How to plant an apple tree at the end of May. Spring or autumn: when is it better to plant an apple tree in open ground? When is it better to plant - in spring or autumn?

Almost every farmer can boast of an apple orchard. This tree is easy to care for and delights with tasty and juicy fruits, which is why many gardeners give it preference. In this article we will answer the question of where to plant an apple tree and how to properly prepare the soil so that the fruit tree will delight you with an excellent harvest for many years.

How to choose a place to plant different varieties

There are some general principles, according to which you need to choose a place to plant this plant. Of course, depending on different varieties conditions may change slightly, but the key points remain the same.

The optimal place to plant a tree is on open area, best of all - on a hill. The soil must be loose to provide the plant's root system with sufficient water permeability and breathability. In addition, the plant does not tolerate proximity to groundwater - excess moisture can lead to rotting of the tree roots. Of course, if this cannot be avoided, the solution may be drainage, through which excess water will be removed.

The spacing between trees may vary depending on the variety. For example, if the apple trees are short, then a distance of 1.5–2 m will be quite enough for optimal conditions. In cases where the trees are significant in size, a plot may be needed large sizes to ensure a distance of up to 5 m. Also, apple trees of different varieties suitable for mutual pollination should be planted on the site.

In addition, it is worth protecting the plants from strong winds. To do this, you can plant sea buckthorn or rowan on the northern border of the site.

Now let's talk in more detail about how to choose a place to plant different varieties of apple trees.


Winter varieties are quite popular among gardeners. This is explained by the fact that they are able to withstand even the most severe frosts relatively easily. In addition, their fruits can be stored for a very long time, and the main taste qualities they are acquired after a certain time after storage.

But it is precisely because of these characteristics that they require a huge amount of heat. This means that the soil on which they grow must be well fertilized (more fertilizing is required than summer varieties), and cultivated varieties should not be observed near the plant. That is, their soil must be as nutritious as possible in order to ensure energy conservation.


These are apple trees with a short shelf life of fruits and, moreover, are absolutely not resistant to low temperatures and cold weather. Therefore, it is recommended to plant them in more or less warm regions (the middle and southern zones are suitable), where frosts are not too severe. In addition, they do not like cold winds, so it is worth providing the plants with proper protection. It is also worth noting that it is best to choose a place for planting a tree where there will be a lot of sunlight, because summer varieties absolutely need it.


Autumn varieties are characterized by average frost resistance and relatively long periods storage of fruits.

In order for this apple tree to take root on the site, it is necessary to choose a well-lit area. In addition, you should ensure that the plant avoids drafts and sudden changes in temperature, and if the location of the tree itself does not allow this, you need to provide it with proper protection on your own. In addition, it is not recommended to fertilize the soil too often; rare fertilizing is enough for the plant.

How to prepare the soil

In order for the soil to be quite good, it should be prepared several weeks before planting. This is done so that it is saturated with useful substances and, by the time of planting, the soil has settled sufficiently. What fertilizers are best to choose?

The hole should be a meter in diameter and up to 80 cm deep. It is necessary to mix the fertile and infertile layers of soil, adding fertilizers (humus, ash, superphosphates and potassium sulfate). The hole is filled to the top, and a small mound of earth should be left on top so that the seedling does not end up in the funnel after some time.

After the soil has settled, you can carefully plant apple tree seedlings on the site.

After we have answered the questions about how to choose a place to plant this plant, we will consider some of the nuances associated with growing apple trees.

If the tree is planted in soil in which the clay content is quite high, you need to deepen the hole and lay a layer of drainage on the bottom using wood trimmings or stones. Thus, the plant will have additional reserves of oxygen, which will last for many years. If, on the contrary, the soil is sandy, you need to lay a layer of clay to retain moisture at the very roots.

Remember that actively growing apple trees are among the most tall trees in the garden, so it is recommended to plant it in the northwestern corner of the site so that it does not shade other plants.

A popular question among novice gardeners is whether it is possible to plant a new apple tree in the place of the old one. Many farmers agree that this should not be done. There will not be enough left in the place where the old apple tree grows. nutrients, but root diseases and pests (if any) will migrate to the new seedling.

Therefore, it is recommended to look for another place where you could plant a tree and thereby avoid possible problems. Some, however, have found an alternative - they plant a stone fruit representative (for example, a cherry) in the chosen place. But, in any case, you need to look for a new place on the site for a young apple tree.

And finally, we note that with optimal fit The plants are best handled by two people. After all, when a seedling is placed in the ground, its roots should be straightened. So, one person will work on the root system, while the second will gradually cover it with soil, at the same time compacting the soil well. This way the result will be most effective, and the roots of the tree will remain safe and sound. Now you know where the apple tree grows best.

Video “Instructions for planting an apple tree”

From this video you will learn how to plant apple trees correctly.

A beautiful and well-groomed apple orchard is the pride of every summer resident. But in order to grow it you will need a lot of work and certain skills. Our material will tell you how to plant an apple tree in the spring so that it develops well and produces an amazing harvest.

Grow beautiful orchard Every gardener dreams of producing an excellent harvest and boasting tasty and large apples. To do this, you need to know the nuances of choosing and preparing seedlings, as well as properly preparing the place before planting an apple tree in the spring.

How to select and prepare apple tree seedlings

If you have decided on the variety of apple tree you are interested in, it’s time to go buy planting material. You should know what to look for when choosing.

Where to buy and how to choose seedlings

To do this, it is better to use the services of specialized stores or nurseries, since apple seedlings purchased at spontaneous markets may have been stored incorrectly. There is also a possibility of purchasing the wrong variety.

When choosing a tree, you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  • a two or three year old seedling should have several skeletal branches and a branched root system;
  • good condition bark without damage;
  • The height of the seedling should be 1.5 m.

Preparing a seedling for planting

The one-year-old seedling does not yet have branches, so it must be prepared for planting and the future crown must be correctly formed:

  • Cut off sharp knife or use pruning shears to remove a few buds from the top (this will give the tree the opportunity to develop side branches);
  • Examine the buds: those that look up will continue to grow under acute angle, competing with the main trunk, so they should be removed. Leave 5-6 good buds, looking sideways and spaced evenly along the length of the seedling; skeletal branches will form from them.

Also ask the seller what height it will be mature tree. The choice of planting location on your site depends on this, based on the shadow cast on other plantings.

Preparing the soil and planting an apple tree in spring

Buying seedlings is not enough to get a good harvest. It is necessary to choose the right time, prepare the soil and follow the planting technology.

When to plant apple trees in spring

Determining the time is not difficult. If the air temperature is stably above zero, you can start working.

  • In the southern regions, planting begins in mid-April.
  • IN middle lane Russia's most the right time It is considered the end of April.
  • In the Urals and Siberia, it is recommended to plant apple trees no earlier than mid-May.

Apple tree planting scheme in spring

Before planting apple trees, you need to prepare the hole in advance. It is best to do this in the fall, but it can also be done in the spring, 7-10 days before planting.

Should be observed following parameters for the planting hole:

  • for tall varieties of apple trees (from 200 cm) - diameter 100-110 cm, and 70 cm deep.
  • for medium (from 120 to 200 cm) - 100 and 60;
  • for short people (no more than 120 cm) - 90 and 50, respectively.

The top layer of soil is more fertile than the bottom, so they must be separated when digging (spread in different directions from the hole).

If the soil is clayey, before planting the apple tree, it must be diluted with sand (in a ratio of 2:1), and if it is sandy, then add humus and peat (2:1:1). The bottom requires special attention: loosen it with a shovel and fill it broken brick or tiles, walnut shells are ideal. This layer will be an excellent drainage for excess moisture and a barrier against leaching. useful substances from the soil.

How to plant an apple tree in spring

Procedure spring planting seedlings differs from autumn in the composition of fertilizers. The hole must first be prepared and the seedlings properly pruned.

  • The finished pit is filled with the top fertile layer of soil to a depth of 15-20 cm;
  • Prepare a mixture of fertilizers with soil: 1 cup of superphosphate and 3 tbsp. potassium sulfate is mixed with the remaining soil from the top layer and poured into the hole;
  • The remaining part is filled fertile soil to the top with a small slide;
  • A wooden peg is placed in the center of the mound, and a seedling is placed next to it, its roots spread evenly in a circle;
  • Next, the seedling is sprinkled with earth and compacted. It is necessary that the base of the tree (the junction of the trunk and the root system) is several cm above the ground level, this will prevent the seedling from subsiding.

The apple tree is planted on the north side of the peg, which allows the bark to be slightly protected from sunburn.

How to plant an apple tree in spring video

Apple tree care after planting

A young tree needs good support. To do this, the seedling must be tied to a peg, which is driven into the ground to a depth of 15-20 centimeters. You should tie it with fabric or soft rope, but in no case should you do it with wire or synthetic materials.

On the day of planting, it is necessary to carry out good watering: one hole will need 30-40 liters of water. The main thing is that the water stops flowing freely into the soil and begins to stagnate a little. The procedure is repeated a week later, adding nitrogen-containing mixtures (35-45 grams each ammonium nitrate or nitroammophoska).

How to plant a garden of fruit trees

If you plan to grow more than just apple trees in your garden, you should take care of the correct arrangement of trees, since not all crops get along equally well in one area.

Planting a garden: choosing neighbors and location

Apple, pear and mountain ash have positive allelopathy (compatibility). And crops such as apricot or cherry are better planted in another part of the garden. The heaviest tree is considered Walnut, which is why it is most often placed on the edge of the site under the fence.

  • The cherry tree doesn't like the neighborhood.
  • Apricot, cherry plum or plum planted nearby will most likely die.
  • The apple tree gets along well with the plum, which cannot be said about the peach and pear.

The choice of place for planting apple trees depends on the height of the future tree. Seedlings tall varieties place them on the north side of the summer cottage, and low-growing ones on the south. Such planting will ensure uniform illumination of all trees, and they will not shade each other. The distance between planting holes must be at least 4 m so that the trees do not intertwine their crowns and roots.

What can be planted under an apple tree in the garden

Most best option using a near-trunk circle is turfing. Thus, the soil will receive more oxygen and moisture. Nice appearance the lawn will create an atmosphere of relaxation.

But if you have a small area and a lot of trees, it is better not to waste precious meters and use them wisely. The apple tree has a not too thick crown, so shade-tolerant plants underneath it will receive enough light.

If you want to create a fragrant flowerbed in a circle around the trunk, when asked what to plant under an apple tree, the answer is simple - flowers. The best way to sow the soil is:

  • daisies and marigolds;
  • crocuses and primrose;
  • bells and balsam;
  • pansies.

When there is very little free space, under the apple tree you can place a whole garden of parsley, dill, garlic and lettuce. On the south side of the tree, cucumbers, eggplants and zucchini will take root well. Because root system apple trees are located close to the surface of the ground, it is recommended to organize a small raised bed around the trunk so that the plants do not interfere with each other.

Bottom line

Planting apple trees in the spring involves properly preparing the hole and placing the seedling in it. By completing these simple tasks, you will grow a healthy and productive tree without any problems. Plant a beautiful garden on your site, sow the area under the trees with flowers or herbs so that it is not empty, and enjoy the aroma of flowers in spring and ripe fruits in autumn.

An apple tree should be in every garden. Its fruits contain a complete complex needed by a person vitamins and microelements, but most of all iron in apples. To get a good harvest, it is very important to plant the apple tree correctly.

The planting process includes the following steps:

  • Buying an apple tree seedling.
  • Preparation and selection of landing site.
  • Planting an apple tree seedling in the ground.
  • Post-planting care for the apple tree.

It is useful to know that apple trees bear fruit better if there are several of them on the site. It is better to have varieties of apple trees that ripen in different terms. On small area It is not always possible to plant several apple trees. Look around, your neighbors may also have apple trees.

When to plant an apple tree seedling

Best time- spring or autumn. In autumn - about a month before frost, in spring - after the soil thaws, but before the buds open.

Which is better - spring or autumn - depends on the climatic characteristics of the area. In the south, it is undoubtedly autumn. It is long and warm, the soil does not freeze quickly, the seedlings have time to take root before the cold weather, and in the spring they immediately begin active growth.

In the northern regions, autumn is short, it can very quickly give way to a frosty winter and a newly planted apple tree will not survive. Spring planting will be preferable.

Buying an apple tree seedling

To plant an apple tree on a plot, it is very important to purchase the right seedling. Buying a seedling is not an easy task, on which the future result depends.

Both annual and biennial seedlings can be used for planting. They differ in appearance in that two-year-old apple trees have side branches. In terms of survival rate, annuals are superior to two-year-olds, but the latter begin to bear fruit a year earlier.

Inexperienced gardeners usually choose a variety based on the appearance and taste of the apple and the timing of fruit ripening. But the most important thing to pay attention to is whether the apple tree variety is suitable for your area. Winter hardiness, resistance to diseases and adverse conditions depend on this. environment. If the seedlings were brought from a southern nursery, then excellent varieties that give an excellent harvest in the south may perform in the north in a completely different way than you expected.

It is best to choose seedlings from a local nursery. Useful information The seller can tell you about the varieties and their characteristics. Be sure to ask what rootstock the variety is grafted onto. The height of the apple tree and the timing of the beginning of fruiting depend on this.

Some more useful tips, .

Preparation and selection of landing site

Apple trees can grow up to 7 meters on a tall rootstock; on a medium-growing rootstock, the height of the trees is 3.5 - 4 meters. When choosing a location you need to consider maximum dimensions tree.

The place should be sunny or partial shade. A young tree can grow in partial shade, gradually growing, the apple tree will drown out its low neighbors with its crown and win its place in the sun. But in complete shade, for example, near the northern wall of a building, it should not be planted.

Previously, most apple trees were large and planted at a distance of at least 6 meters from each other. Such varieties have survived to this day, but preference is given to fruit trees on medium-sized or dwarf rootstocks. They are more compact, begin to bear fruit earlier, and are convenient for harvesting; holes for planting them are dug every 4 meters. On average, the distance between apple trees for vigorous varieties should be 4-5 meters, for weak-growing ones - 3-4 m, on dwarf rootstocks - 2.5 m, for columnar ones - 1 m.

Important! It is not recommended to plant apple tree seedlings where old apple trees previously grew. The young tree will wither and may not bloom at all. Even if the roots of the old tree have been uprooted, the soil has its own characteristics and is not suitable for a young apple tree.

Pit preparation and planting

The size of the hole for planting an apple tree seedling is made from 50 to 60 centimeters deep and the same diameter. It's on fertile garden soil. On the rest of the soil, the planting hole should be 60 to 70 centimeters deep and approximately 80 to 100 centimeters in diameter. The worse and harder the soil, the wider the hole for the seedling should be. For severe clay soil make the hole deeper, lay it on the bottom drainage layer from gravel, pebbles or wood scraps. If there is sand on the site, then a larger hole is also needed; clay is poured into it to retain moisture.

Very important factor when digging a hole for planting fruit trees, is the height of the groundwater. For planting apple trees, the optimal location for groundwater is no closer than 2.5 meters from the soil surface. If the landing site young tree provides for closely lying groundwater, which cannot be drained in a certain area, then the seedlings must be planted on artificially raised mounds. The height of such mounds should be about half a meter and the width three meters. Artificial mounds are poured from the surface layer of soil; this layer is more saturated with nutritious minerals.

When digging a hole, the top layer of earth is placed on a separate pile, since it is more fertile. This soil will be useful for preparing a soil mixture for filling in the hole.

The filler for the pit is prepared as follows: the soil dug out of the pit, namely its top layer - chernozem, is mixed with two buckets of organic matter (humus, compost), then a little lime and a kilogram of wood ash are added to it. It would not be superfluous to use complex mineral fertilizers- from 200 to 300 grams of superphosphate. Fertilizers must be thoroughly mixed with the soil so that they do not burn the roots. The planting hole is filled two-thirds with prepared earth mixture in the form of a small mound.

Before planting, the roots are soaked for several hours to restore moisture. All broken and torn ends of the apple tree roots should be cut back to a healthier location before planting. If there is such an opportunity, then it is very useful to dip the roots in a special mash mixture. It is prepared from clay, mullein and water, a liquid homogeneous mass is stirred, into which the roots of the tree are immersed. Next, the roots should be removed from the clay “slurry” and slightly dried. This procedure protects them from drying out.

It is better to plant trees together - one person holds the seedling at the desired height, and the other straightens the roots and covers them with soil.

Hammer a peg for gartering the apple tree into the prepared hole and place the apple tree seedling in the hole next to the peg so that the root neck of the tree is about 5 centimeters above the ground level. An apple tree will develop normally if its root collar is at soil level, not deeper and not higher, but after planting and watering, the loose soil always shrinks, and the seedling will sink down a little. A 5-centimeter headroom is provided to ensure that the tree does not go too deep into the hole after watering. After planting, the neck of the seedling must be covered with soil until it shrinks completely.

The roots of the seedling are distributed evenly on different sides of the mound, all of them should be directed downwards. After this, fill the hole with the remaining fertile soil, lightly compacting it with your feet. This must be done very carefully so as not to damage the roots. If two people are working, then you don’t have to compact it, but simply water it well, keeping the seedling at the same level. The soil will settle and you can add as much more soil as needed.

The trunk of the seedling is tied to a stake. The tree is being watered big amount water - 2-3 buckets or more if the hole was dug large. During watering, the necessary compaction of the soil occurs near the roots of the young tree and the soil is saturated with water.

After planting, be sure to mulch the seedling. To do this, use leaves, peat, humus, straw or sawdust. Mulch serves to retain moisture and prevents crust from appearing on the soil after watering. During autumn planting thick layer mulch protects the soil from early freezing.

Apple tree care after planting

For a seedling in its first year of life, watering is very important. In spring, water 1-2 times a week, and watering should be done abundantly. If the weather is hot, water daily in the evening. In autumn, water less; cool weather, fogs and autumn rains will do this work for you.

It is perhaps difficult to imagine a garden or country cottage area, where there is not a single apple tree. Planting an apple tree is often not limited to one tree; amateur gardeners plant several varieties of apple trees at once, because this is one of the most popular fruit trees. So that they develop well and subsequently make us happy bountiful harvest, you need to follow the rules of planting and care.

Features of planting an apple tree

The very first thing is the time of planting young trees; here you need to pay attention to the climatic characteristics of the region, as well as the characteristics of the variety. The best time for planting apple trees is autumn or spring; if your winters are snowy, then you can plant the trees in the fall; if there is little snow, but the frosts are quite severe, then it is better to postpone planting to spring (March-April). This is especially true for apple trees planted in soil with close water occurrence.

Apple trees love loamy soil most of all; if the soil is clayey, then it is necessary to add sand, compost or peat. And, vice versa: clay, compost, peat, humus should be added to the sandy soil. Soil air exchange is very important for these fruit trees. In the year when planting is done, there is no need to fertilize, but regular watering must be ensured.

Planting an apple tree in the fall - rules, timing

Autumn planting is good for seedlings because it gives them the opportunity to take root, strengthen the root system, and “get comfortable” in a new place throughout the entire winter period. It is best to plant trees by the end of September (20th) - until approximately mid-October (14-17th). If you live in southern regions, then it is recommended autumn planting apple trees The soil for seedlings should be crumbly so that it can allow air and moisture to pass through well.

If you do everything according to the rules, then the place for the apple tree must be prepared in advance:

The distance between apple trees when planting should be at least 2.5 meters - this applies ordinary trees. For grafted, low-growing representatives - at least 3.5 meters, if there are a lot of seedlings - they are arranged in rows, the row spacing should be approximately 5 meters.

As for especially tall, tall varieties, the distance between the rows should be at least 6 meters, and the difference between the trees should be at least 4 meters. If you plan to plant one apple tree, then the distance to other trees or bushes should be at least 3.5 meters.

Apple tree - planting in spring

Around the 20th of April you can start planting apple trees. The advantage of spring planting is that by the time winter cold sets in, the tree will already be stronger and will survive the winter more comfortably. If an apple tree is planted in the spring, at first it needs to be provided with regular, abundant watering so that the root system does not dry out.

About a week before planting, it is necessary to prepare a place for the seedling in advance. If the soil is suitable for the tree, the depth of the hole should be no more than 60 cm; if the soil is problematic, then no less than 70 cm. The diameter of the hole should be approximately 60-90 cm.

Before planting, the root system of apple trees must be well moistened; to do this, you can first lower the roots of the seedlings into a bucket of water (for a day). After planting, thoroughly fill the hole with water until it is no longer absorbed by the soil. To prevent moisture evaporation, you can cover the surface of the ground near the seedling with dry grass. When a young apple tree is planted in the spring, the planting rules are the same as in the fall (root collar above the soil, peg, etc.).

Planting an apple tree when groundwater is high

What to do if groundwater in your area comes very close to the surface of the earth? If in such conditions you plant an apple tree the usual method, it will simply die due to contact of the roots with moisture and lack of air. Here it is necessary to give the roots the direction of surface growth (avoid contact with water). The solution is to plant an apple tree on an artificial hill.

Apple tree - care and planting of seedlings in conditions of nearby groundwater:

  1. We find the highest part of the area with a diameter of about 2 meters and dig it up.
  2. From the old ones wooden planks (old wood it will rot faster) we install a box, approximately meter x meter, 80 cm in height is enough. We install the structure on an elevation; it will hold the poured earth.
  3. Inside the box, pour manure and fertilizers (superphosphate) onto the dug up soil, and top it with fertile soil. Here you need to first take care of the availability of soil, since you will need quite a lot of it.
  4. We plant a seedling on the resulting embankment in compliance with all planting rules, after which the structure is covered with earth on all sides.

As the tree grows in size, the amount of soil should also increase (by adding more). With the onset of winter, the tree should be provided with additional protection from frost, and in the summer - from drought. In this design, the soil freezes and dries out much faster than with conventional planting.

Planting an apple tree high level groundwater is possible using another method - a concrete “pillow”. To do this, first dig a hole approximately 60-80 cm deep, diameter 90-100 cm, and arrange a concrete slab. Thus, the roots of the apple tree, having reached the concrete, encountering resistance, will begin to grow to the sides (horizontally).

Sometimes gardeners do not resort to digging holes, but simply lay them on the ground hard materials(slate, board), a mound of fertile soil up to 70-80 cm high is poured on top - seedlings are planted.

Planting apple tree seedlings with a closed root system

At plant shows or nurseries, apple seedlings are often sold in pots or appropriate containers. Such trees quickly take root in a new place and tolerate planting comfortably, since their roots are not injured during the process.

Planting apple trees with a closed root system is done as follows:

Seedlings with a closed root system can be planted at any time from spring to autumn.

Apple tree care

In the first year of planting, you can do pruning - if the apple seedling is powerful, well developed, and has branches at least 40 cm long. If the tree is rather weak, then pruning should be moved to next year. This process It is recommended to carry out in the spring. Thus, the central conductor is shortened by 2 or 3 buds - this is done so that the side shoots gain strength and grow more actively. Skeletal branches are subordinate to the main conductor - they should be located below it. Subsequent care of the apple tree in the first year of life consists of timely watering and prevention of diseases and pests.

The very next year, pruning branches takes on a formative character. For the harmonious development of the crown, young shoots are shortened, all branches that grow inside the crown, as well as those that grow from the trunk at an acute angle, are cut out. Almost always one strong shoot breaks forward, which competes with the central conductor. It should be cut off, and the main conductor should be shortened again by 2-3 buds.

Skeletal branches should also be pruned in harmony with other branches. The more branches of the second and third order there are, the stronger the first order branch will be. This provides a reserve of power for the future, because someday the branches will have to withstand the weight of numerous fruits. For the harmonious development of the tree, productivity and many years to come, annual pruning should be done - shaping the crown.

Caring for the tree trunk in the first years of a tree's life involves regular weeding. Before fruiting begins, you can mulch the circle with hay, and then you can sow it with a sparse lawn. In summer, young apple trees are watered about once a month, pouring 3 buckets of water under each tree. If the summer is very dry and the tree grows on sandy soil, then watering should be increased to 1 or 2 times a week. Calculation of water for older apple trees is done in this way: how old the tree is, how many buckets of water it should consume.

For fruit-bearing trees there is a unique watering scheme:

  • until the buds open;
  • 20 days after flowering;
  • a month before harvesting the fruits;
  • after the final harvest.

When removing fruits from the branches, you should not water the tree - the apples will crack and will not store well.

Feeding, fertilizing

In the spring, young trees are given a solution of urea (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water) - this is root feeding. For foliar (May-June) “Ideal” or sodium humate in solution (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) is suitable. In September, it is recommended to carry out another root feeding with a phosphorus-potassium solution (2 tablespoons per 10 liters of water).

A unique seasonal feeding scheme for adult apple trees requires 4 feedings a day. First, 500 g of urea is scattered and buried in the soil under each tree, second, at the beginning of flowering, a mixture of potassium sulfate, urea, superphosphate (80/50/100 g per 20 liters of water) infused for several days. Third - after the color has fallen, a mixture of nitrophoska, sodium humate (100/2 g per 20 liters of water) and finally, after removing the fruits - a bucket of humus for each tree.

Preventive treatments against pests and diseases should also take place; they can be combined with the application of fertilizers. Planting an apple tree is the beginning long journey from young seedling to an adult spreading tree with plump sweet fruits.

In spring, gardeners have a desire to somehow update their garden or expand it. Great solution will be planting new apple trees.

If the moment is chosen well, the seedlings take root well, and the day is not far off when the young apple tree will bear its first apple.

If you plant apple tree seedlings in spring period, then the plants will have enough time before winter to get stronger. Well-rooted trees cope with winter frosts much easier.

Planting apple tree seedlings in the spring should not be delayed for long. It is advisable to have time to do this before the buds begin to open. A sudden onset of heat has a bad effect on seedlings, which begin to lose their quality. This is especially significant for areas with a high probability of drought.

On a note! In central Russia, seedlings are planted starting in the second half of April. In the north, this event should be postponed until May.

The preparedness of the soil is determined using a shovel. If the soil can be dug without stress, then the time has come to plant seedlings. When the ground completely thaws and the juices inside the trees begin to move, it will be too late. In this case, the tree will not have enough water for normal development. This will lead to the appearance of diseases. Under the influence of the sun's rays, which are already quite hot in May, the young leaves will dry out.

Planting material Apple trees take root much better in wet soil. If you hesitate with planting, you will need to increase watering of the young tree. The future fate of the tree and its productivity depend on how correct the moment was chosen for planting the seedling.

Choosing an apple variety

The correct choice of planting material depends on the variety of this fruit crop. When selecting an apple tree variety for a specific climate zone, you need to rely on the degree of survival and productivity in this zone. According to the ripening period, apple tree varieties are divided into the following groups.

  1. Summer, giving a harvest in late summer. Apples collected from trees summer varieties fruiting, can be stored for up to 14 days. The most famous varieties- Lungwort and White filling.
  2. Autumn, which bear fruit at the beginning of autumn. Apples retain their consumer qualities for 30 days. The most popular varieties are Melba and Korean.
  3. Winter, the fruits of which can begin to be collected in late September. The harvest lasts for almost six months. Winter varieties include Welsey and Antonovka.

  • vigorous, stretching to a height of up to 8 m. The roots go very deep. They will take root well in areas with a groundwater depth of 3 m. The most popular varieties include Antonovka vulgaris and Arkadik.
  • semi-dwarf, reaching a height of 5 m. Such trees can be grown in areas where groundwater passes fairly close to the surface (1.5 m). These are varieties such as Candy and Melba.

Selection of seedlings

If suitable variety has been chosen, then the next task facing the gardener is the acquisition of quality seedlings. In this case, several nuances need to be taken into account.

  1. Place of purchase. It is recommended to purchase planting material from special nurseries or stores. If seedlings purchased secondhand were not provided with proper storage conditions, then the trees may not take root in the new location. In addition, it often turns out that the seedling does not belong to the variety of apple tree that you wanted to purchase.
  2. Selection of seedlings. A tree aged two or three years should ideally have several branches and well-branched roots. The bark should not be damaged. The normal plant height is 1.5 m.

Preparing for landing

A plant at the age of 1 year should not have branches. Proper preparation implies the formation of a crown. To do this, you need to perform the following steps.

  1. Cut off the top of the plant with a sharpened knife. It is necessary to skip a few buds so that the plant can form lateral branches.
  2. Remove those buds that are directed upward, otherwise branches will grow from them that compete with the trunk. It is necessary to preserve about 6 buds, distributed evenly along the trunk and directed perpendicular to it. Crown branches will be formed from them in the future.
  3. When purchasing, you should find out the height of the future apple tree in advance. This will help determine a suitable place on the site for planting, as well as suggest where the shadow of the tree will fall.

Soil preparation

The hole for planting the apple tree is prepared in advance. In spring, you can dig a hole for an apple tree seedling about a week before planting.

The hole must be of a certain size depending on the type of apple tree.

  1. Large trees, reaching a height of more than 2 m, need to make a hole with a diameter of about 1 m and a depth of about 70 cm.
  2. The roots of trees of medium height (from 1.2 m) will feel good in holes 100x60 cm.
  3. Saplings of low-growing apple trees (up to 1.2 m) need a hole measuring 90x50 cm.

When digging a hole, the layers of soil do not need to be mixed. The upper one, which is more fertile, must be thrown in one direction, and the lower one in the other.

Important! Clay soil Before planting the seedling, it should be diluted with sand in a ratio of 2:1. Sandy soil can be diluted with a mixture of peat and humus in a ratio of 2:1:1.

The bottom of the pit must be loosened and sprinkled with fragments of tiles or bricks. You can use the shells left over from walnuts. This will create good drainage, protecting against excess water and preventing the leaching of valuable minerals from the soil.

Step-by-step planting instructions

It is necessary to prepare the hole in advance and trim the planting material properly.

Table. Planting an apple tree in spring.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

The hole is sprinkled with a layer of fertile soil about 20 cm.

Minerals are mixed with the remaining fertile soil at the rate of 3 tablespoons of potassium sulfate per glass of superphosphate.

The hole is completely filled with a mixture of soil and fertilizer, forming a small mound on top.

A wooden support is inserted into the center of the slide. A tree is placed near it, distributing the roots evenly around.

Then the roots are covered with soil and pressed down. In this case, you need to ensure that the place where the trunk ends and the roots begin is raised several centimeters above ground level.

In order to slightly reduce the adverse effects of the sun on the delicate bark of the tree, the plant should be planted north of the support.

How to avoid mistakes when planting an apple tree

Even gardening beginners can get good results growing an apple tree if they avoid the following common mistakes.

  1. Without fixation, the tree will lean in one direction or another. A support of 3 pegs connected to each other will help to reliably protect it from tilting. Their height should be 2/3 of the height of the plant.
  2. It is highly undesirable to fertilize seedlings with compost or fresh manure. Such feeding will damage the roots and create conditions for the formation of black cancer.
  3. To prevent the roots of the apple tree from drying out, they need to be fed with a mixture of fresh mullein and clay. This can be done before planting the seedling.
  4. It is not recommended to intersperse plantings of apple trees with other fruit trees. It is advisable to use a prepared tree planting plan.
  5. When planting seedlings, you should take into account the places where communications are laid on the site. You must maintain a distance of 3 m from them.
  6. Apple trees grow best on southeast and southwest sides of plots.
  7. When plants do not have enough space, their immunity decreases. Weakened apple trees are susceptible to disease and are actively harassed by pests.

How to care for seedlings

In order for the planted tree to take root better, it should be watered. This is done regardless of how moist the soil is. The point of such watering is not so much to increase the moisture content of the soil, but to ensure better adhesion of the roots to the soil particles.

The hole in which the seedling is planted needs to be mulched after the soil has been completely saturated with moisture. To do this, use humus, rotted straw or compost. If none of the above is found, then it is permissible to use simple soil. Planting a seedling must be completed by tying it to a support.

On a note! To protect young trees from pests, you need to treat the trunks with lime. This event takes place in the spring after disembarkation. At the same time, the bases of the branches are also covered with whitewash.

Other plants can be planted under apple trees. It is best to sod around the trunk. Thanks to this step, water and oxygen will penetrate better into the ground. It is permissible to form beautiful lawn which will improve the appearance of the site. Many apple trees grow well around ornamental plants. It might make a nice flower garden.

If, when planting apple tree seedlings, you take into account all the necessary nuances, such as choosing a variety, seedling, suitable place, maintaining the required distance between the trees, then after a few years the plant will begin to produce a harvest. Until this time, it is necessary to support the apple tree so that its proper formation does not stop. It is necessary to fertilize and water the tree in a timely manner, help the development of its crown, and also protect it from diseases and harmful insects. If you miss any of these points, then all previous work on planting and care will be lost. Vigilant care for apple orchard will provide good harvest for many years.

Video - How to plant an apple tree in spring

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