How to replant geraniums at home, how to properly plant pelargonium without roots and when is the best time to do it. Everything about how to properly plant a geranium with a shoot without roots at home. Necessary tools for planting.

Geranium is one of the the most beautiful flowers, which can grow both in a room, planted in a pot, and planted on personal plot. Very often the plant is called pelargonium, although this is not entirely true, since pelargoniums are a variety of indoor crops, while geraniums usually grow in open ground.

Be that as it may, in order for the flower to grow and develop, you should know the planting rules, which will be discussed below.

How to plant geraniums in a pot

Considering that most gardeners do not have the opportunity to plant a flower in the garden, they use regular pot. If everything is done correctly, the plant will delight you with its lush flowering. The flower does not like to be left with a lot of space in the container, so pots for pelargoniums should be small.

When planting a cutting, you can take a small jar (be sure to make drainage holes in it), and when the roots begin to grow, then you can buy a small pot. As for the material from which the product is made, plastic pot the soil will dry out much more slowly than in ceramic, but the second option is preferable, because ceramics is a natural material.

Planting geraniums at home is very simple. True, first you need to take care of the substrate. The flower is quite capricious, so it will not grow in soil that does not meet certain requirements.

The soil mixture may be as follows:

  • Purchased soil, which will need to be mixed with some components (vermiculite, perlite and river sand).
  • Earth taken under trees or bushes (before use it must be disinfected using a manganese solution).
  • Mix eight parts turf soil, two parts humus and 1 part coarse river sand.

Important! It is best to plant a geranium shoot in spring time. This is the period when young plant It will grow quickly, and by winter it will be a small flower.

If for some reason it was not possible to plant in the spring, then you can still consider September. At other times, it is better not to start rooting the shoot, because there is a high probability of its death.

General rules for planting a flower

There are rules that should always be followed when planting pelargonium. In this case, you can count on a successful outcome of the case.

These rules are:

  1. If the pot has become small, the plant should be transplanted into a larger container. In this case, manipulation is carried out by transshipment. That is, an earthen ball is taken along with the root and placed in the prepared soil mixture. After this, soil is added to the edges of the pot and compacted. Next comes watering.
  2. When the plant takes root, it will be necessary to pinch it from time to time so that the pelargonium stretches upward.

How to plant geraniums in open ground

When deciding to plant a flower outside, it is important to know how to properly plant geraniums in open ground so that the plant does not die.

This is done like this:

  • First of all, you need to choose a place. This should be a light area, but not open, so that occasionally the pelargonium is in the shade.
  • Next, you should thoroughly loosen the soil.
  • Afterwards, you need to scatter the compost on top and mix it with the soil mixture.
  • At the next stage, you need to dig a shallow hole, take out the geranium shoots and send them into the hole. After completing this manipulation, you can water. The leaves should also be moistened from time to time. At this point the procedure can be considered complete.

Considering that young plants, and old ones are no exception, cannot withstand frost, bushes cannot be left in the winter. When it gets colder outside, you will need to cut the flower itself by 5-7 cm, dig it out of the ground, cut off a third of the rhizome, and then put it in a container with soil.

Methods for planting geranium seeds

Some gardeners do not like to take the simple path, choosing something more difficult. So they decide. In order to implement the plan, it is necessary to carefully select planting material, it must be of high quality. If the seeds turn out to be old or rotten, then seedlings may not be expected. After this, you will need to take a pallet or other wide container, fill it with soil, water it a little, scatter the seeds on top and cover the greenhouse transparent film. Be sure to put all this in a warm place. Having noticed the first sprouts, you can remove the film and wait for the leaf plates to appear. After this, the young pelargonium is allowed to be transplanted into a separate pot.

How to plant geraniums as shoots

Planting by cuttings is the easiest way if you want to propagate geraniums. In addition, the shoots make it possible to preserve all the properties of the main flower.

Important! Geranium cuttings are cut and planted only in spring.

In order to perform the manipulation you must:

  • Take small plastic cups or other containers. Make holes in them and add drainage to the bottom. It must be said that good drainage will not allow young plants to rot if overflows are suddenly carried out.
  • After this, you need to take the soil and sprinkle it with a manganese solution.
  • Next you need to choose and take a shoot from a geranium. Only strong specimens should be used. In addition, the shoots must have several leaf plates. After cutting off the planting material, the sections need to be rubbed with activated carbon.
  • At the next stage, the cuttings are planted in the ground and watered. The rest of the time there is no need to irrigate the future flower. To prevent it from drying out, you should take a tray, pour some water into it and place the cups there. This entire structure is placed in a cool room. As the water evaporates, it can be added.
  • Young pelargonium is planted in the ground after a month.

As already mentioned, planting a geranium with a shoot without roots is simple, and the result will not take long to arrive.

Methods for planting pelargonium with rhizomes

We figured out how to plant geraniums without roots, now we need to tell you how to do it using rhizomes.

Everything is extremely simple:

  1. A flower is taken out of the pot, the roots are washed with water, and then divided into several parts with a disinfected knife.
  2. All sections are carefully covered with activated carbon.
  3. The planting material is soaked for some time in a special solution - a growth stimulator, and then sits in a pot.

If there are any doubts about this method, then it is better to plant the geranium correctly with a shoot and not suffer with the roots.

Ways to care for young geraniums in the cold season

Geraniums not only tolerate cool weather well, they literally look forward to it. During this period, the flowering period stops and the plant can rest a little, gaining strength for the spring. At this stage, you should properly trim the flower, feed it and shape its crown.

If we are talking about a houseplant, then you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • IN last days In summer, as well as in September, watering is noticeably reduced. At this moment, carefully monitor the root system. If the pot is standing outside, where the temperature begins to drop to +12 degrees Celsius, then irrigate the plant with caution. When decreasing temperature regime Pelargonium needs to be brought into the house.
  • In order to form a bush, you need to trim off all rotten and dry leaves and pinch the crown.
  • IN winter time the flower pot is transferred to a cool place where the temperature fluctuates between +12..+15 degrees Celsius. Watering at this point is reduced to a minimum.
  • With the arrival of spring, the first thing to do is fertilize the geranium, and then begin to plant it in the ground or propagate it.

As for a flower growing outside, it is dug up for the winter, planted in a pot and cared for as described above.

With development indoor floriculture More and more are on sale exotic plants. Of course, it’s interesting to grow a new plant yourself, but don’t forget your usual flowers. One of them was grown by many generations of our ancestors. And even now in almost every home you can find the most common geranium. , find out from this article.

And what foliage! Carved, colorful, multi-colored! These beautiful plants bear little resemblance to grandma's geraniums. If only by the specific smell of leaves. With proper care, you can practically enjoy flowering all year round.

How to grow geranium at home? Agricultural technology of any variety is very easy. A little effort, simple care and the secret by which pelargonium begins to bloom - that’s the whole growing technology. But for those who are breeding this flower for the first time, we will describe everything in detail.

There is an opinion that geranium seeds do not germinate well. This statement applies only to self-collected seeds. If by chance you managed to purchase a bag industrial production, then their germination rate is almost 100%.

Sow geraniums in small cups, one at a time. Of course, if the business is on stream, then it is better to sow them in a bunch in one container. True, then you will have to dive. But for those planted one at a time, it will be enough to slightly hill up.

The soil should have a classic composition. This is fertile garden soil, clean sand and peat. Proportions 2 to 1 to 1. To the bottom landing capacity large drainage is poured. Of course, these are not two cobblestones. The fraction size is about 1 cm. It should not be neglected, since root system geraniums begin to rot when exposed to excess water.

After drainage, fill the container halfway with soil. Moisten it, put a seed, sprinkle with a layer of earth no more than 1.5 cm. Then you need to cover the glass with thick polyethylene or glass. Place in a dark, warm place (temperature about 22°C) and wait for germination.

If everything is done correctly and the seeds are viable, the first sprouts will appear within 9-11 days. After this, the cover is removed, and the glass is transferred to the light and the temperature is reduced to 18-20°C.

They care for young plants in the same way as adults.

Growing geraniums from cuttings

Let's assume that someone you know trimmed his bush of varietal geranium and gave the cuttings to you. What to do with them? Here are two algorithms for your actions:

  1. We tear off the two bottom leaves, then put the cutting in water. In a week, the beginnings of roots should appear. And after 14-16 days you can already plant the finished plant on permanent place.
  2. We tear off a couple of lower leaves. We accurately dip a cut of the stem into any root formation stimulator and immediately plant it in a permanent pot. We do not touch the flower for about 20 days, only occasionally moisten the soil. After this period, an independent plant is obtained, ready to delight you.

Absolutely any soil for geraniums, purchased or made independently, must be disinfected. It is pre-diluted with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. After 12 hours, they are calcined in the oven at a temperature of 110-115°C. You can pre-freeze the soil for 3 days if it happens in winter.

These procedures will help avoid the manifestation of many fungal and viral diseases.

Despite the fact that the leaves secrete phytoncides, which kill a large number of microbes in the air, the geranium itself is susceptible to some diseases. As a rule, they arise from proper care. The main factors are insufficient lighting and excessive soil moisture. Often the sore starts from the root system and then spreads to the leaves.

Most problems can be avoided by simply caring for the plant properly. But, if trouble does arise, then it is fashionable to try to save the flower. Systemic fungicide preparations will help here. They are used strictly following the instructions on the packaging.

Advice. If the plant cannot be saved, then try to save at least the cuttings that are not affected by the disease. You can grow a new flower from it.

Pests. They happily settle on pelargonium. They are not bothered by the aroma or fluff on the leaves. Usually it's an aphid spider mite or whitefly. Other enemies are indifferent to the flower.

The first two can simply be washed off with water with the addition of potassium or laundry soap. But with the third misfortune there will be a long and stubborn struggle. It is not easy to remove it, even using the strongest insecticides. Search online for articles on how to get rid of whiteflies, you will learn a lot of interesting things.

Where to place geraniums

The homeland of this beauty is South America. Therefore, the flower loves a lot of light. At the same time, he is not afraid of direct Sun rays. So you can absolutely safely place pelargonium on windows facing south. Lighting should be at least 14 hours a day all year round. In winter you will have to use additional lighting. Geraniums have no dormant periods.

The first sign of a lack of light is the appearance of a red border along the edges of the leaves. Of course, if this is not provided for by the peculiarity of the variety. In this case, lighting affects the duration of flowering, but only slightly. There is another secret for this, which will be described below.

How often to water geraniums

The plant does not belong to the succulent family, but it can accumulate a little moisture in its leaves. It does not tolerate waterlogging at all, but feels absolutely calm during forced drought for up to 5 days. Then it begins to consume moisture reserves from the leaves and shed them. He won't need them anymore.

To prevent your bush from going bald ahead of time, water the geranium according to the following scheme: the earthen ball is completely dry and plus 2 more days. In winter this is about once every 15 days, in summer more often.

Be sure to drain excess fluid from the pan completely. In order not to climb your finger inside the pot every time, feeling the soil, purchase special beacons for measuring the humidity level. They will change color when the soil is dry enough. By the way, the water should be at room temperature.

Geranium loves to eat. From February to November she needs a regular dose of mineral fertilizers with a high potassium content. But you can add very little nitrogen, otherwise you will end up with powerful foliage without a single bud. It is strictly forbidden to add organic matter; pelargonium does not tolerate it at all.

Feed the plant no more than once every 20 days, strictly on the second day after the main watering.

Geranium formation

Pelargonium grows in height at cosmic speed. If you miss even a little time, it can grow into a huge tree. It is not very attractive aesthetically. In addition, buds appear only at the ends of the shoots. Therefore, the bush must be formed from a very early age.

To do this, pinch the central shoot above the 4th leaf. They wait for the stepsons to appear, then tear off the tops of their heads, also above the 4th leaf. This is done with all shoots. Thanks to this formation, you will get a lush spherical bush with big amount buds.

If the plant has stretched over the winter, or the moment of formation has been missed, then it is better to trim the entire bush to 3 leaves in the spring. This way the stepsons will appear and you can form the geranium beautifully again.

By the way, don’t throw away the trimmings. You can try to root them for later planting. Or dry in the shade and place in fabric bags. It is good to place such preparations in cabinets; this specific aroma repels moths well.

The secret of geranium flowering

And now the one promised above valuable advice. You have created all the conditions, you take care of it, feed it, provide additional light... but the geranium still does not want to bloom. What to do? Let's reveal the main secret. Geranium begins to bloom only when there is practically no room left for the roots in the pot.

Sometimes the owners see that the roots are entwined with the entire lump of earth and are in a hurry to transplant the pelargonium into a more spacious pot. And she, ungrateful, begins to grow the root system again instead of buds.

How to do it right? In spring we do not replant the bush. It becomes crowded, it begins to bloom. At good care does this until the end of summer. When the last bud has bloomed, we cut it off and only then replant the plant. Moreover, the pot should be only 1-1.5 cm larger than the previous one. Over the winter, the root system will again completely entwine the soil ball and the cycle repeats.

That's the whole trick.

  1. If the climate allows, you can plant pelargonium in the garden in the spring. In this case, it is advisable not to remove it from the pot, but to dig it in directly with it. Otherwise, in the fall you will have to call an excavator to dig up the overgrown root system.
  2. Geranium tolerates direct sunlight on its leaves absolutely calmly. But at air temperatures above 35°C it is better to shade it a little. Still, this is excessively hot weather, burning the leaves and tops of the shoots.
  3. By the way, in winter it is enough to keep geraniums at +16-18°C. From spring to autumn, it is advisable to stick to at least +21-22°C.
  4. The first sign that pelargonium does not like something is yellowing of the lower leaves. But what exactly does not suit the beauty will have to be determined independently. Overfeeding with fertilizers, excessive watering, incipient disease - any of these factors is reflected first of all on color shade foliage.
  5. If you have any difficulties choosing a fertilizer for pelargonium, then pay attention to those products whose packaging is marked “for balcony plants.” It will be difficult to make a mistake here.
  6. Starting from the age of 2 years, when replanting, the size of the pot is not increased. By the way, a flower can grow for up to 10 years, or even more, if it is provided with suitable conditions.
  7. It is not recommended to pick off old dried leaves and wilted flower stalks with your hands, because there is a high probability of damaging the plant stem. Better make it sterile sharp knife.
  8. Seeds collected independently do not transmit decorative qualities parents to children. But don't despair. Maybe you can make your own unique variety geraniums?
  9. There is an interesting observation: if a person likes the smell of geranium leaves, then everything is not right with him. nervous system, and it would be advisable to check with the appropriate doctor. Those people who find the aroma unpleasant have a strong, healthy nervous system.

How to grow geranium at home? Completely simple and effortless. Do not treat pelargonium with disdain and it will thank you clean air in the house and long bright flowering.

Indoor geraniums growing on window sills, loggias and balconies, as in the photo, can look like herbaceous or semi-shrub plants with erect or flowing stems.

All geraniums are highly decorative. Attention is attracted not only by simple or double flowers of all shapes and colors, but also by the unique leaves of the plant. They can be wide, almost round, figuratively cut, finger-shaped, smooth corrugated, green and variegated.

Indoor geraniums have long been known as spectacular and unpretentious plants, has led to the fact that over the last hundred years: a great variety of varietal forms of pelargonium have been obtained; wild species have been discovered and cultivated; interspecific hybrids appeared.

That's why modern classification the genus represents about 250 plant lovers independent species, and the gradation of varieties indoor plants, accepted in the international community of flower growers, suggests using its designations, based on the external characteristics, of varieties and types of indoor geraniums: Stellar - star-shaped indoor geraniums, their varieties and hybrids; Tulip – tulip-shaped pelargoniums; Unique – indoor unique geraniums; Zonal - zonal or bordered domestic varieties of pelargonium.

Angel – indoor geraniums angels; Colored Foliage – variegated varieties; Cactus – cactus-like pelargoniums; Ivy-leaved - ivy-leaved geraniums that can be standard sizes, as well as dwarfs and miniatures; Miniature and Dwarf – miniature and dwarf plants indoor pelargoniums; Regal – royal geraniums; Scented-leaved – fragrant geraniums.

Pelargonium zonal

All kinds of hybrids and varieties of this type of indoor geranium, as in the photo, grow well in the house, on balconies and even in city flower beds. This is the undoubted leader in popularity and number of cultivated varieties, of which there are about 75 thousand today.

When describing geranium varieties, in the photo, and in the names of plants, the following gradation is used according to the number of petals in the corolla: non-double flowers consist of five petals - Single; semi-double flowers have from 6 to 9 petals and are designated Semi-Double; double geranium flowers consist of 8 or more petals - Double.

Terry varieties are sometimes called peony geranium, which is somewhat incorrect. There is no such group of plants in the internationally recognized classification.

Zonal geranium flowers differ not only in splendor and size. Long gone are the days when only red geraniums were displayed on the windows. Depending on the variety and variety, pelargonium pleases the eye with umbrella-shaped inflorescences of all shades of pink, cream, burgundy or crimson. It is not uncommon to see plants with white, multi-colored and even yellow corollas, as in the photo of a geranium variety called First Yellow Improved.

Rosaceae (Rose-bud Zonal pelargoniums)

An example is a pink-shaped geranium, as in the photo, with terry spectacular flowers, in structure and appearance reminiscent of miniature English roses. This variety of indoor geranium, its name and photo of flowers have been known in the world since the century before last.

Tulip-shaped indoor geraniums

A century later, flower growers received domestic geranium plants with flowers that, even in full bloom, do not open, remaining in the bud stage. As a result, this indoor geranium shown in the photo was called tulip-shaped.

The variety began with a spontaneous mutation, and the few varieties and hybrids of tulip-shaped geranium that exist today sometimes try to return to their natural form when grown or propagated.

If you want to decorate a windowsill or balcony, then geranium is exactly what you need. The plant was brought from South Africa. Due to the fact that it is characterized by abundant and long flowering, geranium has become very popular. At the same time, the culture feels good both in indoor pots, and in the flowerbed.

general characteristics

The flower belongs to the geranium family. Grown as a perennial. Pelargonium is distinguished by beautiful, decorative leaves. Stems can be branched, straight, or creeping.

The natural form has:

  • powerful, branching shoots;
  • drooping cut or smooth leaves;
  • inflorescences can consist of one to two dozen flowers.

At home, the plant remains decorative for at least 5 years. With proper care, correct, timely replanting, the flower will delight you with flowering for at least ten years.


More than two hundred species of pelargonium are known. Popular for home grown are just a few.


It stands out for its clearly defined leaves with a pattern. Color – from light to dark green. It does not overwinter outside, but it can be dug up and moved indoors, where the bush will feel great.

After the zonal geranium has bloomed, pruning is done. Young shoots are cut to 10 cm. The container is placed in a cool room (+15 degrees Celsius) with good lighting. Although it can withstand temperatures down to -5 degrees.

This variety tolerates drought well. The flowers are distinguished by bright colors: white, red, raspberry pink. The most popular varieties are:

  • Rumba Fire;
  • Rocky Mountain Nobles;
  • Bravo Pastel.


Great for creating an unforgettable experience landscape design. Used for framing arched structures. The leaves are fleshy, framed with a red border. By appearance reminiscent of ivy greens. The length of the shoots can reach 90 cm.

Wintering is best tolerated in an apartment. Pelargonium is sensitive to frost. It cannot tolerate temperatures below +4 degrees.

Flowers are located on long peduncles and can be double or semi-double. Popular varieties are Mustang, Pigmy, Red Pandora, Belladonna 99.

Landing Features

Several planting methods are known. The main factor is location.

Planting at home

The algorithm for planting a plant is simple, but you must adhere to the following recommendations:

A layer of expanded clay or other drainage is placed on the bottom. A small amount of sand is placed on top, followed by a layer of earth. A small depression is made in the center, the plant is arranged, sprinkled with the remaining composition, and watered with settled water.

Planting in open ground

Pelargoniums look harmonious on the windowsill, flower beds, and flowerpots in front of the house.

If you plan to plant geraniums outside, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  • The prepared plot of land should be well loosened. It is best to dig it up to a depth of 30-35 cm.
  • To enrich the earth nutrients It's worth using compost. It is scattered over the surface and then mixed with top layer land.
  • For planting, holes are made, the depth of which should be approximately 20-25 cm.
  • The distance between the recesses should be from 15 to 60 cm (depending on the size of the plants).
  • Flowers are planted, covered with soil, and watered.

Because geranium loves good lighting, it is better to choose a sunny place for it.

Features of planting cuttings

Often gardeners want to propagate a plant by cuttings. It is the rooted shoots that are best suited for propagating royal, fragrant, and other varieties of geraniums. However, this question is relevant not only for obtaining “offspring”. Very often, a flower loses its attractiveness: it stretches out, exposing part of the stem. To correct this, you have to cut cuttings from it and root them.

How to take a shoot correctly?

If you plan to take cuttings from a plant that is kept in the house, then any time of the year is suitable for this procedure. But, in order for the shoot to quickly take root, it is best to do this in spring or summer, when there is enough natural light.

If you decide to take a cutting, then pay attention to the mother plant: it should not have flowers. If the geranium has managed to form buds, they should be carefully removed.

For the procedure you will need a clean, sharp knife and scalpel. It is recommended to pre-disinfect with alcohol or another product. The cut must be made so that the shoot has a length of up to 7-8 cm. The tip is the best option for this. You need to cut below the internode.

In order to easily root a shoot without roots and grow it into an adult, full-fledged plant, you must carefully select planting material. It should have at least 3-4 internodes or full leaves. The cut should be oblique.

How to plant geraniums as shoots?

After cutting, it is not recommended to immediately put the young twig in water or plant it in the ground. It should lie down for several hours to allow the cut to tighten a little. Additionally, treatment is carried out with antiseptic agents (crushed charcoal), rooter.

There are two options for the further path: using water or soil mixture for rooting.

The first method is quite simple. A small amount of settled water is poured into prepared, clean containers. The cuttings are lowered so that the liquid covers the cut. In 7-10 days, roots will definitely appear.

The advantage of this method is that you can constantly monitor what is happening with planting material. If rot or another problem appears, you can correct the situation immediately. The water should be changed once every 2 days.

After a sufficient number of roots have appeared, the plant is planted in the ground, following the recommendations for caring for a young plant.

The second method is rooting the shoots in the substrate.

A prerequisite for growing geraniums from cuttings directly in the ground is drainage. Containers or pots with special holes where the excess water will go.

Cut cuttings are planted in pre-moistened soil. A distance of 2-3 cm should be maintained between pelargoniums. The rooting process lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. Watering is carried out as it dries.

The advantage of this method is the rapid rooting process. After its completion, the young greens are transplanted into pots.

Proper care is the key to growth and abundant flowering. “Green friends” tolerate ventilation well, but cold drafts are dangerous for them. It is important to follow the recommendations the first time after planting.

Insufficient lighting will soon lead to a loss of splendor, the bush will begin to stretch upward and wither. It is necessary to reconsider the placement of the flowerpot. In summer it is recommended to take it out onto the balcony. Bright light will give the foliage a reddish tint, which is not a sign of disease, rather just a “tan.”

Watering should be moderate and systematic. Spraying is not done. The main rule is to not allow the soil to dry out. Signs of this phenomenon are yellowing of the foliage and its falling. Stagnation of water should be avoided (you should be wary of rot of the root system and neck). Good drainage will help with this. In winter, moisturizing is done less frequently. 2-3 times every 4 weeks is enough.

Suitable fertilizers:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium.

With the right ratio of elements, your green pet will bloom profusely. You can use special fertilizers and complexes for this type of flowering plant.

Pruning is required. Held in the fall. The procedure promotes the formation of a neat crown and greater branching.

Geranium is an excellent option for the home, balcony, street flowerpot, beds, flower beds. She is not capricious. Subject to simple conditions abundant flowering will last from spring to late autumn.

Despite the fact that in difficult care this flower does not need certain conditions for growth and, most importantly, for good flowering still needed. These conditions boil down to:

  • choosing a good, sunny place for a flower in your apartment;
  • choosing the right pot for planting - geraniums love small ceramic pots, in which they will be a little cramped;
  • nutritious soil suitable specifically for these flowers;
  • thorough and careful watering, which absolutely all pelargoniums need, regardless of the variety;
  • fresh air, which these flowers need so much.

Geranium is one of those plants whose flowering splendor directly depends on proper care for them. Try to place this flower on a north window - and you won’t get any flowers from it. Therefore, if you want to achieve lush flower caps on your bushes, this article is for you.

Rules for caring for geraniums

These rules are very simple:

  • First, choose your flower a good place- the most correct thing would be to place it on the windowsill, where the sun's rays fall either in the morning or in the afternoon. This is the optimal light mode that your flower needs. If your apartment does not have windows facing east or west, you can place the flower on the south window, but the geranium will have to be protected from the bright rays of the midday sun. On the north window it will have to be illuminated with a lamp;
  • geranium does not like excess moisture, therefore, although the soil should not be allowed to dry out, pelargonium should not be watered too much. Excessive moisture near the roots is destructive for it, so no stagnation of water in the pot should be allowed;
  • geraniums must be fed, and there should not be a lot of nitrogen in the fertilizer, otherwise your bushes will grow greatly, and there will be no or very few flowers. Phosphorus and potassium components should predominate in fertilizers, and fertilizers must be applied at least once a month;
  • geraniums in a pot should be a little cramped, so there is no need to select large containers for it. It is best for pelargoniums to grow and bloom in small pots, otherwise they will have a lot of green leaves and roots, but you will not get flowering. Therefore, if you have big pot, plant a few bushes in it. We will tell you how to plant geranium shoots below;
  • geranium needs a period of rest, during which it will restore its strength. Before sending her to rest in a cool room, be sure to trim the shoots so that they remain as short stumps. From the cut shoots you can form new flowers, which will quickly grow if they are planted correctly. After a rest from about October to the end of January, the geranium can again be placed in the light and watered - it will begin to grow and bush.

Another secret - he loves geranium very much Fresh air. Quite often it is planted in the garden in a flowerbed for the summer; after choosing suitable soil, it grows well and blooms all season long. Therefore, the room in which your geranium grows must be ventilated.

It is better to avoid drafts; no flowers like them, but opening a window in the room where geraniums grow is not only possible, but also necessary. Fresh air is very important for these flowers.

How to plant geranium cuttings correctly

It is very simple to propagate geraniums by shoots, and you can do this immediately after you have done the autumn pruning of your flowers before sending them to rest in the northern room or on the balcony. This is done as follows:

  • select from among the trimmings several plump stems from the tops of the shoots that have at least five healthy leaves;
  • remove the lower leaves so that the root reaches at least 3-4 cm;
  • place the cuttings in transparent glass cups with water and wait for the roots to appear;
  • after that, plant the cuttings in small slides, first placing drainage on the bottom and filling them with nutritious soil, or simply in a small container and then plant them.

Some flower lovers plant cuttings directly into the ground, since there is a risk of the lower part rotting in water. In this case, the algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  • cut the cuttings from the top of the geranium shoot with a very sharp knife to prevent injury and provide the shoot with as even a cut as possible;
  • hold the cut shoots on a clean towel for about an hour, after removing the lower leaves so that the cuttings dry slightly;
  • stick them at an angle into the pots with the nutrient mixture and moisten thoroughly.

After the cuttings are in the ground, you need to be very careful to ensure that the soil in the pot does not dry out under any circumstances. Cuttings should always be kept in slightly moistened, but not wet soil; it is this circumstance that promotes rapid rooting.

You can not just water them from a watering can, spray them from special devices. Then the soil on top will always be moist. And watering can be done a little less often to eliminate excess water near the roots.

How to grow geraniums from roots

Once your cuttings are in the pots, you need to carefully monitor them so that they turn into full-fledged geranium bushes and bloom. There are some subtleties to keep in mind:

  • Some gardeners believe that cuttings take root better under a transparent container - a jar or glass. Personally, I don’t like this kind of rooting, because condensation settles on the leaves and the plant can rot. However, if a few days after the cutting is in the ground, you see that the leaves have begun to droop and droop, you can cover it with a glass on top for additional moisture. Just don’t forget to lift it periodically and let the plant breathe;
  • do not place pots with cuttings in a place that is too warm; it is advisable that the temperature in the room where the small pots are located does not rise above 22 -25 degrees;
  • For rooting, it is not necessary to plant each cutting in a separate pot; you can put everything in one container and keep an eye on them. As soon as the leaves begin to appear and the shoots begin to grow, they need to be planted;
  • if you root your geraniums in winter, when daylight hours are very short, the cuttings must be illuminated with a lamp, since without light they will die;
  • While the cuttings are at the rooting stage, they do not require any additional fertilizer, it is enough that you planted them in a nutrient mixture. But after the small bushes are in separate pots, it’s time to start feeding;
  • if you root cuttings in the spring or in the summer, when it is warm outside and there is enough sunlight, you can do the following. It is advisable before placing them in a permanent place in flower pots, plant them in a flowerbed on summer cottage. As we have already said, geranium loves fresh air and being under open air will have a very beneficial effect on the cuttings - they will strengthen, harden, grow faster and begin to produce new leaves, and bloom earlier. You can transplant such geraniums into pots as early as September, when it starts to get colder.


So, as you can see, propagating geraniums from cuttings is not at all difficult. The main thing is to comply with a number of conditions:

  • cuttings must be taken from the top of the plant;
  • each of them should have at least five to six leaves;
  • Having removed the lower leaves, you can put the cuttings in water and wait for the roots to appear, or you can immediately root them in small pots;
  • During rooting, you need to ensure that the soil in the pots is always moist.

Once your cuttings have rooted, place them on bright window and care for your little geraniums according to all the rules. And they will definitely turn into gorgeous full-fledged geranium bushes.

And each such bush will need to be properly cared for so that it practically pleases you. continuous flowering, in which one inflorescence replaces another. And in your home there will always be comfort and tenderness, symbolized by geraniums.

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