Homemade spray gun: manufacturing options. Methods for making a spray gun with your own hands Homemade spray gun for painting a car

How to make a spray gun with your own hands. Is it possible to make such a spray gun yourself?

Recorded from 2011. Changed periodically.
Now, in 2016, they returned to it again. It takes a long time to fix, some of the videos are lost, but at the end of the post I posted a link to the page where I will go into details.

2011, etc.
Three years ago I would have written that it was possible and that it made sense, but now there is a reason to write differently.
There is absolutely no point in doing this; now there are inexpensive ready-made spray guns that will greatly simplify the entire process of amateur painting. The only disadvantage of a purchased spray gun is that it still requires a compressor, and a more powerful one than for inflating wheels. Now is the time when everything is on sale and everything is relatively inexpensive.

Probably it is the purchase of a compressor for one-time painting that stops many. You will also need hoses for the compressor and, of course, electricity. You need to buy a spray gun, you also need to buy a compressor, etc. Then the idea again arises of not spending money and making do “with your own means.”

If there is exactly this approach (no waste), then there is no need to dissuade anyone from doing anything. Precisely for the reason of, let’s call it, “one-time painting”.
If you don’t want to spend money, make something like a spray gun. Then you won’t need electricity, a garage, a powerful compressor with pressure gauges and hoses.

There is another post on this topic, but it’s called a little differently. The recording gives an even better idea of ​​this “spray gun”.

From this video you can understand that with such a device you can even paint something large, a door, a wing. Personally, I can do this. But this does not mean that everyone can do it just as easily the first time.
You still need to understand what spray painting is, and not brush painting. It's not the same thing.
You can practice “spraying.” The main thing at the first stage of “study” is to avoid smudges. And for this you don’t need to “pour paint” onto the surface.
Here, rather, the meaning is different - you need to gradually fill the part with the necessary layer of paint, and achieve the state so that the part just shines. And repeat this process (after 15 minutes) two, or better yet, three times. This will result in painting in two or three layers.
There is no point in pouring a lot of paint in one pass or so-called layer (... once again it is worth repeating separately just to make it shine)
We got distracted.
Another attempt to dissuade me from using a homemade spray gun.
But. Next comes the most interesting part. If you don’t have a problem with electricity, have the desire and opportunity to spend minimally (in the amount of 6-8 thousand rubles) or more), then you don’t need to think about a homemade spray gun, or homemade airbrush, not about a homemade compressor. These experiments are a thing of the past; there used to be problems with their acquisition. There is no need to hope for a miracle. You yourself won’t do anything good with your own hands (at least you won’t invent it).
A simple example - you can spend a lot of time thinking about homemade compressor, or you can buy “semi-finished” for 2-4 tr.
Those. buy the most important part from it - the engine and compressor. In addition to it, there are wheels from the compressor, pressure gauges, and a receiver.
You can buy a motor-compressor, for example, in Auchan. Where a ready-made compressor is sold, the engine for it is also sold there. And then “improve” the design as you like. Most likely, you will spend money again and waste time again.
You can really use any tank as a receiver (for example, a cylinder from gas equipment auto). Just another question - do you need it? It’s better to save up and buy any ready-made cheap compressor, with a pressure gauge, etc.

Then the unnecessary stuff was removed...

….No need to go deeper. We just need to replace the use of spray paint ( entry level user with a homemade spray gun) or sometimes paint the entire part. With the expectation that we will repaint it in a year at the service (or sometime later), or maybe we won’t repaint it at all. There are cars that do not pretend to be serviced at all. For such people, using a homemade spray gun is a simple solution to all problems.

Why is it better and more economical than a spray can?

The spray paint runs out very quickly. And there is one more nuance.
You've probably noticed that the shade of spray paint often doesn't match the original paint. Various manufacturers get different shades of paint.
Buy a jar of your native color right away. Check by the fan of colors - choose either Mobihel, or Vika, or Sikkens or some other company. But we have good spray cans produced by the Motip company and their paint shades are very diverse.
What's the difference between spray cans and using paint from a can:
1. Spray paint is always nitro-based. That is, it is washed off or deteriorated later by a solvent or simply by time.
It does not contain a hardener, which is usually used and makes the paint more resistant to damage. environment. There is no hardener because otherwise it would not be stored for a long time in the can.
A hardener is always given for normal paint or varnish.
2. The paint in the can is always very liquid, otherwise it will not fly out of the can in cold weather, when there is no normal temperature 12-20 degrees Celsius.
3. You always need a lot of paint in a spray can to paint a part. I'm guessing 2-3-4 cans for the hood and 1-1.5-2 for a regular part to give the part a shine and deep color.
If you just give the part some color (“spray” it), then of course one will be enough.
4. The advantage of the can is its ease of use. There don't seem to be any other advantages. Those who tried it realized that it still doesn’t work out very well and is expensive (the question of whether it’s bad is debatable - there are already professional ones). A can in the store costs 180-300 rubles. and 400-600 rubles filled at the company).
5. A liter of thick paint in a jar costs 600-1000 rubles. This is a volume of 7-10 (or maybe more - no one checked) cans. And the paint comes with a separate hardener in the can.
There was a case when I tried to paint the hood of a Moskvich 41 with a glitter can in two layers. Five cans were not enough for me (and fortunately the cans were gifts, otherwise we would end up with completely unreasonable costs).

A homemade spray gun can work from:
1. Hand pump
2. Inflated tires
3. From any compressor minimum power(Mustang, etc.) (you must have a pressure of 1.5-2 atm).
Why is it interesting as a thing convenient to use:
1. No compressor needed (and no electricity either).
2. You can do it yourself
3. There is no need to buy cans for touch-up paint.
4. It comes with hand pump autonomous and this is probably also the main thing.
You can paint near your home, or while going out into nature.
5. All “components” are for sale or are already in the garage. Their description is in the video.
Personally, I myself very rarely connect it to a compressor, because I have ordinary, normal spray guns for work. But in the video he showed that you can connect a homemade spray gun to any compressor.

We watched the recording. It was previously longer, now it’s an announcement. There is now a “debriefing” in the closed entry. Based on what we saw, as well as this entire recording.
1. What’s “wrong” when painting the door and sill trim (black paint)
2. What is “wrong” when painting part of the surface (blue paint)
3. What was “wrong” when painting the hatch.
What adjustments need to be made.
Below is a link to download instructions self-made and using such a painting device.
Video recording for 15 minutes. The cost is small.
For comparison, the cost of a can of touch-up paint starts at 200-hundred rubles. The paint in it dries out over time and the can disappears. Here, by purchasing a liter of paint you can paint two or three parts or even more. Its consumption is lower than through a spray gun or spray can.


And it’s really more practical to start and try with a little painting. For example, from mirrors on a car or even your bicycle. With a bicycle frame everything is quite simple, you can experiment with different colors base and make do with only a hand (but large) pump.

The result of painting with such a device can turn out the same the first time.
Bicycle, accurately paint each one.
Where there is a bicycle, there is car painting.

The spray gun is universal tool, with which you can paint a variety of surfaces with paint, varnish, lime, chalk solution, depending on the type of surface. In addition, the spray gun can be used for watering indoor plants, this is especially convenient if you have a lot of them. You probably don’t plan to buy a professional unit, otherwise you wouldn’t be wondering how to make a spray gun with your own hands.

Therefore it will be for you the best option find a few simple parts, and with their help you can make a simple but effective device.

So, don’t be surprised: a homemade spray bottle can be made from a simple ballpoint pen, and you can do this in just a couple of minutes. Such a device can operate from a small cylinder with a capacity of up to a liter.

It cannot be used to paint a car, but it is ideal as a household sprayer. To get started, find the following parts that you will need:

  • a rectangular piece of rubber, plastic or foam;
  • ballpen.

Any handle will suit you, not only collapsible, but also solid. It just needs to unscrew the tip.

  1. Disassemble the handle and remove the paste from it. If you can’t unscrew it, cut it off, this is also acceptable. As a result, you should end up with a hollow tube through which air flows freely. Note that this tool will work from the air that you exhale on your own, but there are also advanced options.
  2. Cut off the cone-shaped tip at the bottom of the handle. This will give you a wider opening. The diameter can be selected empirically, destroying all unnecessary handles that you find in the house.
  3. Disassemble the rod removed from the body of the handle. Clean it with alcohol to remove any remaining paste. You can immediately throw away the tip with the ball, you only need plastic rod. These are all the parts that will make up the future spray gun for painting.
  4. Make a body. To do this, you need to cut a corner from the material that you selected. It is necessary to make holes in the two walls of this part with a drill or an awl to insert a tube and rod there. You may need to coat the edges with glue to ensure that all the pieces hold tightly.
  5. Insert the rod from the handle into the structure so that it enters the hole in the tube by only 3 millimeters. If you secure all the parts correctly, you can consider that you have practically assembled your future homemade spray gun.

That's all. Now all you have to do is place the rod in a container with paint so that it is filled with solution. Next, blow into the tube.

If you have made such a paint sprayer correctly, then at the point of contact of the two parts an air vortex will occur, which will break the paint into droplets and push it onto the material being painted. If it happens that the paint does not rise, it means that it needs to be better dissolved.

Now you know: it’s very easy to make a spray gun for water-based paint yourself. However, the design is imperfect. Let's make it more convenient!

Homemade spray gun: improving the design

If you already have a compressor for a spray gun, you can create a spray gun from scrap materials, but with electric power. It will not only be functional, but also convenient if you do everything right.

A do-it-yourself spray gun made from a vacuum cleaner or created in conjunction with a refrigerator compressor is not suitable for such important work as, for example, painting a car, but for basic tasks it will be just right. They can be used to paint walls, furniture, parts, the quality of painting of which is not so critical.

The undoubted advantage of a homemade spray gun is that you do not have to take any special care of it, because it is completely unpretentious in operation. You can also save a lot of money on solvents.
Spend a couple of hours to assemble such a structure. Prepare the following starting materials:

  • 2-3 gel pen refills;
  • body from such a pen;
  • 30 centimeters of thin hose;
  • two blocks;
  • self-tapping screws for reliable fastening of parts;
  • plastic bottle cap;
  • 3 strips of two-millimeter metal.

Now consider the sequence of actions when assembling this structure:

  1. Screw the lid onto the edge of one of the bars with the back side. Do this using pre-prepared screws. You must screw them in such a way that you can drill a hole between them exactly in the center of the cap. Once you have the lid in place, use a drill to drill this hole. You will need a fairly thin drill bit that will fit the diameter of the gel pen refill.
  2. Insert the rod into drilled hole so that it comes out of the block with a metal tip a couple of millimeters. You don't have to get rid of the metal tip because you want the paint to flow evenly. Since one rod is not long enough, use the others to extend the first rod to the desired length.
  3. Attach the housing from the handle to the hose from the end. Attach it to the side where the metal tip comes out of the block. The body of the pen at its cone-shaped tip should be in contact with the tip so that it protrudes only slightly above the lower edge of the hole in the cone-shaped tip of the pen.
  4. We create the possibility of blocking the air flow. This is a necessary part of the design because you certainly wouldn't turn off the compressor all the time just to take a break. This can shorten the life of the compressor and is simply inconvenient. You just need to pinch the hose so that the air stops flowing. This can be done by making two holes in the block. One hole should be closer to the tip. The hose will go into one, and out into the other - this will form a loop. If you install a handle near the loop to hold the entire structure, you can pinch the hose with your fingers. Naturally, you can create more complex design, automate stopping the air supply, but in order to save time and money, you can use exactly the option that we described.

Now, to start using your new paint sprayer, connect it to the compressor.

Such a sprayer will cost a pressure force of 1.5-2 atmospheres, so your compressor may not be too powerful.

Now you have an automated spray gun, assembled and tested with your own hands. All that remains is to choose a surface to paint and get to work.

Alternative spray gun option

The assembly methods described above are the most popular, but not the most practical and universal. To create a model that would be suitable for different cases, you can use one more method.

This assembly method makes the design as versatile as possible. This spray gun can be made on the base of a plastic or glass container. Its neck must be at least 30 millimeters in diameter. Then you will need a copper or aluminum tube 4 millimeters thick and 20 centimeters long.

Bend it and attach it to a cylinder from a conventional sprayer or to a hose from a vacuum cleaner. The tip of the tube will be a nozzle, which you can grind using available tools from the same brass. By the way, you can make a nozzle with a variety of holes, then the capabilities of your spray gun will be much wider.

The next thing you will do is take the socket from the plug connector and insert a tube with a diameter of 2 millimeters into it. Make a bracket with a hole for this socket, possibly from steel. Strip one end of the tube and make it into a cone.

Then assemble all the prepared parts with the bottle, adjust the position of the tube that will suck in air. Make sure it is placed in the same axis as the nozzle. Glue the suction tube to the socket (or better yet, solder it), tighten the nut. Congratulations, you've made another DIY spray gun!

Selecting a compressor and receiver

You, like many others, may have a problem with the compressor. By the way, many owners of old Soviet vacuum cleaners of the “Rocket” type most likely do not even know that these devices can work not only for blowing, but also for blowing.

This function is no longer implemented in modern cars, because the compressor function is simply not provided for in them. However, older models have an attachment that allows you to implement a spray gun for a vacuum cleaner.

If you still have the box from such a vacuum cleaner, you are truly lucky, because in the box you will find a ready-made attachment for the spray gun. Although making a new one is not a problem, it would be a vacuum cleaner that works with blowing.

However, for the device to work correctly, you will need important condition, namely constant air pressure, which a simple vacuum cleaner cannot provide. For this you need a receiver.

A receiver can become, despite the ornateness of this word, a simple soccer ball or a car tire. You can control the volume of air released using a pressure reducing valve.

If you select a housing that can be connected to the paint tank, turn on the correct vacuum cleaner mode and select a receiver, all you have to do is seal all the parts tightly. Tightness is an important condition in order to achieve constant equal pressure.

This way you will make an excellent spray gun, suitable, for example, for whitewashing. It is better to immediately check its operation on water-based paint or lime mortar. You can choose trees as an experimental object.

Ways to use a homemade spray gun

After you have assembled your own spray gun using one of our methods, it will be useful for you to know in what areas it can be used:

  • painting wooden surfaces, including furniture;
  • car painting;
  • creation of dense structures.

A paint sprayer, as you can see, is not too difficult to make, and it has a lot of benefits. If you start painting your car, you will save both on paint and on the purchase of professional tools.

At the same time, purchasing a spray gun that is not manufactured at the factory does not guarantee that the painting will be carried out correctly. high level. There may be leaks and unevenness on the surface - there is no escape from this. The professional level of the painter is also important.

When painting any object, not just a car, do not forget to take precautions: work in overalls, wear safety glasses, and use paint shoes if necessary. You can achieve great results with your own hands.

To ensure the quality of painting homemade sprayer did not disappoint you, finally read a few rules for professional paint spraying.

First, check the paint or varnish for the viscosity of the liquid. Next, look at how the nozzle of the gun is adjusted. To do this, release a stream of paint onto a smooth, flat surface; a sheet of paper will do.

Maintain a normal distance to the surface you will paint: hold the spray gun at arm's length from the sheet. If the distance is made smaller, then a lot of paint will fall on the part, and it will begin to collect in drops and flow down.

And if you increase the distance, drops of paint will not stick to the surface, because most the solvent will lose its bond with the paint before it reaches the surface.

Move the gun down and back, overlapping the layer by 40-50 millimeters. Only pull the trigger of the gun when your hand is moving. Release it when your hand stops. This way you will achieve an even and uniform color.

Practice on objects where the quality of painting is not critical, and then you will be able to handle any painting job, even the most important one.

If you've ever changed the color of your car, you probably know what useful tool a spray gun for painting a car, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s factory-made or made by yourself. Its main function is to apply various paints, water-chalk or water-lime compositions to the surface, although it is often used to perform other tasks, for example, for watering indoor plants.

In this article we will talk about popular ways to create such a spray bottle with your own hands, which will help you get a mobile, compact and lightweight device without significant material costs.

How to make a spray gun from a ballpoint pen

A spray gun made from an ordinary ballpoint pen is the most primitive way to create a device, but such a structure can be assembled in just half an hour. The principle of operation is that a person blows into the body of the pen, and the paint flows out through the rod. The harder you blow, the more intense the spraying will be. coloring material. Of course, it is important to first test your abilities on an unnecessary surface.

So, to make a spray gun from a ballpoint pen you will not need many tools. In particular, it is worth stocking up on:

  • gel fountain pen;
  • a container for pouring paint (a small bottle with a lid will do);
  • a needle from a disposable syringe (it’s better to have several, in case one breaks).
When you have everything you need, you can move on to the process of assembling the mini-spray gun with your own hands. It consists of several stages:
  1. First you need to disassemble the handle and remove the paste from it (you should get an empty tube through which air can freely pass).
  2. Then, the tip of the bottom of the handle needs to be cut off to create a widened hole.
  3. Now, having disassembled the rod, you should remove the remaining paste from it (alcohol is used for this), and in the center of the plug of the prepared container, make a through hole of the same diameter as the rod.
  4. Perpendicular to the hole for the rod, you need to drill a hole in the plug for the handle body.
  5. At the final stage of assembly, the rod and body are inserted into the bottle and connected with a needle, after which you can begin painting the required surface.

Of course, this is the simplest answer to the question “How to make a spray gun yourself?”, but for one-time painting, such a device will be quite sufficient.

Did you know? One of the most common options for car enamels today is matte paint. It began to be used as an alternative to traditional glossy coatings, but as a result, the existing advantages contributed to its mass distribution among car enthusiasts. Matt paint quite easy to apply (and even on old layer paint) and, visually, makes the car neater and cleaner.

How to make a spray gun based on an aerosol bottle

Another relatively simple one homemade device for painting a car, is a spray gun made from an aerosol can. It is great for working with water-based paint, and all you need to create it is a plastic bottle, bicycle camera and an aerosol can (a container from used deodorant is perfect). In addition, a bicycle pump will also come in handy.

Important! When using this method of creating a spray bottle for painting a car with your own hands, you must carefully follow safety precautions.

The assembly process itself takes place in the following sequence:

The spray gun created in this way will work on the principle of an airless sprayer, painting the surface well, just like when painting with water-based paint. coloring composition, and when whitewashing with lime.

Did you know? Often, distinctive feature Expensive brands of cars are considered chrome plating. However, in some cases, owners also resort to this method of improving their cars. vehicles from the "retro" category.

You can get the desired effect in different ways: using a special film, galvanizing or chrome painting. Of course, each method has both pros and cons, but that’s not the point now.

Do-it-yourself spray gun using a hose from a vacuum cleaner

You can also make a spray gun using a hose from a vacuum cleaner, and this option will be more reliable than the previous ones. In addition, such a spray gun is universal device, which can be used both for painting a car and for whitewashing ceilings in a house. Of course, not every vacuum cleaner can be a worthy replacement full-fledged compressor(not all models have a blowing mode), but if you find suitable option, then it will make an excellent compressor, since such vacuum cleaners have high pressure.

Did you know? Old models of Soviet vacuum cleaners (such as “Rocket” or “Whirlwind”) were initially equipped with their own nozzles, with the help of which it was possible to create a liquid spray, in particular for paint.

Despite the fact that such devices themselves are not intended for painting cars or whitewashing with water-based paint, when connected to a regular working spray gun, the situation can be changed.

So, assembling the structure with your own hands includes the following steps:

After required pressure Once installed, you can fix the suction tube in its socket (sealant is used for this).

Important! Instead of sealant, you can use any other glue. It also glues the nest to the lid of the container.

Spray gun from a refrigeration compressor

Homemade electric spray gun, created using refrigeration compressor, is the result of the most complex and labor-intensive process, although the instrument itself turns out very reliable and multifunctional. To make such a spray gun at home, you will need parts from an old refrigerator and some other elements. In general, a list of all necessary tools and materials looks like this:

  • refrigerator compressor;
  • convenient container for coloring material;
  • a set of hoses (one 40 cm and two 10 cm);
  • clamps with a diameter of 20 mm;
  • steel wire;
  • car filter;
  • part of a wooden board;
  • screws.
A fire extinguisher is perfect for the role of a receiver, or old canister(any metal tightly closing container).

Once you've finished preparing, get ready to perform a series of sequential actions.

First of all, it is necessary secure the compressor to a wooden base. Examine it carefully. The standard unit has three copper tubes, one of which is sealed. To determine which pipe you need, connect the compressor to the mains and through trial and error, try to determine from which hole the air is being pumped - this is main exit. Accordingly, a pipe with an open hole is an entrance. Hoses of the appropriate diameter are attached to both ends of the tube, the joints of which are fixed with clamps.

The sealed tube is intended from the very beginning to lubricate the compressor, so if the motor works without any problems, then it is better not to touch it.

It is necessary to drill two holes in the receiver and secure two hoses in them: the longer pipe is connected to the inlet of the compressor, and the short one is connected to the outlet. To control the forced air, a pressure gauge should be fixed.

The receiver is mounted on the base of the compressor. One hose connects both devices, and the second pipe is connected to the filter (the main task of this element is to clean the air from various contaminants). At the final stage, you need to connect the paint sprayer.

Considering the fact that the spray gun is quite large, wooden base You can attach convenient wheels.

Features of using a homemade spray gun

Suppose you have already chosen how to replace the factory spray gun at home, however, one more equally important question remains: “How to use such a tool correctly?” Of course, this matter has its own characteristics. For example, when spraying paint, you don’t need to stay in one place for a long time, since the layer of paint material will be too thick. In order for the paint to lie perfectly evenly, the spray gun must be moved in a circular motion, with the direction of the paint jet strictly perpendicular to the part being painted (otherwise, the flow rate will be paint and varnish material will increase significantly).

Each subsequent layer must be applied after the previous one has completely dried. In addition, the success of subsequent work largely depends on the quality of preparation of the surface to be painted and on the selected parts for creating a “home” spray gun.

Despite the fact that the process of manufacturing the described tool is quite labor-intensive and often takes a lot of time, if you strictly follow the instructions, you will definitely get a good and inexpensive spray gun.

In order to paint with high quality, any experts in this field advise using additional equipment- spray gun or spray gun. It avoids the formation of unevenness on the painted surface. But since many factory models cost a lot of money, it will be more economical to assemble the spray gun yourself from scrap materials.

Spray gun at home

Such a design can be made from a variety of materials that most people have, for example, from a vacuum cleaner, car camera, refrigerator, ballpoint pen, etc. In addition, such models will be in no way inferior to their factory counterparts and even surpass them to some extent. This directly concerns the price of such equipment.

A hand-made spray bottle is ideal for painting with water-based paint, whitewashing or other necessary work. Powder paint, in turn, needs more expensive, high-quality and powerful equipment. Therefore, for many, the question of how to make a homemade spray gun with your own hands remains interesting.

Aerosol can sprayer

An aerosol can sprayer is one of the simplest homemade options for water-based paint. Making it from scrap materials will not be difficult.

To create such a device, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • bicycle camera;
  • plastic bottle;
  • bicycle pump;
  • aerosol can (for example, deodorant).

After preparing everyone necessary materials You can proceed directly to the work:

Such a spray can will cope perfectly with the assigned tasks: painting with water-based paint and lime.

Spray from a vacuum cleaner

If you need to paint large surfaces, a manual sprayer will not work, as the process will be delayed. In such cases, it is necessary to make a device with automatic system air supply. A refrigerator compressor or vacuum cleaner is perfect for these purposes. It is not difficult to make such a “torch” at home. Such designs are ideal for creating a homemade automated compressor that will cope with water-based paint, but they are not suitable for powder paint.

Old Soviet vacuum cleaners are suitable for these purposes. Their advantages over the new ones are that the design of the new ones does not provide for two hoses: one for “blowing” and the second for “blowing”.

In the case when the old vacuum cleaner is no longer needed, in order to change the direction of inflation, sometimes it is enough to simply change the direction of the terminals that connect the starter and rotor. Next you need to do a few steps, thanks to which you can use an old vacuum cleaner to paint surfaces:

  1. Prepare glass or plastic bottle with a neck diameter of at least 4 centimeters and a volume of no more than 1.5 liters.
  2. Cut a cork from foam plastic to the diameter of the bottle opening.
  3. Make two holes, one of which will serve compressed air, and the second - paint.

Such a device is perfect as a spray gun for painting a car, and with the help of attachments from a vacuum cleaner you can change the direction and volume of the jet.

Refrigerator as starting material

This option is characterized by great reliability and performance; it will work for a long time and bring benefits to household. But on the other hand, its production will require a lot of effort and energy, as well as time. Although it is worth it, since in the end you can get a very good device.

To make a spray bottle from refrigerator elements, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate materials and tools:

  • large container for paint;
  • one hose 45 centimeters long and two 15 centimeters long;
  • several clamps;
  • machine gasoline filter;
  • steel wire;
  • screws;
  • board.

Before starting work, you need to find something that will serve as a receiver. A fire extinguisher, a canister, or any container that can be sealed can be suitable for this.

Using a pre-prepared board, you need to attach the compressor from the refrigerator to it. Next you need to understand in which direction the device operates, where the air comes from and where it enters. To do this, you need to connect it to the network and start it. The pipe from which the air will come out will serve as an exit. The second tube will be the inlet, and the third on such compressors is closed.

It is necessary to connect hoses to the inlet and outlet openings, which will clamp the tubes tightly, and additionally clamp the joints with clamps.

As for the third closed tube, it serves to lubricate the compressor itself, and it is not recommended to touch it until the first malfunctions appear.

You need to drill two holes in the receiver. A large hose is connected to one, which, in turn, on the other side is connected to the inlet pipe of the compressor. A smaller hose is attached to the second hole in the receiver and the compressor outlet pipe on the reverse side.

To monitor the pressure in the system, it is necessary to install a pressure gauge. Only after this should you connect the spray gun. For mobility of the device, you can attach wheels to it.

Making a spray bottle at home is not difficult if you apply a little effort.

From a ballpoint pen

You can also make a spray gun with your own hands at home from a ballpoint pen. This is the most primitive version of such a low-pressure device. Of course, this option will not replace the factory models. or homemade automated ones, but can be used for small jobs, for example, in the garage. The production time for a mini-spray gun is no more than half an hour.

A person blows into a pen, and paint comes out through the rod. This way you can even regulate the intensity of the paint sprayer, but first it is recommended to practice small area. Since using such a device can lead to liquid getting into the mouth, it is not recommended to use it for whitewashing.

For its production it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • Thermal foam, plastic or rubber.
  • Ballpen.
  • Plastic bottle or other container with a neck.

Thus, a spray gun for painting cars, walls or other needs can be made easily and the process is not very complicated. For more complex work and repairs of premises, it is better to make a spray bottle from a compressor. He's on his own technical specifications is in no way inferior to factory models. For simple work In the garage, a device made from an aerosol can or pen will be enough.

Motorists can tell about a car body in terrible condition that it was painted with their own hands with a brush. They, like no one else, know that the only way to properly apply paint, especially on metal and plastic, is with a spray gun. Every craftsman can design and create a spray gun with his own hands from scrap materials. All you have to do is go to the forum and evaluate the mini device and find out how it works. In the simplest model used for airbrushing, the designer itself serves as a compressor. When you are renovating an apartment, the amount of work is much larger. It is necessary to use a spray gun for a vacuum cleaner. An electric low-pressure sprayer, a mechanical sprayer, and a cordless spray gun are suitable for small volumes.

Benefits of spray painting

Spray gun

I do construction and renovation professionally. In my company I have a high and low pressure compressor, an electric and pneumatic spray gun for painting walls, an HVLP gun for coating large areas, mini diffuser for airbrush. When pouring the floor, my team uses a paint sprayer based on a plastering machine, converted with their own hands, and the guys put on paint shoes. A professional approach requires having a large list of equipment and the ability to work with it. Despite this, I know how to make a spray gun with my own hands practically from waste and unnecessary parts.

My first whitewash spray gun was made from a domestic electric vacuum cleaner. In Europe they don’t know how to adapt objects and mechanisms with their own hands. Their dust collection equipment does not have a return line. For us, an attachment in the form of a lid with tubes was often included in the kit. You can put it on a jar of chalk or lime mortar and make repairs. The pressure was created by a compressor, or rather a vacuum cleaner engine. The pressure gauge and regulator were missing, as was the pistol. If you had to work upstairs, then an assistant stood below and pressed the “start” button. All the same, whitewashing with lime turned out better and faster than with brushes.

The next whitewash sprayer had a pressure gauge and a fishing rod with a large tank. The mini gun had a switch handle and a long tube leading to the nozzle. I adapted a garden sprayer for repairs. He applied the whitewash well. It still works, I use it under Pinotex. There is no regulator on it, but the pressure gauge shows the pressure.

Repair using a spray gun has advantages over classic brushes:

  • the coating layer is thinner;
  • the paint goes on smoothly;
  • drying time is reduced;
  • finishing occurs faster;
  • saves time and material.

Even a homemade spray gun paints faster. You just need to set it up correctly and adjust the pressure.

Which spray gun to choose

Spray gun for painting surfaces

My friend had completed the house and was now doing the finishing, or rather asking me a bunch of questions while he was my assistant. He knew how to use a spray gun. Together we decorated the dacha with Pinotex. He asked how to choose a spray gun, and what the hvlp marking means.

Depending on the location of the repair, the presence of a compressor and the size of the area to be treated, the choice of spray gun is made based on the drive:

  • pneumatic;
  • electric;
  • rechargeable.

Each paint sprayer has its own advantages in certain conditions; you need to choose the right one. A battery-powered one can be considered electric, only it operates on a direct current of 20V.

Pneumatic sprayers are classified by pressure and volume of work performed per shift. The main types of spray guns used in industry and on construction sites:

  • the very first HP - high blood pressure, big losses;
  • environmentally friendly and economical HVLP - low pressure, large volume;
  • mini LVLP gun for cars and airbrushing – small volume, low pressure.

There are several other types, but they are used much less frequently, they operate from a high-power compressor, and the air supply is regulated by a pressure gauge.

For household use and car tuning, mini sprayers - airbrushes - are used. They can be easily connected to the machine’s compressor via an adapter and a pressure gauge. With their help, you can create coatings for mini surfaces of parts, do car painting and airbrushing.

The design of the spray gun differs in the tank for the composition and its location. It could be:

  • top;
  • bottom;
  • free-standing, connected via a hose.

Different types of spray guns are used to work with paint, chalk, and lime. The following types of work can be distinguished for application:

  • spray gun for whitewashing;
  • painting;
  • airbrushing.

What all models of sprayers have in common is that the paint for the spray gun must be filtered and it is better to make the composition more liquid - add a solvent or dilute it with water.

Based on size and performance, they are distinguished:

  1. Hand spray gun for airbrushing and coating small plots. It is used by motorists when painting rims, bumpers and other parts. Designers use it for painting. These also include an airless spray gun, capable of applying a high-quality layer at close range, and a low-pressure mini gun. A small compressor and a pressure of 2 atm are enough for its operation.
  2. It is better to carry out repairs of houses and apartments with an electric low-pressure mini sprayer with an upper tank. You can use a 20V battery sprayer.
  3. For painting large areas, metal structures, tanks and vehicles, an HVLP and HP gun is used. Their nozzle produces a wide spray and high coverage speed. The equipment operates from powerful compressor, on which there is a pressure gauge and an air supply regulator.

Now my friend knew how to choose a spray gun, and that the HVLP gun is not suitable for airbrushing and mini parts.

Lime whitening requires special sprayers. Mini gaskets should be rubber. Conventional paint and pinotex guns are corroded by lime. The nozzle must allow larger fractions to pass through. You can use battery-powered models if minor repairs are needed, and mini seals are in stock. The coating application scheme is simple, from top to bottom and each plane from the corner.

Air flow, paint and torch shape - setting up the gun

Making your own spray gun

The choice of spray gun was made correctly. HVLP pistol, with a powerful one I brought electric compressor. Now my friend was interested in setting up the spray gun. We had to start with wooden structure, and Vadik prepared Pinotex to cover it. On my advice, he chose Finnish. The composition is ready for use. Regular paint for a spray gun you need to dilute it. The solvent indicated on the package is suitable for this.

Before setting up the spray gun, I told my friend how it works.

  1. Air from the compressor is supplied to the gun. The supply can be bottom or side.
  2. The fast flow creates a vacuum in the paint tube and the liquid rises up.
  3. The paint picked up by the air passes through the nozzle, is sprayed, forms a conical torch and flies to the surface to be treated.

To adjust the gun has regulators:

  • air supply;
  • amount of incoming paint;
  • width and shape of the torch.

To pre-set it yourself, you can take a solvent and pour it into the tank. At the same time, wash the gun from paint residues. The compressor has a pressure gauge, but the air regulator is on the handle.

The paint supply regulator is located on the side under the tank. The nozzle not only allows you to change the size of the mini output hole, but also make the torch flat horizontally or vertically, and change the angle of the cone. Typically, the gun has a screw in the front that regulates the closing of the wide air tube opening by the capillary with paint.

Then we filled the tank with Pinotex and Vadik began repairs wooden house with your own hands. He applied the primer evenly. I started correctly, from the upper left corner and gradually moved sideways to the right. Strips 2 meters wide were covered from top to bottom, one after another with an overlap. When they moved to the south side, he added solvent. He did it right, because the lungs volatile substances partially evaporated without reaching the logs.

Simplicity of design bordering on genius

I found my father's homemade spray gun in the garage. There weren't even ballpoint pens back then. It was a wide bronze tube with a diameter of 10 mm for air, with a rolled end to reduce the hole. They blew air into it. The creator of the instrument was a compressor, a regulator and a painter at the same time.

A thin copper mini tube was attached to the bottom, the free end of which was lowered into a jar of paint. The ends of the tubes are located close and in the axis of each other. Such sprayers were used not only for airbrushing. Some even painted their cars when doing repairs. A primitive airbrush will paint small details better than a brush

When I made the first paint sprayer, I took my father’s spray gun device as a basis. I made my own airbrush from a ballpoint pen. Just inserted the rod without a tip into the body, and through the drilled hole brought the vinyl tube into the paint tank. Over time, I connected a compressor from a car to it and even installed a pressure gauge.

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