How to grow large-fruited remontant strawberries from seeds. Strawberry seedlings from seeds: care and cultivation. Fertilizing strawberry seedlings

Strawberry - delicious berry, which is the richest source of vitamins and microelements. There is no person in the world who has not tried these fragrant bright scarlet, dark red, yellow and even white berries at least once in his life. Every gardener lovingly grows strawberries on his plot, the taste of which is known to everyone since childhood.

Juicy strawberries are a great spring/summer treat containing huge amounts of vitamin C. Yes, every 100g of berries contains even more than that required daily norm for humans and in terms of quantity they are second only to black currants.

Strawberries come from America, but for a long time they have been grown on a small and industrial scale not only in the USA, but all over the world: Ukraine, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, France, Israel, etc. A huge number of companies are developing new varieties by crossing them with other species and even other plants. Especially in lately strawberries have become the leader among all berry crops.

Strawberry - perennial, which is grown both in fields and in greenhouses and even in houses on window sills. Many people create special greenhouse conditions for it, allowing it to produce berries. all year round.

In this article, I will share with the readers of the House of Knowledge my own experience of how to get magnificent strawberry bushes from purchased seeds, which will bring you good harvests of this magnificent berry for many years.

How to choose a strawberry variety to grow.

In horticulture, there are more than two and a half thousand species and hybrids of strawberries. Before purchasing any seeds, I recommend paying attention to the ripening time of the berries, their size, taste, size of the bushes and remontancy (propagation method).

According to the ripening period, strawberries are divided into early, middle and late. To obtain berries for the purpose of eating them, it is customary to plant early varieties, and middle and late varieties are often used for preparations for the winter in the form of jam, juices, compotes, etc.

Each strawberry variety is unique and requires certain growing conditions, so before purchasing seeds you need to know:

  1. Is the variety you like suitable for growing in the soil on your site? Yes, most varieties of strawberries thrive in any soil except acidic and swampy ones, but there are exceptions that require certain soils.
  2. There are varieties that have more high stability to severe frosts, diseases, as well as high or low humidity.
  3. Strawberry varieties have long been developed that can be grown not only horizontally, but also vertically. They are often used as live decorative ornaments, bringing a lot of tasty berries.
  4. Each type of strawberry has its own unique berry flavor: sweet, tart, sour, or even pineapple or banana flavored.

Here are several varieties of strawberries that have proven themselves: Gigantella, Mashenka, Victoria, Desna, Anapolis, Camarosa, Regina, Fragola, etc.

I’ll say a few words about where it’s better to buy strawberries so as not to fall for the bait of criminals. I bought two varieties for myself at a flower shop near my home, and three more online.

I think you don’t need to explain how to buy seeds at the market or in a store. But when purchasing via the Internet, be careful and order them only from those online stores where customers leave their positive comments in real time. Also, sites that provide online consultations inspire trust. From them you can immediately obtain additional information on a particular variety of strawberry. And yet, I recommend buying seeds cash on delivery. In this case, you will pay for the order only upon receipt.

I also recommend purchasing and planting several varieties at once, since based on the results of germination and fruiting, you can choose and keep the ones you like best.

For example, when growing strawberries from seeds, I planted 4 varieties: Regina, Pink Miracle, Italian variety “Fragola” and white strawberries with an unsurpassed taste “White Soul”.

Thus, after experimenting for a year, you will know exactly which variety of strawberries you should keep and which one should be removed.

Planting strawberry seeds for seedlings.

Some sites recommend sowing strawberry seeds for seedlings at the end of February or early March, but I sowed mine in the second half of December, or to be more precise, on December 25th. If you do the same as I did, then by spring the seedlings will already be quite strong with a well-developed root system, which will make it easier for them to transplant into open ground. permanent place.

If you ordered strawberry seeds online, then before they arrive you have time to prepare everything for sowing:

  1. Pots or boxes;
  2. soil;

Pots or boxes for growing strawberry seedlings.
As a container for growing strawberries, you can use special pots for seedlings, ordinary pots for flowers, wooden or plastic boxes.

To plant my seeds, I used ordinary plastic boxes designed for storing and transporting vegetables or fruits.

I placed plastic film at the bottom of the boxes and made drainage holes in it to drain excess moisture, and also placed small trays under each of them as a tray.

You can also use wooden boxes or ordinary flower pots. The main thing is that there are holes to drain excess moisture, otherwise the seeds or seedlings may rot.

Soil for planting strawberry seeds.
Good black soil can be used as soil for sowing strawberry seeds. It should be “fluffy” and allow air and moisture to pass through well.

If you have the opportunity and desire, you can make the soil mixture yourself. To do this you need to mix:

  1. Sod land (1 part);
  2. Peat (1 part);
  3. Pure coarse river sand(1 part).

Strawberry seeds require a clean and disinfected soil mixture. Therefore, in order to destroy pests and their eggs, as well as bacteria and fungi, the soil must be heated in the oven for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 150 0 C. I once disinfected the soil using this method and therefore I recommend doing this only in a well-ventilated area.

You can also purchase soil for growing strawberry seedlings at a flower shop. Fruits and berries are perfect for this. soil mixture, intended for seedlings. It is also great for strawberry seedlings.

Place for growing strawberry seedlings.

To obtain good strawberry seedlings from seeds, you need a warm and well-lit place, but direct sunlight should never fall on the seeds or seedlings. In other words, the light should be bright, but diffused. Western and eastern window sills are well suited for this. It is better not to grow strawberries on northern windowsills, since due to lack of lighting, the seedlings will grow slowly, and the plants themselves will be weak and pale.

It is also very important not to place pots or boxes with future strawberries in drafts, especially in winter, so as not to freeze the plants. During the period of germination and growth, they need a warm (18-20 0 C) place with high humidity.

Once you have prepared all of the above, start planting strawberry seeds.

Sowing strawberry seeds to obtain seedlings.

There are two ways to sow strawberries: soaking or directly into the ground.

Soaking strawberry seeds and hardening them.
Many people recommend soaking the seeds for swelling for a couple of days before planting, but not completely covering them with water, otherwise they will literally suffocate. It is best to place strawberry seeds on a damp cloth or cotton wool, which must be constantly moistened and not allowed to dry out. Some even recommend placing a moistened cotton wool or cloth with seeds in the warmest place of the refrigerator 2-4 0 C. It is believed that in this way the seeds will harden a little and the plants will be easier to endure winter. After two days, they are removed from the cotton wool or cloth, placed on top of moist soil and lightly pressed into the ground. And under no circumstances should you cover the seeds with soil, as young sprouts will not be able to break through the thick layer of soil.

This method is not necessary, so I planted my strawberry seeds directly in boxes.

Step-by-step instructions for planting strawberry seeds directly into the ground.
I planted strawberry seeds directly into the ground, as a result of which I received strong and strong strawberry seedlings. But let's take things in order.

1. Place plastic wrap with holes for drainage on the bottom of the boxes.

2. Fill the boxes with soil to about 10cm.

3. Place any trays under the boxes that will drain excess moisture. As I said before, I used small trays for this.

4. Moisten the soil well with water.

5. There are very few strawberry seeds in bags, often about 5 pieces, so open them very carefully so as not to spill or lose a single piece.

6. Place the seeds evenly throughout the entire pot on top of the soil and then lightly press them into the soil or sprinkle them with a very thin layer of soil (up to 5mm). This is necessary to ensure that the seeds do not spread across the surface of the soil during watering. In general, strawberry seeds are not naturally buried in the ground, so they are very weak and if they are buried deep, they will simply die.

7. Now, so as not to forget where each strawberry is, attach tags with the name of the varieties, after which, to create greenhouse conditions, I covered the boxes with seeds plastic film. To prevent the top film from falling off, I pressed it with a regular elastic band tied into a ring.

8. Place the boxes in a warm (18-22 0 C) and well-lit place, for example, on a windowsill or a warm balcony.

Caring for strawberry seedlings grown from seeds.

After planting strawberry seeds, the top film (ukratie) can be removed only to moisten the soil, and when sprouts appear, it is necessary to do daily ventilation for 20-30 minutes.

Water Strawberry seeds are necessary as the soil dries out, but you shouldn’t over-water them either, since the seeds and young shoots can simply rot and die.

IN good conditions The first strawberry sprouts will begin to appear in about 1-2 weeks. They will be very tender and with only two small round leaves.

Temperature, at which I grew my strawberry seedlings, was about 20-21 0 C.

Lighting - daytime diffuse light. As I said above, direct sunlight is not permissible, so if it hits the plants, be sure to shade the strawberries during these periods. And if there is not enough light (especially in winter, when daylight hours are short), then provide additional artificial lighting by installing, for example, a table lamp or a special phyto lamp for plants.

The third, as they say “real” leaf, will appear about a month after planting. I noticed leaves similar to strawberry leaves on my sprouts on January 22.

In March you will have small, but full-fledged bushes with several leaves.

The most in a reliable way To get the variety of strawberries you need and avoid many diseases and other troubles is to grow strawberry seedlings from seeds.

What gardener would deny himself the pleasure of growing strawberries on his plot? In fact, its name is large-fruited strawberry, but we are more familiar with the name strawberry, so we will continue to call it that.

Usually everyone starts it at home in the usual way: they take bushes from a neighbor and plant them, without knowing either the name of the variety or other valuable information about it. Together with the bushes they get all his diseases. There is no guarantee against this even when the seedlings are purchased on the market.

By growing seedlings from seeds ourselves, we will avoid this risk.

First, it is important to decide what kind of strawberries you want to have. Remontant varieties produce several harvests per season, but their berries are not as tasty. The largest varieties are hybrids, but all hybrids require more fertilizer than regular varieties. There are also many differences in taste. Your choice will depend on the purpose of cultivation: more sour is suitable for canning, and sweeter for fresh eating. The choice of varieties allows you to satisfy any gardener's needs. Here are some of them:

Moscow delicacy F1

This is a remontant hybrid variety, the fruits are large, dense and have excellent taste. The variety is early, productive (up to one and a half kilograms per bush). It is beautiful, which allows it to be used in hanging and vertical beds.

Sarian F1

A new remontant hybrid, suitable for growing in greenhouses and conservatories. Berry picking can begin within four to five months after sowing. Large-fruited, resistant to both frost and drought, little susceptible to infection by fungal diseases.

Queen Elizabeth

It is also remontant, but not a hybrid, which allows you to collect seeds from it. Fruits all summer without pause. The berries are large, bright raspberry in color, aromatic, dense in consistency, and transportable.


The title speaks of large size berries (up to 120 grams)! Gigantella bears fruit once per season, not a hybrid. The berries are very sweet, and the dry skin allows them to be preserved well.


Appeared in our country in the nineties. Yield variety even with a lack of sunny days. It yields twice a season, has a dormant period, and is large-fruited.


Attracts with high yield and early ripeness. Tolerates shade and is not fussy to care for. The taste is airy and light, as evidenced by the name of the variety itself. Fruits once a season.


Large conical berries. May produce a second harvest in late summer. Sweet dessert variety.

The berries grow on the runners, so you should not pick them.


Resistant to viruses, early ripening, produces up to 2 kilograms of berries from one bush.


Differs in frost resistance.

Other varieties

Sakhalin berries bear fruit all summer and until the end of autumn. It is impossible not to mention such proven frost-resistant varieties, like Festivalnaya, Mashenka, Bogota, Mount Everest, Zarya.

When purchasing seeds, be sure to look at the expiration date, and if it is coming to an end, then do not take them, since germination greatly depends on freshness. In terms of cost, choose the average ones in order to risk less.

Remember that you cannot collect seeds from hybrid varieties yourself; you must buy them.

To collect the seeds yourself, you need to choose the berry you like, it must be overripe. Remove from berries top layer, immerse it in water and carefully separate the seed from the pulp, filter. Now all that remains is to dry the seeds, and they are ready. You can sow them immediately, but if necessary, they are perfectly preserved for three to four years.

Benefits of growing strawberries from seeds

At first glance, it seems that growing strawberries from seeds is very difficult. Indeed, strawberry seeds are difficult to germinate, and sprouts sometimes die. But the only problem here is the absence necessary knowledge and experience. If you master this simple technology, you will always use it, because it gives a whole series advantages:

  1. Unlike seedlings, seeds last a long time.
  2. It’s easier to choose the variety that’s best for you.
  3. The cost of seeds is severalfold fewer seedlings.
  4. You will know exactly the name of each variety and its characteristics.
  5. One berry can produce many bushes.

Try to purchase strawberry seeds no later than January, otherwise they may disappear from sale. Until you are completely confident of success, it is better not to buy expensive elite seeds; when purchasing, be sure to check the expiration date.

Seed preparation

First you need disinfection by immersing for 20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Then we take a transparent container with a lid, making holes for ventilation. Cover the bottom with cotton pads or cloth, after wetting them, then lay out the seeds.

It is very difficult to spread out such small seeds; a toothpick can help with this. Cover the top with the same moistened material and close the container with a lid. The napkin should be moistened every day, but not filled with water (use a spray bottle).

If you decide to sow several different varieties, then use different containers for them, which are worth labeling. We keep it warm for two days, making sure that the seeds do not dry out, put it in the refrigerator for two weeks and also maintain humidity.

This operation is called stratification. After stratification, the seeds are ready for sowing.

Instead of tap water, use melt water. In winter there will be no shortage of such water.

Timing of sowing seeds

IN middle lane and in the north you should sow no earlier than March, but in the south of Russia you can do this already in February and even in mid-January. Specific dates depend on the variety and climate characteristics, so determine the exact date individually. If you are late with sowing, the strawberries will not have time to take root in the soil.

You can sow seeds in more early dates, if you use a lamp for illumination.

Preparing the substrate for sowing

Gardeners on own experience We were convinced that ready-made soil mixtures do not always correspond necessary parameters. For strawberries, it is better to prepare the mixture yourself.

Unsuitable predecessors for strawberries are: strawberries, raspberries and nightshade crops. After them, you should not take land; it is better to prepare land in the forest or in a forest belt.

The substrate should be light, crumbly, and not fertilized. Here are examples of its composition:

  • A mixture of forest soil and sand in equal parts;
  • Three parts each of vermicompost, peat and sand;
  • Two parts are turf and one part is sand and peat.

Buy vermicompost in the store, deoxidize the peat with lime or dolomite flour.

You can destroy pests in it by keeping the substrate in an oven at 200 degrees for about twenty minutes. Instead of treating with high temperature, you can, on the contrary, freeze the soil by placing the container outside at low temperatures. In order for healthy microflora to be restored after this, after warming up, keep the soil cool for two weeks. During this time, the seeds will undergo stratification.

It is possible to use ash and humus as fertilizer, but do not overdo it, excess fertilizer can burn the seeds.

Selecting suitable containers

The containers can be anything, let’s look at the most common ones:

  1. Ready-made plastic cassettes. They can be purchased at retail outlets for gardeners. Each container of the cassette is designed for planting one seed. Drainage holes have already been made, but you need to choose a pallet yourself.
  2. Homemade plank boxes. They can be used repeatedly, but must be disinfected upon repeated use.
  3. Various paper and plastic cups. Seedlings from these are easy to transplant, but they require containers for transportation.
  4. Pots of their peat. The advantage is that they are planted in the ground along with seedlings, but the disadvantage is that they may turn out to be of poor quality. Buy from trusted stores.
  5. Transparent packaging for cakes, cookies and other things. Drainage holes are made in them yourself, and the container is ready. The advantage is that they have transparent lids.

You will choose yourself, based on your conditions and capabilities.

Before filling with soil, the containers should be wiped with a cloth soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Sowing in boxes

The containers are filled with pre-prepared soil mixture (substrate), the surface is slightly compacted and watered. Then you need to make small grooves and place the seeds in them, but you should not fill them with soil on top; the seeds germinate better in the light.

After planting, sprinkle the soil with water and cover the containers with transparent lids, film or glass. Condensation (water droplets) should appear on the lids. If there is too much of it, it is necessary to ventilate it, and if there is none, then water it with a spray bottle. The place where the seedlings will be grown should be warm and well lit, but not in direct sunlight.

With this method, you can apply seed stratification directly in the ground using snow. This is done like this: Fill the box two-thirds with earth, cover the surface with a thick layer of snow, and trample it down. We spread the soaked seeds on the surface and put the box in the refrigerator for fifteen days. During this time, the seeds will flow with the melted snow and be drawn into the soil. Then we put the containers in a warm place and care for them as described above.

Sowing in separate containers

If you have prepared cups for sowing, then everything is done in the same way, only one seed is placed in each cup.

Since strawberry seeds are difficult to germinate, plant only sprouted seeds in separate containers so that they do not end up empty later.

Peat tablets are now commercially available. This product is specifically designed for sowing seeds of various crops. They have holes approximately 8 millimeters deep. Before starting sowing, the tablets must be wetted until they swell, and then remove excess water.

The hatched seeds are placed in the holes, and the whole thing is covered with a film, which should be removed when the shoots appear. We also need to support optimal humidity, water if necessary. The advantage of this method is that the seedlings do not need to be picked.

Rules for caring for young seedlings

Since the plants are very small and delicate, caring for them requires some attention.

  1. Proper watering– the main condition for success. You will have to water with great care. To avoid washing away tender sprouts with water and placing them on the ground, water at the root using a medical syringe, pipette or teaspoon. The water must be settled or purified.
  2. Feeding. Complexes containing potassium, magnesium, phosphorus should be added
  3. Prevention. To protect against fungal diseases, water with a fungicide (Trichodermin, Planriz) once every three weeks.

If you notice that the sprout is lying down, lift it and sprinkle earth around it.

In a sealed container at high humidity ideal conditions are created for the development of mold, which produces harmful toxins. You can get rid of this scourge if:

  • Carefully collect the mold along with the top layer of soil without damaging the roots of the seedlings.
  • Lightly loosen the soil with a toothpick.
  • Treat with the following preparations: phytosporin, vermiculite, a solution of one nystatin tablet in a glass of water, a one percent solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Dry the soil a little, temporarily removing the lid or glass.

During subsequent picking, try to carefully shake off the soil in which there was mold from the roots of the plant. If mold has formed on peat tablets, they also need to be thrown away, and the plants should be treated with an antifungal drug.

Do not rush to open seedlings when they grow up. TO external conditions they need to be taught gradually. Transparent covers should first be moved slightly, or opened for a short time until the seedlings get used to room temperature and humidity.

Picking strawberry seedlings

If the strawberries are not sown in separate containers, then after three leaves appear, they need to be picked. We place the prepared soil in cups with drainage holes made in them, compact them and water them. You can easily make your own cups from thick paper or others similar materials.

We also water the soil in containers with seedlings. Carefully transplant the strawberry sprouts along with a lump of earth. If the roots of the seedlings are intertwined, you will have to separate them in water so as not to damage them. It is recommended to pinch the longest roots when diving. Of course, after transplanting you need careful watering at the root.

Necessary conditions for growing seedlings

Optimal temperature for growing 20 -22 degrees. Illumination for at least 12 hours, but not direct sunlight. Plantings should be shaded from such rays, and if there is insufficient light, artificial lighting should be used. In this case, it is advisable to use automatic switching on automatically when darkness appears.

Monitor the humidity level in the room. If it increases, seedlings may be damaged by diseases and pests.

Due to excessive watering, strawberries may develop an ailment such as black leg. If it is detected, you urgently need to transplant the seedlings into another soil, and add a fungicide when watering.

Preparing seedlings for planting in the ground

To ensure that plants do not experience stress from replanting, some agrotechnical techniques should be used, namely:

  1. Hardening. Two to three weeks before planting the seedlings in a permanent place, you need to harden them. To do this, take the seedlings out onto the balcony or porch during the day. fresh air, and in the evening they are brought into the room. This is done so that the plants get used to sunlight and temperature changes.
  2. Treatment with solutions. If it appears on leaves white plaque (powdery mildew), should be sprayed with a solution of biofungicidal preparations. If there are spider mites, treat with an acaricide solution.

If you carefully follow the tips, then growing strawberries from seeds at home is not as difficult as it might seem at first. She will definitely thank you for your care and efforts with a rich harvest.

Despite the fact that strawberries are much smaller in size than strawberries, they contain vitamins and useful substances they are far superior. In addition, the taste quality cannot be compared. Breeders have become so successful in breeding high-yielding varieties strawberries, what about taste qualities completely forgotten. If you try several berries with your eyes closed, no one will be able to immediately recognize what exactly he is eating.

Not everyone can afford to go to the forest to pick real berries: either there is not enough time, or the suitable forest is too far away. For such summer residents, there is only one way out - to grow real wild strawberries in their beds.

How to do this? There are three ways.

So, the issue with the seeds has been resolved, we can talk about the most successful way to grow seedlings.

Today there are quite large selection, but you should not chase the largest fruits; the main attention should be paid to zoning. Only such seedlings will give maximum returns, and the plants will bear fruit for a long time.

Practical advice. All promises about yield written on a bag of seeds must be immediately reduced by at least 30%. This is the reality of life; ordinary summer residents never manage to achieve the indicators promised by the manufacturer.

When choosing seeds, you need to know that the smaller the fruit size the variety has, the more seeds in the bag and vice versa. Some large varieties will help you have only 5-10 pieces. seeds, you need to work with them extremely carefully.

The exact timing of planting seeds depends on the climate zone, but for most regions of our country the month of March is considered suitable. For some this is the beginning of the month, for others the end or the first days of April. It's very difficult to guess. One of the main conditions for the survival of seedlings is timely planting in open ground. Here both haste and delay have very sad consequences. And no one knows what spring will be like when the earth warms up to the required temperature.

It must be remembered that hybrid plant varieties degenerate over time and lose their initial properties. Plants are gradually returning to their natural state. What to do in such cases? There are two ways out. Periodically, after a few years, change the strawberries or immediately select plants with minimal interference from breeders. Even if its fruits do not have such an attractive appearance, the plant bears fruit for many years without deteriorating in its original properties.

Preparing seeds for sowing

When growing seedlings, you need to create growing conditions as close to natural as possible, so they will wake up faster and begin to grow. Under natural conditions, strawberry seeds begin to be sown early spring and fall into the snow. Such conditions lead to the destruction of growth inhibitors that inhibit the onset of awakening. To awaken, the seeds need to be placed in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. In step-by-step instructions, we will tell you how experienced summer residents achieve rapid germination without a refrigerator.

Very important. You should not sow strawberry seeds in previously prepared furrows; such agricultural technology can significantly reduce germination. We will tell you how to grow seedlings correctly below.

Step-by-step instructions for growing strawberry seedlings

Step 1. Selecting soil. For very small seeds, only high quality soil should be selected. Experienced summer residents strongly recommend using living soil with humus; it can be bought in the store. In addition, it does not cake and there is a lot of air in the structure, and this is very important for strawberry seeds. Manufacturers may be different, the main thing is that it retains a maximum of natural bacteria. It is undesirable to use various pressed briquettes, including peat briquettes. Practice shows that the germination of seeds and the development of seedlings on them is quite difficult.

Step 2. Place soil in selected trays. You can use trays for each seed, but it is very difficult to plant them there one at a time - some seeds resemble dust in size. It is better to take a large tray at once and plant all the seeds in it at the same time. Of course, after planting, you need to distribute them as evenly as possible over the entire area, try to avoid gaps and thickening. You can use an ordinary plastic food container. This is very convenient: all such containers have a tight lid, and this is necessary to create the most favorable microclimate during cultivation.

Step 3. Moisten the soil, ideally using melt water for this. It is advisable to perform disinfection at the same time. You can use a weak infusion of potassium permanganate, but now it is almost impossible to buy it in a pharmacy. In this case, purchase any disinfectant product at the store. You need to water it very well; excess water will go through the drainage holes.

Important. Water for irrigation should only be cooled, otherwise it is difficult to carry out stratification (awakening the seeds with cold).

Step 4. Bring some snow from outside and spread it in a layer of about 0.5–1 cm on the soil. Snow performs two tasks at the same time. The first one awakens the seeds to grow. Secondly, the small seeds of the dugout are clearly visible on it, which will allow them to be evenly distributed over the entire surface.

Important. Sowing seeds must be done as quickly as possible so that the snow does not have time to melt.

Step 5. On white sheet paper, carefully pour the seeds out of the bag, fold it in half and sow them on the soil. Using a thin stick or toothpick, spread them into an even layer. Small seeds You can sow quite densely, the germination rate of strawberries is low, at best up to 60%. If you have a large variety with a small number of seeds, then you need to sow them each separately with tweezers.

This method of planting has another important advantage - the soil does not need to be watered from above. The fact is that strawberry seeds should under no circumstances be covered with soil, and this always happens during watering. As the snow melts, the seeds themselves will descend to the soil, press tightly against it and at the same time remain on the surface all the time. This is important for all small seeds, especially strawberries.

Important. Small strawberry seeds should absolutely not be sown in dry soil and then watered with water. During watering, the soil will collapse and cover the seeds, germination will sharply decrease, and only those that remain uncovered on the surface will sprout.

Step 6. Cover the container with a lid and place it on the windowsill. The lid should be opened periodically to allow fresh air to enter, and monitor the soil moisture. If it dries out before germination, then under no circumstances should you water it from above. Pour water into a container under the seedlings; it will be absorbed through the drainage holes.

Important. Small dugout seeds grow immediately in the light; they cannot be darkened. If the weather is bad, you need to add artificial light.

Step 7. As soon as the first shoots appear (you don’t have to wait for the leaves to appear), you should carefully remove all the bores with two toothpicks and carefully transplant (pick) each one into a separate container. During a dive, you need to make sure that the roots are covered with soil.

Important. During transfer, try not to destroy the earthen ball at the roots, this will greatly improve further growth seedlings.

Seedling care

Main collateral healthy seedlingsgood lighting. With a lack of light, it stretches greatly, the stems become thin and fragile. If the conditions are favorable, the seedlings are highly resistant to various diseases and pests. With the appearance of the third leaf, you can apply fertilizing, there are many of them, choose according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. It is advisable to buy with phytosporin, it protects weak seedlings from damage by black flies.

Transplanting seedlings into open ground

At home, seedlings will not grow as big as in the store, but there is nothing to worry about.

Before transferring the seedlings, you need to level the area of ​​the bed; it is highly recommended to sprinkle it with compost or a layer of the same soil that was used when planting the seeds. Remontant varieties, when sown in March, will produce their first harvest by the end of summer. If the varieties are not remontant, then the berries will only be next year.

To speed up the ripening time of berries, you can plant seeds for seedlings much earlier, for example, in January. But this technology is recommended to be used only in regions with warm climates.

When the seedlings have seen little sunlight, they need to be darkened for the first time after planting in open ground, otherwise the leaves may get sunburned. If plants developed in conditions with high temperatures, then before planting they must undergo a hardening procedure. To do this, take it out into the fresh air for a short period of time, then your stay on the street increases.

Video - Planting strawberry seedlings

How to sow small strawberries directly from bags

This method is used by experienced summer residents, sowing directly into the ground. Before sowing, you need to prepare the bed, pour it on purchased land, water. In the same way as described above, place a layer of snow on top and sow strawberry seeds on it. Cover the top with a transparent plastic box; a lid from a cake package works great. To prevent the lid from being blown off by the wind, it should be pressed with any weight.

What are the advantages of this method? From the very beginning, seeds receive the full spectrum of sunlight, from ultraviolet, which is completely absent indoors, to visible and infrared. Besides, temperature regime familiar to plants. There is both a night decrease and daytime warming up; the plants are hardened in natural natural conditions. Don't be afraid of possible frosts. Firstly, the seedlings are covered and high negative temperatures are needed for noticeable damage. Secondly, strawberries are not afraid of such stress; over many years of evolution in the forest, they have become accustomed to various natural vagaries.

Features of caring for strawberries from seeds

More attention should be paid only to the initial period of development of seedlings in open ground, until root system has not yet had time to penetrate to great depths. It is advisable to mulch the bed; if this is not possible, then you need to carefully monitor the soil moisture.

Mulching is covering the surface of the earth around plants with any materials that regulate water and air regimes in the upper layers of the soil

In the future, strawberries can be propagated by bushes selected from the most developed rosettes.

Video - Growing strawberries from seeds

Growing strawberries with seeds has many advantages. That is why this method is loved by both professional gardeners and those who grow small crops for their family. According to gardeners, Chinese seeds germinate well, and the result is a harvest of excellent quality.

And if you want to get the most environmentally friendly harvest, then collect the seeds with my own hands, it’s very simple, just leave a few berries for the seed.

Firstly, if you grow strawberries with seeds, then you know for sure that the berries will grow of the exact variety you chose.

Secondly, this is a fairly common method that you can read about on the Internet or in specialized books. After all, we study seed germination even in biology lessons at school.

Thirdly, strawberry seeds are sold everywhere; for example, they can now be ordered from online stores directly from China.

Fourthly, strawberry seeds are stored for a long time. They are resistant to various diseases and pests.

Fifthly, the material for planting can be selected in such a way as to produce berries of certain varieties in different time periods. This way, you can pick strawberries from your own garden all summer long. The only drawback this method- this is that the seeds may have low germination, but this can be dealt with by studying the nuances of planting technology.

Varieties for growing in a greenhouse

To plant strawberries with seeds, you first need to decide where they will grow - in a greenhouse or in open ground. One more important point is the choice of variety, which depends on the timing of ripening. Strawberry bushes produce fruit all year round, for which remontant varieties are used. It is possible to get about 1000 berries from one bush, after which this bush is removed and replaced with another. Varieties grown in greenhouses are divided into early and mid-early. The most common early varieties for greenhouses are Sonata, Dorenko, Alba, Baron von Solemacher, as well as Octave and Honey (mid-early).

Choosing a variety for planting in open ground depends on what purpose you want to grow strawberries for and when you want to harvest. If you want to make preparations from berries for the winter and or store them for a long time, then you should choose the average and late varieties. And if you need fresh strawberries as a dessert, then early varieties that produce a harvest in May are better suited.

Of the early varieties, experts call Rusalovka, Desna and Zarya the best, of the later varieties - Zengana, of the mid-season varieties, Festivalnaya, Pocahontas, and Talisman are common.

It is recommended to sow strawberry seeds for seedlings in February or early spring. Perhaps you want to grow seedlings for sale, then you can sow them earlier, but in this case you must use lighting.

Perhaps organizing lighting is not part of your plans, then you can’t plant strawberries before March, because they will die from lack of light.

When planning to plant strawberries with seeds, you must remember that varieties with large fruits germinate very slowly.

However, the seed germinates faster after soaking, which must be done.

It is advisable to use a plastic container for this rather than a glass container. First, holes are made in its lid to allow air to enter.

After this, you need to moisten the cotton pads with water and place them in a layer on the bottom of the container, place the seeds on this layer, and cover them with another layer of discs. If you want to grow several different varieties, it is better to write the name of the variety on each box.

After this, the containers need to be closed with lids and placed in a warm place for 2 days. Next plastic containers need to be refrigerated for stratification. The layer of cotton wool should be constantly moistened so that not a single seed dries out, and the plastic container should be removed from the refrigerator every day and ventilated. After about two weeks, stratification ends, after which strawberry seeds must be planted in cups (peat cups are possible) or in a common container. Strawberries feel equally comfortable in individual cups and in a common box. Please note that seeds can only be planted in containers with drainage holes.

Soil preparation

To sow seeds, you can purchase ready-made soil mixtures or prepare them yourself. If you want to make the soil mixture yourself, you can choose one of the options:

  • humus, sand – 5:3 respectively
  • peat, sand, turf land – 1:1:2
  • sand, vermiculite, peat – 3:4:3

Before sowing, the soil must be disinfected. To do this, you need to heat it in the oven at a temperature 150 degrees. If for some reason this is not possible, then the soil can be watered with a solution of manganese or taken out into the cold for a while. After this procedure, the container with soil is placed and kept in a warm place for several weeks so that beneficial microorganisms can multiply in the soil.

How to plant seeds correctly

First, you need to thoroughly moisten the soil in the container or pots by spraying it with a spray bottle. After this, using a toothpick or match, place each seed on the surface and press it lightly. There is no need to bury the seeds in the soil, since they germinate well under the influence of light. Next, you need to close the container with a lid, since strawberries require high air humidity, and place them in a warm place. The lid of the container must have holes so that fresh air.

Important! The container should not be exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise the seeds will dry out and there will be no germination.

While the seeds have not yet sprouted, there is no need to remove the lid, since the necessary microclimate is created inside, and condensation forms on the lid, which falls on the ground and provides the seeds with the necessary watering.

Features of caring for seedlings

In the initial period the temperature should be approximately 20-25°C. You will see the first shoots within 2 weeks (but some varieties germinate in about one month). Once this happens, move the pots to an area where there is more light, such as a windowsill. The container lid must be removed: it is no longer needed. If there are a lot of sprouts and they grow too densely, then the seedlings need to be thinned out.

7 days after seedlings appear, the temperature must be reduced up to 15-18 degrees. This provides the plants with hardening and they do not stretch upward.

At this stage, you may encounter a problem such as wilting of seedlings. To prevent this unpleasant phenomenon, the sprouts need to be planted as soon as the first ones appear on them. 2-3 true leaves. The gaps between plants should be no less than 3 cm.

For watering, it is most convenient to use a medical syringe, which allows you to water the plants very carefully, at the root of each sprout. Excess moisture should not be allowed, as this can lead to fungus (called blackleg). But you shouldn’t allow too long breaks in watering either, since the seedlings may dry out. Be careful not to get water on the leaves, as this can cause sunburn and spots. It is best to water with settled water at room temperature.

Lighting rules

If you grow seedlings in winter, then they need additional lighting. For this purpose you can use:

  • led lamps
  • special phytolamps
  • fluorescent lamps

Daily time artificial lighting should be from 12 to 13 hours, that is, approximately with 6:00 am to 11:00 pm. Thanks to this, the plants do not stretch, and beautiful and strong leaves are formed.

How to prepare strawberries for planting in the soil

Plant seedlings in the ground only after they have formed 5 true leaves. The choice of place where the strawberries will grow is also very important. Ideal option - these are shaded areas, where plants can easily adapt without suffering from direct sunlight. The following rules must be observed:

  • you need to water the plants with water heated in the sun using a watering can
  • the distance between the bushes should be not less than 10 cm
  • the growing point does not need to be buried, it should be located at soil level

How to get your garden strawberry seeds

You can also get strawberry seeds yourself. To do this, you need to select several large berries and let them ripen a little, that is, leave them for seed. Next, you need to cut off the top layer with grains. It needs to be placed on a piece of cloth and covered with cloth on top as well. After this, carefully rub the two layers of cloth apart so that the seeds are separated from the film, but none of the seeds are damaged. After this it is necessary wash the seeds in water and dry a little. Now they can be stored for several years and planted in the spring to grow seedlings. Gardeners note that the germination of their own seeds is usually noticeably better than the germination of purchased material.

Thus, strawberries can be grown using a variety of methods. The seed method is considered the easiest and most rewarding, so you should definitely try it!

Methods for growing strawberries from seeds.

Strawberries are a delicious, sweet berry that many people love, especially children. Used to make compotes and jams, and also as a filling for pies. There's nothing better than strawberries and cream for dinner. In this article we will tell you how to grow strawberries from seeds.

Obtaining, collecting strawberry seeds, wild strawberries from berries: description

In fact, almost 50% of all seeds sold in stores do not germinate well. Sometimes it is possible to grow a species that is not exactly the one indicated on the bag. Therefore, if you have several strawberry bushes, they bear fruit well, and at the same time produce large and juicy fruits, you can use this particular berry and collect seeds from it. In this case, you will be 100% sure that from these seeds you will get delicious, good harvest berries on the balcony in winter.

There are several ways to obtain strawberry seeds:

  • You need to collect ripe, juicy berries, but in no case rotten, only slightly overripe. With a sharp knife cut off part of the pulp along with the seeds, that is, the upper part. Lay it all out on a glossy surface and place it in direct sunlight or a lamp. In this case, you will achieve drying of the seeds in a few days. After about 4 days, the pulp will be completely dry and the seeds will fall away from the surface of the strawberries. All you have to do is run your fingers along the glossy surface to collect the seeds. They are stored in a cool, dry place for 4 years. This is the maximum shelf life of seeds.
  • There is another more exotic way. If you don't want to wait for the berries to dry, use another method. To get seeds this way, you need to throw a handful of strawberries from which you want to get seeds into a blender and add water. Close the blender and turn it on with the water. As a result, you will get seeds that will settle to the bottom. You need to pour water and strain through a tea strainer. This way the seeds will remain on top of the sieve.

When, in what month can you plant strawberries and wild strawberries from seeds to seedlings?

It is necessary to sow seeds in the ground to obtain strawberries in February or March. Of course, you can sow much later, but in this case you risk not having time to plant the finished seedlings in the ground. Therefore, if you plan to get delicious juicy berries, then start sowing in February.

Preparation of strawberry and wild strawberry seeds and soil for sowing: description

Preparing strawberry seeds depends on how and how you intend to plant the seeds. If strawberries are grown at home in boxes, on a windowsill, then there is no need to process the seeds, because the soil is disinfected. Additional infections cannot be introduced from garden soil. If you are going to plant seedlings from seeds into the ground or sow seeds directly into open ground, then it is necessary to carry out disinfection. To do this, strawberry seeds are soaked for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After this, they are dried and you can start sowing.

Stratification of strawberry seeds at home: description

When planting strawberries in the ground and to speed up germination, the stratification method is used. This is cold hardening. You need to perform a few simple manipulations. They are due to the fact that in forest conditions the first shoots of strawberries appear after the snow has melted. Therefore, two methods can be used.

Stratification methods:

  • Sowing in a bag. To do this, you need to put damp cotton wool in a plastic bag and put a few strawberries on it. Moisten the cotton wool, seal the bag and refrigerate for about 3 days. After this, you can take out the seeds and plant them in the ground. A sharp change in temperature from cold to warm will help the seeds germinate.
  • Landing in the snow. Place some soil in a tray and pre-heat it in the oven. Pour a layer of snow and level it to a thickness of 1 cm. Place strawberry seeds on top of the snow with tweezers at a distance of 1 cm from each other. Cover this container cling film Place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for about 3 days. After this, remove the tray from the refrigerator and place it in the room without removing the film. Wait for the first shoots to appear.

Planting strawberries and wild strawberries from seeds to seedlings in peat tablets: description of technology

Peat tablets solve many problems that arise due to land preparation. The soil is not always so good that it promotes rapid germination of seeds. Therefore, you can quickly plant, as well as avoid problems during transplanting and picking strawberry bushes, using peat tablets.


  • To do this, first soak the tablets in the tray. They need to be saturated with water. After that, place a strawberry seed in the center of each tablet. There is no need to deepen them.
  • After this, place the peat tablets on pallets. Cover them with cling film or some kind of transparent cover. It could be a lid from a cake box.
  • Now it is necessary to ventilate the seedlings from time to time so that a lot of condensation does not accumulate and the sprouts do not rot.
  • Moisten the soil from time to time. After 4-5 leaves appear on the bushes, you can plant these peat tablets in the ground.

Planting strawberries and wild strawberries from seeds on toilet paper: description of technology

Many gardeners have already appreciated the method of germinating seeds using toilet paper. The technology is quite simple.


  • It is necessary to place several layers of toilet paper in the tray in which you are going to grow berries.
  • After this, place the seeds on toilet paper and moisten with a spray bottle.
  • The toilet paper along with the seeds should be damp, but not wet. Excess water is drained. After this, the tray is covered with film and placed in a warm place.
  • After you see that the seeds have burst and the first roots have appeared from below, you can replant them in peat tablets or in the ground.
  • To pick up the seeds, toothpicks are used. The depth of planting such prepared and germinated seeds into the soil is 3-5 mm.

Planting strawberries and strawberries from seeds to seedlings in a snail: description of technology

A fairly new and very popular method of growing seeds in snails. A laminate underlay is used.


  • For planting, it is necessary to cut the laminate substrate into strips approximately 10 cm wide and 1 m long. A thick layer of soil is laid out at a distance of 2.5 cm. Its thickness should be approximately 1 cm. For ease of layout, it should not crumble.
  • You can moisten it a little, but don't make it wet. After this, the seeds are laid out at a distance of 2 cm from the top edge and slightly deeper into the ground. The distance between seeds should be 2.5 cm.
  • After this, the roll is compressed and the snail is rolled up. As soon as you reach the place where the soil ends, you can hold the snail with one hand, and pour the soil with the other hand and repeat the procedure.
  • This must be done until all the material is completely rolled into a snail. Next, all this is secured with a thick rubber band, which is usually used for medicines or fastening whatman paper.
  • A roll is placed in a tray at the top. It is into the pan that water is poured. After such embedding, you need to pour a little soil on top of the snails and moisten it all very well.
  • It's all closing down plastic bag. It is necessary to wait for the first shoots. As soon as you see that the strawberry seedlings have hatched, you must immediately remove the film and place the seedlings on the windowsill.

Planting strawberries and wild strawberries from seeds to seedlings in boiling water: description of technology

Very interesting and unusual methods is planting seeds in boiling water. You can watch the video for more details on how to do this.

VIDEO: Planting strawberry seeds in boiling water

Shoots, sprouts, seedlings of strawberries and wild strawberries from seeds: what do they look like?

In fact, the size of the sprouts immediately after germination is quite small. At the same time, it is quite difficult to see the leaves. They resemble a match head, the size is as small as the head. Approximately 30-40 days are needed to get the first shoots, the size of a match head. Below are photographs of what the first sprouts of seedlings obtained from seeds look like.

Caring for strawberry and wild strawberry seedlings from seeds: description

You can learn more about caring for strawberry seedlings in the video.

VIDEO: Caring for strawberry seedlings

Picking seedlings of strawberries and strawberries grown from seeds: timing, how to plant strawberries correctly?

The process of picking seedlings is quite simple. It is carried out when the sprouts have not one leaf, but about 4. The easiest way to carry out diving is by transshipment.


  • The transfer method is a process in which the sprouts are transferred to separate small containers, from which they will then be transplanted into open ground.
  • You can use plastic cups for this. If grown in a greenhouse, you can use special boxes. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 8 cm from each other.
  • To do this, you need to take a small spatula with a curved handle and the sprout itself along with the soil. Try to make sure that the roots do not bend. Place this piece of soil with the sprout in a container with prepared soil and moisten it well.
  • There is no need to fill the soil. It is necessary that the root neck remains open. Only after your sprout has taken root well in its new location can you sprinkle some soil.
  • Remember that you need to add a little drainage substance to the bottom of the container in which the picking is carried out. This is sand or nutshells. Drainage will allow moisture to quickly leave the plants and not stagnate in the soil. There should be holes in the bottom of the container to allow excess moisture to drain out.

How to speed up the growth of strawberry and wild strawberry seedlings from seeds: tips

Caring for strawberries is quite difficult. You will have to use mineral fertilizers and give her a lot of attention.


  • After the first shoots appear, you should not try to quickly remove the lid or remove the polyethylene. This will very quickly cause the small sprouts to dry out. Therefore, it is only necessary to occasionally open this cover or make a ventilation hole in it.
  • Watering is carried out approximately once a week. Remember that in winter time There is very little light for strawberries, so it is necessary to illuminate them.
  • There is no need to do anything early in the morning, but in the evening it is necessary to provide additional lighting. On average, it is necessary that the daylight hours for strawberries be 12-13 hours. After you pick and transfer the sprouts to other containers, you need to harden them.
  • To do this, you can sometimes lower the temperature in the room. Don't do this very often. 3 weeks after transplanting the sprouts, it is necessary to treat with a mineral complex fertilizer.
  • Remember that its concentration should be two times less than indicated on the package. Because strawberry sprouts are quite sensitive and you can burn them. Transplantation of seedlings is carried out between the tenth and twentieth of May. In this case, flower stalks may appear on the seedlings, which need to be removed.

How to feed and fertilize seedlings of strawberries and strawberries from seeds: fertilizers, folk remedies

Strawberries need constant fertilization, this is done both after planting in open ground and directly in cups. The first treatment is carried out 3 weeks after picking. Must be used:

  • Complex mineral fertilizers
  • You can use combination drugs such as Gumi or Gumifor. They are a mixture of humus and potassium, nitrate fertilizers
  • As a fertilizer you can use nitrophoska, azofoska, potassium fertilizers, as well as superphosphate
  • You can also add a solution of humus or mullein to the bushes

How long does it take for strawberries and wild strawberries to sprout and grow from seeds, when will they bloom?

It is quite difficult to answer in what period and how quickly the seeds will germinate. This is due to the germination of seeds, as well as the method of their preparation. Seeds germinate fastest after stratification. Middle period Seed germination is approximately two to three weeks. If you have not done any preparatory operations, then you will have to wait about a month.

Regarding flowering, the period of flower appearance also differs from different varieties. Most often, color appears precisely when the bushes need to be replanted into the soil, that is, at the beginning or in mid-May. Also, the flowering time depends on when you replanted the plants and how well they were lit. If there is little light, the flowering period is delayed.

Remember that seedlings must be planted without flowers, that is, before planting in open ground, the flowers are removed.

When, in what month can you plant seeds and seedlings of strawberries and wild strawberries from seeds into open ground?

It is necessary to plant seedlings in mid-May. This will ensure that the strawberries do not freeze and the risk of frost is reduced to zero. Also, some gardeners plant Chinese strawberry seeds directly in open ground. In order to do this, it is necessary to first prepare the seeds and increase their germination. You can speed up the germination process by stratification.


  • It is necessary to moisten cotton pads with water, put seeds on them, cover with a transparent cake lid or plastic wrap and leave in a warm place for 2 days.
  • Next, these disks with seeds are placed in the refrigerator for two weeks. It is necessary to ventilate these sprouts from time to time and constantly moisten the wet discs.
  • Seeds prepared in this way must be planted in the ground in June.

Planting seedlings of strawberries and wild strawberries from seeds in open ground, technology, diagram, care

You can watch a video on how to transplant strawberry seedlings into open ground.

VIDEO: Transferring strawberry seedlings into the ground

When do strawberries and strawberries grown from seeds begin to bear fruit?

Most varieties grown from seeds begin to bear fruit only the next year. This is due to the fact that you need to strengthen yourself and gain strength. Therefore, many gardeners simply cut off the first flowers. This allows the strawberry bush to grow to such an extent that its root system is well developed and the bushes produce excellent results for several years. Therefore, if you plan to get a harvest this year, we recommend sowing the seeds in January. Then the already healthy seedling bushes are transferred to the ground in May. You can get the harvest in summer or September.

Why don’t strawberry seedlings from seeds sprout, grow, or bloom?

Many gardeners note that strawberries grown from seeds are quite capricious. There are many problems and troubles with these sprouts, because the stems are very thin and quickly die from excess or lack of moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly pay attention to strawberry bushes and sprouts. The main difficulty is that the seeds germinate very poorly even with the slightest errors in conditions. environment die.

Mostly gardeners face the following problems:

  • The seeds don't germinate. This is due to the fact that you may not have prepared the seeds. In order to improve the amount of germination, the stratification method is used, that is, holding in the refrigerator for two weeks. Many people recommend germinating grains in snails using bedding material under the laminate. This method also involves maintaining constant conditions heat and humidity inside this snail. Because the material is thermal insulating. If your seeds don't germinate, it's worth trying to prepare a new batch accordingly. That is, carry out antifungal treatment with potassium permanganate, then stratify and use the germination method on peat tablets or in snails.
  • It is these methods that allow you to achieve good germination. The worst way is to germinate seeds directly in the ground. The fact is that small, thin sprouts sometimes cannot hatch through a thick layer of soil. Therefore, peat tablets and toilet paper are used to germinate seeds.
  • Bushes grown from seeds may not bloom for the first year. So don't be upset. On the contrary, many gardeners recommend picking them when the first flowers appear, so that this year the bushes do not bear fruit, but all the energy and minerals started to grow the root system and the bush itself. Don't be discouraged if your strawberries don't produce fruit or bloom this year. Because the offering in the first year after planting greatly weakens the bush, which can affect its further growth.
  • Stopping growth. If your bushes or sprouts have grown to a certain level and stopped, the conditions need to be adjusted. To do this, the seedlings can be placed in a colder room and the ventilation improved. After this, the sprouts are transferred to a warm place and watering is improved.

Is it worth growing strawberries and wild strawberries from seeds: pros and cons

There are many challenges associated with growing strawberries from seeds. Even experienced gardeners do not always take on this venture. The easiest way to grow strawberries is by cuttings or from tendrils. But a situation may arise that almost all the strawberries on the plot are susceptible to some kind of disease, or you have just moved, and you have no one to borrow tendrils from for planting. In this case, sowing seeds is the most optimal method. Experienced gardeners often use the method of growing from seeds to improve the health of strawberry plantings.

Pros of growing strawberries from seeds:

  • Getting berries and bushes absolutely healthy
  • The ability to revive old bushes and plant new strawberries
  • The seeds are stored for a long time and you can get bushes without additional costs. After all, compared to the cost of seedlings, seeds cost pennies

The best varieties of garden strawberries and wild strawberries for growing from seeds: list, names

It is worth noting that not all varieties are suitable for growing from seeds. For example, hybrid varieties are not grown from seeds, because they will not bear fruit. The simplest types are most often used.

List of varieties for growing strawberries from seeds:

  • Gum
  • Pocahontas
  • Festival

Growing garden strawberries and wild strawberries from seeds: country tricks, secrets

Of course, each gardener independently chooses how to germinate seeds. Many summer residents have developed several specific rules for themselves that simplify life and minimize the worries and hassle of growing strawberries from seeds.

  • Use only large-fruited fruits to germinate grains. They are distinguished by better similarity, their seeds are larger.
  • Carry out stratification and pre-treatment with potassium permanganate before planting. Before planting, heat the soil in the oven. This allows you to get rid of fungi and viruses in the soil.
  • It is best to germinate grains on cotton pads, toilet paper or in peat tablets. The method of germination in peat tablets is the most optimal since after diving there is no need to pull out the sprouts or dig them out of the peat substance. These tablets simply sink into the soil and wake up with it, which greatly simplifies the process of root development. Indeed, often after replanting and picking up sprouts, they wither for several days due to a change in soil. Possible damage to roots and leaves.
  • To speed up seed germination, it is necessary to use growth stimulants. The ideal remedy is Epin. It is used to treat seeds before planting, even before immersion in water and in the refrigerator, for stratification.
  • Do not forget to water the strawberries with mineral and organic fertilizers. This promotes growth and healing of the root system. If mold appears on sprouts, be sure to mulch the soil and treat it with an anti-fungal agent.

Growing garden strawberries from seeds is quite a painstaking task. If you don’t want to spend a huge amount of time growing from seeds, purchase seedlings or ask for cuttings or tendrils from your neighbors or familiar summer residents.

VIDEO: Growing strawberries in a jar

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