill attachment for cutting sheet metal EDMA NIBBLEX

Excellent nozzle, high quality workmanship, a lot positive feedback, both from professionals and home craftsmen. According to technical characteristics: drill rotation speed of at least 3000 rpm, thickness of cut sheet and profile metal up to 1.2 mm, aluminum (sheet) up to 1.5 mm.

EDMA Nibblex nozzle

The price is about 5000 rubles.

The most favorite device of our craftsmen. The country of origin is Bulgaria, it differs as good quality, and at an affordable price.

The price for such an attachment for a drill for cutting metal is around 2000 thousand. The main technical characteristics include: operating speeds for correct operation nozzles 3000 rpm, thickness of cut steel from 1.8 to 2 mm, with such parameters the cutting speed is 2 m per minute.

Nibblers for drill SPARKY

Of course, a very common replacement part in these tools is the poisson. It is sold in the same stores where the nozzle itself is purchased. I would like to note that very often comments appear on the Internet that a poisson for SPARKY costs 600 rubles, and a poisson for another nozzle costs about 150 rubles, but both are made in China. Yes, in China. But the tools of the global company BOSH are also mostly produced in China, but this makes their quality still the highest (of course, if you don’t run into a fake). It's a matter of the technologies used and quality acceptance. That's why the miser pays twice.

Drill attachments for cutting metal: types, features, application

The need to cut metal products arises in many situations related to construction and repair work. To perform this technological operation, special equipment of various types is used, but if it is not at hand, a drill attachment for cutting metal can help. Using such attachments and a hand-held electric drill, you can effectively cut thin products made from various metals.

Shaped cutting metal tiles cutting attachment for drill

Types of metal cutting equipment

You can cut a metal sheet or a more massive metal product using various equipment.

Angle grinder

This device is also known as an angle grinder. It can be used to cut rebar, thick sheet metal and other types of metal products. This is the most popular equipment used for such purposes.

Circular saw for metal

This saw allows you to make cuts at different angles and perform them with great precision. Meanwhile, when using this equipment, the resulting cuts have a limited depth and a large amount of waste is generated.


This is high-performance equipment for metal cutting, with the help of which workpieces of simple configurations are processed.

Band saw and jigsaw

This equipment allows you to make cuts at different angles. Both the jigsaw and the band saw, due to their design features, impose significant restrictions on the size of the products that need to be cut.

Hydraulic equipment

Equipment of this type is innovative. It allows you to cut metal with high precision, while the thickness of the processed product can reach up to 20–30 cm. The most significant disadvantage of this cutting method, in which the product is not exposed to thermal effects, is its high cost.

As mentioned above, you can also use drill attachments for cutting metal products, which are presented in a wide variety on the modern market.

Drill attachments can also be used for cutting other materials

Features of using drill attachments

The attachments, with the help of which a conventional electric drill is transformed into a device for cutting metal, are essentially a punch (cotter pin). Making numerous reciprocating movements in the internal cavity of the matrix, such a punch pierces a metal sheet, forming a cutting line on it, the width of which is 3.1 mm. When using attachments, a targeted effect is applied to the processing area, due to which the protective layers on the surface of the metal product fully retain all of their functions.

The working part of the cutting type nozzle

Using the drill attachment, you can cut metal sheets of the following thickness:

  • made of aluminum - up to two millimeters;
  • made of copper, brass, sheet iron, zinc and galvanized steel - up to one and a half millimeters;
  • made of stainless steel - up to eight tenths of a millimeter.

The reciprocating motion of the punch, which is the main working body of the nozzle, is imparted by the rotation of the electric drill chuck. It should be borne in mind that such an attachment can effectively cut a metal sheet only if it is used in conjunction with an electric drill, the chuck of which rotates at a frequency of at least 2700 rpm.

Examples of cuts with a nozzle of galvanized sheet (0.55 mm) and aluminum (2 mm)

Benefits of using drill attachments

Drill attachments, when compared with such a popular tool for cutting metal as an angle grinder, have a number of advantages.

  1. The cut performed is of high quality.
  2. When using a drill attachment for cutting metal, there is no need to purchase additional consumables, which significantly saves money.
  3. The use of such an attachment ensures high productivity of the cutting process.
  4. Drill attachments are highly versatile.
  5. Due to the fact that this tool is equipped with a special handle, the cutting process with its help is very convenient.
  6. These attachments are suitable for both electric and pneumatic drills.
  7. The convenience of these nozzles both in use and in maintenance is undeniable.
  8. With the help of such tools you can make cuts of almost any configuration.

Despite the simplicity of the design of such attachments, their use requires certain skills and dexterity from the user.

Popular models and areas of their application

Modern models of drill attachments allow cutting sheet metal not only in a straight line. Using such a convenient and easy-to-use device, you can also make shaped cuts, which is often required when installing roofing structures, ventilation ducts, as well as gutters and other elements of the drainage system.

Using such attachments on a drill, cuts can be made in almost any spatial position. An equally important advantage of these attachments is that they do not require preliminary setup.

This attachment turns the drill into electric scissors that work on the principle of cutting, not carving.

Among the most popular models of drill attachments for cutting metal presented on the domestic market are the following:

  • "Cricket" (from the company "Enkor");
  • Sparky NP 1.8L;
  • ACCO YT-160A.

Perforated scissors-attachment for electric drill EDMA NIBBLEX for cutting metal and plastic

The differences between models of drill attachments do not lie in the principle of their operation, but in the maximum thickness of the metal being cut and a number of other technical characteristics. Modern models of drill attachments allow you to obtain smooth and neat cuts with sharp, even and uncrimped edges. In this case, the protective coating applied to the surface of the metal sheet is not damaged and fully retains all its functions.


One of the popular attachments for a drill, which is a compact nibbler (nibbler), is a device called a “Cricket”. This attachment, which allows you to obtain an even and neat cut, can be used for cutting both flat and profile metal sheets.

The “Cricket” scissor attachment is designed to operate from a pneumatic or electric drill (screwdriver) with a power of at least 420 W

Using the Cricket scissor attachment, you can cut not only metal sheets, but thin-sheet products made of polycarbonate and other polymer materials. At the same time, the thickness of the products for cutting which these compact nibblers can be used can be up to:

  • 1.5 mm – for steel sheet material;
  • 1.2 mm – for stainless steel;
  • 2 mm – for copper and aluminum, as well as polymer materials.

Using the “Cricket” drill attachment, you can cut sheet material in horizontal and vertical planes, as well as make internal cuts on the surface of the sheet.

“Cricket” works on the principle of nibbled scissors

It should be borne in mind that in the place of the sheet from where the internal cut will be made, it is necessary to pre-drill a hole.

“Cricket” is a good drill attachment for cutting metal tiles and corrugated sheets. When using this device for cutting metal, the surface of these materials is not deformed, and the cut itself is smooth and neat. The Cricket attachment can easily cope with such complex tasks as artistic cutting and creating large-diameter holes in sheet material.

"Steel Beaver"

Another popular drill attachment that can be used to cut metal is an attachment called a “Steel Beaver.” The principle by which such drill attachments work is similar to how nibblers function. When using this device, no sparks are formed in the cutting zone and there is no thermal effect on the metal sheet; accordingly, the protective coating that is applied to it is not burned.

The “Steel Beaver” metal cutting attachment is equipped with a replaceable die and punch

Among the technical characteristics of this type of drill attachment, it is necessary to highlight the following:

  1. The efficiency of such an attachment is ensured when the drill chuck rotates at a speed of 1500–3000 rpm.
  2. The maximum thickness of workpieces is 1.8 mm for ordinary steel sheets, 2 mm for copper and aluminum sheets, 1.2 mm for stainless steel sheets.
  3. The angle at which you can change the direction of the cut is 360°.
  4. The minimum cutting radius is 12 mm.

When deciding which tool to choose for cutting sheet metal - a jigsaw, a grinder or a drill attachment - you should first evaluate the tasks for which they are needed.

Drill attachments are good option for home craftsmen and small construction crews. When the volume of work on cutting sheet metal is insignificant, the use of such an attachment is the optimal solution. When choosing this device, you should pay special attention to ensuring that the characteristics of the drill with which it will be used match the characteristics of the tool itself.

Or if a hacksaw is not available, you can use an electric drill with a special attachment for this purpose. Such devices allow you to separate a piece of sheet steel, and some models allow you to work with a metal profile.

These devices have not only a large number of advantages, but also limitations, the main of which is the thickness of the material with which you can work.

The use of such equipment can be not only in the absence of an alternative way to process the material, but also in the case when heating the metal sheet is undesirable.

Among the main advantages of using a drill attachment over using an angle grinder are the following:

  1. Higher quality of cut surface.
  2. The device allows you to make a hole in metal of any shape.
  3. Significant savings in money due to the lack of spending on consumables.
  4. The tool is very easy to use.
  5. Many attachments allow you to work with both metals and plastic sheets of appropriate thickness.
  6. When using a drill equipped with a battery, it can be done in places where it is not possible to connect to a 220 V home electrical network.
  7. The ability to combine several functions in one device. If there is no need to cut thicker metal, a drill can be used to drill holes and cut sheet metal.
  8. Light weight of the device.

The main advantages of this product over other types of metal cutting are listed. Models of such attachments can differ significantly in many respects, including cost.


The scissors attachment on a drill for cutting metal is a device that converts the rotation of the drill chuck into reciprocating movements, which, thanks to a special matrix, knock out a 3.1 mm thick strip in the metal.

With this method of separation, the cut is smooth and of high quality, which makes it possible to almost completely eliminate additional processing of the material in the future.

Using some kind of scissors, you can cut metal whose thickness is no more than:

  • 2 mm - when processing aluminum.
  • 0.8 mm - if you need to cut stainless steel.
  • 1.5 mm - for processing copper and brass.

This attachment for a drill for cutting metal will allow separation of material only if the electric motor of the tool develops at least 2700 rpm.


The Cricket attachment is a universal device that can be used to separate not only metal, but also various plastics. The advantage of this gadget is the ability to cut both sheet and profile material.

Thanks to the use of two cutting heads, the cut is perfectly smooth and does not require additional processing after completion of cutting.

Using a device of this type, it is possible to process material of the following thickness:

  • Aluminum - up to 2 mm.
  • Steel - up to 1.5 mm.
  • Plastic - up to 2 mm.
  • Stainless steel - up to 1.2 mm.

To ensure that the structure lasts as long as possible, and the cut of metal or other material is as smooth as possible, the manufacturer recommends using this device at drill engine speeds from 1500 to 3000 rpm.


The Beaver attachment works on the same principle as the above models. Using it, you can make both straight and curved cuts with a minimum radius of 1.2 cm.

The beaver has slightly better properties for cutting sheet metal, for example:

  • Steel - up to 1.8 mm.
  • Stainless steel - up to 1.3 mm.
  • Aluminum - up to 2 mm.

Price of popular devices

High-quality tools cannot be cheap. To cut metal, devices must be made of a material that is not deformed when subjected to constant loads. Among the variety of both domestic and foreign manufacturers, the following brands should be highlighted:

1. Nozzle - NP 1.8 SPARKY 181874 - the device is made in Bulgaria and is of high quality and reasonable price.

The device allows for both linear and radial cuts, and the quality of the edge will be the highest, regardless of the type of material that needs to be separated. SPARKY 181874 can be used as a drill attachment for cutting metal tiles, which will significantly speed up the roofing process.

The price on the Russian market is about 2,000 rubles, but this cost is fully justified, since the SPARKY drill attachment is a high-quality product that will last a long time.

2. ENKOR 14209 - a device of the “Cricket” type, made in Russia.

The device allows you to perform high-quality cutting of aluminum sheets up to 2 mm thick. Indispensable when working with metal roofing materials, since, unlike grinders, it does not heat the metal.

The item can be purchased for 1,900 rubles in any specialized store.

3. “Steel beaver” - made in Russia and allows you to work with various metals.

Using the "Steel Beaver" you can easily cut a piece of aluminum, while the edges will be completely intact. The limit on the maximum metal thickness in this case is 2 mm.

The device can also be used for cutting stainless steel. In this case, in order not to overload the tool, it is not recommended to use a sheet more than 1.2 mm thick. The cost of the stray is about 1600 rubles.

4. EDMA NIBBLEX - does an excellent job of separating sheet and profile material up to 1.2 mm thick. Aluminum sheet can be processed up to 1.5 mm thick.

For efficient operation of the attachment, the manufacturer recommends an optimal drill rotation speed of 3,000 rpm.

The estimated cost of EDMA NIBBLEX on the Russian market is 5,000 rubles. The high quality of the device has been confirmed by numerous tests by both professional craftsmen and ordinary people who purchase the device for home use.

5. Malco turboShear TS1 - can be used with a drill and for installation on a screwdriver.

The device is the most expensive of professional devices and will cost a Russian buyer 7,000 rubles. The nozzle costs that kind of money because it is produced in the USA, where product quality control is much higher than in China.

  1. If it is used for cutting for the first time, then it is recommended that before starting the main work, make several cuts on unnecessary metal fragments in order to understand the basic principle of operation of the device and avoid mistakes in the future.
  2. When working with a device for cutting metal, in order to get an even cut of the desired shape, it is recommended to hold the drill with both hands while working.
  3. Drill attachments made in Russia are practically not inferior in quality to foreign analogues, but the price may differ significantly downwards.
  4. It is not recommended to purchase devices by hand; you can buy defective goods for a lot of money.
  5. Tools should be stored in rooms where the possibility of metal oxidation due to high humidity will be excluded.
  6. (1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

When engaged in construction or repair work, almost everyone is faced with the need to cut some kind of metal workpiece. To perform this procedure, you can use a grinder, a milling cutter, or hand-held metal scissors.

But what to do if you need to cut a metal sheet, but there are no such tools at hand? You can solve the problem using an ordinary drill and a special attachment, which can be bought at any hardware store.

What are metal cutting attachments?

Such a device is, in fact, a cotter pin or punch, which is using a matrix to pierce metal. As a result, a strip of the desired shape and width of 3.1 mm is formed in the cut metal part.

Thanks to the targeted effect on the metal, the integrity of the protective layers of the product is preserved as much as possible.

Using the nozzle, you can process material that has the following thickness:

  • aluminum – up to 2 mm;
  • copper, brass, sheet iron, pure zinc and steel coated with zinc - up to 1.5 mm;
  • stainless steel – up to 0.8 mm.

Cutting tool in action leads drill chuck, to which it is fixed. It is worth noting that the nozzle can cut metal only if the number of revolutions of the drill is at least 2700 rpm.

Advantages of attachments

Compared to a grinder, the drill attachment has a large number of advantages.

However, despite all the advantages of the tool, in order to ensure high quality cutting, working with it requires certain dexterity and skills.

Special attachment “Cricket” for a drill for cutting metal

Construction stores offer several types of drill attachments for cutting metal.

Nozzle "Cricket". The “Cricket” device is a nibbler (cutting) scissors that can make an even cut. The tool is used for cutting not only smooth, but also profile metal sheets.

In addition to metal, they can cut plastic and polycarbonate. The Cricket is used for cutting thin-sheet products:

  • The maximum thickness of sheet steel should be 1.5 mm.
  • The maximum thickness of stainless steel is 1.2 mm.
  • The maximum thickness of copper and aluminum is 2 mm.
  • Plastic thickness – 2 mm.

Using the Cricket attachment you can cut on horizontal and vertical surfaces, as well as make internal cuts. To ensure a high-quality internal cut, the workpiece must first be drilled.

The tool is indispensable when performing roofing work that requires processing of metal tiles or corrugated sheets. After using Cricket, the materials used will not be deformed, and the cut will be smooth and beautiful.

If there is a need to make artistic cutting or drill a large round hole in a sheet, then the Cricket attachment can easily cope with this task.

Nozzle "Steel beaver"

The device is intended for cutting flat and profile sheets (corrugated sheets, metal tiles). It has a cutting mechanism, the operation of which is similar to the processing of materials with cutting shears.

In the process of metal processing using the “Steel Beaver” tool no sparks are formed and the protective layer of the metal coating is not burned.

Key Features:

  • cutting is performed at a drill rotation speed of 1500–3 thousand rpm;
  • the maximum thickness of aluminum and copper sheets should be 2 mm;
  • stainless steel sheets must have a thickness of no more than 1.2 mm;
  • the maximum thickness of the steel sheet can be up to 1.8 mm;
  • change of cutting direction and angle – 360 degrees;
  • minimum cutting radius – 12 mm.

Models of drill attachments and their use

With special attachments on drills you can make both straight and curved cuts. Do curly cuts for installation of gutters of the drainage system or ventilation parts of the roof, cut in the vertical and horizontal direction.

After using the tool the cut is neat. The nozzle does not require adjustment and is easy to maintain.

Drill attachments are available in several models on the construction market:

  • ACCO YT-160A.
  • Sparky NP 1.8 L.
  • "Cricket" from the manufacturers Enkor.

By and large, all models of drill attachments operate according to the same parameters. An exception may be the thickness of the metal sheet that a particular tool can cut.

After using the devices, the edge is obtained sharp, smooth and not wrinkled. You just need to make sure that the speed of the drill you use matches the characteristics of the attachment.

Those involved in construction or repair sometimes need to cut metal. And, if it is not possible to purchase an expensive tool, then the cutting process can be entrusted to a drill with an attachment.

For home craftsmen, this tool will become optimal solution and a great helper. It is worth keeping in mind that the cutting process can be entrusted to specialists who have experience and certain skills.

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