PPR reinforced pipe for water supply. Polypropylene pipes for heating: reinforced with fiberglass and foil. What's better? Glass fiber reinforced pipes

As is known, for the construction of pipelines hot water or heating systems using standard polypropylene or polyethylene pipes impossible, since plastic is not able to withstand the required temperature load.

However, the use of more traditional products made of metals and alloys (copper, steel, etc.) is also undesirable - they are quite expensive and have too much weight, making installation and repair of the circuit difficult. In this case, a modern solution comes to the rescue - fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes, combining the lightness of plastic and the reliability of alloys. It is the RVK pipe that has these characteristics.

Pros and cons of polypropylene products

Advantages of conventional polypropylene (PPR) pipes:

  • low cost - the price of such products is significantly less than products made from metals and alloys;
  • strength;
  • light weight - polymer products are much lighter than similar metal ones;
  • resistance to low temperatures;
  • chemical neutrality to most aggressive environments - acids, alkalis, oil and gas products, saline solutions;
  • no threat of corrosion.

Disadvantages of simple pipes:

  1. A small value of the upper temperature threshold - polypropylene pipes begin to melt when they reach 175°C, and soften when the temperature in the system rises to 130-140°C. At first glance, this should not be a problem, since the operating temperature in the heat supply system is characterized by values ​​of 90-95°C; however, when two parameters are combined - high pressure and high operating temperature - the damage received by the pipes from the coolant becomes more significant, therefore, the risk of pipe damage increases.
  2. Tendency to expand significantly with increasing thermal load. To a greater extent, this concerns the length of the product: the length of the pipes increases greatly, and wavy lines appear on the surface. This is not only unsightly, but also carries the threat of depressurization of the circuit or damage to wall or floor coverings, including cracking of fragile materials - plaster or cement.

This problem in the usual ways cannot be solved, even the installation of compensators is not entirely effective. The most logical solution is the use of glass fiber reinforced plastic pipes. Characterized by everyone positive properties high-molecular compounds, and in addition to increased resistance to high temperatures, these pipes can be used in almost any heating circuits and hot water supply systems.

Comparison of pipes reinforced with glass fiber and aluminum foil

To strengthen plastic pipes and give them thermal stability, two types of reinforcement are used:

  • aluminum foil;
  • fiberglass.

In this case, the aluminum plate can be used in various options: in perforated or solid form, act as an outer covering or be located in the middle of products, between layers of polymer. Fiberglass is certainly placed inside reinforced plastic pipes.

It should also be noted that aluminum reinforcement allows the product to withstand greater pressure within the system, so if operating pressure unknown or too high, it is better to use this option.

Characteristics of foil-reinforced pipes (designated PPR-AL-PPR):

  • increased rigidity of products, resistance to mechanical loads and all types of deformation;
  • thickness of the reinforcing metal layer – 0.1-0.5 mm (varies depending on the size of the pipe cross-section);
  • the method of joining aluminum and plastic is glue, the quality of which determines the quality of the products;
  • excellent tightness that does not decrease over time.

Installation of pipes with an aluminum layer is associated with some technological difficulties: before soldering or welding individual elements, the metal layer at the ends must be cleaned. Failure to comply with this recommendation will lead to a rapid loss of structural integrity - due, first of all, to delamination of the polymer and metal during heat treatment, secondly, due to electrochemical damage to aluminum.

Against the background of the problems listed above, polypropylene pipes with fiberglass look like a more acceptable solution:

  • the reinforcing material is quite similar in nature and characteristics to the main polymer;
  • there is no need to clean the ends before welding or soldering;
  • During the heat treatment process, the glass fiber and alloy not only do not delaminate, but, on the contrary, form a more durable connection.

Based on this, fiberglass reinforced pipe is in most cases an ideal solution for constructing pipelines for various technological purposes.

Characteristics of glass fiber reinforced products

As you might guess, such products have three layers: two polypropylene and one reinforcing layer, consisting of the same material mixed with fiber fibers (fiberglass). Due to the almost identical composition, such a three-layer structure is almost equivalent to a monolithic one.

Characteristics of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes:

  • complete absence of threat of corrosion;
  • remarkable smoothness of the internal surface of the products, resisting the accumulation of deposits and, as a result, the occurrence of blockages;
  • increased mechanical strength of products;
  • no threat to longitudinal or transverse deformation when the internal temperature of the system increases;
  • chemical and biological neutrality - both to aggressive environments and to waste products;
  • low hydraulic resistance, therefore, the value of pressure losses is reduced to a minimum;
  • good noise reduction;
  • do not affect the properties of the supplied water in any way, therefore, are absolutely safe for human health;
  • long service life - with proper installation and operation - at least 50 years.

Regarding the dimensional characteristics of glass fiber reinforced pipes, the most popular diameters are:

  • up to 17 mm – used for installing heated floors;
  • up to 20 mm – for domestic hot water pipes;
  • 20-25 mm - such pipes with fiberglass are used for indoor heating common use and when installing sewer risers.

To secure pipes of smaller diameter, plastic clips are sufficient; for products with larger cross-sections, it is necessary to use clamps.

Installation of fiberglass pipes

The connection of such products is carried out in the same way as conventional plastic pipes.

There are three ways to fasten products:

  1. Using threaded fittings.
  2. Using cold welding(that is, special glue).
  3. Thermal welding (soldering).

The first option is made as follows: the end of the pipe is pulled onto the fitting of the connecting element and crimped in a circle with a mounting nut. The connection is not inferior in reliability (strength and tightness) to the third method; it can be used even when constructing pressure-type pipelines. The only drawback is that if you apply excessive force when tightening the mounting nut, it can simply burst.

In the case of cold welding, the glue used ensures quick creation of the joint, but not reliability. When installed on inner surface polypropylene coupling is applied adhesive composition, then the end of the pipe to be connected is inserted there; the connection is held motionless for some time so that the glue has time to harden.

When welding using a welding machine, the surfaces of the pipe ends and couplings are heated; after joining they form a single polymer mass. This connection is the most durable and airtight.

In general, the use of fiberglass reinforced pipes is completely justified, convenient and profitable from an economic point of view.

For communication systems in a residential building, reliability and simplicity of design always come first. In order for the cold and hot water supply system to function normally in an apartment, house or country house, and for the heating equipment to work fully, it is necessary to lay the pipeline correctly and competently. Here the pipes come to the fore - an engineering and technological element on which the entire water and heat supply system is subsequently based. When choosing pipes for a heating system, you have to take into account literally every little detail, from technological parameters to the material used and manufacturing method.

The complexity of the task lies in the fact that today the consumer has at his disposal pipes for heating the most different types and types. , a new type of consumable material that is successfully used for laying household pipelines. for installation of heating systems, with fiberglass or reinforced with aluminum - this is “know-how” recent years. Cheap, reliable, practical and easy-to-use consumable material.

Do synthetic consumables meet the objectives of the heating system? How reliable are fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes? How to make the right purchase? These questions need to be addressed in more detail.

What are reinforced polypropylene pipes

Life support communication systems that use metal pipes. Despite the fact that metal consumables are highly durable and quite reliable in operation, the high cost of the material and complex installation have influenced the interest in similar materials noticeably weakened at the everyday level. As an alternative to metal pipes, consumers today are focusing on reinforced synthetic consumables.

During the manufacturing process of products, polypropylene is strengthened by adding special components to the structure. As a result, at the end we have a completely different, qualitatively new consumable material - reinforced polypropylene pipes. Reinforcement is traditional way mechanical strengthening of communications. By including synthetic fibers in the form of a braid into the polypropylene channel, it was possible to significantly increase the strength and rigidity of the material. Reinforcement is performed both in the middle of the product itself and on the inside. Internal reinforcement is extremely rare, but the inclusion of an additional middle layer of fiberglass into the structure of the finished product is a fairly common technology.

On a note: reinforcement on the inner wall of the pipe is not advisable. There is a high probability of rapid blockages due to the formation of salt deposits on the walls of the internal channel. The quality of water used for domestic purposes, including heating, is not always ideal.

Having replaced metal pipes, reinforced polypropylene consumables have radically changed the entire technology of laying pipelines for heat supply systems. The synthetic material is not inferior to metal in strength, is resistant to corrosion processes and copes well with temperature changes.

We especially captivate the consumer by the fact that, reinforced and reinforced with fiberglass, they are suitable for heating any premises. Polypropylene consumables can effectively interact with almost any type of heating equipment and heating equipment.

The cost of such products is an order of magnitude less than the cost of metal, copper or metal-plastic pipelines. This aspect is especially important when it comes to organizing a heating system throughout the house. In houses and apartments large area, in two-story residential buildings, the use of synthetic reinforced channels makes it possible to literally entangle the entire building with a network of pipelines. Length of pipeline made of synthetic materials, in some cases reaches several hundred meters. With other products you won’t allow yourself such luxury, trying to save on every centimeter.

For reference: the length of the heat supply system in a private residential building with an area of ​​100 m2 is about 100 meters, including return. Compare the cost of reinforced polypropylene pipes required for laying a pipeline of this length and the price of metal products or metal-plastic.

Let's summarize. Reinforcement is carried out with the aim of giving the polypropylene pipe the necessary strength. Why is fiberglass used for this purpose? The answer is simple. The glass fiber inserted into the middle is impregnated with an elastic plastic mass, creating, together with the surrounding outer and outer layers of polypropylene, a single whole. As a result, the required integrity of the product is achieved. By incorporating a layer of fiberglass into the pipe structure, it was possible to significantly reduce the thickness of the inner wall, while maintaining the main working diameter of the channel.

On a note: Aluminum-reinforced polypropylene pipes can delaminate over time. Frequent sudden changes in coolant temperature cause such a negative phenomenon.

Features of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene consumables

For home heating system the most important parameter is ease of operation and long term services. The functionality of each component and element of a water heating system determines the level of comfort and degree of reliability of the equipment. What is most important when installing a heating system in a house? Durability and convenient operation. When installing a heating system in a house, we want to make sure that the entire complex of equipment works autonomously, without our participation.

They can reassure you in this regard. , taking into account thermal calculations and operating features will ensure long-term and uninterrupted operation of the home heating system. Reinforced synthetic consumables used in heating communications are designed for 20-25 years of service.

Resistance to corrosive processes, the ability to withstand high pressure and significant temperature changes make synthetic lines and communications very convenient and practical to use. The permissible temperature range for such material is: -10 0 C +90 0 C, which is especially important when packaging autonomous heating. Polypropylene with fiberglass is not afraid of freezing. When the coolant in the system freezes, synthetic lines, unlike metal products, retain their shape, structure and integrity.

Synthetic, fiberglass-reinforced pipes are an excellent dielectric, and when in contact with fire, polypropylene is non-toxic and decomposes into water vapor and carbon. Along with the listed features, synthetic water channels based on fiberglass have other advantages. Eg:

  • simple, quick and convenient installation;
  • laying pipes does not require special skills or specialization;
  • the strength of the seams allows you to use even pieces of pipe in installation, minimizing waste;
  • interchangeability of individual elements in case of pipeline damage;
  • affordable price of material.

And the most important advantage that reinforced polypropylene pipes have is the absence of the effect of sagging of the pipeline.

Important! For ordinary polypropylene pipes, the sagging effect is significant disadvantage. Polymers tend to have a high coefficient of thermal expansion. Upon contact with a hot coolant, polymers acquire additional elasticity and begin to change their structure.

Fiberglass or aluminum give polypropylene pipes the necessary resistance when heated. Pipelines for hot water or heating systems withstand temperature loads without losing their basic technological parameters. In addition, reinforced synthetics and fittings are perfectly combined with any interior decoration options. The heating system pipeline can be laid inside the walls, significantly increasing the usable volume of the interior.

Types of reinforced polypropylene pipes. Product marking

At the moment, the market for consumables for heating systems is rich in choice. The labeling of products deserves attention, thanks to which we can get all necessary information about the operating parameters of the pipe and operational capabilities. For polypropylene reinforced pipes, marking plays a key role. Based on the information, we will be able to choose correctly and accurately required type, product type.

Let's start with the classification of polypropylene pipes, which is based on the variety of products. Synthetic consumables are divided into the following types:

  • The first type - products made from homopolypropylene, have the PPH index (H - homopolymer). This type is characterized by high strength. They are usually used in cold water systems.
  • The second type is pipes that contain a block copolymer (B - block copolymer). These consumables are marked with PPB indices and can be used in low-temperature heating systems (warm water floors).
  • The third type is the most common. The products are used for underfloor heating and hot water supply. These are marked PPR pipes, where R is a random copolymer. Usually this type of product is made reinforced. The letter C is added to the existing PPR marking, indicating increased requirements for temperature surges (up to 95 0 C).

The European abbreviation PP corresponds to the Russian version PP, which means polypropylene.

Further, after the designations of the product’s belonging to the type of material, there are designations characterizing the value of the nominal operating pressure. PN indices are used for this purpose. At the domestic level, reinforced pipes with indexes PN20, PN25 are usually used for water supply and heating systems. These two types are optimally suited for heating systems, both for centralized heating options and in combination with individual heating devices. The difference is that products with the PN20 index are reinforced with fiberglass, while those with the PN25 index have an aluminum layer.

Important! Unlike conventional polypropylene consumables, both options, PN20 and PN25, have low coefficient thermal expansion. For products reinforced with fiberglass, this figure is 5-7% higher than for foil-clad polypropylene pipes.

The required quality and compliance of the product with the declared parameters can be obtained by purchasing original, branded products. Price is an aspect on the basis of which one can determine a fake from a branded consumable. Reinforcing component - glass fiber can be different colors, orange, blue, red or green. The color scheme does not play any role. Some manufacturers, in addition to existing markings, apply stripes along the surface of the pipe:

  • red stripe, scope of use - pipelines with hot water or coolant;
  • blue stripe, products are used for cold water supply;
  • two colors – the versatility of the highway.

This is what the standard marking on the product looks like.

Conclusion. Pipe laying and installation features

Having an idea of ​​what components are best for the heating system, it’s worth saying a few words about the features of laying polypropylene lines and the specifics of pipeline installation.

Using calculations, you can get an idea of ​​what length of pipes you should buy and in what quantities. Already in the process of laying the pipeline, the material is cut into fragments in accordance required sizes. Consumables are cut using special scissors.

Important! Polypropylene channels are cut quite easily, from here we can draw a conclusion. Transportation and installation of finished products must be carried out observing safety precautions. Any significant mechanical force may damage the integrity of the product.

Where there is a high probability of mechanical damage to the pipeline, it is better to install metal fragments.

It is believed that polypropylene pipes are environmentally friendly and safe, so the location of the pipeline can be chosen in accordance with technological needs. However, before installation, it is better to have on hand calculated data on the coolant supply speed, pressure force and heating temperature. The calculated data should not exceed the permissible operating parameters for the selected brand of product. Otherwise, a technological inconsistency may occur, resulting in an emergency.

The installation of the pipeline is carried out taking into account the coefficient of thermal expansion, which for consumables with fiberglass is slightly greater (5-6%) than for products with an aluminum insert. The cut fragments are connected into a single line using the diffuse soldering method, using fittings, couplings, angles, tees and adapters for connections and branches. Reinforced pipes are soldered in the same way as conventional polypropylene products. The material is easy to combine with metal elements that have a threaded connection.

At the moment, the price-quality ratio of polypropylene pipeline products is the best among other consumables. Strength, reliability and durability make it quite easy, without much skill or effort, to install a heating system pipeline in a house.

Until recently, predominantly traditional or steel were used. But the emergence of polypropylene products significantly undermined the leadership position of metal products. Fiberglass-reinforced pipes have become especially noticeable on the market. Why do consumers increasingly prefer these types of polypropylene products? What are their advantages? And are there any fundamental disadvantages? For your attention not only the answers to questions asked, but also the basic subtleties of choosing fiberglass-reinforced pipes.

Advantages of pipes

Polypropylene pipes, frame reinforced made of fiberglass, have a number of advantages that make them attractive for use in heating systems:

Disadvantages of pipes

The disadvantages of polypropylene heating pipes with fiberglass reinforcement are much smaller than the advantages, but they should not be overlooked.

  • The coating of the products can be damaged under the influence of ultraviolet rays, so it is not recommended to install them in open space - it is advisable to install the pipes in solid bases: in the floor or walls.
  • Pipes reinforced with glass fiber are characterized by low resistance to internal pressure - in this indicator they are inferior to similar polypropylene products with an aluminum frame.

Advice. To prevent fiberglass framed pipes from deforming under the influence of high pressure, mount them using as many fasteners as possible - if the product is not fixed firmly, it will simply sag.

  • The external rigidity of the fiberglass frame is somewhat less than the rigidity of the aluminum frame, so such pipes are not very resistant to severe mechanical damage.

Since the popularity of reinforced pipes is growing at an incredible pace, some unscrupulous manufacturers use low-quality fiberglass to reduce costs and increase production volume. In order not to fall for the trick of such manufacturers and not lose your money, be sure to ask the seller for quality certificates of the polypropylene products offered.

Pipe selection: sizes and pressure

Even the most quality pipes will be able to fully demonstrate their advantages only under one condition: if they are correctly selected for a specific heating system. And to do this, you need to take into account two important parameters: dimensions and pressure - they directly affect the conditions under which this or that product can be used.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings

So, taking into account the internal diameter, three functional groups of pipes are distinguished:

  • for a central or autonomous heating system - with a diameter of 20-50 mm;
  • for risers – with a diameter of 10-75 mm;
  • for heated floors – with a diameter of 16-90 mm.

Most often, standard heating systems use pipes with an internal diameter of 20-25 mm. The maximum outer diameter can reach 1200 mm.

Advice. By deciding on specific indicators of external and internal diameters pipes, take into account the throughput of the heating system in which they will be installed.

As for pressure, you should pay attention to the markings of the pipes - it makes it clear what maximum pressure the system can withstand specific reinforced polypropylene products:

  • PN-10 – 1 MPa;
  • PN-20 – 2 MPa;
  • PN-25 – 2.5 MPa.

Important! Do not buy pipes marked PN-6 - they are not suitable for the heating system.

As you can see, fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes are a worthy alternative not only to conventional metal products, but also to many innovative products. They are easy to install, environmentally friendly, resistant to very high temperatures and have a long service life - these qualities allow pipes to be ideal material for organizing a functional and durable heating system.

Polypropylene pipes and fittings: video

Polypropylene pipes for heating: photo

The heating system is a very important component in the improvement of any room during the cold season. If earlier metal pipes were used when laying out the system, now, thanks to new technologies, most people use new types of pipes for these purposes. Polypropylene turned out to be a worthy replacement for metal; it meets higher requirements than the plumbing material we are used to.


Currently, quite a lot of polypropylene products are produced in the world. The polymer belongs to thermoplastic plastics, according to production conditions it is very similar to polyethylene low pressure, but they have different properties. Polypropylene pipes have the following technical characteristics:

  1. Density - 0.91 g/cm 3;
  2. High resistance and abrasion hardness;
  3. Tensile strength 250-350;
  4. Not subject to corrosion cracking;
  5. Melting temperature is +175 o C, at +140 o C it begins to deform.

Conventional polypropylene pipes have one drawback - they have a high coefficient of thermal expansion. When the polypropylene system heats up, changes in volume occur and make installation work difficult.

This problem was solved using polypropylene reinforcement. It was necessary to include in the design low expansion material. Fiberglass-reinforced products, according to reviews from craftsmen, have today become the best option for a material with the lowest expansion coefficient.

The reinforced pipe has a triple layer, the outer and inner are made of polypropylene, and fiberglass middle layer. Its use has made it possible to produce durable products, because fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes are in no way inferior to aluminum, and their installation is very simple and quick.

Fiberglass-reinforced products have excellent quality and provide more comfortable operation of the heating system. Each product has its own marking, it is indicated PPR-FB-PPR, popularly called them fiberglass. Fiberglass happens different color, but this does not play a role in the technical and operational characteristics of the products.

Fiberglass pipes made from polypropylene can also be easily joined using socket welding. They do not need to be pre-processed, which is simplifies the installation process, makes it fast in time. The integral structure of polypropylene pipes allows them not to delaminate.

Main advantages

Glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes for heating have many positive qualities, including:

Types of fiberglass reinforced pipes

Almost all types of polypropylene pipes reinforced with glass fiber are produced in small diameters, since a larger diameter cannot create required pressure in the heating system. For example, products with a diameter of 32 mm are suitable for risers, and for tying batteries and wiring - 20 and 25 mm. All products are marked, this always makes it easier to purchase polypropylene products of the required diameter.

IN construction stores You can find pipes with manufacturer's markings.

PPR- universal look , the characteristics of the pipes include resistance to high temperatures, pressure and strength, so they are suitable for creating a heating system.

PPR-FB-PPR - glass fiber reinforced, the layer of which is located between the inner and outer coating of the pipe.

The strength of the products is also marked, for example, reinforced pipes of the PN 20 brand are suitable for heating. The number in the marking indicates what maximum pressure the system can withstand in kg/cm 3 . Such products are suitable for use in heating and air conditioning systems, in creating external drinking and technical water supplies.

Brand of polypropylene products PN 20 is durable and elastic, in severe frosts they do not burst from freezing, and when the water begins to thaw, they retain all their properties. Glass fiber reinforced pipes have also found application in agriculture, they are used in the construction of irrigation drainage systems, in the disposal of soil and waste water.

The longitudinal strip that is on the products indicates their special purpose for use in certain conditions. So, red color indicates suitability in a hot environment, blue - for a cold environment, both stripes together - the versatility of the material.

Features of application

A material such as polypropylene has high oxygen permeability, and at elevated temperatures, a large amount of oxygen can lead to rapid destruction of metal-containing elements. In the heating system it is necessary to use only reliable and high-quality radiators made of primary aluminum, this is prerequisite. If other radiators are used, then it is necessary to use a material with foil, which will reduce the oxygen level.

Manufacturers produce fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes 4 meters long; it is recommended to connect them with fittings using socket welding. To perform such work, you need a special welding machine, which you need to be able to work with. Installation work simple, since the pipes do not require preliminary preparation before welding.

Price of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene products

The cost of products always differs depending on the diameter, wall thickness of the pipes, as well as the manufacturer’s brand.

Russian pipes Lazar Snab Perm, glass fiber reinforced PN 20, diameter 20 mm white(can withstand a pressure of 1 MPa with a temperature of +95 o C for a long time), price per 1 m.p. -33.28 rubles.

Turkish-made polypropylene products PN 25 with a diameter of 35 mm, white (withstand pressure of 1 MPa for a long time at a temperature of +90 o C), cost of pipe per 1 m.p. - 44.12 rubles.

Water polymer in Kirov, Russian production, brand PN 25, 20 mm in diameter, white (capable of withstanding pressure of 1 MPa for a long time, with a temperature of +90 o C), price per 1 m. p. - 22.70 rubles.

Banninger pipes made in Germany PN 20, with a diameter of 20 mm, with a wall thickness of 2.8 mm, green (can withstand pressure of 2 MPa with a temperature of +95 o C for a long time), price per 1 linear meter - 70.00 rubles.

Banninger polypropylene products made in Germany PN 20, diameter 50 mm. with a wall thickness of 5.6 mm of green color (for a long period of time they can withstand pressure of 2 MPa, with a temperature of +95 o C), cost per 1 m. p. - 358.80 rubles.


Polypropylene is a non-toxic material, it does not rot, does not form fungus and mold, and does not transmit ultraviolet radiation. All these qualities confirm the safety of the material for human health. Subject to all operating conditions, polypropylene pipes with fiberglass can last for decades.

Any water-type heating system requires the presence of circuits through which coolant circulates. These pipe lines connect the boiler with all, even the most remote, heat exchange devices - heating radiators. As a result, in a building or even a large apartment general system can take on a very complex branched form, and the length of the laid pipes can be tens or even hundreds of meters.

Not so long ago there was practically no alternative steel pipes VGP. But, you must admit, their acquisition, transportation and installation itself are very difficult, expensive and not accessible to everyone for independent execution. And, to be honest, such pipes have many other disadvantages. Another thing is inexpensive, lightweight, easy to install, and simply attractive polypropylene pipes. True, not all of their varieties are suitable for such purposes, due to the characteristics of the material used. But fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipes for heating will be an excellent option.

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In addition to them, polypropylene pipes are also produced with aluminum reinforcement, so in order to figure out which of them is better, it is worth comparing them. Only in this way will it be possible to evaluate and identify characteristics different types of these products.

Why are reinforced polypropylene pipes needed for heating?

The heating system will be reliable in operation if you select the “right” pipes for it that meet certain requirements. These criteria include the resistance of products to high temperature and pressure loads. to the aggressive effects of the coolant circulating through them. It is especially important to take these requirements into account if the pipes and their connecting elements are planned to be installed in a system connected to the central heating supply.

In specialized stores you can find reinforced polypropylene pipes having different wall thicknesses, made from materials of different quality, differing in resistance to high blood pressure and temperatures, ultraviolet exposure, having different coefficients of linear expansion. Therefore, if you decide to install a new circuit or replace the old pipes with polypropylene ones, you need to know the evaluation criteria that the materials used for these purposes must meet.

So, for the installation of a heating circuit, it is necessary to select pipes that meet a number of important requirements.

  • Coolant temperature in the system central heating usually 75÷80 degrees, but sometimes it can reach more high performance, close to 90÷95 ºС. Therefore, when purchasing these products, you should choose them with a margin of thermal stability, that is, their characteristics must indicate a temperature of at least 95 degrees.
  • Polypropylene is an excellent material for pipes, but it has a characteristic quality - too significant a coefficient of linear expansion with temperature changes (according to tabular data - 0.15 mm/m × ºС). A little? But what if we look at this matter “through the prism” of absolute values?

Let’s say the installation of the heating circuit was carried out at a temperature of +20 ºС. After starting the heating system, the temperature in the supply pipe is planned to be even just 75 ºС. So, we have a difference with an amplitude of + 55 degrees. With the above coefficient of thermal expansion, each meter of our contour will increase in length by 8.25 mm. Even on a relatively short straight section of 3 meters this will already give 2.5 centimeters of elongation, not to mention longer sections. But this is already very serious!

As a result, pipes located openly become deformed, bend, and jump out of their fastening clips. Naturally, at the same time, internal stresses in their walls increase, connecting nodes are overloaded, and the tightness may be compromised threaded connections on fittings. The system clearly loses not only the aesthetics of its appearance, but also its overall reliability.

What happens to such pipes if they are firmly embedded in the walls or floor? It is even difficult to imagine how large internal stresses their walls experience. It is clear that there is no question of any durability of such a heating circuit.

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But reinforced pipes have a coefficient of linear expansion that is almost five times less. With the same initial data, a three-meter section will lengthen by only 4.95 mm, which is not at all critical. Of course, this does not eliminate the need to compensate for linear expansion on very long sections, but the expansion joints themselves (loop or bellows) will be required significantly less, and they can be placed in places inaccessible to the naked eye.

  • In addition to high temperatures, the central heating system is not characterized by pressure stability, since especially when starting test activities after summer season, in it, as a rule, uncontrolled surges occur, up to powerful water hammers. Therefore, pipes must be resistant to baric overloads, and only products reinforced with aluminum or fiberglass have such qualities to a much greater extent.
  • The service life of pipes for heating systems declared by the manufacturer must be comparable to the durability of other devices and elements included in the overall circuit. And in this position, reinforced polypropylene pipes have a clear advantage.
  • A good property of propylene is its inertness to the aggressive coolant environment, since the wall material should not be subject to corrosion and destructuring from exposure to various chemical substances, the presence of which, alas, cannot be excluded in any way in the central heating system.
  • Perfectly smooth surfaces internal walls polypropylene pipes make it possible to freely circulate coolant through the heating circuit.
  • Polypropylene has the ability to muffle the sounds of coolant circulation inside the system, which distinguishes it from traditional steel. Fiberglass-reinforced pipes have this advantage to a more pronounced extent.

Marking of polypropylene pipes

Without exception, all polypropylene pipes must have alphanumeric markings on their surface, which indicate their main physical, technical and operational characteristics. When purchasing pipes, it is recommended to carefully study the markings so as not to make a mistake in choosing the best option.

For clarity, let's look at the markings using an example:

A– as a rule, the marking begins with the logo or name of the company of the material manufacturer. In any case, those companies that really enjoy authority in this area of ​​​​production do not hesitate to put their name on each unit of their products. Well, if the manufacturer has been “modest” and nothing like this is indicated in the labeling, this should be a reason to think about whether it is worth purchasing such a product, whether it is a cheap imitation.

B– The following abbreviation stands for structural structure pipes. The following notation options are usually found here:

— PPR - polypropylene pipe that does not have any internal reinforcement;

— PPR-FB-PPR - fiberglass reinforced pipe;

— PPR/PPR-GF/PPR or PPR-GF - pipe reinforced with composite material, which includes fiberglass and polypropylene;

— PPR-AL-PPR - pipe reinforced with aluminum foil.

- PP-RCT-AL-PPR - this complex abbreviation indicates that the pipe consists of several layers made of different materials. So PP-RCT - the inner one is a modified polypropylene with improved thermostatic properties, AL - the middle layer is aluminum foil, and PPR - the outer layer is polypropylene.

IN– The following designation, PN, is the type of pipe, which largely speaks about its operational characteristics and areas of possible purpose. The numbers indicate the nominal operating pressure in the system (in bars or technical atmospheres):

- PN-10 - such pipes can withstand a pressure of 10 bar, and can be used for cold water supply or, as an exception, for installing connections to heated floor circuits while maintaining appropriate temperature regime, since they are designed for temperatures not exceeding + 45 degrees.

— PN-16 - products are designed for cold and hot water supply with temperatures up to + 60 degrees and operating pressure up to 16 bar.

— PN-20 is the most popular option, since it can be called universal, since it is used for both hot and cold water supply, as well as for heating system circuits. Pipes with this marking can withstand temperatures of 95 degrees and pressures of up to 20 bar.

— PN-25 - such pipes are the most durable, withstand a pressure of 25 bar and a temperature of 95 degrees. They are used for installation in risers of heating and hot water supply systems, including for circuits connected to the central heating supply.

The main standard dimensional parameters of pipes according to this classification are presented in the table below:

Ø Nr, mm PN-25PN-20PN-16PN-10
Ø In, mm TC, mm Ø In, mm TC, mm Ø In, mm TC, mm Ø In, mm TC, mm
16 - - 10.6 2.7 11.6 2.2 - -
20 13.2 3.4 13.2 3.4 14.4 2.8 16.2 1.9
25 16.6 4.2 16.6 4.2 18 3.5 20.4 2.3
32 21.2 3 21.2 5.4 23 4.4 26 3
40 26.6 3.7 26.6 6.7 28.8 5.5 32.6 3.7
50 33.2 4.6 33.2 8.4 36.2 6.9 40.8 4.6
63 42 5.8 42 10.5 45.6 8.4 51.4 5.8
75 50 6.9 50 12.5 54.2 10.3 61.2 6.9
90 - - 60 15 65 12.3 73.6 8.2
110 - - 73.2 18.4 79.6 15.1 90 10
Ø No. – outer diameter of the pipe
Ø External - Diameter of the internal channel of the pipe (nominal diameter)
TS – pipe wall thickness

G— The next indicator is the outer diameter of the pipe and the thickness of its walls in millimeters.

D– Service class (the parameter is set by GOST for domestically produced pipes) indicates the recommended area of ​​application of this type of pipe:

Operating class of polypropylene pipesFluid temperature (operating / maximum), ºCPurpose of pipes
HV up to 20Cold water systems+
1 60 / 80 Hot water system with a maximum temperature of 60 ºC
2 70 / 80 Hot water system with a maximum temperature of 70 ºC
3 40 / 60 Low-temperature floor heating systems
4 60 / 70 Floor heating systems with high-temperature operating conditions, classic heating systems with maximum coolant temperatures up to 60 ºC
5 80 / 90 Heating systems with high temperatures, including central heating

AND– The last one alphanumeric designation that one is indicated normative document(GOST, ISO or TO, according to the standards of which these products are manufactured.

Having received information about the classification of the pipe, you can immediately estimate the possible duration of its operation under the planned conditions. The following table will help with this:

Coolant temperature, ºСEstimated service lifePipe types
PN-25 PN-20 PN-16 PN-10
Maximum operating pressure in the system (kgf/cm²)
20 10 33.9 21.7 21.7 13.5
25 33 26.4 21.1 13.2
50 32.3 25.9 20.7 12.9
30 10 9.3 23.5 18.8 11.7
25 28.3 22.7 18.1 11.3
50 27.7 22.1 17.7 11.1
40 10 25.3 20.3 16.2 10.1
25 24.3 19.5 15.6 9.7
50 23 18.4 14.7 9.2
50 10 21.7 23.5 17.3 13.9
25 20 16 12.8 8
50 18.3 14.7 11.7 7.3
60 10 18 14.4 11.5 7.2
25 15.3 12.3 9.8 6.1
50 13.7 10.9 8.7 5.5
70 10 13.3 10.7 8.5 5.3
25 11.9 9.1 7.3 4.5
30 11 8.8 7 4.4
50 10.7 8.5 6.8 4.3
80 5 10.8 8.7 6.9 4.3
10 9.8 7.9 6.3 3.9
25 9.2 7.5 5.9 3.7
95 1 8.5 7.6 6.7 3.9
5 6.1 5.4 4.4 2.8

Prices for glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes

reinforced polypropylene pipes

Structure of polypropylene pipes with fiberglass reinforcement

As mentioned above, polypropylene pipes are reinforced to make them resistant to elevated temperatures and baric loads and to sharp decrease indicator of linear thermal expansion. In order to decide which option is better to choose - pipes reinforced with aluminum or fiberglass, it is worth comparing their main characteristics.

Fiberglass began to be used to strengthen polypropylene pipes much later than aluminum foil. Products reinforced with this material are a three-layer structure, with the reinforcing layer located between two layers of polypropylene.

"Armobelt" can consist only of fiberglass, or of composite material, containing fiberglass and polypropylene. In any of these options, the layers have excellent adhesion to each other, practically becoming a monolithic structure.

Thanks to such reliable soldering, delamination of the walls of a well-made pipe is even theoretically impossible.

Fiberglass perfectly inhibits thermal expansion, which prevents the pipes from deforming or stretching in any way as the temperature rises

This type of reinforced polypropylene pipes is produced in various dimensional parameters. Thus, products with a diameter of less than 17 mm are used mainly for installing a “warm floor” system; pipes Ø 20 mm are well suited for in-house hot water distribution, and from 20 to 32 mm (sometimes more) – for arranging circuits of heating systems .

The connection of polypropylene pipes with fiberglass reinforcement is carried out by welding, sometimes by other means installation methods. Moreover, with welding work this type of pipe does not require a rather labor-intensive stripping operation, which greatly facilitates and speeds up the work. The absence of these pipes in the design metal elements eliminates the appearance of deposits of hardness salts, and the connections of all parts of the heating system become completely monolithic.

Let's compare the advantages and disadvantages of fiberglass and aluminum reinforcement of PPR pipes

  • The first thing that needs to be said is that the coefficient of thermal expansion for pipes with aluminum and fiberglass reinforcement is almost the same, and ranges from 0.03 to 0.035 mm/m׺С. Thus, both types, from this point of view, are equivalent.
  • The fiberglass reinforcing layer covers the entire space between the outer and inner polypropylene layers. Therefore, these pipes are resistant to ruptures, reliable and durable, and their estimated service life is about 50 years. In the pipes aluminum reinforced, the reinforcing layer has a welded seam (and sometimes, in inexpensive products, even the simply joining edges of the foil are overlapped), which makes them more vulnerable to elevated temperature and pressure.
  • Pipes reinforced with glass fiber are a good anti-diffusion layer that does not allow oxygen to pass through to the coolant.

The diffusion process will certainly lead to the acceleration of corrosion processes of metal equipment of the heating system - this is the boiler, pump, shut-off and control valves and other elements.

Since products reinforced with aluminum sometimes have a non-continuous layer of foil, the danger of penetration into the coolant increases. In addition, aluminum itself is very unstable to oxygen corrosion.

  • When installing pipes with a fiberglass layer, the density and strength of their connections does not require regular monitoring and maintenance. If products reinforced with aluminum are installed, the reliability of the connection will depend on the quality of calibration and cleaning before installation.

The fact is that pipes with an aluminum reinforcing belt are a glued wall structure. If, during the soldering process, a section of metal remains on the cut in contact with the coolant, then this is where the process of wall delamination can begin. And this, in turn, will most likely lead first to swelling, and then to a breakthrough in the pipe body.

And for pipes with fiberglass reinforcement, which are an almost monolithic structure, this “Achilles heel” is absent.

And it’s much faster and easier to weld pipes without stripping, especially since you won’t need special tool(shaver) for these purposes.

  • Pipes reinforced with glass fiber have good thermal insulation properties, which minimizes heat losses. Pipes reinforced with aluminum foil have slightly higher thermal conductivity.
  • All materials used in the manufacture of polypropylene reinforced pipes for heating are non-toxic and do not emit harmful fumes both when cold and when heated. This applies equally to both types of pipes.
  • The resistance to chemical influences is no different, which allows both types to withstand the “aggression” of low-quality coolant.
  • The temperature range within which these types of pipes normally operate is from -10 to +95 degrees. But, even with a short-term increase in temperature above the specified value, the pipe may sag a little, but there should be no damage to it.

Based on the considered data characteristics, we can conclude that the best option for installation in a heating system for supplying coolant to radiators are PN-20 and PN-25 pipes with diameters from 20÷25 mm. But when installing pipes with a smaller diameter into the heating system, the internal seam formed during the soldering process can prevent the free flow of coolant.

For the installation of risers, pipes with a diameter of at least 32 mm are usually selected, otherwise it may also be small for the full movement of the coolant. Larger diameters can also be used in the collector sections of the system - the range of products on sale allows this.

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Manufacturers of glass fiber reinforced polypropylene pipes

At the end of the publication - a short review of high-quality polypropylene pipes with fiberglass reinforcement, domestic and foreign production, which deserve positive reviews professionals.


"METAK" is Russian company producing various products from polypropylene for heating and cold water supply systems, including glass fiber reinforced pipes under the METAK FIBER brand. These products are excellent for installation in highly loaded heating systems.

The pipes are produced in white design and have a maximum operating temperature 95 degrees, designed for a working pressure of 25 bar with a destructive pressure of 50 bar.

Fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene three-layer pipes from METAC and their connecting parts (fittings) are produced in accordance with GOST. They are used for installing cold and hot water supply pipelines, heated floors, wiring systems and process pipelines, so they can have different diameters.

This table provides information on the sizes of fiberglass reinforced pipes produced by this company. The common length for all products is 4000 mm.

Pipe outer diameter, mmInner diameter, mmWall thickness, mm
20 13.2 3.4
25 16.6 4.2
32 21.2 5.4
40 26.6 6.7
50 33.2 8.4
63 42 10.5
75 50 12.5

These products are excellent for heating systems country houses and apartments in multi-storey buildings. All METAC products comply with all domestic and European standards and requirements established for these products, as they are produced on high-tech equipment under the strict supervision of qualified specialists.

"FV Plast"

The Czech company FV Plast specializes in the development and production of polypropylene pipes intended for pressure water pipes for supplying cold drinking water, hot water supply and heating systems. The company produces polypropylene pipes and fittings for them only gray, with a reinforcing aluminum and fiberglass layer.

"FV Plast" was one of the first to engage in the production of glass fiber reinforced products - this the lineup products is called "FASER".

Prices for polypropylene pipes FV Plast

reinforced polypropylene pipes FV Plast

Characteristics of FV Plast FASER pipes reinforced with glass fiber:

  • The operating temperature of the coolant is up to 80 degrees.
  • A short-term increase in temperature is allowed up to 90 degrees.
  • The operating pressure of the system is 20 bar.
  • The maximum permissible pressure is 36 bar.
  • The service life of the products declared by the manufacturer is 25÷50 years.

In addition to the pipes themselves, the company presents on the market all the necessary components for them, which allows using materials from one manufacturer to create heating circuits of any complexity with guaranteed reliability.

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Kalde is a leading Turkish manufacturer of modern heating and plumbing systems assembled from PPR pipes and components. The material of this company is characterized by maximum protection against build-up and contamination inside the pipes throughout the entire service life. Reliable, lightweight, durable, comfortable and economical Kalde systems are inert to corrosion and chemical attack. Available in a wide range of diameters - from 20 to 110 mm.

Kalde Fiber is a three-layer pipe with a white outer surface, made of polypropylene and reinforced with glass fiber. It is distinguished by excellent heat resistance, with an upper limit of coolant temperature reaching up to 95 degrees. Even at such a system temperature and pressure not exceeding 10 bar, the manufacturer declares a service life of at least 50 years.

Prices for Kalde polypropylene pipes

Kalde reinforced polypropylene pipes

In addition to the above, the company also produces polypropylene pipes of various types:

  • PN10 and PN20, made of polypropylene, PPRC– without internal reinforcement.
  • PN20 and PN25, reinforced with aluminum foil - pipes for heating and heat supply, air conditioning systems and similar industrial uses.
  • AL-Super is a polypropylene pipe reinforced in the middle layer with aluminum foil that does not require trimming or stripping.

The range of Kalde components is very diverse and is intended for different, even the most complex heating circuits.


BANNINGER is a German company that produces products that are distinguished by genuine European quality and undeniable reliability in operation. The company produces polypropylene pipes and a full set of necessary components for the installation of heating circuits, hot and cold water supply. Distinctive feature is the unusual, emerald green color of BANNINGER polypropylene pipes.

The products are characterized by high plasticity, therefore they react calmly to high and low temperatures. The parameters of polypropylene parts were selected taking into account research on the fatigue properties of the material, during operation for 50 years, at a constant temperature of 70 degrees and pressure up to 10 bar.

The company's product range includes polypropylene pipes without reinforcing materials, as well as with an aluminum and fiberglass layer. Within the framework of this article, samples of the “WATERTEC” series deserve attention » and "CLIMATEC". Their use will provide the created heating circuit with guaranteed reliability and durability.

A few words in conclusion

In conclusion, I would like to recommend not to purchase pipes from unknown manufacturers who do not even mention the name of their company in the product labeling. By saving a little, you can buy a product that will not last even one heating season, failing at the most inopportune moment. In such a situation, you will have to pay a much larger sum to replace the heating system pipes and repair your own and, possibly, your neighbor’s apartment.

One more small note. One of the most frequently asked questions is the following: “What information does the color of the reinforcing layer located in the pipe wall convey?” The answer is simple - none. The color of the reinforcement is rather a “whim” of the manufacturer, a desire to highlight their products against the general background.

By and large, any fiberglass-reinforced polypropylene pipe is itself designed for operation at elevated temperatures. So whether the reinforcing “ring” will be red, green, blue or gray - it doesn’t matter. The main information is in the alphanumeric marking of the pipe and in its technical documentation, which, by the way, do not forget to get acquainted with in the store when choosing a material.

And finally, to “consolidate” the information received about polypropylene pipes, watch the video attached below:

Video: Recommendations for the correct selection of polypropylene pipes

You might be interested in information on how to choose

Evgeniy AfanasyevChief Editor

Author of the publication 14.10.2016

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