Threads from old things. Crafts from old things: grocery bag

From old T-shirts, T-shirts and sweaters, you can create new things that will last you for a long time.

Here is just a small part of what you can make from old clothes:

Repurposing old things: scarf. Option 1.

1. Cut off the main part of the shirt (torso). The upper part can be used for a separate project.

2. Now cut the main piece crosswise into strips approximately 2.5 cm wide, but do not cut all the way through - leave about 3 cm.

3. Now put your hand through the loops, stretch the product a little and you can wear it like a scarf.

* As the cotton stretches, the ends will curl, giving the scarf a special charm.

4. Decorate your scarf with a fabric flower.

New life for old things: scarf. Option 2.

1. You need to cut circles out of an old T-shirt. Scissors and a plate will help you with this. Circle 4 to 6 circles.

2. Cut out all the circles. Since the T-shirt has 2 layers, you will end up with 8 or 12 circles of fabric.

3. From each circle you need to cut a spiral. Don't need any special tools- cut by eye.

4. Unwind the spirals and divide them into 2 sections of 4 or 6 and connect both sections. Sew the ends of the spirals. if there are 4 of them, then sew all 4. For this you can use hot glue, thread and needle or sewing machine.

You'll make a cute scarf.

Video tutorial on how to make this scarf:

5. You can decorate the scarf with a flower.

The second life of old things: how to make a flower to decorate a scarf

1. Cut the old T-shirt as shown in the image.

2. Roll the resulting thread into a ball.

3. Begin to carefully twist the thread into a circle, adding glue to secure it.

4. Glue the flower to the scarf.

How to make a scarf with your own hands. Option 3.

From an old thing to a new one: a headband

You will need:

Old T-shirt

Hot glue gun


Crafts from old things: grocery bag

You will need:

T-shirt (preferably sleeveless)


Thread and needle, or sewing machine

1. If you have a T-shirt with sleeves, you need to cut them off. Also cut top part T-shirts (at the neck).

2. Turn the shirt inside out and sew up the bottom. You can also use superglue or hot glue.

3. You can decorate the bag a little (optional):

Fold the bottom of the bag about 5 cm and make cuts about 1-1.5 cm deep along the entire fold. The distance between the cuts is approximately 3 cm.

Bend the bag another 5 cm and make cuts again.

You can continue making cuts all the way to the top of the bag.

4. You can also decorate the handles. To do this, you first need to cut them off, then cut them into 3 strips, weave the strips into a braid and sew them to the bag.

Here is another version of a bag made using a similar method:

What to make from old T-shirts: wicker basket

This craft can take a long time, so you need to be prepared.

You will need:

Several old T-shirts

Knitted fabric

Knitting threads

Thread and needle

1. Cut knitted fabric and T-shirts into equal strips approximately 5-7 cm wide.

2. Using a thread and needle, sew 3 strips together to create several long strips. You should not connect more than 3 strips, otherwise it will be difficult to weave.

20+ t-shirts were used for this craft.

3. Sew two different T-shirt strips to the end of one of the jersey strips. This will be the beginning of weaving.

4. Start braiding your hair.

As you get to the end of each strip, you will need to sew on an additional strip and continue braiding until you have a long "braid".

5. Start making the base of the basket. To do this, you need to gradually roll the woven workpiece into a spiral and regularly secure it with a thread and a needle.

* It may not turn out quite neat the first time, but it will still look beautiful and bright.

6. Making the walls of the basket. Start sewing the piece up in a spiral, also remembering to secure it with thread. It is better to make the seams inside the basket so that they are not visible from the outside.

Continue until you get the desired basket height.

7. Handles for the basket. To continue attaching your braided piece, make loops from the piece and sew the ends firmly.

What to make from an old sweater: pillows

You will need:

Old sweaters

Soft fiber pillow filling


Thread and needle

Sewing machine (if desired)

Wrapping paper (kraft paper) or any thin plain paper


1. Draw an image of a cloud on paper. The bottom of the cloud should be flat

2. Turn the sweater inside out and place the paper on it, securing it with pins.

3. Cut out a cloud shape from the sweater and remove the paper.

4. Bring both halves of the sweater together and sew them together along the edges, leaving a small hole for filling in the middle of the bottom (flat) cloud.

5. Fill the pillow and sew up the hole.

6. You can make clouds of several sizes.

Repurposed old clothes: bags of lavender

You will need:

Old T-shirts, T-shirts and/or shirts


Lavender (other herbs)


Thread and needle or sewing machine

1. Cut the sleeves of the T-shirt so that you get a square or not very long rectangle.

2. Sew the bottom and side of the workpiece.

3. Turn the piece inside out and fill with lavender.

4. Sew up the top.

This craft can be used both as a source of a pleasant smell and to repel moths.

You can decorate the bag with a beautiful ribbon and use it as an addition to a gift.

Rug made from old T-shirts

You will need:


Several T-shirts

1. Cut several strips from one old T-shirt (it is best to have 11 strips). Do this from the bottom up to the sleeves. Having straightened the strips, you will get rings that you will need to pull onto the hoop.

2. Also cut off the knitted strips (aka rings) from the remaining T-shirts.

3. Start pulling the rings onto the hoop. First one diameter, then the second perpendicular, etc. Make sure that the strips are tightly adjacent to each other.

4. In the middle of the circle, tie the first strip and begin to “weave” the rug in a spiral, adding stripes.

* The tension should be uniform so that the mat does not become deformed at the end.

5. When the diameter of the rug reaches 20 cm, you can cut each circle (strip) to get one long strip, which you will continue to weave with.

6. In order to secure the strips, you can either tie them or carefully sew them.

7. Trim the rings placed on the hoop and carefully tie them into a knot.

Yarn can be wrapped, yarn can be glued to create shaped elements, yarn gives a special texture and any color to each surface you choose. The yarn is completely unique and universal material for needlework, and we are not talking about knitting here!

1. We collect the remains of yarn of approximately the same thickness (slight variations are possible), but of different textures and different colors and shades. We take the cheapest photo frame - from any material. With glue, we simply wrap the yarn more or less evenly around the edges of the frame, alternating colors. The frame under the yarn should not be visible. In several places we add 4-10 different small beads, stringing them onto the yarn (one at a time or in small series) and then securing them to the frame with drops of glue.

As you can see in the photo, frames wrapped in white wool yarn look just as good, if not better.

You can put anything in the frame from a mirror to a quote, a photo or a snapshot of your family and friends.

2. The situation is similar with lamp shades/shades. You just need a lot more yarn, and the base of the lampshade should be used not randomly, but in coils tightly fitted to each other, periodically adding a drop of glue.

If you already have a lampshade - good, if not, then the top of the lampshade is, in fact, just a frame made of strong wire (two circles - the bottom one is larger, the top one is slightly smaller, and 4 vertical connections between the circles) and glued on top (or sewn ) thin, stiff fabric or sheet of plastic. Therefore, you can always assemble the lampshade with your own hands.

3. Using the same principle, bracelets are decorated with yarn - in ombre or gradient style, napkin rings and other shapes are formed.

Combine two or more types of yarn - of different thicknesses and textures - and get absolutely amazing things.

4. Make pompoms from yarn different sizes- how, see in the pictures below - and from pompoms there are a variety of elements from rugs, cards and toys to flowers, crib mobiles, Christmas tree garlands and curtains.

5. Thread balls (and other shapes) are created from thin yarn. How - see.

6. In the middle, also using drops of hot glue, you can wrap yarn around a box, jar and any other suitable container. Elementary and very effective.

7. Wire contours wrapped in yarn. Cover the wire with a strip of crepe paper and wait until the glue dries. We bend the glued wire into the desired contour. Snap to the outline in optimal location the tip from a skein of yarn and in arbitrary directions we begin to wrap the wire contour with yarn. At the same time, each time touching the contour, we wrap the yarn around the wire twice.

A branch from this direction, in a slightly different style:

8. You can draw with yarn. How - see more details.

9. Naturalistic feathers can be made from fine yarn. We wrap the wire with yarn, securing it with drops of glue. We cut pieces of yarn of different colors of the same length (in the range of feathers), tie them (in the middle of the length) in a row, one after the other, closely on the glued wire. Dipping the future pen into glue solution(or a solution with starch), place it on polyethylene horizontal surface, align the ends of the yarn, placing them strictly parallel and directing them slightly at an upward angle. We wait for it to dry, cut it to the shape of a feather.

10. Colored yarn is woven into the hair.

11. Wall panels are created from yarn. To do this, you simply need to tie long pieces of multi-colored yarn on a thin wooden stick. We cut the yarn at the bottom, giving the edge the desired shape.

12. Garland of ghosts made of yarn. Ghosts are created according to the principle of pompoms, only from very long coils.

13. Decorative tassels are made from yarn. To do this, we also wrap yarn, for example, around our hand. Then a separate piece of yarn is wrapped crosswise at one end and cut at the other. We use the brushes themselves at our own discretion.

14. Wrap yarn around the simplest wire hangers - and the latter can already be used for practical and decorative purposes as hooks for organizing your work space.

16. Make a base from cardboard or wooden sticks, then braid the base with yarn to create a basket or jewelry box.

17. And this is how, with a little help from craft felt, you can make dolls from yarn. And other three-dimensional figures, for example, .

Main sources:

Sometimes treasures end up in the wrong place. Suppose you don’t know how to knit, but you inherited a whole basket of various threads, or you unraveled all your old knitted clothes, or... you never know where you got so many threads from. The main thing is to figure out what to make of them. As we have already decided, you don’t know how to knit, so put away your knitting needles and crochet hook and get ready to find out what you can do with old threads, excluding knitting.

Hair clip:

Wrap threads around 2 fingers. When you are satisfied with the thickness, cut the thread from the ball, wrap its tip several times in the middle of the resulting ball - just between your fingers, and remove the resulting “bow” from your fingers. Now it needs to be decorated with a button and glued to a hairpin or sewn to a hair tie.


By wrapping threads around old bracelets, you get new ones original jewelry. This is a great solution if the bracelets are too big and always try to fly off your hand.

Thread scarves without knitting:

You can make scarves from threads without using knitting needles or a crochet hook.

In the first option, you just need to braid all the available threads into a long thick braid. Such a scarf won't keep you warm, but it will decorate you - that's for sure. The second option will be more difficult. For it, in addition to threads, you will need glue, scissors and a small piece of fabric or leather. We wrap the threads around the back of the chair and tie them in 3-4 places with thread. Now we cover these places with a strip of fabric or leather, the ends of which are carefully glued together.

Beanie toys

You can decorate with these hats Christmas tree, or use for room decor. For this, a cardboard tube, which usually remains from the roll toilet paper or paper towels, cut into several rings. We cut the threads approximately 20-25 cm long. We wrap each thread around the ring in this way:

When the ring is completely wrapped, push all the threads into the ring, pulling them out from the other side: Now we tie our threads with a thread of the same color and cut off the excess. The hat is ready.

This is of course not full list what can be done with threads. A good housewife will not lose a single thread, even to the point of weaving multi-colored threads into her braids.

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