Which radiators are best used for heating a private house. Which heating batteries are better: choose according to the characteristics of the batteries for an apartment Batteries in a private house

A radiator is a necessary part of the heating mechanism of a private home or apartment. He is responsible for making the room comfortable and warm. Therefore, when choosing it, it is necessary to take into account not only the cost and external design, but also the technical characteristics of a particular product. After all, if the characteristics declared by the creator of the radiator are not the same in reality, then rapid wear and tear of the device and its breakdown are simply inevitable.

Main Features

In a private house, unlike high-rise buildings, an autonomous heating mechanism is installed, that is, a system that does not depend in any way on a conventional boiler room. For this reason, the coolant temperature, as well as the network pressure, will be completely different.

When you choose heating batteries to be installed in a private home, you should take into account a number of factors:

  • In buildings of this type, the pressure on the coolant, tanks and radiator pipes will be significantly less. Essentially radiator batteries will not experience such loads, which is why you can choose any model, even with thin walls.
  • In buildings of this type, the length of pipes from the heat source to the radiator is small when compared with multi-storey buildings. For this reason, heat losses are practically zero, and the coolant will heat up more strongly. That is, in a private home you should install models that will withstand such temperatures.
  • You need quite a bit of liquid to fill such a heating system. If desired, you can add ethanol and antifreeze. This way you can make protection for radiators and pipes if the boiler does not turn on for a long time.
  • Even the slightest possibility of so-called water hammer occurrence is excluded. True, in private houses a problem may arise, expressed in the freezing of water in the pipes. This will cause the batteries to simply burst if a person forgets to drain the water from there before leaving.

In choice heating radiators for a private house, you should start from the main parameter - the area that you are going to heat. In the same cottages, the space requiring heating will be large, and the energy costs will be the same. It is best to install batteries that will allow for high-quality heating with a minimum of heat costs.


It should be said that heating batteries are various types. And here we are talking not so much about their shape and size, but about the material from which they are made. It's no secret to anyone that various metals have different indicators heat transfer, due to which the efficiency of batteries can vary significantly.

If we talk specifically about the types, then there are radiators:

  • made of cast iron;
  • made of aluminum;
  • bimetallic;
  • vacuum;
  • made of steel;
  • quartz.

Now let's talk about each type in more detail.

Cast iron

The models under consideration have been installed in our homes for more than a hundred years. They are still in great demand today due to the fact that they provide high-quality heating of rooms. They were also one of the most popular in the USSR.

If we talk about their advantages, we should name:

  • long operational period;
  • excellent thermal efficiency;
  • high durability as batteries can easily withstand high blood pressure inside and easily tolerate mechanical stress;
  • work even with poor quality coolant;
  • are resistant to corrosion.

At the same time, cast iron models also have a number of disadvantages:

  • large sizes, which significantly complicates transportation, maintenance and installation;
  • low thermal conductivity due to the massiveness of the metal and the fact that its surface is porous;
  • batteries require systematic and constant care - painting and maintenance;
  • the walls must have good fastenings for their installation;
  • occupy a large area.

In addition, cast iron models do not have a very attractive appearance, which almost always makes them stand out from the interior. in the best possible way. Therefore, it is often necessary to put additional decorations on such radiators.


If we talk about this type of radiators, they are divided into three categories:

  • panel;
  • from sections;
  • from pipes

Steel panel batteries are also called convectors, because heat is supplied precisely through the convection process. They usually have a rectangular shape formed by two welded panels. The coolant moves between them through special channels. Such a radiator is light in weight and small in size, which makes it possible to heat up in a short time and maintain a good temperature.

If we talk about shortcomings, then main problem– poor resistance to mechanical damage and not very good pressure indicators. In addition, such models are very susceptible to corrosion.

The characteristics of steel section batteries are somewhat similar to cast iron ones, although they have a number of serious differences:

  • the pressure inside here is at 16 atmospheres;
  • thanks to the presence welded joints radiators have increased strength;
  • long operational period - up to 50 years.

Similar type radiators are not very common, because they significant drawback is high cost. Tubular steel batteries are similar in functionality to sectional and panel radiators, but their price will be even higher. The main reason This is because they have a rather pleasant appearance, which allows you to find a model for the interior. And such batteries are extremely convenient for drying things, which will be important for families with small children.


Aluminum belongs to the category of metals that conduct heat well. For this reason, such radiators can provide complete heating of almost any room.

Their advantages are:

  • excellent thermal performance characteristics;
  • small sizes;
  • good working pressure, which ranges from 12-18 atmospheres;
  • small mass.

The coolant in radiators of this type circulates very well, which allows for excellent heat transfer. Such circulation is possible here due to the presence of free inter-collector tubes. Such models are represented quite widely on the market.

The cost of aluminum batteries will depend on the manufacturer, but in general, it is quite affordable due to the low price of aluminum itself. In addition, such models have an attractive appearance, which makes it possible to consider them not only as a heating device, but also as part of the interior of the room. Thanks to its strict and neat geometric shapes, such a battery can easily fit into any interior.

But aluminum models also have their disadvantages:

  • they are extremely sensitive to the quality of the coolant, which is why they require the installation of water filtration;
  • very susceptible to serious changes in pressure, so it is necessary to constantly monitor its level;
  • resist corrosion rather poorly, even despite the presence protective coating polymer-based;
  • have a short service life - no more than 15 years.

In addition, the positive impact of such batteries is not always an advantage. Good performance of such a battery drives warm air upward, which accumulates near the ceiling, which can cause a sharp temperature change. Therefore, before buying such batteries, you should calculate the amount of heat needed for the room.

Aluminum batteries are divided into three categories, which will differ from each other in design and capabilities:

  • Sectional arranged. Their device makes it possible to replace plates that are broken.
  • Solid. Have robust construction and are characterized by plasticity.
  • Combined. They combine the best of the two categories mentioned above. They are considered one of the best solutions for owners of their own homes. If you fully comply with the operating conditions, then such radiators can last 10-15 years and will really effectively heat the house when it’s cold outside.


As a rule, inner part such radiators are made of steel or copper, which allows them to be good job and enhances security. A outer side usually equipped with aluminum fins. Today, bimetallic batteries are considered the best solution in this area. According to manufacturers, their batteries can last about 40 years. At the same time, they are more expensive, but still their characteristics have provided them with an excellent position in the market. Buy similar solutions It is advisable if the issue of price is not the main one. But they will definitely recoup the money invested and will work for quite a long time.


IN lately started to gain popularity vacuum type batteries If we compare them with other types, they have a whole series benefits. For example, they require a smaller amount of coolant, which will come into contact through the wall with a special solution based on lithium and boron, which has a boiling point of +35 degrees. Also, such radiators have excellent safety characteristics.

If we name other advantages, it should be noted:

  • reduction of the coolant level for the functioning of the mechanism by 80 percent;
  • reducing the use of coolant from a centralized heat supply mechanism by three times;
  • if induction boilers are used, you can save up to 40 percent of electrical energy;
  • Installing such batteries is quite simple, even on your own;
  • There is absolutely no corrosion or air pockets in the radiators;
  • there is no need to use a powerful circulation pump unit due to low local resistance;
  • high thermal efficiency.


Heating devices made of quartz are new in this segment. This type of battery cannot be called high-tech, because it is an extremely simple option. Using batteries of this type, you can make an effective, reliable and economical heating mechanism in the room that will maintain heat during winter time. A quartz radiator will fit into any home interior.

Its design is simple and consists of a monolithic plate, inside of which a heating element made of chromium-nickel alloy is built. The slab is made from a special solution based on quartz sand. The use of such sand is not accidental, because it can give off heat that it previously accumulated for quite a long time. Even if such a radiator is disconnected from the heating network, it will remain warm for a long time, which will significantly reduce electricity consumption.

If we talk about the advantages of this type of battery, we should name:

  • Economical. Low electrical energy consumption is the main advantage of quartz heating devices, because other solutions consume significantly more electrical energy and their other advantages simply disappear, because the price of electricity is quite high.
  • Significant heat capacity. A quartz slab has quite serious thermal inertia. It takes a long time to warm up and cools down slowly, as mentioned above.
  • Durability. In this case, the heating element does not come into contact with the environment, which prevents it from oxidizing and significantly increases its service life.
  • You can connect a thermostat, which allows you to get automatic control heating system.
  • Quite low cost when compared with water heaters electric type or other heating devices.

  • Fire safety. The temperature of such a battery will not exceed 95 degrees, which is why the ignition of materials located next to the heater is completely excluded. This allows the device to be mounted on almost any surface, including wood, plastic and drywall.
  • Electrical safety. Such a battery does not create serious loads on the electrical network and can operate uninterruptedly throughout almost the entire season.
  • Easy to install. The quartz battery is attached to the wall using brackets.
  • They do not require maintenance and do not require serious care. The only thing you need to do with such a battery is to wipe off the dust.

Popular manufacturers and reviews

In the segment of cast iron models, the most famous manufacturers are the Chinese companies Tokio and Konner. A good domestic model of such batteries would be the MS-140.

If we talk about steel panel solutions, the products of Korado, Buderus and Lidea are considered the highest quality. But tubular steel solutions are usually produced by foreign companies. Among them, the products of Zehnder, Arbonia and Delonghi should be highlighted.

Aluminum batteries are produced by both foreign and domestic companies. Among them are: famous manufacturers, like Global, Ferroli and Rifar.

Bimetallic models are produced by both foreign and domestic companies. If we talk about domestic ones, then we should name the brand “Teplopribor,” and if we talk about foreign ones, then these are products of the brands Polywarm, Sira, Royal Thermo Vittoria and the German company Kermi. When choosing ceramic batteries, you should pay attention to the products of the Tepleko brand.

Now let's talk about users' experience of using different types of batteries and their reviews. This is logical, because manufacturers often say one thing, but in practice we get something completely different. If we talk about cast iron radiators, users note that even beautiful solutions They are not easy to install and they are quite heavy. In addition, they often require the installation of additional brackets.

Let's talk about aluminum radiators in a little more detail after reading reviews from users of batteries from various brands. If we talk about aluminum batteries from Sira, users note that they heat well and have an excellent appearance. Users also note good heat transfer models. But many are not very happy with the considerable cost of solutions from this company. Users also praise such batteries from Global and note that they heat well in combination with the boiler and have an excellent appearance. The same applies to solutions from Rifar.

Users also do not ignore bimetallic batteries and generally speak very flatteringly about them. For example, Rifar batteries look great in various interiors, are quite durable and can withstand high pressure, as well as high coolant temperatures. In general, it is impossible to create any clear rating of radiators, because they all have a number of their positive and negative sides. One thing can be clearly noted - in any case, it is necessary to individually determine which batteries in a particular private building will be the best solution.

Which ones are better to choose?

If you want to choose an economical option for a country wooden private building, then it is best to install high-quality aluminum radiators. Such solutions have everything you need: modern design, lightness, affordable price, and their negative aspects are not so serious in the conditions of an autonomous heating mechanism in a private house.

If money is not such a serious issue, then installing sectional bimetallic batteries would be an excellent solution, especially if we are talking about a copper-aluminum combination. And if there are small children in the house, then in order to protect them and the rest of the household, you can opt for convection options, equipped with certain protection options. If you need to hide radiators, you can use floor convection solutions.

If the house has a stove with a water circuit, the simplest solid fuel boiler, or your house is equipped with gas heating, then you can use time-tested cast iron batteries. Despite the fact that their choice entails difficulties with installation and weight, at the same time they make it possible to significantly smooth out temperature fluctuations and store heat for a longer time. And even now you can easily choose options with a nice design, if you can afford them.

Installation Rules

Radiator heating in own home– the key to comfort and coziness in autumn and winter. It is good when such a mechanism has already been connected to a centralized heating mechanism. If there is no such thing, then there is a need to use autonomous heating. If we are talking about installing the heating system with your own hands correctly, then it should be said that the most important element there will be a choice of options for connecting radiators in a house of your own construction.

A number of people do not even suspect that this plays a very significant role in the heat transfer of the heating device, the circulation of the coolant inside it and the speed of movement of hot water. The above as a whole will have a significant impact on the efficiency of the entire mechanism.

The first thing you need to figure out is the pipe layout. It can be called important point, because residents of their own houses at the stage of their construction can rarely clearly and correctly calculate the costs that will be made for the formation heating system, so you have to save on various kinds materials. Typically, the method of connecting pipes can be either single or double pipe. The first option is economical, in which a pipe is drawn from the heating boiler along the floor, going through all the walls and rooms and which returns to the boiler. Radiators should be installed on top of it, and the connection will be made using pipes from below. At the same time, hot water flows into the pipes, completely filling the radiators. Then the water descends and enters the pipe through another pipe. In fact, there is a serial connection of radiators thanks to the bottom connection. But there is a minus here, because at the end of such a connection in all subsequent radiators the temperature of the coolant will be lower.

There are two ways to solve this issue:

  • connect a special circulation pump to the entire mechanism, allowing hot water to be distributed evenly across all heating devices;
  • connect additional batteries in the last rooms, which will increase the heat transfer area to the maximum.

If we talk about two-pipe wiring, then for own home such a connection system will be more efficient. But at the same time initial stage the costs will be significant due to the fact that it will be necessary to separate two pipes. One must be installed to supply hot water, and the second must be connected to drain it.

When everything has become clear with this issue, you should focus on the connection diagram for the heating batteries. The most common will be the lateral one. To make it, pipes should be brought out from the side of the wall and connected to two battery pipes - above and below. The coolant supply pipe is usually connected at the top, and the exhaust pipe at the bottom. A diagonal connection will also be effective. To do this, you must first connect the pipe supplying the coolant to the pipe at the top, and the return pipe to the bottom, located on the other side. It turns out that the coolant will be transported diagonally inside the radiator. The effectiveness of such a mechanism will depend on how the liquid is distributed in the radiator. It is rare for multiple battery sections to be cold. This only happens in cases where the transmission capacity or pressure is weak.

Note that connecting the radiator from below can be not only in single-pipe, but also in double-pipe versions. But such a system is considered extremely ineffective. In this case, you will also need to install a circulation pump, which will significantly increase the cost of creating a heating mechanism and create costs for the electricity that is needed to operate the pump. If we say what should not be done, it is not to replace the water supply with return water. As a rule, debugging indicates the presence of this problem.

When installing decorative screens, the visibility of the thermostat is blocked, which is not necessary. The batteries will take a long time to heat up. At the same time, you cannot mount the thermostat head in a vertical position, as this will lead to its unstable operation.

Installing heating radiators with your own hands in your own home involves a number of issues, which do not allow us to say that this is an easy process. Its complexity also lies in the fact that in each individual case it is necessary to select batteries for a particular building, and also to know exactly how the pipes run in a private house that has already been built. Also no less important fact there will be an understanding of heating needs and carrying out all the necessary calculations.

In addition, we should not forget that there are different connection schemes and what may be ineffective in one house will be an excellent solution in another. If you decide to install heating radiators yourself, then you should thoroughly study the theoretical aspects, and also, if possible, at least consult with a specialist who will tell you what you should pay special attention to during the installation of radiators and the heating system as a whole.

Selection of heating radiators, as in private house, and a state apartment is a very responsible occupation. But just desire and the required amount of money to buy the best battery is far from enough. You need to understand the technical characteristics and basic parameters of heating radiators that will meet the criteria of the room.

Even despite the external similarity of many models of heating batteries, they may have different heat transfer coefficients, prices and other important parameters. It all depends on the materials used in the manufacture of the device, features of its design, installation method and internal volume of the radiator. Therefore, in order to find out which heating batteries are the best for the home, you need to consider separately the main models presented on the modern market.

Criteria for choosing the type of heating battery

The advantage of private housing construction is the ability to calculate and install autonomous heating based on the preferences and needs of the homeowner. Therefore in choice best radiator heating a private home is much easier than purchasing a battery to an apartment in a multi-storey building connected to a centralized heating main. At the same time, autonomous heating systems have a number of advantages:

  • heating operation at minimum pressure in favorable operating conditions;
  • the absence of strong water hammer as is the case with centralized heating, which significantly expands the range of suitable radiators;
  • if the heating system uses a coolant with balanced acidic characteristics, then there are simply no restrictions on the choice of radiator for heating a private house.

For autonomous heating systems in private housing construction, the choice of a suitable heating battery should be based on the maximum heat transfer coefficient, which almost all have modern radiators. Therefore, which battery? cast iron, bimetallic, aluminum, steel or copper choose the homeowner's individual choice for heating the house. But still, some nuances of this issue need to be known.

Cast iron heating battery

Cast iron radiators have been used for decades in various heating systems, both private houses and government apartments, and so far no worthy competitor has been found in terms of service life and corrosion resistance. Having a high heat transfer coefficient and low cost, cast iron radiator was the only device for heating apartment buildings during the Soviet Union.

Such a device retains accumulated heat inside itself for a long time in the event of an emergency shutdown of the central heating supply. She is not afraid of increased pressure, water hammer or low-quality coolants. Even water with a high alkali content, rust and air plugs do not cause much harm to a cast iron radiator, which cannot be said about other batteries. Moreover, such products have a relatively low cost.

Among the disadvantages of cast iron radiators, I would like to note them external unattractiveness, heavy weight and high level inertia, which makes it impossible to use them in heating with thermoregulation. Although the external component of the device has long been decided by releasing retro-style models finished with copper and other precious metals. Thanks to this, such an element of the heating system has become a design object for any interior.

Heating radiator made of aluminum

Aluminum radiators today have firmly taken their rightful place in the heating systems market. Thanks to sectional design With such a battery, the consumer is able to select the dimensions and parameters of the radiator himself, depending on the dimensions of the heated room. The high heat transfer coefficient, minimal weight, visual appeal and ease of installation of such a radiator have made it a leader in individual heating systems.

Before choosing an aluminum radiator for heating private houses, you need to know some of the features of choosing and operating such a device.

  1. Aluminum radiators are very sensitive to the parameters of the coolant used. If you do not maintain the level of acid-base impurities in the water circulating through the batteries, this can lead to their destruction.
  2. Due to the high thermal output of the aluminum radiator there is a rapid rise of warm air currents upward, which leads to tangible difference temperatures between floor and ceiling. Therefore, in order to have a comfortable warm temperature at the floor level in a heated room, it is important to take this feature into account when calculating the number of battery sections depending on the area of ​​the room.

Relatively low cost, attractive appearance and maximum level of heat transfer are the main criteria for the popularity of aluminum heating radiators for private homes. If you choose and install an aluminum battery correctly, it will last for quite a long time. long term, qualitatively warming the rooms in the house.

Steel batteries are very popular in heating systems for private houses. Such heating elements can be either tubular or sectional type, so, and are made in the form solid panel rectangular shape. At the same time, many consumers believe that steel radiators are the best for heating rooms in a private home. When choosing a steel product for a heating system, you need to know what advantages it has over competing analogues:

  • low price does not come at the expense of a good heat transfer coefficient;
  • high resistance to low-quality coolant;
  • long service life;
  • easy to install and light weight.

If we consider the disadvantages of a steel battery, we would like to note the following problems:

  • not the most attractive appearance, although this is an element of the heating system, and not a design object;
  • the need for regular washing of the steel battery at least once every 3 years;
  • it is important that steel radiator has always been completely filled with coolant, otherwise the device will quickly become unusable due to the formation of rust.

Working principle: steel panel battery based on convection and radiation of thermal energy.

Heat transfer occurs both directly through the steel surface of the product and through the lattice housing in the upper part of the device. If we consider the working pressure indicators, then steel batteries can withstand up to 16 atmospheres, which directly depends on the thickness of the material used in the manufacture. The maximum temperatures that such a heating element can withstand can reach 110° C.

Bimetallic device - a modern and practical battery

If we consider the design of a bimetallic product, it includes steel pipes and aluminum ribs. This battery can be used both in private houses and multi-apartment buildings with a centralized heating system. The circulation of the coolant in such a device made of seamless pipes occurs in such a way that the metal structure is not destroyed due to corrosion.

Thanks to aluminum fins, which have a maximum heat transfer coefficient, the bimetallic radiator quickly warms up the room. It turns out that such a battery has absorbed the best qualities of its steel and aluminum counterparts. Corrosion resistance and unpretentiousness to the quality of the coolant were borrowed from the steel product, and high heat transfer and attractive design from the aluminum battery.

The bimetallic battery promotes uniform heat distribution in a turbulent manner, which equalizes the temperature difference between the floor and ceiling of the room. The advantage of such a device is that it lasts service life up to 20 years. On store shelves are radiators painted in different colors, which allows you to choose a device in accordance with the design of your home. At the same time, modern products, unlike their cast iron counterparts, do not require regular restoration of the paintwork.

The only, but quite significant, disadvantage of such a heating device is its high cost. In addition, bimetallic batteries can become clogged with slag and cannot tolerate high air content in the coolant. Plus, at the point of soldering of two different metals, the coefficient of heat transfer into the environment of the room is significantly reduced.

Copper radiator for home heating system

An advantageous difference between a copper battery and other analogues used in the heating system is that the entire structure, from the radiator fins to the internal circulation channels, is made of copper. Such Radiators provide fairly efficient heating of rooms in the house due to the maximum thermal conductivity coefficient, which is inherent in all copper products. Moreover, in terms of heat transfer, such heating devices are 2 times superior to their aluminum counterparts and 5 times superior to steel or cast iron products.

Having a minimal level of inertia, a copper battery provides the fastest heating of rooms in the house. Such radiators contain a minimum volume of coolant, which allows them to warm up in a few minutes. Thanks to such a small volume of water, there is no need to heat a large amount of coolant, which affects the efficiency of the autonomous heating system of a private house, which cannot be achieved if cast iron batteries are installed.

Copper is a fairly plastic and corrosion-resistant material that does not wear out under the influence of low-quality coolant, as is the case with its aluminum counterpart. A thanks to high efficiency at minimum temperatures a copper battery could become best choice for any heating system. But due to the very high cost of such a product, it has not found wide distribution among consumers.

Which product should you choose?

By studying the main characteristics of most popular radiator models, you can decide which battery is best for heating your home. But still, before you buy this or that model, you need to decide on some points.

Having become familiar with what different heating radiators are. Which better device choosing to heat a private home will not be difficult to find out. If you still have doubts, you can always get recommendations from specialists who will not only help you choose the right one heating battery, and will carry out its installation.

Before you begin assembling a heating system for a country house, it is imperative to develop it detailed project. First of all, you need to decide on the type necessary equipment, as well as make all the required calculations. for a private home, how to choose the right boiler and pipes for mains, what type of wiring will be better in a particular case - read about all this further in the article.

Main design elements

To assemble a heating system in a country house you will need to purchase:

  • radiators;

    circulation pump;

    pipes for highways.

You will also need to buy expansion tank. IN modern systems For heating, mainly only membrane equipment of this type is used.

What to consider when choosing radiators

When purchasing batteries, you should first pay attention to:

    their design features;

    maximum working pressure;


    number of sections.

Which heating radiator is best for a private home: main varieties

Modern industry produces several types of such equipment. In specialized stores you can find batteries:

    cast iron;

    made of steel;

    made of aluminum;


All these types of heating radiators are quite suitable for a private home. The choice in this case depends mainly on the operational characteristics of a particular system and the financial capabilities of the owners of the building itself.

Cast iron batteries

The main advantages of radiators of this type are low cost and durability. Cast iron batteries are not subject to corrosion and can last faithfully for up to 50 years. In addition, they are undemanding to the quality of the coolant and can easily withstand quite serious pressure in the system - up to 12 atmospheres.

Cast iron models thus have a lot of advantages, and therefore in some cases they can be an excellent answer to the question of which radiators to choose for heating a private home. However, despite the large number of advantages, such batteries are installed quite rarely in residential suburban buildings. The thing is that Soviet radiators of this variety look too old-fashioned. Fit them harmoniously into modern interior almost impossible. In addition, these batteries weigh a lot and can mainly only be used in buildings with very strong walls. For example, they are absolutely not suitable for a house built from foam concrete.

Cast iron heating radiators are suitable for a private home, but when deciding to choose just such models, it is worth keeping in mind that especially high efficiency they are no different. Such batteries heat up rather slowly, and their heat transfer is not particularly large.

Steel models

Radiators of this type, unlike cast iron ones, warm up very quickly. It makes them easy ideal option for heating systems with temperature control. In addition, steel batteries do not weigh too much. Therefore, they can be installed in buildings with walls made of any materials, including foam blocks or SIP panels.

Steel radiators for heating a private house are thus quite suitable. Their only disadvantages are their fragility and inability to withstand significant pressure. The second drawback for a private house usually does not play too big a role. After all, the pressure in the pipes in such buildings is most often not particularly high. If this indicator in the system does not exceed 7-8 atmospheres, you can safely buy steel models. However, you should also pay attention to the quality of the coolant. If an effective water purification system from a well or well is not installed in the house, you should still refuse to purchase such equipment. When using low-quality coolant, such radiators quickly rust and begin to leak.

When answering the question about which radiators to choose for heating a private home, you should also think about purchasing a relatively new variety steel equipment of this type, which recently appeared on the domestic market. We are talking about batteries made of stainless steel. Such radiators can last even longer than cast iron ones, are characterized by high efficiency and attractive appearance. However, such equipment, unfortunately, is quite expensive. Only owners of elite cottages can afford batteries of this type.

Aluminum models

The main advantage of such radiators is their attractive appearance. Aluminum batteries look very modern and easily fit into almost any interior. They are inexpensive, but, like cast iron, they are used extremely rarely in private homes. It's all about their increased demands on the quality of the coolant. In an acidic environment, aluminum reacts very quickly, releasing quite a large amount of gas. And this, in turn, leads to airing of the system and its failure.

Aluminum heating radiators for a private home are therefore only suitable when the lines use a sufficiently clean coolant. As for pressure, such models can easily withstand loads of up to 15 atm.

Bimetallic batteries

When answering the question about which heating radiator is best for a private home, you should think about purchasing a model of this particular type first. Bimetallic batteries are currently perhaps the most popular type of such equipment. The design of radiators of this type includes elements made of two types of metal - aluminum and steel (or copper). Hence their name. The advantages of bimetallic radiators, among other things, include:

    ability to withstand very high coolant pressure (up to 35 atm) and water hammer;

    attractive appearance;

    light weight;

    durability (can last up to 25 years).

In general, they are best suited bimetallic radiators heating for a private home. Reviews of models of this type available on the Internet clearly indicate this. Country property owners consider such equipment to be of very high quality, easy to install and operate. By appearance Such radiators resemble aluminum ones, but are much more reliable. Their design is such that they look like a monolithic product. Since the performance characteristics of such batteries are better than aluminum ones, they cost a little more (about 25%).

Radiators power

When calculating the heating of a private house, you should start by determining this particular indicator. The selection of radiators for a large cottage, of course, should be entrusted to specialists. If the system is assembled in a small one-story private house, this procedure can be carried out independently, according to a simplified scheme.

    total area of ​​the room;

    necessary compensation for heat loss.

The latter indicator, when using a simplified calculation scheme, is usually defined as 1 kW of power per 10 m 2 of room (or per 1 m 2 100 W). That is, in order to find out which batteries of what performance are needed in a particular case, you should simply substitute desired value into the formula N=S*100*1.45, where S is the area of ​​the room, 1.45 is the coefficient of possible heat leaks.

Next, let's see how to calculate heating radiators for a private house on specific example. This procedure is actually quite easy to perform. For example, for a room 4 m wide and 5 m long, the calculation will look like this:

  • 20*100=2000 W;

    2000*1.45=2900 W.

Heating radiators are most often installed under windows. They are selected accordingly required quantity. Houses with an area of ​​20 m2 usually have 2 windows. Therefore, in our example, we will need two radiators with a power of 1450 W each. This indicator can be adjusted first of all by changing the number of sections in the battery. But, of course, in any case there should be just enough of them so that the radiator fits freely in the niche under the window.

The power of one section in different types of batteries may vary. So, for bimetallic radiators with a height of 500 mm, this figure is usually 180 W, and for cast iron - 160 W.

How to choose a boiler

So, we found out which heating radiator is best for a private home. If desired, for a country building you can choose either cast iron, aluminum, steel or bimetallic batteries. In this case, everything depends mainly on the quality of the coolant, the pressure in the system and the interior features of the premises. However, when drawing up a project, of course, you should determine the characteristics of other necessary equipment. In particular, it is necessary to calculate the boiler power. Modern industry produces four types of such equipment:

    gas boilers;


    liquid fuel;

    solid fuel.

These are the types of boilers that are mainly on sale today for heating private homes. How to choose a specific type of such equipment is actually not a very difficult question. Most often they are installed in houses. Installation of them is usually quite expensive. But at the same time, such equipment is quite economical and convenient to use. They are cheap, but are expensive to operate. Therefore, they are most often installed only if there is no gas main near the house.

Solid fuel and diesel heating boilers are used mostly in buildings built in remote areas. That is, where there is no gas supply and no power lines. Such equipment is usually quite expensive and not very convenient to use.

Boilers for heating a private house: how to choose power

In order to determine this indicator, a specialist is usually also hired. You can try to calculate the boiler power yourself only for a small country house. As when choosing radiators, in this case the basis is the fact that 1 kW of boiler power is required per 10 m 2 of room area.

Selecting a wiring diagram

Heating system lines can be laid in different ways. In small country houses usually used simplest system“Leningradka” or dead-end two-pipe. In residential cottages with several floors, a collector circuit is more often used. In one-story houses there is very large area can be mounted and very efficient system heating, called

How to determine the required diameter of lines

When calculating the heating of a private house, you should, of course, calculate this indicator. If the diameter of the lines is incorrectly selected, the system will not work effectively. To buy suitable pipes, you first need to decide:

    with the thermal power of the system;

    optimal coolant pressure.

The first indicator is calculated by the formula Q=(V*Δt*K)*860, where V is the volume of the room, Δt is the difference in air temperatures indoors and outdoors, K is a correction factor (depends on the degree of insulation of the building and is determined using a special table) .

The optimal speed of coolant movement in the system is 0.36-0.7 m/s. The resulting value of thermal power and the selected pressure indicator should simply be inserted into the table for determining the diameter of the pipes.

As for the material of highways, in our time both in small country houses and cottages, metal-plastic is usually used. However, if desired, you can install steel or even expensive and very durable copper pipes in a private residential building.

Buying a circulation pump

When choosing this type of equipment, you should decide mainly on two indicators:

    with working pressure;

    with performance.

The second characteristic is calculated by the formula P = 3.6 x Q/(c x ΔT) (kg/h), where ΔT is the difference between the air temperatures outside and indoors, c is the specific 1.6 dimension.

The required pump pressure can be determined by the formula J= (F+R x L)/p x g (m), where F is the resistance of the reinforcement, R is the hydraulic resistance, L is the length of the section, p is the density of the working fluid, g is the acceleration of gravity .

Choosing batteries for heating in your own home is not at all the same as buying batteries for use in an apartment where the central heating system always operates. Heating a private home involves organizing your own heating system, which, as a rule, is based on a gas boiler. This and other nuances impose certain requirements on radiators.

To help you navigate the issue, Santekhbomb has prepared an article with recommendations. After reading it, you will learn which heating batteries are best for a private home, what you should pay attention to when choosing them, and also get an idea of ​​the main characteristics of the currently most popular batteries suitable for working in gas heating systems.

Features of a gas heating system

First of all, it is worth identifying several features inherent in gas heating systems.

  • Low operating pressure.
  • Absence of pressure surges and water hammer due to the closed circuit.
  • The ability to use good quality coolant, change its type or properties.

Based on this, such common types of heating batteries as cast iron and bimetallic should be immediately “swept away” from the selection. Yes, they are wonderful in their own way, but there is no point in using them in a closed system. Bimetallic ones, despite all their advantages, cost a lot - more expensive than aluminum and often even cast iron analogues, which will make their purchase completely impractical. Cast iron ones are simply not suitable for autonomous gas heating. It's all about their high thermal inertia - because of it you can't heat up the room quickly, and the efficiency of cast iron is such that using it in your home will be too expensive. This will also prevent the automatic temperature control system, if any, from working. In this case, the main advantages of cast iron disappear - there will be no water hammer in such a system, as already mentioned, and ensuring good quality of the coolant will not be difficult.

If you are looking for heating batteries, which ones are best for a private home, the only options left are aluminum batteries. But you should choose them based on your needs. To do this, let’s take a closer look at how exactly they interact with gas system heating systems, what are their main advantages, and what characteristics should you pay attention to before purchasing.

When building a new house or replacing an old heating system, the owner has a question - which heating radiators are best for a private home? The material in this publication is devoted to answering this question.

In private houses, in most cases, an autonomous water heating system is built based on its own boiler. That is, heat consumption directly affects fuel consumption, and therefore, energy payments. Therefore than work more efficiently heating radiators - the higher the overall efficiency of the complex and the lower the fuel consumption.

How to choose heating radiators for a private home, if you are guided by this statement? The choice of batteries should be made primarily based on the heat transfer characteristics of heating devices.

The heating system operates at low operating parameters - the coolant pressure does not exceed 3.0 kgf/cm 2, the water temperature is usually in the range of 60 - 80 0 C. Therefore, when choosing radiators, their strength characteristics can be neglected - they are quite sufficient for trouble-free operation .

In addition, aluminum and steel (including bimetallic with a steel frame) batteries have increased requirements for the chemical composition of the coolant. Aluminum requires that the pH value of water be in the range from 7 to 8; steel is negatively affected by high oxygen content.

In systems chemical composition The coolant practically does not change - replenishment is done very rarely. Therefore, the water requirements from the radiators can also be neglected.

But it should be noted that this statement is true for closed systems - in complexes with natural circulation there is increased content oxygen. In this case the best option The choice is definitely cast iron radiators. They are little susceptible to corrosion, have a large flow area of ​​sections - this is necessary condition For natural circulation coolant.

Thus, it becomes clear that the main selection criterion (from a technical point of view) is the amount of heat transfer from the heating radiator. Radiators are made from 4 metals:

  1. Aluminum;
  2. Bimetallic alloy;
  3. Steel;
  4. Cast iron.

The thermophysical characteristics of these materials are different - the quality of heat transfer of radiators directly depends on this. For ease of comparison, we summarize the information in a table.

Table 1. Summary of heat transfer characteristics of standard radiator sections (500 mm) depending on the material of manufacture.

From the table data we can draw a simple conclusion - the best batteries for a private home are aluminum radiators. They are slightly inferior to devices made from an alloy of steel and aluminum; the outsiders are cast iron and steel products. Steel even has a lower thermal conductivity than cast iron, but heats up faster due to the fact that the cast iron sections have thicker walls.

In addition, aluminum heating devices are usually cheaper than all others. The most expensive are bimetallic radiators - they are also leaders in strength - but we talked about this characteristic above.

Although to a lesser extent than in central heating systems, they are still susceptible to corrosion. Wall thickness steel devices is usually 1.0 - 1.5 mm - this may not be enough for long-term service of the products.

The disadvantage of cast iron radiators is their low maneuverability - they take a long time to warm up and cool down slowly. Thermal regulation is common in modern heating systems - cast iron radiators respond very poorly to adjustment (slow and irrelevant). In addition, cast iron appliances require periodic painting.

From all of the above we can conclude that the most the best option heating device for a private home is aluminum radiator. Devices of this type transfer heat as efficiently as possible - this has a qualitative effect on fuel consumption; aluminum products are usually cheaper than their competitors.

In addition to the technical and economic selection criteria, now important role design delights play - but it’s difficult to recommend anything here. The reputation of the manufacturer is also an important factor. The market is saturated with low-quality products and it is better to overpay a little for a brand than to purchase a obviously unreliable radiator.

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