How to properly install a shower tray? Installing a shower tray - should you mount it yourself or do it entirely? Installing a Steel Shower Tray

A shower cabin with a steel tray is perhaps the most practical and durable type of similar devices. Unlike plastic and ceramics, steel can withstand operating loads well, which is why it is usually chosen as a material for the manufacture of plumbing products.

In our article we will tell you what iron shower trays are, how to install them correctly, and analyze their advantages and disadvantages.

Design Features

Production technology

Products of this type are among the most popular on the market. In addition, if we accidentally make a mistake and type in a search engine something like “steel shower tray 900x900 mm”, we will still take a fairly wide sample of tens or hundreds of models.

The steel pallet itself has a relatively simple design.

It is produced in a factory using the stamping method with subsequent processing:

  • In most cases, the starting material is taken steel sheet thickness from 1.5 to 3 mm. The sheet is cut into blanks, the size of which allows the manufacture of a container of the appropriate dimensions.

Pay attention! Most of the models on the market have a square shape and sizes from 70x70 to 90x90 cm. Huge products and rectangular pallets whose width exceeds their length (for example, 120x90 cm) are less common.

  • Steel blanks are subjected to primary heat treatment, after which it is fed under a press. Along with this, the sides of the pallet are formed in a couple of steps, a hole is made for drainage, and a relief is applied to the bottom.
  • Upon completion of stamping, the edges of the sides and holes are cleaned, and after that an anti-corrosion compound is applied to all surfaces. Much more often it is enamel, but from time to time passivating agents based on zinc are also used.
  • In addition, in many cases, fasteners for installing legs and upper guides are welded to the pallet, used to fix the shower enclosure.

Pay attention! Models without legs are installed on side walls, which are much more often welded to a stamped workpiece. But such products have a drawback: they can only be mounted on a pre-leveled surface, while pallets with legs allow position adjustment.

The result is a fairly strong, reliable and stable product that is relatively easy to install and can withstand the most intensive use.

Forms and varieties

As we noted, most pallets are in the shape of a square or rectangle. Such products are relatively inexpensive and easy to manufacture and install. But they are not overly practical, because with the classic corner mounting take up quite a lot of space.

A pair is more expensive corner models with a trapezoidal or rounded façade. They are more compact and therefore are chosen for installation in small bathrooms.

Another parameter influencing the choice is the depth of the base. If you want to protect your bathroom floor from drops and splashes as much as possible, then a deep tray (up to 150 mm from the top edge of the side to the bottom at the drain hole) is ideal for you. But in an outdoor shower it is possible to use small (up to 80 mm) models.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the material from which the structure is made. There are two options, and the most ergonomic way to compare them is in the table below:

Product type Highlights
Stainless steel
  • Corrosion-resistant steel is initially used as raw material.
  • After stamping and welding are completed, a passivation layer is applied to the product.
  • Then the pallet is either polished or decorated with moisture-resistant paint.
  • Such products are more resistant to corrosion: the addition of chromium and nickel prevents the involvement of iron in oxidation reactions.
Dark metal with enamel
  • Dark steel with a high tendency to corrosion is used as raw material.
  • Protective treatment contains several layers of inert enamel (in most cases, white) applied to the base.
  • The enamel itself tolerates both constant moisture and the action of detergents. Troubles begin only after damage to the enamel layer is complete, either as a result of an impact, or over time.

But, whatever the anti-corrosion protection of the metal from which the pallet is made, its effectiveness depends on the thickness of the base.

This is explained simply:

  • In most cases, these products have a fairly large area (80x80 cm or more), and are installed on a frame laid along the edges.
  • Under the influence of enormous loads, the narrow (less than 2 mm) metal in the middle part begins to bend, and the elastic anti-corrosion composition that is not enough becomes covered with microcracks.
  • Over time, these cracks increase in size, leading to peeling of the enamel.

This is why experts strongly advise against saving on purchasing narrow pallets. It goes without saying that their price will be lower, but the service life will also be reduced by an order of magnitude.

Pallet installation method

Tools needed

Installation of steel shower tray with your own hands is not only completely possible, but also quite simple.

We will need the following tools and consumables:

  • For a model without legs - a screed to level the floor.
  • A pipe with a diameter of 50 mm for connecting the siphon to the sewer.
  • A special siphon that is installed under the shower stall.
  • FUM tape for sealing pipe threads.
  • Sealant (it is best to use moisture-resistant, silicone-based).
  • Roulette and level.

Advice! The tray, purchased separately, must be measured in advance so that all other elements that we will make for the shower stall fit in size.

Installation algorithm

Instructions for installing similar products with your own hands suggest the following sequence of actions:

  • First, we check the floor level. The structure on legs can be mounted on virtually any surface, but models with massive base require leveling by pouring screed.

Pay attention! Because it takes at least 7 days for the screed to gain sufficient strength, it must be filled in advance.

  • Then head to collect the pallet. In most cases, before installing it, we need to attach the legs to it by inserting them into the intentionally made grooves and securing them with fixing screws.
  • We install the product in the chosen location, after which we attach a siphon to it to drain the water, sealing all connections with rubber gaskets. It is most ergonomic to do this before final fixation, while the tray can still be tilted.
  • We connect the siphon outlet to the sewer pipe. In most cases, it is used for this purpose rubber cuff, which allows you to quickly disassemble the system to clear the sewer blockage.
  • Smooth the tray by turning the screws on the legs. At the same time, we make sure that the drain level does not fall below the level of the siphon entrance to the sewer.

  • We do a test drain, letting water into the pan under low pressure. If there are no leaks anywhere, we completely fix the legs and install side panels or cover the edges with tiles.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Steel products have many advantages:

  • Firstly, they are significantly stronger than acrylic and plastic models. So if in your family there are people weighing well over 100 kg, then you will not find an alternative. A shower cabin 800x800x1975 mm with a steel tray is the minimum you need!
  • Secondly, most models are installed in almost an hour and a half. It goes without saying that from time to time difficulties arise at the stage of leveling the base, but if you purchase a structure with legs, you can adjust its position by rotating several screws.

  • Thirdly, the trays can be used both as an independent plumbing fixture and as part of a shower stall. The second option, of course, is preferable from the point of view of comfort, but if you need to equip a shower with minimal money, then just a tray with plastic curtains around the perimeter will be enough.

As for the disadvantages, they are as follows:

  • Tendency to corrosion when the enamel or passivation layer of dark steel is damaged.
  • Limited number of design solutions.
  • High volume of sound when a jet of water falls.

But we can compensate for the last minus by applying a layer of polyurethane foam to the underside of the pallet before installation. The remaining shortcomings can be fully tolerated by properly using the structure and avoiding damage to the anti-corrosion layer.


The variety of sizes of steel shower trays available in specialized stores allows you to choose a product for virtually any bathroom. Well, having found a model that is suitable in terms of dimensions and other parameters, all we have to do is install it correctly. And here the above tips from skilled craftsmen and the educational video in this article will help.

The bathroom is the place where every person begins and ends their day.

Therefore, it is important to make it as comfortable as possible.

But not all people have the time and energy to accept it, and installing a shower tray with their own hands becomes relevant.

This is more advantageous than calling a team - both cheaper and more reliable, since real craftsmen are now worth their weight in gold.

IN lately shower stalls and corners are gaining immense popularity.

And even if there is a bathtub, many still want to install an additional shower.

This makes it possible to functionally use space in the room, receiving not only the usual stream for washing, but also massage, aromatherapy, music, etc.

The modern plumbing market represents wide choice shower trays various forms and sizes.

The most durable, durable and expensive pallets are made of marble and cast iron. Everyone else follows them. But the most popular, affordable and durable are pallets made of plastic or acrylic.

They can sag under weight, so during installation you need to take this nuance into account and install the pallet on a frame or adjustable legs.

Ceramic structures are particularly beautiful, but they are not resistant to mechanical damage. When choosing, you need to pay special attention.

If it's not durable, it won't last long, whether you install it yourself or hire a professional. Each material has a number of advantages and disadvantages, and it is difficult to say which will be better.

The most popular plumbing fixtures in recent years– acrylic. And durable, and beautiful, and affordable.

If the base tray you choose has only legs, then you will have to prepare the base for the future shower stall yourself. To do this, you will need a metal of the required size and a rubber gasket.

Thus, using practically available tools, you can create a durable mount for the shower stall. Shower trays are classified by shape, material, depth and size.

Pallet installation features

If you have taken on the task of installing a shower tray yourself, then you should familiarize yourself with some of the nuances and features of the installation work. If the pallet is installed on “original” legs, special attention should be paid to uneven floors and the legs should be twisted in accordance with these defects.

  • Semicircular 80x80cm, 90x90cm, etc.
  • Rectangular pallets – 70x85 cm, 70x100cm, 70x120 cm, 80x100cm, 80x120 cm.
  • Square pallets - 70x70 cm, 80x80 cm, 90x90 cm, etc.
  • Pentagonal - 90x90cm, 100x100 cm, 120x120, etc.

Which one to install is your choice, which depends on your desires and the dimensions of the bathroom.

If you decide to make a recess in the floor, before starting installation you need to use a hammer drill to remove the tiles (if any) in the place where the shower tray is planned. The bricks should be laid along the side wall of the shower and reinforced with concrete mortar.

To be sure, you can additionally lay a few bricks in the middle so that the bottom does not deform under the weight. Don't forget about the space for the drain pipe.

The brick should be laid out level in such a way that there is a slight slope towards the drain. And if you plan to install the pallet evenly, then the support (bricks) should be placed evenly.

After this, you need to move on to the stage of installing a siphon for the pallet. Perfect for this PVC tube, 5 cm in . If the location of communications requires it, then an elbow, adapter or corrugated pipe of the appropriate size is installed.

Such fittings can be purchased at any plumbing store. For reliable joining, use sealant. After this, it is very important to check the quality of work with water. If everything is fine and the connections are not leaking, you can move on to the next step.

After installing the shower tray on the bricks, secure it with foam. All sides are laid with ceramic or plastic lining. It is recommended to install a corner (plinth) between the wall and the pallet and seal it with silicone or acrylic.

Calculate the hardening time of the sealant at 2 mm per day. After drying, the process of installing the pallet can be considered complete.

You can hang bathroom curtains on the sides, install tempered glass curtains, or install side panels. It depends on your desire and capabilities.

Installing a shower tray with your own hands on a wooden floor

Installing a DIY shower tray on a wooden floor requires special attention. Because a wooden surface tends to rot over time from excess moisture.

Therefore, wood requires special processing in order to increase its service life. Water permeability wooden materials- this is their advantage and at the same time a disadvantage in construction work.

The advantage is that the tree “breathes”, air circulates and has a beneficial effect on the body. But among the disadvantages are destruction from water, deformation and rotting. Therefore, before installing the pallet, you need to go through three stages of protection:

  • Wooden surfaces are treated with a special antiseptic, which prevents the growth of fungi in damp wood. Because wet wood is an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply.
  • In the room where there will be a shower, it is important to take care high-quality ventilation. Then the wooden floor will “breathe” and dry much faster.
  • Protect the surface with waterproofing (polymer films, roofing felt). This will greatly increase the service life of wooden floor surface.

On a wooden floor, it is allowed to install a pallet on bricks, on factory legs or a metal frame structure.

The easiest way is if the pallet comes with legs or a frame. To adjust the feet to the level according to the unevenness of the floor surface, you will need a wrench.

Pallets made of steel and plastic, as a rule, do not have reinforcement in the middle and are susceptible to deformation under weight. This deficiency can be corrected by a metal frame or podium for a pallet made of moisture resistant material. After these works, you can install the pallet:

  • Initially, you need to make marks for the profile and drain. All work is done using a level and a marker.
  • Then reinforcement is installed on four sides and formwork is laid on it (at a height of about 70 cm) - this is if there are no legs.
  • Next, a siphon is connected and connected to the sewer, depending on the pipe layout (corrugated pipe, angle or other suitable fitting). The finished foundation should be allowed to dry for several days.
  • Now the tray is finally installed with glue or mortar and the drain is collected. To ensure that the pallet is level, use a level and a wooden hammer. Then you need to use water to check the strength of the pipe connections so that nothing is leaking.
  • If necessary, install side panels, partitions or glass curtains - at your discretion.
  • All joints of the tray with the wall or side parts of the shower stall are tightly sealed with sealant.

A few words about legislation

If you decide to install a shower stall, then you need to know this.

In the "Norms and Rules" technical operation Housing Fund" in paragraph 1.7.1 it is stated that shower cabins, Jacuzzis and other innovative plumbing fixtures are regarded as redevelopment and require permission from the relevant authorities.

There are known cases on the territory of the Russian Federation when legal cases were opened regarding illegal installation washing machine increased power and shower stall.

To avoid additional problems, check with the Housing Office regarding this issue before installation.

Shower cabin


Are you planning to purchase an expensive shower cabin for your dacha? Take your time - there may always be a cheaper option! The low cost of a product does not mean its poor quality; more can be said - almost always it is just a simplified and minimized design. In this article, together with the website, we will study a steel shower tray, which will help you build a primitive, but quite nice shower stall.

Rectangular shower tray

Steel shower tray: advantages and disadvantages

It is generally accepted that steel enameled shower trays have no advantages and that the most attractive thing about them is the price. But this is not so, in addition to low cost, this type of plumbing fixtures has other positive qualities, which for some reason everyone is trying to forget. Yes, they have a less attractive appearance than similar acrylic products, the enamel on them can peel off due to careless handling, they are a little colder than all their other brothers, but, you see, it would not be very correct to focus on the shortcomings alone. Especially considering that they are fixable.

In addition to low cost, metal shower trays have the following positive aspects.

  1. Durability that no acrylic can match. If you are a massive person, then a steel pallet can carry your weight without additional supports.
  2. Very simple installation, which anyone can do if desired - there are no subtleties or nuances that can affect the service life of this product.
  3. Versatility. Such a tray can be used either as a separate plumbing fixture or as a set. And what’s most interesting is that choosing a factory sliding tray for such a pallet will not be difficult.

And the shortcomings mentioned above, by and large, are not shortcomings at all - only the appearance cannot be corrected. But even here, if you think carefully, you can come up with something - products of this type, as a rule, are built either into the floor or into a pedestal made specifically for it. In general, the appearance of such a shower tray depends entirely on the quality of the cladding surrounding it.

Metal pallet: types and their differences

Another point that turns most people away from an enamel shower tray is the small variety of shapes and design solutions. The product is simple, has no frills and is designed to fulfill its only purpose - to collect water and drain it into the system. In general, the conversation about the types of metal pallets will be short - classify metal pallets possible based on two criteria.

A visual aid for installing a shower tray can be seen in the following video.

Rectangular steel shower tray: installation technology

As mentioned above, one of the advantages of steel shower trays is its simple installation, which will be discussed further. To make the information easier to understand, we will present it in detail and point by point.

Basically, that's all. After the mounting foam or sealant has hardened, all that remains is to tidy up the parapet itself (if there is one, of course). Typically, the supporting brick is covered with tiles that match the walls of the room. When the finishing is completed, all that remains is to take care of the curtain, and the simple one will be ready.

As you can see, a steel shower tray is not a difficult device to install - everything is simply simple and understandable. And the lack of appearance that is usually attributed to it rather depends on the inept hands of the craftsman who lays out the pedestal and tiles it.

Shower cabins with acrylic trays are becoming increasingly popular among buyers. And this is not surprising. Acrylic pallets are not subject to rust and mechanical damage. It so happens that bottles and jars of detergents often slip out of your hands in the shower, but acrylic trays are not afraid of these items falling.

In addition to being durable, acrylic is also a warm material, which means your feet won't get cold in the shower. Well, all other advantages include the relatively low cost of acrylic pallets. All these characteristics make them popular among buyers.

To install an acrylic pallet, it is not at all necessary to spend money on calling a plumber. You can easily carry out the installation yourself, just know a few nuances.

Let's start with the sewer drain. The closer it is to the cockpit, the better. Ideal option– location of the sewage system directly under the cabin itself. In this case, all pipes can be hidden under the pallet. If this option is not possible, then you can install and hide sewer pipes in the wall. In the latter case, it is necessary to create a slope and try to position the drain as close to the floor as possible.

To connect the pan to the drain you will need a transition corner and corrugation.

To seal and secure all parts, you will need a special sealant. It is very important to use silicone based sealant and not acrylic. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid leaks and other problems, since acrylic is not resistant to water.

The sealant must be applied liberally. It is applied to the corrugation, and only then the adapter is applied to it. When inserting the corner, the silicone will squeeze out, but that’s how it should be. After the sealant dries, it forms an elastic and durable layer at the junction of the parts.

Securing the drain

Now you can begin securing the drain to the pallet. You just need to do this carefully. The plastic nut that comes with the kit can easily crack if you put too much pressure on it. Between the nut and the pallet itself, do not forget to install the rubber gasket that comes with the kit. On inner part It is recommended to apply a small amount of the same silicone sealant to the gaskets.

Installation of acrylic tray

After securing the drain, you can install the shower tray in its designated place. Do not rush to immediately connect it to the sewer. The first thing you need to do is adjust the height of the pallet legs. This process can take a lot of time. The thing is that the legs are hidden at the bottom of the pallet in a special casing, and after each manipulation the pallet will need to be turned over.

After adjusting the legs correctly, the tray should stand level and not wobble. It is recommended to level the legs using a mounting level. When the leveling is complete, you can connect the pallet to sewer drain. This stage is considered the final stage when installing a shower tray.

I would like to note a couple of features that are required for installing any pallets, including acrylic ones:

1. The pallet must be installed strictly horizontally. If this is not done, then water will constantly stagnate in one of the corners. That's why don't ignore building level. Installing the tray “by eye” will lead to undesirable consequences.

2. A flat floor is the key to successful installation of the tray and the entire shower cabin as a whole. Before installing the cabin, you should take care to level the floor surface. You can, of course, install it on an old floor, but this process will require more time and effort.

Installation of the cabin itself is carried out according to the attached instructions. Installation features will depend on the cabin model, of which there are now many. The only thing general rule– installation of the faucet and shower must be completed at the stage of finishing work.

Instead of a conclusion

Shower cabin – great solution for any bathroom. It can complement spacious rooms, and in small rooms it can even replace a cast iron bathtub. The variety of booths presented in stores allows you to choose the option that suits you.

As this article has shown, it is not necessary to resort to the help of expensive specialists, but you can easily and wonderfully cope with the installation of a shower stall and a shower tray with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to strictly follow the sequence of work and remember the installation features.

The effectiveness of showers is achieved by a well-balanced combination of heat and the beneficial effects of water. The design of shower cabins does not serve as an end in itself, but is developed to ensure water circulation. Everything should be in harmony, especially a comfortable shower tray, from correct installation on which a lot depends.

Selecting a shower tray for the cabin

A significant element when installing a shower cabin is the shower tray, the main function of which is to provide drainage. The selection for subsequent installation of a drainage element should be based on the following parameters:

Dimensions and shape

Material of manufacture

Hole diameter for siphon installation

The presence of a support or front panel with fastening.

Therefore, correct installation will depend on the full compatibility of the plumbing fixture with the declared characteristics. Naturally, for different shapes and sizes of shower trays, it will be necessary to select and correctly connect the drain siphon.

sizes and shape

There are following types pallets:

Narrow, measuring from 80 to 90 cm

Medium – sizes from 90 to 105 cm

Wide, sizes over 105 cm.

There are deep and low shower trays in height. The height of the deep tray can reach from 15 to 39 cm.

The shape of shower trays can be:


Round and semicircular




In the form of a quarter circle.

Some models of deep trays can be equipped with sides and represent a mini-bath.

The dimensions and shape of the tray should be oriented to the parameters of the shower stall and its location (in the center or corner of the bathroom). Corner shower trays allow you to save a small space where the cabin will be installed.

For example, shower tray Ravak Genta Pro 90 trapezoidal shape is designed for installation directly into the floor or on legs on tiling. The technical specifications suggest this:

extra flat tray, 15 cm deep, dimensions 90x90 cm, with anti-slip coating. The material is artificial cast marble, which has increased wear resistance.

Let us tell you that shallow shower trays are mounted without a frame, and deep shower trays with high sides are mounted on a metal frame.

What materials are shower trays made from?

Manufacturers of sanitary products make pallets from the following materials:



The most popular are acrylic shower trays. The durable color and shine of acrylic are attractive, as well as the surface quality, resistance to UV radiation and good noise-absorbing properties. The acrylic tray is mounted on a metal frame, which is supplied together in the kit.

Ceramic trays are the most durable. Shower trays do not make noise under an elastic stream of water and the surface is not slippery.

Compared to other types of pallets, steel pallets are considered lighter in weight. Therefore, installation must be done on a metal frame.

How to install a shower tray yourself

installation of a shallow tray

Depending on the model of the pallet and if there are legs, you can install a low pallet on the foundation (podium) and at floor level.

Installation of the pallet will consist of the following steps:

Marking the surface according to the shape of the pallet

Installing and fixing internal supports under the bottom

Water connection and drain siphon by location

Construction of a foundation (podium) for a pallet

Gluing around the perimeter of brick stands

Installing the pallet on stands

Ensuring the tightness of side joints

Installing the top siphon insert and o-ring into the pan

Carrying out external finishing of the foundation.

The shower tray is assembled and installed without securing it. After carrying out a control check to ensure there are no leaks, the pan is finally secured.

The process of assembling a shallow pallet is shown in more detail in the video.

installation of a deep tray

The installation of a pallet with high sides is carried out on a frame using a special technology, which consists of assembling the frame and simultaneously fixing it directly on the bottom of the pallet.

The support consists of steel guides and 4 legs.

For a deep tray, you will need to connect the front panel with the mount to the steel leg guides located on the support.

For example, the bottom shower tray SWAN AVARO reinforced with a 15 mm thick chipboard board with four stiffeners.

What you will need to do:

Turn the pallet upside down to attach the metal support beams. The supporting beams are included and are pipes with a cross section of 10x10 mm. According to the assembly instructions, the frame pipes are screwed parallel or crosswise.

Then studs are inserted into the ends of the pipes, which will serve as the legs of the pallet and provide the necessary rigidity to the frame. The studs are equipped with adjustable thrust bearings on one side and washers and nuts on the other side. Using thrust bearings, we level the height of the corners of the pallet body.

Having assembled the pallet frame, we install the siphon. The pallet is turned over and placed in place. After installing the deep tray, we seal the edges near the joint of the walls.

Let us recall that a feature of the siphon models for the pallet is a universal flange, which can be used in conjunction with composite waterproofing and a clamping flange that secures the waterproofing film.

How to install a deep tray is shown in the video.

Purchasing commercially available monoblock shower stalls is not always suitable: usually you are not satisfied with its dimensions, technical specifications or cost. It’s easier to install a shower stall yourself. For this you will need minimum set tools, a little effort and imagination. The construction of walls or curtains does not raise any questions, so we will consider in more detail how to install a shower tray.

Option #1 - installing an acrylic tray

The fact is that acrylic shower trays are sold in finished form, so installing them is not difficult.

The main attention should be paid to leveling the structure and sealing the connection to the drain pipe.

The choice of shape and dimensions of an acrylic shower tray depends on the size of the room

Important! For pallet equipment special tools are not required, only those that are in any home will be useful: a hammer, a jigsaw, a screwdriver, pliers, an adjustable wrench.

Installation steps for acrylic structure:

    Installation of legs. They usually come complete, but sometimes the pallet is sold already assembled, on legs.

In addition to adjusting the legs, at this stage of installation you should fix the drain in the hole and attach a siphon to it - to protect against sewer odors

    Adjustment of legs. To do this, use an adjustable wrench.

A perfectly flat floor is very rare, so it is possible to adjust the length of the supports so that the bottom is horizontal and water does not subsequently accumulate in any corner

    • Connecting the siphon to the drain outlet pipe.

Installation of decorative panels covering the bottom of the structure along the perimeter. To create additional tightness, joints with panels and joints with walls and floors are coated with a special silicone-based plumbing sealant (with anti-mold additives).

The instructions and diagram that come with the acrylic pallets will help you avoid making mistakes in your calculations.

To check the correct installation, simply stand on top of the structure. Deflections and sharp crackling sounds are a sign of incorrect installation. Many products, especially made in China, do not withstand a lot of weight and sag, so shower cabins with reinforced trays are often used. Brickwork, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam boards, even regular boards. But the simplest option is to fill the space under the product with concrete.

In the same way, shower cabins with a steel tray are installed, which is inexpensive, but is considered quite “noisy”.

Steel shower tray - budget option, suitable for a shower in the house, bathhouse or at the dacha

Important! To eliminate loud noise from pouring water, polyurethane foam is traditionally used, poured under the bottom of the pan.

Option #2 - installation of ceramic option

Sanitaryware has an attractive appearance; in addition, ceramic trays for shower cabins last a long time and do not cause problems with their care.

Pallets made of sanitary ware and sanitary porcelain are resistant to dirt and scratches, but can break if hit by a heavy object

A rigid tray made of ceramics and synthetic resins differs from acrylic in that it does not have free space under the structure, that is, it is simply installed on the floor of the bathroom (or bathhouse). This excludes work to strengthen it. But there is a slight difficulty with the access device to the drain pipe. This problem is solved as follows:

    1. The pan is positioned so that the drain hole is as close as possible to the connected drain pipe. The marker indicates the boundaries of the perimeter and the location of the drain.
    2. Using a jigsaw, cut out the part of the floor where the siphon will be located.
    3. Outside the structure, not far from the first cutout, a second section of the floor is cut out. This is necessary for laying a pipe and siphon under the floor and free access to communications. An inspection panel is made from a cut-out piece of flooring, equipping the edges of the cutout with slats.
    4. PVA composition, slightly diluted with water, is applied to the place where the pallet will stand. When it dries, another thin layer is added on top.
    5. Mount the siphon to the drain, then place the tray on the prepared solution, trying to maintain a strictly horizontal position.
    6. After the solution has dried (about a day), the siphon is connected to the pipe through the inspection panel.

The junctions of the pallet with the walls and floor are covered with an even strip of silicone sealant.

Ceramic trays are varied in color scheme and design style

Important! Sanitaryware, despite its apparent strength, is a fragile material and therefore requires careful handling.

Option #3 - making your own pallet

An inexpensive shower tray in your home or bathhouse is suitable for those who want to save money, or people who prefer original projects. Self-installation of a shower tray gives you the opportunity to choose any design shape, color and cladding material.

The base is prepared from concrete screed (or plastered bricks) lined with ceramic tiles. As the walls of the shower stall, special translucent panels are used, which can be bought ready-made, or ordinary shower curtains.

  • You need to start with the gasket drain pipe and installation of the drain neck. It is better to take plastic products: they are easy to install and last a long time.

Important! Water drains naturally, so a slight tilt towards the sewer pipe is necessary.

    • Initial concrete floor screed. You can use two options: fill the entire area of ​​the shower room or only the area under the planned tray.

Installation of enclosing sides. They are necessary to prevent water from spreading throughout the room.

As sides it can be either concrete pouring with formwork, or brickwork, plastered several times. In any case, the resulting structure will need to be covered with ceramic tiles

    Concrete screed inside the pallet.

The bathroom is a place of relaxation, where a person puts himself in order. It should be practical and have a pleasant aesthetic design. Shower cabin – perfect way save space in the bathroom. Very important point in installation - this is the installation of a shower tray. Let's look at detailed instructions on how to properly install different models.

Manufacturers are ready to surprise the most sophisticated owner, offering many shapes, sizes and design options. One of the first classifications is the division of models by shape. These can be square, oval, round, triangular, rectangular products. It is worth choosing the shape and size of the tray that will distribute the space in the bathroom as ergonomically as possible with the appropriate level of convenience.

Another classification is related to the material used. Today you can purchase a pallet from:

  • cast iron;
  • acrylic;
  • marble;
  • ceramics;
  • steel.

In this case, the pallet can be installed using several methods, using metal frame, pedestal or flat surface (for ceramic models). It is worth noting that marble products are very fragile and can be damaged by impact during the installation stage, so all work must be carried out as carefully as possible. A ceramic tray can also crack from an impact.

Marble pallets have a beautiful external design and will fit into any style of bathroom interior: from retro and classic to high-tech

It is worth noting that cast iron and steel models can be unpleasantly cold in the morning, which cannot be said about acrylic products. The latter are today modified with the addition of quartz dust. As a result, the structure becomes stronger and more durable. Such models are called quaril models.

Marble pallets have an impressive appearance and heat up quickly. They provide a pleasant tactile sensation upon contact with the skin. Ceramic models heat up slowly, but are practical for everyday use and durable. The prices for these solutions are significantly higher than others.

Pallets also differ in depth. When choosing, you can use the following guidelines: very flat (6-10 cm), flat (10-18 cm), deep (25-35 cm).

Tile or mosaic cladding

In many cases, side cladding is required to hide the mounting bases. One of the most convenient options to solve the problem - use mosaic tiles on a plastic or glass base. A layer of glue is applied to the base using a notched trowel. After pressing the tiles, excess adhesive must be removed immediately.

With the help of mosaics you can veneer any uneven surfaces, because It is easy to cut with construction scissors or a knife thanks to the paper base. It doesn’t matter whether you use tiles or mosaics - all seams must be sealed. This especially makes sense when you decide to build the pallet yourself.

The space between the pallet and the floor can be closed using mosaic or tile cladding. Mosaic fragments are flexible and allow you to quickly and efficiently line the sides or the entire pallet if you build it yourself

When forming seams, use crosses. After facing, you need to grout the seams using waterproof grout and a rubber spatula. Then the remaining grout is removed and everything is wiped with a piece of cloth. After everything has dried, you need to wash the tiles.

Pallet Installation Instructions

Installation rules often depend on the material from which the pallet is made, so we will consider four popular options. Acrylic and steel modifications are more common, while cast iron, marble and ceramic are less common.

Installation of acrylic models

Acrylic solutions have the lightest weight, affordable price and are sold in a variety of shapes and sizes. Such models are equipped with brackets, legs and other fittings that help to install and secure the pallet to the base. A design flaw in many cheap models is the lack of reinforcing support under the bottom, so when choosing, you need to pay attention to ensuring that the bottom is reinforced.

First you need to turn the pallet upside down and screw the legs. Depending on the model, the kit may include from 3 to 5 supports. A number of products use a support frame based on plastic or metal. The holes for mounting the legs will be located in this frame.

When screwing in the supports, you need to ensure that the length of the legs is no less than the height of the siphon. Also, all supports must be screwed in to the same height (then you can adjust the horizontal position of the pallet using a level)

Make sure that all supports (studs, legs) are screwed in, and after installation, adjust the tray to a strictly horizontal position

Next is the installation of the drainage system. It is necessary to connect the pan to the sewer, placing the product on its edge. A complete bushing is inserted inside and is used for connection. The siphon pipe is placed on the protruding end of the sleeve. To prevent leaks, the joints are coated with glue.

You can use epoxy glue or epoxy plasticine. Connect the pipe and the bushing, and seal the connection with sealant on top. Some models of shower cabins may use a connection system with paronite or polymer gaskets. In this case, there is no need to use glue.

Place the tray on the legs, making sure that the edge of the siphon does not touch the floor. Now it's time to adjust the horizontal position of the tray. To do this, rotate the legs by placing a level on the walls of the tray (the grooves in which the shower enclosure will be mounted).

Horizontal alignment must be checked on all sides of the pallet. If the product is installed against a wall or corner of the room, then it is necessary to lubricate the surfaces in contact with each other with glue and press firmly. You need to wait until the glue dries, and then strengthen the seal with sealant, applying a layer of it to the contact point between the sides of the pallet and the wall.

The space under the acrylic tray can be filled with polyurethane foam, which will serve as a support cushion and soundproofing protection

Installation of a cast iron pan

The installation of a cast iron product is similar in steps to the installation of an acrylic tray. The fundamental difference is only in the design of cast iron models. Cast iron is a very durable and impact-resistant metal. There are no reinforcing elements in its design, and the legs are integral part pallet and are cast simultaneously with the body.

To align such a model horizontally, you will have to lay steel strips under the legs or other objects that will prevent pushing flooring, because The cast iron pan has significant weight.

The sides of the cast iron product are not glued to the wall of the room. But how to secure the pallet so that it does not move off the plates installed under the supports? This problem can be solved by cementing bosses that will frame each leg, preventing movement. An ordinary matchbox will do for formwork.

It is worth noting that assembled shower cabins are not equipped with cast iron trays. They are usually used with simpler fences, including curtains, screens, and other lightweight materials that do not require precision, so as not to fit them to the geometry of the pallet.

For cast iron pallets, a full shower enclosure is rarely used; curtains are usually used. If aesthetic integrity is maintained, curtains are sufficient

Sometimes the height of the legs of such a product is not enough to place a drain siphon under it. In this case, you have to prepare a special parapet. The procedure is not difficult to implement. It is enough to lay bricks around the perimeter of the pallet or erect a concrete collar - this will be the parapet. It must have space for installing a siphon and sewer outlet.

Then you need to level the pallet using a level, placing plates under the legs, cementing them with cement bosses. To hide the parapet and the space above it, you can use tiles or mosaic modules.

Features of installation of steel products

Steel models are produced using stamping, so making a one-piece structure from a tray and legs is quite difficult. Steel products are equipped with a stand. The plant that produces steel pallets also produces corresponding stands for them.

They have a rectangular or square shape and are a welded structure made of profiles containing threaded bushings. Threaded feet are screwed into them, with the help of which you can adjust (level) the pallet.

Steel trays are often included with factory shower enclosures. It is also a reliable option for replacing a worn out acrylic tray. If the pallet is installed as an independent product, then a cement backing or pedestal is mounted on the bathroom floor. Their height must be sufficient for the location of the siphon and pipe connection.

A cement pedestal, which is an ordinary leveled screed, allows you to make the installation of a steel or stone pallet as reliable as possible

The contact points between the pallet and the wall can also be glued and sealed, as when installing an acrylic product. The construction of the pedestal will be discussed in the next paragraph.

Installation of ceramic and marble models

Ceramic and marble sanitary ware are trending today. Shower trays are no exception. Such products are durable and massive, so they do not require the use of legs or reinforcing elements.

The installation method is selected depending on the design of the pallet. Many ceramic models have a niche in the tray cavity for installing a siphon and draining the sewer system. Such a tray simply needs to be connected to the sewer and installed directly on the bathroom floor without any additional steps. All that remains is to attach the walls of the shower stall.

But there are many monolithic options that do not have a corresponding niche. In this case, to connect the drain hole to the siphon, you will need to build a pedestal. Inside it there will be space for connecting to the sewer.

The construction of the pedestal occurs as follows. Apply a layer of waterproofing to the area where the pedestal will be built. For this you can use liquid rubber, roofing felt, polyurea or other composition. You must wait for complete polymerization if you used a liquid product.

Any modern version of liquid compounds can be used as waterproofing, which, after application, polymerize and create a waterproof layer

Next, create a layer of cement screed with horizontal surface(use a level). We wait until it dries completely. Inside the contour of the pallet we make brickwork with a height that would be enough for the normal location of the siphon. It is necessary to provide a cavity for the drainage system.

We connect the drain hole of the pan with a siphon, the reverse end of which is connected to the outlet pipe. Apply a layer of cement mortar on top of the masonry. Next, we install the tray on the pedestal so that the siphon and outlet are in the places designated for them. Finally, you need to line the pallet with tiles.

How to make a pallet yourself

The process begins with preparing the future space for the shower stall. To begin with, the installation area is waterproofed, as in the previous paragraph. This will help protect the walls and floors from mold, mildew and dampness.

The second stage is preparing the drain. A ready-made drain assembly can be purchased at a hardware or plumbing store. It is also called a shower drain. He must be high quality. The drain hole is immediately connected to sewer system. The installation must be very tight, so you can use glue and sealants on all threaded connections.

Purchasing a drain for homemade pallet, you can’t save money. Choose a quality product that fits in size and will last as long as possible.

Now you need to lay out the base (use brickwork or rough screed) after the waterproofing composition has dried. We lay the walls using silicate or ordinary bricks. Before this, you need to put a metal mesh on the base to make the structure solid.

We treat the entire base of the pallet with waterproofing material. After it dries, we apply a layer of screed over the entire surface of the pallet to hide all the brickwork behind it. It is important that the screed has minimum slope towards the drain so that water does not accumulate after using the shower stall. After drying, apply the penultimate layer of waterproofing.

Next, we make the surface of the pallet as smooth as possible. To do this, you can use a self-leveling mixture. We apply the final layer of waterproofing and cover the pallet with tiles. It can be mosaic or any other tile.

Strengthening a steel or acrylic product

These solutions, especially acrylic ones, do not have a strong enough structure. Measures to increase strength come down to installing supporting elements, which can be bricks.

It is important that the pallet presses on all supports with equal force, otherwise one of them may simply push through the bottom

In this case, all supports in places of contact with the bottom must follow its shape. For this you can also use gaskets made of paronite or rubber.

Some complete models of shower cabins have a large height of the fence and tray, for the installation of which the ceiling height may not be sufficient. In this case, you need to make a excavation of the floor in order to install the tray and connect it to the drain.

How to install a shower stall correctly:

Installing a shower tray with the right approach does not take much effort and does not require special training. If you follow the instructions, you will get a first-class installation of a monolithic pallet with the highest possible reliability.

Photo: upon request from Yandex and Google

When renovating a bathroom, we first of all replace the finishing materials of the walls, floor and ceiling, and also update the plumbing. If your room is not spacious enough to install a large bathtub in it, then you can significantly “save” space with the help of a shower. This article will talk about how to make a pallet design yourself.

Types of shower trays by materials

Pallet- this is the basis for our shower stall, which means it must be made of really durable materials. They can be classified as follows:

  • made of cast iron. These pallets are some of the strongest and most durable. Among the disadvantages are very heavy weight, long warm-up time and high price.

  • made of steel. Very light, inexpensive and quite durable. However, such pallets have very fragile enamel and low sound insulation.

  • from ceramics. These pallets are very attractive and easy to use. But they usually have no legs and are very fragile.

  • from artificial stone. You will definitely be attracted by the surface texture of such a pallet, however low thermal conductivity, high price and heavy weight may discourage purchase.

  • made of acrylic. Practical, light, beautiful, absorbs noise well. Such pallets have only one drawback: they are susceptible to damage and deformation.

  • made of wood. Suitable for a cottage or country house. Environmentally friendly material, but will last no more than three to four years.

  • made of plastic. A very budget-friendly and short-lived option that we would not recommend for an apartment or house: rather, for a summer shower.

How to make a shower tray with your own hands: step-by-step instructions

For convenience, we suggest dividing the entire process into several stages. The first, important one, is the preparation of all the materials necessary for the work. So, you will need:

  • A drain, in other words, a drainage system.
  • Several concrete blocks or bricks (optional).
  • A little sand and cement. It is also desirable to have plasticizers.
  • Ruberoid or a couple of sheets of plastic film, a little water-repellent mastic.
  • Among the finishing materials - mosaic tiles or tile (at your discretion).
  • Tile grout and good glue.

Now about the tools:

  • A small bucket in which we will mix the solution.
  • Mixer.
  • Trowel (construction trowel).
  • Laser or water level.
  • A hammer drill, a drill, several screwdrivers of different sizes.
  • Spatulas and roller.

Stage 1. Screed under the shower tray. First, the surface should be thoroughly cleaned of residues. old tiles, dust and dirt. Now we prime in two layers. As for the primer, it is better that it is moisture resistant. After the soil has dried, the shower tray is waterproofed. To do this, you need to coat it with a special mastic (be especially careful in treating the corners). Then it is laid on the floor polyethylene film(preferably a couple of layers). Once the mastic has dried, you can pour the cement screed. As for the thickness of the screed, it should be approximately five to eight centimeters.

Advice! When you lay the film, try not to exclude air gaps. If there are any, there will be no effect from waterproofing.

Stage 2. Install a shower drain and drain pipes, make a neck for water drainage. Before installing a drain ladder, you need to connect a sewer pipe to the place where the water drains (the drain is connected to it). Pay attention to the installation height: the slope must be at least three degrees. Fix it well with cement-sand mortar. This stage is very important, because if you loosely secure the drain and its structure moves during subsequent work, the pan will leak inside in the future. As a result, the entire system will have to be disassembled.

Stage 3. Line the sides of the shower tray with bricks. After the waterproofing along with the drain is installed, we can directly form the shower tray. The sides around the perimeter of the pallet are made of brick. First, the shape of the future pallet is drawn up (the shapes of pallets are shown in the photo above). The markings are done on the floor using a simple marker. According to the markings, we lay out our brick side using cement-sand mortar.

Advice! The proportion of the solution should be the same as for the screed: one to two. As for the height of the side, it should be close to the level of the grating of our ladder - plus twelve to fifteen centimeters. This will prevent water from leaking onto the bathroom floor.

Stage 4. Pouring the base for shower cabins. Again, we use cement, to which it is worth adding a little special hydro-repellent agent, for example, liquid glass. First you need to fill the layer up to the drain (horizontal). As soon as it dries, install several special beacons (plaster beacon slats). Thanks to this, you will form the correct inclined plane.

Advice! Before pouring the base, make sure that the floor is strong. After all concrete base The shower tray is quite thick and, accordingly, weighs a lot.

Stage 5. Waterproofing the pallet. It would be useful to add another layer of waterproofing. Now on the completed structure of our pallet. We coat the base with mastic, as well as the external and internal sides. It is best to apply two layers. Now we can safely call the isolation reliable.

Stage 6. Shower tray lining, decoration. After the water-repellent mastic has dried, coat the tray cement plaster. The seams of the shower tray are treated with special care. Please note that the selected plaster must have increased resistance to moisture. It is also mandatory to use plaster mesh with a small cell. This way the layer of plaster will lie more firmly.

As soon as the surface is dry, we begin to prime it with a moisture-resistant primer (several times). Once the primer has dried, you can begin working on the decor. Congratulations, your DIY shower tray is ready!

Do you know how to make a shower tray? Share with our users in the comments below the article!

If you don’t have the time or desire to make a shower tray with your own hands, then welcome to our catalog: you will find dozens of stylish and high-quality options from trusted sellers.

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Of the entire shower installation process, installing a shower tray is perhaps the most labor-intensive process. Of course, the current level of technology makes it possible to completely abandon installation work- installation of a shower box (i.e. a “box” type stall) provides the opportunity to purchase an already assembled cabin, which only needs to be connected to the water supply, electrical network and water drainage to the sewer. However, this option is not always acceptable or optimal. Installation of a shower tray may be required where you would like the stall to fit into the interior, for example, in the bathroom, or where non-standard materials should be used and the stall integrated. Ultimately, a shower stall is one of many possible combinations of a tray and shower screens, and everything else is just an extension of them. In this article detailed instructions on how to properly install a shower tray.

What types of pallets are there?

According to their design, all pallets can be divided by thickness into:

  • super flat (6-10 cm);
  • flat (10-18 cm);
  • deep (25-35 cm).

Regarding the shape of pallets, we can say that they can be very different, for example:

  • round;
  • polygonal;
  • free form.

Most of the trays are produced universally - round and quarter-circle (when you need to install a shower enclosure). The materials from which pallets are made are limited:

  • acrylic;
  • cast iron;
  • ceramics.

IMPORTANT! In each case, the shower trays are covered with an anti-slip coating

But in terms of color, the trays, as a rule, correspond to the shower panel with which they go together and can be of any color. Installation of a shower tray (in this case an overview video is provided) begins with the supply of sewer pipes and securing their outlet.

Installation of a shower tray: VIDEO

Installing a shower tray

Installing a shower tray, as can be seen from the video above, is not difficult in itself. Some difficulties may be caused by the joining of plumbing parts, floors and walls: uneven floors, old plumbing etc. This may be partly caused by the characteristics of the material from which the pallet is made, but in most cases this is due to the readiness of the site for it. Taking into account the possibility of different depths of pallets, the need to create a natural water flow, frequent unevenness of the floor and walls, it becomes clear what problems can await those who want to install a shower tray with their own hands.

If the installation height of the pallet is limited by the height of the room, then additional excavation of the floor may be required for installation of the drain.

From the point of view of the quality of pallets, we can talk for a long time about the fact that acrylic pallets are much more comfortable than ceramic or cast iron: the latter can be unpleasantly cold in the mornings; however, the hygiene and durability of all three types of pallets is equally undeniable. Therefore, the installation of a shower box with any of the specified types of pallets, from a technical point of view, is absolutely identical, although the cost of acrylic pallets is higher.

New materials and systems without pallets

The market, like technology, however, does not stand still and not so long ago it was offered to the consumer new material- quaril - mixture quartz sand and liquid acrylic.

IMPORTANT! With a slightly lower thermal conductivity, this material is many times stronger than acrylic and is practically impossible to scratch; but that is precisely why it is more difficult to restore it.

Also, unlike acrylic, which is rolled from sheets, quarryl is nothing more than casting. This property of quaril is widely used for decorative purposes, not only in the shower room, but also where a concealed hygienic shower or something like that is usually installed.

For special aesthetes and, as a rule, pallets can be made from marble or sandstone to order. In addition to aesthetic satisfaction, a person who prefers stalls with such trays or concealed shower systems enjoys their ability to retain heat and absorb sound.

A distinctive feature of all trays of this type without exception is the presence of adjustable legs, which greatly simplifies their use: installation of a hygienic shower or shower stand does not require additional leveling work.

Shower drain and channel: everything could be even simpler

An alternative to a tray is to install a shower drain. In this embodiment, the presence of a tray becomes superfluous, since the drainage and drainage of water occurs in principle new technology. Moreover, modern options combining shower channel or drain ladder may turn out to be the most successful solutions in specific conditions - ladders can be of any shape.

Thus, the presence of an ordinary shower head and drain can literally create a place out of the blue to take a shower, both in the existing bathroom and in places where the shower system was installed for the first time.

Separate metal or steel drain designs that are complements to an overhead shower, such as I-DRAIN, can be an indispensable solution in places where installation of trays is not possible - they take up only 54 mm of floor depth.

Since these are ready-made units, their installation instructions are quite simple and not very expensive, that is, their installation even looks much simpler than installing pallets.

$ Cost of work and price of pallets

Here it would be appropriate to remember how much pallets cost and mentally add the cost of installing them, and then return to alternatives with channels and drains. So, prices for shower trays of popular brands (RAVAK, CERSANIT, KOLO, APPOLLO, TIMO) for comparison:

  • in Kyiv are from 1000 hryvnia,
  • in Moscow - from 9,000 rubles.


Far from obvious advantages of pallets are the ability to replace them, a more comfortable appearance and higher hygiene. And although there is a whole series models of pallets with a corrugated surface, however, cleaning and maintaining the area of ​​the pallet is more profitable than, for example, the entire surface of the floor near a hygienic shower.

On top of that, pallets are created with special surfaces, preventing slips, falls and, as a result, possible injuries.

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