Standard size of lumber for the construction of wooden houses. GOST requirements and dimensions of lumber. Types and types of timber

Before construction, read which timber is best for building a house - choose the type of timber, size and thickness depending on the purpose of the future construction. Let's consider and compare the types of wooden building materials.

We will also determine what thickness of timber is suitable for the construction of a bathhouse, a summer house and a house for permanent residence.

Types of wooden building materials on the modern market

Currently, there are several types of materials used in wooden construction:

  • laminated timber,
  • profiled timber,
  • non-profiled timber,
  • calibrated log,
  • cylindered log,
  • hewn log.

Advantages of timber buildings

Why timber is better than logs for building a house:

  • smooth and even surface of the walls,
  • “easy” construction due to the lighter weight of the timber,
  • geometric accuracy of the entire structure,
  • strong fastening of the beams to each other, which, as a result, prevents the penetration of cold and the formation of cracks,
  • nice atmosphere and aesthetically pleasing nice view, both outside and inside the house.

The most popular competing wooden building materials are: laminated timber and profiled timber. Both have their supporters and opponents.

Before starting construction, the customer must clearly understand which timber is best for building a house, and which timber is best used for a summer house or bathhouse.

What type of timber to use for building a house

Profiled timber

The most popular material for low-rise wood construction. The beam is made of wood, often coniferous species. It is a solid piece of wood, processed to produce a groove on a planer and milling machine. When making it, it is important to maintain the exact dimensions and correct geometric shape, otherwise the beams will not fit together and a gap will form. Therefore, the main requirement for obtaining high-quality profiled timber is high-precision equipment.

Glued laminated timber

Glued laminated timber is also often used for low-rise construction of private houses, cottages and bathhouses. The beam is made of wood, most often coniferous species - spruce, cedar, larch, pine. The logs are sawn into boards (lamellas) and planed until they achieve perfect smoothness.

Which timber is better for building a house - glued or profiled

Let's compare the main characteristics of these types of timber.

Environmental friendliness

Here, profiled timber has no equal. This natural material, absolutely harmless to people living in a house built from it. The environmental friendliness of laminated veneer lumber depends on the glue that was used for its production. The more harmless the glue (and over time it will still evaporate little by little), the more expensive the laminated timber. If you use low-quality glue, the boards may even come apart over time.


The length of the profiled timber depends on the length of the source material (most often the length of the timber is 6 m.) The length of laminated veneer lumber can reach 18 m.


The question is complex. At first, laminated veneer lumber is stronger than profiled timber due to gluing and pressing, and is also drier (laminated laminated timber contains 11-14% moisture), while profiled timber contains up to 20%. Due to dryness, laminated veneer lumber exhibits very little shrinkage (about 1%). But over time, laminated veneer lumber becomes saturated with moisture from environment, which brings its properties closer to dry profiled timber.

Well-dried profiled timber that has undergone the shrinkage process does not rot, does not crack, and can serve for more than a hundred years.


The cost of laminated veneer lumber is much more expensive than profiled timber - 2-3 times, which is due to the peculiarities of manufacturing the materials. It happens that the price of laminated veneer lumber on the market is significantly reduced, by 1.5-2 times, but then you need to pay attention to the quality of the material (what glue was used, what kind of wood, how dry the material was, etc.).


Which timber is better for building a house - glued or profiled - everyone decides for themselves; there is no universal answer. Briefly summarizing the features of each type:

  • profiled timber - favorable price, environmentally friendly, less likely to crack or become damaged;
  • laminated veneer lumber- high strength, reduced shrinkage time, you can do without external finishing.

The main thing to remember is: do not skimp on materials, because in the future this will affect the quality of the house.

What size and thickness of timber is best for building a house?

The answer to the question of what size timber is best suited for construction depends on the purpose of the building being constructed. The thickness of the profiled timber can be different: in final size, taking into account the profile, 90 mm, 190 mm.

How thinner timber, the more there is in cubes, for example,

  • timber 100 x 150 mm - 11 pieces per cube;
  • timber 150 x 150 mm - 7.5 pcs. in a cube;
  • timber 200 x 150 - 5.5 pieces per cube, so the final price of the house is less for thinner timber).

But the thicker the timber, the better the heat will be retained in the room.

For a bathhouse, a beam with a cross-section of 100 mm is sufficient.

Country seasonal house

Beam with a cross section of 100 mm is quite suitable option for a country house economical home, in which the owners do not plan to live in winter.

Winter house for permanent residence

  • A beam with a cross section of 150 mm is ideal for seasonal home, where they live in spring/summer/autumn. Such a house may be suitable for winter version, it all depends on the quantity and quality of the insulation and on how and with what the house will be heated.
  • Timber with a cross-section of 200 mm is made only under a specific order for “premium” class houses. It holds heat better, but many will consider its cost to be unreasonably high. This thickness allows you to easily withstand temperatures down to -25 ºС.

So, to build a house for permanent residence, choose timber with a thickness of 150-200 mm. 150 mm is a more economical winter house and is suitable for middle zone, 200 mm - more expensive and suitable for northern regions.

The DomBanya company builds houses from profiled timber up to 200 mm thick. Contact the company’s specialists and they will advise what thickness of timber is best for building a house or bathhouse.

Almost everyone relies on standardized sizes, in particular standard sizes timber in the design and construction of wooden structures and industrial products. Why is standardization so important in an industry such as woodworking?

The need for standardization

Humanity has long come to understand that it is necessary to voluntarily comply with certain rules and requirements in the process of production activities because this:

  • simplifies the exchange of information necessary in the development, design and manufacture of final structures and structures;
  • makes it possible to use standard measuring equipment;
  • allows the use of the same type of processing equipment in the process of wood preparation, pre-processing, storage and transportation;
  • allows the use of unified methods for calculations during design;
  • allows for preliminary calculations of storage areas and the use of rolling stock;
  • standardized dimensions of lumber make it possible to easily calculate volume and weight, which is extremely necessary for planning deliveries and storage;
  • statistical data grouped by type of wood in accordance with standards allows for long-term and strategic planning production related individual varieties lumber.

Lumber, depending on the type of tree from which it is made, is divided into coniferous and deciduous.

The quality of wood is determined by the presence of knots, inclusions, rottenness, etc. Coniferous wood is divided into 5 grades based on quality, and wood hardwood- for 3 grades.

The quality of wood is determined by the worst element and marked at the ends. The letter “O” denotes products of the highest quality.

Depending on the shape cross section All lumber is divided into several large groups:

  1. Gorbyl. It is made from the side part of the log, and, accordingly, has 1 sawn side.
  2. Sleeper. A type of lumber obtained by trimming all 4 side surfaces, but without forming edges.
  3. Beam. It is made from the central part of the log, and, accordingly, has all 4 sawn sides. The cross section of the beam is determined by the ratio of width and height less than 2.
  4. Board. It differs from timber in the ratio of width to height greater than 2. In accordance with the classification methodology, according to the processing method, it is divided into one-sided edged, unedged and edged.

In accordance with existing standards for our country (similar standards exist throughout the world), all lumber is divided according to the processing method into the following:

  • unilaterally edged lumber- wooden blanks, in which 3 surfaces were formed by sawing, and the fourth has retained its natural shape;
  • edged lumber - these are wooden blanks in which all 4 sides are formed by sawing;
  • unedged are blanks in which 2 sides were formed by sawing, and 2 sides retained their natural shape.

Types of timber

Timber as an element building structure, characterized by a cross-sectional width to height ratio of less than 2. Standard timber in accordance with GOST, it has a width selected from the following size range: 50, 60, 75, 100, 130, 150, 180, 200, 220, 250 mm. But the following standard sizes are most in demand in construction: 100x100 mm, 150x150 mm, 200x200 mm. It is to these standards that metal fasteners are manufactured and cutting tools are designed.

Based on the manufacturing method, the following types of timber are currently distinguished:

  1. Solid timber. Made from the central part of the tree. Most traditional technology manufacturing by longitudinal sawing of a wooden blank, which produces 4 unedged boards: slab and central part.
  2. Rounded timber. It is produced in a similar way, but the cross-section of such a product is not rectangular. In appearance, the rounded beam resembles a sleeper, but is longer. Rounded beams are used as load-bearing elements of wooden structures.
  3. Glued laminated timber. Modern technology manufacturing, first used by Finnish woodworking specialists. Wood blank dissolves into several thin boards - lamellas. These lamellas unfold relative to each other in such a way as to minimize warping during the drying process. After which everything is glued under pressure. Such laminated veneer lumber is practically not subject to temperature changes; the opposite direction of the boards compensates for this.
  4. Thermobeam. A modern high-tech solution that combines thermal insulation and mechanical properties. Structurally, the thermal beam consists of 2 boards connected to each other with a polyurethane-based filler. To ensure mechanical strength a special insert is glued through a certain space between the sidewalls.
  5. Packet timber. Represents wooden structure, assembled from thermal timber. The connection is made using special polyurethane ties, which long time retain the ability to compensate for temperature expansion.

timber has long been used in Rus' for the construction of log buildings. Houses built from wood have always been warm, durable and strong; such buildings did not require repairs over many years of operation. Timber houses have now also become quite popular, especially for construction country houses because they have an attractive appearance and are environmentally friendly, and their cost is relatively low. Many home craftsmen build such houses with their own hands to save money. Characterized by its simplicity and ease of operation, it has all the advantages of a log and has many other advantages.

To calculate the number of cubes of profiled timber for building a house, you can use the timber calculator.

Advantages of timber.

  • Simplicity and high speed of construction of timber buildings;
  • Low cost;
  • High performance characteristics of wooden buildings, maintained throughout the entire period of operation;
  • Creating a unique microclimate country house, timber buildings “breathe”;
  • No external and interior decoration at home when using timber as building material. are quite warm and have an aesthetic appearance. If the building is not planned to be used all year round, but only to use the building in the summer as a country house, then wall decoration in this case is not necessary. But if, when building a house, ordinary building timber is used, and not glued or profiled, then finishing work will be necessary, because such walls need caulking, which is almost impossible to produce evenly;
  • Thanks to the availability various sizes And types of timber, you can implement any design ideas and projects. Timber is a very flexible building material, so the construction of houses from it is limited only by the designer’s imagination.

Types and types of timber.

There are several varieties of timber as a building material, each of the types and types of which has both visual differences and its own unique technical specifications. Today there are three main types of timber:

Construction (ordinary) timber.

This type of timber is planed on four sides to give rectangular section log, it is the simplest and cheapest option for building materials. It has the following advantages over logs:

1. The process of constructing buildings is faster;

2. Greater ease of corner connections;

3. High heat capacity and strength;

4. Low cost. This material is an excellent example optimal ratio prices and quality, according to experts in the construction industry.

But this building material also has its drawbacks. These include the need for finishing work when using this type of timber. However, if during the process of finishing the house, the walls are additionally insulated, this will allow the building to be used for year-round residence, which allows you to turn this disadvantage into an advantage. It is also necessary to take into account this nuance, buildings from ordinary construction timber are subject to significant shrinkage (about 20 cm for a two-story building), so the walls will need to be finished at least six months later, after all construction work has been completed.

The profiled shape of the beam provides more reliable adhesion of the elements. Types of profiled timber differ only in the structure of the profile. Timber elements are calculated in such a way as to prevent moisture from penetrating into the inter-crown insulation for the timber. Walls made of profiled timber have a beautiful appearance without additional finishing, so there is no need to caulk them.

Without additional insulation timber walls quite difficult to heat in winter period, therefore houses made of this material are suitable only for seasonal living.

The types and types of laminated veneer lumber depend on the wood serving as the raw material. Combined laminated veneer lumber is considered the highest quality and practical material, his main feature is that the outer slats are made of larch wood, and the inner ones are made of pine. The larch material for timber is very strong and durable, as it has proven itself to be resistant to rotting and various external influences. Realize finishing work when using laminated veneer lumber can be done immediately after completion of construction work; this material is not characterized by such a feature of wood as timber shrinkage, although the properties of natural wood are attributed to it.

This building material has increased heat and sound insulation characteristics, which is another advantage of the timber.

Before you start construction work When using timber, you need to know how to properly connect the beams to each other, for which you need to subject the material to special preparation. Laying a log frame in construction timber houses is one of the most important main stages of construction. A log connection will be needed in two cases: when cutting a corner of a building and in the case of lengthening a beam, when the element was not cut to length.

Methods beam connections are different from logs. Types of cutting corners from timber are practiced today in two ways:

  • With the rest. Or as people call it “into the bowl”;
  • Without a trace. Popular name method - “in the teeth”;

The connection of beams with the remainder is of three types:

1. Unilateral. On one side, a notch is made in each element of the beam - a perpendicular groove. The width of such a notch should correspond to the perpendicular beam section. This technology is used by most developers when working with profiled timber, since this type of fastening requires a minimum of effort.

2. Bilateral. When on both sides of the beam (top and bottom) two-sided groove lock involves cuts. The depth of the perpendicular cuts of the beam should be equal to a quarter of the height of the element. Connections high quality This technology can achieve this, but carpenters will need a lot of experience, since cracks and chips in the cut are unacceptable.

3. Quadrilateral. Grooves are cut out on all sides of the timber; the use of this joining technology makes it possible to achieve high strength of the log house. The construction process is greatly simplified by cuts that are provided on all sides and all crowns are laid like a construction set. Connecting the corners of the timber in this way especially increases the reliability and strength of the building.

Connecting beams without residue provides the following options, the most popular of which are now:

  • Butt. The simplest type of connection. Two timber element joined and secured with steel studded plates, which are then hammered with nails or staples. This connection option requires a flat surface, because this method provides for an ideal fit of the ends of the joined beams.
  • Using dowels. Fixation using dowels will prevent movement of the joints of connected beams.
  • Connection in the main tenon. This type of connection of beams is the most effective and heat-intensive, so its use is quite common. The groove is cut out on one beam, while a tenon is cut out on the other, the size of which must correspond to the groove. When connecting using this method, an inter-crown insulation must be placed in the groove, for which you can use vegetable felt or flax-jute fabric.

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