Sanitary for cleaning toilets. What is the best product to clean the toilet? Main types of toilet contamination

The toilet must be kept clean, since not only the external attractiveness of the plumbing fixtures depends on this, but also the health of the residents of the house or apartment, because the toilet is favorable place for propagation of various pathogenic microbes. Therefore, special attention must be paid to the choice of cleaning agent. To help in this matter, next we will look at what is the best toilet cleaner in a given case.

Surface cleaning products

Household chemicals

A toilet bowl cleaner must cope with a number of contaminants, such as:

  • Limescale;
  • Divorces;
  • Rust stains;
  • Cutting bad smell etc.

Preparations of various compositions can cope with such contaminants:

  • Alkaline– these include Domestos and the domestic Belizna. Chlorine, which is contained in these household chemicals, allows not only to remove rust and limestone, but also to provide disinfection. However, chlorine also has a number of disadvantages, such as an unpleasant pungent odor, as well as damage to the surface of plumbing fixtures, which occurs with its frequent use.

Using alkaline household chemicals is quite simple - you need to apply them to the surface covered with urinary stone or rust. After half an hour, the stains can be easily removed with regular cleaning. If it was not possible to completely remove the dirt the first time, the process should be repeated.

Acid-based preparation – Bref

  • Acidic– among them we can highlight “Silit”, “Bref”, “Toilet duckling” and oxalic acid, the price of which is the lowest. The use of acidic detergents is no different from alkaline ones, however, they deal with stains much more effectively.
  • Abrasive preparations– can be in the form of a powder or paste. To clean plumbing fixtures, the product should be applied to the contaminated surface and wiped off with a rag or a special sponge. This option cannot be called the best, since this work is dirty and tedious, and the surface of the plumbing will become rough, as a result of which it will become dirty faster.

Note! Before using household chemicals based on alkali or acid, you must put rubber gloves on your hands.

Thus, we can come to the conclusion that the most effective in terms of removing limescale and rust are acidic compounds. As for disinfecting the toilet, all types of detergents do a good job of killing germs.

Note! To care for plumbing fixtures artificial stone It is necessary to use toilet bowl cleaners without chlorine.

Folk remedies

Often, cleaning the toilet with folk remedies can give a positive result, since they are the same acids and alkalis, however, they are much cheaper than advertised drugs.

So, to clean the toilet you can use:

  • – applied to a contaminated surface and then washed off with any remaining plaque. This product is excellent option in cases where the toilet is not very dirty.
  • Lemon acid- works the same way as acetic acid. Before use, it must be dissolved in a small amount of water.

  • Carbonated drinks– these include “Coca-Cola” and “Sprite”. To clean the toilet, you simply pour the drink onto the surface and do not use the toilet for two hours. After this, the remaining dirt should be cleaned with a regular brush.

In addition, you can make a fairly effective toilet bowl cleaner with your own hands using hydrogen peroxide. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

This composition should be poured into the toilet and left for several hours, then rinsed and cleaned with a brush.

Clearing blockages

Caring for the toilet comes down not only to cleaning its surface, but also to periodically clearing blockages, especially for old Soviet-style apartments. Currently available special means for cleaning the toilet, which do a good job of this task.

These include:

  • Tiret;
  • Mole;
  • Mister Muscle;
  • Steril, etc.

The effectiveness of all these drugs is approximately the same, so it is difficult to say which one is the best. They perfectly dissolve hair and other organic materials, and also corrode limescale (with prolonged contact with it).

In the photo - Mister Muscle for cleaning all types of sewer pipes

Using these household chemicals is very simple:

  • The drug must be poured or poured into the toilet drain hole. This must be done carefully so that the liquid does not get on the skin.
  • After some time (indicated on the package), you need to make several pumps with the plunger.

Note! It is necessary to select preparations for it in accordance with the pipe material (plastic or cast iron). To do this, you need to read the information contained in the instructions on the package.

Here, perhaps, are all the main points you need to know in order to choose a good detergent.


Currently, you can find many different preparations for cleaning plumbing fixtures on sale. All of them do a good job of the task, especially those made on the basis of acids. However, in most cases they can be replaced with folk remedies that are listed above and get the same result.

You can get some additional information on this topic from the video in this article.

A clean toilet and toilet in your home is perhaps the most main criterion cleanliness. Plaque, rust and unpleasant odor can ruin the impression of even the most careful housewife. Spending your precious time on this, admittedly, is not the most exciting activity; few people like it. From this point of view, it is especially important that the cleaner you use does not force you to spend more time cleaning the toilet than you would like.

We need economical and effective household chemicals that will save us from a number of problems like limescale, stains, stains and a strong unpleasant odor. Can you trust advertising? How to navigate the variety of cleaning products that can be found on the market today and not make a mistake with your choice? To answer this question, we must first determine exactly what we expect from toilet and toilet cleaning products.

We tried to compile for you a comprehensive classification of cleaning products, collecting useful and important information about the composition, types and classification of toilet cleaning products. So, first of all, “toilet bowl cleaner” is a term that we will use to refer to household chemicals that can be used to clean:

  • the toilets themselves;
  • bidet;
  • urinals;
  • any other surfaces such as enamel, tiles, etc.

Cleaning products may also be intended:

  • For cleaning earthenware products (i.e. directly for the toilet bowls themselves).
  • For the cistern (usually deodorizing stones or sachets of gel).
  • For cleaning any surfaces.
  • Gels are the most popular form of toilet cleaning products. The reason for this is that, thanks to the special shape of the neck of such bottles, gels are very easy to apply under the rims of the toilet bowl, where it is otherwise quite difficult to penetrate. This helps to avoid contact with the skin, which is also important. Finally, the gels have a viscous consistency and, thanks to this, are easily and evenly distributed over the surface.
  • Liquid is a toilet bowl cleaner that is similar in function and characteristics to gels, but, as a rule, turns out to be less economical to use because it spreads much more easily. smooth surfaces, and therefore more of them are often required.
  • Powders, as a rule, are included in the list of universal products, for which cleaning the toilet is only one of the possible purposes. The effectiveness of their use is based on mechanical action. Speaking more in simple language When using powder, you cannot do without thoroughly rubbing the surface to remove dirt. In this case, not only our efforts work, but also the abrasive components contained in the powders. The big disadvantage of powders is that these very abrasive components, especially if they are large, damage the surface. In addition, due to their nature, powders are easily sprayed into the air, sometimes getting into the eyes and nose. However, their undeniable advantage is that the cost of powders compared to other types of cleaning products is much lower, which makes powders more accessible and therefore more popular.
  • Finally, there are so-called “deodorizing stones” in the form of hanging blocks. They are quite popular, but have a significant drawback: the procedure for replacing them is not very hygienic. The advantage is that with each flush it is provided hygienic treatment and a fresh smell. An alternative to hanging units are deodorizing tablets (plates) that can be placed directly into the tank. But don’t be confused: their purpose is only to maintain cleanliness, fresh smell and disinfection. They are not suitable for removing dirt!

The consistency of toilet bowl cleaners, as well as the degree of their concentration, directly affects the quality and properties of the product, and not all of them serve the same purpose. It's time to ask the question - what is the purpose of household chemicals intended for cleaning toilets?

Here is a fairly comprehensive list that we can give:

  • First, remove limescale. Its appearance on your plumbing fixtures and tiles is due to the fact that the water we use contains a lot of salts (most often calcium and magnesium). When deposited on surfaces, limestone forms a coating that is not so easy to remove. The most successful solutions for this task are cleaning products that contain acid. However, the use of acid-containing products will most likely not pass without a trace either on your toilet or on other plumbing items in the house. In addition, acid can be dangerous to humans - if it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, the area should be thoroughly rinsed with water. You should also avoid inhaling acid fumes.
  • Secondly, the removal of contaminants, some of which are stubborn and quite persistent (as a rule, due to the fact that they are already old). It must be said that with regular use, even not the most effective cleaning agent or only small quantities can perfectly maintain cleanliness. After all, it is always easier to remove fresh stains than those that have become thoroughly ingrained into the surface.
  • Thirdly, the destruction of unpleasant odors. In this case, the cleaning product can not only eliminate odor, but also leave behind a certain aroma. The task of some household chemicals comes down mainly to providing a pleasant smell in your toilet.
  • Fourth, disinfection and fight against germs and bacteria.

What about the composition? It should be noted that the composition of approximately all synthetic detergents is more or less identical - there are a number of chemical components that are mixed in different proportions, depending on the purpose of the detergent. Components may vary greatly in effectiveness and safety. If we look at the composition of detergents in more detail, we find out this:

  • Almost all household chemicals, including those whose purpose is to clean the toilet, contain surfactants (surfactants). The task of surfactants is to break down contaminants, separating them from the surface. The quality of surfactants may vary.
  • To enhance the properties of surfactants, manufacturers add acids and alkalis to household chemicals. The former do an excellent job of removing rust, which is actually converted into soluble salt, while the latter dissolve fats.
  • Finally, chlorine in household chemicals helps combat problems such as rust and limescale, and also provides disinfection. However, chlorine also has a number of disadvantages, including an unpleasant and pungent odor, as well as the fact that prolonged use of chlorine-containing cleaners damages the surface over time.

But let's get back to advertising. You should know that many actively advertised toilet cleaners, such as Cillit, Toilet Duck Active or Bref, have an acidity level below 3. This means that these cleaning products can only be handled with gloves! Domestos, which appears no less often on TV screens, contains alkali. Its acidity level is such that the use of rubber gloves is, in principle, not necessary, but it is still better to wear them, especially if you use it often. In general, it’s worth taking for general rule, that the more active the cleaning product, the more reasons you have to protect your hands!

But, for example, how to clean a toilet from rust most effectively? If we compare cleaning products by how well they cope with rust, then it should be noted that according to the studies carried out, the best results were shown by “Cillit”, “Active Toilet Duckling” and “Sanitary Gel”. They also cope well with limescale, against which, for example, Domestos and Sanitol turned out to be quite ineffective. As for killing bacteria, this is more of an advertising gimmick, because it is clear that almost any cleaning product can cope with bacteria due to the acids, alkalis or chlorine they contain.

The method of using almost all toilet bowl cleaning products is similar: after applying to the surface, wait three to five minutes. If the contamination is ingrained, this time can be increased to ten minutes or even more.

Finally, a socially responsible buyer who also cares about environment, when choosing household chemicals, you may wonder: how to clean the toilet without harming nature? If the cleaning product is safe and does not harm the environment, then you will most likely find a mention of this on the packaging. In particular, phosphates contained in toilet bowl cleaners may pose a potential hazard. When they get into water bodies, they have a negative impact on the life of fish and other inhabitants of the depths.

Remember, any cleaning product, and especially one that contains such potential hazardous substances like acids, chlorine or alkalis, it is best to keep them as far away from children as possible! Mixing should also be avoided chemicals, in particular with bleaches. In case of contact with skin or eyes, do not panic; rinse thoroughly with water. In any case, read the instructions carefully. Invaluable help when choosing a toilet cleaner will be provided by reviews that satisfied (or not so satisfied) customers often leave on the Internet - on forums or specialized sites.

We can only wish you patience in such a difficult task as maintaining cleanliness in the house and especially the toilet!

Reading time: 2 minutes

How to clean a toilet - the best bathroom cleaning products did an excellent job of removing dirt and plaque, including on ceramics and glass, tiles and tiles. We'll look at - cleaning outdoor toilets, cat litter boxes and human places to relieve themselves. There is nothing wrong if the housewife does not know how to deal with difficult stains. We will help you solve the problem in no time by providing detailed description and video materials.

Cleaning such a secluded and intimate place in the house should be a pleasure as soon as light stains or dust appear. In order not to spend hours over the toilet trying to wash away all the plaque, old blackened stains, and urinary stones formed over the years, periodically leaving to use this device, it is important to separate for yourself the good and not so good products that can quickly cope with contamination.


What is best for cleaning the toilet is a question to be answered. There are dry, liquid and gel powders for cleaning the bathroom. To help you better understand which toilet cleaner to choose for your home, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the rating.

Name Description Advantages Flaws

Toilet gel for cleaning the inside of toilet bowls. Can also be used externally for daily cleaning. Copes well with caustic dirt, plaque and yellowness. Suitable for cleaning bathtubs and Jacuzzis. Relatively high price. For the leader of the rating, this is the best price, which meets the required quality, while fulfilling all the promises made by the manufacturer.

The gel comes in a 900 ml package. If you've been looking for a one-bottle bath and toilet cleaner, this is the best cleanser. After use, you can notice a significant difference with the naked eye - traces from applying the gel are tens of times whiter than those that were not cleaned. To clean the entire toilet and bath without streaks and stains, you need several bottles.

Copes well with dirt and plaque. Also a good cleaner for taps and shiny surfaces. Can be used on ceramics and glass, porcelain and stainless steel. Acrid odor that requires ventilation of the room.

One of the best all-purpose cleaners kitchen utensils and technology. Also great for cleaning toilets inside and out. You can use it to clean your bathtub and bidet. Suitable for gentle cleaning and tough washing of old stains. Not suitable for daily use - highly concentrated composition may corrode the surface with frequent use.

A domestic product to combat germs and bacteria. Capable of cleaning enamel and porcelain tiles. It washes off easily and does not dry out the skin if it gets on your hands. Does not have a pungent odor. Not recommended for cleaning taps and plastic ( toilet cover and seat).

The product has proven itself to be the best for cleaning toilets. If you are still wondering how to clean a toilet without harming your health or causing significant damage to your wallet, we suggest you buy a proven detergent. Liquid, foams well. Low cost. Does not cope with rust, as stated on the packaging by the manufacturer.

A tool from the field of retail marketing. It has " scarce» composition, but easily removes dirt in the form of old yellow spots and raids. The quality is high, although the exact composition is unknown. High price relative to the leader in the rating.

Plumbing cleaning gel is perfect for cleaning toilets and bathtubs. It is not recommended to wash shower cabins with frosted glass relief type. Whitens well. Does not have a toxic odor. No significant deficiencies were identified.

Universal toilet detergents from this manufacturer can clean not only stubborn dirt, but also cope with rust. Removes traces of any dirt well. If the housewife forgot to flush the remaining product in the toilet, she will need a brush to clean the surface.

The most affordable solution that is suitable for washing any surface in the bathroom and toilet. Quickly washes away plaque and stone. Cheap domestic product. Doesn't last long.

Tip: Pay attention to the detergents located in the middle of the table - the price range is average, but the composition and quality are at the highest level.

At the same time, some products cope with plaque and old deposits in the form of stone. This can be noticed if a gray-yellow coating has formed on the bottom of the toilet. Such stains are difficult to remove with a brush or detergent, which is designed for easy washing.


To cope with difficult stains, aggressive detergents will be required. But how to clean a stone in a toilet if it has not been removed for many years? Urine stone is a mineral deposit to which dirt and fecal particles are constantly added. This whole scary picture isn’t so scary if you didn’t have to clean everything yourself. And sometimes even the most experienced housewives. But until this happens, we read further the recommendations of experts.

Limescale deposits are difficult to remove even with the most good means, if there is no water softener. This will significantly improve the situation - the water will completely clean out bowel movements without leaving any traces.

Hot water, as well as very cold water, can cause cracks in the toilet. This leads to clogging when dirt becomes clogged. To remove it, you should have a hard brush that can completely remove the dirt. However, then she will appear again.

Never use sharp tools to clean off plaque as this will damage the surface of the toilet. A thorough cleaning will require removing the water and then washing by hand.

To deal with urinary stones and limescale, you will need iodine and bleach, vinegar and chlorine. With the help of these solutions you can rid your plumbing of pungent odors and terrible dirt.

All of these alternative remedies can help you keep your skin clean. for a long time, if you follow the rules for preventing pollution. Otherwise, you will not only clog the equipment, but also ruin upper layer products. This will lead to a forced decision to change the toilet.


Another aspect that is very annoying and negatively affects plumbing. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to clean a toilet from rust using chemicals alone. This is a damaged top layer of equipment that corrodes the enamel, surface and coatings. It appears due to the roughness of the surface and the constant presence of water on the toilet. Such models are very unsuitable; it is better to choose models without a flat bowl.

The best means are:

  • Abrasive;
  • Alkaline;
  • Acidic.

Their effects on rust are different; we will describe them in more detail below. Instructions for use are also included.

Type of funds Description Application

These include potent drugs such as “ Comet" And " Pemolux" To prevent them from leaving marks and smudges, you need to use a hard non-metallic brush. Using a sponge, spread the product on the surface and rinse the toilet. Such products can scratch the toilet, so they are not suitable for thorough cleaning.

This group of substances includes “ Domestos». Famous brand, which has proven itself to be an excellent detergent for plumbing. Apply a little product to the surface and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with water. It does not scratch the surface and does not leave streaks due to its consistency.

Representatives of acid products were “ Sillit" And " Duckling». Easy to use - apply, wait and rinse. The danger is only for humans - you need to work only with protective gloves.

Tip: If you want to use alternative methods, use ammonia, oxalic or hydrochloric acid, electrolyte, Coca-Cola or white.

Cleaning dry toilets

Since an ordinary earthenware toilet is relatively easy to clean, the question remains on the agenda - how to clean a dry closet? This need arises when there is no sewage system at the dacha, and the toilets of the old era are no longer safe.

When choosing a toilet, you need to think about cleaning rules. They are always described in the instruction manual. However, some additives contain microorganisms that can convert waste products into fertilizers.

Before cleaning the dry closet, you need to disassemble the structure, separating the top from the bottom.

The tank needs to be filled with water and the container cleaned. You can wash off all waste with water or pour it into a trash bag.

The drive needs to be replaced several times during its entire lifespan. It is important to observe the type of dry closet.

Tip: Before disassembling the dry closet, check the instructions to see if there is an alternative cleaning method in the description. Some models can be washed using an additional back cover. Containers and bags are removed through it.

Tray washing

Very often we have to face problems in apartment buildings where pets live. They are forced to relieve themselves in special trays, but owners often find it difficult to wash even a simple plastic tray. As you know, cat urine has a pungent odor, and even loose toilets that absorb these odors cannot guarantee the freshness of the air in the apartment. So what to wash with cat litter so that there is no dirt or smell?

All contents of used cat litter should be thrown away. Then prepare the tray for cleaning by removing dried particles of filler.

Take regular dish soap and wash the tray with it. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

There is baking soda in the kitchen or laundry soap– rinse the tray using two methods alternately. Soda will get rid of fine particles and odor, and soap will remove all dirt and dust.

Do not use ammonia or citrus fruits - this will encourage the cat to lick the litter box, which is very harmful to its sense of smell. As a result, she will completely refuse to use the toilet.

Dry the litter box before filling it with cat litter. Place the tray in the same place.

Tip: Do not move the litter box if the cat is small and does not understand where to go to the toilet. If the pet is an adult, the tray can be sent to the restroom.

Pollution prevention

To prevent severe contamination, use the recommendations. They will help to avoid a negative outcome for the equipment, maintaining its properties and impeccable appearance.

Adjusting the tank Installing the filter
Tablets for the tank Liquid gels
Fresheners Antibacterial agents

With their help, you will never remember about grueling cleaning, unpleasant odors and the appearance of terrible plaque. All photo lists of cleaning products are suitable for thoroughly cleaning toilets, but it is important to choose the right product for each type of coating. And using the video example in this article

you will see how easily and simply you can eliminate all problems of household pollution.

Cleaning the toilet is not a very pleasant procedure, but it is necessary. To make life a little easier for housewives, experts have created many gels and powders. But how can you choose the best toilet cleaner from this huge range? You will find the answer to this question in our article.

We bring to your attention a list of products that can be used to comprehensively clean the toilet from any type of contaminant.

Cillit Bang Toilet Gel

Silite is based on hydrochloric acid, which is a fairly aggressive organic acid. Thanks to this, Silit effectively copes with rust and urinary stones.


  • effective remedy for cleaning the toilet;
  • thick consistency;
  • The bottle is equipped with a comfortable thin spout.


  • high price ( average price– 250 rub.);
  • There is no childproof cap.

Toilet duckling active 5 in 1 gel

Like Silite, Toilet Duck contains hydrochloric acid, but it is not as effective.


  • reasonable price (about 180 rubles);
  • The line includes several types of scents, so you can choose the most suitable one;
  • gel-like, medium-thick structure;
  • the presence of an original spout allows you to evenly distribute the substance;
  • The kit includes a childproof cap.


Duckling copes worse with pollution than Silit.

Domestos 100%

Domestos is a concentrated gel containing hydrochloric acid. It effectively removes the most difficult stains in the toilet. It has a thicker structure, so it is more economical than other similar products. Domestos takes a lot of time to remove stone and rust, but for that you don’t have to “help” it with a brush.


  • low cost (150 rub.);
  • thick consistency;
  • effective;
  • has protection against small children.


  • doesn't fix it the first time urinary stone;
  • strong unpleasant odor.

Domestos 100% is one of the best toilet cleaners

A very caustic gel based on sulfuric acid. When using it, you must follow safety precautions. Comet removes any dirt, but its main advantage is the removal of lime deposits. User reviews confirm that after using Comet the toilet does not get dirty so quickly.


  • effective;
  • low consumption;
  • good price (average 150 rubles);
  • has the most reliable protection from babies (the cap closes until there is a loud click).


  • very unpleasant smell;
  • requires increased caution when using.

AIST Sanox Ultra

The gel contains sulfamic and oxalic acid. The stork has a mild effect and practically no smell. Manufacturers call the gel a “cleaning accelerator,” but this is not entirely true: Stork consists of surfactants, acids and fragrance. The gel effectively fights difficult dirt and traces of old rust. Since the average price of Stork is 60 rubles, its bottle does not have a “fashionable” spout or protective cap.


  • cheap;
  • does not contain very aggressive acids;
  • smells good;
  • very effective.


  • inconvenient to use;
  • liquid compared to competitors;
  • no protective cap.

Sanita Anti-rust

Sanita Anti-rust

Sanita is suitable for housewives who constantly clean the toilet from rust and yellow plaque caused by bad water. Sanita is a gel consisting of several acids. According to some users, the substance removes not only old stains, but also blockages in the toilet.


  • removes all stains equally well;
  • low price(50 rub.)


  • contaminated areas of the toilet should be brushed;
  • there is no spout on the bottle;
  • there is no protective cap.

This product contains glycolic and phosphoric acids. This fact is an undeniable advantage of Faberlic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, since these acids are present in cosmetics and products. Thanks to its unique composition, the gel does not have an unpleasant chemical odor.


  • presence of a comfortable thin spout;
  • safe ingredients compared to competitors;
  • fresh smell;
  • protective cap;
  • does not leave traces of limescale and rust.


  • expensive (about 200 rubles per 0.5 liter);
  • ineffective in the fight against old stains;
  • very thick, you need to spread it with a brush.

The gel contains oxalic acid. Sarma removes stains well and returns the toilet surface to its original whiteness. The gel is almost as effective as its more expensive competitors, but in terms of ease of use it significantly surpasses them.


  • no pungent chemical odor;
  • after cleaning the toilet long time smells good;
  • whitens darkened areas;
  • There is a protective cap from babies;
  • good price (85 rub.).


  • cannot remove limescale well;
  • for elimination persistent pollution they need to be rubbed additionally with a brush.

The main feature of Sanfor is the presence of chlorine in the composition. The gel does a good job of disinfecting and whitening the toilet bowl. Sanfor can be used to remove organic blockages and grease. In the fight against limescale and rust, it is less effective than acid-based gels.


  • can be used on different surfaces;
  • quickly removes fresh stains;
  • destroys pathogenic microorganisms;
  • whitens;
  • fights mold;
  • affordable price (65 rub.);
  • bottle with a comfortable spout and a baby lock.


  • after the procedure, a persistent smell of bleach remains in the room;
  • ineffective in the fight against old rust and plaque.

Chistin Sanitary

In comparison with competitors, Chistin has the lowest price - 45 rubles. Despite this, its bottle is equipped with a locking cap and spout. The substance is made based on a mixture of acids and a corrosion inhibitor.


  • cheap;
  • effective against dirt, plaque and rust;
  • has a neutral odor.


  • liquid, quickly consumed;
  • quite caustic.

How to choose the right product?

If you want minimal physical and time costs, you need to buy products that do not require additional processing pollution. These are:

  • Cillit;
  • Domestos.

If you need to save money family budget, select products domestic producers– Sanox or Sanitu.

To keep your plumbing fixtures fresh and white for as long as possible, use Comet - it has a prolonged effect.

If the bathroom you are cleaning needs a good rust remover, then it is better to buy Sanita or Domestos.

Also, when choosing which product is better to buy, you need to pay attention to:

  • constituent components;
  • specifics of use;
  • security measures.

Rating of the best toilet bowl cleaners for urinary stones

To remove an unpleasant yellow coating, urinary stone, from the toilet, it is recommended to use:

  • Comet.
  • Dressing Duckling.
  • Domestos.

The best remedies for rust on the surface of the toilet bowl

According to consumers, the best means for cleaning toilet bowls from traces of rust are:

  • Sanita.
  • Sanfor.

Cleaning the toilet with folk remedies

If it is not possible to use store-bought household chemicals, they can be replaced with improvised products. According to housewives, people's councils They bleach and disinfect the toilet no less effectively. Let's look at the most popular ones.


IN Lately housewives began to actively use caustic soda. Alkali is the best tool for cleaning the toilet from urinary stone and grease. Before you start cleaning the toilet, be sure to wear thick rubber gloves.

Algorithm for cleaning a toilet using alkali:

  1. Remove any liquid from the toilet bowl completely. If you do not have a special device, simply scoop out the water.
  2. Pour the diluted lye into the container, cover with a lid for 3-4 hours.
  3. Treat contaminated areas with a brush.
  4. Rinse with water several times to remove any remaining lye and dirt.

Lemon acid

This product removes any impurities, including urinary stones. To clean the toilet, three tablespoons of the substance is enough.

Algorithm for using citric acid:

  1. Pour the entire dose of acid into the toilet.
  2. Cover with a lid for 4 hours.
  3. After this time, open the lid and flush the toilet with water several times.
  4. If there are small dirty areas left, scrub them a little with a brush.

If the dirt is deeply ingrained into the surface, repeat the procedure with acid several times in a row. To protect your plumbing from contamination, use this effective product once a month.


According to some consumers, the best remedy for keeping the toilet clean is a vinegar mixture. The essence is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • Add a teaspoon of iodine to 200 ml of vinegar and heat to 50 degrees. It is better to cover the container with vinegar with a lid so that a strong smell does not spread throughout the room;
  • Pour the heated solution into the toilet bowl, previously cleaned with baking soda;
  • Cover the toilet with a lid for 10-12 hours.

After the specified time has passed, rinse the bathroom with copious amounts of water, while simultaneously wiping it with a toilet brush or soft brush.


The best remedy To clean the toilet from stones and bacteria - regular bleach. This substance has a high whitening effect, but in order for it to overcome urinary stones, you need to work a little more on the problem areas with a brush or a special pumice stone on a stick.

Neglected case: which toilet cleaner is better?

According to reviews from housewives, regular Coca-Cola or Sprite helps them cope with complex stains in the bathroom. The method of use is very simple: pour the drink over the toilet, cover with a lid and leave for 2.5 hours. After this, lightly scrub the surface of the bowl with a brush and rinse with water.

The best solution for cleaning rust from a toilet bowl is a solution with hydrogen peroxide. To prepare it you will need:

  • ammonia - two teaspoons;
  • peroxide – 300 ml;
  • water – 2 l.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly, pour them into the toilet and leave for two hours. Then rinse thoroughly with water, while simultaneously brushing the surface.

The best product for cleaning the toilet and cistern from dirt is phosphoric acid. This substance is extremely dangerous to human health, so special care should be taken when using it.

For the procedure you will need 140-160 grams of acid. Pour it into the tank for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly inner surface containers clean water. Cleaning the toilet is carried out in a similar way.

It is difficult to say for sure which of the above products removes stains best. To avoid this problem and keep the toilet clean, carry out preventive cleaning of the bathroom every 10-14 days. household chemicals or with improvised means.

The toilet room and its cleanliness is something that speaks volumes about the neatness of the owner of the apartment. On modern market There is a rich assortment of all kinds of substances that can easily remove plaque and add neatness and luster to the bathroom. Toilet bowl cleaners easily defeat germs and clean porcelain surfaces. In addition, they greatly facilitate cleaning, making it simple, but at the same time quite effective.

Main types of toilet contamination

Depending on the type of contamination, it is necessary to use appropriate detergents.

Keeping the toilet clean is a top priority and it is not too difficult to implement. It is important to regularly pay attention to this accessory, otherwise you can wait for a situation where the dirt is firmly embedded and it becomes incredibly difficult to get rid of it.

It is worth noting that usually the following contaminants appear on the surface of the toilet bowl, which housewives have to clean:

  • limescale, which occurs when tap water It is characterized by a high salt content and a considerable level of hardness. To combat it, you need to use toilet bowl cleaners that contain alkaline substances;
  • rust can appear when the pipes through which water flows to the bathroom are not new and clean. Acid can deal with it;
  • household pollution that settles on the surface is removed using substances called surfactants;
  • the bad odor caused by multiplying bacteria can be quickly and easily removed with bleach; as a rule, most such products contain it. In addition, they contain fragrances that perfectly mask any aroma.

Gel is an economical and easy-to-use toilet cleaner.

It is worth noting that the following substances and means are used to combat contamination of plumbing products:

  • Chemically active, which quickly tidies up the surface of the toilet:
  • gel: it is perfectly applied to the surface of the toilet bowl, and its structure allows it to slowly spread and carry away all germs and bacteria. As a rule, for the convenience of applying such substances, a bottle with a spout is used, which is bent at a certain angle, which allows you to direct the flow of the product even to hard-to-reach places;
  • liquid: a less economical product that quickly drains into water;
  • powder: you have to constantly rub it into the walls of the product to clean them. Therefore, they are not very easy to clean;
  • cream: gently removes plaque without damaging the surface of the earthenware. Unfortunately, manual application deprives it of consumer popularity.
  • Preventative, the main task of which is to prevent contamination:

  • tablets, washers or cubes that need to be attached to the toilet so that the flushed water passes through them, achieving the release of cleaning and refreshing particles;
  • magnetic rings that need to be installed directly into cistern. They are expensive, but they effectively dissolve contaminants.
  • Folk remedies that have no worse ability to deal with unpleasant phenomena:
  • soda;
  • vinegar.

When choosing a product that helps to effectively clean the bathroom, you should, first of all, pay attention to the most economical ones, which, moreover, can be used without much effort.

The best toilet cleaner

An acid or alkali in the cleaning agent helps remove rust.

Any woman who runs a household is faced with the need to make a decision and choose the best toilet cleaner that removes plaque and gives the whole room a smell of freshness and cleanliness.

It should be noted that a properly selected cleaner copes with the following problems:

  • removes contaminants that appear during product operation;
  • dissolves lime deposits;
  • removes rust marks on the surface;
  • disinfects the toilet.

To achieve these goals, the cleansing agent contains the following ingredients:

  • Surfactants that fight organic contaminants and are necessary for high-quality toilet cleaning. As a rule, non-ionic ones are considered the safest variety.
  • Acidic or alkaline compounds that make it possible to achieve the dissolution of rust molecules, as well as plaque, which quite often forms on the walls of the product. It is worth noting that they must be handled with extreme caution so as not to burn your hands or mucous membranes.
  • Chlorine compounds, which allow you to destroy bacteria and disinfect the bathroom.

Today the following brands are considered the most popular, and therefore effective:

  • Cillit Bang. This toilet bowl cleaner is formulated in a gel form, making application easy and convenient. In addition, the container is equipped with a spout, which allows you to bring the substance to the most difficult to reach places.

This gel contains hydrochloric acid, which dissolves and removes all contaminants, including rust. However, it must be used with caution, wearing gloves to prevent chemical burns.

The following advantages of using Cillit Bang gel can be noted:

  • high efficiency;
  • minimum level of spending;
  • ergonomic packaging for easy application.

Disadvantages of Cillit Bang gel:

  • not the lowest price;
  • The product is not equipped with a lid that children cannot open.
  • Domestos. This toilet bowl cleaner is also created in the form of a gel, which does an excellent job of removing quite complex species pollution. The acid in its composition perfectly dissolves rust stains, as well as fungi and bacteria.

This gel has important advantages:

  • its consistency is quite viscous and viscous, which allows it to be evenly distributed over the entire surface of the toilet;
  • minimally possible consumption substances for effective cleansing;
  • equipped with protection against opening by children.
  • the presence of a persistent and pungent odor.
  • "Comet 7 days of cleanliness." This gel has the ability to keep plumbing cleanliness under control for a whole week. As the manufacturer notes, it is enough to apply it once, after which it does an excellent job of maintaining order for 7 days. The product works thanks to the sulfuric acid it contains.

It is necessary to emphasize its following advantages:

  • ability to remove any contaminants;
  • low consumption with high efficiency;
  • low price;
  • prolonged protection of plumbing fixtures;
  • a lid that children cannot open.

Disadvantages of the cleaning product:

  • Quite a strong smell of chloride component.
  • "Toilet duckling" Gel that works on the basis of hydrochloric acid, thereby combating stubborn stains.

The following advantages can be noted:

  • the presence of a spout that allows you to apply the product under the rim;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • affordable price;
  • effective fight against bacteria;
  • protective cap.


  • The consistency is medium thick, which is why the product is consumed quite quickly.
  • "Sanox Ultra". Enough good drug, it is produced by a domestic factory, which determines its low cost, and the efficiency does not suffer from this at all. Active substance It removes both rust and plaque well, and smells pretty good.

Advantages of Sanox Ultra:

  • low price;
  • effective work;
  • presence of fragrance.

Disadvantages of the product:

  • not too thick consistency;
  • packaging that does not have child protection and a curved spout.

Cleaning the toilet with folk remedies

Hardware stores offer a variety of toilet cleaning products, which differ not only in their cost, but also in their level of effectiveness. Nevertheless, every housewife is quite capable of cleaning plumbing using available folk remedies that are found in the house.

The following methods are recognized as the most popular in the fight for toilet cleanliness:

  • Vinegar. The most common and gives excellent results due to the fact that it is an acid. It should be used as follows:
  • apply to the walls and leave to act for a period of 20 to 30 minutes;
  • wash off big amount water.
  • Soda. It cleans deposits and plaque well due to its abrasiveness. It must be applied to the walls of earthenware. In addition, it has the important ability to clean sewer drains.
  • Lemon acid. Allows you to clean the surface of the toilet bowl easily and simply. It is enough to apply it to the surface, after which you can get rid of both the annoying plaque and most microbes.
  • White. Contains chlorine and works great in cleaning the toilet. It must be applied in the evening so that the substance works throughout the night. After this, rinse the composition with water and do not worry about the presence of bacteria.

DIY toilet cleaner

Craftsmen have long developed their own toilet cleaner, which can deal with various problems with maximum efficiency, including bacteria, dirt, plaque and unpleasant odors, and at the same time costs very little. In addition, such a substance will be as safe as possible for people living in the house, especially if they have various kinds allergies, and pets.

How to cook it? Need to take some essential oils, vinegar, starch and salt. If the components are selected in the right amount, we can hope to create a product that will perfectly cope with all the problems of plumbing and its care.

Creating a toilet cleaner involves the following steps:

  • Place 3 teaspoons of coarse salt in a bowl and mix them with 3 tablespoons of starch.
  • Add 1/2 cup of water to the resulting mixture, then mix everything thoroughly.
  • Place the bowl on the stove and cook until thickened, constantly stirring its contents thoroughly.
  • Remove the container from the heat and add 15 ml of vinegar and a little essential oil with any aroma.
  • The mixture will be very thick, now you can form it into a ball, which you need to leave overnight, and then attach it to the toilet using wire or other improvised objects.

This completely simple procedure for preparing a toilet cleaner can please owners with excellent results at minimal cost.

In conclusion, it must be emphasized that with the modern assortment of goods in hardware stores that offer wide choose all kinds of cleaning products, cleaning the toilet will not be difficult. Nevertheless, regularly keeping it clean will minimize labor and costs, and will also preserve the comfort in your home and the health of its inhabitants.

Not really

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