How to clean your house from bedbugs. How to destroy bedbugs yourself: step-by-step instructions. Extermination of bedbugs in an apartment - specialized services

Domestic (bed, linen) bugs are ectoparasites of humans and warm-blooded animals. They feed on blood and live in human dwellings. Insects settle not only in places where hygiene standards are not observed. Several individuals can get into even the cleanest and cozy apartment, and then fill the entire space, because one female lays about 5 eggs per day. Let's look at how to remove bedbugs from an apartment yourself using industrial and folk remedies.

Before you figure out what to do if you have bed bugs How to get rid of them at home, let’s find out how they can get into your home. The source of infection in a room can be adults, larvae and eggs.

Quite often, the question of where bedbugs come from and how to get rid of them is asked by people who have recently moved into an apartment purchased on the secondary market, which initially seemed clean. In the absence of food, these insects are capable of hibernating (anabiosis) for 6-12 months. When new residents move into the house, bedbugs become more active.

Habitats and signs of presence

Domestic bugs are active at night - from 3 to 5 o'clock. They are attracted to the smell and warmth of a person. Having reached the “victim”, the insect pierces the skin and sucks blood, while injecting an anesthetic substance.

How can you tell if your home is infested with bedbugs? Main features:

  • chains of 4-5 red itchy bites on the body;
  • a smell reminiscent of the aroma of almonds, cognac or sour berries (felt when there are a large number of insects);
  • traces of vital activity - eggs, particles of chitinous cover, excrement, traces of blood on the sheets.

If you suspect the presence of bedbugs in a room, you need to check all possible habitats. Having discovered a bedbug nest, which usually contains larvae, eggs, adults and waste, you should urgently begin cleaning the room. Let's figure out how to get rid of bedbugs at home, the main directions of the fight:

  • insecticides;
  • folk recipes;
  • heat treatment.


When solving the problem of how to get rid of bedbugs in an apartment yourself and quickly, you can resort to the help of insecticides. They are available in the form of aerosols, powders, and solutions. They effectively destroy insects at different stages of development, affecting their nervous system. The most popular means:

Other popular products that will help you cope with the problem of how to get bed bugs out of your apartment yourself are “Delta Zone”, “Karbofos”, “Tetrix”, “Xulat micro”, “Mikrofos”, “Raptor”, “Kombat” and so on Further.

Important: Almost all modern insecticides have high efficiency in the fight against bedbugs. But each of them has Negative influence on the human body to one degree or another.

Folk remedies

Let's find out how to get rid of bedbugs using folk remedies. It is advisable to use them in cases where there are very few or no insects, but there is a risk of them entering from a neighboring apartment.


  1. Apply vinegar essence to baseboards, corners, vents, cracks near doors and windows, as well as places where insects were found.
  2. Wipe furniture, window sills, doors, frames with a solution of vinegar and water (50/50).

Turpentine and other means

Turpentine is a liquid obtained from coniferous trees which has a pungent odor. Due to its toxicity, it successfully fights bedbugs. To clean surfaces you can use:

  • concentrated solution;
  • boiling water (150 ml), turpentine (15 ml), kerosene (20 ml), shavings laundry soap(50 g);
  • turpentine (20 ml), kerosene (20 ml), water (70 ml), PS paste (30 g);
  • carbolic acid (60 ml), turpentine (60 ml), salicylic acid (5 ml);
  • ethyl alcohol (300 ml), turpentine (300 ml), camphor (15 g);
  • kerosene (300 ml), turpentine (300 ml), naphthalene (60 g);
  • turpentine (250 ml), kerosene (250 ml), alcohol (50 ml), water (50 ml), naphthalene (25 g).

Processing stages:

Note: Folk recipes using turpentine and other aggressive substances pose no less a threat to the human body and home environment than insecticides.


Plants with a pronounced aroma are the safest folk remedy in the fight against bedbugs. But they do not have a pronounced effect. The only action is to repel insects. In addition, you should not exclude the risk of developing allergies in your household.

How to use:

  1. Place twigs around the house.
  2. Turn dry raw materials into powder and pour into crevices.
  3. Make an infusion and treat the surfaces with a damp cloth.
  4. Pour some tea tree or valerian oil into water and spray.

Safety rules and processing steps

Safety precautions must be strictly observed when using insecticides and folk recipes with aggressive substances. Basic Rules:

  1. Even if it is indicated that the drug is safe for people and pets, remove them from the premises for several days.
  2. Read the instructions carefully. Pay attention to the method of diluting the product and the list of surfaces that can be treated.
  3. Open windows or vents.
  4. Put on individual means clothing - respirator, rubber gloves, goggles, workwear.
  5. After disinsection, wash or throw away clothes, take a shower, rinse your nose and mouth.

Algorithm for cleaning rooms from bedbugs:

Cleaning the bed and sofa

If you have a problem, how to get rid of bedbugs in the sofa, you should prepare for painstaking work. Stages:

  1. Disassemble the piece of furniture as much as possible.
  2. Place all parts vertically. Inspect them.
  3. Remove the patch from the back surface of the back.
  4. If there are covers, unfasten and remove them. Wash.
  5. Spray the product intensively on all parts, especially on the tray, ends and back.
  6. If the drug allows, treat soft seats, paying attention to folds.

Algorithm for cleaning the bed:

  1. Remove bedding and wash at the highest possible temperature.
  2. Shake out and clean pillows and blankets.
  3. Place the mattress vertically. Inspect. Unfasten or prop up the trim to gain access to the interior.
  4. Inspect carefully wooden frame, especially the joints.
  5. Vacuum the mattress and frame.
  6. Treat folds, crevices and seams with insecticide.

Tip: A safe and environmentally friendly method of fighting bedbugs is to use hot steam produced by a steam generator. It is enough to treat all surfaces with this unit, and the insects will be destroyed.


To avoid getting rid of bedbugs, it is worth taking measures to prevent their appearance:

  1. A thorough inspection of all things entering the apartment - furniture, household appliances, books, luggage after spending the night in hotels.
  2. Regular cleaning, including hard-to-reach corners.
  3. Periodic inspection of possible insect habitats.
  4. Closing ventilation holes fine mesh.
  5. Routine repairs of the apartment as necessary - sealing holes and cracks.
  6. Using repellents (plants, vinegar, special pencils) if bedbugs are found among neighbors.


Harmful insects can enter the house along with people: on clothes, in a bag. They can be brought by guests, builders, any craftsmen, as well as the home owners themselves. Bedbugs can enter the house along with old or new furniture where they hide in the upholstery or cracks. After purchasing household appliances, you need to carefully inspect the packaging and foam in which they like to hide. Sometimes they are even found in the devices themselves.

Typically, insects lead an active lifestyle at night, when everyone in the house is sleeping. By the smell and warmth emanating from a person or pet, they find the victim. The bug bites through the skin, releases an anesthetic liquid and begins to suck blood. During the daytime, when it is light, harmful insects hide in secluded places.

By using modern means, of which there are a large number on sale today, you can quickly get rid of house bugs forever. Several forms of such drugs are available:

  • Aerosol;
  • Solution;
  • Powder.

The hardware store can tell you how to quickly get rid of bedbugs with the help of others chemicals. Thus, no less popular drugs for controlling domestic insects include Karbofos, Raptor, Delta Zone, Combat, Tetrix. All of them are quite effective in the fight against bed bugs. However, any insecticide has a negative effect on the human body.
Unlike Gektor, which is harmless to humans and animals and is easy to use.

Watch the video! How to get rid of bed bugs using Gektor

Watch the video! Remedies for bedbugs in the apartment

Folk remedies

Some home and apartment owners do not want to use chemicals to kill bedbugs. Then you can use folk remedies that have been used for a long time. You need to know that such methods are best carried out if there are not a large number of insects in the room.


To combat harmful insects, you can use 9% vinegar, which can repel them. To do this, use liquid to treat cracks, corners of baseboards and other places where bedbugs may be present. Such 2-3 procedures per day should be carried out over 3-4 days. At the same time, it is necessary to wipe all furniture, doors, window sills with the following solution: vinegar - 50 g, water - 50 g.


Turpentine in combination with other substances has a good poisoning effect on harmful insects, in particular bedbugs. Turpentine is made from coniferous trees. This liquid has a strong odor that bedbugs really don't like. For surface treatment, concentrated solutions are prepared, which include:

  1. boiling water (150 ml), turpentine (15 ml), kerosene (20 ml), laundry soap shavings (50 g);
  2. turpentine (20 ml), kerosene (20 ml), water (70 ml), PS paste (30 g);
  3. carbolic acid (60 ml), turpentine (60 ml), salicylic acid (5 ml);
  4. ethyl alcohol (300 ml), turpentine (300 ml), camphor (15 g);
  5. kerosene (300 ml), turpentine (300 ml), naphthalene (60 g);
  6. turpentine (250 ml), kerosene (250 ml), alcohol (50 ml), water (50 ml), naphthalene (25 g).

The required set of components is combined and mixed well. Treatment can be carried out either by spraying or spreading with a brush. After applying the product, the room should be closed for a day. Then ventilate the apartment well and do wet cleaning.

The note! Treating premises with such an aggressive element as turpentine is also harmful to the human body and animals.

Heat treatment

In residential premises the air temperature is practically all year round It stays between 21 - 28° C. This environment is ideal for domestic insects. However, mature bedbugs and larvae experience temperature changes quite sensitively.

To protect their homes from bedbugs, owners often use plants such as:

  • Valerian;
  • Tea tree;
  • Sagebrush;
  • Chamomile.

Flowers and stems of these plants can be placed throughout all rooms. You can dry the plants and grind them into powder, which you can cover with. problem areas. Decoctions are also prepared and used to wipe surfaces.

Watch the video! It is possible to get rid of bedbugs with vinegar

Safety rules and processing steps

When using chemicals to control bedbugs, it is important to follow certain safety precautions. You also need to be careful when using such aggressive substances that are included in folk recipes:

  • In any case, vacate the house to be treated from its occupants;
  • Carefully study the recommendations for using the product;
  • Wear special clothing and protective equipment: glasses, gloves. After the procedure, wash everything well or throw it away;
  • Before processing, remove toys, dishes, clothes, and linen. Everything must be packed in bags. It is advisable to wash textiles immediately;
  • Place items that cannot be washed in plastic bags and leave in the cold or in a hot place;
  • Move the furniture to the middle of the room, remove paintings and carpets. Apply the product to cleaned surfaces. Carefully treat places where bedbugs nest, as well as cracks in furniture, walls, doors and window sills;
  • Walls should be treated 30-50 cm above and below;
  • After completing the work, it is necessary to close all windows and leave the room for a period of 1 to 3 days;
  • Then ventilate the entire apartment, and wipe the surfaces well with a soda solution. To prepare it, take 1 glass of the substance and dilute it in 1 liter of water.

Cleaning the bed and sofa

To clear bedbugs sleeping sofa or a bed, first the furniture should be disassembled if possible. Place all parts in an upright position and inspect them carefully. Remove the covers and wash them. With a special tool Treat all parts of the furniture against bedbugs, especially the bottom and backs.

Wash bed linen at high water temperature. Clean and dry the blankets, mattress and pillows. It is good to look through all the folds of the mattress and spray with insecticide. If possible, it is better to replace a mattress with bedbugs with a new one.


As experts advise, it is better to take all preventive measures than to then deal with removing harmful insects. It is imperative to inspect all the things that are brought into the house: furniture, equipment, a suitcase with things after the hotel.

During repairs, it is necessary to seal all holes and cracks that are in the floor, walls, along the threshold and window sill. If your neighbors have bedbugs in their apartment, you can use folk remedies to repel them.


Removing bedbugs is difficult, but you can get a positive result. Today, quite effective drugs are produced to combat insects. If bedbug colonies have attacked the entire apartment house, then a specialized service can help get rid of them.

Watch the video! Destruction of bedbugs, treatment of the sofa before pest control of the apartment

The problem of how to get bedbugs out of an apartment is faced by both residents of megacities and provincial cities. For blood-sucking insects, it does not matter what condition the living space is in, the status of its owners, or sanitary conditions. can appear unexpectedly and literally in a few months turn any clean, comfortable apartment into a natural “bedbug infestation”.

Difficulties in removing bedbugs from an apartment

Very fast. Males are very “loving” and can make up to 200 matings per day.

On a note!

One fertilization is enough for the female to be able to lay eggs throughout her life. On average, a female favorable conditions lives from 1 to 1.5 years and during this time she is able to lay 400-500 eggs. Destroying eggs is very problematic, since they are protected by a dense shell that reliably protects them from external influences, including chemical ones.

Bed bugs - their larvae and eggs

The most useless methods of dealing with bedbugs

Due to ignorance of the intricacies of the behavior and physiology of domestic bugs, they are often used original ways removal of insects whose effectiveness is zero:

There are several ways to quickly and efficiently remove bedbugs from an apartment, each of them differs in labor intensity and cost:

Preparing the room for processing

On a note!

If bedbugs got into an apartment with furniture, then the original source should be found in the furniture. It often happens that people and a bed do not even think about the fact that a recently purchased antique chair is infested with bedbugs.

Having determined the extent of the infestation, you can begin preparing the apartment for disinfestation. The process is very labor-intensive, but to remove bedbugs, you will have to work hard:

  1. Remove all bedding from the bed, wash it in water at a temperature of at least 50 ° C, iron it, and pack it in a bag.
  2. All clothes that can be washed in hot water wash and pack in sealed bags. You can kill all living individuals and eggs. Clothing made from materials for which it is unacceptable high temperatures, take it to the dry cleaner. It is extremely important that every item in your wardrobe is treated.
  3. Place shoes in bags, pour odorless insecticide into them and tie them tightly.
  4. Do similar manipulations with soft toys, pillows, blankets.
  5. Before disinfestation, move furniture away from the walls to provide access to baseboards.
  6. Food products and dishes are carefully packed.
  7. Treatment must be carried out in all rooms at the same time.

Self-extermination of bedbugs using chemicals

The most popular drugs in this group:

One of the best ways how to get rid of bedbugs yourself, exterminators say chemicals, intended for wet processing. In this way it is possible to achieve penetration active substance at the most hard to reach places. These drugs are sold in dry form or in the form of a concentrate, which is diluted with water before use, according to the instructions.

The most effective insecticides:

Insecticides should be used with extreme caution and in compliance with all safety rules. Disinsection work must be carried out wearing a respirator, rubber gloves, and a protective suit. As the latter, you can use a banal raincoat.

During the procedure, there should be no people or pets in the room. Despite the fact that in stores household chemicals only low-toxic drugs are sold, rules are ignored personal protection may have a negative impact on your health.

Close all the windows and leave her for several hours. Wet cleaning is not provided for 3-5 days, with the exception of items with which household members are in direct contact. Most drugs have no effect on bedbug eggs, so you need to be prepared to re-treat in 10-12 days, when larvae emerge from the surviving eggs. Only by systematically destroying the emerging offspring can you clear your apartment of bedbugs and forget about their existence.

Traditional methods against bedbugs

There are many people's councils How to permanently remove bedbugs at home. The main advantages of folk remedies are their low toxicity, low cost of ingredients and safety. Alas, not everything is so simple. Those products that are characterized by low toxicity are not capable of destroying bedbugs and can only scare them away for a short time. Row folk remedies, which actually have a destructive effect, cannot be called safe. For example, kerosene not only has a specific, persistent odor, but is also highly flammable.

Folk remedies for repelling bedbugs consist mainly of herbs, aromatic oils and liquids with a strong odor.

  • , carnations, wild rosemary leaves are laid out around the perimeter of the room and in the habitats of bloodsuckers.
  • - a kind of “hit” among folk remedies. It is diluted with water in equal proportions and the resulting liquid is used to treat all surfaces in an apartment or house, including furniture. When using such a product, you need to be prepared for the fact that you will also have to inhale the fragrant vinegar, and with prolonged use, this aroma will permeate all your clothes.
  • You can remove bedbugs from your apartment using kerosene. 20 g of kerosene, 20 g of turpentine are mixed with 200 mg of water and a small amount liquid soap. The resulting mixture is used to treat upholstered furniture, cabinet furniture, floors, baseboards, and nests themselves. After using the product, due to its strong smell, not only insects, but also household members begin to disappear.
  • Freezing and heating are the safest folk methods for removing bedbugs. When the thermometer drops below -15° C, all things and interior items are taken outside. In severe frost or air temperatures above 50 ° C, both adults and their offspring die. So be vigilant, if your neighbors began to actively take the contents of their apartments outside, then they probably have bedbugs and are trying to get them out in a simple, proven way.

For useful tips on how to remove bedbugs, watch the video.

House bugs, or bed bugs, are bugs from 3 to 8 mm in length. In terms of body structure, they resemble their close but harmless relative - the stink bug, only their body cover is transparent and by color you can determine how long ago the bug drank blood. In fact, this is a rather voracious insect that can drink twice its own weight, that is, up to 8 mg of blood.

Cimex lectularius, which is the name of the bedbug in Latin, belongs to the order of hemipteran insects, but they do not have wings. And they move quite slowly - only one and a half meters per minute. But this is enough to attack the victim, because active adults hide mainly in furniture.

What does a bed bug eat?

Contrary to popular belief, bedbugs do not carry dangerous diseases. Although their bodies contain viruses and bacteria, pathogens various diseases, can remain for a long time.

How to get rid of bed bugs yourself?

Home owners need to decide for themselves how to get rid of bed bugs. Treatment with chemicals must be carried out strictly according to the instructions included with the insect control product. The procedure for their destruction is divided into several stages, since one-time use the chosen means cannot destroy the entire population at once.

Video on the topic

To date, there is no evidence that bedbugs transmit diseases. They like to hunt at night, but if they are very hungry, they also appear during the daytime. But their appearance in the house is always a great discomfort, so it is important to learn how to get rid of bedbugs as quickly as possible.

“Fighting bedbugs” must begin with determining the location of their main accumulation. By carefully examining the beds, sofas, armchairs, mattresses, you can find characteristics characteristic of. These include numerous black dots and empty skins. If bedbugs attack, then you can resort to a proven method - freezing the room. They do not tolerate temperatures below -19 degrees. So you can take your household somewhere and leave the doors to the balcony open for a long time.

Of the old ways to get rid of bedbugs, you can use boiling water, kerosene and turpentine, as well as ammonia. Books, electronics, and furniture should be treated with these solutions. If possible, small items can be taken out to the balcony. Bed linen, clothes, blankets and blankets must be washed and boiled. It is advisable to repeat all procedures after a week, as it may not complete destruction bedbug eggs.

A large number of insecticidal preparations have now been created that can mercilessly kill bedbugs. But these compounds are also dangerous for humans, so before using them you need to purchase a respirator, safety glasses and gloves. Before treating the room, you need to carry out wet cleaning. Place the furniture so that all its sides are accessible. If possible, the furniture can be disassembled.

Dilute the drug according to the instructions. If you use the drug incorrectly, it will be difficult to get rid of bedbugs. There should be no people or animals in the apartment. It is best to use a spray bottle. Then the insecticide will get into all the cracks and cracks. Places where bedbugs are found are treated especially carefully. The solution consumption is usually 50-100 ml per 1 sq.m. After treating small interior items and furniture, you need to spray the solution on all walls, floors, doorways, and ventilation shafts. Thus, all escape routes for bedbugs will be blocked.

The struggle will be serious, but do not be afraid. The main thing is to start operational actions and everything will work out.

As soon as bed bugs appear in an apartment or house, household members immediately call pest control service for cleaning. This solution is certainly effective, but also expensive. It is not uncommon for bedbugs to disappear for a while after cleaning an apartment, but after a few weeks or months the problem returns. Bedbugs are once again beginning to drink blood from household members, causing them a lot of trouble and health problems.

How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment

In addition to calling special teams, you can fight bedbugs using more adequate methods. In addition, such methods are tens of times cheaper, and their effectiveness depends rather on the correctness of the disinfestation work. Each person, thanks to the variety of methods and options for fighting bedbugs, can choose the most optimal one for himself. Now the question of how to destroy bedbugs in an apartment is much easier to solve, and also cheaper.

Having visited a specialized store, you can simply get confused by the variety of species and methods of combating these nocturnal bloodsuckers. Naturally, to find out which insecticide is the most effective, you can ask the seller. But sometimes sellers do not always know about the effectiveness of a particular product, since they themselves have not encountered the above-mentioned problem. Therefore, the most reliable option is to familiarize yourself with all possible ways products and insecticides that allow you to overcome night bloodsuckers in the form of bed bugs.

How to make sure there are insects in your apartment

Household members may not even suspect the presence of bedbugs in the apartment, and for a long time. In order to make sure that nocturnal bloodsuckers are present in the apartment, there are certain recommendations. The main habitats of house bugs are:

  • bed;
  • armchairs and sofas;
  • bed linen and towels.

The main place of localization of colonies of quiet insects are baseboards, heating systems and other hard-to-reach places where the air temperature does not drop to +15 degrees. If the temperature is below +15 degrees, then the bugs leave such a room or die out.

Bedbugs go out hunting at night, so humans do not react to insect attacks. In addition, bedbug saliva contains an anesthetic substance.

Most of the bites are caused by females, and males are less active in this regard, but cause no less harm than females.

Known methods of fighting bedbugs

The disadvantage of all types of aerosols is the possibility of human poisoning with these insecticides. The poison is dangerous not only for humans, but also for animals. In order to properly exterminate bedbugs using an aerosol at home, you must follow these recommendations:

  • Remove all food products from the kitchen, as the poison may settle on them during spraying. You should also hide utensils and personal supplies, which will increase safety.
  • All family members and animals should be removed from the premises where disinfection will be carried out. It is necessary to close all doors and windows, as well as ventilation ducts.
  • The person who will perform the aerosol spraying procedure must wear goggles, a respirator, gloves and a gown. Clothes must be washed after disinfection is completed.

To completely destroy bedbugs, it is necessary to thoroughly treat with insecticides all places where bedbugs can make their nests

Now let’s find out what aerosols exist to control insects at home.

  • Raid. This aerosol is intended for the treatment upholstered furniture, for example, if you need to destroy bedbugs in a sofa or bed. The raid is due not only to the effectiveness of the impact, but also to the lack of unpleasant odor, which quickly disappears. The cost of such a product does not exceed 200 rubles.

  • Mikrofos +. If the first two preparations have practically no odor, then Mikrofos + has a powerful aroma. This aroma gives high performance efficiency, but finding Mikrofos plus is quite difficult. The cost of a canister of Mikrofos will cost 1,500 rubles.

Bedbugs live in cracks in walls, in parquet floors, and near heating systems, so when using an aerosol, be sure to spray poison in these places.

Using aerosols, you can also destroy bedbug eggs by spraying any of the above drugs on them. In addition to aerosol preparations for killing bedbugs, there are also powder types.

A selection of the best 5 means to combat bedbugs (video):

Powdered insecticides

This applies only to powders that are based on intestinal poison. Such powders are cheap and practically ineffective. But another thing is powder, in which the main destructive substance is a contact poison. The use of such means increases the likelihood of killing bedbugs, but this process is extended over time.

You can find it in the store the following types effective insecticidal powders:

  • Chlorophos. Presented as an organophosphate insecticide that must be prepared before use. To prepare, you need to dilute 15 grams of powder in 10 liters of water. The drug is toxic and dangerous to humans, so follow all safety rules when using it. The result when using Chlorophos is almost 100%.

You can also find liquid means for killing bedbugs on the market, but there are very few of them. To use liquid insecticides, you will need to acquire special equipment, which is quite expensive. Moreover, liquid products are almost similar in effectiveness to aerosols and powder preparations.

Temperature treatment

Using this method, do not forget about the heating system, which can freeze, and this threatens the development of big troubles with the housing office and neighbors.

If you need to remove bedbugs from a sofa or chair, then in winter it is recommended to take this piece of furniture outside, leaving it for several hours.

Traditional methods

Effective folk remedies against bedbugs include:

  • vinegar;
  • sagebrush;
  • tansy;
  • ammonia.

Wormwood and tansy can cause the development of allergies if one of the family members has an individual intolerance to one of these herbs. Before using this method, you should make sure that other family members are not allergic.

  • Cleaning carpeting using a vacuum cleaner. To do this, you need to place the vacuum cleaner on full power and carefully walk it over the entire surface of the coating.

  • White vinegar. Use a brush to rub white vinegar into the carpet. It is recommended to repeat the procedure over time, which will increase the effectiveness of this method.


Knowing the basic measures for exterminating bedbugs in an apartment, you can draw appropriate conclusions about the effectiveness of each of them. You will be able to answer the question of how to destroy house bugs yourself after you have completed the task.

To choose correctly effective remedy, first explain the complexity of the problem. Do you need to destroy individual individuals or an entire colony? In any case, you should start with aerosols or powder products, which are due to their complex effects. If the methods and methods you have tried do not bring the desired result, then there is only one way out - contact a pest control service.

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