Homemade water pump. How to make a water pump with your own hands. We build a wave pump with our own hands

After purchase garden plot A summer resident has to solve the most difficult task in life: settling in a new place. The most important thing is to establish a water supply, because imported water will not be enough for a long time. The problem of watering is also not solved in this way.

Homemade pump

It’s good if the house is located near some body of water: a river or stream. In this case, you will need a water supply pump. As an option, you can consider a homemade water pump.

Such a device can be created from various materials. Water is drawn in the following way: a person makes forward movements and allows the internal valve to move, while water flows out through the hose.

Using a pump will alleviate the problem of watering.

This article provides ideas for making models of mini water pumps or mini pumps, as they are called by many. These are simple and cheap homemade products that will definitely come in handy in the household for pumping water.

Important! Water from a well can be lifted to an above-ground reservoir using one of two types of pumps: piston or centrifugal.

Both of them, although they work on different physical principles, are designed to solve the same problem of delivering or moving water from one place to another.

When choosing the type of pump, energy consumption is taken into account, as well as the ease of troubleshooting in the event of a breakdown.

Pump characteristics

How to make a water pump with your own hands? To create a pump, the first thing you need is materials. In this case, first of all, you need to focus on the following criteria:

  • The power on which the speed of pumping water from the well depends. On average, for pumping from wells, boreholes, reservoirs and storage tanks, it is 350-400 W;
  • Maximum degree of pressure. The approximate required watering pressure for the garden is 40 m;
  • Strength and moisture resistance of the material. For example, the most best material manufacturing of the housing - cast iron, impeller - brass, shaft - stainless steel, mechanical seal- ceramic graphite.

If you take into account all the above criteria, you will be able to build efficient pump, and pumping water from the well will be carried out in a matter of minutes.

A cheap pump for overflowing water can be made from almost nothing: from two plastic bottles with and without a stopper, a piece of plastic pipe of a suitable diameter and a spout hose.

How to make a plastic pump

Production process

  • First, the valve is cut out, for which the gasket is removed from the cover and cut in a circle. In this case, the diameter of the gasket should be smaller than the neck of the bottle;
  • An eight-millimeter hole is drilled in the center of the bottle cap.

    A pipe is inserted into the finished valve;

  • From another bottle, a kind of funnel is made, which is fixed on top of a plastic pipe;
  • A spout hose is attached to the other end of the pipe.
  • In this way, you can make the simplest pump with your own hands to pump out water. With the help of a sharp movement of the hand up and down, the water is brought through plastic pipe before spouting. Then the liquid flows by gravity.

    Diaphragm pump

    In order to make a diaphragm pump with your own hands, you must first disassemble such a failed unit and see how it works. The device includes:

    • two compartments located opposite each other;
    • high-strength membrane;
    • distributor.

    During operation of the device, one compartment is filled with air, the other with water. As a result of displacement, water begins to move through the chambers. When the position of the membrane changes due to the operation of the valves, it is discharged through the pipes.

    A pneumatically driven diaphragm pump, which has compact dimensions and low weight, can be disassembled in three minutes. You only need two keys. So, one by one:

    • the rod with the drive shaft is removed from the very center of the pump;
    • the membrane is removed;
    • valves are removed that prevent reverse suction of the pumped medium.

    Control and shut-off valves are necessary elements in every water system; their purpose is to regulate the flow of water.

    Diaphragm pump operation

    Having studied the internal composition, you can begin to assemble the device yourself.

    For information. The areas of application of diaphragm pumps are very diverse: chemical, petroleum, paint and varnish, food industry. The main advantages are: no piston, no need for gaskets, no sparking. The operating principle is based on the laws of hydraulics and pneumatics.

    How to make a hand pump

    A water pump is very necessary in the spring and summer season. To make a manual water pump with your own hands, just look through thematic pages on the Internet. The solution can be found by exploring several options. Preference is most often given to Soviet-era designs; they are many times more reliable and better built than today’s ones.

    Homemade column

    So, how to make a hand pump for a well for an eight-meter well? For this you will need welding machine and used materials.

    Main details

    • five-liter carbon dioxide fire extinguisher with a wall thickness of 5 mm;
    • two three-quarter flows - one for the spout (on the side), the other for the water intake (below);
    • sealing rubber;
    • half-inch pipe - 1 meter;
    • two valves;
    • a pond with a diameter of 14 mm for the rod so that it fits perfectly into the head of the fire extinguisher;
    • lever 12 mm thick, 28 mm wide and 70 cm long;
    • basic support post 12 mm thick, 28 mm wide;

    Additional elements are also used:

    • a frame measuring 7x30x25 cm on which everything is attached;
    • mounting bracket 4x35 mm;
    • steel handles for carrying the structure;
    • M8 bolts for attaching the lever arms.

    Three-quarter size surges are taken to increase the passage and reduce the load when pumping water. You can make them half an inch in size. The leads are welded to the pump housing (fire extinguisher). But first the body itself is made.

    Description of the manufacturing process

    The principle of operation of the pump is to create a vacuum suction of well water, on this basis a device is created.

  • The bottom of the fire extinguisher is cut off. Between its body and the frame a sealing rubber is placed, pre-cut to the size of the body. In this case, the structure is attached to the base in four places using corners. Bolts and washers are used for fastening. To simplify things, you can simply burn holes in the metal on which the rod runs. This hole is central and must be made carefully using a welding machine;
  • A thread bend is welded to the rod and a return piston is screwed in, playing the role of a check valve in the system. A five-millimeter metal circle with 10 mm holes for the passage of water is used as a piston. On top of it, a cuff cut from ordinary sheet rubber is placed on a rod of the same diameter;
  • The entire installation is supported on support legs, which are fastened with M12 bolts. The legs are screwed into nuts welded to the frame. The design is completely collapsible;
  • After all welding work is completed, the pump is primed and painted.
  • The rod is rigidly connected to the handle. When the rod begins to move, the cuff rises up, and water, seeping through the holes of the piston, rises to exit through the side outlet (column spout). The pumping handle should swing freely left and right.

    The pump pumps out approximately two to three liters of water at a time. Such a pump for pumping water is useful for drawing water from a reservoir such as a well or a well.

    Remaking a Chinese pump

    Surely many have been burned by purchasing Chinese-made brushless pumps. The devices are not bad, but they often break down: the very filling of the pumps is covered - the electronics, filled with epoxy resin.

    A Chinese rocking chair lasts a maximum of two weeks on a solar collector. Having become a little more familiar with the operating principle of the device, you can remake Chinese water pumps with your own hands.

    It will turn out as in the saying “If you want it to work as it should, do it yourself.”

    Chinese pump

    How to make a water pump from a Chinese broken product? First of all, disassemble the pump and look at the assembly diagram. One of the parts needed to assemble a new device is an impeller; it is difficult to make it yourself.

    A new homemade water pump is assembled from a powerful Soviet-era engine, a coupling and a Chinese-made impeller. Creation is set on solar collector, and the issue with the pump disappears for a long time. It will work productively.

    Important! A converted pump for a well with your own hands will need to be protected from dust, which is a common cause of breakdowns of motor equipment.

    The completed unit is attached and tested in action. This homemade pump perfectly pumps water from a two-meter depth. It will last for several years of reliable operation, given the way it works cyclically.

    For seasonal irrigation, devices with a minimum of wearing parts are mainly used:

    • self-made asynchronous centrifugal pump;
    • three-phase brushless unit.

    In terms of popularity, the design of a centrifugal electric pump for water is superior to many pumping devices for similar purposes.

    Making a pump for pumping water, if you figure it out, is not at all difficult. Made with your own hands, it will become a reliable and effective means for household needs: watering, fencing drinking water from the well. This technically simple design will help reduce electricity and water consumption.


    Homemade water pump: how to make a pump for pumping with your own hands

    After purchase land plot the summer resident begins to decide the most important issues: you have to start somewhere in order to settle down. The most important thing is to provide yourself with water. Indeed, since life arose in water, without it, all living things cannot exist for a long time. You can bring water from somewhere, but only for personal needs.

    The watering problem cannot be solved using this method. It’s good if there is water at least close to the site. Any, even small, body of water will suit you: a river or at least a stream. Ideal option there is a spring, but such luck is rare. All that's left is to get a pump. By the way, at first, a homemade water pump will do.

    Its use will alleviate the problem.

    Option #1 - American river pump

    This pump model, which does not require electricity to operate, can be used by craftsmen who are lucky enough to purchase a plot of land on the banks of a small but very stormy river.

    The hose is laid in the barrel in even turns without creases or kinks. And the whole structure as a whole looks rather simple, but with its help water is regularly supplied to the shore

    To create a pump you will need:

    • a barrel with a diameter of 52 cm, a length of 85 cm and a weight of approximately 17 kg;
    • hose wound in a barrel with a diameter of 12mm;
    • outlet (supply) hose 16mm in diameter;

    There are also restrictions for the immersion environment: the working depth of the flow should not be less than 30 cm, the speed of water movement (current) should be 1.5 m/sec. Such a pump ensures that water rises to a height of no more than 25 meters vertically.

    Components: 1 - outlet hose, 2 - sleeve coupling, 3 - blades, 4 - polystyrene foam floats, 5 - spiral winding of the hose, 6 - inlet, 7 - bottom of the structure. The barrel floats perfectly

    Details of using this pump can be seen in the video.

    Option #2 - homemade wave pump

    This pump also takes advantage of the river nearby. In a reservoir without a current, such a pump is unlikely to be effective. To make it you will need:

    • accordion-type corrugated pipe;
    • bracket;
    • 2 bushings with valves;
    • log.

    The pipe can be made of either plastic or brass. Depending on the material of the accordion, the weight of the log must be adjusted. A log weighing more than 60 kg will fit a brass pipe, but a not so heavy load will be suitable for a plastic pipe. As a rule, the weight of the log is selected practically.

    This version of the pump is suitable for a river and not with the most stormy current, it is important that it is simple, then the “accordion” will contract and the water will be pumped

    Both ends of the pipe are closed with bushings having valves. On one side, the pipe is attached to a bracket, on the other, to a log placed in water. The operation of the device directly depends on the movement of water in the river.

    It is its oscillatory movements that should force the “accordion” to act. The expected effect at a wind speed of 2 m/sec and with an increased pressure of up to 4 atmospheres can be approximately 25 thousand.

    liters of water per day.

    As you understand, the pump is presented in a simplified version. It can be improved by eliminating unwanted torque on the log.

    To do this, fix it in a horizontal plane by installing a ring stop on the lift using a bolt. The pump will now last longer.

    Another improvement option: soldered tips at the ends of the pipe. The bushings can simply be screwed onto them.

    Particular attention should be paid to preliminary preparation logs Don't forget that it will be placed in water. We prepare a mixture of natural drying oil and kerosene at a ratio of one to one.

    We impregnate the log itself with the mixture 3-4 times, and the cuts and ends, as the most hygroscopic, six times. The mixture may begin to harden during operation.

    When heated in a water bath, it will return fluidity without losing other properties.

    Option #3 - a furnace that creates a pressure difference

    The craftsmen whose idea was embodied in this miracle of engineering called their brainchild a “pump furnace.” They, of course, know better, but at the initial stage of its operation this pump looks like a samovar. However, it really does not heat the water, but creates a difference in pressure, due to which its work is carried out.

    For such a pump you need:

    • steel barrel 200 liters;
    • Primus or blowtorch;
    • pipe with tap;
    • mesh nozzle for hose;
    • rubber hose;
    • drill.

    The pipe with the tap must be cut into the bottom of the barrel. Close the top of the barrel with a screw cap. A hole is pre-drilled in this plug and a rubber hose is inserted into it. The mesh nozzle is needed to close the second end of the hose before it is lowered into the reservoir.

    This version of the pump can even be called ingenious and, most importantly, this “device” will probably work well

    Approximately two liters of water are poured into the barrel. They put it under a barrel heating element(primus stove or blowtorch). You can simply light a fire under the bottom. The air in the barrel heats up and exits through a hose into the reservoir. This will be noticeable by gurgling. The fire is extinguished, the barrel begins to cool, and due to the low internal pressure, water from the reservoir is pumped into it.

    On average, it takes at least an hour to fill a barrel. This is provided that the hole in the hose has a diameter of 14 mm and a distance of 6 meters from the place from which the water is to be raised.

    Option #4 - black grille for sunny weather

    This product will require special devices.

    Where, for example, do you get a black grille, the hollow tubes of which contain liquefied propane-butane? However, if this part of the problem is solved, the rest does not cause any particular difficulties.

    So, there is a grille, and it is connected to a rubber bulb (balloon), which is placed in a can. There are two valves in the lid of this can. One valve lets air into the container, and through the other, air with a pressure of 1 atm exits into the air duct.

    It’s really better to make the grate black, because black products always heat up more actively under the bright summer sun

    This is how the system works. Watering the grate on a sunny day cold water. Propane-butane cools, and the gas vapor pressure decreases. The rubber balloon is compressed, and air enters the can.

    After the sun dries the grate, the steam will inflate the bulb again, and pressurized air will begin to flow through the valve directly into the pipe.

    The air plug becomes a kind of piston that expels water through the shower head onto the grate, after which the cycle repeats.

    Of course, we are not interested in the process of watering the grate itself, but in the water that collects under it. Experts say that the pump functions perfectly even in winter time. Only this time, frosty air is used as a coolant, and the grate is heated by water extracted from the ground.

    Option #5 - supercharger from a plastic bottle

    If the water is in a barrel or other container, then using a watering hose in this case seems problematic. It's actually not that complicated. You can literally use scrap materials to construct a homemade pump for pumping out water, which will work on the principle of compensating the level of liquid in communicating vessels.

    Water injection occurs as a result of several translational movements. The valve, which is located under the lid, does not allow water to return to the barrel, which forces it to flow out when its volume increases. This seemingly insignificant structure is a great help in dacha work.

    For a hand pump you need:

    • a plastic bottle, the lid of which must have a plastic membrane gasket;
    • hose of suitable length;
    • a standard tube whose diameter corresponds to the size of the bottle neck.

    How exactly such a pump can be assembled and how it will function, look at the video, where everything is explained in detail.

    Option #6 - part from a washing machine

    The habit of buying new things when there are old analogues is very ruinous. I agree that an old washing machine is no longer able to compete with new models, but its pump can still serve you well. For example, it can be used to pump out water from a drainage well.

    The washing machine has long served its purpose. It was simply supplanted by new models with new capabilities. But her heart, the pump, is still capable of serving its owner.

    The motor of such a pump requires a 220V network. But it is better to use an isolation transformer with reliable insulation of the input and output windings to power it. Don’t forget about high-quality grounding of the core or metal body of the transformer itself. We compare the power of the transformer and the motor.

    We use a centrifugal type of pump, so we place a valve at the end of a hose lowered into water, and fill the system with water. The check valve, which is shown disassembled in the photo, can also be removed from the washing machine. And the blue ground stopper just fit perfectly so that the extra hole would also be closed. Surely you have something similar in your supplies.

    Literally from garbage, as it turns out, you can assemble a completely functional thing that not only works, but does its job well and quickly

    The resulting homemade pump works very well, pumping water from a depth of about 2 meters at a decent speed. It is important to turn it off in time so that air does not get into the system and you do not have to fill it with water again.

    Option #7 - Archimedes and Africa

    Everyone remembers very well the story about the screw invented by Archimedes. With its help, water supply was carried out even in ancient Syracuse, which did not know electricity. A very ingenious use of the Archimedes screw was invented in Africa.

    The carousel pump serves both as entertainment for local children and as a completely functional structure that provides water to a small settlement.

    If you have children and they have friends who love to ride the carousel, take this experience into your arsenal.

    1- children's carousel, 2- pump, 3- aquifer layer, 4- water tank, 5- water column, 6- water return pipe in case of tank overflow

    As you can see, there are a lot of possibilities for water supply. And electricity may not be involved at all in this matter. It turned out that even a schoolchild can make some water pumps with his own hands. It is important to have a desire, a clear head and skillful hands. We'll give you ideas.

    Making a water pump with your own hands

    All materials for the water pump can be bought at a flea market or in a specialty store

    The main disadvantage of factory pumps is the need to connect them to electricity. But both in private dachas and in villages, there is often no electricity. A factory electric pump is good, but you also need to have a backup option in case of a power outage.

    How to make a centrifugal pump with your own hands

    You can make a centrifugal pump with your own hands in a few days. This is a pump in which water flow and pressure are created using centrifugal force. It occurs when the moving wheel blades act on the water.

    The principle of centrifugal force is widely used in pumps. Among the insides, one can note the spiral shape and the presence of a shaft on which the impeller is mounted.

    There are two types of wheels:

    • Open type;
    • Closed type.

    IN open type Blades are placed on the disk. IN closed type the blades are located between the rear and front discs. They can be located away from the direction of operation of the wheel.

    To make a centrifugal pump with your own hands, you need to place a valve for it at the end of one side of the water hose. Place this end in water and fill the entire system with water.

    It is advisable to choose them from durable materials so that they do not break under the pressure of water flows. It is preferable to opt for metal. They are placed inside the main round body from which water will flow.

    It can be made from a plastic or iron barrel. You just need to reduce its size.

    To create a diffuser for water flow, you can take plastic materials. A stream of water will flow through it. The diffuser should be placed at an angle to the round body.

    These are the basic elements needed to create a centrifugal pump. It can be assembled from available materials. The main thing is that the materials are of high quality and without cracks. If you make a pump with your own hands, it will be able to fully provide you with water.

    We make a diaphragm pump with our own hands

    For the dacha excellent option will make a diaphragm pump. This is a water extraction plant, which is made on the basis of cast iron.

    The pump has a special element - a piston. It is needed in order to independently clean up dirty water. This important nuance, which plays in his favor in choosing pumps for dachas. Self-cleaning prevents dirt, sand, and grass from accumulating inside the pump.

    The main element of the pump is the membrane. The diaphragm pump is perfectly used in dachas where the electricity is constantly cut off. In such a device, water is pumped thanks to two valves.

    In order to make it yourself you will need materials for:

  • Membranes;
  • Valves;
  • Pipes.
  • First you must prepare the working chamber - the space where the main work of the pump will take place. To do this, you can take a small metal container. Plastic materials can also be used.

    To make a diaphragm pump, take a container, that is, a chamber, and cut a hole on three sides. Use drills. Water will flow from both sides, where valves and pipes need to be installed. In the third hole, on top, install the membrane. A simple design will allow you to pump out water.

    If the light often goes out in your summer cottage, and it is not possible to use an electric pump, then the membrane option will come in handy. To manufacture a diaphragm pump, a minimum amount of materials must be used, thereby spending little money. Make a pump yourself and you will always have access to water.

    Why do you need a water pump: we create a housing for the pump with our own hands

    In summer cottages, situations sometimes occur when the electricity is turned off. In order for you to have water in your house all the time, you need to make a water pump. This is one of the main elements of a hand pump.

    You can make a homemade manual and diaphragm piston pump with your own hands. Impeller, gate, drainage and wind pumps are difficult to make on your own. There is also a so-called Musho pump, which runs on solar energy. There is also a wave pump, the principle of which is to oscillate waves.

    To make a pump you need to take a flask. This is a regular housing in which the piston is placed. It, in turn, has two holes: outlet and inlet. Make them so that the water can rise. Close both holes with valves. Next, make a lever to pump out water.

    Make holes in the top of the barrel, and another one on the side for the tap. Attach the hose. Please note that the hose must be of such length that it can reach the surface of the water inside the well.

    The pump design includes:

    • Metal barrel for 150-200 liters;
    • Tap for outlet hole;
    • Hose for water intake.

    Flatten the pipe on one side with a hammer, and make holes for the bolt on the other side. Use the brackets to secure the lever. When you install your pump, keep in mind that there may be a sewer system underneath. Check these points in advance using the drawings.

    Making a pump is quite simple if you already have all the necessary materials on hand. Follow the instructions and then you will be able to make the entire pump structure efficiently and without errors.

    The bulb is necessary for pumping out liquids and is also used for pumping gasoline. It is often used in the automotive industry. Each hose has its own mini bulb. You can buy such a hose in stores. Or buy a separate hose and a separate bulb.

    The jock bag is a cylindrical shape that tapers at the sides. This is necessary to connect the hose at both ends. Metal rings are attached to the narrowing area of ​​the pear. This helps the hose to be firmly attached to the bulb.

    The design of the pear represents:

    • Rubber mold:
    • Metal rings at the ends of the arms;
    • Additional hose for work.

    Using a hose with a bulb is easy. It is enough to take one end of the hose and lower it into a well or other container with water. To determine the direction of the hose, namely which end to lower into the water, you need to look at the bulb. There is a direction arrow drawn on it.

    Direct the other end into a container where the liquid will be poured. Next, press the bulb and the water pumps.

    A pear serves as the simplest device for pumping liquids. It can be bought in stores at low prices, which creates demand among owners summer cottages. The mechanism is easy to use. It is enough to point the ends of the hoses and press the bulb.

    How to make a water pump with your own hands (video)

    A water pump is necessary at every dacha. It allows you to quickly pump water out of a well. You can buy a pump in a store, or you can make it yourself. To do this, it is enough to choose high-quality materials and use ingenuity.

    However, you can only make pumps with your own hands that have a simpler design. But they also do a good job of pumping out water. This will give you the pleasure of drinking water on a sunny day.

    Therefore, we wish you good luck in making your own pump!

    Homemade air pump

    Dmitrij 1-12-2017, 18:04 10 617 Adaptations

    There are situations in life where a little pumping may be needed. With its help you can supply air to the aquarium, to the oven, or use it for some of your other homemade products.

    In this instruction we will look at how you can make a small pump with your own hands that runs on a DC motor. You can use a battery or power supply as a power source. This is just an example; you can make a homemade product of any size and performance for yourself.

    Materials and tools for homemade work: - motor; - battery or power supply; - bicycle tube; - canister lid; - felt-tip pen body or other suitable tube; - glue; - balloon; - old plastic bank card (or other source of plastic) ;- MDF sheet;- switch;- drill;- soldering iron;- scissors;- pliers;- clamp;- bolt with nut, bicycle spoke and other small things.

    Pump manufacturing process:

    Step one. Manufacturing of the pump body

    To make the pump body, the author used plastic cover from the canister. Take a drill with a 10 mm drill and drill holes at equal distances. The more there are, the higher the pump performance will be. Finally, take sandpaper and sand the drilling areas. It is necessary to remove the burrs, especially on the inside, so that the valve fits well.

    Step two. We manufacture and install check valve In order for the pump to pump air, it must have a check valve. Thanks to it, air will come in, but will not be able to come out. To make the valve, the author used an old bicycle inner tube.

    Simply cut out a circle to fit inside the lid. The rubber should cover all holes. Now we drill a hole in the center of the lid and screw the valve using a screw with a nut, do not forget to place a washer under the screw.

    Step three.

    Making an outlet tube So that you can connect a hose to the pump and use the outgoing air for your own purposes, you will need a piece of tube. For these purposes, the author adapted the body of a felt-tip pen. Drill a hole of a suitable diameter in the side of the lid and insert the tube.

    It is important here that the tube fits tightly and there are no leaks; it is wise to use hot glue for fastening and sealing.

    Step four. Piston At this step we will make the piston. The author makes it from two plastic plates with which SIM cards are sold. Old ones will also work bank cards and so on. First, cut out two circles.

    Their diameter should be slightly smaller than the inside of the pump. Sand the surfaces thoroughly with sandpaper to ensure good adhesion.

    You will also need to make a membrane, since there is no tightness between the body and the piston; it is provided by the membrane.

    It should be soft and airtight; a regular inflatable ball is perfect for such purposes. We cut out another circle from it, which should be slightly larger in size than the pump body so that the membrane can be secured. Next, take two plastic circles and glue them to the membrane on both sides. For reliability, the membrane can be made double, so it will last longer.

    After the glue has hardened, drill a hole in the center of the piston and install the nut from a bicycle spoke. It can also be secured with hot glue; the author assembles everything with regular hot glue. The membrane can be tied to the body with threads, secured with an elastic band, or glued. Also remember about tightness.

    Step five. Pump base

    To mount the motor and connect it to the pump, you will need to make a base. The author made it from a piece of MDF. To prevent the base from moving when the pump is in operation due to vibrations, the author attaches four legs to its base with glue. Now all that remains is to secure the pump.

    Here, too, you will need a piece of elastic or foam to glue the body to the base.

    Step six. We mount the engine and connect it to the pump The reciprocating movements from the engine are transmitted to the pump using a piece of bicycle spoke.

    Having selected the desired length, we bite off an extra piece from the knitting needle; we need the piece that has a thread. We screw it into the bicycle nut installed in the piston. On the opposite part of the knitting needle, using pliers, we form a bend in the shape of the letter “G”.

    For the motor shaft, you will need to make a “crankshaft”; the author cuts out a round piece of fiberglass sheet and drills two holes in it. But you can come up with a simpler design. The knee can be made from the same knitting needle, a plastic gear from a toy, a watch, and so on.

    Please note that the farther from the center the hole for the connecting rod is drilled, the greater the stroke the piston will have. Make sure that your piston has enough movement. That's all, now all that remains is to secure the engine itself. Here you need a piece of a block; you need to cut a groove in it to install the engine. Now let's glue this whole thing together.

    Step seven. Electrical part

    The author powers his pump from a battery cell removed from a laptop, probably an 18650. The battery has a capacity of 2200 mAh and an operating voltage of 3.7V. The homemade product is also equipped with a switch for convenience. Solder all the wires, as vibrations will cause them to shake quite a bit. Secure the battery and switch using hot glue.

    That's all, the pump is ready, you can start testing! Thanks to the battery, it can be easily transported, but if this is not necessary, it is easier to power the pump from the power supply.

    Step eight. Homemade testing To clearly demonstrate the pump, the author put a hose on the outgoing fitting and lowered it into a jar of water.

    When you turn on the device, you can see that it pumps air quite actively. The pressure is created such that the hose constantly wants to fly up.

    As you can note, everything is assembled from available materials, and the adjustment range is quite large. You can make a larger or smaller model depending on your needs.



    Final score: 9.0

    Subtleties of the water pump manufacturing process

    Arranging a personal garden or summer cottage is the first priority for every owner. Of course, the primary task is to solve the water supply problem.

    If there is any reservoir in the nearby area, you can purchase a pump.

    The modern specialized market offers a wide range various models water pumps that can satisfy the wishes of any, even the most picky and scrupulous, customers.

    However, such devices can be made with your own hands, while avoiding significant costs.

    This option is most optimal for areas that overlook the shore of a body of water. To construct the pump structure, you will need a log about 3 meters long and two stakes, a small piece of corrugated plastic pipe and two valves.

    It is necessary to attach several loops of wire to the log, the diameter of which should be 6 mm at the ends. You need to attach a prepared piece of corrugated pipe to it from below. Valves are pre-attached to the pipe at the end holes.

    The operating principle of such a pump is based on the action of waves. The wave of water lifts the log, the length of the pipe increases, and the liquid is sucked through the lower inlet. Accordingly, when a wave lowers a log, the size of the corrugated tube decreases, and water is squeezed out through a special upper valve. This process repeats periodically depending on wave fluctuations.

    This design allows you to lift water from a depth of about 25 meters. When producing this design, it is important to properly process the float using special means to protect wood from constant exposure to moisture. The best option would be to use regular drying oil for these purposes.

    This design will help to significantly simplify and facilitate the process of pumping water from any reservoir. Managing it is not very difficult.

    The production of this device can be divided into several stages.

    • At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare the main pumping element of the structure. This element is a hollow cylinder in the form of an accordion. During the process of compression and stretching, the volume of this part will change significantly, while creating the pressure necessary for pumping out water. As a material for the manufacture of this element, you can use ordinary car tire required diameter.
    • The second stage in the manufacture of the pump will be the creation of a special “floating” platform. To do this, you can use wooden material, the dimensions of which must correspond to the size of the chamber, or ordinary plastic bottles with lids. The selected material should be carefully fixed with electrical tape or construction tape on the bottom of the chamber.
    • Next, on the top of the camera you should fix a small wooden board. It will help the camera always stay afloat.
    • After this, you need to secure the wave pump. Two pillars need to be driven into the bottom of the reservoir; the upper platform of the structure is rigidly attached to them. For the lower platform of the device, it is necessary to provide special wire loops. This is necessary for the free movement of water.

    This homemade water pump is very easy and simple to make. To make such a design you will need a regular hose made of plastic. The best option is to use a 2-inch plastic hose.

    The hose can be installed in two ways:

    • spread in the form of rings on the surface;
    • hang the hose with a wire using several vertical posts.

    The operating principle of this design is based on heating the water in the device by the sun. As the hose fills, the water in it will gradually heat up. sun rays and will rise.

    The connection between the hose and the tank or any other container must be covered special material to provide reliable protection from various negative impacts. Any material with a reflective surface is suitable for this.

    The design of this pump consists of a special grid containing propane-butane in the tubes. The grid is connected to a rubber bulb lowered into the container. There are two special valves in the lid of the container: the first is designed to allow air into the structure, the second releases it under a certain pressure into the air pipe.

    To set the pump in motion, in the warm season you just need to pour cool water over the grill. In this case, the liquefied propane-butane cools, and its vapor pressure decreases. This helps compress the rubber bulb, and the container is filled with air. After a certain period of time, the sun's rays will dry out the grate and it will heat up again.

    The resulting liquid vapors will inflate the rubber bulb, as a result of which the pressure in the container increases, and the air will escape through a special valve into the pipe. The resulting plug of air will act as a piston and drive the water in front of it towards the shower head. The liquid then falls back onto the grate and cools it.

    Such a system works not only in summer, but also in the cold season. In this case, the cyclicity changes slightly. Cold frosty air cools the lattice of the structure, and its heating occurs due to the influence of underground waters.

    Therefore, if your garden or summer cottage is located on the shore of a body of water, it is not at all necessary to carry water to water the garden using buckets. You need to make a pump for pumping water with your own hands from scrap materials.

    In this case, the sun's rays and the flow of the river will do the main work themselves.

    More complex and labor-intensive process– production of wind pump structures for pumping out water. Here you need to show maximum ingenuity and imagination. Such devices often contain complex elements such as flexible actuators, various shapes wind catchers and so on.

    A distinctive feature of these devices is the ability to use this device without electricity. The option can be vacuum or plunger. You can make such a mini-pump with your own hands; for this you will need several parts.

    • Base. The main component part, which serves as the basis for fixing the entire device. For this you can use textolite or fiberglass. The thickness of this material should be 20 millimeters.
    • Flange. To connect the casing to the base of the structure, you will need a special threaded part. This is important, since it is necessary to prevent water leakage.
    • Bottom valve. To ensure reliable closure of the main pipe opening, it is necessary to install a valve.
    • Limiter. This detail will help to avoid displacement of the valve during operation from the main axis of the structure.
    • Frame. All the main components of the pump structure are located inside the housing, which ensure pumping and draining of water.
    • Piston with valve. This element plays an important role in the design of the pump; it is necessary when pumping liquid from the main pipe into the housing to the hole intended for draining, using a special reed valve.

    By applying a slight force to the special lever in the upper direction, it is necessary to start its movement. In this case, a certain pressure is created inside the pipe, which acts on the check valve, and the process of drawing water from the casing into the structure body begins.

    When the pressure inside the pipe is equalized, the check valve gradually lowers and closes the hole to the casing. In this case, the necessary pressure is created to open the petal valve, water enters the upper cavity to the hole intended for draining, and is poured into a previously prepared special container.

    Such a design is the best option for pumping water from various wells, unlike the wind model.

    To manufacture this device you will need a small amount of readily available materials:

    • a small amount of wire;
    • a car camera, such products can be found in almost every person;
    • brake chamber;
    • balls small sizes made of steel;
    • several copper tubes;
    • special epoxy glue.

    Once all the necessary materials have been prepared, you can begin assembling the pump. First you need a brake chamber; you need to carefully plug all the holes in it except one. The hole should be located on top of the chamber; this is where the rod will be placed. In addition, special outlets should be provided for the valves at the bottom of the chamber.

    Next, you need to drill into the prepared copper tube inside a small hole, the diameter of which should correspond to the size of the steel ball. To prevent the ball from falling out of the tube while the pump is running, on top copper pipe you need to weld a special wire.

    The next stage in pump production is the manufacture of a check valve. This process is completely identical to the previous stage, but there is a slight difference. A small special spring should be installed between the steel ball located in the copper tube and the wire welded to the end of the tube.

    Then the finished inlet and check valves must be firmly fixed in the brake chamber.

    From car camera you need to cut out a small circle and make a hole inside it. Next, you need to glue two washers on different sides to the hole using epoxy glue.

    A special threaded pin, secured with nuts, is threaded through this hole. This design will be used as a seal in the manufacture of a water pump.

    The finished seal should be fixed to the brake chamber and glued using special epoxy glue.

    The final stage in the manufacture of a water pump is the installation of the rod. It must be threaded through a specially prepared hole located on top of the brake chamber. All parts of the water pump are connected using a rod.

    The structure is ready, you can install it in a reservoir and start pumping out water.

    This is a very popular design among summer residents, since its manufacture does not require a motor or pressure level meter. The popularity of the device is due to its low cost and simplicity of design.

    This device is the best option for pumping water both from a reservoir and from special tanks and barrels. The operating principle of the design is based on the principle of communicating vessels and does not require connection to the electrical network.

    This is also a strong argument in favor of the use of this design by many summer residents and owners of personal plots.

    Making such a device with your own hands is very simple; it will require ordinary materials that can be found in every home.

    First you need to take a plastic bottle and make a small hole in the cap with a diameter of about 8 millimeters, and remove the gasket located in the cork.

    Next you need to reduce the size of the removed gasket. To do this, you should remove about 1 millimeter along the edge of its diameter, you will get a kind of petal about 3 millimeters wide, and return the gasket back to the cork.

    After this, you need to cut off the neck of the bottle. The petal located inside the plug will act as a valve. In this case, water will be able to freely penetrate inside, but the valve will not allow it to flow back out.

    Next, you need to install the finished valve in a plastic tube of a suitable diameter. You need to additionally cut off another part of the bottle - from the neck to the hangers, you will get a kind of funnel. This element should be secured to a plastic tube so that the valve is located in the funnel. On the other side of the plastic tube you need to attach flexible hose.

    After this, you need to place the structure in a pond or in a special container with water.

    The operating principle of this design is based on creating a pressure difference.

    To make the device you will need:

    • large barrel made of steel with a capacity of 200 liters;
    • ordinary blowtorch;
    • a pipe equipped with a tap;
    • rubber hose of the required length;
    • special nozzle for the hose in the form of a mesh;
    • electric drill.

    A special pipe equipped with a convenient tap must be inserted into the lower part of the prepared steel barrel.

    In the threaded plug covering the barrel, you need to drill a small hole, the diameter of which should correspond to the size of the prepared rubber hose.

    You need to install a blowtorch or kerosene stove under the bottom of a steel barrel. You need to pour a little water, literally 1-2 liters, into the bottom of the barrel and light a fire under it.

    In this case, steam is formed, which displaces the air that enters the reservoir through the hose. After this, the fire should be extinguished, the barrel will begin to cool.

    As a result of these actions, the pressure inside drops, and water begins to flow from the reservoir.

    This type of stove-pump design does not heat the water, contrary to the opinion of some, which is based on the name; on the contrary, it begins to pump water exceptionally well.

    To learn how to make a water pump with your own hands, see the following video.

    Homemade pump for pumping water - accessible to everyone

    The issue of water supply arises especially acutely after acquiring ownership of a dacha that does not yet have autonomous water supply. And if it is quite possible to bring water for cooking from a neighbor’s well, then solving the problem of other household needs and especially watering the beds is much more difficult - carrying water in buckets takes a long time and is physically difficult.

    The most unpleasant situation occurs when the owners do not have enough funds to drill a well, at least for technical water.

    Or, due to some circumstances, for example, in the absence of an electrical network, they cannot afford to purchase a pump in a store to connect it to an existing well.

    However, it is better not to supply water to a private home using homemade devices. For this purpose, it is necessary to use high-quality industrial designs.

    What can a homemade pump do?

    If the site is not electrified, the best way The water supply issue will be resolved by making a homemade pump. This homemade unit has several modifications that differ in the complexity of assembly.

    A homemade device can be used to lift drinking water from deep well. It also looks practical to use as an irrigation device. This pump operates on the principle of an industrial pump or drainage pump.

    By lowering the water intake hose into a nearby pond or river, the owners will be able to water the garden throughout the hot period of the year - during water resources they will have no restrictions.

    There are models that are completely independent of electricity and work on the principle of overflowing vessels, or using the natural vibrations of water in an open reservoir.

    Such a pump can also be used to drain a construction pit or pump out water from a basement flooded in the spring. Overall it's enough universal devices. Moreover, for draining a small area, a manual pump is quite suitable - it is the easiest to assemble.

    What is it made of and how is it made?

    The main parts of any homemade piston-type pump are:

    • two valves - lower and non-return, preventing arbitrary leakage of liquid;
    • piston – main part devices;
    • body (for example, a piece steel pipe length from 60 cm and a diameter of at least 8 cm).

    As for models, folk craftsmen show very commendable ingenuity in this area.

    Some types of handicraft pumps can be made even by a person who is very far from technology.

    Wave pump

    The simplest device is a pump that operates due to vibrations of the water surface, known as a wave pump.

    To work you will need:

    • bracket;
    • valve bushings;
    • log;
    • pipe made of corrugated metal or plastic;
    • grinding machine;
    • gas keys;
    • die;
    • sealing tape.

    A plastic pipe can be used as the main part. It is closed on both sides with bushings (installed on a sealing tape) and is attached with one end to the log, and the other to the bracket.

    The log must be impregnated with drying oil mixed with kerosene to ensure resistance to moisture penetration.

    Water enters the pipe and is pumped due to the natural vibration of the log. It should be noted that a bracket is a pole or reinforcement driven vertically.

    A pipe acting as a pump is attached in the same position. Hose sections are connected to both ends. Water is drawn through the lower one (it is shorter), and the upper one is used for irrigation and can have any length.

    The resulting pump can be used to pump out dirty water.


    The next device, called a “stove,” is specially made for watering beds. It is also very simple to construct.

    To work you will need:

    • steel barrel 200 liters;
    • hose;
    • tap and pipe;
    • mesh nozzle;
    • household drill;
    • blowtorch.

    The main task of the master is to ensure the tightness of the barrel. To do this, a tap is mounted in its lower part, and in the upper part the hole is closed with a rubber plug through which the hose is passed.

    A working blowtorch is installed under the bottom of the tank or a fire is built, and the second end of the hose is lowered into a tank of water or pond. First, about two liters of water are poured into the bottom of the barrel.

    When heated, steam appears inside the barrel, air is pushed out, and water for irrigation is sucked inside. The beds are irrigated through a tap.

    But to create a water supply system in a private house, it is better to drill a well.

    Hand pump

    With the right skill, you can make a full-fledged hand pump. To work you will need:

    • camera from a car wheel;
    • brake chamber;
    • metal balls;
    • copper tubes;
    • wire;
    • drill;
    • soldering iron;
    • glue (epoxy).

    The main part of the pump will be the brake chamber. It must be disassembled and the existing technical holes plugged. Only one upper hole is left free to accommodate the rod. Two holes are drilled at the bottom for the valves.

    A metal ball is inserted into a thick-walled copper or brass tube (the walls are pre-drilled to the required size). A piece of wire is soldered on top, across the tube - this part will prevent the ball from falling out of the homemade cylinder while the pump is running.

    The check valve is made according to the same principle - a pipe and a metal ball are used, with the only difference being that a spring is placed between the ball and a piece of welded wire.

    Two manufactured valves - inlet and return - are fixed in the brake chamber (in pre-prepared holes) using epoxy glue.

    A circle is made from the inner tube of a car wheel, a hole is made inside it, and then two washers are glued to it (on both sides).

    A threaded pin is threaded through the resulting seal and secured with nuts.

    The resulting part is mounted to the brake chamber (its lower part with the valves) using glue.

    A rod is passed through the upper hole of the brake chamber, with the help of which the parts of the structure are tightly connected to each other.

    With the help of such a pump, you can easily pump water manually from an Abyssinian-type well.

    Plastic bottle pump

    Of course, the most popular are simple and cheap options homemade pumps that do not require much time to assemble.

    This simple pump can be assembled from plastic bottles. The device is ideal for collecting water from a tank or pond for watering a garden.

    It is very economical, since it does not require an electrical connection - you can literally use it for days on end.

    This device works on the principle of communicating vessels. For assembly you will need:

    • plastic bottle;
    • the cork from this bottle (it must have a plastic membrane in it!);
    • a piece of plastic tube suitable in diameter to the neck of the bottle;
    • watering hose of any length.

    The gasket located inside is removed from the plug. Then a hole with a diameter of 8 mm is made in the cork. The half-side of the gasket is cut to the diameter (about 1 mm is removed) and only a small part of it is left - a petal, up to 3 mm wide. The gasket returns to its original place under the cover.

    The neck of the bottle is cut off (part of it including the thread), which is screwed into the cork, pressing the petal onto a homemade gasket. The result is a very efficient valve. Water flows freely inside, but the valve prevents it from flowing out. The valve is placed in a plastic tube of suitable diameter.

    Another cut part of the bottle is placed on the same section (cut to the “shoulders”) with a funnel towards the valve. The valve ends up inside the funnel.

    A flexible hose is inserted into the tube from the reverse side. The device is lowered into a container of water or pond. By making translational movements up and down, a person allows the valve to move and collect water, which is delivered by gravity to the beds. The device can be used not only for irrigating beds, but also for pouring liquids from one vessel to another.

    This device is the cheapest and very practical help for summer residents.

    The manufacture of pumps for pumping out and supplying moisture to the garden cannot be considered as just an alternative method.

    If you already have a water supply system, such technically simple devices will help save electricity and clean drinking water.

    After all, contaminated water from the nearest reservoir is quite suitable for watering the beds. And to ensure water supply, it is better to make a water well.

    At a summer cottage or in a private house, there is often a need to pump liquid into storage containers from various sources: open reservoirs, wells, boreholes, etc. For these purposes, quite expensive pumping equipment, both electrical and mechanical. If this equipment is not available, then the question arises: how to make a pump with your own hands with minimal material costs? This problem can be solved in various ways.

    A simple pump for pumping liquid can be made from plastic bottle.

    Advice! If possible, the bottle should be thick-walled, that is, rigid.

    The manufacturing process of a simple pump is as follows.

    This homemade pump can be improved if you do not make a hole in the side of the bottle, but insert a hose into the bottom of the bottle.

    Only after squeezing the air out of it will you need to close (bend) the outlet hose to suck in the liquid.

    This design works by wave energy and is capable of pumping water from the nearest reservoir.

    The main working part of the pump is accordion-shaped hollow cylinder. By contracting and stretching, the accordion changes its internal volume. One end of the corrugated pipe is connected to a log in the water, and the other to a holder on a pile that is driven into the bottom. On both sides the accordion has valves installed in bushings. When waves hit, the log begins to rise and fall, thereby transmitting oscillatory movements to the corrugation, compressing and decompressing it. If you pour water into it, the valves will start working and the pump will pump water.

    If a corrugated pipe with a diameter of 50-60 mm is used, then the log should weigh 60-80 kg. To prevent the log from breaking the lift when high waves occur, a limiter should be attached to the pile. A bolt is passed through it and secured in the log. The head of the bolt should be under the cover plate, so that the log will rotate freely in different directions and will not break the pile if an unwanted torque occurs.

    Important! If you have problems finding a corrugated pipe, then there is a wave pump design that works without it. Instead of corrugations, rubber ring diaphragms are used, connected in series into a single package.

    The annular diaphragms are contracted metal rings around the edges, inside and outside. The inner rings are made of metal and holes are made in them. A cord is attached between the rings, which will limit excessive stretching of the pump. Also at the top and bottom of the pump valves are installed.

    As the log moves upward, the membrane package stretches, the bottom valve opens, and the pump begins to fill with water. As the log descends, the bag contracts, the bottom valve closes, and the top valve opens. Water is squeezed out through it.

    Furnace pump

    You can assemble a pump powered by fire using metal barrel for 200 liters.

    This design is assembled as follows.

    1. Build with bricks a simple stove. If desired, it can be equipped with grates.
    2. The outlet valve must be secured at the bottom of the barrel.
    3. Pour several liters of water through the hole in the lid of the barrel. The tap must be closed.
    4. Next, tightly secure the rubber hose into the hole in the top cover. It is very important that no air was sucked in around the hose.
    5. Install a strainer at the other end of the hose.
    6. Lower the hose with the filter into the pond.
    7. Light the wood under the barrel (the tap should be closed). As the barrel heats up, the air in it will begin to expand and flow through the hose into the reservoir.
    8. When air stops coming out of the barrel, extinguish the fire. When the barrel cools down in it a vacuum is formed, and water will begin to be sucked into it from the reservoir.

    In addition to the energy of fire, the energy of solar rays can be used to pump water.

    Advice! Such a pump will help pump water into storage tank or summer shower.

    To make a solar powered pump, follow these steps.

    1. Find it or make it yourself tube grid. There should be only one exit from the grate.
    2. Paint the grille black to better absorb sunlight.
    3. Insert the tube coming out of the grill tightly into the side of a container, such as a can.
    4. Place on the can lid intake and exhaust valves. Tire nipples can be installed as valves. The outlet valve must have a connection for connecting a hose to it.
    5. To the tube coming from the grate located inside the container, you need to connect rubber balloon, which can be made from a piece of a car inner tube.
    6. Connect a hose connected through an outlet to the pipe to the outlet pipe, as shown in the figure above.
    7. Immerse the hose with the connected pipe into a pond, well or borehole.
    8. The pipe coming out of the well is directed to storage capacity. In this case, you need to make a branch from the pipe and install it at its end garden watering can

    When the grille is heated by the sun's rays, the air in it expands and enters the rubber balloon. It, in turn, swells and pushes air out of the can into the outlet hose. The air passing through the hose reaches the lowest point and enters the pipe. As the air rises through the pipe, it carries with it the water in it. One part of the liquid enters the storage tank, and the second cools the grate. After cooling the grate, the balloon is deflated, a vacuum is created in the can, as a result of which the inlet valve opens. A new portion of air enters the can and the cycle repeats.

    Downhole piston pump

    A manual piston pump is assembled from improvised means in the following order.

    When all the details are ready, all that remains is assemble the pump:

    • connect the bottom cover to the body;
    • insert the lower check valve into the housing;
    • insert the piston with rod;
    • close the top cover;
    • install the lever;
    • connect the water intake pipe to the bottom of the pump and lower it into the well or borehole;
    • secure the pump to the platform.

    Hand pump

    A water pump is a very simple and inexpensive device that can be used to quickly pump water from a well, barrel, etc. To assemble the pump you will need the following parts:

    • PVC pipe Ø 50 mm – 1 pc.;
    • pipe Ø 24 mm made of PPR – 1 pc.;
    • coupling Ø 50 mm made of PVC – 1 pc.;
    • bend Ø 24 mm from PPR – 1 pc.;
    • a piece of rubber 3-4 mm thick and Ø 50 mm – 1 pc.;
    • plug Ø 50 mm made of PVC – 2 pcs.;
    • empty bottle with a capacity of 330 ml (you can use a silicone bottle) – 1 pc.;
    • check valve with a diameter of 15 mm – 1 pc.;
    • clamp – 1 pc.;
    • nut with a diameter of 15 mm – 1 pc.;
    • rivet or screw-nut pair – 1 pc.

    Manufacturing a check valve

    The check valve is made from plugs Ø 50 mm, in which several holes with a diameter of 5-6 mm are drilled. A hole is made in the very center of the plug for a rivet or screw with a nut. The plugs must be placed inside rubber circle with a diameter of 50 mm.

    Important! This disk should not rub against the walls of the plug, but should cover the holes drilled in it.

    The rubber disk is attached to the center of the plug using a rivet or screw and nut.

    Making a pump sleeve

    The length of the sleeve is selected taking into account the depth of the well or any container so that it reaches the water. The Ø 50 mm pipe is cut to required sizes, after which it is inserted into check valve, made earlier. It can be secured with a pair of screws on the sides. A plug is placed on the second end of the pipe with pre- drilled holeØ 24 mm for PPR pipe.

    Piston assembly

    Cut the spout off the empty container, then heat it and insert it into the sleeve. Cylinder diameter must match the diameter PVC pipes. Next, place the can on the check valve. Cut off the excess part of the cylinder and secure it with a Ø 15 mm nut.

    Making a rod for a pump

    The rod should be approximately 50 cm longer than the sleeve. One end of it is heated and inserted into the check valve. Tighten the connection with a clamp until the pipe has completely cooled.

    Pump assembly

    Insert the rod into the sleeve, and then secure the plug through the coupling (serves as a sliding support). Next, a Ø 24 mm PPR outlet is attached to the upper end of the rod.

    The tap will serve as hand supports.

    Advice! To pump water with both hands, you can put a tee on the stem and plug it on one side.

    Diaphragm pump made at home from a brake chamber from a truck, for example, from MAZ-200.

    A diaphragm pump is manufactured as follows.

    1. The camera is disassembled and all holes on the base (1) are sealed. The bolt holes do not need to be sealed.
    2. Holes for the inlet and outlet valves are drilled at the bottom of the base.
    3. The membrane (4) is made from a car inner tube and is secured using a brass rod with two brass washers. The diaphragm is glued around the perimeter to the body and additionally pressed with bolts.
    4. The pump is assembled according to the drawing above.

    Electric pump

    A simple pump with a 12-volt electric motor can lift water to a height of about 2 meters. An electric pump is manufactured as follows.

    • purchase electric windshield washer motor from a VAZ car;

    • remove the cover from the washer and unsolder a couple of contacts from the electric motor;

    • Next, you should solder the wires to the motor contacts and bring them out through the cover;
    • apply sealant to the connection point of the cover and fit it tightly onto the engine;

    • seal well the holes through which the wires exit;
    • remove the remaining sealant from the pump body and cover and place a silicone tube on its nozzle.

    The pump is ready for use. All that remains is to connect the electric water pump to a 12 V power source.

    Advice! For these purposes, you can use a power supply from a television antenna with a regulator. The latter will allow you to regulate engine speed and, accordingly, water pressure.

    Not every Russian country house equipped with the same water supply as city dwellings, and therefore in our villages a manual water pump (pump or well) that supplies artesian water is still popular. Let's look at what types there are, and also find out whether it is possible to make such a device with your own hands.

    Types of pumps for water from a well

    Progress does not stand still and, along with manual ones, there are also electric pumps. They are also very popular among people living outside the city, but a simple device driven by muscular force is not losing its position yet. What is the secret of such popularity and longevity? Most likely, in low price and energy savings. This can also include independence from external water supply networks and the absence of any fees for pipeline maintenance.

    Types or wells are divided according to the principles that underlie their work:

    • piston;
    • rod;
    • deep.

    The essence of the piston device

    Manual is indirectly familiar to probably everyone from childhood. These are the devices that are used to inflate bicycle tires. Pumps that create the highest outlet pressure are unlikely to be suitable for supplying water to a well reservoir from deep wells. Maximum occurrence groundwater The height at which it is possible to use a manual piston device is 8 m, and the height of the column itself, installed on the surface, is usually 70–100 cm.

    The principle of a manual piston pump is as follows:

    1. When at rest, the piston is at the bottom of the cylinder, the disc valve is closed, and another valve located on the piston itself keeps the liquid from flowing from the upper chamber to the lower part of the pump.
    2. As soon as the lever is pressed, the rod begins to pull the piston. A vacuum space is formed between it, the walls and the bottom of the cylinder, into which water begins to flow through the hole that opens after lifting the disc valve.
    3. While the piston moves upward, the valve located on it is closed, due to which the water that was in the upper part of the column rises to the level of the outlet tap and pours out through it.
    4. When the piston reaches the top point, the created vacuum begins to pull it down. This opens the piston valve, allowing water to flow into the top part cylinder.
    5. Under water pressure from above, the piston continues to move downwards, and the disc valve closes, preventing the flow of incoming water into the well.

    The peculiarity of such a pump is that the inlet hose must be rigid, and the column itself is installed directly above the well. You understand that this entails certain inconveniences for home owners: it is not very pleasant to walk with a bucket across the entire site if groundwater is not found near the house.

    How do rod units work?

    This hand pump for a well or well, although it contains the principles of a piston device, is slightly improved. And this opens up the possibility of pumping liquid from a depth of a maximum of 30 m. The peculiarity lies in the special design of the piston, equipped with a special rod (and the name comes precisely from this modification).

    As always, increasing the complexity of the design leads to a decrease in strength. The main disadvantage is the frequent breakdown of these same rods. Here, however, it all depends on the manufacturer, who is responsible for selecting quality materials and careful assembly. The second negative point is that the design of the pump itself is quite cumbersome, and this causes certain difficulties during installation.

    This unit works in exactly the same way as a piston unit, but the difference is that it is not the pipeline through which water flows that is inserted into the well, but the entire pump body to the level of artesian waters. That is, the reservoir holds much more liquid than a simple piston pump, and water can be drawn from a greater depth. This means that the presence of harmful impurities entering the water at shallower depths is excluded.

    Features of the deep well pump

    This hand pump for a well or well is not much different in appearance from piston pumps: the shape, piston and principle of operation are exactly the same. The only peculiarity is that the exhaust pipe and the rod connected to the piston have a length that is significantly longer than the same parts in the above-mentioned models. If necessary, the size of the rod can be increased to more than 30 m.

    The most inconvenient thing is that the piston will have to be raised and lowered only by muscle force. The vacuum created to suck water from the well is only enough to raise the water to a certain height. Further movement is carried out only by additional external forces. So despite unlimited possibilities drawing water from any depth, this type is not popular.

    How to make your own pump?

    Every man who is at least a little familiar with the tool has the opportunity to save money and not purchase a commercial version of the pump, and in any household there are components for a simple device. The drawings may cause difficulty at first; it will be easier to draw them up if we figure out the order in which we will assemble the homemade unit.

    How to make a hand pump for water from a well with your own hands - step-by-step diagram

    Step 1: Making the Case

    For the base you will need a piece metal pipe, the diameter of which must be at least 8 cm, and the length - 60–80 cm. In this case, the thickness of the cylinder walls can be any. The main condition is smoothness inner surface and no corrosion on it. It is best to process it on a machine. The slightest irregularity will affect the operation of the piston and its wear.

    Step 2: Constructing the Covers

    The cylinder must be closed on both sides. To do this, you need to cut out two “rounds” from plastic or metal that can tightly cover the diameter of the pipe. Considering that you will be operating a homemade pump in winter, it is preferable to use metal to avoid the cover rupturing when icing occurs. Absolutely ideal solution can be considered the presence of at least one (upper) threaded cap. This will greatly facilitate the operation of the pump in case of possible breakdowns. Holes must be made in the middle of the lids. The top one is for the rod, the bottom one is for the disc valve.

    Step 3: Additional parts on the body

    A drain spout should be made at a distance of approximately 20 cm from the top edge of the cylinder. It is usually made from a small piece of pipe, the diameter and length of which can be selected independently at your discretion. It would also be useful to attach it to the bottom of the flange, thanks to which it is possible to secure the assembled structure to the surface.

    Step 4: Piston Assembly

    The material for making this part can be any. Wood, plastic, metal - it all depends on how the master himself sees the conditions of its operation. Just don’t forget about winter, as well as the properties of some materials to expand and swell when exposed to moisture. Also, do not overlook the need to make a hole for the piston valve. The next condition is that the diameter of the piston must be such that the edges adjoin as closely as possible to internal walls housings. Be that as it may, you need to additionally equip this part with one or two rubber rings to eliminate this gap.

    If such a decision is considered reasonable by the device designer, grooves that support the seals can be machined on the piston itself.

    Step 5: Installing Valves

    The production of these parts is possible both from rubber, silicone, and from metal and plastic. It all depends on the imagination of the designer. The main thing is to adhere to the principle of movement “one way”. Thus, the valve attached to the bottom of the pump must freely admit water drawn from a well or well and at the same time reliably close the inlet and withstand the pressure of the piston moving downwards. And vice versa: the piston valve must work flawlessly, admitting liquid into the upper part of the pump when the piston lowers and reliably closing the hole when it tends to the upper position. A little hint: devices that resemble a riveted shape do an excellent job of performing such functions.

    Step 6: Equip the inlet pipe

    This part of the pump must be welded to a hole that is drilled in the bottom of the device and equipped with an inlet valve. You can do it a little differently: cut a hole in the bottom of the unit corresponding to the diameter of the pipe and provide it with a screw thread. Then assemble the valve that shuts off the outlet from the pipeline directly on it. All that remains is to make a thread on the outside of the pipe and simply screw the pump housing onto it. Required condition for this part of the unit - the ability to withstand significant temperature changes and corrosion resistance. The best material for pipes is hard plastic or steel.

    Step 7: Mounting the Handle, Stem and Bracket

    Now we have almost assembled the water pump with our own hands. You need a comfortable handle; it is attached to a bracket rigidly fixed to the outside of the case. The main thing is that the lever arm must be such that it is possible to lift the piston without much effort. The place where you have to grasp it with your hand can be equipped with a rubber or silicone pad. The rod must be securely fastened to the piston inside, and its outer end - using a hinge with the end of a long handle. Now operating your homemade pump will be easy and convenient.

    When moving from a city to a village, you are faced with the issue of watering the garden and water supply to the house. The one who used it without interruption submersible pumps, knows perfectly well how reliable the various “Streams”, “Springs”, “Gnomes” are. Most vibration devices do not withstand even one season of active work, often breaking down within a month after purchase. But you want to drink every day, and you also need to water the garden, so it is advisable to have a spare pump in case of an accident. Of course, you can keep in stock a repaired water pump that previously failed and had to find a replacement. It is also quite possible to make a water pumping unit with your own hands.

    In order to assemble a homemade water pump you will need:

    1. small electric motor with a maximum power of 1.5 kW;
    2. electrical cable or extension cord;
    3. water pump or oil pump;
    4. transmission system in the form of a belt and pulleys or pins and coupling halves;
    5. rubber hoses or pipes.
    6. steel or wooden heavy base.

    Pump assembly

    NSh32U-3 gear pumps are used to pump oil into the hydraulic systems of many machines:

    • tractors YuMZ, KhTZ, MTZ, DT;
    • combines NIVA, Sibiryak, Kedr, Yenisei;
    • trucks ZIL, GAZ, FAZ, KrAZ, MoAZ;
    • dump trucks KamAZ, BelAZ, MAZ;
    • excavators;
    • motor graders;
    • loaders;
    • agricultural machines;
    • forklifts.

    NS devices are manufactured with right and left rotation of the drive shaft, but for installation on a homemade pumping station this difference does not matter, the main thing is to correctly connect the suction hose to the hole labeled “Input”, and the outlet hose to the outlet.

    Characteristics of oil pump NSh32U-3:

    • Working volume - 32 cm cubic.
    • The nominal outlet pressure is 16 MPa.
    • The maximum outlet pressure is 21 MPa.
    • Nominal rotation speed - 2400 rpm. per minute
    • Maximum rotation speed - 3600 rpm. per minute
    • Minimum rotation speed - 960 rpm. per minute
    • Nominal flow - 71.5 liters per minute.

    It can be proposed to use instead of the NS device the power steering power unit of a KrAZ truck with similar characteristics. This pump also has a gear design.

    For a homemade water pump, an electric motor from an old washing machine with a power of 200–300 W is useful. The old “assistant” can no longer compete with modern programmable devices, but its electric motor and pump can serve for a long time.

    It is very convenient that most electric motors from washing machines can be connected directly to a 220 V network without modifications, because they have starting windings. Just don’t forget about reliable grounding of the metal body of the electric motor itself, since it works near water. Be sure to connect any homemade product to the network only through fuses or a circuit breaker.

    The oil pump works great with water! There is no need to fill the intake hose with water, since the pumping gears provide excellent suction from a depth of 4 meters, with a capacity of 2–2.5 m3. per hour The filler neck on the intake manifold is completely useless.

    Improvements to a homemade pump

    Often the power of a homemade pump is insufficient, and it cannot lift water from a well or deep well. Then you can solve the problem by using one of the methods to increase the suction pressure:

    1. Lower the pump as close to the water as possible.
    2. Draw a recirculation line from the outlet pipe, and increase the pressure at the suction with the flow from it.
    1. Use a compressor to increase the air pressure in the pre-sealed well.
    2. Connect another weak pump in tandem.

    What if the power goes out? Then it would not hurt to adapt to homemade pump gasoline engine from a brush cutter, chainsaw or moped.

    How to install a socket A simple scheme for controlling radio and electrical devices via Com ports Diagram of a homemade water leakage sensor

    In this video tutorial we will show you how to make a water pump using a plastic bottle. As you can see, the performance is such that it can be used for household needs.
    To make the mechanism yourself, you will need a small box with a lid. Can be used for shoe polish. Punch a hole in the middle with a nail and hammer. Using scissors, we widen the hole to a size that allows you to insert the shaft from the motor. Using this blank, we measure a circle on a tin plate. Cut out the circle with scissors and insert it inside.

    We mark a hole in the middle on the tin circle and punch it with a nail. We measure out a small strip of tin, equal in width to the height of the lid. from the box. We cut strips that will become blades.

    We make a cut on the workpiece, creating an open segment. We place the blades on the glue. We place the part with the cut segment on the motor shaft and secure the blades with glue.
    Now use a hacksaw to cut off a small piece of the tube from the felt-tip pen. We make a cutout on it, as shown in the video about the water pump.

    Using an adapter, we place a plastic tube onto the box. We glue the joints, and also glue the previously prepared piece of felt-tip pen tube. We put another plastic tube on his nose. We coat everything with glue.

    We take the container and make a small hole closer to the bottom, suitable for a plastic tube. We connect all motor contacts with a battery or power supply. We fill the container with water and start the water pump, made by ourselves.

    Pump made from water pipes and wheels

    Next, look at the pump in action, which is made from water pipes. The mechanism is driven by a lever, the forces are transmitted to the wheel. As the wheel rotates, it pulls a rope in a circle with many pistons attached to it, which capture water and transfer it upward through the pipe.

    The mechanism based on plastic water pipes is simple and can be repeated if necessary.

    The video shows the principle of operation and mechanics of water movement through this device.

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