For cockroaches, disinfection or disinsection. Destruction of cockroaches with a guarantee from SES. The essence of the “Cold Fog” method and its features

High-quality disinfection against cockroaches in Moscow is in demand, because these insects can cause significant harm to humans. The main sanitary and epidemiological station of Moscow conducts complete destruction cockroaches inside apartments, private houses, commercial buildings.

Prevalence of cockroaches around the world

For us, cockroaches are pests. But as many as 16 of their species are listed on the pages of the Red Book. They are on the verge of extinction. In total, there are more than 4,600 species of these living creatures. In many Asian countries They are eaten due to their high protein content. Africa is famous for cockroach racing. Residents of some exotic countries raise termites as pets.

This does not mean that the pests that sometimes infest our homes do not require complete and immediate extermination. Getting rid of them on your own is not easy. Conventional products offered by specialized stores are either ineffective or not effective at all. Complete disinfection of cockroaches in an apartment in Moscow is the key to your health and peace of mind. To use this service, you need to call a cockroach extermination service and discuss all the details of the order.

Prices for extermination of cockroaches for individuals

The price includes cleaning of common areas. Odorless. You can use the room after an hour. Can be processed before bedtime.
Toroom 1400 rub. 1200 rub.
1 room apartment 1600 rub. 1200 rub.
2 rooms apartment 2000 rub. 1400 rub.
3 rooms apartment 2500 rub. 1600 rub.
4 rooms apartment 3000 rub. 1800 rub.
5 rooms apartment 3500 rub. 2000 rub.
Next room 500 rub. 200 rub.

Prices for extermination of cockroaches for legal entities

Square Price
up to 50 sq.m. from 2500 rub.
100-300 sq.m. from 3000 rub
300-500 sq.m. from 25 rub./m.
500-1000 sq.m. from 20 rub./m.
1000-2500 sq.m. from 15 rub./m.

Types of cockroaches

In Russia, these living creatures are recognized as pests. They often penetrate residential buildings and actively multiply there, significantly worsening the quality of life. ordinary people. The following types are widespread:

  • Prusak is the most popular type of cockroach. Often inhabits apartments and houses. It has a brownish-red body color, length 1-1.5 cm;
  • Black - not as widespread as red, lives in garbage bins, basements, sewers, but sometimes penetrates inside houses and apartments. They have a black body and size 2-3 cm;
  • The American subspecies is an exotic variety that was brought to us by travelers. The length reaches 5 cm, the creature can fly.

If you find cockroaches, immediately call a licensed exterminator. Experts from the Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Station of Moscow will destroy any type of these living organisms without negative consequences for humans.

Damage caused

Calls to the house for the extermination of cockroaches service are carried out upon prior request. You can order SES help by contacting a licensed company that uses high-quality compounds for treating indoor or open spaces. You shouldn’t put up with cockroaches in your apartment. These insects cause serious harm to humans:

  • Spread of pathogenic viruses and bacteria;
  • Food contamination;
  • Development of serious allergic reactions.

Cockroaches eat not only food familiar to humans. They chew wires, leather goods, fabric, paper, cause significant damage to humans, and damage property.

These living creatures live near garbage cans and sewers, but with the onset of cold weather they move closer to people. On their paws they carry many pathogens. The owner of the house can become infected with a serious serious illness if there are sources of infection in the house.

Is it possible to deal with the problem on your own?

Regular stores offer a lot of anti-cockroach products, which, according to manufacturers, solve the problem radically. In reality, such products are ineffective. Most species of cockroaches that breed among people have developed a strong immunity to such poisons. The drugs simply do not work on the carriers of the infection.

Another significant drawback of such products is that they also harm humans. The products are presented in the format of drops, crayons, and powder, which are placed in the corners. If a child lives in the house, there is a risk that he will try poison, which can lead to negative consequences for health. This cannot be allowed to happen.

The fumes that release the control agents are also poisonous to adults. Products do not undergo certification or standardization. They are dangerous and should not be used. Order the destruction of cockroaches in an apartment inexpensively from the Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Station of Moscow.

Disinfection or disinsection?

Specialized companies carry out sanitary and hygienic treatment in different ways. The list of areas includes disinfection and disinfestation. Ordinary consumers do not know which type of processing to choose. They do not distinguish between these concepts. Before placing an order, you need to understand the differences between these technologies.

Disinfection is measures aimed at destroying viruses, bacteria, and other pathogenic microorganisms, including spores and fungi, in closed spaces and outdoors.

Disinsection is the effective control of insects with chemical compounds. Prices for pest control of cockroaches in Moscow are determined individually.

Specialized companies also offer deratization - the destruction of rodents. You can order such a service as a package, because in many residential buildings there are mice. Check in advance which technologies will be used in your home. Experts will tell you about this.

Types of effective disinfestation

Disinsection of cockroaches in Moscow is carried out using highly effective chemical compounds that are destructive to cockroaches, but safe for humans. Representatives of the Main Sanitary and Epidemiological Station of Moscow recommend a set of disinfection and disinfestation measures aimed at the complete destruction of the spreaders of the infection. In this way, you will get rid of not only annoying insects, but also pathogenic microorganisms that they have already brought into your home.

There are several popular disinfestation technologies:

  • cold fog;
  • hot fog;
  • treatment with a pump sprayer;
  • providing barrier protection to prevent reoccupation of housing.

Disinfectors independently choose a specific method based on a variety of important criteria– area of ​​the room, its type, degree of pest spread.

Cold fog

The price for exterminating cockroaches with a guarantee is set at a minimum level. Everyone can afford these services. Cold fog technology is often used because it can not only completely destroy termites, but also provide protection against their re-entry into the apartment. The final decision on the use of a specific processing method is made by the company’s expert.

The essence of the method is that the chemical compositions used are dissolved in water and sprayed using modern equipment, dividing into tiny particles. The composition is not preheated, so the likelihood of damage to the finishing of the room is extremely low.

Advantages of the technology:

  • high efficiency;
  • speed of action of the compounds used;
  • safety for humans;
  • minimum time for disinfestation.

Certified experts will perform a full range of pre-agreed work with a guarantee.

The hot fog disinfestation method is similar to the previous one. The main difference is that when sprayed liquid chemical composition warms up. In this way, water droplets can be divided into even smaller particles. A real fog is formed in the room, which is retained for a long time, affecting the source of infection.

With the help of hot fog, not only uninvited guests are destroyed, but also the microorganisms that they carry. Under the influence of hot air, the remains of vital activity are destroyed - excrement, shell particles, scales, which cause allergies in humans. After the procedure, you will immediately notice an improvement in your overall health.

You can call a cockroach extermination service in Moscow at a price that won’t break the bank family budget. The company’s experts will select the optimal composition for processing, offer related services, and provide a guarantee for the safety and efficiency of the work performed.

Using a pump sprayer

The advantage of cold and hot fog technologies is that tiny droplets of treatment solutions are distributed throughout the room. Sometimes a pump sprayer is used to treat hard-to-reach areas. Standard equipment works pointwise. Such activities are carried out in the kitchen, where pests usually live. The sprayer treats areas beyond gas stove, built-in furniture, refrigerator, battery.

Similar technologies are often used in establishments catering, where high demands are placed on compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. Periodic disinfestation is carried out there for preventive purposes. Only safe compounds registered in our country are used for processing.

To order such services, contact only licensed cockroach extermination companies that have official permits to operate.

Disinfection against cockroaches

Cold and hot fog technologies are used when sources of infection have already inhabited the room. Additionally, you can use barrier protection techniques to prevent their return in the future. Experts process ventilation ducts, joints sewer systems, that is, places where living organisms enter the building. In this way, a kind of barrier is built to prevent termites from crawling in from neighbors or from outside.

Disinsection of cockroaches in Moscow is carried out with a guarantee by a reliable company using new generation insecticides. Such products are odorless and absolutely safe for humans. You will not have to move out of your apartment for the period of treatment and subsequent ventilation. Customers can be present during the execution of key processes, monitoring them.

Find out what other work can be ordered here to take advantage of a reliable service.

The compositions used do not damage furniture and equipment. Most components have a repellent effect. They force cockroaches to flee from their usual place of residence. You won’t have to clean up numerous pest bodies later.

Take advantage of the help of professionals by filling out a preliminary application. The order fulfillment time depends on the current workload of the sanitary teams. Experienced experts work here who understand the processing methods, the compositions used, and other issues related to the effective removal of pests. Call the company's office or use the order form on the website to get a detailed consultation, calculate the cost of the work and arrange a visit of specialists to your home. SES often holds promotions for clients, offering significant discounts and pleasant bonuses. The main sanitary and epidemiological station of Moscow offers the destruction of cockroaches without odor and harm to health.

Insects never appear indoors accidentally or without reason. They are either accidentally brought in from outside (for example, brought from a business trip or from a previous infected home), or are unknowingly attracted from adjacent premises by creating optimal conditions for life and reproduction.

Disinsection of cockroaches in Moscow is in demand at facilities with:

  • cluttered entrances;
  • unsanitary conditions;
  • frequently clogged, abandoned, poorly maintained garbage chutes;
  • unscrupulous neighbors.

In an old house that is in poor condition, you will almost certainly have to deal with insects. Fortunately, in order to poison cockroaches in an apartment, the price you have to pay is low. This service is quite popular and reasonable rates are set for it.

Is it possible to kill cockroaches in an apartment yourself?

The first thing that many owners of apartments and houses where signs of Prussian activity were found to do is to buy special means for insect control.

It is traditional to kill cockroaches in Moscow apartments using chemicals:

  • crayons;
  • sprays;
  • powders;
  • gels.

These funds are distributed throughout the rooms at the points of their greatest accumulation and frequent occurrence. Folk remedies suggest using boric acid, borax, arsenic, chamomile pretrum and even ammonia. These means allow you to exterminate cockroaches in an apartment and clear the room of them, but, as a rule, not for long.

None of these drugs guarantees the disappearance of unpleasant guests without a trace. Spending time and money on bullying yourself is, to say the least, stupid. Moreover, prices for disinfection against cockroaches in an apartment in Moscow are fixed at a low level.

Almost everyone who is faced with this scourge can afford to resort to this service.

Professional treatment of apartments against cockroaches: advantages

By inviting exterminators to your home or apartment, a person actually places the object in the hands of qualified experts who know how to rid it of a biological threat.

Such disinfection against cockroaches in Moscow is considered the only way to thoroughly thoroughly treat a room, bringing long-term results.

In addition, professionals guarantee:

  • competent assessment of the situation;
  • rising prices for the destruction of cockroaches;
  • selection of the most relevant products and chemistry;
  • thorough cleaning without damaging the premises;
  • preventing the appearance of cockroaches in the future.

The service is provided in accordance with the algorithms for disinfection of premises, strictly according to the instructions.

Extermination of cockroaches in Moscow: quickly, efficiently, inexpensively

If you notice signs of Prussians in your apartment:

Are you interested in poisoning cockroaches in your apartment at a price that would suit them 100%.

Moscow Disinfection Service offers its assistance in this difficult matter. We fight all insects available means, ensuring complete ridding of the space from spreaders of infection.

If you need emergency and highest-quality disinfestation of cockroaches in Moscow, contact our office!

Prices for treatment against cockroaches in an apartment (Moscow)

Almost any space can become a victim of a cockroach invasion: from a living room in an old building to a townhouse in a new building. Disinsection of cockroaches in Moscow is ordered as in private sector, and to luxury apartments. For all clients, the cost is calculated according to the same rules. It contains:

  • labor of the team servicing the premises;
  • the cost of consumables that are used in the processing process.

Our price for a house call to poison cockroaches is one of the most loyal in the city and region.

When is a room treated for cockroaches?

It is recommended forcibly to get rid of unwanted insects for the owners of all locations on the territory of which unpleasant mustachioed guests of the Tarakanov detachment have appeared.

The disinfection of cockroaches in Moscow carried out by our company with a guarantee - universal service, which can be ordered not only for residential premises, but also for spaces of the following nature:

  • commercial;
  • administrative;
  • industrial;
  • warehouse;
  • agricultural.

Maintenance of non-residential buildings is carried out according to the same algorithms as the treatment of an apartment from cockroaches, with the only difference being that the scale of the operation in the first case is larger.

Legal entities can count on the official implementation of the service. When exterminating cockroaches in Moscow, we provide cooperation agreements, invoices for payment for our services, and acceptance certificates for completed work.

Disinsection of cockroaches in Moscow: basic methods

In the practice of exterminators who deal with pest control on a daily basis, two main methods are common: hot and cold fog treatment.

Disinfection of an apartment from cockroaches can also be performed with dry, aerosol-gas or wet method, using various drugs. Suitable way and the drug is selected solely with an eye to the current situation, the condition of the premises, the characteristics of the surrounding locations, etc.

Regardless of the methods used in each specific case, the price we offer for treatment against cockroaches in Moscow apartments is characterized by maximum affordability.

They call us when they need to kill cockroaches in Moscow

Moscow Disinfection Service is considered one of the industry leaders, always fulfilling the obligations it undertakes. Treatment of cockroaches in an apartment in Moscow is our main specialization.

The company employs experienced exterminators, for whose work we purchase professional equipment And consumables. Cooperation with all clients is regulated by job descriptions.

On the eve of treatment, the owners and residents of the premises are instructed on the measures that will be taken by the company’s employees to destroy insects.

The disinfection we perform against cockroaches in an apartment is a procedure that is guaranteed to give a positive result.

Disinfection against cockroaches in an apartment in Moscow: prices

The cost of services for cleaning a room from insects, established in our price lists, is characterized by maximum reasonableness. If immediate disinfection of cockroaches in an apartment in Moscow is required, every family in the capital will be able to pay for the service. The final figure in the invoice we issue to the client consists of:

The size of the facility where cockroach baiting is carried out in Moscow;
the processing technology used, type of consumables;
geographical distance of the disinfestation site from our office;
the degree of population of the location by Prussians.

When deciding to cooperate with MSD, clients can count on the fact that the destruction and disinfestation of cockroaches in Moscow apartments with a guarantee will cost them a small amount of money.

Destruction and disinfestation of cockroaches in Moscow apartments with a guarantee

Residents of the capital, who are faced with an unwanted cockroach neighborhood for the first time, have a desire to solve the problem as quickly as possible and free their property from the destructive biofactor.

Our cockroach control service is a professional in this field. We only use effective methods insect control, high-quality certified preparations that kill representatives of Blattoptera once and for all, provide prevention, and at the same time minimize the risks of relapse.

Thanks to this approach, we are able to 100% destroy cockroaches in an apartment and issue an official guarantee to the owner or tenant for a period of 12 months. We are confident that after our treatment, cockroaches will not return to the premises.

And if this happens, we are ready to poison the cockroaches at our own expense. To do this, the client only needs to present the guarantee issued by us and confirm the fact of the return of the insects.

How cockroaches are poisoned in Moscow with a guarantee

The process of servicing premises suffering from the dominance of red pests involves several key stages.

  1. First, our cockroach extermination service receives a signal from the property owner or user that he needs help removing the insects.
  2. A specialist goes to the site to conduct reconnaissance and locate the locations of cockroach colonies. At this stage, the scale of the disaster is recorded, the optimal method for solving the problem is selected, the price of poisoning cockroaches in the apartment is discussed, and a service contract is signed.
  3. Next, the pest control team urgently responds to the application. We send cockroaches to death in Moscow exclusively experienced experts with experience in conducting similar operations. Using one means or a set of measures, representatives of the Moscow Disinfection Service process the space and check the results of their work.

In order to achieve the best result, it is recommended to perform etching twice with a short time interval between procedures. For such destruction of cockroaches in an apartment, the price is slightly higher than for a one-time treatment. It would not be amiss to involve neighboring apartments in the procedure, where representatives of local cockroach colonies can temporarily escape.

Cockroach control service: main tasks

Moscow Disinfection Service has been serving residential and non-residential spaces in the capital for many years. We carry out comprehensive extermination of cockroaches in an apartment, office, store and any other premises, regardless of its location, degree of sanitation and area.

It is important to call a cockroach extermination service to:

  1. check the property for cockroach nests;
  2. mass destruction of cockroaches present in a particular place;
  3. carry out prevention by protecting the premises from insect attacks in the future.

For most of our clients who set out to destroy cockroaches in their apartment, the price of the service seems insignificant compared to the brilliant results that the treatment demonstrates.

How to call a cockroach extermination service

The optimal way to combat insects that poison human life with their presence is their total neutralization. The disinfection of cockroaches in Moscow that we carry out provides the best results, both in the short term and in the long term.

To enlist the help of pest control experts, we recommend doing one of the following:

  1. fill out an application on our website;
  2. order a call back service;
  3. Call the MSD office for advice directly.

The price of calling a specialist to your home to poison cockroaches will pleasantly surprise you. We objectively assess the capabilities of most of our customers and try to keep prices low.

Destruction of cockroaches. Treatment of apartments and houses

Where do insects come from in the apartment?

As a rule, cockroaches live in places least visited by humans and protected from direct sun rays: in crevices, cracks, under cabinets. They do not like light, but have a positive attitude towards moisture. That is why you can often find an unpleasant guest in the bathroom or kitchen sink. Insects can eat absolutely anything: they are more than satisfied with a breakfast of cardboard box from under shoes or a slightly dry bun left by your child somewhere behind the sofa. They tolerate both high and low temperatures, easily adapt to new poisons, therefore, exterminating cockroaches on your own is not only dangerous to health, but only a professional sanitary service can provide a guarantee for the complete extermination of the entire colony.

If there are insects in the house, then even the slightest contact of this creature with any food makes it unsuitable for humans and even dangerous. That is why it is important to start fighting insects as soon as you discover traces of their activity.

How to prepare for the arrival of specialists

After choosing a method for exterminating cockroaches, you need to do a little preparation of the apartment:

  • Remove to plastic bags: food, personal hygiene items, medicines, cutlery, children's toys, pet items;
  • Hide all clothes, toys and other textile items in the closet.
  • Arrange the furniture.
  • This is necessary to ensure that the destruction of cockroaches is 100% successful. It will be necessary to check all the cracks and hard to reach places, which can be located under the sofa or behind an armchair. Laying out the furniture will not only speed up the processing process, but will also allow it to be carried out more thoroughly.

  • Cover with film: lacquered furniture, household appliances, paintings and other decorative household items.
  • Carry out wet cleaning rooms with detergents.

Treatment for cockroaches is a process that requires not only preparatory work, but subsequent ones. After the exterminators carry out the work, it is necessary ventilate the room within 3-60 minutes (depending on the number of rooms), wet clean all work surfaces. Also when high temperature Wash items that have been exposed to the spray.

Disinfection against cockroaches in Moscow

Independent struggle or help from the SES service?

Treatment for cockroaches is a procedure that requires certain knowledge and skills. But, despite the fact that many understand this, trying to get rid of harmful insects on your own is the first step that most people take. In 90% of cases, all methods are ineffective or provide an effect for several days, after which the insects successfully return to the space they have already inhabited.
Before you start exterminating cockroaches, it is also recommended to carry out general cleaning apartments and secure food products, as well as textile elements from chemical ingress.
The most common methods of independently combating uninvited guests are the following drugs.

All prices indicated on the website are final, without additional extra charges or surcharges.

Beware of scam companies!!!

rooms (turnkey apartment)


Cold fog

1 year warranty


Pump sprayer + cold mist

2 year warranty

Pump sprayer + cold fog + hot fog

3 year warranty

Barrier protection against possible penetration of insects from neighboring rooms

1 room apartment 1500 RUR 2000 RUR 3000 RUR from 500 rub.
2 room apartment 1800 RUR 2300 RUR 3500 RUR
3 room apartment 2000 RUR 2500 RUR 4000 RUR

*All drugs used in our service belong to class 4 low-hazard substances (least dangerous). Once dry, they are absolutely safe for people and pets. They do not leave visible traces of streaks or stains.

Disinsection (extermination of insects)

prices for legal entities

MosGorSES has been treating premises against cockroaches for several years. We have extensive experience, and therefore we know exactly how to get rid of insects forever and as quickly as possible. SES is one of best companies, which offers you effective disposal of cockroaches in MSC and the region. In our work we use the best means and the most modern methods. Insects are killed by using cold or hot fog.

The use of cold fog is suitable in cases with a small area of ​​infestation. With this method, some cockroaches die during treatment, and some die for some time after disinfestation. This method is quite popular because the preparations are odorless and do not harm furniture, human health or pets.

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