Homemade compressor - with your own hands. Designing a compressor at home How to make a compressor from a pumping station

Household compressors for painting are available in large quantities in networks retail. Although it is worth saying that their price is quite high and depends on the manufacturer and its power.

Today we will tell you how to make a compressor for painting at home with your own hands. In this case, its price will not be significant, and instructions will also be provided in which you can look at photos and videos and do everything quickly and correctly.

We make it at home

First you need to do right choice compressor for painting. This will depend on the amount of work being done. If you use it for commercial purposes and make money from it, then it’s worth making it more powerful.

Attention: The higher the power of the compressor, the higher its price. But if you are painting cars or other small structures, then you should stick to the middle power range.

What is needed and how it works

We will assemble an air compressor for painting, using a regular camera from vehicle/auto.

To assemble a homemade compressor we will need:

  • Vehicle/auto camera. It will play the role of a receiver in our unit.
  • A pump, it is better to use it with a device - a pressure gauge. His role will be to pump things up.
  • Repair kit.
  • Awl for comfortable work.

Now after preparing all the parts, we can start assembling the station:

  • The first step is to check whether the chamber allows air to pass through, whether there are any holes or pores in it. We pump it up. If during the process we discovered depressurization of our facility, then we can stick patches to the right places, or treat the damp condition with rubber.
  • The next step is to make a hole in the receiver. For these manipulations we will need an awl. Next, we put the nipple from the camera there, it will act as an outlet for the air stream when our device is operating.
  • We attach and glue the optional fitting. It was precisely for this purpose that we initially prepared our repair complex. Then we attach the fitting itself. To make sure that the air leaves the container normally, you just need to unscrew the nipple.
  • However, we will not touch the nipple itself installed on the chamber; its role will be to perform the function of a valve, as well as maintain the required level of pressure flow. To know the pressure volume, we have to spray the paint material onto the surface. If the enamel is applied to the metal in even layers, then our work is done correctly and at a high level.
  • A pressure gauge can also help us determine the pressure level. Even after turning on the airbrush, the pressure should also be uniform.

The process of assembling a homemade compressor for painting is relatively simple and does not require special knowledge and skills, but its comfort and convenience begins to be felt immediately. It is much easier to carry out paint work using an airbrush than using a balloon.

Attention: To the last tips we can add that you need to carefully ensure that streams of dust or liquid do not enter the vehicle’s camera in any way.

If these elements still make their way there, you will have to prepare the paint for the job again. At proper operation The compressor will serve for a long period of time, however, if possible and desired, the air should be pumped in automatic mode, it is much more convenient and simpler.

We assemble the compressor with our own hands at a semi-professional level

It is possible to assemble such a unit, which in its properties will in no way be inferior to special compressors from leading developers. We will take a regular refrigerator as a basis.

To complete the work, you will need a number of spare parts and units, namely: a receiver, a filter, various adapters, oil, switches and other parts, which we will get acquainted with later. Let's consider the operating principle of this unit.

  • To make the process much simpler, the engine of our unit will be a compressor from regular refrigerator, which was produced in the Soviet Union. An undoubted advantage is the presence of an injection unit relay. Domestic refrigerators have a higher pressure level than their foreign counterparts, which is an important advantage. After the block has been removed, it must be prepared for use; the corrosion layer must be cleaned.
  • For such work we use a corrosion converter so that oxidation reactions stop taking place. This is how we produced preparatory work motor.

Having done everything necessary preparatory activities, we can start changing the oil. After all, if you don’t lie too much, then there’s almost no refrigeration unit Over many years of continuous use, it has never undergone an oil change. This solution justifies itself, since during these works our mechanism is fully protected from external air.

  • To change the oil, we use semi-synthetic material. Its properties are no different from compressor oil and contains the additives we need.
  • The second step is to find three tubes on our compressor, two of them will be in an open state, the second in a sealed state. In the operation of our installation, the first two tubes will serve to pump air in different directions (it will enter and exit). To determine the move air masses, we need to turn on our injection unit to the network. Next, we carefully look at where the air is sucked in, and at what point it leaves our unit.
  • The tube, which is sealed, will act as an oil changer. From here we have to get rid of the closed part of it. For such work, we can take a regular needle file and make a cut around the circumference of the tube. Please ensure that pieces of chips and metal dust do not end up inside the injection unit.
  • Next, we break off the back part of the tube and drain the oil into a special container. This is done in order to determine the subsequent volume of the next pour. Using a syringe, we inject a small amount of new semi-synthetic oil.
  • When new oil is introduced, it is important to turn off the entire engine lubrication mechanism. We must pick up the screw, having previously wrapped it with tape, and screw it into a tube. It must be remembered that a small amount of semi-synthetic oil will sometimes leak out of the back of this tube. To avoid this, we need a special oil separator for work.
  • Once we have successfully completed the previous assembly steps, we can proceed to the next steps in creating our blower setup. The work begins with mounting the engine with the relay on a wooden bed. This must be done in such a way that it is like on the frame.
  • Such measures must be carried out, since the injection unit relay is very sensitive to its position in space. Actions must be precise, since correct settings the correct functioning of the compressor operating modes will depend in the future.

Air capacity

Where can I get the air container? For such purposes, we need a canister that is used in fire extinguishers. All this depends on the fact that they have high strength against the pressure exerted on them; they are ideal as a canopy.


  • As a basis, we take a fire extinguisher under the brand name OU-10. It has a ten-liter air volume and a high level of resistance to pressure. We unscrew the locking mechanism, then install the transition device.
  • If you come across traces of rust, you need to get rid of it promptly. using a corrosion converter. We place the above liquid inside the can and begin to shake it.
  • After the rust has been removed and there are almost no traces left, we attach the crosspiece. During this work, we created two important spare parts for the future injection unit.

We carry out the assembly

To ensure that the parts do not interfere with each other, they must be immediately installed on the base. To make it, we take a board; the engine of the future injection unit and parts of the fire extinguisher will be attached there.

  • We use special threaded pins to install the engine on a wooden base. We insert the pins into the pre-made holes. Nuts will come in handy more than ever. You also need to drill a hole to mount the fire extinguisher. Other sheets are attached using self-tapping screws to our wooden base.
  • We put the receiver on vertical level, we will need three sheets of plywood for such purposes. Makes a hole in one plywood for attaching a spray can. We attach other sheets with self-tapping screws. We glue them to the receiver sheet.
  • In advance, we hollow out a hole in the wood base for the receiver and its lower part. In the end, so that the installation can move, we will assemble ordinary wheels from ordinary furniture, which are attached to the base.
  • Once we have completed the above collection work, we need to ensure protective functions our installation from dust flow. For these purposes, you will need a gasoline filter, which usually plays the role of coarse filtration. Its task is to become an air intake in our blower installation.
  • Next we take the rubber hose and compressor tube. The compressor input level is low, it is important to remember this, i.e. We will not need to increase the contacting properties with the help of clamps.
  • Those. We have already made an inlet filtration system for our compressor. At the outlet of the installation we attach an oil separator, which will protect the device from the penetration of parts of the dust flow. We will also need a power filtration mechanism. Since the pressure level at the system outlet is high performance, then here we will need vehicle clamps.
  • Now we have smoothly approached the oil separator filter. We put it into operation by connecting it to the input part of the gearbox. The gearbox serves for decoupling and the output part of the compressor, i.e. We screw the cross into the outlet part on the left, and on the right side we attach a pressure gauge (this is how we will monitor the pressure level). We attach a control relay to the top of the cross.
  • The control relay allows you to adjust the level of discharge pressure height, as well as, if necessary, turn off the power supply to the compressor.
  • With the help of these spare parts, we will turn on our injection unit if the pressure level is low and, on the contrary, turn it off if the parameters rise sharply.
  • To adjust the level of recommended compressor pressure, you need to use relay springs, there are two of them. The spring, the largest size, serves to create pressure at a low level, the small spring for maximum pressure, and it also serves to adjust the shutdown of the installation.
  • PM5 were originally assembled for water supply; they are simple switches of two contacts. One contact in our version is designed to work in a network where the voltage is at a level of two hundred and twenty volts, while the other contact works to communicate with the injection unit.
  • We provide power through a toggle switch to connect to the second input with the injection unit. If our circuit already has a toggle switch, we have the right to quickly turn off the system.

It goes without saying that all contacts must be properly sealed and insulated. Now we can paint our compressor with peace of mind and start trying to paint with it.

We monitor the system pressure

Now that our installation is ready, it's time to check how it works or run some tests. We connect an airbrush or spray gun. Without touching the toggle switch itself, we connect our system to electrical energy.

  • We set the relay to the lowest possible pressure level and connect the injection unit to electricity. We look at the indicators and characteristics on the pressure gauge, monitor the level of supplied pressure. After we have found out that the relay turns off the compressor engine, we look at the contacts and their sealing properties.
  • To determine the tightness, use a regular soap solution. If the entire installation has successfully passed all tests, then we must necessarily remove air below the level to start the entire blower mechanism. If the pressure level reaches the required limits, the relay starts the compressor system itself. If everything works as expected, we can begin the colorful work.
  • To paint metal surfaces and foundations, initially there is no need to prepare the very foundation for the work. All we need to do is set the required pressure level on our injection unit.
  • Such tests give us a chance to measure those necessary technical specifications, which will allow you to lay down layers of paint evenly. It is also necessary to remember that such painting work was carried out with a minimum of operation of the injection unit.

Instead of output

After completing all the above work and putting our injection unit into operation, we can sum up the first results. Thus, the process of assembling the compressor itself is not particularly difficult for all vehicle owners; special knowledge and skills are not required here.

  • It would be foolish not to say that the second type of compressor is much more complicated in terms of its assembly and the availability of the necessary spare parts and materials. However, due to the pressure in automatic mode and the special starting system of the entire injection unit, such a compressor is the most convenient and pleasant to use.
  • Also, you will not need to monitor the receiver. This installation can also be used for painting indoor gates or other surfaces.

Attention: It’s not difficult to make a compressor for painting yourself, it’s also important to make it regular maintenance. Especially often they fail due to failure to change the oil. Therefore, monitor its quality first.

You now know how to choose a compressor for painting and can do everything yourself. Pay attention to the tightness of the joints and then the compressor will serve you for a long time.

Garage compressor – necessary equipment in your garage. With its help, you can paint a car, inflate tires, and supply air for operating pneumatic tools.

To do this, they are subject to certain requirements in order to create the required air flow with the required pressure. This article explains how to make a compressor for a garage.

Features of using the compressor

An air compressor is always needed in the garage. It can be used both to blow away dust from the surfaces of parts processed with abrasives, and to obtain excess pressure in pneumatic tools.

Often the working life of a compressor is necessary to paint a car, which imposes certain requirements on the air flow created:

  • The flow must be strictly uniform without any impurities in the form of drops of liquid, oil or suspended solids. On freshly applied paint coating graininess, cavities and shagreen are due to the penetration of foreign particles into the air stream.
  • Uneven flow of the mixture leads to paint drips and dull spots on the enamel.
  • Branded air compressors produced by industry have all the functions for such a process, but are quite expensive.
  • Not inferior to professional ones, you can create a model of the product yourself or use a garage compressor from a refrigerator.
  • In this case, excess pressure occurs in the device for containing compressed air, which is called a “receiver”. The air flow can be pumped manually and mechanized ways.
  • Manual feeding saves money, but at the same time a lot of energy and effort is spent on controlling the process.
  • These shortcomings are eliminated with automatic injection, but in this case the oil in the air pump is replaced manually.
  • Then compressed air is uniformly supplied through the outlet fitting to the actuators.

How to make a simple compressor from a refrigerator

The simplest compressor for the garage can be made from an old refrigerator.

To make it you will need to purchase:

  • Air filter from a car, designed for different pressures. Its price is quite low.
  • A plumbing bypass valve, which can be restrictive and disruptive, combined with a six-bar check valve.
  • Any plumbing hose that can withstand more than six atmospheres.
  • Chinese pistol without pressure gauge.
  • Any capacity storage cylinder. The larger it is, the less often it will need to be turned on.
  • From copper tubes connecting communications or hoses of any formation.

Tip: The cylinder is an accumulator for storing air. As work progresses, the pressure will decrease, which is not very important when inflating tires, where no more than three atmospheres is sufficient. But for pneumatic tools this will be insufficient and critical.

Instructions for manufacturing the device are as follows:

  • The tank is being assembled. Its device includes at least three pipes:
  1. input;
  2. day off;
  3. to drain condensate. The element is installed after mounting the container strictly at the bottom so that the liquid can be drained without problems.

  • The problem with the compressor may be that it will spit out oil, so you need to close the outlet pipe so that it is directed straight up.
  • The hose to the tank should go in the same direction.
  • The intake pipe is bent upward and equipped with a short rubber tube; it is attached to its end air filter from the car.
  • A reverse water bypass valve is placed between the cylinder and the compressor, which prevents air from escaping back, and is the simplest indicator that the pressure has reached a given value. When it reaches six atmospheres it will begin to hiss, which means it is time to turn off the compressor motor.

The compressor is a universal unit that has found quite wide application, both in large production and in small workshops. It is also installed on various cars and special equipment. That is why the question of how to create a Zilov compressor is of great interest to many craftsmen who want to save money on purchasing this device.

Household use

To begin with, it should be said that such products will not be very productive, and their production may require high costs. However, there are a lot of application options that make you look for material on how to make a compressor with your own hands from a Zilov compressor.

  • First of all, such a device is perfect for inflating car tires.
  • Also, such a unit can be used to work with some low-power pneumatic tools.
  • Most often, these products are used in workshops for applying paint to surfaces. The fact is that if there is a volumetric receiver, they can work for quite a long time and create the pressure necessary for this.
  • Some specialists use such units in blacksmithing and other industries. The main thing is that the technical characteristics correspond to the specified parameters.

Automotive compressor

Novice craftsmen often ask the question of why this particular part is worth purchasing in order to create a compressor with your own hands. they consider the car to be obsolete, and the units installed on it to be worn out. However, it is immediately worth noting that in our country this particular part is the easiest to find, and its cost directly depends on the condition. At the same time, the simplicity of manufacturing this unit allows for basic repairs and greatly simplifies maintenance.

Also, making a compressor with your own hands from a Zilov compressor is much easier than using other products for this. similar type. To perform basic tasks, it will practically not even need to be redone. However, if long-term use or heavy loads are required, some modifications will need to be made.

Required equipment

To create a compressor with your own hands from a Zilov compressor, you need to solve the issue of transmitting torque to the unit itself. You will also need an engine of a certain power and with a specific number of revolutions. Therefore, some purchases will be required.

Special attention should be paid to the receiver. It is selected in accordance with the tasks assigned to the product. At the same time, a pressure gauge is installed on it and safety valve, which will be responsible for the required pressure.

Torque transmission

When making a compressor with your own hands from a Zilov compressor, you need to make a very important decision about how the power will be transferred from the engine to the unit itself. At the same time, some masters prefer to connect directly, believing that this way they will not lose the number of revolutions and power. However, it is worth remembering that for such methods of implementing connections you need to have a fairly powerful engine. Therefore, most often they use

When making a compressor with your own hands, they usually try to connect the Zilov compressor to the engine through a gearbox. This way you can get quite a good force during the initial start-up or if there is pressure in the receiver. However, the cost of a good gearbox is quite high, and option c can be considered the most optimal.


If we assemble it with our own hands, then it is very important to choose the right power unit, which will be as close as possible to the operating parameters of the device. In this case, they usually look at the rotation speed. It should be at least 2000 rpm, since it is this parameter that will create maximum pressure and allow the structure to operate in a gentle mode.

The selection of power is approached separately. The fact is that the cost very often directly depends on this parameter. It is generally accepted that for such compressors a power of 1 kW is sufficient. However, this is justified if the unit is planned to be used for a short time and without heavy loads. Therefore, more powerful products are most often used.


They usually try to make a typical iron-based compressor from the ZIL 130 compact and mobile. Therefore, using large and voluminous receivers simply does not make sense. Also, you should not purchase these elements of the unit separately, since you can always create them yourself. You can use almost any metal container for this. In this case, it is best to use gas cylinders or old fire extinguishers.

It should be noted right away that further refinement of the receiver will be required. You will need to install a pressure gauge and pressure regulator on it. Usually a separate unit with a gearbox is purchased, which is installed at the entrance to the container. It is also very important to install a back pressure valve. It is adjusted to the optimal operating mode of the future product with a certain margin of 10-15%.

Compressor modification

Even if you plan to make an ordinary garage compressor from a ZIL compressor, the unit itself will need to be slightly modified.

  • First of all, it is worth creating cooling. The fact is that such units overheat greatly during their operation and, as a result, not only productivity, but also service life decreases. Therefore, the connecting rods should be drilled, and an oblique tube should be installed in the bottom cover.
  • To control the oil level, it is necessary to install a transparent filter at the crankcase outlet. It also makes sense to install a moisture separator, which you can make yourself from a small fire extinguisher.
  • The oil tank is also installed separately. It is immediately worth noting that it will be used as an expansion tank and will help normalize the pressure in the system.

Today, there is simply a huge number of various improvements that are aimed at increasing productivity and service life. All of them usually relate to torque transmission. However final choice always depends directly on the purpose of the final product.


First, you should make a frame on which the compressor will be installed with your own hands. ZIL 130 has certain seats for this unit, which must be transferred to the frame. This way you won’t have to make additional holes in the compressor itself, and you can use additional system depreciation.

Next, the engine is mounted on the frame. In this case, the fixation is carried out in a rigid position, at a distance necessary for the transmission of torque. The receiver and other elements that can be connected via hoses can be located separately. Sometimes it’s easier to connect them at the place of work, so as not to weigh down the frame itself.

  • If a compressor is made from Zilovsky, the tools will need to be selected very carefully. You will need to have a drill, welding machine, a set of keys and much more. Situations may also arise when some types of work are easier to do in the factory or using special machines.
  • To create shock absorbers when fixing all units to a frame or supporting frame, it is best to use rubber gaskets or inserts. However, it is worth remembering that with intensive use they wear out quickly and you should always have spare ones.
  • When purchasing a compressor, you need to be very careful because appearance of a product does not indicate the condition of its internal components and assemblies. It is simply not possible to check the product on the spot, which means that such a purchase should only be made from trusted sellers.
  • If the problem with overheating of the compressor is not solved, then it must be operated in a gentle mode. This way it will last much longer, although this may cause some inconvenience during operation. That is why the unit is selected for specific needs.
  • You can install a pressure gauge with special contacts on the product, which are connected to the electrical engine starting circuit. This automates the operation of the device and will also reduce the likelihood of rapid overheating.
  • The electrical circuit for connecting the compressor to the electrical circuit directly depends on the type of engine selected. At the same time, you should not come up with workarounds for starting the primary winding, so as not to lose power. This will affect the operation of the product if there is residual pressure in the receiver, even with a check valve and a fairly powerful engine.


When assembling a compressor from Zilovsky with your own hands, you should remember that this work will require the performer to have the ability to handle various tools and adhere to the technique of processing all kinds of parts. It is also worth remembering that the purchase of certain units will lead to costs, which means that before starting work, you should carefully evaluate all the costs and compare them with your capabilities. The fact is that with intensive use, such a compressor only lasts for a couple of years.

Almost all car enthusiasts who make something in their garage every day understand perfectly well that with the tools and components in their hands, you can always create something necessary.

In the same way, you can create an entire compressor for painting a car from an ordinary compressor for a Soviet-style refrigerator.

But how to do this technically, and in what order?

Therefore, due to frequently asked questions from novice self-taught craftsmen, in this article you will learn how to make such a compressor on your own and using hand-made materials.

Which compressor to choose (factory or homemade)

The main criterion that should be followed when choosing a painting station is uniform air distribution, without foreign particles.

If such impurities are found, the coating will have minor defects - graininess, shagreen, cavities. At the same time, these particles can cause drips and stains, so it is best to entrust the painting to a branded air compressor, but there is only one catch - such a device is too expensive, which many car enthusiasts cannot afford.

You can save money and at the same time create a functional model by creating functional equipment, which is described in many videos and articles.

You just have to spend your precious time studying the material, and then creating equipment that should be at least of high quality.

The model presented by the factory or home-made does not matter, because the principle of its operation is the same and it consists in creating excessive pressure. But the method of pumping air is completely different - it can be produced manually or mechanically.

In the second case, this is a significantly higher cost of funds, manual method economical, but labor-intensive, requiring constant monitoring.

Automatic inflation does not consume your energy, but the product requires periodic maintenance, which is only worth the process of changing the oil for the compressor.

This is the only way to achieve uniform air supply and distribution. Having studied the theory, you will realize how easy it is to make a compressor station that will work efficiently, and it will not take much time.

We collect compressor unit from improvised means -

If you decide to create equipment for painting your own car, then you should stock up on certain materials for this:

  1. The reverse function requires a car camera;
  2. For the supercharger function you will need a pump with a pressure gauge;
  3. Chambered nipple;
  4. Repair kit and awl.

When all the components are prepared, you can begin to create a compressor station. To check how sealed the chamber is, you will need to pump it up.

If the problem still exists, then it can be solved in two ways - by gluing or vulcanization raw rubber. A hole must be made in the resulting reverse to supply compressed air so that it comes out evenly.

A special nipple is placed in the hole for this purpose. The repair kit will serve for additional fastening of the fitting. To check the uniformity of air supply, simply unscrew the nipple. The original nipple allows you to get rid of excess pressure.

The pressure level is determined during operation, when paint is sprayed. If the enamel is applied evenly to the metal, then the installation is functioning. At the end of the procedure, it is worth determining the pressure indicators; to do this, just spray paint on the body of your car.

If the enamel lays down without tubercles, it means that the device is functioning efficiently. In addition, pressure indicators can be monitored using a special device - a pressure gauge. But, its indicator after pressing the aerator should not be chaotic.

As you can see, special tools and no knowledge is required to create such a compressor. At the same time, repairing and painting a car in this way is more effective than using a spray can.

Remember that neither dust nor water should get into the inner tube. Otherwise, you will have to re-paint the car.

If this installation is used correctly and with the use of all knowledge, then it will last a long time, and if you also automate the air pumping, then the process itself will go quickly.

Alternative to a professional device (refrigerator compressor)

Homemade compressor devices last much longer than the presented time, even in comparison with domestic and foreign-made installations.

This is quite natural, because by creating it with our own hands, we do everything for ourselves. top level. Therefore, people even thought about how to create a compressor from a refrigerator that would be on par with the installations of popular companies.

But to create it you should stock up on such components as a pressure gauge, relay, rubber adapters, oil and moisture separator, fuel filters, gearbox, motor, switch, hose, clamps, brass tubes, but also on little things - nuts, paint, wheels from furniture.

Creation of the mechanism itself

The whole procedure can be simplified by purchasing a compressor from an old Soviet-era refrigerator. This will not cost too much in terms of budget, and there is already a compressor start relay.

Foreign competitors are inferior to this model, because they are not able to generate such high pressure. But the Soviets cope with this task.

After removing the executive unit, it is advisable to clean the compressor from layers of rust. To avoid the oxidation process in the future, it is worth using a rust converter.

It turns out that the working motor housing is ready for the painting process.

Installation diagram

The preparatory process is complete, now you can change the oil. Since the refrigerator is old and it is unlikely that it has undergone constant maintenance, it is worth updating this point.

Since the system was always located far from external influence, maintenance work was justifiably not carried out there. To carry out this procedure, you do not need expensive oil; semi-synthetic oil is sufficient.

At the same time, it is no worse in terms of the presented characteristics of any compressor oil and has many additives that are used to advantage.

When examining the compressor, you will find 3 tubes, one of them is already sealed, but the rest are free. Open ones are used for air input and output. To understand how the air will circulate, it is worth connecting the power to the compressor.

Make a note of which hole sucks air in and which one lets it out. But the sealed tube needs to be opened, it will serve as a hole for changing the oil.

A needle file is necessary to cut the tube, but be sure to ensure that the chips do not get inside the compressor. To determine how much oil is already there, pour it into a container. With subsequent replacement, you will already know how much it will have to be poured.

Then we take the spitz and fill it with semi-synthetic, but this time expect that the volume should be twice as much as what was already drained. When the container is filled with oil, it is worth turning off the engine lubrication system; for this, a screw is used, which is pre-formed with fum tape and simply placed in the tube.

Do not be alarmed if drops of oil appear periodically from the air outlet tube. This situation is not too difficult to resolve; find an oil/water separator for homemade installation.

The preliminary work has been completed, only now you can begin the actual assembly of the installation. And they start with strengthening the engine, it is best to choose wooden base for this purpose and in such a position that it is on the frame.

It is worth noting that this part very sensitive to position, so follow the instructions on the top cover, where the arrow is drawn. In this matter, accuracy is important, because the correctness of changing modes directly depends on the correct installation.

Where is the compressed air located?

Cylinder capable of withstanding high blood pressure- This is a fire extinguisher container. At the same time, they have high strength indicators and can be used as attachments.

If we take the OU-10 fire extinguisher, which holds 10 liters, as a basis, then we should count on a pressure of 15 MPa. We unscrew the locking and starting device, instead of which we install an adapter. If you find traces of rust, then these places should be treated with a rust converter.

It is not difficult to remove it externally, but cleaning it internally is more difficult. But the easiest way is to pour the converter itself inside the cylinder and shake it thoroughly so that all the walls are saturated with it.

When the cleaning is done, the plumbing cross is screwed in and we can assume that we have already prepared two working parts of the homemade compressor design.

Carrying out installation of parts

It was previously stated that a wooden board is suitable for fixing the engine and the fire extinguisher body; it is also even easier to store working parts.

In terms of mounting the engine, threaded rods and washers will serve, just think about making holes in advance. To fix the receiver vertically you will need plywood.

A recess is made in it for the cylinder, the second and third are fixed to the main board using self-tapping screws and hold the receiver. To give the structure maneuverability, you should screw the wheels from the furniture to the base.

To prevent dust from getting into the system, you should consider protecting it - using a gasoline filter is an excellent option. rough cleaning fuel. With its help, the air intake function will be easily performed.

Since at the hole with the entrance compressor equipment The pressure readings are low, there is no need to increase it.

Having created an inlet filter for installation work with the compressor, do not forget to install an oil-water separator at the end to avoid the ingress of water droplets in the future. Since the outlet pressure is high, automotive clamps will be needed.

The oil-moisture separating filter is connected to the gearbox inlet and the pressure outlet of the supercharger. To check the balloon pressure, you should also screw in the pressure gauge itself with right side, where with opposite side exit is located.

To control the pressure and 220V power supply, a relay is installed for adjustment. Many craftsmen recommend using PM5 (RDM5) as an actuator.

This device reacts to operation: if the pressure drops, the compressor turns on, but if it rises, the device is completely deflated.

To set the proper pressure, springs are used on the relay. The large spring is responsible for the minimum indicator, but the small one is responsible for the maximum, thereby setting the framework for the operation and shutdown of the homemade compressor installation.

In fact, PM5 are ordinary two-pin switches. One contact will be needed to connect to the zero of the 220 V network, and the second to connect to the supercharger.

You need a toggle switch to disconnect it from the network and save yourself from constantly running around in the direction of the outlet. All connected wires should be insulated for safety reasons. When this work has been completed, you can paint the installation and check it.

Pressure adjustment

Once the structure is assembled, it is quite natural to check it. We connect the last components - a spray gun or an air gun and connect the installation to the network.

We check the operation of the relay, how well it can cope with turning off the engine, and monitor the pressure using a pressure gauge. If everything works properly, we move on to checking the tightness.

The easiest way to do this is to use a soap solution. When the tightness is checked, bleed the air from the chamber. The compressor starts when the pressure drops below the minimum limit. Only after checking all the systems and bringing them into working condition can you begin the procedure for painting the parts.

To paint, you only need to determine the pressure and do not burden yourself with pre-treatment of the metal. In order to paint with a uniform layer, it is necessary to experiment and determine atmospheric indicators.

It is important to use the supercharger as little as possible. Every car enthusiast will understand the components and begin making a car compressor.

You can choose different options production, but the use of navigator launch, automatic pressure control is more complex design, but using it is pure pleasure.

In this case, you will not have to devote time to monitoring the receiver, which will open up more possibilities, and you can start painting a car, a fence or even a gate.

Routine maintenance is a mandatory procedure in order to prolong the operation of your homemade compressor.

To change the oil - drain or refill it, you can use a regular syringe. Filters are replaced only when necessary, when the rate of filling the tank chamber is reduced.

Compressor connecting components

When it is decided which compressor to choose and reverse, it is worth addressing the issue of combining them. At this point it is worth determining how the air will flow to the airbrush. The unit that is mounted to the receiver is responsible for air distribution.

The main thing is that these components are compatible with each other. The pressure switch is responsible for turning the compressor off and on. Although RDM-5 is used for water supply systems, it is ideal option for our case - for a relay.

The bottom line is that the connection element fits onto an external inch thread. To find out what pressure is in the receiver, you need to use a pressure gauge and first think about the size that is suitable for the connection. We supply pressure to the air preparation unit and regulate it within 10 atmospheres; at this stage it is necessary to attach the oil separator filter.

The pressure gauge allows you to check the pressure, and the filter allows you to prevent oil particles from entering the receiver. Turns, tees and even fittings are the next components that will have to be prepared for installation. To understand the exact number, you need to think through the diagram; select an inch as the size.

After resolving the issue with adapters, it is important to think about the moment of installation of the structure; most often they use chipboards. The design of your station should be maneuverable, because you will have to move it around the workshop. To make your work easier, you should attach roller legs to it.

You won’t have to invent for a long time here, just visit a furniture store, where there are a lot of such furniture wheels. To save space in your workshop, you can build a two-story structure. But here it’s better to stock up on large bolts to secure the structure. To simplify preparation for this stage, make a list of required components.

Assembling a semi-professional air blower

Assembly begins with removing the fire extinguisher screw and installing the adapter device. After removing the fire extinguisher valve, install the adapter there.

Four components are immediately installed on a durable hose - a reducer, a pressure switch and an adapter.

The next step will be to fix the wheels for installation on a sheet of chipboard. Since the structure is planned on two levels, it is necessary to make holes for the studs where the fire extinguisher will be placed.

The hydraulic accumulator is easier to assemble, because there are brackets on both sides. The lower part is fixed to the base, and the upper part is used for installing homemade equipment.

To reduce vibration when installing the compressor, silicone gaskets are used. The hose connects the outlet and inlet of air preparation.

The next stage will be the connection work. Jumper, protective elements - all this needs to be thought through.

The entire connection chain is carried out through the relay and the switch, assuming that the entire connection proceeds according to the diagram: the phase wire goes to the switch, the next connection is the relay terminal. To ground the relay, a special wire is connected.

What is better: buy or make a compressor yourself?

There is a wide range of compressor equipment on the market. Piston components, vibration units, screw stations - all these are components that are used in other areas.

If you wish, you don’t have to waste your time creating the installation; it is presented at any point of sale of auto parts or on specialized websites.

Such a wide range makes it difficult to choose required product. But if you decide to purchase a station, in this matter you should be guided by technical indicators, cost and reviews of those who have already assessed it.

If you are chasing warranty periods, then you should pay attention to models from popular brands. Expensive products are worth purchasing if you are engaged in repair work at a professional level.

Products that do not have a name and status can let you down, so it is better to spend money once and not take any more risks in this matter. Many manufacturers budget options save on components.

As a result, you will encounter frequent breakdowns and replacement of parts, while warranty repairs will take a lot of time. Therefore, many car enthusiasts are well aware that a do-it-yourself installation is sometimes more reliable than a factory one.

Such products with technical indicators win. For example, the components homemade device for painting a car it lasts much longer - compressors from refrigerators can last for decades, a fire extinguisher also has a colossal safety margin.

You can always improve the performance of your compressor yourself, everything is in your hands, but you can’t experiment like that with a factory device.

Your garage neighbors will probably get one when they see a well-made and well-thought-out device.

An air compressor would be useful in a car owner's garage inventory. You can use it to paint a car, inflate tires, or supply air to pneumatic tools. Let's look at how to make a compressor for painting with your own hands from available materials.

Compressed air is the true assistant of a true master

There is always a use for an air compressor in the garage: from simply blowing off dust from surfaces treated with abrasive to creating excess pressure in pneumatic tools. A considerable part of the compressor's working life is spent on painting the car. And this imposes certain requirements on the air flow created.

It must flow strictly evenly and not have any impurities in the form of drops of water, oil or solid suspended particles. Defects such as graininess, shagreen and cavities on a freshly applied paint coating occur precisely due to foreign particles entering the stream. Paint drips and dull spots on the enamel occur when the mixture flows unevenly.

Branded air compressors from the manufacturer have all the functions for ideal operation of an airbrush, but they cost a lot of money. You can save money and create a functional model that is not inferior to professional ones. on our own, having studied theoretical information and watched the video material “do-it-yourself compressor” as a guide. The operating principle of all models, both homemade and professional, is quite simple and is as follows. A device for storing compressed air, called a “receiver,” creates excess pressure. Air can be pumped either manually or mechanically.

At manual feed Financial resources are saved, but a lot of effort and energy is spent on controlling the process. With automatic injection, all these shortcomings are eliminated; the only thing that remains is a routine oil change in the air pump. Next, compressed air is supplied through the outlet fitting in a uniform flow to the actuators. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, and you can create a working model in a few minutes.

Making a simple compressor with your own hands

One option would be to make a compressor for painting from a used car inner tube. For production you will need:

  • The receiver is a car camera. Possible with a tire, possible without it
  • Supercharger – car pump with pressure gauge
  • Nipple from a bad camera
  • Repair kit for rubber
  • Tailor's awl

Having collected necessary materials, we proceed directly to the manufacture of the device. We take an unnecessary car inner tube and check it for leaks by pumping it up. If the balloon holds air, then everything is fine, and you can move on to the next stage. If there are leaks, localize the damaged areas and seal them or vulcanize them with raw rubber.

Next, a hole is made in the prepared receiver for an additional nipple, through which a uniform stream of compressed air will subsequently emerge. We glue the additional fitting using a rubber repair kit and connect it to the spray gun. We unscrew the nipple in it - the air flow should come out freely. We leave the nipple in the original nipple of the car camera - it will work like a valve, holding excess pressure.

Then we experimentally determine the required level of air pressure in the receiver by spraying paint on any surface. The enamel should lie evenly, without jerking. The amount of excess pressure is determined using a pressure gauge and should be such that when you press the aerator button, its level does not change abruptly.

Assembling such a model of compressor will not be difficult, but you will immediately be convinced of the effectiveness of repairs using a compressor rather than using cans of paint. The main thing is to follow the rule - no moisture or dust should get into the car chamber, and, therefore, then into the spray gun. Otherwise, they will mix with the car enamel, and all the painting work will need to be done again. The assembled model will work properly, but it is better to automate the air injection and make additional changes to the design.

Semi-professional compressor for DIY painting

According to experts, homemade compressors with receivers have a longer service life than models from domestic and foreign manufacturers. And this is understandable - everything is done with your own hands and, even if some part fails, replacing it will be a matter of a couple of minutes. Let's look at how to make an air compressor that is not inferior to products from well-known companies from readily available materials that we will need according to the list below:

  • Pressure gauge
  • Gearbox with oil and water separating filter
  • Pressure control relay
  • Gasoline fuel filter
  • Plumbing crosspiece (quad) with three-quarter internal thread
  • Threaded adapters
  • Car clamps
  • Compressor motor
  • Receiver
  • Semi-synthetic motor oil with viscosity 10W40
  • 220 volt toggle switch
  • Brass tubes
  • Oil resistant hose
  • Thick board for base
  • Pharmacy syringe
  • Rust converter
  • Studs, nuts, washers
  • Sealant, fum tape
  • Metal paint
  • Needle file
  • Furniture wheels
  • Diesel engine power supply filter

Finding all the components is not difficult; you should start with the heart of the entire system - the air blower.

Engine – actuator of an automatic compressor

We will use a compressor from an old refrigerator as an engine. As a rule, they are equipped with a start relay, which is very convenient for constantly maintaining a certain level of pressure in the receiver. It is preferable to use compressors from old Soviet-style refrigerators; they allow you to pump higher pressure than their imported counterparts.

After removing the control unit from the old refrigerator, clean it of accumulated dirt and rust. Then treat with a rust converter to prevent further oxidation. This will prepare the engine housing for further painting.

Next, you should change the oil in the compressor. Rarely has a refrigerator undergone regular maintenance and lubricant replacement, which is quite justified - the system is completely isolated from the effects of the atmosphere. You can use semi-synthetic motor oil; it is in no way inferior to compressor oil and, in addition, has many useful additives.

There are three tubes on the compressor - 2 open and one sealed. The open ends are designed for air circulation, one of the tubes is the inlet, the other is the outlet. To determine which path the air is taking, briefly apply power to the compressor. And remember which duct draws in air and which exhausts.

The sealed tube is intended for routine oil changes. The closed end must be carefully removed. To do this, we file the tube in a circle with a needle file, trying to prevent metal filings from getting inside the system. Then we break off the sawn-off tip and drain the old oil into some container to determine the amount to be replaced. And pour semi-synthetic into a little more using a syringe.

Then the engine lubrication system must be turned off. To do this, select a screw of the appropriate size, wrap it with tape to seal it, and screw it into a tube. The blower from a refrigerator tends to sweat grease - that is, there are droplets of oil in the output air stream. They will be retained by the oil/moisture separator for the compressor. With our own hands we will later mount the motor with the starting relay on wooden base to the position in which it was attached to the frame.

The compressor relay is sensitive to its position in space and its top cover is often marked with an arrow. Only when correct installation the process of switching modes will proceed correctly.

Compressed air container

Fire extinguisher cylinders are best suited for storing compressed air. They are designed for high pressure, have a large margin of safety and are ideal for mounting attachments. Let's consider the metal body of an OU-10 fire extinguisher with a working volume of 10 liters as a receiver. This cylinder is designed for a pressure of 15 MPa or 150 bar with a large margin of safety.

We unscrew the locking and starting device (ZPU) from the future receiver and in its place we screw in an adapter, onto the threads of which we wrap fum tape to seal it. If the fire extinguisher has traces of corrosion, they must be removed using abrasives and a rust converter.

WITH outside Everything is easy to do, but you will have to tinker a little with the inner surface. To do this, pour a rust remover inside the bottle according to the instructions and shake the contents thoroughly. Then we screw in the plumbing cross, using sealant and fum tape for sealing. So, the two main parts of our compressor are ready, and we can proceed to the next stage.

Installation of device parts

For ease of storage and movement, it is best to arrange all compressor parts compactly on one base. We will use a wooden board as a base, on which we securely mount the engine - supercharger and fire extinguisher housing.

We fix the compressor motor using threaded rods threaded in advance drilled holes, and nuts and washers. We place the receiver vertically, using three sheets of plywood to secure it, in one of which we cut a hole for the cylinder.

We attach the other two using self-tapping screws to the supporting board and glue them to the sheet holding the receiver. Under the bottom of the receiver, at the base, we hollow out a recess of appropriate size. For maneuverability, we screw wheels made of furniture fittings. Next we perform the following operations:

Now all that remains is to paint the entire compressor and move on to field testing.

Adjusting the pressure in the receiver chamber

After assembling the structure, you should check its functionality. We connect a spray gun or a tire inflation gun to the compressor output. After that, with the toggle switch off, turn on plug to the network. We set the adjusting relay to minimum pressure and then apply power to the supercharger. The pressure created in the receiver is controlled using a pressure gauge. After making sure that when a certain level is reached, the relay turns off the engine, we check the tightness of the air ducts and connections. This is easy to do with a soap solution.

After making sure that the compressed air does not leave the system, we bleed it from the receiver chamber. As soon as the pressure in the cylinder drops below the set mark, the relay should operate and start the compressor. If everything is functioning properly, you can try painting some unnecessary part. Preliminary work to prepare the surface for applying enamel is not required here - it is important for us to develop skills and determine what pressure will be required to paint the product. We experimentally determine the value in atmospheres at which the excess pressure is enough to paint the entire part in a uniform layer with a minimum number of blower activations.

As you can see, creating a car compressor with your own hands is not particularly difficult. A device made according to the second option requires more time to manufacture, but it will all pay off in further exploitation. The system of automatic pressure control and supercharger start-up will allow you to work with greater convenience, without being distracted by control over the receiver chamber. The compressor can be used not only for car care. You can use it to paint a fence or garage door.

In order for a self-made compressor to serve for a long time and properly, routine maintenance should be carried out. This is, first of all, regular oil changes and timely replacement of filter elements. Since we have securely attached the motor to the base, there is no point in unscrewing it. We use a syringe to drain the oil. Having unscrewed the screw that closes the filler hole, put the hose tightly on the tube and pump out the waste. We also pump in fresh engine oil using a syringe. With filters everything is simpler - we change them as they become dirty and the filling rate of the receiver chamber decreases.

The alternative is to do it yourself or buy ready-made products?

Today the market offers air compressors abounds in variety. Piston, vibration, screw and many other classes of these devices are produced for various purposes. Ready-made compressors can be bought in household appliances stores, auto parts stores, and on specialized websites. The variety of products offered is so great that choosing the required product will take a lot of time. If you decide to purchase finished device, carefully study the technical specifications, price range and customer reviews.

Of course, it is better not to save money and purchase expensive products from famous brands. But a big-budget purchase is only worth it if you plan to repair cars professionally. Choosing little-known products is fraught with unjustified risks. Cheap models suffer from low-quality materials. It often happens that engine parts fly out instantly, and repairs under warranty take several months.

From a reliability standpoint, hand-made assembly wins in many respects. Firstly, according to statistics, compressors in refrigerators have been operating for decades. And the old refrigerator is thrown away not because of a broken engine, but because of a refrigerant leak or corrosion of the walls and bottom. And there’s nothing to say about the fire extinguisher - they are made with a tenfold safety margin, which is immediately checked at the factory. So maybe you shouldn’t buy a pig in a poke, but make the device yourself? Moreover, after studying the material, you know how to make a compressor with your own hands at home. A well-made and properly functioning device will not only please the owner, but will also become the envy of fellow car enthusiasts.

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