Lesson topic: “Indoor plants in the interior of a room. Lesson on technology "indoor plants in the interior of a room" Names of techniques for placing indoor plants

Do you love potted plants? To your indoor flowers served as an interior decoration, pleased you with their appearance and did not create troubles, we suggest that you follow some rules for choosing and placing plants in the house.

Most people, when choosing indoor plants, focus on their size, decorativeness and cost. And only after the purchase, having delivered them home, do they ask what the conditions of maintenance and care should be. If it is not possible to create such conditions or the plant turns out to be very capricious, the owners become upset as they watch it die.

In addition, when choosing a green pet, you need to think in advance where in your apartment it will be more comfortable, and where it should not be placed so as not to cause discomfort to you. Do not forget that a beautiful and harmless-looking plant can cause harm to your health, or, even worse, turn out to be poisonous.

1. Choosing a plant when purchasing

Choosing the right plant when purchasing is one of the most important points that any gardener should know. First of all, we advise you not to spontaneously buy a copy you like without asking the seller about the details of caring for it. It follows from this that it is better to purchase a plant in a specialized store, and not in the nearest supermarket, since the plant on the display must be looked after by competent specialists, who are more difficult to meet in a regular store.

Be careful when buying a large expensive plant, take something that is smaller and cheaper. Be patient: with good care it will grow, but in case of failure you will suffer less financially. Yes and with what younger plant, the easier it is for him to get used to the new place. Carefully inspect the leaves and flowers before purchasing and refuse to purchase if you notice strange plaque, cobwebs, sticky sap or small insects on them.

2. Choice of unpretentiousness

Sometimes you may get the impression that the fewer plants there are in the house, the easier the life of the gardener. This is partly true, but it is more correct to approach this issue from the other side: than more unpretentious plants, the easier it is to care for them.

If you want to green your home, but you are not sure that you are well versed in the issues of floriculture, then it is better to purchase such specimens as abutilon, asparagus, calamus, sedge, bocarnea, cleira, fatsia, ginura, heliotrope, pelargonium, cacti. They are easy to grow and relatively low maintenance. The champion in endurance is chlorophytum. Beginning flower growers should not mess with such capricious plants as aeschynanthus, alamanda, astilbe, camellia, columna, dizygotheca, and predator plants.

3. Placement depending on room illumination

For better growth and well-being indoor flowers You should arrange them in your home so that each receives the amount of light it needs. Most representatives of the flora are light-loving, but shade-loving plants light is also necessary, otherwise they will feel uncomfortable. The more light a plant requires, the closer to the south side of your apartment it should be located.

Light-loving plants, for example, include gasteria, spurge, most cacti, rose, aloe, valotta, and hippeastrum. Among the larger plants, ficus, hibiscus, eucalyptus, and avocado love light. Less demanding are balsam, Saintpaulia, Kalanchoe, begonias, callisia, azalea, and cyclamen. Araucaria, philodendron, anthurium, fatsia, sansevieria, alocasia, noble laurel, ivy and various ferns grow in shaded areas.

Many plants will develop better on outdoors, because window glass blocks the necessary ultraviolet rays, so if possible, take them out onto the balcony. However, do not forget that it is better to shade many plants from direct sunlight to avoid burns. By the way, dusty windows “steal” sunlight, so try to keep them clean. Natural light can be supplemented with artificial light, but it is better to use fluorescent lamps, since ordinary electric light bulbs emit a lot of heat. If you do use electric ones, make sure that the light source is not very close to the flowers.

4. Placement depending on room temperature

It is also of great importance temperature regime. Most tropical plants require a lot of heat, subtropical plants require less. And there are those who feel better in cool rooms. For example, agave, amaryllis, villaresia, dracaena, tradescantia, ferns are plants for warm rooms. But araucaria, geranium, hydrangea, laurel, Chinese rose, fuchsia, cyclamen - for cool ones.

Some plants in winter time required low temperature(about 10-12 C) - for example, cacti and other succulents, ivies, azaleas, bulbous plants. Place them in the coolest place in your apartment with good air circulation.

Do not keep your pets very close to radiators in the cold season central heating, otherwise their roots will dry out, which can cause the leaves to curl and fall off. For the same reason, when placing plants in the kitchen, place them away from the hot stove.

5. Placement depending on room humidity

As a rule, in our apartments the humidity in all rooms is the same; it can only be increased in the kitchen and bathroom. If we talk about the latter, flowers there are very rare, especially since the lighting in this place is rarely natural, and not all representatives of the flora will like this. Therefore, it is better to place moisture-loving plants in the kitchen, although the most capricious ones may still require additional moisture.

You can satisfy the needs of such plants in different ways: use a humidifier, plant the plant in a double pot with wet peat between the walls, place the pot on a tray with pebbles and pour a little water on the stones, or regularly spray it with a spray bottle.

By the way, a very successful and at the same time decorative solution would be to install a small fountain in the room - both you will be happy and the flowers will benefit. Many ornamental leafy plants and most ornamental flowering plants require moisture. Codium, begonia, dieffenbachia, cyperus, hypoestes, anthurium, alocasia, and fittonia love moisture. But dry air is well tolerated by billbergia, geranium, grevillea, oleander, palm trees, chlorophytum, cacti and other succulents. Choose these if you don't want to worry about extra moisture.

6. Match the size of the plant and the room

The size of the green pet must match its surroundings. This means that large plants are best placed in a spacious room where there is more light and better air circulation. This will make the plant itself more comfortable, and it will complement the interior more effectively than many smaller counterparts.

Large specimens are best placed in the living room, hall or spacious bedroom. We just don’t recommend placing them in excessively large quantities, since it is believed that the substances and moisture released by the leaves will be poorly dispersed, which can cause insomnia and headaches for the owners. Small pots with short plants, on the contrary, will look more appropriate on narrow window sills and in small spaces- for example, in the kitchen or in the children's room.

7. Choosing a location and dimensions of a pot with a plant

Before purchasing a plant, especially if it is large in size and planted in a large wide pot, take measurements of the place where you are going to put it. For example, if you decide to place a tall specimen on a windowsill, check whether the plant will fit the height of the window and whether it will stand steadily, because the window sill may be narrower than the base of the pot.

If you are planning to buy for placement on a window or balcony flower box, check if it matches the length of the place where you plan to put it. Or, let’s say, you notice a beautiful hanging plant for hanging from the ceiling or wall. Be careful that it does not bother you, especially if it grows over time.

And most importantly, be careful when placing large or hanging plants in a child's room. After all, a child can show curiosity and turn the pot on itself, which can sometimes lead to serious injuries!

8. When to place a plant alone, and when to place it in a group

Depending on the appearance of the plant, it can be placed alone or in a group with others. For example, if it is beautiful and eye-catching, it will look good standing alone. But if the plants are small and inconspicuous, they will look better in a group, thus creating a large patch of greenery.

Of the single indoor specimens that can look beautiful in the interior, we can note: araucaria, grevillea, dracaena, yucca, ficus, philodendron, sheflera, fatsia - they have large sizes and very attractive; monstera, passionflower, philodendron, cissus, hoya - beautiful vines; begonia, caladium, codeum, nidularium - plants with colorful decorative leaves; poinsettia, rhododendron, cyclamen, begonia, gloxinia, hydrangea - plants with beautiful flowers; chlorophytum, zygocactus, columnea - hanging plants.

As for those plants that, due to their small size and small leaves, look better in composition with others, we can cite the example of adiantum, helxina, and tradescantia. When composing your composition, take into account the general requirements for lighting, humidity and temperature.

9. Health Benefits of Plants

Scientists have proven that indoor plants improve the atmosphere in the apartment and have positive physiological and psycho-emotional effects. In addition, the leaves attract toxins, gases, dust, and also have a phytoncidal effect.

Such plants include Kalanchoe, citrus fruits, laurel, aloe, chlorophytum, hibiscus, myrtle, ficus, rosemary, and figs. Lemon, laurel and ficus also have an antifungal effect, this is especially true for rooms where there is dampness. It is impossible not to mention that the aromas of flowers have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. For example, fragrant pelargonium relieves symptoms of depression, the smell of citrus fruits lifts your spirits, and mint calms you down.

10. Harm to health of plants

No matter what we say about the benefits of green pets, there are some specimens that, for one reason or another, should not be kept in your home. First of all, we are talking about poisonous plants. In Dieffenbachia, for example, poisonous juice, and in alocasia and milkweed it is toxic. Nightshade fruits are poisonous, while pepper fruits are hot. All parts of the oleander are poisonous.

Before purchasing any plant, consult a reference book or ask the seller whether it is poisonous and how it can be dangerous for the owner. Refuse to buy if you have children in your house, and if you buy, do not forget that it is better to wear gloves when doing any work with such flowers, and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards.

There is another problem that even fairly harmless plants can cause - allergies. If someone in your house suffers from this disease or sudden symptoms appear after purchasing a new flower, then it is not suitable for you. If there are allergy sufferers in the house, treat pelargonium, ferns, crinum, oleander, and alamanda with caution.

Some flowers can worsen the condition of people suffering from lung diseases. And the last piece of advice: to make it easier for plants to acclimatize indoors, try to purchase them in the spring. But first, take a look at our encyclopedia of floriculture to find out how to properly care for it.

Flowers are one of the elements of apartment decoration that are subject to the laws of arrangement. The perception of their charm and beauty will be more vivid if they are in harmony with the interior of the room. There are four main methods for placing indoor plants: single plants, a composition of potted plants, an indoor garden, and a terrarium.

Single plants (Fig. 119) can be evergreen or flowering. The plant is placed separately on the floor, windowsill or on a special stand in a pot or decorative flowerpot so that it attracts attention. Freestanding plants can be miniature, like cyclamen, begonia, or large, like ficus or palm tree. Various types of vines, growing, form a green corner. Single plants with a variety of variegated leaves are most impressive against the background of a plain wall.

Rice. 119. Single plant

For a composition of potted plants (Fig. 120), flower pots are placed close to each other to form a large green spot. Plants can be placed on the floor, shelves, or stands. Usually placed in the background tall plant With large leaves, and around it - lower ones. To create particularly expressive compositions, use various stands and decorative flowerpots. Vertical flower arrangements Convenient in small rooms. Plants are placed on different levels vertical stand.

Rice. 120. Composition of potted plants

A container with plants planted in the ground or in separate pots and covered with moss and pebbles forms an indoor garden (Fig. 121). It can be miniature and placed on a table, window, or form a large composition occupying a corner of a room or part of a room (winter garden). One of the options for an indoor garden is hanging gardens. They are made from baskets suspended from the ceiling or wall brackets on rope, decorative chains, etc.

Rice. 121. Indoor kindergarten

A terrarium is an excellent decorative element of any interior (Fig. 122). This is a flower arrangement created inside a plastic or glass vessel, for example an aquarium with a removable lid.

Rice. 122. Terrarium

When placing plants, one should take into account their decorative and artistic value and originality.

The best way to place a climbing plant in a room is to plant it in a container (or planter) suspended from the ceiling or on a bracket against the wall. Then nothing will interfere with the cascading stems. In this case, the plant can visually increase the height of the composition and enliven a boring wall.

A large single plant is placed on the floor. For such a location, choose plants with an attractive crown shape, tall flowering plants or tall vines with large leaves (monstera). Tall narrow plants visually raise the ceilings, low, prostrate plants lower them.

On the windowsill, from the point of view of external effect, a single plant will look better - low and bushy if placed in the middle of the window, or tall and narrow if it is positioned asymmetrically.

Houseplants with long, arching stems look good when placed on a special tall stand or placed in a hanging basket.

By the windows, flowers can be placed on different types of tables, slides, and jardinieres.

Flowering plants (to enliven a smooth, light wall) and vines (to decorate windows and paintings) are usually placed on the walls.

A certain arrangement of plants not only visually changes the space of the room, but also allows you to divide the room into separate zones and organize a relaxation area in the form of a small winter garden. Light openwork wooden or metal racks, trellises, glass shelves etc.

New concepts

Single plant, composition of potted plants, indoor garden, terrarium.

Security questions

1. What techniques for placing indoor plants do you know? 2. What are the ways to place flowers in the living room? What plants are used for this? 3. What are the options for arranging indoor plants?


educational : introduce students to the laws of arranging indoor plants, to the profession of florist-decorator and landscape architect
developing : improve artistic taste educational : attract children's attention to the aesthetic design of the interior of the room

Methods of conducting the lesson: conversation, story, demonstration, practical work.

7th grade

Lesson type - lesson of learning new material.

Material and technical equipment: computer with multimedia system, CD player, textbook, notebook, task cards


I. Organizational part– 3 min.

1. Attendance control.

2. Checking readiness for class.

3.Communication of the topic and objectives of the lesson. (Slide No. 1)

II. Frontal survey– 10 min.

  • What role do plants play in people's lives?

  • What are the names of the special rooms in which indoor plants are grown? How are they different?

  • What containers are indoor plants planted in?

  • What soil composition is used for planting?

  • How are plants transplanted?

  • Name the main conditions necessary for plants.
III. Presentation of new material– 20 min.

Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with the laws of arranging indoor plants and placing them in various rooms, and also learn about the professions of florist-decorator and landscape architect.

Flowers are one of the elements of apartment decoration. Their charm and beauty are perceived in conjunction with the entire interior and are selected according to the laws of arrangement.
Apartments and offices become much more attractive when their owners arrange small green or flowering islands on shelves, tables, floors, and potted plants are a grateful material for such creativity.

Rules necessary for composing compositions (slide No. 2)

1.Plants should be arranged picturesquely compact groups and should not be randomly scattered around the room.

2. Only those plants that grow naturally in the same climate zone will look organic in the composition.

3. The flower arrangement should match the size of the room where it is located. The larger the room, the correspondingly large group plants can be represented in it.

(slide number 3)

Indoor plants should be in harmony with the interior, so when creating it you need to take into account not only the size of the room, but also the color of the walls and the style of the home.
So, against the background of dark walls and wallpaper with a catchy pattern, flora with an openwork silhouette, variegated and golden forms look good. In a bright room, plants with dark, dense foliage can form the basis.
To straight and elegant curved shapes furniture made of steel, glass, marble and varnished wood Either plants with clear and distinct forms are suitable, or for a sharp contrast, plants whose appearance attracts lightness and ease.
Orchids match the style of wicker furniture, wax ivy, jasmine, etc. You can add a Japanese touch to the interior by decorating it with bamboo and bonsai plants. English and french styles furniture, are in harmony with bushy and lushly flowering plants.
For modern interiors Plants with an extravagant or exotic appearance are more suitable. It is believed that the more elegant the decor, the simpler the plants should be. And vice versa.

(slide number 4)

When decorating the interior with plants, you should also pay attention to the angle of light. When flowers stand against a sunlit wall, their shadows form an interesting and strange pattern. And if they stand against the light, on the windowsill, then the general contours stand out especially.
A good effect is achieved if the tones of curtains, wallpaper, and furniture upholstery are repeated in flowers.

If the interior is based on the contrast of black and white, then the rich colors of the plants will add freshness to the overall picture.

Exists four basic techniques for placing indoor plants:

Find in the textbook p. 233 4 basic techniques for placing indoor plants and write them down in your notebook.

1.Single plants (slide number 5)

A freestanding plant can be evergreen or flowering. Each plant can be presented in the interior as a tapeworm, that is, free-standing. Solitaires must be immaculately formed, placed in a decorative container and placed so that they can be seen from all sides: large plants - on the floor or on low stands, since they are designed to be seen from afar, medium and small ones - on high stands, since they will seen at close range, shoots of creeping and climbing plants should also reach human eye level.

2. Compositions from potted plants

(slide number 6)

A pot group is a collection of potted plants placed close together to create a splash of green effect. With this arrangement, it is clear that the plants are sitting in about separate pots. They can be placed on the floor, shelves, stands.

In internal structure The flower group has strict compositional laws, and you also need to know them in order to give the garden a certain image. Inside the group there must be large plants (from 170 cm) with a dense crown and powerful branches. They form the skeleton of the future composition. Of the large plants, the tallest one is selected, the so-called axial one. He has to become the center of the group, everyone else is placed around him in a tiered order. To create a harmonious picture, medium-sized plants are also needed. This must necessarily include beautifully flowering or decorative deciduous plants, which will serve as the focus of the group. Smaller plants play a subordinate role and serve as fillers for the composition. This includes ampelous types - curly and hanging, which can be hung freely in flowerpots or fixed on supports. They fill very well top level winter garden, can wrap around walls, columns, giving depth and volume to the space.
The completion of the composition will be given by small ground covers that cover the soil in containers and create a green background.
Only when all of the listed elements are included in a flower arrangement will it acquire the layering characteristic of natural plant communities. In addition, the stepped arrangement of plants makes it possible to present them with best side, masking bare stems or damaged leaves.
Fantasizing with auxiliary elements, do not try to saturate the composition as much as possible different types plants. Designers usually use no more than 5–7, and novice gardeners, in order not to fall into bad taste, are advised to generally make do with only three. And this turns out to be quite enough, given that they will differ from each other in size, shape of the leaf blade, color and flowering time. A beautiful and completely completed composition can be obtained even from one species.

3. Indoor garden

(slide number 7)

A container filled with several plants is called an indoor garden. Pots with this method of placement are not visible: they can be hidden from view inside the container, or the plants can be planted directly in the container, without pots.
Most plants grow best in indoor garden than in individual pots for several reasons.
Among the most important are higher humidity, protection of roots from sudden temperature fluctuations, and water under each pot. There are also dangers. Crowding means poor ventilation, increasing the risk of disease or pest infestation.

4. Terrarium

(slide number 8)

This is a vessel made of glass or transparent plastic, inside of which plants are planted. The opening of such a vessel is narrowed or closed transparent material, so that access to outside air is limited or completely blocked. As a result, plants do not suffer from drafts, and the air inside is The container is always more humid than the room.

A terrarium can be arranged in a round or square aquarium, a large bottle, a glass salad bowl, even between the panes of a window specially converted for this purpose. Green shop windows can be seen in many homes in Germany, Scandinavia, Holland, and the USA.

Interior landscaping requires a creative approach, understanding the participation of plant decorations in the overall ensemble.

In the hallway, say, where there is no direct light, bunches of dried flowers and intricately curved branches are suitable. In the kitchen, where humidity and temperature are often too high, it is not always possible to grow the desired specimens. Well, then you have to put up with keeping them on the outside windowsill. In the bedroom, nursery, work room, you can afford to freely choose what you like most. According to generally accepted concepts, flowers are especially desirable in the living room, a “representative” room. In dimly lit halls, in corridor niches and in rooms of psychological relief, it is rational to create mini-compositions - place here rare miniature cacti or moisture-loving tropical plants, organized into a composition “a corner of the rainforest” or a collection of spectacularly blooming violets.

The architectural layout of old standard buildings has a general deficiency usable area, which forces one to give preference vertical gardening with partial use horizontal plane. Gorgeous floral arrangements can be created in a wall niche or ledge, near main wall or columns, they are placed on decorative grilles, jardinieres (artistically decorated flower tables), glazed partitions and screens. “Floral chandeliers” suspended from the ceiling are very beautiful - flowerpots with plants mounted on metal racks– holders, chains.

Decorative landscaping will give the desired result when three things are combined:

Skillful selection of plant species,

Favorable location

Sufficient culture of care.

Creating green interiors is a special area of ​​architecture that requires versatile knowledge and great artistic taste. Therefore, an architect, an artist-designer and a gardener work together to create the most complex modern projects. Only they can take into account the specifics associated with the functional purpose, layout, operating conditions and microclimate of a residential or industrial premises.

– And now we will get acquainted with professions related to growing plants (florist - decorator, landscape architect.)

- (student messages) 5-7 min

-Dynamic pause
- standing, look straight ahead for 2 - 3 seconds, and then place your finger 25 - 30 cm from the eye, turn your gaze to the tip of your finger and look straight at it for 3 - 5 seconds. Lower your hand. Repeat 10 times (relieves eye fatigue, facilitates visual work at close range);
- while sitting, close your eyelids and gently massage them with circular movements of your fingers for a minute (promotes muscle relaxation, improves blood circulation).

IV. Practical work of students– 35 min.

-Introductory training on labor protection.

Let's review the basic rules correct landing during the lesson:

The legs should rest firmly on the floor so that blood circulation is not disrupted.

Tilt your head forward a little.

When working, do not place your elbows on the table.

During work, you should change the position of the body (from slightly bent to straightened and vice versa)

Thank you, and now let’s start practical work with light music.

For practical work 2 physical education sessions are held.

  • 1st - eye exercise (done by teacher)

  • 2nd - warm-up (carried out by the person on duty)
Work on task cards "Greening the premises."

Sketch of the location of indoor plants in the interior and I.

  • Option 1– children's room;

  • Option 2- bedroom;

  • Option 3- living room;
For children who successfully completed the task, additionally: staircase, hallway.

V. Summing up– 3 min.

Demonstration best works students.

-What are indoor plants for?

-What methods of propagating indoor plants do you know?

-What are the ways to place flowers in the living room?

Grading , their reasoning.

VI. Homework – 2 min.

Textbook pp. 230-236, complete the creative project “Plants in the kitchen interior”

"Medicinal plants" - Medicinal plants ARTEMORUM Wormwood - Chernobyl Wormwood paniculata Wormwood Sievers Currently, scientists are showing increased interest in representatives of the genus Artemisia L... A very widespread steppe plant... Wormwood paniculata is an annual or biennial plant, distinguished by pinnately dissected leaves into narrow linear-lanceolate or thread-like segments...

“Indicator plants” - Sleep grass indicates the content of nickel and cobalt in the soil. Ivan-tea Blueberry. Astragalus. A small orchid - Lady's slipper, grows only in soils rich in calcium. Plants-indicators of minerals. Jarutka is found on soils containing zinc and cadmium. The value of indicator plants.

“Higher plants” - Part 2, - M.: Higher School, 1976. Lab. workshop (For biological faculty of the university). – K.: Phytosociocenter, 2001. - 456 p. Horsetails and ferns, vol. 3. - M.: Education, 1989. Evolution life cycle higher plants. Everything has grown. – K.: Phytosociocenter. – 2001.- 432 p. Systematic review of higher plants.

“Edible mushrooms” - Unlike plants, mushrooms do not have chlorophyll and feed heterotrophically. Edible mushrooms. On the right is a mushroom root. Cap mushrooms. Edible. Saprotrophic fungi play important role in the cycle of substances in nature. In terms of thiamine (vitamin B1) content, many mushrooms are not inferior to grain products. The structure of a cap mushroom.

“Poisonous plants” - The entire plant is poisonous and is used in medicine. Shepherd's purse is a good food for rabbits. The flower dyes the threads in yellow. Sorrel is sour. Grows along marshy banks of rivers, lakes, ponds, and swamps. Extracted from tansy essential oil. Chamomile is fragrant. Buttercup is caustic. Blooms with yellow shiny flowers.

"Plants of the steppe" - Plants similar type received the name "tumbleweed". The flowers do not have long thread-like awns. Feather grass grows in a unique way - in the form of a large, very dense bush. Towards the base of the leaf, the lobules become smaller and smaller. In the southern steppe, feather grass and other turf grasses do not completely cover the soil. Consequently, the northern steppes are similar to meadows not only in their appearance.

There are 16 presentations in total

A single indoor plant in the interior should be chosen especially carefully, since it is essentially a decorative item that competes with other elements of the interior. Choose a houseplant based on the presence of one or more of the following qualities:

Large size;.
- Unusual shape;
- Interesting color of leaves;
- The presence of very decorative flowers.

There are special requirements for the appearance of a pot or flowerpot. Large solitaire plants are often used to separate one part of the room from another (for example, in the “Living Room” from the “Dining Room”) or to fill the void formed in the room.
As a tapeworm, you can use ficus, palm trees, false palms, vines (philodendron, grapes, thunbergia, hoya, monstera), ampelous plants (zygocactus, columna, chlorophytum), variegated plants (begonia, caladium, codiaum, cordyline), and also some ornamental flowering plants (hydrangea, pelargonium, cyclamen.

A pot group is a collection of plants planted in separate pots, but located close to each other. However, it is by no means a spontaneous accumulation flower pots. The pot group is based on the basic principles of grouping, allowing you to create a harmonious composition.
Compared to single placement, a pot group has a whole series advantages:
- Interesting appearance(a kind of green oasis among the desert of frozen furniture);.
- Easier plant care "(mainly in relation to watering);
- Create an environment with high air humidity, allowing the growth of delicate tropical plants.
To create a standard one-sided pot group, select 4-12 flower pots with plants that have similar requirements for living conditions (light, temperature and humidity, watering. The bulk of the group is formed by decorative leaf plants, which are grouped in such a way as to obtain a certain decorative effect. On foreground or among an array of green foliage, place 1-2 pots with decorative flowering plants. The tallest specimens with darker or larger leaves are usually placed in the background. In the absence of such, it is recommended to place background plants on stands that increase their height. In potted groups you can also use ampelous plants, which are usually placed in the middle part of the group and allow flexible hanging stems to beautifully frame your own and nearby pots. A group composition does not have to be horizontal. In some cases, a vertical arrangement of plants, which is possible thanks to special stands, is more appropriate. To create a vertical group, be sure to use at least one hanging plant or vine. Vertical compositions are usually used to decorate the corners of a room or to divide a room into two parts.
A group composition can be successfully used in the design of a window sill.
In an indoor garden, plants can be planted in one common container, either directly or in flower pots placed in a container filled with soil mixture. As a rule, plants feel more comfortable in an indoor garden than in potted groups. But on the other hand, this composition also has its disadvantages, which include:
- Closeness;.
- Poor ventilation;
- Danger of disease or pest damage to a large number of plants at the same time.

The position of plants in an indoor garden can be improved by timely thinning so that the plants do not interfere with each other’s growth. To avoid the appearance of pests and diseases, the garden must be inspected regularly. Rotten shoots and flowers are promptly removed.
All indoor garden plants should be varied in height, shape and leaf color. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the correspondence of the size of the plants to the dimensions of the container. Total height composition is determined by the height of the largest plant. In this case, too tall specimens should be avoided. The bulk of the garden consists of decorative leaf plants, against which beautiful flower specimens are planted. In this case, it is necessary to place a pot with a shade-tolerant plant in the center of the container, since it will receive less light than the plants planted along the edges. To soften the angular contours of the container, it is recommended to plant a hanging plant or vine (ivy, tradescantia, dwarf ficus, zebrina) in the garden.

Any waterproof container of sufficient size can be used as a container for an indoor garden. This could be an ordinary plastic box, a flower bowl of a special configuration, a copper basin, a small bowl (for a garden of succulents or cacti), wooden box etc. Internal surfaces Before use, a wooden container must be treated with a waterproof compound (but in no case with creosote.

It is better to plant plants in separate pots in a container. This will make it easier to care for the garden as a whole and will allow you to quickly remove any plant if necessary (for example, when transplanting into a larger pot, when removing a faded annual, or in case of pest damage. Pots are placed on top of a drainage layer of sand, pebbles or fine gravel. Spacing between the pots is filled with peat so that it reaches the very top of the pots. The peat must be constantly kept moist, but not flooded.

An interesting solution is a hanging garden, which is created using a hanging basket of sufficient size. In this case, potted plants are planted in a waterproof container, which is then placed in a basket. To make it easier to maintain a hanging garden, the hanging basket is placed at eye level, and not right at the ceiling. It should be noted that plants in a hanging garden feel better than their counterparts on the windowsill, since the air at a height of several meters from the floor is warmer (unless the basket is fixed in a place of increased air circulation.

Another type of indoor garden is the so-called “Blooming Pot”. This is a small container with decoration - foliage plants, in the midst of which cut flowers are inserted. Making a flower pot couldn't be easier. In the peat between flower pots Place a glass or metal test tube filled with water. Cut flowers are placed in it and replaced as they fade.

A special type of indoor garden is a landscape composition, which is a real landscape in miniature. Here you can find not only tiny plants (including bonsai), but also paths, ponds, buildings and even figures of people and animals. Naturally, the creation landscape composition and caring for it requires special knowledge, skills and abilities from the gardener.
A terrarium is a glass or transparent plastic vessel in which indoor plants are planted. Air access to the terrarium is limited or completely blocked, resulting in a humid climate favorable for growing delicate and fastidious plants that can hardly tolerate harsh conditions. room conditions. As a vessel for the terrarium, you can use a wide bottle, an aquarium, or other suitable transparent container.

To create a bottle terrarium you will need a clean and dry, spacious bottle with a narrow neck and about 6 indoor plants. small size, among which there should be one tree-like and one creeping. Flowering plants, succulents, cacti and fast-growing species are strictly contraindicated for growing in a bottle. Recommended are calamus, royal begonia, dracaena sandera, calathea, cryptanthus, arrowroot, ferns, peperomia, pilea, common ivy, selyaginella, dwarf ficus and fittonia. You should choose compact plants with small leaves.

The process of creating a bottle terrarium consists of the following steps:

1. Check that the bottle is clean and dry inside.
2. Carefully, using rolled paper, pour drainage material (from small pebbles) into the bottle in a layer 5 cm thick.
3. Place a thin layer on top of the drainage charcoal and then thick layer soils with high sand content. Compact the soil.
4. Using a simple device made from a teaspoon and a fork tied to long sticks, make holes in the soil and plant plants in them. Use a tampon to compact the soil around the base of each plant.
5. Water the garden using a watering can with a long spout. Subsequently, to water the bottle garden, use a small amount of water, enough to wash the inside of the glass and moisten the soil.
6. Insert the plug. Only if the glass fogs up from the inside, remove the stopper for a while until the condensation disappears, then insert the stopper into the neck of the bottle.

Unlike a bottle terrarium, many plants can be planted in an aquarium terrarium. Yes, and it’s easier to do this, although the sequence of creating an aquarium terrarium is the same as for a bottle terrarium. As planting material Cacti, succulents and rapidly growing plants are not recommended. Flowering plants are not prohibited. Uzumbara violets and small orchids look especially impressive in an aquarium. You can put stones between the plants natural look. The top of the terrarium must be covered with glass with tightly fitted edges. When condensation appears, raise the glass for a while. Place the aquarium in a well-lit place, protected from direct sunlight.

A kind of green showcase with light-loving plants Can be arranged on a double glass window. In this case with inside windows are installed with an additional frame with a solid glass door. As a result, between the outer glass and internal door a terrarium is formed with a width equal to the width of the window sill, in which a tray with indoor plants is installed, wall pots are strengthened and hanging baskets are hung. To maintain optimal conditions To keep plants in a terrarium, it is necessary to provide a fan, fluorescent lamps, a water pump, a heater and shading. Usually green storefronts are made at the same time as the construction of the house.

The most irresponsible step is the impulsive purchase of a houseplant and subsequent thoughtless placement (for example, on a windowsill or on the only free table. Growing houseplants is not child's play, but a highly responsible and not simple task that needs to be thought through to the smallest detail.

Before purchasing a plant, you need to think about its placement in the room. Perhaps a careful analysis of the wallpaper pattern or the color of the furniture will make you refuse to buy a certain type of plant. In this case, it is better to prepare several options for the most suitable plants and already in the flower shop choose the one that is most acceptable in terms of price or some other parameters.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the dominant color scheme of the room, namely the color of the wallpaper and furniture.
The combination of a plant and wallpaper poses a special problem. For most plants, the ideal background is plain wall light pastel color. At the same time, variegated plants and plants with light flowers look better against a darker background. For most plants with variegated leaves or multi-colored flowers, not only the tone, but also the background color is of great importance. So, red flowers and leaves can be emphasized with a green background. Scarlet flowers and plants with dark red foliage look beautiful on a white windowsill. Plants with orange flowers will look most impressive against a blue background, or next to plants with blue or light blue foliage.

It is recommended to place plants with large leaves against the background of patterned wallpaper, since small-leaved specimens will simply blend into the background. In this case, the outline of the plant should not repeat the wallpaper pattern. Sansevieria with long narrow leaves is unlikely to look beautiful against the background of wallpaper with vertical stripes, where a spreading plant is more appropriate.

The coloring of furniture is of great importance for the harmonious arrangement of ornamental plants. So, against the background of light furniture, ivies, forget-me-nots, bells with blue flowers and tradescantia with large bright leaves look good. Dark brown furniture will serve as an ideal backdrop for light green plants, plants with white flowers, and plants with variegated leaves.

An indoor plant can be placed literally anywhere in the room: on the floor, on the wall, on the windowsill, on furniture, and even hung from the ceiling. But at the same time, one should not neglect such parameters as the shape of the plant and its need for light, heat and moisture.

As a rule, large single plants are placed on the floor in beautiful flowerpot. This choice can be explained very simply: you cannot place a large plant on a table, much less on a windowsill. At the same time, a tall plant with an erect stem will visually increase the height of the ceilings, and a large plant with a spreading shape will “make” it smaller.

You can screw a hanging basket with a single hanging plant or a hanging garden to the ceiling. At the same time, the hanging plant will visually reduce the height of the ceiling. Hanging baskets are not recommended to be hung in busy areas where they will simply interfere with the passage (the same applies to floor plants. The hanging plant should be in good condition and have high decorative qualities. The vessel located in the basket must be waterproof at least in the lower part. Caring for plants suspended from the ceiling is associated with certain inconveniences. For watering, it is better to use a watering can with a long spout.

Additional artificial lighting can be not only a necessary condition for keeping a houseplant in the autumn-winter period, but also a decorative technique that emphasizes the natural beauty of the plant and creates a certain atmosphere.

Different positions of the light source in relation to the plant lead to different visual effects:
- The light from a lamp or several lamps located above a plant or group composition is called directional. It serves to, on the one hand, create the impression of the integrity of the composition, and on the other hand, to emphasize its individual elements.
- Light from a lamp or several lamps installed at floor level from below the plant is called illumination. This placement of the light source will emphasize individual parts and will create shadow on the wall behind the plant.
- Light from a lamp located at floor level behind the plant is called backlight. It focuses attention on the silhouette of the plant and creates a mystical and mysterious atmosphere. Typically used for lighting large solitary plants.

For decorative lighting indoor plants it is better to use lamps with point source lights or spotlights. Optimal distance from lamp to plant can be determined experimentally. To do this, you need to install the lamp at some distance from the plant and turn it on, then bring your palm to the leaf closest to the light source. So, if you feel warm, the lamp is too close to the plant.

More information material about children's furniture

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