Blue ageratum flowers. Ageratum: planting, growing and care in open ground. Growing from seeds

At the disposal of an experienced landscape designer There are hundreds of names of flowering plants that can be used as border plantings. They perfectly frame flower beds and flower beds, decorate balconies and loggias, and plant greenery on terraces and verandas.

Mexican ageratum flowers (Ageratum) have been known for a long time and have gained well-deserved popularity due to their unusual appearance buds.

At the time of its flowering, it forms a dense covering layer. Blooming rug able to decorate a space for a long period of time, because under suitable temperature conditions external environment buds are formed almost continuously.

Ageratum is a perennial plant, but in complex climatic conditions It is grown as an annual because it does not tolerate cold, snowy winters.

Look at the photo of ageratum flowers grown seedling method and used for various design purposes:

What attracts you to this bright representative of the southern flora? First of all, noteworthy is the flowering period, which when organizing proper care starts from the beginning of June and ends only after the first snow falls (in October - November).

It's continuous flowering plant can be subjected to repeated pruning during the seasonal growing season, which allows you to form various flower sculptures and decorate borders.

The crop can also be used for growing in a flower bed, in a pot or container.

Popular rumor called the ageratum “long-flowered,” which echoes the translation from Latin language"ageless". Myths and legends tell us that growing of this flower promotes health and longevity.

It is recommended to have a pot of longflower in your home and office. Moreover, the plant can bloom almost continuously throughout the winter. Only a few specimens require a short period of rest from December to January.

The flower received the name Mexican not by chance; the fact is that the first species were discovered in Mexico. Then travelers brought similar specimens from Peru. Botanically, it belongs to the Asteraceae and Evergreen family.

The full name of the culture is Ageratum Houstonian mexicanum; several varietal groups are known, differing only in the color of the buds.

The height of the stem does not exceed 50 cm. The most common species do not grow more than 20 cm in height, but at the same time they branch well, forming a lush bush within a short period of time after planting.

Look at the photo of the ageratum flower - you can see the characteristic structure of the petals, presented in the form of narrow rolled tubes. They exude a light but fairly persistent aroma.

The inflorescences are always collected in small baskets, which creates the impression of an elegant light ball. The total size of the inflorescence of one plant can reach up to 10 cm in diameter. And when several such inflorescences bloom at once, they completely cover all the foliage, turning the bush into one large flowering ball.

The leaf has a diamond shape with jagged edges and a rich green color.

After flowering, wedge-shaped seeds with high germination capacity ripen. You can harvest them yourself; they produce strong seedlings for 3 years from the date of collection.

Well, another portion of photos of ageratum flowers with various options their uses:

Growing ageratum from seeds with seedlings: planting and caring for the plant

The ageratum plant belongs to the heat-loving and light-loving species of flora, therefore for successful growth and development it is necessary high temperature ambient air and long daylight hours. It is useless to sow in February. It is also difficult to get a positive result by sowing in the ground in May.

The only way to grow ageratum from seeds is seedlings, which must provide suitable conditions kept in room or greenhouse conditions.

Ageratum seedlings are not particularly whimsical and capricious; even with minimal care they grow strong and viable.

Sowing should be done in mid-March. To do this, prepare containers with a transparent lid, which can be glass or plastic film. Take 2 parts turf land, 1 part of sand and peat (humus or compost).

Everything is thoroughly mixed, calcined in the oven and additionally disinfected with a pink solution of manganese.

Filled with soil landing tanks, the surface is slightly compacted and moistened with a spray bottle. Then the seeds are laid out on the surface, which need to be lightly pressed to the ground, but not allowed to cover them with soil.

For successful and friendly germination they need straight sun rays. The moistening procedure is repeated using a spray bottle. Then the container is covered with glass or plastic film.

Until germination, the pot should be kept on a well-lit windowsill, where the temperature does not drop below 20 degrees Celsius.

First shoots at proper organization germination appears after a week. During this time, daily drip irrigation(very careful) and ventilation for 30 minutes daily.

After all shoots have appeared, the film or glass is removed. The gradual development of seedlings begins.

In the phase of 2 true leaves, the first picking into separate peat pots is needed. After transplantation, feeding begins 2 weeks later mineral fertilizers with a predominant percentage of potassium and phosphorus.

The plant needs less nitrogen. The soil for picking should be nutritious and well structured.

Planting ageratum in open ground can only be done after the threat of return spring frosts has passed.

Before transplantation, the seedlings are hardened for 2 weeks. Taking them out into the open air begins with a 15-minute “walk.” Gradually this time increases to 5-7 hours a day.

Subsequent care of the ageratum plant consists of regularly loosening the soil, since the fibrous root system it is located at a shallow depth and needs a constant supply of fresh air. The formation of a soil crust inhibits the growth of bushes and can lead to their death.

Watering is done 2 times a week, during heat and drought - daily. Application of mineral fertilizers - by root feeding combined with loosening and mulching of the soil.

These are the basic rules for planting and caring for ageratum in open ground conditions, in room conditions agricultural technology is different. In the future, propagation is possible by cuttings and rooting branches, dividing the uterine bush.

When landing on permanent place“residences” should be left between plants at a distance of at least 30 cm. Only in this case is full development possible. Flowering usually begins 2 months after emergence.

Varieties and colors of ageratum in the flowerbed: blue and blue, pink and white (with photo)

One of the first varieties of ageratum “blue mink” was at the disposal of collectors - this plant had a pleasant pastel shade blue color.

The variety was used mainly in borders and mixborders. Then in the process breeding work Other shades were also released.

The most popular colors of ageratum are blue and white, pink and blue shades. Their combinations and combinations in flower beds and flowerbeds allow you to create pictures of amazing beauty.

Widely used in the formation of state symbols, the formation of paintings and sculptures.

Before growing ageratum in a flowerbed, you need to decide on the shades and varietal characteristics. In particular, it is worth choosing plants with the same botanical characteristics - the width of the bush, the height of the stem and peduncle.

It is worth paying attention to the following varieties of ageratum Capri (Capri), Blue Mink (Blue Mink), Pinky Improved (pink), Purple Fields.

Choose suitable species The height of the bushes can be determined by the standard markings used to mark bags of seeds.

So, dwarf plants are designated by the word “pumilum” - their height does not exceed 12 cm. But medium-sized varieties are designated by the word “nanum”, they do not reach a height above 30 cm.

It is also worth remembering the good old hybrid forms, especially those related to F1 selection.

Their distinctive feature- rapid growth and huge inflorescences, giving an absolutely fantastic look to the flowering bush.

White ageratum variety “Summer Snow” deserves special attention - look at the photo of representatives of this family:

Magnificent snow-white inflorescences will be a wonderful addition to gerberas and verbenas planted nearby. But the blue ageratum “Adriatic” in the photo is shown in various types of its use, most often it is a border form of plants.

Graceful and “clean” snow-white chrysanthemums and zinnias will look advantageous against a pastel background that sets them off.

In this case, blue ageratum “Ocean” can be used to decorate flower beds and flower beds with various zinnias, asters, marigolds and dahlias planted there.

(Ageratum) - flowering ornamental plant, which will decorate your garden plot. A representative of the Aster family (lat. Asteraceae). IN wildlife There are 60 species of it, but only one is cultivated - Ageratum mexicanis.

Although its homeland is considered to be South and Central America, ageratum is very popular in India and is found in many countries with tropical and subtropical climates, where it grows as a perennial flowering plant.

In our latitudes, the plant is grown as an annual in open areas. Ageratum is not whimsical, but does not tolerate frost.

In some greenhouses there are ageratum - perennial.

Thanks to its rich variety of colors and colors, I use ageratum to design compositions, as living borders, and flower beds. A garden in which ageratum grows will become the object of everyone's attention, as it attracts the eye with a rich color palette.

Ageratum has been known for more than 200 years, but it began to be actively grown only recently, as if blooming carpet, pleases flower growers with its long flowering period from May until the first frost.

Translated from Latin (ageratos) - ageless. Proof of this is its flowering period from May to October, and its ability long time, stay fresh after cutting. Due to this property, ageratum is also called centenarian or long-flowered.

Ageratum prefers bright light and warm climate, but can grow in partial shade. It reproduces by seeds, but only a small part of them inherit the maternal similarity. Perennial plants are propagated by cuttings.

Description: Low-growing, barely reaches 0.5 m with a multi-colored range: blue, lilac, lilac, cream. More often in garden plots there is blue with various shades.

There are two types:

  1. erect
  2. spreading

There is also dwarf forms, adapted to exist indoors.

Fluffy bisexual flowers are collected in a dense inflorescence, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, but despite their small size, their density is impressive, it seems as if you are looking at a fluffy flower carpet.

In the fall, several thousand are collected from one achene.

The bush consists of numerous slightly pubescent stems. In branched varieties with shoots in contact with the ground, adventitious roots grow.

The leaves are oval, triangular or diamond-shaped, green in color, located on short petioles. There are notches along the perimeter of the leaf plate. They are located alternately in the upper part and oppositely in the lower part. The height of erect shoots is up to 60 cm.

Small flowers are collected in inflorescences - baskets. In turn, the baskets are collected in a complex thyroid inflorescence up to 10 cm in length. Bright stigmas and perianths are painted the same color. During the budding period, a strong pleasant aroma is felt.

At the end of August, the fruits begin to ripen as the baskets fade. The fruits are small achenes 3-4 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, dark in color. Seeds of a wedge-shaped pentagonal shape remain viable for up to 4 years.

Perennial varieties of ageratum are propagated by cuttings.

Ageratum - growing from seeds, when to plant, planting and care in open ground

Planting of ageratum begins with sowing, then it is germinated and in the spring it is planted in open areas.

Sowing seeds

High-quality raw materials for sowing are collected from the main shoot and daughter shoots of the first level.

When to sow ageratum for seedlings?

Sowing is carried out from mid-March to mid-April in small containers.

The composition is a mixture of peat, sand and humus taken in equal proportions.

Previously, the substrate is abundantly moistened with a spray bottle and seeds are sown on the surface. The seed material is distributed evenly over the surface, and a 2-3 mm layer of substrate is sprinkled on top.

Then the container is covered with plastic film (a glass jar) or placed in a mini greenhouse, creating greenhouse conditions. It is necessary to maintain 20-22 degrees.

The container is placed in a well-lit place without direct sunlight.

The container is regularly ventilated and the soil moisture is monitored, and if necessary, lightly moistened with a spray bottle.

After 1-2 weeks, the first shoots will appear, and upon reaching two of their own leaves, the young shoots dive into separate containers. By this time, the seedlings will have become stronger and do not need a greenhouse.

The second time, each seedling is planted into separate bowls. As soon as the night frosts recede and warm days arrive, ageratum is planted in open areas, as a rule, this happens from mid-May.

Ageratum: planting and care in open ground

2-3 weeks before planting, young shoots are pinned. The temperature is reduced to 15 -17 degrees and taken out into the open air during the day, protected from precipitation and direct rays of the sun.

From the moment of sowing until the buds appear, 2 months pass.

Usually decorated along flower beds and paths as living borders. To create a dense colored coating, seedlings are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm. They are pre-watered and carefully removed from the container.

Small holes are made in the ground where each sprout is placed. Sprinkle the top with soil and water generously.

Ageratum prefers fertile and loose soil, consisting of peat and leaf soil with good water permeability and neutral acidity. Heavy clay soils won't fit.

Choose a well-lit place; the plant is not afraid of direct rays of the sun. In partial shade, ageratum blooms less intensely.

About a month after planting, the first buds will appear.

Video - growing ageratum from seeds, transplanting to open ground

Ageratum care

Care is not difficult and is suitable for beginner gardeners. Before planting, the soil is mulched with rotted sawdust or manure. When any weeds appear, it is necessary to weed the ground. Loosening is done regularly.

Water moderately in the absence of rain, allow the top layer to dry. Excessive watering leads to rotting of the roots. It is better to under-moisturize than to over-moisturize.

Throughout the season it is necessary to apply fertilizer several times:

  • The first time was 2 weeks after disembarkation.
  • Second time during budding
  • Third time during the flowering period (at the discretion of the gardener)

Organic fertilizers alternate with mineral ones.

If flowering is poor, complex mineral fertilizers are added. Once a season, water with diluted mullein as a top dressing. Do not apply fresh manure or fertilizers with increased content nitrogen, as this will speed up shoot growth, but will bloom late.

Regularly inspect the surface for the presence of wilted buds (plucking them) and prune the shoots. After circumcision it grows even more. After pruning, several branching points (internodes) should remain.

For intensive flowering, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used.

Rules for successful flowering:

  • Add fertilizers sparingly, especially nitrogen-based ones.
  • The soil is nutritious and loose.
  • Good lighting without drafts.
  • Regular pruning or pinching of buds.

The buds bloom in different times. If you do not intend to collect fruits for re-sowing next year, remove faded buds.

Ageratum after flowering

Wilting begins with the first night frosts and is unable to survive frosts. There are two ways to further propagate ageratum.

Dry the faded fruits and collect planting material from them. Usually collected from main and daughter shoots. Germination persists for 3-4 years and in the spring, as described above, it is sown to grow seedlings. Store in a dry place in paper bags.

The second method is to prolong flowering followed by cuttings.

With the onset of frost, lush bushes that have not yet faded are dug up and transplanted into pots, then the ageratum winters in the apartment. They are gradually moving from the street to the premises. First, ageratum is left on the balcony or loggia, where the temperature is an order of magnitude lower than room temperature and the temperature is gradually increased.

As a rule, due to the lack of sufficient lighting, it will not bloom again, but the preserved buds will delight the gardener’s eye for a long time.

In some cases, it is possible to extend flowering until the New Year. It is advisable to place ageratum in winter unheated veranda or glass balcony with a temperature of 7-15 degrees. With the onset of March, cuttings are cut. The cut is made oblique to increase the area for moisture absorption and useful substances from the ground.

Cut cuttings are treated in a growth stimulator (Kornevin, Heteroauxin) and planted in small containers. Cover the top with film or place it in a mini-greenhouse. The soil is constantly kept moist and the temperature is 20-22 degrees.

After 2-3 weeks, the cuttings will quickly take root and after another 2 weeks new shoots will successfully begin to appear. As soon as it gets warmer outside and the night readings rise above 0, the cuttings, like seedlings, are moved into the garden, choosing a sunny place.

This method increases stamina and growth.

If for some reason you didn’t want to take cuttings, you can replant the whole thing without any problems. The plant is perennial; therefore, one bush can be preserved for several years.

Pests and diseases

Any plant growing on outdoors, more susceptible to attack by insects and diseases than indoor ones.

Ageratum is often accompanied by root rot. The reason for this is a rainy summer or abundant watering. In such a climate, it is necessary to first prepare the place by laying drainage layer to remove moisture.

In addition, cucumber leaf mosaic, bacterial wilt, nematodes, and armyworms appear.

If affected by root rot, the plant cannot be saved. It gradually fades, leaves and flowers fall off. But there are measures to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • Light and sandy composition
  • If necessary drainage system
  • Moderate and controlled watering
  • Periodically remove weeds and loosen the substrate

If, nevertheless, root rot has occurred, the damaged ones are dug up, and healthy ones are treated with the drug (Fundazol and Oxychoma) according to the instructions.

The appearance of cucumber mosaic is also fatal to ageratum.

The main signs of the virus: a yellow blotch appears, which gradually increases. The bush is also dug up and thrown away.

At home, protect seedlings or mature ageratum from whiteflies and spider mites. In case of damage, the surface is treated with a soap solution or insecticides (Akarin, Apollo, Nissoran).

  • Spider mite - white coating in the form of a web. White spots are visible on the surface of the leaf blade.
  • Whitefly is a white coating on shoots and leaves. This tiny white moth feeds on the sap of the plant. If you don’t notice and take action in time, they are gradually lost. vitality, fades and dries up. There are insecticides for control: Tanrek, Aktara, Bankol.

Ageratum in landscape design

Ageratum is universal for creating unsurpassed flower arrangements. Due to the multi-colored flowering, purchased seeds are often found mixed with different colors; after sowing, multi-colored carpet paths and borders are obtained.

A frequent guest in the composition during creation alpine slides, flower beds, tall varieties They act as hedges and are used to create multi-colored carpet paths; blue varieties create an imitation of a stream flowing in the wind.

Ageratum is used in composition with calendula, phlox, salvia, snapdragon, etc.

Low growing varieties They are used to decorate gazebos; they are placed in a suspended state on balconies, loggias, around gazebos and verandas.

Video - caring for ageratum in the garden

Types and varieties of ageratum

There are about 60 species in the Ageratum genus, each of which is divided into varieties with different colors. There are also hybrid forms bred by breeders.

Ageratum is a bush-like flowering plant with triangular, oval or diamond-shaped dark green toothed leaves. The bush consists of many erect branched stems, and the height of the branches varies from 10 to 60 centimeters. Small flowers are collected in inflorescences up to 1.5 cm in diameter, which, in turn, create large corymbose compounds. The flowers are fluffy, somewhat similar to asters.

About sixty species of ageratum are known, and many of them do not require special care. The color palette is very diverse: white, blue, pink, light blue, purple colors and their shades. The difference between ageratum varieties lies in the timing of flowering, the colors of the buds, the height of the bushes and the shape of the leaves. Ageratum is a perennial, but in our latitudes it is often grown as an annual, so below we present to your attention the most popular varieties of this plant with a description, and we can confidently call them the best varieties agertuma.

Did you know? Translated from Latin, "ageratos" means "ageless", the flower received this name due to its ability to retain freshness after cutting.

The spherical bush has many branched erect stems, covered a large number leaves. Their height does not exceed twenty centimeters. The leaves are diamond-shaped, jagged along the edges. The inflorescences are compact, white, like milk, and the bush blooms from July to October. "Albu" is grown as a container flower or for decorating bouquets. "Alba" is one of the most popular varieties of ageratum.

Important! The flower belongs to poisonous plants, as it contains substances that can cause allergies.

Argentum "Summer Snow" flowers are better known as "white ball" or " white variety argentum". The plant is a close-knit bush with a height of 20 to 45 centimeters, the inflorescences of which have a diameter of up to two centimeters and are located in baskets, white. Flowering occurs densely, and the bushes themselves look like lush balls. The branches of the plant are erect, with a large number of leaves. The flowers look like white fluffy pompoms. Ageratum "Summer Snow" is grown in flowerpots and flower beds, as a separate plant and in composition with other plants.

Did you know? Ageratum came to us from Central America, Peru and Mexico.

Ageratum "Blue mink" is a bush-like compact columnar plant reaching a height of 20-30 cm. There are few leaves on the shoots, but they are large and have round shape. The lilac-blue flowers are collected in compact inflorescences with a diameter of more than two centimeters. Flowering occurs from June to October. Distinctive feature This variety is drought tolerant."Blue Mink" is often used to decorate balconies, terraces, and flower beds.

Important! White and pink ageratums planted in open ground lose their color when they fade in the sun.

"Fire Pink" is a dark pink, lilac or salmon-colored ageratum with small leaves and loose inflorescences. Baskets with a diameter of 1 centimeter are collected in liquid inflorescences not exceeding 5 centimeters in diameter. The flower bushes are knocked down and reach a height of thirty centimeters.

Blue Lagoon

"Blue Lagoon" has well-branched erect stems, growing no higher than 25 centimeters, abundantly covered with leaves. The color of the spherical inflorescences is light lilac. Plants of this variety are used to form flower beds, flower beds, and also as potted plants - to decorate terraces and gazebos. Flowering begins in June.

"Blue Angel" is a low-growing ageratum, since the height of the variety does not exceed eighteen centimeters. Cushion-shaped bushes, tightly collected. The inflorescences of this variety are blue, spherical and reach a diameter of ten centimeters. Blooms early.

Blue Adriatic

"Blue Adriatic" - ageratum related to hybrid forms, having densely collected stems up to 20 cm high. The bushes look like balls, slightly decomposed. The color of the inflorescences is blue-violet.

"Bavaria" is a two-color variety of ageratum. The height of the bush reaches thirty centimeters. Inflorescences are loose. The center of the inflorescence baskets is light blue, and the thin petals surrounding it are fringed with a bright blue color.

Red Sia

"Red Sia" refers to ageratum hybrids. A distinctive feature of this variety is the size and color of the flowers. The bush blooms before the onset of frost. The shoots are erect with a large number of leaves. The trunk height is up to 60 centimeters, while the bushes do not lose their compactness. Unusual for ageratums is the red color of the flowers. good company in flower beds and flower beds, ageratum can be composed of yellow marigolds or rudbeckia. "Red Sia" refers to late-flowering ageratums.

"Blausternchen" is a low-growing variety of ageratum. Height compact bushes does not exceed 15 centimeters. Thin ruby ​​stems with a purplish tint, well branched and abundantly covered with leaves. There are few flowers in loose inflorescences and they have a lilac-blue color. Flowering occurs from June to October. The plant does not like drought. Ageratum "Blausternchen" is used as a ground cover plant in flower beds, ridges and borders.

Originally from Central and North America. The ageratum flower got its name from the Latin “ageratos”, which means “ageless”, but in our country its other name has taken root – “long-flowered”. This quite accurately describes the plant, because the flowering of ageratum begins in June and lasts until the first frost, and tall varieties, actively used in floristry, are able to maintain freshness for a very long time when cut without additional care.

Ageratum grows and branches well, so landscape design it is used to create hedges and borders, the branches and stems of which, intertwined, create a monolithic green fence. It is grown primarily for its fluffy flowers, reminiscent of pompoms, which are collected in dense inflorescences. The palette is most often shades of blue, but there are varieties of white, pink, red and burgundy; when planted en masse, it forms an almost continuous flowering “carpet.”

Ageratum is often planted along the edges of flowerbeds with zinnia, cosmos, cleome, verbena, where it will look bright as a beautiful lush spot. Ageratum also goes well with marigolds, evening primrose, balsams, calendula, snapdragon, asters and roses. It is often used to simulate a dry stream or pond in an area.

Advice! Together with marigolds, it is good to plant it at the roots clematis, they will create necessary for the roots clematis coolness.

It is also used in single plantings; it will look especially impressive against the backdrop of a well-groomed, uniform green lawn. Low-growing varieties of ageratum tolerate growing in flowerpots well, so they are often used for decorating balconies and decorations. patio, gazebos, recreation areas and entrance areas.

Ageratum: types and varieties

Despite the fact that ageratum is a perennial, in our climatic conditions it is grown as an annual. For the same reason, out of more than 50 various types It is possible to grow only a few species of ageratum.

Ageratum mexicanis

Another name is Houston's ageratum, a plant with numerous erect, highly branched stems, reaching a height (depending on the variety) from 10 to 50 cm. The leaves are oval, rhombic or oval, jagged along the edge, rough. The flowers are fragrant, narrow-tubular, small, collected in small (1-1.5 cm in diameter) inflorescences of the basket. In turn, these basket inflorescences are collected into complex corymbose inflorescences reaching up to 10 cm in diameter. Many varieties differ in shades of flowers, flowering times and bush height, the most popular are:

  • Alba is a compact, only about 20 cm high, spherical bush with white dense inflorescences
  • Blau Kappe is a low (20-30 cm) compact hemispherical bush with densely pubescent dark green shoots. The inflorescences are medium-sized (5-6 cm in diameter), loose, with short stigmas, lilac-blue. Late variety - flowering begins at the end of June and lasts until October
  • Blausternchen – very low (10-15 cm) compact bush with thin, densely pubescent, dark green shoots with a slight purple bloom. The inflorescences are few-flowered, loose, the baskets are small (up to 1 cm in diameter), blue with a characteristic lilac tint, and the buds are dark purple. Early variety, flowering begins in early June and lasts until October, requires watering
  • Blue Mink is a low (25-30 cm) columnar compact bush with thick, weakly leafy, strong shoots. The inflorescences are large (up to 2.1 cm in diameter), dense, lilac-blue. Drought resistant. According to flowering time - medium grade, flowering begins in mid-June and continues until October.

Ageratum blue

Another name is " Blue mink", this variety was obtained because of the specific shade of the flowers - soft blue, similar to mink fur. This is a low (up to 25 cm) bush with large (5-8 cm) inflorescences that cover the plant almost completely.

Ageratum has earned popularity among gardeners due to its unpretentiousness in cultivation and care. Planting this flower in open ground will quickly color your garden. bright colors fluffy inflorescences.

Varieties of ageratum

In its homeland (in the tropics of Central America), ageratum grows as perennial. The name of this flower means “ageless”, which is fully justified by its continuous flowering.

Ageratum is a herbaceous bushy plant. In our climate it is grown as annual flower. The bush is spreading, with a large number of shoots. The root system is well developed. Stems are erect. The height of the bushes varies from 10 to 60 cm. The leaves are round or triangular with faint serrations. The flowers are blue, purple, white or pink. The flowers are small, fluffy, collected in small dense inflorescences. At the same time, ageratum produces many flower stalks.

The genus Ageratum has more than 60 species. The most common in floriculture Houston's ageratum or, as it is also called, Mexican. The variety series of this type of ageratum is widely represented on our market. Each variety is unique and differs in bush height, flower color and flowering duration.

The most popular varieties of Mexican ageratum:

  • "Alba";
  • "Tetra Veali";
  • "Blue Perfection";
  • "Ocean"
  • North Sea.

In the photo you can see characteristic features many popular varieties of ageratum and choose your own, the variety that most resonates with you.

It is worth highlighting another type of ageratum - coniform. It differs from the Mexican one in having smaller flowers and blunt-shaped foliage.

Reproduction of ageratum

The most common method of propagating ageratum is by seeds.

Growing annual ageratum seedlings at home will not cause any difficulties. At the end of March, the seeds are sown in prepared boxes. The soil suitable for this is light and moderately nutritious. For example, a sand-peat mixture with the addition of humus in equal proportions.

Important! Ageratum seeds are very small, almost specks of dust. Therefore, they are not buried in the ground, but evenly distributed over the surface.

Boxes with seeds are covered with polyethylene and placed in a warm place for germination. After 7-10 days, the first shoots will appear, and the boxes can be placed on the window. Ageratum does not tolerate excess air humidity, so it should not be sprayed. Watering is carried out only when the soil dries out, moderately.

A few weeks after the emergence of seedlings, the first true leaves will develop on the seedlings, and during this period the seedlings are plucked for the first time. The second picking is carried out when the young seedlings have grown a little. This time, each plant is dived into a separate container, since further development the seedling will be rapid.

Two weeks after diving, it is advisable to feed the seedlings with complex mineral fertilizer.

As warm weather sets in outside, the seedlings are hardened off by taking them outside. fresh air. Gradually, the “walk” time is increased.

In cases where it is necessary to preserve all the qualities of a rare variety of the mother bush, propagation by cuttings is possible. To do this, in the fall the bush is sent to overwinter in a cool place, and early spring shoots are cut from it for cuttings. Cuttings are germinated in a warm room in boxes with sand. Literally after a few weeks, the root system begins to develop, and after it, shoots form.

Planting ageratum and further care

Ageratum seedlings are planted in open ground in late spring, preferably at the end of May. The plant is tolerant of any soil; only in exceptional cases may it be necessary to liming soil that is too acidic.

The place for planting ageratum should be chosen in a bright place, on the south or east side of the site.

Advice. Even slight shading will cause the plant to stretch. In this case abundant flowering will not be possible to achieve.

Ageratum seedlings are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. There is no need to bury it in the ground. The depth of planting in open ground should correspond to the level of growth of seedlings in pots.

Ageratum needs to be fed with mineral fertilizers three times a season. Feeding with manure and others organic fertilizers should be avoided.

Ageratum requires moderate watering, without excess. To keep the soil breathable, loosening the soil is required after watering and rain. As necessary, the area with ageratum is weeded, removing weeds that inhibit the development of the bushes.

In order for the flowering of ageratum to be abundant and long, faded inflorescences are cut from the bushes all summer. If you carry out this procedure regularly, the ageratum will produce more and more new buds, delighting you with continuous flowering.

We can conclude that planting and caring for ageratum in open ground is extremely simple due to the unpretentiousness of the plant.

Diseases and pests of ageratum

Despite its unpretentiousness in cultivation, ageratum is susceptible to many diseases. Due to excess moisture and lack of air access to the roots, ageratum is affected by root rot. In this case, the plant cannot be saved and is removed.

Bacterial wilt occurs without apparent cause in the initial stage of leaf chlorosis disease. Ageratum is also affected by the cucumber mosaic virus (cucumber mosaic virus appears on the leaves). yellow spots, the stem becomes glassy, ​​the buds wither without blooming). At the first symptoms of disease, the affected areas of the plant must be removed, and the remaining shoots must be treated several times. insecticidal preparations or an infusion of plants with the same properties (wormwood, bird cherry, tansy, etc.).

Of the pests for ageratum, all types of nematodes are dangerous, spider mite, whitefly. Pest control is carried out using special means until their complete destruction.

Ageratum as an element of landscape design

In landscape design, ageratum looks very good as a background for flower beds, flower beds and works with perennial flowers. Low-growing varieties of ageratum are used to form decorative borders, while tall varieties are grown for cutting.

A combination of ageratum with calendula, zinnia, marigolds and other yellow-orange flowers will give a bright color to the flowerbed. Ageratum is grown for landscaping balconies and is suitable for growing in flowerpots. Vases with joint landing ageratum and petunias will decorate gazebos or the threshold of a house.

With photo fluffy flowers agegatum look at us as something exotic, but in fact it is very simple to grow this ever-blooming crop. To do this, you only need to follow some simple rules, which are described above.

Flowering ageratum: video

Types of ageratum: photo

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