From whom smallpox. OSB board: application, characteristics, reviews. Certificates and norms

OSB board is a relatively new building material who received wide application in construction. But what is it, what properties does it have, and for what purpose is it used? I will try to answer all these questions.

The abbreviation OSB stands for “oriented strand board”, which means “oriented strand board”. particle board»

What is OSB

General information

The material is mistakenly also called “usb”, “usb” and even “usby” plates. For some reason, roofers especially like to say this. The decoding of the abbreviation USB sounds like this - universalstrandboard, i.e. universal chipboard.

So, OSB is sheets formed by compressed wood shavings and wood chips large sizes. The length of the chips can reach 15 cm, and their number in the slab reaches 90 percent. Most often, manufacturers of this material use a mixture of hardwood and coniferous species wood

For gluing wood chips, synthetic resins, paraffin and other adhesives are used. In addition, moisture-repellent substances are added to the composition.

The main feature of these plates is that they consist of several layers. Moreover, the fibers of each layer are located perpendicular to each other. This provides them with high strength and resistance to deformation.


Manufacturing process OSB boards includes several stages:

  1. Preparing the tree. The tree is softened by moistening and heat treatment, after which the bark and natural damage are removed;
  1. Wood splitting. Using special equipment, the prepared wood is split into chips required sizes;
  2. Drying. The resulting chips are dried in drying chambers;
  1. Processing of raw materials. The prepared shavings are mixed with an adhesive composition and water-repellent impregnations;
  2. Formation of layers. In special conveyor machines, the chips are aligned in the desired direction, resulting in individual layers;
  3. Layering. Layers with a wound orientation of chips are superimposed on each other. The number of layers may vary, depending on the desired thickness of the slab;
  1. Pressing. This procedure occurs under the influence high temperature. The output is almost ready material;
  2. Grinding. The outer surface of the outer layers is sanded, as a result of which the slabs acquire an attractive appearance;
  3. Cutting. The resulting material is cut into slabs of certain sizes, after which they are sent to the warehouse.

As a result, OSB sheets are much more durable and moisture resistant than others similar materials, such as chipboard and MDF.

Main properties and characteristics


Like any other building material, OSB boards have their own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, first of all, let’s get acquainted with their performance qualities.


  • High strength. The material is able to withstand large mechanical loads;
  • Weather resistant. Thanks to this quality, USB panels can be used for outdoor work. True, this does not apply to all their types;
  • Resistance to biological influences. Thanks to special impregnations, the slabs never rot or are affected by fungus or insects;
  • Durability. Thanks to the qualities described above, the sheets can last for various designs for more than a dozen years even when used externally;
  • Preservation of shape. As a result of the multidirectionality of the chips, the slabs are not deformed. In this regard, the material is superior even to plywood;
  • Heat and sound insulation qualities. OSB board has almost the same properties as solid wood;
  • Ease of machining. The slabs do not crumble and are also not prone to chipping in the sawing areas;
  • Attractive view. Thanks to large chips, the boards look much more attractive than chipboard and MDF. Therefore they are often used as finishing material, maintaining natural texture and color.


  • Toxicity. The slabs contain harmful phenols, however, this only applies to brands intended for outdoor use. Some manufacturers have completely eliminated the use of formaldehyde in the manufacture of this material;
  • Eco-friendly brands are not resistant to moisture. Boards that can be used for interior work are not resistant to moisture.


The slabs in question have the following technical characteristics:

Characteristics Options
Modulus of elasticity at transverse bending, N/mm² 1200-1800
Modulus of elasticity at longitudinal bending, N/mm² 2500-4800
Slab sizes The width of the slabs usually has standard dimensions - 1220 or 1250 mm. Length may vary:
  • 2440 mm;
  • 3660 mm;
  • 6000 mm;
  • 2500 mm;
  • 3700 mm

The thickness also varies between 6-22 mm.

Weight of 1m 2 slabs, kg Depending on the thickness of the sheet, it ranges from 12.9 to 42.9.
Moisture resistance Swelling, depending on the type of sheets, is in the range of 12-25%
Density, kg/m 3 640 to 700

OSB has a fairly high coefficient of thermal expansion - a board of standard sizes can expand by 3 mm. Therefore, instructions for installing this material on building facades or, for example, on floors require creating gaps between sheets of several millimeters.

Types of OSB and their features

Characteristics and performance OSB boards largely depend on the strength class. There are four classes in total:

  • OSB-1. The material is intended for use exclusively in dry rooms. It is the most environmentally friendly, but at the same time has the least strength and resistance to moisture.
    Plates of this class are widely used in industry;
  • OSB-2. This class of slabs is also intended for indoor use. The difference from the first class is increased strength, but moisture resistance remains at a low level.
    Such slabs can be used for internal partitions, arrangement of subfloors, etc.;
  • OSB-3. They have much greater density and moisture resistance. As a result, they can be used for both interior and exterior work, subject to short-term contact with water;

It is difficult these days to find a person who has not heard anything about OSB (oriented strand board) boards. This sheet material is actively used in the renovation of apartments, the construction of frame buildings, the construction of roofs and formwork structures.

However, hearing and knowing are unequal concepts. Between them lies a vast field practical experience, obtained as a result of long searches and errors.

This article will help you overcome this information space without disappointment and financial losses.

What is OSB?

Since the creation of the first OSB board, the abbreviated name of which in Russian sounds like OSB (oriented strand board) 30 years have passed. This material was developed during the era of mass prefabricated construction frame houses. Today they are home to millions of citizens of Canada, the USA and Europe.

For wooden frame a light and durable skin was required that could withstand moisture and solar radiation. Traditional chipboard was not suitable for this. It is too heavy and afraid of moisture. Natural wood is suitable for exterior decoration, but its installation is low-tech (takes a lot of time). A solution was found when, instead of randomly mixing sawdust and shavings, they used the technology of oriented layer-by-layer laying of long chips. The binder for it was glue based on formaldehyde resins.

Wood chips, processed glue mixture, laid in the outer layers of OSB in longitudinal direction, and in the inner layer - in the transverse. After this, it falls under a powerful thermal press. Here the process of polymerization (hardening) of the glue occurs and the slab turns into a durable wood conglomerate minimum thickness and maximum strength.

Since the chips are laid in mutually perpendicular directions, the deformation of the OSB board under the influence of alternate wetting and drying is minimal. This fact is of paramount importance for high-quality cladding“framework” walls and crumbs.

Summarizing all that has been said, the question of what OSB is can be answered briefly. This is glued and pressed wood chips.

Insulated ones, the creation of which would have been impossible without OSB, became the first stage in the use of the new material. Today it can be found in almost all areas of construction production.

Technical characteristics and applications

  1. Density of OSB boards ranges from 640 to 700 kg/m3.
  2. Swelling coefficient from 10 to 22% (tested by soaking in water for 24 hours).
  3. Flexural strength . According to the European standard EN 310, it is 20 and 10 Newton per 1 mm 2 (longitudinal and transverse bending respectively).
  4. Mechanical holding capacity This material does not have an exact digital expression, but is assessed by experts as very high. This plate holds screws and nails securely.
  5. Paintability and adhesion . The slabs accept paint and varnish well adhesive compositions, which allows you to vary their appearance within a wide range.
  6. Manufacturability . This material can be sawed, cut, drilled, nailed and sanded. Large area Provides slabs with simple and quick installation.
  7. Fire safety . Oriented chip boards belong to the G4 flammability group. This means that they are very fire hazardous. To reduce flammability to a level acceptable in residential construction (G2-G1), they are treated with fire retardant compounds.

The areas in which OSB board is used are very numerous:

  • wall cladding for frame houses;
  • SIP panels;
  • base for roofing bitumen shingles;
  • ceiling filing, base for installation of floor coverings;
  • covering of wooden stairs;
  • formwork panel structures;
  • racks and stands;
  • construction site fencing.

Types and sizes

There are several varieties of this material. The first level of differences relates to the class of slabs, designated by numbers from 1 to 4:

  1. OSB-1 – material of low strength class. Such boards can only be used in dry rooms in structures that do not bear load (furniture, cladding).
  2. OSB-2 - can be used for construction load-bearing structures in dry rooms.
  3. OSB-3 designed for operation under load in conditions of high humidity.
  4. OSB-4 designed for wet environments and intense mechanical stress.

The industry also produces special types OSB – laminated. They can be installed indoors and can also be reused for formwork.

To install floors, tongue and groove slabs are used. At their ends special recesses and protrusions (grooves) are applied for a tighter connection.

Note that OSB-3 boards are most widely used in construction. They have reasonable cost, good installation and operational characteristics.

Manufacturers produce OSB boards in the following size range:

  • (with smooth edges) 3125x2000 mm, 2800x1250 mm, 2500x1250 mm, 2440x1220 mm;
  • (grooved edge) 2500x1250, 2450x590, 2440x590, 2440x1220 mm.

IN retail trade Most often you can see OSB boards measuring 2.5x1.25 meters.

The thickness of this material ranges from 6 to 22 mm.

Pros and cons

The advantages of OSB boards include:

  1. High moisture resistance.
  2. Light weight.
  3. High mechanical strength and stability of geometric characteristics.
  4. Easy installation.
  5. Aesthetically acceptable appearance.

The disadvantages of this material include:

  1. Low bending strength.
  2. Low level of environmental safety of the products of some domestic companies.

Harm to health

This is the most “sick” topic around which there are constant debates. Manufacturers of the stoves claim that they are completely safe for health. Experts, on the contrary, are skeptical about their sanitary and hygienic properties.

Let's figure out what is the reason for such polar opinions. As we have already said, the binder in the slabs is glue containing formaldehyde. In its chemically bound state it is safe. However, during the process of pressing the boards under the influence of high temperature, the molecular chains of the glue are destroyed and gaseous formaldehyde is released into the atmosphere.

As you know, the line between poison and medicine is very thin. In low concentrations, the poison is a medicine, but in large concentrations it causes serious harm. Something similar happens with formaldehyde. The degree of its toxicity directly depends on the number of molecules in the air.

There is a concept of emission level. It is used to standardize the sanitary and hygienic qualities of OSB boards, dividing them into three classes:

  • E0 - emission from 3 to 5 mg/100 grams of dry material;
  • E1 - emission no more than 10 mg/100 g;
  • E2 – formaldehyde emission ranges from 10 to 30 mg/100 g.

For indoor use, OSB E0 and E1 can be used. Class E2 material is intended only for outdoor installation(roofs, external cladding walls).

You will not see this classification in the sanitary certificates issued to stove manufacturers. In them, toxicity is assessed according to MPC (maximum permissible concentration). It is measured in milligrams of formaldehyde in 1m3 of room air. Permissible concentration in this case is no more than 0.003 mg/m3.

After formaldehyde in the sanitary certificate there is a long list of other toxic substances, the level of which requires checking by GOST.

At the end of the list we see a final indicator called the toxicity index as a percentage. In this case, it ranges from 70 to 120%. According to the sanitary classification, this means that the OSB board is non-toxic.

In order to protect your home from formaldehyde emissions, we recommend taking the following steps:

  1. Do not buy a stove of a class lower than E1.
  2. If there are doubts about the quality of the material, then before installation it must be kept under an open canopy for 3-4 months. During this period, the concentration of free formaldehyde will decrease several times.
  3. Interior finishing made from OSB boards of low toxicity class should be treated with a detoxifying primer.
  4. The room lined with this material must be ventilated daily.
  5. IN summer period Do not allow the room to overheat above +30C.
  6. Do not allow air humidity to rise above 70%.

Verified manufacturers and estimated prices

Since it is not difficult for a manufacturer to obtain a “fake” certificate for a low-quality domestic stove, we advise you to focus on products from trusted brands when purchasing. This group includes trademarks Egger, Glunz, Kronospan-Bolderaja, Kalevala.

Estimated prices for materials (end 2015) produced by these well-known manufacturers, are:

Kronospan-Bolderaja OSB-3 (emission class E1) size 2500*1250 mm - from 510 rub./sheet (thickness 9 mm) to 1300 rub./sheet (thickness 22 mm).

German Glunz and Egger boards of the same size and thickness are significantly more expensive - from 650 to 1800 rubles per sheet.

The average price group is represented by Russian Kalevala OSB-3 boards. They can be purchased at a price almost identical to Kronospan from 530 rubles/sheet (9 mm) to 1300 rubles/sheet (22 mm).

Finally, we traditionally note that prices for materials can vary significantly depending on the region, as well as on the volume of the purchased batch.

OSB board: application, characteristics, reviews

OSB boards (OSB) are a relatively new high-tech wood-based building material that has already become indispensable in wooden frame housing construction, furniture manufacturing and decoration. Important advantages of OSB (OSB) boards are strength and elasticity.

OSB board - what is it?

Oriented Strand Boards(OSB) quickly took their position among traditional wood-based building materials, along with plywood, chipboard, and fiberboard. Universal OSB (Oriented Strand Board) has a number of competitive advantages. It’s not for nothing that OSB boards are called “improved wood”.

OSB (OSB / OSB - all these abbreviations mean the same material) is a dense compressed three-layer board made of large oriented wood chips. On RSD practice replaces plywood and chipboard. The name clearly explains the appearance - it is easy to recognize oriented strand boards by their elongated chips.

The OSB (OSB) board consists of 3 layers. In the inner layer of OSB, the chips are located transversely, in the lower and upper layers- on the contrary, longitudinally. Each layer of OSB board is pre-glued with waterproof resins and pressed under high temperature.

The main raw material for the production of OSB boards is medium- and low-quality coniferous wood, as well as small-sized wood that is not suitable for processing in plywood production and sawmilling. Wood waste is not used here.

Did you know that the appearance of the first OSB dates back to the late 1970s and is associated with the development of wafer board production in the USA. Beginning in 1978, the material quickly began to gain popularity. By 2000, in the United States, the production of OSB boards was almost equal in volume to the production of plywood.

OSB board - dimensions and characteristics

One of the features of manufacturing OSB (OSB) boards is the elimination of crushed product and small chips. The technology allows us to significantly reduce the amount of glue used in OSB (2-3%), unlike others wood-based building materials .

This is how OSB (OSB) boards acquire water resistance, resistance to loads and tension, and elasticity. OSB boards physical properties similar to softwood plywood, however, the cost of OSB is much cheaper, given the low quality requirements for wood raw materials. Elevated mechanical properties, in comparison with conventional chipboard, are achieved by multidirectional orientation of chips in the layers of the OSB board. With static bending, the tensile strength of OSB boards with a density of 650-720 kg/cubic. m is 40-50 MPa in the longitudinal, 20-25 MPa in the transverse directions. For comparison: plywood general purpose made of birch has a static bending strength of 55-60 MPa.

OSB boards retain everything in flat chips beneficial properties solid wood, but eliminates its defects - delamination, warping, falling knots, internal cracks and emptiness. OSB (OSB) is distinguished by high uniformity of structure. Standard sizes OSB boards are 2500x1250, 2440x1220 and 3660x1220 mm, with a thickness of 8-40 mm.

OSB ECO boards (OSB ECO) have the highest environmental parameters. OSB-3 is produced on the basis of polyurethane resins with minimal formaldehyde content. Environmental safety OSB ECO boards are confirmed by certificates.

OSB (OSB) boards - application and capabilities

The characteristics of OSB boards significantly expand the scope of their application for both internal and exterior decoration. OSB (OSB) is suitable as a basis for many types roofing materials. They provide good sound absorption, thermal insulation, high rigidity and are able to withstand heavy snow and wind loads.

Subfloors are assembled from OSB boards and used as a complete flooring. OSB boards(OSB) are perfectly combined with any external cladding coatings when covering walls. OSB boards are also used for construction supporting structures in wall and interfloor ceilings, repeatedly - for removable concrete formwork. In addition to construction and finishing, OSB is in demand in furniture production and packaging industry.

By changing the design of OSB (OSB), for example, the thickness and number of layers, the size and orientation of wood particles, the type of binder and consumption, the boards are given various properties, which determines their purpose. The surface of the OSB board can be varnished, laminated, tongue-and-groove.

OSB boards are easy to process and hold any fastenings well. The retention rate of OSB (OSB) fasteners is 25% higher than that of softwood plywood and chipboard.

OSB 3 boards: what does the marking mean?

Based on strength and moisture resistance, there are four types of OSB boards. The OSB 1 marking means that the board is intended for use in dry rooms, for the manufacture of furniture, finishing and decorative elements. OSB 2 is also recommended for conditions with low humidity. OSB 2 boards are suitable for creating load-bearing structures.

Designations 3 and 4 allow the use of slabs OSB 3, 4 in wet areas. For OSB 4 boards, high mechanical loads are permissible.

When choosing OSB boards, pay attention to the type of material in terms of strength and moisture resistance - there are four in total. OSB 3 is characterized by the greatest versatility; they are suitable for both interior and exterior work.

LLC "Wiener-skif"

Frame houses, which are increasingly gaining popularity, do not raise doubts about their practicality and operational efficiency. But what can be said about the construction process itself and the materials that are used to construct such buildings?

The main types of building materials for such structures are wooden beams, beams and OSB panels. It is the use of panels that ensures frame house those characteristics that attract developers so much.

What is OSB

For those who are planning to build a house from these materials, you should know not only the meaning of the abbreviation, but also the qualities that they possess, as well as functional differences from other similar materials.

OSB panels are boards made from wood chips.

The meaning of the abbreviation translated from English language means “oriented strand board” - Oriented Strand Board.

The difference between these panels and those familiar to domestic developers chipboards consists of the laying method and the type of chips. If in chipboard the main component is pressed in a chaotic manner, then OSB panels in their structure contain chips laid in one direction, that is, oriented.

It is characteristic that the chips are laid in each layer in a different direction. The number of layers in each slab is three or four. Typically, the direction of laying chips is taken in the following order:

  • First layer - fibers are placed parallel to the panel structure
  • The second layer always contains the chip direction perpendicular to the direction of the first layer
  • Third layer - again laying is done in the same way as the first layer
  • The fourth layer is perpendicularly placed fibers

In some panel versions, another method of chip pressing is adopted, which includes parallel arrangement of chip fibers in the outer layers and their transverse placement in two inner layers.

To create a sandwich panel from OSB, shavings up to 15 cm long are used, which are pressed under high pressure. Their volume in the slab structure reaches 90 percent. The fibers of the chips are bonded with waterproof resins of synthetic origin.

As evidenced by numerous reviews of developers who used this material in the construction of their houses, it is this structure that provides many advantages for the operation of the house. One of them, which allows saving the consumption of energy resources during the heating period, is the high heat capacity of OSB boards.

Classification of OSB panels

For construction purposes it is recommended to use individual species panels, since the structure and properties different types differ and are not always suitable for the same purposes.

Reviews about the qualities of OSB panels lean towards the conscious choice of only certain categories of such panels.

In order not to make a mistake when ordering material, you need to study the characteristic parameters and classification of OSB boards. Moreover, this is not difficult to do - there are only four of them, and the differences mainly relate to the number of layers, the degree of strength and moisture resistance indicators:

  1. OSB-1 panels are boards with a very low degree of strength and a low level of moisture resistance. In construction, such panels can only be used in interior work. But more often their use is widespread in the field of manufacturing furniture designs, as well as for packaging products
  2. OSB-2 boards have low strength, although slightly higher than panels of the first category. They can also be used in interior finishing works, sometimes in the construction of lightweight structural elements, ceilings and partitions. But due to low moisture resistance, it is not recommended to use basements, when finishing ground floors and in internal works in bathrooms and kitchen
  3. OSB 3 is the most common model of OSB panels. It has proven itself excellent in exterior and interior work. Can be used in different parts buildings. Resistant in humid environments
  4. OSB-4 category panel is the most durable grade of OSB boards used in all types construction work. Due to its high strength, it can be successfully mounted on external parts building structure, when constructing roofs and attics. Excellent resistance to moisture, making it suitable for use in the lower parts of the building and in rooms with high humidity.

All these properties, inherent in each category of panels to varying degrees, are achieved by using adhesive base different composition. Such boards owe their moisture resistance to the resinous compounds of the glue, and their strength to the arrangement of the fibers wood shavings and the number of layers in the slab.

There are differences in OSB boards based on the type of coating
The industry produces panels with a laminated surface that can be used as formwork, and more than once. For decorative purposes, slabs varnished on both or one side are also produced.

For device horizontal surfaces Panels with connecting elements are produced according to the principle of laminate boards. On two or four sides of such panels there are end ridges and grooves for connecting adjacent slabs.

Reviews of OSB panels from buyers tend to suggest that they have prospects in production finishing works, can be an excellent alternative in flooring.

Properties of OSB panels

Reviews from panel buyers and developers note several significant advantages of this material:

  • The technology of laying wood chips and the length of the chips make OSB panels more rigid, which allows them to become resistant to mechanical stress
  • Thanks to the conveyor production method, the dimensions specified by the technological requirements are observed in the slabs. For the same reason, uniform thickness is achieved in all parts of the slab. This quality contributes to the ease of installation of OSB boards
  • Reducing the labor intensity of the installation process, increasing the efficiency of construction. The panels are lightweight, can be easily transported and do not create additional difficulties during loading and unloading operations
  • High thermal insulation performance is another significant advantage of this material. This property is achieved thanks to the high concentration of wood components, known for their thermal insulation properties.
  • Availability during processing - OSB can be easily sanded, drilled, and cut. And when hammering nails, the edges of the slab do not crumble
OSB properties plate thickness 12mm
Length deviation, mm +/-3
Width deviation, mm +/-0,3
Thickness deviation, mm +/-0,8
Deviation from right angle, maximum, mm/m 2
Bending resistance, main axis, MPa 20
Bending resistance, lateral axis, MPa 10
Flexural modulus of elasticity, major axis, minimum, MPa 3500
Flexural modulus of elasticity, lateral axis, minimum, MPa 1400
Swelling in thickness over 24 hours, maximum, % 15
Density, kg/m 3 630(+/-10%)
Humidity, % 5-12
Thermal conductivity, W/(mK) 0,10
Formaldehyde content, mg/100g <8мг/100г

As for the specific use of slabs in the construction of houses using frame technology, in their reviews many builders and owners of ready-made residential buildings note the speed of construction and ease of installation work.

In terms of operation, there are also undeniable advantages:

  • Houses made from OSB panels do not settle due to the lightness of the material
  • In winter, there is a noticeable saving in energy resources, which eases the budget burden
  • The ability to carry out additional planning of the premises without major intervention in the integrity of the structure

At the same time, in the reviews one can notice the absence of negative qualities characteristic of other materials, namely, susceptibility to rotting, the presence of formations in the form of knots and voids inside the panel, and the risk of fire is reduced.

Against the background of such a volume of advantages, individual disadvantages of OSB boards seem insignificant, but they cannot be ignored.

Among the main disadvantages of this material is the presence of phenol in adhesive resins, which can negatively affect health. However, in each category of plates listed above, the content of this element is regulated.

So when choosing slabs for a specific application, you need to focus on their main purpose. For example, OSB-3 is best used for exterior work, and OSB-2 is recommended for interior decoration.

Painting OSB panels

Application of paint materials on OSB panels does not require special conditions. Any wood paint can be used for this purpose.

For better adhesion to the surface of the slab and a longer period of preservation, the surface of the panel can be primed.

For interior work on panels, you can use acrylic varnish. For the same purpose, stain or water-based paint is used. For all options, only positive reviews are noted.

Video about the production of OSB panels

MDF has been used in construction and furniture production for quite a long time. Their undoubted advantage is their low cost, ease of processing and long service life. However, such sheets have one very serious drawback. They are made using large amounts of resins containing harmful phenol-formaldehyde. Therefore, recently, OSB boards, which are practically devoid of such a drawback and relatively recently appeared on sale, have become increasingly popular among consumers.


What is OSB? Purely externally, such sheets are very similar to chipboard. However, in addition to being relatively harmless, they are also more convenient to use and operate. OSB boards are a modern building material made using shavings and wood chips, as well as resins (in small quantities) as a binding component. Like chipboard, sheets of this type have an absolutely uniform surface. That is, they are free from protrusions, depressions, knots, etc.

What is OSB: features

Such slabs consist of several alternating layers of chips and chips. They may have different sizes and thickness. But the layers in them are always located perpendicular to each other. The upper ones usually run along the length of the sheet, the lower ones - across. This structure makes this sheet material resistant to tearing and compression. In addition, OSB boards, due to their structure, hold fastening materials very well. Another undoubted advantage of this structure is that OSB sheets are very resistant to bending.

Thus, knowing about the structural features of this material, you can understand what the decoding of OSB is. The slab consists of layers of different directions and is named accordingly.

In simple words, OSB stands for “oriented strand board.” The complex structure compared to chipboard and MDF makes this material easy to use, durable and very popular among consumers.

What sizes can they have?

Slabs of this type are used in a variety of areas of construction and furniture production. That's why their sizes are different. Most often on sale today are standard sheets of 2500x1250 mm. The thickness of the slabs can vary from 8 to 26 mm (in increments of 2 mm). Material of this type can weigh from 15 to 40 kg, depending on its dimensions. That is, these slabs, unlike, for example, the same wood or plywood, are also quite light.

Scope of use

We have thus found out what OSB is. But where exactly is this material most often used? In construction, such slabs can be used:

    for the construction of temporary enclosing structures;

    for covering walls, floors and ceilings;

    for covering roofs under soft materials;

    for temporary sealing of windows, doors, etc.

The use of OSB in furniture production allows us to produce practical, durable and attractive cabinets. Bedside tables, tables, chairs and chests of drawers are also constructed from sheets of this type. Quite often this material is used in the production of upholstered furniture and beds.

Types by density

Such slabs can differ not only in size and thickness. There are several varieties of them depending on density. When purchasing such material, of course, among other things, you should pay attention to its labeling. So, for example, slabs:

    OSB-1 have a fairly loose structure. They cannot bear too much load. In addition, such sheets have very little resistance to moisture. OSB-1 boards can be used, for example, for cladding walls and ceilings in very dry rooms.

    OSB-2 differs from OSB-1 in its denser structure. Accordingly, they have a greater margin of safety. It is permissible to use such material, for example, for covering floors that are not subject to too significant loads during operation. Also, such sheets can withstand higher humidity than OSB-1. They can also be used in ordinary residential premises - in corridors, halls, bedrooms.

    OSB-3 is the most popular variety among consumers. Plates of this brand can be used, among other things, in damp rooms. It is also possible to cover street structures with them. But in the latter case, they need to be additionally treated with compounds that increase resistance to moisture and frost resistance.

    OSB-4 is the densest sheet. The scope of use of such plates is practically unlimited. Their only drawback is their rather high cost.

What other characteristics can slabs differ in?

What it is - OSB board - and what types of such material there are - is clear. Sheets of this type differ mainly only in density and size. But there are several other characteristics by which this material can be classified.

Most often you can find ordinary OSB sheets on sale. However, if you wish, today it will be easy to purchase the following material:

    tongue and groove;



Oriented strand boards of the first type of OSB have a groove or ridge on all sides. They are usually used for covering flat surfaces. Laminated OSB is often used in the manufacture of reusable formwork. The surface of such slabs is very smooth. Therefore, the formwork made from them can be easily removed after the cement mortar has hardened. In addition, the finished concrete surface itself, when using such formwork, turns out to be even and smooth. As a result, in the future, among other things, the costs of its finishing are reduced.

The peculiarity of varnished OSB boards is, first of all, that they look more attractive than other varieties. This material is most often used to assemble temporary floors or walls.


This material is lightweight, inexpensive and easy to use. The advantages of OSB boards, among other things, include:

    stability in terms of geometry;

    relative fire safety;

    ability to resist fungus well;


    ease of processing.

Unlike the same wood, OSB sheets do not warp or dry out during use. During the production process, such slabs are initially treated with compounds that increase fire resistance and antiseptic properties.

Sawing and drilling OSB is not as difficult as, for example, plywood. The edges of such slabs do not crumble during processing.

It is believed that the technical properties of OSB boards are superior to both chipboard and wood, fiberboard and MDF. This material wins in terms of performance characteristics and in comparison with plywood. Because of their excellent qualities, builders even call OSB boards “improved wood.”

Disadvantages of the material

Thus, there are simply a huge number of advantages to OSB boards. But this modern material, like any other, has some disadvantages. Consumers primarily consider the following disadvantages of OSB sheets:

    ability to absorb water and swell;

    albeit not too serious, but still a danger in terms of ecology.

Resins in such material are contained in minimal quantities. Therefore, these boards are considered more environmentally friendly than, for example, chipboard and even MDF. However, OSB can still release phenol-formaldehyde. When used in rooms of class E2 or in rooms with an air temperature above 30 o C, it is recommended to additionally treat such sheets with primers or cover them with plasterboard.

When purchasing OSB boards, be sure to, among other things, pay attention to the manufacturer’s brand. The most environmentally friendly slabs of this type, supplied by European companies, are considered to be the safest. The lowest quality sheets of this type are produced in China. Experienced builders recommend using slabs from the Middle Kingdom in the most extreme cases and only outdoors.

Regarding OSB sheets produced by Russian companies, in terms of safety, there is currently no particularly negative information on the Internet. In any case, before purchasing slabs of this type of any brand, among other things, you should study the manufacturer’s certificates. Phenol-formaldehyde resins can actually be very dangerous for human and animal health. For example, it is believed that such vapors can cause cancer.

Characteristics of OSB boards

Sheets of this type are thus well-deservedly popular among consumers. This is, of course, determined primarily by their excellent technical characteristics. Below the reader can see a comparison table between OSB and other modern popular building materials.

Comparison of OSB with other types of sheet materials




Flexural strength

Dimensional stability

Presence of defects

Ability to hold fasteners

The specific technical characteristics of OSB boards depend mainly on their type of density.

Features of working with OSB

What OSP is is therefore clear. But how to work correctly with slabs of this type? Assembling structures from sheets of this type, as already mentioned, is very easy. OSB boards are attached, regardless of their size and thickness, usually to wooden frames using self-tapping screws. At the same time, when used for cladding various types of enclosing structures, it is recommended to install a ventilation layer under such sheets.

Finishing over slabs

Surfaces covered with OSB can be decorated in different ways. Very often, for finishing on top of such slabs, the following are used:



    ceramic tiles;

    laminate, carpeting, linoleum;

This type of material can be painted with both water-based compositions and acrylic ones. It is recommended to prime the slabs before performing this operation. If necessary, it is possible to process OSB sheets using not only dye, but also varnish. Before applying the primer, it is advisable to additionally sand such slabs. It is believed that Nordica Eco 3330-03 is the best acrylic paint for processing OSB. GF-021 is considered the best primer for this material.

Tiles should be mounted on OSB using adhesives intended for finishing wood tiles. Before covering OSB floors with laminate, linoleum or carpeting, it is recommended to seal all gaps between the sheets with silicone.

Before wallpapering, OSB boards, as well as before painting, must be primed. In this case, the surface of the material must also be sanded first. It is recommended to add a little PVA to the glue when finishing wallpaper. This will reduce the water content in it and prevent the slabs from swelling in the future.

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