Ageratum plant. Ageratum mexicanis flowers - blooming mat. Growing ageratum from seeds with seedlings: planting and caring for the plant

(Ageratum) - flowering ornamental plant, which will decorate your garden plot. A representative of the Aster family (lat. Asteraceae). There are 60 species of it in the wild, but only one is cultivated - Ageratum mexicanis.

Although South and Central America are considered its homeland, ageratum is very popular in India and is found in many countries with tropical and subtropical climates, where it grows as a perennial flowering plant.

In our latitudes, the plant is grown as an annual in open areas. Ageratum is not whimsical, but does not tolerate frost.

In some greenhouses there are ageratum - perennial.

Thanks to its rich variety of colors and colors, I use ageratum to design compositions, as living borders, and flower beds. A garden in which ageratum grows will become the object of everyone's attention, as it attracts the eye with a rich color palette.

Ageratum has been known for more than 200 years, but it began to be actively grown only recently, as if blooming carpet, pleases flower growers with its long flowering period from May until the first frost.

Translated from Latin (ageratos) - ageless. Proof of this is its flowering period from May to October, and its ability to remain fresh for a long time after cutting. Due to this property, ageratum is also called centenarian or long-flowered.

Ageratum prefers bright light and warm climate, but can grow in partial shade. It reproduces by seeds, but only a small part of them inherit the maternal similarity. Perennial plants are propagated by cuttings.

Description: Low-growing, barely reaches 0.5 m with a multi-colored range: blue, lilac, lilac, cream. More often in garden plots there is blue with various shades.

There are two types:

  1. erect
  2. spreading

There is also dwarf forms, adapted to exist indoors.

Fluffy bisexual flowers are collected in a dense inflorescence, 1-1.5 cm in diameter, but despite their small size, their density is impressive, it seems as if you are looking at a fluffy flower carpet.

In the fall, several thousand are collected from one achene.

The bush consists of numerous slightly pubescent stems. In branched varieties with shoots in contact with the ground, adventitious roots grow.

The leaves are oval, triangular or diamond-shaped, green in color, located on short petioles. There are notches along the perimeter of the leaf plate. They are located alternately in the upper part and oppositely in the lower part. The height of erect shoots is up to 60 cm.

Small flowers are collected in inflorescences - baskets. In turn, the baskets are collected in a complex thyroid inflorescence up to 10 cm in length. Bright stigmas and perianths are painted the same color. During the budding period, a strong pleasant aroma is felt.

At the end of August, the fruits begin to ripen as the baskets fade. The fruits are small achenes 3-4 mm long, 0.5 mm wide, dark in color. Seeds of a wedge-shaped pentagonal shape remain viable for up to 4 years.

Perennial varieties of ageratum are propagated by cuttings.

Ageratum - growing from seeds, when to plant, planting and care in open ground

Planting of ageratum begins with sowing, then it is germinated and in the spring it is planted in open areas.

Sowing seeds

High-quality raw materials for sowing are collected from the main shoot and daughter shoots of the first level.

When to sow ageratum for seedlings?

Sowing is carried out from mid-March to mid-April in small containers.

The composition is a mixture of peat, sand and humus taken in equal proportions.

Previously, the substrate is abundantly moistened with a spray bottle and seeds are sown on the surface. The seed material is distributed evenly over the surface, and a 2-3 mm layer of substrate is sprinkled on top.

Then the container is covered plastic film(glass jar) or placed in a mini greenhouse, creating greenhouse conditions. It is necessary to maintain 20-22 degrees.

The container is placed in a well-lit place without direct sunlight.

The container is regularly ventilated and the soil moisture is monitored, and if necessary, lightly moistened with a spray bottle.

After 1-2 weeks, the first shoots will appear, and upon reaching two of their own leaves, the young shoots dive into separate containers. By this time, the seedlings will have become stronger and do not need a greenhouse.

The second time, each seedling is planted into separate bowls. As soon as the night frosts recede and warm days arrive, ageratum is planted in open areas, as a rule, this happens from mid-May.

Ageratum: planting and care in open ground

2-3 weeks before planting, young shoots are pinned. The temperature is reduced to 15 -17 degrees and taken out into the open air during the day, protected from precipitation and direct rays of the sun.

From the moment of sowing until the buds appear, 2 months pass.

Usually decorated along flower beds and paths as living borders. To create a dense colored coating, seedlings are planted at a distance of 15-20 cm. They are pre-watered and carefully removed from the container.

Small holes are made in the ground where each sprout is placed. Sprinkle the top with soil and water generously.

Ageratum prefers fertile and loose soil, consisting of peat and leaf soil with good water permeability and neutral acidity. Heavy clay soils won't fit.

Choose a well-lit place; the plant is not afraid of direct rays of the sun. In partial shade, ageratum blooms less intensely.

About a month after planting, the first buds will appear.

Video - growing ageratum from seeds, transplanting to open ground

Ageratum care

Care is not difficult and is suitable for beginner gardeners. Before planting, the soil is mulched with rotted sawdust or manure. When any weeds appear, it is necessary to weed the ground. Loosening is done regularly.

Water moderately in the absence of rain, allow the top layer to dry. Excessive watering leads to rotting of the roots. It is better to under-moisturize than to over-moisturize.

Throughout the season it is necessary to apply fertilizer several times:

  • The first time was 2 weeks after disembarkation.
  • Second time during budding
  • Third time during the flowering period (at the discretion of the gardener)

Organic fertilizers alternate with mineral ones.

If flowering is poor, complex mineral fertilizers are added. Once a season, water with diluted mullein as a top dressing. Do not apply fresh manure or fertilizers with increased content nitrogen, as this will speed up shoot growth, but will bloom late.

Regularly inspect the surface for the presence of wilted buds (plucking them) and prune the shoots. After circumcision it grows even more. After pruning, several branching points (internodes) should remain.

For intensive flowering, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used.

Rules for successful flowering:

  • Add fertilizers sparingly, especially nitrogen-based ones.
  • The soil is nutritious and loose.
  • Good lighting without drafts.
  • Regular pruning or pinching of buds.

The buds bloom at different times. If you do not intend to collect fruits for re-sowing next year, remove faded buds.

Ageratum after flowering

Wilting begins with the first night frosts and is unable to survive frosts. There are two ways to further propagate ageratum.

Dry the faded fruits and collect planting material from them. Usually collected from main and daughter shoots. Germination persists for 3-4 years and in the spring, as described above, it is sown to grow seedlings. Store in a dry place in paper bags.

The second method is to prolong flowering followed by cuttings.

With the onset of frost, lush bushes that have not yet faded are dug up and transplanted into pots, then the ageratum winters in the apartment. People are gradually being moved from the street to the premises. First, ageratum is left on the balcony or loggia, where the temperature is an order of magnitude lower than room temperature and the temperature is gradually increased.

As a rule, due to the lack of sufficient lighting, it will not bloom again, but the preserved buds will delight the gardener’s eye for a long time.

In some cases, it is possible to extend flowering until the New Year. It is advisable to place ageratum in winter unheated veranda or a glazed balcony with a temperature of 7-15 degrees. With the onset of March, cuttings are cut. The cut is made oblique to increase the area for absorbing moisture and nutrients from the ground.

Cut cuttings are treated in a growth stimulator (Kornevin, Heteroauxin) and planted in small containers. Cover the top with film or place it in a mini-greenhouse. The soil is constantly kept moist and the temperature is 20-22 degrees.

After 2-3 weeks, the cuttings will quickly take root and after another 2 weeks new shoots will successfully begin to appear. As soon as it gets warmer outside and the nighttime readings rise above 0, the cuttings, like seedlings, are moved into the garden, choosing a sunny place.

This method increases durability and growth.

If for some reason you didn’t want to take cuttings, you can replant the whole thing without any problems. The plant is perennial; therefore, one bush can be preserved for several years.

Pests and diseases

Any plant growing outdoors is more susceptible to attack by insects and diseases than indoors.

Ageratum is often accompanied by root rot. The reason for this is a rainy summer or abundant watering. In such a climate, it is necessary to first prepare the place by laying drainage layer to remove moisture.

In addition, cucumber leaf mosaic, bacterial wilt, nematodes, and armyworms appear.

If affected by root rot, the plant cannot be saved. It gradually fades, leaves and flowers fall off. But there are measures to prevent this unpleasant phenomenon:

  • Light and sandy composition
  • If necessary drainage system
  • Moderate and controlled watering
  • Periodically remove weeds and loosen the substrate

If root rot does occur, the damaged ones are dug up and the healthy ones are treated with the drug (Fundazol and Oxychoma) according to the instructions.

The appearance of cucumber mosaic is also fatal to ageratum.

The main signs of the virus: a yellow blotch appears, which gradually increases. The bush is also dug up and thrown away.

At home, protect seedlings or mature ageratum from whiteflies and spider mites. In case of damage, the surface is treated with a soap solution or insecticides (Akarin, Apollo, Nissoran).

  • Spider mite - white coating in the form of a web. White spots are visible on the surface of the leaf blade.
  • Whitefly is a white coating on shoots and leaves. This tiny white moth feeds on the sap of the plant. If you do not notice and take action in time, vitality is gradually lost, it fades and dries up. There are insecticides for control: Tanrek, Aktara, Bankol.

Ageratum in landscape design

Ageratum is universal for creating unsurpassed flower arrangements. Due to the multi-colored flowering, purchased seeds are often found mixed with different colors; after sowing, multi-colored carpet paths and borders are obtained.

A frequent guest in the composition when creating alpine slides, flower beds, tall varieties act as hedges, they create multi-colored carpet paths, blue varieties create an imitation of a stream flowing in the wind.

Ageratum is used in composition with calendula, phlox, salvia, snapdragon, etc.

Low-growing varieties are used to decorate gazebos; they are placed in a suspended state on balconies, loggias, around gazebos and verandas.

Video - caring for ageratum in the garden

Types and varieties of ageratum

There are about 60 species in the Ageratum genus, each of which is divided into varieties with different colors. There are also hybrid forms bred by breeders.

Ageratum - the name of this flower comes from Greece, which means “ageless.” The name is very suitable for this plant, as it has a very long flowering period. These decorative flowers They are very unpretentious and grow everywhere: in flower beds, gardens, balconies, in boxes on window sills. Some hobbyists grow ageratum to decorate rooms. They look good in greenhouses.

Ageratum growing from seeds and planting seedlings When to plant ageratum?

When to plant ageratum seedlings

You can plant flowers using seeds or purchased seedlings. The seedling method is more reliable, while the seed method is cheaper, but much more labor-intensive. If you plan to plant ageratum as seedlings, it is better to mix the soil with manure before this process, or use ready land from stores. In this case, store-bought soil should be taken for terraced or hanging flowering plants.

Many readers are looking for photos of ageratum flowers and asking when to plant seedlings

We answer: Ageratum is planted in the ground from the beginning of April to the end of May.

  • Ageratum is sown in February and until the end of April., not very deep (0.5-1 cm).
  • It is best to make small grooves, put the seeds there, and lightly sprinkle earth on top.
  • Ageratum does not like cold, so boxes with seedlings should be placed where the temperature does not drop below 20 degrees.
  • The planting produces the first shoots in approximately two weeks. To improve the germination of plants, it is advisable to cover the boxes with glass or cellophane. That is, make a kind of mini greenhouse. This will increase the temperature inside the container and help retain moisture.

Ageratum growing from seeds at home

  • When the sprouts produce several full-fledged leaves, the seedlings should be picked, and it is advisable to immediately transplant the flowers into separate cups. This process is less traumatic for ageratum than for other plants due to well-developed roots.
  • You can even transplant mature plants, for example, from a garden bed to a pot for the winter.
  • After picking, the plants must be watered abundantly.

Ageratum seedlings are ready for planting in the ground

Ageratum growing from seeds when to plant video:

Seedlings are planted in a flower bed based not on numbers, but on weather conditions. Ageratum is thermophilic, and too cold weather can destroy it. Optimal temperature regime not lower than 20 degrees.

How to dive ageratum video:

For ease of landing, you can immediately use peat cups when diving. Plants are planted at a distance of 20 cm from each other.

Propagation of ageratum by cuttings

what does ageratum look like photo

Usually this flower is propagated using seeds or seedlings. However, ageratum can also be propagated by cuttings. It’s just that other planting methods are less labor-intensive, which is why they are used more often.

Cuttings are good to use when the owner wants to get a shorter, but more bushy plant. This method is also indicated when they want to breed hybrids, which, as is known, do not reproduce by seeds, or when propagated, individuals are obtained that are inferior in decorative properties to the mother plants.

To grow ageratum from cuttings, proceed as follows:

  • In the fall, before frosts have yet begun, the plant is transplanted into a flower pot, which is subsequently brought into the house.
  • Cuttings are cut in spring. For cuttings, side shoots are taken; several can be taken from one plant. The incision should be made just below the kidney. In this place, the flower tissues contain a special substance that is little susceptible to the effects of the fungus and the mother plant will not begin to hurt or die.
  • Cuttings of optimal length measure about 5 cm. It is best to plant them immediately in a mini greenhouse.

Ageratum flowers take root very well and quickly. Next, planting in the ground proceeds as with ordinary seedlings of this plant.

Ageratum care

ageratum in the garden photo

After planting, ageratum does not tolerate flooding with water. and care consists of maintaining uniform moistening of the soil: it also does not like drying out, so it is better to use moderate daily watering. After it there should be no puddles on the ground. It is better to water the bushes in the morning so that excess water, if any, can dry in the sun.

It is best to plant flowers by mixing soil with humus

Ageratum sprouts will be stronger and, as a result, more aesthetically pleasing. If there is no humus, you can use compost or mineral fertilizers for this purpose. However, the dosage of the substance used must be strictly observed. With an excess of fertilizers, especially organic ones, the plant grows and does not produce or produces few flowers. It turns out to be a large non-flowering bush. Some gardeners recommend using nitrophoska or amophoska to avoid this. This fertilizer is taken at 20-30 grams per 10 liters of water.

If the plant goes up, it must be pruned; after this procedure, the bush recovers very quickly. It will look more attractive. You also need to collect wilted flowers from time to time. If you do not do this, the flower will be less elegant.

Ageratum at home

Ageratum growing at home

The flower develops well at home. Choose spacious containers with good drainage for it. In summer they can be taken out to the balcony, veranda or secured under the windows. During the cold period, flowers delight with luxurious blooming, which practically does not stop.

indoor ageratum

So that the perennial does not die, it retains its decorative look for many years, use simple rules:

  • Choose window sills on the south side of the apartment, where there is more light and warmth.
  • Water only at the roots, moistening without excess. It is better to do this in the morning, a little every day.
  • It is better to purchase land for planting ageratum ready-made, with a sufficient supply of microelements and organic matter. In addition, it will have a loose structure, allowing air to easily penetrate to the roots.
  • Fertilize at least once every six months, choosing complex formulations.
  • If the flowers have grown excessively, it is better to divide them and replant them in a larger container.

That's all the simple rules for caring for indoor ageratum. As you can see, this is the most unpretentious flower you can find.

Diseases and pests of ageratum

ageratum on the balcony

The unpretentious plant is very resistant to various diseases, and its tropical origin has made the flower “unpalatable” to many pests. However, this does not mean that nothing can harm the ageratum. For example, when planted too often, plants begin to develop a cucumber mosaic. It can also occur if these flowers are over-watered. Also, if the rules of watering and planting are violated, ageratum can develop bacterial wilt. However, if you follow all the rules, these problems can be avoided.

Of the flower pests, the most dangerous are spider mites, whiteflies, and aphids. To destroy these pests, you can use both industrial and folk remedies.

Garlic tincture is the most effective among folk methods.

Garlic is crushed on a grater or in a garlic grinder at the rate of 220 grams of garlic per 1 liter of water. This mixture is infused for about 5 days. Then the tincture is diluted for spraying flowers. Dosage - 200 grams of garlic per 10 liters of water. If you add too much garlic to the solution, the plants may get burned.

Of the industrial means of combating spider mites, something from the family of insectoacaricides is best. Usually in such cases, Nissoran, Neoron and Agraverine are recommended. To combat whitefly, “Commander”, “Tanrek” and “Mospilan” are recommended.

If flowers are planted in open soil ahead of schedule...

Their leaves may change color to a lighter color. This is due to the low temperature at night, since the flowers are very heat-loving and do not tolerate it well. A good preventative measure would be to harden off ageratum seedlings or cover the plants at night when it gets cold. To harden, seedlings should be taken out for a short time in a room with a colder temperature, for example on a balcony. You can cover the seedlings with cellophane, paper bags or cut large plastic eggplants.

Problems can arise if the watering angle is incorrect. It was said above that all top part The ageratum is covered with fluff-like villi. If the plant is watered abundantly from above, especially if the area is insufficiently ventilated, microscopic droplets of water become trapped between these villi. As a result, the leaves of the flowers begin to turn black, and the flowers begin to become moldy and rot. It is best to remove such parts immediately, since the ageratum in this case looks very unattractive. As a preventive measure, the root method of watering is suitable.

How to collect seeds for future planting?

ageratum and marigolds in landscape design photo

It is best to collect seeds immediately after the flowering period of the plant has ended. This occurs approximately in the second or third week after the flowers appear. The main thing is that the flowers are pollinated and produce seeds. However, problems usually do not arise with this, since ageratum is readily pollinated by bumblebees and bees. Flower seeds are very small in size and have an elongated shape. They are also very light, there can be up to 6-7 thousand of them per gram. Collected seeds should be brown, with a light tint.

It is best to store seeds in a cool, dry place

For this purpose, paper or fabric bags are recommended, since future plants can suffocate in plastic bags, which will negatively affect their germination.

We can conclude that ageratum is an attractive, highly decorative flower, and quite easy to care for. The main difficulty in caring for ageratum is that all stages of planting and watering must be performed correctly and in a timely manner. With proper care, everything practically comes down to timely watering and weeding. Plants will thank the owner with luxurious bright flowers.

Description of ageratum Photos of flowers

Ageratum blue in the photo

The plant's homeland is southern tropical countries. It is most common in South America, especially in Mexico. Ageratum also grows in India, in the east of the country. In nature it is a perennial plant, but in Russia climatic conditions colder, grown here as an annual. During the winter the plant simply freezes. However, if planted in a pot or greenhouse, the ageratum will grow for many years.

Ageratum flowers have a very developed root system. The ground part is bushy, there are many flowers of bright blue color. The ground cover looks very beautiful. All above-ground parts of the plant: stem, leaves and even flowers are covered with soft fibers that look like fluff. This adds decorativeness to the ageratum.

The most popular varieties of ageratum

If you liked the description of this flower and want to get it, then before buying its seeds and planting it in your flowerbed, you need to decide on the plant variety. Each of the varieties of this decorative flower has its merits.

Agerantum blue Ageratum Blue photo

The most popular variety is "Blue Mink"(originally Ageratum Blue). The flowers are large, their color is classic. Numerous hybrids have been created based on this variety. The most colorful of them is Ageratum Blue Danube. This hybrid is smaller in size than the mother variety. However, this hybrid is distinguished by its original coloring of flowers. In this variety of ageratum they are purple.

Ageratum mexican photo

I also liked the “Mexican” variety.(sometimes called Houston's ageratum). It is larger in size than the Blue Mink. Individual specimens can reach a height of 50 cm. There are two subspecies of this variety: herbaceous and shrubby. The flowers have a delicate light blue color, but can also have a lilac tint.

Agerantum white Summer Snow

Ageratum Summer Snow is often used as a border variety.. The bushes of this variety of ageratum are not very branched, and the plant itself is more miniature. The leaves are small, but the lush flowers are very luxurious. They have a dark pink tint.

ageratum pink ball photo

Ageratum pink ball- stunning scatterings of dense inflorescences of fluffy sunflowers. They grow in low bushes and are the best annual ground cover for your garden.

ageratum bonjour

Ageratum variety bonjour. Low bushes up to a quarter of a meter high. The annual blooms from June until frost. A real fragrant cloud of aromatic smell forms next to the plantings. Small flowers are elegantly collected in corymbose voluminous inflorescences. The color is varied. They grow it on balconies, plant it in garden beds, flower beds, and mixborders.

ageratum snow blanket

Ageratum snow blanket- an amazing ground cover, literally strewn with small snow-white flowers, collected in fluffy panicle inflorescences. It is also low, up to 25 cm. It completely covers the area allocated to it with its green-flowering mass. A luxurious “blanket” of white flowers can be placed as a separate carpet in a flower bed or combined with other blooming favorites.

ageratum white ball photo

Ageratum white ball- the bushes are covered with inflorescences of small flowers, reminiscent of fluffy balls. it is impossible to look away, such a bewitching sight opens up, especially if you plant it against the backdrop of ageratum bright flowers red, blue, pink or purple shades.

Ageratum Aztec treasures

Ageratum Aztec treasures- has excellent characteristics: fluffy flowers of a wide range of colors look harmonious in flower beds, create spectacular borders, and look great in decorative flowerpots.

Where is the best place to plant ageratum?

ageratum red Ageratum Red Flint

Ageratum is widely used as an ornamental plant: at home and in the garden. Most often it is grown in flower beds. Moreover, the flower is grown not only separately, but in combination with other ornamental plants to form expressive compositions. If you plant one ageratum, you will get a beautiful flower carpet.

The southern guest looks beautiful with plants whose flowers are warm, red, single or yellow. These are zinnias, marigolds, calendula and many others.

The contrast of cold and warm colors looks very elegant. Low-growing varieties of ageratum are used to decorate borders or on alpine hills.

How to choose a place to plant ageratum?

ageratum flowers photo and cultivation

Ageratum is a southern resident, therefore it loves the sun and space. True, now breeders have developed amazing shade-tolerant varieties. However, if possible, it is better to plant it where there is a lot of light. In the shade, the plant becomes too elongated and looks less aesthetically pleasing. If the soil is too wet, the roots of the ageratum will rot and the flower may die.

Of course, the soil for growing must be fertile and neutral in chemical composition. To create an optimal environment, the soil is fertilized with manure before planting. It is better to use well-rotted manure, not fresh, so as not to burn the root system. If the soil is poorly ventilated, drainage must be done to avoid root rotting. To do this, you just need to remove the soil from the flowerbed, put a layer of gravel underneath, and then cover it all with the removed soil.

ageratum in landscape design photo

Ageratum Houston

Ageratum is a member of the aster family. In nature, such a plant can be found in Central and North America and Eastern India. The name of this flower is derived from the Latin word ageratos, which translates as “ageless.” The fact is that cut lovely flowers can remain fresh for quite a long time. Since the 19th century, this plant has become popular in European countries, and in Russia it is also called “long-flowered”. This plant is loved by gardeners for its spectacular fluffy flowers that look similar to pom-poms, which are part of very dense inflorescences. As a rule, they are painted in different shades blue color. Also, this flower is very undemanding in care. There are approximately 60 species of ageratum.

Features of Ageratum

On a fairly compact bush there are bright green petiolate leaf plates shaped like an oval, triangle or diamond. Their edge is jagged. The leaves in the upper part are alternately arranged, and in the lower and middle parts they are oppositely arranged. There are many erect shoots, on the surface of which there is pubescence. Their height varies from 10 to 60 centimeters. Small bisexual fragrant flowers are part of not very large (diameter 1–1.5 cm) inflorescences shaped like baskets. And they are collected in complex corymbose inflorescences. They can be colored purple, pink, blue or white. The fruit is a 5-sided wedge-shaped achene. 7 thousand seeds weigh only 1 g. Their good germination rate is maintained for 3–4 years.

In mid-latitudes, ageratum is grown as an annual because it is not frost-hardy. Such a plant can decorate a garden bed, a flower bed, and will also look great in carpet compositions. This flower can be planted together with marigolds, calendulas, and snapdragons, which are also annual plants.

Features of growing ageratum from seeds


Most often, such a plant is grown from seeds. Sowing is carried out from mid to late March. In this case, the boxes need to be filled with a mixture that includes sand, humus and peat (1:1:1). The seeds need to be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. The container is covered with glass or film and placed in a warm place (at least 15 degrees). Crops need daily ventilation. The soil should be slightly moistened at all times. Therefore, it must be systematically moistened with a spray bottle. The first shoots will appear in about 14 days, after which the shelter should be removed.


When the seedlings have a couple of true leaves, they need to be planted more spaciously. Picking is carried out 2 times. During the 2nd picking, the plants are planted in separate pots (cups). Ageratums need dry air and a constantly moist substrate. You can water the plants only in the morning. A couple of weeks before planting, the plant should be moved outside. If there is a threat of frost, the seedlings must be covered.


Planting in open ground should be done after the threat of night frosts has passed. The selected area of ​​soil should not be exposed to drafts. The place must be sunny, because with a lack of light, the plants stretch out and bloom very sparingly. Non-acidic, light, well-drained, saturated soil is best suited nutrients. However, this plant is not too demanding on the soil. In thoroughly loosened soil, you need to make not too deep holes, the distance between them is from 10 to 15 cm. Seedlings need to be planted to the depth at which they grew in the container. Flowering begins after about 8 weeks.

Care for ageratum in open ground

In order for the ageratum to please you with its unusually beautiful flowers, it needs to be provided with proper care. So, this plant needs to be watered in a timely manner, weeds removed, soil loosened, and fertilizers added to the soil. It needs fairly abundant watering, but under no circumstances should the flower be flooded. After the plant is watered, you need to loosen the soil and at the same time pull out all the weeds.

Feeding is carried out with a frequency of 1 time in 2 or 3 weeks. Mineral or humic fertilizers are excellent for this. An infusion prepared with mullein is also recommended for feeding. But it should be taken into account that fresh manure cannot be used to feed ageratum, because the plant reacts extremely negatively to it. Also, you should not overfeed the flower, because in this case the green mass will grow rapidly, but the flowering will become sparse. Do not forget to promptly pick off fading inflorescences. For abundant and spectacular flowering, this plant requires pruning. So, only a few internodes should remain on the shoot. After the pruning procedure, the plant begins to grow actively and bloom more abundantly.

What to do when ageratum fades?

Before the first frosts begin, it is recommended to dig up the most lush bushes and plant them in separate flower pots. Plants can be placed in the house, on the veranda or on the balcony. Ageratums will bloom throughout the autumn period, and maybe even part of the winter. You can take cuttings from these bushes in early spring and root them. Then, with the onset of warmth, they are transplanted into open ground.

This plant loves warmth very much, so it is not capable of overwintering even under cover, provided mild winter. In this regard, in the fall, it is necessary to remove the remains of plants from the flowerbed, and in the spring, plant new flowers there.

Pests and diseases

Ageratums are not resistant to diseases, which is considered their main disadvantage. Often rot appears on the root system of such a plant. If this happens, then it will no longer be possible to save the infected bushes. However, it should be noted that the appearance of root rot can be prevented, and some fairly simple preventive measures will help you with this. So, the first thing to do for planting is to choose light, well-drained soil. Water the plant carefully, avoiding overflow. It is also necessary to systematically loosen the soil. This will all help avoid the appearance of rot on the roots. Ageratum is also susceptible to cucumber mosaic, as well as bacterial wilt, and such diseases develop due to violation of the rules of care.

Ageratum seedlings located in the house or greenhouse must be protected from pests such as whiteflies and spider mites. If insects are found, you need to tear off the infected leaves and treat with an insecticidal agent.

IN open ground on this plant nematodes and cutworms can settle in. Getting rid of such pests is not so easy; it is much easier to prevent their appearance. To do this, it is enough to provide the ageratum with proper care. Remember that only with prolonged violation of the rules for caring for such flowers, they become susceptible to various diseases and pests.

Main types and varieties with photo examples

Since growing such a plant is not very difficult, and there is nothing complicated at all in caring for it, it has gained quite a lot of popularity among gardeners. Below are the most popular varieties and types of ageratum.

White ageratum

The height of the bush reaches 20 centimeters, the shoots are erect. Fragrant flowers are painted white.

Ageratum blue "Blue Mink"

Compact, strong and well-branched bushes reach a height of 20 to 25 centimeters. The very fluffy inflorescences are painted in a bluish color and in appearance they are similar to mink fur, since the bush is completely covered with them. The inflorescences have a diameter of 5 to 8 centimeters.

Ageratum Houston, or Ageratum Mexicana

Small bushes have a ball shape. Their height varies from 15 to 60 centimeters (depending on the variety). Fluffy flowers are collected in baskets, which are part of inflorescences with a diameter of 3–8 centimeters.


  1. « Alba» - white flowers are collected in dense inflorescences.


  2. « Azur Pearl― blue flowers are collected in fairly large inflorescences.

    Azur Pearl

  3. « Faye Pink» - dark pink loose inflorescences have a diameter of 4 to 5 centimeters. The leaf blades are quite small. The height of the bush varies from 20 to 30 centimeters.

    Faye Pink

  4. « Blue Mink― bluish flowers have a lilac tint. The leaves are quite large, and the height of the bush reaches from 25 to 30 centimeters.

    Blue Mink

  5. « Blue Bouquet― the flowers are painted beautifully Blue colour. This variety has the greatest height - 45 centimeters.

    Blue Bouquet

  6. « Bavaria― rather large loose inflorescences consist of two-color flowers. So, their center is pale blue (almost white), and around them there are thin petals of a deep blue color. The bush has a height of 25–30 centimeters.


  7. Hybrid plants of the Hawaii variety group: “Royal Hawaii” - height dwarf plants does not exceed 15 centimeters, flowers are violet-purple; "White Hawaii" - bushes of a dwarf variety do not exceed 18 centimeters in height, the flowers are white.
    Royal Hawaii

    White Hawaii

The Asteraceae family includes many beautiful plants, among which is Ageratum. So unusual name I got the flower because of its characteristics; this plant blooms for a very long time, starting in June and ending with the first frost. Translated from Latin, the word ageratos means ageless. Gardeners have already fallen in love with it and this is not surprising, because the plant has an unusually beautiful appearance and is suitable for decorating not only lawns and flower beds, but also balconies. More information about growing ageratum from seeds will be discussed in this article.



Peru is considered the birthplace of ageratum. This is a perennial plant, reaching a height of 20-60 cm. Thanks to its unusual properties, ageratum can delight gardeners with its flowering for a long time, it is not for nothing that it is popularly called “long-flowered”.

Ageratum - growing from seeds when to plant

The plant is used in landscape design, so most often it can be seen in the gardens of country houses. Flowering until the coldest weather and its beautiful appearance have made the long-flowered plant an obligatory guest at various flower exhibitions. The inflorescences have a pleasant aroma that does not disappear for a long time, just like the pristine beauty of the flowers. What makes ageratum decorative is that its style and stigma are slightly longer than the corolla of the flower. The diameter of the baskets reaches 1.5 cm, and they, in turn, form large inflorescences (up to 12 cm), which evenly cover the entire plant.

White ageratum bushes

On a note! The shape of the leaves, depending on the ageratum variety, may vary. Most often, there are plant varieties with oval leaves, the edges of which have denticles. Ripe fruits contain a huge number of seeds (at least 6,000 seeds per 1 g). The seeds are unpretentious, so they can germinate even after several years of ripening.

Ageratum flower

Popular plant varieties

There are more than 70 various types plants that differ from each other in their decorative characteristics (shades of flowers, flowering time, height of the bush, and so on). But not all are used in gardening. Let's look at the most common varieties.

Table. Popular varieties of ageratum.

An unusually beautiful plant with large lilac-blue or white inflorescences. The height of the bush rarely exceeds 30 cm, which is why it looks more collected and compact. This is a late plant as it begins to bloom in the second half of June.

Blau Sternchen

Small bushes up to 15 cm in height are colored with densely pubescent green shoots. The inflorescences of this variety are colored lilac, although plants with blue flowers. The flowering period occurs in June.
One of the most popular ageratum hybrids, distinguished by its short growth (up to 15 cm) and small blue flowers. Flowering begins in early summer.
A strong plant with thick and durable shoots, reaching a height of 30 cm. The diameter of the dense inflorescences is no more than 2.3 cm; they are decorated with flowers of a lilac hue. This variety begins to bloom in the second half of June.
An unusual variety of ageratum, the inflorescences of which are painted in two shades: light blue petals surround the white core of the baskets. The inflorescences of this plant are quite large, which makes it an excellent option for decorating the garden.
Refers to compact varieties of ageratum. Its height rarely exceeds 20 cm, although specimens up to 15 cm are most often found. The color of the buds is dark pink, and the inflorescences that then emerge from them have a pale pink tint.

Ageratum is often used to imitate a dry stream or pond in an area

Ageratum Mexican or Houston/Ageratum houstonianum

Several types of ageratum are toxic, containing the alkaloid pyrrolizidine. For example, Ageratum houstonianum and Ageratum conyzoides

Sowing time

If you decide to grow ageratum seedlings, then you need to understand that the period between sowing the seeds and the first flowering is at least 60 days. Since this is a heat-loving plant, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of spring frosts while planting seedlings in the soil. Even slight cold snaps can have a negative impact on the flower - this must be taken into account.

Ageratum shoots

On a note! Having carried out simple mathematical calculations, it is easy to guess that mid-March is considered the most optimal period for sowing ageratum seeds. Of course, you can sow the seeds at a later period, but this will delay the onset of flowering a little.

Growing from seeds

Ageratum is perennial plant, but in our conditions there is no need to use it for many years. Propagation can be carried out in two ways - cuttings and seeds, but, having finally weighed the pros and cons, flower growers usually settle on the second method.

Ageratum seeds

On a note! The development cycle of ageratum is accelerated, which distinguishes the plant from its “colleagues”. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to move the sowing period to April-May.

Soil preparation

Like any plant, ageratum loves nutritious soil. In this case, it is better to use slightly acidic or neutral soil, so if you decide to prepare the soil mixture yourself, mixing humus, lime and garden soil, do not forget to add a little dolomite flour - this will reduce the acidity of the soil. Also, do not add too much humus, since its excess will have a bad effect on flowering, making it more sparse.

Soil preparation

This all applies only to soil prepared with one’s own hands. Few gardeners do this. It will be much easier to purchase ready soil for flowers in the store, what to do with preparing it.

Nutritious universal soil for vegetables and flowers

Sowing seeds

Step 1. Fill the seedling container (in this case a container) with the soil mixture about 80%. If you want to grow several varieties of ageratum at once, it is better to take a separate container for each of them.

Containers filled with soil

Step 2. Place the seeds from the bag onto a plate. There is no need to use everything, since the seeds are very small and there are quite a lot of them. Half the contents of the package for one container is quite enough. Preliminary preparation seed material no need to carry out.

Seeds are poured onto a plate

Step 3. Sow the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil. They have a long shape, so you can easily notice if they have accumulated 5-6 pieces in any place. Use a regular toothpick to push the seeds away from each other. This will be much faster than removing the seedlings later.

Sowing ageratum seeds

Step 4. During the growing process, monitor the soil moisture. At an early stage, humidity can be preserved by placing the container in a special container with a hole made. If you do not provide the seeds with enough moisture, the plant will die in almost all cases.

Containers are placed in a container

Step 5. Place the container with the seeds on a sunny window sill. If all are met the necessary conditions for seed germination, you will soon get such friendly shoots.

First shoots

Transplantation into open ground

In the second half of May, having chosen a clear and warm week (having looked at the weather forecast in advance), begin transplanting plant seedlings in open ground. Place the seedlings in the previously prepared holes, and fill the remaining space with soil, which must be slightly (but not heavily) compacted. The distance between low-growing varieties of ageratum should be no more than 15 cm, between tall ones - up to 25 cm.

Seedling culture

On a note! The area where you plant the plants should be sunny, since even slight shading can cause the shoots to stretch. As a result, the flowering intensity decreases. Even though the bulk of the work is behind you, you still have work to do. We are talking about caring for ageratum.

Using Mexican ageratum in the design of flower beds and flower beds


Although the plant is considered unpretentious and does not require care, you still need to pay attention to it. But the labor and time spent will not go in vain. As a result, you will be rewarded with lush and vibrant flowering of ageratum.

Ageratum conizoid

Top dressing

For feeding you can use not only minerals, but also organic fertilizers. Gardeners also prefer to apply complex fertilizers. This should be done every 3 weeks, and the first fertilizing should be carried out using the minimum dosage of fertilizers. Otherwise, flowering may slow down due to their excess. It is highly not recommended to use manure to fertilize the soil, because it can destroy the ageratum.

Mineral fertilizers


The root system of this plant is very developed, which allows the ageratum to extract the required amount of moisture from the soil. Therefore, water regularly - every 3 weeks, but at least once a month. During hot periods, the frequency of watering, as well as the amount of water used, can be slightly increased.

Ageratums will delight you with their gorgeous color, provided they are additionally watered in dry weather. This must be done generously, but not excessively.

Pruning ageratum

To obtain lush and beautiful bushes, it is necessary to periodically trim the ageratum. Leave no more than 4 internodes when pruning to speed up plant development. Before the first frost, you can transplant the flowers into separate pots and grow them in greenhouses or at home. Proper care will allow you to enjoy beautiful flowers throughout the winter.

On a note! With the onset of spring, the bushes can be transplanted into open ground again or the plants can be cut into cuttings, thus rejuvenating them.

White ageratum

Loosening the soil

Regular watering and fertilizing are not the only things that need to be done when growing ageratum. The soil around the plants must be loosened regularly. Since this flower likes to grow in airy soil, this procedure will improve its growth. When loosening, be sure to remove all weeds, as they inhibit the growth of the plant. After completing the next weeding, mulch the soil. This will prevent excessive evaporation of moisture.

Disease and pest control

Like most ornamental plants, ageratum can be susceptible to various diseases, the most common of which is root rot. Neglecting preventive measures will lead to rot and, as a result, the death of the plant. To prevent this from happening, you need to pay attention to the intensity of watering and periodically loosen the soil. Ageratum can also be affected by cucumber mosaic, which is also the result of non-compliance with the rules of care.

Ageratum diseases

Seedlings that are still indoors or in a greenhouse must be protected from whiteflies. If these pests do appear, it is imperative to remove the damaged plants and treat the flowers themselves with insecticides. Process until complete destruction all insects. Over time, when you transplant seedlings into open ground in a flower bed, nematodes or cutworms may encroach on the plants. In this case, you also need to use special means for processing. And remember that correct and conscientious adherence to the rules of agricultural technology will protect your plants from such troubles.


What does an armyworm look like?

Decorative uses

As noted earlier, ageratum is of great value for landscaping and decorating areas. This is due to long flowering, unpretentiousness and color diversity. This combination is quite rare among ground cover ornamental plants.

Ageratum photo in flower beds

Ageratum in a group composition

Bright variety of ageratum in a flowerbed

Care for ageratum in open ground

Ideal for decorating balconies, loggias or borders low-growing varieties ageratum, and tall plants can be grown for later cutting. If we talk about combination with other flowers, then blue varieties of ageratum will look great with eschscholzia, zinnia and marigold. In other words, any unpretentious flowers yellow shades.

Video - Germination of ageratum seeds

Ageratum is grown for its fluffy flowers that look like pompoms. They are collected in dense inflorescences-baskets and exude a pleasant aroma. Caring for ageratum is not difficult, but you need to know some features.

The name of the plant is translated from Greek as “ageless.” Ageratum really retains freshness for a very long time when cut, and in the flowerbed it pleases the eye with its lush inflorescences from June to late autumn. Therefore, people often call this flower long-flowered.

The average height of ageratum bushes is from 15 to 25 cm. Low-growing specimens do not exceed 10 cm, and tall varieties grow up to 60 cm. In nature, there are about 60 types of ageratum, but there are not so many flower color options: it can be white, blue, blue, purple, lilac and pink. And not so long ago, a variety of yellow ageratum appeared.

Sowing ageratum seeds for seedlings

IN middle lane ageratum is grown as an annual and only seedling method, since he cannot stand the cold. Seeds are sown in the second half of March - early April in a container with a mixture consisting of equal parts of humus, sand and peat. The seeds are lightly sprinkled with the same soil, covered with glass or polyethylene and kept at a temperature of 15-20°C in the light. The crops are ventilated daily and when the soil dries out, they are sprayed with a spray bottle. After germination, the film or glass is removed, and the soil continues to be moistened regularly.

After the formation of 3-4 true leaves, the seedlings are planted in a larger container or immediately in separate pots. In order for seedlings to develop correctly, the air around the sprouts must be dry and the soil must be slightly moist at all times. It is also important that daylight falls on the seedlings, otherwise they will stretch out.

Planting ageratum in open ground

Seedlings are planted in a flowerbed in late May - early June, when the threat of night frosts has passed. For ageratum, choose a sunny and wind-protected area with nutritious, light, non-acidic and well-drained soil.

The soil is thoroughly loosened, holes are dug at a distance of 10-15 cm from each other and seedlings are planted in them at the same depth at which they were in the containers.

After which the plants are watered and cared for regularly until autumn.

Shortly before the first frost, the best specimens can be transplanted into flower pots and place it on the balcony, veranda or in the house. Then these delicate flowers will decorate your interior late autumn, sometimes at the beginning of the deputy. And in March you will be able to take cuttings from ageratum bushes, root them and plant them in open ground in May. Then you won't have to bother with the seeds.

Rules for growing ageratum in open ground

The plant is undemanding to soil, but prefers light, neutral and moderately nutritious soil. In an “overfed” substrate, ageratum grows green mass to the detriment of beautiful flowers. It loves regular and abundant watering, but is also able to tolerate short-term drought. However, the plant should not be flooded: root rot may develop.

Ageratum loves light and warmth, so it quickly fades with the arrival of the first autumn frosts. The bushes tolerate pruning well. Therefore, if the plant is frozen, for example, in late spring, it is pruned, leaving 2-3 internodes on each shoot.

Basic summer care for ageratum in open ground consists of timely removal of faded inflorescences, regular weeding and loosening of the soil. During flowering, it is useful to feed the plants with complex mineral fertilizer or mullein infusion once every 2-3 weeks. But fresh manure cannot be used.

Ageratum in landscape design

This delicate flower looks good in any planting: ridges, borders, rock gardens, foreground mixborder. Compact varieties of ageratum can be used as container plants: in outdoor flowerpots, balcony boxes.

Ageratum goes well with marigolds, calendula, zinnia, cineraria, antirrinum, verbena, rudbeckia, helenium. You can also create a monoflower from ageratum, but it is better to plant varieties with different shades of flowers. All possible tones of long-flowered inflorescences combine perfectly with each other. But keep in mind: pink flowers may fade over time.

Since ageratum retains its fresh appearance for a long time when cut, plants of tall varieties make beautiful bouquets. For example, blue ageratum looks good in company with rudbeckia, zinnia, snapdragon and calendula. It is also suitable for creating winter bouquets.

The most popular types and varieties of ageratum

Most often found in landscape design Houston's ageratum(Ageratum houstonianum), or Mexican(Ageratum mexicanum). Below we present the best varieties of this species.

White ball

This is a compact plant (about 20 cm high) with neat fluffy inflorescences (1.5-1.7 cm in diameter) of snow-white color.


This blue-white ageratum leaves no one indifferent thanks to its iridescent inflorescences. The flowers cover the compact bushes so abundantly that the leaves are almost invisible.

Blue mink

The bush grows 20-25 cm high; throughout the summer the plant is decorated with bright dark blue flowers, collected in dense inflorescences with a diameter of 5-7 cm.

Aloha Blue

Low-growing ageratum up to 15 cm high. On numerous stems there are small flowers collected in corymbose inflorescences.

Fire Pink

This fiery pink ageratum is distinguished by loose inflorescences (4-5 cm in diameter) and small leaves. The height of the bush is 20-30 cm.

Currently, there are a large number of ageratum hybrids on sale. For example: Adriatic F1 (15 cm tall, with blue-blue inflorescences), Atlantic F1 and North Sea F1 (purple-blue flowers), Ocean F1 (20 cm tall, light blue flower color). In addition to single-color ageratums, you can also find mixtures on sale (for example, Hawaii Mixt), sowing which you will grow flowers of pink, white, purple and blue colors. Perfect option for those who love colorful flower beds!

Do you place this attractive annual in your flower garden? And what varieties do you prefer?

Ageratum is a bush-like flowering plant with triangular, oval or diamond-shaped dark green toothed leaves. The bush consists of many erect branched stems, and the height of the branches varies from 10 to 60 centimeters. Small flowers are collected in inflorescences up to 1.5 cm in diameter, which, in turn, create large corymbose compounds. The flowers are fluffy, somewhat similar to asters.

About sixty species of ageratum are known, and many of them do not require special care. The color palette is very diverse: white, blue, pink, blue, purple colors and their shades. The difference between ageratum varieties lies in the timing of flowering, the colors of the buds, the height of the bushes and the shape of the leaves. Ageratum is a perennial, but in our latitudes it is often grown as an annual, so below we present to your attention the most popular varieties of this plant with a description, and they can confidently be called the best varieties of ageratum.

Did you know? Translated from Latin, "ageratos" means "ageless", the flower received this name due to its ability to maintain freshness after cutting.

The spherical bush has many branched, erect stems covered with a large number of leaves. Their height does not exceed twenty centimeters. The leaves are diamond-shaped, jagged along the edges. The inflorescences are compact, white, like milk, and the bush blooms from July to October. "Alba" is grown as a container flower or for decorating bouquets. "Alba" is one of the most popular varieties of ageratum.

Important! The flower belongs to poisonous plants, as it contains substances that can cause allergies.

Argentum "Summer Snow" flowers are better known as "white ball" or " white variety argentum". The plant is a close-knit bush with a height of 20 to 45 centimeters, the inflorescences of which have a diameter of up to two centimeters and are located in baskets, white in color. Flowering occurs densely, and the bushes themselves look like lush balls. The branches of the plant are erect, with a large number of leaves The flowers look like white fluffy pompons. Ageratum "Summer Snow" is grown in flowerpots and flower beds, as a separate plant and in composition with other plants.

Did you know? Ageratum came to us from Central America, Peru and Mexico.

Ageratum "Blue mink" is a bush-like compact columnar plant reaching a height of 20-30 cm. There are few leaves on the shoots, but they are large and have round shape. The lilac-blue flowers are collected in compact inflorescences with a diameter of more than two centimeters. Flowering occurs from June to October. Distinctive feature This variety is drought tolerant."Blue Mink" is often used to decorate balconies, terraces, and flower beds.

Important! White and pink ageratums planted in open ground lose their color when they fade in the sun.

"Fire Pink" is a dark pink, lilac or salmon-colored ageratum with small leaves and loose inflorescences. Baskets with a diameter of 1 centimeter are collected in liquid inflorescences not exceeding 5 centimeters in diameter. The flower bushes are knocked down and reach a height of thirty centimeters.

Blue Lagoon

"Blue Lagoon" has well-branched erect stems, growing no higher than 25 centimeters, abundantly covered with leaves. The color of the spherical inflorescences is light lilac. Plants of this variety are used to form flower beds, flower beds, and also as potted plants - to decorate terraces and gazebos. Flowering begins in June.

"Blue Angel" is a low-growing ageratum, since the height of the variety does not exceed eighteen centimeters. Cushion-shaped bushes, tightly collected. The inflorescences of this variety are blue, spherical and reach a diameter of ten centimeters. Blooms early.

Blue Adriatic

"Blue Adriatic" is an ageratum that belongs to the hybrid forms, having densely collected stems up to 20 cm high. The bushes look like balls, slightly decomposed. The color of the inflorescences is blue-violet.

"Bavaria" is a two-color variety of ageratum. The height of the bush reaches thirty centimeters. Inflorescences are loose. The center of the basket-inflorescences is light blue, and the thin petals surrounding it are fringed with a bright blue color.

Red Sia

"Red Sia" refers to ageratum hybrids. A distinctive feature of this variety is the size and color of the flowers. The bush blooms before the onset of frost. The shoots are erect with a large number of leaves. The trunk height is up to 60 centimeters, while the bushes do not lose their compactness. Unusual for ageratums is the red color of the flowers. good company in flower beds and flower beds, ageratum can be composed of yellow marigolds or rudbeckia. "Red Sia" refers to late-flowering ageratums.

"Blausternchen" is a low-growing variety of ageratum. The height of compact bushes does not exceed 15 centimeters. Thin ruby ​​stems with a purplish tint, well branched and abundantly covered with leaves. There are few flowers in loose inflorescences and they have a lilac-blue color. Flowering occurs from June to October. The plant does not like drought. Ageratum "Blausternchen" is used as a ground cover plant in flower beds, ridges and borders.

The Asteraceae family includes many beautiful plants, among which is Ageratum. The flower received such an unusual name because of its characteristics; this plant blooms for a very long time, starting from June and ending with the first frost. Translated from Latin the word ageratos Means ageless. Gardeners have already fallen in love with it and this is not surprising, because the plant has an unusually beautiful appearance and is suitable for decorating not only lawns and flower beds, but also balconies. More information about growing ageratum from seeds will be discussed in this article.

Peru is considered the birthplace of ageratum. This is a perennial plant, reaching a height of 20-60 cm. Thanks to its unusual properties, ageratum can delight gardeners with its flowering for a long time, it is not for nothing that it is popularly called “long-flowered”.

The plant is used in landscape design, so most often it can be seen in the gardens of country houses. Flowering until the coldest weather and its beautiful appearance have made the long-flowered plant an obligatory guest at various flower exhibitions. The inflorescences have a pleasant aroma that does not disappear for a long time, just like the pristine beauty of the flowers. What makes ageratum decorative is that its style and stigma are slightly longer than the corolla of the flower. The diameter of the baskets reaches 1.5 cm, and they, in turn, form large inflorescences (up to 12 cm), which evenly cover the entire plant.

On a note! The shape of the leaves, depending on the ageratum variety, may vary. Most often, there are plant varieties with oval leaves, the edges of which have denticles. Ripe fruits contain a huge number of seeds (at least 6,000 seeds per 1 g). The seeds are unpretentious, so they can germinate even after several years of ripening.

Popular plant varieties

There are more than 70 different types of plants, differing from each other in their decorative characteristics (shades of flowers, flowering time, height of the bush, and so on). But not all are used in gardening. Let's look at the most common varieties.

Table. Popular varieties of ageratum.

Variety name, photoDescription

An unusually beautiful plant with large lilac-blue or white inflorescences. The height of the bush rarely exceeds 30 cm, which is why it looks more collected and compact. This is a late plant as it begins to bloom in the second half of June.

Small bushes up to 15 cm in height are colored with densely pubescent green shoots. The inflorescences of this variety are colored lilac, although plants with blue flowers may be found. The flowering period occurs in June.

One of the most popular ageratum hybrids, distinguished by its short growth (up to 15 cm) and small blue flowers. Flowering begins in early summer.

A strong plant with thick and durable shoots, reaching a height of 30 cm. The diameter of the dense inflorescences is no more than 2.3 cm; they are decorated with flowers of a lilac hue. This variety begins to bloom in the second half of June.

An unusual variety of ageratum, the inflorescences of which are painted in two shades: light blue petals surround the white core of the baskets. The inflorescences of this plant are quite large, which makes it an excellent option for decorating the garden.

Refers to compact varieties of ageratum. Its height rarely exceeds 20 cm, although specimens up to 15 cm are most often found. The color of the buds is dark pink, and the inflorescences that then emerge from them have a pale pink tint.

Sowing time

If you decide to grow ageratum seedlings, then you need to understand that the period between sowing the seeds and the first flowering is at least 60 days. Since this is a heat-loving plant, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of spring frosts while planting seedlings in the soil. Even slight cold snaps can have a negative impact on the flower - this must be taken into account.

On a note! Having carried out simple mathematical calculations, it is easy to guess that mid-March is considered the most optimal period for sowing ageratum seeds. Of course, you can sow the seeds at a later period, but this will delay the onset of flowering a little.

Growing from seeds

Ageratum is a perennial plant, but in our conditions there is no need for its long-term use. Propagation can be carried out in two ways - cuttings and seeds, but, having finally weighed the pros and cons, flower growers usually settle on the second method.

On a note! The development cycle of ageratum is accelerated, which distinguishes the plant from its “colleagues”. Thanks to this feature, it is possible to move the sowing period to April-May.

Like any plant, ageratum loves nutritious soil. In this case, it is better to use slightly acidic or neutral soil, so if you decide to prepare the soil mixture yourself by mixing humus, lime and garden soil, do not forget to add a little - this will reduce the acidity of the soil. Also, do not add too much humus, since its excess will have a bad effect on flowering, making it more sparse.

This all applies only to soil prepared with one’s own hands. Few gardeners do this. It will be much easier to purchase ready-made soil for flowers in the store than to prepare it.

Nutritious universal soil for vegetables and flowers

Sowing seeds

Step 1. Fill the seedling container (in this case a container) with the soil mixture about 80%. If you want to grow several varieties of ageratum at once, it is better to take a separate container for each of them.

Step 2. Place the seeds from the bag onto a plate. There is no need to use everything, since the seeds are very small and there are quite a lot of them. Half the contents of the package for one container is quite enough. There is no need to carry out preliminary preparation of seed material.

Seeds are poured onto a plate

Step 3. Sow the seeds evenly over the surface of the soil. They have a long shape, so you can easily notice if they have accumulated 5-6 pieces in any place. Use a regular toothpick to push the seeds away from each other. This will be much faster than removing the seedlings later.

Step 4. During the growing process, monitor the soil moisture. At an early stage, humidity can be preserved by placing the container in a special container with a hole made. If you do not provide the seeds with enough moisture, the plant will die in almost all cases.

Step 5. Place the container with the seeds on a sunny window sill. If all the necessary conditions for seed germination are met, you will soon get such friendly shoots.

Transplantation into open ground

In the second half of May, having chosen a clear and warm week (having looked at the weather forecast in advance), begin transplanting plant seedlings into open soil. Place the seedlings in the previously prepared holes, and fill the remaining space with soil, which must be slightly (but not heavily) compacted. The distance between low-growing varieties of ageratum should be no more than 15 cm, between tall ones - up to 25 cm.

On a note! The area where you plant the plants should be sunny, since even slight shading can cause the shoots to stretch. As a result, the flowering intensity decreases. Even though the bulk of the work is behind you, you still have work to do. We are talking about caring for ageratum.


Although the plant is considered unpretentious and does not require care, you still need to pay attention to it. But the labor and time spent will not go in vain. As a result, you will be rewarded with lush and vibrant flowering of ageratum.

Top dressing

For feeding, you can use not only mineral, but also organic fertilizers. Gardeners also prefer to apply complex fertilizers. This should be done every 3 weeks, and the first fertilizing should be carried out using the minimum dosage of fertilizers. Otherwise, flowering may slow down due to their excess. It is highly not recommended to use manure to fertilize the soil, because it can destroy the ageratum.


The root system of this plant is very developed, which allows the ageratum to extract the required amount of moisture from the soil. Therefore, water regularly - every 3 weeks, but at least once a month. During hot periods, the frequency of watering, as well as the amount of water used, can be slightly increased.

Pruning ageratum

To obtain lush and beautiful bushes, it is necessary to periodically trim the ageratum. Leave no more than 4 internodes when pruning to speed up plant development. Before the first frost, you can transplant the flowers into separate pots and grow them in greenhouses or at home. Proper care will allow you to enjoy beautiful flowers throughout the winter.

On a note! With the onset of spring, the bushes can be transplanted into open ground again or the plants can be cut into cuttings, thus rejuvenating them.

Loosening the soil

Regular watering and fertilizing are not the only things that need to be done when growing ageratum. The soil around the plants must be loosened regularly. Since this flower likes to grow in airy soil, this procedure will improve its growth. When loosening, be sure to remove all weeds, as they inhibit the growth of the plant. After completing the next weeding, mulch the soil. This will prevent excessive evaporation of moisture.

Disease and pest control

Like most ornamental plants, ageratum can be susceptible to various diseases, the most common of which is root rot. Neglecting preventive measures will lead to rot and, as a result, the death of the plant. To prevent this from happening, you need to pay attention to the intensity of watering and periodically loosen the soil. Ageratum can also be affected by cucumber mosaic, which is also the result of non-compliance with the rules of care.

Seedlings that are still indoors or in a greenhouse must be protected from whiteflies. If these pests do appear, it is imperative to remove the damaged plants and treat the flowers themselves with insecticides. Carry out treatment until all insects are completely destroyed. Over time, when you transplant seedlings into open ground in a flower bed, nematodes or cutworms may encroach on the plants. In this case, you also need to use special processing agents. And remember that correct and conscientious adherence to the rules of agricultural technology will protect your plants from such troubles.

Decorative uses

As noted earlier, ageratum is of great value for landscaping and decorating areas. This is due to long flowering, unpretentiousness and color diversity. This combination is quite rare among ground cover ornamental plants.

Low-growing varieties of ageratum are ideal for decorating balconies, loggias or borders, and tall plants can be grown for further cutting. If we talk about combination with other flowers, then blue varieties of ageratum will look great with eschscholzia, zinnia and marigold. In other words, any unpretentious flowers of yellow shades will do here.

Video - Germination of ageratum seeds

Description and features of ageratum

Belonging to the Astrov family, this ornamental plant gives gardeners cute fluffy flowers, the dense inflorescences of which look like fragrant pompoms, filling the surrounding space with a pleasant smell.

Ageratum It is attractive for its ability to retain freshness for a long time after cutting. This quality, as well as the plant’s ability to bloom for a long period, formed the basis for the name of the flower, which is translated from Latin as “forever young.”

Externally the plant (as can be seen on photo of ageratum) has the appearance of a low bush, whose stems can be quite dwarf in size, but even taller ones do not exceed a length of 60 cm.

Its flowers delight the eye with a soothing blue or purple hue, but there are also varieties, varieties and hybrids that have pink, white and other, very diverse: colorful, unusual and unique shades.

The inflorescences-baskets extending from the stems are not particularly large, being no more than 5 cm in diameter. Depending on the type, they have an arbitrary shape and have different sizes, sometimes taking on the most bizarre unpredictable appearance and fantastic contours that betray ageratum flowers air volume.

The lush green leaves of the crop are oval and triangular in shape, and can also be diamond shapes, the edges of which have an uneven serrated structure.

In nature, such flowers grow in fertile and vegetation-rich regions of eastern India, Central and Latin America. This is a tropical and heat-loving representative of the flora, so the culture is not able to survive even the mildest winters.

Conditions for growing ageratum became the reason that this perennial (as it is in its homeland) is bred in Russia, given its climate, as an annual plant.

The flowers look great in flower beds and are very attractive as an element of the design of the surrounding landscape, delighting those around them with long-lasting (up to five months) flowering.

Among flower growers, this culture, which looks attractive and tempting, is quite in demand, since growing ageratum does not bring much trouble, and its decorative properties have multifaceted applications.

The plant is successfully used to create carpet compositions, often in combination with other crops, successfully filling empty spaces among perennial flora representatives. Flowers are also invaluable in the work of florists and designers.

Planting and propagation of ageratum

The cultivation of the described crop occurs mainly by planting seeds, but since the crop is heat-loving, it is not advisable to sow them directly into flower beds or garden plots.

How to sow ageratum? When the flowers ripen and turn brown, this is a sign that seed material can be collected from them. In the fruits of the plant, which have the shape of a wedge-shaped pentagon, numerous small seeds ripen, which retain their properties and are capable of successfully germinating over a four-year period when planted.

It is best to first sow them by mid-March in convenient containers or boxes filled with soil, the structure of which should consist of peat, sand and humus in approximately equal proportions.

At sowing ageratum The seeds should be sprinkled on top with a small layer of soil of the above composition. And cover the landing container transparent film or glass to Sun rays penetrated freely through this surface, creating a favorable microclimate inside.

In the resulting greenhouse for successful germination ageratum from seeds Regular ventilation should be provided and the temperature should be maintained at at least 15°C.

And the soil should always be slightly moist. Shoots appear after about a couple of weeks, and from this time the film covering the container or box can be removed.

At the moment when two pairs of leaves hatch at the seedlings, ageratum seedlings should be placed in a larger container, and then as the seedlings grow, it is better to transplant them into separate cups or pots.

A convenient time for watering seedlings is the morning. And a couple of weeks before ageratum planting to a flowerbed or garden plot, young plants should be hardened, gradually accustoming them to natural conditions in the open air.

Ageratum into the soil it is transplanted when a stable above-zero temperature is established outside and the danger of night frosts disappears. The place for sowing should be sunny and protected from winds and dampness, and the soil on the site should be light, non-acidic and nutritious.

For planting, small holes are dug, spaced from one another at a distance of about 15 cm. If everything is done correctly, in a couple of months you will be able to watch the plant bloom.

Ageratum care

The plant is quite unpretentious, but loves watering, which, however, should not be too excessive. And after irrigating the soil with water, at the moment when the wet soil dries out a little, but still remains loose, weeding should be done. This significantly helps the growth of the plant, freeing it not only from weeds, but also the remnants of their root system, which is easily removed.

As a top dressing, produced twice a month, you can use mineral and gummed fertilizers, as well as mullein infusion, but fresh manure has a bad effect on ageratum. Care involves feeding, but you should remember that you don’t need to be zealous with them.

Excessive use of fertilizers promotes the growth of green parts of the crop, which interferes with the appearance of flowers. For a successful lush color, faded inflorescences must be removed in a timely manner, and the stems must be trimmed, leaving only some internodes.

As the autumn cold approaches, the area is cleared of fading debris. heat-loving plant, which is not able to tolerate even light frosts.

Successful bushes can be moved to a veranda or balcony, and also left in the house, transplanted into flower pots, so that such beauty can remind of the past summer for some time.

And in the first days of spring, cuttings can be taken from the surviving bushes, which are suitable for planting in the garden in the new season. Very often this crop is specially bred on loggias and terraces, growing at home. Ageratum planted in boxes, flowerpots, tubs and floor vases.

The enemies of young shoots on verandas and greenhouses are often whiteflies and spider mites. To combat them, affected leaves are removed or treated with insecticides.

The crop gets sick quite often, but in order for the plant to successfully develop and grow, and its roots not to rot, it is better to select light soil for planting in advance and loosen the soil in the area so that the moisture is retained longer after watering. Often the crop is infected by bacteria, and the plant begins to wither, which is a consequence of poor care.

Lack of heat, sunlight and waterlogging of the soil can cause the disease - blackleg. The consequence is rotting of the lower part of the stem. To get rid of such troubles, diseased plants have to be removed, and the remaining shoots must be sprayed with a solution of potassium permanganate at least once a week.

Types and varieties of ageratum

There are about six dozen species of this plant. Such diversity is distinguished by the individuality of each variety and its special unique beauty.

All of them are in demand in floriculture, and anyone can find their seeds in any flower shop, even the first one they come across. Varieties of the crop are divided into three types according to the size of the bushes. Tall ones reach a length of up to 60 cm; the stems of medium-sized plants are slightly lower; well, dwarf types generally grow no higher than 15 cm.

Ageratum mexicanis, actively used in garden design, is one of the most beloved and well-known species by gardeners. Plant varieties are usually distinguished by their blue range, but there are also red, pink, yellow and white shades.

These are universal flowers that give gardeners, florists and designers the opportunity to let their imaginations fly, which stimulates their creative impulses. This flora is widely used to create a wide variety of compositions in bold combinations color ranges and bizarre shapes.

Low-growing bushes are perfect for decorating flower beds and borders. And tall ones are for original and colorful bouquets. Flowers create harmony and great mood, being planted in vases in the fall and placed in the garden between the bushes.

On the background blue ageratum Zinnias and marigolds, as well as plants such as heliopsis, rudbeckia and helenium, look great in flower beds with their red, yellow, orange and gold hues.

One of the varieties of the mentioned species is “White Ball”, which fits perfectly into the impressive floral compositions. This compact, graceful plant grows to a very short height, so it is convenient for growing in boxes and vases.

Its densely drooping leaves appear voluminous. Stems are strong and straight. The inflorescences, about 2 cm in diameter, delight with their attractive snow-white color.

Ageratum mexicanis served as the basis for the creation by breeders of many interesting plant varieties of various colors and qualities. These include the Alba variety, a hardy but rare plant with snow-white flowers with four petals.

This flora is different abundant flowering, prefers nutritious soil and places covered with light shade. Flowers are used to decorate the banks of reservoirs, borders and rocky hills.

The hybrid “North Sea”, also bred from the mentioned species, pleases the eye with a rich dark purple color scheme. This crop tolerates haircuts well and recovers after it in a short time. A variety with white-blue flowers is Ageratum "Leda". Its coloring is amazing and original in that it seems to shimmer and shimmer.

Ageratum pink includes two varieties: fiery pink and pink ball. These plants are small in size and usually do not grow above 30 cm, but dwarf varieties of ageratum are even more compact.

Ageratum blue mink It is famous for its long flowering and amazing unpretentiousness. Externally, the plant is a neat compact bush up to 35 cm high.

The culture has fluffy blue inflorescences with a lilac tint, emitting a pleasant aroma. This flora, starting its flowering in June, continues to delight with its beauty until autumn, decorating gardens, flower beds and flower beds with its bright, dense inflorescences.

The plant loves warmth and light, so it easily tolerates drought. But growing in the shade, it stretches out ugly, so open sunny areas are chosen for it. This crop also does not tolerate rocky and damp soils.

Anyone can create unique winter bouquets using the mentioned plant material. To do everything correctly and beautifully, flowers are cut from flower beds at a time when their buds have not yet fully blossomed. Then they are tied in bunches and hung with the inflorescences down to dry. Then they make up wonderful compositions.

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