What kind of cage does a ferret need? Cages for ferrets: features, selection and creation What you can do for a ferret with your own hands

Reading time: 10 min

Ferrets are quite playful and affectionate animals that can cheer up absolutely every family member. In the wild, they obtain food by burrow hunting, which is why their burrows have many tunnels. The owner should seriously think about not only a nutritious diet, but Also and about your pet’s home.

A home made for a ferret with your own hands will probably please him much more than a store-bought one.

Types of houses for ferrets

There are a wide variety of ferret houses available, both online and in pet stores. But their cost often exceeds e t our expectations, but we still need to fill the home with everything we need th for greater pet comfort. It is also quite possible that the new family member will be dissatisfied with our choice. And then the most reliable option remains to make a house with your own hands from scrap materials:

  • unnecessary soft fabric;
  • cardboard boxes;
  • wicker baskets;
  • old bags, backpacks, suitcases;
  • wooden boxes.

Also, you can not only build a house for your pet, but also sew it. Fabric houses can be of different shapes, but as a rule they are square. To make such a home you will need two fabrics for the outer and inside, Also- filler and wire that will serve as a frame.

The most simple house A cardboard box will serve. This option is short-lived, and most importantly, it is not suitable for long-term living, but it is quite suitable for a temporary place of residence. Moreover, such a house does not require a lot of time and special skills.

IMPORTANT!Before giving old things a second life, you need to rinse them thoroughly and wash them, if necessary. Ex in upo tr When fucking, things should be well-groomed, then the pet will feel cozy and comfortable.

What should a house be like for a domestic ferret?

Domestic ferrets do not do well in empty, single-level cages where there is no room for fun. The cages are cramped, uncomfortable, dark and boring. Any pet simply needs a place for personal space where he can always find privacy. But constantly letting your ferret roam freely around the apartment may not be the best option.

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A pet can get hurt, burn, hide in fear under a bed or chest of drawers, collect dirt and dust from dark corners with its fur, and chew furniture, shoes, and wires. And catching such a nimble animal is not so easy. Therefore, from childhood it is worth accustoming him to his own house, where he will be much more comfortable and where he can move freely, dig, chew and play as much as he wants.

In this regard, The house should be spacious and durable, have several levels with ladders and pipes so that the ferret has the opportunity to move freely across the floors.

It is also necessary to highlight several special zones:

  1. For eating.
  2. For sleep.
  3. Gaming.
  4. T dressing room.

The height of each floor is"apartment ah" » must be at least 50 centimeters, and the width and length are from 6 0 – 80 . Making such a house will take some time and a lot of effort, but your pet will express gratitude to you more than once with its cheerful mood.

It’s quite possible to make a house out of plywood

DIY ferret house made of plywood

The most ideal m and a budget option is a plywood house. Such a dwelling is more durable than a cardboard one. N There is no risk that it will fall apart sooner or later. Its shape resembles a cabinet with opening doors, but inside , instead of shelves - floors c different zones and aisles. The doors should have metal mesh inserts so that the ferret has enough fresh air, light and, of course, he also needs your attention.

In order to build a plywood house you will need:

  1. Several sheets of plywood (thickness from 3 to 10 mm), depending on the number of levels.
  2. Wooden blocks that will serve as a frame.
  3. Durable metal mesh or grill.
  4. Fastenings for doors.
  5. Screwdriver or screwdriver.
  6. Nails, screws.
  7. Stapler, tape measure.
  8. Linoleum or fabric for finishing floor coverings.

ATTENTION!If you use glue in your work, then before introducing the ferret, the house must be thoroughly ventilated until all the pungent odor has disappeared. Also, at work there is no It is worth using glass.

Now let's move on to step-by-step instructions structures for the ferret's future home:

  1. Draw on drawing with precise calculations.
  2. According to your drawing, prepare the wooden parts, Sand the plywood with sandpaper.
  3. Using beams, assemble the frame, leaving the front part for the doors. Using a stapler, secure the fabric and linoleum to the sides and floors of the house.

The fastenings must be strong and reliable so that the active lifestyle of the ferret does notaffected their condition. For your pet's safety, remove all sharp edges from the surfaces of the house.

Cell drawing

Now that the frame of the future home is ready, it is necessary to correctly distribute living areas by floor:

  1. As a rule, on the ground floor there is a corner toilet, a food trough and a drinking bowl. If there is enough space left, you can also place a small tray with stones or sand. Ferrets are big fans of O fall. Thus, only the first floor is reserved for basic cleaning, which is an undoubted convenience for the owner.
  2. The second floor serves as a sleeping area; here you can make an additional house from fabric with soft bedding or hang it on special fastenings hammock. Hammocks – This is a special love of ferrets, it is better if there are even several of them. And it is not at all necessary to buy them in pet stores; it is quite possible to make them yourself.
  3. On the third floor it's time to play; here nothing can limit your imagination. You can install another hammock and make several rungs on which your pet will happily run. And, of course What's a game without rubber balls?

View of the future cell

As you know, ferrets are burrowing animals. At home, they spend most of their time in their cage. But that doesn't mean they've forgotten their climbing instincts. To make your pet's life as comfortable as possible ortnoy , the house must be built with a sufficient number of pipes, crossbars and stairs. They will serve not only as an attraction, but also as a fun transition from floor to floor.

The pipes can be plastic or sewer, they can beFind it at any hardware store or use scraps. The main thing is to sand the connecting ends, in avoidance cuts on your pet's sensitive paws. Making ladders yourself is also not difficult. For this you need I There are small beams. You can also dotissue tunnel. After all, the more varied passages and toys there are in a ferret’s house, the more interesting it is for him to spend time in it. Then he will spend all his energy within his home, and not in the apartment.

Where to put a massive house- an equally important question. But let’s go by the opposite and first look at where the house should definitely not be placed:

  • near sources of noise;
  • in a draft;
  • near heating devices.

It is recommended to allocate a safe and large enough place for keeping your ferret in an apartment or private house, where he can move freely and hide from other pets in his home, if necessary.

DIY ferret house - video


In order to make your pet's life happy and carefree, you must first think about his own home. Ferrets are quite finicky animals and require a special approach, but, as it turns out, finding one is not so difficult. And what's most important- the pet will not remain in debt and will delight its owners every day with an active lifestyle.

Ferrets are considered the funniest animals, so they can often be found as favorite pets in many homes and apartments. Since this exotic rodent is too inquisitive and active, it should not be left in the room unattended. To keep animals, owners should purchase ready-made cages or make them themselves from scrap materials.

Design Features

A ferret's cage should not only serve as a safe haven, but also be a comfortable place for sleep and privacy. Since this design will protrude permanent place for keeping an animal, it should be chosen taking into account many parameters, among which size, design, price and quality play a huge role. In addition, the cell must meet certain parameters.

  • Be spacious. Ferrets prefer to lead an active lifestyle and, unlike other types of rodents, do not like to sit in one place. Therefore, they should be provided with free space and additionally equipped with various “simulators” and play areas. Most often, containers with sand, bags with rags, nets, scratching posts and special pipes. In addition, it is advisable to make or purchase two-level cages with shelves. When there is not enough space, animals can develop muscle atrophy.
  • Have small gaps between the bars. Ferrets are able to get out even through the thinnest crack, so optimal distance between the grates is considered to be 2-3 cm. It is best to choose a mesh not from plastic, but from metal.
  • Have the ability to quickly assemble and disassemble. You can, of course, use stationary model cages, but if you have to move to another place of residence, problems with transportation will arise, so a transformer is needed to keep the animals.
  • Be easy to use and clean. It is best to give preference to designs with a pallet on wheels. They are much easier to move when cleaning the apartment, and the pallet will avoid scattering the filler throughout the room. Today there are many options for pallets on sale, which are equipped with special clamps and can be quickly removed.


In order to create comfortable living conditions for ferrets, their house must be made spacious. The cage must be large. Structures with dimensions less than 91x63x100 cm are not suitable for housing this type of rodent. Ideal option are spacious multi-storey cages, such multi-level models will allow you to equip your home with all the necessary accessories, and the ferret will be able to run freely and frolic in them.


When making a cage for a ferret, the choice of its shape also plays a huge role. Since this design is one of the important attributes everyday life animal, it should not only be beautiful, original, but also comfortable. Experts recommend installing square and rectangular shapes. This design will fit perfectly into any room design and will allow you to rationally distribute the space of the cage into areas for relaxation and games.


In conditions wildlife Ferrets live in burrows, preferring steppe zones, so keeping them at home requires comfortable housing, equipped with tubular stairs for running and soft bedding for sleeping. Cages that are sold ready-made are usually made of metal and plastic. If the owners decided to make a house with their own hands, then preference should be given to materials such as plywood, wood and plexiglass.

The frame itself needs additional sheathing metal mesh and insulate with foam rubber or thick tarpaulin. There are also options for making cages from wicker baskets and cardboard boxes.

Of course, the purchased finished structures are of high quality, but if you put in a little effort and skill, you can assemble them yourself, from scrap materials.

How to choose?

Before getting a ferret, you need to carefully consider the location of its house and decide on suitable look cells. Since designs are various models, then when choosing them the following criteria should be taken into account:

  • sustainability;
  • the strength of the materials from which the cage is made;
  • dimensions;
  • the presence of several floors;
  • quality of locks;
  • mesh elasticity.

In addition, the cages must have a pull-out tray, removable components and wheels. This will greatly facilitate caring for the animal and allow for quick cleaning.

How to make and arrange?

IN lately Most ferret owners prefer to make houses for their pets with their own hands. Homemade designs allow you to save money family budget and open up enormous opportunities for implementation design ideas. At home, cages are usually made of plywood. This material is characterized affordable price and does not require special tools for assembly.

Before you start creative process, you need to create drawings, taking into account that there should be about four ferrets in the house separate rooms located on different floors. You will also need to install tunnels between the tiers. To make the housing spacious, each room should have a height of up to 40 cm, and an area of ​​at least 50x80 cm.

In addition, at the design stage you need to take into account the fact that ferrets like to create their own small food warehouse, hiding leftover food in it. Therefore, in the design of the cage it is important to provide a free corner and removable roof with small holes. An important point is the possibility of installing a collapsible mechanism.

To assemble the walls and frame of the structure, recommended to use wooden beams with a cross section up to 10 cm. They are attached to each other with ordinary self-tapping screws with a length of 3 to 5 mm. After the parts are secured, you need to thoroughly sand the surface - this will protect the animal from injury. Partitions can also be made of plywood, but its thickness must support the weight of the rodent and be at least 5 mm. Then the plywood is fixed to the frame, covered with durable fabric on top, and linoleum is laid on the floor (this will help keep the wood from getting wet).

When decorating the facade, you should pay special attention to the fact that the rear wall of the structure is made permanent; as for the front wall, it should have a double door with a latch, which will help prevent the little naughty girl from escaping. To make the facade, plywood slabs are used in the same way, but they are attached with special hinges to a frame pre-assembled from beams. The doors are also made of plywood, they have windows in them, and the outside is covered with a strong metal mesh.

The number of doorways in the house should be equal to the number of rooms, each of which is located at the appropriate level. Sometimes openings are made in the side walls, but this is not necessary.

Doors must be hung on hinges and adjusted so that their structure fits tightly to the frame from the outside. The pet will constantly play in its house and scatter small litter everywhere. To prevent debris from scattering onto the floor when opening the doors, a small curb should be provided at the bottom of the structure.

After the ferret's house is made, all that remains is to properly equip it. To do this, do the following:

  1. First of all, a connection needs to be laid between floors; ladders made of plywood or timber 2 cm thick are perfect for this. The placement of a drinking bowl, toilet and feeding trough should be planned on the ground floor. A little higher you can have “living” rooms with a hammock, a sleeping place and tunnels for climbing.
  2. On the first tier, in one of the rooms you need to put a tray where the ferret will go to the toilet. It is advisable to purchase for these purposes corner models, they are easier to secure. IN next room you can place drinking bowls and feeders. They are firmly fixed (screwed with self-tapping screws). It is recommended to buy a ceramic feeder, and a pipette or ball drinker.
  3. The next step will be the design of the recreation area. The corner of the upper floor is perfect for it; you need to lay soft fabric there or sew a house with a foam frame with your own hands. At the same time, arrangement sleeping place special attention should be paid - if the rodent does not like it, he will not go there.
  4. After this, you can hang a hammock; if desired, it can be placed separately in each room, since the animal loves to swing. The hammock is tied directly to the roof structure, if it has windows with mesh, or fixed to the frame with brackets. In some cases, ferrets prefer to sleep in hammocks rather than on “beds.”
  5. The final stage will be the installation of tunnels that will replace the ferrets’ usual burrows. The rodent will be able to climb in their passages, and the more complex the design of the tunnel, the more interesting it will be for the pet. When making such structures at home, it is recommended to use small sections of pipes with a diameter of no more than 110 mm. The tunnel sections are attached to the cage with tees or special adapters using brackets.

Depending on your imagination, you can create structures of any length and shape, and if they do not fit inside the house, they can be installed separately. In this case, the mini-maze should pass through the entire room and reach the hammock attached to the roof.

In the case when the tunnel exits are located near the ends of the stairs, the ferret will be able to run in circles and lead an active lifestyle.

Ferrets often become pets. The animal should not be left unattended so that it does not spoil the repairs in the apartment or house. Buy or make special cages for ferrets. It has everything a domesticated forest dweller needs.

Types of ferret cages

Animals in nature move a lot. They live in minks. The cage should be as spacious as possible, with toys, transitions and other devices. There are different types in stores:

  • standard - made of plastic with a metal grille;
  • made of foam rubber and fabric on top;
  • from other materials, lattice - metal or wicker;
  • basket houses made of tree bark and vines.

A structure made from several cardboard boxes is used as temporary housing. Often, a house for ferrets is made with their own hands. The base is made of bars, plywood or plexiglass.

Ferrets can be placed in purchased cages immediately. Like any product, they are not always of high quality. Sometimes a house is not suitable for a particular situation or is expensive. Homemade designs are cheaper and take into account the wishes of the ferret and his owner.

How to choose a ready-made ferret cage

For a normal life, good mood and well-being, the pet needs special conditions. When purchasing a ready-made house, they will first find out the living space. This is the main thing, the rest can be completed, adapted or improved. The minimum requirements here are:

  • area - at least 60 by 80 cm;
  • height - 50 cm or more.

The larger the ferret cage, the better. If it is the size of a closet, with several tiers, the animal will like it. The best option The cage will be made to order.

Even modest but high-quality houses have the right layout. There are miniature areas: a place for relaxation, entertainment, a “dining room”, and a toilet.

When buying, pay attention to a few more things:

  • strength, quality of materials, for example, rods must be elastic;
  • reliability of locks;
  • structural stability;
  • it is desirable to have several floors, tiers;
  • easily removable parts and tray are a big plus;
  • Convenient cages on wheels.

How to make it yourself

It is better to make homemade houses according to a project or drawing. For proper preparation, they immediately determine where the home will be located. The following places in the apartment are not suitable:

  • Near batteries, heating devices. Overheating can cause a ferret to suffer from heatstroke, which can lead to the death of your pet.
  • Near the windows if they face the sunny side.
  • In a draft.

Ferrets are not afraid of moderate cold, so the cage can also be placed on the balcony.

Plan the size of the cell. The minimum here is the same as when purchasing a store model. Determine the number of tiers. Ferrets hide food in secluded corners. The design must take this into account to ensure easy access to any area of ​​the cage for cleaning.

Determined by the type of house and materials. Do-it-yourself ferret cages are often made from plywood. Any master class here begins with the frame and walls:

  1. Take bars 5–10 cm in cross section. Treat with sandpaper to prevent the ferret from getting injured.
  2. They make a frame. Fasten with self-tapping screws with a diameter of 3–5 mm.
  3. They make the walls (except for the front), partitions inside the house, and floors. Plywood 3–5, sometimes 10 mm, is suitable for this. Do not forget about passages in partitions and between floors.
  4. Assemble the parts.
  5. The sides are covered with fabric.
  6. Linoleum is laid on the floor. It protects plywood and wood from moisture.

  1. In the front part of the house, as a rule, there is a door with two leaves. Size - about 15 by 15 cm, sometimes larger. The material is the same plywood. They make windows in the doors and cover them with mesh. They fasten it from the outside.
  2. The frame is supplemented with bars on which hinges are hung.
  3. The doors are installed and adjusted.
  4. They hang the latch.
  5. The roof is made to your taste. Sometimes it fits well into the decor of the apartment. It can be flat, single or gable, with decorations, a window.

The design of the house can be modernized, for example, by making windows on the sides. Structures made from other materials have their own characteristics:

  1. Plexiglas houses need ventilation. Holes of 1–2 mm are made in the roof and doors.
  2. Metal structures are sometimes mounted on wheels.

Arrangement of the cage

Purchased houses usually already have everything or almost everything necessary for ferrets to live. Something can be added. A homemade cage needs to be set up from scratch.

They start with transitions between floors - stairs. Made from 2 cm thick bars and plywood. On the ground floor there are the most necessary things: a feeding trough, a drinking bowl and a toilet. Above there will be apartments for relaxation and games.


Choose for the toilet corner room on the first floor. They are taught to use the tray from an early age. The latrine is usually placed in the corner of the ferret cage. Here the tray is easier to attach and easier for your pet to find. Sometimes animals miss due to stress, malicious intent, or some other problem. In the latter case, the ferret may not like the litter box or litter.

Newspapers or sawdust are not used to fill the litter box, as this is harmful to the health of the animal.

Ferrets sometimes rummage through the litter box and litter. In this case, you can replace the tray with a structure with a mesh covering the filler. Then the ferret will not be able to reach it. For example, a cat litter box will do.

Feeders and drinkers

The “dining room” is located next to the toilet, in the next room or in the opposite corner of the cage.

Feeders and drinkers are placed nearby and securely fixed, otherwise the ferret will drag them along with him. Scattered food or spilled water pollutes the cage and leads to unnecessary waste.

It is advisable to take pipette or ball drinkers, preferably ceramic feeders. You can use something from dishes or buy it at a pet store.

Homemade feeders are secured with self-tapping screws. There are many options on sale, for example, drinking bowls with attachments that are screwed to the cage. You can insert your own bottles up to 1 liter. Special feeders are also sometimes attached to the cage. Their volume is 300–600 ml.

Sleeping place

The rest room is usually located on the second floor. It should be closed and cozy. Sometimes they put small boxes or a bag with a hole in the cage. The animal is given a small mattress and pillow. Unnecessary household items will do.

A hammock is also perfect for relaxing. You can hang one on each floor. Hammocks remind animals of natural shelters: holes or thickets, so the animals feel safe. Ferrets spend most of their free time in hanging beds.

If the room is cold, insulated models are used. Hammocks are 30–60 cm long. They are easy to make with your own hands:

  1. They take a felt boot and attach straps and ties to it. Hang horizontally, toe up.
  2. Sew together two thick flaps 30 by 30 cm. For example, jeans or cloth will do. Fastenings are made from laces.
  3. For a hammock-pillow, in addition to flaps, you need filler - synthetic winterizer, foam rubber.

Game rides

Ferrets need to exercise a lot. They will organize active recreation, games. To do this, hang balls, install scratching posts and other toys.

The ferret's main entertainment is climbing obstacles, just like in nature. To do this, they make a tunnel system from plastic pipes.

The normal diameter of the tunnel is 110 mm. You will also need adapters and tees. All this can be found at a plumbing store. Turns must be made at an angle of 45°. This is necessary so that the animal does not get stuck.

The difficulty level of the maze is chosen by the owner. The more complex the route, the more interesting it is for your pet. It is desirable that the system covers the entire ferret's shelter: from the first tier to the highest. It’s great if at the top point there is access to a hammock under the roof. Sometimes the system allows the animal to run in a circle. To do this, the exits from the tunnels are located near the stairs between the floors.

Important points

When making a cage, you need to take into account some features of keeping a ferret:

  1. No matter how good the house is, the rodent needs will. Every day he is given walks around the apartment for at least 2–3 hours. The ferret is active and impatient. Additional trays placed in the apartment will be very useful.
  2. Safety is important. The structure is made durable. They remove and trim off anything sharp.
  3. A dwelling consisting of two compartments will be uncomfortable for a ferret. It is advisable to have at least four “rooms”.
  4. It is desirable that the plywood be of high quality. The first emission class is the best. This material is safer for health.
  5. To find hiding places made by your pet, you need to watch the animal. A removable roof is suitable for regular and quick removal of supplies. Sometimes several closing holes are made. You can attach a fine mesh to them. This is an excellent support for hanging toys or hammocks, ventilation.
  6. The cage, especially the inside, is not painted. A ferret can chew on the bars and become poisoned.
  7. Nets and bars are chosen taking into account the size of the animal and its resourcefulness. A large cell and a large spacing of the rods give the rodent a chance to escape.

A cage for a ferret is almost a must. In stores there are models for different tastes. Although, probably best house- the one that the owner built.

Through human efforts, the ferret has long ago transformed from a forest predator into pet. However, like any animal kept in an apartment, it needs its own corner. The cage for a ferret must be made taking into account all the requirements of the animal.

Main types of cages for animals

Everything has long been invented for ferrets additional devices and many options for multifunctional and comfortable houses have been invented:

  • factory cage made of plastic or iron;
  • a home made of plywood and blocks, made by yourself;
  • a small house made from an ordinary box;
  • a cage made of iron mesh on a special frame;
  • housing made of thick plexiglass;
  • house made of fabric and foam rubber;
  • homemade wicker box.

It’s good to lay unnecessary things in a corner; there will be a ferret’s nest there. They love to swing in hammocks, playing and relaxing in them at the same time; for this purpose, hammocks are attached to the ceiling of the cage. If two animals live together, they will sleep side by side.

So, what should a cell be like?

Spacious. Hori are very active animals, they do not like to sit still, unlike, for example, decorative rabbits, so they need space for their active work. In addition, it is necessary to equip the cage with all kinds of “simulators” to maintain the animal’s physical activity, which is especially important in adolescence.

Such simulators can be special pipes, scratching posts, nets, bags of rags, containers with sand, and so on. Now you understand that such a number of accessories will require a lot of space, therefore, it is advisable that the cage consist of several floors with shelves for compact placement all of this.

Read also:

If you do not provide your ferret with physical activity, he may develop muscle atrophy. In addition, he must be let out every day to run and play around the apartment for several hours, or to walk with him on the street.

With minimal gaps between the bars. Ferrets are very nimble animals, they are able to squeeze even, as it would seem at first glance, into the most impenetrable gap. Their body is as if without bones. I saw with my own eyes how my adult girl crawled under the door with a gap of 5 cm, to say nothing of the kids.

Thus, I advise you to buy a cage with a gap between the bars of 2-3 cm in order to exclude the possibility of the animal escaping from it.
Well, I think that you have already guessed that the grilles should be metal, not plastic.

On wheels and with a tray. The ferret doesn't need this as much as you do. You will feel the benefits of wheels when cleaning your apartment; you will not have to lift and carry a large cage; it can be easily moved throughout the room.

The benefits of the tray are also undeniable; it will collect most of the litter for the tray, which the ferret will happily throw out of there. Well, if the animal defecates in addition to the tray, then everything will end up on the pallet, and not the rug. I took out the tray, threw out its contents, washed it, put it back - simple and convenient!

Collapsible. You can buy a non-dismountable ferret cage, but imagine the situation that you are moving to live in another apartment. I think it will be extremely difficult to transport such a heavy cage, especially if the dimensions are impressive and it is completely metal, like mine.

Not every passenger car you will place this one. Of course you can order truck, everything will be transported to you quickly, but the convenience of a collapsible cage is still noticeable.

Homemade cage at home

First of all, you should decide on the location of the cell. Ferrets require a lot of space for climbing and playing, so a house for them is usually built on several floors.

The predator's house should not be in the sun or draft: animals react quite sharply to loud noise or a strong smell, so you should not place speakers or spray air fresheners near the home.

If the place where the cages for pet ferrets will be located is certain, you can proceed directly to the construction of the cage. Minimum size a home for one furry predator should meet the parameters 60 x 80 x 50, but if the room allows, then the pet’s home should be made larger. This applies to ferrets living in closed cages.

If the pet moves freely around the apartment, then the house can be small. Also, the size of the home depends on how many pets live in the house.

To build a regular cage at home, you will need the following materials:

  • dense wooden yards, the length of which is calculated from the parameters of the cage;
  • sheets of plywood 10 mm thick;
  • aviary net;
  • platbands for installing metal grilles;
  • linoleum;
  • hinged hinges for doors;
  • screws, latches and handles.

First of all, a strong frame of wooden blocks is knocked down. You should choose a strong tree as a base, since the bars will bear the entire weight of the home. To cut out the shelves, use thick plywood or chipboard.

The floors between the tiers can be either solid with one entrance hole, or in the form of a shelf system. The plywood itself sanitary standards should be covered with linoleum: this will not only help get rid of unpleasant odor, but will also make cleaning your home easier.

All horizontal surfaces It needs to be well secured in the cage, because when active, the ferret jumps and runs around a lot. It is also important to check that the screws are securely screwed into the wooden surfaces, since any sharp objects can seriously injure your ferret. Home safety is the main credo for any pet owner.

The most simple roof The house has a flat horizontal shape, but it can always be designed to suit the design of the room. The roof can be sloping or gable, and the surface can always be decorated with carvings.

Often masters homemade cells cut small holes in the plywood and cover them with a grid. It is easy to attach game items or a hammock to the fine mesh. The vertical partitions of the 3 walls of the cage can be made of plywood. The front side should be equipped with doors.

How to make a ferret cage with your own hands from scrap materials

Quite often, wooden blocks are covered with thick plexiglass. When a ferret cage is made in this way, several small through holes need to be made on the door and roof to ensure good ventilation.

The main condition for assembling a ferret cage with your own hands is strict adherence to the following safety rules:

  • absolutely all parts of the product must be securely fastened;
  • all edges of the plywood must be sanded well;
  • shouldn't be sharp corners and objects.

This product can also be made from iron tubes and metal gratings with small mesh sizes. Such a house can be installed on wheels and moved if necessary.

Double doors

To make cleaning the house easier, the facade of the cage is equipped with special double doors, which can be made at home. The procedure is quite simple:

  1. Two frames are assembled, the size of which must match the size of the facade.
  2. The workpiece is sheathed with plywood.
  3. At the level of each tier, holes are cut around the perimeter of the entire tier.
  4. The holes are covered with a fine mesh or lattice.
  5. On the inside of the door, special sides are attached at the level of each floor to prevent debris from flying through the mesh.
  6. Finished doors are installed using hinged hinges.
  7. To prevent the ferret from opening the cage on his own, a latch is installed on the doors.

The animals are smart and agile, having remembered the way out, they sometimes try to get out on their own, so you need to take care of the strength of the doors and not skimp on their reliability.

How to install the cage correctly

Houses for ferrets are placed in the room, on the balcony, in country house. The animal has thick fur, so the ferret is not afraid of the cold. Do not place the cage near heating devices, radiators or in drafts. Overheating in the sun also has a detrimental effect on their health; a ferret can die from heatstroke.

Before you make a ferret cage, draw a drawing, think over the dimensions and necessary materials. The ferret needs a large area; you cannot skimp on this.

Stages of cell assembly:

  1. In accordance with the dimensions, a frame is constructed from blocks or mesh.
  2. The base of the floors (interfloor ceilings) and walls are cut out of plywood. It should be taken into account that the animal must move from floor to floor without problems.
  3. Self-made bases are sheathed with linoleum or other durable material.
  4. The partitions are securely fastened.
  5. To make a roof with your own hands, use an aviary lattice if ladders, a hammock or toys will be attached to it.
  6. The door is installed, securely fixing it, and the cut edges of the wire are bent so that the animal cannot be injured.
  7. Accessories are secured after the walls, roof and doors are installed.

When making a cage yourself, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail, because in this house the animal will sleep, eat, play, go to the toilet and spend most of its time.

Dimensions and place

Since a ferret needs a lot of space during its life, the most important parameter of the cage will be its size. The minimum base area should be 60 by 80 cm, height – half a meter.

Another important issue is the choice suitable place to place the cage. It shouldn't be damp or stuffy. Dark corners, areas near sunny windows and heating systems, and drafty spaces are also not suitable for the animal.

When all these nuances are taken into account, you can begin to draw up a drawing, and then to the actual construction.

Interior arrangement of the house

First you need to arrange stairs between the tiers. The tray is placed on the ground floor in the corner. The bowl and drinking bowl should be in the opposite corner from the tray. On the second tier, a closed house should be installed, in which soft bedding is placed.

Without such shelter, the cage is of no value to the animal. This box must have an entrance cut out about 15 cm in diameter so that the ferret can easily crawl through. You can make a similar room yourself from an old box.

If wooden building If the predator doesn’t like it, then you should make a house out of fabric. The walls of such a soft home are sealed with foam rubber. You can use an old bag as a basis. The material for the house is not particularly important, the main thing is that the animal likes it.

Ferrets carefully select a place to sleep, and the animal will not settle down for the night in a rejected home. You should also add play equipment to the cage: balls, hanging toys and special surfaces for claw points.

How to choose a good animal cage

To choose a house for an animal in a specialized store, you need to take into account the following criteria:

  • Stability of the structure.
  • The strength of the materials used.
  • Dimensions.
  • Availability of several floors.
  • Lock quality.
  • Elasticity of metal mesh.
  • Material of manufacture.

Experts advise buying products on wheels, with numerous removable components and a pull-out tray. In this case, it will be much easier to maintain and care for the animal.

Alternative options

There are many other options for how to make a ferret cage. For example, if you have certain skills and tools, the facade can be built from plexiglass. Some people use this material for the entire structure. But here you need to take into account that plexiglass does not allow oxygen to pass through, so many small holes should be drilled around the entire perimeter.

If you decide to make a so-called enclosure from a lattice, you need to carefully select the pitch of the rods and a sufficiently durable material. Otherwise, this cage is not particularly different from a similar one made from plywood.

After all, the floor and floor coverings should be made solid so that the animal does not damage its paw, and wood covered with linoleum is used for their manufacture. A tray, feeder and drinking bowl are also placed at the bottom of such a house, and a recreation area is equipped on top, connecting everything with tunnels.

Information for beginners

You must constantly take care of your pet's health, so you need a cage that is easy to clean. To do this, make the bottom of a fine mesh, and install a pull-out tray underneath it.

The tray must be fixed, otherwise the ferret will play with it, dragging it across the floor of the house. Plastic structures are aesthetically more pleasing, but they cannot be considered reliable and comfortable.

Ferrets can chew the cage and bars, so they can injure themselves or get poisoned if the cage is painted. It is not recommended to make a pallet out of wood. It gets wet quickly and retains an unpleasant odor for a long time.

Ferrets should not be kept in aquariums. Isolation, as well as unsanitary conditions, negatively affects the health of ferrets and their life expectancy.

Review from one of the owners

Background: it so happened that instead of one ferret in our den there were two, and in the future there may be even more, so on family council It was decided to get a home for these cute fluffy back-eaters.

Without hesitation, I went on your Internet to look for what they offer in terms of large cells:

And then I’m like: 10-25 mowers. Something is a little expensive, I thought, and, feeling a little sad, I remembered my engineering diplomas and direct hands from the right place. It was decided that we had to build it with our own hands.

Well, off we go. I estimated the dimensions, 1m x 0.5m x 2m. After drawing a lot of virtual paper, we ended up with this option:

Made of materials: 8mm plywood, slats, 25x25mm mesh, MDF, yacht varnish.

Accessories: handles, hinges, latches (actually optional), furniture magnets (for doors, very convenient), wheels:

The weight turned out to be about 50 kg, and heavier than factory metal cages, but it was wood, naturally. To finish: hang a hammock, drinking bowl, feeder, push, voila:

This is the design I came up with, I hope you find it useful when making your own cells. Good luck everyone!


Making a pet cage yourself places additional responsibility on the owner for his health. All materials must be environmentally friendly, and joints and fastenings must be carefully processed to ensure there are no sharp edges. Color internal structures not recommended, since the animal can chew them and get poisoned.

Ferrets are considered the funniest animals, so they can often be found as favorite pets in many homes and apartments. Since this exotic rodent is too inquisitive and active, it should not be left in the room unattended. To keep animals, owners should purchase ready-made cages or make them themselves from scrap materials.

Design Features

A ferret's cage should not only serve as a safe haven, but also be a comfortable place for sleep and privacy. Since this design will act as a permanent place for keeping the animal, it should be chosen taking into account many parameters, among which size, design, price and quality play a huge role. In addition, the cell must meet certain parameters.

  • Be spacious. Ferrets prefer to lead an active lifestyle and, unlike other types of rodents, do not like to sit in one place. Therefore, they should be provided with free space and additionally equipped with various “simulators” and play areas. Most often, containers with sand, bags of rags, nets, scratching posts and special pipes are installed in cages. In addition, it is advisable to make or purchase two-level cages with shelves. When there is not enough space, animals can develop muscle atrophy.
  • Have small gaps between the bars. Ferrets are able to get out even through the thinnest crack, so the optimal distance between the bars is considered to be 2-3 cm. It is best to choose a mesh not from plastic, but from metal.
  • Have the ability to quickly assemble and disassemble. You can, of course, use a stationary cage model, but if you have to move to another place of residence, problems with transportation will arise, so a transformer is needed to keep the animals.
  • Be easy to use and clean. It is best to give preference to designs with a pallet on wheels. They are much easier to move when cleaning the apartment, and the pallet will avoid scattering the filler throughout the room. Today there are many options for pallets on sale, which are equipped with special clamps and can be quickly removed.


In order to create comfortable living conditions for ferrets, their house must be made spacious. The cage must be large. Structures with dimensions less than 91x63x100 cm are not suitable for housing this type of rodent. The ideal option is spacious multi-story cages; such multi-level models will allow you to equip your home with all the necessary accessories, and the ferret will be able to run freely and frolic in them.


When making a cage for a ferret, the choice of its shape also plays a huge role. Since this design is one of the important attributes of the animal’s daily life, it should be not only beautiful, original, but also comfortable. Experts recommend installing square and rectangular cages for rodents. This design will fit perfectly into any room design and will allow you to rationally distribute the space of the cage into areas for relaxation and games.


In the wild, ferrets live in burrows, preferring steppe zones, so keeping them at home requires comfortable housing, equipped with tubular stairs for running and soft bedding for sleeping. Cages that are sold ready-made are usually made of metal and plastic. If the owners decided to make a house with their own hands, then preference should be given to materials such as plywood, wood and plexiglass.

The frame itself must be additionally sheathed with metal mesh and insulated with foam rubber or thick tarpaulin. There are also options for making cages from wicker baskets and cardboard boxes.

Of course, the purchased finished structures are of high quality, but if you put in a little effort and skill, you can assemble them yourself, from scrap materials.

How to choose?

Before getting a ferret, you need to carefully consider the location of its house and decide on the appropriate type of cage. Since designs come in different models, the following criteria should be taken into account when choosing them:

  • sustainability;
  • the strength of the materials from which the cage is made;
  • dimensions;
  • the presence of several floors;
  • quality of locks;
  • mesh elasticity.

In addition, the cages must have a pull-out tray, removable components and wheels. This will greatly facilitate caring for the animal and allow for quick cleaning.

How to make and arrange?

Recently, most ferret owners prefer to make houses for their pets with their own hands. Homemade designs allow you to save the family budget and open up enormous opportunities for the implementation of design ideas. At home, cages are usually made of plywood. This material is characterized by an affordable price and does not require special tools for assembly.

Before you begin the creative process, you need to create drawings, taking into account that the ferret's house should have about four separate rooms located on different floors. You will also need to install tunnels between the tiers. To make the housing spacious, each room should have a height of up to 40 cm, and an area of ​​at least 50x80 cm.

In addition, at the design stage you need to take into account the fact that ferrets like to create their own small food warehouse, hiding leftover food in it. Therefore, it is important to provide a free corner and a removable roof with small holes in the cage design. An important point is the possibility of installing a collapsible mechanism.

To assemble the walls and frame of the structure, It is recommended to use wooden beams with a cross-section of up to 10 cm. They are attached to each other with ordinary self-tapping screws with a length of 3 to 5 mm. After the parts are secured, you need to thoroughly sand the surface - this will protect the animal from injury. Partitions can also be made of plywood, but its thickness must support the weight of the rodent and be at least 5 mm. Then the plywood is fixed to the frame, covered with durable fabric on top, and linoleum is laid on the floor (this will help keep the wood from getting wet).

When decorating the facade, you should pay special attention to the fact that the rear wall of the structure is made permanent; as for the front wall, it should have a double door with a latch, which will help prevent the little naughty girl from escaping. To make the facade, plywood slabs are used in the same way, but they are attached with special hinges to a frame pre-assembled from beams. The doors are also made of plywood, they have windows in them, and the outside is covered with a strong metal mesh.

The number of doorways in the house should be equal to the number of rooms, each of which is located at the appropriate level. Sometimes openings are made in the side walls, but this is not necessary.

Doors must be hung on hinges and adjusted so that their structure fits tightly to the frame from the outside. The pet will constantly play in its house and scatter small litter everywhere. To prevent debris from scattering onto the floor when opening the doors, a small curb should be provided at the bottom of the structure.

After the ferret's house is made, all that remains is to properly equip it. To do this, do the following:

  1. First of all, a connection needs to be laid between floors; ladders made of plywood or timber 2 cm thick are perfect for this. The placement of a drinking bowl, toilet and feeding trough should be planned on the ground floor. A little higher you can have “living” rooms with a hammock, a sleeping place and tunnels for climbing.
  2. On the first tier, in one of the rooms you need to put a tray where the ferret will go to the toilet. It is advisable to purchase corner models for these purposes; they are easier to secure. In the next room you can place drinking bowls and feeders. They are firmly fixed (screwed with self-tapping screws). It is recommended to buy a ceramic feeder, and a pipette or ball drinker.
  3. The next step will be the design of the recreation area. The corner of the upper floor is perfect for it; you need to lay soft fabric there or sew a house with a foam frame with your own hands. In this case, special attention should be paid to the arrangement of the sleeping place - if the rodent does not like it, he will not go there.
  4. After this, you can hang a hammock; if desired, it can be placed separately in each room, since the animal loves to swing. The hammock is tied directly to the roof structure, if it has windows with mesh, or fixed to the frame with brackets. In some cases, ferrets prefer to sleep in hammocks rather than on “beds.”
  5. The final stage will be the installation of tunnels that will replace the ferrets’ usual burrows. The rodent will be able to climb in their passages, and the more complex the design of the tunnel, the more interesting it will be for the pet. When making such structures at home, it is recommended to use small sections of pipes with a diameter of no more than 110 mm. The tunnel sections are attached to the cage with tees or special adapters using brackets.

Depending on your imagination, you can create structures of any length and shape, and if they do not fit inside the house, they can be installed separately. In this case, the mini-maze should pass through the entire room and reach the hammock attached to the roof.

In the case when the tunnel exits are located near the ends of the stairs, the ferret will be able to run in circles and lead an active lifestyle.

Making cages for ferrets yourself has a number of advantages, which include saving money and the ability to create any design to suit the style of the room. Let's consider the most original models.

  • Multi-tiered structure made of wood and plexiglass. Such a house will serve as a comfortable place for the animal to live and will fit perfectly into the interior of the room. The only thing is that plexiglass does not allow oxygen to pass through, so you will have to drill small holes in it around the perimeter. In this case, the roof should be installed sloping, gable or flat. Externally, the structure can be decorated with dry branches from trees and shrubs, and the glass can be painted with patterns.

  • Cage in the form of a castle. It is recommended to make such a house from wooden blocks, plywood and wicker. To give the structure originality, it should include several floors, each of which will be equipped with certain accessories. First, a frame is prepared from beams, it is sheathed with plywood blocks and the assembly is completed with wicker decor, it is done from the outside.

In order for the housing to be decorated in the same design, it is recommended to purchase drinking bowls and feeders to match the color of the vine, and knit hammocks with your own hands from thick threads. Externally, the house can be decorated with artificial lakes and flower beds lined with pebbles.

For an overview of a ferret cage measuring 1.4 x 0.75 x 0.5 m, see below.

A comfortable hammock for your ferret is not a whim or an excess, but an urgent necessity. The hammock is good because it takes the shape of the animal’s body, like the soft ground on which a ferret is used to sleeping in natural conditions. Let's look at how to make your own ferret hammock using fabric or items you have on hand.

Hammock for ferret

What you need to know

Making a hammock for a ferret with your own hands is not difficult, but you should first decide on the functions of the new bed. In a hammock, a mischievous ferret can not only sleep, but also play, observe the world around him, sit in ambush, and explore “prey.” Depending on the required functionality, you can come up with and sew appropriate models of hammocks (in the form of canvas, pipes, bags, houses, etc.).

Hammocks for ferrets can be designed for cold or warm seasons: in summer the animal will need a hammock made of thin fabric or mesh, in winter - from warm felt, drape, or cashmere.

However, remember: the ferret has great agility and sharp claws, so thin fabric should have high density, otherwise the animal will quickly make short work of the creation of your hands.

To entertain the animal, you can sew pockets or a pipe to the hammock, put rustling materials in the inner layer, and sew in squeaky toys.

Made from fabric

The simplest pattern has the shape of a square (30 cm) or rectangle (30 cm X 45 cm). If there are several ferrets, the size of the hammock can be increased, commensurate with the free space inside the cage (the hammock should not interfere with the fulfillment of other needs of the animal). We put two pieces of fabric together and sew on three sides, and then turn the product inside out and sew on the fourth side. If we want to make a hammock with a lining, we place the lining fabric on top of two upholstery pieces and stitch it as in the previous case.

If necessary, before stitching the third side, you can put soft pillow or toys. We sew ribbons to the ends of the resulting mattress, with which the hammock will be tied to the bars of the cage. For greater convenience, you can use carabiner clasps instead of ties. Alternatively, you can make a hammock into a pocket by simply cutting a hole in the center of the top piece of fabric. The result will be something like a duvet cover in which the ferret can hide, warm up and at the same time look around, sticking his head out of the hole.

From felt boots

Hammock made of any material

An excellent hammock for a restless ferret can be made from an ordinary felt boot. Such a product requires a minimum of DIY work, but can serve not only as a bed for an animal, but also as a house. In addition, felt boots are remarkable for their versatility (thanks to the properties of felted wool): a ferret in such a hammock does not freeze in winter and does not suffer from heat in summer. All you need to do is sew ribbons on both sides of the felt boot, turned horizontally (toe up), and hang it in the right place.

Out of the bag

A small ladies' or children's handbag made from natural materials would be an excellent hammock. The only thing is that before you launch a ferret into it, small parts and accessories need to be cut off. Summer openwork hammocks can be crocheted with your own hands or woven using the macrame technique, and warm winter “cradles” can be knitted. With a little imagination, you can build hammocks for ferrets from elements of your clothing: hood, sleeves, pant leg, sock, pocket, scarf, etc.

A hammock for a ferret is a favorite place to sleep and relax, in which the animal can spend up to 18 hours a day. If the hanging bed is equipped with pockets, then the pet will be even happier, because he will be able to hide his “prey” in them. Store-bought hammocks often do not arouse interest among ferrets; moreover, they quickly become damaged from the sharp claws of pets. But pets have a real passion for homemade cradles!

Ferrets love to sleep in a hammock

Why does a ferret need a hammock?

Beginning ferret breeders are often surprised to learn that their pet needs a hammock, and not an ordinary bed, for a comfortable existence and sweet sleep.

Animals can sleep in boxes, on pillows, in their house, and even crawling into a warm sock or felt boot, but only a hammock allows a ferret to feel completely safe. This is due to the fact that wild relatives of domesticated ferrets always choose secluded dark places to sleep - under a stump, in dense bushes, or dig holes. Soft earth or grass perfectly takes the shape of the animal’s body, and it feels protected both from enemies and from bad weather.

Domestic ferrets living in an apartment do not have the opportunity to dig a hole for themselves, and the presence of a sleeping place, the same as dry leaves or grass, makes the pet happy - he sleeps well, so he plays and “hunts” with great pleasure.

The hammock perfectly matches the physiology of the ferret

In a broad sense, hammocks for ferrets are hanging beds that can be different sizes and forms. The most popular types are:

  • a hammock-pillow similar to a fabric one, only foam rubber, rustling balls or padding polyester are added inside for insulation.

In addition to the appearance, hammocks for ferrets are also divided by season into light ones - for use in the summer or in warm rooms and insulated ones - for the street or rooms with low temperatures, this could be a loggia or terrace if the animal lives there.

Ferret hammocks also come in different sizes. The smallest do not exceed 30 cm in length, the largest can reach 60 cm in length.

Insulated ferret pocket

How to make your own hammock

You can make a hanging bed for your pet yourself in literally a couple of hours, if you know how to sew, weave or knit at least a little.

From felt boots

The easiest option to make with your own hands is a hammock made from felt boots. It is enough to sew ties, straps, chains or carabiners to the felt boots (they can be cut off from a broken backpack or old bag) so that the boot after hanging remains in a horizontal position, and the toe “looks” up. If desired, several small pockets can be sewn to the outside of the boot in which the ferret will hide his finds.

You just need to hang the felt boot from the lid of the cage, and the ferret will climb into it himself

From a piece of fabric

Another simple option is a hammock made from a piece of fabric made by yourself. To make it you will need dense, soft and preferably natural fabric, it can be drape, denim, cashmere, thin felt, thick linen, etc. You can also use fleece or faux fur, it is important that the material does not emit a strong odor, otherwise the animal will not use the hammock.

The basis of the hammock is made up of two pieces of fabric measuring 30x30 or 30x45 cm. The ties are 4 strips of fabric, each about 2.5 cm wide and about 20 cm long.

The piece of fabric for the base of the hammock is folded with the right sides inward and sewn on three sides (by hand or on sewing machine). Next, the workpiece is turned inside out and the hole is sutured, tucking the cuts inward.

The blanks for the ties are folded in half lengthwise, right sides inward, and stitched with a 0.5 cm indentation from the cuts along the long side. The blanks are turned inside out, helping yourself with a pencil, short sections are tucked inside and sewn up. The finished ties are firmly sewn to the corners of the hammock base.

The patchwork design is very easy to make

Hammock pillow

A hammock-pillow is made in almost the same way as a fabric hammock, only you need to take a little larger scraps of fabric as a basis (at least a square with a side of 35 cm), and after turning the main part of the hammock inside, put foam rubber, rustling balls, or loosely fill the workpiece with padding polyester, and only then sew up the fourth side. hanging bed You can add a secret pocket by sewing another piece of fabric the size of the base to the pillow. In this case, the pet will be happy to “dive” inside this pocket and hide its “prey” in it.

Hammock tube

It’s easy to make a hammock-pipe with your own hands. Two rectangular pieces of fabric measuring approximately 40x60 cm and a piece of thin foam rubber or dense padding polyester slightly smaller than the fabric pieces are folded into a “sandwich”: the first piece of fabric is face down (on the table), a pad is placed on it, and the second piece of fabric is placed on top with the wrong side to the gasket. The “sandwich” is fastened with pins and stitched around the perimeter, tucking the sections of tissue flaps inside. If desired, quilt the entire surface of the workpiece. Next, the workpiece is rolled into a pipe along the long side, and the edges of the pipe are overlapped. Then sew ties and, if desired, pockets to the sides of the pipe and a piece of faux fur to the bottom from the inside.

Summer trumpet for a ferret

DIY mesh hammock

In addition, a ferret hammock can be crocheted or even cut entirely with scissors from an old T-shirt, shirt or terry towel.

Hammocks for ferrets serve as a cradle, a favorite toy, a treasury, and even an observation post. If the animal likes its hanging bed, it will be less sick and play with more pleasure, so it is advisable to make several hammocks for the ferret so that it always has a clean bed.

Pet lovers will benefit from a master class on how to make a hammock with your own hands. Most pets will appreciate the craft, since the hammock will give them the opportunity to sleep comfortably and become good place for games. Most people associate the word “hammock” with relaxation and lazy rest.

Such associations arise due to the fact that a suspended hammock takes the shape of the body, which means you can take the most comfortable position and relax. Likewise, pets love to hang and sleep in hammocks, because for them it is the most comfortable place for sleep.

You don't have to spend money on a hammock from a pet store. It's easy to design it yourself. All you need is suitable fabric, ropes or ribbons for fastening and a little ingenuity.

Why is it needed?

It should be understood that a hammock for a ferret is not just another “fun”. These animals will always prefer a hammock to regular beds, boxes or mattresses. Why? It's all about the choir's nature: these animals are used to living in burrows, on soft earth that can take the shape of their body. This is the only way they can feel comfort and security.

In a favorite hammock, a ferret can spend the lion's share of his leisure time: sleeping, playing, watching what is happening around him. Often, hammocks for ferrets are practically houses (and there are actual houses made like a hammock).

The hammock is easy to sew, and having several of these products, you can change the ferrets’ bed (depending on the season and degree of contamination). For the summer you can make a thin or wicker hammock, and for the winter - a specially insulated or closed one.

Read also:

In other words, a hammock is an ideal device for a pet’s rest and leisure.

What types of hammocks are there for ferrets?

In the broadest sense, ferret hammocks are hanging beds that can come in different sizes and shapes. The hammock can be either single-layer or multi-layer, depending on how much the ferret likes to chew on objects.

Multi-level hammock for ferrets

The most popular types are:

  • classic wicker, like those made for people, only much smaller;
  • fabric, which is a square or rectangular piece of fabric with ties or carabiners at the corners for hanging;
  • a hammock-pillow similar to a fabric one, only foam rubber, rustling balls or padding polyester are added inside for insulation;
  • a pipe hammock, or, as it is also called, a hammock tunnel - something between a hammock and a house;
  • hammock made from felt boots.

Basic Requirements

The sizes of hammocks of the main sizes vary from 30x30 cm to 35x45 or 35x60 (in length). The length of the ties is calculated as the distance to the object plus the margin.

In some cases, carabiners are attached to the ties to hang the hammock; in this case, you will need four carabiners, and in others, all the ties are assembled, connected together at the top and attached to the ring. In this case, the animal lies in an unrolled hammock (if, of course, it likes it).

The ferret hammock pattern is a rectangle or square. If you decide to make a hammock tunnel, then the width of the piece of fabric should be at least 50 cm, and the length, say, 60 cm. Depending on the operating conditions, a single-layer hammock (or with a lining) and laces for hanging (can be made of durable synthetic material) are cut out. fabrics).

The lining and main fabric are folded right sides together and stitched on three sides; then the resulting “bag” is turned inside out, and the fourth side is stitched or hemmed by hand. Along the length, the rectangle is joined into a roll with overlapping edges (by several centimeters) and stitched several times.

The stitching area is located at the top center; about 7-8 cm is measured from it in both directions on both sides of the pipe, after which two cords for hanging are adjusted along the length, which are thoroughly secured at the edges of the hammock-tunnel. It is also possible to attach four laces with a slight indentation from the edge of the hammock.

Sewing a hammock

You just need to find the desire and just a little free time. If you have a sewing machine at home, this will speed up the process, but you can sew a ferret hammock using regular thread with a needle. First you need to decide on the material that you will use when sewing.

Everything is simple here: if it is winter, then you can choose warm fabrics in which the ferret could warm up and sleep well. On summer period for a hammock you can even choose a mesh with very small holes. In any case, when choosing a material, it is better to give preference to natural fabrics. You can see the pattern diagram below.

And so how to sew a hammock for a ferret? Very simple! You need to take measurements of the cage, subtract 5-10 cm from each edge (depending on the size of your cage), cut a rectangular piece of fabric, and sew ropes in the corners of this rectangle, to which you will then tie the hammock to the cage. You can use wire instead of ropes to prevent the animal from chewing through the fastenings of its hanging crib.

This is the easiest way to make a hammock. Many also add various linings, insulation, and even toys to make the ferret more fun; it all depends purely on your imagination. You should not hang the hammock too high, because the animal may fall and get injured.

From felt boots

The easiest option to make with your own hands is a hammock made from felt boots. It is enough to sew ties, straps, chains or carabiners to the felt boots (they can be cut from a worn-out backpack or old bag) so that the boot after hanging remains in a horizontal position, and the toe “looks” up.

If desired, several small pockets can be sewn to the outside of the boot, in which the ferret will hide his finds

Hammock pillow

A hammock-pillow is made in almost the same way as a fabric hammock, only you need to take a little larger scraps of fabric as a basis (at least a square with a side of 35 cm), and after turning the main part of the hammock inside, put foam rubber, rustling balls, or loosely fill the workpiece with padding polyester, and only then sew up the fourth side.

A hanging pillow for a ferret is made according to the same principle as a fabric one.

A hanging bed can be supplemented with a secret pocket by sewing another piece of fabric the size of the base to the pillow. In this case, the pet will be happy to “dive” inside this pocket and hide its “prey” in it.

Hammock tube

It’s easy to make a hammock-pipe with your own hands. Two rectangular pieces of fabric measuring approximately 40x60 cm and a piece of thin foam rubber or dense padding polyester slightly smaller than the fabric pieces are folded into a “sandwich”: the first piece of fabric is face down (on the table), a pad is placed on it, and the second piece of fabric is placed on top with the wrong side to the gasket.

Additionally, you can sew on several toys for your ferret by attaching them to short straps or laces.

The “sandwich” is fastened with pins and stitched around the perimeter, tucking the sections of tissue flaps inside. If desired, quilt the entire surface of the workpiece. Next, the workpiece is rolled into a pipe along the long side, and the edges of the pipe are overlapped. Then sew ties and, if desired, pockets to the sides of the pipe and a piece of faux fur to the bottom from the inside.

Out of the bag

A small ladies' or children's handbag made from natural materials would be an excellent hammock. The only thing is that before you launch a ferret into it, small parts and fittings need to be cut off. Summer openwork hammocks can be crocheted with your own hands or woven using the macrame technique, and warm winter “cradles” can be knitted.

With a little imagination, you can build hammocks for ferrets from elements of your clothing: hood, sleeves, pant leg, sock, pocket, scarf, etc.

Tip: if you don’t want to bother with ties, you can use ready-made straps, chains, carabiners or dense cords such as paracord instead.

DIY mesh hammock

You can also make a mesh hammock with your own hands. The net can be easily purchased at a fishing store or woven using the macrame technique. A rectangular piece of mesh is collected from two opposite edges and wound in clusters on wooden sticks about 7-10 cm long and about 1 cm in diameter. The edges of the mesh wound on the sticks are firmly tied or sewn. Then strings are attached to the sticks.

  1. It is better to have several different hammocks for ferrets, alternating them not only when the seasons change, but also when they get dirty.
  2. The canvas hammock can be hung in a cage in different ways: in an open form - by tying or fastening it to the rods, or in a folded form - by collecting all the ribbons together and attaching them to the top wall of the cage.
  3. Taking care of the health and well-being of your pets, use only natural fabrics and materials for sewing “beds”. (In addition, a ferret in a synthetic hammock can “spark” - some materials make its fur electrified.)
  4. Do not sew on the outside of toys that can be chewed and swallowed - if the pieces synthetic materials are not digested in the stomach, the animal can get sick and even die.
  5. Unlike the material, the color of the hammock is not particularly important for ferrets, since these animals do not distinguish bright colors.

A ferret who often plays games and has his own toys will not chew on slippers, cables and urgent documents. Let's look at what toys for a ferret can be and how you can make them yourself.

First of all, not a single “fun” should be associated with rubber, latex or other material that is easy to chew and swallow a piece. Such an incident can cost your pet’s health and even life. Moreover, all rubber objects (whether gloves, pacifiers, shoes or hoses) must be removed from the ferret's reach.

The pet should play only with solid and strong toys without removable parts, whether they are made of plastic or fabric. In addition, you should make sure that the material and dyes do not contain harmful substances.

If the game uses objects suspended on a string, you need to make sure that it does not wrap around your pet’s neck. The tunnel for a ferret cannot be cramped: the animal must run freely in it without feeling pressure.

Sharp edges on any fixtures (pipes, plywood buildings, etc.) must be treated, taped, or draped. It is important to regularly inspect all toys for damage: anything that breaks should be thrown away immediately.

What are there

  • Hori enthusiastically play with a ball: hard plastic or soft.
  • Toys that make sounds (rustling, rattling, ringing) are very attractive to these pets. This could be a plastic ball or “egg” filled with cereal, a bell sewn into a soft toy, etc.
  • Soft toys as such are also popular - animals happily carry and cuddle them. Both special toys and socks rolled into a “ball” are suitable.
  • You can offer the ferret hanging toys, like those used for cats or parrots.
  • “Digging” is the height of pleasure for trochees. This can be any spacious container filled with small objects (plastic balls, bottle caps, filler, etc.). Please note: if the animal has the opportunity to rummage in the “digger”, your flower pots will be able to avoid ruin.
  • Hammocks and pockets. Specially purchased or made with your own hands, they are sure to please the ferret who loves to climb into various bags.
  • Tunnels, pipes and mazes are great fun and physical activity for animals that need to run and whose instincts are always calling them somewhere “into holes.”

The ferret tunnel is one of the favorite toys, with which nimble animals can have fun for hours. It can be attached to the cage using special cables or chains as a single section or placed on horizontal surfaces.

Tunnels for ferrets can be formed together with connecting elements complex system passages and labyrinths that animals will enjoy traveling through. They are made of plastic, easy to wash and clean.

The spacious cage will certainly have room for accessories. In addition, the ferret tunnel that you decide to buy can become not just a play element, but also serve as a hammock. Such designs from soft materials with or without pockets, they are suspended in a cage on ropes and serve as a place to rest and sleep.

Play station for furry explorers

Glue the rolls from toilet paper in different positions on a thick piece of cardboard. Inside them, put little things that attract the cat’s attention - for example, large buttons, beads. The ferret will try to get them.

In just a few pennies

Make several holes in the base of the toilet paper roll in a chaotic manner. Thread cocktail tubes, bright shreds or pom-poms through them. This toy will keep the animal occupied for a long time.

Bright patches for ferrets

Cut the pieces into square shapes. Foam rubber, scraps of fabric, and thread are suitable for filling them.

If a child's sock is left without a pair

Using the method described in the previous paragraph, you can make a toy for a ferret with your own hands from a child’s sock. Just fill it with something soft and tie it in a knot.

Fishing rod

A thin wooden stick, strong thread and strips of thin fabric are all you need to make a fishing rod for ferrets. Fold the fabric overlapping and use a needle to thread the thread through the strips. Tie the free end of the thread around the stick.

What toys can you make with your own hands?

Not every toy is suitable for a ferret. For example, a rag mouse will be torn to shreds on the first day. However, it is also possible that the ferret will not show any attention to her and will switch to something more valuable: new shoes, a wad of money, or a cardboard model of a building for passing an architecture exam... That is why it is worth listing the easiest toys to make for Do-it-yourself domestic ferrets:

  • Fur ball with bell. Such a ball is suspended on a thread so that the animal can periodically play with it.
  • Plastic egg with cereal. An easy toy to make. Ferrets love toys that make a lot of noise.

The egg itself is taken from Kinder Surprise; any cereal will do. The only important condition: it is necessary to seal the egg literally “forever” so that the ferret does not inadvertently open it and spill the contents. It is important that there are no traces of glue left on the outer part, since superglue is quite toxic in its composition.

Ferrets are clever scouts and love to play hide and seek. Therefore, do-it-yourself tunnels made from pipes and boxes with one entrance will attract your pet for a long time. Roll the sock into a ball with your own hands, after placing the bell there. You can give him your plush toy if you are confident in the quality of the materials.

Empty box. Not everyone has time to go to the store exclusively for ferret tubes, and then spend long hours assembling their maze, so there is an easier option - a box with a hole. The ferret will hide in such a box and, in addition, this is where he will carry his prey. The following household items are suitable for a ferret: a jug, baskets, paper bags, strong plush toys.

Games with a ferret

The predatory animal loves to play with humans and is delighted if you walk it. Therefore, you are able to create leisure time for your beloved pet with your own hands. It won't be difficult to walk and play along with your ferret. If you have already decided to get a ferret, then devote your time and care to it.

Pay attention to the animal, communicate and call it by name so that the ferret does not become wild and gets used to you. Spending time together often will make you closer and communication with your pet will be safe. It is possible that you will avoid injury and bites. If you scold your ferret after he bites you during play, he may only become angry.

Make sure that your ferret does not chew toys, otherwise even a small piece swallowed can cause such a serious illness as intestinal blockage. It is better not to give plush toys to your ferret, otherwise all its contents will soon end up outside.

Be more diplomatic, but still keep your ferret within limits. Your pet will be happy to help you when you do wet cleaning. And with great enthusiasm he will work with a rag, broom, or mop. A playful and energetic creature will always find somewhere to splash out its energy. By paying due attention to it, you keep your personal belongings safe and sound.

A string or even a piece of fabric can be an excellent toy for a ferret. Ferrets love games of tug: let your pet grab the fabric or rope with his teeth and don’t let him take it completely, gently pulling it towards you.

If after some time you let the animal “win”, it will be completely delighted with this game (and will definitely drag the prey to the farthest corner of the apartment). Even a regular sweater with pockets and long sleeves can be great fun for your pet - you can let him examine the sleeves and sit in the pockets.

Hori love to climb into bags, but if you put a rustling bag or paper in there, the animals' delight will know no bounds. The same “rustles” can be used to equip a ferret’s tunnel.

If there are remote-controlled cars in the house, it is also possible to both please the ferrets and get a lot of pleasure from them yourself. Hori will attack and run away from the machine, putting on a fun show not only for themselves, but also for everyone around them.

Necessary accessories for ferrets

Such accessories include a cage, tray, harness, carrier, hammock, drinking bowl, bowl and toys. Listed above ferret accessories for sale in pet stores, or can be ordered through an online store. Now let's look at them in more detail.


Ferrets can live freely in an apartment, but they still need a cage that will serve as a kind of shelter, a place for privacy and sleep. It should be spacious and multi-level. In addition, the cage must be equipped with special accessories to maintain the animal’s physical activity (more on them below), especially if the animal will spend most of its time there.

It is advisable that a special plastic tray be located under the cage to collect wood filler that sticks to the ferret’s paws after he visits the tray.


This accessory is a kind of toilet where the ferret relieves its natural needs. A corner tray with two high sides and a metal grid is preferable so that the ferret does not scatter the litter around the cage and room, which they love to do.

One tray will be enough for the cage, but if the ferret is not limited by the space of the cage, then you need to place a tray in each corner of the room. They get impatient suddenly, but they can’t endure it for long, so every extra meter to the tray can play a bad joke for you.

Probably the most favorite accessory for ferrets, where they happily spend most of their time enjoying their dreams. They prefer to sleep in hammocks, being in a suspended state, than on shelf bedding.

You can sew a hammock yourself, or buy it at a pet store. The hammock should be spacious, without a strong chemical smell. If you have several ferrets, then provide each with an individual sleeping place.

Bowl and drinker

They must be securely attached to the cage bars. The ferret will easily turn over simple floor drinking bowls and bowls and scatter the contents all over the cage and the floor. A ball hanging drinker is perfect for ferrets, as it copes with its main function perfectly.

It is not difficult to find a hanging bowl that will be securely attached to the bars of the cage; visit pet stores, I am sure that you will find both of the listed accessories.


An extremely useful accessory for a ferret, which you will need more than once, for example, when transporting the animal to the veterinarian and the place of walking, even on the first day of purchasing the ferret (you will not be carrying it in your hands from the breeder). It is advisable that the carrier be made of plastic, with bars on which a drinking bowl should be installed so that the animal does not suffer from thirst during its journey. It is easier to clean and more difficult to open.

You can, of course, use a carrier made of hard textile material, but I would not recommend it, based on personal experience. Over the course of a year of frequent travel, my mischievous woman tore the nylon mesh to a hole, and as a result I had to buy a plastic carrier.


This accessory will be useful when walking with your ferret in the open air, which he really needs in order to eliminate the possibility of the animal “escaping”. The harness should be securely attached to the ferret's body, without hindering movement or squeezing the animal's chest.

The preferred harness material is nylon. The recommended leash length is 2-3 meters.

14 Interesting Facts About Ferrets

  1. Ferrets can sleep up to twenty hours a day.
  2. All ferrets are born with white fur.
  3. Ferrets do not have an innate fear of humans.
  4. The word "ferret" comes from the Latin word "furonem", which translates to "thief".
  5. Wild and domestic ferrets never get along.
  6. All ferrets have poor eyesight, but their sense of smell and keen hearing compensate for this.
  7. A ferret's heart beats 200-240 beats per minute.
  8. In some US states, it is illegal to keep ferrets as pets.
  9. The importation of ferrets into Australia is prohibited by law.
  10. People domesticated ferrets about two thousand years ago.
  11. The flexible spine of ferrets allows them to squeeze into the narrowest openings.
  12. Ferrets can run backwards just as fast as they can run.
  13. If necessary, a ferret can dig a hole up to 4-5 meters deep in an hour.
  14. Wild ferrets often change their burrows and do not stay in one place for long.

6 Fun Facts About Ferrets: Did You Know This?

1. Deliverer ferrets:

The most expensive and valuable gift in Europe was considered to be a ferret or an ermine. And it’s not even about the cost of the exotic animal, but about the irreplaceable services it provided:

2. Ferrets in service:

Ferrets have been working for people for a long time. Not only were they used for hunting rabbits, they also served as assistants in laying cables in hard-to-reach places. The animals' ability to navigate in confined spaces has been useful for several businesses and large events.

In the 1970s, Fermilab's Meson Laboratory employed a female ferret, Felicia. It was used to clean pipelines where people could not reach. But with the advent of robotic devices, Felicia went to live at the home of one of the company’s employees.

Ferrets were also used to lay cables under Greenwich Park for London's Millennium Concert. Animals also helped string wires at Buckingham Palace ahead of the wedding of Prince Charles and Princess Diana.

3. Ferrets are clumsy:

Ferrets are very nearsighted and rely on their excellent hearing and sense of smell. With their help, predators navigate in space. It is not uncommon for owners of pet ferrets to note that their pets can run into a wall or furniture.

Most of them can see a little further than their front legs. In addition, the animals have poor depth perception, which is why they often fall from furniture and stairs.

When ferrets are excited, they often arch their backs, lift their tails, and jump up and down. This is called the "war dance". In the wild, animals use this “dance” to confuse their tracks or disorient their prey.

Yes, they are very trainable. And very often they perform in numbers in the circus. They respond to names, can give paws and perform simple tricks.

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