White cabbage seedlings at home. Proper cultivation of cabbage seedlings. Preparing soil and seeds

Cabbage is very demanding on the soil and is not sown without seedlings, with rare exceptions. But even at home, before planting cabbage seedlings, it is important to carry out preparatory measures.


Variety selection

The choice of variety depends on whether it is intended to be stored.

  1. Early ripening. The varieties are ideal for salads. This cabbage ripens at the end of June-July, approximately 3 months after planting. The varieties are demanding to care for - they need regular watering and fertilizing, but the yield is small. It will not be possible to store these types of cabbage. Taste different varieties no difference or only slightly different. Of the hybrids, it is better to choose Transfer or Cossack (should be marked F1). Among regular varieties June and Podarok are planted.
  2. Mid-season. The views are ideal for heat treatment and sourdough. These varieties have good yields. Heads of cabbage are harvested 3.5-4 months after planting. It is recommended to plant Caporal from hybrids. The usual ones are Slava Gribovskaya 231, Slava, Belorusskaya, Sibiryachka and Krasnodarskaya-1.
  3. Late ripening. Cabbage varieties are planted for further storage and consumption in winter period. These types are stored for about 9 months, and ripen - 6. The best among the hybrids are Megatons, and among the usual ones - Snow White, Kolobok, Mara, Zimovka.

Variety "Megaton F1" Variety "Sibiryachka" Variety "Iyunskaya"

Timing for planting cabbage seedlings

Seeds should be planted according to its type:

  • early ripening varieties - from March 20 to April 1;
  • mid-season - from March 20 to April 20;
  • late ripening - from April 1 to May 1.

It is very important to adhere to cabbage planting dates due to the nuances in further growth and plant development. For example, if seedlings late varieties planted at the same time as early ripening ones, it may die due to poor resistance to spring temperature changes.

Preparatory activities

Before sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings, you need to prepare everything you need:

  • take care of the room where the seedling will grow;
  • provide the correct temperature regime and light level;
  • make the necessary soil;
  • the seeds themselves, like any other, must be prepared in advance.

Requirements and soil preparation

The seeds do not like soil after cruciferous vegetables (radishes, radishes). But they do not germinate well in ordinary garden soil. One of the reasons for this is the presence of cells of various pathogens in the soil. That's why ideal option There will be a purchase of ready-made soil mixture. If you wish, you can make the necessary soil yourself.

To do this, combine the following ingredients:

  • earth (or peat) and humus in proportions 1:1;
  • 10 tbsp. l. ash for every 10 kg of soil mixture.

It is advisable to prepare the soil in the fall, but fresh soil can also be used. It should be light so that water and air can easily reach the seeds.

About what the soil will do for preparing seedlings, described in the video below. Taken from the Green Planet channel.

Preparing boxes for seedlings

As containers for seedlings, you can use whatever is more convenient for the gardener or is available.

These could be:

  • wooden boxes;
  • plastic trays;
  • cups;
  • flower pots.

The main thing is the depth of the container, which should be at least 70 mm.

Seed preparation

You need to plant cabbage seeds after preliminary preparation, if they are initially unprocessed.

To do this, we carry out the following activities:

  1. Calibration Immerse all the seeds in a slightly salted water solution for 5 minutes. Those that float can be thrown away. We wash the rest under running water and dry it.
  2. Disinfection. We choose any method for this procedure. You can use potassium permanganate at the rate of 5 g. for 1 liter of water. Soak the seeds for 15 minutes. A 10% hydrogen peroxide solution will also work. The grains are kept in it for about 5 minutes. The third method is alternating hot (50 degrees) and cold water. Immerse the seeds one at a time (for 15 minutes) in water. This is done several times in a row.
  3. Hardening. Soak the seeds in water or wrap them in a damp cloth until they swell. Then we place it in a warm place (20 degrees) for 12 hours, this could be the space near the battery. Then we transfer them to the refrigerator, where the temperature does not drop below -3 degrees. We alternate temperature changes several times.
  4. Replenishment with macro- and microelements. Dissolve the vitamins in warm water and immerse the seeds for a day. Then we take it out and dry it. It can be replaced by another method - spray with a 01.-0.3% solution of microelements. You can buy special powder and apply it on top.
  5. Soak. Together with the cloth, immerse the cabbage seeds in warm water for 2-3 hours. After 5-6 hours, lower them again for another 2-3 hours. We continue to do this procedure until the seeds germinate. If this method doesn't suit you, you can simply place them on a damp cloth in a warm place and make sure they don't dry out completely. As a rule, sprouts will appear within 12-20 hours.

It should be noted that the following are best suited for feeding seeds:

  • boron fertilizers;
  • magnesium;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • cobalt;
  • copper;
  • chromium;
  • molybdenum;
  • nickel.

After all these activities, the seeds are ready for planting.

Disinfection Germination Sprouted seeds

Sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings at home

It is very important to sow cabbage seeds correctly and choose a place for growing in lighted areas of the house.

Planting in boxes

You need to plant cabbage seedlings in prepared boxes as follows:

  • We moisten the soil well;
  • make holes up to 2 cm deep;
  • drop the seeds at a distance of 3 cm from each other;
  • cover with earth;
  • wrap with film.


Hardening is done at the moment when the seeds have sprouted from the ground. To do this, place containers with seedlings in a cool room (8-10 degrees) for 7 days. Then they return to their usual place. You can open a door or window in a room for several hours.


Seedlings need to be picked at the moment when 2 leaves appear on the stem. This is approximately 7-8 days after planting. We moisten the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and transplant it into separate cups.

Photo gallery

Planting seeds for seedlings. Picking seedlings.

Seedling care

Includes the organization of the following conditions:

  • watering plants;
  • feeding with fertilizers;
  • normalization of temperature and light conditions.


The seeds need to be watered constantly, 50% of the weight of each is the minimum amount of water they need. It is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out or become waterlogged. In the second case, you can loosen the soil. You need to water it right up to the root with warm water (about 20 degrees). Cabbage loves acidified water: 1 gr. citric acid for 10 l. water. Acid can be replaced with 1 peat tablet. Water on average once every 2-3 days.

Temperature and light conditions

The temperature in the room where the seedlings are located should be 18-20 degrees. It is gradually reduced to 14-16 degrees during the daytime and 8-9 degrees at night.

You need to grow seedlings with 12-15 hours of daylight. To do this, you can install one or more lamps in the room with cabbage.

Top dressing

Cabbage really loves feeding; a week after picking, the following mixture is prepared for the plants:

All components are dissolved in 1 liter of water and carefully watered right under the roots. Before doing this, you need to slightly moisten the plants with plain water so as not to burn them. This amount of solution will be enough for 55 plants. After 2 weeks, we make fertilizer again, but double the amount of ingredients.

2 days before planting seedlings in open ground you need to feed the plants again with the following mixture:

  • 3 gr. ammonium nitrate;
  • 5 gr. superphosphate;
  • 8 gr. potash fertilizers.

Dissolve in 1 liter. water. Can be replaced with ready-made fertilizers.

Planting cabbage in open ground

We plant cabbage in open ground at the moment when the plants already have 4 full leaves, and the stem can grow up to 20 cm.

But there are also deadlines depending on the variety:

  • early ones need to start replanting from April 15 to May 1;
  • mid-season species - May;
  • late ripening - May-June.

The transplant should be done in the evening, when the sun sets:

  1. We loosen the soil and make holes with a depth of at least 10 cm and a diameter of 10-15. The distance between holes should be 20-35 cm (depending on the variety), between rows - 40-55 cm.
  2. We fertilize the soil.
  3. We deepen the root of the plant with a moist earthen ball into the soil.
  4. Cover with earth.
  5. We water it.

Everyone who does for a long time growing horticultural crops on his own plot, he knows that a good result depends on the use of high-quality planting material. This also applies to cabbage - one of the most popular vegetables in our dachas and gardens. Of course, cabbage seedlings can be easily purchased in specialized stores in any assortment. But experienced gardeners do not always trust new agricultural technology, knowing about the difficulties in growing seedlings. If you want to be confident in the quality of planting material, then you need to know how to properly grow cabbage seedlings, which will produce a harvest of strong, healthy plants.

The first thing you need to know: the basic rules for planting seedlings at home

As in any other business, certain rules should be taken into account when growing seedlings. Young cabbage sprouts may not even sprout if you are not careful about the quality of the seeds and the composition of the soil or do not sow at the right time. The choice of planting method may also be important. Let's look at these criteria in more detail.

Timing for sowing seeds for seedlings

Experienced gardeners claim that the choice of the optimal time for sowing cabbage seeds for seedlings directly depends on correct selection varieties. Thus, you can enjoy ripe, fresh cabbage starting in June throughout the summer.

The time for planting seeds for seedlings depends on the ripening period of cabbage

Cabbage varieties are classified according to their ripening period.

  1. Early ripening varieties have a growing season of 100 to 120 days from the date of sowing. For seedlings, early ripening cabbage seeds are sown in mid-March. Due to the looseness of the head and the softness of the leaves, cabbage of these varieties is not intended for long-term storage And winter preparations, it is consumed fresh. Popular varieties - Early ripening, Golden Hectare, June, Transfer F1.
  2. Mid-ripening varieties - ripening period is 130–150 days. It is preferable to sow near the end of April. Cabbage of these varieties is well suited for fresh consumption and for pickles. Popular varieties - Nadezhda, Slava, Menza F1.
  3. For late-ripening varieties, the growing season lasts 160–180 days. Seed sowing is carried out in early April. Very well kept long time in certain conditions, well suited for salting, pickling, pickling. Popular varieties are Turkiz, Amager, Aros F1.
  4. Ultra-early ripening cabbage varieties have a very short growing season of 40–50 days. The recommended time for sowing seeds for seedlings is the end of March. This cabbage is not suitable for long-term storage, but is very good fresh. Popular ultra-early ripening varieties are Zemlyanichka and Express F1.

A little hint: you can calculate optimal time sowing seeds for seedlings according to the following principle. 10 days pass between the time of sowing and the appearance of seedlings; the grown seedlings need to be planted in the ground after another 50–55 days. That is, sow cabbage seedlings 60–65 days before you plan to plant it in the garden.

Video: growing cabbage seedlings of different varieties according to the seasons

How to prepare the soil

Cabbage seedlings are very capricious and demanding on the soil. For good growth it requires soil with high nutritional value and neutral acidity. The easiest way is to buy ready-made soil mixture in special hardware stores, but you can prepare it yourself. To do this, take the following ingredients in certain proportions:

Mix all the ingredients well until smooth, making sure the soil is loose, soft and well breathable.

Please note that taking soil from the garden for seedlings is strictly not recommended. Especially if cruciferous crops previously grew in this soil: the infections that are probably left behind are detrimental to cabbage.

If you do not have the opportunity to use soil not from the garden for the soil mixture, steaming will help you. Carefully sift the resulting mixture and place in a double boiler for 1 hour. Then add a little perlite: it has a good effect on the looseness of the soil, increases its air conductivity, absorbs excess moisture when watering and gradually releases it to the seedlings.

Instead of steaming the soil mixture, you can spill it with a fungicide solution or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

You can spill the prepared soil with a solution of fungicide or manganese

Video: rules for preparing soil for seedlings

How to prepare seeds for planting

You probably know that the future harvest directly depends on the quality seed material. Therefore, purchase seeds for seedlings only from trusted sellers.

But even when purchasing material from reliable manufacturer Don't rely on chance. Seeds require pre-treatment before sowing.

High-quality seeds are the key to a good harvest

Start by sorting through the seeds and discarding any that look too small or unhealthy. After that good material fill with 3% saline solution (take 15 grams of salt for 0.5 liters of water). Wait 5 minutes and remove any seeds that float to the surface. They can be discarded as they are not viable. Rinse the rest of the material gently but thoroughly under a weak stream of water and place on a paper towel to dry.

Please note that the water should not be too cold or warm. Room temperature is the best option.

The next step is seed disinfection. There are 2 common ways in which this procedure can be carried out.

IN lately many seed producers do all the necessary processing seed and indicate this on the packaging. In this case, heat treatment will be sufficient, which will increase the resistance of seedlings to diseases.

Methods of planting seedlings

After the soil is prepared and the seeds are processed, you can begin sowing. This procedure also has its own rules.

There are several ways to plant seeds. For example, in a box with dimensions 20 X 30 X 7 cm. Fill it with soil mixture, make furrows in it about 7 mm deep at a distance of 3 cm from each other. Sow seeds in the furrows, level the soil surface and cover the box with film.

You can also plant seeds in convenient planting containers. This is done as follows:

In both of these cases, after a certain time it will be necessary to dive the seedlings. You can do without this if you plant 1-2 seeds at a time. in peat cups or special cassettes for seedlings, which can be bought in specialized stores.

You can immediately plant the seeds in peat cups or special seedling cassettes

Conditions necessary for growth

Cabbage needs a lot of light for good growth and development. Ideally, daylight hours should last 12–15 hours. Early spring does not get much sun, so you will have to provide additional lighting. This can be done by installing a fluorescent lamp above the boxes with crops. Otherwise, due to lack of lighting, the seedlings will stretch and weaken.

Suitable temperature too important criterion. Until the seedlings hatch, provide the crops with 18–20 °C. As soon as the sprouts appear above the soil, move them to a cooler place where the daytime temperature is about 15 °C and the night temperature is 7–10 °C. Such temperature changes will harden the plants and protect them from being stretched out. But this only applies to seedlings white cabbage.

Maintain temperature conditions for proper seedling growth

Cabbage needs fertilizer to grow well. The first feeding is done a few days after picking. If you do not have the opportunity to use special fertilizer, prepare it yourself. For this you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 4 g superphosphate;
  • 2 g ammonium nitrate;
  • 2 g potash fertilizer.

The second feeding is carried out after 2 weeks, and 2 times more potassium fertilizers are taken per 1 liter of water. Feed the seedlings a third time 2-3 days before you plant them in the ground. In this case, increase the amount of potassium fertilizers to 8 g.

Remember! Fertilizing is carried out only after watering. Otherwise, the roots will be burned.

Watering seedlings

The very first watering is carried out before sowing the seeds into the soil. The soil needs to be watered properly, because seeds need a lot of water to germinate well. After this, the box with the crops, covered with polyethylene, is not touched until the first shoots appear. By leaving the seeds without watering for this period, you will protect them from diseases such as blackleg.

As soon as you see the first shoots, pay attention to the condition of the soil in which they are located. If the soil is wet, it will be better to wait until it dries. Excess and lack of moisture are equally harmful to seedlings: the first leads to rotting of the roots and increases the risk of mold and fungal diseases; the second greatly inhibits the growth of seedlings.

The first watering of seedlings should be carried out after emergence

If the soil moisture is moderate, the first watering after germination can be done. Use only distilled water room temperature. Water the seedlings with small amounts of moisture to thoroughly moisten the soil, but do not flood it.

Picking seedlings

The seeds sprouted, you looked after them properly, and after a while, 2-3 true leaves appeared on each seedling. It's time to dive the seedlings.

Seedlings need to be plucked after 2 true leaves appear on the bushes

First of all, do soil mixture from the following components:

  • 2 parts peat;
  • 2 parts of turf land;
  • 1 part humus;
  • 0.5 parts sand.

Mix all the ingredients and add wood ash at the rate of 1 cup per 5 liters of mixture. Stir again.

Prepare a soil mixture in which you will place the picked seedlings

When you finish diving, place the cups with seedlings in a well-lit place with a temperature of 15–17 °C.

Prevention and treatment of cabbage seedling diseases

Improper watering or non-compliance with temperature conditions can lead to seedlings being affected by diseases. Any, even the slightest, signs of damage should be a signal for action to save the seedlings.

DiseasePeculiaritiesSigns of defeatMethods of treatment and prevention
KilaMost often, plants become infected in soil that is too wet at the stage of growing seedlings.At first, the plants wilt slightly, and growths and swellings are recorded on the root system.The diseased plant must be dug up and destroyed. The soil is disinfected with Bordeaux mixture or formaldehyde. The next planting should be carried out no earlier than 5 years.
FusariumSeedlings are most often affected.The seedling material completely withers or dies. Mature plants reduce the yield and quality of heads of cabbage.Soil treatment with 1% solution Bordeaux mixture. Treatment with hot pepper infusion. Compliance with the rules of agricultural technology and cultivation of disease-resistant hybrids or varieties.
BlacklegSeedlings in greenhouses are more susceptible to damage when crops are thickened and there is insufficient lighting.Darkening of the stem part near the root collar, followed by thinning, which causes curvature and lodging of the stems.Steam treatment, treatment of seed material and soil with fungicides, elimination of waterlogging, compliance with agricultural technology.
White and gray rotSide effect of potassium deficiency or phosphorus fertilizers, as well as neglect of storage conditions.The appearance of weeping, mucous-type spots with a characteristic coating on the leaf plate.Compliance with crop rotation and agricultural technology. Carrying out processing of storage facilities before storing vegetable products.

Planting seedlings in open ground

When the cabbage sprouts have 5-6 true leaves, strong and well developed, you can begin replanting from cups into the ground.

Plant strong, hardened seedlings in warm weather. It’s okay if frosts are still possible in the morning: cabbage seedlings can withstand temperature drops well to -3...-5°C. If the cold persists during the daytime, delay replanting. Due to prolonged exposure low temperatures some early varieties shooting occurs.

Seedlings can be transplanted into the ground when 5–6 full leaves appear on them

To plant cabbage, choose an area where legumes, potatoes, garlic, carrots and onions previously grew. Cruciferous vegetables, for example, arugula, radish, radishes, etc., are bad predecessors; cabbage cannot be planted in their place.

Try to change areas for the beds: it is recommended to plant cabbage in the old place no earlier than after 3–4 years.

Seedlings need to be watered well at least 2 hours before planting. It’s even better if you keep it in a pan of water for about half an hour, adding Epin to it (1 ml of product per 2 liters of water).

Video: growing cabbage seedlings according to the rules

Cabbage has always been considered one of the most favorite vegetables, which is why it received the “title” of garden lady. It occupies one of the leading places in the diet; in addition, it is often used in folk medicine. Therefore, it is not surprising that gardeners rarely refuse to grow this vegetable on their site. And without quality seedlings get big harvest cabbage is very difficult, sometimes even impossible. For this reason, it is worth figuring out how to grow cabbage seedlings at home.

First we note that successful cultivation in this case, it is associated with compliance with several key conditions at once - correct sowing dates, suitable conditions(temperature, lighting), as well as mandatory disinfection of soil mixture and seed.

Before purchasing seed, you must decide what kind of cabbage you want to get, when and for what purpose you will use it. This is what primarily affects the sowing time. If you want to enjoy a salad with early cabbage, that’s one thing, but if you intend to use it for storage or fermentation, that’s another.

As for white cabbage, it can be early-, mid- and late-ripening. Representatives of the first category are low-yielding, with medium density heads of cabbage, and the size of the fruits is insignificant (weigh a maximum of 1.5 kg). As for mid-season cabbage, it is suitable for canning and summer use, but late species optimal for long-term fresh storage.

Pay attention! The timing of not only ripening, but also sowing of cabbage for seedlings differs. This should not be forgotten. Although these terms are interrelated.

Step 2. Decide on a deadline

Here are the approximate sowing dates for different cabbage varieties:

  • March 10-25– white and red cabbage (early ripening species, as well as hybrids);
  • April 5-15– mid- and late-ripening white cabbage;
  • from March 15 to mid-April– Savoy;
  • March 10-30– kohlrabi;
  • from late March to early April– Brussels sprouts;
  • March 15-25– cauliflower and broccoli.

It is worth noting that all these terms are conditional, since much depends on the specific growing region. But if you wish, you can determine your own favorable planting date. As a rule, cabbage seeds germinate approximately 8-10 days after planting. The seedlings are planted in the ground after about 50-55 days. And if you cannot keep containers with seedlings in a greenhouse or on glazed balcony with temperatures from +15°C to +17°C, then cultivation in warmer conditions will be required room conditions. In this case, early varieties will have to be sown 14 days later, approximately in early April. The length of daylight will increase, the plants will not stretch out and turn yellow, and the chances of acquiring high-quality seedlings will be high even with excess heat.

Stage 3. Sowing seeds for seedlings

The process consists of several simple steps; let’s get acquainted with the features of each of them.

First prepare a suitable soil mixture. For this, take peat, sand and turf soil, mix in a 1:1:1 ratio and add a little ash (about 1⁄4 cup per 1 liter of mixture).

Sift the finished mixture, then steam for 60 minutes in a double boiler. Then you can add perlite - an excellent soil loosener that provides oxygen access. In addition, during watering, perlite absorbs excess liquid and then gradually releases it (this is extremely important for young plants).

Pay attention! If the soil mixture has not been steamed, be sure to water it before sowing with a solution of potassium permanganate (it should be pink)!

Now it’s time to start preparing the seed. Take the seeds and place them in the same solution of potassium permanganate (but its color this time should be dark pink) for about 20 minutes, then rinse them thoroughly with running water.

In addition, to prevent the development of mold, blackleg and other fungal diseases, it is recommended to treat with Fitosporin-M or its analogue.

After finishing processing, dry the seeds until they become loose, then spread them over the surface of the soil mixture according to a 1x1 cm pattern (the fact is that cabbage seedlings do not like thickening). If there are several varieties, put labels with their names.

Cover the seeds with a small amount of soil (the layer thickness should be approximately 1-1.5 cm).

If the seeds are not planted deeply enough, they may sprout in a shell, which, in turn, will be carried to the top along with the seedlings and interfere with the subsequent development of the seedlings. Moisturize top layer using a spray bottle.

Step 7 Place the container in a PET bag and hold until the first shoots appear, at a temperature of approximately +20°C.

Prices for Fitosporin


Video - Proper sowing of cabbage for seedlings

Stage 4. Care for the seedlings

In 9-10 days the first shoots should appear. This is the most critical stage in growing cabbage seedlings. Reduce the temperature to somewhere around +10°C, and be sure to do this, since a suitable temperature regime is perhaps the most important condition. If the temperature is higher, the seedlings will most likely stretch out, get sick and die. By the way, it is for this reason that cabbage seedlings do not develop well at home. As for the city apartment, here the most suitable place there is a glazed balcony.

Temperature is important point in growing cabbage seedlings

After 7-14 days, raise the temperature to +16...+17°C, do not forget about regular ventilation, and also that the seedlings now benefit from temperature changes during the day/night. Watering should be moderate. It is important to let the soil dry out between waterings. And when the plants have 1-2 true leaves, proceed to the next stage - picking.

Stage 5. Plant seedlings into separate pots

First, prepare the soil mixture for diving. Mix peat, sand, turf soil and humus in a ratio of 2:0.5:2:1. Also add wood ash (a glass for every 5 liters of mixture). All components must be thoroughly mixed.

Take the prepared pots and fill them about 2/3 with soil mixture, then compact it. Make a hole in each pot of such depth that the root system of the seedling can freely fit there.

If you come across too big roots, pinch them by a third. Replant all seedlings, compact the soil around each of them. Water them carefully, starting from the edge of the container. When all the liquid is absorbed, add a little more soil mixture (as a result, the latter should reach the cotyledon leaves).

Pay attention! After picking is completed, place the containers with seedlings in a lighted place with a temperature of +15°C to +17°C.

Water the seedlings sparingly, using water only at room temperature for this purpose. Of course, moisture deficiency is harmful to seedlings, as it inhibits their growth, but excess can also cause negative consequences– lodging of cabbage, development of blackleg or rotting of the root system. Do not forget about the same temperature changes and regular ventilation.

Seedling disease - black leg

How to feed seedlings?

Before the seedlings are transplanted into the ground, fertilizing should be done twice.

  1. First feeding do this when the plants have 2 true leaves. If you previously added ash, then you don’t have to use expensive fertilizer - you only need nitrogen fertilizers (for example, urea dissolved in water - 30 g per 10 l). At the same time, make sure that the solution does not get on the foliage. And if ash was not used at all, then use a complex seedling fertilizer that contains all the necessary microelements.

  • Second feeding perform when the plants have 3-4 true leaves (approximately 14 days before transplanting). Prepare a solution of complex mineral fertilizer intended specifically for seedlings. When it gets warmer, plants can be taken outside more often. It's great if you can put them in a greenhouse.
  • Urea prices


    Step 6. Transplant the seedlings into the soil

    Start replanting when each plant has 5-6 true leaves. It’s okay if there are still frosts in the morning - cabbage seedlings tolerate short-term cold snaps well (down to about -5°C). But if it is cold enough throughout the day, it is better to wait until transplanting, since some early varieties may experience bolting when exposed to low temperatures for a long time.

    Pay attention! The best predecessors of cabbage are potatoes, garlic, carrots, onions and almost all legumes. You cannot plant cabbage after representatives of the Cruciferous family.

    A couple of hours before transplanting, water the seedlings generously; you can even keep them on a tray of water for half an hour, adding Epin-extra (0.5 ml per 1 liter).

    Table. Master class on transplanting cabbage seedlings into the ground.

    Steps, photoDescription of actions

    While the plants are saturated with water, you can begin preparing the holes. Add to each hole (more precisely, to the place where you plan to make it) a glass of wood ash, 1 teaspoon of urea (you can use other nitrogen fertilizer) and 1 tbsp. spoon of double superphosphate. After this, dig the soil thoroughly.

    Next, dig holes. Their depth should be such that the plants fit there up to the first leaf. Then place an earthen cube with a seedling in each hole.

    Next, fill each hole with water.

    As soon as the liquid is absorbed by 1⁄2, you can fill the holes with soil. Typically, there is no need to compact the soil in this case.

    Mulch the soil around the plants. Thanks to this, the water will remain in the ground longer, and after watering the characteristic crust will not form.

    Together with cabbage, you can plant seedlings of tall tagetes. This way you will protect the crop from a number of pests, including cabbage whites.

    Pay attention! Directly during planting, you can apply complex fertilizers containing all the necessary nutrients. You can use, for example, “Floromix-K” - excellent remedy, which is balanced specifically for cabbage. In addition, you can use “Master” or “Vermisol”.

    The images below show the process of planting cabbage seedlings in a greenhouse and applying fertilizer.

    Video - How to grow cabbage seedlings

    Prices for Epin Extra

    Epin Extra

    Disease Prevention

    As noted above, cabbage is susceptible to diseases, which are mainly caused by fungi. In most cases, blackleg and root rot are observed.

    It is quite difficult to cure cabbage from them; often treatment does not bring any results. Therefore, these diseases are easier to prevent.

    Vegetables are necessary for the human body. Cabbage crops are rich in vitamins and microelements, which makes them indispensable in the daily diet. And a plant grown with your own hands will be especially tasty.

    In order to bring an amazing harvest every year, you need to know how to properly grow cabbage seedlings.

    General instructions for growing

    It is better to divide the whole process into stages - from purchasing seeds to planting in the ground and further care behind the plant. But first of all, you need to decide on the variety of cabbage crop. All future success depends on this. What species can be grown in our climate?:

    • white cabbage (early, middle and late);
    • red cabbage;
    • colored (broccoli variety);
    • Beijing

    White cabbage is the leader in demand; it can be found in almost any garden. It is characterized by good yield, high transportability and resistance to adverse conditions. It is used for preparing a wide variety of dishes, as well as for medicinal purposes. Tsvetnaya appeared in Russia only from the end of the 18th century. In terms of its composition, this is the most valuable type; it contains the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals.

    Beijing - an early ripening plant native to China. Of particular value is its high protein content. Kohlrabi deserves special attention - a vegetable that looks more like a turnip, but is still an early-ripening type of cabbage. Its stem tastes like a stalk. The most popular crops are white cabbage and cauliflower.

    Soil preparation

    The first step in growing seedlings is to prepare suitable earth mixture. It is advisable to stock up on it in the fall, but if this moment is missed, then the following soil composition will do::

    • one part of turf;
    • one part of humus;
    • ash at the rate of 1 tablespoon per 1 kg of soil.

    Ash is not only excellent fertilizer, but also an antiseptic at the same time prevents the development of diseases such as “black leg”. Instead of turf, peat is suitable, or you can purchase special ready-made soil.

    Planting seeds

    To choose the optimal time to plant cabbage, you need to decide on the crop variety.. The schedule can be calculated using the following formula: approximately 10 days before germination plus 50-55 days before planting in the ground. The calendar for when to plant cabbage seedlings is compiled depending on what time the harvest will be received, and the climate zone is taken into account:

    Before sowing seeds, they must be pre-treated (soaking, dressing and other methods). This is necessary in order to neutralize microorganisms and prevent the development of plant diseases..

    Seeds purchased in a store are usually pre-treated with special preparations that promote rapid germination and protect against diseases and pests.

    It will be enough to just warm them up (place them in hot water approximately 50 degrees), and then cool for several minutes in room water. This method increases the plant's resistance to fungal diseases. But it is not used for every type of cabbage.

    Seeds must be planted in moist soil. To do this, grooves 1 cm wide are made in a box with soil at a distance of 3 cm. Each seed is laid out at a distance of approximately 1 cm from each other. Then they are covered with soil and watered with warm water through a sieve. Next, the container with the seedlings is placed on the windowsill, and the soil is sprinkled with water every few days.

    It is very important to prevent drying out. Cabbage, as you know, loves water very much. But excess moisture and incorrect temperature conditions can cause the cabbage to end up with small heads and bloom early.

    Caring for young seedlings

    At a room temperature of 18-20 degrees, the first shoots will appear in about 5-7 days. To prevent the seedlings from stretching upward and dying, they should be moved to a cooler room, in which there will be no more than 7 degrees - for this purpose a balcony will do or loggia. And for cauliflower seedlings, growing at home occurs at more high temperature: 18−20 degrees before germination and up to 10 after germination.

    Approximately 10-14 days after germination, it is necessary to pick the plants.

    This procedure is performed in order to increase the volume of the roots and make the seedlings squat. Agricultural technicians have found that this way it takes root better and becomes stronger.

    Before picking, it is advisable to treat the soil with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or copper sulfate.

    Diving is carried out by deepening the seedling into the soil up to the cotyledon. It usually takes root within 4-5 days. After this, each boring will need large area for height (at least 3x3 cm). The best option Each plant will be transplanted into a separate pot or glass measuring 5x5 cm.

    If you don’t have the desire or time to pick, there is one secret on how to properly grow cabbage seedlings from seeds.

    To do this, you will need to initially sow each seed in a small pot. Thus, the root system will be small and will not be injured during further transplantation. This procedure is not followed for cauliflower as it slows growth for several weeks.

    Before transplanting into the ground, seedlings must have at least 5 true leaves. 15-20 days before moving the cabbage to the garden bed, the hardening process begins. To do this, during the day the nursery is taken outside or the room is well ventilated. Hardening with light is also carried out. And when you first move the tray under straight lines sun rays It is recommended to cover the sheets with gauze to prevent burns.

    Fertilizing cabbage seedlings

    During the seedling period, the plant especially needs feeding. The seedling should be fed for the first time a week after diving (if this process was not carried out, then after the appearance of two true leaves). To do this, dissolve half a microelement tablet or 2 grams of potassium fertilizers and ammonium nitrate in 1 liter of water, add 4 grams of superphosphate to them. And in order not to burn the fragile roots, it is recommended to first water the plant with water. The following fertilizing is carried out before the start of hardening.

    The third, final stage of fertilization is performed several days before replanting the plants in open ground. The dose of fertilizer is increased so that the seedlings take root better. You can prepare the nutritional mixture yourself, or you can purchase it at finished form in agricultural stores. By following these recommendations, even a novice gardener will be able to grow healthy and strong seedlings.

    Planting and caring for cabbage in the garden

    During the preparation of plants for life under open air It is advisable to prepare the area in advance. The soil depletes over time, so it is impossible to plant cabbage in one place more than 2-3 times in a row. It is recommended to place this vegetable at intervals of 4-5 years. It is best to place cabbage beds after potatoes, onions, legumes and grain crops. The soil should be slightly acidic or neutral. To reduce acidity, in the fall you need to dig up the soil with lime or dolomite flour, while adding mineral fertilizers. For the plant to take root without problems, a cloudy day or evening would be ideal.

    Basic rules for growing white cabbage in the garden so that the seedlings do not interfere with each other’s growth:

    • the distance between rows for early varieties is 0.5 m, between plants - at least 0.25 m;
    • for mid-season and late-ripening cabbage, rows should be placed at a distance of 0.6 m and 0.35 m, respectively.

    Cauliflower is planted in rows spaced 50 cm apart, plants are planted every 20−40 cm. Varieties with large heads should be planted less frequently. The manufacturer gives recommendations on the packaging for planting each species. Since frosts are destructive for this cabbage crop, for the first time you may need a small greenhouse (a small tunnel covered with polyethylene film, spunbond or other materials).

    Next, they make holes in the soil, water it abundantly, fertilize it, and place the seedling in such a way as not to bury the core. Root system develops in the top layer of soil. For the first days, it is preferable to keep the seedlings in the shade or cover them from the sun; new ones are placed in place of the missing plants.

    Cabbage is a high-maintenance vegetable.. It needs regular weeding, abundant watering (8-10 liters per square meter in the first days after planting and then once a week about 15 liters), hilling. Feed the plant until harvest 3 times, 1 liter for each plant:

    • organic fertilizer for leaf growth (from 0.5 liters of mullein per 1 bucket of water);
    • after 10 days, re-feeding from 0.5 liters of mullein, manure and 1 microelement tablet;
    • the third feeding is required for late varieties to increase the growth of the cabbage (superphosphate is added to the solution).

    Growing seedlings in open ground

    This method is suitable for the southern regions. In part, the whole process is simplified, since the plants do not require replanting and grow more hardened. If you have a greenhouse or greenhouse, then the seeds can be sown in September, the seedlings will sprout and grow stronger until November, and in May you can harvest. The entire process of caring for seedlings and cabbage is otherwise no different from the usual.

    Proper care and care of the plant will reward the gardener high yield capricious, but healthy and vitamin-rich vegetable.

    " Cabbage

    Today cabbage is considered one of the most important and necessary garden crops. It is grown from seedlings at home. The timing of planting and proper care at home largely ensure the quality of the future harvest. Unfortunately, purchased seedlings often leave much to be desired, and they were grown in spite of all technologies. It is unknown from what planting material. That is why it is best to plant and grow cabbage yourself, personally monitoring the entire process. And this article will show you the step-by-step process.

    The timing of sowing seeds can vary significantly depending on the specific region and its climatic conditions. As a rule, they begin to engage in this business in the second half of March. It's usually late in May. However, it is worth taking into account the characteristics of the selected varieties, as well as the ripening time. Often gardeners resort to tricks and do not sow all the material at once, but do it gradually (over several days). This allows you to extend the harvest period.

    Cabbage grows quite quickly. When sowing early cabbage it must be taken into account that permanent place growth it should be planted at the age of 30 to 40 days. For mid-ripening varieties this period is slightly longer - 40-50 days, and for late-ripening varieties it can even be 2 months. In addition, the seedlings will need up to 1 week to germinate. Over the course of another 1 week, the transplanted seedlings will take root. Thus, you can accurately calculate the timing of when to plant cabbage specifically for your region.

    Planting cabbage seeds in boxes

    Favorable days for planting cabbage according to the lunar calendar

    There are certain days in the lunar calendar on which it is best to sow cabbage. It is believed that if all procedures are carried out at this time, the plant will grow better, suffer less pain and produce an excellent harvest.

    For each type of cabbage, as well as regarding the timing of its ripening lunar calendar has certain favorable days in every month. This is associated with a certain phase of the moon. This calendar changes annually. The following lucky days are provided in 2017:

    White and red cabbage, savoy cabbage, kohlrabi:

    Red cabbage:

    Broccoli for picking:

    Broccoli without picking

    Planting Chinese cabbage:

    Successful dates for early cabbage are March 15, 25 and 26, for middle cabbage - April 1, 2, and also April 7-10. As for late varieties, they are sown in the same period as the middle ones. During the full moon or new moon, sowing cannot be done at all.

    How to plant cabbage seedlings in the ground in May

    Cabbage is considered an unpretentious crop. But the future harvest depends on the care and practical skills of growing seedlings. So that it is not scarce, you need to choose the right soil, as well as create the most comfortable conditions for plant growth.

    Preparing soil mixture for sowing and growing seedlings

    Absolutely all types of cabbage love loose soil. That is why peat must be included in its composition. It can be mixed with sand, as well as humus or rotted compost. You can also add wood ash to the mixture.

    Soil for planting seedlings can be purchased either ready-made in the store or prepared independently. Only after the mixture has been obtained should it be disinfected. There are plenty of ways to do this. The most common, affordable and simple is to bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

    Sometimes a microwave is used for the above procedure, turning it on full power and keeping for 5 minutes.

    The soil mixture for cabbage should be loose mixed with peat

    Pre-sowing seed preparation at home and required temperature

    Now let's talk about instructions on how to care for the seeds until planting. Regardless of what type of cabbage you are going to plant, the preliminary seed preparation will be the same. The first step is to sort them and select those whose diameter is at least 1.5 mm. After this, gauze is taken, folded into three layers and the selected seeds are wrapped in it.

    The resulting package is placed in a thermos with water heated to 45-50 degrees and kept there for 15 minutes. Then the seeds in gauze are dipped in cold water, remove and leave in a damp cloth for another two days.

    If the seeds were purchased at a specialized store, then most likely they have already gone through all the stages of preliminary preparation and no longer need it. The only thing that is recommended to do is to keep them in damp gauze for a couple of days. This procedure will speed up the emergence of seedlings in the future, since the seeds will already be well swollen and ready to produce the first shoots.

    Cabbage seeds should be correct size without visible defects

    Step-by-step sowing technique at home

    Seeds are sown depending on whether it is planned to plant the seedlings or not. If you plan, you can sow in a common box or other suitable container.

    If picking is not planned, then sowing is done immediately in separate containers (pots or cups, peat tablets).

    When choosing the picking method, you need to prepare boxes with a depth of at least 4 centimeters. A layer of prepared soil mixture is poured into them, the thickness of which is 3-4 centimeters. Small grooves about 1 centimeter deep are made at a distance of 3 centimeters from each other. Cabbage seeds are sown in them, the distance between which should also be about 1 centimeter. At the end, the crop is covered with soil.

    Proper care of planted seeds

    After the cabbage has been sown, the container is placed on a well-lit windowsill. The minimum air temperature in the room should be between 18-20 degrees. After 5 days, the first shoots should appear. After this, the box is moved to the most well-lit place. The temperature should be reduced to 10-12 degrees. Otherwise, the seedlings will become very stretched.

    Initially, the seedlings do not increase their growth much, but then the rate increases significantly. Three weeks later, the third leaf begins to appear. It should be taken into account that the temperature regime for cauliflower should be increased by 6 degrees compared to other varieties.

    Cabbage seedlings are very demanding on lighting. IN spring period When it gets dark early and dawns late, you need to take care of additional lighting. This can be done using an LED or phytolamp. Daylight hours should thus be at least 12 hours.

    Incandescent lamps cannot be used, because there is almost no benefit from their light, but the air heats up additionally.

    Plantings need to be watered as the top layer of soil dries out. Lack or excess of moisture can destroy seedlings. To avoid this, the soil should be loosened periodically. Watering is carried out only with settled water heated to room temperature.

    As the seedlings grow, they need feeding. A week after picking, you can add a solution of ammonium nitrate, potassium fertilizer and superphosphate in a ratio of 2:1:4 grams per 1 liter of water. After another couple of weeks, you can re-feed, but the amount of fertilizer per liter of water is doubled. If necessary, a third feeding is carried out a few days before planting in the garden. The proportions are the same as for the first one.

    Before planting cabbage, it must be hardened well. To do this, they take her out for several hours every day. open air and under open sunlight. The first takeout is done for an hour, and then the time is increased. Before planting, you can leave the boxes for a whole day. Watering is stopped a week before transplanting to the garden bed, but under no circumstances should the plants be allowed to wither.

    Growing your own seedlings is a troublesome task, but it is completely worth it. Only in this way can you get strong and healthy seedlings a certain variety, and also harden it well and prepare it properly for planting in open ground. Often, when buying a ready-made crop on the market, we notice that it takes a long time to get sick, does not take root well, and does not subsequently produce a proper harvest. Yes, and with the variety you can miss. You can grow your own seedlings according to all the rules, harden them and get the best results in terms of yield. Yes, and it initially looks many times better than purchased.

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