Where is the best place to plant currants? Rules for planting black currants. Blackcurrant pruning and bush formation

There are several ways to preserve your favorite currant variety. One of the options- plant a young bush with already formed roots. The second method is a little more complicated- cut off shoots from old fruit-bearing bushes using the cutting method. Both options are good for increasing the number of currant bushes on the site (dacha). Let's take a closer look at the rules for planting garden currants in the fall. step by step guide and diagrams.

The best time for planting in Siberia, the Urals, the Moscow region and the southern regions

Early autumn is a favorable time for planting currants

It’s worth planting currant bushes early autumn or in the spring. In the northern regions, the Urals and Siberia You can plant currants in the summer (late August), in the Moscow region- end of September - beginning of October, in the southern regions disembarkation is carried out later - from the 10-15th of October. This allows the plant to adapt to the soil. And at the same time, adapt to wintering. And the mother bush tolerates cuttings more easily in a state of dormancy and the approach of winter. But the optimal planting time is September. And for all regions.

The rooting period of black currant is 16-20 days. And for white and red – up to 25 days. Therefore, planting should be done 3 weeks before the onset of cold weather and frosts on the soil.

Spring planting is carried out on warm soil. It is better to start it at the end of March. Then the earth is warmed up, and the soil almost no longer freezes. And such a plant does not need to be watered. But the shoots will not begin to grow at high speed. This will give time to the cutting itself (the young bush) to take root.

Planting dates should coincide with relatively warm weather. If you plant a bush closer to summer, you will have to wait a very long time for the berries.

Advantages of autumn planting red and black currants

Of course, autumn planting is fraught with many risks. But it provides several advantages over spring sowing.:

  • fast rooting
  • no pests
  • good adaptation to the ground
  • friendly spring shoots
  • active crown formation.

Such results will only be achieved when the planting technology is followed open ground and after landing. And the main thing is choice suitable place. It should be covered on the windy side with other bushes or fencing.

Yes and not so much nice nuance during autumn planting. This the likelihood of damage to young red, white and black currant bushes during winter frosts. But such grief can be helped by covering the plants with film for the winter.

Selecting the desired bush

The selection of young seedlings should be approached responsibly. Which bush to choose? There are several ways to obtain the required plant variety:

  1. cuttings from an old fruiting plant
  2. buying an annual bush your favorite variety
  3. independent growing shoots from a grafted plant.

Of course, it is better to plant an already proven variety that has taken root well on the site. To do this, it is worth cutting off a young shoot from an old plant and planting it in a prepared place.

But if you need to buy a currant bush, then you should choose it according to several parameters:

  • two or more shoots
  • the root is woody, with a small amount of lint
  • without external signs of illness
  • no broken roots or cut parts.

This choice is guaranteed to give good yield., rapid growth of the bush, resistance to diseases (at least at first).

Often gardeners prefer to experiment themselves. That's why graft another variety onto the main plant. And then a shoot is taken from such a graft to form a new young bush. This method of reproduction is also good. Only shoots should be taken from plants that are not sick and bear fruit well. You can cut off the shoot after the currant begins to lose leaves. This usually starts by mid-September.

It is better to carry out cuttings when the bush no longer bears fruit and has prepared for winter. After the leaves begin to actively fly around, you can cut off the young shoot and prepare it for planting in a new place.

Preparing the landing site

Before making cuttings (cutting off shoots from an old bush), you need to decide on the future planting location of the young bush. For blackcurrant varieties optimal place there will be an illuminated area not obscured from the sun. It’s a good idea to choose a low-lying area with good humidity. This will provide several benefits:

  1. fast development bush
  2. increased productivity
  3. copious bloom without barren flower
  4. large fruit.

It is better if the soil is low acidic. And looseness also plays an important role in the rooting of the bush.

AND white currant prefer bright places, but grow well in slight shade. The main thing is the absence of acidity in the soil. And it’s better if such a place is on a hill. At the same time do not forget that loose soils help the plant to sprout new shoots at a sufficient speed. This means you won’t have to wait long for the harvest.

Fertilize the soil for young bushes

For those estates where the soil has a low acid content, it is enough to fertilize it with a mineral additive before planting. And after fertilizing, loosen it slightly. And you can plant the prepared cuttings.

And where there are a lot of salts and acids, it is necessary to slightly amend the soil. This is done like this:

  • removed top layer soil at the landing site 40-45cm
  • the extracted soil is mixed with dolomite flour(0.5 kg per 1 sq.m.)
  • falls asleep back to the future landing site
  • fertilized mineral supplements.

This will help the plants to take root well and actively bear fruit in the second year after planting.

The fertilizers that should be used should be as natural as possible. Best suited for all varieties of currants Humate + 7 iodine for fruit bushes. True, it must be used strictly according to the instructions, without exceeding the dose.

A cutting or young bush can only be planted on the ground. Therefore, after applying fertilizer to the hole, it is worth pouring another layer of soil and only then arranging the plant. This will prevent the roots from burning or rotting.

Many gardeners prefer to fertilize the soil for planting currants with humus or compost. This will also give excellent results for the plants themselves and their owners. But humus must be poured into prepared areas a couple of weeks before planting the cuttings. Then the soil has time to settle slightly. And the compost itself mixes better with the soil.

Sometimes places for planting currant bushes are fertilized with potassium mixtures. This approach requires time and additional expense. Although this fertilizer is ideal for loamy soils. But on top of the mixtures it is necessary to pour a layer of soil for the quiet growth of the young bush.

Planting a plant in open ground in the fall, step-by-step guide

First, you should dig a hole to plant the plant. Next, you need to decide on the type of planting.

If you plant traditional way , then the plant in the hole should be positioned so that it is in an inclined position at an angle of 45 degrees above the ground surface. At the same time, for black currants, after the soil shrinks, the root system should deepen by 10 cm. And for red and white – maybe a little less (5cm). Pruning is required to 3 buds above the ground.

When sprinkling the plant with soil, it is worth making sure that the lower 3 shoots are also covered. Then in the spring young branches will grow from these buds.

For the fan method When the plants hang on short trellises, the bush is installed vertically. Deepening the roots is the same as in the previous method. But here it is worth compacting the place under the bush tightly. And then the branches should be cut to half.

Trellis method involves preliminary pruning before planting. Then it is necessary to remove all near-root buds and small shoots. Then plant it vertically in the ground. But after planting, there is no need to prune such a bush. Deepening the roots, as with the previous methods.

Proper care of a young bush after planting

Caring for a young plant after it is placed in the ground requires a little more:

  • soil mulching peat, compost or humus (up to 10cm deep)

  • dusting the holes sand (to prevent crust from appearing on the ground after watering)
  • abundant watering warm water (if autumn is dry)
  • hilling bushes before frost (by 15cm).

In the spring, when the earth is just beginning to warm up, young plants should be freed from a large layer of soil piled up for the winter. This will allow the currants to quickly grow and begin to form a crown.

Some useful information that will be useful not only for beginners, but also for experienced gardeners:

  1. It is better to place currant bushes in one place, and not along the perimeter of the site - this will give abundant harvests and help plants preserve required quantity moisture
  2. possible not only in spring, but also in autumn– the formation of bushes in the spring after autumn pruning will be more active and faster

  1. currants are better against frost on the soil cover with dark film– this will give good condensation even from the winter sun
  2. water the plants it is needed abundantly only during periods of drought - it especially loves water.

The right choice sites, soil preparation, Compliance with planting technology guarantees abundant harvests from each bush. At the same time, the berry will be large and tasty.

Currants are an irreplaceable berry that is found in almost every garden. It has long been familiar to our ancestors, not only for aesthetic reasons, but also as a goldmine of vitamins. If such a shrub grows in your garden, then you can use its fruits all year round. In summer - fresh, in winter - in jam, compotes, wine and liqueurs, as well as frozen.

A botanical look at a currant bush

Wild currants can be found in Caucasian, Ukrainian and Russian forests. It grows along the banks of rivers, streams and lakes, develops well and bears fruit in damp shaded forests.
Widely cultivated in Belarus, the Baltic states and Ukraine. But in Russian cities, currants are cultivated less often; there they prefer to collect them growing wild.

What is currant itself? from a botanical point of view? This is a shrub that belongs to the gooseberry family. This family includes over 140 species, all of which are suitable for indoor use. In Russia alone you can find about 20 varieties.

Black currants are the most popular, followed by red ones. Among the species that grow in the wild are the following:

  1. Siberian (mokhovka).
  2. Dikusha (popularly called Aldan grapes).

Black currant has the appearance of a branched shrub with a height of about two meters. Pale green buds are complemented by a carmine tint, which gives them a special beauty. They develop closer to autumn and remain overwintering on the branches.

The leaves are fragrant and stalked, their lower surface stands out noticeably due to golden veins. These veins contain essential oil, it is thanks to this that the leaves have a persistent but specific aroma.

The branches are strewn with small greenish flowers, they are collected in 7-10 clusters. The fruit is a berry, it can be spherical or oval, black in color, and its pulp contains a huge amount of reddish-brown seeds. It blooms from May to June, and begins to bear fruit in July, lasting two months.

When is the best time to plant currants?

All types of plants require planting in both autumn and spring. After winter, the earth settles well around the bush, thereby compacting, this allows young seedling grow early and settle in well in a new place.

During autumn planting the soil around the plant must be mulched with peat, leaves or compost. Thus, a layer of mulch will serve to retain water in the ground. Protects currant seedlings from freezing of the root system during the cold season. Young seedlings are often planted in mid-September; this time is enough for rooting. Early autumn is considered the most optimal time for planting.

In general, there is no significant difference between spring and autumn planting. When planting currants in the spring, you need to remember the importance of shading them throughout the week; abundant watering is also necessary, especially in the absence of rain for a long time and the scorching sun.

Keep in mind that spring planting will not make you wait about 6 months for visible results. The bushes immediately demonstrate their viability. However, currants planted in the fall will take root better. Since its above-ground part is at rest, and all nutrition is stored in the roots.

It is worth considering the planting time, if the seedlings are planted too early and autumn for a long time will remain warm - it is possible that the buds will begin to bloom. If there is a sharp cold snap, the bush will not have time to take root, and there is a high probability of it freezing.

To the question “When to plant black currants?” experienced gardeners will not give a definite answer. It is believed that planting this shrub is acceptable at any time of the planting season, which begins at the end of April and ends in mid-September.

Important! Varieties must be zoned, that is, suitable for climatic conditions your region. Breeders took care of this and developed a large number of varieties that meet all the requirements.

Preparing the landing site

The time when planting will take place, in spring or autumn, does not play a big role, but it is better to choose right away permanent place. It should be sunny.

This is due to the shrub’s love for the sun; at the same time, it does not tolerate dryness - it is important to provide it with sufficient moisture, but not to allow marshy soil, otherwise your bush will get a fungal disease. Based on this, it can be concluded that the soil should be provided with good drainage.

Despite the fact that currant bushes love the sun, diffuse shade is allowed, but not more than three hours a day. If we take into account the height of the stem and its scope, we cannot recommend planting it in central location plot. It is better to choose a place near a house or a fence, but without violating the required distance (no less than one and a half meters from another object).

Once you have decided on the landing site, you should prepare the hole. It is advisable to do this in advance. Blackcurrant is favorable to potatoes, or rather, what can be obtained from it. Knowing this, you can pour out the water from boiled potatoes throughout the summer, as well as pour the potato peelings into the hole; the young stems will take root well in such a place and will delight you with progressive growth.

If it is necessary to prepare a place in a short period of time, then a solution consisting of starch and ash can be poured into the soil, the dosage being arbitrary. Currants do not tolerate soil acidification; if you know that your soil is quite acidic, it is strictly necessary to add lime or dolomite flour, and then dig up the sprinkled area.

There are many known technologies for planting a seedling. For the best appearance, good rooting, etc. But knowing general rules, you can achieve good results in everything.

Features of planting currant bushes in autumn

The sequence to follow when planting a bush in the fall is as follows:

How to plant currants in spring?

Naturally, the best time to plant currants is autumn, but since many simply fail to choose the right time to plant, it is better to postpone this work to spring.

It is important to remember that young seedlings are planted very early; it is advisable to do this as soon as the snow melts. When planting, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

Caring for plants after planting

Young seedlings need regular watering; drying out the soil has a detrimental effect on currants. Even a single drought leads to a deterioration in the harvest and a decrease in the size of the berries. Each bush requires at least 3 buckets of water.

Planted currant bushes can give better results. This can be achieved through their formation. This is done starting from the planting itself, or rather, immediately after it you need to trim the branches so that no more than five buds remain on one. In adult shrubs, branches that are over five to six years old are pruned for the growth of young ones, while removing some excess shoots.

When forming a bush, follow the basic rule: its base should be as wide as possible.

The free middle of the bush, not darkened inside, is the key to uniform fruiting throughout the plant.

The presence of at least 16 branches of different ages indicates that this bush is correctly formed.

Be careful about the root system - it is important to protect it from freezing. Formed in the fall will help with this trunk circle covered with compost and peat.
Advice! It is better to place the currant bush in a specially designated place for it, and not along the perimeter of the entire area.

Planting currants in your garden will not only beautifully complement the garden, but will also give you the opportunity to add them to baked goods, teas, and enjoy them all year round! Planting and caring for black currants is absolutely not difficult. Even a novice gardener can cope with this. We wish you good luck in planting and lush fruiting!

Who doesn't know about beneficial properties currants? Perhaps this is the most common berry not only in middle lane and the Moscow region, but also in other territories of Russia. Now we will tell you how to plant currants in the fall, and how to plant them incorrectly, using two main methods. We will also consider the features of autumn planting conditions compared to spring ones.

Priority of autumn breeding

When it is better to plant a currant bush, the gardener himself decides, because everyone has their own preferences and circumstances. But if we talk about the plant itself, the most comfortable period for planting is autumn. Here are a few reasons:

  1. After fruiting, the bush is ready for division after some time;
  2. in the Moscow region and central zone autumn period it's rainy, which means high humidity allows roots to grow;
  3. gardeners have more time for planting work than in the spring;
  4. the garden market in autumn is richer in seedlings than in spring;
  5. there is a greater chance of harvesting next year.

When to plant currants you will be told by the formed buds between the shoots and leaf stalks, as well as by the forecast of frost. Before the onset of cold weather, a time period of about 3-4 weeks should be observed. Therefore in northern regions To plant currants correctly means to start planting on the 20th of August. A little further south, in the middle zone, procedures are postponed and begin at the end of September and last until mid-October.

How to choose seedlings

Most suitable option for purchase is a two-year-old seedling with a developed root system. This purchase option guarantees picking berries at your dacha next year. An annual shoot, if its shoots are not cut off, can also produce some berries. But when pruning, you will have to wait two years and then collect good harvest. Cuttings from seedlings can be planted in additional holes.

The root of the seedling should have three branches because we want it to take root and give life to a healthy bush. Also, the shoots must have at least three trunk buds and at least two, and preferably three, shoots to form a bush. The root system should be fibrous, that is, small roots in the form of a bunch should grow to the main root.

If you like your bush or your neighbor's then planting material You can cut it at the bottom of the bush and plant it. Strong side branches are used, which after cutting will become seedlings from cuttings.

How to choose a landing site

How to plant currants in the fall so that they bear fruit for a long time? Firstly, currants love sunny places, but so that they are blown by the wind. Sometimes bushes are thinned out in the middle so that fresh air and pests did not accumulate.

Secondly, it does not like stagnant moisture or close proximity to groundwater. It is better to choose a site with a slope, which will ideal solution. Thirdly, the plant loves fertile soils, as it bears fruit every year, accordingly devoting all its strength to the fruits. If the soil is on your local area infertile, then you should stock up on mineral and organic fertilizers.

Advice! “Experienced gardeners advise planting currant bushes not along the perimeter of the site, but choose one place for parallel arrangement of bushes 1.3–2 meters from each other. This creates cross-pollination and unobstructed access to the bushes.”

Even if you planted currants in the spring, take into account the fact that the crop does not like replanting. Therefore, the location should allow for a 20-year growth period. Planting of white species and planting of red currants in autumn is carried out locally former height black "sister" or other cultures due to different types diseases characteristic of different plants. To plant black currants in the fall, choose moist soil close to water. And for the red variety, we choose a drier area, but not deprived of moisture. Generally red, white and black currant breeds well in central Russia, since this area is considered its “home.” Therefore, it grows in almost all types of soils with differences in the number of fruits.

How to prepare planting soil

Most large size The planting hole is 40 cm deep. For a fibrous root structure, it should be square, 40x40 cm. If the seedling is one-year-old, then 25 cm in depth is enough for it. White and red varieties have a rod-shaped root, so we focus on its length. The root system of the bush develops in proportion to the crown, therefore the fertile layer must occupy the appropriate space.

If the soil of your plot is loamy, then you can add sand to it. Sandy soils are not fertile, so it is necessary to add to the planting hole (you can also add to loam):

  • 1 cup of clean ash at the bottom;
  • 1 kg of compost or humus;
  • 200 gr. superphosphate.

Mix all the parts and pour in half a bucket of water.

Planting seedlings (1 method)

  1. we lower the root of the shoot into a clay mash mixed with manure for preventive purposes;
  2. After the water has drained from the hole, we place the seedling vertically with its roots so that they do not bend or rest against the bottom. The root collar should be 5 cm below ground level for root growth;
  3. we take the top previously discarded fertile layer of soil and sprinkle it on the seedling up to the root collar;
  4. compact the loose embankment (if with your foot, then carefully);
  5. pour out the remaining half a bucket of liquid and wait for it to be absorbed;
  6. fill the remaining space with the rest of the soil 5 cm above the root collar, compact it;
  7. We trim the shoots, leaving up to 5 buds on them.

Planting by cuttings (method 2)

Planting currants in the fall with cuttings promotes propagation good varieties and is not inferior in quality to propagation of seedlings. Productivity appears in the 2nd and 3rd years. The following procedure when planting cuttings without roots:

  1. early autumn early September sharp knife(not with pruning shears) cut off the lower side branches with an oblique cut. These are our baby cuttings;
  2. make shallow holes 15–20 cm and add a small amount of ash (a source of potassium) and peat into them;
  3. We install the cutting at an angle of 45° towards the south and sprinkle it with earth, carefully compacting it;
  4. water with a small amount of water (1 ladle);
  5. mulch the planting holes to retain moisture and protect them before winter;
  6. after 4–5 days, if the weather is dry, water the babies from a ladle.

How to plant incorrectly

Even literate people who do not have own experience in growing crops. Let's give a few typical mistakes illiterate agricultural technology:

  • When planting, the seedling with its roots should not be tilted at 40–45 degrees. The bushes are planted straight, but the cuttings are tilted for root growth and further vegetation. Root growth in finished seedlings occurs at a distance of 5 cm above the root collar under bulk soil;
  • You cannot plant shoots on high hills and hillocks, because then the plant is in danger of freezing. No matter how much it is insulated, it will not withstand cold winds and will not bear fruit;
  • It is wrong to plant a crop in the shade. The berries will be small and sour, and fungal diseases will overcome the plant.

Additional care instructions

Planting red currants in the fall, as well as its other varieties, can be postponed until spring. In October, we dig a shallow hole with a hollow, collect planting material in an armful, fill the hole with roots, and place the shoots in the hollow. Next, we pour the soil in the form of a mound (without compaction) without fertilizers and cover it with spruce branches, sawdust or peat before winter.

With the arrival of spring, in order to allow the young growth to grow, the mounds are loosened and the shoots are removed for spring planting. Due to the unpretentiousness of the culture, there are no special care conditions. However, some pest control points must be observed. For example: autumn pruning of dried, diseased or broken branches will help avoid diseases contained in them. And spraying Bordeaux mixture 1% will repel pests such as aphids and mites.

Some believe that six-year-old branches should be cut with a hacksaw, citing the fact that they are old. In any case, thinning the plantings will never be superfluous. European varieties often need shelter. If the bush is small, then it can be easily covered with spruce branches. And large bushes, shortly before frost, are tilted from the middle down, hanging a load at the ends of the branches. Dry leaves are poured on top and covered with spunbond or lutrasil.


As you noticed, planting black currants in the fall is not too burdensome and not labor-intensive if done correctly.

You won’t have to wait long for the harvest, since currants produce it already at next year. However, for this you need to do everything to ensure that the plant takes root, so you need to find out its secrets correct landing. In this case, you will be able to enjoy ripe, juicy berries.

Selection of seedlings

It is important to know that the choice of seedlings plays a significant role in planting currants. This issue needs to be taken seriously. For example, experts do not recommend purchasing seedlings from hand, since they are often carriers of various diseases and contain the larvae of harmful insects. In addition, you should avoid buying long-dug up plants. After all, their earthen lump is dry, and the root system has disintegrated. It is recommended to give preference to seedlings that have at least 4 strong shoots, without visual damage.

Optimal time and place of landing

For planting currants perfect time is the first half of autumn. Place to drop this off fruit bush must be looked after in advance, preferably in the summer. In this case, you will be able to notice the degree of illumination. After all, currants are light-loving plant, but it also tolerates partial shade well. Due to the fact that the roots of the shrub lie shallow, you can choose almost any soil - black soil, sandy or loamy. A person will only need to monitor the optimal level of moisture.

Planting bushes

When you plan to plant several bushes, you must take into account that the distance between them should be approximately 1.5 meters. For this reason, before planting currants, it is necessary to plan the area by making marks on the ground. Under each bush you will need to dig a hole 35 cm deep and about half a meter in diameter. After this, you need to thoroughly loosen the bottom of the hole. Experts recommend generously sprinkling the soil with a mixture of tree resin and superphosphate.

After which a layer of humus is laid. Then you can lower the roots of the bush to the bottom of the hole. Now you should sprinkle the hole with earth and lightly compact it. After planting, the bushes need to be watered. The currants remain in this form until spring. As soon as it gets warm, the plant needs to be thinned out and the remaining branches trimmed by 1/3. It is recommended that the entire procedure of planting a fruit bush be carried out by two people. This measure will result in less injury root system plants and will significantly speed up the process.

It’s not for nothing that currants are loved. It is truly a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and useful substances. The berry improves immunity and strengthens the cardiovascular system. And finally, this is simply a wonderful delicacy with delicate sourness and an indescribable aroma. Therefore, it can be seen on everyone garden plot. But not everyone can boast of a high harvest. How to plant black currants so that they bear fruit? What should you consider when choosing a place and time to plant?

When is the best time to plant black currants?

There is an opinion that currants are an unpretentious plant, they will take root in any conditions, and they can be planted at any time of the year. This is partly true, but taking root and bearing fruit are two different things. In order for the plant to produce a good harvest, simple but mandatory conditions must be observed.

The first of them: plant a bush better in autumn. Drop-off times vary by region. The best option: end of September - mid-October. It is important that the seedlings have 3-3 weeks left before the onset of frost. During this time, the plant will restore its root system and be ready to overwinter. By spring, the soil at the roots will be compacted, which will give them the opportunity to receive full nutrition.

Spring planting will require more trouble, and the berry itself is slightly less tolerated. In spring, it is advisable to plant in places where the snow cover is shallow and there is a danger of freezing the roots. Currants are planted in April, as soon as the snow melts. The layer of thawed soil should be 20 cm. The wetter the soil during spring planting, the better the seedling will take root. Currants wake up early, it is necessary to plant them before the buds open.

Where to plant a seedling

When choosing a permanent location, the following parameters are taken into account:

  • soil composition,
  • place,
  • illumination,
  • predecessors and neighbors.

Soil composition

Currants prefer fertile black soil, grow well and bear fruit on sandy loam or medium loamy soils. The soil can be improved to suit the bush's requirements. Organics are added to sandy loam, organics are added to loam and mineral fertilizers. Acidic soil is limed. To do this, in the fall, when digging, add slaked lime at the rate of 40 kg per hundred square meters. Moreover, it is important to know that excess lime is harmful to the soil. If the ground is not dug up, then local cultivation is carried out: wide planting holes are made and filled with fertile soil with humus and 200 g of ground limestone are added.


For berries, areas that are illuminated and protected from the wind are preferred. Avoid areas where groundwater above one and a half meters from the soil surface. A leveled area or a gentle slope sloping to the west or northwest is suitable for her. Lowlands are not suitable for black currants.


Black currant is a light-loving plant. It can also grow in light partial shade. In this case, the berries will be larger than on bushes growing in sunny areas, but they will taste noticeably more sour.

Predecessors and neighbors

To avoid infection, berries are not planted in areas previously occupied by raspberries, gooseberries or currants. Other fruit, berry or vegetable crops may be good predecessors.

Avoid proximity to sea buckthorn, raspberries, gooseberries and cherries. The roots of sea buckthorn spread over 10 meters and are located shallowly, at the same level with the roots, so sea buckthorn and currants will fight for moisture and nutrition. Raspberries and cherries grow very quickly and choke out the bush. They have a common enemy with gooseberries, the gooseberry moth, so to prevent infection it is better to plant the berries further away. You should not plant currants in close proximity to trees, especially pine or walnut. The fact is that pine acidifies the soil. Walnut it oppresses all nearby vegetation.

It is good to plant several varieties side by side: cross-pollination increases productivity. Thanks to cross-pollination, the number of ovaries increases and the berries become larger.

Black currant bush: planting and care, diagram, distance

The main rule when placing bushes on a plot is simple: you need to plant it so that the plant is comfortable and at the same time it is convenient to pick berries.

Currants need space. Remember that it is from fruit trees should be separated by at least 2.5 m. When planting in rows, leave a row spacing of 2 to 3 meters; in a row, leave at least one and a half meters between bushes. With a smaller distance, the bushes will interfere with each other, and the yield will noticeably decrease. In addition, the life expectancy of bushes is reduced. If you plan to plant currants along the fence, do not save space; step back one and a half to two meters from the fence.

What to plant next to

Three neighborhood rules are universal for everyone in the garden:

  1. Do not plant crops nearby if they belong to the same species or feed on the same nutrients.
  2. When planting at different levels, consider whether low-growing plants are shade-loving. If low growing plant light-loving, do not plant it under high ground.
  3. Consider the depth of the roots and keep in mind that the roots are able to protect their territory with the help of phytotoxins.

Guided by these rules, we will determine which neighborhood is beneficial and which will depress the plant.

Invalid neighborhood

For black currants, proximity to sea buckthorn, raspberries, apple trees, and cherries is unacceptable. Neighborhood is bad for pears and cherries. Red currants should also be planted away from black currants.

Can be planted nearby

Honeysuckle and hops will be good neighbors. Garlic, calendula, and Jerusalem artichoke get along well with berries. The ideal neighbor is the onion. They do not interfere with each other, and onions protect currants from bud mites. Onions should be planted in the fall, this will provide protection for young shoots in the spring.

Onions protect young currants from bud mites

How to plant correctly

Every gardener has his own secrets of success. But everyone agrees that success is determined by a number of factors, such as:

  • quality of seedlings,
  • correct landing,
  • aftercare.

How to choose planting material?

Firstly, choose better zoned varieties. They are better adapted to the conditions of your region and, with proper care, will produce a good harvest.

Secondly, you should choose high-quality planting material. For currants, these are annual or biennial seedlings. The seedlings must be without leaves and strong. The decisive factor when choosing is the absence of diseases and good condition roots. A healthy seedling has well-developed fibrous roots and 3–4 woody skeletal roots 15–20 cm long. For a high-quality seedling, two or three shoots 40 cm long are enough. A healthy seedling has buds adjacent to the trunk, no spots.

If the bud looks swollen and rounded, most likely a bud mite has settled there.

When transporting, do not allow the roots of the seedlings to dry out. To protect the roots, they need to be wrapped in a damp cloth or covered with film.

Healthy one-year-old blackcurrant seedling

Correct fit

Planting holes can be dug immediately before planting, but it is better to prepare them in advance, a couple of weeks before planting, so that the soil has time to settle and the chlorine introduced with manure has evaporated. Pit preparation:

  1. Choose a suitable bright place.
  2. Dig holes at a distance of 2 m from each other. The planting hole should be approximately 60 cm in diameter and about half a meter deep.
  3. Pour humus into a heap at the bottom of the planting hole, filling the planting hole by a third. Add a glass of wood ash and stir.

Planting seedlings:

  1. Inspect the roots. If there are damaged ones, cut them off with pruning shears.
  2. If you use mineral fertilizers, cover them with fertile soil on top so as not to burn the roots with fertilizers.
  3. Place the seedling in the hole, carefully straightening the roots. The seedling should be placed in the planting hole not vertically, but at an angle of 45˚.
  4. Please note that the root collar should be located 6 cm below the edge of the hole. Deep planting with a slope contributes to the formation of a powerful bush: new roots will appear and the bush will grow in width due to new shoots.
  5. Sprinkle the seedling with soil, trying to fill the space between the roots. It is more convenient to plant with two people: one holds the seedling, the second pours the soil.
  6. Lightly compact the soil.
  7. Water: half a bucket per hole. This compacts the soil at the roots. This is important for currants. She doesn't like voids at the roots.
  8. Fill the hole completely with earth.
  9. Form a hole around the bush and water generously.
  10. Trim a newly planted bush. They cut it like this: count 4-5 buds from the ground, and cut them off above the heel with pruning shears. This will allow the seedling to grow new roots and produce many healthy, strong shoots in the spring.

    The cut parts can be cut into cuttings and rooted. This will be good planting material.

  11. Mulch the planting to avoid crust formation.
  12. When planting in autumn for the winter, the bushes should be hilled to a height of 12–15 cm in order to cover the roots and protect them from freezing. Get busy in the spring.

Correct position of the seedling when planting

Video: How to plant black currants correctly

Transfer to a new place

Sometimes it is necessary to transplant currant bushes to a new place. This need arises if

  • you are moving to a new place,
  • tall trees grew in the neighborhood,
  • the earth is depleted
  • you are planning construction on the site.

Transplanting a bush is slightly different from planting a seedling, but the principle is the same: to ensure the survival of the roots. Therefore, this must be done in the fall. And keep in mind that bushes older than 4 years are not suitable for replanting. Procedure:

  1. Find convenient place: light, protected from the wind.
  2. Clear the soil of weeds and dig it up.
  3. Prepare a pit. To immediately give the currants more reserves of fertile soil, the hole should be dug wider, at least 70 cm in diameter and two bayonets deep. The pit is prepared 2 weeks before transplantation.
  4. Prepare nutritious soil: pour fertilizer, humus, and ash into the hole.
  5. Prepare the bush for transplanting. Cut off old branches with pruning shears at the very base. Cut young shoots in half. Thanks to pruning, the bush in a new place will devote energy to restoring and growing the root system and will not get sick.
  6. Dig the bush two bayonets deep and carefully remove it from the ground, being careful not to damage the roots.
  7. Pour water into the pre-prepared hole. The nutrient soil should become liquid in consistency.
  8. If the bush is sick, inspect it carefully and remove diseased roots and pests. Wash the roots and soak in a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
  9. Lower the bush into a hole with liquid nutrient soil. Make sure that the root collar of the bush is 6–8 cm below the edge of the hole and fill it with soil.
  10. Water well and mulch. Watering will compact the soil at the roots, and mulch will prevent the soil from drying out and crusting on the surface.

Video: How to properly transplant currants to a new place

In order for black currants to really bear fruit, you need to wisely choose the time and place of planting, choose high-quality planting material and prepare the soil. These simple rules plantings will help get in the future high yield black currant.

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