Balcony calculator online. Glazing calculator for balconies and loggias

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Glazing a balcony is an opportunity to get additional space for equipping a recreation area, storage room, workshop, or even connecting it to a room. However, before purchasing windows and starting glazing work, you should decide how the updated balcony will be used. The type of glazing, the choice of double-glazed windows, as well as the type of finishing, quantity lighting fixtures. The method of insulating a balcony also directly depends on its future purpose.

The cost depends on the following factors:

  • overall dimensions translucent structures;
  • type of glazing - warm, semi-warm, French or cold;
  • type of double-glazed windows - regular and special, and number of cameras;
  • configurations - on the number of cameras, fixed and opening doors, the presence of window sills, mosquito nets, locks, additional accessories, and the manufacturer of the fittings.

You can always calculate the estimated cost on our website using the online balcony glazing calculator.

Yes, an inexpensive solution to the problem of glazing a balcony is possible if you do not plan to combine it with a room, but will use it for storing things, drying clothes and actively using it in warm time year. In this case, you can limit yourself to installing “cold glazing” from an aluminum profile. We recommend Provedal sliding systems, which are practical, durable and affordable price. Aluminum glazing will serve reliable protection balcony from dust, precipitation, dirt. It will reduce noise and heat loss, although not to the same extent as premium PVC structures.

Slidors is a sliding glazing system made of plastic profile. It allows optimal use balcony space and has quite acceptable thermal insulation characteristics due to frames made of multi-chamber PVC profile.

Provedal is a sliding system made of aluminum profile. And although this is a “colder” glazing option, it will excellent protection from wind, dust, snow, rain if the balcony is not planned to be insulated.

Glazing of loggias and balconies is carried out at any time of the year. But a professional approach is important here, because violation of technology and the use of materials that are not intended for use in sub-zero temperatures, can greatly affect the quality of installation. Contact competent specialists and reputable companies!

You need to order structures made from reliable and warm PVC profiles (for example, Rehau) with hinged doors and energy-saving double-glazed windows. However, such structures are quite heavy, so the parapet may need to be strengthened, which is not always possible, especially in old houses. And one more important point: to use the loggia in winter, glazing alone, even the warmest, will not be enough. For maximum thermal insulation of this room (especially when combined with a room), it is also necessary to insulate the ceiling, floor, and walls.

Aluminum profiles are widely used for glazing loggias and balconies because they have the following advantages compared to other materials:

  • low weight of structures;
  • reducing the load on the parapet;
  • the height of the sashes can reach 2.0 m;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • ease of use.

The disadvantage of aluminum systems is the relatively low level of thermal insulation. However, if the balcony is not used in winter and there are no plans to insulate it, aluminum windows are a practical and affordable option.

If the loggia or balcony is very narrow, then the casement windows will block the space when opened. In this case more in a convenient way glazing will be the installation of sliding systems - plastic or aluminum (such as Slidors or Provedal). But if you need an insulated balcony or plan to attach it to the room, you should choose good PVC profile and order windows with hinged sashes.

Windows sweat due to the large temperature difference between the ambient air and the indoor air. In this case, condensation forms on the glass. As a rule, this problem occurs on uninsulated balconies with cold glazing. It can be solved by regular ventilation - you need to periodically open the doors to the balcony and window sashes. If the balcony is insulated and installed warm glazing, then the windows will not sweat.

Yes, but the degree of thermal insulation of the loggia will depend on the choice of profile and glazing systems. The most effective option If it is necessary to insulate or combine a loggia with a room, PVC windows with energy-saving double-glazed windows will be installed. And don’t forget about the need to insulate walls, floors and ceilings!

Glazing with the Slidors plastic sliding system will not be so effective because it cannot provide airtightness, but it will still significantly increase the temperature in the loggia. Even the most economical option– the Provedal sliding system made of aluminum will protect from wind, precipitation and, to a certain extent, from cold.

Conclusion: any type of glazing - both cold and warm, will serve as protection from rain, snow, wind, dust and will improve the sound and heat insulation of the loggia

Any type of glazing provides noise protection, but only to varying degrees. Cold glazing has the lowest sound insulation rating aluminum profile Provedal. Semi-warm PVC glazing with the Slidors profile will already be more effective in terms of noise protection. But maximum sound insulation will be provided by glazing using a wide multi-chamber PVC profile and special double-glazed windows.

Balcony glazing calculator - a convenient online tool on our website for self-calculation cost of structures taking into account the type of balcony, additional options and installation.

How to use the balcony calculator

1. Select glazing type. The glazing calculator can calculate the cost of cold glazing with sliding aluminum profiles or warm glazing with hinged profiles plastic windows Rehau. The type of glazing should be selected based on the plans for using the balcony.

2. Choose your balcony configuration. The site presents 4 possible configurations: loggia, corner balcony, U-shaped and heel. If the shape of your balcony is different, you need to call a manager to take measurements to calculate the cost of the structure.

3. Specify the dimensions of the balcony. Using the sliders, set the approximate dimensions of the width and height of your structure.

4. Add options and services. Mark the required options (window sill, ebb, canopy) and installation. We recommend adding a shroud and a canopy to your order, they will protect window design And installation seam from precipitation and exposure to sunlight.

The calculator will automatically calculate the cost of the product along with the selected accessories and display the final price. You can change the type of glazing from cold to warm to compare the cost of both options. Please note that the calculator calculates only the approximate price; the final cost of the order will be calculated by the manager after taking accurate measurements, taking into account necessary work and components.

To fill out an application and send a calculation to the company, click the “Order” button and provide a contact phone number. The manager of the PanOkna company will call you back shortly.

Our company carries out all types of work on glazing balconies and loggias, their insulation, external and interior decoration. If necessary, we also carry out work to strengthen parapets for glazing and install roofs on balconies top floors and installation of remote structures for narrow spaces.

Astakhovs Maxim and Olga

We would like to express our gratitude to the installer Fedor Georgievich, the installation was carried out on September 27, 2014 (in Lyublino). A very neat person, he does everything with love. The installation was done with high quality! We are going to order another window, and of course we will ask that Fyodor Georgievich install the window for us. I swept up the trash, cleaned it up, and took everything away! There should be more people like this!

Zinaida Antonovna

I am very grateful to the company’s employees. I was pleasantly surprised. I would like to say a big thank you to the managers Oksana and Irina, the surveyor (I don’t remember their name) They are polite and know their job well. Everything was delivered on time, very quickly. Installation the next day. And special thanks to the assemblers Sergei and Yuri (SK team). The dismantling was carried out carefully... The window was installed with high quality and beautifully. I not only had to install it, but also build it up in blocks...

Nikolay Petrov

03/28/14 installed window. The measurer Egor (I don’t know his last name) took the measurement correctly. Before this, three more companies were invited, but only he tore off the bar to make sure the measurements were correct. Installer Igor Mandrik installed the eye and balcony door within two hours, showing high professionalism, he took into account all the nuances of installation and the wishes of the customer. The garbage is taken out to a container, and not to the elevator, like other companies. I recommend using the service...

Irina Khimki

Moved to new apartment, the windows seemed to be good, but they blew quite strongly. I decided to change it immediately, without waiting for winter. According to the reviews, I liked the Ramokna company, people praise it. I placed an order, a surveyor arrived on the same day, and 5 days later the guys Igor and Alexey had already completed the installation. I liked everything very much, I give it a solid A for quality and service!

To make a loggia or balcony truly residential and functional rooms, protected from external influence, they should be glazed.

And a lot of variety building materials and technologies sets a significant price range, which should be understood in more detail.

Today there are several main technologies for glazing loggias:

  1. Application wooden frames;
  2. Aluminum sliding systems;
  3. Metal-plastic systems;
  4. Frames made of galvanized metal.

Accordingly, their manufacturers, as well as installers, have set for themselves the average price for 1 sq.m of glazing under certain conditions.

And to attract buyers and make it easier for them to calculate the cost of work, many of them on their Internet sites provide the opportunity to calculate the average costs of glazing a loggia - the on-line calculator gives just such a general idea.

The cheapest are frames made of galvanized metal, and the most expensive are aluminum sliding systems. And depending on the chosen technology and material, it will add up average price 1 sq.m. products.

Accordingly, visitors to the websites of companies involved in the installation of glazing, having entered the initial parameters of the loggia:

  1. parapet height from the floor;
  2. length and width of window frames;
  3. number of opening doors;
  4. desired frame material;
  5. glass unit parameters;
  6. and the total number of window sections;

can receive the average (conditional) cost of all work.

Domestic realities

Let's figure out how such a calculator program works.

The algorithm of its work consists of arithmetic operations (multiplication and addition) on such expense items as:

  1. Cost of materials for manufacturing 1 sq.m. frames;
  2. Cost of glass (single or multi-chamber option);
  3. Cost of locking fittings (hinges, handles, rotary bolts);
  4. Manufacturing costs (staff salaries, expenses and components);
  5. Cost of installation (installation) per 1 sq.m.;
  6. Delivery cost (transport + delivery to the floor).

It is clear that the companies do not disclose the details of most cost estimates, but instead build average indicators into the calculation calculator - the same minimum prices for standard sizes.

It should be understood that the contractor implementing and the manufacturer window systems- these are different faces in most cases. Customers often turn to installation companies, who in turn order products from different manufacturers.

Caution: the upcoming process of glazing loggias is characterized not only by the quantity and cost of materials, but by many other technical parameters, which homeowners are not aware of.

It is precisely this ignorance of clients that unscrupulous contractors take advantage of and inflate the final price.

Consumables and components

Don’t forget about such a component of work as competition. It is this that forces many companies to provide average cost data on their websites. consumables, trying to initially lower it by setting a lower price limit for themselves.

This is good for customers, as long as prices remain stable.

However, in practice, some installation companies subsequently try to increase it, citing “forgetfulness” during preliminary calculations:

  1. Delivery is not included in the price;
  2. The calculation is provided based on average measurements of a typical loggia, and the client’s loggia is non-standard;
  3. Window sills, canopies, ebbs, mosquito net– paid separately;
  4. The cost of “branded” fittings, additional sealing, etc. is not taken into account.

Measurement accuracy

Another important aspect that loggia owners should know when calculating the cost is the measurements of glazing work. After all, using average values ​​for calculation, the installation company will not be able to calculate the glazing of the loggia with high accuracy.

Therefore, it specifically stipulates that no other preparatory, restoration or construction and installation work is expected at the customer’s site.

These include:

  1. Strengthening the enclosing structure of the front part of the loggia (parapet) so that it can withstand the load window frame;
  2. Insulation of the loggia;
  3. Expansion of the loggia in the glazing area (removal of the frame).

Advice: This is why it is so important that your loggia be measured by a specialist from the company you have chosen, based on your criteria, incl. and thanks to the on-line calculator, which allowed you to determine for yourself approximate cost loggia glazing works.

The invited specialist guarantees the accuracy of the measurements, which will be included in the calculation of the cost of all materials and work. And it is quite expected that the price for loggia glazing services may increase.

But for clients it is good way make sure of the integrity of the contractor, since the discrepancy in the cost calculated using the calculator on the company’s website should not exceed 5-7%. If the difference is greater, there is reason to think about it.

How the glazing calculator works

The installation companies themselves also use a calculator, but their “version” is more accurate, since it represents an actual cost calculation, so calculating the glazing of a loggia with their help will be much more accurate.

The algorithm for their work is as follows:

  1. Selecting the type of window (one, two or more sashes);
  2. Number of swing doors;
  3. Number of straight sections;
  4. Length of each section in cm;
  5. The height of the opening from the edge of the railing to the ceiling, in cm;
  6. Installed double glazed window;
  7. Accessories;
  8. The presence of a window sill and low tide;
  9. Delivery and installation.

These calculations will form the basis of the agreement, which will be concluded with the mutual consent of the parties.

Conclusions: using the on-line calculator offered by companies to calculate loggia glazing, the client has the opportunity to receive in advance the conditional cost of the work, which will allow him to plan his budget.

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