How and when can cyclamen be transplanted? Growing cyclamen at home: important nuances of planting and caring for a demanding beauty. Which pot is better to transplant cyclamen into?

  • It should be not only regular, but also moderate.
  • With abundant watering of this plant, it can rot, which will lead to its death.
  • When watering this plant, you must ensure that moisture does not get on such parts of the flower as: leaves, buds, etc.
  • That is why it is necessary to water the plant not from above, but using a tray. This will allow the plant to take as much moisture as it needs.

In order for this plant to take root well, it must be grown in moderately heated rooms. The room temperature should be in the range from 12 to 15 degrees. If this plant is placed in drafts, it may die. If the room temperature is above 15 degrees, then natural moisture will be enough for him.

When caring for cyclamen, it is necessary not only to provide it optimal conditions, but also monitor it as carefully as possible appearance.

If, after transplanting this plant, wilted leaves appear on it, then they must be removed without fail. In this case, it is strictly prohibited to use scissors. It is necessary to pull out the foliage using short rotational movements.

If the cyclamen was transplanted before the dormant period, then its leaves will certainly dry out. This is not something to be afraid of. Cyclamen must be placed in a cool place. At the end of the dormant period, the leaves must be removed from the cyclamen.

Plant nutrition:

  • Fertilizer is a very important component of caring for this plant.
  • By applying fertilizers, you can ensure cyclamen not only proper, but also full flowering.
  • To carry out this action it is very often used mineral fertilizers.
  • During dormancy, this plant does not need fertilizer.

When conducting correct transplantation, as well as proper care for it, you can ensure proper growth and development of cyclamen.

More information can be found in the video.

Today we'll talk about how to properly transplant cyclamen at home, when is the best time to do this and how to care for it after transplantation.

You have a cyclamen growing on your windowsill - an elegant plant with graceful leaves and unusual flowers, as if turned inside out, on long stalks. At some point it begins to seem to you that the cyclamen pot is too small and needs to be replanted. But when? How? In what soil? And is a transplant really necessary? Well, let's go point by point.

You won’t have to start by buying a beautiful pot. First of all, determine which species your cyclamen belongs to.

The fact is that Persian cyclamen and purple cyclamen, which mainly grow on our windows, on some issues have completely opposite views on life - and this must be taken into account.

What species is your cyclamen?

When to replant cyclamen?

And this is where we need a table to determine the type of cyclamen you have. Of course, it is customary to replant plants at the end of the dormant period.

But the thing is that if the purple cyclamen (which is not called European for nothing) lives according to the time of the Northern Hemisphere, “sleeps” in the winter and comes to life in the spring, then the Persian cyclamen, on the contrary, rests in the summer, and by the fall wakes up, gains strength and begins to bloom.

So it turns out that the purple European needs to be replanted in the spring, and the Persian inhabitant - in the fall.

Which soil should I choose?

On this issue, both cyclamens are extremely unanimous. They prefer light and nutritious soil and are not particularly picky about this issue. 1 share of sand to 2 parts of peat or humus, a good layer of drainage at the bottom - and the cyclamen is happy.

And don't forget, tuber Persian cyclamen They don’t bury the whole thing in the ground - only half of it! But the purple one can be buried so that only the leaves stick out.

Soil recipe for cyclamen: sand and peat/humus 1:2

Choosing a pot

Oddly enough, cyclamen loves cramped spaces, but in too big pot suffers, withers and refuses to bloom. Therefore, it is replanted (or rather, reloaded with a clod of earth) no more than once every two years, and the pot is selected so that there are literally two or three centimeters of soil between the tuber and the wall. What can you do - there is no arguing about tastes!

Care after transplant

Cyclamen loves coolness and bright, but diffused light, so in no case place it on a south window, under direct sun rays. It is best suited for a cool eastern, western or even northern loggia, a temperature of +15-19 degrees, not too dry air and regular watering.

A secret from experts: if you lower the temperature to +8-12 degrees, cyclamen will bloom much longer, sometimes as much as six months in a row. Theoretically, in nature it can withstand temperatures down to -10, but homemade, potted specimens usually do not welcome such experiments.

And by the way, one more thing: cyclamen cannot tolerate tobacco smoke. Who to give the loggia to, a flower or a smoker - decide for yourself.

Lighting and temperature


As for watering, there are also some nuances here. During the growth period, the soil should be constantly moist, but under no circumstances should water reach the growing point. If you flood the growing point, the leaf petioles will rot and the plant may die.

Therefore, cyclamen, especially purple ones (those with a tuber entirely in the ground), are watered not from above, but carefully along the edges of the pot, or even pour water into the pan so that it penetrates into the ground from below.

And of course, you should not give a shower to the Persian cyclamen sticking out of the ground - the plant will not appreciate it. But you can carefully spray the leaves with water from a spray bottle, because humid air I really like cyclamen.

Watering cyclamen: moderately along the edges of the pot or from below, through a tray.


During the flowering period, cyclamen must be fed frequently, literally every two weeks, but wait a month after transplantation. (In the first month, the plant gets used to the new place and takes root, so it has no time for increased nutrition.)

The easiest way is to use dry or liquid complex fertilizers specifically for these flowers. But - attention! - this is only for the flowering period. Because as soon as the cyclamen fades and begins to prepare for a new dormant period, all feeding must be stopped immediately and watering must be reduced.

Place the pot in a dark, cool place (but not in the refrigerator!) and do not fuss around it - let it sleep. But still water occasionally.

Cyclamen leaves change color

If the cyclamen leaves turn yellow, do not rush to get scared and save the unfortunate plant. Return to the identification table: is your flower from the Persian region?

The fact is that the foliage of the Persian cyclamen dries out before the dormant period begins, and this is normal. There is only one tuber left, which overwinters quietly. Tear off the dry leaves, and he doesn't need anything else.

But if the purple cyclamen turns yellow, this is a signal: it’s too hot for it here, and no matter what, it will refuse to bloom. Quickly give it some coolness!

Sometimes brown spots and edges appear on the leaves. These are sunburns. The recipe is simple: urgently remove the plant from a sunny place.

Gray coating on cyclamen leaves

He talks about the appearance of gray rot, a dangerous fungal disease that appears when a flower is watered too generously or the entire flower is doused with leaves.

Treatment: cut off damaged leaves, treat the plant with antifungal drugs and water more carefully in the future.

That's all you need to know about how to replant cyclamen correctly and wait for the appearance of delicate flowers on long stems. Go for it! - and your cyclamen will certainly delight you with lush flowering in a new pot.

As a rule, flowering cyclamen go on sale. They cannot be replanted within 2–3 months after purchase. It is necessary to wait for the end of flowering and only then select a new pot and replace the soil. During flowering, the plant spends a lot of energy and will hurt after the procedure. This rule of gardeners should be strictly observed - never replant. flowering plant. When all the flowers have faded and fallen off, and new ones no longer appear, the cyclamen begins a dormant period. This time is considered the best time to renew the soil and select a pot to suit the size of the grown bush.

Cyclamens are transplanted in two cases:

    The tuber takes up the entire pot, and the roots do not have enough room to grow. Plants are usually sold in small containers, and after flowering they will most likely need to be replanted. In this case, it is best to do a transshipment - carefully remove the flower from the pot along with earthen lump and transfer it into a container slightly larger than the previous one in size. The gap between the roots and the walls is filled with a special soil mixture for indoor plants. Cyclamens do well in mixtures intended for bulbous and tuberous flowers. Experienced flower growers recommend ready-made soil mixture “Tulip”. It does not need a very large pot - the roots may rot, or the flower will devote all its energy to developing a new space, weakening subsequent flowering.

    In stores, plants are kept in poor condition peat soil, stimulating abundant flowering with fertilizers. Therefore, after the flowers fall off, the bush will need more fertile soil. If the soil is of high quality, replanting may be necessary only after a year.

In other cases, alpine violets do not need transplants, and for lush flowering they will just need to be fed.

An exception is the circumstance when the plant was forced before sale and flowered forcibly. Such a violent shift in the cycle leads to the fact that after flowering it most often dies. To save the cyclamen and keep it strong for further growth, all the flowers are torn off, and the bush is transplanted into fairly fertile soil, but devoid of fertilizers and flowering stimulants. Before the start of the natural growth period, resting conditions are created for it. Next time, the rested cyclamen will bloom at the time allotted to it by nature.

Terms and rules for transplanting different types

The peculiarity of cyclamens is that they tolerate even minor damage to the roots with difficulty. In order for the plant to hurt less and take root faster, it is replanted either at the beginning of the dormant period or at the end of it. Amateur gardeners usually grow 3 types of cyclamen - Persian, European and purple. All types of cyclamen prefer light soil with good drainage with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction. Pots are taken 3–4 cm larger than the diameter of the tuber. For delicate cyclamens, ceramic dishes are preferable. It is able to accumulate excess moisture and gradually release it back into the soil and does not overheat in the sun. Drainage should also be selected from materials that absorb water - expanded clay of fine fractions, broken brick and clay shards.

Persian cyclamen

Persian cyclamen annually experiences a period of deep dormancy, dropping all its leaves, leaving only the tuber in the pot. The plant is moved to a shaded place and watering is reduced, preventing the soil from drying out too much. It is replanted twice a year. In the spring, before growth begins, around the end of May or beginning of June, the tuber is planted so that it is completely covered with a thin layer of soil. With this method of planting, its leaves will begin to develop intensively. After the bush has grown, it is replanted again so that it remains above the ground. upper part tuber This planting promotes the formation of buds.

You can either buy an earthen mixture (flower growers recommend the “Tulip” mixture) or prepare it yourself. In 3 parts leaf soil take 1 part each of mature compost, peat and sand. The prepared mixture is steamed or doused with potassium permanganate. Soil disinfection should not be neglected, since cyclamens are easily affected by diseases and pests. For every kilogram earth mixture add:

    half a teaspoon of phosphorus flour or 1 g of superphosphate,

    a tablespoon of wood ash;

    0.4 g ammonium nitrate.

To improve breathability, add a little vermiculite to the soil. A layer of drainage made of fine expanded clay, broken shards or fragments of brick is placed at the bottom of the pot. Then the soil is poured in such a layer that one third of the top of the tuber looks out to the surface. A tuber is placed in a pot, the roots are straightened and sprinkled with earth, lightly compacting so that the roots do not remain in the voids. After transplanting, the bush is watered and placed on the windowsill. There he will spend the whole summer.

Repeated transplantation of Persian cyclamen is carried out in early autumn. Before the procedure, the plant must be carefully examined - if the earthen ball is heavily entwined with roots, replanting is necessary, and a new pot must be selected slightly larger size. The bush along with the soil is transferred to a new container. If the roots have not grown much, replanting can be neglected, since all cyclamens tolerate it painfully.

The transplant process is shown in more detail in the video:

Purple cyclamen

This variety is easily distinguished by the color of the underside of the leaf - it is pale purple with vague green spots. The tuber of the purple cyclamen is completely immersed in the ground. Plants usually go on sale in the spring and summer. When choosing, you should pay attention to the leaves - they should be juicy, smooth, without yellowness and brown spots and signs of mold.

Purple cyclamen is replanted in the spring, before the start of the growing season. The procedure is carried out once every 2–4 years. The new container should be slightly wider and deeper than the previous one. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot, fill it with soil, and water it. Then they place the tuber so that only its top with the growing point comes to the surface and add soil. It is carefully compacted and the plant is watered again with settled water into the edge of the pot or tray. After the transplanted specimen takes root and begins to produce new shoots, it is fed with a complete complex mineral fertilizer twice a month.

Transplantation of purple cyclamen can be combined with propagation. With age, its tuber produces babies that are easily separated from the mother tuber. The division of the tuber is carried out during the dormant period, carefully freeing it from the ground. All cuts are treated with an antifungal drug or sprinkled with crushed coal. Before planting in a pot, the sections are dried. After separating the tubers, you should not forget about correct selection pot sizes.

IN southern regions Russia and in middle lane purple cyclamen is grown in open ground, as it tolerates frosts down to -28 ° C. It should be planted in places where at midday other plants will be slightly shaded from the bright sun and water will not stagnate. Purple cyclamen looks great in single and group plantings on alpine hills.

European cyclamen

This species is found much less frequently among gardeners and is smaller in size. The flowers are pale in color and have a delicate aroma. The root system is deep and the tubers are small.

Transplanted European cyclamen in September, at the end of the dormant period. The plant is carefully removed from the pot and inspected. If the nodules have grown greatly and occupied almost the entire pot, it makes sense to propagate, and at the same time rejuvenate the flower. To do this, the tubers are carefully freed from the ground and separated from each other. They lay small ones without a clearly visible growth point, leaving only well-developed ones with a bud. Each tuber can be planted in separate containers, or several can be planted in one pot in order to later achieve a lush bush with abundant flowering.

Select for nodules suitable size pots and pour drainage into the bottom. European cyclamen prefers soils consisting of leaf, peat and turf land and sand in proportions 2:2:2:1. Only the tops of the tubers with the bud are left on the surface. After transplantation, the plant is watered into a tray and placed on a bright, cool windowsill, shaded from direct sunlight.

To achieve abundant flowering, experienced flower growers recommend several unusual way irrigation, which recreates the natural living conditions of the European cyclamen. Several ice cubes are placed on a tray with a layer of sand every week - 5-6 in summer, 2-3 in winter.

Within a month, the transplanted plant only needs moderate watering. During this time it will take root and strengthen. Subsequent care depends on the time of year and type of flower. If the cyclamen is transplanted after flowering, reduce watering, allowing it to rest. A flower transplanted after a period of dormancy begins to be watered and fed more often after a month. Ready-made ones are ideal for feeding liquid fertilizers. Fertilize alpine violet regularly once every two weeks until flowering ends. If the air in the apartment is very dry, the plants are regularly sprayed, trying not to get on the buds and growing points on the tuber.

Cyclamen is an exotic crop that is rightfully loved by flower growers all over the world. Thanks to breeding work Many species and varieties of this plant have been developed. So, if some cyclamen are distinguished by their simplicity, then some, for example, terry cyclamen, cannot help but fall in love with itself.

In addition to the beautiful shapes and various colors of flowers, cyclamen also has an incredible aroma. Therefore, cyclamen is a very common crop grown at home.

However, not everyone can grow healthy and beautiful blooming cyclamen. This is due to a number of features of its cultivation and maintenance. Firstly, when purchasing, it is very important to pay attention to the variety of crop. Because for different types required different care. Secondly, before purchasing, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the care rules in advance in order to avoid serious mistakes in the future, leading to a number of problems and even the death of the flower.

Usually two varieties are grown at home:

  • Persian;
  • European or purple.

Also popular in lately enjoys ivy-leaved or Neapolitan cyclamen.


Cyclamen persica


Many argue that this culture is very demanding and capricious, but this is not entirely true. Even an inexperienced gardener, having studied all the nuances of plant maintenance, will be able to grow a real miracle in a pot on the windowsill.

Soil selection is extremely important stage. An incorrectly selected substrate is the cause of improper development and growth of the plant. Cyclamen will not grow in every soil.

You can purchase a ready-made substrate, or you can make it yourself. To prepare the soil you will need the following components:

  • Sand:
  • Peat;
  • Humus;
  • Leaf soil.

All components are taken in the ratio 1:1:1:3.

You can also use the following to prepare the soil:

  • Sand;
  • Organic.

These components are taken in a ratio of 1:2. Suitable organic materials include coconut fiber, peat, and humus.

However, many gardeners prefer to purchase already ready soil. The abundance of ready-made substrates in flower shops will allow you to choose the right substrate that is suitable for cyclamen.

The soil reaction should be slightly acidic. That is, you can safely take ready-made soil for begonias or geraniums - they have similar tastes. Also, if the store doesn't have flower soils, you can take a mixture for tomatoes and peppers - it also has a slightly acidic reaction.

Among the ready ones, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Florin (substrate with the addition of coconut fiber, peat with good water permeability);
  2. Klassman (peat-based substrate);
  3. Terra Vita (substrate with good water permeability based on peat with the addition of perlite, sand and mineral additives);
  4. Strength for hybrid seeds (peat-based substrate with the addition of perlite and microelements).

This is not the entire list of ready-made substrates that can be used for growing cyclamen.


How to plant cyclamen tubers and which pot to choose for planting?

Select for planting small, cramped container. A spacious pot is not suitable for the crop, since the bulbs develop well if there is a distance between them and the walls of the container no more than 3 cm. For young bulbs (no more than 1.5 years), a container with a diameter of about 8 cm is suitable, and for bulbs about 3 years old, you should choose a pot with a diameter of about 15 cm.

When deepening a tuber into the ground, it is required leave about a third of it above the ground surface. This way the tuber will develop better and faster, and the flowering will be more beautiful and abundant. If European cyclamen is planted, then the tuber deepens completely

It is possible, but this process is lengthy and difficult. Basic rules:

  • Seeds are sown either in late summer or early March;
  • Before sowing the seeds, it is recommended to soak them for several hours. This will soften their peel;
  • Seeds are sown in fresh substratum with a good drainage layer;
  • From above, the seeds are covered with soil about 1.5 cm thick;
  • The temperature is about 20 degrees;
  • The earth needs to be sprayed instead of watered;
  • Picking is done when at least three leaves appear on the seedlings.


After planting cyclamen, the following questions arise: how to care, what kind of lighting should be, how to water and how often to water during flowering or in winter, what to feed, and so on.


Cyclamen prefers to grow on bright window, but without direct sunlight. Thus, in summer, it is advisable to keep the plant on an eastern or western window, and in winter time move to the south window.

It is also important to take into account the fact that a flower requires good light only during the period of budding and flowering, and during the dormant period, cyclamen good lighting doesn't need it.

Place in the apartment

Since cyclamen prefers light, but does not tolerate direct rays of the sun, it is better to place it on a western or eastern window.

In winter, the plant must be kept away from heating radiators and heaters. In general, the crop loves moist air, but spraying is contraindicated.

Care during the rest period

Persian cyclamen has a dormant period, which falls in the summer. Purple cyclamen rests in winter. At this time, the conditions of detention change somewhat. When the rest period begins, it is recommended:

  • Remove dried and yellowed leaves after flowering;
  • Trim flower stalks with faded flowers;
  • Place the pot with the culture in a cool place with little or no lighting;
  • It is recommended to reduce watering, but it should not be stopped completely;
  • Stop fertilizing.

Complete cessation of watering is Very common mistake many inexperienced gardeners. The consequences can be the most unpleasant, even the death of the flower. However, watering should be moderate so that the bulbs do not rot.

The duration of the rest period is up to 3 months. At the end of the process, new leaves begin to grow and buds begin to form. When awakening a flower, you must:

  • Gradually increase the frequency and quantity of watering;
  • Start fertilizing;
  • You can replant the plant in fresh soil.

What fertilizers should I apply?

Fertilizers are applied once every two weeks.

An excess of fertilizing will lead to strong leaf growth, but this will have a negative rather than a positive effect on flowering.

How often to water in winter and during flowering?

Excessive watering, as well as its lack, are fraught with cyclamen diseases. It is better to water through a tray, since water entering the tuber causes it to rot.

The European variety of the crop is watered equally throughout the year, as the top layer of soil dries.

Persian cyclamen requires less watering during the dormant period than during the flowering period.

During the flowering period, the soil must be kept moist at all times.

Learn more about watering in the video

Features of caring for different types

Today, mini cyclamens have become extremely popular among gardeners. This is not some separate species. Mini cyclamen is a miniature copy of other species. On sale you can find mini cyclamen mix, Snow slide, Bridget and other varieties. The height of these crops does not exceed 15 cm.

Mini cyclamen

The “Snow Hill” variety is distinguished by long and abundant flowering. It begins to bloom in November and ends at the end of April. Prefers partial shade. It is necessary to water during flowering so that the soil always remains moist. During the rest of the flowering period, the top layer of soil should dry out between waterings.

Neapolitan or ivy-leaved cyclamen blooms in autumn. What makes it special is that the flowers form before the leaves. The ivy-leaved species prefers a light, slightly alkaline or neutral substrate. Need a good one drainage layer, since the slightest excess of moisture is dangerous due to rotting of the root system.

Neapolitan cyclamen is best planted where direct sunlight does not penetrate. Since their contact is dangerous due to the appearance of brown stains.

Small-flowered cyclamen have a less attractive appearance, but with more careful care they are not inferior to large-flowered varieties due to the abundance of flowers and general elegance of appearance.


All about flowering

When, how often does the plant bloom and how many times? How to make it bloom? How to fertilize for abundant flowering? These are the questions everyone asks themselves after purchasing a plant. After all, flowering is what everyone wants to achieve. Unfortunately, sometimes there are cases when cyclamen refuses to bloom. This unpleasant phenomenon is common to everyone flower crops. The reason is improper care.

The flowers have pointed, slightly bent petals. Some compare them to butterflies. There are all kinds of colors: pink, white, purple, burgundy and others. The flowering period usually begins in October or November and ends towards April.

Secrets of lush flowering

When purchasing a plant, you need to make sure that it does not have any damage. The tuber should not be completely buried in the ground; one third of it should be above the soil surface. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the fact that most of the buds are not open.

For the plant to bloom, he needs a period of rest. During this period, the flower should be kept at cool temperatures. Exposure to direct sunlight during the dormant period and during the period of active growth is dangerous for cyclamen.

Too high a temperature can lead to a lack of flowering. The plant should be kept at an average temperature of about 18 degrees.

When budding and flowering, it is necessary to apply fertilizing - complex mineral fertilizers and organic matter.

Among the fertilizers we can note:

  • Agricola for flowering crops;
  • AVA for flowering ones;
  • Master for indoor plants;
  • Vermicompost.

With the arrival of the dormant period, fertilizing stops.

In autumn, the plant is ready for the start of new flowering. Therefore, it is recommended to replant it in fresh soil.

Why doesn't cyclamen bloom?

What are the reasons for refusal indoor flower from flowering and how to make it bloom?

The reasons may be the following:

  • Temperature too high. It is important to remember that temperatures above 25 degrees are not acceptable for this plant. The optimal temperature is about 18 degrees;
  • Lack or excess of fertilizers. It is not recommended to apply fertilizer more than twice a week during budding and flowering. Excess nitrogen fertilizers can negatively affect flowering;
  • Lack or excess of watering. Overflows and water entering the tuber are dangerous due to rotting of the roots;
  • Incorrect transplant. When transplanting, you need to carefully clean root system without damaging the roots;
  • Lack of light;
  • Damage to crops by diseases and pests (fusarium, rot, cyclamen mite, aphids and others).

Cyclamen grown from seeds often does not bloom. Why? Growing from seeds is difficult and labor-intensive process. Grow healthy and beautifully blooming cyclamen from seeds, who gather at hybrid variety bought in a store, almost impossible.

Why did cyclamen stop blooming after transplantation?

  • Transplanting into a pot that is too large and spacious;
  • Dry air;
  • Excess nitrogen fertilizers;
  • Lack of light;
  • Incorrectly selected soil.

Like any other plant, cyclamen cannot bloom throughout the year. He needs a period of rest. If he is not provided with rest, he may refuse to flower altogether.

Care after flowering

To ensure that flowering is not the last, it is necessary to provide the plant with care at the end of this period.

  1. Reduce watering;
  2. Trim old yellowed and dried leaves;
  3. Trim faded flowers along with the peduncles;
  4. Stop fertilizing;
  5. Move the container of flowers to a cool and shaded place.

The rest of the flower lasts for 2-3 months. Then buds and flowers begin to form. Flowering in cyclamen is a long process, so it needs rest.

Problems and difficulties

Owners of this culture often have to face many problems. This is not only a refusal to bloom, but also early death of the flower, yellowing and wilting of leaves, as well as diseases and pests.

Why does cyclamen die?

You can often find the following questions on forums: “I bought cyclamen, but it began to die. What to do?"

The reasons can be very different:

  • Overwatering or lack of watering;
  • Poor quality soil;
  • Exposure to direct sunlight. After purchase, you cannot expose the flower to the sun;
  • Drafts;
  • Too cool or too hot air;
  • Poor root system.

If the flower was purchased during the budding or flowering phase, you must wait until the end of flowering without replanting it in another soil. Replanting will be required in the fall. If the plant begins to die, then it is necessary to inspect its tubers. If there are damaged or rotten roots, they need to be removed and the crop replanted in new soil.

Also, when purchasing, you need to pay attention to the type of cyclamen. So, European does not have a rest period, it simply stops growth for a while.

If the leaves turn yellow

Why do the leaves turn yellow and wither? This is especially unpleasant during flowering. The cause of yellowing leaves is improper care of the crop.

Firstly, it is recommended to pay attention to the plant and its tuber when purchasing. The tuber must be smooth, intact and not affected by rot. And the leaves should be juicy green and a fresh appearance.

It is best to purchase a plant in the fall, when buds or even flowers have already appeared on it.

Causes of yellowing leaves:

  1. The indoor air is too dry;
  2. The air temperature is too high;
  3. Lack of moisture;
  4. Direct sunlight on the leaves.

To avoid yellowing of the foliage, it is necessary to create the most comfortable living conditions: increase the air humidity (ventilate the room, but without drafts, place a container of water nearby, fill a tray with wet pebbles, use special humidifiers), install optimal temperature about 18 degrees, water the plant in time, avoiding overwatering and drying out, protect the plant from bright sun.

Diseases and pests

Among the pests we should highlight:

  • Thrips;
  • Cyclomene mites;
  • Shield.

Thrips- these are pests, their length does not exceed 1.5 mm. They affect the leaves, stems and even flowers of the plant. Then they go into the ground. The mature larvae develop wings and are released from the soil.

You can determine the presence of thrips by spots and dots light color. And the platinum sheet itself has a silvery sheen. In addition, curling of the leaves is likely.

You can treat a flower with a soap solution and insecticidal preparations(“Aktara”, “Aktellik” and others).

Cyclomene mite- This is the most common pest. Differs in extremely small sizes. Lives on the underside of leaves. It causes not only deformation and curling of leaves, but also wilting of buds and the formation of irregularly shaped flowers. The growth of cyclamen also slows down.

It is treated with insecticides (Aktara, Fufanon and others).

Shchitovka can be identified by the presence of stains brown on foliage and stems. You can fight it with a soap solution and insecticides.


Gray rot- This fungal disease, which affects the entire culture and can lead to its death. Identified by a gray coating and softening damaged areas. It is required to treat at the first signs with fungicides, and also transplant the plant into a new permeable substrate;

Rhizoctonia rot- another fungal infection that can destroy a flower in the shortest possible time. You can find it by soft spots on leaves, stems, tubers. Reason - waterlogging in the background is too high temperatures. Treated by treating with fungicides and stopping watering;

Late blight- fungal disease. Identified by the gradual drying out of leaves and flowers. Subsequently, if not treated, the entire plant will die. Reason - excessive humidity soil. Treated with fungicides.

Cyclamen in the garden

Persian cyclamen can also be planted in open ground on garden plot. For planting, it is recommended to choose a place protected from direct sunlight and drafts. Bright diffused light is desirable.

It is necessary to make a good drainage layer in the soil, since excess moisture is detrimental to the flower.

When planting a tuber, it must be completely buried in the ground so that it does not freeze.

What to do after purchase

You can often hear questions: “I bought a flowering cyclamen, when should I replant it?”

  • Immediately after purchase:
  • At the end of the rest period.

After purchasing a plant with buds and flowers in a store cannot be transplanted immediately. It is worth waiting for the end of flowering. Otherwise, the flower may die.

If a decision was made to replant the flower after the dormant period ends, then this must be done before the formation of buds begins.

Freshly purchased cyclamen should not be watered too much or placed in direct sunlight. This will damage the plant.

Consultation from a specialist at the Yegoryevsk Greenhouse Plant. Intelligible and clear.


First of all, you need to prepare fresh soil or purchase ready-made soil in the store. This has already been written above. The soil must be air and water permeable.

It is necessary to replant the crop together with a lump of earth. If it is a Persian species, then a third of the tuber must be left above the surface of the soil, if it is European, then the tuber is completely buried in the soil.

Rotten and damaged roots should be removed if possible.

You need to decide which pot to choose for transplanting. The container is taken a little wider than before, but it should not be too spacious. For tubers aged about 3 years, take a pot with a diameter of no more than 15 cm.

Transplantation is usually carried out at the end of the dormant period.

After transplanting, you need to water carefully; it is better to water from a tray. Fertilizing is required only three weeks after transplantation.

Reproduction at home

Reproduction is possible:

  • Seeds;
  • By dividing the tuber.

The first method can only be done experienced gardeners. And it is not a fact that the resulting crop will grow well and delight with flowering. ABOUT seed propagation mentioned above.

It is easier to propagate by dividing the tuber.

To do this:

  1. The tuber is removed from the soil during the dormant period, dried and cut into pieces. Each must have at least one growth point;
  2. The sections are dried and treated with crushed coal;
  3. Then the resulting parts of the tubers are placed in separate containers.

Medicinal properties

The plant has medicinal properties. Its juice is a remedy:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Calming;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Treats colds;
  • Helps eliminate pain from joint diseases and rheumatism;
  • Used to treat gastrointestinal diseases.

Care secrets on video

The program “Everything Will Be Good” is liked by viewers for its flower growing literacy, and at the same time, the accessibility of the presentation of the material.

Cyclamen - the most beautiful houseplant, however, caring for it must be careful and regular; the flower is considered quite capricious. Regular and correct transplantation at home is especially important. It is necessary, because the soil in the pot becomes depleted quickly, loses nutrients and minerals, and this immediately affects the condition of cyclamen.

In order for cyclamen to grow healthy and delight with abundant flowering, replanting should be carried out regularly, once a year. It is important to choose the right period - replanting should be carried out after the plant emerges from the dormant period (end of July - August), before the buds begin to appear.

The signal for the end of the rest period is formation of new young leaves.

Transplanting during cyclamen flowering can lead to the buds falling off, because during the change of earthen coma the plant experiences severe stress, which causes the cessation of flowering and growth arrest.

The only exception is purchased cyclamen - they must be replanted from store-bought soil into fresh soil, even if there are flowers and buds opening.

What soil can I use for flowering?

The condition of the plant, the intensity of growth and flowering depend on the correct soil. The ideal soil mixture for cyclamen should be loose, nutritious.

An important condition for the successful growth of cyclamen is loose soil.

It is better to buy ready-made soil at a specialized flower shop, but if you wish, you can make a different mixture yourself.

For soil mixture need to mix:

  • peat - 1 part
  • humus - 1 part
  • clean sand - 1 part
  • leaf soil - 3 parts.

For better root formation and plant survival, you can add a handful of vermiculite to the soil.

Calcify the soil before planting in the oven or pour over a weak solution of potassium permanganate - in order to destroy pathogens of fungal diseases to which the plant tubers are sensitive.

Does cyclamen need a different pot?

Cyclamen is a small compact plant. Large flowerpots are not needed here - the risk of overwatering and rotting of the tuber increases. In addition, in a large pot the plant does not bloom well, and the leaves may become small and begin to curl.

Oddly enough, cyclamen requires a small pot
  • If the cyclamen is young - 1-1.5 years old, the flowerpot should be no more than 8 cm in diameter.
  • If the plant is more than 3 years old, the diameter of the flowerpot is 13-15 cm.
  • Better take as a guide the distance from the tuber to the edge of the pot- no more than 3 cm is considered normal.

Before use, the flowerpot must be washed and doused with boiling water to destroy germs and fungus.

Flowerpots can be made of plastic or ceramic, the main thing is the presence of drainage holes at the bottom and a tray. Stagnation of moisture is dangerous for cyclamen.

How to replant a plant step by step

  • prepare the substrate, a new flowerpot, if the old one is used - its wash and disinfect with potassium permanganate, scald several times with boiling water;
  • remove yellow or dry leaves from the plant by carefully unscrewing them from the base of the tuber;
  • carefully remove the plant from the pot, inspect the roots and bulb;

When replanting, inspect the roots of the plant for diseases.
  • trim dry or rotten roots with clean scissors;
  • maximum shake off old soil from the root system- transplantation should be carried out in completely new, fresh soil;
  • pour drainage onto the bottom of the flowerpot and add 2-4 cm of soil;
  • carefully place the plant and add soil, but you don’t need to fill the bulb completely - it should be visible;
  • water the plant thoroughly, trying do not hit the center of the tuber, drain excess moisture from the pan;
  • remove cyclamen permanent place and provide peace.

Proper care after transplantation

After transplantation, it is important to provide proper care.

The best place for a transplanted plant- cool (17-20 degrees), if it is hot, the flower may turn yellow and shed its leaves.

The remaining requirements are presented in the table:

Lighting Good is required, cyclamen does not like darkening. But direct sunlight is harmful to it.

The ideal place is a north or northeast window

Watering This is why cyclamen is demanding. The slightest excess of moisture leads to the development of a fungal infection and rotting of the bulb, causing the death of the plant.

First 3-4 weeks After transplantation, cyclamen should be watered rarely- no more than once every 7-10 days, with standing water. It is necessary to drain the excess from the pan.

Top dressing Feeding after transplantation can be done after a month or a month and a half, during the period of the beginning of flowering.

Specialized fertilizers are suitable, containing potassium and manganese.

It is important to use specialized fertilizers in proper proportions so as not to harm the flower.

Replanting cyclamen at home - the process is not complicated, but has its own characteristics. At proper organization replanting in compliance with all requirements for soil, flowerpot, timing, the plant will delight for a long time bright colors and lush green leaves.

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