Aloe purifies the air. The best indoor plants that purify the air. How many plants do you need to purify the air in a room?

Ecology of life. House: What could your apartment and a spaceship have in common? Unfortunately, the correct answer is stale, polluted air. We put our health at great risk by inhaling harmful substances along with such air, an excessive amount of which is found in an unventilated room.

What could your apartment and a spaceship have in common? Unfortunately, the correct answer is stale, polluted air. We put our health at great risk by inhaling harmful substances along with such air, an excessive amount of which is found in an unventilated room.

In such rooms we feel unwell, even to the point of nausea, we may also experience dizziness, we may have a headache and the mucous membranes of the eyes and nasopharynx may become inflamed. Luckily for us, scientists are aware of this problem and how to fix it. One of these methods is available to everyone - growing indoor plants that purify the air.

What's the point?

Considering that people spend 90% of their time indoors, the air they breathe in them has great importance. The varnish found on furniture, upholstery, synthetic building materials and cleaning products we use at home or in the office can contain many toxic compounds, such as formaldehyde, for example.

Indoor air can also be polluted by pollen, bacteria, mold and exhaust fumes that penetrate indoors from the outdoors. Inhale all this, being, for example, in an apartment with tightly closed windows, dangerous for health.

But, fortunately, there is an easy and affordable way cope with presence harmful substances in the air we breathe, and this method is given to us by nature. As you know, plants purify the air by reducing the content of harmful particles in it. By placing several pots with plants in the room, you will improve the situation (although here you must also take into account that some flowering plants can cause allergies and only worsen the situation).

But how do plants purify the air? They absorb particles from the air along with carbon dioxide, which is then converted into oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. And that's not all - plant-associated microorganisms present in the soil also help clean the air.

But it's not just about the cleansing effect. Plants have a beneficial effect on people, reducing arterial pressure and relieving stress. At the same time, they allow people to feel energetic and productive.

Action plan

Those with “hook hands” who think it will be a burden of additional responsibilities may be intimidated by the thought of growing houseplants, but these fears are completely unfounded, because in reality these plants are very unpretentious. Here we will tell you about the 9 best (according to research) plants that you can grow in your home or office without much difficulty.

These amazing plants are worth the time to find out how much sunlight they need and how often to water them. Also remember to replant plants into larger pots as they grow, and loosen the soil around the plants to prevent it from hardening. That's probably all. Then just enjoy clean air at home.

Garden chrysanthemum

This plant is a champion in air purification; it absorbs ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and xylene. The flower can be bought in any store at an affordable price. After it has finished blooming in a pot at home, it can be replanted in the spring or summer in a flowerbed in the yard or garden.


One of the simplest and unpretentious plants, which does not require special care. Ideal for beginner gardeners and those who always forget to water their flowers. Loves bright, but not direct sunlight. It produces sprouts with flowers, which gradually turn into new sprouts again.

Absorbs formaldehyde and xylene.


There are more than 40 species of this plant in the world, so you will surely find the most suitable one for your home or office. Dracaena has long, broad leaves, often with multi-colored lines. True, this plant is toxic to cats and dogs, so animal lovers are better off choosing and growing another flower.

Dracaena removes benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and xylene from the air.


Although in his homeland South-East Asia ficus is a tree, at home its height usually does not exceed 60 - 120 cm. Place this hardy mini-tree in a well-lit place and do not water frequently. At the end of spring, the plant can be taken out into the yard, and with the onset of autumn, it can be brought indoors again, where it will serve a great service by purifying the air in it.

Absorbs benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.


This plant is relatively small compared to others on our list, but its benefits are just as great. Unpretentious, blooms most often in summer. It must be taken into account that its flowers (like all flowers) have a smell, and pollen gets into the air, so you should not breed this flower in large quantities. The plant prefers shady places and moist but not soggy soil.

Purifies the air from ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

Fern nephrolepis

This plant prefers cool locations with high humidity and indirect sunlight. It is relatively easy to grow but requires frequent watering. Don’t let your “rescuer” dry out and give him a good bath at least once a month so that he gets completely wet. The fern will definitely thank you and remove formaldehyde and xylene from the air.

Sansevieria \Mother-in-law's tongue

These plants require almost no care. They prefer dry conditions and need to be watered very rarely. And they need very little sunlight.

Absorbs benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and xylene from the air.

bamboo palm

This is the world's best means of removing formaldehyde from air. Place the palm tree on a windowsill where it will bathe in sunlight. The plant can develop into quite tall tree, but this will only intensify the cleansing effect. It will miraculously fit into your interior, and it is absolutely safe for your pets.

Absorbs benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene.

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Spathiphyllum: care and propagation at home

A win-win color for your dream kitchen interior

Aloe vera

In addition to the fact that this plant is easy to care for, because... it does not require frequent watering, aloe also heals. The leaves of the plant contain a clear liquid containing many vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and other substances that have wound-healing, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe can also help (and definitely won't hurt) if skin diseases, such as psoriasis.

Clears the room of formaldehyde. published

Translation: Svetlana Bodrik

Houseplants bring some summer mood into the house, which is especially important now. Plants not only add comfort and beauty, but also purify the air in the apartment. As it turns out, some species do this better than others. A NASA study found that certain plants can absorb harmful pollutants from the air. chemical compounds and bacteria.

Plants that purify the air in the apartment

We'll tell you about 11 plants that purify the air in your apartment.

1. Aloe vera

Aloe is a succulent medicinal properties which has been known since ancient times: aloe juice is used to improve immunity and combat viral diseases, for burns and ulcers, to improve appetite, as a general tonic. But it turns out that just having aloe in the room is beneficial. Aloe has the ability to remove formaldehyde from the air, a harmful compound that is released from furniture made from chipboard and MDF.

2. Areca Palm

Areca Catechu or Betel Palm is a large plant that loves sunny, spacious rooms; it will successfully decorate any living room. Areca produces a large amount of oxygen and is able to humidify the air. In addition, this plant takes from the air carbon dioxide and toxins.

3. Peperomia obtufolia

There are many types of peperomia, and even peperomia obtufolia has subspecies. This small plant, which grows well at home. Peperomia doesn't like bright light and too much darkness, does not tolerate heavy watering. But it’s worth paying attention to it, providing proper care: peperomia can purify the air from harmful chemical substances, including formaldehyde.

4. Bamboo palm, or Hamedorea

Slow growing indoor palm tree loves moderate watering and dim lighting. A bamboo palm tree will become not only a decorative item in your apartment, but also an excellent air filter. It purifies the air from benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

5. Nephrolepis

Also known as fern, nephrolepis grows well at home. He loves shade and good watering. Nefprolepis is very beautiful and looks great in hanging flowerpots. It is included in our list of air-purifying plants because it is able to filter toluene and formaldehyde from the air, as well as kill pathogens.

6. Aglaonema

The name of this plant is literally translated from English as “Chinese evergreen.” Aglaonema has variegated leaves and blooms and bears fruit at home. Loves good watering wet air And good lighting, but will also grow when shaded. Aglaonema removes benzene from the air and can kill streptococcal infections.

7. Dracaena fragrant (Massengeana)

One of the largest representatives of dracaenas, evergreen tree with a massive trunk and large leaves. There is a stripe on the sheet bright yellow color. Dracaena Massengeana loves bright light without direct light sun rays, abundant watering and humidified air. This plant removes xylene, toluene, benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde from the air.

8. Date palm

Another palm tree on our list. It has become very popular due to the fact that it can be grown from a seed if desired. Date palm looks exotic and decorative. Loves light and good watering. It successfully filters xylene in the air.

9. Ficus Ali

Ficus Ali - very beautiful plant with long narrow leaves. It does well in bright light without direct sunlight, regular moderate watering and high humidity. This ficus is capable of purifying the air from benzene, trichlorethylene and phenol.

10. Gerbera Jameson

Decorative flowering plant on our list. She loves well-lit rooms and abundant watering. Gerbera can capture trichlorethylene and benzene from the air.

11. Chlorophytum

Let's complete the list of “green filters” with a cleaning champion - this is chlorophytum, a familiar and hardy plant that everyone has seen in offices and school classrooms. Chlorophytum is absolutely unpretentious and grows with the most novice plant growers. At the same time, it purifies the air better than special devices.

We hope our list will help you create a favorable atmosphere in your home, free from fumes of harmful substances. We wish you to breathe only clean air!

Photo:,,,,,,,,,, buildsolarpanelathome. com

Indoor plants help purify indoor air. It is usually much more polluted than the air outside. In this article, you will learn which plants and which common toxins can rid the air you breathe in your home.

In the late 1980s, NASA, together with the Association of Professional landscape designers studied the properties of indoor plants that could be used to purify the air inside space objects. As a result, they did find a few plants that absorb common volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Luckily for us, these plants can also help purify the air in any room on Earth. After all, it is usually much more polluted than the air we breathe outside. Other studies subsequently published in the Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science also confirmed this. scientific discovery, and therefore there is no doubt about its veracity. Below is a list of plants that the best way cope with air filtration in interior spaces:

Aloe (Aloe Vera)

This easy-to-grow, sun-loving succulent helps clear the air of formaldehyde and benzene—byproducts of chemical cleaners, paints, and more. Aloe is excellent for a sunny kitchen window. But in addition to its ability to purify the air, it is known for the fact that the gel-like liquid inside aloe leaves can heal cuts and burns.

Spiderling (Chlorophytum crested)

Even if you forget to care for your indoor plants, you are unlikely to kill this tenacious flower. Easily recognized by its abundance of dense foliage and small white flowers, spiderweed purifies the air of benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene, a common solvent used in the leather, rubber and printing industries.

Gerbera (Gerbera Jameson)

This colorful, flowering plant is very effective at eliminating trichlorethylene that you might bring home from the dry cleaner. It also does a good job of filtering out the benzene released by the ink. Therefore, it is recommended to place such a flowerpot in the laundry room or bedroom. However, it must be taken into account that it needs a large amount of light.

Mother-in-law's tongue (Sansevieria three-lane)

This plant is one of the best for purifying the air from formaldehyde, a substance found in cleaning products. toilet paper, fabrics and personal care products. Therefore, it would be nice to have a similar flowerpot in the bathroom. It will grow successfully even in low light and steamy, humid environments while helping to filter the aforementioned pollutants from the air.

Epipremnum aureus (Scindapsus aureus)

Another powerful plant that absorbs formaldehyde. It represents a fast growing climbing plant, forming an attractive cascade of green leaves peeking out from hanging planter. Consider placing it in your garage, as car exhaust fumes are laden with formaldehyde.

Fun fact: Epipremnum aureus, also known as Devil's Ivy, remains green even when stored in the dark.

Garden chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum mulcifolia)

Colorful chrysanthemum flowers can do more than just decorate your home office or living room. They also remove benzene from the surrounding air, which is commonly found in glues, paints, plastics and detergents. This plant loves bright light, which is necessary for it to develop buds, so if you want to grow it at home, you need to find a place near open window with direct sunlight.

Dracaena marginata (Dracaena marginata)

One of the most recognizable features of the low-maintenance dracaena is its red edges, which give the flower a pretty hue. It is also known for the fact that it can grow up to the ceiling. Besides, this plant is the best in purifying the air from xylene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde, which can enter the indoor air along with varnishes, drying oils and gasoline.

Weeping fig tree (Ficus benjamina)

A weeping fig tree or Ficus benjamina in your living room will help rid the air of pollutants that tend to come from the surface. carpets and furniture. These include: formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene. Caring for a ficus can be difficult, but once you learn how to water it correctly and provide it with normal lighting, it will delight you for a long time. appearance and unusually useful properties.

Azalea (Rhododendron Sims)

Bring this beautiful flowering bush into your home to combat formaldehyde released from sources such as plywood or foam insulation. Since azalea performs best in cool places with temperatures around 15-18 degrees, this is very nice flowerpot to improve indoor air quality in basement or basement, if you can find a place for it there.

Common ivy (Climbing ivy)

The study showed that this indoor plant reduces the amount of fecal particles in the air, and is also able to cleanse it of formaldehyde present in household chemicals.

Dracaena dereme (Dracaena Warneki)

Dracaena fights pollutants released into the air by varnishes and oils. Dracaena Warnecki easily grows indoors, even without direct sunlight. Thanks to the presence of striped leaves that form lush tufts on a thin stalk, this plant can look very impressive, especially if it reaches its potential height of 3.65 meters.

Aglaonema (Aglaonema curly Deborah)

This easy-to-care plant rids the air of various pollutants and will remove more and more toxins over time if they continue to be present. It blooms and produces red berries even in low light conditions.

Bamboo Palm (Hamedorea Seyfritz)

Also known as the cane palm, this small palm grows lushly in shady indoor areas and often produces flowers and small berries. It tops the list of the best air purifying plants for benzene and trichlorethylene. This flowerpot is also well suited for placement next to furniture that can highlight environment poisonous gases formaldehyde.

Philodendron ivy (Philodendron aquifolia)

This climbing plant is not very suitable option for the home if you have children or pets: Philodendron is toxic and therefore should not be eaten. But it is very effective at cleaning the air of all types of VOCs. Philodendrons are especially good at combating formaldehyde released from chipboard and other sources.

Spathiphyllum (Peace Lily)

Shade and weekly watering is all the peace lily needs to thrive and produce beautiful white flowers. It was ranked high on NASA's list as a plant that simultaneously removes three of the most common VOCs - formaldehyde, benzene and trichlorethylene. In addition, it also counteracts the spread of toluene and xylene.

For an oxygen-rich home, it is not at all necessary to turn your apartment into an impenetrable greenhouse. This will cause nothing but hatred of growing, hanging vines among household members. But 1-2 flowers in a room will create a pleasant smell in the apartment, and will not clutter, but on the contrary, will elevate the interior. Our useful tips identified the most ozone-enriching indoor plants that purify the air. The photo shows their exquisite forms.

These plants are common in modern interiors, the popularity of this glorious seven is explained simply:

The plants are easy to care for, and therefore will withstand the experiments and forgetfulness of watering of novice gardeners;

Indoor flowers in the interior look aristocratic and quite compact;

Inexpensive and freely available - no need to order them from another continent or steal sprouts from reputable institutions.

It is better to buy these flowers not in flower stalls, but in large supermarkets. There they are literally grown from seeds by professionals, which means there is no risk of acquiring a diseased plant.

1. Dracaena

This tree eliminates the toxic fumes of formaldehyde found in varnishes, adhesives and chipboard furniture. Just as dracaena can improve the smell in an apartment after renovation or renovation, no industrial air purifiers can do it.

There are about 450 species of dracaenas. They are not picky about sunlight, and under-watering is better for them than over-watering.

2. Chamaedorea elegans

Another natural air purifier for newly renovated rooms is chamedorea. Perfectly filters substances released by plastic and intensively humidifies the air. Its spreading branches are luxurious not only in homes, but also in offices and other public spaces.

It remains in bloom for a long time at a young age, which is manifested in pretty paniculate yellow inflorescences. These flowers, which purify the air, do not bear fruit, therefore, in what follows, with the definition of “offspring in good hands"There won't be any problems.

3. Golden scindapsus or Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

These ornate air-purifying indoor plants look sophisticated in photos and elegant in decor. The air-purifying function of scindapsus is valuable - the extensive leaves of the flower absorb unlimited amounts of benzene, abundantly exuded by the skin and plastic furniture, rubber and rubber products, scented candles. They are loved in pharmaceutical establishments and pharmacies - they perfectly absorb the odors of medications.

Scindapsus grows quickly, but it can be watered, and even preferably, rarely.

4. Chlorophytum or Broom (Chlorophytum)

Chlorophytum received the nickname “tufted” due to the many tufts that fill the pot and hang down on numerous arrows. The plant blooms regularly, however, it is not contraindicated for allergy sufferers. Properly controls the smell of the house, it is especially effective on the 1-2 floors of houses, as it perfectly filters exhaust gases.

Chlorophytums love the sun. But they won’t take up much space on the windowsill, because these air-purifying flowers are hanging plants. They hang cheerfully over standing crops with their variegated or lush green tufts.

5. Schefflera

This umbrella tree simply created for rooms soaked tobacco smoke. Neutralizing tar and nicotine, it creates a pleasant smell in the apartment, actively releasing oxygen.

A ficus-like plant, Schefflera easily tolerates dim rooms and light watering.

6. Ficus benjamina

Excellent absorption of benzene, formaldehyde and ammonia. In addition, it has in an original way, how to improve the smell in an apartment - attracts all the dust in the room to its fleshy leaves, like a magnet. Such an environmentally friendly and energy-efficient “vacuum cleaner” is very beneficial for household use and attractive for landscaping stylish interiors.

7. Ivy (Hedera helix)

Ivy is popular in landscaping gazebos and balconies. These indoor flowers in the interior of the house they are used to decorate the hallway, kitchen and other rooms with difficult climate and lighting. Ivy is an excellent neutralizer of benzene, formaldehyde and ammonia.

It is easy to care for, but needs support. The stems can curl endlessly, so they need upright posts or strings spread along the wall.

You don't have to be a professional florist or horticulturist to create a clean, oxygenated home smell with these air-purifying plants. These selfless helpers only need love, like all living things. In return, they are ready to give health and aesthetic pleasure.

The fact that plants effectively purify the air was proven by research by NASA scientists in 1989. Researchers placed different kinds indoor plants into chambers filled with volatile compounds: benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene. It turned out that many common types of domestic flora actively absorb and bind these compounds, which are dangerous to humans.

Scientists have found that for natural air purification, it is desirable to have at least one small plant per 5 m2 of living space or one large plant per 10 m2.

ON THE PICTURE: "Green filters" near the workplace increase productivity.

Air purification from microorganisms

Indoor plants not only purify the air of harmful substances, but also reduce the number of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms in it. This property is associated with the ability of flora to secrete phytoncides - special substances that negatively affect many pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

The plant releases the most phytoncides during the growing season and flowering. For many tropical and some subtropical plants This period falls on winter - early spring. For most people, this is a difficult period with a high risk of colds! That is why it is important to surround yourself with bright green plants, which will lift your spirits and improve the microclimate in the room.

Phytoncides - volatiles, capable of spreading several meters from the plant. Therefore, even one medium-sized flower can significantly improve the microclimate in the apartment.

Phytoncidal properties are fully manifested only in healthy plants with proper care.

Some types of indoor plants also emit essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on the general condition of a person. They relieve nervousness and headaches, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system. , have such properties.

However, the presence of flowers with a strong spicy aroma in a room can have the opposite effect and cause a deterioration in well-being. For this reason, Magnolia should not be kept in small apartments.
ON THE PICTURE: Oleander is beautiful and easy to care for. However, the scent of its flowers can cause headaches for people sensitive to strong odors.

Food for thought

In addition to purifying the air, green plants saturate it with oxygen. O 2 is released during photosynthesis, which occurs only during the day in sunlight (the exception is orchids and some other exotics). At this time, the leaves actively absorb carbon dioxide and, converting it into organic compounds, produce oxygen. However, plants themselves need oxygen for respiration. At night, when the process of photosynthesis stops, plants use oxygen from the air. Therefore, you can’t put a lot of indoor flowers in the bedroom.

The beneficial effect of houseplants on the indoor microclimate also lies in their ability to increase air humidity. This is especially important during the heating season.

A common myth is that some plants, such as cacti, absorb electromagnetic radiation from computers and other electronics. In fact, cacti and other plants are not capable of absorbing electromagnetic waves. They only absorb radiation that directly passes through them. Therefore, they cannot significantly reduce the radiation dose received by a person sitting at the monitor.
ON THE PICTURE: The cactus does not reduce the level of electromagnetic radiation, but like any plants, it absorbs some of the harmful substances and releases oxygen

Top Ten Plant Based Air Purifiers

1. - an unpretentious plant and a record holder for purifying the air from harmful substances. Pots of Chlorophytum in the kitchen will help remove volatile compounds released during the combustion process domestic gas. Chlorophytum also has high bactericidal activity. Specialists from the All-Russian Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (VILAR) found that in 24 hours this flower almost completely cleanses the air of harmful microorganisms. Chlorophytum phytoncides destroy up to 80% of microorganisms in the air. To increase the effectiveness of air purification, it is necessary to regularly remove contaminants from the leaves of the plant (for example, by bathing the plant in a warm shower, covering the soil with the palm of your hand, or wrapping the pot in a bag in advance).
ON THE PICTURE: It's a paradox, but X lorophytum grows better in rooms with polluted air

2. one of best cleaners air thanks to its large leaves. They have many stomata, through which the plant absorbs harmful compounds and then converts them into sugars and amino acids. Ficus is ideal for rooms in which they used synthetic materials, or apartments with a lot of chipboard furniture. The wide leaves of the ficus compete with best air purifiers in terms of cleaning the air from dust! The plant is also an effective oxygen generator.
ON THE PICTURE: Regular wiping of ficus leaves promotes better air exchange and the process of photosynthesis

3. fights harmful compounds contained in varnishes and paints (xylene and toluene). The plant is especially necessary if there is parquet in the apartment. Dieffenbachia can be used in rooms whose windows overlook the highway or in houses located near large industries. Dieffenbachia phytoncides suppress the activity of staphylococci - pathogenic bacteria that cause many respiratory diseases.
ON THE PICTURE: Dieffenbachia not only purifies the air, its large decorative leaves will decorate any interior

4. or mother-in-law's tongue - a plant capable of large quantities produce oxygen. Sansevieria is very unpretentious and suitable for growing in offices. It has high phytoncidal activity against streptococci - the causative agents of sore throat, scarlet fever and other severe inflammatory diseases (pneumonia, endocarditis, etc.). In addition, Sansevieria is able to reduce the overall microbial contamination of the air. The plant's effectiveness in absorbing hazardous compounds has been proven. Of the common air pollutants, Sansevieria binds everything except ammonia.
ON THE PICTURE: Sansevieria, popularly called " pike tail"or "mother-in-law's tongue", one of the most unpretentious plants that purify the air

5. clears the air of most hazardous substances, with the exception of ammonia. Particularly effective. Dracaena phytoncides have a detrimental effect on protozoa. It is believed that Dracaena absorbs xylene, which is emitted by a computer monitor. Therefore, the plant is sometimes recommended to be placed next to computer desk. There is some truth in this statement - Dracaena does absorb xylene and toluene. But it is not the computer’s fault that the apartment is polluted with these compounds. Xylene is a popular solvent used in the production of varnishes, adhesives, paints, and plastics. He stands out from finishing materials used during renovation of residential premises.
ON THE PICTURE: Dracaena has many faces and sometimes its species are strikingly different from each other

6. cleans the air of many toxic compounds, including ammonia. Thanks to large leaves, the plant is able to cope with large amounts of pollution. In addition, it increases air humidity. This representative of the home flora is relatively shade-tolerant; it can be located in the back of the room or on staircases.
ON THE PICTURE: Spathiphyllum is one of the most popular plants when decorating offices and institutions.

7. has a high absorption coefficient of benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, trichloroethanol. The plant perfectly moisturizes and ionizes the air. Ivy is an indicator of the level of humidity in the room. If the air is dry, the leaves of the plant quickly become covered with brown spots. Ivy phytoncides reduce the activity of microorganisms that cause respiratory infections and some protozoa. The plant is widely used in folk medicine and for the manufacture of cough medications (such as Gedelix or Prospan). This shade-tolerant representative of the flora is suitable for rooms with a lack of natural light.
ON THE PICTURE: Ivy in Ancient Greece was sacred plant and was considered a symbol of affection

8. Not only beautiful flower, but also an effective room cleaner. Absorbs hazardous volatile compounds including xylene and ammonia. The plant releases a large amount of active phytoncides. Their action reduces the overall microbial contamination of the air.
ON THE PICTURE: Chrysanthemum means “golden flower” in Greek.

9. - an ornamental flowering plant that produces mass biologically active substances. Geranium and citranella essential oils have a beneficial effect on nervous system humans and repel insects. Menthol and turpentine have powerful antimicrobial activity, having a detrimental effect on dangerous microorganisms such as streptococci and staphylococci. It must be taken into account that blooming Pelargonium can cause allergic reaction, although this happens extremely rarely.
ON THE PICTURE: Pelargonium amazes with its variety of varieties

10. (Scindapsus aureus) is effective against two of the most common pollutants - formaldehyde and benzene. The plant's phytoncidal activity against bacteria and microscopic fungi is also high. In addition, Epipremnum ionizes the air and saturates it with oxygen. This unpretentious fast-growing vine with large leaves does not need special care, but it looks very impressive.
ON THE PICTURE: Golden scindapsus is distinguished by its unusual leaf color

  1. Healthy plants filter out harmful impurities better than stunted and diseased ones, so don’t forget to care for them.
  2. Use plants with dense foliage or large leaves to purify the air. They are considered the most effective cleaners.
  3. In the bedroom, one or two houseplants that release essential oils (such as Geranium or Pelargonium) can significantly improve the quality of sleep.
  4. Be sure to install “green filters” in the kitchen, where a lot of soot, smoke and other harmful substances are released.
  5. Wipe the leaves of plants often, avoid accumulating dust and dirt on them.

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